Historical essay 1682 1725. A collection of ideal essays on social studies

1682 - 1725 - the period of the reign of Peter the Great (until 1696 with Ivan V). Until 1689, instead of him and his brother Ivan, his sister Sophia, their regent, was actually in power. The king was a bright and outstanding personality. He often helped build ships, took part in hostilities. Thanks to his activity, a decisive implementation of reforms began, which radically changed Russia. The old order and primordially Russian traditions were destroyed, European standards were taken as a model. In addition, a foreign policy was actively pursued, which increased international authority and brought new territories.

The most striking event in the foreign relations of Peter I can be considered the Northern War (1700-1721). It all started with the “great embassy” to Europe, where the ruler went for support to fight Turkey.

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However, not finding allies, he changed the course towards Sweden, the victory over which promised the acquisition of coastal territories, which became the cause of the war. The first battle (near Narva in 1700) turned out to be a failure, but after analyzing the reasons for the defeat, Peter I carried out a military reform, and the following battles were successful (the capture of Noteburg in 1703, Grodno in 1705, the battle of Lesnaya, 1708) The turning point of the war was the Battle of Poltava in 1709, which undermined the forces of the Swedes. An important role in this battle was played by the ruler's close associate A. D. Menshikov. He commanded the vanguard, the left flank, defeated Schlippenbach's detachment and Raos's corps, weakening the army. Pursued enemy troops and forced them to surrender. Thus, he played an important role in the radical turning point of hostilities. He also distinguished himself in the battle at Dobry, at Lesnaya and at Baturin (1708) Events of 1710-1721. became successful for the country (the battles of Gangut and Grengam), she became the winner. The consequence of which was the strengthening of international authority, the transformation of Russia into an empire and gaining access to the Baltic, which helped to develop the country's economy.

The emperor paid great attention to the development of education. The reason for this was the lag of domestic science and education from European countries, the need to train qualified personnel. To solve the set tasks, associates were needed who would carry out the plans of Peter I. One of them was Ya. V. Bruce - one of the most educated people of his time. His contribution to the development of education and science was enormous: in 1701, at the direction of the emperor, he organized the Navigation School, led the first observatory in Russia and its opening, in 1706 compiled the first calendar in Russia, collected outlandish things that later became exhibits of the Kunstkamera, wrote the first Russian textbook on geometry, created a map of the starry sky. This figure brought a lot of new things into Russian science, helped the development of education and the transformations of Peter I in the cultural and scientific fields... The consequence of these events was an increase in the number of qualified specialists in military affairs, further development science and the opening of educational institutions.

Peter I not only changed Russia, but also turned it into a great power. The emperor carried out cultural reforms according to the European model, which changed the course and pace of the country's development, contributed to the transformation of the country into an industrial one, building factories and, finally, gave the ground for the development of absolutism, subjugating the church and the Senate. However, more often than not, innovations were carried out by force. The attitude towards Peter was different: the Slavophils accused of the destruction of true Russia, and the Westernizers defended, noting the rapprochement with Europe. The historian Soloviev believed that the ruler's genius was in understanding the situation of the people and his duty to bring them out of poverty through civilization.

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Peter I the Great (1682-1725)

Main directions of activity:

1. Azov campaigns in order to ensure access to the Sea of ​​Azov (1695,1696)

2. "The Great Embassy" to Europe (1697-1698) in order to get acquainted with life in Europe and search for allies for the war with Ottoman Empire

3. Northern War of Russia with Sweden (1700-1721), Prut hike(war with the Ottoman Empire), the Caspian campaign (1722-1723)

4. Military reform.

5. Reorganization of the state administration system. Creation of the Governing Senate. Creation of colleges. Publication of the Charter of the Succession to the Throne. Edition of the "Table of Ranks". Creating a new system territorial division countries (provinces, provinces, districts)

6. Reforming the financial and tax system to meet the needs and requirements of the belligerent state. The introduction of the poll tax

7. Legislative activities to consolidate the nobility. (Decree "On single inheritance")

8. Church reform (Creation of the Most Holy Governing Synod, the establishment of the post of Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod and the publication of "Spiritual Regulations")

