The calendar plan for the circle work. Calendar-thematic work plan of the "creative handicraft" circle

Calendar-thematic plan

work of the circle "Needlework for the home"

Item________labor training

Class:6-8 grades

Explanatory note

The origins of abilities and

gifting children - for

their fingertips ...

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Purpose of the mug:

    the formation of the creative abilities of students through the expansion of the general cultural outlook and the creation of conditions for the creative self-realization of the child's personality.

    instilling interest in needlework, leisure activities for children.



    to form an interest in arts and crafts;

    develop artistic taste and focus on product quality;

    develop the individual capabilities of students.


    foster respect for work, independence in work;

    bring up moral qualities children (mutual assistance, conscientiousness, honesty);

    cultivate patience and perseverance, accuracy and frugality.


    develop personal self-education, activity, independence;

    to promote the formation of a comprehensively developed personality;

    create conditions for social, professional self-determination of students.

Classes in arts and crafts will not only open new ways of learning for many children folk art, enrich them inner world, will allow you to usefully spend free time, as well as help in the formation of key competencies. In the process of mastering the techniques of various types of DPI, in the process of working on their own creative projects, such competencies as educational and cognitive, informational, social and labor, and communicative are formed.

Decorating things, interior items, a wide variety of fabrics and materials with the help of thread, needles and hands has been characteristic of humans since ancient times and is called needlework. The history of handicrafts has its roots in the distant, distant past. For many centuries, our ancestors used it to create a special protective atmosphere in the house, as well as for each family member individually. Recently, hand-made products, the so-called "hand- made”Are becoming more and more popular, the hobby for handicrafts develops into a favorite business or even a profitable business.

In the course of the work of the circle, the girls will get acquainted with various techniques of decorative arts, with options for execution and materials, as well as with the history of their origin. During the course, children will be able to show their individual creative abilities and consolidate the knowledge gained, embodying their fantasies.

This program relevant, since this is another additional way of communication for children from different classes, and girls do not just communicate, but also do something with their own hands, learn to be good, economical housewives, which is very important in our time, when the majority of young people are few what he is interested in.

The expected result of this is that children will master the proposed techniques, get to know and learn to understand the harmony of color, and will also improve their creativity and make several products. The results of the program - participation in school exhibitions.

Classes are held in the form of workshops. For each topic, classes are equipped with samples of finished products, manufacturing schemes, materials and tools.

Goal achievement mechanism

1. Organizational pedagogical foundations of education.

The main group of children engaged in a class 6 circle. More 8th grade girls will be invited. Classes will be conducted taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children of different ages, the methodology for conducting classes was determined, time for theoretical and practical work is planned, taking into account the knowledge, skills and abilities of all ages.

In the classroom, children will devote most of their time to practical work, they will also gain knowledge about tools, materials, listen to lectures about folk traditions and customs.

In the work of the circle, interdisciplinary communication will be carried out. Knowledge of history, mathematics, physics, drawing, fine arts will come in handy here.

2. Forms and methods of conducting classes.

Considering psychological characteristics children, goals and objectives, content teaching material, classes must be carried out using a variety of teaching methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical.

Almost every topic lesson includes a practical and theoretical part. The latter takes up most of the lesson, where the guys do graphic work, sketch drawings, and do the work itself.

The culmination of the students' work is competitions and exhibitions. From this it follows that the main form of conducting classes is practical work.

3. Formation of interpersonal relationships.

At the first lesson, the conversation "What would I learn in a circle" is held. Children's wishes are recorded and taken into account when drawing up a plan.

Teamwork is mandatory. This form of work organization contributes to team building. The collective performance of tasks contributes to the education of sociability and friendly relations in the team, a sense of mutual assistance. The girls understand that the group lives and works with the whole family.

Terms of sale educational program

1. Methodical work.

For students in the office, there are:

    Samples of practical work.

    Magazines and books.

    A folder for the accumulation of materials is being maintained.

2. Material and technical and sanitary and hygienic conditions.

The circle is held in the technology office during free time from lessons. All materials and tools are stored in a specific location. On the side wall of the study, there are wardrobes that house a permanent exhibition of children's works.

3. Financing.

    Large financial investments in organizing the work of the circle are not required.

    The materials are purchased at the expense of the parents, and therefore the children's works may not remain in the office, after the exhibition the girls take them home if they wish.

Calendar - thematic planning mug.

the date

Material for the preparation and conduct of the lesson

Number of hours

I Thursday



Introductory lesson. Types of arts and crafts. The history of handicrafts and various techniques. Safety regulations.

Making a volumetric postcard "Clown" in the techniquepop- up .

