Types of semantic classification of vocabulary. Semantic classification


Chapter I. Semantic peculiarity of verbal lexicon ................. 7

1.1. Principles of classification of verb vocabulary

1.2. Verbs of intellectual activity and their semantics .............. 33

Chapter II. The verbs of intellectual activity in the comedy of A.S.

Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

2.1. The verbs of cognition, understanding and perception in the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe

2.2. Verbs of imagination and guesswork, choice and decision 40

2.3. Definition and check verbs

2.4. Compare and contrast verbs

2.5. Thinking verbs

Conclusions on Chapter II


List of used literature

Appendix ……………………………………………………………… 59 Introduction Semantics is currently in the focus of attention of both Russian and world linguistics. This is due, first of all, to the fact that without the development of the semantic aspect of the language, it is impossible to deeply understand its nature, the laws of its functioning and development, its connection with thinking and human behavior. Without knowledge of the semantic system of a language, it is also impossible to teach it scientifically, or a conscious or systematic struggle for the culture of speech, the culture of thinking. In a word, the study of the semantic system of a language is extremely important theoretical and practical significance[Vasiliev; 5] As an independent branch of the science of language, linguistic semantics (semasiology) arose in the 19th century. Its founders are considered to be the German scientist H. Reisig and the French scientist M. Breal.

The foundations of Russian semasiology were laid in the works of A.A. Potebnya and M.M. Pokrovsky [Vasiliev; 6].

Degree of knowledge: a lot has already been done by modern linguists to study the semantic system of the Russian language:

general principles have been developed for describing semantic micro- and macrosystems of synonyms, antonyms, lexical-semantic and thematic groups, lexical-grammatical categories of words, etc.

(studies by F.P. Filin, A.P. Evgenieva, O.N. Trubachev, N.I. Tolstoy, D.N. Shmelev, A.A. Ufimtseva, V.G. Gak, S.G. Berezhan and others .); more or less complete lexico-graphic descriptions of synonyms, antonyms and a number of lexical-semantic and thematic groups have been created; a lot of work is being done to study the semantics of a sentence (research by V.V.

Vinogradov, I.I. Meshchaninov, S.D. Kasneltson, Yu.S. Maslova, A.V.

Bondarko, V.Z. Panfilova, N. D. Arutyunova, V.A. Beloshapkova, N.Yu.

Shvedova, etc.). Despite this, a significant part of the verbs still remains unexplored [Ufimtseva; 28].

The proposed work examines the verbs of intellectual activity, which constitute one of the most extensive and common groups of verb vocabulary. Therefore, the topic we are researching is relevant, since in modern linguistics the verbs denoting intellectual activity have not been subjected to special study in the lexico-semantic and functional terms.

The object of research of this work is the semantic classes of the Russian verb (verbs of perception, verbs of understanding, verbs of cognition, verbs of thinking, verbs of comparison and juxtaposition, verbs of choice, verbs of decision, verbs of definition, verbs of verification), representing an extensive and very complex semantic field human intellectual activity.

The subject of this research is the functioning of the verbs of intellectual activity in a literary text (A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"). The subject of the research was determined by the goals and objectives of this work.

Purpose of the research: to study the semantic class of the verb with the meaning "intellectual activity" on the material of the work of A.S.

Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been put forward:

a) find out the lexical composition of the lexical-semantic group (LSG) of verbs of intellectual activity (on the basis of the data available in the scientific literature);

b) explain the semantics and reveal the meaning of the verbs of intellectual activity used by the author in the work.

Methodological base of the research. In the process of conducting the research described in this thesis, we turned to several types of sources: a work of art (A.S.

Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"), dictionaries of the Russian language, as well as scientific publications related to the topic of research, were based on the works of L.G. Babenko, L.M. Vasilyeva, N.P. V.A. Beloshapkova, A.A. Ufimtseva, A.P. Krysina and others.

The material for the analysis was the verbs of intellectual activity, extracted from the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov, by the method of continuous sampling. The volume of the factual material is about 150 verbs.

When writing the work, we used the following linguistic methods:

1) the search method was used to select the necessary literature;

2) empirical method which includes studying scientific literature, magazine articles;

comparative method;

3) statistical method;

4) description.

5) The method of continuous sampling was used to create 6) the application.

The statistical method revealed the verbs of intellectual activity used in the speech of the characters of the comedy, which denote the following semantic groups (to understand, to be aware, to conceive, to think, to think, to look, to see, to feel, etc.).

Scientific novelty. An attempt is made to classify verbs with the semantics of intellectual activity and to analyze the lexical-semantic group of verbs of intellectual activity in the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

Practical and theoretical significance: the research materials can be used in practical classes in the disciplines of the Russian language: morphology, lexicology, practical training in FAT, will help the teacher at school in the lessons of the Russian language and literature to convey to students deeper through the specifics of the use of verbs in works fiction richness and expressiveness of the vocabulary of the Russian language.

Structure. The WRC consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, sets the tasks of the work, describes the methods, methodology and novelty of the research, outlines its main results, as well as the theoretical and practical value of the work.

The first theoretical chapter examines the theory of the issue under study, the theoretical positions of linguists. And also a competent analysis of the lexical meanings of the verbs of this group and their identification is carried out.

The second practical chapter describes the general characteristics of the use of verbs of intellectual activity and their functioning in a literary text.

Chapter I. Semantic uniqueness of the verb vocabulary The Russian verb is distinguished by the exceptional complexity of its content, a variety of grammatical categories and forms, a wealth of paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections. “The verb,” wrote Acad. V.V.

Vinogradov, is the most difficult and most capacious grammatical category of the Russian language. The verb is the most constructive in comparison with all other categories of parts of speech. Verb constructions have a decisive influence on noun phrases and sentences. " (Vinogradov; 422). The lexical components in the verbal meanings are closely intertwined and constantly interact with the grammatical and lexicogrammatic components. So, for example, for the verbs of activity, physical and mental, there are oppositions according to the semes of objectlessness / objectivity (to work - to do, to teach to teach) and according to the semes of ineffectiveness / effectiveness (to do to create, to seek to find, to think

Thinking through), for the verbs of state, physical and emotional, opposition according to the semes of beingness / becoming (to be cheerful - to cheer up, to love - to fall in love, to be sad - to be sad), etc. specific forms of the verb often differ not only in the modes of action, but also in their lexical meanings; therefore, when analyzing the verbal lexicon, it is necessary to take into account both the forms of the perfect and the forms of the imperfect form. There are also many such verbs, especially colloquial verbs, on the conceptual content of which various connotative (expressive) shades are layered (for example, erect, dart, perch, nap, chatter, etc.).

A very important feature of the verb is that it usually occupies a central position in the semantic structure of the sentence.

Therefore, he attracts the attention of not only lexicologists, but also syntaxists. A.A. Potebnya, A.M. Peshkovsky, L. Tenier, S.D. Katznelson and many other scientists. “In terms of content,” writes S.D. Katznelson, a verbal predicate is more than just a lexical meaning.

Expressing a certain meaning, it at the same time contains the layout of the future proposal. The predicate has “places” or “nests”, filled in the sentence with words, the categorical features of which are in accordance with the categorical features of the “nest” ”[Kanafieva; 83]. V modern research semantically, the verb is usually considered as one of the types of predicates - as the main predicate, acting as the core of predicate expressions and sentences [Owl; 116].

With a broad understanding of predicates, it is advisable to subdivide them into significant and service ones. Significant predicates include verbs, adjectives, adverbs, state words, and abstract ("immaterial") nouns. Service predicates include some prepositions and conjunctions, connectives, quantifiers, grammatical categories, etc. [Bogdanov; 83-142]. Significant predicates are, in turn, divided, according to their function, into sentences ("propositional") and non-sentimental ("non-propositional"). Sentential predicates serve as constituents of a sentence, i.e. the predicative function itself. In a non-sentimental function, i.e.

in the function of attributes (in the broad sense of the word) of a matrix predicate or its arguments, adjectives, adverbs and nouns or their equivalents usually appear (for example:

pronouns and numerals) [Vasiliev; 37].

Principles of classification of verbal lexicon 1.1.

In the classification of verbal vocabulary in the semantic aspect, the linguist L.M. Vasiliev used three principles:

- & nbsp– & nbsp–


3) With the denotative aspect, first of all, the natural, ontological division of objects, signs, properties, actions, processes, events and states, reflected in the structure of the language, is taken into account. This is the most traditional principle. It is on it that the selection of semantic classes of words (lexico-semantic and thematic groups [Owl;]) is based, as the names of animals, birds, fish, plants, berries, mushrooms, etc .;

terms of kinship, various crafts, rituals, etc .; lexico-semantic groups of verbs, adjectives and adverbs. As part of the vocabulary, such groups of words as verbs of movement, verbs of speech, verbs of feeling, verbs of perception, verbs of thinking, verbs of sound, and some others have been distinguished and studied for a long time. The selection of such classes is based on the intuition of the speakers, on knowledge about reality, i.e. ultimately on extralinguistic factors. In recent works, semantic classes of words based on the denotative (thematic) principle are often refined using various formalized methods and techniques that take into account the actual language features of words [Shmelev; 16].

Paradigmatic classifications of vocabulary are carried out by highlighting the meanings of words (when compared with an identifier) ​​identical and differential components. According to this principle, for example, the main classes of predicates with invariant values ​​of actions, states, properties and relations are set in Bogdanov V.V.

[Bogdanov; 51], the main classes of verbs with the meanings of state, action, process and action-process in U. Chaif ​​[Filippov; 116-120], etc. By the same principle, various lexical and grammatical categories are distinguished [Bondarko; 51], including aspectual groups of verbs, causative and non-causative verbs, modal verbs, etc., as well as more particular lexico-semantic groups, for example, active and passive perceptual verbs (look: see = listen: hear), etc.

Paradigmatic classifications intersect with thematic (denotative) classifications, but, as a rule, do not completely coincide with them.

The paradigmatic principle, in contrast to the thematic principle, takes into account not only the denotative, but also the significative aspect of the classified meanings (semem).

Recently, in the classification of verbs, the syntagmatic principle has been widely used, based on taking into account the quantity and quality (semantic content) of verbal valencies. The depth of such classifications, as already mentioned, depends on the fractional threshold of the semantic valences of the predicates (the semantic functions of their arguments). The more dismembered the system of semantic valencies, the more generalized the semantic types of predicates can be, and vice versa: the more specific the types of semantic predicates, the more generalized the semantic valences can be.

In the semantic classification of words (regardless of which classification principle is used), the method of component analysis, based on more formalized and more developed techniques of distributive and transformational analysis, is of great help, basically, like component analysis, also intuitive, but based on intuitive knowledge of the linguistic norm (form), and not the content. All these methods are widely used. But the main, leading in it is still the appositive method, based on the systematization of semantic oppositions identified through a linguistic experiment, in particular with the help of component, distributive and transformational analysis [Vasiliev; 158-172].

1.2. Intellectual activity verbs and their semantics.

According to the classification of L.G. Babenko, verbs of intellectual activity are divided into the following classes:

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

check verbs [Babenko's Explanatory Dictionary; 303].

10) Based on the classification of Babenko, we came to the conclusion that the lexico-semantic group of verbs of intellectual activity can also include a class of words that have additional semantic dominants in addition to the main one. An example was the verbs of perception, subdividing into the following subclasses: verbs with a general meaning of perception, verbs of auditory perception, verbs visual perception that is, some of them point to perception in general, others only to perception, carried out with the help of certain senses. The above material will be considered in more detail in the second practical chapter of this work.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

The general perceptual meaning is “to perceive someone, smth. in one way or another: through the senses, thought or intuition "

have verbs to perceive, to receive (usually by ear or with the help of a special apparatus), to catch, trans. colloquial grasp, neutral in the forms of nes. species to the opposition on the semes of effectiveness / ineffectiveness, and their ineffective synonyms to feel, smell - "perceive by flair, intuition." The first of these verbs are characterized by double control (to perceive someone as something) and transformations of the type.

(to feel someone what), since the semantics of these verbs indicates the means of perception (feeling).

Very close to the considered group with the identifying meaning “to perceive someone, something. the senses or thought as a result includes focusing your attention on the object of perception "

productive verbs to notice, col. to notice and their synonyms to touch (trans.) - “perceive, notice in a specific sensory form”;

see, follow (more often see, keep track) - “notice (notice) as a result of observation”; notice, transfer. to spy, peep, watch (more often - to notice, spy, look, watch) notice (notice) as a result of accidental and usually unnoticeable for the object of observation ”; to feel, smell, smell, see - “notice with flair, intuition, thought”; find, discover, discover - “notice smth. previously hidden, imperceptible "; not to scold (more often - not to utter) a word - "notice, perceive (notice, perceive) everything when listening";

catch oneself in smth. "Notice (notice) unexpectedly smth. in oneself, behind oneself. " The verbs of this group can be used both in real and in passive phrases: He notices everything - He notices everything; Here everything is noticed - Here everything is noticed; He noticed everything - He noticed everything (Everything was noticed by him), etc.

The ability to see everything (discernment) is expressed in phraseological units to see three (two) arshins underground (in the ground) “to be very discerning, to be able to notice everything”, and the absence of this property in phraseological units is not to see beyond your (own) nose.

The opposite meaning is "not to notice someone, smth." have the verbs skip, skip "attention", skip someone, trans.

pass by and their synonyms overlook, overlook, decipher. miss, open space. blink, miss (more often overlook, overlook, overlook, miss, miss) - "overlook (overlook) on miss, spaciousness, inattention, oversight, oversight"; to look through, to look through (more often to look through, to overlook) - "to look and not to notice (not to notice)";

to be idle (more often - to swagger, to guard) - "to guard, guard and not notice (not notice)" 4, not to notice an elephant - "not to notice the most important, the main thing"; skip (skip) through the fingers (past the eyes, past the ears) - "not to notice (not to notice) what is seen or heard deliberately or through inattention"; look through rose-colored glasses at smb. - “not to notice the shortcomings, negative traits in com-, smth.”, For example: He misses errors (by absent-mindedness) - Errors are missed by him (by absent-mindedness); (Because of the noise) I listened to everything, etc.

The considered groups of verbs of active perception in the Russian language are clearly opposed by passive verbs with invariant meanings "to be noticeable", "to become noticeable", "to make noticeable": to be noticed, indicated, etc.

The group with the meaning “to be noticeable (= to have the ability to be noticed, to be available for perception)” includes the identifying verb perceived and its synonyms to be noticed, observed - “to be noticeable for some. signs "; to rush (throw, rush) into the eyes, climb (hit) in the eyes - "to be conspicuous, while causing a negative attitude towards oneself"; shine through, slip, shine through, decipher. to show through - “to be slightly noticeable, manifesting in one way or another, breaking through smth.”, for example: It was striking for everyone; In society, he stood out (distinguished) by a brilliant wit; Sometimes anxiety slipped through his speech, etc. It should be noted, by the way, that only the verbs of nes can have the dominant this beingness (this “to be”). species, verbs of owls. species always imply development, becoming, the result of which they designate.

The antonymic meaning “to be invisible” is expressed by the same verbs in combination with the particle “not” (not to be noticed, not to be observed, etc.).

there are no special words for this meaning in Russian.

A correlative group with a dominant seme of becoming is formed by analytical expressions become (become) accessible for perception, and their synonyms become (become) noticeable (perceived) be denoted - “become noticeable by some. signs "; stand out (stand out), rush (rush, throw) into the eyes - “become (become) especially noticeable thanks to some. attention-grabbing features ”;

to emerge, to be outlined - "to become clearly visible (usually in general outlines)"; heard (trans.) - “become noticeable by signs expressed in sounds”, for example: In every sound of the song, tears were heard (Mel'nikov-Pechersky) losing the cover "; slip becomes noticeable, ceasing to be hidden for a short time ”; transfer

to be overshadowed, shaded, erased, smoothed out - "to become less noticeable." Verbs stand out, slip, are neutral to opposition in terms of the semes of being / becoming, therefore they are included in the previous group.

The opposite meaning “to become invisible, imperceptible (= cease to be noticed, perceived)” is inherent in verbs and their synonyms (trans.), To disappear, to disappear, to be lost, to get lost (trans.) - “to become invisible as a result of merging, mixing with the environment”, for example: The house is lost in greenery.

Nuclear constructions with verbs such as notice, stand out and under.

are spread usually by syntactic positions indicating the addressee or giving perception various circumstantial characteristics: (These) flaws (all) are noticed - (These) flaws are noticeable (for all); (Gradually) errors were discovered - (Gradually) errors became visible, etc.

The causative correlates to the groups with the reference word perceive are, in addition to making the analytical expression visible (accessible for perception), the verbs to represent, show (in an extended meaning) and their synonyms to denote - “to make it noticeable by highlighting some.

characteristic features "; to detect, to reveal, to show, to isolate, to bare, to remove (rip off, rip off) the cover (covers) from someone, something. make visible by depriving someone cover, cover "; give yourself away to make your presence noticeable ”; show yourself, show yourself - “make your merits noticeable”; transfer transfer

obscure, shade, smooth, decomp. to blur - "to make it less noticeable"; accentuate, accentuate smth., accentuate smth. - "make it more visible." All these verbs, with the exception of forms with implicitly expressed objectivity (to be found - to reveal oneself, etc.) require the position of the object and admit the position of the addressee: He showed (to us) (his) honesty; He showed (before us) (his) generosity, etc.

