Functionally semantic fields and categories. Functional and semantic fields (FSP)

Traditionally, the functional-semantic field (gram-mathic-lexical field, according to the terminology of E. V. Gulgi and E. I. Shendels) is considered as a system of language funds of different levels, combined with one general value, which is heterogeneous and decays to a number of more private values. Through the framework of the field, semantic sections, called micropolis, are distinguished. At the same time, semantic differences between micropolis are qualified as meaningful (as differences in the content of the units of thinking expressed by the constituent of different micropoles); These differences reflect objective (ontological) differences between

real facts combined by a specific common feature. Let's call the functional and semantic fields of this type of FSP with ontological bundle.

"The general value of the field is not one, - write E.V. Gulga and E.I. Shendels, - It disintegrates at least two values \u200b\u200bthat can be opposite or polar.

1 Bondarko A.V. Principles of functional grammar and questions of Acneicrojio-Gia. L., 1983; Gulga Ev., Shendels E.I. Grammar-lexic fields in modern German. M., 1969; Field theory in modern linguistics: materials scientific.-Theore. CONF Ufa, 1997. Ch. 4; Functional and semantic and word-forming fields in Linguistics Rostov N / D, 1998. P. 5-15. 160-166.

details of these values \u200b\u200bforms m oscropole "2.

So, FSP timein which temporary relations are expressed as grammatical informs of verb, and lexical means, for example, adverbs yesterday, today, tomorrow, now, before, thenetc., disintegrates at 3 micro-fields: the present, past and future time. The constants of these micropoles differ in the semantic content, reflecting the real differences in the time relationship of action by the time of speech.

Within FSP numbersm oscropoles of unity and multiplicity differ in the objective content reflecting the phenomena data existing in reality itself.

FSP direct object(protruding in the form of a syntactic field, since the object cannot be comprehended as an object outside of its relationship to action, which is detected through the connection of verb words with substantive) is divided into micro-fields depending on the actual difference (varying) of object relations (i.e. The relationship of action to the object): Micropolis of the created, variable and destroyed objects, etc.

Thus, in all FSS of the type of micropol, it is allocated on the basis of differences (varying) in the semantic content if there is a common semantic identity in it (general fields of seed). In the time field, this is the idea of \u200b\u200btime as such, in the field of the number - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe number as such, in the direct object field, the idea of \u200b\u200ba direct object as such.

Another type of FSP is possible, in which there are no meaningful differences in the semantics of constituents of micropoles. According to an objective (ontological) content of expressed units of thinking, constitutions of different micropoles of the FSP of this type are identical, as they reflect the same fact of objective reality. Their semantic difference is to distinguish the forms of reflection (forms of thought), however not logicalbeing universal, universal, which are due to the needs of the process of knowledge, and o1 (Ionapoysthinking forms related to the characteristics of the grammatical system of specific languages.

2 Goulgeta.I., SCHDVG Ie.I. Decree. PM. P. 9.

We call these forms semantic forms of thinking.

Semantic forms of thinking to infinity are diverse, so it is not possible to describe each of them separately. However, there are 10 parameters of semantic forms of thinking, in which each of which 3 may be described.

Type PSP called FSP with gnoseological bundle,since there are no differences between micro-fields in it not by differences in objective reality, but the specifics of the cognitive process - the process of reflecting the facts of objective reality. The fields of this type often you step as syntactic fields, since the difference in semantic forms is usually associated with the difference in syntactic structures, corresponding to differences in the structure of expressed thoughts. A common semantic factor uniting a number of syntactic structures in one FSP with a gnoseological bundle is typical valueoffers, i.e. General semantics of the class of sentences with the same and different structure reflecting one model situation and repeated in an infinite number of proposals with the same and different specific content. "... Typical value of the sentence, - writes G.A. Gold-Wa, is the general value of the set of proposals representing this model, and at the same time, this is the general value of several synonymous models that match equivalent, but multivolved components. For example, The typical meaning "subject and its quality" is expressed by a number of proposals representing one model: Officer is diluted: his face is expressive: he is self-confidentetc. The same value is expressed by a number of synonymous models, predicatively correlated the same, but otherwise the components with the value of the subject and quality: The employee is distinguished by zeal, distinguishes zeal from the brangle, for the employee is characterized by zeal; His face is characterized by expressiveness. His

"See: Czechow P.V. Logic and semitic forms of thinking as the value of grammatical forms // Vhib. Swords Banner 1984. №5. P. 5 -11, he. Grammatics Rubeu Language in the light of the theory of hemantichech the forms of thinking Taganrog, 1992. P. 24 - 42.

4 Honest Yu in V.P. Two Achkt synonymy pushing // Proposal as a multi-speaking merit M., 1984. P. 26.

the person is inherent expressiveness; It is distinguished by self-confidence, it is characteristic of self-confidence.etc. "5

A striking example of FSP with gnoseological bundle is syntax the field of antislays.In objective reality, relations are observed opposed by their nature causal, in which the subsequent event contradicts the previous one, without complying with the intended natural result. The reflection of such relationships in the language acts as the typical value of the syntactic field of the anti-alability. The logical basis of the teachings about this field is the theory of incontinement 6.

Each constituent of the considered field consists of two, components: overcome and overcoming. That component, in spite of which another component is installed, is called the overcome component. That component that is established in spite of the other component is called the overcoming component. So, in suggestions "I was called to visit, but I didn't go" and "although I called me a visit, I did not go," expressing thoughts identical on the objective content, but the predicative part protrudes as the overcome component i was visible to visit,as the overcoming component - the predicative part i did not go.

Antislauses are implemented as a relationship of concessions, opposition and syncretic relationships that combine those and others. Accordingly, the following micro ropoles are distinguished in the syntax field of the anti-oxyance: 1) micropolis concessions; 2) micropolis controversy; 3) mixed micro, the constituents of which are formed as a result of the establishment of concessions and opposition relations in different parts of the sentence; 4) Syncretic micropolis, in the constituents of which relationship concessions and opposition are established between the same components.

In the micro-concession, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ratio of anti-sensations joins the overcome component expressed

"Golden ha. Essays of the functional syntax of the Russian language. M., 1973. From 25 -26.

"" Krivonosoy A.G. Language. Logics. Thinking. Remembrance in natural language. M, New York, 1996. S. 5G4 - 541.

most often, the apparent part of the complex proposal with the value of the concession, due to the seeding alliance and enriches the content of this component: "And in the new reign, although he was allowed to enter the capital, he also continued to live in the village (L. Tolstoy).

Constituents micropolis concessions are also the following designs:

a) simple sentences with separate circumstances
You are concessions, expressed by the proposed turnover: "Anna
Pavlovna, on the contrary, was filled with revolutions and a pro
wards, despite its forty years "(L. Tolstoy);

b) simple sentences with separate circumstances
you, pronounced by verbal turns or single
verprices: "Sitting close to her and, obviously, wanting
To say something, he woven "(L. Tolstoy);

c) simple sentences with separate definitions­

"He, unbelieving, began to pray and believed at that moment" (L. Tolstoy);

d) complex comparable sentences with
Soyuce instead of"."... instead of running
Immediately to the brother, Levin introduced his wife to the numeron assigned to them "(L.

In controversy micro, the idea of \u200b\u200ban anti-sensit relationship is attached to the overcoming component enriching its content. At the same time, the overcoming component always follows overcome.

Constituents of this micropolis are:

a) simple sentences with homogeneous members, between
which is formed by the attitude of opposition
Subsequent homogeneous members preceding: "she
was already in the other, home, but just as elegant and vy
We are a dress "(L. Tolstoy);

b) Complex proposals with interpreted
unions: "He, maybe, and glad to be a soul, yes it is necessary
I do not see myself a big daughter to give away neither tomorrow, nor
day ... "(A. Griboedov);

c) complex non-union proposals with the meaning about
tivoping the subsequent parts preceding that
It is expressed due to lexical content and intonation:
"Now he called me, I will not go" (L. Tolstoy);

d) complex syntactic intended with the semantic oppression of subsequent proposals preceding, which is expressed due to lexical content - often using oppositional unions: "I do not want to discuss Anna Alekseevna Butkevich, who remained the right of brother's memory all his life. But still, the reader should Correct the truth to the end "(V. Pikul).

A convincing example of FSP with gnoseological bundle, covering equally linguistic means of all levels, except for phonetic-phonological, is the field of set. The composition of this field distinguishes 3 microstasses: a certain, indefinite and approximate set.

"The opposition of a certain and indefinite set is due to the different nature of the coverage of the reflected content, i.e. different, the nature of understanding objective facts, which creates different semantic forms of thought. In objective reality, regardless of the actions of our consciousness, there is something or another number of then items, and this number is always definitely, i.e. it can always be represented by a certain number. In objective reality there can be no uncertain number of objects. The idea of \u200b\u200ban indefinite set is the result or a process of generalization (covered by consciousness only the overall impression of some kind of quantity) or unrecognition of this number" 7 .

The constituents of the microfollain of a certain set reflect all the quantitative signs of one or another set: and its specificity, and the overall sign of the multiplicity as such. These include definitely quantitative numeral (five, twenty),definitely ordinal numerical (tenth, hundredth),collective numerals (both, five),all words containing quantitative or collective roots: nouns (trail),adjectives (double, six-storey),nashia (together, three times)verbs (double, bother),communion (Saving),tempechastia (comprehensive).

The constitutions of the micropolis of an indefinite set reflect only a common sign of multiplicity as such

in distraction from the specifics of a particular set, while the concept of an indefinite set is often accompanied by an estimated tint pointing to the compliance of the amount of the estimated norm, on its exceeding or accommodation (Enoughassistants lotassistants fewhelpers).

The constituents of an indefinite set include the following means:

a) the form of a plural number of substantive words;

b) vaguely quantitative numeral (lot,
little, several; how much, so much, so much, how much
including neologisms advanceand make):
"Your submissive servant has an ulcer duodenal
Sita, misleading years advanced "(V. Lipat); "Who-
That is the feat of life. Years old ... indentspent "(E.

c) uncertain-sequential numeral (which the,
in the meaning of "which", "such that", "Enonel"): "Of course
Xia, there are fourth, fifth, ehinebelieving their Siaminut
interest is most important and obligatory to immediately
execution "(lit. gas. 1990. 16 Saint.);" ... We sent them
Notes in the archive and wrote: "Storage Fund such thatunit
Storage such something "(Y. Dombrovsky);

d) pronouns with quantitative value (many,
each, any, all)

e) nouns with the meaning of the set (set
in, number, most, minority),

e) nouns denoting large masses and
consumed in a figurative meaning " a large number of":
mountain books, ocean flowers,

g) nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs,
containing roots of uncertain numerical (Many
storey, multiple, multiformity, multiply),

h) definitely quantitative or definitely
ordinal numerals denoting large numbers in
hyperbolic value for high school, but
an indefinite number of any units ("I'm waiting for you already
a hundred hours "or" I am waiting for you for the hundredth hour ");

and) numeral onewith denial ("I did not tell me about it").

The microfield of the approximate set is a syncretic, combining the features of a solution of a certain and "indefinite sets. Its constitutions, expressing the concepts of uncertain sets, indicate the exact quantitative boundaries of these sets simultaneously, and 4 types of quantitative boundaries of approximity can mention:

1) the initial limit limiting. Non-definite
Many starting point: "More than ten yearspro
went after the bellows detection "(S. Bulant);

2) the final limit limiting the uncertain
Many endpoint point: "Short-term, conversers
For dates up to twenty yearsmake up 62.5 %" (A. Che

3) quantitative interval limiting
undefined multiplicity defined by
distant frames: "send to a new place fifty -
one hundred
owners "(A. Chekhov);

4) the average point of reference as a certain quantitative
the center around which the underestimated uncertain
Lenana set: "We enter a small chamber, where
This time is placed man twentyrecently returned
With runs "(A. Chekhov).

The following structures are used as constituents of this micropol.

a) combinations of certain quantitative numerical
With pretexts after, over, over, beforewith adverbs in comparison
Easy degree more (more), less (less), no more, not
less -
when expressing the initial and end limits:
"It has come less than a hundredman "-" came more than a hundredman
century "," gathered up to oneman "-" gathered over strangeche
Lovek ";

b) combinations of two definitely quantitative numbers
without prepositions or with pretexts from to- when defined
Research on quantitative interval: "came from one hundred to one hundred
man "," what was twenty to twenty five
years ago, considered a deep old one ... "(A. Chekhov);

c) incomplete compound definitely quantitative or
Definite-sequid numeral combined with turn
Tami with superfluous (with something)etc.: "... Atlas This helped him
Focus here in fiftyyear when he with

the family drove in Afghanistan on the White "Yaguar 11 (light. 1987. № 28);" in one of the last September days 19... of the year a lone rider hurried over the deserted road in the deserted wilderness of the South-Eastern Carpathian "(K. Dixon);" library acquired two thousand five hundred with superfluousbooks;

d) a combination of certain quantitative numerals with particles approximately approximatelyor quantitative-nominal combination with inversion in the location of the numerical and noun, as well as the combination of a certain numeral with the pretext aboutwhen specifying the middle point of reference: "It has come about a hundred people ","It has come man hundred ","Gathered about one hundred people "8.

As part of the micropoles of a certain and indefinite set, micromanicropol (micropolis of the second stage) are allocated in the "Degree of independence of the reflected content" parameter. This or that objective content in consciousness can be reflected independently (in the form of a separate segment of thought) or ashapply (pumped with another content). In the first case, the content finds a special verbal expression (at least with the help of an official word), in the second case, it does not find. And in one, and in another micropolis, the micromicropolis of independent and fusion reflection of the set differ.

