How to apply to study in england. Applying to a UK university or college

Entering a university in England is not only prestigious, but also very promising. Even foreigners with incomplete secondary education can start preparing for studies in universities in the country. To do this, it is enough to have good grades and speak English.

Many students are attracted by England, British education is recognized as one of the best in the world, and studying in this country allows you not only to speak English like a native speaker, but also to get ideal preparation for employment.

Are you dreaming of getting an education in the UK? Below we will tell you about the procedure for admission to various degree programs at universities in England.

Until then, click on the picture below to download your free university brochures.

Studying in England after 8th, 9th, 10th or 11th grade

The program for which a foreign student can be enrolled in England depends on how many years he has studied in his country.

Admission after grade 8 or 9

Foreigners aged 14-15 can enroll in English schools for the GCSE program, which leads to the receipt of the British General Certificate of Secondary Education.

For students who graduated from grade 8 in their country, study on the program lasts 2 years, and for students with Russian incomplete secondary education (grade 9 graduates) - 1 year.

During the training, students study both compulsory disciplines, such as English, math and natural Sciences, and optional subjects that they choose on their own. In total, students study 9-11 subjects. At the end of the program, they take 6 to 10 final exams.

GCSE students receive excellent academic and language training, which makes it possible to continue their studies in England.

Intensive IGCSE programs are also available to foreign students in England, which are designed specifically for foreigners and imply an in-depth approach to the educational process.

Both programs in England are offered on the basis of traditional schools, boarding schools, international training centers and sixth form colleges created specifically for such programs.

Admission after grade 10

Graduates of the 10th grade of Russian schools and graduates of the above GCSE / IGCSE programs can apply for the A-level program.

On this program accept students from the age of 16. It lasts 2 years and leads to a British high school diploma.

The A-level program includes 45 subjects, of which each student chooses 3-6 disciplines to study. It is important that these subjects are appropriate for the student's future university specialization.

The academic A-level program consists of two parts, each of which lasts 1 year. At the same time, the program assumes 20-25 hours of classes per week. After the first year of study in England, students receive an As-level degree, after the second year - an A2-Level degree. After completing the program, students take exams to obtain an A-level diploma.

Having an A-level diploma allows a student to apply to universities in England and many other countries.

Admission after grade 11

Graduates of Russian schools who have received a certificate of complete secondary education are not eligible to submit admission documents directly to universities in England.

Instead, they have enrollment options that include completing preparatory programs.

First, the Foundation's one-year preparatory programs are available to students, which accept students aged 17 and over. The program provides general academic and language preparation for university studies.

Secondly, a student can enroll in the classic 2-year or intensive one-year A-level program, which we wrote about above.

It should be noted that not all British universities consider the Foundation diploma to be an analogue of the A-level diploma and accept it. It is only recommended to enroll in the Foundation program if it meets the admission requirements of the chosen educational institution England. In all other cases, it is worth undergoing training in the A-level program.

Admission to undergraduate universities in England

The education system in England offers a convenient centralized platform for applying for university entrance documents - UCAS(Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).

To apply, the student must register on the UCAS website and select from 1 to 5 UK universities and programs for which he wants to apply. At the same time, applying for one program costs $ 14, and for several - $ 28. Thus, it is more profitable to apply for several courses than one.

After registering, choosing universities and programs, the student must fill out a personal form on the website, indicating information about himself, his academic and work experience, if any.

The completed form must be accompanied by:

  • a copy of the passport
  • certificate of complete secondary education
  • Foundation or A-level diploma
  • motivational essay
  • two letters of recommendation
  • IELTS or TOEFL certificate

Note that this list of concessional documents is indicative. More accurate information about required documents can be obtained on the website or from representatives of the selected educational institution.

Admission to the Master's program at universities in England

Depending on the chosen master's program and university, it is also necessary to submit entrance documents through the UCAS system or directly to the university.

The second option is more common since only a few universities in the country receive applications for admission to master's programs through a centralized system. From their complete list can be found.

Here you will find detailed description the process of self-admission to British universities.

Did you know that all UK universities have employees who are paid for answering questions from Russian-speaking students? Therefore, in order to receive comprehensive information from universities you are interested in - ask questions to their representatives on the pages of British universities.

