Higher educational institutions in Larnaca. Cyprus education system

Republic of Cyprus - Mediterranean Island State, which is part of EU and actively participating in the process of European integration. In the rating of the effectiveness of national education systems (Education Index), conducted by the Development Program UN (United Nations Development Program)Cyprus is included in 50 countries with the best indicator.

At Cyprus Universities, each of which has European accreditation, training is based on the newest British education system.

Teaching almost in all universities is carried out in English. For students with weak knowledge of the language there are special courses.

The main advantages of training at Cyprus Universities:

  • Possession of a diploma recognized worldwide;
  • In comparison with other European countries, a small fee for study and housing;
  • Receipt without exams;
  • The ability to continue studying in European universities;
  • The right to part-time while studying;
  • Additional study of languages \u200b\u200bon courses;
  • The ability to search for work within 1 year after release.

Features of universities Cyprus

Bending the process of receipt can applicants who have reached the age of 18 years and more.

Training starts in early September, consists of semesters:

  1. Main autumn (September-January);
  2. Spring (February-May);
  3. Free - summer (June-July).

Christmas holidays last about 2 weeks.

Learning system consists of test units European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Students themselves choose whether to visit them the university in the summer semester.

The main thing is that by the end of training under the program of the bacheloring program:

  • 120 credit (credit) units (hours) on the disciplines studied;
  • 6-9 hours in foreign languages.

At the end of each stage of training, exams are surrendered.

Stages of university learning

Training programs provide for the following degrees:

  • Undergraduate;
  • Magistracy;
  • Doctorate.

The initial program lasts 4 years, after the end of which the student may apply for the title of bachelor.

The next stage takes another 2 years. After completing the course, the learner has the right to get a master's degree.

Students who have the title of Master are entitled to qualify for the doctor's doctor. Education in Cyprus for this program lasts 3 years and ends with defense of the dissertation, after which the title of Doctor of Science is assigned.

Conditions of receipt

You can enter any of the universities in Cyprus without a preliminary examination. It is enough to provide certificates confirming the English language.

Such are:

  • TOEFL with a result of 500 or more points;
  • IELTS. With an indicator of more than 5.5 points.

Cypriots and applicants from eastern countrieswho own Greek and Turkish languages \u200b\u200bare credited to the university based on exams G.c.e. or G.c.s.e.

Unlike all the others on faculties with creative and medical specialties An exam is conducted.

Applicants from the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus who graduated from high school can enter the university upon reaching 18 years. Prior to this, the 17-year graduates of Cypriot universities offer to take advantage of a special program of preparation for admission ( Foundation).

List of documents

To enroll in the University of Cyprus, a foreign applicant must provide:

  • Document on completed secondary education;
  • Transcript with list of objects and the number of hours;
  • Certificate confirming knowledge of English language.

On a note! You can start learning from any semester. To do this, make a package of documents 2-3 weeks before the start of classes.

Training Visa

To enter the Republic of Russian, Ukrainian, the Belarusian applicant must issue a student visa.

After receiving the official invitation to the University, the applicant must be provided to the country's embassy of the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • A copy of the passport;
  • A document confirming the presence of completed secondary education, and the assessment liner;
  • Receipt for the payment of student and administrative contributions (86 and 52 euros);
  • Certificate of the absence of condoms;
  • Medical certificate;
  • Letter from the bank of the country of residence (Bank Sponsorship Letter) confirming the amount of the amount sufficient to study and reside the student;
  • Medical insurance.

Cost of study in 2019

Both students from other countries and residents of the country must pay training at the university. At the same time, training prices are 20-50% lower than in European universities, and amount to year:

  • Bachelor - from 7500 euros;
  • Master - from 9720 euros;
  • Doctoctura - from 13,500 euros.

Payments to students

Opportunity free learning Universities in Cyprus are not provided. Despite these, all students have the right to qualify for auxiliary payments under technical assistance program foreign countries (PTPZS).

Payments for participants short programs Oriented for 2-8 weeks and consider training at managers and the state economy. There is also the possibility of internship in the State Ministry or Department.

The second type of payments was created for magistracy students and offers at the end of the course to pass extra education By specialty "Management" within 1 year in one of the local institutions.

CIIM with its partners allocate material assistance based on competition, which can cover the cost of all learning. In addition, partial grants from 870 to 3,500 euros are provided for students with a high level of academic performance.

Some universities in diligent and talented students can reduce training fees by 30-50%.

The possibility of internship and participation in student exchange programs

All Cyprus Universities have partner universities in Europe, Turkey and the United States. Students can submit an application after the second year to continue learning in these countries.

Student exchange programs are also working between universities of Cyprus, Great Britain and France. Their participants can go for free to study for 6-18 months in one of the universities of these countries.

To search for work, a graduate of the university is allowed to be in the country of 1 year.

Accommodation and Food Students

PTPZS is also actively assisting visit to students when looking for housing. IN student hostels (Hostels) Lost places are not enough, so guest houses or rental apartments are offered to choose from. On average, the spending for accommodation in university or rental apartments is 250-300 euros per month.

The same amount will be needed on costs associated with small household purchases and nutrition. Educational literature costs 400-500 euros per year.

Family students from Russia can arrange a child in Russian-language pre-school institutions and school.

Work while studying

Students are not EU citizens, the first six months have no right to work. Next, you can earn 20 hours a week in the school period and 38 hours a week - during the holidays.

The best universities of the countries

Cyprus contains 7 universities, 3 of which state, 4 - commercial. Some have branches in other cities.

Name Description Location Name in Greek Type of university Learning language Site of university
Cyprus UniversityCreated in 1989. There are 5,000 students. Is considered one of the most prestigious universities countries. The university has 8 faculties and 11 research offices.NicosiaΠανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου (ΠΚ) StateGreek



Founded in 2004. The number of students reaches 3,000 people. There are 6 faculties.LimassolΤεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου (ΤΕ.ΠΑ.Κ) StateGreek


Founded in 2002 University with a free learning schedule. It has 3 faculties and about 5,000 students.NicosiaΑνοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου StateGreek


University of NicosiaSuccessfully existed for more than 30 years. In 2002, accredited as a university. The number of students exceeds 11,000.Nicosia, Limassol, LarnacaΠανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας PrivateGreek


Created in 2007 on the basis of the Institute of Technology.Nicosia, LimassolΠανεπιστήμιο Φρειδερίκου PrivateEnglish


European University of CyprusWorks since 1961. Initially existed as college. In 2007, he became referred to as a university. There are more than 4500 students.NicosiaEυρωπαϊκό πανεπιστήμιο κύπρου.PrivateGreek


University of Naples.One of the country's leading universities. Works since 2007.PathosΠανεπιστήμιο Νεάπολις PrivateEnglish


Go to study in the European country - the dream of many young people planning not to just get a good higher education, but also see the world. However, this is very expensive pleasure for the wallet of the parents of the future student. In many countries there are special programs to help assist this dream. But as a Russian or citizen of the CIS countries to get a university diploma in Cyprus, without spending big money?