Finally, by the meaning “to actively carry out the process of perception through the senses and thinking in order to notice, learn, or understand someone. (= keep someone in the field of perception and attention for one purpose or another "), the core of which is the dominant seme of volitional activity, the purposeful verb follow (cf. listen, watch, etc.) and its synonyms follow -" follow from beginning to end, achieving a certain result ”(in other words, tracing and monitoring are opposed to each other in terms of efficiency / inefficiency); observe, conduct (conduct) observations - "follow through the senses or devices"; take note of inc. to note - "to follow, memorizing, taking into account the results of observation"; watch, watch, watch - watch over smb. in order to notice or not to lose sight of ”; to lie in wait, watch for - "to guard secretly, stealthily"; do not take away (do not take your eyes off someone, do not let go (do not let go) out of sight (out of sight) someone - what - “observe someone, something. intently, carefully”; negation), watch (also usually with negation) - "(from time to time) observe smb. than - l. (usually with the eyes) for the purpose of supervision, protection";

to spy on, to peep - “secretly, surreptitiously observe someone, smth.

systematically, constantly "; keep an eye on - “watch smb.

attentively, cautiously "; guard, guard, guard, guard watch over the safety, the safety of someone -, smth. " - nonsov. the result is to guard, to guard - owls. the result is to guard, indicate, discern, see, space. to frighten; cherish, store, guard - “watch carefully who -, smth. with the aim of protecting against whom -, smth. " - nonsov.

the result is to preserve, preserve, preserve, observe - owls. save the result, preserve, preserve, observe. All verbs in this group control case forms, explicitly denoting the object of observation: We followed the flight of birds and is outdated. We followed the flight of birds; The grandmother looked after the children, etc. This goal (goal setting), general or specific, they include in their semantics: We are karskhulshi warehouse (= We watched the warehouse with the aim of protecting it) [Vasiliev; 65].

The verbs of thinking The ability of a person to think is denoted in their intransitive use by the verbs to think, space, to brain, to scribble, for example: He thinks (often this nuclear construction is spread by attributive adverbial members: He thinks clearly; He thinks in images). The same meaning can be conveyed by periphrases of the type He is capable (maybe, able, able to, etc.) to think. With prefixes (except for the species prefix in -), the verbs of this group are not combined.

The verbs of thinking proper are divided into two subclasses. The first of them is associated with intellectual activity, with thought processes, and the second with their results.

The verbs denoting thought processes in different aspects and accompanying these processes, with all their diversity, are united by the common meaning “to carry out the thinking process”. Depending on whether these verbs emphasize directed or non-object-oriented thinking, they are divided into non-focused and purposeful.

Non-purposeful thinking is denoted by the verbs think and its synonyms think, reflect - “think with concentration, about smth.

certain "; philosophize, colloquial. to speculate - "to think, resorting to excessively abstract or unnecessary reasoning"; theorize thinking too abstractly, usually neglecting the practical side of the matter ”; open space, to wiggle (throw) brains - "to think actively, tensely." In these meanings, they are used only as transitional.

Constructions with him are usually spread only by circumstances: He still (now, always ...) thinks - and allows transformations like He thinks, thinks - He is immersed in meditation (reflections) - He indulges in meditation Some of them also admit impersonal (thinking).

usage: Here it is easy for me to think; "... from the sidelines, reasoning more freely and clearly" (Dobrolyubov).

Purposeful thinking is indicated by an extensive group of transitive verbs with the invariant meaning “to carry out the process of thinking, directing it by an effort of will to some. object (= concentrate your thoughts on someone, smth.) ". In addition to the nuclear words think, think (think, think), it includes the verbs look (look ahead) - “think with the future in mind”; to think, to reason, to think, to think, to think, to think, to be spacious, to think, to think the result, to think, to be spacious, to think - “think tensely, weighing everything (usually a lot too)”; to ponder - the result is to ponder, "think intensely in order to understand smth."; enter (go deeper) into details (little things) - “think concretely, taking everything into account”;

puzzle over smth. Think hard, trying to understand smth.

difficult ", trans. weigh, calculate, estimate (weigh) in mind smth.... - "think analytically, giving a comprehensive assessment of the subject of thought";

analyze, analyze (parsing) smth., subject to analysis (parsing), disassemble smth., disassemble (sort) by bones (by strings, by thread) smth., consider, transfer. look over - "meditate diligently on smth. thoroughly, thoroughly analyzing smth. with the aim of making up some l. opinion"; transfer to survey thinking broadly, embracing and generalizing with the mind some volume, a circle of smth. ";

to dream, to dream, to rave about whom - what / whom - what - “to think about the implementation of smth. desired, striving in thoughts for smth. ”; to think (usually in negative constructions) - "to dream about something, hoping for the fulfillment of the desired." The syntactic features of the verbs of this group are varied. More often than not, they control the forms about whom - what (talking about whom what) and what, less often - the forms over smth., In smth., In smth. and by whom - what.

The verbs to think and (less often) to think are used both personally and impersonally: “It seems that the heroes expected” (Nikitin); "... and hesitates" (Smirnov). Transitive verbs allow passive Shurke ...

transformations: We thought it all over - We thought it over carefully.

Verbs with the meaning of the group "come into a state of meditation, indulge in thoughts, reflections, begin to think" are related to the verbs considered. This meaning is most clearly expressed by the verb to think again (to think) and equivalent in meaning stable 'chants (some of them are neutral to opposition in terms of the semes of beingness / becoming) to indulge in thoughts (meditation, reflections), to go into thought (thoughtfulness, reflections), to plunge into thoughts gzdumie, pensiveness, reflections), go into thoughts (thoughts, rumblings, meditation), forming the neutral core of the group, the edicates of this group correlate both with non-purposeful; object-oriented) and purposeful (object) verbs, cleaving common syntactic features with them.

By the meaning of “to create, work out about someone, something. own opinion, conduct ”, the verbs to judge, to make an opinion (judgment) about who by whom and their synonyms to think of oneself (about oneself) are highlighted, is outdated. dreaming about oneself (about oneself) - "will form an exaggeratedly high opinion about oneself." They realize their values ​​in constructions like He judges about \ oh correctly He makes himself a correct judgment about it. lagols are thought of and are also used in constructions with and sufficient to dream additional: She dreamed that he was a hero.

Only the seme of the final, final result differs from the examined group of verbs to conclude, come to an opinion (thought, her, judgment, conclusion, inference, conclusion), to make a conclusion, conclusion, conclusion), book. to deduce, to deduce and their synonyms to talk, to generalize, to summarize, to summarize - "to conclude, adding a general, final opinion, summing up thoughts"; find (only in combination with the conjunction “what”), see, establish, see - “come (come) to a final opinion through analysis, searches, study, observation”; decide (only in combination with the conjunction “what”), come to a decision, judge - “come (come) to smb. opinion in the process of thinking, pondering ”; colloquial reason - “come to smb.

opinion under the influence of someone -, smth. "; predict - "make a conclusion about what should take place in the future." The most typical of these verbs are the constructions to conclude about smth., To conclude that ...

and so forth, admitting in most cases passive transformations.

The meaning is “to arise, to appear in smth. consciousness (about thoughts) ", opposed to the invariant meaning of the two preceding groups only by the seme of involuntariness, identifies the verbs to come to the head (to the mind, to the thought, to the mind), to enter the head to think, to think and their synonyms to please, spaciousness, look (usually in combined with the word "how") - "come to mind in accordance with desire, mood, intentions, etc."; to get into the mind (into the mind, head, head) - "come to mind by chance, suddenly"; to hit, bang on the head (in the head) - “come to mind by chance, suddenly, unexpectedly”; spaciousness, to climb into the head - "to come to mind persistently, persistently"; spaciousness, vtemyashitsya - "enter the mind for a long time, firmly retained in the memory"; overshadow, transfer. illuminate (about thoughts, guess) to come to mind unexpectedly, suddenly, suddenly "; transfer zip (more often zip), zip (zip more often), flash, sparkle (about thoughts, memories, etc.) - "come (come to mind) quickly, instantly"; transfer move (move) - “come (come to mind) in a vague, unclear form”; transfer spinning around - "coming to mind very often, obsessively"; transfer bury, transfer. colloquial make room (about thoughts) - "come to mind in a multitude" (both verbs have a shade of initiative). Most of the verbs of this group are used in impersonal sentences like it occurred to me (remembered ...) that ..., or in constructions like This thought came to my mind late, I got the idea that ... (instead of of the subordinate clause, direct speech or the explanatory part of the BSP can be used: "Really he stayed?" - an idea came to my mind; The following thought came to my head in Verbs: he could have stayed.). take a look, they are used only in personal pleasing, to think of two-part sentences: The thought of a trip, etc., entered my head. the causative meaning of the formation of thoughts is expressed in the Russian language mainly descriptively: This caused the appearance of joyful thoughts in him.

The more particular meaning is "to create, develop an opinion, a judgment about the meaning, value, merits and demerits of someone - smth." combines the verbs to give assessment, trans. evaluate, transfer. colloquial to evaluate and their synonyms to measure by their (one, common) yardstick, to measure by their (one, common) yardstick, to measure by their own (one, common) yardstick, to measure someone by their (one, common) yardstick - “to assess someone , to something. without taking into account individual characteristics "; to give due (justice) to a komuchem - “evaluate as someone deserves, smth.”; underestimate not fully assess ”. All members of this group control the accusative or dative of the object. In the first case, constructions with them allow passive transformations: He correctly assesses the danger The danger is assessed correctly by him (the instrumental case in the passive turnover can be omitted: The value of this work is underestimated).

The passive forms of the verbs under consideration are synonymized, in turn, with phrases of the type to receive an assessment, for example: The position is assessed (by them) correctly - The position receives (from the hectare side) the correct assessment.

In close connection with synonymous groups denoting the process of thinking, the process of becoming and forming thoughts, there are verbs with the meaning “to create something. in thoughts, imagination through mental efforts, reflections ": invent, invent, invent - and their synonyms: fantasize, razd. to invent, to compose - “to invent something that does not correspond to reality”; invent (some kind of tool of labor, machine, etc.), compose (literary or musical work), colloquial. come up with - "smth. new, previously unknown (usually as a result of creative work) ”; improvise (poetry, music, etc.) - “invent, compose without preliminary preparation (usually during performance”); colloquial compose (usually jokingly) “create some kind of written text”; transfer colloquial weave, create, compose bad poetry ”; transfer colloquial weave, transfer spaciousness.

wind up - "create smth. complicated, confusing "; colloquial try to come up with something suddenly, suddenly "; colloquial trick - “create, compose chtol. funny, funny "; invent, invent, compose, decipher. invent, transfer. colloquial weave - "create smth. something that actually didn’t exist ”;

plan, design, plan, project - “create in mind smth. what is supposed to be implemented in the future ”; compose (report, letter, report, report, act, dictionary, etc.) - “create smth. of which l.

parts, combining what - l. materials, data and making them out, usually in writing ”; space, to figure out - "to figure out how to do (prepare, get, organize, etc.) smth." All the verbs of this group, except for the verb to think of, are used in real and passive phrases: He invented stories - He invented stories; He invented a story - He invented a story; Coming up with stories - Coming up with stories (with object position ellipsis).

Thus, the process of thinking, mental acts of consciousness is reflected in the language in the following aspects.

1) to carry out the process of thinking (the word form to carry out means, along with the mental, a volitional act of consciousness) - a) aimed at the object and b) not directed at the object;

2) make up, create in the process of thinking an opinion, a judgment about someone - about something, i.e. some internal object, some component of the content of consciousness (verbs of the non-social type in synonymous groups with this invariant meaning are opposed by the semes of effectiveness / ineffectiveness, and verbs of the Soviet type always appear as productive);

3) create in the process of a creative act of thinking any external object (objectify thought) [Vasiliev; 122-130].

Imagination verbs and assumptions Imagination verbs.

The verbs of representation (imagination), united by the general meaning "to have, to keep in the mind the results, images of sensory activity", include the nuclear members of the group to represent smth., To have an idea of ​​smth. and their synonyms to imagine - "to imagine smth. created with the help of one's own imagination"; think, transfer. to draw to represent mentally, based on the images stored in the mind ”;

- "represent someone, smth. at its best, mentally schematize an embellished form ”; to see, to contemplate - "to represent someone, smth., relying on visual images of consciousness"; dream, rave, dream to represent someone, smth. in a dream"; foresee, foresee, look ahead (into the future) - "to imagine with the help of imagination what may take place in the future." In the forms of nes. these verbs denote in an indivisible, syncretic manner both the process of forming ideas in someone's mind, and the result of this process; the selection of these aspects is carried out by the context (cf. I immediately imagined his face, and I well represented this picture). The forms of the owls. types (i to imagine, to imagine) denote only the result of the formation of ideas (compare to think, to reason, etc.).

The group, which is identical in meaning, is formed by the reflexive verbs, which are related to them, to imagine, to imagine, to think, to idealize, to schematize, to be poetic, to draw and their synonyms to seem, dream, spaciousness, give up - “to imagine, appearing in consciousness, imagination”; to appear, fancied, dream, see, hear, decipher. to see - "to imagine, arising in the imagination and felt visually or by ear"; rave, dream, dream, see in a dream, appear in a dream - "to appear in the wrong, distorted form." They are used in personal and impersonal sentences like We already imagine beautiful cities;

I imagined something; The mind imagined that ...; It seemed to me that ... etc. Some of these constructions allow for conversion transformations: I imagined it very vaguely - I imagined it very vaguely; I imagined that ... - I imagined that ... - Her image was drawn in my imagination - My imagination was drawing her image - I was imagining her image, etc.

The verbs dream, fantasize and so on are close to synonymous groups with the meaning of representation. in its basic meanings: 1) "to be, to be in a dreamy state" and 2) "to create the desired images in your imagination." The first meaning is possessed by the verbs to dream, to fantasize, to indulge (surrender) to dreams (fantasies), to hover in the clouds (in empyrean countries, between heaven and earth), for example: He dreams all the time, etc. (the verb to dream is also used impersonally: It is better to dream in the forest).

The second meaning is inherent in the verbs to dream, to fantasize, to build castles in the air (in constructions like He likes to dream, etc.) [Vasiliev;

Verbs with the meaning "to believe".

The semantic paradigm, identified by the meaning “to believe”, includes synonymous groups with the reference words to believe (consider), recognize, assume, etc., the semantic core of which is the invariant meaning “to have an opinion” (cf. obsolete think).

The meaning is "to have something. opinion as a result of one's own reflections on smth. ", which is part of the nuclear (identifying) meaning of other synonymous groups of the semantic paradigm under consideration, unites the verbs believe, count, set, think, judge (only in constructions like Do I judge?), have some point of view

opinion, judgment), hold on (hold on, be) to interpret opinions and their synonyms (joking), trans. consider, openness, understand to have opinion as a result of analysis, assessment of one's judgments about someone, about something ”; see, see, transfer. to look - "to consider, to believe, based on the results of the analysis of sensory perceptions"; to find - “to consider, to believe, relying on the found solution, understanding of smth.”; spacious, and outdated. to expect to count, to believe, relying on flair, intuition "; a lot (high) dreaming (thinking, imagining, thinking, etc.) about oneself - “to have an excessively high opinion of oneself”. According to their semantic features, the verbs of this group are very diverse. They are used in the following types of structures:

1) We believe (believe, think, find) that it is possible - We believe (believe ...) it is possible; They consider (believe ...) that we are their enemies They consider (believe) us enemies;

2) Everyone considers (believes, finds) him healthy;

3) He considers (imagines) himself a hero;

4) They consider (take) us for their own: They take a lie for the truth;

5) He looks (looks) at me as a hero; He sees work as fun;

6) He sees (sees, finds) a rival in me; He sees (sees, finds) an error in this;

7) How do you think (think, consider, understand)? How do you think about it (think, judge, interpret, understand)?

They admit such transformations as: I think that ... - I think that ... (It seems to me that ...); He was considered (revered) a brave man, etc.