Steps to follow for admission to a British university

STEP 1: Choose suitable universities

If you need help - order the service of an individual selection of a university and program.

STEP 2: Choose a specialization

If you know exactly what profession you will study - great! See the UK university program search engine to select programs of interest.

Not sure which specialization to choose - see the list of subjects taught in British universities, and the video below about the professions that will be in demand in the world and in Russia in the next 5-20 years

STEP 5: Prepare documents for application for admission

For programs with low competition, the applicant will need a minimum of effort to prepare an application. And if you have chosen a top university, get ready to work on your application seriously. Regardless of the competition, most British universities will require a letter of motivation, recommendation and a document on previous education.

The following documents are required for admission to universities in Britain:

Motivation letter

An essay in which the applicant tells what profession and why he chooses and how the program he goes to will help him in this choice. A very important document for admission to most British universities. The materials for preparing a cover letter will independently tell you where to start, how to write an essay plan and give examples of successful cover letters.

Need help writing your motivation letter? Our editors who have studied at the University of Oxford and the LSE will be happy to help you prepare your cover letter.

A recommendation or characteristic to a student given by his teacher or employer is a mandatory document for admission to all undergraduate and graduate programs and to most IFP preparation programs. By frequently requesting this document from a referrer in his home country, a student may receive a counter request “write something, and I will sign”. Materials of a letter of recommendation to a foreign university will help both recommended and referees.

Need help writing your motivation letter? Order a recommendation preparation service.


When applying to a foreign university for master's and some bachelor's programs, a resume or CV is required. CV - an opportunity to tell about the merits and achievements of the applicant, not shown in other documents of the application for admission.

Try to put your CV on one A4 page and write about what you have achieved, not just what you did.

Need help writing your resume? Order the CV compilation service.

Proof of previous education

The main document on the basis of which the university makes a decision on the admission of an applicant is a document confirming previous education. Most often, an applicant submits an application to a British university without having a document on previous education in his hands.

And be patient. There are universities that will give you an answer within a week, while others may make you wait for a decision for more than two months. If you need to get a solution faster, write a request to the representatives of British universities from their pages, do not forget to indicate your student number.

Good luck! Break a leg!

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    Experience of living abroad, practice of English, a different approach to classes and an internship in large companies- all this motivates Ukrainian students to go to study abroad. But entering a foreign university is not an easy task, which must be approached with all responsibility. Especially when it comes to universities in the UK, because the English secondary education system is slightly different from the Ukrainian one.

    So, for example, children in English schools study for 13 years, while we have 11. During these 2 years, British schoolchildren try to pay as much attention as possible to those subjects that will be useful to them at the university to obtain a specialty. Thus, they are competitively capable and prepared for university immediately after leaving school.

    To catch up with British youth, you can go through specialized programs that will allow you to maximally adapt to English system education and study key subjects from the future profession.

    Programs additional training

    Today, students from Ukraine have the opportunity to pass two educational programs to help them get admitted to a British university.

    The first certification and admission campaign for USE results... The mistakes of the new system have yet to be analyzed by officials and universities. However, the rectors of the leading Moscow universities, at meetings with journalists, expressed their main complaints: there are many Olympiads, the ability to apply to an unlimited number of universities, the lack of a creative approach in themselves. test items... Officials say the new system Russian education gives ample opportunities for a school graduate, both passing and failing state exams. He may be tested again next year or go to colleges and vocational schools. In addition, graduates of this year and previous years may try to enroll in universities abroad. For example, get an education in British universities, which today are one of the most quoted European universities among Russian applicants.

    The already enrolled students told Gazeta.Ru that it takes immeasurably more money, effort and time to enroll in Britain than in Russia. But the result, according to the graduates of Russian schools, is worth the effort.

    For Britons, compulsory secondary education ends at age 16 when they take the uniform State exam GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). In fact, this document can be compared with the Russian certificate for the ninth grade. Then the student can choose between the average vocational education(Futher Education) and higher education (Higher Education). Those schoolchildren who want to go to universities are required to study in colleges for another two years - according to the A-level program. She prepares the student for a specific profession, there are only a few majors in it. The results of A-level exams are accepted by universities as entrance tests... The British finishes school under this program at the age of 18.