Jackson Paul "The Pop-Up Book"pp 45-46

White paper, cardboard, glue scissors, ruler, gouache, pencil, markers, foam rubber, brush


Paper and plastic. Handmade postcards.Scrapbooking -technique, techniques.

Making an applique postcard using techniquescrapbooking.

E. Rubtsova "Do-it-yourself postcards for the holidays" p. 5-6

Colored and white paper, scissors, glue, clippings from glossy magazines, fabric cuts, needle, lace, thread


Jewelry, jewelry. History of origin and development. Fashion.

Making a vintage bracelet and necklace from buttons.

Juliette Pettit “Perles et boutons. Bijouxetaccessoires»Page 11-12

Colored buttons, a needle, scissors, pieces of yarn, an elastic band for linen.



Amulets and talismans. History of amulets.

Making a man-keychain from buttons.

Imgard Lang "Crafts from buttons" p. 26-27

Colored buttons, wire, all-purpose glue, wire cutters, wood beads, key ring.



Technology for making salt dough for sculpting figures. Rites and traditions in Russia associated with bread and dough.

Basic mixing techniques and recipes.

B. Casagranda "Crafts from Salted Dough" p. 5-7

Bowl, flour, salt, water, vegetable oil



Techniques for sculpting figures from salt dough. Basic tools and fixtures.

Making a figure of a fish.

B. Kazagranda "Crafts from salt dough" p. 49-50

Cutting board, rolling pin, napkin, water, ballpoint pen case, garlic press, paper.

15.10- 20.10

Technology for decorating the figure of a fish in a decorative panel. Salt dough products care.

Making a fish figure in a decorative panel and decorating it.

Paints, brush, napkin, furniture varnish, universal glue, fabric and lace cuts, frame for panels, presentation.



Interior decoration. Salt coloring technology.

Salt staining.

Bowl, gouache, gloves, extra salt, oilcloth, newspaper to dry, fork



The technology of pouring salt into the vessel. Decorating the finished product.

Pouring salt into a decorative container and decorating the finished product

Colored salt, sieve, spoon, funnel, clean and dried transparent bottle, beads, shells, pebbles, artificial color, universal glue.

II even



The emergence and development of technologydecoupage, as a decoration method. Technology, materials and tools.

Decorating plates using techniquedecoupage.

O. Veshkina "Fashionable decoupage" p.18-19

White or straw plate, colored three-layer paper napkin, PVA glue, solvent, water.



Finishing technology of the product. Decorating techniques.

Decorating and decorating the plate.

Varnish, acrylic paints, brushes, loop tape, universal glue

26.11- 1.12

Manufacturing technologypom-poms ... Application in the interior and souvenirs.

Making beads from pompons different colors.

N.Krupenskaya "Crafts from pompoms" p. 12-13

Yarn of different colors and textures, scissors, needles, cardboard, compasses, ruler, pencil, lace.



The story of Christmas and New Years celebration. Gifts. Gift decoration.

Making a Christmas boot for gifts.

Red fabric, pieces of white, black and green fabric, padding polyester, needle, scissors, cardboard, pattern, sewing machine.



Techniques for decorating products with glue rhinestones, sequins, embroidery.

Decorating a Christmas boot.

Rhinestones, floss threads of different colors, sequins, foil on the basis, New Year's tinsel or silver braid.



The technology of making candles at home. The history of candle-making.

Techniques for making decorative candles.

Velas magazine

Paraffin, a mold for pouring, white threads No. 10, instant coffee, vanillin, vegetable oil, a clean tin can for melting



Technology and techniques for finishing the candle.

Decorating a New Year's candle in the styles "Coffee", "Sea" or "New Year"

Frozen candle, coffee beans, decorative saucer, lace, beads, fir branches, satin ribbons, shells, corals, artificial seaweed.

III th



The technology of making a bonsai tree from beads. Techniques, types, techniques.

Making a bonsai tree.

N. Bulba "Sculpture from beads" p. 36-38

Wire, beads of different colors and sizes, beads, wire cutters, weaving patterns.

14.01- 19.01

Making a bonsai tree. History of beads and beadwork

Making a bonsai tree.

Wire, beads of different colors and sizes, weaving patterns, beads, nippers



Decorating and finishing wood.

Securing the tree to a stand, weighting for stability. Decorating.

A jar for a stand, pebbles or sand for weighting, green or brown iris threads, universal glue



The technology of making flowers from beads.

Making flowers.

N. Bulba "Sculpture from beads" p. 26-27

White and yellow beads, wire, weaving patterns, wire cutters, beads.



Making flowers from beads.

Making flowers.

A. Baker "Flowers from beads" p. 49-51

Beads green, red, yellow and black, wire, weaving patterns, wire cutters.