With all its formal diversity, the considered constructions correspond to the same semantic model: “someone has something about someone. what -l. opinion".

is the core of the more specific meaning of the verb to recognize “to count someone. answering, corresponding to some. requirements, i.e. necessary, useful, correct, legal, etc. " (the verb to deny has an antonymic meaning) and its closest synonyms to prefer whom - what to whom - to what, to give preference (advantage) to whom - what over whom - than to consider someone or something. more appropriate to any requirements "; appreciate, transfer. to put high who - what, to value whom - what, to reckon with whom - what, to give a price (importance, importance) to whom, to know (usually in negative terms) - “to consider, to recognize valuable, important, worthy of attention” (antonymic meaning is phraseological units do not put a penny, do not put anything); overestimate - “consider it more valuable than it really is”; underestimate - “consider it less valuable than it really is”;

put (put) at the forefront, put smth. at the center of attention - “consider, recognize as the main, basic, especially important”; to neglect whom - what, to despise whom - what - “consider, recognize unworthy, not worthy of attention”; transfer to bury, to bury someone alive - “to consider it no longer suitable for anything useful, obsolete”; approve of smth. - “consider, recognize good, correct”; "Approve of accepting, approve of smth. Formally, expressing one's agreement with smth."; to condemn - “to consider it wrong, bad”; blame, blame someone, blame smb., smth. - "to be considered wrong, guilty"; to repent, to repent of something. - “to consider, to admit oneself guilty, wrong, feeling regret about the deed”; give credit to smb. "Take smth.

smb. merit "; admit admit the thought of smth., admit the possibility of smth. - "take it possible for smth." (the phraseological unit does not admit (and) thoughts, possibilities of smth..); take smth. at face value - "to be considered true, true smth.. "; attribute to (at) the expense of whom - what - “count someone, smth. cause of. "; take smth. at his own expense "Take smth. relating personally to themselves "; equate, compare who - what with whom - what, equate whom - what to whom - what, equate who - what, put on the same board (on a par) who - what with whom - what, liken someone - what to whom - what - “to consider as equal, like someone - what to whom - what”; colloquial be equal to smb., equal to smb. - "to consider oneself equal, like someone - l."; bow your head before whom - with what, bow the banners (weapons) before whom - with what - “admit yourself defeated”. The meanings of the given verbs are based on the model “count someone, smth. what-l. ", while, in contrast to the verbs of the previous group, the typical (virtual) attributive seme" what-l. " is concretized in them implicitly, not explicitly (cf. to regard smb. as something and to blame smb. for something - to consider someone as guilty of smth.). Constructions with transitive verbs of this group allow for passive transformations: Friendship was highly valued here - Friendship was highly valued here. In addition to the obligatory object position with the meaning of the bearer of the attributive feature (to recognize someone, to neglect someone, etc.), many of the verbs under consideration also control optional positions (to prefer someone to something to something, to blame someone for something. ., etc.) indicating the object of comparison or the object underlying the cause. Antonymic meaning "not recognize smth." have verbs to deny, reject, ignore, retreat (cf. also reject, reject, sweep aside, discard, discard, repulse, refuse, renounce - "not accept, leave smth.").

The invariant meaning is “to count, to believe in one way or another in advance, before the implementation of smth. (= to have a preliminary opinion about the implementation of what is expected) ", which also includes as a core the component" consider, believe ", combines the verbs to assume, make an assumption, build and their synonyms - assumptions to calculate, build calculations" to assume based on intuition, guesswork "; suspect (suspect more often) - “assume (assume) smth. bad, wrong, etc. ";

suspect smb. be suspicious of smb. think on smb. “Assume the guilt of smb. or the reprehensibility of smb.

actions "; to have a presentiment, to have a premonition, colloquial. smell - "to assume based on intuition, premonitions"; to foresee - “to assume on the basis of intuition or analysis of some. facts, data "; guessing on beans (on coffee grounds) - "to build on nothing based assumptions."

Syntactically, all these verbs are characterized by obligatory syntagmatic semes (semantic valences) of subjectivity and objectivity. The first, like most verbs of thinking, is expressed by the names of the person, and the second - by the case forms of someone - what, about whom - about what, against smb., To smb., As well as a subordinate clause or direct speech (I assumed this; I guessed that it was he who was to blame for everything, etc.). In the verb to suspect, the seme of objectivity is split into two: the seme of the object - the person and the seme of the content (content).

The meaning "to assume" is, in turn, the kernel of the invariant meaning "to assume to do smth." (= to have a preliminary opinion about the plan for the implementation of a certain action) ", identifying the verbs to intend (more often, instead of this verb, the synonymous adjective intends to it appears.), to think, to believe, to mean, dec. think and their synonyms suppose - "intend to do smth. after a certain period of time after the decision was made ”; to get ready, to expect to intend to do smth., preparing in advance for the implementation of his intention ”; want - "intend to do smth. in accordance with your desire, internal need "; dream - "intend to accomplish smth. desiring it very much "; plan, plan - “intend to accomplish smth., having some. a definite goal. " All these verbs are used in constructions with an infinitive: I intend (think, think ...) to stay here. As syntactic synonyms, they can be short adjectives or participles and nouns: I intend to go - I intend (is set) to go - I have an intention (mood) to go - I have an intention (mood) to go. The verbs of the considered group have the indicated meaning only in the forms of nes. view [Vasiliev; 132-136].

Decision verbs The act of forming in the process of thinking any intentions denote verbs with the pivot word decide. They form several synonymous groups.

According to the invariant meaning “mentally stop at what - l.

intention (= to come as a result of spent mental and volitional efforts to something - l. intention, plan of action) ", the verbs to decide, to make a decision and their synonyms to invent (colloquial) -" to decide after thinking, thinking "are highlighted; to decide, to issue a resolution (resolution, decision), to adopt a resolution (resolution) - “to decide officially or collectively (usually after discussion at a meeting, session)”; to issue a verdict - “to make a decision after a trial”; judge smb. with smb. - "take some l. decision after clarification, establishment of who is right and who is wrong ”; to dare, to dare, to dare, to take the courage, to dare, to gain courage (spirit) - “to accept (accept) some. decision, finding strength, courage (usually for something that is associated with risk, danger) ”; colloquial despair of smth. - “to decide on some. desperate act "; not to think - "to decide boldly, without hesitation"; be inclined to choose smth. to smth. "; give up, give up, give up, give up - “make a decision not to do smth. or stop doing smth. "; to renounce, to give oneself a word (vow, promise), colloquial. rebuke - “decide not to do smth. henceforth "; to negotiate, to come to an agreement, to persuade, to do (to hold, to conclude), to agree, to agree, to come to a power of attorney (to an agreement, to an agreement) - “decide together, together, agreeing among themselves the decisions made”; conclude a contract (conspiracy) - “to accept with smb. decision on the fulfillment of the assumed obligations "; prejudge - "decide in advance"; override, “decide again, changing the earlier decision”;

change your mind to think, raz. to think it over - “decide not to implement the decision (= reject the decision)”. In their perfective forms, these verbs converge or even semantically coincide with the verbs of intention: He decided (- he intended) to leave. The verb to decide earlier also had a causative use: “it ... decided her to go to him” (Vyazemsky), but now this meaning is conveyed only descriptively: This led him to the decision to leave; This prompted him to decide to leave, etc.

The meaning is “to come to smb. decision as a result of reflection, emphasizing the creative moment in decision-making, reflection ", unites the productive verbs razg.

to invent, invent, invent, space, think and guess their synonyms (spacious), figure out - “come (come) to someone. solution, seeking to find a way out of a difficult situation ”; to come to his senses, to ponder - "come to the decision not to do smth., having understood the erroneousness of his behavior, his thoughts and intentions." It is realized by these verbs in constructions with an infinitive or (less often) with corresponding verbal nouns: He invented to pass (transition) to ford [Vasiliev; 132-136].

Understanding verbs Understanding verbs (in a broad sense) include in their composition a wide range of words grouped around the dominants to understand, comprehend, find out, explain, make mistakes, as well as their antonyms, conversions and derivatives.

According to the invariant meaning "to have a clear or correct idea, opinion, judgment about someone, something." identify verbs to understand smth., to have a concept (idea) about smth. and their synonyms are conscious, thinking, imagining smth., giving (realizing) an account of smth. - “to understand logically, as a result of the work of thought”; feel, feel, spaciousness, smell, transfer. to see, hear - "to understand intuitively, based on feelings." These verbs have this meaning only in the forms of nes. species. It is implemented in constructions with a mandatory object position, allowing impersonal transformations of the type I understand the impossibility of this (that it is impossible) - I understand that this is impossible, etc. the corresponding group with a negative modal seme is formed by phraseological units neither aza (in the eyes) not to understand (not to comprehend), nor to understand (not to comprehend), nor to understand the ear (not to comprehend). Both groups include non-targeted comprehension verbs. They are opposed by two broad groups of purposeful verbs, differing from each other in terms of effectiveness / ineffectiveness (in the forms of the Sov. Kind, this opposition is neutralized). Both of these groups denote an active process of the formation of understanding, associated not only with mental, but also volitional activity of consciousness.

Into the group of non-productive verbs with the meaning of active formation of understanding (with the meaning of "to achieve understanding, to strive for understanding, that is, to actively develop, to create in the process of thinking a clear or correct idea of ​​someone, something" - about achieving a result, the semantics of these does not say anything verbs) include predicates to achieve (achieve), understanding smth.., understand smth. (the seme of becoming in the form to understand was lost, but etymologically it was inherent in it) and their synonyms to think, understand (take) into consideration, realize, comprehend, comprehend smth. make up a concept (idea) about smth., take (take) (oneself) into a sense, transfer. see, colloquial. sweep (sweep), openness, skimp smth. - “to achieve (achieve) understanding logically, with the help of the mind”;

feel, transfer. colloquial smell, smell (less often smell), smell, transfer.

spaciousness, swell, swell - "to understand intuitively, with the help of feeling";

sort out, unravel, unravel, unravel, transfer. read, decipher, bite through, sniff out, navigate, look into the soul (heart), see - “achieve (achieve) understanding, penetrating into the being, analyzing the details of smth. (these verbs are neutral to the opposition “mind / feeling”) ”; to read (read) between the lines (lines) - “to achieve understanding, guessing the hidden meaning of what is written or said”; colloquial to grasp, to catch up - “to understand your mistake, your mistake”; to fall (descend) from heaven to earth - “to understand smth., free from illusions, from baseless dreams”; misunderstand not fully understand. " Syntactically, all these verbs are characterized by object semes of content (expressed in a variety of ways, including implicitly) and passive transformations of the type We have unraveled the plan - The plan was unraveled by us. The position of the subject in real turns is always, naturally, occupied by nouns with the meaning of a person.

A group of productive verbs with the meaning of active formation of understanding, i.e. with the meaning "to reach an understanding of smth." are the verbs to comprehend smth., to come to an understanding, to reach an understanding, to reach an understanding of smth., spaciousness, to reach smth. and their synonyms to think out, to put in the head (consciousness) - “come (come) to an understanding of smth. as a result of reflection "; transfer get into smth. reach the understanding of smth., penetrating with thought into the depth, into the essence of the object ”;

"Comprehend by feeling, intuition";

guess at one's own to comprehend smth. on one's own".

with (own) mind to smth.

Object position is required for all of these verbs. Some of them allow synonymous substitutions like He guessed that ... - He came up with a guess that ... etc., as well as the use in passive phrases.

The groups of causatives (in the broadest sense of this term) are related to the verbs of active becoming, the formation of understanding, with reference words. The first of them is the carrier to enlighten and explain.

the identifying meaning "to enable smb. understand smth. ", and the second - the meaning" to achieve in one way or another a clear understanding of whom. smth. " [Vasiliev; 142-145].

Conclusions on Chapter I The Russian verb is distinguished by the exceptional complexity of its content, variety of grammatical categories and forms, richness of paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections. “The verb,” wrote Academician VV Vinogradov, “is the most difficult and most capacious grammatical category of the Russian language. The verb is the most constructive in comparison with all other categories of parts of speech. Verb constructions have a decisive influence on noun phrases and sentences ”[Vinogradov; 86].

In the work we are considering, we considered in more detail the semantic originality of the verbal lexicon in general terms and noted an important feature that the verb occupies a central position in the semantic structure of the sentence; the meaning of verbal lexemes reflects actions, states, processes that can characterize objects, their properties and relationships not only in the form of static categories, concepts, but also in the form of dynamic judgments, and perform the main semasiological function, realizing the connection of language with thought, systems of means with real acts of speech.

As we know, any classification is conditioned by certain principles and aspects, and they are determined by the goals and objectives of the research. When classifying the verbal lexicon in the semantic aspect, three principles were used: denotative (or thematic), paradigmatic, syntagmatic [Vasiliev; 39]. Based on this, we examined in detail the classification of verbs of intellectual activity, based on the works of scientists - linguists such as L.M. Vasiliev, A.A. Ufimtseva, L.P. Krysin, N.S. Avilova and others.

The common basis of the entire field is the intellectual (mental and sensory) human activity in its various aspects. The verbs of choice and decision, imagination and assumption denote the reflection in the mind of biologically conditioned signals about the internal state of the organism, i.e.

the physical senses of a person, the verbs of perception - the reflection by the consciousness of a person of the external environment, the verbs of understanding - to understand smth. (some l.

processes, events, etc.), penetrating into the essence of phenomena on the basis of observation and reflection, special logical inferences, etc. The degree of closeness between these classes is different. On the one hand, the verbs of comparison and contrast are closest to each other, as well as imagination and assumption, choice and decision. A special place in the composition of the field of feelings is occupied by the verbs of perception. They mean cognitive activity consciousness, carried out with the help of the senses; this brings them closely together, firstly, with the verbs of understanding and cognition, and Secondly- with verbs of volitional activity (strive, achieve, concentrate, etc.).

Chapter II. The verbs of intellectual activity in the comedy of A.S.

Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

In the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit" is a fairly significant group.

Each actor this play has its own speech. And at the same time, different semantic classes of verbs help to fully reveal the images of the heroes.

2.1. Verbs of cognition, understanding and perception in the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

An extensive and rich semantic class in the work "Woe from Wit" is made up of the verbs of cognition. Typical semantics: learn the meaning, meaning of smth because, to get a true idea of ​​someone, something, to acquire knowledge. The basic verbs are cognize (cognize), comprehend (comprehend), recognize (learn) [Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs Babenko; 314].

In the speech of the characters during the analysis, most of all there were verbs that include the component "know" in their meaning (there are about thirty of them), for example:

(...) Molchalin! How my reason remained intact!

You know how your life is dear to me! (Sofia, p. 46) Know, nesov. what. getting to know smth. and having knowledge of smth. to understand, be aware of, be aware of smth. Wed: He was an old soldier, went through two wars and knew well what a soldier's share was.

(...) I'm very windy, maybe I did it And I know, and I blame: but where did I change it?

(Sofia, p. 17).

I know - Wed: He was an old soldier, went through two wars and knew well what a soldier's share was.

The analysis revealed that the verb “know” was used mainly in the meanings “knowing something. and having knowledge of something ... to understand, to be aware of, to be aware of something "and" by getting to know smb. before meeting smb.

earlier, maintain a relationship, treat or distinguish from others when meeting; know smb. ":

(...) And I don’t want to know you, I don’t tolerate debauchery (Famusov, p. 31) Know, not sov., Whom. Getting to know smb. before meeting smb. earlier, maintain a relationship, treat or distinguish from others when meeting; to be familiar with someone. " Wed: Looking closer, I realized that I had known this person for a long time: we studied together, but how he has changed.

(...) Moscow! You! How can you recognize you!

Where is the time? Where is that innocent age ... (Chatsky, p. 19) Know, not sov., Whom. Getting to know smb. before meeting smb. earlier, maintain a relationship, treat or distinguish from others when meeting; to be familiar with someone. " Wed: Looking closer, I realized that I had known this person for a long time: we studied together, but how he has changed.

Less common were the verbs synonymous with the dominant ones: "to inquire", "to find out", "to experience", "to repeat":

(...) I'll go and inquire; tea, somebody knows.

(T.N. p. 75) Inquire, unsoc. (sov. inquire) about what. Getting to know smth. and trying to get some l. intelligence, inquire (ask), inquire about smth. Wed: The president of the association was not used to asking about anything - the secretary instantly warned any question.

(...) What is a better prophet for you?

I repeated: in love there will be no good in this For ever and ever. (Lisa, p. 16)

Thus, in the course of the study, we came to the conclusion that the class of verbs, identified by the meaning "know", in the characters' remarks denotes the possession or mastery of any information in the process of mental activity.

In "Woe from Wit" the verbs of understanding [Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs Babenko; 311] are quite rare, there are eight meanings of non-productive / effective verbs, of which three are non-productive, for example:

(...) Yes, we add different things to memory in the book:

Forget that, look (Famusov, p. 27).

The verb is used in the meaning to see, unsov.v., (Sov.to see), as with the par.

Understand (understand) the essence of the phenomenon, drawing conclusions from the observed factors and relying on feelings and own intuition; syn. perceive [Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs Babenko; 311].

These verbs have this meaning only in the forms of nes. The form and in this example the dominant in the form is lost, but from the side of semantics it is inherent in it.

A group of productive verbs with the meaning of active formation of understanding, i.e.

with the meaning "attained an understanding of smth." make up five verbs, extracted from "Woe from Wit":

(...) Ah! Cursed Cupid!

And they hear, they do not want to understand, Well, what would they take away the shutters? (Lizanka, p. 6)

Understand, (Sov.), Whom. Comprehend (comprehend) in smb. thoughts, views that are close to oneself: syn.:

comprehend, unravel. Wed: Sometimes the old man tried to convince himself that memory prevents him from understanding his young contemporaries.

Object position is required for all of these verbs. Some of them admit synonymous substitutions like He guessed that ... - He came up with a guess that ... etc.

Typical semantics of the verbs of understanding “understand smth. (some. processes, events, etc.), penetrating into the essence of phenomena on the basis of observation and reflection, special logical inferences. " The basic verbs are to understand (understand), comprehend (comprehend).

Perception verbs, unlike other classes of verbs, denote a person's reflection of the external environment, properties and objects of the external world. Some of them point to perception in general, others only to perceptions carried out with the help of certain senses.

Typical semantics of the verbs of perception: to perceive something in any way (vision, hearing, smell) with some... external sense organs. The basic verb is to perceive (perceive) [Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs Babenko; 303].

So, the semantic class of verbs of perception by semes denoting means of perception, and the work we are studying, is divided into three subclasses:

Visual perception verbs;

2) Verbs of auditory perception;

3) The verbs of the first subclass imply only the typical (virtual) means of this instrumentality (you can perceive or notice with any sense organ, but only with the senses), and the verbs of the other subclasses contain specific instrument semes in their semantics: see - “perceive with vision”, hear perceive with hearing "[Vasiliev; 52].

