Personal results for FGOS English. Personal outcomes of teaching a foreign language at school

In September 2012, in 2 grades, training began foreign language according to the new standard. It is quite obvious that the role of the subject "Foreign language" in modern society, value orientations change, a new system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of students appears primary school... All these features of the Federal State Educational Standard require the introduction of certain changes in the organization of teaching a foreign language.

The standard establishes the requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education. Distinguish between subject, metadmin and personal learning outcomes.

Subject learning outcomes are the students' experience of specific activity for the given subject to acquire new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlies the modern scientific picture of the world, mastered by students in the course of studying a subject.

The subject results of studying a foreign language in elementary school are: mastering the initial ideas about the norms of a foreign language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical); the ability (within the scope of the course content) to find and compare such linguistic units as sound, letter, word.

Sociocultural awareness:

Knowledge of the names of the countries of the target language, some literary characters of famous children's works, plots of some popular fairy tales written in the target language, small works of children's folklore (poems, songs); knowledge of the elementary norms of speech and non-speech behavior, adopted in the country of the target language.

Consider now the metasubject results.

Metasubject results are understood as the methods of activity mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, which are applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations.

The meta-subject results of students are the universal educational actions they have mastered (cognitive, regulatory and communicative) that ensure the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, as well as interdisciplinary concepts.

The development of a system of universal educational actions as part of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative actions is carried out within the framework of the normative-age development of the child's personal and cognitive spheres. The learning process sets the content and characteristics learning activities the child and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of universal educational actions. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the Federal State educational standard of primary general education, the Model curriculum of primary general education gives a certain idea of ​​what subject outcomes of teaching a foreign language in primary school need to be formed. In the course of the implementation of this program, a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program is used. The object of assessing subject results is the ability of students to solve educational-cognitive and educational-practical tasks using means relevant to the content of a given academic subject, including on the basis of metasubject actions.

Planned subject results of mastering the program of primary education in English

Learning a foreign language will contribute to the formation communication culture schoolchildren, their general speech development, broadening of horizons, education of feelings and emotions.

As a result of learning English, junior schoolchildren will acquireelementary communicative competence, those. the ability and willingness to communicate with native speakers, taking into account their speech abilities and needs in different forms: oral (speaking and listening) and written (reading writing).

Younger schoolchildren will expand their linguistic horizons, they will master the initial linguistic concepts that are available to them and are necessary for mastering oral and written speech in English at an elementary level.

In the process of participating in simulated communication situations, role-playing games, in the course of mastering the language material of the English language, primary schoolchildren will develop speech, intellectual and cognitive ability, personal qualities, attention, thinking, memory and imagination.

Along with mastering the rules of speech and non-speech behavior in the process of getting to know the life of their English-speaking peers, with children's folklore and accessible samples of children's fiction junior schoolchildren will acquire a sense of belonging to a universal children's culture, friendly attitude and tolerance towards representatives of other countries.


The graduate will learn:

    understand by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates with direct

communicate and verbally / non-verbally respond to what is heard;

    to perceive by ear in audio recording the basic information from messages, stories, fairy tales, built mainly on familiar linguistic material.

    to perceive the audio text by ear and fully understand the information contained in it;

    use contextual or linguistic guesswork when listening to texts containing some unfamiliar words.

Section "Language tools and skills to operate them"

Graphics, calligraphy, spelling

The graduate will learn:

    enjoy English alphabet, know the sequence of letters in it;

    reproduce graphically and calligraphically correctly all letters of the English alphabet (semi-printed spelling of letters, letter combinations, words);

    apply the basic rules of reading and spelling, read and write the learned words of the English language;

    distinguish letters from transcription characters.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    compare and analyze the letter combinations of the English language and their transcription;

    group words according to the learned reading rules;

    to clarify the spelling of a word according to the dictionary of the textbook.

Phonetic side of speech

The graduate will learn:

    to distinguish by ear and adequately pronounce all the sounds of the English language,

observing the norms of pronunciation of sounds;

    observe the correct stress in an isolated word, phrase;

    distinguish between communicative types of sentences by intonation;

    correctly pronounce sentences from the point of view of their rhythmic-intonational characteristics.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    recognize binder use casesrand observe them in speech;

    observe the intonation of the enumeration;

    observe the rule of not stressing official words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions);

Lexical side of speech

The graduate will learn:

    to recognize in the written and oral text the studied lexical units, including phrases, within the scope of the primary school subject;

    operate in the process of communication with active vocabulary in accordance with the communicative task.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    recognize simple word-building elements;

    rely on language guess in the process of reading and listening

(international and compound words).

The grammatical side of speech

The graduate will learn:

    recognize and use the main communicative types of sentences in speech;

    recognize and use the learned nouns with a definite / indefinite / zero article in speech; verbs inPresent, Past, FutureSimple; modal verbscan, may, must; personal, possessive and demonstrative pronouns; learned adjectives in positive, comparative and superlative degrees; quantitative (up to 100) and ordinal (up to 20) numbers; the most common prepositions for expressing temporal and spatial relationships.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    learn complex sentences with unionsand and but;

    use impersonal sentences in speech (Itscold. It s 5 o clock. It s interesting), proposals with design there is / there are;

    operate in speech with indefinite pronounssome, any(some uses:CanIhavesometea? Is there any milk in the fridge? - No, there isn , t any);

    form adjectives according to the rule in comparative and superlative degrees and use them in speech;

    recognize in the text and differentiate words for certain

features (nouns, adjectives, modal / semantic verbs).

Content of the subject

general characteristics subject. Foreign language (FL) along with the Russian language and literary reading is included in subject area"philology". At present, training in foreign languages ​​is considered as one of the priority areas of modernization of modern school education, which is due to a number of reasons.

The social status of the “foreign language” as an academic subject has radically changed. Civilizational changes on a planetary scale (globalization, multiculturalism, informatization, interdependence of countries and cultures), combined with the changes that have occurred in recent decades within the country (changes in the socio-economic and political foundations of the Russian state, openness and internationalization of all spheres of public life, expansion of opportunities for international and intercultural communication, the need for integration into the world community), led to an increase in the role of a foreign language in the life of an individual, society and state. From an item that did not have real application and being in the minds of students in one of the last places in terms of significance, the IL has turned into a means that is really in demand by an individual, society and the state.

It became obvious that the existence and successful development of modern society is possible only with a certain level of foreign language literacy of its members. Foreign language literacy contributes to:

    increasing the competitiveness of the state, restructuring the economy within the country (the biggest barrier in the implementation of joint international projects, the creation of joint ventures - linguistic and cultural);

    entry, integration of the state into the world economic and cultural community;

    access to the information "universe" and the latest information technologies.

Foreign language literacy in the current conditions should be considered as an economic category. Integrating with technical sciences, material production, it turns into a direct productive force.

