What was in 1000 of our era. History of Primorye: Herring People Primorye, Paleometall Epoch

Review I. The world is 10,000 BC.
Population: 4 million main cities: no
Retreat of the glacier. Britain is still connected to the European continent. No north and Baltic seas.
The first groups of people get to the extreme south of South America.
In Japan, the first pottery products of the Zemon culture are manufactured in Japan.
The first villages appear in South-West Asia, the inhabitants of which are not only engaged in hunting and collecting, but also graze herd of gazellers.
The appearance of semi-agnown sheep and goats in the mountains in the mountains - at the same time people begin to collect wild cereals.
The first boats appear in the Mediterranean.

Overview II. Peace in 5000 BC
Population: 5 million
Cities: Erid (4000), Ubais (2000), UR (2000)
The first villages with the temples in Sumer
The first copper smelting in Anatolia and Elama
The first agricultural settlements on the rivers of Yangtze and Juanhe in China - domestication of chickens and pigs
First agricultural villages in Indus Valley
First agricultural settlements in Italy, in the Balkans, in the Danube Valley and Central Europe
The appearance of a variant of writing on the stamps and symbols in Sumer

Review III. World in 2000 BC
Population: 27 million people.
Regions: Southeast Asia - 5 million people
China - 5 million people Valley Indus - 4 million people Valley Nile - 1 million people
Main cities: Lagash (80,000), Memphis (50,000), Uruk (50,000), Garappa (50,000), Mohenjo Daro (50,000)
Falling the third dynasty of the UR. Elevation of Babylon
Reunion of Egypt for the third dynasty after the first period of the transaction
Dawn Civilization Valley of the Indian River
The beginning of the development of early chinese culture Shan
The emergence of the first complex communities in Crete
Full-scale production of bronze in southwestern Asia and in China
The appearance of chariot in southwestern Asia and in China
First glass production in Southwestern Asia
Caravan-Sarayev device along trade routes in Southwestern Asia
Peasant villages in Europe
Distribution of corn in mesosamer. The first peasant villages in Mesoames.
The first cultivated plants in North America.

Review IV. World in 500 BC
World population: 100 million
Regional Population: China - 30 million, India - 25 million, Greece - 3 million
Main cities: Babylon (250,000), Ekbataan (200,000), Luoyang (150,000), Athens (150,000), fight (150,000), Memphis (100 000), Carthage (50,000)
Polynesians populate Fiji, Samoa and Tonga
China is divided into many states - the period "Spring and Autumn"
Northern India is divided into many small kingdoms
The Agemenid Empire rules from Bosphorus to Egypt - in Mesopotamia, Iran, Northwestern India and Central Asia
The domination of the Carthaginian Empire in the Central and Western Mediterranean
Small states in Greece, Greek colonies in the Mediterranean
Etruscan cities in central Italy, Rome independent
Take off of the Olmek civilization of mesoamerics on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The appearance of Monte Appuba to Oaxaca
Ceremonious centers in the coastal valleys in Peru
Laten culture appears in Central and Western Europe
The appearance of Buddhism and Jainism in Northern India
The first production of cast iron in China
Metal products (gold and copper) made in Peru

Review V. World in 150 AD.
World population: 180 million.
Population by region: China: 60 million, Roman Empire: 45 million, India: 40 million, Africa: 16 million, America: 15 million
Main cities: Luoyang (500,000), Rome (500,000), Alexandria (400,000), Seleucia (300,000), Chanan (250,000), Antioch (150,000), Teotihuacan (50,000)
Peak prosperity of the Han Empire. China controls areas to west to the very cities of Central Asia
Empire Kushan grows in northwest India
Parfyan Empire in Mesopotamia and Iran
Roman empire at the peak of power - she stretched from Britain and Rhine, through the Mediterranean to Levant
Teotioacan in the highest stage of development
Cultures Urine, Naska and Tivanaka in Peru
The kingdom of Gunn Pan-Guan in Funan on the Indochinese trading pathway
Great Silk Road flourishes
Distribution of Buddhism from India to Central Asia and China
The first water mills arise in Eurasia
First use of paper in China
China enjoys a compass
In Peru begins the manufacture of metal products of gold and copper

Overview VI. World of about 750 AD.
Population: 200 million people Regional population:
India - 60 million people, China - 50 million people Rest Asia - 40 million people; Europe - 25 million people largest cities:
Changan (1,000,000), Baghdad (500,000), Constantinople (300,000), Luoyang (250,000 people), Kyoto (200,000), Alexandria (200,000), Cordova (160,000), Tikal (75,000 people) , Rome (50,000 people), Paris (25,000)
The domination of the Arab Caliphate from Spain to North Africa, Egypt, Levanta, Mesopotamia, Iran and the North-West part of India. Omeyad Khalifat is defeated, they changed their abbasid dynasty
Expansion of the Chinese Empire with the Tang Dynasty and the peak of her heyday
The collision of the Arab Caliphate and the Chinese Empire in Central Asia with the participation of Uygur and Tibetan empires. Talas Battle (751)
The beginning of the existence of a Japanese state
Byzantine Empire Lark and Sporable Spores About Iconality
Teotihohaan systematically destroyed by internal uprisings, resulting in the appper's collapse
Mayan civilization in his bloom
Monte Alban in Oaksaka abandoned
"Empire" of the people of the people in Peru
Islam penetration on the east coast of Africa
Ethiopian kingdom in Wallo
Cylography in China, Korea and Japan
The appearance of paper production in the Islamic world
The first use of striving in Western Europe

Overview VII. World of about 1000 AD.
Population: 265 million people
Regional Population: India - 80 million people, China - 65 million people, the rest of Asia - 40 million people, Africa - 35 million people; Europe: 35 million people (France - 6 million, Germany - 3 million, Italy - 5 million)
The largest cities: Kaifyn (450,000), Hangzhou (450,000), Constantinople (300,000), Xian (300,000), Cairo (200,000), Kyoto (200,000), Baghdad (150,000), Canton (150,000) , Sevilla (125,000), Isfahan (110,000), Samarkand (70,000), Venice (35,000), Milan (45 000), London (30,000)
Polynesians populate New Zealand
China is united under the authority of the Sun Dynasty
Empire Hitan, covering the territory of North China, Mongolia and Manchuria
Kingdom of Korea in Korea
Dynasty of Gazalida Rules in Iran, Afghanistan and in Indus Valley
Reviving Trade Seryvijaya in Southeast Asia
Omeyad Caliphate in Spain
Very slow political restoration of Western Europe after the invasion of the X century. Little kingdoms in England and in the north of Spain, a weak Ottone Empire, the Kingdom of Cappets in Paris
A Polish Catholic Church was created in the board of the dynasty of fives. Education of the Hungarian Kingdom. The appeal of Scandinavia in Christianity. The Board of Vikings in Russia, baptized by the canons of the Byzantine Church
Islam penetration to West Africa
Kingdom of Ifa on the woods of West Africa
The emergence of Chinese trade on the east coast of Africa
Kingdom of Mapungube in Zimbabwe
The kingdom of Toltec in Central Mexico
State of Chimu in the north of Peru
Large ritual center on Tonga
Vikings sailing from Greenland reach North America
First firearm in China
Paper money in China
First use of paper in Islamic Spain
The first tidal mill in the bass, the distribution of water mills in Western Europe and windmills in the Islamic world
Application of a clamp in Europe
Corn cultivation area expands to northeast America

VIII review. World in 1200
Population: 360 million population by region:
China - 115 million, India - 85 million, the rest of Asia - 50 million, Europe - 60 million
Largest cities:
Hangzhou (2500 000), FES (250,000), Cairo (250,000), Constantinople (200,000), Canton (200,000), Nanjing (200,000), Polonnaruva (140,000), Baghdad (100,000), Damascus ( 100,000), Paris (100,000), London (40 000)
Essential events:
Sun dynasty rules South China and Hangzhou
Zhurzheni rules North China and Manchuria right up to Beijing
Karakitai control most of Central Asia
Genghis Han becomes the ruler of Mongolia
Kamakura Segunte in Japan
The state of Khmer in Cambodia
Khorezmshahi rule in transference, Horasan, Afghanistan and North-West India
Delhi Aristocracy Sets the Sultanate in North India
State of Aiubid in Egypt and Levante. Acre remains hold of the Crusaders
The fall in the Byzantine Empire - Crusaders conquer Constantinople (1204). Seljuki rule Anatoly
Christian kingdoms in Portugal, in the center and in the north of Spain
The empire of gogyenzollers in Germany, Italy and Sicily disintegrates
Counts Anjuic controlled England, part of Ireland, Normandia and most of Western France. In the center of France, the chapels rule, in the south - independent feudal
Civil War in Hungary
Destruction of Toltec Empire in Central Mexico. Chichen Iza in Yucatana is experiencing a flourishing
Decay of States Tivanaka in Andes
Kilva becomes the center of the Muslim world in West Africa
In the Ethiopian kingdom, the Zagv dynasty rules. Here built carved stone churches Lalibel
Zimbabwe becomes a major shopping center
Multicolor print in China
European shipbuilders adopt Chinese inventions: steering mechanism on the stern and compass
Windmills with horizontal axes in Western Europe
The first samples of bronze and metallic weapons in Andes

Overview IX. World in 1400
Population of the world: 350 million;
Regional Population: India - 100 million, China - 80 million, the rest of Asia - 85 million, Europe - 60 million (from them France - 11 million, Italy - 7 million, Germany - 6.5 million, England - 2.5 million) , Africa - 40 million
Largest cities:
Nanjing (475 thousand), Cairo (450 thousand), Vijayanagar (350 thousand), Hangzhou (300 thousand), Beijing (300 thousand), Canton (300 thousand), Paris (275 thousand), Kyoto (200 thousand), Milan (125 thousand), Venice (100 thousand), Samarkand (100 thousand), Damascus (100 thousand), Baghdad (100 thousand), London (45 thousand), Chang- Chan (45 thousand)
The restoration of China under the rule of the Ming dynasty, mainly completed - expansion in Mongolia and Korea. Beginning of travel B. Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean, Persian Bay and Eastern Africa
Sigunat Asicaga in Japan
Malacca becomes the center of Southeast Asian trading routes instead of Majapakhita
The flourishing of the "empire" of Timur. The emergence of the movement of Sefavid in Iran
Decay of the Delia Sultanate in Northern India
State Vijayanagar in South India
Board of Mamlukov in Egypt and Levante
Ottomans control most of the Balkans and Anatolia. The remains of the Byzantine state around Constantinople
Prosperous city-states of Italy
"Great Schism" in the papacy
Break in century war between England and France
Islamic Iberia is reduced to Andalusia
United Polish-Lithuanian state in Eastern Europe
Mongols continue to dominate Rus
Lost connection with Viking settlements in Greenland
Small cities-states in the Valley of Mexico City, including Aztec in tenochtitlan
Empire Chimu in North and Central Peru
The first conquest of the Inca in Andes
Empire Mali with a center in Timbuktu dominates in West Africa
State of Benin in the wooded areas of West Africa
Paper currency is repaired in China and Korea
Collapsible wooden font used in China
Collapsible metal font designed in Korea
The beginning of the production of cast iron in Europe
Beginning of paper manufacturing in France, Germany and Italy

Overview X World in 1500
Population of the world: 440 million population by region:
China - 110 million, India - 90 million, the rest of Asia - 50 million, Europe - 80 million, Africa - 40 million, both America - 70 million (of which Mexico - 20, Empire Inca - 11)
Largest cities:
Beijing (672,000), Vijayanagar (500 000), Cairo (450,000), Hangzhou (375,000), Constantinople (350,000), Nanjing (285,000), Canton (250,000), Paris (250,000), tenochtitlan ( 80,000), London (50,000), Cusco (50,000)
Main events:
Ming dynasty at the top of its power in China
The fall of the asicaga soup in Japan - independent letters control most of the country
Malacca prosperity as an intersection of the southeastern trade routes of Asia
The Empire of Shabanids was created in Central Asia
The invasion of Mughal to North India, Deliy Sultanate on the verge of fall
The first Europeans ships reach the shores of India
Empire Sefevidov Rules in Iran
Ottoman Empire (Turkey) controls Anatoly and most of the Balkan
Strengthening state power In England, Spain and France. The emergence of the empire Habsburgs
The house of Yagellonov rules the United Polish-Lithuanian kingdom (Commonwealth speech), Hungary and Bohemia
Slow expansion of Moscow
Completion of the conquest of the Canary Islands. The first Spanish settlements in the Caribbean
The flourishing of the Aztec Empire in Central Mexico
The flourishing of the Empire of the Inca in Peru and Bolivia
Polynesians settle on the islands Chatham
In Hawaii, the power of the first kings is established. Easter Island Civilization on Lift
The initial period of typography in Europe
Start production of paper in England