9. Establishment of guilds and workshops, increase in the number and development of patrimonial and possession manufactories

10. The beginning of the Europeanization of Russia in the household sphere and in the cultural and spiritual sphere


1. Temporary approval of Russia on the Sea of ​​Azov (until 1711)

2. Creation (1699) and activities of the Northern Union (Denmark, Saxony (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), Russia, Prussia (from 1714), which ensured the victory of Russia in Northern war

3. Russia's victory in the Northern War. The consolidation of the Baltic states (Livonia, Estland, Courland) for Russia and the acquisition by Russia of an outlet to the Baltic Sea. Acquisition of territories in the Caspian Sea. The transformation of Russia into an empire

4. Creation of a regular army and navy. Creation of a modern Russian officer corps. Formation of a recruiting system for the formation of the Russian army and increasing its mobility. Creation of a legal basis for the functioning of the regular army and navy ("Military Charter", "Marine Charter")

5. Formation of a "regular state". The transformation of the will of the ruling monarch into the basis of the continuity of power. The final formation of unlimited autocratic power (the acquisition of the features of European absolutism by the Russian autocracy). Transforming military and civilian service into a way of career advancement

6. Improving tax collection. Modernization of the country's tax system. (In this regard, the strengthening of the personal dependence of the serfs on the landlords). Introduction in the country of a new monetary system "Ruble-Hryvennik-Kopeyka"

7. Consolidation of the nobility and its transformation into the support of the state

8. Establishment of full state control over the Church

9. Creation of a domestic base for military and civilian industry.

10. Strengthening the exploitation of the main strata of the population. Deepening the religious and cultural division of the country

* Compare the ratings given by state activities Peter I, Westernizers and Slavophiles.

Indicate what was common (at least two general characteristics), and what is different (at least three



1.The following general characteristics can be named:

Peter I is the largest statesman Russia XVIII in, one of the most striking figures in the Russian


Peter I - Tsar-reformer, whose name is associated with the implementation of large-scale transformations that covered

all spheres of life Russian society.

Under Peter I, the most important foreign policy problem was solved - Russia got access to the Baltic




Reforms of Peter I - a turning point national history, thanks to which Russia is moving along

European way of development.

The foundations of secular culture and education have been laid.

In the shortest possible time, Peter I brought Russia to new level development, turning it into a powerful


Major successes have been achieved in all spheres of life in Russian society.


The reforms of Peter I forced Russia to turn from the "true path of development": they were forcibly destroyed

traditional orders, way of life of Russians.

Forcible implantation of Western culture to the detriment of national identity.

Strengthening the serfdom and despotic power - this is the main result of the reforms of Peter I

1) Name at least three directions of the transformations carried out by Peter I. Bring at least

three examples of transformations in the government controlled.


The directions of the transformations carried out by Peter I can be named: state-administrative,

socio-economic, military, church, in the sphere of culture and everyday life.

Examples of transformations in the field of public administration can be given:

1.the abolition of the Boyar Duma;

2. establishment of the Senate;

3. the creation of collegia instead of the abolished ordering system;

4. formation of provinces;

5. the abolition of the patriarchate and the creation of the Holy Synod;

6. changes in the order of succession to the throne;

7. Creation of new local government bodies.

2) In what spheres of the life of society Peter I carried out transformations in the first quarter of the XVIII

in.? Name at least three areas. What are the main reforms in the field of public

management (at least three).


1.The spheres of life of society can be indicated:

Political (public administration), financial, military, social, culture and spiritual life;


2. In the field of public administration, reforms can be named:

The establishment of collegia, the establishment of the Senate and the Synod, the implementation of the provincial reform, the establishment of city

magistrates, the adoption of the "Decree on succession to the throne", the introduction of the "Table of Ranks", the proclamation of Russia

empire, etc.

3) .Name the reasons for the reforms of the public administration system in the first quarter of the 18th century (not

less than two reasons). What new governing bodies were created during this period? (name not

less than three such bodies).


1. Reasons for reform: to better collect taxes, a centralized system of governance and

control system; maximum centralization of control and strengthening of the personal power of the monarch (to win

Northern War).