The role of foreign language as an academic subject is also increasing in connection with the introduction of FSES-2, "where the development of the student's personality on the basis of universal educational actions, cognition and mastery of the world are the goal and the main result of education." The transition from a knowledge paradigm to an educational one makes the huge educational potential of the subject "foreign language" especially in demand. “Foreign language” is truly unique in its educational opportunities and is able to make its own special contribution to the main result of education - the upbringing of a citizen of Russia.

IL is the most important means of educational influence on the personality. Being a part, an instrument of culture, IL forms a person's personality through the vision of the world, mentality, attitude towards people, etc., inherent in the language, that is, through the culture of the people who use this language as a means of communication.

IL opens up direct access to the enormous spiritual wealth of another nation, raises the level of the student's humanitarian education, contributes to the future entry into the world community by fostering respect for other cultures. Acquaintance with the culture of the people (peoples) of the studied language contributes to a deeper understanding of their native culture, the education of patriotism and internationalism. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​and culture removes the barriers of mistrust, makes it possible to carry and spread your culture, to create a positive image of your country abroad.

Schoolchildren master the rational techniques of learning IL and universal learning actions (ULE): use various dictionaries and other reference literature, find information on the Internet, use electronic educational resources, navigate the information and educational environment, etc.

Intercultural communication training promotes:

    the formation of an active life position of students. In the lessons of foreign language, they get the opportunity to discuss current problems and events, their own actions and the actions of their peers, learn to express their attitude to what is happening, to substantiate their own opinion. All this facilitates their further socialization;

    the development of a communicative culture. Schoolchildren learn communication techniques, master speech etiquette, strategy and tactics of dialogical and group communication, learn to be polite, benevolent speech partners;

    general speech development of students. They learn to be more conscious and attentive to the choice of methods and means for expressing their thoughts, improve the ability to plan their speech behavior, set and solve communication problems, develop the ability to adequately use the available speech and non-speech means of communication;

    fostering an attentive attitude to the text, forming a thoughtful reader - a quality inherent in every cultured person;

    expanding the philological horizons through awareness of the peculiarities of their thinking. Based on the comparison of a foreign language with a native one, it becomes clear that there are different ways of expressing and formalizing thoughts.

The study of foreign language makes a significant contribution to the culture of mental work. "Foreign language" as an academic subject prepares students for successful socialization after graduation from an educational institution, teaches how to successfully build relationships with other people, work in a group and team. Possession of communication in FL has become today one of the conditions for the professional competence of a specialist, since knowledge of FL can significantly affect his educational and self-educational opportunities, choice of profession and career prospects.

The educational aspect is aimed at achieving the subject results of general primary education. The content of the educational aspect is made up of communication skills by type speech activity and language tools and skills in their use.

The textbooks use an integrated approach, i.e. interconnected training in all types of speech activity.

Communication skills by type of speech activity


Education dialogical form speeches is aimed at developing students' ability to conduct an etiquette dialogue, dialogue-inquiry, dialogue-exchange of opinions, dialogue-motivation to action and mastering various speech functions for this; and trainingmonologue on the development of the ability to use the main communicative types of speech: description, message, story, characteristic, expression relationship. Students learn monologue and dialogical forms of speech with the help of statements based on patterns. In grades 3 and 4, the final lessons of each cycle are devoted to the development of monologic and dialogical forms of communication. The exercises in these lessons are aimed at transforming and combining the material learned in the previous lessons in new situations. Supports are offered for students depending on their level of preparedness. In headings Pair Work ”, “ Group Work ”, “ Role Play students learn to work in pairs and groups.

The specific content of teaching dialogical and monologic forms of speech in primary school is presented in Table 5.

V listening students learn to perceive and understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates. To develop listening skills in the Textbook, in the Workbook and in the Teacher's Book, sets of exercises are given (headings Follow the leader ”, “ Foley Artist ”,“ Learn to listen and hear ”,“ Let s Sing !” ). Pupils also learn to understand by ear the content of different types of texts, appropriate for the age and interests of students, read by native speakers with different strategies: full understanding of what was heard, understanding of the main content of what was heard; choice and understanding necessary information from audio texts. Specific tasks for teaching listening listening are listed for each lesson goal in the Teacher Books.

In reading students master the technique of reading, learn to readdifferent types of texts in order to understand the main content, in order to extract specific information and for the purpose full understanding of the contentExercises under headingsLearn to Read, Signs and Sounds, Letters and Sounds (Grade 2) teach children to read aloud from transcription, introduce them to the rules of reading consonants, develop the ability to visual differentiation. In headings Reading Rules (Grades 3 and 4) there is a formation and improvement of reading skills according to the rules.

In grades 3 and 4, three main types of reading are taught: with general coverage of the content, with full reading comprehension, with the extraction of specific information. The development of reading skills is carried out in special lessons. Reading Lessons developed in the Reading Book, which are conducted in the classroom under the guidance of the teacher. The lesson uses exercises aimed at developing certain reading skills, such as: the ability to work with a dictionary (heading Using a dictionary ), determine the main idea of ​​the text, build a sequence of events, actions and isolate the main and secondary sentences in paragraphs, etc.

The specific content of teaching reading in each cycle is indicated in the lesson objectives and thematic cards in the section"Reading" Books for the teacher.

V letter learners master calligraphy and spelling, use writing as a means of mastering other types of speech activity; master the basics of writing (writing based on a sample of congratulations on the holiday, a short personal letter). For mastering the skills of calligraphy, spelling, as well as for the development of writing skills in the Textbook and Workbook exercises are given under the headings "Learn to write correctly "," Words for Frederick "(2nd grade)," Write it right ”, “ All About Me ”, “ In your Culture (Grades 2, 3, 4). Fulfilling entertaining developmental tasks in the "Proceedings" (grade 2), students not only learn how to write the letters of the English alphabet, but also become participants in funny stories, get acquainted with the fairy-tale characters of children's English-language literature.

For the development of imagination and teaching the beginnings of a coherent written statement in the Textbook, the heading is highlighted My Friend (Grade 2).

The last pages in the Workbooks are reserved for the section All About Me in which students learn in writing to talk about themselves, their family, friends, city, etc. (within the scope of primary school). Specific objectives for teaching writing are listed for each lesson goal in the Teacher Books.

Language tools and skills to use them.

Graphics, calligraphy, spelling. The letters of the English alphabet. Basic letter combinations. Sound-letter matches. Transcription signs. Apostrophe. Basic rules of calligraphy. Basic spelling rules.

Phonetic side of speech . Distinguishing the sounds of the English language by ear. Compliance with the pronunciation of English sounds: compliance with the length and brevity of vowels, no stunning voiced consonants at the end of words, no softening of consonants before vowels, discrimination and use of a binder "r” (thereis/ thereare). Verbal stress. Division of sentences into semantic groups. Logical and phrasal stress. Rhythmic and intonation design of the main communicative types of sentences: declarative (affirmative and negative), interrogative (general and special question), incentive, exclamation, as well as sentences with homogeneous members (enumeration intonation).

When teaching the pronunciation side of speech uses the exercises listed in the headings“Learn to listen and hear”, “ Follow the Leader ”, “ Let s Sing !”, “ Foley Artist , as well as reading verses and rhymes to the soundtrack.

