Science Definition. Brief historical certificate

Sciences in Russia is municipality with the status of the urban district, or the area more major cityhaving a high scientific and technical potential with a city-forming scientific and manufacturing complex.

The term Naukograd was introduced for the first time in the city of Zhukovsky Moscow Region Spartak Petrovich Nikanorov and Natalia Konstantinovnoy Nikitina in 1991 when creating the movement "Union of Development of Naukogradov".

The movement in the initiative procedure was developed a project concept public Policy Conservation and development of sciences.

The first versions of the draft law "On the status of the Naukograd of the Russian Federation" * were developed in 1995. One - in the Federation Council, the other - in the State Duma.

The first Russian sciences, in 2000, became Obninsk, where developments were conducted in the field of a peaceful atom.

By 2004, seven sciences received the official status of "Sciences of the Russian Federation" (Obninsk, Queen. Dubna, Koltsovo, Michurinsk, Reutov, Fryazino), and six more expertise and coordination at the federal level (Biysk, Zhukovsky, Peterhof, Pushchino, Seversk , Troitsk).

As of January 5, 2015, the status of the Naukograd, assigned according to the Federal Law: Biysk (Altai Territory), Dubna (Moscow Region), Zhukovsky (Moscow Region), Koltsovo (Novosibirsk Region), Korolev (Moscow Region), Michurinsk (Moscow region), already thirteen urban districts Tambov region), Obninsk (Kaluga region), Protvino (Moscow region), Pushchino (Moscow region), Reutov (Moscow region), Troitsk (Moscow), Fryazino (Moscow region), Chernogolovka (Moscow region).

The main specialization of the Naukogradov

Seven main specializations of the sciences of Russia stands out:

  1. avia-, RocketAducation and space studies;
  2. electronics and radio engineering;
  3. automation, machine- and instrument making;
  4. chemistry, chemical physics and the creation of new materials;
  5. nuclear complex;
  6. energy;
  7. biology and biotechnology.

Currently, Russia's informal sciences include 65 urban and rural settlements located mainly in the main lane of the country's resettlement. About half of them are located in the Moscow region (namely, 29, including the city of Zelenograd, an administratively part of Moscow, but located on the territory of the region).

Outside the capital of the capital in Central Russia, there are still 8 such territorial entities in the Vladimir, Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver and Yaroslavl regions.

Moscow is considered the first and most recognized scientific center, but no less large, and in some indicators (experimental, test base, etc.) and the more significant scientific and scientific and industrial complex is considered to be the Moscow region.

The second district of the country at the concentration of Naukogradov - Urals. Their main part is concentrated in Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. On the third place - Western SiberiaIn the southern part of which 6 Naukogradov is located in the Altai Territory, Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions.

Director of the Union of Development of Naukogradov Mikhail Kuznetsov

According to Mikhail Kuznetsov, director of the Union of Development of the Naukogradov of Russia:

"It is now almost obvious that innovative development is essentially the only possibility for Russia to occupy in the global global economic space of the XXI century, the status of a great power is in the global economic space (or restore). Operated and exported natural resources (primarily oil and gas) and their primary processing products will not fundamentally be the basis for this, moreover, they put Russia dependent on developed countries of the world.

It is necessary to move from the fuel and raw materials orientation of the economy to its innovative development, stimulating the use of research results, intellectual activity in energy, transport, machine, and instrument making, aviation-space, other high-tech industries, as well as in education, medicine, information and biotechnology . To do this, it is necessary to intensify and stimulate the powerful intellectual and scientific and technical potential, which is currently in demand in a very slight degree, primarily due to the unprecedented decline in the production that occurred in the nineties, especially in the high-tech sectors of the industry. "

Estimates of the Russian intellectual and scientific and technical potential as an obsolete, cumbersome, unnecessary, which took place in some analytical and higher management circles of Russia during these years, do not stand criticism. The use of Russian developments "drowning" with different ways, in combination with "brainal leakage" from Russia and the "hunting" of foreign firms for Russian young scientists, graduate students and even students speak just about its high level and relevance. "

From the history of Naukogradov

Russian scientific and technical potential was geographically distributed very unevenly. Ten years ago, about 70% of all scientific research was performed in scientific centers, universities and laboratories located in Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk region and in the Urals.

Most of the sciences were created in the 30s, 50s and 70s with special decrees supreme Organs The authorities of the country for solving the most important states: the general strategic and political goals of the leadership of the USSR demanded the development of the military-industrial complex and its scientific and technical support. The implementation of the largest projects is first the aviation, then atomic (nuclear), rocket-space, and later and biological - led to the creation of relevant scientific and technical complexes with relevant settlements.

Many of them have not been shown until recently on the maps, they were not mentioned in reference books and had special code, often "license room", titles.