2. New governing bodies: 1711 - creation of the Senate; 1717-1721 - creation of colleges; 1721 - creation


4) What changes have occurred in the position of social groups in Russian society in the first

quarter of the 18th century? Name at least three changes. Indicate at least three pieces of legislation

social policy of Peter I.


1.In 1714, a decree on single inheritance was issued, according to which the noble estate was equalized in rights with the boyar

fiefdom. The decree marked the final merger of the two estates of feudal lords into a single class (nobles)

2.In 1722, the publication of the Table of Ranks, dividing military, civil and court service. So

the dominant stratum was strengthened by the inclusion of the most talented representatives

other estates.

3.1718-1724 - the male population census (the population of Russia was 15 million people, 3% -

city ​​dwellers.

4.1721, the Chief Magistrate was created (the townspeople were divided into separate categories,

estate groups of feudal society).

5.1724 - a decree forbidding peasants to leave the landlords to earn money without their written

permits (the beginning of the passport system in Russia was laid).

5) .Compare the position of the noble landowners and the boyars-patrimonials. Record your answer in the form of a table.


General: both boyars and nobles were landowners, on whose lands the peasants worked; they were

serving people "according to the fatherland" and had to serve in the tsarist army.

Differences: boyars: owned fiefdoms, large hereditary land holdings. Occupied

leading positions in the state. Nobles: owned relatively small estates that

received from the king for service. In the event of termination of service, the nobles lost their estates. They couldn't

sell, donate or inherit their estates. Could have occupied some important


6). Below are two points of view on the significance of the transformations of Peter I:

1. Slavophiles in the middle of the XIX century. They sharply negatively assessed the transformations of Peter I, entrusting

they are responsible for the omnipotence of the bureaucracy and the horrors of serfdom.

2.Many researchers believe that the transformations of Peter I were prepared for everyone

previous development, they contributed to overcoming Russia's lag behind developed

countries, turning it into a great European power.

Indicate which of the named points of view seems more preferable to you. Lead not

less than three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming the chosen

your point of view.


When choosing the first point of view:

During the reign of Peter in Russia, absolutism finally took shape, inextricably linked with the formation

bureaucracy, bureaucratic apparatus of government.

During the reforms, serfdom intensified, the lack of freedom of all estates, including


One of the consequences of the reforms of Peter I was the cultural split of Russian society into a Europeanized one.

the elite and the mass of the population alien to the new European values.

The main method of change was violence against all sectors

society, reliance on the punitive power of the state.

When choosing a second point of view:

The reforms of Peter I were based on those changes in all spheres of the country's life that took place in the middle and

second half of the 17th century. During the reign of his father Alexei Mikhailovich.

As a result of the Peter's transformations, a significant step was taken in the development of the economy.

(manufactures, protectionist policy, development of national production, etc.). state

management (proclamation of the empire, college, Senate, etc.).

Russian culture was enriched by the latest achievements of European science, art,

education (the opening of schools. The publication of the first printed newspaper, the creation of the Academy of Sciences, etc.).

Peter's transformations in the field of military affairs created an army that was able to win access to

The Baltic Sea and turn Russia into one of the strongest powers.

The transformations of Peter I were prepared by all previous development, they contributed to overcoming Russia's lag behind different countries Europe, turning it into a great European power. The reforms of Peter I were based on those changes in all spheres of the country's life that took place in the middle and second half of the 17th century. during the reign of his father Alexei Mikhailovich; 2. Peter's transformations in the field of military affairs created an army that managed to conquer an outlet to the Baltic Sea and turn Russia into one of the strongest powers in Europe; 3.As a result of the Peter's reforms, a significant step was taken in the development of public administration (Senate, collegia, proclamation of the empire, etc.), economy (manufacture, development of national production, protectionist policy, etc.) 4.Thanks to the reforms of Peter I, Russian culture enriched with the latest for the XVIII century. achievements of European science, education, art. (opening of schools, publication of the first printed newspaper, creation of the Academy of Sciences, etc.)