Review XI. World in 1700
World population: 610 million
Population of regions:
China - 160 million, India - 160 million, the rest of Asia - 95 million (of which 26 million in Japan), Europe - 120 million (from them in France - 22, in Germany -13, in Spain - 8, in England 6 million ), Africa - 60 million, America -12 million
Largest cities:
Constantinople (700 000), Beijing (700 000), Isfahan (600,000), London (550000), Paris (550,000), EDO (550,000), Delhi (500,000), Ahmada- Bad (350,000), Osaka (350,000), Kyoto (350,000), Cairo (350,000), Canton (300,000), Nanjing (300,000), Hangzhou (300,000), Naples (200,000)
China flourishes in stability conditions provided by the Qin dynasty. The main direction of expansion is to ensure control over Mongolia and part of Xinjiang. Blocking Russian expansion in the area of \u200b\u200bAmur
Japan is stable, Tokugawa's house provided external and inner world
The Dutch control the battle and most of the "islands of spices" (Molukksky)
India: Mughal Empire reached maximum sizes
In India, a number of British settlements are created - Bombay, Madras, Calcutta
The Ottoman Empire rules from the Balkan and Anatolia to Levant, Egypt and North Africa. The first losses of the territory - Habsburg receive Hungary, Transylvania and Belgrade
Sefevida in Iran are in deep decline
Oman rulers subordinate most of the coast of Africa east of Mombasa
Decline in Spain, Dutch Republic and Sweden. France dominates in the west of the European continent
Russia subordinates Siberia to the coast of the Pacific Ocean; The foundation of St. Petersburg, the expansion of Russia in the Baltic. Deep decay of Poland.
Lifting England as a sea and colonial power
Small settlements of Europeans grow on the east coast of North America
In Brazil and the Basin of the Caribbean, plantations are developed, belonging to Europeans, where used slave work. Slaves from Africa is growing rapidly

Review XII. Peace in 1900
Population: 1 625 Ltd.
Regional population:
China - 475 million people, Europe - 390 million people, India - 290 million people, the rest of Asia - 200 million people, Africa - 110 million people, North America - 80 million people.
Largest cities:
London (6,500,000), New York (4,200,000),
Paris (3,300,000), Berlin (2,400,000), Chicago (1,700,000), Vienna (1,600,000), Tokyo (1,500,000), St. Petersburg (1,400,000), Philadelphia (1,400,000) , Manchester (1,2500,000), Birmingham (1,2500,000), Moscow (1100 000), Beijing (1100 000), Calcutta (1,000,000), Glasgow (1,000,000)
In Asia, with the exception of Japan, China and Korea, the European powers dominate
In Japan, early industrialization occurs. Under the control of Japan, Korea and Taiwan fall
Nationalist movement in China - "Boxing Movement" - crushed by Europeans and the Japanese. China is weakened - a large part of the government's income is taken by foreign powers, the country has organized concessions of both shopping and legal concessions
India under the control of Britain
Ottoman Empire controls Macedonia, Frakia, Anatoly, Levant, Arabia and Mesopotamia
Few kajar dynasty in Iran
Africa, with the exception of Liberia and Ethiopia, is divided by European powers
Latin America independent, but its states in general are weak and internally divided
In the global economy dominated industrialized powers Western Europe And the United States
World industrial production is three times higher than the level of 1750
World coal use forty six times higher than its use in 1800
New industries develop - chemical, electric and vehicle industry
First steps in developing radio
First flight "Zeppelin".

Potting, K. World History. NEW VIEW / CLAYB PHTING; Per. from English - M.: Act: Astrel, 2010. - 958, p.
ISBN 978-5-17-041524-3 (AST Publishing LLC)
ISBN 978-5-271- 28180-8 (Astrel Publisher LLC)

Igor Zvev

From the series

"The Mystery of the Civilization of Borsch"

First book

"Lun Alpha"


ten thousand years before our era

A unusual fantastic plot of this book created on the basis of the same name is an unusual fantastic plot of this book.

The complete realistic of the seemingly incredible action and events at first glance makes it possible to explain the cause of the death of dinosaurs on the planet Earth and the emergence of a person. And the weapon capable of turning a huge planet in a black hole does not cause any doubt. And, of course, there is a romantic love and comic character in the plot.

Unmanned scout ship with a distant Borch Planet, choking from overcrowding, detects planets suitable for colonization. But the peaceful life of Borhians applying highest technologiesbased on the use of inexhaustible energy resources of the Universe, is interrupted by a terrible interplanetary war with its aggressive neighbors. And only the colonization of the planet Earth, inhabited by dinosaurs, can revive the Great Civilization.

What do we, now living on earth, know about the history of our planet related to the development of mankind? Almost nothing, except for the very small, historical standards, the time interval starting with the mysterious civilization of ancient Egypt to the present day. But even most of this story, if you think about it, we also almost do not know. After all, everything that we know today is based mainly only on the assumptions of archaeologists and historians. And they, in turn, themselves still cannot give a real explanation for which the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built, nor explain many other mysterious facts and events from our history.

We are everywhere - and in the past, and in the present - surrounding all sorts of theories, ranging from the theory of the evolution of Darwin, ending with the theory of Einstein's relativity.

But all the theories of these respected and famous scientists are just their assumptions and speculations that have no real evidence, and that is why they are called theories ...


Once, at all, not so long ago, in the Middle Ages of the past millennium, people who dared to say that the earth is round, burned on a fire as heretics. For according to the "scientific" concepts of that time, the Earth had a form of a toggle and kept on three whales. Now, most of the modern scientific papers, where the theory of Darwin and the theory of relativity are among the theory, and even part of the laws of physics, which is generally paradoxical, do not stand and the broken penny, but only inhibit the development of mankind ...


The theory of human evolution, well thought out by Darwin, has a full right to life, because no one has yet been able to prove that it is not. But any other theory has the same right to it. Including the theory based on fabulous myths and legends available from all the peoples of the world.

It would be possible to laugh at the apparent naivety of this theory for a long time if everything was described in the myths and the legends of our distant ancestors, in our days overnight did not become a harsh reality. All starting from fabulous flying firewood dragons capable of destroying whole cities before interesting factThat Papuats, who first saw the white-skinned people, for some reason called them the gods from their myths, descended to Earth from the Moon.

And now, after a person penetrates the secret of genetic engineering and learned to clone animals, even the most fabulous of the myths of ancient Greece about Minotaur, Centaurs and other mounds, allegedly living ever on our planet, in the near future they can become frightening truth. After all, no prohibitions will be able to stop fluid from science for the sake of money and the glory that he can get for it.

But where did the people of the ancient world be coming from all this, when, according to the statements of modern scientists, they, besides primitive labor instruments, was nothing yet? As in the ancient Egyptian pyramids, images are surprisingly similar to the silhouettes of the aircraft, helicopter and submarine?

It turns out that all the greatest discovery And the inventions of the modern people who are so proud of our science is well known many more thousands of years ago? And what else can you explain the foresight of our ancestors?

Perhaps once, for a very long time, in those distant and already forgotten times, the land, populated by one more dinosaurs, colonized the civilization from the distant planet. Civilization, the so-called " ancient man"That used not three, not five, and not even seven percent of the cells of your brain, as now it makes a small amount of geniuses, but at least fifty. If it was so, then the technologies of those times were to be higher than modern at least ten times ...


It can be assumed that the pathetic remains of an ancient civilization, who survived after that terrible war, devoid of opportunities to use their technology, remaining alone with wildlife, gradually turned into savages. It happens, for example, with people who hit the uninhabited island. At first they had knowledge, but did not have the opportunity to revive their technology. Then, after a few generations, their descendants, devoid of all the benefits of civilization, turned into crowds of barbarians. But in the ancient legends, they have always remained myths and legends about those who lived once, for a very long time, on the planet the land of their great ancestors.

Fortunately, these wild people did not lose the most important thing - the ability to think. And gradually, although it was very difficult for them, they recreated part of their lost knowledge and were able to develop into a rather high-tech modern society again.

Unfortunately, the development of civilization on the planet Earth went on a dead-end method for creating internal combustion engines, turbines and rockets. This method will never give humanity to real success in the development of space in connection with the negligible speed characteristics of the rockets themselves and side effects acting on the human body ...


As a result, modern humanity, silent by its "great" achievements in the development of outer space, in fact cannot raise the cosmic ships piloted by people above the near orbit of the planet Earth.

Several allegedly implemented by the Americans of manned flights to the moon cause big doubts about their accuracy, as provided by video materials, which are colorful, but not corresponding to the reality of the Tales of Hollywood, and because these flights for some reason were discontinued almost forty years ago and with those We have never renewed.

American scientists constantly say to us about the piloted expedition in the near future, but the experience that is needed for this, training flights to the moon, for some reason are not produced.

Of all this, the only logical question is asked: "Were there real flights of a person on the moon?" And if they were still, then there are other issues immediately: "Who and why for forty years forbids Americans there to fly? And why are Soviet cosmonauts, let after Americans, did not fly to the moon? "

It is time to put everything in our place, explain everything thatuntil now, the explanation has not succumbed. The moment came to give people consciousness what they are direct descendants of aliens, temporarily lost technology of the future, but the method of their own samples and mistakes found relatively faithful way in theirevolutionary development.

Modern people - the descendants of the Great deceased civilization - do not pay due attention to the time left by him and historical memory Direct tips, moving on the path of great technologies. They still have not decrypted the genuine value of many mysterious symbols that have come down to us from the distant past. And the world stocks of hydrocarbons used now as the main fuel are already approaching the end, and in the near future humanity may face the worldwide energy crisis.


The actual future of humanity is entirely and completely based on the large-scale use of electromagnetic energy, the reserves of which are inexhaustible in the universe. And in the near future over our planet, unsupported by jet engines will fly, and silent ships with electromagnetic antigravitational engines. And applied to the creation of these ships, new technologies in which the knowledge of the greatest civilization of antiquity will be used, to the very foundation will shock both the fundamental science with its theory of relativity and the law of world community and the worldview of the people themselves.

Well, if you think that all this is not the case, then just read this book . After all, this is just fantasy, and maybe the onlya faithful, undistorted history of life development on planet Earth.

From the series

"The Mystery of the Civilization of Borsch"

For life on earth! Dedicated to all residents of our planet!

Let all those who inflame wars and conflicts, all sorts of ways pollute and destroys nature around us, think about how fragile life on our seemingly huge and eternal planet. And most importantly - over where they will live in the case of a global catastrophe of their children.

First book

"Lun Alpha"


ten thousand years before our era

... cases of long-lasting days,

Deadian antiquity deep.

A.S. Pushkin.

Part one

Planet Borha.

Chapter first

"Wild" Planet Earth

It was a long time ago, about ten thousand years before our era.

According to the immense desert expanses of the Galaxy, among the Miriad stars, like the rays of small lanterns flickering in the hopeless pitch night, flew a small unmanned intelligence ship.

Despite the tremendous flight speed exceeding the speed of light thousands of times, the space wanderer was in the way for many months. And only now, overcoming a huge distance, he finally achieved the ultimate goal of his long journey.

Surrounded by a powerful protective spacecraft, having a sphere form, in diameter was about twenty meters.

Outside, over the entire outer surface of the ship housing, dark light batteries were located, absorbing the cold glow of distant stars and planets. These extension batteries provided energy and protective screen, and the navigation system of the shuttle, and its powerful electromagnetic engine.

Enter the limits Solar system, Spaceship, dropping the speed and turning on the braking system, approached the planet Earth and, putting on its orbit, released two dozen small research probes. They quickly rushed down through the dense layers of the atmosphere and depended in four meters from the surface of the planet. After receiving the next team from the orbit, the probes fan scattered in different directions.

Automated ship management system, scrupulously commenting on all the actions performed, carefully recorded everything that happens to the information holographic plasmogram:

The drone reconnaissance ship "Pilgrim-245", according to a given flight program, entered the limits of the X-1747 planetary system and stood in orbit of Planet No. 444.777. Twenty research probes are lowered to the surface. According to the test results, all systems and equipment operate in normal mode. Synchronization of communication parameters with probes has been successfully completed.