Free higher education in the country is not provided for both for the Cypriots themselves and for foreigners. However, it is still worth paying attention to Cypriot universities. First, in Cyprus you can get a diploma for much less cost than in other European countries. Secondly, there are government programs for financial assistance to foreign students in which they can receive discounts and scholarships. Thirdly, in parallel with learning you can work, which will save parental money.
Today, Cyprus employs seven major universities: University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, University of Cyprus, University of Nicosia, University of Frederick, European University of Cyprus, University of Paphos University of Naples. All of them are prepared according to various programs of bachelors and masters.

How to become a student of the Cyprus university
It is necessary to have a certificate of full secondary education with translation into English or a diploma of the end of an equivalent educational institution in the event of admission to Master Programs (all documents are notarized).
A good level of English is also important (TOEFL certificates at least 500 points or IELTS at least 5.5). If English does not reach somewhat, there is an opportunity to undergo an intense language course upon arrival in Cyprus. Need to collect everything required documents In the homeland, send to the university, pay for the consideration of documents (about 100 euros) and wait for a positive response, since the entrance exams for foreigners in most cases are absent. Training begins in September-October, but applying documents is better in advance in April-May.
If the student is adopted in the university, then the first six months he must devote exclusively the learning process and acquaintance with Cyprus culture. Only then it is worth starting to find work, however it is important to know that students are not citizens of the EU countries have no right to work for the first six months after entering the country, hereinafter - a maximum of 20 hours a week during their studies and 38 hours a week during the holidays. In addition, the decision of the Labor Department (τμήμα εργασίας) clearly defined the spheres of possible employment.

Types of work for a student from the non-European country
* In the field of trade (by warehouses in warehouses, chernobykh-workers at gas stations);
* in the health sector and social assistance (nurses in nursing homes);
* in houses and apartments of the residents (leaving for children, help on housework);
* in some manufacturing industries (bakery workers, in factories for the production of feed, water treatment facilities);
* in agriculture and fishing industry (under-workers);
* in sphere catering (serving about the delivery of finished food);
* In the field of restaurant and hotel business (cherry workers, cleaners). Only those who are studying at the faculties related to the hotel business are entitled to work in hotels in other positions (such work is considered paid practice);
* In some other industries (for example, assistants of workshops, wipers, cleaners).

As a student get a job permit
The student must have permission to accommodate and study in Cyprus issued by the Department of Registration and Migration. For the bookcases of the employment contract, it is necessary to contact the local department of the Department of Labor. With a completed contract (in three copies), signed and certified by the employer, it is necessary to come to the department of the Labor Department. His staff learn the documents provided (passport, immigration permit for accommodation and study, the course of the course in the educational institution and the schedule of classes) and put a stamp, which means that the student received the right to work. Those who plan to work home assistants, but not yet have a permanent job, they can also contact the department of labor and get a special permission to work in which the labor contract is not necessary.
So, the advantages of obtaining higher education in Cyprus can be considered a relatively inexpensive cost, comfortable conditions for staying in a country with an excellent climate and a friendly attitude to foreigners, the opportunity to work in the time free from study, as well as a European sample diploma, which will be listed as homeland, So in other countries.

Universities Cyprus
University of Cyprus
(Πανεπιστήμιο κύπρου) - the chief state university. www.ucy.ac.cy.
Open Cyprus University
(Ανοικτό πανεπιστήμιο κύπρου) - state.www.ouc.ac.cy.
European University of Cyprus
EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY CYPRUS) - Private. www.euc.ac.cy.
University Frederick
Frederick University) - private. www.frederick.ac.cy.
Cyprus Technological University
(Τεχνολογικό πανεπιστήμιο κύπρου) - state. www.cut.ac.cy.
University of Nicosia
(Πανεπιστήμιο λευκωσίας) - the largest private university in the country. www.unic.ac.cy.
Pafos University of Naples.
(Πανεπιστήμιο νεάπολις πάφου) - Private. www.nup.ac.cy.

In the modern dynamic world, young people are increasingly seeking to get an education abroad. What motivates to leave the usual life and for several years to move to an unfamiliar world with someone else's language and incomprehensible traditions? We decided to ask the Cypriots who studied in Russia and Russian-speaking students in Cyprus.

What do Russians and CIS citizens say, studying in Cyprus, about the advantages of local vocational education?
First, it is cheaper than in other European countries. Secondly, it is often based on the American system, which gives students the opportunity to vary at their discretion and visiting schedule. It is also important that after six months of staying in the country, foreign students are entitled to work (though not in all areas). The island is famous for an excellent climate and traditionally benevolent relations to the Russians. And this is the country with the richest historical and cultural HeritageTo which you can join. At the same time, life here is measured here and is rich in noisy night entertainment, which are so distracted by young people from the main goal - receiving knowledge. Almost popularity among foreign students enjoys education in the field of hotel and restaurant business and tourism. Prepare such specialists in many educational institutions in Cyprus.

Antonina Dykhta (28 years)
He arrived from Odessa to study in college of tourism and hotel management. Antonina is already completing four-year training and in June will receive a bachelor's degree diploma. One of the obvious advantages for it: education acquired abroad is valued at home much higher. It is also important that all items in college are taught in English, which Antonina owns at a very high level (additionally she studies and Greek). In addition, in the summer, students can pass practices in these largest hotels as Hilton, and these are invaluable practical skills and the opportunity to see the hotel's work system from within. During the years of study, Antonin found out not tourist, but real Cyprus, and such knowledge about another country always enriches.
Another direction in obtaining education is the study of the Greek language. University of Cyprus, namely one of his divisions - the school of the Novogreic Language, - offers this education service. Here in the evening, get additional education Many foreigners living and working in Cyprus. Russians (including the author of the article) and the immigrants from the CIS countries constitute almost half of all students of the school.

Anna Morari (25 years old)
Cyprus arrived from Chisinau and is now working at Alfa Capital Holdingz Limited company. At Anna University studies the Greek language, which he wants to master perfectly, because it will significantly help her in her further career. Anna really like the learning technique. The teachers actively attract additional visual material, prepare presentations, watching Greek films with students, listen to music. However, Anna notes that the learning process is completely built on the student's self-discipline, there are no tough control by teachers.
Famous truth reads: "Everything is known in comparison!" So, Cypriots who studied in Russia, as a large plus note the fundamentality and depth of the theoretical knowledge obtained, a large number of Objects (this significantly expands the horizons). There are foreigners and a fairly rigid system of teaching, and attention to discipline - all this helps young people more seriously treat their studies.
On the contrary, Russian-speaking students as a positive moment call the liberalism of the Cyprus training system, believe that the lack of teaching control brings up self-discipline and sense of responsibility. They also like the fact that there is no large number of extra objects, knowledge is not only theoretical, but also practical.