Lexical side of speech

When teaching lexical side of speech students are presented with 792 lexical units designed for receptive and productive mastery and serving communication situations within the scope of the primary school subject: single words; stable phrases; cliche cliches that correspond to the speech etiquette of English-speaking countries; international words, phrasal verbs; evaluative vocabulary; classroom vocabulary, speech functions; ways of word formation (affixation - suffixes and prefixes, word formation, conversion). In UMK "English2-4 ”, the rule of redundancy of speech material is used, according to which lexical units are supplied in excess for teaching speaking, and when solving a communicative task, each student is given the opportunity to choose speech means in accordance with their individual characteristics. Thus, each student can have an individual productive stock of lexical units.

The content of foreign language education in primary school.

The authors regard foreign language as an "educational discipline" that has enormous potential, capable of making a significant contribution to the formation of a person as a citizen of Russia and individuality.

This Working programm created on the basis of the modern scientific concept of foreign language education "Development of individuality in the dialogue of cultures."

According to this concept, the process in which a student finds himself is considered as a process of foreign language education. Foreign language education acts as a means of achieving the ultimate goal - the development of the student as an individual, ready and able to conduct a dialogue of cultures. Primary general education lays the foundations for this willingness and ability. The process of foreign language education includes four interrelated and interdependent aspects:

- cognition , which is aimed at mastering the cultural content (knowledge of foreign culture and the ability to use it in dialogue with the native culture);

- development , which is aimed at mastering the psychological content (the ability for cognitive, transformative, emotional and evaluative activities, the development of language abilities, mental functions and mental operations, the development of the motivational sphere, the formation of special educational skills and universal educational actions);

- upbringing , which is aimed at mastering the pedagogical content, i.e. spiritual values ​​of native and world cultures);

- teaching , which is aimed at mastering social content, social in the sense that speech skills (speaking, reading, listening, writing) are acquired as a means of communication in society.

Cthe obsession of the educational discipline "foreign language" is a foreign language culture as an integrative spiritual essence, assigned to students in the process of functioning of all four aspects of foreign language education - cognitive, developmental, educational, educational.

Leading on initial stage aredevelopmental and educational aspects that rely on cognitive and educational. This becomes possible thanks to a certain strategy expressed by the formula "culture through language, language through culture." This strategy means the appropriation of the facts of culture in the process of using the language (types of speech activities as means of communication) and mastery of the language (types of speech activities as means of communication) based on the appropriation of the facts of culture. This strategy will reorient education from knowledge-centric to culture-consistent, ensuring the spiritual development of students in accordance with the national educational ideal.

Culture as a system of values ​​is the content of education, mastering which, the student becomes a spiritual person.

The mastery of the facts of a foreign culture takes place in the process of their constant dialogue with their native culture, due to which the student's status as a subject of the native culture rises, a sense of patriotism is fostered, and a citizen of Russia is formed.

This course implements the basic methodological principles of communicative foreign language education:

    The principle of mastering a foreign language culture through communication.

    The principle of complexity.

    The principle of speech-thinking activity and independence.

    The principle of individualization of the educational process.

    Functionality principle.

    The principle of situationality.

    The principle of novelty.

This course uses educational technology, which is based on an effective mechanism for its implementation, namely, truly humanistic communication, which makes the process of primary foreign language education effective. In fact, the process of foreign language education is a model of the communication process, in which the teacher and the student act as personally equal speech partners. Such communication serves as a channel of knowledge, a means of development, an instrument of education and an environment for learning. It ensures the birth of the personal meaning of the student's activity, since it is built on a dialogue in which everything is projected onto his personality, satisfies his interests, built on respect for his personality, attention to her, on the desire to cooperate and help in mastering a foreign language culture, a culture of mental work, projected on long-term results. All this lays the foundations for a real dialogue of cultures.

In addition, the proposed course contains the necessary tools that can remove objectively existing contradictions in the educational process:

Between the desire of adults to introduce the child to the study of a foreign language as early as possible and the lack of a real need for mastering foreign language communication among younger students;

Between the expectation of a child, it is quick and easy to master FL and the need to work long and hard;

Between the collective form of education and the individual nature of the process of mastering a foreign language;

Between the need to be able to learn and the lack of general educational and special educational skills among students that ensure the successful mastery of foreign language;

Between the individual character of a student's speech and a single textbook for everyone.

Subject content of speech

The subject content of speech is realized in the educational, developmental, cognitive (sociocultural) and educational aspects of a foreign language culture.

I and my family. Family members, their names, age, profession, character traits. The responsibilities of family members and their relationships. Favorite activities of family members. Family holidays and traditions. Present. Joint pastime. Family vacation. Housework and gardening. Purchases. Favorite food.

My day. Schedule. Classes on weekdays and weekends.

My house. House / apartment: rooms and pieces of furniture and interiors. My room.

Me and my friends. Acquaintance. Greetings, goodbyes. My friends: character traits, appearance, clothes, what they can do, joint games, favorite activities. Letter to a foreign friend.

The world of my hobbies. Favorite games and activities. Toys, songs, books. Winter and summer sports, various kinds of sports.

My school. Cool room. School supplies. Academic subjects. School routine. Classes of children in the classroom and at recess. School fairs. Holidays. Activities for children on vacation. Summer camp.

The world around me. Pets and their care. Favorite animals. Animals in the circus, farm and zoo.

Weather. Seasons. Trips. Favorite season. Weather: activities in different weather. Family travel. Types of transport.

Country / countries of target language and home country. Names of continents, countries and cities. Sights. Capital Cities. National holidays and traditions. My city / village: public places, places of rest.

Literary works, animation films and television programs. Fairy-tale characters, heroes of children's poems, fairy tales and stories, heroes of ethnic legends, character traits, what they can do, favorite activities.

Some forms of speech and non-speech etiquette of the countries of the target language (at school, on the street, during a joint pastime).

The distribution of the subject content of speech by years of study with an indication of the approximate number of hours allocated in each class for the study of a particular topic is presented in Table 1.

Table # 1.

Distribution of subject content by year of study.

Me and my friends. (24 hours)


My friends, what can they do. Joint games, favorite activities. Acquaintance with peers and adults, greeting, farewell. (13 hours)

My best friends... Traits. Appearance, clothing. Joint games and activities.

Letter to a foreign friend. (8 hours)

Letter to a foreign friend. (3 hours)

The world of my hobbies. (19 hours)

Toys, songs. Favorite games and activities. Winter and summer sports, various kinds of sports. (9 hours)

Toys, songs, books. Favorite games and activities. Computer games. Walk in the park, zoo. (8 hours)

A toy shop. (2 hours)

My school. (14 hours)

Summer camp. Classes in it, classes for children in the summer. (2 hours)

Cool room. School supplies. Academic subjects. School routine. Classes of children in the lesson and

during break. School fairs. (12 hours)

Continuation of Table 1.

Favorite animals.