Inside the compartment of the control of the spacecraft, twenty-five holographic folines * were installed *. Located with even rows, they occupied almost all the small placement of the management of management. A small contiguous symbol was burning on the working central coursework fonitory of the cosmole. He pointed out the exact location of the ship in space.

Making advocating in full readiness for the beginning of the study, the automated system launched a comprehensive program for collecting information. The rest of the Fonitors turned on. On four of them were compiled detailed map Planets and walked a thorough study of its atmosphere. On the remaining twenty, video information obtained by probes was reproduced. They all found on the planet primitive life of prehistoric lizards. **

* Fonitor is a three-dimensional semblance of a monitor.

** The recent excavations of American archaeologists allowed to establish that a person lived on our planet simultaneously with dinosaurs. And considering that mankind has turned our planet for a hundred recent years, it is difficult to believe that people live on Earth more than 12,000 years. This is confirmed by one of the greatest books In history - the Bible, according to which from the creation of the world (the appearance of Adam) is only 7521.

Below, among the virgin, unusually bright and beautiful, untouched by the civilization of nature, on the planetThe earth moved huge herds of dinosaurs and other reptiles. Some of them are peacefully grazing, drinking grass and leaves of exotic trees and shrubs. Other fiercely attacked them like that. By winning, they pounced on even lively, the bodies of their defeated victims. Tearing large pieces of bloody flesh and greedily swallowing them, predatory monsters made a heartbreaking roar, looking for their terrible mouth.

In the airspace of the primitive planet, among the pixel clouds and thunderstorm clouds, numerous pterodactyls were circulated in size from one and a half meters to twelve-meter gigids.

In forest arrays, high trees quit, as if the Costa, bursting under the multi-tone weight of the prehistoric animals called them, breaking their way in impassable jungle. In the jungle, where the individual trees reached the height of three hundred and more than meters.

And with the stony, shut down the hills, the hills rolled down the hills with a roar, filtered from the earthly firm, the mighty act of shrinking in search of foods. Small creatures, spinning from horror, ran away in fear from numerous predators and kathers on them stones, trying to save their pathetic life.

But all this noise and the guzzle, reigning on the planet, blocked Terrible, terrifying cries of giant reptiles - the only full-awake owners of the planet Earth.

Suddenly, a rather small young pterodactyl appeared next to one of the research probes. Its dimensions in the scope of the wings did not exceed three meters. Having emerged from a foggy haze, hanging over a small lake with clean transparent water, he quickly scored height and flew a little higher than the probe. At first, the creature simply Parished next to, suspiciously looking at an unusual thing for him. At the same time, it was slowly and quietly selected closer and closer. Falling on the distance required for attack, Pterodactyl, comically sniffed, rushed to the probe, and the jaw of a flying creature with clanging closed on his body. High-temperature ceramic alloy, from which the probe body was made, turned out to be stronger teeth of a small reptile. And when Pterodactil opened his mouth surprised by this turn, a handful of his crushed teeth was poured out of her. Frightened and shifting to the side, mushy for failure and caused pain, the winged monster laughed at the lens of the probe video camera adopted by the eye. Seeing thathe fell, he flew away with enthusiastic male. But he was not destined to fly away. From somewhere, the winged shadow flashed from the clouds, and he himself landed his mouth twelve-meter relative.

A dead grip and pierced with dozens of sharp as a razor of teeth, a three-meter monster, who turned sacrificing, published the last desiccity scream of despair. And the winged predator, the lord of the air expanses, carrying a lifeless carcass in the mouth, has already descended to the gloomy granite rocks of the coastal rocks.

The probe, meanwhile, washing and protein lenses of the lens, continued to shoot a video information, transmitting it to the base unit. Flying over the sea, near the coast, it is sharp it fell and flew to meters in five from a calm water alcohol, removing the bodies of huge ichthyosaurs, not in the warm upper water layers. Suddenly, out of sea depths jumped out some monster with terrible jaws and, simply swallowing the probe, disappeared in the bottomless junk.

Something similar happened with all other probes, navigated to the surface of the planet. But they managed to collect all the information necessary for studying and analyzing.

Gradually, after a few hours, there were signals from all twenty probes on the dysfunitors of the scout ship. Some of them were shot down by the gigantic blows.tails, others crushed dressed in uncomplicated armor dinosaurs, at the moment when they, descending too low, flew between closely standing by huge animals. But most of the absolutely inedible research apparatus was simply swallowed by dwelling on Earth, in the air and in the water predators.

The wild primitive planet, on which there was no concept of pity for weak and defenseless, lived his daily harsh life. On the planet there was a single law - surviving the strongest.

Inside the Pilgrim-245 ship, which is in the orbit of the planet, again heard the voice of the automated shuttle system, summarizing the general results of the study:

On the object specified for external study under number No. 444.777, the code name: "Planet Earth", a primitive animal life was found. Orbital cartographic shooting of the relief of the surface of the planet: its only, giant in its size of the mainland, as well as all islands, seas and oceans. Samples of soil, water and air are taken and analyzed to the surface of the probes. The video information is captured, capturing a variety of primitive life forms. The environment of the Equator Equator is measured, it is equal to 40,061 kilometers. Calculated the annual cycle of rotation of the planet around the star under the code name "Sun", it is 360 days. The speed of rotation of the planet around its axis on the equator is 214 meters per second. The duration of the day on the planet Earth is determined, they are equal to 52 hours. The average annual longitude of the daylight is 26 hours, the remaining half of the day on the planet reigns the night ... *

* Currently on our planet six continents. The planet's equator circle is 40,075 kilometers. The annual film rotation cycle around the Sun is 365.24 days. The speed of rotation of the Earth around its axis by equator is 463.8 meters per second, respectively, the duration of the day is 24 hours.

Chapter Second

Mallet from "The search department of planets suitable for resettlement"

Description of the Borch Planet and its inhabitants

All collected information from the basic intelligence apparatus, located in the Earth orbit, is transmitted to the energya clock through the immense expanses of the universe. And, after a few months, the distant planet of Borch falls into the research center.

Here it takes a slim blonde girl-borchian years of eighteen, dressed in an unusual shaped overalls of silver-white color.

On the the forehead is a wonderful stranger, a little above the bridges, the neat, even beautiful, lifelong tattoo in the form of a small centimeter circle with a number two inside.

Such a tattoo was designated all the cloned inhabitants of the planet belonging to a special caste.

Girl, her name is Mallet, quickly looked through all the data obtained. Having treated them, Bijiank jumped out due to the table, while he was looked around at a small mirror, fixed in the openwork frame on the decorative wall panel. Having remained quite satisfied with his reflection, she corrected the disobedient strand of the hair and pulled a disk plasmogram from the loading compartment ** from the loading compartment **. Piercing it to the breast with both hands, Borchian, worried noticeably, ran out of the office.

* Holograph - like a system block of a computer.

** Disc plasmogram is a carrier of information.

In the corridor, which stretched through the entire floor of the building a few kilometers, the girl stepped on the horizontal escalator track moving in the direction necessary. But today the usual speed of the track seemed clearly insufficient. And then, without hesitation, Borkira just ran through it.

She was in a hurry that, without uttering a word, ran past three familiar men, about something loudly arguing in the corridor.

These three, instantly interrupting their conversation, looked at her in bewilderment. And, without understanding what was happening, I was surprised.

What happened, Mallet? Where are you in a hurry? - asked alone.

Sorry, Tinken, not now, - having tried, apologized Mallet.

You did not even greeted, "she shouted after another.

Hello, Parkin, - Briefly threw the girl, nodding him on the run.

The third man first just shrugged, with undisguised admiration looked at the first beauty department, hastily running along a long, seemingly endless corridor. And then, with sympathy, looking at the removing silhouette of the girl, he told his interlocutors:

Probably, late for a date ... And why isn't I this lucky one?

Having ran up to the desired door, the Mallet was broken without a knock in his head office, while almost knocking him down. And, slightly breathing, reported on the long-awaited success:

- Mr. Nemar! I have something on a plasma diskette! - Beautiful girl's eyes glowed from joy. - You need to urgently view it! You will not believe, after long failures, the planet is finally detected, suitable for resettlement!

The head of the search department for resettlement planets, a borch clone of a small growth, middle-sized physique, at the age of about forty-five years, reverently took the long-awaited plasmaogram.

Noticeably worried, he turned on the hologram watching the information received from the planet Earth. After reviewing a ten-minute video with basic data selected for him by a girl, Nemar, delighted with the google seen on the Fonitor, rushed to her, hugging and kissing her.

Mallet! Mallet! I used to say that you are the most successful in the department. And only so I agreed to send our research ships to the two rather unpromising planets chosen by you: Earth and Titian. But now…

At this point, the cabinet door opened, easily moving inside the wall panel, and a young clone of nineteen is quickly entered it, also with a disk plasmogram in his hands. Seeing the hugged pair, he froze at the cabinet door and, slowly the heights back, said embarrassed:

Sorry, I, K-seems, not on time?

You went as not like the way, Guy, - Nemar understood what the guy thought about, and laughed with Mallet. - We had an event, which we have long been waiting.

Do you all already know? .. But where? I just processed the information obtained from the Titsian planet. And after that, immediately to you, - Amazed, from surprise, even the reunion of the mouth, squeezed the guy.

So, with Titian also came positive results. Mr. Nemar, the result of the search turned out to be one hundred percent! You promised that if successful, I would be included in the expedition sent to the colonization of the planet. What exactly from the planets do you now send me? - Mallet told fun, continuing to hug a little man.

To any of your choices! - Some sporchings from new news, exclaimed the boss in response.

Then he gently removed the Mallet and, having snatched a gay plasmogram from the outstretched hand, put it in a holograph.

After reviewing the same video recording together and making sure that a similar chronicle, capturing the life of dinosaurs, came from Titian's planet, they already embraced three, for a while, forgetting everything in the world.

Finally, after everyone calmed down a little and came to themselves, reviewing both videos once again and coping them, Nemar took out a box of candies, a bottle good wine and glasses. Ran into all those present, he solemnly said:

After so many failures - two planets in one day! I suggest a drink for this extraordinary event, for the long-awaited success of our department and for the main culprit of the current celebration - you, Mallet!

Guy readily supported the chief.

When glasses are empty, Nemar, moving to a business tone, continued:

I call to the Supreme Council of the Planet, and you, our dear, you need to urgently prepare a report on all the data received and present it to me until the end of the working day!

Having to indicate from his boss, the girl and Guy, chattingly chatting, came out of the office.

Mallet still wrinkled from the drunk gland of a rather strong wine, and the young, unrequited in love with her guy, looking at the girl's pretty face, with difficulty restrained from the attack of harmless laughter:

I am ready to argue that this glass of wine is the first for your whole life.

The second, "she answered quite seriously, forcing all the same colleagues to shoot with laughter.

After parting with the Gay at the door of his office, Mallet in a raised mood, singing something, returned to his office.

It was a rather large room formed from the bottom to the top shelves with various instruments. Behind the tables standing by the window, treating some documents, two young girls were sitting - her subordinates. They were just a year old Mallet.

Continuing to do any popular motive, Mallet included a holograph, inserted a plasmogram with data on distant planets and, smiling with his charming good-natured smile, said looking at her with bewilderment to employees:

NATEL, SHORN, came important news! Detected planets suitable for resettlement. This is land and Titian. You will see the rest of the information on the Fonitor of Glazor, I turned on the video.

After that, she pressed several buttons on the cuff of the right sleeve of his overalls. Over your head, she had a transparent helmet nominated from special shoulder shoe. Having managed to hear the lively chirping of two girlfriends, who already ran up to the inclined hood, Mallet opened the door leaving the glazed parking. On it, in a few rows, stretching around the perimeter, stood thousands of inaclane magnets.

The radio tape recorders were a personal means of movement. In the process of development of civilization, they changed all others, already outdated by the time of transport.

The intrapalanetary magnetoolet was an ultra-speed vehicle moving along the air space of the planet using an anti-government device. It consisted of the main electromagnetic multi-duct motor located in the lower part, and four small maneuver motors arranged around it.

All other parts of the radio tape recorder were made of non-magnetic alloys. Outside, its housing was covered with light batteries. They could be different colors on magnets, like a paint coating on cars.

Inside a small cabin there were two comfortable seats for passengers and a control panel.

The maximum flight speed was 10,000 kilometers per hour. But the flight speed in the population of the planet was limited to 2,000 kilometers per hour.

Ultra-speed overloads were eliminated by creating when flying around the vehicle and inside it its own independent autonomous gravitational field equal to the power of the planet's gravitational field.