In the microfield of a certain set to micromicropo-li independent reflection of the set relate only to certain quantitative numerals that express the idea of \u200b\u200ba set in "pure" form. In the content of all other constituents of this microcropol, the idea of \u200b\u200bmany as the "pure" amount to one degree or another merges with the idea of \u200b\u200bquality. Consequently, all of them are combined in the micromanicropol of the mens of the set. In collective numerical and noun types troika,the subject embodiment of a certain number is mentioned, in ordinal numerical - finding an item on

8 See: Chesnokova LD Category of indefinite set and semantic forms of thought. Pp. 23 - 27, it is. The category of quantity and methods of its expression in modern Russian. Taganrog, 1992. P. 8 -14, 99 - 105; She is. The name is numerable in modern language. Semantics. Grammar. Functions. Rostov n / d. 1997. P. 218 - 234; Majidov S.R Approximate quantity as a language category and methods of its expression in modern Russian: author. dis. ... Cand. philol. science Rostov n / d. 1995.

last place in the set represented in the form of a series in the semantics of words other parts of speechcreates a qualitative value according to their specificity. For example, double, six-storey, together, three times,verb double.

In the microfield of an indefinite set to the microdol, the independent reflection of the set includes only vague-quantitative numerals, which have or not possessing the estimated tint, definitely quantitative numerical, denoting large numbers that serve to underline a large, but indefinite number of units, and nouns lots ofand numberin an abstract mathematical value. All other consist tunts are included in the micromicropol of the mystery reflection of the set.

Due to the form of a plural number of substantive words, the idea of \u200b\u200ban indefinite set merges as a grammatical value with a lexical value in a single semantics of word form. In all other cases, the merging of the ideas of quantity and quality occurs within the framework of the lexical value.

Pronouns with quantitative value, nouns with the value of the set (in conventional language use set, number, most, minority),nouns denoting large masses in a figurative value (type ocean flowers)reflect the amount in its subject embodiment.

Negative numerical one (not one)acquires the value of an indefinite set only when combined with a certain noun or at its substantive in a specific context and is endowed with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject embodiment of this set ("not one visited here"). The words of other parts of speech, containing the roots of uncertain numerical, combine the value of quantity and quality.

Specifically quantitative numerals reflect the boundaries of an indefinite set, and other means (prepositions, dialects in the form of a compatibility, inversion in a quantitative-nominal combination, particles and combinations of two definitely quantitative numerals) detect relations to these boundaries of an indefinite set, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich

disclosed due to their interaction with definitely quantitative numerical.

Within the microsol, the approximate set differ 4 microcropolis according to the parameter "The nature of the coverage of the reflected content". These micromicropolis correspond to the above 4 types of quantitative boundaries of the approximity, a different semantic form, not an objective content, since all 4 types of quantitative boundaries can be installed really in each uncertain set. The choice of one of them is subjective and depends on the nature of the reflection of any set.

The analysis of functional and semantic fields indicates that the FSP with a gnose-based bundle really exists and occupies an important place in the language system.

The category of intensity is intended in the language for the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of phenomena for the purpose of their expressive estimate 1. Establishing the quality of items is impossible without determining such signs as dimensions, degree of development, rate of change, etc., comparisons for these parameters with a benchmark 2 or the usual, most frequent cases. Signs that make up the quantitative characteristic of objects may be graded 3, so they are convenient to use them when expressing subjective attitude towards the world around them: "The whole house was packed with talented people and, like space, had several suns. Sun number one- His son, an eight-year-old boy, biglashy, squeaky and touching. Everyone was spinning around him. Another one was a modest - clever, beauty, aristocrat. It was impossible not to love "(V. Tokarev).

The functional-semantic category of intensity is advisable to degrade from the category of quantitative

1 Lukyanova N.A., expressive vocabulary of colloquial use (
We are semantics). Novosibirsk. 1986. P. 55.

2 Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1983, p. 263.

3 Sepir E. Graduation // New in Overseas Linguistics. M .. 1985 vol.
16: Linguistic pragmatics. P. 46 - 66.

sTI (or quantity), The latter is associated with ^ the estuary given Meld.using language, i.e. S. sher godoret s.PB. ush "What about d ate ", give factivity 4, while the main purpose of the category of intensity is to make an assessment of items on the range of gradually more convincing and emotional. If the categories of Quantitative ™ are characterized by paradigms with a large number of members: numeral, formally, and semantically correlate with them words of other parts of speech, organized as a countable system with "increasing numerical (quantitative) value from component to component" 5, and polynomial rows of adjective comparison forms of adjectives , including the so-called positive degree, then the category of intensity detects the use of such elements by paradigms that indicate a large, very high or extremely small degree of manifestation of signs or actions. The use of units paying attention to the limit, extreme degree of manifestation of the signs, the completeness of the coverage of objects, the absolute absence of them or any properties becomes the main principle of the material selection for the category of intensity, which allows you to clarify the estimates, express strong feelings.

There is an opinion that "Russians are exactly as emotional and prone to extremes when expressing moral delight, as well as in the expression of moral condemnation" 6. Consideration of the category of intensity separately from the category of quantitativeness (despite their intersection and the briefness of the boundaries between them) is caused by the need to establish multi-level means of intensifying estimates as one of the most characteristic features of Russian language culture. Given the expressive nature of the intensity category 7, in the intensification should be borne in mind application

Serral J., Vadraeksn D. Basic concepts for the calculation of speech acts // New, in foreign linguistics. M., 1986. Vol. 18: Logic analysis of the natural language. P. 252 - 254.

6 WelgezkayaAnd Russian language // Wiegezkaya A. Language. Culture. Cognition. M,
P. 83.

nICs with the aim of pointing to a larger number of items, a higher degree of manifestation of signs than transmitted by other semantically close structures, and strengthen the impact on the addressee. For example, in the Russian language system, in addition to the adjective thinthere is a whole group of intensified items of this feature, as well as stable phrases of a similar function: skinny, bony, thin like a sliver(progress); hudule(simple); skeleton, mummy, (live or walking) power, skin yes bones, alone bones(progress); hist(Rough. - Simple.), koschey(simple), you can count the ribs, cheek cheek eats, alone eyes, one nose stayed - who(talk.).

According to the nature of the use of language units of intensification, the process of decidentification is opposed when speechthe notation is included indicating the smaller degree of manifestation of signs than the dischargeable other names belonging to the same semantic group, the defectification finds approx eden as a way to create

eufemism - units mitigating the characteristics of objects according to the requirements of speech etiquette. Eufemistic substitute for the word fatserve adjectives fulland reheatedadjective ordinary -his synonyms ordinary, usual;at the substantive brangthere are softer synonym - strong word (lying)(accelerate) 9. Intensification and detention is often subjective. I paid attention to this already M.V. Lomonosov, which among the "RECTION trails" highlighted the CATODRISIS, meaning the replacement of words by other, close in meaning, produced "for the sake of voltage or relaxing some action or properties, for example: for voltage - to be afraid instead of waiting; to run instead of going; Dispense; Lucav instead of a hater; Skup instead of careless; Salny instead of unusual; to relax to wait instead of afraid; go instead of running ... "" °.

Let us dwell on the intensification of semantics of units - more characteristic of the Russian language, than "

8 Aleksandrov Z.E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: Stratic. Directory M "1995. P. 479

"Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: in 2 tons / ch. Ed. A.P. Evgenieva. L., 1970. 10 Lomonosov M.V. Quick Guide to eloquence. The first book contains rhetoric that appears the general rules of both eloquence , that is, oratorios and poetry, composed in favor of loving verbal sciences // Lomonosov M.V. Od. SPb., 1895. T. 3. P. 231.

"(Detention). Considerable; ways of constructing intensified units; differences between them in the degree of intensity of the specified signs, actions; the expressive features of the structures expressing the same degree of manifestation of properties; the possibilities of the Tro-Peic use of language elements in order to express a qualitative and quantitative assessment Objects, actions, etc. The expressive nature of the intensity category requires the distinction of such concepts as intensified (enhanced) units, intensifiers (amplifiers), as well as intensives - units that are a stronger and differentiated expression of signs, the degree of their development, the volume of characterized objects than other members of grammatical paradigms, lexico-semantic and phrase -oshean-tic groups (large- huge).The feasibility of this approach to the study of the intensification tools can be considered proven thanks to the work of I.I. Turano and yi. Killed, who considered the functional-semantic category of intensity and the ways to implement it on the material of English and Russian languages. "

Multi-level means of expression of intensity, a fairly complete list of which is given in modern studies "2, can be divided into several subgroups. The most noticeable result of the intensification is units for which a separate expression of intensified elements and intensifiers is characterized. Due to the interaction between them, multi-element intensives are formed - phrase, combinations. Words and suggestions.

Specialized intensification funds include, above all, the so-called adverbs measures and degreesthe adjacent usually to the adjective, verbs, other adverbs, the words of the category of state, less often depend on the nouns, numerical, pronouns: "at the gymnasium

"Turani AI. Decree. Op. S. 29; Killed II. Dictionary of amplifying phrases of Russian and English. M, 1987. P. 5.

11 Krzhizkova E. Quantitative determination of adjectives in Russian (lexico-syntactic analysis) // Syntax and norm / resp. ed. Ha. Golden. M, 1974.S. 122 -! 39: Turansky AI, Decree. op. P. 42; Belochny L.A. The category of intensity of the feature and means of its expression in modern Russian // Language units (semantics, grammar, functions). Rostov N / D, 1988. P. 66.

there were hair with a hedgehog and thoughtful eyes. Even toothinking ";" In front of the institute exams we scarywe worry ";" I say not. toosimply. It's from youth to come beautiful and literary much easier,than to talk simply, in human ";" there highlynice"; "At allmore children! "- I would say now"; "Seryozha rod came to me almost everyevening ";" Now I firmlyfor fifty, but they (literary suffering). - etc.) have not yet ended "(A. Mariengof). As you know, the value of the degree can express and high-quality adverbs: Stretched madly, wildroared infinitelytired. On the other hand, pointing to the degree of manifestation of signs, actions nashia Often enter synonymous ratios with adverbsand openki: Used as synonyms for design a little educatedand poorly educatedetc.

N.D. Harutyunova emphasizes the stability of these synonymous correspondences: "According to the system of values \u200b\u200bincluded in the positive (regulatory) picture of the world, a large amount is recognized as desirable, and small - undesirable; well and much, poorly and formally form in the framework of the regulatory model of reality almost inconsistent pairs" 13. The mobility of the boundaries between different discharges of the inferior is the consequence of the fact that the intensifiers are intended simultaneously and to clarify the degree of development of the signs, and to evaluate them, and to indicate the degree of interest of the speaker. According to the observations of E.M. Wolf, "The degree of inclusiveness of the subject to the statement" non-etinakov, so the intensifiers are located "on the scale of descending (increment)" 14: enoughcalm; very, perfectly surprisingly toocalm.

As intensifiers can also be used mena_ adjectivesdefining the size of the sizes of objects, the degree of manifestation of the sign, the power of feelings: "Charitable bazaars in Stargorod were different largemuchness and ingenuity, which the ladies of the elected Stargorod society showed the ladies: "The end of the lesson passed in fullconfusion "(I. Ilf, E. Petrov).

"Harutyunova N.D. Types language values: Evaluation. Event. Fay. M ..

14 Wolf E.M. Functional semantics evaluation. M .. 1985. P. 43.

I.A. Melchuk, who developed a methodology for describing a lexical compatibility on the basis of semantic parameters, drew attention to the fact that along with idiomatic combinations (phraseologists) there are structures with "hidden non-free", which are dangerous for people, just begin to master the norms of the Russian literary language 15. Noun hopedetermined by intensifying adjectives big, great, high, hot, cherished, fervent, light, passionate, firm;semantics Adjective reliableenhanced by adverbs absolutelyand completely;verb hopecan attach to yourself inxifiers-adverb hot, firmly(simple), firmly, patiently,and for the word aspirationswhich is a book synonymous substantive hope,characterized with adjectives century, deep, intimate 16,which emphasize the duration of folk expectations and careful attitude towards them. The choice of intensifiers is only partly due to the morphological affiliation of the grammatically rod components of phrases, lexical semantics of units: the nouns and the aspirations do not coincide in their compatibility (it is not customary to talk about large, hot, fervent, solid aspirations).These differences are due to the traditions of compatibility: materials of intelligent and other dictionaries fixing the usual phrases prove the stereotypical nature of such structures.

Intensifiers can serve pronouns that acquire this ability due to categorical semantics: an index characteristic of pronoun as part of speech; the large amount of subject matter, deterministic with its context; the correspondence of the placed words to the units of various vocabulary-grammatical discharges (this is reflected in the known division into pronoun - nouns, locomotive adjectives, locomotive numerals pronouns-adverch)

15 Melchuk I.A. oo one class of phraseological combinations (description lec
blue compatibility with semantic parameters) // Problems
Sustainability and variability of phraseological units: Materials Interunion.
Symposium. Tula, 1968. P. 59.

16 Killed II decree. op. Pp. 49 - 50, 101.

The most regularly used in the role of quantitative intensifiers determined and negative pronouns. At the same time, the definition pronouns, in the initial value belonging to the class of concrete adjectives, are often substantivate, allowing you to achieve more high degree Generalizes: "What was so pulled? Talent. There were many talented people. Moreover, there everything(highlighted by the author. - Etc.)there were talented, each in its own way "(V. Tokarev).