The significance of the transformations of the era of Peter I is sharply negative character, since the reforms of Peter I are responsible for the omnipotence of the bureaucracy and the horrors of serfdom. The main method of carrying out the reforms was violence used against all strata of society, reliance on the punitive power of the state; 2. during the reign of Peter I in Russia, absolutism finally took shape, inextricably linked with the formation of the bureaucracy (the bureaucratic apparatus of state administration); 3. during the reforms, serfdom intensified, as well as the lack of freedom of all estates, including the nobility; 4. A consequence of the reforms of Peter I was the cultural split of Russian society into the Europeanized elite and the mass of the population, to whom the new European values ​​were alien.

Harsh methods of carrying out reforms are not justified by anything, many

reforms were fruitless, were negative, contributed to the formation in the public

the development of contradictions, fraught with a powerful explosion. Arguments.

1.Peter destroyed traditional national foundations;

2. The borrowing of the Western way of life was selective, superficial, the differences between Russia and

Western countries in the political and socio-economic order were preserved and even deepened;

3.Stana suffered huge human and material losses during the reforms;

4 Peter didn’t spend the most important reform: did not abolish serfdom, increased exploitation

own population using traditional methods;

5. The capitalist tendencies in the economy were curtailed;

6.Production based on state coercion maintains an extensive feudal


7. There is a nationalization of public life. A system of total control of the king over

population, the autocracy is increasing, centralization and bureaucratization of management, it is not regulated

only state life but also personal, the state is opposed to society;

8 the cultural separation of the educated minority from the covenant-faithful majority

antiquity, Peter's transformations caused damage to culture, the tradition, without which culture to live, was interrupted

can not.

Arguments for the assessment set out in the assignment: B historical science there is an opinion that the cruel measures of Peter's reforms

justified by their progressive nature.

1.reforms accelerated the development of Russia. Attracted to economic recovery;

2.reforms in the field of culture (in particular, trips to study abroad) contributed to the introduction

Russians to the achievements of Western culture;

3. Russia's access to the shores of the Baltic Sea contributed to the development of industry and trade. Enhancing

the country's defense capability and international authority;

4. the creation of the army and navy contributed to the strengthening of the country's defense capability.


1. Domestic policy



Strengthening the royal power.

Further centralization of power. The control of the king over all spheres of life. 1721- the king began to be called the emperor, which significantly increased his role in the country. 1722-Decree on succession to the throne: the emperor himself appointed an heir, based on the interests of the state.

Improving the system of state and local government.

1. Reforms central administration : instead of the Boyar Duma, the Middle Chancellery was first created, and then in 1711 it was createdGoverning Senate; instead of 44 orders - 11 (then 14) collegiums in 1717-1721; 1720 - General Regulations, a document that enshrined the principles of collegiality and determined the functions of the collegia.

  1. Local government reforms: creation of the City Hall in Moscow and zemstvo huts in cities in 1699-1700; administrative reform 1708-1710, according to which the country is divided into 8 provinces, headed by the governor. Since 1719, the three-tier system of local government:county-province-province. (1 privinz = 5 districts, with it. Districts, so from 1719 were called counties, from 1727 - the name of the counties was returned).

1714-the emergence of fiscal officials - officials exercising control over the activities of institutions and individuals in financial and judicial activities.

1718 - The Secret Chancellery (political investigation) was established.

1720 - the Chief Magistrate is created, the main institution over the magistrates of other cities (these are self-government bodies in cities)

Formation of a bureaucratic apparatus capable of solving the assigned tasks.

1714 - Decree "On single inheritance", according to which the estate was inherited by the eldest son. The rest must serve the country. 1722 - Table of Ranks, which allows you to support talented people from different classes. According to him, rank 8 gave the right to hereditary nobility. Administrative division the country has significantly increased the bureaucratic apparatus.

The deterioration of the situation of the peasants.

Forced work in enterprises (registered and possessory peasants). 1724 - the prohibition of peasants to go to work without the permission of the landlords. A passport system was introduced. Peasants without a passport had no right to leave more than 30 miles, and it was not possible to get them, since sometimes they were issued passports for 100 km The result was numerous actions of the people, the most significant: the Astrakhan uprising in 1705-1706 and the uprising led by K. Bulavin in 1708-1709.