Even during the analysis, we drew attention to the fact that the first class verbs to oppositions for specific instrument semes of perception are neutral, they can be used instead of the verbs of the other two subclasses, for example:

(...) Let me ... see eh ... first Flowery

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

But timid ... Do you know who is born in poverty ...

(Sofia, p. 13) In this case, the verb See, unsov., (Sov. To see) has a general perceptual meaning to perceive someone, something. in one way or another: through the senses. thought or intuition. Syn .: to evaluate, nonsov. (Sov. regard) someone.

Transferred. Perceive (perceive) smth., Whatsoever. as if establishing, determining the real value of smth. Wed: Inadvertently, the girl regarded the thrown glance as a reproach. The child regarded the teacher's affectionate words as praise.

Or, for example:

(...) You, young people, have no other business How to notice girlish beauty ... Famusov, p. 24) Notice (non-Soviet), someone or from the parish. add. Perceive (perceive) the sight of someone, paying particular attention to the object highlighting noting it: syn.: decomp.

spot, spot, Wed: They lived in the same house, and Peshka noticed Nina every morning.

Note that the semantics of this or that subclass of verbs depends primarily on the analyzed text. Each subclass is characterized by the same set of oppositions according to the semes of non-purposefulness / purposefulness (notice to observe, see-watch, hear-listen), activity / passivity (observe-observe, see-see-see, hear-hear.

For example: (...) Sorry. However, I see no crime here;

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Do not observe, nesov., Someone that. Not perceiving (not perceiving) anyone or something.

vision for some time, keeping a close eye on someone, smth. carefully, watch, contemplate.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

To see, not sov., (Sov. To see), someone or from the parish. add. Perceive smth.

organs of vision - with the eyes; syn.:

Purposeful verbs of perception denote the desire to achieve a goal, and non-purposeful - its achievement (the result of vigorous activity of the senses and consciousness).

2.2 Verbs of imagination and assumptions, choice and decision The act of forming in the process of thinking any intentions in the work we are considering denote verbs with the nuclear meaning “to decide” [Babenko's Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs; 328]. They form several synonymous groups in context (start up, judge, count, assert, ponder), for example:

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Wed: To indulge in courageous deeds was not in his nature, therefore, the business did not develop.

According to the typical semantics, after thinking, thinking, to come (come) to any conclusion, conclusions about something, the verbs decide (decide), come up (come up) stand out:

(...) I could not think of what kind of trouble it is! (Famusov, p. 6) Come up, Sov. (not sov. come up with) what. To invent (invent) something that in reality did not exist and is not: syn. invent, invent, invent, compose, fantasize.

(...) did you dare to kill me? (Famusov).

Decide, Sov., What about the inf. Come (come) to smb. opinion, intending to commit acts, actions, etc. as a result of a decision, pondering over smth.

it was not easy for me to decide on this letter.

The verbs of imagination and assumptions in "Woe from Wit" are close to verbs of the decision, since they include in their semantics a volitional moment, which is associated with making a decision. These are the basic verbs imagine (imagine), imagine (imagine), assume (suppose), and their synonymous series think, guess, imagine, contrive, wait, desire, etc.

Let's take an example:

(...) And I'll guess myself Tea, in the club? (Chatsky) Guess (Sov.) - assume smth., Some. facts, phenomena, guesswork.

Imagine, I noticed myself;

Imagine (imagine) nesov. (sov. to appear) - to imagine someone, smth. mentally: syn.

draw, fantasize. Wed: Genka always imagined people whose voices he heard on the radio.

Imagine a Sov., Someone with a parish. add. Imagine smth. mentally, in images, create an image; syn. see, dream, dream, think, draw, fantasize. Wed: He suddenly imagined her as his wife.

From these examples, we determined that the typical semantics of the class of imagination and the assumptions of the verbs of intellectual activity mentally represent (imagine) something, assuming, guessing, perceive in thoughts, dreams, fantasies [Babenko's Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs; 333].

A rather insignificant group in "woe from wits" is made up of choice verbs [Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs Babenko; 326]. This class (group) of the verb of intellectual activity will play an important role in the work, since the typical semantics of this group consists in the selection from the total number of what is required, focusing on some significant, at the moment, sign, to give preference to someone, to something ...

Verbs and verb-nominal combinations are considered basic to choose (choose) recognizing as something, give (give) preference to someone, to something.

Verbs of this class are of a heterogeneous character. In the context, none of the dominant verbs was found, but on the contrary, the synonymous verb with the meaning "to love" prevails, i.e. Loves - to love (non-Soviet) “to give (give) preference to someone, to something. one before others as meeting smb .'s requirements and tastes. "

Wed: Italians love our rustic, fatty milk and hearth bread [Babenko's Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs; 326].

For example:

She loved Chatsky once, she will stop loving me like him ... (Molchalin, p. 101) To love, (non-Soviet) someone. Give (give) preference to someone, something. one before others as meeting smb .'s requirements and tastes. " Wed: I love autumn more than summer.

The verb of choice expresses mainly the experience of Molchalin's feelings of love, caused by the attitude towards Sophia.

So, in general, the class of choice verbs emphasizes in the work with its semantics the experience of the subject of such feelings, which are conditioned by his attitude to any object, his assessment of this object.

2.3. Definition and verification verbs Definition verbs [Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs Babenko; 336], like other classes of verbs of intellectual activity, in the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

represent a fairly weighty group, which is confirmed by examples.

The definition verbs, depending on their use in the characters' remarks, have a certain semantics to define (define) someone, something. (qualities, properties, quantity, results, etc.) way [Explanatory dictionary of Russian verbs by Babenko; 336].

In addition to the basic verbs define (define), set (set), designate (designate), there are other verbs in the play that belong to the group of definition verbs, for example:

He is ready to believe!

And, Chatsky, you love to dress everyone up as jesters, It is good to try on yourself ... (Sofia).

Measure, nesov. (Sov. measure) - to determine the value of smth. by comparing it with known measures.

Call, nesov. (sov. call), what, what. Determine (define) (whatsoever.

word) smth.: describing and referring to whom -, smth. Here he is honoring us!

Here is the first one, and nobody counts us.

Evil, in girls for a whole century, God will forgive her ... (princess).

Oh no, brother! We are scolded everywhere, but everywhere they accept (P.M., p. 69) Accept (non-Soviet), someone. Identify smb. by mistake for another. For example: She was often mistaken for a guy.

As a friend of yours, as a brother, let me be convinced (N.D., p. 41) as taking place in reality; syn.

make sure, make sure. "

Please allow me to continue, I sincerely confess to you ... (Zagoretsky).

Recognize, Sov., That or come. add. Define smth. as true, real, agree with the existence of smth.

In order to detect certain physical qualities, properties (about substances, objects) or intellectual and emotional qualities, knowledge about a person, to check someone, something in any way is presented by verbs of verification [Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs Babenko; 347].

Well, that's all, so reluctantly believe, And I doubt it ... (Platon Mikhailich).

But he doesn't believe it ... (Zagoretsky).

Believe, nesov. (Sov. check) - to test smth. to ascertain the authenticity of smth.

Believe, nesov. (Sov. check) - to test smth. to ascertain the authenticity of smth.

Summing up, it can be noted that there are only four verification verbs in the work we are analyzing. This group is represented by the main dominant verb check (check) with the general semantic semantics of testing something in order to ascertain the authenticity of something.

2.4. Verbs of comparison and comparison In order to compare something with something or compare something with something, considering one in connection with another to establish their similarity or to establish the advantages of one over the other, verbs are used, from a linguistic point of view comparisons and comparisons [Explanatory dictionary of Russian verbs; 324].

The basic verbs are "compare, compare", "agree, agree", "compare, contrast".

In the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" verbs with typical (general) semantics "compare (compare) something with something, correlating with each other, revealing similarities or differences" are almost never used.

When analyzing, we came across only one example from Chatsky's remark:

(...) Precisely, the light began to grow stupid,

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

How to compare, but to see the present century and the past century ... (Chatsky, p. 29) To compare, owls. (non-Soviet. Compare), what with what. To compare what - similarities or differences, or to establish the advantages of one over the other; syn.: to correlate, to compare (37; 312).

Thus, the verbs of comparison and juxtaposition are little used in comparison with other classes of verbs of intellectual activity in this work. This may be due to the fact that "Crazy from Wit" is full of realistic details of everyday life and Everyday life, in the replicas of the characters, speech and expressions predominate most of all ("they beat their thumbs up", "a broken hour", "nothing to take", pokudova, etc.), as well as the use of expressions, constructions, style in the speech of the characters corresponding to their image and character language, for example, book vocabulary is presented in Chatsky's remarks. Molchalin has a predominance of social and professional speech.

2.5. Thinking verbs

As we know, the ability of a person to think is denoted in their intransitive use by the verbs "to think", "to think", "to think", i.e. verbs thinking [Explanatory dictionary of Russian verbs; 322].

The typical semantics of these verbs is to reason, to build inferences as the highest form of reflection of reality.

Depending on whether these verbs emphasize undirected or object-directed thinking, they are subdivided into unfocused and purposeful. In the work we are analyzing, verbs that denote non-purposeful thinking prevail most of all. These are, first of all, the verbs "think", "think".

Let's take an example:

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Think, unsov., With the coming. add. or without add. Hold an opinion, syn.

Thus, it is important to note that in close connection with these verbs there are groups synonymous with them like “to believe”, “to consider”, “to think, that is.

think about smth. weighing the details to find the right answer, solutions or think not directly related to the conversation, but about smth.

insignificant ”to others, but this class of verbs did not occur in the analysis.

Conclusions on chapter 2

The verb is used in artistic speech, primarily for the transmission of movement, expressing the dynamics of the surrounding world and the spiritual life of a person. If a writer wants to display pictures in which objects cease to be motionless, to "breathe life" into the narrative, he turns to verbs.

Masters of the artistic word see in the verb a vivid means of figurative concretization of speech. By depicting the hero through his actions and speech, the writer not only creates a real image, but also penetrates into his psychology, inner world, since individual actions form human behavior, and feelings, desires and even secret thoughts are reflected in it. Great master of "verbal storytelling" A.N.

Tolstoy wrote: “In a person I try to see a gesture that characterizes his state of mind, and this gesture prompts me with a verb to give a movement that reveals psychology. If one movement is not enough for characterization, I look for the most remarkable feature (say, a hand, a lock of hair, nose, eyes, etc.), and highlighting this part of a person by definition, I give it again in motion, that is, with the second verb I detail and strengthen the impression of the first verb ”[AN Tolstoy. Essays and notes.].

Thus, in fictional speech, it is possible to distinguish a number of semantic groups of verbs, for example, in our case, these are verbs of intellectual activity, which are regularly used by writers as a means of figurative speech concretization.

verbs with a general sense of perception;

verbs of auditory perception.

B) A feature of this class of verbs is that they are used both in the meaning of the verbs of sensation (see example), and in the meaning of the verbs of thinking, in the meaning of the verbs of knowledge.

For example:

Feel (unsov.) That. “Perceive (perceive) smth., Recognizing smth.;

syn.: to feel. " Wed: Only under the roof of the house did the traveler feel peace.

The verbs of intellectual activity are by no means a closed semantic field.

This is due to the fact that in many of their sides they intersect and intertwine with a number of other semantic fields:

some verbs of imagination and assumptions interact with verbs of decision, as they include in their semantics a volitional moment, which is associated with making a decision. These are the basic verbs to imagine (to imagine), to imagine (to imagine), to assume (to suppose) and their synonymous series to think, guess, imagine, contrive, wait, wish, etc.

I think he's just a Jacobin ... (Princess).

To think - “to assume (Sov.) - imagining smth., To have guesses about smth.; syn.:

to think, to think, to believe, to imply. " Wed: The girl grew up, got stronger, her parents thought to take her out of the sanatorium.

Many verbs of perception (auditory) correlate with the meaning of verbs of speech (cf. I was informed about this yesterday ... - I heard about it yesterday). The verbs of knowledge can correlate with the verbs of speech (cf. I found out about this from him ... - He told me about this, said).

Had heard enough, sov.that. Perceive smth. hearing for a long time.

Art .: I listened to all kinds of road music then.

The verbs of knowledge can correlate with the verbs of speech (cf. I found out about this from him ... He told me about this, said).

What did you say 5 years ago?

Confirm (non-Soviet) that. Spread. "Comprehending some. the text, to memorize, it by heart as a result of repeated repetition; syn.: colloquial. cram, hammer, cram. "

It is homonymous with the verb of speaking "to repeat" - to say the same thing all the time.

Conclusion The verbs of intellectual activity, as a set of lexical units of the Russian language, characterize the activity of a linguistic personality. Express the dynamics of the educational, scientific, spiritual potential of a person. The degree of participation of these verbs in describing the worldview is quite high. They cover a wide range of designations for various kinds of mental actions and states.

The Russian verb is distinguished by the exceptional complexity of its content, a variety of grammatical categories and forms, a wealth of paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections. "Verb", - wrote Acad.

V.V. Vinogradov, is the most difficult and most capacious grammatical category of the Russian language. The verb is the most constructive in comparison with all other categories of parts of speech. Verb constructions have a decisive influence on noun phrases and sentences ”[Vinogradov; 86].

The study of the verbs of the semantic field of intellectual activity allows us to draw some general conclusions about the features of its structure and functioning.

In the work we are considering, the semantic originality of the verbal vocabulary in general was considered in more detail and an important feature was noted that the verb occupies a central position in the semantic structure of the sentence; the meaning of verbal lexemes reflects actions, states, processes that can characterize objects, their properties and relationships not only in the form of statistical categories, concepts, but also in the form of dynamic judgments, and perform the main semasiological function, linking language with thought, systems of means with real acts of speech.

As we know, any classification is conditioned by certain principles and aspects, and they are determined by the goals and objectives of the study. When classifying verbal lexicon in the semantic aspect, L.M. Vasiliev used three principles: denotative (or thematic), paradigmatic, syntagmatic. Based on this, we examined in detail the classification of verbs of intellectual activity, based on the works of linguists such as L.M. Vasiliev, A.A. Ufimtseva, L.P. Krysin, N.S. Avilova, and others, and came to the conclusion that the fact that the common basis of the entire field is the intellectual (mental and sensory) human activity in various aspects.

The group of verbs denoting intellectual activity includes verbs of perception, understanding, cognition, thinking; comparison and comparison, choice, decision; imaginations and assumptions; definitions and checks [Explanatory dictionary of Russian verbs].

The verbs of choice and decision, imagination and assumption denote the reflection in the mind of biologically conditioned signals about the internal state of the organism, i.e. the physical senses of a person, the verbs of perception - the reflection by the consciousness of a person of the external environment, the verbs of understanding - to understand smth. (some l.

processes, events, etc.), penetrating into the essence of phenomena on the basis of observation and reflection, special logical inferences, etc.

The verb is also used in artistic speech, primarily to convey movement, expressing the dynamics of the surrounding world and the spiritual life of a person.

If a writer wants to display pictures in which objects cease to be motionless, to "breathe life" into the narrative, he turns to verbs.

The most important stylistic function of a verb in artistic speech is to give dynamism to descriptions.

Speech, saturated with verbs, expressively draws rapidly unfolding events, creates the energy and tension of the story.

Masters of the artistic word see in the verb a bright means of figurative concretization of speech. Depicting the hero through his actions and speech, the writer not only creates a real image, but also penetrates into his psychology, the inner world, since individual actions form a person's behavior, and feelings, desires and even secret thoughts are reflected in him. A great master of “verbal storytelling”, A.N. Tolstoy wrote: “In a person I try to see a gesture that characterizes his state of mind, and this gesture prompts me with a verb to give a movement that reveals psychology. If one movement is not enough for characterization, I look for the most remarkable feature (say, a hand, a lock of hair, nose, eyes, etc.) and, highlighting this part of a person by definition, I give it again in motion, that is, I detail it with the second verb and I strengthen the impression of the first verb ”[AN Tolstoy. Essays and notes.].

In fictional speech, a number of semantic groups of verbs can be distinguished, for example, in our case, these are verbs of intellectual activity, which are regularly used by writers as a means of figurative speech concretization.

Based on the classification of L.G. Babenko, we made an attempt to analyze the class of verbs of intellectual activity in the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" from the point of view of their functioning and use.

The lexico-semantic group of intellectual activity is subdivided into the following classes. These are verbs of perception; understanding verbs; cognition verbs;

thinking verbs; comparison and contrast verbs; choice verbs; solution verbs; verbs of imagination and guesswork; definition verbs; check verbs [Explanatory dictionary of Russian verbs; 303-347]. The actual volume of the material is about 150 cards, of which the most prevalent are verbs of perception - 38 verbs that have subclasses inside:

verbs with a general sense of perception;

B) verbs of visual perception;

verbs of auditory perception.

B) In the course of the research, we noticed that the verbs of intellectual activity by no means represent a closed semantic field. This is due to the fact that in many of their sides they intersect and intertwine with a number of other semantic fields: some verbs of imagination and assumptions interact with verbs of decision, since they include in their semantics a volitional moment that is associated with making a decision.

These are the basic verbs imagine (imagine), imagine (imagine), assume (suppose) and their synonymous series think, guess, imagine, contrive, wait, desire, etc. Many verbs of perception (auditory) correlate with the meaning of speech verbs (cf. I was informed about this yesterday ...

I heard about it yesterday). The verbs of knowledge can correlate with the verbs of speech (cf. I found out about this from him ... - He told me about this, said).