Negative pronouns, according to grammatical research and dictionaries, are a highly consuming means of increasing denial: "I did not write home letters home, so that the trace is not found. And whether you are alive there, nothingi did not know nor at home about me ";" The entire 104th Brigade saw how Shukhov was tested, but no onewords did not say: nothing, yes, and what will you say? "(A. Solzhenitsyn). Personal particles what, like, so, so that, where, as much ascan function as in-consantifiers, organizing exclamation deals with a bright emotional color: "In the library, the father, of course, was the explanatory dictionary of Dahl. This book, in my opinion, is not there. Whatthe richness is verbal! What are the sayings! Proverbs! Scupsand puzzles."(A. Mariengof). The inclusion in the text of several placed intensifiers, the repeats of the words produce a special impression on the listener, reader: "Like burda,what a certain blame, how goodwhat are you nichenot related how goodwhat to love you no onethere is no obligation in the world. "(I. Brodsky).

Placement intensifiers are used when building complex proposals. As noted G.F. Gabrilo-Wa, in various types of complex proposals (with apparent prisoner-related measures and degrees; so-called generalized-graded pets, in constructs with extremely spectable; determined and others who can participate in the expression of the category of intensity) pronoun and plain adverbs , acquired under the influence of the context of a complex sentence, the value of gradual ™ is becoming components of the supply scheme 17: "Solot

art that is already not the art ";" in the Sanchast, as always, before thatit was purely in the corridor, which is scary on the floor "(A. Solzhenitsyn).

Intensification goals are serve quantitative, fractionaland winning numerals. The units of the first two digits may be subjected to semantic transformations, as a result of which the value is expanded; Numerals cease to call a certain amount, indicating only on many items, a high degree of characteristic of the signs: "And I went to accomplish my friend. It was gloomy beautiful, more beautiful than the modification in threetimes if not in ten"(V. Tokarev); "" On duty - remembered - One and a halfIvan, thin yes a long sergeant black "(A. Solzhenitsyn). Similar semantic changes are observed in the countable names of nouns acting in the role of intensification-ditch. Cancellation:" This is our winter. Contemporary lantern looks dead by Okom, I have a dazzling thousandswindows "(I. Brodsky);" in every oak krona a hundredraven sings "(I. Brodsky). In the intensification of the assessments, numeral and nouns are also used, which are small number names:" In my memory, this speaker has never fallen, never coughed and did not onepack of water from a glass "(A. Mariengof). Plain numerals used to indicate an unpretentious number of items can become a means of intensification:" There in verses of landscapes few,only the Station and the Theater of the Koutherma, only people like, the market, turn, prison "(A. Tarkovsky).

Regularly existing intensifiers include those modal words and particles that are capable of expressing and subjective assessment at the same time, and the degree of manifestation of any signs from items. For spoken and artistic speech, combinations of several particles are characterized; Modal phrases: "Zhenya Litvinov, fascinated by politics (just as in his time literature), wrote out almostall newspapers emerging in Moscow and Petrograd; ... He expected that three of his printed leaf, on which there were twelve years of work, will be on at least,thunder "War and Peace" (A. Mariengof). Modal words may have as intensifiers a wide range of action, performing the function of the circumstantial members of the sentence,

then input words, Wed: "Knowledge of the terrain and skill shoot ... did a girl certainlyuseful companion "(Berezko);" Larisa, definitelyi understood the huge difference at their age "(E. Permitine) 18. The function of intensifiers appears in modal words and in cases where they are used as the only financial component of the contextually incomplete sentences 19:" - damn good? - Certainly "."(A. Mariengof).

F. ormas degrees comparing quality__privacy"Tree, derivative oh oht_ of them the shortcomings and words categoriesyania "are very actively involved in the intensification of estimates. The form of degrees of comparison is formed, as is well known, analytically and synthetically (more quiet, quieter, the most quiet, most quiet, silent).The main purpose of the form comparative degree is a reflection of the real state of affairs - changes in the properties of the same subject; Differences in the degree of manifestation of a feature in compaable items: "Helpless, harshand souchei became a spirit under the burden of misfortunes "(A. Tarkovsky);" Love strongerseparation but separation longlove "(I. Brodsky).

Forms of excellent degree, there is a value of a superlawic associated with "logical" graduation, the designation of the highest quality, which is found at the subject in comparison with other objects of the same class: "It was the most spaciousthe room in the technical school building, even the meetings arranged here, stretching more reproductors in the corridors "(A. Solzhenitsyn). But in the colloquial and artistic speech of the form with indicators of an excellent degree often acquire expressive elative importance -" the limit degree of a sign or irrelevance of a big sign of the sign "20 Thanks to this, the emotionality of estimates is strengthened: "Alien to us - and our the glorious onesplendor! Such a pleasure to wander now on these avenues! "(A. Solzhenitsyn)," Here is the most interesting review of the premiere of Zavadsky! .. "(A. Solzhenitsyn). And forms, in the initial value of the orientation

18 Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language: at 20 t. M., 1991. T. I.
P. 451.

19 Malashenko V.P. The structure of the proposal and meaning of the statement // "Izv.
Height. Ped. University: Sat. Scientific Tr. Rostov N / D, 1998. 1: Philology, with 5

: "Vinogradov VZ. Russian language (grammatical doctrine of the word). M .. 1972 from 205-206.

bathrooms on an expression of comparative degree can be used as Elative: "Was you all brighter, ratherand charmingdo not klyani me, not klyani! "(A. Block). When considering the forms of adjectives with the elative value assigned to the category of intensity, the principles of selection and application of language material for this category are becoming more explained: the use of quantitative characteristics introduced by these forms of instructions on A large, high degree of signs to determine the quality of items, their emotional assessment. The abundance of adjectives that implement elative importance shows that it would be incorrect to equalize the intensification to individual-copyright transformations of language units. The category of intensity causes the specialization of the values \u200b\u200bof grammatical forms that wears a dasal nature . The synthetic shapes of the adjectives with the primary value of the degree and the secondary value of the elative are interesting and because affixes are used as intensifying elements.

Sufifixes adjectives can also be attributed to the word-forming intensification tools. -, -, -New-, -Okonk / "Oshny-, -Wessenk-,prefixes once -, super-, super-, ultra-, architecture, extra-:suffix nouns name morphemes -In-, -plugs of verbs you; for example, since,glading formants, including the specified consoles and postfix -et al. 21: anger, heavy, smirny, straight, overcomed, super-modern, ultra-modern, arche compound, extraordinary; The refrigerator, the ugliest, lick, spoke, earn, break, relieve, omnouted, to hear, smooth, praise, mercy.In the values \u200b\u200bof affixes, semes of intensity and evaluation are combined: "And still wait for such a moment, as now, the more draw "(A. Solzhenitsyn). With the attachment of affixes there is a strengthening of words that served as the motivating basis. In motivated intensive words it is easy to establish intensified elements (common with the motivating basis) and intensifier affixes, which causes the active use of the lexing in speech.

Combining the graded description of objects with their emotional assessment contributes synonymic

21 Russian grammar: at 2 t. M "1980. T. 1C. 300,310-311,215-216,601-604.

wearing words and paradigms based on hyponimic and hypero-hyponimic correspondences. The dependence of the intense from opposition in vocabulary may have an implicit character if expressionally painted word is used in the text outside combinations with other members of the synonymous series: "Alexey leaves the hut, naked to the belt among blue snow. Looks at the mountain peaks. Then begins to grow snow. Cryingfrom delight "(V. Tokareva). The expressiveness of words as the means of intensifying estimates increases due to the contact use of paradigmatically co-relatives in one sentence or neighboring text proposals:" Unrestrained events rushed, racedovertaking each other; Years walked.No years fled "(A. Mariengof). Many units of vocabulary acquire the properties of intensives due to metaphorical rethinking, because often metaphors are also hyperboles "2. These features of metaphor are explained by the fact that the semantic transformation is based on the likelihood of objects of different classes, in fact that are far from each other, and as material when Metaphorization uses the names of such denotants who have characterized signs manifest themselves with a high degree of intensity: "Yes! - I confirmed fearlessly. - You killedmy script "(V. Tokareva);" My fate burnedbetween the lines, while the soul changed the shell "(A. Tarkovsky). The means serving the category of intensity are replenished by hyperbolic metaphor and comparisons, synengo, liters, repeats of various types.

A special type of funds specialized in the expression of intensity are phraseologisms. They attract attention to their ability to express the "limit degree of manifestation of a certain feature" 2 ^ The advantages of phraseological units as intensives over other linguistic reinforcements are that elements of different levels of language are used as intensifiers, often several intensifiers and in a variety of combinations with each other. . Phraseological units can be built as deployed hyperbole metaphors or

22 Serral J. Metaphor // Metaphor Theory: Sat. M, 1990 pp. 323. 25 Gridneva TV, phraseological means of expression intensity category: Author. Dis ... Cand. Philol sciences. Volgograd. 1997. p.8.

combines Metaphor with hyperbolic comparisons: filled (draft) Sea, dairy rivers (s) of ferrous coast, paint the mountains, as a mountain from his shoulders fell, disassembled like a pig in oranges,in designs with denial Metaphors are used; the step is impossible (it is impossible, not able) to step (do), there was no magican ROS in the mouth,strengthening the expressivity of phrasectuals contribute to sync, combination with metaphor: neither a penny (per soul), tremble over (each) with a penny, flies in a pennyetc. The semantics of intensity is expressed using consumption of synonym components in the composition of phraseological units. magician and wizard, judge yes (and)moreover, the synonymic components of metaphorically or.menimically rethought. As in the emotionally colored free structures, focused on the expression of a subjective attitude towards the surrounding, phraseological units are used as intensifiers of pronouns, adjective to a positive degree and in the meaning of the elative, rethinking numeral, adverbing measures and degrees: below all critics, clean (pure) water, give a hundred (ten) glasses forward, one hundred percent, barely (barely) stay on the legsetc.

Phraseological units having semantics of intensity are often built on the models of apparent sedes no matter how much (neither spinning), that (as) not to mention (do not say).The composition of phraseological units detected and specific means of intensifying estimates - an alogichic combination (Boots Skump, Cushion with butter),archaisms, historians, words unknown outside phraseology (Blagish Mat shout, yell, throw, yelling; neither aza (in the eyes), nor Belmes know, do not understand, do not mean).The second group of phraseologism due to the unique structure is characterized by greater emotionality. But the phraseological units using intensifier components by analogy with free structures undoubtedly deserve attention. We get the opportunity to establish a link between the semantic Fe and the value of the components, to prove the presence of the intensity in a large group of phraseologis. On the other hand, the use of identical intensifiers in free structures and phraseological units can

24 Frameological dictionary of the Russian language / under. ed. Ai. Molotkova. M., 1978.

serve as a basis for the conclusion that in the language there is a system of specialized means of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of objects, characterized by a high degree of stability.

Among the means of intensification it is difficult to distinguish the units constituting the category core and related toperiphery. If phraseological units exceed other language units with expressiveness, then morphologically conditioned means (pronouns, adverbing measures and degrees, amplifier particles) are distinguished by the latitude of the combination, regularity of application. And for free designs, and for phraseologisomes is characterized by the use of several intensifiers at once. It should be kept in mind the multistageness of the intensification of the intensification: the words of various parts of speech, including affixes with the gain value; The phraseologisms using intensifier components are both the result of this process, and the means of creating syntactic units, more detailed, individual-lying expressing subjective attitude towards the properties of characterized objects and phenomena.

4.3. Methods for expressing intensity categories in a complex sentence

A. Wubbitsky 1 finely noticed that a predicate having in the structure of his semantics to this very much, necessarily relates to the expectation of the speaker and turns out to be above the expected norm and, therefore, is subjective, modal. "The deviation from the ordinary up scale is perceived as unusual, in our case - intense". "The unusualness is also, the surprise of the phenomenon always generates certain emotions: surprise, admiration, etc. However, as E.M. Galkina-Fedoruk notes," ... The expression of emotions in the language is always expressed, but expression in the language is not always emotional "" 1. Therefore,

1 Welgezkaya A. Deskripation or cititation // New in foreign linguistics.
M "1983. Issue 13.

2 Turansky II. Means of intensifying statements in English
ke. Kuibyshev, 1987. P. 23.

3 Galkina-Fedohouse E.M. On expressiveness and emotionality in the language // Sat.
Articles on linguistics, dedicated to V.V. Vinogradov. M., 1958. Since 103-124

In a complex proposal, in the expression of the category of intensity, both home and apparent parts are involved. In this case, this category is expressed in a specific system of funds that are modeled according to the relevant rules and are combined with the value of the gradation of the scope of the sign, quality, actions. In terms of semantics, it is necessary to take into account the point of view Sh. Balli, which under the intensity understood "all the differences that are reduced to categories of quantities, values, values, strength, etc."

The main means of expressing the category of intensity in the complex proposal are spent words - intensifiers, which are compends and its structural scheme: Allied and co-relating words. Thus, in anonymous NGN, allied words are performed by an invalid question value, which is repaid due to the combination of the apparent and words and having no information search values. These are allied words like how much how much to what extentacquire the value of gradually in a certain context, in conjunction with certain support words that have the importance of subjective-estimated perception (type understand, see, surprised, wonder, know, think, imagineet al.), as well as the value of the transfer of finished information (write, render, tell, passand etc.).

Sema of graduality, intensity is not updated in the Union Word, if the reference word contains a hierarchical of the search for information (such as ask, find out, determine, think, think about, deciding, interested),those. Attention to the methods of expression of the category of intensity in a complex proposal once again confirms that the idea that "conceptual categoricality ... relies on a wide variety of means of expression, including lexical means, on a variety of combinations of lexical and grammatical means, on the context and speech situation" five . Wed: "He asked how much she was tied to his sister" and

4 B Schl. French stylistics M., 1961. P. 394.

5 Bondfgo A.V. Principles of Funadionist Fammatash and Goprosis aspect
Logia., 1987. P. 22.

"He knew how much she was tied to his sister" or "... She knew how she loved and think about her" (A. Remizov) and "she asked how to find the road to the harbor."