Conducting church reform.

1721 - creation of the Synod, leading the church. The elimination of the patriarchate, at the head of the Synod is a secular person, chief prosecutor.

Strengthening the country's defense capability and military power, carrying out military reform.

1696 - creation of the navy. 1705 - creation ofregular army... Recruitment introduction sets. Lifetime service peasant recruits. 1725 - consciousness of the irregular army at the same time. The emergence of many educational institutions that train army officers (1701 - the first artillery school in Moscow, 1712 - in St. Petersburg, 1698 - the first nautical school in Azov. 1701 - in Moscow school of navigation and mathematical sciences , where they trained personnel for the army, etc.) For the nobles, the service became lifelong. 1716-"Military Charter",about the order in the army. Especially morally - moral qualities soldiers and officers. 1718-1722 - "Marine Charter" and "Admiralty Regulations" .1707 - the first military hospital appeared in Moscow.

Improving the financial system.

Accumulation of the country's gold reserves. 1704 - monetary reform. Reducing the content of precious metals in coins. Copper money appeared. 1711-monetary reform, minting of gold, silver and copper coins. 1718-1724-census of the population, the introduction of a new type of tax-poll tax.

Further development of the industry

New industrial centers, new industries (shipbuilding, glass making, paper production). 1699 - Vinius' first ironworks in the Urals.
State metallurgical plants were created in the Urals-1723-1725-state copper smelters 1700-start of development of the Nerchinsk mines 1716-Demidov iron plant in Tagil 1723-1725-state copper smelters in the Urals Encouraged private entrepreneurship 1719-decree on the transfer of unprofitable state enterprises to private hands.

Support for domestic trade.

The policy was carried outmercantilism and protectionism1703 - the first merchant exchange appeared in St. Petersburg. 1721 - commercial charter 1724 - the first protectionist customs tariff. Channels and communication routes were built, allowing active trade.

Begins to form public policy in the field of education, contributing to its further development.

A vocational education system is being formed. educational establishments where future officers were trained, only children of nobles could enter. Education for nobles became compulsory. Without a diploma of education, priests could not give the right to marry. Strengthening secular principles in education. 1696 - Decree on the sending of noble children to study abroad.

Support scientific discoveries, creating conditions for scientific activities in Russia.

The opening of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been prepared. However, Peter did not have time to do this, the Academy was opened in the year of the emperor's death - in 1725 - by Catherine 1.1699 - the opening of the navigation school by an associate of Peter 1 P. Bruce - astronomy was studied there. 1702 - the first observatory in Russia was equipped on the Sukharev Tower 1700 - Bruce compiled the first in Russia map starry sky... And since 1725 in St. Petersburg regular meteorological observations began. 1703 - release of "Arithmetic" by L. Magnitsky, M. Lomonosov will call this book "the gate of learning." 1712-1725 - A. Martov was the first in the world to invent and build a lathe. 1724 - the first Russian submarine (mechanic Nikonov). Since 1722, the collection of materials on the history of Russia began.

Further discovery of mineral deposits and their processing

1700 - a mining exploration service was created, the purpose of which is to search for minerals. 1703 - a copper ore deposit was discovered in the Urals by a peasant Shilov. 1714 - mineral waters were discovered in Petrozavodsk by master Ryabov. In the south of Russia, a coal deposit in the early 1920s. opened by the miner Grigory Kapustin. At the same time, brown coal was found in the Moscow region.

Further development of culture.

Forcible imposition of a Western-style lifestyle. 1700 - transition to a new chronology. 1708 - introduction of a civil, lighter script. 1719 - creation of the first museum - Kunstkamera. 1702 - the first printed periodical newspaper "Vedomosti" is published. 1702 - beginning of mass participation in the theater (a public theater was opened in Moscow) 1714 - the first public library was opened. 1717 - a set of rules for behavior at the table and others appeared in public places- "Honest Mirror of Youth" .1718 - assembly-secular balls, meetings, introduction of nobles to the European way of life of the high society began to be organized, women were invited for the first time.