All this testifies to a very close, versatile and diverse relationship of verbs of intellectual activity with other semantic fields of the lexical system of the Russian language.

Thus, the vocabulary of intellectual activity is not only included in the lexical structure of the image, but is also key in the narration, creates the internal unity of the lexical system of the work, becomes an essential element of its compositional structure, performs a plot-forming function.

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TYPICAL SEMANTICS: perceive smth. what smb. way (vision. Hearing, smell) with the help of some. external sense organs.

BASE VERB: perceive (perceive).

(...) Come on, my heart is out of place;

Look at the clock, look out the window ... (Lisa, p. 9).

Look - look (non-Soviet) - look (Sov.) At someone. Perceive (perceive) by the organs of sight with interest.

Happy hours are not observed (Sophia, p. 9).

Do not observe - the verb is used in a figurative sense. In a literal sense, “not take smth. vision for some time, intently sitting at something :, syn.: to supervise, to look after, to look after, to follow, to contemplate. "

(...) Look at me: I do not brag about the addition ... (Famusov, p. 11) Look (non-Soviet) - look (Sov.) At whom ... The verb is used in the meaning “to direct a glance at someone ".

(...) Yes, the dream is bad; as I can see

Everything is there, if there is no deception:

And devils, and love, and fear and flowers ... (Famusov, p. 14).

Let me see (Sov. Look), a verb meaning “to perceive (perceive) something. with the help of sight, directing the gaze to smth., or somewhere: syn.: to look. "

Listen, don't take too much liberty (Sofia, p. 17).

Listen to the (Soviet) appeal, the meaning of the verb “perceive published, produced by someone, something. sounds with the help of hearing, distinguishing them: syn.: listen. "

With a question I, at least be a sailor:

Didn't I meet you somewhere in the post carriage ... (Sofia, p. 19).

Meet in the sense of “to perceive (perceive) smb.'s sight. coming towards, converging with him.

Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light!

Where is better? (Sofia, floor 20).

To see (non-Soviet) “to perceive something. organs of vision - with the eyes; syn.: to look, to look ".

You, young people, have no other business, How to notice girlish beauty ... (Famusov, p. 24).

Notice (not sov.), Someone or something from the parish. add. Perceive (perceive) with the eyes of someone -, smth., Paying special attention to the object, highlighting noticing it: forces .: dec.

spot, spot.

(...) You can say with a sigh;

How to compare and see the present century and the past century ... (Chatsky, p. 29).

Look (non-Soviet) “to accept smth., Having one's own point of view on smth., Referring in some way to smth., As if directing one's gaze somewhere; syn.: to relate, to look "

(...) you can only feel this way, when you lose your only friend ... (Chatsky, p. 43).

Feel (unsov.) That. “Perceive (perceive) smth., Recognizing smth.; syn.:


(...) you look in the evening, He feels like a little king here ... (Chatsky, p. 84) To feel (non-Soviet) that he’s coming. add. “Perceiving something with organs, touch, feel”. For example: Andryukha again felt an alarming, sucking chill in his stomach.

I didn't try, God brought us together.

Look, he has acquired the friendship of everyone in the house ... (Sofia) Look, nesov. transfer take smb. with one's own point of view on chtol. way to someone., as if directing a gaze somewhere.

Sorry. However, I see no crime here;

Here is Foma Fomich himself, is he familiar to you? (Molchalin).

To see is to perceive smb. With one's own point of view on way to something.

No, if they saw my satin tulle (ND) See (non-Soviet) “perceive something. organs of vision - with the eyes; syn.: to look, to look ".

And, do you know who has in store for me?

Hear - “to perceive those published, produced by someone, by something. sounds with the help of hearing, distinguishing them: syn.: listen. "

Hear - “to perceive those published, produced by someone, by something. sounds with the help of hearing, distinguishing them: syn.: to listen. "

Imagine, I noticed myself;

And even though you can bet, you will be in one word with me ... (Countess's granddaughter).

Notice, nesov. (Sov. notice), someone or come. add. Perceive with sight when smth., Paying particular attention to the object, highlighting it, noting it.

He hears nothing, Though maybe they saw the chief of police ardor here? (Countess grandmother) To see (non-Soviet) “to perceive what - l. organs of vision - with the eyes; syn.: looking, looking. "

I saw from my eyes (Countess's granddaughter).

To see (non-Soviet) “to perceive smth. organs of vision - with the eyes; syn.: looking to look. "

Own province. Look in the evening.

He feels like a little king here ... (Chatsky).

View, owls. perceive smth. watching smth. with interest for a while, making him the object of his attention.

They rushed to rest; lodging for the night: wherever you look, The same smooth surface, and the steppe, both empty and dead ...

It's a shame, there is no urine, the more you start thinking (Chatsky).

Take a look - perceive smth. by sight, directing gaze to smb., smth. or smth.

Listen! Lie, but know the measure, There is something from which to come to despair (Chatsky).

Listen to the (Sov.v.) appeal, the meaning of the verb “to perceive those published by someone, something. sounds with the help of hearing, distinguishing them: syn.: listen. "

It, you see, has not matured, you can't suddenly (Repetilov).

To see (non-Soviet) “to perceive smth. organs of vision - with the eyes; syn.: to look, to look ".

All apart without saying a word;

Slightly out of sight of one, look - there is no other ... (Repetilov).

To look (not sov.) “To perceive what - l. organs of vision - with the eyes; syn.: to see, to look. "


TYPICAL SEMANTICS: understand smth. (some. processes, events, etc.), penetrating into the essence of phenomena on the basis of observation and reflection, special logical inferences.

BASIC VERBS: understand (understand), comprehend (comprehend).

(...) And they hear, they don't want to understand (Lizanka, p. 6).

Understand (Sov.) Who. Comprehend (comprehend) in smb. thoughts, views that are close to oneself: Art .:

comprehend, unravel.

(...) let the windbills yourself, come to your senses, you old people ... (Liza, p. 7).

Come to your senses - in the meaning of being aware (non-Soviet) - to be aware (Soviet) by whom. In combination with the pronoun "oneself", to understand (understand) one's place in a given environment, in the world, considering oneself, feeling oneself as someone -, smth:. syn. think.

Yes, we add different things to the book as a keepsake:

Forget that, look (Famusov).

The verb is used in the meaning to see, not sov.v., - having understood smth., To find, to discover smth., (Some properties, qualities) in a com, smth. or wherever.

Everyone knows, we graze him for a rainy day (Repetilov).

Know (not sov.) That. "Getting to know smth. and having knowledge of smth. to understand, be aware of, be aware of smth. ".

The whole world knows about this ... (second princess).

Know (not sov.) That. "Getting to know smth. and having knowledge of smth. to understand, be aware of, be aware of smth. ".

To the place to explain now and lack of time;

Not a state matter ... (Repetilov) Explain, nesov. Become (become) understandable, visible, revealing a clerk, source of smth... incomprehensible.

I don’t want an answer, I know your answer ... (Sofia).

Know (not sov.) That. "Getting to know smth. and having knowledge of smth. to understand, be aware of, be aware of smth. ".

I don’t know how I tempered myself in a rage!

He looked, and saw, and did not believe \ (Chatsky).

Know (not sov.) That. "Getting to know smth. and having knowledge of smth. to understand, be aware of, be aware of smth. ".


TYPICAL SEMANTICS: mentally imagine (imagine) smth., Assuming guessing, perceive in thoughts, dreams, fantasies.

BASIC VERBS: imagine (imagine), imagine (imagine) assume (assume).

(...) you will think how willful happiness is! (Sofia, p. 15).

The verb "think" (Soviet) is used in context in the meaning of "to assume (Soviet, imagining smth., To have guesses about something; syn.: To think, to think, to assume to mean".

(...) No concern, no doubt ...

And grief awaits from around the corner ... (Sofia, p. 15).

Waiting - waiting (non-Soviet) in direct use “to perceive smth. make some assumptions, hope for smth. " In a figurative meaning “to come (non-Soviet), i what.

Usually, according to the words * conclusion, * opinion, * thought. Decide (decide) the result of a choice, a selection of some. phenomena ".

(...) Like everyone in Moscow, your father is like this:

He would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks, And with the stars, not everyone is rich between us ... (Liza, p. 16) I would like - the verb is used in the meaning dreamed - (to dream (Sov.)) “To represent mentally what is desired, indulge in imagination, fantasy. "

I thought you were far from Moscow.

How long has it been? (N.D., p. 61).

Believe (assume, non-Soviet) - “while imagining smth., To have guesses about smth.; syn:

think, intend, think, imply, calculate, gather. "

I will not sit up, I will come in, just two minutes, Then, think, a member of the English Club ... (Chatsky)

To think - “to assume (Sov.) - imagining smth., To have guesses about smth .; syn.:

to think, to think, to believe, to imply. "

Imagine: they are paraded like animals, I heard that there ... the city is Turkish ...

And, do you know who has in store for me?

Anton Antonich Zagoretsky (Khlestova).

Imagine, I noticed myself;

And even though you can bet, you will be in one word with me ... (Countess's granddaughter).

Imagine (imagine) nesov. (sov. to appear) - to imagine someone, smth.

mentally: syn. draw, fantasize.

Imagine, everyone has ... (Chatsky).

Imagine a Sov., Someone with a parish. add. Imagine smth. mentally, in images, create an image; syn. see, dream, dream, think, draw, fantasize.

What have I been waiting for? What did you think to find here? (Chatsky).

Wait, not sov., Which is the case. add. Perceive smth., Build

speculation, hope for smth; syn. expect.

And I'll guess myself. Tea, in the club? (Chatsky) Guess (Sov.) - assume smth., Some. facts, phenomena, guesswork.

I think he's just a Jacobin ... (princess).

To think - “to assume (Sov.) - imagining smth., To have guesses about smth.; syn.: to think, to think, to believe, to imply. "


TYPICAL SEMANTICS: make a selection from the total number of what is required, focusing on some. an essential sign at the moment, to give preference to someone, to something.

BASIC VERBS: and verb-nominal combinations: choose (choose), recognizing as some l., Give (give) preference to someone, to something.

Select (Sov.) Is used in the meaning of “to acknowledge (acknowledge) smth. compared to smth.

others that meet these or those requirements most "; syn.: to elect, cf .:

We usually chose a quiet, secluded corner and sat there for hours.

Oh! If someone loves whom ... (Sofia, p. 17).

Loves - to love (non-Soviet) “to give (give) preference to someone, to something. one before others as meeting smb .'s requirements and tastes. "

I wonder if it’s possible

Although inappropriate, there is no need:

Loves - to love (non-Soviet) “to give (give) preference to someone, to something. alone in front of Well! People on the side here!

She to him, and he to me, And I ... I am the only one who crushes love to death - And how not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha! (Lisa).

Fall in love with owls. give preference to smb. one before others as meeting smb.'s requirements; others as meeting smb.'s requirements and tastes. "

Naughty, she doesn't love him ... (Chatsky).

Loves (beginning form to love) - “to give (give) preference to someone, to something. odsh before others as meeting smb .'s requirements and tastes. "

He is ready to believe!

And, Chatsky, you love to dress everyone up as jesters, It is good to try on yourself ... (Sofia).

Love (love) - “give (give) preference to someone, to something. to one another as meeting smb .'s requirements and tastes. "

Sergei Sergeich, no! If you stop evil:

Take all the books and burn them ... (Famusov).

Take away - choose from a number of facts, materials, usually written, necessary for consideration, mentally stopping at something, as if grabbing something. you need it with your hands.

God grant her a century to live richly, She loved Chatsky once, she will stop loving me like him.

My angel, I would like to feel halfway to her that I feel for you, No, no matter how I assert myself, I'm getting ready to be gentle ... (Molchalin).

Loves (beginning form to love) - “to give (give) preference to someone, to something. one before the others as meeting smb .'s requirements and tastes. "


TYPICAL SEMANTICS: to reason, to build inference as the highest forms;

reflections of reality.

BASE VERB: think.

(...) I could not think of what kind of trouble it is! (Famusov, p. 6).

To come up with - in the meaning of contemplating (sov. To contemplate) what. Decide (decide) mentally do smth. difficult, important, subject to discussion, comprehension (sometimes with a tinge of disapproval; critical).

All have contrived beyond their years, And more than daughters and the good-natured themselves, These languages ​​were given to us! (Famusov, p. 12).

The verb contrived, is used in the meaning of thinking (non-Soviet), about smth., "To assume in thoughts to do smth."

(...) Here he thought about himself high ... (Sofia, 17).

Conceived in the meaning of * think * (to hold on to an opinion; synonym: count, believe).


TYPICAL SEMANTICS: to cognize the meaning, the meaning of something, to get a true idea of ​​someone or something, to acquire knowledge.

BASIC VERBS: to cognize (to know), to comprehend (to comprehend), to recognize (to know).

Forgotten by the music, and time passed so smoothly ... (Sofia, p. 15).

Forgotten - the verb of cognition is used in a figurative sense, “surrendered to the music or listened to it so enthusiastically that they even forgot how the time had passed”.

I'm very windy, maybe I did, And I know, and I blame: but where did I change? (Sofia, p. 17).

(...) Once I laugh, then I will forget ... (Chatsky, p. 23).

Forget (Sov.v.) - “having learned something, lose the ability to preserve and reproduce in the mind of the previous impressions: synonym: forget (obsolete, simple); ant .: remember. "

I wonder if it’s possible

Although inappropriate, there is no need:

Whom do you love? (Chatsky, p. 50).

Inquire (Sov.) “Find out (find out) smth. by questioning, investigation, etc .; syn.

colloquial to ferret out, to pry, to inquire, to interrogate. "

What did you say 5 years ago?

Well, constant taste in husbands is the most precious thing!

Confirm (non-Soviet) that. Spread. "Comprehending some. the text, to memorize, it by heart as a result of repeated repetition; syn.: colloquial. cram, hammer, cram. "

It is homonymous with the verb of speaking "to repeat" - to say the same thing all the time.

Do you want to know the truth of two words?

The slightest strangeness in whom is barely visible, Your gaiety is not modest, You immediately have a sharpness ready, And you yourself ... (Sofia) Know, nesov. about smth. add. - in comprehending smth., to have information, awareness of area.

God knows what secret is hidden in him;

God knows for him what you have invented, Than his head has never been stuffed ... (Chatsky).

Know, nesov. about smth. add. - in comprehending smth., to have information, awareness of area.

Why did you recognize him so briefly? (Chatsky).

I know - to know (non-Soviet) that. "Getting to know smth. and having knowledge of smth. to understand, be aware of, be aware of smth. ".

And, do you know who has in store for me?

Do you know - to know (non-Soviet) that. "Getting to know smth. and having knowledge of smth. to understand, be aware of, be aware of smth. ".

I know. I remember hearing, How can I not know? An example case came out ... (Sofia).

I know - to know (non-Soviet) that. "Getting to know smth. and having knowledge of smth. to understand, be aware of, be aware of smth. ".

I, angry and cursing life, Prepared a thunderous answer for them, But everyone left me (Chatsky).

Get ready, not sov., What for. Get to know (know) smth. By working on smth. with some

the purpose of preparing for activities.

We also have two brothers: Levon and Borenka, wonderful guys!

You don't know what to say about them;

But if you order a genius to be named ... (Repetilov).

I know - to know (non-Soviet) that. "Getting to know smth. and having knowledge of smth. to understand, be aware of, be aware of smth. ".

No need to name it, you recognize it from the portrait! (Repetilov).

Seeking a scientific degree of a candidate psychological sciences Moscow, 1999 The work was carried out at the State Research Institute of Se ... " youth policy- a source of learned helplessness or internal causation ... "Professor of the Department of Theory and Sociology of Management of the Ural Institute of Management of the Branch Russian Academy to the home farm ... "

“Ksendzyuk Aleksey Petrovich Beyond the Dream. Transformation Technology Dreamers are people who change the world. R. Bonnke. Missions Reportage, 25. 1. Ksendziuk AP: Beyond the Dream. Transformation technology / 2 About the author Aleksey Ksendzyuk has been researching psychoenergy for two decades ... "

"2 1. Objectives of mastering the discipline. The objectives of mastering the discipline" Psychodiagnostics "are: the formation of social and psychological competence of students; mastering by students of the theoretical and practical foundations of psychological diagnosis ..."

“Wilhelm DILTEUS DESCRIPTIVE PSYCHOLOGY CONTENTS I .. The problem of psychological substantiation of the sciences of the spirit II. Distinguishing Explanatory and Descriptive Psychology III. Explanatory Psychology IV. Descriptive and disruptive ... "

"Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education"Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky "Department social psychology education and development SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF ANXIETY IN ADOLESCENTS ABSTRACT ISSUE ... "

“DISCUSSIONS SI Golod SEXUAL EMANCIPATION OF WOMEN AND THE PROBLEM OF ANOTHER * Will come to us, probably from Lesbos. The solution of the women's question. Vl. Soloviev The twentieth century is coming to an end. For a century, intelligent and active women have hoped to realize their audacious dreams - stop ... "

As a textbook for university students educational institutions Moscow UDC 159.923 (075.8) BBK 88.37я73 Ш37 ... " Humanitarian Institute Faculty of Sociology and Psychology Department of Sociology and Theology SOCIAL ISMES ... "

"MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Togliatti State University "APPROVE THE PROGRAM entrance test upon admission to study for a magistracy _37 .... "

"1. The purpose of mastering the discipline The aim of mastering the discipline "Business rhetoric" is to develop students' basic skills in the correct use of language means in educational-professional and official-business spheres of communication; mastering linguistic, ethical and psycho ... "

"Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs" I. V. Plaksin INTERAK ... "

Center for Social, Psychological and Informational Support "Family and Mental Health" Solokhina, S.V. Trushkina Problem solving skills training for families of patients with mental disorders Methodically ... "

"Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky "Balashov Institute ..."