In the list of sciences to the map, on which their location is shown in Russia, some of these former names are listed in brackets. These are cities like Sarov, Snezhinsk, Seversk, Zheleznogorsk, Ozersk and others. These cities and today are open relatively. They began to speak more about them more and write, but they have the special status of closed administrative and territorial entities (but) with a number of restrictions established by law.

Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-26, social town, Atgrad), Krasnoyarsk Territory, photo: Sergey Filinin

In other cities, "Cellness" was manifested in the ban on visiting foreign citizens and the absence of in open press, references to a number of city-forming enterprises and organizations. Such sciences include Obninsk, Troitsk, Protvino, Zhukovsky, Khimki, Korolev, Dzerzhinsky, Pine Bor and many others.

Today's sciences are quite different on scale, character, activities.

By the nature and profile of scientific complexes of the sciences are divided into:

\u003e Monopropyl
\u003e Monoriented
\u003e Complex

Typical example of monopropotic science is Obolensk, socially and infrastructure providing one state science Center - Research Institute of Applied Microbiology. The same type can be attributed to Beloozersky, Koltsovo, Krasnoznamensk, Mendeleevo, Protvino, Snezhinsk and others.

Production of vaccines at the enterprise Microgen, Obolensk

Mono-oriented Sciences Have several city-forming enterprises of one sphere of scientific and technical activities. This, for example, Zhukovsky, in which the largest research, test and production complexes of the aviation profile are located. Science Center Russian Academy Sciences in Chernogolovka, created in 1959. Currently, there are 7 research institutes and 2 scientific and production enterprises in Chernogolovka. The main areas of research are chemical physics. Zelenograd, Krasnobsk, Pushchino, three-thorny, anniversary are also monoriented.

International Aviakosmic Salon Max 2015 in Zhukovsky

The most characteristic example of an integrated science It is a Dubna, where, except for the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, there are scientific, design and scientific and production centers of aerospace, instrument-making, shipbuilding profile, International University.

The same type includes Klimovsk, Carpets, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Korolev, Obninsk, Reutov. Comprehensive Sciences include a number of Academgorodok Scientific Centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which include scientific organizations Various profile.

At the same time, a number of unofficial sciences are peculiar polygons and experimental test complexes or are mainly such, having other prefiction and organizations on their territory. This is, for example, such cities and villages like autopolygon (Dmitrov-7), Beloozersky, Znamensk, Krasnoarmeysk, peaceful, new building, rainbow, remmash and others.

Sciences of Future

On September 28, 2010, Dmitry Medvedev signed the Federal Law "On the Innovative Center Skolkovo".

Skolkovo (Moscow region) - The first in the post-Soviet time in Russia under construction "from scratch" Scientific and Technological Innovation Center for the development and commercialization of new technologies. The project is conceived as one of the key elements of the Russian modernization, designed to end the commodity orientation of the economy and translate it to the innovative path of development, and provides for the creation of a favorable environment for the concentration of Russian and international intellectual capital capable of independently generating innovation.

\u003e Biomedical technologies cluster;
\u003e Information and computer technology cluster;
\u003e Space and Telecommunications Cluster;
\u003e Energy Efficient Technology Cluster;
\u003e Nuclear technology cluster.

Also within Skolkovo will function the technopark. Its strategic goal is to provide innovative project participating companies with all the necessary support for the successful development of their technological assets and corporate structures. Technopark plans to implement this task, attracting the infrastructure, the resources that the Skolkovo project and its partners have.

In addition, in Tatarstan, on the right bank of the Volga River, since 2012, the second realizable "from scratch" in Russia, designed for 155 thousand inhabitants, Innovative Innopolis Innovation, Analog Partner of Skolkovo, and Kazan City-satellite.

Innopolis, Tatarstan - what the city will look like

Now a number of objective (issues of taxation, land tenure and land use) and subjective reasons (extremely slow consideration of documents in the bureaucratic structures of federal ministries and departments) In many cases, the relationships between various actors in the sciences are exacerbated by the relationship in the ability of the government to implement the stated priorities, to make system Management, development and use in the sciences of their innovative potential.

It is necessary to ensure not so much financing of the urban infrastructure of the sciences, how much to stimulate innovative activities on their territory. The experience of Dubna, Obninsk, Koltsovo and other sciences shows that small government financing of innovative projects in competent policy makes it possible to attract multiple resources from non-state sources. "

M.I. Kuznetsov

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The word "Naukograd" itself entered the source relatively recently: in the 1990s, although the city of science was born much earlier. After the war it was necessary to create as soon as possible and nuclear weapon, and rocket technique, and aviation. It was at this time that settlements began to develop in the Soviet Union, where the intellectual elite of the country was concentrated.