Pets and their care. (10 hours)

Animals, description of animals. Animals in the circus, farm and zoo. (8 hours)

Weather. Seasons. Trips. (19 hours)

Types of transport. (2 hours)

Favorite season. Weather: activities in different weather. (8 hours)

Traveling to the countries of the target language / home country. (9 hours)

Country / countries of target language and home country. (35 hours)

Names of continents, countries and cities. Description of the area.

Sightseeing: sculptures of fairy-tale heroes.

National Day (Thanksgiving Day). Christmas and New Year: Heroes of Christmas and new year holiday, their character traits and favorite activities, New Year's costumes.

Native Americans and their household items. (15 hours)

Capital Cities. City and countryside, public places, description of the area. Favorite places in the city. Sights of the countries of the target language and home country... Holidays: children's parties, Friendship Day, birthday, Christmas and New Year: preparation and celebration, fancy dress. (12 hours)

My city / village: public places, resting places. Entertainment in the city. Sights of the countries of the target language and the native country. (8 hours)

Literary works, animation films, television programs and their heroes * .

Fabulous animals, heroes of children's poems and fairy tales, heroes of ethnic legends, computer characters, their character traits, what they can do, their favorite activities.

Heroes of fairy tales and literary works for children.

Heroes of literary works for children.

* Acquaintance with the characters of literary works, animated films, television programs takes place within the framework of the proposed topic.

The volume of the vocabulary of students to be assimilated in primary school is presented in Table 2.

Table No. 2.

The volume of the vocabulary of students to be assimilated in elementary school.


Primary School

UMK "English-2"

UMK "English-3"

UMK "English-4"



2 45



5 44




General vocabulary

2 74




Educational and methodological support

A book for a teacher: Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M., Peregudova E. Sh. English: A book for a teacher to an English textbook for grade 2 of educational institutions. - Moscow: Education, 2012.

Textbook: Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M., Peregudova E. Sh. English: textbook for 2nd grade. educational institutions. - 2nd ed., - Moscow: Education, 2012.

Workbook for the textbook for the 2nd grade of educational institutions: V.P. Kuzovlev, N.M. Lapa, E. Sh. Peregudova - 2nd ed., - Moscow: Education, 2012.

Control tasks for primary school (grades 2-4): Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M., Peregudova E. Sh. English language: - 2nd ed., - Moscow: Education, 2012.

Recipes: Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M., Peregudova E. Sh. English: prescriptions for an English textbook for grade 2 of educational institutions. - Moscow: Education, 2012.

Logistics support

Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education

Work program of primary general education in a foreign language

Teaching kits (textbooks, workbooks) in English, recommended or approved for use in educational process

Test and measurement materials by language

Bilingual dictionaries

Teacher books ( guidelines to the UMK)

Alphabet (wall chart)


Grammar tables for the main sections of grammatical material contained in the standards for each level of study


Audio recordings to the teaching materials, which are used to learn a foreign language

1. 10


Metasubject and subject learning outcomes

foreign language

“The peculiarity of the English language as an academic subject is that it is, as it were,“ pointless ”.

I.A. Winter


Distinctive feature personality of a new type in modern society becomes the ability to solve complex issues of intercultural interaction in the era of globalization. A person finds himself in a situation of constant choice of his behavior, life strategy. An individual will be able to achieve a decent quality of life only on the basis of continuous education, maintaining a certain level of intellectual initiative.

In the changed socio-political and economic conditions of the development of our country, significant changes are taking place in the system of domestic education. They are aimed at improving the quality of training of students of general education institutions, the formation of key competencies, among which the most important, along with possession information technology, proficiency in foreign languages ​​is determined. This social order determined the main directions of reforming school language education, development scientific research in the field of theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and innovation processes taking place in a comprehensive school.

    The importance of the subject "English" in the standards of the second generation

In this regard, there is a rethinking and reassessment of the place that is assigned to the academic subject "English language" in the educational process, its significance is increasing. According to the "Concept of federal state educational standards of general education" (Standards of the second generation), the study of foreign languages ​​is supposed to be carried out at all three levels of general education (primary, basic and complete general education at basic and profile levels), which is reflected in the federal baseline curriculum in foreign languages ​​and "Model programs in academic subjects".

The second generation standard emphasizes constant intrinsic motivation for learning, the ability to communicate, social mobility, critical thinking, teaching students to independently construct their knowledge, as well as the general cultural and personal development of students, including through the implementation of a program for the formation of universal educational actions.

In accordance with the state standard of basic general education and integrative purpose teaching a foreign language in primary grades is the formation elementary communicative competence junior schoolchildren at a level accessible to him in the main types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The study of a foreign language in basic school is aimed at formation and development of communicative competence, understood as the ability of a person to carry out intercultural communication based on the acquired linguistic and sociocultural knowledge, speech skills and communication skills, in the aggregate of its components - speech, linguistic, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive competencies.

    Planned results of mastering the basic educational program

In the standards of the second generation of standardization, guidelines for the development of the education system, framework requirements for the content and organization of the educational process and general description the expected individual achievements of schoolchildren, among which are the results of achievements that are subject to and not subject to final assessment. In the FSES of the new generation, the main document specifying and clarifying the requirements of standards for educational outcomes are planned results of mastering basic educational programs.

In accordance with the requirements of the standard in the structure of the planned results, separate sections are presented personal , metasubject results, since their achievement is ensured by the entire set of academic subjects. The federal state standard of basic general education formulates requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program in unity personal, metasubject and subject results.

The metasubject approach in education and, accordingly, metasubject educational technologies were developed in order to solve the problem of disunity, split, isolation from each other of different scientific disciplines and, as a consequence, academic subjects. When letting a student go to another classroom for another lesson, we, as a rule, have little idea of ​​how his development will go on there. We have very little idea of ​​how a student will associate for himself the system of concepts of “our” subject with the system of concepts of another.

Under metasubject results means the methods of activity mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, which are applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations. mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, which include:

a) mastering by students of universal educational actions (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), ensuring the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn;

b) mastering by students of interdisciplinary concepts.

2.1 FSES requirements for metasubject results in primary school

Metasubject results requirements The federal state standard primary general education of the second generation:

    mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, search for means of its implementation;

    mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    the formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve the result;

    the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

    mastering initial forms cognitive and personal reflection;

    the use of symbolic means of presenting information to create models of the studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational and practical problems;

    active use of speech means and means of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) for solving communication and cognitive tasks;

    the use of various search methods (in reference sources and an open educational information space the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the academic subject; including the ability to enter text using the keyboard, fix (record) in digital form and analyze images, sounds, measured values, prepare your speech and perform with audio, video and graphic accompaniment; observe the norms of information selectivity, ethics and etiquette;

    mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with the goals and objectives; deliberately build a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks of communication and compose texts in oral and written forms;

    mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification by generic characteristics, establishing analogies and causal relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

    willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and give reasons for your point of view and assessment of events;

    determination of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;

    willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

    mastering the initial information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality (natural, social, cultural, technical, etc.) in accordance with the content of a specific academic subject;

    mastering basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect essential connections and relationships between objects and processes;

    ability to work in the material and information environment primary general education (including educational models) in accordance with the content of a specific academic subject.