In cases where homonymic allied words (questioning and gradual) are used at one and the same support word (naturally, a different value in each case, different seeds are different in it), at the same time several types of ambiguity: lexical (different lexical importance union and supporting words), structural-semantic (two types of an extremely complex proposal) and pragmatic (the presence in one of the cases of expression-emotional influencing function); For example: "He knew how much she worked on the dissertation, - by the year"; "He knew how much she worked on the dissertation, how much she spent for her strength and health."

Ambiguous and suggestion of type: "Archaeologists know how many Kurgans die every year" (A. Phenchenko). In the first case knowhas synonym "had information, information", in the second-pin know knowand the union word has a gradual value of intensity. Therefore, in the expression of it in this case, not only direct, but also indirect methods, in particular, the context of using this yellative proposal.

If the reference word does not contain seeds of the search for information, it is always definitely and the appling has the out-clear-exclamation value of the intensity: "But they both skilled in all sorts of life, and it was possible to wonder to what extent they remained to It is indifferent "(M. Beketova). Different allied words with a gradual value can express different degrees of the intensity of manifestation of action, a sign. The combination of their use is a whole system, paradigm, whose members differ only in additional values \u200b\u200bin the expression of different degrees of intensity of the feature, actions: "" Everyone is known, asroad Mother Child "(from the newspaper); Wed: "As far asmother's kid roads, in which grademother's dear roads. Non-marked member opposed in the opposition paradigm expresses the usual zero level of intensity with the help of the Union what:"Everybody knows, whatmother of the road is a child. "

The value of the intensity with the help of allied words can be expressed in generalizable-graded additives: "As we (how many) tried, we could not achieve an intelligible response from it." It is also achieved through the use of questioning union words in the meaning of the gradual. In this case, gradually amplifies and is drawn up with a particle nor

"" No matter how boring meeting, it became interesting, at least because of a special boredom "(A. Dangu-Lov, S. Dangulov); "... as if she eats the cheese, and, how much either eats, everything is not fed ..." (A. Remizov).

Offers with intensifiers oh, how much (how many) normust be allocated from a number of generalized-graded not only by virtue of their semantics, but in their formal signs. In particular, in contrast to other generalized-grade proposals, they cannot contain in the main part of the electoral word correlate (where noeverywhere, when n.- always, Whoeverall etc.), but can include the gain-type amplifiers yet.Such proposals should not be included in the category of generalized-graded, and it is necessary to allocate into a special group, calling them gradually-gradual.

Especially common and consuming in modern Russian are NGN, where not an allied word, but an index pronoun in the main part as an in-consantifier. Such, in particular, the place-precisely-corrective proposals of the phraseological type, which are fully fixed by the representation of the value of the intensity of the action or a feature that generates this definite consequence or the result is real or imaginary. They are characterized by certain phrasemakers of construction. Intensifier pronouns in the main part so, such, so, before, so much, to such an extent;in the apparent - alliances what, like, for sure.

Intensifiers on their expressive features are close to an amplifier particle and can stand both before the verb or adjectives, denoting intensive action or a sign, and after it: "... For three days, the ride on the wall, patient to any work, washed so that Although in hand, "(V. Rasputin); "Consequently, even the community

lei would not smooth this pair so so that it becomes quite stable and able to solve problems standing in front of it "(A. Ptushenko), the Union tothere is in the latter case in place what,functioning when it comes to the main part - an affirmative predicative unit. Wedway: "The community of goals rallied this pair so much that it has become sustainable enough."

SPP phraseologized type can express the difference in the degree of intensity of action or a sign, and therefore form paradigms, the composition of which is determined, first, by semantics of the index word, and secondly, the presence / absence of the Union and the procedure for following predicative parts, "GAK, if you arrange proposals in order from a lower degree of manifestation, the feature is up to the highest, it will look like that;" he soscared that hidden by the tree. It soscared that hid ... he before (to such degree)scared that hid ... "

It seems that a large degree of intensity is also associated with the elimination of the Union: "... Vasily Alexandrovich so broke up, they dyed such lights, they died and degreased with a lamb" (A. Remizov). Washing: "Vasily Aleksandrovich so smoked ... that everyone died with a lamb ..." The smallest degree of intensity of action is expressed in the non-union proposals with the postposition of the predicative unit with the intensification-torus: "Vasily Aleksandrovich everyone with a laugh was worn, so smoked .. . "; "My sister's sister Sophia Andreevna said nothing, but he flooded with tears, so she was offended in his feelings" (M. Beketov).

The zero position on the intensity scale in the system of such a paradigm will take a suggestion with an unused union so that,where the action in terms of intensity is ordinary and corresponds to the norm 0, Wed: "Vasilya A

BBK 81.2FR-2

E. N. Toropova Astrakhan State technical University

Functionally semantic field temporality in French

The term field was, as you know, first introduced in Semyasiology (Ibsen, Y. Trier, L. Weisgerber, V. Porcig). The reasons for the stimulating circulation of linguists to the category of the semantic field should be associated with the main direction of the XX B Linguistics. - Learning language as a system. Consideration of the language system required the use of various approaches. The category of the semantic field that integrates all the types of relationships between the units of the language and establishing the hierarchical relations of the latter, itself is a systemic education. Apparently noted by many researchers direct influence on the occurrence and development of the field theory in linguistics of works V. von Humboldt, his teachings on the inner form of the language, through the prism of which the language carriers systemically perceive the world.

The concept of field with different authors is interpreted in different ways depending on the tasks under consideration. So, A. V. Bondarko, exploring Russian verb, and E. V. Gulga and E. I. Shendels - the grammar system of the German language, come to the conclusion that the study of grammar is impossible without analyzing the use of grammatical forms in speech, where grammatical forms interact with each other and with a lexic filling. Depending on the environment, the values \u200b\u200band functions of one form or another are changing, the value of a particular word is substantially modified, which acts in this grammatical form.

When constructing a grammatical lexic field, characterized by a number of mandatory signs, E. V. Gulga and E. I. Shendels take into account the following fact. A variety of grammatical and lexical levels designed to express and call total valuesRelated to be among themselves no random relationships, but by relationships to establish certain patterns. A combination of interacting agents and forms a system interpreted as a field. The field has an inhomogeneous, as a rule, a complex structure.

In French linguistics, the concept of the field was not considered, in connection with this, we consider consideration of this problem very relevant. As an object of study, we allocated a functional-semantic field (FSP) temporality, since it is time that is the main characteristic of any process.

So, under temporality, we understand the functional-geneant field, which is based on the grammatical category of time, as well as lexico-grammatical and grammatical-contextual means of French used to express its contextual options.

In french The field of temporality is monocentric. The core of the functional-semantic field temporality is represented by a grammatical category of time. The nuclear category of time is characterized by a large number of paradigms of temporary verb forms. This numerousness of the French temporary system makes the fact that the category of time is the dominant category of verb in French. Each of the temporary verb forms is carried out in its value and formal terms, the relation to a single starting point is a grammatical point of reference, represented by the moment of speech or other point, relative to which the action is located.

In linguistic literature, we find various characteristics of temporary relations. Some linguists recognize the presence of a single category of time, other differentiate the time category and the category of time ratios.

A. The trick, for example, highlights the present, and the future on the basis of two oppositions: Times are located relative to the moment of speech or another point (allocentric position), which refers to the past. When localizing the action relative to the reference point, located in the future, the linguist allocates two additional points: the future in the present and the future in the past, with respect to which the action is located only in the plan of precedence. The first position is located forms: Passe Compose, Present, Futur Simple, i.e. it is temporary molds oriented at the time of speech. In the Allocentric Position: Plus-Que-Parfait (Passe Anterieur), Futur Dans Le Passe. These forms are arranged relative to the moment of speech, expressed by IMPARFAIT or PASSE SIMPLE. In contrasting Simple / Imparfait A. Kryum sees the opposition of non-durable / long action, i.e. the opposition of the species.

L. Tener, A. Martin, believes that the category of the time of the French language is characterized by opposition - relative / absolute time. They distinguish three absolute time: PRESENT, PASSE SIMPLE, FUTUR SIMPLE. Relative times, or the categories of "visions" include: IM-Parfait, Plus-Que-Parfait, Passe Simple, ConditionNel.

J. Lamuet and ED. Pischon believes that in the center of the zealing system, there is a present, in relation to which it is advisable to distinguish three categories: 1) temporary correlation (Temporainete); 2) relevance (Actualite); 3) narrator (ENARRATION).

B. G. GAK, unlike other linguists, recognizes the presence of the following categories in the system of the following categories: the absolute time represented by three time plans: real / past / future, temporary correlation, represented by three opposition: predecessing, following, simultaneity, limited / unlimited The actions time in the past, which is represented by point and linear times, relevance / irrelevance of the action represented by the opposition of Passe Simple / Passe Compose. It should be noted that these temporary forms are contrasted also in the classification of E. Benvenista, in the theory of Weinrich, they are defined as a conversation time - Passe Compose and the story time - Passe Simple.

Many linguists, among them G. Giyom, P. Imbs, J. Fourke, N. M. Re-Ferovskaya, L. P. Pizzkova, etc., believe that grammatical time is represented by three terms: the present (Present), which has passed ( Impairfait, Passe Simple / Passe Compose, Plus-Que-Parfait) and Future (FUTUR SIMPLE).

According to the chronogenetic concept of Gioma, for example, the action is developing in time represented by the author with the help of the axis of chronogenesis. The forms of the indicative are in the end point of chronogenesis and denote the actual action. In the indicative, the author distinguishes three plan: the present who has passed and the future. In the form of PRESENT, a real time is reflected, which includes a particle of the occurring, outgoing time represented by the chronotope with the value of the decadence, and the particle of the coming, coming time, i.e. chronotope with the value of incident. In terms of past and future, incident and decadections are expressed by different forms. Futur and Passe Simple are incident uniforms, and Impairfait and ConditionNel - Decadened. G. Guillaume allocates 4 semantic fields, which determine the choice of leaking verb. These are fields of opportunity, alleged, confidence, reality. The first field requires the use of Sybjonctiv, the last three - indicative.

L. P. Pizzkova does not include Futur Simple and form on -rait to refining, Having highlighting these temporary forms into a separate inclination of the exposive. She believes that the form on -rait is nothing more than Conditionnel. Therefore, the indicator is represented by the Opposition of the form on -Ait, -a, -T, -UT / forms with zero flexia. Such a presentation relies on grammatical formants: the absence of R and the presence or absence of flexia.

P. AMBS allocates in the indicative of a three-selected opposition, since the Passe Simple flex and Futur Simple coincide, as well as the end of Impairfait and Forms on -rait.

We believe that the grammatical category of time is only characteristic of the indicative system and is based on the opposition / PRESENT / FUTUR SIMPLE (FUTUR DANS LE PASSE). We consider CONDITIONNEL not as a temporary form, but as a separate leaping of the verb, which has the value of the estimation of the action, i.e. the modal value. Futur Dans Le Passe is an analogue of Futur Simple, that is, a real future action, however, regarding not by the time of speech as FUTUR SIMPLE, and in relation to some point of the past. L. P. Pizzkova believes that Futur Simple expresses not a real action, but considered from the point of view of the speaker as the future categorical, referring to confirm this thought to the semantic fields of Gioma.

However, we recall that G. Guillau, with the exception of the first field of doubt, the remaining three semantic fields refers to the expressive inclination, i.e., in terms of real times. The effect of Futur Simple is real, it is categorically unambiguously happened in the future. It is not localized, as well as the Passe Simple is not localized, but is located in the zone "Strictly symmetric past, free from any hypothetical modality."

present / Futur Simple (Futur Dans Le Passe) and is based on formal criteria: -a, -t, -ut, -ait / zero flexion, absence / availability of R.

The invariance of the time value (the obligation of the presence of seeds of time);

Ability to independently carry out temporary localization;

Compeal to express the temporal characteristics of the action. In French, all these criteria are satisfied only

personal forms of verb, basic and relevant values \u200b\u200ballocated on the basis of analyzing studies of various linguists (Table).

Temporary form invariant semantic sign Relevant semantic signs

Present coincidence, identification of action with a moment of speech location of action in time; Missing with a moment of speech (Present Historique and Present Prothetique); Virtuality; unlimited; relevance; single action; Multiplicity

Impairfait long action in the past duration of repeating action; multiplicity; localization in time (using context); non-sharpness in time; prospects; inconsistency with reality; incompleteness; estimation; coincidence with the moment of speech; Missing with the moment of speech; Includes simultaneous completed action (subject to the severity of the latter using Passe Simple or Passe Compose)

PASSE SIMPLE PAST ACTION Outside of its connection with the present preceding the moment of speech; indivisibility; point; limited time; Completion

Passe Compose The past action is relevant for the moment of speech preceding the moment of speech; relevance; contact with the moment of speech; limitation; Completion

Plus-Que-Parfait preceding the moment in the past preceding the moment of speech; duration; revenue; singleness; Localization

Futur Simple future action, out of connection with the present unlimited; relevance for the moment of speech; Perfection

However, the idea of \u200b\u200btime is expressed not only through the nuclear element of the functional-semantic field the temporal verb forms, but also with the help of other lexico-grammatical agents.