And in 1991, the "Union of Development of Sciences of Russia" was created. The status of the Naukograd was first assigned in 2000 - he was received by the city of Obninsk.

Today, cities that have the official status of the Science of the Russian Federation, fourteen. Each of them has its own face. Some of them can be called cities of rocket and space technology. Others create unique developments in the field of chemical physics and new materials. There are sciences of the nuclear complex, there are specializing in instrument making, biology and biotechnology, electronics and radio engineering. And there are also complex sciences - as, for example, Dubna, where, except for the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, there are scientific, design and research and production centers of aerospace, instrument-making, shipbuilding profile.

But such different cities have a common feature. All of them have scientific traditions, a powerful research base, qualified personnel. Sciences are the established elements of the innovation system. These are the cities of the future. Consider each of them:

Sciences Biysk - the largest and, perhaps, the most "respectable" science of Russia. This is the oldest city in Altai - it was founded as a fortress back in 1709. The area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the Naukograd Biysk is wider than space. These are modern types of weapons and ensuring defense capability, medicine and pharmaceuticals, agriculture and coal-mining industry, oil industry, etc. In Biysk, unique drugs with anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory effect are developed and produced.

A number of enterprises of Naukograd Biysk are engaged in fundamental research and development in the field of creating specialized funds to increase the country's defense capability, as well as chemical products for rocket technology. The city is located the Institute for the Problems of Chemical Energy Technologies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Federal Scientific and Production Center "Altai" - the only high-power producer in Russia explosives. There have been developed more than 450 types of new products and 150 new technologies, which are implemented at the country's serial plants. The center is carried out by special purpose, including in such directions as intercontinental ballistic missiles, combat parts of controlled missiles, small products and ignition devices. More than 60 small and medium-sized businesses have been created on the basis of scientific and production divisions of the Center, which are combined into a scientific and production concern "Altai". Today, the Altai FNPC-NPC specialists develop several dozen major areas of activity in various industries of science and technology. Innovative directions are actively developing in the city.

Sciences Obninsk starts counting its history on June 27, 1954. It was then that in the village of Obninskoye, the first industrial nuclear power plant was launched. NPPs was built by the staff of the Physico-Energy Institute. A. Leipunsky, who can now be called one of business cards Obninsk.

Here, in addition to the first nuclear power plant in the world, the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information is one of its kind, World Data Center. In Nakograd Obninsk, the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences and NGO "Typhoon" is deployed - the leading research institution of Roshydromet. More than half a century ago, the Institute of Medical Radiology was opened in Obninsk - one of the leading medical and research institutions of Russia in the field of treatment of oncological diseases.

In the city - the training center of the UMF underwater fleet. Here they prepared more than six hundred crews, hundreds of admirals became its graduates, active research work is carried out. No accident nuclear submarine, carrying combat duty on the Northern Fleet, named Obninsk.

During the existence of the city, the whole pleiad of talented scientists and engineers created thousands of unique developments in the field of nuclear physics and energy, radiation chemistry, geophysics, radiology and meteorology. The small town of Obninsk for many years remains the center of development and application of nuclear technology for the benefit of humans.

UKRograd Dubna - the very emergence of it is connected with the creation of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 1956 - one of the largest international scientific physical centers.

The United Nuclear Institute and today, more than half a century after its creation, remains a recognized world leader in many areas of scientific research. 18 states participate in his activities; The Institute supports links with hundreds of scientific centers in different countries of the world. Perhaps that is why the city, as many notes, has some kind of "European" flavor.

In addition to JINR, in Dubna, they act and successfully engage in scientific activities The Institute of Physico-Technical Problems, the Research Institute of Applied Acoustics, the NII "Atoll", there are many high-tech companies that implement unique projects.

On the account of the scientists of the Science of Dubna for the entire existence of the city - a huge number of wonderful discoveries and developments. Impressive results were achieved in the field of synthesis of superheavy elements.

Naukograd Zhukovsky - For almost 20 years, the place of one of the world's largest airline forums of the International Aviation-Space Salon Max, where hundreds of thousands of guests go: professionals in the field of aviation and simply aircraft lovers, because this city has been the center of Russian aviation for several decades science.

The dominant role is played by TsAGI. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky is a unique scientific institution, which in practice combined fundamental and applied research, experienced design developments, as well as the production and testing of new samples of aviation technology. And the Flight Testing Institute. MM Gromov, possessing a unique test airfield and a significant fleet laboratory fleet, actively participates in the tests of the newest aviation and aerospace technology. NIIP them. V.V. Tikhomirova is the head enterprise of Russia for the development and testing of the newest systems for managing the arms of mobile SPC and modern fighter aircraft. Many technical solutions and development of enterprises of the city have no analogues in the world and are currently advanced in the world science of aircraft. Here is the defense power of the PVA forces of our country.

