Who was the founder of 1 female gymnasium. History of gymnasium education in Russia

The start of massive female education in Russia was given by Peter I. The king issued a decree, according to which it was forbidden to be forbidden "illiterate noble girls who cannot write at least their last name."

From the second quarter of the XVIII century, home education for women of noble class has gradually become gradually. And in 1764, the imperial educational society of noble maidens - the famous Smolny Institute began to work in St. Petersburg. In Nim, the representatives of the most significant surnames of Russia lived in the full board. The best graduates became freeline at the courtyard.

Closed educational establishments They acted on the principle that today has been preserved in English privileged public schools: the student must constantly live where training is undergoing. However, such a form of education created for the nobles whose estates were scattered around the country, was inconvenient for the urban population, the number of which has steadily grew throughout the XIX century.

In addition, closed noble guest houses cut off from the formation of children of Bourgeois and Meshchean, whose influence in society increased.

At the same time, the usual gymnasium education for the incoming students remained the privilege of the men's part of society - the first such institution appeared in 1803.

Home education for girls was not enough, and allowing themselves to hire grandparents could units. At the same time, the requirements for the cultural level of women have constantly grew in the Russian society in the middle of the XIX century, and the representatives of various estates themselves sought to enlighten.

Therefore, the publicly available female educational institution was a relevant requirement. As a result, on March 28, 1858, Emperor Alexander II issued a decree on the establishment in St. Petersburg of the first female school without a guest house. And on April 19, Mariinskaya gymnasium opened, where almost any girl could do, regardless of origin and prosperity.

As the historian Natalia Ushakov, Natalia Ushakov, noted in an interview with RT, in the middle of the XIX century, the first places in terms of literacy occupied the St. Petersburg and Moscow province. They followed the province with the population working at local factories and stretch fisheries, - Yaroslavl, Vladimirskaya, Kostroma.

"It is no coincidence that the first private women's gymnasium was created in 1857 in Kostroma. And next year the case female education It was transferred to the Reliable hands of the Mariinsky society, after which the St. Petersburg school appeared, "said Ushakov.

The first steps

Creating a gymnasium initiated agencies of institutions empress Mary. Alexandrovna - Mariinskoe society, in honor of which the gymnasium was named. It was a state institution engaged in charity. In addition to the upbringing of orphans and helping the patient, a female education was entrusted to the Mariinsky society.

  • Portrait of Mary Alexandrovna Brushes K. Robertson. 1849-1851, Hermitage

The organizer and ideologue of female education was the famous teacher Nikolay Vysnevaradsky. He began his career as a teacher of the gymnasium, then defended his thesis, taught students' philosophy pedagogical Institute. In 1857, Vyshnegradsky took up the work of all his life - the development of women's education in Russia. He settled the goal of making this issue with the subject of a general public discussion, to make plans for the reform of the education system. To realize your ideas, he began to publish a Russian pedagogical journal.

The issues raised by Vysnegradsky interested in Society: his magazine was not just popular - the publication has formed a social demand for women's education.

Himself Vysnegradsky earned sufficient authority in order to refer to the Duke Peter Oldenburg - Chairman of the Chief Council for the Development of Women's Education. The duke, a famous advocacy enlightement, supported the initiative of Vyshgradsky and, together with Empress, Maria Alexandrovna spoke as by the project to create the first Mariinsky female school and further development Gymnasic education for girls.

  • Portrait of Prince P.G. Oldenburg work J. Kura, Hermitage

"Vysnegradsky disrecended to publish the magazine. The period of the beginning of the reign of Alexander II can be described as a time when the issues of education worried the society most, because the educated people were initiators and performers of a whole series of reforms changed by Russia, "Ushakov emphasized.

She added that, in addition to the "Russian pedagogical journal", "Government Bulletin", "St. Petersburg Vedomosti", "Voice", "Journal of Europe", "Russian thought", "Russian Thought" Russian wealth" According to Ushakova, all directions were presented in the press - from conservative to very liberal.

Educational innovations

More pre-revolutionary researchers noted that pension education had excessive pressure on students.