Techniques and options for decorating products with flowers from beads.

Decorating a photo frame with flowers from beads.

Photo frame, universal glue, acrylic paints, rhinestones, ready-made flowers from beads



Technology facing. Types, techniques, techniques.

Making a volumetric postcard "Ladybug" in the techniquetrimming .

Corrugated paper, PVA glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, presentation.

2 5 .02-

2 .03

Making a volumetric postcard "Ladybug".

Final finishing of the product.

PVA glue, cardboard, eyes, markers, scissors

4 .03-

9 .03

DPI of Kazakhstan. Tumar leather manufacturing technology

Making a tumar from leather.

I. Micel "Leather-culture and traditions"

Leather, glue Moment, scissors, needle, punch, ruler, helium pen.



Celebration of Nauryz, traditions and customs.

Making a tumar from leather. Final finishing.

"Ornament of all times and styles" p. 61-62

Scissors, floss threads, needle, patterns of ornaments

IV even



Technology of making a pendant for a phone - "Scarecrow" from leather

Making a pendant for the phone - "Scarecrow" from leather

Leather, synthetic winterizer, needle, thread, scissors, buttons, key ring, helium pen, glue Moment



The technology of making flowers from leather. Types, techniques.

Making a dahlia from leather.

Leather of different colors, glue Moment, non-woven, beads, scissors, ruler, helium pen



The technology of making flowers from leather.

Making a gerbera from leather.

Leather of different colors, glue Moment, non-woven, beads, scissors, ruler, helium pen, candle, matches



Decoration of products with a flower made of leather. Decorating options.

Decorating a headband or hairpins with a leather flower.

Ready-made leather flowers, universal glue, bezel, base of automatic hair clips



Home amulet manufacturing technology. Pagan rites.

A. Sheptulya "Do-it-yourself home amulets" p.52-55

Herbal paint brush, scissors, PVA glue.



Making a broom amulet.

Final finishing of the product and decoration.

Braid, artificial flowers and leaves, dried flowers, beans, sunflower seeds, universal glue, bay leaves, peas, burlap.



Preparation of students' works for the exhibition.



Exhibition of students. Summarizing. Rewarding.

Total 136 hours

MBOU SOSH s / p Dudi

Working programm mug

"Skillful hands"

Circle leader:

Explanatory note

The content of the program is presented different kinds labor activity, the study of modern types of needlework and is aimed at mastering the elementary manual techniques necessary in life for schoolchildren with different materials (working with paper, fabric, working with natural materials, working with waste material, etc.), making toys, applications, various useful items for school and home.

Work in the circle "Skillful hands" - wonderful remedy development of creativity, mental abilities, motor skills.

The program is designed for 2 hours per week, which is 68 hours per year. In order to reduce stress and overload during classes, visual gymnastics and physical culture breaks are used.

The work in the circle does not duplicate the program material on labor training, but expands and deepens information about working with paper and cardboard, fabric, as well as working with other materials, improving the skills and abilities that children acquire in the classroom. The work of the circle is organized taking into account the experience of children, their age and individual characteristics.

The purpose of the program of the circle "Skillful hands"

The development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren, the creation of a close-knit children's team through the education of hard work, perseverance, patience, mutual assistance, mutual assistance.

The main objectives of the program


To improve the practical skills of students in the processing of various materials;

Provide schoolchildren with additional knowledge on labor training;

To teach the practical use of crafts in role-playing games, theatrical activities, for decorating premises.


Develop visual perception;

Develop fine motor skills fingers

Promote the development of creative activity.


To cultivate diligence, accuracy, perseverance, the ability to bring the work started to the end, a respectful attitude to the results of work;

To foster responsiveness and the ability to work in a team;

Cultivate interest in creative and leisure activities.

The objectives of this program will be completed if the child in the lesson takes the position "I want to do it myself." The task of the teacher is not so much to help the child in making, but to create conditions under which his potential will be fully used.

The lesson should have a specially organized part aimed at providing an understanding of the purpose and procedure for performing practical work, and properly equipped independent activity of the child to transform the material into products, and the theoretical part of the lesson should take three times less time than practical actions. This is justified by the fact that theoretical work under the guidance of a teacher can be accelerated by organizing a discussion in a dynamic, fun, exciting form, and independent practical actions should be carried out slowly, in a strictly individual rhythm, ensuring the formation of labor skills at the proper level. It should be remembered that the upbringing and developmental potential of classes is reduced if the child gets used to work only "under the dictation" of the teacher on the principle of "do as I do". In imitative activity, there are great opportunities for teaching children. Using instructional and technological maps increases class time by practical work, allows the most prepared children to work independently, and the teacher has a greater opportunity to help less prepared children.