    Russian applicants cannot enter British universities immediately after leaving school: the equivalent of secondary education in Britain is a Russian matriculation certificate and two years of study at a university.

    To get into a UK university, Russians need not only to have a high school diploma at home, but also to make up for the difference between secondary education.

    Therefore, before entering a university, a domestic graduate must study in the UK according to special programs: either a two-year A-level together with British students, or according to the more popular one-year Foundation program, developed specifically for foreign applicants (usually admission takes place in September and January). The program provides for familiarization with training system Great Britain, a system for assessing students' knowledge and pulls the applicant's English to the level of admission to a university. To become a student of the program, you must pass the IELTS test of English at 5.5 points or TOEFL at 500 points.

    Most of the Foundation program time is devoted to language classes - almost a third of the entire course. In addition to the language, students also study profile subjects, which will be useful to them in the future upon admission - from mathematics to the basics of business. Before that, the student must choose the direction in which he will study: business, law, art, etc. By the way, at the A-level, unlike Foundation, the student chooses exactly the subjects he needs. Almost every university has agreements with certain colleges that teach students for the Foundation program. Therefore, usually school graduates first choose a university, and then look at which colleges it has agreements with.

    Russian schoolchildren who came to receive higher education In Great Britain. “Studying in Britain is tough, it’s not comparable to our education,” says one of the Foundation students at Kaplan Aspect College, located in the resort town of Bournemouth. Due to the location of the educational institution, many students choose the specialty "tourism", especially since Bournemouth University, one of the college's partner universities, also trains personnel in this field. Although, they say in the college, Kaplan Aspect students don't get hung up on tourism. “At first I was preparing for one profession, but then I decided to apply for a photographer. I have chosen a suitable university for myself and am going to send my exam results there, "said college student Carolina in early May this year, adding that she is confident: in the UK" there are more opportunities for creative professions in general. " Another student, Daria, chose the specific profession of "golf manager", which is difficult to find training in Russia.

    To enter the university, Foundation students must pass an English test and test for the course they have taken. Students submit their final test results after verification to the UCAS University Admissions Service.

    According to UK rules, packages of documents can be sent to no more than five universities. “To enter, you must not only pass tests, but also be able to do scientific work and presentations, ”says one of the Kaplan Aspect students. In addition to exam results, the package of documents should also contain the student's resume, a list of preferred universities in alphabetical order, and a recommendation from the college. Moreover, often students first send their resumes, and then the results of the exams.

    Foundation program training in 2009-2010 academic year costs about 7-8 thousand pounds per year, that is, about $ 11.5-13 thousand Undergraduate degree).

    Tuition fees vary depending on the chosen university and course and can range from £ 4,000 per year to £ 12,000, and sometimes even higher.

    After graduation, you can enroll in a Postgraduate degree, study there for one year. Graduates Russian universities can study in a British master's program without additional training, but for this you need to have high level language, and many prefer to take a Postgraduate degree first. Master's studies cost from 10 to 20 thousand pounds. Housing rent should also be included in the expense item.

    After graduation, a student visa is valid for another year, during which graduates are given a chance to get an internship or find a job. If desired, the employer can subsequently issue a work visa to an employee from Russia. As noted by Anna Colhoun, an employee of the International Department of the University of London Westminster, the university offers students a variety of scholarships and grants, which can be used to study for free in a master's program. According to the interlocutor, Westminster is generally the leader among London universities in providing scholarships.

    Kaplan Aspect instructors say that with many who arrived from Russia and the former USSR students they have to conduct "educational conversations."

    Russian school graduates claim that they want to study only at Oxford or Cambridge, and they do not even consider other options for universities. “But Oxford prepares government officials. This is not exactly what an international student usually needs, ”say the staff of the international department of the college.

    According to the interlocutors of Gazeta.Ru, the main thing for them is to correctly orient students in choosing a profession, and then help in choosing a university.

    Already held students of British universities said that in choosing a university they were guided by the university rating among British universities and the rating of the chosen faculty. Leading positions in most UK universities among Russian students occupy three areas - finance, management and jurisprudence. At the University of London Westminster "Gazeta.Ru" was told that Russian students, who are the fifth largest foreign students not from, in addition to the Faculty of Business, they enter language specialties and the Faculty of Journalism and Media - one of the most popular in the university, which has good rating throughout the United Kingdom.