"1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline 1.1 Purpose of teaching the discipline The purpose of mastering the discipline" The doctrine of the biosphere "is to form a complex of scientific knowledge and ideas about bios ..."

"Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport of the Russian Federation Maritime State University named after Admiral G. I. Nevelskoy Department of Psychology PROGRAM AND METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COURSE GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Section:" Mental states "for students of the Faculty of Psychology Specialties: 03031.65 and 030300.62" Psychology "Compiled by: I. V...."


1. The composition of the modern vocabulary of the Chinese language.

2. Archaisms in the NKYa.

3. Historicisms in SKYa.

4. Sources of formation of neologisms in the NKYa.

5. Ways to form new vocabulary in the NKYa.

6. Basic models of neologism formation.


1. Compare the following archaisms with the SKY equivalents:


2. Neologisms.

2.1.Determine the meaning of the following neologisms and explain the situation in which they are used:







2.2 Based on the meaning of this neologism (互联网 - 国际 互联网 - 因特网), translate the following phrases and sentences into Russian:


“因特” 来自 Inter 的 音译 , 是 世界 或 全球 的 意思 , net 的 意译 是 “网”。



1. Akhmetshin N.Kh. and other Chinese-Russian dictionary: press, Internet, radio, television. About 14,000 words and phrases. - M .: Vostochnaya kniga, 2009 .-- 512 p.

2. Basco NV, Xing Yan, Fu Fengzhi. Concise Russian-Chinese and Chinese-Russian economic vocabulary: Business & Finance - M .: "Flinta": "Science", 2003. - 288 p.

3. Basco NV, Xing Yan, Fu Fengzhi. Concise Russian-Chinese and Chinese-Russian Law Dictionary - M .: "Flinta": "Science", 2003. - 304 p.

4. Burov V.G., Semenas A.L. The Chinese-Russian dictionary of new words and expressions. - M .: Vostochnaya kniga, 2007 .-- 736 p.

5. Burov V.G., Semenas A.L. Foreword. // Chinese-Russian dictionary of new words and expressions. - M .: Vostochnaya kniga, 2007. - P.5-25.

6. Gorelov V.I. Lexicology of the Chinese language. Tutorial... - M .: Education, 1984 .-- 216 p.

7. Lemeshko Yu.G. Internet in the PRC. Collection of texts and exercises. - M .: Vostochnaya kniga, 2011 .-- 176 p.

8. Semenas A.L. Chinese vocabulary. - 3rd ed. - M .: AST: East-West, 2007 .-- 284 p.

9. Khamatova A.A. Word formation of the modern Chinese language. - M .: Muravei, 2003 .-- 224 p.

10. Khamatova A.A. Some reflections on the problem of neologisms in modern Chinese. // Chinese linguistics. Isolating languages: Materials of the X International conference. - M .: Institute of Linguistics RAS, 2000. - P.179-183.

11. Khan Shaoxian. New words and meanings in modern Chinese. // Chinese linguistics. Isolating languages: Materials of the X International conference. - M .: Institute of Linguistics RAS, 2000. - P.183-202.

Lesson 17. Seminar number 8 (2 hours)

Classification of vocabulary by use.


1. Common vocabulary.

2. Dialectisms.

3. Terms.

4. Slang vocabulary and euphemisms.

5. Slang and its influence on the literary norm of the SKYa.


1. Determine what types of vocabulary the following words relate to (find the equivalent in the layer of common vocabulary of the NKL):

落雨;有喜了;吃黑枣;做东;铁驴;合了眼;日头;类比;走眼;打路头;做脸;眯瞪;落水;典型;咪表;歹饭;命门;过关;白墨;吃酸;下蛋;老人家;日亮;望星星;服软;温钱;擦机器;作古; 盖;盖帽儿;铁蛋;饮茶;炒鱿鱼; 饭蚊子;偶然性。

2. Determine which industry terms form the following suffixes. Give examples:

1. Borodich V.F., Titov M.N. Concise Russian-Chinese and Chinese-Russian political and political dictionary (俄 汉 - 汉 俄 政治 与 政治 学 词典). - M .: "Flinta": "Science", 2004. - 192 p.

2. Ivanov V.V. Terminology and loanwords in modern Chinese. - M .: Science, Ch. ed. east lit., 1973 .-- 151 p.

3. Kochergin I.V. Russian-Chinese, Chinese-Russian practical medical dictionary... - M .: Vostochnaya kniga, 2007 .-- 768 p.

4. Li Shujuan, Yan Ligan. A Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Slang. - M .: Sinolingua: Vostochnaya kniga, 2009 .-- 256 p.

5. Nikitina T.G. Youth slang. Explanatory dictionary. - 2nd ed. - M .: AST, Astrel, 2009 .-- 1104 p.

6. Rozvezev A.M. Chinese-Russian, Russian-Chinese dictionary of computer vocabulary. - M .: AST: East-West, 2007 .-- 188 p.

7. Frolova O. P. On the question of the formation of terms of foreign origin in modern Chinese. // Actual problems lexicology: Dokl. 3rd interuniversity. conf. May 3-7, 1972 / Ed. ed. K. A. Timofeev. - Novosibirsk: Novosib. un-t, 1972. - S. 162-170.

8. Frolova O. P. Term-formation models of the composition of the modern Chinese language // Actual problems of lexicology of word formation: Sat. scientific. works. - Issue. V. / Resp. ed. K.A. Timofeev. - Novosibirsk: Novosib. un-t, 1976. - S. 151-159.

9. Frolova O. P. Term-educational models of affixation of the modern Chinese language. // Actual problems of lexicology and word formation: Sat. scientific. works. - Issue. Vi. / Resp. ed. K. A. Timofeev. - Novosibirsk: Novosib. un-t, 1977. - S. 134-145.

10. Frolova O. P. Features of terminology in Chinese biological terminology. // Actual problems of lexicology and word formation: Sat. scientific. works. - Issue. Vii. / Resp. ed. K. A. Timofeev. - Novosibirsk: Novosib. un-t, 1978 .-- S. 138-147.

11. Frolova O. P. Word formation in the terminological vocabulary of the modern Chinese language. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1981 .-- 132 p.

12. Frolova O. P. Chinese terminology as a lexical subsystem. // Collection of abstracts of the II Conference on Chinese Linguistics. - M .: Nauka, 1984 .-- P.77-79.

13. Shchukin A.A. A guide to New Chinese slang. - M .: Muravei, 2003. - 119 p.

Lesson 19. Seminar lesson number 9 (2 hours)



1. Types of Chinese dictionaries and their characteristics.

2. System of location and search of language material:

a) key;

b) graphic;

c) phonetic.

3. Reflection of complex words in dictionaries.

4. Reflection in dictionaries of systemic relations.

5. Types of grammatical information.

6. The problem of non-equivalent vocabulary in translated lexicography.

7. Scheme of the semantic classification of the vocabulary of the Chinese language.


1. Using various search engines, find the following hieroglyphs and write down their meaning (draw a conclusion about the identity of the meanings in different dictionaries):

讹; 羸;蕴; 罽; 剿;蠼; 旨; 鼒;擒;悭;鬻。

2.Find in the dictionary the meaning of the following stable combinations, terms and cultural and everyday realities:

藕断丝连; 箸;覆巢无完卵;赋;赋役;出水芙蓉;走出低谷; 现行价值;津贴;本息。

1. Comprehensive Chinese-Russian Dictionary: In 4 volumes. T. 1-4 / Ed. THEM. Oshanina. - M .: Nauka, 1983 .-- 3818 p.

2. Gorelov V.I. Lexicology of the Chinese language. Tutorial. - M .: Education, 1984 .-- 216 p.

3. Chinese-Russian Dictionary: Ok. 60,000 words / ed. B.G. Mudrova. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M .: Rus. yaz., 1988 .-- 528 p.

4. Pryadokhin M.G., Pryadokhin L.I. Concise vocabulary omissions-allegories of the modern Chinese language. - 2nd ed. - M .: AST: East-West, 2007 .-- 218 p.

5. Semenas A.L. Lexicology of the modern Chinese language. - M .: Nauka, Main edition of oriental literature, 1992 .-- 279 p.

6. Sizov S.Yu. Dictionary of the most common Chinese idiomatic expressions, proverbs and sayings. - M .: AST: East-West, 2005 .-- 320 p.

7. 汉 俄 词典 (Chinese-Russian Dictionary). / 上海 外国语 学院 "汉 俄 词典" 编写 组 编。 - 北京 : 大 出版社, 2002. - 1250 页。

8. 现代 汉语 词典 (汉英 双语) (The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (Chinese-English Edition)). / 中国社会科学院 语言 研究所 词典 编辑 室 编 。– 北京 : 外语 教学 与 研究 出版社, 2002. - 2698 页。

Discipline course structure "LEXICOLOGY" involves lectures (20 hours) and seminars (18 hours), which allows you to reveal the main content of the course and link theoretical knowledge of lexicology with the study of practical Chinese.

In the system of linguistic disciplines, the lexicology course is closely related to general and private linguistics, practical and theoretical grammar, the linguistic picture of the world in a pre-translation perspective and together with them constitutes a single set of theoretical knowledge for the studied foreign language required for the preparation of a translator (bachelor of linguistics).

In lectures and seminars, only the main, most complex issues are considered, as well as those aspects of problematic topics that have not yet been developed or are insufficiently covered in special literature.

Lectures and seminars are aimed not only at giving students a certain amount of information, but also to develop their creative scientific thinking and a critical approach to theoretical positions, to teach them to extract the necessary information from scientific literature, to independently make generalizations and conclusions both from the positions, available in the specialized literature, and from our own observations of the factual linguistic material, to compare the linguistic facts of the Chinese language with English and native languages.

During the seminars, students are offered a number of questions, the preparation of which will help them master the theoretical material deeper. Practical classes contribute to the development of students' ability to recognize and explain the phenomena characteristic of the lexical level, develop the skills of lexicological analysis and consider those issues and provisions of lexicology that will help students in interpreting the text in a workshop on the culture of verbal communication.

Seminars should contribute to the development of students' creative initiative and independence, to form their practical and research skills and abilities, to develop the ability to broad theoretical generalizations and conclusions.

During the seminars, one should dwell in detail on the most significant issues of lexicology (word formation, various phenomena and processes in the vocabulary of the Chinese language), provide students with the opportunity to express themselves on a particular problem, while encouraging comparison with other languages ​​(native and English), as well as receive answers to their questions.

Students receive in advance the topic of the upcoming seminar, questions for discussion, a list of recommended literature for self-preparation. In addition, at the seminars, serious attention should be paid to the implementation of practical tasks by students.

In seminars, it is necessary to learn how to read works with a deep understanding of the text. This skill is very useful in further independent work on the language and for the development of independent critical thought. Such preparation will warn the future translator from superficial reading of the work, teach him to feel the subtle shades of thoughts and feelings, penetrate beyond the plot and general idea of ​​the text, avoid the cliché in interpretation, develop emotional sensitivity and aesthetic taste.

The course of seminars simultaneously develops active language skills within the most important topics in the field intercultural communication, contributes to the development of the ability to speak normatively correctly and helps to write well and competently; helps to create in students a clear idea of ​​the contexts and situations in which new linguistic units encountered in the text can be used.

For a deep understanding of the text, its holistic
consideration, which provides for the comparison and consideration of the interaction of all linguistic means used within the text. The teacher should take into account that insufficient and incomplete understanding of the text can be corrected by systematic work on it using lexical, stylistic, grammatical and phonetic analysis... Misunderstanding of the text can be caused by the following reasons:

1. Isolated perception of individual elements, inability to take into account the influence of the context, including grammatical features construction of the text.

2. Lexical difficulties. Inattention to stylistic, emotional, evaluative, expressive connotations. Lack of attention to unusual word combinations. Misunderstanding of words used in rare, obsolete or special meanings.

To eliminate these difficulties, in particular, the course of practical (seminar) classes in lexicology is directed.

The curriculum in the lexicology course provides 34 hours for independent work of students using the recommended literature, during which students are supposed to in-depth consideration of some important issues that did not receive proper attention during classroom lessons due to time constraints.

Independent work should be given a greater practical orientation, orienting trainees to independent study of individual issues of the topic; study of special scientific literature; preparation of messages, reports, abstracts, presentations.

Seminars, aimed at instilling the skills and abilities of students to apply in practice the knowledge gained in theory, involve tasks for preparing for seminars and, therefore, students' independent work. More serious attention deserves topics that were studied by students on their own.

Current control is carried out mainly in seminars, which are assessed on a five-point scale. The final mark is based on the following:

· The degree of proficiency in the stated material;

· Literacy and clarity of presentation;

· The number of sources used in the preparation;

· Knowledge of the relevant concepts and categories and the ability to concisely convey their content to the audience;

· The ability to answer questions asked during the discussion;

· The ability to correctly parse the practical material and identify the concepts of lexicology in it.

The final control is carried out on the exam, the grade for which is set in accordance with the following criteria.

Criteria for evaluation. When assessing knowledge on the exam, the following is taken into account:

1. Understanding and the degree of assimilation of the theory of the course.

2. Level of knowledge of factual material within the scope of the program.

3. Correctness of the formulation of basic concepts and patterns.

4. Using examples from monographic literature (articles, anthologies) and authors - researchers on this issue.

5. Ability to make generalizations, conclusions.

6. Ability to connect theory with practical application.

7. Ability to answer additional questions.


1. Deep and solid assimilation of knowledge of the program material (the ability to highlight the main, essential).

2. Comprehensive, consistent, competent and logically coherent presentation.

3. The correctness of the formulation of concepts and patterns on this issue.

4. Using examples from monographic literature and practice.

6. Ability to draw conclusions based on the material presented.

7. Correct performance of the practical task.


1. Sufficiently complete knowledge of the program material.

2. Competent presentation of the material on the merits.

3. The absence of significant inaccuracies in the formulation of concepts.

4. Correct application of theoretical principles supported by examples.

5. Ability to draw a conclusion. But:

1. Insufficiently consistent and logical presentation of the material.

3. Some inaccuracies in the formulation of concepts.

4. Deficiencies in the implementation of the practical task.


1. General knowledge of the basic material without mastering some essential provisions.

2. Formulation of basic concepts, but with some imprecision.

3. Difficulty in giving examples confirming theoretical propositions.

4. Insufficiently precise implementation of the practical task.


1. Ignorance of a significant part of the program material.

2. Significant errors in the presentation process.

3. Inability to highlight the essential and draw a conclusion.

4. Ignorance or erroneous definitions.

5. Failure to complete the practical task.

2.2. Methodological instructions for students

The curriculum of the academic discipline "Lexicology" provides for a broad coverage of problems, discussion issues in a cycle of lectures. Preparation for seminars includes:

Acquaintance with the topic of the seminar;

Preliminary introduction to discussion questions;

Preparation of reports, messages;

Practical assignments.

The program is also designed for in-depth independent work, since: only key issues and the most important theoretical material are presented in the lectures.

The following types of independent work of students are envisaged:

Reading basic and additional literature on the topics of lectures;

Preparation of messages, reports and presentations, as well as writing abstracts on selected issues of the lexicology of the modern Chinese language;

Individual extracurricular preparation of practical assignments.

2.2.1. List of sample topics and questions for independent work

1. Affixes and semi-affixes in modern Chinese.

2. Elements of Wenyan in Modern Chinese.

3. Hyponymy and hyperonymy in the Chinese language.

4. Semantic field as an integral semantic subsystem. Semantic correlations.

5. Sememe as an integral system of common meanings.

6. The problem of singling out a compound word. Its difference from the phrase.

7. Structural and formal models for different parts of speech.

8. Characteristics of the models from the point of view of the typical grammatical valence of their components.

9. Scheme of relational relationships of individual units of the Chinese language (on specific examples).

10. Characteristics of the Kuraisi dictionary.

11. Phonetic organization and phonetic processes in modern Chinese as the main component of homonymy.

12. Classification of homonyms.

13. Homonyms of the Chinese language from the point of view of comparative typological research.

14. Habitual expressions Difficult words and adjacent categories of phraseological units.

15. The place and role of familiar expressions in the phraseological system of the Chinese language.

16. The structure of misconceptions, allegories.

17. Syntactic features of the use of understatements in speech.

18. The problem of reflection in dictionaries of complex and derived words.

19. Types of grammatical information in various types of dictionaries.

20. Scheme of the semantic classification of the vocabulary of the Chinese language in various dictionaries.

2.2.2. List of sample topics of abstracts

1. Phraseology as a section of lexicology. National and cultural specificity of phraseological units. Types of phraseological units SKYa (成语 , 惯用 语 、 歇后语).

2. Folk sayings. Proverbs and Sayings (谚语 , 俗语). Their role in the SKYa.

3. Synonymy of phraseological units (interdigital synonyms).

4. The structure of the word and word formation in the Chinese language.

5. Borrowed words in modern Chinese.

6. Euphemisms in the daily life of the Chinese.

7. Features of Chinese writing, speaking and speaking.

8. The use of Wenyanisms in modern Chinese putonghua.

10. Types of Chinese dictionaries and features of their use in practical activities specialist.

11. Parts of speech and the phenomenon of asymmetry between categorical, lexical-semantic and functional-syntactic meanings in the Chinese language.