Individual labor of students during after hours lies in the fact that, under the general guidance of a teacher, schoolchildren independently perform work tasks of interest to them. The subject matter, complexity and complexity of these tasks should be selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren and the possibilities of providing them with everything necessary for the successful implementation of their plans.

Planning is aimed at the formation of general labor skills and abilities in children. Great importance acquires compliance with the rules of work culture, economical use of materials, respect for tools, devices and materials.

The manufacture of products must be built at a different level of difficulty: according to a sample, a drawing, a simple drawing, according to the child's own design, taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of the student. When making any product, the child learns to establish the sequence of actions, the order of work with tools. Skipping the smallest operation or choosing the wrong tool at the moment - all this immediately affects the quality of the work.

The main task of the teacher conducting the lesson should be to take care of the developmental nature of the teaching inherent in the content. Methodical solution this task will consist in the fact that you need to try to explain less, to better involve children in the discussion; you cannot overload the lesson with new information, rush the children and immediately strive for help if something does not work out. The child must try to overcome himself; in this he learns to be an adult.

The program indicates the approximate number of hours to study each section. The teacher can independently distribute the number of hours, based on his own experience and bearing in mind the preparedness of the students and the working conditions in this group.

The program of all sections of the circle becomes more complicated from lesson to lesson, from year to year. In this regard, the criteria for evaluating work at various periods of study have been determined:


Clarity of product execution;

Independence of execution;

The presence of a creative element.

Summing up forms can be: open classes, exhibitions, self-assessment, brainstorming and etc.

List of knowledge and skills formed by students

Students should know:

    names of hand tools, materials, devices provided by the program;

    labor safety rules when working with hand tools;

    marking rules and control by templates, ruler, square;

ways of processing various materials provided by the program.

Students should be able to:

    use hand tools correctly;

    observe the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene in all types of technical work;

    organize the workplace and maintain order on it during work;

    take good care of tools and materials;

    economically mark the material using templates, a ruler, a square;

    make a product on your own according to a sample;

    correctly perform the studied technological operations for all types of labor, distinguish them by their appearance.

Work with paper and cardboard is present in all age groups... Viewed as different types paper and different ways its processing and use. Work with paper is carried out through such types of needlework as: kirigami (the art of cutting out postcards from paper "clamshell"), iris folding (creating a pattern using multi-colored paper strips arranged in a spiral.), Weaving from newspaper tubes, origami.

Having learned the rules of collection, drying and storage, children perform flat paper-based applications of leaves, herbs and flowers, achieving a picturesque effect. They master the mistaken technique (pressed floristry or, in other words, painting with plants.)

The study of the ganutel technique (a type of handicraft in which various ornaments are created from thin wires and various threads, mainly flowers and earrings.) And kanzashi (folding products from silk ribbons) takes place with the manufacture of author's design products. The students themselves are the designers.

When working in the cardmaking technique (making volumetric postcards) and making topiary, children use previously studied techniques for working with paper and natural materials, while learning to work with fabrics and waste material.

When learning the decoupage technique, children learn to work with thin paper (napkins), cloth, etc. this type of creative self-realization lies at the heart of the decoration different products interesting motives. With the help of decoupage technique, you can breathe life into obsolete objects and vice versa - give a touch of antiquity to modern products.

The final stage in the study of modern types of needlework is the production of a photo album or a book using the scrapbooking technique. Scrapbooking is a kind of handicraft art in which anyone makes and designs a photo album that tells about family history in the form of images, photographs, notes, newspaper clippings and other things that have a memorable value. It is possible to create a product using previously studied needlework techniques. Students create their own project for making a photo album or book.

At the end of each topic of the circle, exhibitions or competitions of student products are held.

Educational - thematic plan

p / p

Section name

Total hours


form of control



Introductory lesson. Safety briefing.

Excursion to nature. Collection of materials for work.

Paper fantasies:

Sorceress nature.

Creative stuff:

Household products

Final lessons

Calendar-thematic planning

p / p

Section, topic of lessons

Number of hours

the date of the



Introductory lesson

Conversation. Work and safety rules.

Excursion to nature.

Collection of natural material.

"Paper fantasies"

(work with paper and cardboard)

Theoretical studies;

Making products using origami, kirigami technique

iris folding, weaving from newspaper tubes

"Sorceress nature!"

( working with natural materials - making applications; artistic design)

Theoretical lesson;

The production of panels using the technique is wrong.