Sciences Korolev is the past, present and future of the Space Industry of Russia. It is this city for more than half a century that is one of the main scientific and technical centers of the country. Of the 16 large enterprises located in Korolev, half are associated with the development of space.

The main industrial enterprise of the city is the Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia", founded in 1946. The flight control center is also located here, which controls flight international flight space station, freight automatic ships "Progress-M", scientific modules designed to work as part of orbital complexes, interplanetary automatic stations, transport manned ships.

The science of Pushchino can be called a real science reserve.

Opposite the city, on the other side of the Oka, there is a famous near Moscow Prioksko-terraced biosphere reserve, where they come from all over the country to admire the bison. But, in addition, the Priocar Terrace Reserve is a research institution of the federal significance, where natural processes and phenomena are being studied.

In the science of Pushchino, the Pushchinsky Scientific Center RAS is the largest biological center in Russia. The Pushchinsky Center united all the scientific and scientific and auxiliary institutions of the city. Today, it represents a whole range of biological orientation institutions, widely known worldwide. Already almost half a century, unique, which received international recognition, fundamental studies and applied work in the field of biophysics, biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, genetic and cellular engineering, biophysics, photobiology, etc. Development of scientists of Scientographs Pushchino finds themselves practical application in medicine, various fields of industry, agriculture.

Studies of the Pushkin Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences are not limited to our planet. It includes the world's largest radio astronomy observatory of the Astrocosmic Center of the Physics Institute. PN Lebedeva. This is the oldest scientific institution Russian radio astronomy. And it was here that there was a bright discovery in the field of radio astronomy and astrophysics: the overseas of the sun and radial magnetic fields in it.

Sciences Reutov received the status of the city of Science in 2003, although, in fact, they became much earlier. In 1955, an Aviation-rocket enterprise OKB-52 (now - OJSC "Military Industrial Corporation" NPO Engineering "). MIC "NGO Mechanical Engineering" throughout its history is one of Russia's leading rocket and space enterprises known worldwide.

There were developed more than 25 rocket and space complexes for various purposes. Today, combat complexes with covered missiles created by the military-industrial complex "NPO Mechanical Engineering" are the basis of the anti-worm weapons of the Navy of the Russian Federation. Among the major projects implemented in the enterprise (and their more than fifty!) - Three national defense programs.

Scientists and engineers MIC created the world's first satellites of global space exploration, maneuvering spacecraft, complexes with intercontinental ballistic missiles. Reutov is the place of birth of a heavy launch vehicle "Proton" and manned and automatic stations derived in orbit with its help. Many developments of the enterprise implemented decades ago are successfully used at present (for example, the famous "weaving" - MBR UR-100). And today, in the Science of Reutov, work is underway on the most complex rocket and space complexes and unique systems, there are fundamentally new developments in the field of space development, cooperation with other countries is developing.

NPO Mechanical Engineering Corporation can also be called a landfill for the preparation of young professionals, engineers who can solve modern problems on the priority directions of aerospace technology: an enterprise for more than 30 years is the basis of the practice of students of the Aerospace Faculty of MSTU. Bauman.

Sciences of Troitsk accommodates 10 academic research institutes in which fundamental scientific research and applied developments are conducted in various fields of physics: nuclear physics, superconductivity, optics, technology for the production of superhard materials and others. The oldest institute of the city is the Institute of Earth Magnetism, the ionosphere and the spread of radio waves.

In the Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Studies, work is underway in the field of thermonuclear synthesis, studies are conducted on laser physicsLaser systems are being developed. The Institute of Nuclear Research conducts work in the field of physics of elementary particles, atomic nucleus, neutrino astrophysics and physics of cosmic rays, medical physics. Scientists of the Spectroscopy Institute solve problems associated with laser analysis, the development of spectroscopy, laser instrument making. In the science of Troitsk, the basic departments of MFTI, MEPI and Moscow State University are operating.

Development of scientists of Scientographs Troitsk deserved world recognition. Institutions support links with major scientific centers in Europe, USA, Japan, China, South Korea; Today, many interesting international projects are being implemented.

Sciences Fryazino - back from the 1930s, since the creation of the "radiologist" plant here, became the center of the country's electronic industry.

The largest enterprise - FSUE NPP "Istok" - once grown from the very plant "Radiolamp". Traditionally, "source" is headed by the Coordination Scientific and Technical Council and the Council of the main designers to coordinate the development strategy of domestic ultrahigh-frequency electronics. FSUE "Istock" is a source of many significant research institutes and country enterprises: it is its staff, technologies that have become a base based on which they were formed. Among the products produced by the "source" in the science of Fryazino, radar equipment, microwave appliances, radio relay equipment, surgical and therapeutic laser installations and much more.