So, the historian of pedagogy Peter Capterev wrote in 1898: "When a boy from a soft home building of life, it turns out of a warm family atmosphere to the official treasury school arranged on a barmented way, it is sorry; But when the same transition takes place with the girl, then it is even more sorry, harder, sad to look at it. "

Becoming director, Vysnegradsky developed for the gymnasium best for the standards of that time a system of learning. If the most severe discipline was maintained in women's boarders, then in the School of Vysnegradsky only required to observe the decency - there was almost a homely, very relaxed atmosphere. In the pensions pupils were a special form, it was regulated in a strictest way. In the gymnasium, originally forms were not at all, so as not to constrain the student.

IN educational process Vysnegradsky was guided by the principle of "not forced, but to develop." The director categorically banned any punishment. In response, the students showed a much greater interest in study than picing pensions.

The first rate received 162 girls aged from nine to 13 years old, three of them are peasants by origin. The training fee was very low: Vyshnegradsky performed for the availability of education and insisted that the main costs assumed the Mariin Society. The St. Petersburg experiment was recognized as successful, and since the 1860s, Mariinsky gymnasiums began to appear throughout Russia.

From average to the highest

In 1871, a large-scale education reform began - according to historians, one of the most relevant for the Government of Alexander II. New tired Gymnasiums and defunctions gained the status of the law.

Here is how the historian Alexey Lubsin describes this period: "Contrary to the opinion of most of the State Council, Emperor Alexander II approved the charter of 1871. In accordance with it, the right to enter universities was granted only to graduates of classical gymnasiums or surrendered exams on their course."

It further increased the role of women's gymnasiums, because from 1878 the system began to form in Russia higher education for women. However, without gymnasic education, it was impossible to enter higher women's courses.

"From the middle of the XIX century, the Russian public paid close attention to the quality and content of teaching in secondary educational institutions. Criticism of classical gymnasiums, real schools, the entire education system was particularly intensified in the seal of the 1890s. With a special acute, the question arose about expanding the network of women's educational institutions, including the highest, since wishing to study in them became more and more, "said Ushakov.

Soon it became clear that the possibilities of Mariinsky society are too small to meet the country's need for women's educational institutions. And since the 1860s, the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment began to open its own women's schools, which, after adopting in 1870, the provisions on female gymnasiums and defunals were finally equal to the rights with male gymnasiums.

However, the "ministerial" educational institutions differed from Mariinsky gymnasiums by the fact that they were focused on the preparation of women's pedagogical personnel: Graduated seven classes issued a teacher certificate elementary schoolAfter eight classes - the certificate of home teacher. These educational institutions paid more attention to foreign languagesSo, it was believed that each teacher should own them.

Before the revolution of 1917, the number of women's gymnasiums of the Ministry of People's Enlightenment reached 958. These educational institutions have opened even in small county cities. In addition, 35 women's gymnasiums of the Mariin Society worked in Russia. They studied more than 16 thousand girls. But the October Revolution destroyed the existing system.

The next one and a half dozen years have become the time of experiments in the field of education - in particular, the Bolsheviks have abolished separate training. However, in 1943 he was briefly restored. Finally, women's schools went down in 1954.

A public education in Russia was trying to do even with Ekaterina Great: 1781, she founded an educational institution under St. Isaac's Cathedral, which put the beginning of the whole network of schools, the development of which was legally enshrined in the decree of February 27 of the same year. Even before the development of public schools in Russian Empire Educational institutions have emerged for girls and girls: In 1764, a smolny institute of noble maidens and the educational society of noble maiden were opened. However, they took in these two institutions not all, and they wore the "point" character.

The first female gymnasium appeared in Russia half a century after the people's schools were transformed into a gymnasium, and the first women's university - after another 20 years.

In honor of the Empress

A decree on the establishment of the first female school "for the coming girls" (that is, not a boarding house) was published in St. Petersburg 28 (15) of March 1858. The initiator was the "department of institutions of Empress Mary", responsible since the late XVIII century for charity in the Russian Empire. The agency was born from a network of charitable and educational institutions, which founded the spouse of the Russian emperor Paul I Maria Fedorovna. Actually, hence the name is Mariinsky.