"Creative things"(work in ganutel and kanzashi technique)

    Theoretical lesson

    Making artificial bouquets using the ganutel and kanzashi technique;

    Making panels using the ganutel and kanzashi technique;

Household products(making postcards using the Cardmaking technique, making Topiary, studying and making products using the Decoupage technique)

Theoretical studies;

    making postcards using the Cardmaking technique

    production of Topiary,

    making products using decoupage technique)

Final lessons:

    Theoretical lesson on the topic "Scrapbooking"

    Making a photo album or book using the scrapbooking technique


1. Runner T.A. "Fascinating needlework", M., 2005

2.Geronimus T.M. "I can do everything myself", M., 1998

3. Eremenko T.I. "The Magic Needle", M., 1987

4. Markelova ON "Technology of organizing circle work at school",

Volgograd. "Teacher", 2010

5. Molotobarova O.S. "The circle of making toys-souvenirs", M., 1990.

6. Novikova I.V. "Application from natural materials", Yaroslavl.

"Development Academy", 2006

7. Nosova T. I. "Gifts and toys with their own hands", M., 2008

8. Turnover G.I. "Homemade products from textile materials", M., 1990

9. Tsaramutalina E.E. "100 handicrafts from unnecessary things", Yaroslavl. 2004 r.

10.Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. "Technology - Smart Hands". Samara.

"Educational literature", 2007

11. "Skillful hands do not know boredom", a series of books: crafts from the shell,

foam, straw, surprise cards. M., "Education", 2009.

12. The magazine "Merry Artist" No. 1-18, 2010

13. Internet - resources.

Explanatory note

Artistic work is a universal educational tool that contributes to the development of children's creativity. In the system of developing education, manual labor occupies an equal place among other types of activity designed to influence the will, mind, feelings of children, and encourage them to creative self-expression.

The main tasks circle for artistic work:

Promote the development of children’s ability to create artistic images;

Form an aesthetic taste;

Develop imagination, ingenuity, desire for creativity, knowledge of the properties of materials;

Develop a desire to experiment.

Physiologists have established that our fingers are organically connected to the brain centers. The level of speech development directly depends on how the fine movements of the fingers are formed. To this end, in the junior preschool age I often use finger games in my work. The older the children are, the more skills and abilities they have - they are more often attracted productive activity... Even the simplest manual work requires constant attention, makes the child think, skillful work with the hands contributes to the improvement of brain activity even more.

Being engaged in making various crafts in a circle, children not only perform certain movements, they also learn to analyze the task, plan the course of its implementation, think about the device of various objects, and consolidate knowledge about the properties of various materials. In addition, working in a circle helps me to correct the behavior of the so-called hyperexcitable children - children who have problems communicating with their peers.

The classes of the circle are held once a week, in the afternoon. The duration of the lesson is 30-40 minutes. Can also be recommended to primary school teachers.

Expected results.

Children will know:

About the variety of materials from which you can make crafts;

About the properties and qualities of various materials;

On the methods of connecting parts to each other (using glue, wire, needles, etc.)

About safety while working with scissors, glue, wire, etc.

Children will be able to:

Plan your work;

Agree among themselves when performing collective work;

Analyze, determine the correspondence of shapes, sizes, colors, locations of parts;

Create customized works;

Use a variety of materials and ways to create items;

Use materials carefully and economically.

October (paper handling)

Topic Target
1 "Fluffy ball" Teach children to be creative, accurate in the process of making toys; to educate hard work, to consolidate the skills of working with paper and scissors.
2 "Bunny" Learn to make toys out of paper, complementing it with details; educate neatness while working with glue.
3-4 "Bright rug" (trimming) Improve skills in working with scissors, paper; develop fine motor skills of the hands; bring up accuracy when working with glue, a tube (paste for a pen).

November (work with natural material)

1 "Kitten" Teach children to use rose hips for making a variety of crafts; teach to work with an awl; to consolidate the skill and ability to analyze a sample of crafts in the process of its execution; to form an interest in working with natural materials. Encourage the observance of safety measures when working with an awl.
2 "Leaf fall" (leaf applique) To form practical skills in working with a variety of natural materials; when making crafts, measure its parts, develop the imagination of children.
3-4 Collage "Late Autumn" (collective work) Improve the ability to work with natural material, use the knowledge acquired in the course of previous classes; encourage children to work together.

December (work with waste material)

1 "Pencil holder" Develop the creativity of children; continue to teach children to make souvenirs from junk material; develop fine motor skills of the hands; educate artistic taste.
2 "Bunnies on a forest lawn" To develop the desire to design, transform one object into another, an understanding that its result depends on a creative attitude to work.
3 "Titmouse" (Christmas tree toy) Guide the child's thinking towards a solution specific task transformation of the subject; learn to work quickly and accurately; educate attention and caution.
4 "Herringbone-beauty" Strengthen the ability to work creatively with various materials and tools; encourage the manifestation of invention and diligence, safety.