Meta-subject results of learning a foreign language in primary school are:

    developing the ability to interact with others, performing different roles within the limits of the speech needs and capabilities of the younger student;

    development of the student's communicative abilities, the ability to choose adequate language and speech means for the successful solution of an elementary communicative task;

    broadening the general linguistic outlook of a younger student;

    development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of a younger student; formation of motivation for learning a foreign language;

    mastering the ability of coordinated work with different components of the educational and methodological kit (textbook, audio CD, workbook, reference materials, etc.).

2.1 FSES requirements for metasubject results in basic school

Using the subject "Foreign language" during training in basic school students develop and polish the skills and abilities of educational and mental activity, which are gradually formed in the process of studying all school subjects. Among others, one can single out the ability to work with information, search for it, analyze, generalize, highlight the main thing and fix it. All this in a foreign language lesson is taught by constant work with oral and written text. When working with written text, they practice special skills in predicting its content, building a logical sequence, the ability to highlight the main thing and omit the secondary, etc. When planning their monologue and dialogical speech, students learn to plan their speech behavior in general and in relation to various life situations. They learn to communicate through different social roles and to cooperate by working in pairs and small groups. In this sense, the potential of the subject "Foreign language" is especially great. And finally, this item, like many other items school curriculum, is able to gradually teach the student to carry out self-observation, self-control and self-esteem, as well as the assessment of other participants in communication. At the same time, it is important that a critical assessment of the work of another person is expressed correctly and benevolently, that the criticism is constructive and based on the principles of respect for the human person.

In accordance with the approximate program of basic general education, the study of a foreign language involves achievement following metasubject results:

    developing the ability to plan your speech and non-speech behavior;

    development of communicative competence, including the ability to interact with others, performing different social roles;

    development of research learning activities, including information skills; search and selection of the necessary information, generalization and fixation of information;

    development of semantic reading, including the ability to determine the topic, predict the content of the text by the title / by keywords, highlight the main idea, the main facts, omitting the secondary ones, establish a logical sequence of the main facts;

    implementation regulatory action self-observation, self-control, self-assessment in the process of communicative activity in a foreign language.

Metasubject results:


    management of their activities;

    control and correction;

    initiative and independence


    speech activity;

    collaboration skills


    work with information;

    work with training models;

    use of sign - symbolic means, general solution schemes;

    performing logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification, establishing analogies, summing up a concept

2.3 FSES requirements for subject results in primary school

Subject results mastering the subject are formed on the basis of the following requirements Federal State Standard primary general education second generation:

    the acquisition of basic communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on their speech abilities and needs; mastering the rules of speech and non-speech behavior;

    mastering the initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level, expanding the linguistic horizons;

    the formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards speakers of another language on the basis of acquaintance with the life of their peers in other countries, with children's folklore and available samples of children's fiction.

In accordance with the Model Program in a Foreign Language, developed within the framework of the second generation standards, subject results are differentiated in 5 areas: communicative, cognitive, value-orientational, aesthetic and labor .

Planned results correlate with four leading content lines and sections of the subject "Foreign language": 1) communication skills in the main types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing); 2) linguistic means and skills to use them; 3) sociocultural awareness; 4) general educational and special educational skills.

Subject planned results vcommunication sphere are represented by two blocks, allocated on the following grounds:

I block "A graduate will learn" includes the planned results characterizing the learning activities required for further learning and the corresponding supporting system of knowledge, skills and competencies. Achievement of the planned results of this block serves as a subject final grade primary school graduates.

II block "The graduate will have the opportunity to learn" reflects the planned results characterizing educational actions in relation to knowledge, skills, skills that expand and deepen the support system and act as propaedeutics to develop the interests and abilities of students within the zone of proximal development. Achievement of the planned results related to this block, not subject to final grade ... This does not diminish their role in assessing educational institutions in terms of the quality of educational services provided, guaranteed by the Federal State Educational Standard, and the importance for the formation of personal and metasubject results.

I... Subject results in the communicative sphere

I.1. Communicative competence (proficiency in a foreign language as a means of communication)


    Graduate will learn:

    conduct an elementary etiquette dialogue in a limited circle of typical communication situations; dialogue-inquiry (question - answer) and dialogue - motivation to action;

    be able to describe an object, picture, character at an elementary level;

    be able to talk about yourself, family, friend at an elementary level.

    Graduate :

    participate in an elementary questioning dialogue, asking questions to the interlocutor and answering his questions;

    to reproduce by heart small pieces of children's folklore, children's songs;

    make a brief description of the character;

    summarize the content of the read text.


1) Graduate will learn:

    to understand by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates during direct communication and to verbally / non-verbally respond to what is heard;

    to perceive by ear in audio recording the main content of small accessible texts based on the studied language material.

2) Graduate get an opportunity to learn:

    to perceive by ear in an audio recording a small text built on the studied language material, and fully understand the information contained in it;

    use contextual and linguistic guesswork when listening to texts containing some unfamiliar words.


1) Graduate will learn:

    correlate a graphic image english word with its sound image;

2) Graduate get an opportunity to learn:

    guess about the meaning of unfamiliar words by context;

    do not pay attention to unfamiliar words that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text.


1) Graduate will learn:

    master the technique of writing;

    to write off the text and write out words, phrases, sentences from it in accordance with the solved learning task;

    write a congratulation on the holiday and a short personal letter based on the sample.

2) Graduate get an opportunity to learn:

    compose a story in writing according to the plan / keywords;

    fill out a simple questionnaire;

    in writing, briefly answer questions about the text;

    correctly arrange the envelope (based on the sample);

    to make according to the sample of the captions to figures / photographs.

I.2. Language competence (language skills)

Graphics, calligraphy, spelling

    Graduate will learn:

    use the English alphabet, know the sequence of letters in it;

    reproduce graphically and calligraphically correctly all English letters of the alphabet (semi-printed spelling of letters, words);

    find and compare (within the scope of the course content) such language units as sound, letter, word;

    apply the basic rules of reading and spelling learned in the elementary school course;

    distinguish letters from transcription characters.

    Graduate get an opportunity to learn:

    compare and analyze the letter combinations of the English language and their transcription;

    group words according to the learned reading rules;

    to clarify the spelling of a word according to the dictionary of the textbook.

Phonetic side of speech

    Graduate will learn:

    adequately pronounce and distinguish by ear all the sounds of the English language; observe the norms of pronunciation of sounds;

    observe the correct stress in isolated words and phrases;

    observe the peculiarities of intonation of the main types of sentences;

    correctly pronounce sentences from the point of view of their rhythmic and intonational characteristics.

    Graduate get an opportunity to learn:

    recognize cases of using the binder "r" and observe them in speech;

    observe the intonation of the enumeration;

    observe the rule of not stressing official words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions);

    write transcription individual sounds, combinations of sounds according to the sample.