Harmful electromagnetic radiation emanating from power magnetic motors was absorbed by a special protective screen, which completely surrounded the engine. Having passed through the screen, the bulk of the radiation was regenerated in the engine compartment housing back to electromagnetic energy, which was accumulated in powerful capacitive microcondensors. A small percentage of lost energy was filled with light batteries.

In diameter, the radio was about three meters, and in a height of about two. It was controlled using the automated block of the spell-intellectual system, another short name - Avtoolent.

The avtom could not only manage the radio tape recorder, but also to lead a meaningful conversation with the owner various themes. In the control panel there was a touch video music of autothet, improving visual communication. He looked like a small periscope. At the request of the owner, there was an opportunity to switch the radio tape recorder to manual control, but this function was extremely rare.

The survey part of the hemisphere of the aircraft was made of a special durable transparent alloy - unbreakable glass.

In the radio, subject to movement at the minimum speed, the convertible function could be used. For landing and disembarking passengers, automatic side doors were used, as well as emergency exit hatches.

In the times of the events described by events, the double intrapalanetary tape recorder was already considered a strongly obsolete modification and was used only for personal use of clones - second-class rings.

First-class barks, naturally born inhabitants of the planet, after the achievement of the age of the majority, which was held at a fifteenth age, were used universal four-seater radio tape recorders. They could be raised into outer space and descend to the bottom of the ocean. High-speed and other characteristics of these aircraft Exceeded the parameters of intrapalanetic magnets of clones hundreds of thousands of times.

Having passed between the rows of radio tapers, the Mallet went to the frame armoring of the parking and pressed the button located on the panel of one of the numerous overview windows. The window automatically spied to the side opened the view of the relatively small, squeezed walls of its native city. Furious through the parapet, she eagerly brosked the panorama that opened it.

Her gaze rushed first down, from a height of more than three thousand meters, then slowly rose higher.

Countless ranks of eight-seating service tank-skyscrapers with fancy parabolic antennas on the roofs stood at a distance of a kilometer from each other.

Over them, stretching high in heavenly blue, numerous high-speed transport and airways extended.

And even higher, in space, hundreds of plantatets * and plants ** were located on a multi-tier orbit of the planet **. Thousands of borch spaces were again between them with an endless stream.

* Planetoolet is a civil or military spacecraft, having a sphere form, of several tens to several thousand kilometers in diameter.

** Plant plants are a variety of cosmic ships, intended for the release of various products.

Mallet continued to stand at the window, leaning on special protective handrails. At the same time, she completely closed his eyes, and in its subconsciously appeared imprinted in memory, as well as all other borch clones for their entire lives, a video with basic data on the planet and its inhabitants. On him, the voice of the speaker calmly and balancedly reported: "Planet Borch is the center of the Civilization of Borkhov.

The circle of the planet on the equator is 43,511 kilometers.

The duration of the day on the planet is 24 hours.

The speed of rotation of the planet around its axis on the equator is 503.6 meters per second.

On the planet there are two mainland: big and small. As well as two ridges of protected islands, on both sides connecting continents.

The entire industry from the surface of the planet is derived to orbit, where hundreds of factories for the manufacture of equipment, household goods and food are located.

Garbage and other household waste, after their total processing with special garbage processing plates, are exported to landfill planets, where they are disposed of.

The development of mineral deposits on the territory of the Borch Planet is prohibited in order to preserve the landscape of the planet, its subsoil and prevent environmental pollution.

All the extraction and processing of the necessary minerals are produced at the mining planets, where there are plants for enrichment and processing.

The population of the planet is twenty-five billion borchs.

Ten billion porch of first class lives on a large mainland, the other name is the paradise city. This is a low-rise city drowning in greenery.

Another part of the world's population, fifteen billion clones, mainly lives on a small mainland, the other name is megapolis.

Megapolis is an endless mainland city built-up with residential and service skyscrapers.

On the protected islands and in the paradise city there is a rich Flora and Fauna, which includes all the variety of plant and animal world of the planet.

In the metropolis, given the density of its development, the trees and shrubs and shrubs are preserved, as well as birds, insects and mammals, who managed to adapt to urban living conditions.

Each first class borough has two of its exact clones, Borschclasses, one of which is the employee, another military. In all borchs of the second class, clones, a lifetime tattoo with a number two is applied to the forehead, which means "twin".

Mixed marriages between first-class bores and clones are prohibited by law.

First-class bursts are eligible for the birth of two of their children. Cloned twins do not have the right to the birth of their children, but marriage unions between clonesdo not prohibit.

Children of the first-class bursts at the achievement of the fifteen years are becoming adults and receive the constitutional right to make their twins.

First-class bursts are a preferred layer of society. Almost no onethem, with the exception of members Supreme Council planets, small number of military and scientists, does not work and not serves. For them, these are twins, according to the laws of the currentConstitution Planet Borch. "

Mallet slowly, like after a deep sleep, opened his eyes and again fell into the real world. She stood on the 798 floor, at the open window of parking, in the middle of the high-speed skyscrapers of a huge mainland city.

The girl was happy, the dreams of something new and previously seemed unsinkful circled her head. After standing in thought, Mallet closed the window and returned to his office. Here she immediately fell into the arms of his employees. After the outpouring of the next rapid emotions, the girl quickly prepared the required report, occasionally talking between themselves, discussing the sensation.

Nemar, who remained alone in his spacious office, once again looked at the video from two distant planets and called the video telephone of a special community to the Supreme Council of the Borch Planet.

A representative a middle-aged person appeared on the inclusive screen of the three-dimensional phonitor. Carefully looking at his interlocutor, he said:

Hello, State Secretary of the Head of the Supreme Council of the Borja Planet, Austin Tercher, listens to you.

Hello, Mr. Austin. You are worried about the head of the "Department for the search for planets, suitable for resettlement" ...

I recognized you, Mr. Nemar. Believe me, I am very pleased to see you. Please inform the purpose of your call.

I need to urgently talk to the head of the Supreme Council of the Planet, Mr. Barta Riden. I have important, not tolerances for him, the news of a strictly confidential nature concerning the detection of two suitable planets for resettlement ...


Mallet and her magnet

Dating Mallet and Dartina

At 17.00, the worker went to an end. Passing the head of the report and listen to the next praise to my address, our heroine returned to his office and, being in a beautiful mood, openedparking door of your office.

Overlooking the glazed parking lot, the girl sat in his old, bright red, the double-digit number of which began with eight zeros, and ended with two seven .

Good evening! I am glad to see your cute hostess, the Avtomagnolta Avtoma was lacked voice. His touchscreen video, similar to a submarine periscope, clearly appreciated the mood of the girl.

Thank you, seventy-seventh! - Cheerfully answered Mallet. "I am also very nice to see you, my faithful radio tape recorder." It is said that earlier, a very long time, in order to get out of the house or office, Bohl used only stairs and elevators. Go down, they sat downin the terrible cars, cars and drove through the traffic jams and turn home, and in the air flew only on airplanes, landing and disembarking in which it lasted sometimes longer than the flight itself. Whether it is now: parked on the desired floor, opened the door - and you are already at work or at home, in the supermarket or at the playground of the entertainment complex. The magnetoolet is just a miracle!Home, please.

AvtoVolet, who was missing the day to communicate and felt the vote of the hostess, which could be reached, then continued:

About Mallet, yes you are in a great mood today Domach you with a breeze.Maybe drinks?

With great pleasure, the Maltlet said, "Fruit Bar", and, if possible, cooled, spoke up with his attention rendered to her.

You have a great taste! My neighbor on parking, with whom we sometimes i chat in rare free minutes of relaxation, the owner after working on the mind only alcohol. I do not know how to taste, butthe smell is just disgusting.

Taking this opportunity, praised the girl Avtoolent.

What kind of "fruit bar" will drink?

Apple, strawberries and a pear.

Mallet comfortably settled in the chair and, with the irony, looking at the auto air, clarified:

By the way, seventy-seventh, rare free minutes of relaxation are eight to seventeen hours when you expect me at the parking lot?

We will not remember my boring and hard work after the end of another difficult day, - a little embarrassed the averaging, while making the appearance that checks the readings of the instruments. - You ordered juice. For you, hostess, anything, and with great pleasure!

The autothet touch eye flashed, and he continued with constraint:

You have become just beautiful, Mallet! It seems to me that you are time to think less about working and make a guy.

Bon Appetit. I apologize if I blurted out something wrong, but I am sincerely and from the soul.

Thank you! - laughed Mallet. In her, all familiar guys were in love with her, but the girl's heart remained free. Taking a drink and thinking where to start, she began with strawberries. - If you want, seventy-seventh, we can fly to the protected islands tonight.

Finally! Three ways! And then all the work yes work. I have a nervous breakdown from me from the monotony of flights.

Satisfied the auto auto talked all the way using good mood hostess.

At the bottom, the outlines of the huge city - the metropolis, which rummaged throughout the small mainland of the planet with his infinite smooth streets and, as if she saw the lack of space on the surface, rushed into heavenly ...

Dear friends!

From November 15, the book "Lun-Alpha" or ten thousand years before our era "will be on sale in the book online store publishing house" Author's book "

We continue a series of publications that reveal the riddles of the most ancient history of people who lived in "Primorye" long before us. This essay is an era called the archaeologists Paleometall.

How did our countrymen live in those days when in the valleys of Indea, Ganges, Nile and Euphrates were flourished by mighty agricultural civilizations, when humanity was already familiar with gold and bronze, iron and slavery? Thanks to the discoveries of archaeologists made in recent decades, the territory of modern Primorye no longer looks behind the outstanding edge of the ancient world, on which the Stone Age allegedly lasted up to the Middle Ages.

Eurasian superconductor

At the beginning of the first millennium BC, residents of Primorye met bronze. The most ancient bronze things found by the Archeology in Primorye at Siini Guy were not primitive bronze crafts, these were weapons and decorations of ancient Sainsets, made on the front for the time of the technology of thin-walled casting. The shape of the daggers and tips of the copies had elements of similarity with a weapon found in the Northern Black Sea region, the homeland of the famous Conan Barbara. True, apparently, the first bronze items of Primorye were distinguished not in kimmeria, but in Central Siberia. This is another evidence of active contacts in the ancient world from Europe to Primorye. The fact is that for a man who has tamed the horse, the steppe strip began a kind of "information channel", according to which technologies, goods, small groups of people were spread, and then whole hordes of nomads.
In the West, this cross-continental superconductor rested in the Danube, and his Eastern tip is the Khankai steppes. It is not surprising that for many centuries, this area served as a "gate" for the aliens.
Three thousand years ago, with the then level of knowledge, it was impossible to extract the metal from seaside ore, so the findings of the bronze items of that time are quite rare and the people of that time used mainly stone inventors. But in the blue cliffs, in the Olginsky district, foundry found - apparently, the masters shouted alone bronze things, maybe broken, to others.

Oysters hunters

Three thousand years ago, approximately during the Trojan War, there was another global warming, and the climate in the south of Primorye became almost subtropical (warmer than now). The sea level rose 1.5 meters above modern, coastal lowland turned into extensive shallow lagows, full fish, mollusks and other delicious livelihoods. On the coast of the Japanese Sea from Korea, numerous villages of fishermen and gatars of mollusks appeared to Valentine's bay. Archaeologists call this people "yankov" at the place of the first excavations on the Yankovsky Peninsula in the Amur Gulf. The most well studied by the yankov village on the Pearling Peninsula, i.e. Literally on the outskirts of Vladivostok.
Judging by the finds of utensils and household items, these were people who are not completely devoid of feelings of the beautiful. Both women and men wore numerous decorations: necklaces, pendants, stones and bone beads. And what janks did a beautiful (for that time) ceramic dishes! Their wizards without the use of a pottery circle loose smooth thin-walled pots, cups and jugs of bright orange, decorating the products with a complex battery ornament.
The yankons used mostly stone inventors, but the technique of his manufacture was brought to perfection: their knives and tips are light, sharp, carefully polished. They were familiar with the iron and bronze guns of the "imported" production.
The prestige and relative rarity of the metal things have caused a curious phenomenon - fakes "under metal". Archaeologists found a lot of accurate similarity of bronze knives and copies of copies created from stone with the hands of local Kamnetsians. Make a thin blade with imitation of the ribbon ribs from stone is much more complicated than from the metal, and it is not used to use it - the product is too fragile. But, apparently, the fake was good demand, as it was prestigious to have such things.

And the toporist is cast-iron!