Violetta Mikhail

Hours - light, or how to move to Cyprus to a student

In the french side
On someone else's planet
To learn to me
In the University.

More and more families of our compatriots send their children to receive higher education in Cyprus. Such training has a number of significant advantages and advantages. In addition to the beaches and resort weather, this is a measured life on the island with an excellent ecology.

Higher education Cyprus is one of the most significant areas of the country's economy, which are involved thousands of students from around the world. Cyprus Universities meet all the requirements and standards in the field of international education. Of course, specialization in the field of hotel and restaurant business and tourism enjoy the greatest popularity. Many students go to Cyprus practice. In addition to receiving professional skills, it is also a great way to "pull up" a foreign language, because training is going on in English by teachers from all over Europe.

Education in Cyprus is attractively relatively low cost of learning and accommodation, an excellent climate and traditionally benevolent attitude towards people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the former USSR.

If you are not crazy
Romans and Greeks,
Winning Toma
For the library.

Consider the procedure for admission to the University of Cyprus on the example of InterCollege (Limassol).

Training time

There are several curricula:

  • Diploma - 2 years,
  • Bachelor Degree - 4 years,
  • MBA - 1-2 years old.

Start of learning, the estimated deadlines for submission of documents:

  • september - January - August 15
  • february - May - December 15
  • june - July - May 15

Main specialty:

Information System Management
Finance and economics
Hospital management and tourism
Banking and Finance


The cost of training in Cyprus depends on which training program A student (MBA or undergraduate) will choose, and at what pace the student prefers to learn. Usually, in a year you need to gain 30 hours of hours (Credits) at 285 euros, each, the final cost of learning is about 8550 per year.

There are also additional administrative contributions (for consideration of the application, visa, annual insurance, for the use of Internet and laboratories, etc.) in the amount of about 900 euros, some of which is made as a return deposit.

Entry exams:

During admission, only English will be checked. In the system estimate system, the language of knowledge, for example, TOEFL, the student must have indicators not lower than 500-550 (depending on the selected program).

If English is at a good level, then the student will immediately allow learning if not - then the first semester will need to take additional English classes.

Enrollment procedure:

1. To the specified period, you must provide the following documents:

a. Application (you can download on the institution site),
b. receipt of payment of the administrative fee for consideration of documents (52 euros),
c. receipt of payment of a fee for a student visa (86 euros),
d. Certificate from school, be sure to assess
e. University Diploma - if the student claims the MBA program, be sure to be estimated (it is necessary to clarify which items can be considered and not to take hours on them in the Cyprus university),
f. 4-6 photos
g. A copy of the passport so that the minimum of 2 years is valid,
h. Certificate from the police that the student is clean before the law (Police Certificate) must be made not more than 6 months before submission of documents,
i. A letter from the Russian bank (Bank Sponsorship Letter) that the student has a solvent sponsor, ready to pay for training, accommodation and return of the student. Only Mother, Father or Student himself can speak the sponsor. It is also necessary to document the relationship of the sponsor and the student.
j. Medical references - must be made no more than 4 months before submitting documents:

  • AIDS blood test,
  • Blood test syphilis,
  • Tuberculosis - x-ray.

All documents must be translated (except for the application) and are notarized, an apostille is notarized.

You can serve copies, because The originals will be required in the embassy / consulate upon receipt of a student visa.

In intercollege require everything in paper, but some educational establishments Take scanned copies of documents by email.

2. After all documents are collected and contributions are paid, the management of the educational institution makes a decision - a student is suitable for study or not - and issues the relevant document with the guidance of training conditions. The student may be unsuitable for medical testimony or due to low estimates in the past.

3. In the case of a positive response, the Reception Commission sends documents to the Ministry of Education to receive permission to study.

4. As soon as the Ministry of Education approves the student's documents, the Admission Office submits a document to the Immigration Office for a student visa.

5. The student translates a prepaid for learning in the amount of 3200 EUR (in other educational institutions may require payment of the 1st year of learning entirely).

6. As soon as the immigration office approves documents, and money will be listed for study, an interview day is appointed at the Consulate / Embassy of Cyprus. At an interview, you must provide the following documents (originals and their certified copies):

a. Certificate from school, be sure to assess
b. University's diploma is estimated
c. Passport, a valid minimum of 2 years,
d. Certificate from the police that the student is clean before the law (Police Certificate),
e. A letter from the Russian bank (Bank Sponsorship Letter) that the student has a solvent sponsor, ready to pay for training, accommodation and return of the student. Only Mother, Father or Student himself can speak the sponsor. It is also necessary to document the relationship of the sponsor and the student.
f. Medical references:

  • AIDS blood test,
  • Blood test for hepatitis B and C,
  • Blood test syphilis,
  • Tuberculosis - x-ray.

g. A copy of the letter from the Acceptance Letter (ACCEPTANCE LETTER),
h. Receipt of payment of the administrative fee for consideration of documents (52 euros),
i. Receipt of payment of a fee for a student visa (86 euros),
j. Receipt about the transfer of prepayment in 3200 euros.
k. Additional documents that may require consulate / Embassy of Cyprus, depending on the country.

If there is no consulate / Embassy of Cyprus in the country, then the visa must be issued directly in Cyprus. To do this, be sent to reception Commission Package of documents and wait for copies of a student visa by fax or email.

7. It must be remembered that the student has the right to enter the territory of Cyprus only on a student visa!

8. You can then book a ticket with an open date!

9. At the airport must be present:

a. Receipt of payment of the administrative fee for consideration of documents (52 euros),
b. Receipt of payment of a fee for a student visa (86 euros),
c. Receipt of prepayment in 3200 euros,
d. Cash or traveler checks worth at least 1600 euros,
e. Package of documents imposed in the consulate / embassy on an interview
f. Letter from Acceptance Letter (Acceptance Letter),
g. Return ticket with an open date

Students who will not be able to present These documents at the airport will not be able to enter the territory of Cyprus.

10. Before starting a training semester, you must register. Registration ends 3-5 days before the start of classes. You can register within a week after the start of classes, but in this case it will be necessary to pay a fee of 35 euros.

11. After that, it will be necessary to submit documents to the immigration office for the extension of the student visa and receiving a pink slip.

The procedure for entering and submitting documents is almost the same in all universities, but it is desirable to always clarify all the details in advance.

Water is quietly splashing
Blue ribbon.
Remember sometimes
Your student

How a student get a job in Cyprus

Of course, first of all it will be necessary to pose a search for housing. At universities there are student hostels (hostels), but the number of places in them is extremely limited. Most students who come to learn from other countries prefer to shoot apartments in the communion near the educational institution.