In this building, Mariinsky gymnasium at first worked in Nevsky. Photo: Archival photo

It began its work in a month in the building at the corner of the Nevsky Prospect and the modern street Rubinstein. Now this building can no longer be seen in his original form, since it has been rebuilt twice since then. In early 1870, the institution moved to the former building of the St. Petersburg commercial school, which was at the corner of the countryside, 13 and Chernyshov alley, 11, five corners. The house was built in 1857-1858 and at that time was completely new. The modern address of the house: the angle of Lomonosov Street, 13 and Country Avenue, 13.

The founder of the first in St. Petersburg school was the outstanding teacher Nikolai Vysnevaradsky - a supporter of the Middle Women's Sustal Education and the compiler of the First Russian Pedagogy Program. The Trustees made the managing agency of the institutions of Empress Mary Prince Oldenburg.

All like at home

The first Mariinsky school was designed for a seven-year-old educational course. He took girls aged 9 to 13 years old. The program was the following disciplines: the law of God, Russian language and literature, mathematics, geography, the history of general and Russian, natural science, French and german languages (Additionally, for a fee - english), drawing, needlework, as well as singing and dancing. At the end of study, the girls received the qualifications of "home mentor".

The student did not have a special form, they were asked only to dress neat and without luxury. In the gymnasium there were no punishments, and at the same time everyone admired high gravity of girls.

In the rules of the internal regulations of the Mariinsky school, it was recorded: "The class should be how much it is possible to resemble the family.<…> The destruction of the family element in public schools kills the natural liveliness of children, overshadows the girlfriend given to them by him, exterminates the credulity and love of mentors and mentors, to the school, to the very study ... ". The rules drawn up by Prince Oldenburg, in some places seemed innovative for their time. In particular, he wrote: "The concept of the procedure in the class is often understood entirely turned, and therefore requires an accurate seizure. The true pedagogical order of the class is not in dead silence and not in a monotonous, immobile physical position of children; Some as the other, being an unknown wildlife of children, imposes at all unnecessary constraints at all, is extremely tired of them, destroys the child's trusting attitude between mentors and students.<…> And in prudent families, they never require kids to sit still and monotonous, so that they do not dare to laugh or turn to the eldest about what it seems to them incomprehensible ... "

Mariinsky gymnasium in the royal village attended Anna Akhmatova. Photo: Archival photo

In 1862, the Mariinsky school was renamed Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, which eND XIX. century turned into one of the biggest metropolitan gymnasium (more than 600 students and about 60 teachers), but in the first years of its existence there was a clear discrimination - teachers of women's educational institutions paid much less than in male. The trustee of the St. Petersburg academic district wrote: "If the schools exist, then because the teachers teach them in their extremely minor fee, and sometimes for nothing." Only in 1865, the Mariinsky teachers were equalized in "ChinOperating and pensions" with teachers of men's gymnasiums.

Later, the Mariin gymnasium opened two-year female pedagogical courses with the study of physiology and human anatomy, on the basis of which the Pedagogical Institute was created.

Gymnasiums walk around the country

Opening women's gymnasium In St. Petersburg, there was an event so long-awaited, his necessity was so obviously that in the first years of the existence of the gymnasium, similar to the existence of the gymnasium began to be created similar establishments throughout the country. All new gymnasiums were subject to the same department of institutions of Empress Mary. In 1870, the first three classes were allocated in "Progimania" - their passage was considered to be finished initial education.

For a couple of decades, the gymnasium spread across the country. Photo: Archival photo In 1866, there were already seven such gymnasiums in the capital. By 1894, there were 30 gymnasiums in the Russian Empire, who were called "Mariinsky", in which 9945 pupils of all classes and religions over the age of 8 were trained, and in 1911 35 gymnarsia, the number of student reached 16 thousand. The Charter, approved in 1862, acted in all gymnasiums until their closure in 1918, and since 1879, in all establishments, a single and mandatory training program was used in all establishments.