So, FSP temporality in French is a monocene-tricious education, the core of which is represented by the grammatical category of time, namely the Passe Simple (Imparfait) / Present / Futur Simple (Futur Dans Le Passe). The periphery of the functional-semantic field temporality is presented:

1) lexical units located in three directions relative to the kernel:

Simultaneousness: Aujourd "HUI, Maintenant, A NOTRE EPOQUE, EN CE MOMENT, ACTUELLEMENT;

Precede: Hier, Autrefois, Jadis, AUPARAVANT, IL Y A LONGTEMPS, IL Y A 2 ANS, LA Veille, EN 2002;

Follow: Demain, Bientot, Des Que, APRES, A L "Avenir;

2) temporary unions and prepositions of the type: des, a la suite de, apres;

3) syntactic designs - apparent offers;

4) verb periprase: SE Mettre a Faire, Aller Faire, Venire de Faire, Etre En Train de Faire, etc.


1. Desnitskaya A.V. Comparative linguistics and history history. - M.: URSS, 2004. - P. 23-36.

2. Gulga E. V., Shendels E. I. Grammatical and lexical fields in modern German. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1969. - P. 5, 8-9.

3. Bondarko A.V. Theory of functional grammar. Temperature. Modality. - L.: Science, 1990. - P. 6.

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Received 13.06.2006

Functional-Semantic Field of Temporality in The French Language

Investigation There Is The Russian Linguists "Point of View, Which Develops Theory of Functional-Semantics Field (FSF), Including The Group of Grammatical, Lexical and Combined Means of Time Expression. In The Basis of Temporal Field There Is The Notion of Time, Mainly The Action Localization Relative to the Moment of Speech. FSF Temporality in the French Language Is Homocentric.

The Field IS Representd by Grammatical Category of Time, Which is Based On The Opposition Passe Simple (Futur Dans Le Passe). The Periphery of The Field IS Based On: Lexical Units, Temporal Conjunctions and Prepositions, Syntactical Construction - Subordinate Clauses and Verbal Periphrasis.

It is reflected in the language.

1.2. Various approaches to the definition of the essence of the category of taxis in linguistics.

Conclusions on chapter 1.

Chapter II. Functional-semantic structure

Taxis fields in modern English.

2.1. Two taxis varieties: dependent and independent taxis.

2.2. Micro-dependent taxis.

2.3. Independent Taxis micro.

Conclusions on chapter II.

Chapter III. Implementation of functional and semantic

Taxis fields in speech.

3.3. Realization of the interaction of the functional-semantic taxis field with other fields in conjugate categorical situations.

Conclusions under chapter III.

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "German Languages", 10.02.04 CIFRA WAK

  • Taxis in modern Czech language: experience of comparable analysis 1998, Candidate of Philological Sciences Evpak, Evgeniy Vladimirovich

  • Communion and verbalia in the functional semantic field Taxis: on the material of German and Russian languages 2009, candidate of philological sciences Belnovo, Olga Mikhailovna

  • Means of expression of dependent taxis: on the material of French and Russian languages 1999, candidate of philological sciences Bernitskaya, Natalia Valerievna

  • Taxis Categories and Conditions in English Polyprissive Designs With Double Under 2005, Candidate of Philological Sciences Bariev, Elvira Rizaevna

  • 2010, Doctor of Philological Sciences Hanbalaeva, Sabina Nizamievna

The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Functional-semantic field Taksis in modern English"

This dissertation study is devoted to the study of the functional-semantic taxis field in modern English.

Taxis exists in each language, however, as a special grammatical category, differing from the view and time, it is represented only in those languages \u200b\u200bwhere there is a corresponding special system of grammatical forms.

The choice of the theme of the dissertation study is due to the fact that the problem of Taksis did not receive enough full light in modern linguistics. Available individual works on this issue do not cover the variety of ways to express the value of taxis. In addition, the functional-semantic taxis field did not serve as a special study on the material of modern English.

The relevance of the topic is due to the need to study language System From the standpoint of functional grammar and on the basis of a functional system approach, which will contribute to the most adequate description of the methods of expression of taxis.

The object of the study in this dissertation are units of different levels of language used to transmit taxis values \u200b\u200bof simultaneity / abundance (precedence, following) and combined on the basis of the communion of the semantic function in the composition of the functional-semantic taxis field in modern English.

The subject of the study is the functional and semantic characteristics of the multi-level units of the language transmitting the taxis values \u200b\u200bof simultaneity / abundance (precedence, following).

The purpose of this dissertation study is to allocate the functional-semantic category of taxis and a comprehensive study of the multi-level means of expressing this value in modern English.

In accordance with the goal of the objectives of the study, the study includes:

Allocation of an expression plan and a plan for the content of the functional-semantic category Taxis (identification of the type of taxis category, the establishment of its components, systematization and description of various ways to express the value of taxis);

Simulation of the functional-semantic taxis field in modern English (establishing its type, determination of the dominant fields, kernels, periphery, transition zones);

Identifying the structural and semantic features of each means of expressing a taxis acting as a constituent of the field under study;

Determination of the site of the functional-semantic taxis field in the system of other fields of modern English, a description of the features of its implementation in speech and interaction with other functional and semantic fields.

The solution of the tasks was carried out using the use of a comprehensive research methodology, the basis of which was a hypo-tenucleisage method, a field structuring method, a transformational method, as a method of experiment, elements of the contextological method and seed analysis, elements of quantitative counting.

Scientific novelty thesis consists in a comprehensive study of the category of Taxis and its means of expression in modern English. The work is revealed by a system of multi-level means of language transmitting taxis semantics, the structure of the functional-semantic taxis field is specified, the ratio and relationship between the central and peripheral components of this functional-semantic field are determined, the features of the functioning of taxis categorical situations and conjugate categorical situations are detected.

The study material served 6238 examples obtained by a solid sample method from the works of modern English and American writers.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the deepening of our idea of \u200b\u200bthe systemic nature of the functional-semantic field in modern English and the laws of the functioning of its constituents in speech. The results of the study contribute to the systematization of the methods of expressing taxis, as well as the further development of problems of functional grammar.

The practical value of the dissertation is that its main provisions and results can be used in courses of theoretical and practical grammar, in a special course on functional grammar, as well as when writing master's dissertations, thesis and coursework.

The general theoretical basis of this dissertation was the work of domestic and foreign linguists, namely: A.B. Bondarko, S.M. Polyansky, R. Jacobson, N.B. Telina, Ji. Bloomfield, B. Wharf, dedicated to the study of the essence, semantics and characteristics of the Taxis category expression; Trudy V.G. Admonimi, V.N. Yartseva, G.S. Schura, A.B. Bondarko, E.V. Gulgi, E.I. Shendels dedicated to both the general field theory in linguistics and the theory of functional and semantic fields in particular. When modeling the functional-semantic taxis field, we were guided by studies of domestic and foreign linguists in the field of functional grammar, such as Yu.N. Vlasova, H.A. Slyusarev, S.M. Polyansky, Yu.S. Maslov, T.G. Akimova, H.A. Kozintseva, J. Nozek and others. In describing the implementation of the functional-semantic taxis field in speech, in the allocation and description of the categorical situations expressing taxi relationships, and the conjugate categorical situations we used the works of such authors as A.B. Bondarko, S.M. Polyansky, E.h. Belyaeva, Yu.N. Vlasova, Yu.N. Cherkikova, I.A. Cherkasy, A.B. Nikolaev and others.

The results of this study were tested in reports at an international scientific conference dedicated to the anniversary of Professor V.P. Malashchenko (RGPU, March 2004), at the II International Scientific Conference dedicated to the anniversary of Professor G. F. Gavrilova (April 2005), at the All-Russian Scientific Conference dedicated to the anniversary of Professor A.Ya. Zagorukhiko (October 2005), at the regional scientific and methodological conferences "Personality, speech and legal practice" (Don Law Institute, March 2003, March 2004, March 2005, March 2006), on the Interuniversity scientific conference dedicated to the anniversary of Professor Yu. N. Vlasova (RGPU, November 2004), at scientific conferences of students and graduate students of the Rostov State pedagogical University (April 2002, April 2003, April 2004). The dissertation research materials were discussed at meetings of the Department of British Philology of RSUP.

Protection issues:

1. The attitude, being a universal logical-philosophical category, is reflected in various language categories. Language interpretation of the mental category of relations in its temporary aspect, along with other categories, is the category of taxis, the semantics of which is to express temporary relations of simultaneity / abundance (precedence, following). The diversity of multi-level language tools expressing various types of taxis relationships allows us to consider the system of methods of transmitting taxis values \u200b\u200bin modern English within the framework of the corresponding functional-semantic field, which is based on a functional-semantic category of taxis, which is the language interpretation of the universal-thought category of relationship.

2. The functional-semantic field of Taksis is a system of morphological, lexical, and syntactic means of the language, combined with the generality of the semantic function, consisting in the expression of the temporary ratio of simultaneity / abundance (precedence, follow) between actions.

3. In modern English, the functional-semantic field of Taksis is a polycentric field included in the grouping of fields with an action (predicative) nucleus and characterized by a wide range of bonds, both with fields of this grouping and fields included in other groupings. In the structure of the functional-semantic taxis field, two micropolis are distinguished: micro-dependent taxis and independent taxis micro.

4. The study of the patterns of the use of constituents of the functional-semantic field Taxis in speech allows you to distinguish three types of taxis categorical situations, namely categorical situations with the value of simultaneity, categorical situations with the value of the abundance and categorical situations of the undifferentiated type, establish features of the interaction of this field with other FSSs, which Fits compliance in conjugate categorical situations. An analysis of conjugate categorical situations indicates the synthagmatic nature of the interaction of the functional-semantic taxis field with other fields that are part of various groups and represent various types.

Structure and maintenance of work. The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliographies, lists of reference and cited literature, conventional abbreviations adopted in work, and applications.

Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "German Languages", Lyashenko, Natalia Aleksandrovna

Conclusions on chapter III

1. Aspect-specific-taxi COP is defined as a typical sample content expressed in a particular embodiment, based on the semantic taxis category and the FSP formed in their interaction with the as-precultivity; Presenting the aspect of the general situation transmitted by the statement, which lies in the characterization of temporary relations between actions (including their aspectsal signs) within a holistic period of time covering the importance of all components expressed in the statement of the polyprissive complex. When we talk about aspect times, we mean typical COPs, each of which has a special aspect of the taxis characteristic of actions perceived by speaking in the process of statements.

2. We have identified 3 main types of aspect-specific taxis situations: situations expressing the taxis relationship of simultaneity, aspect-based and taxis situations expressing the taxis relationships of the abundance and aspect-specific situations of the undifferentiated type, the latter, in turn, are presented by situations that express two Taxi relationship type: uncertain and temporary and pseudo-modern. Aspect-specific and taxis situations refer to an inactualization syntagmatically strong type of COP.

3. Since the Taxis FSP is not an isolated language phenomenon, we have established the nature of the implementation of the interaction of the Taxis FSP with such fields as FSP modalities, FSP Secure ™, FSP states, FSS of certainty / uncertainties, FSP quantity, FSP SUPPECTIVITY, FSP compatibility, FSP Located ™, Causalism FSP, focus FPS, FSP Conditions, FSP grade ™, FSP Results belonging to various types and groupings. We have allocated the following conjugated CS: Taxis-modal, taxis-collateral, taxis-static, taxis-specific / taxis-uncertain, taxis-quantitative, taxis-sway, taxis-comparative, taxis-locative taxis-causal, taxis Target, taxis-conditional, taxis and gravity, taxis-efficient. The interaction with the above fields takes place along the "core - core" lines, the "core - periphery", "periphery - core", periphery - periphery "and is carried out both through the availability of general constituencies and due to the joint occasion of the elements in speech And wears mainly syntagmatic character.


Based on the principles of functional grammar and using a comprehensive research methodology, we were able to build and describe the model of the functionally semantic taxis field, determine the status of this field in the system of functional and semantic fields of modern English, identify the features of the functioning of the constituents of this field in speech. The Taxis of the modern English language, based on the functional-semantic category of taxis, is determined by us as a polycentric field included in the grouping of fields with an action (predicative) core and characterized by a wide range of bonds with fields related to both the group and other groups.

We have established that the Taxis FSP content plan constitutes temporary ratio of simultaneity / abundance (precedence, following) between actions, and the formal means of modern English, representing semantic species of relationships of simultaneity / abundance, are a plan for expressing the field under study. The Taxis FSP content plan is heterogeneous, which makes it possible to allocate two micropolis in its composition: the micro-dependent taxis and the independent taxis micro. Micropol data are simulated on the principle of the opposition center - periphery, taking into account the necessary criteria for nuclear, such as explicitness, specialized, independence, regularity (frequency).

Analysis of the actual material made it possible to identify the following structure of the functionally semantic taxis field. Multi-level consist tunts are unevenly distributed in the field. The main criterion for posting constituents here is the performance of a taxi function. Secondary predicative structures are a universal means of implementing the function of the dependent taxis. The core of the microfollain of the dependent taxis includes structures with communion and gerundia. The nearby zone is circulating and infinitive. Peripherals includes two zones: near and far. The periphery contains concentrations, in which the taxis expression is a secondary function. The near periphery is represented by compressed absolute designs, compressed additive proposals, as well as proposed-registered groups with a temporary meaning. The distance periphery of the micropolis under consideration includes the proposed-registered groups with an incredible meaning, as well as predicate names. In the micro-independent taxis, the pronounced center is not observed. The core of this micropolis includes a PTP with pressing time in which the taxis is updated as the most explicitly, as well as SSP and sentences with homogeneous legend. The nearby zone is represented by NGN with apparent additional and determined. The near-periphery zone includes SPP with apparent conditions and reasons. Far peripherals includes SNPs with pressing degrees, goals, comparisons, places, image, concessions, predicative, subject, where taxis semantics retreats to the background, and the various kind of circumstantiated and logical relationships dominate.