Some families prefer to buy an apartment or house, after all, accommodation in the resort is always in price.

Due to the fact that in Cyprus is still a little developed system public transport, the student is most likely to be needed in the car or in extremely scooter. Prices for used cars in Cyprus are relatively low, driver's license issued in Russia, operate 6 months after which without exams exchange to Cyprus. Get used to left-sided movement is quite easy.

In Cyprus, a banking system, inexpensive international negotiations, is widely developed, high-speed Internet is widely distributed, so it will be easy to maintain communication with the homeland student.

The right of a student to work in Cyprus

It is important to note that students are not citizens of the EU countries do not have the right to work the first 6 months after entering the country, hereinafter - a maximum of 20 hours a week over time and 38 hours a week during the holidays.

As the Cyprus Mail notes, this decision is true or not this decision of the Labor Department, but the law is unequivocally determines which students from third countries can work in what fields of economics. So, foreign students may employ:

* in the field of trade and repair (as loaders in wholesale trade warehouses, min-workers at gas stations and helpers on car wash),
* in the health and social assistance (nurses in nursing homes),
* in houses and apartments of local residents (partial employment, cleaning and childbirth, help in housework),
* in some manufacturing sectors of the economy (as workers bakeries, night workers in the production of a 24-hour cycle, in factories for the production of feed, on wastewater factories),
* in agriculture and fishing industry (as black-workers),
* In some other industries (for example, workers of the garbage trucks, janitor, cleaners),
* in the field of catering (employees for the delivery of finished food),
* in the field of restaurant and hotel business (black-worker in the kitchen, cleaners),

As for the right to work in hotels, he received only those who study at the faculties with a direct attitude towards the hotel business. From June 1 to October 15, such students have the right to work in hotels as paid practice.

Human rights organizations and immigrant support groups have repeatedly called on the government to expand the list of jobs, which is allowed to be arranged to students from third countries. Most jobs from the list refer to the category of heavy and low-paid work.

How to get a job permit?

* The right to work only those students of third countries that were rejected in Cyprus educational institutions at least six months.
* The student must have permission to accommodate and study in Cyprus (the so-called student visa) issued by the Migration Department.
* For clarification and receipt of the forms of the employment contract, it is necessary to contact the local department of the Department of Labor.
* It is necessary to fill out a labor contract in three copies, which must be signed and completed by the stamp of the employer.
* With three copies of the contract, it is necessary to appear in the local department of labor. In addition to the contract, you need to provide an identity card either passport, immigration permit for accommodation and study in Cyprus, as well as a course program in its educational institution and class schedule.
* Employees of the Labor Department will learn all the paper provided at their disposal, and will put a stamp that will mean that the student received the right to work. Two of the three copies of the employment contract officials will be returned to the student. One must be left at your disposal, another - to give to the employer.
* Students who intend to work on home assistants, but have not yet have a permanent job, they can contact the Department of Labor, get a special form, fill it, return to the employee, and get a special permission to work. It is not necessary to fill the labor contract.

Offices of the Labor Department

Nicosia - 22-403000
Limassol - 25-827350
Paphos - 26-821658
Larnaca - 24-805312

Comfortable education in Cyprus

Cyprus with its Mediterranean climate, colorful landscapes and gold sandy beaches are traditionally considered a great place to relax, but few people know that in addition to aesthetic and gastronomic pleasure in Cyprus, you can also get a great education.

Cyprus Education System - Key Features

The main feature of the educational system of the Republic of Cyprus is the essential participation of the state in the raising of children. Experienced teachers which take on all the concerns on its versatile development up to 3 years, after which the child falls into a children's educational institution (analogue of our kindergarten), in which it is studying until the age of 6.

Teaching technique in kindergartens of Cyprus is traditional enough, but it has some distinctive features. The program of classes with kids is designed for a certain age, at the same time educators in the interactive form immediately teach kids in the bilingual system, implying the study of several foreign languagesThe most popular among which are English and Turkish.

It should be noted that the level of service in children's preschool institutions is exemplary. The diet is determined by the graduate nutritionist, all mobile games are based on gymnastic exercises and therapeutic physical education.

Normal kindergarten In Cyprus, there is about 12 hours, while several days a week (mainly, on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays) there is also a nightgroup, which is very convenient for parents working alone or planning mini-leisure.

An important for the citizens of our country is also the presence of several Russian kindergartens in Cypria - for example, in Paphos, the Children's educational institution "Sun Angel's Nest" functions at school, and the Garden "UMKA" in the capital of the republic (Nicosia) is a private institution. Of course, the services of kindergartens paid, but it really is worth it.

System of secondary education

The course of secondary education in Cyprus is 12 years and divided into two age periods - from 6 to 12 years, children visit the so-called primary school. The following 3 years of students pass the Gymnasium educational course - it should be noted that these two periods of education are mandatory in Cyprus. In public schools, training is free, while school program The same for municipal and private educational institutions, not as an example of Russian schools. Mandatory educational program In schools of any type is funded by tax fees.

In private educational institutions, in parallel with the national exists, there is also a specialized (profile) training scheme - most such establishments belong to foreign or private enterprises.

The final stage in obtaining secondary education - 3-year training in a unified or vocational education (respectively, "Unified Lyceum" or "Secondary Technical and Vocational Education"), after which 18-year-old students receive a certificate of secondary education and a specialized certificate of humanitarian / Technique depending on the type of lyceum. In fact, these documents are already given the right to employment - graduates can work with clerks or technical experts at various enterprises.

Duration school year, as in Russia, is about 9 months - schoolchildren usually go to classes from September 10 and go to summer holidays at the end of May, while during the year there are also small interruptions in the program. The call to the first lesson rings quite early, at 7:30 am, however, at 14:30, schoolchildren are already free, the duration of change is also standard and is 10, 15 and 25 minutes. Checkers in elementary school ends 1 hour earlier than classes in the gymnasium and a lyceum - this fact should be considered if you choose an educational institution for multi-age children.

A prerequisite for visiting any school in Cyprus is the presence of school uniforms - traditionally it is gray pants and black t-shirts for boys and gray skirts in a pair with white blouses for girls.

Many immigrants note the availability of education in Cyprus, in particular, in British schools and lyceums, all objects in which are taught in English. At the same time, almost all children for a short time are well assisted with the new medium and begin to perceive the language perfectly.

Higher education

The system of higher education of the Republic of Cyprus is represented by educational institutions of 3 types:

  • State universities;
  • Private colleges and institutions;
  • Institutions of higher non-duplicate education.

The age of applicants starts from 18 years - all students must submit entrance exams approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Cyprus, the academic year lasts from September to June and is divided into 2 semesters.