Along with these publicly available gymnasiums, private institutions were opened - in 1870 they had seven in St. Petersburg, four in Moscow - four. As a rule, training was expensive there, and only wealthy parents could afford to determine the daughters there. In some, as in the gymnasium, Princess Obolenski, took and at all on the estate principle - only children from aristocratic families.

After the October Revolution, the division into men's and women's educational institutions was abolished, and from mid-1990s, they began to open again. Of course, they are now called Mariinski now formally.

Women's gymnasiums

average general educational institutions in Russia were divided into the gymnasium agency of the institutions of Empress Mary (see the department of institutions of Empress Mary) , Gymnasium of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment and Private Gymnasiums (see Gymnasium).

Women's gymnasiums Department of Institutions Empress Mary (Mariinsky). In 1862, the Mariinsky Women's School (see Women's Schools) for coming girls was renamed in Zh. G. Up to 1866, 7 gymnasiums were opened in St. Petersburg (with a 7-year-old learning time). According to their sample were created by J. G. in other cities. They opened on the means of the departments of the institutions of Empress Mary. They took girls of all classes and religions who have reached 8 years. The charter of female schools approved in 1862 for coming girls acted before the closure of Mariinsky Gymnasiums (1918). In 1859, a one-year pedagogical department was opened at the Mariinsky school (transformed in 1864 to two-year pedagogical courses); His graduated certificate of home teacher was issued. In 1879, a unified and mandatory for all Mariinsky J. G. Training program was approved; The adjustment of the training course was carried out in the direction of approaching him to the course of study at the institutes of noble maidens (see). Adopted in 1905 "Normal Training Tabel" finally equalized training course Gymnasiums with institute courses. J. G. were paid educational institutions. By 1911 in Russia there were 35 Mariinsky J. G. from 16 thousand students.

Women's gymnasiums of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.In 1870, women's schools were renamed gymnasium and deflection. J. G. G. Designed for girls of all classes and religions and consisted of the preparation, seven main classes, the 8th pedagogical (see pedagogical classes). The first 3 classes (sometimes more) were the definition (see Progimnasia) and could exist as an independent educational institution. The course of study in J. G. Ministry of Folk Enlightenment was somewhat higher than in Mariinsky, but lower than in male gymnasiums. Graduated 7 classes issued a certificate for the title of primary school teacher who graduated from 8 classes - home teacher, and at the same time the medal was a home mentor (see home mentor). The end of the 8th grade opened access to higher female courses without an exam. All J. G. Ministry of Folk Enlightenment were paid.

In 1880, there were 79 gymnasiums and 164 deflection; By 1909, the number of J. G. and the defditions amounted to 958.

Private women gymnasiums The rules and programs established by the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment were adhered and subordinate to the local educational district. In the 70s 23 such gymnasiums were opened, including 7 in St. Petersburg, 5 in Kharkov and 4 in Moscow. Due to the high fee for learning to study in them, they could only daughters of wealthy parents. In the best private J. G. The course of study corresponded to the course of men's gymnasiums (for example, J. G. Stulanina in the royal village, classical gymnasium S. N. Fisher in Moscow). Some private J. G. were classified, for example, J. G. Aristocratic type Princess Obolensk in St. Petersburg. In the 80s. Some private J. G. were transformed into ministerial.

LIT: Rodevich M., Sat. existing decisions and orders for women's gymnasiums and definitions of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, St. Petersburg, 1884; Christmas S. V., Historical overview of the activities of the Ministry of Folk Education, 1802-1902, St. Petersburg, 1902; Educational institutions of the department of the institution Empress Mary, St. Petersburg, 1906; Skvortsov I.V., Past and present St. Petersburg Women's Gymnasiums of the Office of the Empress of Mary. 1858-1908, St. Petersburg, 1908; E. Likhacheva, materials for the history of women's education in Russia, [t. 1-4], SPb, 1890-1901; Malinovsky N. P., essays on the history of female secondary education in Russia, "Russian School", 1914, №9-10; Lapchinskaya V. P., N. A. Vysnegradsky and its role in the development of women's education in Russia (1821-1872), "Soviet pedagogy", 1962, No. 6.