Innovation in architecture: for the first time St. Petersburg is being built according to plan, palace and park ensembles have appeared in Peterhof.

The flowering of painting, especially portrait painting (A. Matveev, I. Nikitin)

2. Foreign policy



South direction. Purpose: to achieve access to the Black Sea, annex territories.

1695-first Azov campaign , unsuccessful, since there was no fleet. 1696-second Azov campaign... Successful. During the winter, a fleet was created. Azov was taken, the Taganrog fortress was built. 1697-1698-Great embassyto Europe in order to find allies to fight against Turkey. Didn't solve the problems. The embassy consisted of 250 people, among them Lefort, Golovin, Voznitsyn; Peter I under the name of the sergeant Peter Mikhailov. 1699-Karlovytsky Congress, peace was signed with Turkey for two years. 1700-Constantinopletruce for 30 years. 1710-1713-Russian-Turkish war... Turkey demands the return of Azov. 1711- Prut hike. The Russian army is surrounded by the Turks on the Prut River, near Yass.Yassy Truce, according to which Russia leaves Moldova, returns Azov, destroys the Azov fleet, the Taganrog fortress and others. 1724-Treaty of Constantinoplewith Turkey. Russia recognized the conquests of Turkey in the Transcaucasia, and Turkey - the conquests of Russia in the Caspian region.

Northern direction. Purpose: to achieve access to the Baltic Sea, annex territories.

1699- Sevres Union (Russia, Denmark, Saxony) 1700-1721- North War with Sweden. November 1700 - defeat near Narva. 1702 - Capture of Mirenburg and Noteburg (Shlisselburg) 1703 - capture of Nyenskans 1704 - capture of Navra and Dorpat 1706 -Altranstadt Peacebetween Sweden and Poland, according to which Poland broke off relations with Russia and pledged to help Sweden. 28 September 1708 - battle near the village Forest, major victory for Russia. June 27, 1709-Battle of Poltava... Victory of Russia.

1710-capture of Riga, Vyborg, Reval.

1710 - the first naval victory - Gangut battle.

1718-1719- Åland Congress,according to which Sweden and Russia wanted to end the war. However, the death of Charles 12 and the coming to power of new persons did not allow the signing of the peace treaty, although it was much softer for the Swedes than the Nystad peace.

1720- Grengam battle, victory of Russia.

1721- Peace of Nishtad with Sweden. According to it, Russia was entrenched in the Baltic Sea from Vyborg to Riga (this is part of Karelia, Ingria, Estonia - Estonia, Livonia - Latvia, for western territories Russia paid 1.5 million rubles. Finland returned to Sweden.

South direction. Purpose - anchoring on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

1722-1723 - Russian-Persian war.Persia recognized the right of Russia to the western and southern coasts of the Caspian Sea. 1722- caspian (Persian) campaign of Peter 1. Derbent was taken. 1723 - the campaign was resumed, the southern and western shores of the Caspian Sea were conquered (Baku, Rasht, Salyan) 1723-Petersburg agreementwith Persia, according to which Russia secures the conquered territories.

Eastern direction: striving to provide a trade route with India,

1716-1717 - expedition of Prince A. Bekovich-Cherkassky to Central Asia ( Khiva hike ). Unsuccessful, the death of the prince. End of the hike. The eastern direction was not very interested in Peter, since the main thing for him was to achieve access to the Baltic and Black Seas.

The period from 1689 to 1725 is the time of formation Russian Empire... It is characterized by first political instability, expressed in the uprising of the archers, and then the strengthening of the power of the monarch, the implementation of reforms in all spheres of public life and bringing the country to a qualitatively new level.

During this period, it is worth noting the Northern War between Russia and Sweden. The reason for this military conflict was Russia's desire to have access to the Baltic Sea, which it lost during the Livonian War... The consequence of the war, in which the Russian state won, was the strengthening of the country's defense capability, an increase in the international prestige of Russia and access to the Baltic Sea, which opens up space for trade with Europe.

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The activities of A. D. Menshikov should be noted. He was a commander during the Northern War and in many ways contributed to the success of the Battle of Poltava. He also dealt with issues of internal politics and was a loyal close associate of the king.