On the excavations of the Yankovsky settlement of the First Millennium BC, the earliest for Primorye Iron Axles-Texa was found. The real squall of emotions in the archaeological world was met about the chemical composition of their iron. The products were made of white cast iron, which in Europe became known only in the XIII century! This, of course, is not evidence of some special technological "promotion" of the creators of "our" cast-iron toporists. Just ancient metallurgists of Europe worked with a swamp ore, from which almost chemically pure iron is obtained, and in East Asia - melted iron ore, which is much in this region. Therefore, the "Iron Age" of Far Easterns began immediately from cast iron products. At that time, the nearest metallurgy centers were located in South China and Mongolia, from where the cast iron products came to the shores of the Amur Gulf.

Somehow in the courtyard of Prince Mienguna, where the Great Kun Fu-Tzu (Confucius) was located a few predatory birds shot down by arrows."What is this teacher?" - His prince asked, expecting to hear a curly interpretation."These birds are attacks from the falcon family. Strokes are made of wood ku,and tips - from stone well, that is
from the petrified tree, which is foundin the waters of a large river in the northeast. It became, people came to you from the people of Sushen, "the sage replied calmly.

Mysterious Sushny

Chinese court chronicles are repeatedly reported on the ambassadors of the Sushen people who lived somewhere far in the northeast, on the seashore. For the first time, Sushny appeared to the courtyard of the legendary emperor Shunova allegedly in 2021 BC, and presented him with "five arrows from a Ku tree with tips from stone well." Of course, this is a legend, found in the aim of "to ledate" Chinese history, and she suspiciously reminds the famous parable about the Scythians of the Persian King.
But in the next three thousand years, the Sushhansky ambassadors again visited Chinese capitals with every fateful fracture of history, so it was their appearance and persistent preventation to the emperor of the notorious "arms from the KU with tips from the stone, which became a symbol of the importance of the event. Perhaps not all of these embassies were staged by flattering courtesies, and some ambassadors were real. In any case, some of them described in detail their country and the peripetics of the path from there to China. Judging by these descriptions, the ancient seaside residents and were the people of Sushen Chinese chronicles. The Chinese clearly distinguished them from other barbarians of the Northeast: Koreans, Tungus, Mongols and Turks. Apparently, on the national composition of Sushny were Paleoaziaats, like the tribes, inhabited by Primorye in the Stone Age. Modern Paleoisian peoples - Nivhi and Chukchi live much north.
The Chinese traveler who visited the country of Sunshaney, so described the life of one of the tribes: "In the summer they go naked, sometimes covering the ass and in front of the flap, in winter to protect yourself from the jams the body with swine fat. Both men and women will braid hair in braids. Although childbirth is small, but they exceed the bravery and bodily strength. The sovereign does not have, but each village has its own master. " In addition, Chinese marked the rude conversion to each other, untidy clothes and an unpleasant smell that they source. In general, Perfumery, primitive people were clearly not used. These archeology also talk about untidy, in our understanding, the image of the life of yankovtsy: shells, and in fact - dumps - they embarrassed directly near their homes (however, in Europe thrown garbage from windows to the street in the Middle Ages, and in Vladivostok -Who does it so far).

When the Persian King Darius tried to conquer the Black Sea Steppes, the leader of Scythians Idang Firs sent him the gifts: bird, mouse, frog and five arrows. Surprised Darius asked the Messenger, which this means, however the messenger replied that the Persians should understand the meaning of gifts. The opinions of the Persian wise men were divided: some decided that the Scythians give Persians their sky (bird), land (mouse) and water (frog), and also fold weapons, but others interpreted a gift as an ultimatum: "If you, Darius, how the bird is not flying away In the sky, or as the mouse you can't get into the underground hole, or like a frog you will not dive under the water, then you accept death from Scythian arrows. " A few days later it became clear that the right interpretation was correctly: Scythians went on the battle. But the fight did not take place, because Between the troops ran the hare. All Scythians, avid hunters, with a guy rushed after him and left the battlefield. And the insult Darius has returned to Persia.

Know-how: smoke heating system

Agricultural people who lived in the area between Oz. Hank and r. Togangan, known in the Chinese chronicles under the name "Mascia". Russian archaeologists call their culture "CRUNOVSKY", because The settlement of this people is excavated by with. Krunovka, near Ussuriysk.
According to language and culture, it seems to be Korean tribes. In any case, it is believed that it was Martzie to invented the Kan - a system of heating flue passages from stone slabs Along the walls, which is typical of Korean dwellings, and later spread throughout the Far East. So their houses finally got rid of smoke, while the housing of the neighbors heated "in black".
Crownow were much more businesswiths than yankons. Their dishes have a dark clay color, poorly finished and not decorated, they did not sophisticated in the grinding of stone products, but the different iron agricultural vehicle was actively used, barley, millet, wheat and raised not only dogs and pigs, but also goats, and horses.
Gradually, the village of Vyzzezi spread farther to the east and appeared on the territory of the Russian Primorye: on the southern shore of Oz. Hank and an average of suifun. In addition to kana and new pet breeds, Crawnovets brought in Primorye and other "achievement" of civilization - opium poppy: Poppy's oily population was found in their dwelling on the hill of the bun near the find.

Exile from paradise

However, time was going, and the blessed times of the "primitive paradise" of the first millennium BC ended. In the III-IV centuries BC, the climate again frown, the sea level fell to 1 m below the modern, the coastal lagows threw the grass, numerous herds of fish stopped approaching the coast of Primorye, and some mollusks were just extinct. Janks had to be tightly, what can be judged by changes in their diet. In their diet, the place of a wide range of seafood, including heat-loving fish: Sardin, Skombury, Anchovy, and even Tuna, began to absolutely prevail mollusks. The number of coastal population has been quickly reduced. Some Yankov communities at all went away from the sea coast deep to Sushi, where they took up hunting and collecting. This did not slow down to take advantage of the neighbors-CRUNEVS. Apparently, the cooling did not mean the effectiveness of their farm. At the beginning of the villages of Croorntsev peacefully adjacent to the anti-flavored fishing villages. But by the beginning of the new era, the Yankovsky population almost completely disappeared, and the CRUNOVTS Warred on their kalks all over the south of Primorye. Only on the territory of the modern Khasansky district of the settlement of Rybakov-Yankov residents were preserved before the invasion of the Tungus.

All photos of items are made in the exhibition of the Museum of Archeology and the ethnography of the Far Eastern State University.
Photos of items foundon the excavations of the Silentic culture of the Bronze era, existingon the territory of Primorye 3100-2900 years ago. To the left of the right are stone: Terekchik, Kuralt, Moth, Georgic. Next: Ceramic vessel, spicy, stone beads. The perfectly polished stone tip of the spear, imitating a metal analog, a bronze tip of a spear, a shell plate.

Tungus invasion

In the 4th century AD The whole world came into motion - the great resettlement of peoples began. But not all barbarians sought to Europe. Tungusky tribes from the Lena pool migrated to the Far East. It is difficult to say that the reindeer-catering reservoirs disrupted, but only in the Khingan and Hankay steppes they found their place in history. Tungus, remaining on earth ancestors (Evenks), still lead deer in a taiga, and recently even lost their autonomy attached to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The descendants of the ancient tuncuses who went in search of a better life to the East, over time, created great states, fought to death with the Hordes of Genghis Khan and conquered the subwayen twice.
Peaceful farmers whose ancestors lived in the Far East for millennia, were unlikely to be delighted
From the appearance of aliens. Waving a living space, nomads devastated their fields, destroyed the forge, burned the villages. The greatest damage suffered the most developed steppe areas on average Amur and
Oz. Khanka. Flying from Tungusk raids, the inhabitants of the Amur region fled part up the Amur, part in Primorye.
It was a child yankon, peaceful Paleoisian people who managed to develop high agricultural culture and even learn how to process metal. There are no obvious evidence of the armed struggle between the aliens with Amur and CRUNOVTERS, and the reason for the departure of the CRUNUSTVS is considered an unknown. After all, the fact of detection in the area of \u200b\u200bfinds of an unfounded Palcery ceramics in a house, equipped with kats, can be interpreted in different ways ... But anyway, the people of Martzze were pushed out of Manchuria and Primorye on the Korean Peninsula, where the first Korean state was formed - Kogouro, and the coast Primorye was again populated by Paleoaziaats, but now not fishermen, but farmers.
And on the steppe space from Hinghan to Khanka, several dozen Tungusky tribes were settled from Amur to the yellow sea. They built fortified settlements, were well armed, even had armor, but at the same time were experienced cattlemen and skillful artisans. It was this people who managed to create the first state,
which includes the territory of the southern Primorye.

Those interested to learn about the oldest history of the Far East much more, we advise you to read the monograph "Russian Far East in Antiquity and Middle Ages", prepared in 2005 at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East edited by D.I. J.V. Andreva.
The editors thank Zhanna Vasilyevna for consulting correspondents in a number of archaeological issues.

Raising slavic topic, the first thing to connect Slavs is paganism. But let me draw your attention to the essence of this word: "Language" means the people, "Nick" - no, unknown, i.e. The pagan is a representative of an alien to unfamiliar faith. Can we be for ourselves and pagans themselves?

Christian religion came from Israel as history - from the Jewish Torah. Christianity exists on Earth only 2000 years old, in Russia - 1000. Considering these dates from the position of the universe, they seem insignificant, because Ancient knowledge of any people goes far beyond these numbers. It is strange to think that everything that was long before Christianity has been gained, it was collected, passed from generation to generation - heresy and delusion. It turns out that all people on the ground have lived in illusion, self-deception and delusion.

Returning to the Slavs, as they were able to create so many beautiful works of art: literature, architecture, architecture, painting, weaving, etc., if they were ignorant forest inhabitants? Lifting the richest Slavic-Aryan heritage, Slavs appeared on Earth long before representatives of other peoples. Previously, the term "land" was the same meaning as the Greek name "Planet", i.e. Heavenly object moving in his orbit around the sun.

Our land had a name Midgardwhere "MID" or "Middle" means medium, "Gard" - hail, city, i.e. middle Mir (Remember the shaman's idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the Universe, where our land was associated with the middle world).

About 460 500 years Back our ancestors landed on the North Pole of Midgard Land. From that period, our planet has undergone significant changes, both climatic and geographical. In those distant times, the North Pole was a rich in the vegetation and animal world, the island of Buyan, on which the brown vegetation has grown, which has been burned by our ancestors.

Slavic genus consisted of representatives of the four peoples: Da'ary residents, X`Ayans, Rasks and Svyatarusov. The first to Midgard-Earth profits Yes`yri. They came from the Star System of the Constellation of Synun or Small Majer, Earth Rai. The color of their eyes is gray, silver matched the sun of their system that had a name Tara. They called the Northern Mainland, where they settled, Daria. Next followed X`Ayians. Their Motherland - Constellation Orion, Land of Trorara, Sun - pleased - Green color, which imprinted in the color of their eyes. Then profits Svyatarususi. - Blue-eyed Slavs from the Constellation of Makoshi or Big Mesmen.I called yourself a Swag. Later galloplase appeared Races from the constellation of race and land inghard, the system of the Dazhbog-Sun or modern beta Lion..

If we talk about the peoples belonging to the four Great Slavic-Aryan births, the Siberian Rusichi, North-Western Germans, Danes, Dutch, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, and etc. were sent. Oriental and Pomeranian Russes, Scandinavians, Anglo Saxes, Normans (or Muromsians), Galla, Belovodsk Rusichi occurred from the genus X`Ayans. The genus of the Svyatarusov - Blue-eyed Slavs - represent the northern Russians, Belarusians, Polyana, Poles, Oriental Prussians, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Scott, Irish, Assa from Iria, i.e. Assyrians. The grandchildren of the gazes, the raised are Western dews, Etruscans (Ethnos Russian or, as they called the Greeks - these Russians), Moldovans, Italians, Frank, Thracians, Goths, Albanians, Avars, and the like.

The pranodina of our ancestors is hyperborea (Borea - the North Wind, hyper - strong) or Daaria (from the first Slavic genus Daaries, who settled the land) - Northern Midgard-land. Here was the source of the ancient Vedic knowledge, the grains of which are now scattered throughout the land among the various peoples. But we had to sacrifice our homeland for the rescue of Midgard-Earth. In those distant times: Luna Lelo with a period of circulation of 7 days, Fatt - 13 days and a month - 29.5 days. Dark forces from the technogenic galaxy 10,000 planets (Darkness corresponds to 10,000), or, as elsewhere called the Hoeful world (i.e., the lands are so not yet fully developed, only "baked") they chose the Lelay, they launched her forces on it And they directed his blow to Midgard-Earth.