The analysis of the categorical situations based on FSP has made it possible to conclude that PBXs relate to the non-accomplished syntagmatically strong type of COP, and made it possible to allocate the following types aspect aspect of al-taxis COP:

Taxis COP, expressing relationships of simultaneity; -Taxi CS, expressing the defense relationship; -axy COP of undifferentiated type (uncertain and temporary and pseudoral).

As a part of the overall system of functional and semantic fields of modern English, FSP Taxis enters into interaction with such fields as FSP modalities, FSP pledges ™, FSP states, FSS definitions / uncertainties, FSP quantitative ™, FSP sessions, FSP comppactivity, FSP Locatics, FSS Causes, Flake Flakes, FSP Conditions, FSP Sustainability, FSP Performance, belonging to various types and groupings, which is reflected in the respective conjugate CS:

Conjugate taxis-modal CS,

Conjugate taxis-pledge CS,

Conjugate taxis-static CS,

Conjugate taxis-defined / taxis-uncertain COPs,

Conjugate taxis-quantitative cops,

Conjugate taxis-welded CS,

Conjugate taxis and comparative COPs,

Conjugate taxis-local CS,

Conjugate taxis-causal CS,

Conjugate taxis-targeted CS,

Conjugate taxis-conditional CS,

Conjugate taxis and graded CS,

Conjugated taxis-derived CS.

The interaction of FSA Taxis FSP Taxis with the above fields passes through the "core - kernel" lines, "core - peripherals", "periphery - core", periphery - periphery "and is carried out by both the availability of general constituents and due to the joint occasion of the elements These fields in speech and is mainly synthagmatic.

Conducted comprehensive analysis The functional-semantic taxis field allows you to determine the status of this field in the FSP system of modern English and attributed it to the grouping of fields with an action (predicative) core on the basis that the Constitutions of the Taxis Taxis express temporary relationships of simultaneity / abundance. Introducing a systemic language phenomenon, FSP Taxis has inventors of the multi-level means of the language used to express the same values \u200b\u200bin all its aspects.

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235. Ganshina, M.A. English Grammar Text. / M.A. Ganshina, N.M. VA-Silevskaya. M.: Higher School Publishing HOUSE, 1964. -530 p.

236. Hathaway, B. A TRANSFORMATIONAL SYNTAX: THE GRAMMAR OF MODERN AMERICAN ENGLISH TEXT. / B. Hathaway. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1967.-315 p.

237. Ilyish, B.A. The Structure of Modern English Text. / B.A. Ilyish. 2nd ed. -M.: Enlightenment, 1971. -366 p.

238. Jacobson, R. Shifters, Verbal Categories, And The Russian Verb Text. / R. Jacobson // Roman Jacobson. Selected Writings. Word and Language. -Paris: The Hague, Mouton, 1971. Vol. II. - P. 130-147.

239. Katz, J.j. Semantic Theory Text. / J.j. Katz. NEW YORK, Evanston, San Francisco, London: Harper & Row Publishers, 1972. - 464 p.

240. Khaimovich, B.S. A Course in english grammar text. / B.s. Khaimovich, B.I. Rogovskaya. M.: Higher School, 1967. - 298 p.

241. Khlebnikova, I.B. Essentials of English Morphology Text. / I.B. Khlebnik-Ova. M.: Higher School, 1994. - 125 p.

242. Kruisinga, E. A HANDBOOK OF PRESENT-DAY English TEXT. / E. Kruisinga. -Croningen: NoOrdhoft, 1931. Vol. II. - 237 p.

243. Leech, G. Towards a Semantic Description of English Text. / G. Leech. -London: Longmans, 1969. 277 p.

244. Leech, G., Svartvik J. A Communicative Grammar of English Text. / G. Leech, J. Svartvik. MOSCOW: PROSVESHCHENIYE, 1983. - 304 p.

245. Lyons, J. Semantics Text. / J. Lyons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977.-Vol. II.-879 p.

246. Maclin, A. Reference Guide to Grammar: A Handbook of English As A Second Language Text. / A. Maclin. Washington: CBS College Publishing, 1994. -405 p.

247. NOSEK, J. Contributions to the Syntax of the New English Complex Sentence Text. / J. Nosek. Praha: Universita Karlova, 1966. - 137 p.

248. Palmer, F. Grammar Text. / F. Palmer. N.Y.: Penguin Books, 1980. -208 p.

249. Poutsma, H.A. Grammar of Late Modern English Text. / H.A. Poutsma. -Croningen: Nordhoff, 1926. Part II, Section II. - 846 p.

250. QUIRK, R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvik J. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language Text. / R. Quirk, S. Greenbaum, G. Leech, J. Svartvik. London & New York: Longman, 1998. - 1779 p.

251. SWAN, M. Grammar Text. / M. SWAN. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.- 129 p.

252. Sweet, H. A New English Grammar. Logical and Historical. Introduction, Phonology and Accidency Text. / H. Sweet. Oxford: Oxford University

253. Press, 1955 (a). Part 1. - 499 p.

254. Sweet, H. A New English Grammar. Logical and Historical. Syntax Text. / H. Sweet. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1955. - Part II. - 136 p.

255. Theiin, N.B. ASPECT, TENSE OR TAXIS? The Perfect Meaning Reconsidered Text. / N. B. Thelin // Words Are Physicians for an Ailing Mind / Ed. By M. Grochowski, D. Weiss. - München: Otto Sagner, 1991. - P. 23-31.

256. TheLin, N.B. Verbal Aspect in Discourse: On the State of the Art. INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEM TEXT. / N. B. Thelin // Verbal Aspect in Discourse (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 5) / Ed. by N.B. Thelin. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990.-p. 75-82.

257. Willis, h. Modern Descriptive English Grammar Text. / H.Willis. San Francisco - Scranton - London - Toronto - Sydney: ABC Enterprises, 1986. -96 p.

258. WORF, B. THE HOPI LANGUAGE IN TOREVA DIALECT TEXT. / B. WORF // Linguistic Structures of Native America (Viking Fund Publication in Anthropology). -N.Y. 1946. - № 6. - P. 158-183.

259. List of reference books

260. English-Russian dictionary Linguistics and semiotics text. / A.N. Baranov, D.O. Dobrovolsky, M.N. Mikhailov, PB Parshin, O.I. Romanova; under. ed. A.N. Baranova and D.O. Dobrovolsky. Ed. 2nd, copy. and add. -M.: Azbukovnik, 2001. - 640 p.

261. Akhmanova O.S. Vocabulary linguistic terms Text. / O.S. Ahma Nova. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1966. - 608 p.

262. Kondakov N.I. Logical Dictionary-Directory Text. / N.I. Kondakov. -2-E ed., Available, add. M.: Science, 1975. - 720 p.

263. New philosophical encyclopedia Text.: In 4 volumes / Institute of Philosophy RAS, NAC. common-scientified. fund; Scientifies. Tip: Foreign B.C. Stepin, Deputy Foreign: A.A. Huseynov, G.Yu. Semigin, uch. Secrets. A.P. Cucumbers. -M.: Thought, 2001. T. III. - 692 p.

264. Russian language. Encyclopedia text. / ch. ed. Yu. N. Karaulov. Ed. 2nd, recreation. and add. - M.: Scientific. Publishing house "Large Russian Encyclopedia". Ed. Drop House, 1998. - 703 p.

265. Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary Text. / Ed. L.F. Ilyicheva. 2nd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989. - 840 p. - FES (a).

266. Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary Text. / Editors-compilers: E.F. Gubsky, G.V. Corableva, V.A. Loutchenko. M.: Infra-M, 1998. -576 S.-FES (b).

267. Linguistics. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary Text. / ch. ed. V.N. Yartseva. 2nd ed. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 1998. -685 p.

268. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Text. / D. Crystal. -Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. - 480 p.

269. The Concise Oxford Dictionary Text. / Ed. By Judy Pearsall. Tenth Edition. -L.: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1999. - 1666 p.

270. List of Citized Literature

271. AS ALDINGTON R. SHORT STORIES TEXT. / R. ALDINGTON. - MOSCOW: Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bPublishing House, 1961. - 248 p.

272. BM Stout R. Before Midnight Text. / R. ALDINGTON. - Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1982.- 157 p.

273. BV Wolfe T. The Bonfire of the Vanities Text. / T. Wolfe. - NEW YORK, TORONTO, LONDON, SYDNEY, AUCKLAND: BANTAM BOOKS, 1988. - 691 p.

274. CS Christie A. Selected Stories Text. / A. Christie. - MOSCOW: Progress Publishers, 1976. -334 p.

275. CWF McBain L. Chance The Winds of Fortune Text. / L. McBain. - Great Britain: Macdonald Futura Publishers Ltd., 1994. - 505 p.

276. EB SHAW I. EVENING IN BYZANTIUM TEXT. /one. Shaw. - NEW English Library, 1977.-284 p.

277. FA HEMINGWAY E. A FAREWELL TO ARMS TEXT. / E. Hemingway. - M.: Progress Publishers, 1976. 261 p.

278. FD Castle J., Hailey A. Flight Into Danger Text. / J. Castle, A. Hailey. -London - Sydney: Pan Books, 1979. - 140 p.

279. FLW Fowles J. The Frhench Lieutenant "S Woman Text. / J. Fowles. - London: Triad Granada, 1980. - 399 p.

280. HL BROOKNER A. Hotel du Lac Text. / A. Brookner. - London: Triad Grafton Books, 1988.- 184 p.

281. HS Hemingway E. SELECTED STORIES TEXT. / E. Hemingway. - MOSCOW: Progress Publishers, 1971. - 398 p.

282. LS Roberts A.V. Liam "s Story Text. / A.V. roberts. - London: Pan Books, 1993.-597 p.

283. MS MAUGHAM W.S. Rain and Other Stories Text. / W.S. Maugham. - MOSCOW: Progress Publishers, 1977.-407 p.

284. PV MAUGHAM W.S. THE PAINTED VEIL TEXT. / W.S. Maugham. - Moscow: manager, 1999. - 272 p.

285. QA GREENE G. THE QUIET AERICAN TEXT. / G. Greene. - MOSCOW: Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bPublishing House, 1959. - 225 p.

286. RS Recollections. Ten Stories On Five Themes Text. / Ed. By A. Adkins and M. Schakelton. - London: Nelson, 1991. - 156 p.

287. SL Lawrence D.H. Sons and Lovers Text. / D.h. Lawrence. - Middlesex: Penguin Books in Association with William Heinemann Ltd, 1969. - 511 p.

288. STA WILLETT M. SECOND TIME AROUND TEXT. / M. Willett. - London: Headline Book Publishing, 1997. - 375 p.

289. TP SHAW I. THE TOP OF THE HILL TEXT. / I. Shaw. - New English Libraiy, 1983.-320 p.

290. UN MURDOCH I. UNDER THE NET TEXT. / I. Murdoch. - London, Glasgow: W. Collins Sons and Co. Ltd., 1983. - 243 p.

291. WD Steel D. The Wedding Text. / D. Steel. - NEW YORK: A Dell Book, 2001. -517 p.

292. WF HOLLIDAY A. HIS WILDEST FANTASY TEXT. / A. Holliday. - NEW YORK: Zebra Books, Kensington Publishing Corp., 1994. 395 p. 23. WW - Collins W. The Woman in White Text. / W. Collins. - London: Penguin Books, 1994.-569 p.

293. List of conventional cuts

294. FSPP Functional-semantic field of education

295. FSPR Functional-semantic Field of Performance

296. FSPU Functional-semantic field Conditions

297. FSPT Functional-semantic focus field

298. FES Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary

299. Cod The Concise OXFORD DIFTIONARY

Please note the scientific texts presented above are posted for familiarization and obtained by recognizing the original texts of theses (OCR). In this connection, they may contain errors associated with the imperfection of recognition algorithms. In PDF the dissertation and the author's abstracts that we deliver such errors.

Odessa Order of the Labor Red Banner State University. I.I.Mechnikova

On the bushes, manuscripts


Functional and semantic field Tempora-nose-russian educational text

Specialty 10.02.01 - Russian Lzik

A z "t Orefrat

dissertations for the scientific "degree of candidate of philological sciences"

Odessa -.1991

The work was performed in the Odessa of the Orden of the Labor Craonogr Banner of the State University. J.-I.Mechnikova

Scientist is kiddate philological sciences ,. Associate Professor I11enk0 ^. "

Official opponents:

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Tulina TD

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Bondar A.Y,.

Leading organization - Chernivtsi State University. Y. Fedkovich

The defense will take place "14" February. 1992 at 15 o'clock at the meeting of the Specialized Council, cipher to 068.24.08 according to Fi-. Discussions in the University of Odessa. Address :.270058, Odessa, French Oulwar, 24/26, Aud; 130.

The dissertation can be found in scientific Library Odessa University.

1992 "year.

Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Council.

The problem, time expressions in the language level, there was always a significant place in linguistic studies, which motivated the need for a realization of the actual time, detecting an event attachment on the time axis, adequate, transmitting this information to the language to the language.