Lexical side of speech

    Graduate will learn:

    to recognize and use lexical units (words, phrases, evaluative vocabulary, speech cliches) studied within the subject of elementary school in speech, observing lexical norms;

    operate in the process of communication with active vocabulary in accordance with the communicative task.

    Graduate get an opportunity to learn:

    recognize simple word-building elements;

    rely on a linguistic guess in the perception of international and complex words in the process of reading and listening;

    to compose simple dictionaries (in pictures, bilingual) in accordance with the set educational task, using the vocabulary studied within the subject of elementary school.

The grammatical side of speech

    Graduate will learn:

    recognize and use in speech the main communicative types of sentences, general and special questions, affirmative and negative sentences;

    recognize and use in speech learned nouns with indefinite / definite / zero article, singular and plural; possessive nouns; verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple; modal verbs can, may, must; personal, possessive and demonstrative pronouns; learned adjectives in positive, comparative, superlative degrees; quantitative (up to 100) and ordinal (up to 20) numbers; the most common prepositions for expressing temporal and spatial relationships.

    Graduate get an opportunity to learn:

    recognize compound sentences with and and but conjunctions;

    use impersonal sentences in speech (It’s cold. It’s 5 o’clock. It’s interesting.); sentences with the construction there is / there are;

    operate in speech with indefinite pronouns some, any and their derivatives (some cases of use);

    form adjectives according to the rule in comparative and superlative degrees and use them in speech;

    recognize in the text and differentiate words according to certain characteristics (nouns, adjectives, modal / semantic verbs);

    express your attitude to action using modal verbs should, have to;

    recognize and use in speech the most common adverbs of time, degree and mode of action (today, yesterday, tomorrow, never, often, sometimes; much, very, little, well, slowly, quickly);

    recognize in the text and by ear, use verbs in Present Progressive (Continuous) in speech within the subject of elementary school, verb constructions such as: like reading, to be going to, I’d like.

I.3. Sociocultural awareness

1) Graduate will learn:

    name the countries of the target language in English;

    to recognize some literary characters of famous children's works, plots of some popular fairy tales written in the target language, small works of children's folklore (poems, songs);

    observe the elementary norms of speech and non-speech behavior, adopted in the country of the target language, in educational and speech situations.

2) Graduate get an opportunity to learn:

    to name the capitals of the countries of the target language in English;

    talk about some of the sights of the countries of the target language;

    reproduce by heart small works of children's folklore (poems, songs) in English;

    search for information about the country of the target language in accordance with the set educational task within the subject studied in primary school.

II. Subject results in the cognitive sphere

Graduate will learn:

    to compare the linguistic phenomena of the native and foreign languages ​​at the level of individual sounds, letters, words, phrases, simple sentences;

    follow the pattern when doing exercises and composing your own statements within the scope of elementary school;

    improve the techniques of working with text based on the skills acquired in the lessons of the native language (predict the content of the text by the title, illustrations, etc.);

    use reference material presented in a form accessible to a given age (rules, tables);

    to carry out self-observation and self-assessment within the limits accessible to the younger student.

III... Subject results in the value-orientational sphere

Graduate will learn:

    represent the studied foreign language as a means of expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions;

    to become familiar with the cultural values ​​of another people through the works of children's folklore, through direct participation in tourist trips.

IV... Subject results in the aesthetic field

Graduate will learn:

    possess elementary means of expressing feelings and emotions in a foreign language;

    to realize the aesthetic value of literary works in the process of getting acquainted with the samples of available children's literature.

V... Subject results in the labor sphere

Graduate will learn:

    follow the outlined plan in your educational work.

      FSES requirements for subject results in a foreign language in basic school

Subject results:

A. In the field of communicative competence:

    linguistic representations and skills (phonetic, spelling, lexical and grammatical);

    speaking (elementary etiquette dialogue, dialogue in typical situations available to the child, dialogue with questions and motivation for action, monologue statements with descriptions of oneself, family and other people, objects, pictures and characters);

    listening (listening comprehension of the speech of the teacher and other students, the perception of the main content of simple audio texts and video fragments in the language material familiar to the student);

    reading (to perceive with understanding the texts of a limited volume, corresponding to the studied thematic material and the interests of students, observing the rules of reading and meaningful intonation);

    letter (technique of writing letters and adherence to spelling rules, relying on a sample, filling in gaps and forms in writing, signatures under objects and phenomena, greeting cards, personal letter of limited volume);

    sociocultural awareness (English-speaking countries, literary characters, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, children's folklore, songs, norms of behavior, rules of politeness and speech etiquette).

B. In the cognitive sphere:

    the formation of elementary systemic linguistic ideas about the studied language (sound-letter composition, words and phrases, affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences, word order, service words and grammatical word forms);

    the ability to perform tasks according to a learned model, including compiling your own dialogical and monologic statements on the topics studied;

    transferring the skills of working with Russian-language text to tasks with text in English, involving predicting the content of the text by the title and images, expressing your attitude to what you read, supplementing the content of the text with your own ideas in elementary sentences;

    the ability to use educational and reference material in the form of dictionaries, tables and diagrams for performing tasks of various types;

    self-assess the completed educational tasks and summarize the acquired knowledge based on tasks for self-control.

V. In the value-orientational sphere:

    perception of language as of universal human value providing cognition, transfer of information, expression of emotions, relationships and interaction with other people;

    familiarization with the age-appropriate cultural values ​​of other peoples and their country, famous heroes, important events, popular works, as well as the norms of life;

    the prospect of using the target language for contacts with representatives of a different culture, the opportunity to tell friends about new knowledge gained with the help of a foreign language, the likelihood of using initial knowledge of a foreign language in foreign tours with relatives.

G. In the aesthetic field:

    acquaintance with samples of native and foreign children's literature, samples of poetry, folklore and folk literary creativity;

    the formation of aesthetic taste in the perception of fragments of native and foreign children's literature, poems, songs and illustrations;

    development of aesthetic assessment of samples of native and foreign children's literature, poems and songs, folklore and images based on samples for comparison.

D. In the labor sphere:

    the ability to preserve the goals of cognitive activity and follow its tasks in the assimilation of programmatic educational material and in independent learning;

    readiness to use modern educational technologies accessible to the age, including ICT to increase the efficiency of their educational work;

    initial experience of using auxiliary and reference literature for independent search for missing information, answering questions and completing educational tasks.

E. In the physical realm:

    the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle (work and rest, food, sports, fitness).