V. P. Lapchinskaya.

Big soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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    See Gymnasium, Women's Schools, Mariinsky Women's Gymnasiums, Mariinsky Women's Schools ...

    See gymnasium, female schools, Mariinsky women's gymnasiums, Mariinsky women's schools. * * * Women's gymnasiums Women's gymnasiums, see Gymnasium (see Gymnasium), Women's Schools (see Women's Schools), Mariinsky Women's Gymnasiums (see Mariinsky ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Women's gymnasiums - cf. general education. Uch. Installations in Dorv. Russia, subdivided into Gosya agency of the IP institutions. Mary (Mariinsky), G Ziya Mine Va Nar. Enlightenment and private g zii. In Gus, the department of imp. Mary took girls of all classes that have reached 8 ... ... Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary

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Among the wide variety of educational institutions that existed in the first two decades of the 20th century in Novonikolayevsk, no doubt, the first novioniclaev women's gymnasium is the first novonicolaev women's gymnasium. The story made our contemporaries and future generations a great gift, retaining the documents of this institution. Carefully stored by the staff of the Novosibirsk urban archive 94 archival affairs of the first novioniclaev women's gymnasium allowed to form a submission not only about the activities of this educational institution, but also see some events domestic history Through the prism of the history of the city of Novonikolaevsk.

As evidenced by the documents, the predecessor of the first novoniclaev female gymnasium was a private educational institution with the rights of the 3rd category, founded by Pavel Alekseevna Smirnova in 1902.

Pavel Alekseevna Smirnova was born in 1869 in the family of the Orthodox priest. In 1984 he graduated from the Samara Diocesan Women's School and received the title of home teacher. Upon arrival in Novonikolaevsk P.A. Smirnova opened a private educational institution, which was a two-year primary school, in which Additionally, Pavel Alekseevna organized choral and musical circles.

In 1907, the 5th grade was opened, and then the school was transformed into an educational institution of the 1st category.

In 1908, the 6th grade opens, and in 1909 - the 7th grade. In the same year, the petition was initiated before the trustee of the West Siberian educational district on the provision of students' rights, which are used by students of women's gymnasiums of the Ministry of National Education under the Regulation on May 24, 1870. In accordance with the situation named position, women's schools were renamed gymnasium and deflection. According to the situation, women's gymnasiums were intended to teach girls of all classes and religions, consisted of the preparation and seven basic classes, eighth pedagogical. The first three classes (sometimes more) constituted the deflection and could exist as an independent educational institution. Gymnasists who graduated from 7 classes were issued a certificate of primary school teacher, 8 classes - home teacher. The medal received at the end of the gymnasium, received the title of home mentor.

Order of the Trustee of the West Siberian Academic District of August 2, 1910 No. 6432, a private women's educational institution 1 discharge, established by P.A. Smirnova, was transformed into the women's gymnasium of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, which provided her to the right of government gymnasium.

On November 22, 1910, Pavel Alekseevna Smirnova was approved as the head of the gymnasium.

According to the acquired status of a state institution, the leadership and control of the financial and economic activities of the gymnasium carried out the Board of Trustees, elected for a period of 3 years, by agreement with the head of the gymnasium. The powers of the Board of Trustees included:

1. Elections of the head of the Board of Trustees and the head of the gymnasium;

2. Attracting funds for the needs of the gymnasium;

3. Definition of a salary to the staff of the gymnasium;

4. Control over cash spending;

5. Determination of training fees in the gymnasium;

6. Creating conditions for improvement and maintenance in gymnasium order.

The first Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Novonicolaev Women's Gymnasium was elected a well-known doctor, a person, a lot of effort issues of education in the city of Novo-Nikolaevsk, one of the founders of the public care care company, which existed in those years in Novo-Nikolaevsk, Mikhail Pavlovich East. The attitude of the guardian of the West Siberian Counter of October 11, 1910, 5 people were approved by members of the Board of Trustees of the Novonicolaev Women's Gymnasium: 5 people: Ekaterina Nikolaevna Vappa, Kalisfia Platonovna Lapshina, Elena Josifovna Python, Alexey Grigorievich Bezen, Sergey Vladimirovich Gorokhov. In the following years, the Bohemus Council of the Gymnasium included such famous peoplelike Andrei Dmitrievich Kryachkov, Alexander Mikhailovich Lukanin, Nikolai Mikhailovich Tikhomirov, etc.