Saved the land of our ancestor and Higher God "Tarh, the son of God Perun, smashing a lege and destroying the kingdom of Kashchev (Tarh destroyed the Kingdom of Koscheyev, but only their base on the Luna Lelney. For more about this, see the book of Academician N. Levashov" Russia in curves of mirrors "). Hence the custom beat the eggs at Easter, which symbolizes the victory of Tarh Perunovich over the idolism - the mortal demon who found her death in the egg (the prototum of the moon). Event this happened 111 814 years Back and became a new point of reference of the summer from the Great Resettlement. So the Water Leli was piled by Midgard-Earth, flooding the northern continent. Daaria as a result went on the bottom of the Northern Ice (Study) Ocean. This was the cause of the great resettlement of Slavic clans from Daria in terms of the cage on the ground lying south (the remains of the cage are preserved in the form of a new land islands).

Great relocation lasted 16 years. Thus, 16 became a sacred number for Slavs. It is founded by the Slavic Warring Circle or Zodiac, consisting of 16 celestial tags. 16 years old is the complete part of the circle of years in 144, consisting of 16 years passing through 9 elements, where the last 16 year was considered sacred.

Gradually, our ancestors settled the territory from the mountains of Ripeye, covered with buried, or Ural, which means lying at the Sun: RA (sun, light, radiance) l (bed), to the Altai and Lena River, where Al or Altitude is the highest structure, Hence the reality - repetition, reflection of alto; Tay is the top, i.e. Altai is the mountains that store the richest deposits of mines, and the focus of energy, place of Power. From Tibet and to Indian Ocean In the south (Iran), later southwest (India).

106 786 years old Back our ancestors again built Asgard (city of Asov) on the merger of Iria and Omi, erecting Alatyr-Mountain - the Temple Complex in 1000 Arshin height (more than 700 m), consisting of four aspirates (temples) of the pyramidal form, located on each other. And so the holy race was settled: the childbirth of the ASOs - the gods living on Earth, the countries of the Ass all over the territory of Midgard land, have grumbled and became a great genus, forming country Acing - Asia, in modern - Asia, building the state of Ariyev -. They themselves called their own Belovodye From the name of the Irry River, on which Asgard Iriysky was built (Iriy - white, clean). Siberia is the northern part of the country, i.e. Northern True divine Iri).

Later, the generic races of the Great, persecuted by the harsh Daarian wind, began to go further south, settle down by different continents. Prince Skand set northern part Veni. Later, this territory began to be called Skando (s) Nav (and), because, dying, the prince said that his spirit would defend this land after death (Nava is the soul of the deceased navi living in the world, unlike the world Javi). Gifts of Vanov settled the Transcaucasia, then because of the drought, South Scandinavia moved, to the territory of the modern Netherlands. In memory of his ancestors, the residents of the Netherlands retain the prefix Wang in their lastings (Van Gogh, Van Beethoven, etc.). The childbirth of God Veles - the inhabitants of Scotland and Ireland in honor of their progenitor and the patron saint called one of the provinces of Wales or Wels. The childbirth of the Svyatarusov settled the eastern and southern parts of Veni, as well as the Baltic States. In the eastern part there is a country Gardarika (Country of many cities), consisting of Russia Novgorod, Pomeranian (Latvia and Prussia), Rus Red (Commonwealth), Rus White (Belarus), Malaya (Kievskaya Rus), Middle (Moscow, Vladimir), Carpathian (Hungarians, Romanians) , Silver (Serb). The birth of God Perun was settled by Persia, X'Ierians - Arabia.

Birth of God settled on the mainland Antlaun And began to be called. There they lived together with the indigenous population with the skin of the fire, with which they handed over secret knowledge (Atlanta did not transfer any intimate knowledge to Indians. They used them like slaves. See the specified book N. Levashov). Remember at least the drop in the Inca civilization, when the Indians accepted conquistadors for the White Gods, or another fact - the patron of Indians - the volatile serpent Caitsakoatl, according to the descriptions of a white man with a beard.

Antlaun (Lan - Caught territory, i.e. Country of the Ants) or, as the Greeks called - Atlantis - became a powerful civilization, where people eventually began to abuse their knowledge, as a result, violating the laws of nature, they wrapped the Luna Fatt to the Earth themselves and flooded their peninsula (more accurate information). As a result, the catastrophe was shifted with a circle or zodiac, the axis of the Earth's rotation was leaned with a side, and winter or in Slavic Maren began to close their snow cloak by the Earth for a third. All this happened 13 016 years ago And it became the point of reference of the new summer from a great cooling.

The Birth of Antoves moved to the country of those (Egypt), where they lived with people with the skin of the color of the darkness, they taught them sciences, handicrafts, agriculture, the construction of pyramidal tomb, why Egypt began to be called the country's country country. The first, then began to prepare in the pharaoh chosentes from indigenous peoples.

Later there was a war between the Great Race and the Great Dragon (Chinese), as a result of which a peace treaty was signed in the Star Church (Observatory) between ASUR (AS - Earth God, UR - Caulted Territory) and Ariman (Arim, Ariman - a man with a bitter color skin). This event occurred 7516 years ago and became the point of reference of the new summer from the creation of the world in the Star Temple ( SMZH).

Slavs were called asami - the gods living on earth, children of the Heavenly Gods - the creators. They were never slaves, a "short-sided herd, which did not have the right to choose. Slavs never worked (the root of the word "work" - "slave"), never by force seized other people's territories (tyranans or tirenes they called the Greeks for not allowed to seize their lands), they worked for the benefit of their kind, were the owners of the results His work.

Slavs holy honorable rita laws - laws of race and bloodwho did not allow heavily marriages. For this, Russians are often called racists. Again, you need to hear in the root to understand the deepest wisdom of our ancestors. The globe, like a magnet, is represented by two opposite poles. White peoples inhabited the Northern Positive Pole, Black - South Negative. All physical and energy systems of the body were configured in accordance with the work of the data of the poles. Therefore, when marriage between white and black, the child is deprived of support for the type of both parents: +7 and -7 in the amount give zero. Such children are more susceptible to diseases, because Lained full-fledged immune defense, they often become revolutionary aggressors protesting against systems that did not accept them.

Now I got a mass distribution of Indian doctrine about chakras, according to which there are 7 main chakras in the body of a person along the line of the spine, but then the question arises: why the energy in the head of the head changes its signs: if the right side of the body has a positive charge, the right hemisphere will have a negative . If the energy, like electric current, flows in a straight line, without refraart, it can not just take and change his sign to the opposite ...

The simplest solar symbol of the Slavs - which was used everywhere with Hitler, which imposed a negative imprint on the symbol of the human structure. On the other hand, the main goal of Hitler is world domination, to achieve which he used the strongest and advanced weapon, he took the basis of non-Egypt hieroglyphs, not Jewish or Arab cabarestic signs, but the Slavic symbolism. After all, what is swastastics - This is an image of a cross in motion, this is a harmonious number Four, pointing to the presence in any descendant of the Slavic-Aryan peoples of the body, which his parents were given, the souls, which the gods were settled in this body, the souls - communication with the gods and protection of ancestors and conscience as Merila all the acts of man. Recall at least the holiday of the joys when people were washed in rivers (cleaned the body), jumped through the fire (cleaned the soul), went through the coal (cleared the spirit).

The swastika also pointed to the structure of the Universe, consisting of our world of Javi, the two worlds Navi: Dark Navi and Light Navi, i.e. Slavoy, and the world of the Vyshny Gods - Rights. If you turn to the western hierarchy of worlds, it is represented by the physical world corresponding to the world of Javi, which is washed from two sides by the astral plan, corresponding to Navi, the mental is mentioned above, as an analogue of Slav. In this case, there is no speech about the higher world of the rule.

With school benches, children tell that ignorant Slavs taught the diploma of Greek monks, forgetting that the same monks were taken as the basis slavic letteringBut, since it could only be understood on the images, excluded a number of letters by changing the interpretation of the remaining. Subsequently, the language was more and more simplified. The Slavs have always had two consoles without and a demon, where without meant the absence, the demon - the belonging to the resident of the dark world, i.e., saying the immortal, implies a mortal demon, if we say the murmless, it will mean quite another thing - the lack of death .

The letter of Slavs carried a huge meaning. At first glance, the same word could carry a completely different meaning. So the word "world" can be interpreted completely differently, depending on which letter "and" will be used. The world through "and" meant the state without war, because The figurative value "and" is the connection of two streams. The world through "I" had an universal value, where the point - marked the Higher God of the progenitor. The world through "ï" was interpreted as a community, where two points denoted the union of gods and ancestors, and so on.

Often, scientists see a kind of underdevelopment in the polybama of Slavs. But again, superficial judgments do not understand the question. Slavs God the progenitor consider the great unknown creature, who Ra-Mha (RA - light, radiance, M - world, ha - positive strength), which manifested itself in a new reality, from the disrepair of this reality, was lit up to the great light of joy, and various worlds and universes, gods and ancestors, straight descendants were born from this light of joy, those. Children we are.

If Ramchi manifested itself in New realityit means that there is still some more high Old reality, and above it is also. To understand everything and know this, for the Slavs, the way was installed by the gods and ancestors Spiritual rebirth and improvement through the creation, awareness of various worlds and infinities, development to the level of gods, because Slavic gods are the same people - Assawho inhabited various lands creating the benefit of the sort of spiritual perfection.

Images of the Slavic gods were not and could not be photographic, they were not transferred not the shell, did not remove the copy, but passed the essence of the deity, the main grain and the divine structure. So Puran with a raised sword personified the protection of childbirth, welded with the sword with the edge of the downstairs kept the ancient wisdom. God he is on the fact and God that could take various bindings in an obvious world, but his essence remained the same. The same superficial understanding attributes human sacrifices to the Slavs. The materialists of the West, tied to the body, identifying the physical shell with a person, cannot understand that people did not burn in fire, but used fire (remember fire chariots), as a means of movement to other worlds and reality.

So Slavic knowledge has a richest history and culture, the roots of the wisdom go deep into centuries and millennia. We, as direct descendants of our Slavic gods and ancestors, have an internal key to the system of this knowledge, opening which we open a light way Spiritual development And improvement, we open your eyes and hearts, we begin to see, lead, live, know and understand.

All wisdom is inside a person (wisdom is not inside a person. Here the author is mistaken. A person is born by animals. Further, when proper Development and upbringing, he has a chance to become "reasonable animals" and actually man. For details, see the book of Academician N.V. Levashova "Last appeal to humanity." - D.B..), you just need to want to see it and realize. Our gods are always near and are ready to help at any moment, like our parents, ready to put their lives for their children. Only children often do not understand this, looking for the truth in other people's homes, in the countries of the Overseas. Native parents are always tolerant and kind to their children, consult them, and they will always help.

Per millions of years before our era

Vladislav Belogorov

Chandar Card.

In the summer of 1999, Professor Alexander Nikolaevich Chudurov, who had worked as a Vice-Rector for Science in Bashkir State University, with a group of like-minded people, found on the territory of Bashkortostan (in the vicinity of the village of Candar Nurimanovsky district). According to the authors of the find, it is a relief card performed by representatives of an unknown highly developed civilization around 50 million years Back (I will explain: it is approximately when dinosaurs are extinct).

The initial purpose of the search for Chudurov was evidence of the peoples of the ancient China in the modern territory of Russia - in Siberia and in the Urals. And when working in the archives of the Governor General Ufa, researchers discovered notes dated to the end of the 18th century, about more than two hundred ancient stone plates with some incomprehensible images and inscriptions. During the expedition, one of the residents of the village of Chandar told Professor Chuvurov that in the courtyard of his house under the porch as a support lies some kind of slab. In July 1999 she was taken out. The sizes of the plate were very impressive: the height is almost 1.5 meters, the width is more than a meter, the thickness is about 20 centimeters, weight is more tons. Researchers nicknamed her "Dashkina Stone" - in honor of the granddaughter born on the eve of Professor.

When the slab was washed, it turned out that it had a relief cartographic image. Even more struck researchers the age of a stone card. Thanks to the identification of several shells, inserted into the slab to designate some objects (apparently, water intakes), managed to establish the age of the card - it was no less 50 million years. The fact is that one of the detected shells - Naricopsina Chelot. Family GyrDeidae.. Such shells belong to mollusks extinct in the middle of the Paleogenic era (about 50 million years ago). Second sink - Ecculiomphalus princeps. Substitute Ecculiomphalinae. - Ancient. To her - 120 million years.