One of the transformations carried out in this period in the social life of the state is the adoption of a decree on single inheritance. The reason for its adoption was the government's desire to limit the division of the noble estate into many parts, to erase the difference between local and hereditary land ownership, and also to force the rest of the heirs of noble and boyar families to serve in the army. The result of the decree on single inheritance was the final merger of the estate and the estate, the strengthening of the noble estates and the protection of the nobles from impoverishment, which led to the formation of a strong estate on which the autocratic ruler could rely. It is worth noting the bright personality of Peter I. He brought Russia to a new level of development, was the initiator of many reforms that affected all spheres of public life. In addition, he strengthened the country's defense capability, with him and on his initiative, a Russian navy... He became the first tsar in Russia to proclaim the country an empire and himself an emperor.

Thus, the period from 1689 to 1725 plays great importance for the history of Russia. At this time, changes were taking place that influenced the future development of the country. A radical difference in the culture of the nobility and other estates took shape: some were equal to the European model, others - to the primordially Russian traditions, which influenced the relationship between landowners and peasants. Also during this period, Russia became a powerful military power, declared its interests to the whole world, having won a victory over the Baltic enemy.

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And its transformation.

Subject... History.

Brief description of the era

The activities of Peter I are significant in scope, and his era is ambiguous. Pyotr Alekseevich began his reign with an unstable political situation, including from the uprising of the archers.

After successfully suppressing the uprising, he began to strengthen his personal power, carried out reforms and brought the country to a new level.

Events and personalities

During the reign of Peter I, of course, the Northern War between Russia and Sweden should be noted. For Russia, access to the Baltic Sea was fundamental - this was the aim of Russia's actions in the war. The key event was the Battle of Poltava in 1709, when Russia's victory was a foregone conclusion.

In addition to Poltava, many other battles took place in the Northern War, which raised the prestige Of the Russian state abroad. Among the personalities of the Petrine period, Alexander Danilovich Menshikov and Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin should be noted - these people were the Tsar's favorites and prominent military leaders.

Apraksin became one of the founders of the Russian military fleet, and Menshikov commanded the Battle of Poltava. And, of course, Peter I played a great role in the victory over the Swedes. The war ended with the Peace of Nishtad in 1721. Among the other participants in the war, Charles XII should be noted - a strong and ambitious king of Sweden, who demonstrated himself as a talented military leader.

Despite the only victory at Narva, his army held on with dignity throughout the war. It was not for nothing that after the victory at Poltava at the feast after the battle, Peter called the Swedes his teachers in military affairs. Another event of the Peter's period should be designated the administrative reform. Peter I dissolved the Boyar Duma and organized the Government Senate. In addition to the Senate, twelve collegia were created with specific powers.

One of the key events of the administrative reform was the decree on single inheritance, when the estates and family boyar estates received by the nobles for service were equalized in status. Now possessions could only be transferred to one of the sons. The purpose of the decree was to attract the nobility to serve in the army, but due to the systemic discontent of the nobles, the decree on single inheritance was canceled by Anna Ioannovna in 1731.

Causal relationships

The reasons for the Northern War were Russia's geopolitical ambitions to access the Baltic Sea, the coast of which was no longer part of the country as a result of the Livonian War. In addition to foreign policy circumstances, with a desire to impose a struggle on the Swedes, Peter I set his goal to develop the army and navy, the demand for strength and organization of which was actualized during hostilities.

The consequences of the events of the Northern War were access to the Baltic (opening of the "window to Europe"), an increase in the international authority of Russia and the founding of St. Petersburg - the future capital of the Russian Empire. Russia has become one of the leading maritime powers. And she also became an empire, and Peter I became emperor. It is not hard to guess that it was not only the administrative reform of Peter I that became famous.

The reforms were carried out by a single set of measures, and the administrative one became one of the key. The reasons for Peter's reforms were the government's desire to strengthen its own influence, limit the division of noble land tenure, equalize boyar and noble land tenure, and force the nobility to serve in the army.