The content of the gymnasium was provided from 3 sources: the main thing was the income received as a training fee, 2,500 rubles were received from government treasury, as much as the Novonikolaevsky City Duma. The training fee in preparation classes was 50 rubles per year, in the main - 100 rubles, in 8 additional - 150 rubles per year.

The funds received from the Novo-Nikolaev city public administration were consumed not only for economic needs, but also to pay for the training of gymnasics - orphans or those that the financial situation of parents did not allow the training fee. The decision on the release of the training fee was taken by the head of the gymnasium, from August 1910 (since the change in the status of private gymnasium), this issue was decided by the Board of Trustees of the Gymnasium. .

On July 21, 1911, at a meeting of the Novo-Nikolaev city Duma, the petition of the Board of Trustees of the Novo-Nikolaev Women's Gymnasium, established by P.A. Smirnova, about opening in class 8 gymnasium. During the consideration, a decree was issued on the allocation of a one-time benefit of the women's gymnasium for 1912 to open the 8th grade.

The lack of suitable premises at that time was a big problem for many educational institutions in Novonikolaevsk. In connection with the opening of new classes and the increase in the number of students in the women's gymnasium, the issue of premises is becoming more acute.

Since the formation of the Novo-Nikolaev women's gymnasium was located in the leased premises. From 1908 to 1912, the gymnasium was located in a house belonging to the merchant F. D. Moshtakov on the street. Asinskritovskaya Nos. 40-42, quarter 27, plot 18-19. The available rooms did not satisfy the needs of the gymnasium, "the rooms occupied are small for the full staff number of students." As can be seen from the letter of the Chairman of the Pedagogical Council to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Gymnasium, the classes' reality before the beginning of 1912/1913 school year It was high enough: in grade 1 - 52 people, in 2 cl. - 50, in 3kl. - 44, in 4 cl. - 43, in 5 cl. - 31, in 6 cl. - 36 people. in 7 cl. - 19 people.

In order to accommodate such a number of students and ensure full educational process, Gymnasiums were required: "10 classrooms, an apartment room of the boss, a physical office, office, libraries, a teacher room, a dining room, a recreational hall, 2 dressing".

Classes in the gymnasium were held in the first half of the day, so sometimes its premises were used by others educational institutions. So, in particular, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of September 7, 1914, an inspector of national schools of the 7th district was considered about the possible provision of the premises of the Novonicolaevian women's gymnasium "From two o'clock in the afternoon, in the second place ..." for training activities "... Novo- The Nikolaev Higher Women's School, two-year women's school and the 32nd Women's initial school in view of the fact that the school premises of these schools are allocated for the needs of the military department. "

By this time, the gymnasium was located in two houses belonging to the trading house "I. T. Surikov and sons. " In 1916, another 2-storey house was filmed for the needs of the gymnasium by the Board of Trustees, at: Kuznetskaya, 8, also belonging to Surikov. However, the leased premises did not meet the necessary requirements of the educational institution, in addition, the rent was exorbitant.

Archival documents of the first novoniclaev female gymnasium show that since 1908 and throughout the subsequent existence of the institution, the management of the gymnasium, which included the boss of the gymnasium PA Smirnov, the Board of Trustees and Pedagogical Tips, as well as the bodies of urban public administration sought to resolve the issue of the construction of their own building for the gymnasium.