Today, 25 enterprises and organizations of the city, which, during their existence, made a significant contribution to the development of communication and television systems, the development of high-precision weapons, medical devices and equipment during their existence. The research and development work of the Fryazin Institute of Radio Electronics received widespread recognition.

NTO IRE-Pole offers more than 600 advanced products on the Russian market, many of which have no analogues in the world market high technologies. The NPP "Oestok-System" develops and manufactures medical equipment, the use of which is much cheaper than foreign analogues, as well as special equipment products. In a word, scientists and engineers of the Scientist Fryazino carry out unique research and development, whose scope is truly immense.

Science of Chernogolovka - a city of chemical physics.

Today, the Scientific Center in Chernogolovka includes seven institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as two scientific and production enterprises. Heads of Chernogolovsky Institutions - Leading scientists of Russia by world name. Among the staff of the NCC RAS \u200b\u200b- more than 900 doctors and candidates of science, academicians and correspondent members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The area of \u200b\u200bstudies that scientists are engaged in the Scientists of the Blackheads, very wide. This is a chemical physics of combustion and explosion processes, physics of condensed media, micro- and nanoelectronics, medicine (design of medicinal substances), modern materials science, geology (development theoretical foundations For searching for mineral deposits), physics of high-temperature superconductivity, etc. Fundamental studies are combined with solving applied tasks. Many developments of scientists of the Scientograph of the Blackheads (for example, the drug diagnosis method, the drug for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, obtained at the Institute of Physiologically active substances of the Russian Academy of Sciences) does not have world analogues.

Nabograd Protvino is a city of Synophasotron, because at the same time with the beginning of the construction of a huge proton accelerator in 1960 in the Moscow region and the future city of Protvino was founded.

At first, he was called Serpukhov-7 and was not designated on the map due to regime of strict secrecy.

In 1963, the Institute of High Energy Physics, which today is one of the leading physical scientific centers of Russia. The institute has an excellent experimental research base. There are unique fundamental theoretical and experimental studies, work on the creation of installations in the field of electrophysics, accelerator equipment, superconductivity, etc., installations for the treatment of oncological diseases. Recently, interests of programs have been growing applied value. Many developments of the Institute find application and folk economy.

In the accelerator complex of IFVE, large-scale international cooperation in the field of high-energy physics was originated, which was attended by the European Organization of Nuclear Research, Universities and Laboratory of the United States, Japan and Western Europe, Dubninsky Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. This cooperation successfully continues and develops now.

In addition to IFVE, a number of scientific enterprises are operating Protvino in Naukograd, whose scientific products are known all over the world.

Sciences Koltsovo - outpost to protect a person from viruses.

The history of this city began in 1974, when the State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" was created by the Decree of the Government of the country in Koltsovo. His mission was proclaimed scientific and practical support to combat global infectious threats.

The main purpose of the Center was the study of the fundamental features of specific viruses on the basis of the analysis of their primary structure and forecasting the possibility of the emergence of new causative agents of viruses dangerous to humans. In the "vector" are engaged in fundamental scientific research in area molecular biology, virology and bacteriology, epidemiology, ecology, genetic engineering. Experiments are carried out, security requirements for which are extremely high.

Many studies of the Science Institutes Koltsovo belong to the highest category of secrecy.

For its relatively short history, the center of Virology saved the life and health of many thousands of people. Unique preparations were developed by the Scientists of the Scientograph of Koltsovo, among which hepatitis A vaccine, other viral and bacterial infections. One of the recent developments of this largest virological and biotechnological center of Russia is engaged in a new laboratory of the Institute for the study of high-pathogenic strains of influenza viruses. In the science of Koltsovo, a lot of attention is paid to the study of the plague of our time - the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Sciences Peterhof - it was here in 1901 for the first time in Russia, a building designed and built specifically for physicists appeared - a physical institution (now the Research Institute of Physics. V. A. Foka). The names are associated with this institute. nobel Laureaatov L. Landau, N. Semenova, A. Prokhorov.

Physics Researchs - one of the divisions of Petrodvoretse educational scientific complex St. Petersburg State University, which also includes computational mathematics and management processes, Mathematics and Mechanics, Astronomical Institute, Biological Research Institute, Radiophysics Research Institute, Chemistry, Research Institute of Information Technologies, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Management Processes, Mathematical and Mechanical, Physical and Chemical Faculties SPSU. In addition, in Peterhof function Naval Institute Radioelectronics, Military Transport Academy of Railway Forces, Tar and Transport Academy.

Peterhof became the first science in the north-west of Russia and the first sciences, which has two components: a scientific and educational complex and a museum-reserve. Directions scientific activity Scientists of Scientograd Peterhof are very diverse. Works in the field of ecology, information technologies, electronics, research of physical fields of land, cell biology and development biology are underway; Military equipment and weapons are being developed.