Throughout the existence of the science of language, scientists have made attempts to analyze, systematization, descriptions of transmission of temporary classroom. A look at the problem from different points of view, most of the morphological, led to a number of not agreeing with each other concepts, which are reflected in the works of M.V. Lomonosov (1755), N.P.Nekrasota (-1865), . С.Аksakova (1875), A.A.Potebny (1977). A qualitatively different view on the problem of expression that is not limited to the fags of morphology, the approach to solving the problem with wider positions is planned in the works of A.Kh. Vostokova (1959), F.I. Buslaeva (1955), A.A.Shakhmatova (19 ^ 1), "V.V. Vinogradova (1936). New approach Created prerequisites for rapprochement of the semantic and grammatical concept of time in linguistic science and gave grounds for carrying out the differences between the penetration of relative and absolute, direct and indirect, etc., as well as how to express them. Discussion on this issue, started by N.S.Pozosrelov (1955), A.N. Mostudov (1973), continues at present. Over the last period, the problem of time expressions has received a special development in a series of works A.V. Bondarko, dedicated to detailed analysis Time categories in the aspect of functional grammar ", which operates such concepts, -What functional-semantic field of temporality and temporal-categorical situation. The appearance of the semantic component expands and deepens the research area, provides opportunities for new research in this direction.

Despite the permanent and close attention to the problem of ■ hemlocherals by the authors who addressed to the types of the topic, were considered more and separate aspects of the language expression, D ",. Bo The basic principles of the language implementation of this category of this category, without a detailed analysis of the components of the system" - 5 What in the ultimate result does not allow you to provide a full representing * -4 on the mechanism of "functioning. Temporal structure of Yazi in? "

"■ The relevance of the study, such samples, is determined: -:"

the remaining need for a comprehensive analysis of the process of language implementation of temporary values, the relationship of the following is the most important! Icons of objective zalitality. Studying the essence of this. ■ The phenomena seems to be particularly important for determining the principles of reflection of the category of objective time "in the language. As Lira-" Zejep of subjective thinking.

■ In accordance with the purpose of carrying out the work of the work, "the identification and description of the temporal means used in the educational and scientific text, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, as well as the study of the mechanism of the functioning of data" tools under scientific style "

The formulated goal defined the following research tasks: "-

1) - identification of the main types of temporal ", values \u200b\u200bin modern Russian; ......

2) inventory le, inventory present in the educational and scoring text of morphological, syntactic, lexical indicators of temporality;

3) setting the role "and the place of temporary indicators of different levels of the language in the temporal structure of the text;; .." "

¿0 Analysis of the reasons caused by the dynamics. Tsmporalni at the text level; .............. ""

5) Studying the features of the functioning of the means of Temply Ralnosi inherent in the scientific style of speech.

For the zeal of these tasks in the thesis, a descriptive-comparable method of studying the temporal parameters of scientific and educational and artistic functional styles, as well as the following research techniques was used as the main one.

Nadzdeyia over the processes of language implementation of the temporary "relations in the modern Russian;" "". ".

Functional analysis, temporal structure of educational and scientific text;

Quantitative processing of the data obtained; "-

Qualitative analysis of research results.

Ma_te £ ieok_m studies served as texts in physics and -Chelery included in training manuals for foreigners of preparatory faculties. "For these purposes," is used, textbooks in physics and a drawing for the initial and middle stages of training. The volume of texts used was: Yisika -2 LLC

syntactic units; Drawing - 500 syntactic units. . Comparative analysis<5ил проведен на материале художественного текста, поучаемого указанным контингентом учащихся ¡а занятиях по домаанейу чтению. В этом качестве бил исполйзован рассказ М.А.Шолохова "Судьба человека", исследуемый объем составил 500 ■ синтаксических"единиц. В сопоставительных целях привлекались дополнительнее тексты "общим объемом 10.000 синтаксических единиц.

Theo RegiCH with KMA NCH will determine the first results obtained by the results of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the scientific-style peculiar to the three levels of the language: syntactic, morphol-. Piece, lexical. The character of the "syntactic level, the maintenance of the auxiliary nature (the main affinity of the implementation) of the morphological level and the optional nature of the lexical level was established. The presence in the scientific style of speech Lietem. TMVKOP; Tempeja, which is implemented as an atempo-rally. Comparison has been made, the grammatical temporal category? And Scientific and artistic speech styles, which reveals the main differences in the actions of this category in two-styles.

The result "of work can find a practical application of lectures of lectures and\u003e.."; Kuihai in grammar, stylistics, seiangi-. Ke; can be used to develop special courses and textbooks on these "disciplines. Widespread use of research materials can be obtained in The practice of learning Russian language as 1 ■ foreign in the audience of the technical profile.

The study "allowed. Vidv.Inugin's hypothesis;. The formation, Fiktskpo" inheritance of a temporal academic field in the Russian educational jelon "is carried out in accordance with the general laws of the language and private style law; at the level of the proposal prevailing. We turn out to be the influence of language laws, level. "Text - Style.

. "In this regard, the following positions are taken out by the following position:

iB. Dehibition of temporal characteristics, subjectively "perceived in the form of semantic time values, is implemented in the language by means of a syntactic structure of the proposal;; ■ .-". "- Specification of the functioning of multi-level temporal tools is largely determined by the style of the W. Screek.

■ - - AGEMPOROPOSIAL SETTINGS OF SETTINGS "Speech-inherent in the scientific speech, as well as the structural complexity of the text of this style, determines the amount of purely syntactic and morphological syntaxes in comparisons with artistic; respectively. in 2.6 and 1.5 times; Whereas from the dynamic nature of the dynamic nature of the presentation, characteristic of artistic style, follows the predominance of artistic. Texts when compared with educational morphological and lexical temporal means, respectively, 1.3 and 1.8 times; .

The main leytema "tive temporality of the educational text is ■ Razhene, which allows you to conclude: the main temporal characteristic of the scientific style is a pronounced tendency to the ancturality;

The dynamics of morality in the text is regulated by typical. Suitable structures, ■ in the role of which in the scientific style.

speakers are composite-speech forms. "

Approbation of work took place in reports at conferences. Odessa Polytechnic Institute in 1989 and 1991; For the Jubi- ..e;<ной научно-практической конференции подготовительного.факультета ОПИ в 1990 г.; на т;>eX of inter-pedral cminakers in 1990 and 1991.I. and in five publications on the topic of the thesis. "

Volume and structure of work. The thesis "Consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion. The scope of the thesis is 168. The wizards of the machine-writing text. List of used" literature. Includes 208 items. ;

Structure of work

In the introduction, the choice of the topic is justified, the place "of this study in the field of studying methods for the transmission of temporal characteristics of language means is determined, its relevance, the objectives and objectives of the study are formulated, its scientific novelty, theoretical and practical value is revealed, is given" .. a description of research methods. " -

In the first chapter "Temoda's rates in educational and scientific. Text" (p.12-85), the main types of temporal values \u200b\u200bthat are part of the semantic template of temporality, methods of their language implementation are considered.

The analysis found that the time values \u200b\u200bimplemented. In the language, arise as a consequence of the subjective perception of the real time. On the quantity-onetic types of temporary "values, two factors are influenced: the time plan and limitations / unlimited time of action. On this basis, the types of temporary values \u200b\u200band variants of their combinations are highlighted for the Russian language, including V.Seshama unlimited time, formally relative to this ; limited time. Actions related to the onset; limited "partially or completely" action time relating to the future; limited partially or fully action time relating to the past, as well as the future + [intensive limited; future + more than "DEEA; spent + real unlimited; past + present limited; Real limited + present limited; Past + present limited + future.

The time plan of the present, and the future is transmitted in the language by means of relevant grammatical supposed:. of this, acceptable, future. The grammatical equivalent of limited and unlimited time is the relative and absolute time.

The absence in modern literature of a single approach to the definition "The concept of absolute and relative time led to the need to present the point of view on this language-based, which is based on the basis for further analysis.

- "Absolute Team, we consider the time of action that is not connected. In terms of the moment. Thenchi, nor with any other. Momnuity, which is not a reference point oriented. Relative time is the time of action - associated with the moment of speech or with any Another point, i.e. reference point-oriented.

■ - ■ From this, "it follows that the future and past times are always. Recovery as a result of correlation with a point of reference, in the role of a cat. ^ Oh, in the absence of Language" temporal indicators, there is a moment of speech "and only present the mock to be absolute at the absence of temporal - Restors or relative in the case of "their presence ..

The syntactic time is present in all sentences without exception, since each proposal is a specific implementation of the abstract syntactic structure.

Inside this structure, for the expression of temporal shells could, g, the means of morphological and lexical levels were used. "

- ■ based on temporal syntactic agents. (CTC) Podre-eduliyuyuyuyu on three types: STS-1, expressing the temporal "L., Expressing. Temperature Activated by syntactic means; STS-3 ,.-" Radiant temporality with indirect morphological means.

STS-1-- The syntactic structure of the supply, "including the personal shape of the verb or the category of states speakers. Like morphological temporal indicators.

■ STS-2 is the syntactic structure of the sentence, directly expressing temporality without the use of morphological time-forms. The specified structures include: nominal proposals; sentences with a negative particle as a prediction; Infinitive proposals; Suggestions with verlar mek. "Domesticities in the role of predicate."

STS-3 is the syntactic structure of the supply, which includes the forms of surreal chances, acting as indirect mor. Fologistic rates of temporals. Their composition includes: - Hold with the verb in an imperative inclination as a predicate; Offers with verb in the subjunctive tilting as a predicate. In the training texts of the SSS-3, predominantly predominantly proposals for the verb in the imperative in the role of the predicate and are characteristic of the situation - the formulation of problems and issues in which the physical and mental activity is expressed. In artistic texts, they have wider use. -;

STS-2 are actively used in the educational text, where they are found in the five semantic situations we have allocated, whereas in the artistic text only in the "three of them" in both styles ■ there is a predominant use of STS-2 in situations, the content of which is distinguished by nonsense "NGNYTZ , generalization, abstract. These funds. Support with; expression of the passive state of the non-reference subject, qualifying relationships, statutory.

Directly syntactic expressions have a real abscilence, the real relative and their combination. With the irrelevance of communication "with the time axis, this abs

¿»Gnome-time, if there is a direct connection with the time axis, this relative time is applied.

"STS-1 is used inside the syntactic structure of specialized morphological forms designed to express time. We are talking about morphological temporal means (MTS), which include: MTS-1, predicative forms of verb, represented by the withdrawal inclination and briefs in a certain segment. . Forms of the predicate; MTS-2, "Attribute forms of verb, Γ enveloped by full acquisitions and particresions, express the class attitude (present and prone) of the additional" process as a feature; MTS-3, grammatical forms of the category of state; MTS-4 , Forms of the last and future "time of registered predicative combinations. "

The qualitative analysis of the described means shows that they are able to transmit all of exist in the time of the time values \u200b\u200band their combinations with the exception of two: the present absolute + future and the present absolute + present relative. .

Thus, the morphologically pronounced real absolute time is used mainly when transferring temporary classrooms of such values \u200b\u200bas a passive or active state of a non-venerable subject, an indication of which in some cases there is no (uncertain and personal proposals), which is evidence of the timeless nature of the present, absolute time. "", -

The present relative time finds morphological violations when describing the passive state of a particular subject. The active state in the artistic text is attributed to the Yak * -retny subject, "A-in the educational text in a similar case: the subject is not specified. In addition, only in the educational text there are cases of using the present relative time with the expression - "Kii of session relationships, as well as the result of the action of a Kejugo-a certain subject. However, the accuracy and states ■ in both texts are attributed to a certain point (period) of time", What does say about the immediate "connection with the time axis.

If the past time is standing, the MTS curriculum is used mainly "in the expression of the actual state of the subject, passive Skoscoyanle-transferred only in

quencing with active. The subject, as a rule, is concrete, the absence of a subject is evidence of its irrelevance. 3 in this case, the relevance acquires the object of acts. In the artistic text, the morphologically pronounced past time is not semantically limited.

The semantic volume of the morphologically pronounced future in the educational text is much more than * with an artistic, where it is used mainly when expressing the passive state of a particular subject. V. Educational text. In this case. Presented all the variety of semantic values \u200b\u200b"predicate. ■ Here it is quite clearly traced. "The cost of describing the aquatic, state of animated entities, and the passive state inanimate.

The specifics of the functioning of morphologically pronounced temporary combinations, as the analysis showed, is largely determined by the features of the compound elements. ""

However, the combination data in some cases are transmitted by a combination of morphological and syntactic tools, forming the Morphol and Singhaxic tools (MSTC) themselves, which are also. -; Vg certain differences, functioning in different styles, to which, in particular, washed by the prevalence in the educational text of the described means for the expression of the present. Absolute when compared with other times, which is not noted in the artistic text; Possible only in the educational text, the use of MSTC to express this relative time, of the present absolute + present relative. ".

In general, syntactically and morphologically pronounced gempot. The injection is in the proposal of the main one, the proposal is to transfer the temporary class attitude of the predicative feature. In addition to her, the proposal is morphologically (through communities and verbalies), the pronounced temporary one is a proceeding feature belonging to a subject, or an object that can be described as parallel. " . :.

In addition, there is another, type of temporality, the purpose of which is concretization, limiting the temporary plan transmitted by morphological and syntactic means. . Such a temporal attitude is of character additional and expressed.

with words and phrases, relative to the circumstances of time. Since the temporal "B in this case is transmitted through the lexical value of the word, it is moss" g be called lexical.