January (work with velvet paper)

February (decoupage technique)

1 "Beautiful plate" To acquaint children with the new technique of making and decorating objects; develop creativity, the ability to transform objects; bring up accuracy when doing work.
2 "Gift for dad" (grandfather) Make children want to make a gift for dad for the holiday with their own hands; to consolidate the ability to work with various materials; develop hand motor skills.
3-4 "Flower vase" (gift for mom) Arouse the desire to prepare a gift for mom for the holiday on March 8; reinforce technical skills when working with decoupage napkins.

March (work with fabric and thread)

1 "A napkin as a gift for grandmother" Introduce children to the method of making fabric crafts (teach how to make a fringe on a napkin); develop work and creative skills in the process of completing a specific task.
2 “Tree of Joy” (collective) Teach children to create compositions on velvet paper from fabric and braid; develop creativity; show children the unlimited possibilities of transformative activities in the creation of fabric crafts using additional material(sequins, beads)
3-4 Panel "Spring" (collective) Develop the ability to select fabrics by color, texture, cut out fragments of the required shape and size and place them on the panel; improve teamwork skills.

April (work with cardboard)

May (beading)

"Meeting the seasons"

Used Books:

1. “Educator of the preschool educational institution” №7, 2010.

2. Gulyants E.K., Bazik I.Ya. “What can be made from natural material”. - M., 1991.

3. Dybina O.V. “We create, we change, we transform”. - M., 2003.

4. Korotkova E.A. “Drawing, applique, design in kindergarten”. –

Yaroslavl, 2010.

5. Kutsakova L.V. "Construction and artistic work in kindergarten." - M., 2007.

6. Naydenova A.L., Shnurovozova T.V. “Beads and beadwork” .- Rostov-on-Don, 2011.

7. Novikova I.V. “Designing from paper in kindergarten”. - Yaroslavl, 2009.

8. Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. “Smart hands”. - M., 2010.


It is useful to draw up a work plan first on a draft, and only then rewrite it in a journal, which is an official document. Define the goals and objectives of your work for the year. This is done on the basis of the circle program. It is possible that it lasts for several years, so keep in mind that your children already know how and what they need to be taught. This section includes educational, educational and developmental tasks.

The next section of the plan is devoted to organizational work. Tell us about the events you are going to host and indicate their dates. The terms of the formation of the circle, the number and time of the first organizational lesson must be determined without fail. It is more convenient to do this in the form of a table.

In the section dedicated to educational work, tell us about lectures, meetings, excursions in which you intend to participate with. This should include the date, venue and a brief intended content. You can also include work with social educator or a psychologist, if any.

The previous points of the plan for the educational work of the circle are similar to those that are filled out by school teachers. But in terms of institution additional education the interaction with the school should also be reflected and class teachers... In the same section, talk about how you intend to work with your parents. It can be parenting meetings, exhibitions of children's works, open classes, joint excursions and so on. The magazine should also talk about methodical work: visiting master classes, exhibitions, creative groups, teachers' councils.

The curriculum is based on the curriculum for the program you are working on. It is compiled for one academic quarter. The plan for the first quarter must be completed before the start school year, on the second - 20 days before the end of the first, and so on. Mark the beginning and end of the term on the calendar. Cross out holiday dates. Mark the days your circle is on and count them. Classes can also take place during the holidays, so the calendar plan for a quarter ends on the last day of the next vacation.

Write down from the necessary section of the curriculum of the program the topics on which you intend to work. Determine the content of the work for each of them and the number of hours you need to study the material.

The content of the program is represented by various types of labor activity (working with paper, fabric, working with natural material, working with waste material, etc.) and is aimed at mastering the elementary manual techniques necessary in life for schoolchildren with different materials, making toys, various useful items for school and home.

For each type of work, the program contains an approximate list of practical and theoretical work.

The program is designed for younger children school age 8-11 years old, 34 hours a year, 1 hour a week.

The program of the circle "Do it yourself"

The first year of study determines the content and nature working together teachers and students on the awareness of the upcoming practical activities: this is an analysis of the design of a product, an analysis of the technology of its manufacture, information about the device, the purpose and rules of safe work with tools, the name of the materials used and a number of their properties, subject to targeted observation and experimental research. Children are introduced to new technology.

When discussing manufacturing technology, a sample is used as an assembly, and not in details, and learning to read a sketch continues on the basis of an analysis of the sample and its technical drawing, which allows, to a certain extent, to approach making changes to the sketch independently.

Introductory conversation (1 hour). Conversation, acquaintance of children with the peculiarities of classes in the circle.

Requirements for student behavior during class.