Nakograd Michurinsk became the first and only science in Russia in the agro-industrial region, for no one ten years he is the All-Russian Gardening Center.

The name of this wonderful breeder's scientist is also carried by the main scientific institutions of the Sciences: All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture, All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants (formerly Central Genetic Laboratory, the oldest breeding and genetic institution of Russia in the field of fruit flow), Michurinsky State agricultural University - the only higher one educational institution countries. The directions and specialization of the Michurin University fully covers the entire system of the agro-industrial complex.

Michurinsk scientists have created hundreds of new varieties of fruits and berry crops, among which there are, for example, apples, withstanding 40-degree frost, resistant to frost grapes and much more.

In Naukograd, Michurinsk develops the organic production of essential food products, the products of functional purpose (diabetic, preventive and therapeutic, enriched with vitamins having a certain acid fat composition are created. Here accumulated a rich experience in bringing to consumers of fruit and berry crops with the maximum preservation of all vitamins and biologically active substances.

In the Russian Federation, 13 cities have the status of the Nazograd, eight of them are located in the Moscow region. In the law "On the status of the Naukograd of the Russian Federation", the Naukograd is defined as a municipality with the status of an urban district having a high scientific and technical potential in which scientific and technical products are more than 50% of the total volume of products of all economic entities of the municipality. What kind of sciences are located in the suburbs and what they are specializing, read the site in the material of the portal.


The status of the Naukograd was assigned by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2001 for a term until December 31, 2025. The main specialization of academic enterprises of the district is nuclear physics. So, the Joint Nuclear Research Institute is world famous international CenterAnd now it realizes the megaproject of world importance - the construction of the NICA scientific complex.

Also on the territory of Dubna there is a special economic zone "Dubna", the center of space communication, State University Dubna, Scientific and Production Complexes and Machine-Building Plants.

Interesting fact: Dubna is the only russian city, perpetuated in the Periodic Table of D. I. Mendeleev. Dubna, the 105th element, was opened by scientists here.


Zhukovsky status of the Naukograd was assigned by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2007. Priority areas for Zhukovsky define information and telecommunication systems, transport, aviation and space systems, promising weapons, military and special equipment, energy and energy saving. Moreover, the air industry of the city received the greatest fame. It was in Zhukovsky that the United Aircraft Corporation was created and the airport of Zhukovsky was created.

More than a thousand scientists work at the most important enterprises of the district, among which the world's largest center of the Aviation Science of FSUE "TsAGI. prof. N. E. Zhukovsky, "Field Research Institute. M. M. Gromova, a number of enterprises of the defense industry.

Many Zhukovsky is known as the venue, which in 2017 year will pass from July 18 to July 23.


Queen the status of the Naukograd was assigned in 2001 by decree of the president. It is symbolic that the decree was signed on April 12, on the day of astronautics, and the queen is just the center of the rocket and space industry. It is located on its territory: OJSC "Rocket and Space Corporation" Energia "" them S. P. Korolev, "FSUE" Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering ", Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering. A. M. Isaev.

In Queen, the main enterprises of the Russian Space Industry are located, among whom - the Flight Management Center, it is from here that the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) is managed.


The status of the science of the Urban District Protvino received the presidential decree in 2008 for a period of five years, in 2014 this status was preserved for the next five years. Main specialization - biotechnology and energy. The State Scientific Center, the Institute of High Energy Physics, CJSC "Protection", NGO "DNA Technology", NGO "Turbotechnology" and others are successfully operating in Protvina.

It is noteworthy that in Protvina, a complex of ion radiation therapy was developed for the treatment of cancerless without damage to those surrounding healthy tissues.



Reutov has the status of the science industry since 2003 for a term until December 31, 2027. Main specializations - aviation and space, mechanical engineering, instrument making. So, JSC MIC "NPO Engineering" is a city-forming enterprise of the city, it is here that newest species military equipment, as well as rocket and rocket-space complexes that have no analogues in the world.

Among other scientific enterprises of the district - the Scientific and Technical Association "Flame", the Scientific company Flameman (is engaged in pharmaceutical products), Nano Invest LLC (high-tech equipment).


Science Status Fryazino has since 2003. The main specialization of Fryazin's scientific and production enterprises is electronics. As part of NPK Naukograd, 25 enterprises and organizations, among which NPP "source" " Shokine, "Research Institute" Platan "" with a plant with a factory ", FSUE" Special Design Bureau Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences "and others.

On the basis of the "source" NPP named after Shokin in 2015, the investment projects in the field of microwave electronics are being implemented.


Victoria Kulagaga

To date, it is quite obvious that only in the development of innovative technologies, Russia will be able to take the place-like place on the global economic market. It will allow our state to restore and maintain the status of the Great Power.