Training in universities of Cyprus can last from 4 to 12 years, depending on the stage:

  • Undergraduate - 4 years;
  • Master's train - 2 years;
  • Postgraduate studies - from 3 to 6 years, depending on the specialization.

Basic teaching languages \u200b\u200bare English and Greek - as many students say, the level of learning is very serious, deep, which requires complete dedication.

Cost of training in universities of Cyprus

Free is available only in government educational institutions and mainly resident residents - it is also necessary to arrange a child in a municipal school for compulsory education, it is necessary to issue a residence permit. In private schools, there can be absolutely everything in private schools, however, the cost of one academic year ranges from 12 to 18 thousand euros.

All universities in Cyprus commercial - on average one academic year costs in state institutions within 3000-3200 euros, in private - from 4,000 euros and higher. It should be noted that the universities of Cyprus work closely with British and French educational institutions, which makes it possible to take advantage of the exchange program for each student.

The cost of education already includes costs for accommodation, meals, medical insurance, transport companies, communication services - Conditions created for schoolchildren and students, as they provide for the provision of wards with everything necessary for a comfortable life in someone else's country.

The most famous educational institutions of Cyprus

Cyprus - a small country, therefore, and educational institutions in it are not as many, but both for the local population and immigrants from Russia there is a rating of leaders:

  • , founded in 1985 and is the first private institutional educational institution in the country. Chief Principles The work of the institution is to provide all students to the formation of the American level, while the university is rightly considered international. The structure of the institution is sufficiently branched - at your service faculties of architecture, design and art, business and economics, communications, pedagogy, engineering, humanitarian sciences, jurisprudence, scenic arts, as well as specialized schools for in-depth study of tourism, sports, aviation and sea business.
  • (East Mediterranean University) in Famagusta has been operating for more than 35 years and offers its students an excellent opportunity to get high-quality education of the European Sample - all items are taught in English, the exceptions are the specialties of the Pedagogical Faculty, issuing teachers of Turkish schools, and the Law Faculty. In addition to the standard "set" of the department, it is here that you can get comprehensive knowledge in the field of applied sciences, pharmaceuticals and general medicine, information computer technologies.
  • - This is a private educational institution, guaranteeing quality education in English, also famous for more research projects. The main directions of this school - economics and administrative sciences, architecture, humanitarian sciences and natural science, communications, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pedagogy, engineering, art and design, health care, right, pharmaceuticals, theater art.
  • Founded by the Scientific Foundation of the Republic of Cyprus and operates since 1990 - in addition to the high quality of education, this educational institution is also famous for its excellent location, as it is in one of beautiful cities countries. The eating has the status of a state stock educational institution and provides its graduates with diplomas of the international sample in such directions as the economy and administrative sciences, engineering, applied sciences, spa science and technology, architecture, tourism and hotel management, pedagogy, health care.
  • - A private educational institution, simultaneously being the largest in the country. The benefits of MUK include a developed infrastructure, the strongest teaching staff, use in the process of learning multimedia and IT technologies last generation And the best library foundation in the country.
  • Relatively young - the first applicants appeared in it only in 2012, but the institution for the meek duration managed to earn an impeccable reputation. The main advantage of the institution is a close collaboration with leading educational institutions in the world. Personal-oriented learning technique The training technique is perfectly combined with advanced programming programs for sectoral specialists of such areas as tourism and hotel business, air transportation, right and business management.
  • Also young - the establishment is based in 2013 and is highly specialized, here you can get the most concentrated knowledge in the field of marine affairs and aviation. High quality standards of the proposed formation allowed this institution in record time to conquer international recognition - today The University of Kyrenia is considered the best in its segment.
  • The right is considered one of the most ambitious institutions, despite its youth, he received world recognition and support for leading educational centers of the world. It should be noted that the cost of training in this institution is very democratic even for Cyprus, while a successfully compiled academic program allows you to produce qualified specialists of various directions. One more distinctive trait Bun is a practically a family atmosphere and a personalized approach to all students.

Requirements for arrival

The package of documentation directed to the admission committee of any Cypriot university includes:

  • A document confirming the receipt of a certificate / diploma on the successful end of the educational institution of the previous level;
  • Certified by the administration of the previous educational institution or the ministry Culture data on progress;
  • Help confirming the absence of tuberculosis and hepatitis "b"
  • A copy of the document confirming the identity;
  • Recommendation letters (one or more);
  • Confirming the presence of a sponsor document;
  • Photo (5 pcs.).

Knowledge of English at a sufficient level to assimilate the material and performing tasks is one of the basic requirements for applicants. Unlike other European universities, Cyprus Universities will not require certificates about the successful passage of tests such as IELTS, GMAT, GRE, TOEFL or SAT, but their presence is an important argument in favor of solving a scholarship issue.

Student experience: grants and scholarships

As with all over the world, Cypriot universities practices the payment of grants and scholarship students - in the overwhelming majority of cases, their size is determined by the level of financial needs and is calculated on the basis of real (averaged) needs, while the amount usually does not exceed 1/3 of the cost of training.

The decision on the appointment of scholarships or the issuance of a grant is made by the Department of Cyprus Culture and the Bureau of Education - funds intended for financial support of students are very limited, their number is calculated with tens (not even hundreds) and requires serious argumentation.


There are no problems with accommodation in Cyprus - students can choose among many proposals of public hostels, hostels, guest houses, apartments, and the administration of the educational institution always takes direct participation in the placement of their students (help to find accommodation close to university, at an affordable price and t .d.).

Of course, the best decision is the student town - and the stroks of view of access to all resources of the university or college and from the point of view of the atmosphere. However, it should be noted that there are not enough places in the campus at all, the monthly cost of residence without taking into account the cost of using electricity, water supply and other communications ranges from 350 to 500 euros - for this money you can rent a comfortable apartment.

How to get a visa

If you plan to send to study in Cyprus, in advance (at least 2-3 months) should be worked out about the design of a student visa, the application for the extradition of which should be sent to the Administration of the Academy of Science (receiving parties).

List of visa documents:

  • Passport, valid at least for 12 months;
  • Copies of all filled pages of the Personality Page;
  • Statement of the established sample;
  • 4 photos;
  • Help confirming the presence of sufficient amount of money in Cyprus;
  • Original and notarized copy of the certificate of secondary education;
  • Certificate confirming the absence of criminal record;
  • Certificate of acceptance of study (from the host);
  • Receipt of payment of state duties.

Studying and work: perspectives for students of Cypriot universities

In parallel with studying at high school, each student can also attend educational courses - the most popular areas among immigrants are language and training in the field of tourism and tourist management of the program.

It is also not difficult to find a part-time job - it can be hourly work with a bartender, a waiter, a cleaner, a guard, a bowrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrian and fruit, a guide or counselors, while the work is paid enough generously - the cost of the hours of operation ranges within 10-20 euros.