Observance of order in the workplace.

Compliance with safety regulations.

From the history of the origin of scissors. Conversation.

Working with natural materials (4 hours).

Making compositions from dried leaves.

Composing (collective work).

Mosaic, collage (using seeds, pebbles, leaves).

Working with paper and cardboard (11 + 4 hours).

Story "From the history of paper", "Origami".

Artistic modeling from paper by folding. Origami panel "Forest motives".

Acquaintance with the application. Making applications according to the sample.

Making crafts for the holiday.

Production of greeting cards, packaging (according to the sample).

Work with waste material (4 hours).

Wire toys.

Working with salted dough. (3 hours).

Modeling according to the intention of the children.

Working with fabric, with beads. (5 hours)


By the end of the course, students should know:

Name, purpose, rules for using hand tools for processing paper, cardboard, fabric and other materials;

Occupational safety and personal hygiene rules for the processing of various materials;

Marking techniques (template, ruler, square, compasses);

Methods for controlling the dimensions of parts (template, square, ruler),

The use of pastels and beads in the world around them.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

Correctly name hand tools and use them for their intended purpose;

Do the work yourself without reminders;

Organize the workplace and keep order during work;

Understand drawings, sketches (determine the name of the part, the material from which it should be made, shape, dimensions);

To carry out work using graphic material - pastel;

Make products independently (according to a sample, drawing, sketch);

Make beaded products.

Safety briefing during work is carried out at each lesson.

A quick, interesting introductory part of the lesson, which includes an analysis of the product design and the development of a technological plan, should be the basis for independent practical work without the help of a teacher.

It is advisable to devote about half of the study time to the so-called complex work - the manufacture of products that include several heterogeneous materials, since it is in these cases that changes in their properties are most clearly manifested, and the student is forced to apply the previously formed labor skills for processing certain materials in new conditions.

When choosing a product for manufacturing, it is advisable to plan the amount of work for one lesson, if more time is required, children should know in advance what part of the work will remain for the second lesson. Difficult operations requiring considerable mental exertion and muscular dexterity must be recognized by children as necessary.

The teacher needs to explain as little as possible himself, try to involve children in the discussion, you cannot overload, rush the children and immediately strive for help. The child must try to overcome himself, in this he learns to be an adult, a master.

In the lesson of the circle there should be a specially organized part aimed at ensuring an unconditional understanding of the essence and procedure for performing practical work, and properly equipped independent activity of the child to transform the material into a product; moreover, the theoretical part of the lesson should be allocated three times less time than the practical actions.

The program indicates the approximate number of hours to study each section. The teacher can independently allocate the number of hours, based on his own experience and bearing in mind the preparedness of the students and the working conditions in this group.

The program includes not only a list of practical works, but also topics of conversations, stories, expanding the polytechnic horizons of children.


the date


number of hours



Introductory lesson

Conversation on labor protection. Rules of conduct in the classroom. Rules for the use of materials and tools.

Complies with the rules of safe work. Knows the materials and tools required for the job.

Organizes his workplace;

Keeps organized behavior during the lesson

Enters into dialogue under the guidance of a teacher


With natural material

Rules for the use of materials and tools.

Acquaintance with the collage technique

Formation general views about the world created by the mind and hands of man, about the relationship between man and nature - a source of not only raw materials, energy, but also inspiration, ideas for the implementation of technological ideas and projects;


With paper

And cardboard.

Acquaintance with decoupage technique, parchment

Mastering by children of elementary generalized technical and technological, organizational and economic knowledge;- find and use additional information from various sources (including the Internet);

Observe, compare, make the simplest generalizations;

Distinguish between materials according to their purpose;

Distinguish between one-piece and multi-piece designs of simple products;

Qualitatively perform the studied operations and techniques for the manufacture of simple products: economical marking by bending, according to a template, cutting with scissors, assembling products using


Origami terms. Concept basic forms: double square, double triangle, envelope. Folding products based on basic shapes. Registration of compositions.

Folds basic shapes: double square, double triangle, envelope.

Performs simple products based on basic shapes. Decorates compositions.

Knows how to listen and understand the speech of others;

Provides mutual assistance in cooperation under the guidance of a teacher - understands the learning task

Draws up an elementary action plan for work;

Carries out control of the work performed according to the sample

Uses models, diagrams

Working with junk material

Building a house for fairytale characters.

Designing toys from boxes.

Toys made of plastic materials, wire.

Decorates flower arrangements. Knows how to use tools.

Is able to express his thoughts orally;

Knows how to ask simple questions on educational material

Makes an assumption about the mode of action;

Compares and groups objects and their images

Knows how to build reflexive statements


With salted dough

Application on cardboard at the request of children.