    Mechanisms for interim and final evaluation of the achievement of planned results

3.1 Final assessment of the primary school graduate

In educational standards of the second generation, much attention is paid to the procedures and mechanisms for assessing the and the planned results of mastering basic educational programs. In considering the ratio of the external and internal assessment at the initial stage of education and the role of the final assessment of primary school graduates, it is emphasized that the assessment includes two components. On the one hand, it is « accumulated estimates characterizing the dynamics of individual educational achievement students, their advancement in the development of the planned results. " On the other hand, it is « grades for standardized deliverables that characterize the level of assignment by students of the main formed methods of action in relation to the supporting system of knowledge at the time of graduation from primary school. "

This approach is applicable not only to the final assessment of a primary school graduate, but also to assessing the achievement of planned results in each separate period of study (academic year or quarter). So, when summing up the results of each quarter (or school year in general), it is necessary to take into account the accumulated grades (the student's work during the assessed period), the results of the self-test test, the results of the quarter (annual) test work.

From point of view modern approaches to assessment, “the best way to organize a cumulative assessment system is portfolio student , understood as a collection of a student's work and results that showcases his efforts, progress and achievements in different areas". It is recommended that the portfolio of elementary school students include a selection of children's work - formal and creative, completed both during compulsory classes and during electives; systematized observation materials (assessment sheets, materials and observation sheets, etc.); materials describing student achievement in extracurricular (school and extracurricular) and leisure activities.

3.2 Evaluation of metasubject and subject results

Evaluation of metasubject results is an assessment of the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program.

The main object of assessing metasubject results is the formation of the student's regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal action, i.e., such mental actions of students, which are aimed at analyzing and managing their cognitive activity. These include:

    the learner's ability to accept and maintain the learning goal and objectives; independently transform a practical task into a cognitive one, the ability to plan one's own activity in accordance with the task set and the conditions for its implementation and look for means of its implementation; the ability to control and evaluate their actions, to make adjustments to their implementation based on the assessment and consideration of the nature of mistakes, to show initiative and independence in learning;

    the ability to carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources;

    the ability to use sign-symbolic means to create models of the studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems;

    the ability to carry out logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification by generic characteristics, to establish analogies, refer to known concepts;

    the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers when solving learning problems, take responsibility for the results of their actions.

Assessment of subject results is an assessment of the student's achievement of the planned results in individual subjects.

Subject Knowledge System - the most important component of subject results. It is possible to single out basic knowledge (knowledge, the assimilation of which is fundamentally necessary for the current and subsequent successful learning) and knowledge that supplement, expand or deepen the supporting system of knowledge, as well as serve as propaedeutics for the subsequent study of courses.

When assessing subject results, the main value is not in itself the development of the system. basic knowledge and the ability to reproduce them in standard learning situations, and the ability to use this knowledge in solving educational-cognitive and educational-practical tasks.

The object of assessment of subject results serves, in full compliance with the requirements of the Standard, the ability of students to solve educational-cognitive and educational-practical tasks using means relevant to the content of academic subjects, including on the basis of metasubject actions.

The assessment of the achievement of these subject results is carried out both during the current and interim assessment, and in the course of the final verification work... At the same time, the final assessment is limited to monitoring the success of mastering actions performed by students with subject content reflecting the basic knowledge system of the training course.

3.3 Portfolio of achievements as an assessment tooldynamics of individual educational achievement

A portfolio of achievements is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also an effective means for solving a number of important pedagogical problems, allowing:

Maintain high educational motivation of students;

Encourage their activity and independence, expand the opportunities for learning and self-study;

Develop the skills of reflective and evaluative (including self-evaluative) activities of students;

Build learning skills - set goals, plan and organize your own learning activities.

A portfolio of achievements is a specially organized collection of works that showcase the student's efforts, progress and achievement in various fields. The portfolio of achievements may include the results achieved by the student not only in the course of educational activities, but also in other forms of activity: creative, social, communicative, physical culture and health, labor activity, proceeding as in the framework of everyday school practice, and beyond.


As a result of studying a foreign language, students will form ideas about the role and importance of a foreign language in the life of a modern person and the multicultural world. Students will gain experience in using a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication, as a new tool for understanding the world and culture of other nations, and will realize the personal meaning of mastering a foreign language.

Acquaintance with the culture layer of the country (countries) of the language being studied will not only lay the foundations for a respectful attitude towards someone else's (other) culture, but will also contribute to a deeper understanding of the peculiarities of the culture of their people by students. Such education will allow students to develop the ability to represent their native culture in a foreign language in written and oral forms of communication with foreign peers, including using telecommunications.

Co-study of languages ​​and cultures, generally accepted human and basic national values ​​will lay the foundation for the formation of civic identity, a sense of patriotism and pride in their people, their land, their country, will help to better understand their ethnic and national identity.

The process of mastering a foreign language will contribute to the formation of an active life position of students. Acquaintance in foreign language lessons with available samples of foreign folklore, expression of your attitude to literary heroes, participation in role-playing games will contribute to the development of learners as members of civil society.

As a result of learning a foreign language from students:

· A foreign language communicative competence will be formed, that is, the ability and willingness to communicate with native speakers of the foreign language being studied in oral (speaking and listening) and written (reading and writing) forms of communication; the linguistic horizons will expand; an idea of ​​the structure of the studied language and its differences from the native language will be obtained;

· The foundations of a communicative culture will be laid, i.e. the ability to set and solve feasible communication tasks, to adequately use the available speech and non-speech means of communication, to observe speech etiquette, to be polite and friendly speech partners;

· Positive motivation and a stable educational and cognitive interest in the subject "Foreign language" will be formed, as well as the necessary universal educational actions and special educational skills, which will lay the foundation for successful educational activities for mastering a foreign language at the next stage of education.

Used Books

    Biboletova M.Z. Materials of the Internet seminar "Implementation of the FSES ideas in new sample programs on foreign languages ​​for primary and secondary schools "in BelRIPKPPS [Electronic resource] - Access mode, free. - Title from the screen. - Yaz. russ.

    Sample programs for academic subjects. Foreign language. 5-9 grades. - 5th ed., Rev. - M .: Education, 2012 .-- 202 p. - (Second generation standards). - ISBN 978-5-09-024540 -1.

    Sample programs for academic subjects. Primary School. At 2 o'clock, Part 2. - 3rd ed., Rev. - M .: Education, 2010 .-- 231 p. - (Second generation standards). - ISBN 978-5-09-023597-6 (2).

    Federal state educational standard for primary general education.

    Federal state educational standard of basic general education.

This program provides the formation of personal, metasubject and subject results.


· shaping the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in the Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia;

· awareness their ethnicity and nationality;

· shaping values ​​of multinational Russian society;

· becoming humanistic and democratic value orientations;

· shaping ideas about the English language as a means of establishing mutual understanding with representatives of other peoples, in learning new things, as a means of adaptation in a foreign language environment;

· shaping respectful attitude to other opinions, to the culture of other peoples;

· shaping friendly attitude and tolerance towards speakers of another language on the basis of acquaintance with the life of their peers in English-speaking countries, with children's folklore and available samples of children's fiction;

· Adoption a new social role of the student for the student, in the formation of sustainable motivation to master a foreign language;

· development skills of cooperation with the teacher, other adults and peers in different situations communication in the process of joint activities, including project activities.