The consequence of the administrative reform was a sharp increase in the nobility in the military and public service with the development of a powerful bureaucratic apparatus. But the nobles were dissatisfied with such a policy, which was curtailed after the death of Peter - in 1731.

Era assessment

The activities of Peter I should be assessed as extremely controversial. The emperor himself was described by many cultural figures on the one hand, as a strong, talented and hardworking organizer, but his actions were extremely tough and sometimes cruel. Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev and Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov designated the activities of Peter I aimed at the development of Russia through reforms.

Russia's economic and military-technical lag behind many other European countries has decreased. Russia became the owner strong armies and the fleet, which successfully demonstrated themselves in the Northern War. In addition to the Baltic, the territory of Russia has grown with a part of the Caspian Sea. But Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky and Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin assessed the activities of the emperor more negatively: in their opinion, the reforms were given to the country by destroying the traditional way of life. Europeanization affected only the ruling elite, and the life of the people remained the same traditional. The gap between the elite and the common people has widened.

Indeed, the nobles were dissatisfied with Peter I for being forced to serve in the army, the peasants - for further enslavement, representatives of the clergy - for the destruction of the traditional way of life and the subordination of the church to the state (a secular person was appointed at the head of the Holy Synod). The ruling elite was destroyed as a result of repression - this was the reason for " palace coups"1725-1762. But this does not diminish the fact that all historians recognize the successful foreign policy of Russia: it was under Peter the Great that the country became the greatest European power. And this event was the most important result of the era of 1689-1725.

The years 1689-1725 in Russian history refers to the period of the one-man rule of Peter I. At this time, the country underwent many reforms (changes in any sphere of life, introduced by legislation) and transformations.

The role of Peter the Great

The role of Peter the Great in the history of Russia can be called key, with his policy he was able not only to achieve access to the Baltic Sea, but also to radically transform the country into an advanced power. One of the most significant events in domestic policy state was the publication of a decree on single inheritance in 1714, according to which the noble estate (a type of land ownership provided for military or government service and not inherited) was equal in rights with the boyar patrimony (ancestral hereditary land ownership), and they could now be transferred to only one of sons. The reason for the adoption of the decree was the desire of Peter I to prevent the fragmentation of estates, which, in his opinion, led the nobles to ruin; however, the main goal of the tsar was to force young noblemen (representatives of the privileged class) who were left without an inheritance to the public service. The consequence of such a social policy was a sharp increase in the number of employees among the nobility and the formation of the Russian bureaucracy. At the same time, this decree caused massive discontent of the nobles, which is why it was canceled under Anna Ioannovna in 1731.

Northern War: Foreign Policy of the Period 1689-1725

The most important and fateful event of this period, and of Russian history as a whole, was the victory in the Northern War, which lasted 21 years. The main reason entering the war against Sweden for Russia was the need to enter Europe through the Baltic Sea. To fight such a powerful state, the Northern Alliance was formed in 1699, which, in addition to Russia, included Denmark, Saxony and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the war, battles took place, which demonstrated the increased power of the Russian army and thereby strengthened the international authority of Russia. Russian troops, in addition to Peter himself, were led by such generals as F. Apraksin and A. Menshikov, thanks to whose skill Russia ultimately won. The war ended with the signing of the Nystadt Peace Treaty in 1721. The consequence of the victory in the war was the exit of Russia to the Baltic Sea, which facilitated trade and relations with Europe. Russia became one of the world powers, and Peter I received the title of emperor.

Period Policy Assessment

In general, the policy of Peter I caused controversy both among his contemporaries and in the future among historians. Historians such as V.N. Tatishchev, Lomonosov considered the reforms of Peter to be the basis for the flourishing of states, others (V.O. Klyuchevsky, M.M. Shcherbatov, N.M. Karamzin) were inclined to believe that his innovations ruined the country and destroyed Russian national foundations. But despite the contradictions regarding the reforms, all historians recognize the greatness of Peter I during foreign policy, since it was under him that Russia became a great European power

Amendment of February 2016: in guidelines it is indicated that for each personality (K2) it is necessary to indicate 2 areas of activity, bringing them into the role (!)

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