Modeling according to the intention of the children.

Summing up (1 hour).

Finds and uses additional information

Find and use additional information from various sources (including the Internet);

Observe, compare, make the simplest generalizations;

Working with fabric, with beads

Decorates compositions.

With the help of various tools, they know how to process and connect parts from different materials, knows their properties, which contributes to the development of their imagination and technical skills.

Exhibitions of children's works

The result of the implementation of this curriculum how local (school-based) handicrafts are used as gifts for first graders, veterans, parents, etc .; decoration of the hall for celebrations.

During the year

Learns to evaluate work

Promotes the development of children's design activities, learns to evaluate work. Working with different kinds of materials expands the circle of children's knowledge about the world around them.


the date




Conversation. Introductory lesson


Knowledge of safety precautions.

A story about floristry. Nature.

Dry leaves, glue, cardboard, scissors

Formation of general ideas about the world created by the mind and hands of man, about the relationship between man and nature

Autumn bouquet of maple leaves.

Maple leaves, threads

Ability to organize a workplace in accordance with the developed project, to select the necessary materials, tools and devices;

A fairy tale made of leaves.

Dry leaves, glue, cardboard, scissors, drawing templates

Perform feasible actions when solving environmental issues at an accessible level (personal hygiene, culture of behavior in nature and society, maintaining cleanliness in everyday life and in in public places, communication culture - speech, etiquette, etc.).

Collage. Acquaintance with technology.

Dry leaves, glue, cardboard, scissors, drawing templates, flowers

Analyze the proposed study task independently;

Conversation "History of the creation of paper".

Paper, glue

Choose topics for practical work;

Wonderful animals.

Paper, glue

Applique by means of facing,economically, rationally and creatively build their practical work at all its stages;

Justify the choice of design and implementation technology study assignment in the unity of requirements for utility, strength, aesthetics;


Island of Wonders.

Paper, glue, plasticine

Volumetric design, carry out available practical tasks based on a drawing (sketch), a diagram.


Magic napkins.

Napkins, acrylic paints, glue

Acquaintance with new technology"Decoupage", to perform available practical tasks based on a drawing (sketch), a diagram.


Live butterflies.

Tracing paper, scissors, pencil, hook

Acquaintance with the new technology "Pergamano",perform available practical tasks based on a drawing (sketch, according to a template, cutting with scissors, assembling products with glue, aesthetically and neatly finishing products with drawings, appliqués, straight stitching and its variants;

Acquaintance with the origami technique


Perform well the studied operations and techniques for the manufacture of simple products: economical bending markings

Packing box.

Paper, beads, ribbons

Formulate a problem, conduct a collective discussion of educational problems proposed by the teacher or arising in the course of work;

Nominate possible ways their decisions;

Flower composition.

Paper, beads, ribbons

Perform available practical tasks based on a drawing (sketch, according to a template, cutting with scissors, assembling products with glue, aesthetically and neatly finishing products with drawings, appliqués, straight stitching and its variants;

Decor. Exhibition.

Paper, beads, ribbons

Evaluates its work according to jointly selected criteria



Working with junk material

Development of children's design activities


And again butterflies.

Nylon, wire.

Development of imagination, technical skills, expanding the circle of children's knowledge about the world around them

Swan Lake.


Development of imagination, the ability to evaluate their work according to jointly selected criteria

Flowers by May 9. Registration of exhibition works

Development of imagination, technical skills, expanding the circle of children's knowledge about the world around them.


Salty dough. My fantasies.

Observe, compare, make the simplest generalizations;development of design thinking


Mysterious beads.

Development personal qualities(activity, initiative, will, curiosity of the intellect (attention, memory, perception, figurative and figurative-logical thinking, speech) and creative abilities


A. Bakhmetyev, T. Kizyakov “Very good. skillful hands "

NS Voronchikhin "Do it yourself from paper"

SI Gudilina "Miracles with your own hands"

A.M. Gukasova "Needlework in primary school"

M.A.Gusakova "Application"

M.A.Gusakova "DIY gifts and toys"

N. Dokuchaeva "Tales from the gifts of nature"

T.I. Eremenko "Needlework", "The Art of Beading", "Toy"

M.M.Kalinich, L.M. Pavlovskaya, V.P.Savinykh "Needlework for children"

T.A.Kanurskaya, L.A. Markman "Beads"

N.M.Konysheva "Wonderful workshop"

N.M.Konysheva "Our man-made world"

N.M.Konysheva "Skillful hands"

O.S.Molotobarova "Souvenir toys making circle"

MI Nagibina "Natural gifts for crafts and games"

A.Petrunkina "Fenichki from beads"

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