12. Ways of creating neologisms of NKYa. Word-building models.

13. Lexico-semantic features of phraseology in the Chinese publicistic text (in comparison with English and Russian).

14. Syntactic derivation of Chinese morphemes.

15. The influence of Wenyanisms and dialectisms on the language of the modern Chinese press.

16. The role of slang in the development of the modern Chinese language.

17. Methods for researching the vocabulary of the NKYa.

18. Research of Chinese and Russian scientists on the study of foreign borrowings in the NKL.

19. The views of Russian and Chinese linguists on the development of the NKL vocabulary.

20. Problems of teaching vocabulary in practical classes in the Chinese language at school and university.

№ 1. The concept of systematic vocabulary (structural types of words, semantic and stylistic differentiation of vocabulary).

The word is a complex structural and semantic unit and has a number of features. Depending on the nature of the features, the entire vocabulary can be divided into groups and subgroups of units related to each other or opposed to each other.

Sometimes, when classifying, several features are taken into account.

The following classifications exist:

  • structural,
  • stylistic,
  • classification by similarity of meaning,
  • classification by similarity of shape and
  • etymological classification.

A. Structural types of words.

Structural types of words are differentiated depending on the number and nature of root morphemes, as well as depending on the presence of derivational affixes.

In modern English language words can be distinguished:

- simple and complex;

- non-derivatives (root) and derivatives;

- full basic and abbreviations.

1) Simple words

The varieties of simple words are:

simple non-derivative words(simple roots) - red, leg, ask;

simplederivativesthe words- helpless, disorder, outwit;

simplefull mainthe words- back, room, take;

simple abbreviations- doc, prof, ref.

Simple non-derivative words 1) constitute the center of the vocabulary nest (i.e., a group of related words) and are the basis for the formation of new words. 2) their form, which has zero inflection, coincides with the base and the root. 3) have more lexical meanings than derivatives and complex ones, and are easily converted.

Derived words (simple and complex): 1) are composed of derivational affixes. For example: aimless,spoonful,disbelief(simple derivatives); broad-shouldered,footballer,old-ladyish(complex derivatives).

Related paronyms- categorically identical related words, differing in suffixes:

Economic- economic, related to the economy (economic crisis)

Economical- economical woman.

2) Difficult words

The types of compound words are:

complex non-derivatives (complex root)- to blacklist, air-sick, home-made;

complex derivativesthe words- dark-haired, week-ender, horse-driven;

compound abbreviations (compound abbreviations)- USA, V-Day, UNESCO.

Compound word is a word consisting of two or more stems (diver, earthquakes, steelmaker, foreign-made, red-haired, to daydream).

Compound words should be distinguished from phrases, which are also complex formations. The components of phrases are words, and the components of complex words are stems (morphemes).

If in Russian it is possible to clearly draw the line between a complex word and a phrase, due to the fact that the bases are outwardly different from words (waves - from a wave), then in English complex words may not look different from phrases, due to the homonymy of words and bases ( foreign- and foreign). Therefore, in the English. lang. to differentiate these types of complex formations, a special linguistic analysis is required.

Compound words in modern English are formed: 1) compression and 2) foundation.

1) compound words are formed compression proposals and phrases :

Do it your self -

Stay slim - a stay-slim diet

an out-of-town performance

2) foundation

full and truncated. fullbased compound words complex abbreviations(compound words).

World-famous (week-long)

Dark-brown (light-green)

Radio-transmitted (flood-affected, nuclear-powered, Oxford-educated).

In addition to words, phrases and morphemes in the English language, there are a special kind of structure that can be conventionally called neutral formations.

Neutral formations- these are structural units, the component (or components) of which does not have (are) clearly expressed signs of the stem or word, and which, as a result, can be interpreted both as complex words and as phrases.

The neutral entities include:

1) a combination of two substantive components(space vehicle, pain killer).

2) combinations with a component on -ing(except for combinations with a participle and formed from a participle with an adjective) - sleeping pills, sewing machine, sound recording.

B. Semantic differentiation of vocabulary

Important terms:

Meaning of the word- the mental content assigned to a given sound form, conditioned by the system of a given language, which is common for a given linguistic community.

Value scope- a set of objects of the same class to which the given word is applicable as a name.

Dictionary meaning- the most total value, inherent in the word in all cases of its implementation when naming objects of the same class.

Context (combinatorial) value- special cases of the realization of a word in the same dictionary meaning.

Nest- a family of words, united by a common origin from one root.

Semantic differentiation of vocabulary- classification of vocabulary according to the similarity of meaning. When classifying vocabulary by similarity, meanings are taken into account subject and defining values.

Single-field vocabulary groups

categorically identical words different parts of speech

synonyms: antonyms euphemisms

  • full and partial synonyms
  • combinatorially non-identical / identical
  • the same component composition (semantic doublets) and
  • various on the computer. composition (emotionally non-identical, associatively non-identical, defining non-identical)
  • single-style / multi-style
  • false synonyms

With semantic classification, the entire vocabulary can be divided into groups single-field vocabulary units related by the similarity of the defining meaning (otherwise: thematically united vocabulary units or units belonging to the same semantic field).

Semantic field- this is a set of concepts, which in objective reality correspond to interconnected objects, signs, phenomena, actions. So, we can talk about semantic fields"Time", "Space", "Joy", "Struggle", "Physical Labor", etc.

One-field words can be:

Words with the same subject meaning

Words that do not coincide in terms of meaning, but have a similar defining meaning;

Words opposed by meaning (antonyms)

Words that are not opposed in meaning

and can be different parts of speech.


Synonyms are distinguished according to the generality of the subject meaning (the subject meaning coincides with the volume of the word meaning). Synonyms - these are one-field categorically identical vocabulary units that coincide in volume in one or more vocabulary meanings.

For example: brave - brave, secret - secret, linguistics and linguistics; to end - to finish, jail - prison, gulf - bay, car - automobile.

Synonyms refer to the same class of objects. When in lexicology they talk about synonyms, they mean and compare the dictionary meanings of words.

The same items acquire two names:

a) by chance (with one of them gradually falling out of use)

b) or by virtue of logical necessity: each of the words characterizes the subject differently (in this case, each of the words is preserved in the language, fixing itself on different styles of speech).

The criterion of synonymy is the coincidence of the volumes of meanings and the possibility of using the word to name all objects that make up the volume of the meaning of the word.

The distinction between synonyms as words with identical object meaning can go along several lines.

Synonyms can:

do not match in all dictionary meanings (if the word is ambiguous)

do not match in all combinatorial values ​​(i.e. differ in compatibility)

differ in the component composition of meanings (i.e. have different defining, emotional and associative meanings)

differ in place of distribution, time of use and scope of use.

Based on the above, we can distinguish the following types of synonyms:

1) full and partial

2) combinatorially identical and combinatorially nonidentical;

3) identical in component composition (semantic doublets) and different in component composition (emotionally non-identical, defining non-identical);

4) single-style and multi-style

5) American-British synonyms - the names of the same subjects, adopted in the American and British versions of the English language.

  • The same synonyms may belong to different types, for example, be at the same time partial emotionally different synonyms that differ in the place of distribution.

1) Full synonyms- they have all match dictionary meanings.

Pilot: airman - flyer - flying man

Screenwriter: screenwriter - scriptwriter - scripter - scenarist

Partial- polysemantic words that coincide only in some of their dictionary meanings:



1. make you believe something

1. make you believe something

2.to persuade someone to do something

1. outlive smb., Live longer than smb.

2.survive, stay alive

2) Combinatorially nonidentical synonyms- these are words that coincide in dictionary meanings, but do not coincide in combinatorial meanings. They have different compatibility and cannot replace each other in all contexts of the same type.

Semantic doublets, i.e. synonyms with the same component composition, i.e. there are very few coinciding in defining, emotional and associative meanings, they practically do not exist.

While coinciding in their subject meaning, synonyms are usually distinguished by the rest of the components.

3) emotionally non-identical synonyms - express different emotional and evaluative attitudes in the same subjects and, as a rule, belong to different styles of speech, being at the same time multi-style synonyms.

soldier (stylistically unmarked) - warrior (trade)

get arrested - get nailed (rude)

get married - get buckled (joking)

he saw a girl (stylistically neutral) - he beheld a girl (stock, book style)

4) associatively non-identical synonyms have different associative meanings.

They are semantically derived from different roots and relate the same item to different classes of items.

For example: money: cabbage, chips, berries, dough, brass

prison: cage, den, cooler, school, can, hotel.

Associatively non-identical synonyms, as a rule, differ in emotional color and scope of use and are multi-style synonyms.

5) defining non-identical synonyms- synonyms, one of which expresses everyday life, and the other - a scientifically developed concept of the same subject. Let us compare, for example, the conceptual content of the words water, acid, power, area in everyday and scientific understanding.

Over a period of time, synonyms can be used in parallel, differing only in associative meaning (which is a secondary component) and compatibility, but ultimately they are either clearly differentiated stylistically, or one of them is out of use.

There are many synonymous pairs in English, in which one of the synonyms is the phrase:

die, pass away, join the great majority, take the ferry, kick the bucket, go the way of all flesh.

6) false synonyms are single-field categorically identical words that, unlike synonyms, name not one class of objects, but different classes of objects.

There are 2 types of false synonyms: interchangeable in individual cases: car and vehicle, and non-interchangeable:famous and notorious.

Vehicle(vehicle) and car(car, car) - express generic and specific concepts. Their volumes partially coincide, they can sometimes replace each other, but at the same time the content of the utterance changes: the thought is expressed more accurately or less accurately.

Vehicle is not only car. If we say vehicle, meaning a car, then the signs that distinguish a car from other means of transportation are not important for us.

I.V. Arnold highlights ideographic synonyms and stylistic synonyms:

  • Ideographic synonyms differ either in additional meanings, or in use and compatibility with others, or both.

to understand - to realize

to understand - refers to smb. specific statement tounderstandwords,arule,atext. to realize - implies the ability to grasp a certain situation.

  • Stylistic synonyms- these are close, and sometimes identical in meaning, but used in different styles of the language:

enemy (Art. neutral)

opponent (official)

adversary (book)


Euphemism is a special stylistic figure, consisting in the use of a word not in its own, but in a figurative meaning.

The essence of the euphemism is that rough and uncomfortable, indecent words and expressions are replaced by softer ones.

V modern languages of highly developed culturally peoples, the euphemism is determined by social norms of communication and behavior, the desire to observe decency and not offend the interlocutor.

Euphemism consists in replacing an unwanted word with some other that is associated with the first in meaning or sound.

  • So, for example, instead of die they say to go west, to pass away, to join the silent majority.
  • Instead of depression - recession, instead of strike - industrial action, instead of murder - liquidation.

Euphemisms are a very fluid part of the vocabulary and quickly become outdated.


Another type of semantic grouping is the selection of antonyms for words. Antonyms are words that sound different and opposite in meaning.

They are not possible for all words in the language. For example, the names of specific objects do not have antonyms: hand, face, nose, table, book.

Antonyms are characteristic of words containing in their meaning quality indication:

noun light - darkness

verb to freeze - to thaw

prig. full - empty

adverbs: slowly - quickly

Especially rich in antonyms quality adjectives:

Beautiful - ugly

Big - small

Bitter - sweet

For nouns, antonymic pairs are especially characteristic of words:

1) denoting feelings, moods and properties of a person: love -hatred,joy -sorrow,timid -arrogant

2) denoting the state or activity of a person: work -rest,life -death,health -illness.

3) denoting time: day - night, summer - winter, beginning - end.

Not considered antonyms, words formed from the same root using affixes: happy -unhappy,order -disorder,useful -useless.

Other classifications: by the similarity of form, etymological; division into parts of speech; division into service and significant.


By the similarity of the form in the language, there are:Homonyms and paronyms (false homonyms)

Homonymy- the coincidence of the form when the meaning is not identical.

Homonyms can be:

grammatically identical: to strike with a club, a yacht club; a tank unit, a petrol tank

grammatically non-identical: to meet a person, fresh meat;

By the nature of the material shell, they are divided into:

homographs(graphically the same), homophones(phonetically the same), homographs - homophones(coinciding in graphic and phonetic design).

Homophones: flour, flower; air, heir (heir); peace, piece; sale, sail; sell, cell;

Homographs: tear (tear, cut), tear (tear); bow (bow, bow), bow (bow).

Homographs- homophones: bear (1. bear, 2. endure, 3. wear);fair (1. fair, 2. beautiful, 3. fair);row (1st row, 2nd row).

Paronyms (false homonyms)- words that are similar, but not the same in form:

C. Stylistic differentiation of vocabulary

Lexical meaning not only expresses a concept or a group of concepts, but also characterized by a certain emotional coloring and stylistic attribution.

The entire vocabulary of this language can be divided into:

  • stylistically unmarked and
  • stylistically marked.

Most of the words of the language are stylistically not marked ... Stylistically not labeled vocabulary used in all forms of communication and communication situations, regardless of the purpose of the statement.

Stylistically marked vocabulary- limited in its application. It can be used by individual groups of people united by a certain community, its functioning can be limited to a certain situation or in time, etc.

Stylistic differentiation of vocabulary is carried out on the following grounds and according to them the following stylistic groupings are distinguished:


Stylistic groupings


1.form of speech activity

Vocabulary not limited to the form of speech. activities;

Oral vocabulary

Writing vocabulary (book vocabulary)

To behold; commence

2.the environment of speech activity

Vocabulary not limited by the nature of the environment;





warrior (soldier)

Dough (money); friend

Grub (food) (fam., Colloquial), pal

3.emotionally evaluative attitude to the expressed

Emoc. neutral;

Emoc. colored (conveying a dismissive, contemptuous, playful, etc. attitude to the subject of the statement).

Fellow, well-known

Bloke (neglected from fellow)

Famous, notorious

4. Literary genre

Unlimited genres;

Poetic, journalistic, scientific (terms), stationery

maid (poet)

receiver (the term in telephony is a telephone handset)

5. Compliance with generally accepted standards



To to have a crush on smb.

6.social community of people using vocabulary

National vocabulary;

Social jargon, argotism

Neutr: wife

Cockney: trouble and strife

7.professional community

Professionally unlimited;

Professional vocabulary - the vocabulary of oral communication of people of a particular specialty (professional jargon, industrial and craft and scientific terms).

to send / to forward - forward - comp. jarg.

Mike (microphone), lab (laboratory)

8.corporate community

Corporate Unlimited;

Corporate jargon

9. territorial community

Nationwide, territorially unlimited;

Territorially limited (dialectisms, localisms; territorial variants of the national language).

To take, to go, a place, a house

Lorry (br) - truck (am), petrol (br) - gas (am), realise (br) - realize (br).

10.use time

Modern vocabulary;

Outdated vocabulary (archaisms are words replaced by synonyms, historicisms are words that call disappeared objects).

girl, lady - damsel, wench (arch.)

sloop (source) - patrol ship

Slang- functionally limited emotionally colored words and phrases that have a figurative meaning and are secondary names of objects.

Prison: jail - can

Execute: to execute - to fry

Head: head - bean,mug

Tie up, end up with something: tocatchup


Common slang: bag - ugly woman, prostitute, dude. Queen is a homosexual

Slang special(professional (computer) or social group (student, sports ). forward - forward - comp. slang.

Slang - stylistically marked synonyms of common vocabulary. The boundary between slang and informal colloquial vocabulary is fluid and cannot always be clearly defined.

Cockney (cockney)- London vernacular, a kind of social jargon and territorial dialect.

It has been studied very little. Its characteristic feature is rhymed slang: many words are replaced by expressions that are consonant with them and rhyming with them:

Wife - trouble and strife

Head - a loaf of bread

Upstairs - apples and pears

North and south - mouth

№ 2. Ways of development and replenishment of the vocabulary of the language.

The factors that determine the development and replenishment of the vocabulary of the language can be divided into:

  • linguistic,
  • non-linguistic
  • and mixed

Allocate I. quantitative and II. quality enrichment vocabulary.

Neoplasms used by most of the people who speak a given language, but which have appeared in the language relatively recently, are called NEOLOGISTS.

I. Quantitative replenishment.

Internal way.

A. Conversion- an affixless way of word formation, as a result of the action of which categorically great word, which coincides in some forms with the original.

The word formed by the conversion has a different meaning.

The story was filmed... (a film was made based on this story)

He elbowed his way through the crowd. (squeezed through)

They kept us in the dark.

I have no say in the matter. (I cannot participate in solving this issue)

  • During the conversion, a homonym is formed that is semantically related to the original word. You can understand the meaning of a neoplasm based on the meaning of the original word:

The actor was hissed off the stage (hiss - hiss, boo)

  • The main types of conversion:

Verbalization(verb formation)

Substantiation(ar. noun)

Adjectivation(ar. adj.)

Adverbalization(arv. adv.)

  • The conversion proceeds differently, depending on the morphological characteristics of the original and derived words, and there are 2 types:

Type I: - if the original and derived words (or one of them) are morphologically changeable.

Most typical. conv. of this type - verbalization and substantiation.

II type: - if the original and derived words are morphologically unchangeable. Type 2 conversion consists in changing the syntactic function of a word and its lexical meaning. Conversion of this type can include: prepositions and adverbs (on, off, in), prepositions and conjunctions (before, after), pronouns and conjunctions (who, when, why).