    Often, a student makes the final choice of a university based on its location. For example, at the Glamorgan University of Welsh in Cardiff, as an employee of the international department of Natalie Hughes University told Gazeta.Ru, there are not many Russian students, because our applicants prefer to study directly in England and practice "classical English".

    Indeed, school graduates from Russia and the former Soviet republics can be found in almost every university in England.

    “I graduated from a university with a degree in world economics. I read about British universities on the Internet, I chose a specialty in which I want to continue my studies in a magistracy. Then I turned to the agency, which prepared a visa for me, all the documents and arranged for training courses", - says a student from Chelyabinsk who is undergoing a course of preparation for a master's degree. The University of Exeter in the South West of England, where he studies, is ranked fourth in England for attracting international students. A spokesman for the university says that about 14.5 thousand students study at the institution, almost 2 thousand of whom are foreigners from more than 100 countries. So, in British universities there are quite a lot of students from Kazakhstan who are applying for government grants. After studying in the UK, according to the agreement, they will have to return to their country and work in Kazakhstan for five years.

    And most of the Russian students in the UK study at the City University of London.

    The university told Gazeta.Ru that the crisis only increased the number of students, but the administration is going to carefully approach the issue of raising tuition prices so as not to lose its reputation as the most popular London university among foreigners. The university also implements the Bridge double degree program, according to which, for example, the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University cooperates with the City. In addition to Bridge, there are other programs and areas in which British universities interact with Russian ones. So the Faculty of Journalism at the University of London Westminster has established close ties with the Faculty of Journalism and launched a summer student exchange program.

    As the students themselves say, the “approach and methods” in British universities differ from the Russian education system.

    So the teachers, according to the students of Exeter, treat the students as equals, and "it is simply impossible to download the abstract from the Internet" due to the strict plagiarism check. “Here you write the work yourself, you don’t just retell the literature, you are forced to think, reflect, draw conclusions,” says Gulnara from Kazakhstan. All conditions have been created for work: good technical equipment, free internet and a 24-hour library. True, two students from Kazan, Alexandra and Yevgenia, students at the department of sports and health, complained that they had to spend too much money on literature: many departments electronic libraries paid. “There may be an illusion that it’s easier to study here, but it’s not. Therefore, here you have to control yourself more. Nobody forces you to do anything. You decide for yourself whether you need to study or not, ”says Alexandra.

    Students note that in Britain no one will allow to retake the exam three times, and this is also "stimulating to study."

    It is true that economists and lawyers generally agree that the education system in Great Britain is better and more promising than ours. One of the teachers at the Business School in Exeter, who previously lived and worked in Russia, also believes that it is better to study in the UK economic sciences... “In Russia, they teach management, not economics,” she is sure.

    Concerning technical specialties, then, as students say, "the learning process is no different from ours: the same control, coursework, exams." But "in Britain the material and technical base is large, much larger than the Russian one."

    “I disagree with young people who criticize our education. Technical education we have better. It is better to study in Russia, but to research here, because there is a material and technical base, "one of the students, Viktor, told the Gazeta.Ru correspondent, showing the laboratories of the City University.

    Not everyone is planning to stay in Britain after graduation. “It’s hard with work here,” says Dmitry from Nakhodka, who is studying at Exeter at economic direction... Many students say that after their studies they will return to Russia, because "English and diploma will play their part" and in the future they will good job at home. But most people prefer not to guess. “Let's try. If it doesn’t work out, we’ll come back, ”said City University students.

    In addition, in early September, the UK government announced the tightening of immigration law for skilled workers from outside the EU.

    As the British Home Secretary noted, this was done to weaken the aggravated over Last year problems of unemployment in the country.

    University professors shy away from the question of how many students stay in the UK, confining themselves to the answer that "each student decides for himself." At the University of Westminster, Anna Colehoun, an employee of the international department, noted that, due to the fact that the pound sterling fell, it became cheaper to study in the UK. But students' requirements for education increased, they began to look for a university that would provide them with further employment. Some university students do indeed already work in Britain. True, they said they found a job for themselves. The rector of the City University Business School believes that with British education it is best to go to work for a global company. Moreover, according to his observations, if a student finds work in a similar place, then, as a rule, at home.

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