The detected plate, as shown by the analysis of radiographs, turned out to be three-layer, made, obviously, artificially. The first, main, layer is cement or ceramic based on dolomite; The second is one and a half centimeters - enriched with silicon, probably to give a relief picture of the terrain strength. The third, upper - a few millimeters - white, porcelain. On the stove, the researchers found out, depicted the terrain from the Ufa hill to the current city of Salavat. Scrupulously depicted even the bottom of the then rivers. Some technical way was carried out by a very filigree mechanical processing of stone.

The most unexpected for scientists who investigated the map was the identification of some reasonable creatures on the depicted locality of any reasonable creatures that once lived in the territory of the Southern Urals. The map shows two channels of widths up to 500 meters, the overall length of which 15 000 kilometers. Visible 12 Plotin width 300-500 meters long before 10 kilometers. For the construction of the entire system of hydraulic structures, its creators had to move the gigantic volume of the soil, which is simply even for modern builders with their powerful, according to our standards, appliances.

On the map are marked not far from the channels rhombic sites. Professor Chudurov is inclined to see the ancient runway in them. By the way, the map is not visible on the map: whether representatives of ancient civilization used water transport, whether they really moved the air through.

The second, cosmic, version adheres to the Moscow researcher Nikolay Levashov. He believes that these sites on the relief card found by Professor Chuveurov, there is runway stripping strips of ancient civilization - Waitman and Waitmar ("uterine" spacecraft, which carried up to 144 Waitman). A rectangular platform of huge sizes is really visible on a Chandar card - 2800 square kilometers.

The authors led a lot of examples of the detection of amazing items of material culture, which, unfortunately, did not fall into historical and natural science museums. So, traces of some ancient civilization were found at the end of the XVIII century near the French town of Ex-en-Provence. Workers mined tight limestone stumbled upon a depth of 12-15 meters on fragments of columns and fragments of once semi-varying stone.

In 1861, mines near the French city of Laow at a depth of about 70 meters discovered a ball from the chalk with a diameter of about 6 centimeters in the deposits of brown coal, which treated the period of the upper eocene ( 44-45 million years Back). Apparently, the ball was the product of human hands. Already in our time, in 1968, it became known that in the French quarries Saint-Jean-de-Liv in the layers of the chalk period ( 65 million years) The semi-alone metal pipes were discovered. In 1844, the physicist David Brewster, founding the British Association of Scientific Progress, published the fact of discovery in the sandstone block in one of the Scottish nail height. This sandstone belonged to the Lower Devonian period (age 360-408 million years). Hand nail "Arrow" into a stone, which allows you to discard all suspicions in falsification.

Similar ancient findings, Tompson and Kremo reported, were not made in the United States. In the middle of the XIX century, explosive work was carried out in Massachusetts, and a metal vessel was discovered among stone block fragments, which broke the explosive wave in half. It was a bell-shaped vase with a height of about 11 centimeters, made of metal resembling a zinc color or some kind of silver alloy. The walls of the vessel decorated the images of six colors in the form of a bouquet. Mountain breed, in which this wonderful vase was kept, belonged to the Precambrian Epoch (age - about 600 million years).

In another American state - Illinois, when drilling a well in 1870, a round plate resembling a coin was discovered at a depth of 38 meters. It had images of some figures and inscriptions in an unknown language. Deposits at this depth were formed, according to geologists, approximately 200-400 thousand years Back. Recall that modern academic science claims that the first metal coins are included in the appeal in Malaya Asia in VIII BC. In the US state of Idaho at the end of the XIX century, the wells droves raised from the depth of 90 meters a clay statuette depicting a woman. Nakhodka dates back to the era at the turn of Pliocene and Pleistocene ( 2 million years). In the state of Iowa in 1897, miners were found at a depth of about 40 meters the stone rectangular bar, on which the images of the elderly were engraved. In one of the private US museums (South Missouri) in the 1940s, an ancient iron mug was kept, found in 1912 in Oklahoma. The power plant worker smashed too massive charcoal block with a hammer, and this mug fell out of it. Coal used then in this state had, on the conclusion of specialists, age about 312 million years.

List of such objects of material culture "Before the floping era" In the book Kremo and Thompson is very impressive. We give two more examples of striking finds. In Texas, in 1928, in the coal mining mine at a great depth, where the extracted coal was at least 286 million yearsThe mines stumbled on very smooth, literally polished concrete blocks of a cubic form. About Nakhodka was informed by the company's management, which for some reason forbade mines to report to the press about seen, and the mine urgently closed. In 1970-1980, South African mines in Western Transvaal found under the ground in rock ( age - 2.8 billion years old!) Several hundred metal balls, one of which has kept three parallel notches around its central part. Some balls are solid, made from some kind of bluish metal, others are hollow, with some spongy white filling. The surface of the balls, which are the result of the activities of mysterious creatures, is very solid, and it was not possible to scratch even the steel subject.

Available messages about architt artifacts make it possible to formulate a hypothesis that reasonable creatures like a modern person lived on our planet a few hundred million years ago. Apparently, civilizations existed, in technological and cultural attitude in something similar with ours. But as a result of some global cataclysms of a natural or technological nature, they died, and the development of a reasonable life began at first.

In favor of this version, the legends and myths of the various peoples of our planet, including the ancient Indian books, called the Vedas, are evidenced. According to them, a reasonable life on Earth arose in dopup times. It is not by chance that the supporters of the Vedas are used in measuring the time such ultra-strong, from the point of view of orthodox historians, units, as a southern period, which is 4,320,000 million years, and Calpa equal to one thousand south. Calpu is called the "Day of Brahma", which, according to the ideas of modern cosmology, is approximately equal to the age of our planet. In a word to try to find information about our distant past, it makes sense to refer to mythology.

Footprints of the Great Empire

Elena Lyubimova

Highly developed civilizations do not appear from the air. In order to be able to achieve something significant, for example, to build something ambitious, which will live millennia, civilization must overcome millions of years of evolution and create relevant technologies. Because neither the hoe, nor even the ropes help to outset a thousandthly block from the cliff, move it to the right area and install on the prepared place. For this you need technologies that we still do not even suspect today! There were such technologies on our planet and were used quite recently, a few hundred years ago ...

Our great ancestors Marsh Titanov passed throughout the Eurasian continent, at different times leaving on their own way. Alas, these traces are now more famous for us through the ancient megalithic monuments of Europe. The most advertised ones are Stonehenge in the UK and the tomb of New Grajnj in Ireland. Less Kurgan La Hug-bi, Jersey, England; Stone circles in kinning, Northern Ireland; Stennes Megaliths in Scotland; Ardgormsky Megalith in Ireland; Palden Dolmen in Germany; Megalithic Kurgan Kueva de Menga in Spain; Megalithic temples of Malta; carnak stones of France; Scandinavia stone rooks and many others, but they are also carefully guarded and generously financed, as well as the first two.

In the vast territory of Russia, the material traces of our ancient ancestors also have in sufficient quantities, but they are thoroughly silent, and often consciously destroyed. Recall at least how they tried to flood Arkim - the city parking city of the ancient Slavic Ariyev, who built it during the next settlement of the birth of our ancestors in Southern Siberia, according to the most modest estimates, at the turn of the III-II thousand BC. The contemporary of the crotto-mycean civilization and the Middle Kingdom of Egypt was lucky: unlike many other ancient of their parking lots, cities and settlements, which were still flooded reservoirs, enthusiasts were able to defend their find.

Or remember as in 2010 unique megalithic complex of 13 granite stones (Mengirov) of the right four-edged form near. Ahunovo, Bashkiria has been destroyed. All wrote off on unknown Vandals Satanists. They detected five mengirov, after which, from the broken stones around the main Mengir, the unfounded cross lay down and drew a crippled five-pointed star. In fact, Mengirov was much more, but local residents, not understanding what they meant, dragged them to the tractors. They say that an amazing monument is still lucky, because this place was not adapted under the lot.

Another method of concealing information About our heritage is the distribution of rights to exclusive excavations to foreigners. So, in 2003, the authorities sold the right to exclusive excavations of one of their largest mounds in a braceland log ( Khakassia). It is located 30 kilometers from the "valley of the Dead Kings" - a grandeage complex, consisting of various estimates, from 20-50 burial mounds, the largest of which is the megalithic pyramid Salbki Kurgan - the same age of Stonehenge. Germans allocated 4 million rubles for work, and they demanded for it don't let anyone, including journalists. All rights in the photo and video tag were in advance sold to the Americans. Many sensational findings that shed light on the real greatness of our ancestors turned out to be buried in reports on archaeological expeditions issued by garbagers for narrow specialists and therefore inaccessible to people.

Mikhail Efimenko argues that there was existed on the territory of the modern Far Eastern capital ancient developed civilization, not less than 10 thousand years old. This civilization possessed a well-developed metallurgical industry, which in those edges, in accordance with the story taught us, was not and could not be. The author claims that the predecessor of the Mesopotamian Babylon, who is known to everyone, was Northern Babylonwho was in Russia. He calls this civilization "Higher Civilization" Or civilization of Aries.

He discovered traces technologies Cut off huge stones from rocky arrays, similar to those used in Egypt in the area of \u200b\u200bAswan, where huge blocks for the construction of obelisk were mined in granite careers. There still lies unfinished obelisk with a length of 42 meters and weighing about 1150 tons. It is believed that his production time refers to 1500-1400 BC. He discovered traces of unknown to us melting technology Basalt. (very strong breed) to a soft plastic state, and sometimes changes in the structure and chemical composition Stone, and breeding through holes in the stones.

He showed roads from Natural Stone, It is not known wherever the leaders, and also spoke about an ancient road in the Taiga of the Amur region, folded from the huge trunks of trees, remained only because of the eternal permafrost. The thing is that those in the diameter of the trees in the terrain did not meet perfectly and were from time climate time. He told about the existence of about with. Sheremetyevo ancient underground city with a strange channel, now fallable, leading to emptiness in the mountain; underground labyrinth lined with larch; and a strengthened point on a rock with a double moat and double shaft; And also flooded ancient city 15-20 km from s. Cranewing. Much about what amazing and sensational told Mikhail Vasilyevich Efimenko in the book "Our Babylon". Read about unknown facts of our past, which is not in a hurry to make public, you will not regret. I will give only part chapters 6. This sensational book. It is called "Babylon of the Great":

"If this title causes bewilderment, only by virtue of the established habits to consider any other areas of the Planet of the Motherland of Civilization, but here's a recent example: in 2001, the International Slavic Academy organizes an expedition to Primorye to search for traces "Ussuri Protocylization". This means that the question is not new, and secondly, it was known from some sources or by signs. If it is known in the distant St. Petersburg, then we are still more visible in place and clearer. Of all the findings of that expedition, I want to mention that it is impossible to refute - about the technical signs of the existence of another, earlier civilization and which in terms of the level of development compared to us should be considered the highest.

There, in the 1980s, the remains of unknown structures were found, and the expedition gave them to the laboratory building materialsThe answer from which was rather unexpected: the sample consisted of large wreckage of Moissanite - the mineral of silicon carbide, and its content in the sample was not less 70% From the mass of the sample. Need to add that artificial carbide of silicon Used as abrasive, since only diamond is inferior in hardness, but in nature Moissanite meets rightly diamond.

Primorye was not the only area where you can see such finds - a wall existed in the Khabarovsk Territory in the village of Tyr, the remains of which are still probably found. So this wall was made of bricks of blue color - Moissanite colors, i.e. silicon carbide. According to the stories of residents, the village of bricks were strong as iron, and went to the construction of the residents of the stoves. So: From the strongest and rarest mineral, we have created the foundations and a huge wall of incomprehensible destination, and this is just what caught and became famous.

What a huge level of technical development should be posted that from such a mineral and artificial stone to make ordinary building material. For me, as a builder and architect, such a fact - the phenomenon of exceptional importance, but try in our society of selfish indifference to find the same, who, perfected by this construction professionals or design, and why these finds did not interest anyone from here living - the riddle for me is not Little than the result of laboratory tests. I tried to find out about the presence of the components of this mineral, and it turned out that there were no problems with carbon: coal deposits and graphite we have enough, silicon in pure form available on Sakhalin in the form of a sedimentary breed called diatomitis.

No other - technology Moissanite concrete making we are unknownand refer to allegedly the loss of the secret of technology, as sometimes accepted into justification, stupid, because such cases are not carried out by our civilization never. The second reason for the validity of the refusal of the idea of \u200b\u200baffiliation to this production of our civilization is a transport problem, as the diatoms from Sakhalin in Primorye and in the Amur region was not what, and no one, except the civilization of the highest.