On July 24, 1908, urban public administration decided: "In view of the fact that the city subsidizing the educational institution P.A. Smirnova, who does not accommodate everyone who wants to learn, and not be able to expand this school, applying to opening in the city of government female gymnasium and on the discharge of the land plot for the construction of its own building of the women's gymnasium, if the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment finds it necessary to build this building. " In the next year from 1909 to 1914, the city chapter V.I. Hannakov sends the petitions to the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, the Trustee of the West Siberian Training District in the hope of accelerating the decision of the building of the building for the Women's Gymnasium. In this regard, in a letter dated December 13, 1912, aimed at the name of Mrs. P.A. Smirnova, V.I. Zherenakov explains the boss of the gymnasium that for "entering into a state painting an amount to build a building for a women's gymnasium in the city of Novo-Nikolaevsk ... You need to officially consider the city managed by the Board of Trustees" in the same letter, the city chapter asks Pavel Alekseevna to issue a written The statement that she agrees to "sell the city inventory of the gymnasium ..., because Continue to keep your private gymnasium due to lack of funds you can not. For its part, the city will ask you to remain the head of the gymnasium for mutually conditioned salaries. "

In 1913, the Novo-Nikolaev city public administration persistently petitions before the trustee of the West Siberian academic district and the Ministry of People's Enlightenment on the allocation of a loan from the treasury to build its own building of the gymnasium. In turn, the Novo-Nikolaev urban government allocated a plot of land in the 47th quarter of the central part of the city on the street. Asinkritovskaya and prescribed a one-time allowance for construction in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

In connection with the beginning of the First World War, the question of building the building went to the background, although the problem of the premises was even more aggravated. The increased flow of wounded, coming from the front, led to the need to look for indoors for the lazarets. On July 19, 1916, a circular letter "g was sent to educational institutions of Novo-Nikolaevsk . (Mr. - author) Comrade of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment ", which was prescribed:" In view of the need to increase the lazarets and the possibility of classes for this purpose of educational institutions ... to assist the satisfaction of this need and for this purpose, not limited to defending the interests of educational institutions, which (so in the document) May be engaged after using all other suitable rooms. "

Three-time rent growth, lack of repair in the premises for several years forced on February 1, 1919 Chairman of the Board of Trustees Recommend a letter to the New-Nikolaev city government, which expressed a request "to raise the question of the construction of its own building, if not in the near time , at least in the future, when the life of the country and in particular the city will enter a normal rut. "

However, as the "future" showed the first new-Nikolaev women's gymnasium was not destined to find their own building. In May 1919, the three-story building of the gymnasium was subjected to props and at the same time transferred to the parts of the Polish army.

Laying the system of learning and education of the gymnasics was carried out at active participation Pedagogical Council of the Gymnasium. As can be seen from the minutes of meetings of the Pedagogical Council of the Women's Gymnasium, teachers viewed issues of admission and translating students to classes, selection of educational literature and methodical manuals for teaching disciplines, promotion and punish the gymnasics, production curriculum In accordance with the Circulars sent by the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment and the West Siberian Curriculum, the organization of extracurricular activities for the gymnasics.

According to the documents of the gymnasium, it was established that in the period from 1912 to September 1916, the Pedagogical Council of the Gymnasium was headed by the priest Father Peter Vasilkov, Stat Counselor Stepan Ignatievich Anischenko. From September 1, 1916, the director of the Novonikolaev school seminary, the Stat Counselor Pavel Wings, was appointed to the letter dated August 12, 1916 of the Trustee of the West Siberian Training District. In May-April 1918, the P.A. P.A. was carried out by the pedagogical council. Smirnova, and since November 1918, Sophia Petrovna Tyzhnova, who since September 1918, performed the duties of the head of the gymnasium.

It should be said that students in the women's gymnasium had to comply with strict rules of conduct, both in class and in everyday life. Pupils of the gymnasium were distinguished from the total mass of urban children what they wore a special installed style form. As Z. M. Srychenko recalls, "uniform dress was worn and gymnasics and teachers. Our teachers wore dresses of blue colorAnd the gymnasists are a dark green dress with apron black or white. White front apron was worn when they went to a symphony concert or a charitable evening. On the legs usually wearing flax stockings (black or brown, more often - black) and boots, and in the warm season - white stockings and shoes. Even in winter in the gymnasium it was impossible to walk in cloth shots, boots, boots. From the fifth grade, it was allowed to wear shoes on the heels. Girls laid her hair in braids .... Bates were dark, white crowded on holidays. From the fifth grade was allowed to do the hairstyles. The icon of our gymnasium was yellow, oval, we usually wore it on a hat or on the dress on the left. It was written on "the first Novo-Nikolaev gymnasium"