Yes, Russia is rich in exported natural resources (including gas and oil). However, their primary processing products are not the foundation of economic power, putting the country into dependence on more developed states. That is why it takes a speedy transition from the economy focusing on fuel and energy resources, to the innovative development of all areas of the national economy. And this is possible only when stimulating intellectual and research activities in the field of energy and transport, machine and instrument making, aviation and space industry.

An innovative breakthrough in medicine and education, bio- and information technologies. How to achieve this? Activation and stimulating powerful intellectual and scientific and technical capacity through the development of Russian sciences.

History of appearance

Such a notion as "Sciences" appeared in Russia only in the early 90s of the last century. And at the initial stage, it was collective. In the list in which the sciences of Russia were located, the citys and villages that had similar problems of development were combined. This includes a special type of settlement. In them, the city-forming were scientific and production and other organizations directly related to the development of the scientific and technical sphere of the national economy of the country. What were the prerequisites for creating such settlements?

The Sciences of Russia were a product of a global trend. Their emergence has become possible at that time when the level of development of the state began to have a significant impact of innovative developments.

Russia's sciences differed as a powerful concentration of intelligence, which allowed to create, and then to keep such a necessary strategic parity in the most important military regions. In addition, with the help of creating such settlements, the state managed to achieve highest level Research on a variety of directions.

Geography of the Naukogradov

Currently, on the territory of our country there are seventy settlements, the main appointment of which is the development of innovative directions. Cities-Naukograda Russia are located in the settlement strip.

Almost half of this list can be found on the map of the Moscow region. They include Zelenograd, which is part of the capital in their administrative affiliation.

Abroad, the Moscow region, there are still eight scientific entities on the territory. They are located in Kaluga, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Tver and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

The Ural is the second region, where the scientists of Russia are located with a fairly large concentration. The list with the largest list of them has the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk region. In third place on the concentration of such formations is Western Siberia. It is located six Naukogradov on its territory. You can find them on the map of the Altai Territory, as well as the Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions.

The composition of the Naukogradov

Most settlements concentrating intellectual potential are cities. Relatively recently, two villages received the status of the "City-Naukograd of Russia". The list of such entities replenished:

Pos. Chernogolovka, located in the Moscow region;
- pos. New building, which has changed the name on Peresvet.

In the list of sciences - seven there are among such formations and four rural settlements. But this is not all the sciences of Russia. The list is replenished by academgorodoks of large scientific centers Far East and Siberia. According to its administrative affiliation, they are areas of cities.

A variety is different and the population of the population living in the sciences. In the largest of them, more than two hundred thousand inhabitants are spelled. In this list, such sciences of Russia as Biysk. Large scientific formations with the same number include Dzerzhinsk and Zelenograd.

How many sciences of Russia are in second place in the number of people living in them? Similar formations eight. Moreover, most of this list are located in the Moscow region.

Most often, the science of Russia is a settlement in which from 20 to 100 thousand inhabitants. Such a number of population is almost half of all scientific entities.

The smallest city-Naukograd of Russia is Primorsk, located in the Leningrad Region. The number of its population is a little more than six thousand people.

Different number of people living in the sciences that are in the status, population of the village. Orevo - 1.5 thousand people, and pos. Krasnobsk - 17.5 thousand.

As for Academgorodkov, the number of their inhabitants is not exactly known. This is due to the entry of such entities in large cities. Specific data is only about Novosibirsk Academgorodok, because it scientific education Located in Soviet district administrative Center. At the beginning of 2001, 130.9 thousand people were spelled here.

Expansion of the list of Naukogradov

Currently, it is difficult to calculate the total number of scientific centers that are engaged in the implementation of modern technologies to the national economy of the country. The fact is that there are closed administrative and territorial entities called "mailboxes". Their active declassification began in the first half of the nineties of the last century, but today not all of these centers are known to the general public.

Expand the list in which the city-Naukograd of Russia includes, there may also be some settlements with powerful scientific and technical potential. For example, relatively recently, the like happened with Gatchina located in the Leningrad region. This settlement, the number of residents of which is 82.3 thousand people, began to be considered a science of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics located on its territory.

The list of such formations may be made:

Specialization of which science of Russia is Nuclear Physics? In addition to those listed above ten atoms, eight cities are included in the list of such entities, in which major research institutes are located. this area. Among them, Dimitrovgrad and Gatchina, Obninsk and Dubna, Protvino, Troitsk and others.

One of the cities of this list would like to highlight especially. This Obninsk is the first science of Russia, which received such a high status. It is located south-west of Moscow, a hundred and twenty kilometers from the capital, and today its population is 107.8 thousand people.