Unusual building materials are found in us quite often and even in huge volumes. For example, you can call the powerful walls of unknown structures on the Mount Shaman opposite with. Nizhnetambovskoe on Amur, erected as monolith-concrete from a material resembling fake diamond. These walls could be performed by layer-by-layer liquor, just as we perform the fill with milk formwork. Only, apparently, the frozen of this building material happened very quickly, and therefore the formwork could not be needed, or the traces of it were embarrassed, could and crumble. Examples of rapid hardening of building materials will be still shown, and the walls look too smoothTo say the affirmative about their natural origin.

Availability in the distant past artificial Building materials are confirmed by the finds of completely unusual products that have a difference in materials and in the appointment, depending on the locations of the find. The first group of samples was found in the district of Kamchatka on the Penja River, the second group - in the north of the Khabarovsk region. All of them are brought from geological expeditions in the last century and are random, not related to the purpose of expeditions, and thanks to curious geologists for a presented opportunity to touch the great past of our region and the whole of the Far East, and I want to convey this interest in other curious.

A group of two stones brought from the Kamchatka area is part of a large collection stored in Magadan. With them and start a description. Stones have light gray, dense structure and very small fractions components of samples. Immediately it is clearly seen that the product is most likely on the device type of pottery circle: even the bottom is flat, characteristic of the elements formed by the rotation. This is also reminded of such a detail as a circular lounge. The appearance of the subject slightly spoils the plating with it with a solution to which crumb chips or sprinkle. The most interesting from this group is the second subject from the same material, but fulfilled in another way. Stone from the material similar to artificial, like our cement mortar.

The method of execution, judging by various types of surface, was similar to our cream to the cake. The conditional "cream" from the "cement" solution was squeezed out of a certain technical apparatus with a nozzle, and at the same time there was a rather rapid mass of the mass, and she did not have time to grow in shape. And the fact that the mass is poured into the mold, very clearly visible in the photo on the side, where the trail remains from this mold. Both of these products have no applied value. We would have called them samples of small decorative plastic, but what exactly - so that the author was a man with a good artistic taste, and I do not exclude that the sculptor, and for us, in a way of expressing an artistic feeling of form.

Since the products are found in very remote and completely wild places, then they have nothing to do with our civilization, causing only surprise by their origin and purpose. But they are relevant to complete infertility of ideas in determining their importance, as the facts of the existence of another life in our places and the absence of even desire to comprehend this. For several decades who have passed since their discovery, even the analysis of their composition of manufacturing material was not made.

The second collection of objects found in the north of the Khabarovsk Territory is also brought from a geological expedition, but it is already a completely different find and on its materials, and on easy recognizable images, but most importantly - their quality and property are not so easy to detect, but what it should be - no doubt, as in artificial origin. I was explained that in a geological laboratory, one of the similar samples was sipped and the manufacturer was defined as artificial ceramics And only one sample from the collection is made of natural stone, but the shape of it is completely sculpture in the image and method of careful execution.

In the varying of forms and materials, these products have something in common, and it is it that causes the largest interest. I do not deny that even by itself, their find in the wildest places of our region and allegedly never oblivioned areas refute all the species that another civilization lived here ... "

History of Russia XX century

Short story about a good movie

The other day we got a link to the documentary series "History of Russia of the XX century"manufactured by the company "New Time", made on request km.tv. The cycle of films from 86 episodes was released in 2007-2010. Creators of the series: Director - Nikolai Smirnov, Scientific consultant - Mikhail Smolin, director of installation - Vlad Kuleshov, artist, editor - Lydia Bolgarchuk, Consultant on church issues - N.K.Symakov, Coordinator - Alexander Alekseev, Operators - Evgeny Goncharuk, Svetoslav Bulgarchuk, music editor - Sergey Dyagilev, The author and supervisor - Mikhail Shiryaev.

Creators of the series "Russian history. XX century " For the first time in the latest history, they called their names with their own names and revealed the causes and customers of the furious offensive at the beginning of the 20th century to Russia. For the first time on the screen, they openly raised the topic of the genocide of the Russian people - the topic that was always silent and everywhere! They directly and proof accused of destroying our country international, supranational and powerful Zionist mafia.

Feel as they say, difference. Before february Revolution Russia, as the Winner Country in the I World War, was to receive not only the Turkish Bosphorus Straits and Dardanelles and Contribution, but also significant territories in Turkey and in the oil-bearing Iran, as well as return the lost in the Russian-Japanese war. No one could stop us in this matter, since defense production in Russia for the period of war grew up 70 times. Here, what did the Chancellor of Hungary say, Count Betlen in 1934: "If Russia had remained an organized state in 1918, all Danube countries would be only Russian provinces. Not only Prague, but Budapest, Bucharest, Belgrade and Sofia would be performed by the will of the Russian rulers. In Konstantinople, the Russian military flags would develop on the Bosphorus and in Qatarro on Adriatic. But Russia as a result of the revolution lost the war and with her a number of regions ... "

If Schiff, Rockefelleram, Morganam and RoChildam failed with the help of the general conspiracy, deputies of the State Duma, as well as Kerensky, Lenin and Trotsky destroy Russian Empire, after victory over Germany and its allies, Russia would be first superpowerAnd its economic and military power could not resist.

By February 1917, Russian troops captured Baghdad, our parts occupied Mosul - The largest oil field in the territory of the current Iraq, located then in the Turkish territory. Russia also controlled by 1917 half Iran And it was not going to leave from the territory, so desirable for the British. Caspian with its oil and fish reserves became, in fact, the inner Russian sea. Since the beginning of the 20th century, which became the world leader in the field of non-farm, with a victory in the I World War, our country would definitively squeezed the Rockefeller Company "Standard Oil" from the market.

But unfortunately, they managed, so "On March 3, 1918, the Brest World was signed. On very hard conditions for Russia. Under the brand of "self-determination" from Russia, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Crimea, Ukraine, and Transcaucasia were rejected. Disarmed and issued a fleet to the Germans. Russia was imposed on 6 billion grades in gold, plus 1 billion stamps - for damages by German firms and citizens incurred by them during the revolution. Germany and Austria-Hungary got all the warehouses of weapons, ammunition and property ... " (Valery Shambarov "Occult roots of the October Revolution").

The only minus of this series, and very significant, in my opinion, is that, along with such a reason for the defeat of our country, as the international conspiracy of the Mafia Zionist, is called the "Light of God", the disparation of the Russian elite from Christianity and the desire of Russia to become a secular society. It says too much about the "fishery of God", even where the obvious betrayal is clearly visible, both the highest military ranks and members of the reigning house of Romanov. The reasons why the authors quite rightly accused the financial and political world Zionist circles in the Russian catastrophe of the beginning of the 20th century, and with such a pitue responded about the church corporation, which might and main god of Zion and Israel And calls all his slaves, there may be several.

Firstly, the film is removed with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church. Secondly, the authors, engaged in fundamental analysis of the XX century only, did not look next to the past. And not for 1000 years deep into the blood of the bloody baptized, and not at 300 years old, when after the bloody triple, organized by the enemies of Russia, the Russian throne was planted by Romanov, who had no rights on him, and not 200 years ago, when the last Vedic State - The Great Tartarium - was destroyed as a result of an extensive nuclear attack, and much further. Most likely, they do not know about the "Nights of Svarog" and do not associate the bloody madness of the last century with the last night of the Svora, when the black forces were the last chance to dump Russia as the last stronghold of light forces and, thereby, finally enslave the planet.

However, this does not detract from the unconditional advantages of this film and truly titanic work, which was held by the creators. One of the unconditional advantages is also parallels with the situation in which it turned out to be modern Russia . This is a film film, a film that calls carefully to learn your past to understand the causes of what is happening in the present. As repeatedly, the authors noticed: "Do not spit in your past, otherwise it will shoot in you in the future." The black forces could not fulfill the maximum program - to destroy the people of Russia and their state at the beginning of the 20th century under the root, and they decided to take a revenge at its end and continue the case at the beginning of the century XXI.

Well, persistence in achieving their goals they do not occupy. They, like all biorobot, never forget them and are methodically beaten in one point. They will still wait for a suitable moment, no matter, 100 years will need, 500 or 1000, to strike, and meanwhile slowly and correctly prepare the events desired for them. We must remember this And be ready to fight back if we want to survive and continue to live a full life, and for this you need to know the real picture of the past. The film is hard, but necessary. He gives us a lot of missing parts of the mosaic that we all need to be folded on the path of enlightenment by knowledge.

Inscriptions on stones with Brighton Beach

Valery Chudinov

March 25, 2013 I received a letter: "Good day, Valery Alekseevich! First of all, I would like to thank you for what work you do and wish new discoveries and success in research! Here are interesting artifacts that are on Brighton Beach. Stones with traces of processing and with obviously Slavic gods. At one of the photos are visible clear inscriptions, it seems to me in Russian. I am very interested in your opinion on this. Were there any studies on this issue and what is generally known? Thank you for your reply. Vladimir Bogdanov. "

My correspondence. I replied: "Hello, Vladimir. Thank you for warm words in my address, very nice! Your photos I looked, but in order to say, there are inscriptions there or not, you need a detailed study that I can do only in April, because Now I am actively preparing for the conference. With respect, V.A. Hudinov.

Vladimir responded: "I am pleased that in our country there are people like you! Thank you for your reply! I would like to know more about these stones more about these stones, and I would be grateful if you were informed if something becomes known! I understand that you do not have a lot of time, and I will wait for a response. I wish success in the works! "

March 29, 2013 Sergey Rybalkin sent me a message: "Hello, can you somehow explain it?" And gave a link to

"The population of the world ... What associations arise from everyone who heard this phrase?" - Written by Irene N. in his article. Further, it claims that every 0.24 seconds on our planet is born another kid, and in an hour the population of the world is replenished by more than 15 thousand newborns. And almost every minute (0.56 sec.) A man dies, and in an hour our world loses almost 6.5 thousand people.
This topic seemed to me an interesting doctor of the Philosophy of Monty White, who claims that the population of the Earth has increased to seven billion in the same period, which is indicated in the Bible. However, read below.

Everything is very simple - ordinary arithmetic indicates the absolute mathematical intelligence of the old age of the Earth.

Creationists often ask: "How could the population of the Earth could reach 6.5 billion people, if the land is only about 6,000 years old, and if at the very beginning only two people lived on it?" Let's see what simple arithmetic tells us.

One plus one equals billions

Let's start from the very beginning - from one man and from one woman. Now suppose that they got married and children appeared, and then their children got married and they also had children. It also suggest that the population is doubled every 150 years. Consequently, after 150 years, four people will live on Earth, after another 150 years - eight people, and after another 150 years sixteen people, and so on. It should be noted that this rate of population growth in reality is very conservative. In fact, even considering illness, hunger and natural disasters, the population has recently doubled every 40 years 1

After 32 times the doubling of the population, which is only 4800 years, the population of the world would have reached almost 8.6 billion people. It is 2 billion people more than live today on Earth, namely 6.5 billion people. This indicator was marked on March 1, 2006 US Census Bureau.2 This simple calculation shows that if you start with Adam and Eve and take into account the standard population growth rate about which we just mentioned above, then the current number of population could have been perfectly achieved For 6000 years.

Effect of Flood

However, we know from the Bible that about 2500 BC (4,500 years ago) the World Flood reduced the number of people on Earth to eight people. But if we assume that the population doubles every 150 years, we will again see that if Start an account with the NOV family in 2500 BC, it turns out that 4500 years is more than enough in order to modern level Population reached 6.5 billion people.

From two people who were created 6,000 years ago, and then from eight people who were on board a nora ark about 4,500 years ago, the world's population could easily grow to the indicator, which we celebrate today - more than 6.5 billion people.

Evolutionists always tell us that people exist on Earth hundreds of thousands of years. If you still assume that people exist about 50,000 years and using the above calculation method, as a result, it would have turned out that the population was doubled 332 times, and the number of people on Earth would be just a huge - a number of one hundred percent ; i.e:

10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000.

This number in reality is simply impossible to imagine, as it is billion times more than the number of atoms in the whole universe! Such a calculation shows how meaningless statement is that people exist on the land of tens of thousands of years.

Everything is very simple - ordinary arithmetic indicates the absolute mathematical intelligence of the old age of the Earth. From two people who were created 6,000 years ago, and then from eight people who were on board a nora ark about 4,500 years ago, the world's population could easily grow to the indicator, which we celebrate today - more than 6.5 billion people.

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