· use different ways search for information (for example, in a dictionary and other reference materials of a textbook, in a "hint" to a multimedia application) in accordance with the communicative / cognitive task to be solved;

· Possess the skills of semantic reading of texts of different styles and genres in accordance with the goals and communicative tasks (with an understanding of the main content, with full understanding);

· To accept the tasks of educational and communicative activities, including those of a creative nature, to search for means of solving the problem, for example, to select adequate language means in the process of communicating in English;

· Use sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of studied objects, for example, in the process of grammatical modeling;

· Transmit, record information in the table, for example, when listening to texts in English;

· Own basic grammatical concepts that reflect essential connections and relationships (time, number, person);

· Rely on a linguistic guess in the process of reading / listening to texts containing separate unfamiliar words or new combinations of familiar words;

· Use speech and information and communication technologies (in particular, multimedia applications for the course) to solve communication problems.


· Agree on the distribution of roles in the process of joint activities, for example, project;

· Consciously build a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks of communication in oral and written form;

· Listen to and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

Analyze, compare, generalize, classify, group linguistic information at the level of sound, letters, words, sentences, for example, group lexical units by thematic feature, by parts of speech, compare ways of reading vowels in open and closed syllables, to analyze the structure sentences in English and Russian, etc .;

· Understand the reasons for the failure of educational activities and act on the basis of the learned rule / algorithm in order to achieve success, for example, when reaching mutual understanding in the process of dialogical communication;


· Work in a material and information environment: use comprehensively different components of the teaching materials (textbook, workbook, audio application);

· Plan, perform and evaluate their educational / communicative actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, which indicates the development of the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

· Exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others.


Communication skills by type of speech activity:

1) in speaking:

· Conduct and maintain an elementary dialogue: dialogue-inquiry, dialogue-motivation;

· Briefly describe and characterize the object, picture, character;

Talk about yourself, your family, friend, school, native land, country, etc. (within the subject of primary school);

· To reproduce by heart small works of children's folklore: rhymes, poems, songs;

· Briefly convey the content of the read (heard) text;

· Express attitude to what was read, heard;

2) in listening:

• to understand by ear the teacher's speech, his coherent statements, built on familiar material and containing some unfamiliar words; classmates' statements;

· Understand the main content of what was heard (small texts and messages based on the studied speech material) both in direct communication and in the perception of audio recording;

· Extract specific information from what you hear;

· Verbally or non-verbally respond to what you hear;

· To understand by ear different types of text (short dialogues, descriptions, rhymes, songs);

· Use contextual or linguistic guess;

· Do not pay attention to unfamiliar words that do not interfere with the understanding of the main content of the text;

· To determine the meanings of unfamiliar words by familiar word-formation elements (prefixes, suffixes) and by the known constituent elements of complex words, analogies with the native language, conversion, context, illustrative clarity;

Use reference material ( English-Russian dictionary, linguistic and cultural reference book) using knowledge of the alphabet and transcription;

· Understand the internal organization of the text;

4) in written speech:

· Correctly copy the text;

· Perform lexical and grammatical exercises;

· Make captions to figures;

· Answer questions in writing;

· Write postcards, birthday greetings and other holidays;

· Write personal letters in the framework of the studied topic based on a sample;

· Correctly arrange the envelope based on the sample.

Lexical material Grammatical material
Unit 1. “Speaking about season and the weather” 8 hours
Your favorite season. Favorite sports activities at different times of the year. Weather. The weather forecast for tomorrow. Let's talk about the future. Plans for tomorrow, next week, winter, summer holidays... Day off: picnic. The tale of the traveling frog “Two Ducks and the Frog”. Tale of the seasons “The Donkey’s Favorite Season”. Present simple(affirmative and interrogative sentences). Impersonal sentences (It is cold. It is winter.) The future is simple tense (affirmative sentences), satellites of the future tense ( tomorrow, next week, next year, in an hour).
Unit 2. “Enjoying your home” 8 hours
English house. My house, my apartment, my room. The tale of the adventures of an English boy "The Big secret". Mini-project "Let's go to a fairyland!" Offers with turnover there is / are... Negation. Narrative, interrogative, negative sentences with a turnover there is / are.
Unit 3. “Being happy in the country and in the city” 8 hours
Life in the city and the countryside. Weather in different cities of the world. International Music Festival. Russia and Great Britain. Favorite day, month, season, weather, sport. Fairy tale “The Sun and the Wind”. The tale of the transformation of a gray city into a blossoming garden “The Green Garden”. Wild and domestic animals. How people and animals help each other. Present simple. Plural nouns - exceptions ( a sheep - sheep, a man - men). Verb forms to be (am, ia, are). Comparison of adjectives ( warm-warmer- (the) warmest; good-better- (the) best; interesting-more interesting- (the) most interesting). Impersonal sentences ( It's sunny).
Unit 4. "Telling stories" 8 hours
Last summer events. Funny stories. Costume ball. English fairy tales: “The Smart Little Bird”, “The Wolf and the Sheep”. The story of how Santa Claus prepares for Christmas and New Year. Mini-project “Let’s write a fairy tale!” Past simple(affirmative and interrogative sentences). Formation of the second form of verbs. Past tense satellites ( yesterday, the day before yesterday, ago, last). Verb to be in the past tense (was / were). Negation.
Unit 5. “Having a good time with your family” 12 hours
Family members. Past winter holidays. Family Holidays: Family Favorite Activities. Favorite household chores. Household duties. A polite telephone conversation. Table manners. English fairy tales: “I Don’t Want to”, “Why Do Cats Wash after Dinner?”. Imperative sentences (Please, skate!). Short negative forms (don’t, doesn’t, can’t, won’t, haven’t, hasn’t, didn’t, wasn’t, weren’t). Regular and irregular verbs. Adverbs always, often, sometimes. Personal possessive pronouns(I-my, he-his, she-her, it-its, we-our, they-their). Prepositions (on, under, in, behind, next to, between, above).
Unit 6. “Shopping for everything” 10 hours
Buying clothes. Polite conversation with the seller. Purchase of products in different packages. Polite conversation at the table. Typical English breakfast. English fairy tale: “Baby Elephant and His New Clothes”. Project “MFM (Modern Fashion Magazine) for Stars”. Nouns: trousers, jeans, shorts, clothes. A combination of adjective + adjective (color) + noun (a nice blue shirt). General and specific questions in the present and past tense. Indefinite pronouns some and any.
Unit 7. “School is fun” 16 hours
My school. My classroom. Classes at school (in the classroom and during break). School supplies. School subjects. Funny stories about teachers and students. The world of my hobbies. Favorite children's works of my foreign peers. School Stories: “Jason and Becky at School”, “The Best Time for Apples”. English fairy tale about the ability to find a common language with neighbors: “The King and the Cheese”. Favorite children's works of my foreign peers: fairy tales, songs, poems. Staging of fairy tales and stories. Mini-project "Diploma". Turnover there is / are (repetition). The modal verb must. Present / past simple tense (repetition). Demonstrative pronouns (this / that, these / those).

7. Calendar-thematic planning

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