Gymnasists were not allowed to visit "entertainment summer gardens"" Cinema, so that you do not watch movies that ... by age did not have to watch, "" Visit to public places was allowed only from the authority of the authorities, and in all in public places Gymnasics are obliged to be in the form assigned to them. "

For violation of the discipline "Removed the gymnasium icon" or made a question for consideration by the Pedagogical Council. A vivid evidence of the requirements of the strict execution of the gymnasic rules is the preserved protocol of the Pedagogical Council of February 14, 1912 No. 1, which examined the statement of the gymnasium about the offense of the student of Sophia Mashkova. For a visit to the S.Rashkykaya Costumed Evening Evening at the Military Assembly, on which she was with his parents, the gymnasics was made a warning, that "a visit to Masquerades, of course, is unacceptable and entails the removal of the accurate student from the school." Parents of S. Mashkykova Pedagogical Council decided to "express deep regret that they did not hold the daughter in a timely time from such inappropriate the gymnasium rules of the act."

Another example regarding the gymnasium rules of conduct: at the emergency meeting of the Pedagogical Council (Protocol on 07.02.1919 No. 84), the issue of admission of students of the gymnasium to public speeches was considered. Due to the fact that Alexander Ivanovna Shamret was officially applied to the gymnasium with a proposal for a speech on the stage on her benefit of the students of the gymnasium, pedagogically council decided, "that whatever public speeches of students of the gymnasium in public scenes, outside their educational institutions , unacceptable. "

In the extrude time, the gymnasium was organized by concerts, charitable evenings, cinemas. In order to help the needy, the gymnasium often organized its own charitable evenings, which wealthy people were invited. The proceeds were sent to pay for their studies to those in need by students of the gymnasium, affected people as a result of disasters and misfortunes, to the front (after the start of the First World War). In this regard, it would be designed to bring the content of one letter of February 15, 1916, a very indicative on the point of view of the norms of etiquette, directed by the Chairman of the Committee of the Heads of Middle and Lower Educational Institutions for Extractive Supervision in Novo-Nikolaevsk, director of the Male Gymnasium Gymnasium Novo-Nikolaevsk, Stat adviser Nikolai Moiseevich Maxias in the name of the head of the gymnasium P.A. Smirnova.

"Testing your gratitude for the invitation to a paid student evening, arranged on February 19 in the women's gymnasium, I have the honor to bring to your information, a freezing sovereign, which is attended by this evening, unfortunately, I can not, because Recorded ticket 2 row / 10th place /, for which I am plugged with five rubles, does not correspond to any position or the price of a ticket.

Some Puskly, I ask to tell me the names and names of the student of the 8th grade of the women's gymnasium, which with the offer of the ticket entered into my office in the coat and heads. As for the ticket, it is attached to the business of the Committee.

(Today is the 161th anniversary)

Detailed description:

Women's gymnasium - the so-called secondary educational institutions in Russia. Gymnasium in the house of Kozitskaya on Tverskaya (corner Kozitskaya) was located. The house where Eliseevsky grocery was opened later. In the middle of the 19th century, this house surrendered consistently to the most different tenants. Among the institutions of this period, located in the house, there was a female gymnasium. It was called "1st Moscow Women's Gymnasium". The gymnasiums adhered to the rules and programs established by the Ministry of Folk Education, and submitted to the local educational district. Women's gymnasiums of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment were intended for girls of all classes and religions. The level of learning was lower than in male gymnasiums and were issued by the teachers (graduated from 7 classes), home teachers (graduating 8 classes) and home mentor (graduated from 8 classes with a medal). The end of the 8th grade opened access to higher female courses without an exam. All female gymnasiums of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment were paid. Also there were private gymnasiums. In the best private women's gymnasium, the course of study corresponded to the course of men's gymnasiums. Due to the high fee for learning to study in them, they could only daughters of wealthy parents.

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