The most realistic prospect for graduates of the Cypriot Schools, who are not residents of the country - work in the tourism industry (translators, managers in hotels, engineers and technical experts).

Education in Cyprus: Benefits and Disadvantages

Summing up, with confidence it can be said that the universities of Cyprus offer us an excellent quality of education at a very reasonable price, guarantee the development of skills necessary for working in the face of a developing international market, not to mention a pleasant pastime.

  • Availability of education and its high quality, including rare specializations;
  • The possibility of learning foreign languages;
  • Employment opportunity;
  • Comfortable living conditions;
  • Excellent climatic conditions.
  • Tension of Turkish-Greek relations;
  • Limited quotas for issuing grants and scholarships;
  • A small number of institutions in which they teach in Russian;
  • Employment is limited to higher schools;
  • The most real prospect of employment at the end of the university is the tourism industry.

The choice of the university is not a lung task. Sooner or later, all parents in Cyprus are puzzled by this question. Of course, you can leave to receive higher education in Germany, the United Kingdom or America. But you should not write off with bills and local universities, in whose benefits made your choice is no longer one student.

The main advantages of training in Cyprus:

  • Low cost of learning and accommodation.
  • Ability to work while studying (20 hours a week in academic weeks and 38 hours a week on vacation).
  • The opportunity to stay after receiving a diploma and work in Cyprus.
  • The ability to transfer to 2 and 3 courses of universities in other countries.
  • Excellent attitude to foreigners and, in particular, to the Russians.

Currently, Cyprus has 8 universities: three state and five private.

The most prestigious is considered the University of Cyprus (The University of Cyprus) , the bulk of whose students is Cypriots. There are practically no foreigners at the university. This is a reflection of state policies aimed at maintaining the prestige of national education: fairly high demands are presented to applicants. The university has four faculties: the Faculty of Humanitarian and public Sciences, Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, as well as the Faculty of Economics and Management. Teaching in the University of Cyprus is conducted in Greek, Turkish and English.

In addition, Cyprus has private institutions and colleges who offer training programs in certain fields-secretarial business, business management, electrical engineering, civil engineering, engineering, banking, accounting, hotel business and much more.

It is necessary to approach the choice of an educational institution with caution, as often colleges are in a hurry to open new programs that have not yet passed state accreditation, and it may take longer than the course itself.

The standard age of applicants of all types of universities is 18 years old and older. The academic year begins in September and continues until June. Annual educational process is divided into two semesters: autumn (September - January) and Spring (February-May). There is also an optional (summer) semester (June-July). Training in Cyprus is carried out by a fairly flexible system: students can independently make a decision whether they will attend classes in summer, depending on the number of selected items and the intensity of the educational process.

To enroll in the college, the student must submit the IELTS certificate with the result of more than 5.5 points or the TOEFL certificate with the result from 500 points. Those who do not have the necessary number of points based on the results of the test may be trained in language courses right under college.

Foreign students, graduates of secondary schools who speak Greek or Turkish, can be enrolled in the university based on G.C.E.

or G.C.S.E., or other equivalent exams. At the same time, it is not necessary to know English at all.

Entrance exams and work contests are held only at the medical faculties and when entering faculties to obtain creative specialties. You can go to the universities in Cyprus from any semester, you only need to arrive 2-3 weeks before the start of the semester and submit the necessary documents.

Among the languages \u200b\u200bof teaching in Cyprus universities, English and Greek are widespread, some are engaged in Turkish. Further is most importantly followed by French and Russian. Basically, the Russian language is used in courses of tourist management. Today this area is popular among Russian immigrant students.

The highest school of Cyprus consists of three separate steps:

  • bachelor.
  • master
  • graduate school

Bachelor's degree Students are usually obtained for 4 years of education within the first stage higher School. Two extra years requires a master's degree. Finally, graduate school is the third stage of higher education, where specific training deadlines depend on the specialization. As a rule, graduate school students are improving knowledge for 3-6 years.

Education within the framework of the highest school in Cyprus is paid.

Accurate calculation of the cost of study, each specific university makes based on its needs and opportunities. On average, training at the State University costs 3-4 thousand euros for one academic year. Education in private colleges and universities will cost more - 5-9 thousand euros. It should be borne in mind that the amount of expenses for education is not only payment for tuition. Life in Cyprus, even if not so expensive in other countries, but still requires a minimum of 300-500 euros per month for food, travel, clothing, services and other services. Also have to pay for medical insurance about 100 euros. Thus, the cost of learning and living in Cyprus will cost about 12-15 thousand euros.

List of Cyprus State Universities:


Address: 75 Kallipoleos Avenue Po Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia Phone: +357 22 894000 Fax: +357 22 892100 E-mail: [Email Protected] Website: www.ucy.ac.cy

2. Open University of Cyprus (OUC).

Address: Po Box 12794, 2252 Lefkosia Phone: +357 22 411600 Fax: +357 22 411601 E-mail: [Email Protected] Website: www.ouc.ac.cy

3. Cyprus University of Technology (CUT).

Address: 30 ARCHBISHOP KYPRIANOS STR.3036, 3603 LIMASSOL TELEFON: +357 25 002500 Fax: +357 25 002750 E-mail: [Email Protected] Website: http://www.cut.ac.cy

List of companies universities in Cyprus:

1. Frederick University.

Nicosia: Address: 7, Y. Frederickou Str, Pallouriotissa, 1036, Nicosia. P.O. Box 24729, 1303 Nicosia, Cyprus. Phone: +357 22 431355 Fax: +357 22 438234

Limassol: Address: 18, Mariou Agathangelou Str., Agios Georgios Havouzas, 3080, Limassol, Cyprus. P.O.Box 56368, 3306, Limassol, Cyprus, Phone: +357 25 730975 Fax: +357 25 735001

E-mail: [Email Protected] Website: www.frederick.ac.cy


Address: 6 DIOGENES STREET, ENGOMI, P.O. Box 22006, 1516 Nicosia, Cyprus Phone: +357 22 713000 Fax: +357 22 713172, +357 22 662051 E-mail: [Email Protected] Website: www.euc.ac.cy

3. University of Nicosia

Address: 46 Makedonitissas Avenue, P.O. BOX 24005, 1700 Nicosia, Cyprus Phone: +357 22 841500 Fax: +357 22 352067 E-mail: [Email Protected] Website: www.unic.ac.cy


Address: 2 Danais Avenue, 8042 Pafos, Cyprus Phone: +357 26 843300 Fax: +357 26931944 E-mail: [Email Protected] Website: http://www.nup.ac.cy

5. University of Central LancashIre- Cyprus (UCLAN-CYPRUS)

Address: 12-14 University Avenue, 7080 PYLA, LARNAKA, CYPRUS Phone: + 357 24812121 Fax: + 357 24812120 E-mail: [Email Protected] Website: www.uclancyprus.ac.cy

More information about higher education can be obtained on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as by phone:

  • +357 22 800902
  • +357 22 800727
  • +357 22 800661
  • +357 22 800729

Cyprus manits the beauty of Mediterranean landscapes, attracts with a mild climate, pleases with golden beaches. However, a comfortable stay in Cyprus is successfully combined with high-quality education. Available cost of study, a fun student atmosphere, a cozy life - all these are reasons for immigration to an island through study.