■ Lexic hempointness is implemented as part of the grammatical "category of morality on the basis of direct cja-synthesis with syntactic and morphological, those. "

Lexic temporal means (LTS) are divided into GHG "Art., Condition from one word (LTS-1)\u003e Complex, representing the lint-free phrase (LTS-2), and implicit, not having a formal expressive" (LTS-3 ) .. The LTS-1 includes: offer-no-daddy form? Naschaig; Datigovo "Chi-Nuvective; Temporary conversations. LTS-2 are presented: nominal combinations; quantitative-nominal combinations; with attribute-nominal combinations; internally nominal combinations of LMI; attribute-quantity-having combinations. LTS-3 refer to implicit due to With the fact that the temporary limitation "is carried out by a lexic zone of the lexical" unit ", an element that generates temporary associations. There are in the mind of well-known persons or conveners associated with a certain time period .. . "." A comparative analysis of the use of l 1C in different styles of such as the data that the data, the funds of the prevailing use in the educational text - with the "classily costs" with the plan of this relative and past; in artistic - with the standpage of K.Plan NRS -Hed and past + real relative. 3 Overall, when analyzing the functioning of the LTS! The following factors were taught by "the following factors: the semantic situations in which the data is used; time plan; Methods of limitation. During lexis. fair indicators; Combination with basic means of morality, as well as the semantic meaning of the main temporal. They are funds .. As established, the LTCs carry out time limit using the restriction by temporary - frames, events or. The event-V.Remenny framework, instructions on-frequency, indirect indication for a time, as well as implicit directions for the time. In scientific. LTCs are equally used with all types of main temporal means. In the artistic text, the most frequently data, funds are used in combination with MTS. With respect to the semantic value of the main temporal

the funds that LTS are combined can be marked more, thereof. A variety in the educational text compared to artistic. In the first case, the NLM includes: stagnation, existentiality, mental and. Physical activity, sessions, potentiality, localization in space, comparative and steam, glutivities. relations; In the latter - physical "and mental activity, stagnation, existentitality.

The second chapter. "The functioning of temporality indicators in the educational and scientific text". (P.86-165) is devoted to definitely the heads-■ ■ of the ygmotype temporality of the study: text; the establishment of the causes that determine the dynamics of Emporem, identifying the functioning of temporal means. -

In this chapter, a study of quantitative indicators of syntactic times in the texts of scientific and khuchochogen-one-styles crawled out a significant discrepancy1 on this ■ Paraszgru.

In the educational text, the basic tone of the presentation is defined as ATEKPORPOS and transmitted through the present absolute ■ time, artistic styles inherent in a specific temporary binding of events attributable. In most of its own plan, "since the origins of the style differences are meaningful to the phenomenon. Discrepancies should be used in semantics.

■■ Scientists allocated two main factors with specific characteristics in the sorticulture style. These include spiritual content and type of thinking. Based on the specified factors, we are at-. They went to the conclusion that for scientific style it is characteristic: the predominance of non-reference subjects, a slight amount of the event plan, the prevalence of informative, ■ communicative type of speech. This determines the irrelevance of the temporary class attitude of the predicate attribute, for the expression of which the present absolute lease - as the main temporal, rho text is most adapted. For the artistic style of speech "peculiar": the predominance of specific subjects, the prevailing volume of the event plan, dominating the visual communicative type of speech. This corresponds to the dynamic nature of the presentation, "which is best transmitted through the past time, in the semantics of which initially laid down, the value of the temporary CO ™.; Set at least with the plan of the present.

Syntactic bulbs in Russian are used both in an isolated form and in the form of combinations of the same or different times. In the educational text, in principle, the trend is maintained. What is the predominance of temporary combinations, which include lorry in the frequency of use in isolated type of seine? Axific times. Deviations from this regularity nursed Liga in terms of this absolute and present relative time, which mocets should be explained by the poor combination of this absolute time with other times associated with it. an empty character. The volume of similar combinations in the educational text is minimal, in the artistic they are generally absent, since the entire time plan of the present used in the combination has a sign of relativity.

In general, the next picture of the arrangement of syntactic times along the lines of reduction of their volume. For teaching text: a) in an isolated form - the present absolute, inferior. The relative relative, the future, which is propered;..) In combination - real relative, the future,. Poss, real absolute .. for artistic text: a) in "isolated form - the past, real relative, present absolute, future; b) in combination - real relative, past, future. As you can see, the distribution of times a scientific style in quantitatively By, Dgverkdag its tendency to the ancticularity.

In addition to the representation of the syntactic times and their volumes, acting as static characteristics, the testicular structure of the text, also has also dynamic characteristics to which there may be a change of temporary plans. The results of the study indicate that the basis of this phenomenon is semantic causes.

- ■ We have it eves that the degree of temporality in the text is regulated by typical meaningful structures, the type of which is depending on the style affiliation of the text.

The teaching text, as I, the scientific style as a whole, is distinguished by the spent characteristic of the presentation, strong stereotype, conservatism. Logic figures, enshrined in the consciousness of a person, find the framework "in the language in the form of functionally semantic types of speech, which presented with themselves composition-speech forms; reasoning, narration ,.Description. On the material of the educational text

■ Lives. The pronounced interdependence between the functional style, composite-speech forms and syntactic times. Ultimately, the selection of the temporary plan is determined by the Kyrgyz Republic £

and a functional style, the impact of which can coincide or ■-turn in multidirectional.

One of the reasons for the relationship of the CRF. and syntactic times .. "is the correspondence of the grammatical semantics of the latter.

■ the "information concluded in composite-speech forms. So, it was established," that to address the present ABS.

However, for the description is a real relative, for narration - past. Obviously, the dominant in the argument on-; The standing absolute time has a sign of attenduality, which prevails in the description of the present relative more characteristic sign of staticness - the prevailing fare

■■ Shot of time, in the semantics of which the value was initially laid

Time speaker. . "_".

In the curriculum of the CC change border and syntactic times ■ in absolute Boryintsg; Cases coincide, which indicates ■ about the defining "RF influence on temporal dynamics. In the thin: the text of such cases less than 50%. This is, of course,.

denies the semantic conditionality of this process, however. "■" Indicates: that in the artistic style of the CR5 is only ■ ". One of several semantic factors affecting the transmission of the temporal plan. ■."!. "

■ In a very small amount of cases in the educational text ■ -, "the change of temporal pl ^ on occurs inside the CRF. The most" often -temopional plan changes inside the narration-in $ 81 cases; It should be squeezing - 11.1% and, finally, the development - 7; 5%. "

The change in the temporal plan of insanity is different, not "only in large volume, but also temporary diversity; we" "■ ;-. The six-options for the change of syntactic times were revealed. In the framework of the KRF described: i) the future of the future + present relative; 2) future + real relative -\u003e ■ "future; 3) Pro- 1 smooth - "Future; Yu Future v - * Past; 5) the past - past + present relative; b) "Futura. - G" past + present relative.

Manipulating syntactic times inside the CRF makes it possible to express various shades of the temporary plan. In part--

noshs inside the narration it is used to transmit a higher degree of dynamism.

in-reasoning is only one version of the time change - the present absolute - "past- + present absolute, which is used to link the information abstracted from the time axis with a real time. "...

Inside the description, two variants of syntactic times are fixed: i). past - future; 2) Future - buying + present relative. Replacement times gives the description of a dynamic nature and thus is one of the means forming the type submitted in linguistic literature. "CR5 is a dynamic description..

In the artistic text of the change of syntax times, Z.51.1 $ cases occurs the lard of KR1\u003e. We revealed 34 options for the changeance of syntactic times, which takes place "only inside the narration. Inside the reasoning and description, the temporal plan does not change. ■"

The dependence of the TRC-5 times in the scientific style is so strong that there are no cases of CR5 alternation in the educational text, which would not entail a change in the temporary plan. In other words, in the educational text there are no examples of the change of CR5 against the background of the one-year temporal plan. In the artistic text, such examples are, although in very small quantities. ■ ^

The originality of the temporal structure of the artistic text is largely due to the expressive use of syntactic times, serving to give the presentation greater than pictorially "; Seg. This may be an indication of that" that the dynamics of gempore-nurses in - Summary text associated with alternation with g or cigent fine-expressive means.

In scientific style, as evidenced by the analysis, as a factor, directly determining the dynamics of hemboralths, perform composition-speech forms. . -

The set of syntax times forms a syntactic category of the time, which implements its main functional, the purpose ^ consisted of the transmission of the temporary classroom of actions, events using the possibilities of morphological and lexical means of expression. "

highlighting. It consists of ten. Russian and temporary combinations. When there is a syntax structure, C ^ EP "Treating Morphological forms, with ^ EP" SYSTEM .. RUM. In scientific style, is observed, the participation of morphological "forms in the expression" is observed, the participation of morphological "forms when expressing" Texts of our style of time. In the art, there is no use of these forms only when expressing this absolute time. .. ".-.

In both styles, lasting, the future and. The future + past have only morphological polls. The remaining times are transmitted to the prevailing quantitative use of morphological "Wed" of the subsidiaries compared to purely syntactic.

The exception is "Prophurated only for. A common style" Temporary combination of real absolute +. Relative real. The "morphological *) orms in this case are accepted" participation in the transmission of temporary classroom costs twice the Remz than: its syntactic agents and also only as part of the MSTC.

Most active participation ZZ process expression process takes Morpho;. historical present. In scientific style six, in a hood-effective four syntactic time or KQK-: silence are formed using data forms.

■ The trend tracked in the scientific style to the timeless hy-imposes a print on the proportional ratio of morphological and purely syntactic means involved in the implementation of temporary combinations. Thus, under the "expression of the proceed" of the reaches + of this absolute, future +, of the present relative, passing + of the present relative predominance of morphological means ■ Over the syntactic actors in the science style is 1 "2 times;" in the art comes up to 2.7 times. Such Co. The ratio, observed and when expressing the rest of BP "EMEN (for scientific style - the past + present absolute. I spent + real relative; for the artistic - past. +,. ■ Present from-; Moving and" Wound + Future + Nash. ".olayo : relative).

Observation of the functioning of morphological forms of a real time shows that when expressing. In the scientific style of the future + present-relative, A c. Artistic - the future +, Vostuagigigo relative and the future. + The last + present - the predominance of monologues over the syntax itself is 1.2 times in the educational text; but

feline comes to 2.6 times.

It follows from this that if the fact of the predominance of morphological "means on the actual syntactic is the phenomenon of language .. character, SO The degree of predominance is regulated by the style.

It is enough in the framework of the syntactic structure, the possibilities of leeky I.e. Sack of their rates of temporality are used, the function of which is to specify the abstract temporary standard transmitted by the main means of temporality.

The nature of the interaction of lexical and grammatical temporal means is obsessed with the common goal of the most point of transmission of temporary classroom and differs in the Cottage and the rules of Voeimoso - Cellibility. "".

The optimal execution of the yaadegyvzium functions is ensured by the presence of lexical C ^ DIV of various temporal orientation. The coins be given five groups of lexical temporal shows - "lei in accordance with the functions realized by them: a) the indicators of the unworthy time; b) indicators indirect" time; h) - Indicators of the indirect VRSMB; d) Pampyzigz's indicators. Vrenekk; e) neutral indicators. ""

In the artistic style of CE, a rather definite dependence of the lexical indicators are pabling "from the kra, the trend of the preferred use of temporal means in the description is trained in the description .; ZGU" The window to regard how to ¡-sase those of stronger influence-CR5 on JLTC in . Scientifically)! Style..

When analyzing the functioning of lexical coaches, in compliance with syntactic times, it becomes obvious "that the systemic samples between the times and the looks of lexical tempo- ■ ourselves. This is explained by those that the forest is situationally and do not have a spiced connection with previous "and subsequent temporary plans, those by themselves by following the role of inclusions in the general pace of oraliaui system of the text, YSPO CIRATION OF ZGGS in the text is based on their semantic meaning p is necessarily thematically.

From the above it follows that the peculiarities of the functioning of the time indicators in the text are determined by "their location" in the semantically caused by temporal hierarchy.

Theoretical surveys, observation of language processes.

and also quantitative, and "Qualitative analysis of research results allow us to draw the following conclusions:

1. Objective temporal characteristics, subjectively perceived in the form of semantic time values, are implemented in the language by means of .Sintaxy supply structure.

2. The specifics of the functioning of multi-level temporal, funds that have a clearly designated competence in the system, language, is largely determined by the style of text.

3\u003e. The main leitmologist hemporal of the educational text, expressed by the timeless "present absolute time, is due to the belonging" to the scientific styled, the main temporal characteristic of which is a pronounced tendency to the ancturality. " "

Dikikka The rate of orally and in the text is controlled by typical; Substantitative structures, in the role of which * scientific style. Composition-speech forms are characterized. ■ "

In conclusion, the main results of the study conducted are summarized, the prospects are outlined. Advanced problem development. -

2. On the question of independent work of foreign students on the formation of grammatical competence // Sat. Abstracts. Reports of the All-Union Scientific and Methodological Conference "Intensification of the educational process and intensive courses of teaching Russian students of students P #. - Odessa, 1989. - P. 66-67"

3. Level control is formed by a whitewashing and grammatical compute ("Tsni of foreign students of the preparatory, faculty // Russian language for foreigners /" Sat. Method. - M.: Russian, 1990. - "26. - S. 41-50 (in collaboration).

4. Methods for expressing time in the educational text: on the material of physics -, drawing // Problems - improving the content. And the methods of training. Investigative and scientific disciplines of foreign participation

цих.- -g Odessa, 1991. - P. 79-81. - dep. in they n1vd111, "190-91 of 27.02.91", "

. "5. Tomporal Tomporal Thai: Semantico-C / N-" Taxi Aspect // General Questions of Methods, Psychology, Linguistics and Organization of Learning Russian "Language of Foreign Pupils. - Odessa, 199g. - S. 110-126. - Depth . In "They are shchvs \\ £ 223-91 dated September 27, 1991

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