Construction of Obninsk began in 1946, when it was decided to build a secret object "B" on the basis of the boarding school and orphanage. Research in the field of nuclear physics was conducted not only by Soviet, but also by German specialists invited to the laboratory under the contract. Later, the Physico-Energy Institute was created in Obninsk, and in 1954 the first largest nuclear power plant began its work here.

Decision of agricultural problems

The science of agrarian specialization in Russia is the city of Michurinsk. This status of this settlement located in the Tambov region was assigned relatively recently - 4. 11. 2003, on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The same document was approved by the main directions in which the unique in Russia in Russia should be carried out by the School of Agrarian Specialization. Among them are the following:

Research in the field of selection and genetics, biochemistry and biotechnology, ecology of vegetable, berry and fruit crops, as well as identification of mechanisms of productivity, sustainability and stabilization of agroecosystems;
- development of environmentally friendly experimental technologies not only production, but also transportation, processing and long-term storage of various fruits and vegetables;
- Scientific and technical innovative work, tests and experimental development in the field of technical means, as well as obtaining new, environmentally friendly foods;
- Preparation of personnel composition for work in all spheres of the agro-industrial complex.

In the Russian Federation, 13 cities have the status of the Nazograd, eight of them are located in the Moscow region. In the law "On the status of the Naukograd of the Russian Federation", the Naukograd is defined as a municipality with the status of an urban district having a high scientific and technical potential in which scientific and technical products are more than 50% of the total volume of products of all economic entities of the municipality. What kind of sciences are located in the suburbs and what they are specializing, read the site in the material of the portal.


The status of the Naukograd was assigned by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2001 for a term until December 31, 2025. The main specialization of academic enterprises of the district is nuclear physics. Thus, the Joint Nuclear Research Institute is the world-famous international center, and now it is implemented in it a megaproject of world importance - the construction of the NICA scientific complex.

Also on the territory of Dubna there is a special economic zone "Dubna", the center of space communications, the State University "Dubna", scientific and production complexes and machine-building plants.

An interesting fact: Dubna is the only Russian city, immortalized in the Periodic Table of D. I. Mendeleev. Dubna, the 105th element, was opened by scientists here.


Zhukovsky status of the Naukograd was assigned by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2007. Information and telecommunication systems, transportation, aircraft and space systems, promising weapons, military and special equipment, energy and energy saving are defined by priority areas for Zhukovsky. Moreover, the air industry of the city received the greatest fame. It was in Zhukovsky that the United Aircraft Corporation was created and the airport of Zhukovsky was created.

More than a thousand scientists work at the most important enterprises of the district, among which the world's largest center of the Aviation Science of FSUE "TsAGI. prof. N. E. Zhukovsky, "Field Research Institute. M. M. Gromova, a number of enterprises of the defense industry.

Many Zhukovsky is known as a venue, which in 2017 will be held from July 18 to July 23.


Queen the status of the Naukograd was assigned in 2001 by decree of the president. It is symbolic that the decree was signed on April 12, on the day of astronautics, and the queen is just the center of the rocket and space industry. It is located on its territory: OJSC "Rocket and Space Corporation" Energia "" them S. P. Korolev, "FSUE" Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering ", Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering. A. M. Isaev.

In Queen, the main enterprises of the Russian Space Industry are located, among whom - the Flight Management Center, it is from here that the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) is managed.


The status of the science of the Urban District Protvino received the presidential decree in 2008 for a period of five years, in 2014 this status was preserved for the next five years. Main specialization - biotechnology and energy. The State Scientific Center, the Institute of High Energy Physics, CJSC "Protection", NGO "DNA Technology", NGO "Turbotechnology" and others are successfully operating in Protvina.

It is noteworthy that in Protvina, a complex of ion radiation therapy was developed for the treatment of cancerless without damage to those surrounding healthy tissues.



Reutov has the status of the science industry since 2003 for a term until December 31, 2027. Main specializations - aviation and space, mechanical engineering, instrument making. Thus, OJSC MIC "NPO Engineering" is a city-forming enterprise of the city, it is here that the newest types of military equipment are created, as well as rocket and rocket-space complexes that have no analogues in the world.

Among other scientific enterprises of the district - the Scientific and Technical Association "Flame", the Scientific company Flameman (is engaged in pharmaceutical products), Nano Invest LLC (high-tech equipment).


Science Status Fryazino has since 2003. The main specialization of Fryazin's scientific and production enterprises is electronics. As part of NPK Naukograd, 25 enterprises and organizations, among which NPP "source" " Shokine, "Research Institute" Platan "" with a plant with a factory ", FSUE" Special Design Bureau Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences "and others.

On the basis of the "source" NPP named after Shokin in 2015, the investment projects in the field of microwave electronics are being implemented.


Victoria Kulagaga

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