Features of education in Cyprus

Pre-school education

In Cyprus, in a six-month old age, kids can be given to Nurserie, where they will receive the necessary upbringing up to three years. From three years old, children are sent to children's preschool institutions (kindergartens), where the educational course is held until the sixth year old.

Children's gardens in Cyprus work according to the traditional methodology, but have their own characteristics.. Classes are held with the kids, the program of which is compiled under a certain age period. Educational work Leads in several languages. Standard set - Greek language and English. The overall education of kids is performed according to the method of bilingual education. This method is widely used in most European countries.

Video: Kindergarten in Northern Cyprus

Preschool institutions of Cyprus stand out by a good organization directly. Children's cuisine is a selective balanced menu. And everything that is cooked to feed children, controls a specially hired nutritionist. Surveral children's games in the fresh air are thought out, gymnastics and therapeutic physical culture are used. The working day of the standard kindergarten lasts 11-12 hours. There is also a facility, where a few days a week (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) from 21:00 to 8:00 there are night groups.

Cyprus has several Russian kindergartens. Some of them, such as "Umku" in Nicosia, are autonomous institutions. Others, for example, kindergarten "Sun Angel's Nest" in Paphos, work in schools. Services pre-school education Paid.

Secondary education

The period of secondary education covers a total of 12 years. Of these, the first six (from 6 to 12) comes to the course of primary school. Further, from 12 years and up to the age of 15, a gymnasium (gymnasium) is held. Mandatory in Cyprus is the period of education from age 6 to 15 years. All this period of Cypriots learn for free, subject to visiting public schools, but not private educational institutions.

... in Cyprus the program for all schools is one. There is no such separation as in Russia. Of course, there are schools that are famous for their traditions. There are schools located closer to Western regions of the city, where many children of immigrants. There, unfortunately, the level of worse for social reasons than in state fault ...


Financing of compulsory education in public schools, gymnasiums, lyceums is carried out at the expense of tax fees. Together with state system There is another - parallel scheme of private education. Here, training is conducted on a paid basis by accredited private schools, gymnasiums, lyceums. Most of these institutions belong to foreign structures.

The academic year of high school begins in the first decade of September (usually the 10th). Study is completed at the end of May. Visiting classes is organized in five days. Lessons begin at 7:30 and end at 14:30. Breaks between lessons for 10-15 minutes. The longest change is 25 minutes. Summer vacation from June to September. Additionally, within a year, a few more short-term vacations are provided.

The next (three year old) level of education is a unified lyceum (UNIFIED LYCEUM) or Vocational and Vocational Education (SECONDARY TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION). Age group students from 15 to 18 years old. After the unified lyceum is completed, high school certificate is issued and the Humanitarian certificate. Graduates of vocational institutions get a certificate technique with the certificate. Owners of such documents may already be employed by clerks in offices or working technical services.

Among features school Education Cyprus - Uniforms that all high school students should be worn. Traditional Uniform Style - Pants gray With black T-shirts for boys and the same coloring skirts in a pair with white blouses for girls.

... a very short school day, primary School And the elder finish with a difference of 1 hour, which is uncomfortable with several children. Probably, adult children do not get dive into English. But prices in Cyprus are the cheapest worldwide on english learning. If you compare with Moscow, less at least 3 times ...



... I have two girls 13 and 11 years old. Two years ago came to study at GAU from the usual Moscow school. Training in English. Pupils not speaking in Turkish 10-15%. Two months later, when the shock passed in children, they began to perceive English (before moving 1.5 years came the tutor 2 times a week + school program) ...



Video: Study in the British School in Cyprus

System of higher education

Cyprus Higher Education System is a few universities of state affiliation, as well as private institutions and colleges. The same system belongs to the so-called institutions of higher non-dynamopy education. The standard age of applicants of all types of universities is 18 years old and older. The academic year begins in September and continues until June. Annual educational process is divided into two semesters. Acceptance of students is carried out by results entrance exams. Examination conditions are approved by the Ministry of Education and Cyprus Culture.

The highest school of Cyprus consists of three separate steps:

  • undergraduate
  • magistracy
  • graduate school.

The bachelor's degree of Cypriot students is usually obtained for 4 years of education as part of the first step of higher education. Two extra years requires a master's degree. Finally, graduate school is the third stage of higher education, where specific training deadlines depend on the specialization. As a rule, graduate school students are improving knowledge for 3-6 years.

Among the languages \u200b\u200bof teaching are widespread English and Greek. Some universities of Cyprus are trained in Turkish. Further is most importantly followed by French and Russian. Basically, the Russian language is used in courses of tourist management. Today this area is popular among Russian immigrant students.

... Now in the Mediterranean University (in Famagusta), two friends are studying - Ukrainka (English at the level of the best than mine) and Romanian (with a teacher's diploma and french languages). They learn there in the magistracy. I also thought that university here fu, schools, too, no knowledge and so on. So, both of them in one voice say that study is very serious, everything is exceptionally in English, the level of which is higher than their both combined. Specialty - Tourism ...



Creation Cost

There are no free studies for foreign citizens in Cyprus. Even if we take the period of compulsory education to study free in the State School of Cyprus, a residence permit is necessary. Private schools take all without exception, but the cost of studying in them reaches 12-18 thousand euros per year. True, it is worth noting - this amount includes expenses for accommodation and meals.

Education as part of the highest school is paid by default. Exactly calculation of the cost of study makes every specific university based on their needs and opportunities. Average state universities Cyprus takes 3000-3200 euros for one academic year. Education in private colleges and universities will cost more - from 4,000 euros.

The amount of expenses for education is not only payment for training. Life in Cyprus, even if not so expensive, but still requires a minimum of 300-350 euros per month for food, travel, clothing, communication services, and more. Also have to pay for medical insurance about 100 euros.

... at Cyprus Universities, excellent opportunities to participate in student exchange programs (such as Erasmus). Most often, Cypriot universities cooperate with English and French. So, depending on the language of learning and knowledge of the language, you can travel for free to learn half a year / year in another country ...


Most popular educational institutions

The number of educational institutions in Cyprus is relatively small, if compared with other countries. But even such a modest list of schools, lyceums, colleges and universities has indisputable leaders among immigrants and the local population:

  • Russian secondary school "Pythagorean students",
  • Cypriot College,
  • University of Technology,

"Pythagorean students" is a Russian-speaking private educational institution. The school, established in 1999, was very quickly famous for the qualitative training of children in the direction of studying foreign languages. In this case, we are talking about in-depth study of English language. Graduates of the Russian school receive two certificates about secondary education - the Russian sample and European.