  • Type I: - complete and partial.

Full- the neoplasm takes on all the properties of the other part of speech. Nouns and adjectives, when verbalized, begin to denote action and are used in the function of the predicate, and also take all the inflectional forms of the verb:

A tape - to tape: They are taping the program. The program has been taped... They ’Ll tape the program, etc.

Partial- the word does not necessarily acquire all the signs of another part of speech.

For example, many nouns, arr. from verbs as a result of partial conversion, are used only in the singular form:

It gave me quite a scare... That was a good laugh... The film had a long run.

B. Affixation- This is a way of forming new words by adding derivational affixes to the base of the word.

Affixes, with the help of which relatively many neoplasms are created in a certain period of time, are called productive.

Those who are productive in modern English are:

suffixes: -ing, -y, -ee, -ist, -ette, -ed;

prefixes: anti-, super-, pro-, mis-, re-, etc.

With the help of these affixes, new derivative words (simple and complex) are created:

Summitolog ist (Summit proponent)

Super war(atomic warfare)

A smart y (clever girl)

A cut y (gorgeous)

Environmental ist (fighting pollution)

V. Deafixation- a method of word formation, in which words are formed by discarding a suffix or an element that looks similar to a suffix.

Beggar - to beg

Legislator - to legislate

Burglar -to burgle

In modern English, disaffixation is more often observed during the compression of phrases and leads to the formation of complex words such as

to vacuumclean(from vacuum clean ing), to stagemanage, to housekeep.

G. Abbreviation- the formation of new words by reduction (truncation of the stem). As a result, words with an incomplete, truncated stem (or stems) are created, called abbreviations.

  • Abbreviations can be simple and complex.
  • Simple abbreviations are formed by discarding the final or initial syllables of the stem: caps (capitalletters),demo (demonstration),intro (introductorysentence),ad (advertisement).
  • Abbreviations that are a secondary name for an object and exist in the language along with the full form are stylistically colored words and wear informal colloquial familiar character:

Sis - sister, professor- prof, second - sec, difference - dif, etc.

  • If the original word is forgotten and used less often, then the abbreviation becomes the main one and becomes stylistically neutral:

Plane (aeroplane), cab (cabriolet), phone (telephone).

  • Complex abbreviations (compound words) are formed by the action of abbreviation and fundamental formation. They consist of the initial letters or syllables of words, or a combination of them with full stems:

LLC - limited liability company, V-Day - Victory Day, Interpol - international police, etc.

  • Acronyms (initials) - abbreviations consisting of the initial letters of words and stems. They are read by letter or by words according to the rules of reading. (university, TsKKPSS)
  • Lexical abbreviations ( the words) should be distinguished from graphic ( graphical cut.) ... Graphic abbreviations are symbols used in place of words and phrases in writing. In oral speech, they correspond to full-bodied words and phrases:

D.C. - District of columbia , F.O. - Foreign office , Ltd - limited

  • Graphic abbreviations can become words if they begin to be used in oral speech along with words:

MP - Member of Parliament

D. Compression- the formation of complex words based on phrases and sentences as a result of a decrease in the level of the components of the original phrase or sentence.

Do it your self - on the do-it-your-self principle

Stay slim - a stay-slim diet

A performance given out of town - an out-of-town performance

Compression results in:

1) syntactic shift of a phrase or sentence(without changing or with a change in their component composition) - violation of the norms of the connection of words in a sentence or phrase, which leads to the loss of syntactic independence by the components of the phrase.

To take off - a take off, a drawback, a comeback

A flight test - to flighttest, to roadtest, to headline

End of term - end of term examinations, heart to heart - a heart-to-heart talk

A hook and eye - to hook and eye

Cat and dog - a cat and dog life

Compressives are a characteristic feature of modern English. Their functioning is limited. Most of them are individual author's formations and are used to add novelty and imagery to speech.

2) violation of level one-ordering due to the addition of derivational and (or) form-changing affixes to a phrase or sentence.

Violation of level uniqueness - joining a phrase or sentence of a unit of the lowest level - morphemes: derivational or inflectional affix.

Dark hair - a dark-hair ed girl

One side - one sid ed approach

Do it yourself - a do-it-yourself er

E. Foundation- the formation of complex words by combining bases or stems and a word (acquiring in the latter case the rank of the morpheme and considered also as a basis).

The varieties of the basis are the addition of the foundations full and truncated. By the addition of complete bases, fullbased compound words, adding truncated stems - complex abbreviations(compound words).

Adjectives are mainly formed by the addition of full stems in modern English:

World-famous, week-long, air-sick

Dark-brown, light-green

Radio-transmitted, flood-affected, nuclear-powered, Oxford-educated

J. Singularity- selection of a word in one of the meanings into an independent vocabulary unit. Separation of meaning occurs when the semantic connection between the derived and the original meaning disappears.

For example, the noun ton"Ton" (previously written tun) is a stand-alone meaning of the word tun"Big barrel".

The isolation of meaning is a special phenomenon, similar to other methods of word formation only in the final result: just as with the action of other methods, with the isolation of meaning, a new vocabulary unit is formed.

Z. Secondary ways of word formation:

Doubling(reduplication) - bye-bye, tip-top (excellent, first class), shilly-shally (indecision)

Redistribution- the process of rethinking the morphological composition of the word, taking place in the course of history. Most often, the initial n is lost or added due to the article: Anekename(proper name) - anickname(nickname).

Reverse word formation.

This method can be illustrated with an example of words beg -beggar... Not beggar was formed from to beg, but on the contrary: borrowed from the French beggard - under the influence and by analogy with nouns with a suffix. -er. The second syllable of this word was perceived as a suffix and the verb was formed by dropping this suffix.

Constriction or contamination (blend)-

hurry +bustle (to hurry up) =hustle ; shine (to shine) +glimmer =shimmer

External way. Borrowing.

The second way to quantitatively replenish the vocabulary of the language is borrowing words from other languages.

Borrowing vocabulary is a consequence of the rapprochement of peoples on the basis of economic, political, scientific and cultural ties.

In most cases, borrowed words enter the language as a means of naming new things and expressing previously unknown concepts. Borrowed words can also be secondary names of already known objects and phenomena. This happens if the borrowed word somehow characterizes the object in a different way, if it is a generally accepted international term or is forcibly introduced into the language (during military occupation).

Polysemous words are usually borrowed in one of their meanings, while the scope of the meaning is usually narrowed.

An important role in the development of the vocabulary of the English language was played by borrowing from Latin and French languages... Also, some influence on the dictionary of the English language had scandinavian languages.

Borrowing latin vocabulary:

1st-5th centuries AD - Roman rule: kettle, wine, cheese, butter, cheap

VI-VII centuries - the introduction of Christianity in England: angel, candle, priest, school, church

XV-XVI centuries - the development of culture during the Renaissance.

Borrowing french vocabulary:

XI-XV centuries - 1066 - Norman conquest: French domination of the country, fr. Language. - official language in England, bilingualism existed in the country.

Borrowing scandinavian vocabulary:

IX century - Scandinavian conquest, England is included in the power of the Danish king. From the Scandinavian dialects, common words of broad semantics have entered the English language: they,their,take,give,call,get,raise,want.

It is believed that Scandinavian influence contributed to the disappearance of endings in English words, and, ultimately, the formation of the analytical structure of the English language.

Periods of the history of the English language:

Old English- 5-11th centuries (from the moment of the resettlement of the Germanic tribes of the Angles, Saxons, etc. to the British Isles and to the beginning of the intensive influence of the French language and the establishment of bilingualism in the country).

Middle English- 11-15th centuries (until the end of bilingualism and the formation of the national English)

New English- from the 15th century.

  • Borrowing of vocabulary can occur: oral and written by. In the case of orally borrowed words, the words are completely assimilated into the language faster. In the case of borrowing in writing, words retain their phonetic and grammatical characteristics longer.
  • Borrowing happens direct and through the intermediary language... For example, many loanwords from Latin came to English from French, or many words from Greek came to English from Latin.

The main ways borrowing:

- Transcription

- Transliteration

- tracing

1) transcription (phonetic method)- borrowing a vocabulary unit, in which its sound form is preserved.

In English. from fr .: ballet,bouquet, from english: football, trailer.

2) transliteration- the way of borrowing, in which the way of writing is borrowed foreign word, the letters of the borrowed word are replaced with the letters of the native language. When transliterating, the word is read according to the rules of the native language.

audio lat. listen - audience, audible

demos Greek people - demography, democracy

3) tracing- a method of borrowing, in which the components of a borrowed word or phrase are translated separately and combined according to the pattern of a foreign word or phrase.

Many words have been created by tracing in English based on Latin and French languages:

masterpiece- fr. masterpiece

bluestocking- fr. scientist woman

underconsideration- lat.

Examples of borrowing :

Latin: kettle, wine, cheese, butter, circus, angel, candle, priest, church, school,

Greek: alphabet, character, psychology, Christmas, sympathy, physics

Scandinavian: take, give, want, get, their, them, they, leg, egg

French: - government: government, parliament, treaty, majesty;

Food: peach, lemon, beef, bacon, cream, biscuit;

Church: baptism, sermon;

Games and entertainment: dance, chess, music, restaurant, pleasure, leisure;

Literature: romance, poet, literary, story;

Other: treasure, memoirs, bouquet, ballet, fiancée, cartoon, engineer, cigarette, machine

I. High-quality vocabulary replenishment- changing the semantic structure of the word.

Many linguistic scientists consider changing the meaning of words and the appearance of new meanings in words as one of the ways to form new words.

The following types of semantic changes are distinguished:

  • Expansion of meaning (generalization)
  • Narrowing down meaning (specialization)
  • Name transfer: metaphor and metonymy
  • Degradation (deterioration) and elevation (improvement) meaning

1) Expanding the meaning- a change in meaning, as a result of which a word that called objects of one type is extended as a name to all species of a given genus, i.e. becomes the denomination of the corresponding genus.

to help: heal, heal - help

stock: stock of firewood - stock of any goods, firewood

2) Narrowing down the meaning- a change in meaning, as a result of which a word that called objects of a certain genus is assigned as a name only to one of the species of this genus. For example, the word “beer” used to mean a drink in general. Now, as a result of the narrowing of the meaning of the word "beer" means a very specific low-alcohol drink.

to starve: die - die of hunger

wife: woman - wife

deer: animal - deer

affection: any emotions, feelings - love, affection

3) Metaphor- this is the transfer of the name to objects of a different kind or type by the similarity of secondary characteristics (color, shape, size, internal qualities, etc.)

the tongues of flame,

the tongue of a bell,

the foot of a page,

the foot of a mountain

afox- a cunning person

4) Metonymy- this is the transfer of the name to objects of a different kind or type due to the real connection between objects.

iron: iron - iron

glass: glass - glass

the foot: leg - infantry

coin: wedge for minting coins - coin

5) Degradation- the process of changing the meaning, when the negative emotional connotation inherent in a particular word is so intensified that it absorbs other meanings and becomes central

Imp- (earlier) "young plant shoot" - (later) "child" - (now) "evil creature, imp"

gay- "cheerful, lively" - "homosexual"

6) Elevation- a process with an increase in positive emotional assessment

Knight- "servant" - "knight" - "brave, noble man"

  • "Change of meaning" - as processes that lead to the enrichment of words with new meanings and the development of polysemy, ie. polysemy, and processes that lead to the replacement of the old meaning with a new one so that a word, having received a new meaning, does not become polysemous from this, and the number of words in the vocabulary of the language does not increase.

№ 3. Free phrases and phraseological units. (Selection criteria, classification problems, the emergence of phraseological units in the English language).

Collocation - a union of at least two full-valued words, organized according to the laws of a given language and expressing a single integral meaning.

The phrase can be free and sustainable.

The difference between them can be seen from the following examples.

Shetookseveralbooks. She took several books.

Shewastakenaback. She was amazed.

In the first example, the verb to take appears in free combination with its object.

In the second, he significantly changed his semantics and both words together convey a single meaning.

Stable phrases are divided into

1) properly stable and

2) phraseological units.

1 - are devoid of imagery and emotional coloring and are often the only name for the concept they express.

They are registered- department store, reading hall, point of view

and verbal- to take place, to take advantage of, to set on fire, to give a look.

2 - are distinguished by their imagery and stylistic coloring. They have not only a naming, but also an evaluative function, expressing the speaker's attitude to the subject of speech.

to take to one’s heels - get away

An ironic attitude to the subject of speech and a distinctly colloquial stylistic coloring.

Classification of phraseological units.

  1. Classification by grammatical structure
  • substantive fr. units a skeleton in the cupboard (familysecret)
  • verbal - to take the bull by the horns, to learn by heart

Adjective - ascoolasacucumber (completely cold-blooded)

  • adverbial - in the twinkling of an eye (in the blink of an eye)
  1. The classification developed by Balya, and for the Russian language - by Vinogradov.

The classification is based on the internal structure of the phrase:

degree of motivation its elements (deducibility of the value of an integer from parts)

the degree of their cohesion(possible to replace or change individual parts)

- phraseological adhesions

A fishy story - fiction

Dead as a doornail - no signs of life

The meaning of the whole does not follow from the meaning of the components

The whole expression as a whole has a certain stylistic coloring, more often colloquial.

Joints are often emotionally colored - a fishy story - disparaging coloration

- phraseological unity

As busy as a bee - busyhowbee

To know which way the cat is jumping - to know, wherewindblowing

Motivation and clear imagery.

It is understood as a whole, and the meaning of the whole is determined by the value of the components.

This meaning is usually figurative, metaphorical.

Emotional coloring.

- phraseologicalcombinations

To meet a demand, a requirement - to meetrequirements, need

To break a promise - to breakpromises

To keep company with - to be foundwith

They differ from unities in that one of the words included in their composition is used in its direct meaning.

№ 1. The concept of systematic vocabulary (structural types of words, semantic and stylistic differentiation of vocabulary).

The word is a complex structural and semantic unit and has a number of features. Depending on the nature of the features, the entire vocabulary can be divided into groups and subgroups of units related to each other or opposed to each other.

Sometimes, when classifying, several features are taken into account.

The following classifications exist:



    classification by similarity of meaning,

    classification by similarity of shape and

    etymological classification.

A. Structural types of words.

Structural types of words are differentiated depending on the number and nature of root morphemes, as well as depending on the presence of derivational affixes.

In modern English, the following words can be distinguished:

- simple and complex;

- non-derivatives (root) and derivatives;

- full basic and abbreviations.

1) Simple words

The varieties of simple words are:

simple non-derivative words(simple roots) - red, leg, ask;

simple derivative words- helpless, disorder, outwit;

simple basic words- back, room, take;

simple abbreviations- doc, prof, ref.

Simple non-derivative words 1) constitute the center of the vocabulary nest (i.e., a group of related words) and are the basis for the formation of new words. 2) their form, which has zero inflection, coincides with the base and the root. 3) have more lexical meanings than derivatives and complex ones, and are easily converted.

Derived words (simple and complex): 1) are composed of derivational affixes. For example: aimless, spoonful, disbelief (simple derivatives); broad- shouldered, footballer, old- ladyish (complex derivatives).

Related paronyms- categorically identical related words, differing in suffixes:

Economic- economic, related to the economy (economic crisis)

Economical- economical, thrifty (economical woman).

2) Compound words

The types of compound words are:

complex non-derivatives (complex root)- to blacklist, air-sick, home-made;

complex derivatives the words- dark-haired, week-ender, horse-driven;

compound abbreviations (compound abbreviations)- USA, V-Day, UNESCO.

Compound word Is a word consisting of two or more stems (diver, earthquakes, steelmaker, foreign-made, red-haired, to daydream).

Compound words should be distinguished from phrases, which are also complex formations. The components of phrases are words, and the components of complex words are stems (morphemes).

If in Russian it is possible to clearly draw the line between a complex word and a phrase, due to the fact that the bases are outwardly different from words (waves - from a wave), then in English complex words may not look different from phrases, due to the homonymy of words and bases ( foreign- and foreign). Therefore, in the English. lang. to differentiate these types of complex formations, a special linguistic analysis is required.

Compound words in modern English are formed: 1) compression and 2) foundation.

1) compound words are formed compressionproposals andphrases :

Do it your self - on the do-it-your-self principle

Stay slim - a stay-slim diet

A performance given out of town - an out-of-town performance

Compressives are a characteristic feature of modern English. Their functioning is limited. Most of them are individual author's formations and are used to add novelty and imagery to speech.

2) foundation- the formation of complex words by combining stems or stems and a word (which in the latter case acquires the rank of a morpheme and is also considered as a stem).

The varieties of the basis are the addition of the foundations full and truncated. By the addition of complete bases, fullbased compound words, adding truncated stems - complex abbreviations(compound words).

Adjectives are mainly formed by the addition of full stems in modern English:

World-famous (week-long)

Dark-brown (light-green)

Radio-transmitted (flood-affected, nuclear-powered, Oxford-educated).

In addition to words, phrases and morphemes in the English language, there are a special kind of structure that can be conventionally called neutral formations.

Neutral formations- these are structural units, the component (or components) of which does not have (are) clearly expressed signs of the stem or word, and which, as a result, can be interpreted both as complex words and as phrases.

The neutral entities include:

1) a combination of two substantive components(space vehicle, pain killer).

2) combinations with a component on -ing(except for combinations with a participle and formed from a participle with an adjective) - sleeping pills, sewing machine, sound recording.

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