... Access to school closed. Children under control. The director and the owner of the school is the Russian lady, the former Russian teacher, tough, accurate. For a long time in Cyprus. He herself takes parents, fully aware of all the cases of the school. Really controls the process ...



Cyprus College - the oldest university, founded back in 1961. It is part of the famous European University of Cyprus. The establishment is equipped with modern computing equipment. At the disposal of students there is a rich library, a modern sports complex. Cyprus College, according to European and American professionals, gives education high level.

Open University of Cyprus - the only university in Cyprus, which along with traditional destinations offers distance education . The training system of the university includes a large number of research programs aimed at developing methodologies and high technologies. University and postgraduate formulations are supported.

Technological University is one of the young universities of Cyprus. Construction was completed in 2004, and the first students of the university accepted in 2007. Running Technological University Significantly expanded the possibilities of applicants of various social groups on the choice of specializations. There were new directions that other Cyprus Universities could not offer.

Frederic University is a private university on the basis of which six specialized schools.. Each school offers learning to different specializations. For example, there is a school economic Sciences and administration, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. In general, the university offers undergraduate and magistracy programs in the field of science, technology, art, etc.

Photo gallery of popular among Russian schools and universities

Technological University - one of the young universities of Cyprus Open University of Cyprus offers immigrants Distance education Cyprus College is part of the famous European University School "Pythagorean students" very quickly became famous for the high-quality training of children Frederic University - private university and six specialized schools

What requirements are presented to foreigners when admission?

The requirements of Cypriot universities are reduced to the following items:

  • bachelor's applicants are needed at least a middle education certificate,
  • master's apprentices require a bachelor's degree.
  • in any case, knowledge of English (Greek) language is needed,
  • information of academic performance on previous education certified in the Ministry of Education or Administration of Education
  • medical certificate confirming the absence of tuberculosis and hepatitis "B",
  • statement on the established form to the administration of the university,
  • one or more recommendation letters,
  • document confirming the presence of a sponsor
  • photocopy of identity card (passport),
  • passport Size Photos - 5 pcs.

It is worth noting that Cypriot universities do not impose high demands regarding knowledge of English. In particular, applicants are not necessary to undergo Language tests TOEFL, GRE, SAT, IELTS, GMAT. But for owners of such documents with high score - This is a significant item in solving the issue of granting student scholarships. Documents must be translated into English.

Scholarships and grants: reviews of foreign students

As happened everywhere in the world, grants and scholarships are also provided to students of Cypriot universities. True, it is mainly done in cases of the essential financial needs of the applicants. The amount of the grant is calculated on the basis of the real financial needs of the student in help. But, as a rule, the size of grants in Cypriot universities does not exceed one third of the sum of payment for training.

Meanwhile, universities and colleges are strongly limited in funds intended for financial assistance. Therefore, serious arguments are needed in order to get a grant. At undergraduate courses, these restrictions are more pronounced than in magistracy and graduate school. Moreover, such an alignment is characteristic of higher educational institutions and government, and private.

The number of scholarships that foreign students can count are calculated in tens. Most of the available scholarships is published, for example, on varsityadmission.com and other sites. The bureau of Education and the Department of Culture Cyprus is engaged in issues of granting scholarships.

... I do not agree. I just received a Grant for training in the amount of 2500 and this is the maximum of what they provide. Of course, as far as I know, it all depends on many family factors ...


... A football player studied with me, relatively high. So he did a discount on learning so that he was playing for the university team. You, the case, not an athlete? Then the discount could be asked ...



Accommodation students

Variants for living in Cyprus set. Students can live in hostels and guest houses, in public hostels and boarding schools, in student towns and in rented apartments. The administration of universities and colleges usually provides active assistance in each individual placement case. Find a residence next to the university, at an affordable price, comfortable and convenient for the student.

Student Towns - good choiceBut there are not enough places on everyone in student campuses. In addition, the cost of living in the campus is actually equal to the cost of renting a comfortable apartment of 300-500 euros per month. It should be noted that this amount is only for rent and additionally need to pay for water consumption, electricity, gas and other services.

Conditions for obtaining a visa

Foreigners departed to the island to study, a Cypriot student visa is needed. The document is issued in advance (in 2-3 months) before the start educational process. An application for registration of a visa must come from the administration of the educational institution of Cyprus. A candidate for registration of a student visa must have the following documents:

  • stamp passport with a margin of validity of a minimum of 1 year,
  • photocopies of important identity card pages
  • personal application on the corporate form,
  • photos of the passport format in the amount of 4 pieces,
  • help on the presence of a sufficient amount of money in Cyprus,
  • original certificate of secondary education certified by notarially
  • certificate of law enforcement bodies about the absence of condoms and persecution,
  • help from the educational institution of Cyprus about admission to study,
  • check paid for visa design services.

Courses and work during training, employment prospects

Cyprus actively employs two types of courses, where foreign students can receive additional education in the learning process. Immigrants are traditionally offered courses, for example, to explore Greek or English, Spanish or French, as well as Turkish. There are also popular courses in the field of tourist management.

Work to students of Cypriot universities is allowed, but there are some restrictions. So, the first six months work part-time with the studies is categorically prohibited. After this period, restrictions are removed, but only for work on the territory of student campuses. Or if the student found work outside the student town, he must receive an official permission from the university administration.

The work of students, as a rule, is the character of low qualifications. Communicated positions:

  • workers dining
  • guards
  • cleaners rooms,
  • bartenders
  • fruit collectors,
  • tourist guides,
  • counselors in children's camps.

Earnings on average is 10-20 euros per hour.

Prospects for employment after completion of studies are quite foggy. Especially since Cyprus is just like many other countries covered the economic crisis. If you're lucky, you can get up again in the sphere of tourism. In particular, the manager of hotels, the translator, an electrician engineer.

Pros and disadvantages of education in Cyprus (Final Table)



Comfortable atmosphere for recreation and studies, good climatic conditions

Stressful relations between the Turks and Greek Cypriots

Relatively inexpensive education compared to other EU countries

Foreigners are difficult to get grants and scholarships due to limited quotas

There is an opportunity to learn several foreign languages \u200b\u200bduring study

A limited number of educational institutions where they teach in Russian

Available higher education in different specializations, including rare

After completing study, demand for specialists is mainly for the turbines

It is possible to work in the period of education

Employment for students is limited to the requirements of universities

Cyprus, as the purpose of immigration through study, offers education high standards Quality. Here are ready to give foreign students Necessary knowledge, provide all skills for future work in the international market. Pleasant climatic conditions in Cyprus only raise the level of education, making educational process more productive and efficient.

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