"Planet Earth is our home" - a summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group. Satellite of the Earth - the Moon

Scenario of an extracurricular activityamong students in the 8th grade.The purpose of this event: fostering a sense of love for nature, respect for all living things, to help students realize their moral responsibility for the fate of their native land, the formation of ecological culture.



"Our home is planet Earth." Scenario of an extracurricular activity

among students in the 8th grade.

Target: fostering a feeling of love for nature, respect for all living things, helping students to realize their moral responsibility for the fate of their native land, the formation of ecological culture.

Epigraph: "We must not allow people to direct to their destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer."

F. Joliot - Curie


  1. The value of nature for humans.
  2. What is ecological situation in our city?
  3. What can each of us do to preserve nature?

Comment. The briefing is attended by:

  • ecologist,
  • nature conservation committee representative,
  • medical worker,
  • economist.

Their role is played by students of grade 8 "A" who have prepared their performances in advance according to the literature recommended by the class teacher.

On the question “The ecological situation in our village”, a video recording is shown during the speech.

The music of I. Strauss "Tales of the Vienna Woods" is played.



Today we gathered in this hall to talk about our common home, about the most mysterious and unexplored, about the most beautiful and dear.

You probably guessed that our conversation will be about our cradle, about our common home - planet Earth.

1 student.

Like an apple on a platter
We have one Earth.
Take your time people
Scrape everything to the bottom.
No wonder to get
To hidden caches
Plunder all the wealth
For future ages.

We are the common life of the grain,
Relatives of the same fate.
It's shameful for us to feast
On account of the future day.
Understand this people
Like your own order
Otherwise the Earth will not be
Each of us.

Leading. Recently, much has been said and written about the unfavorable ecological situation that has developed on Earth. And today we must demonstrate not only knowledge of biology, but also knowledge of environmental problems, an understanding of the need to take care of all our neighbors on the planet.

2 student.

My planet is a human home
Well, how can she live under a smoke hood.
Where the gutter is the ocean.
Where all nature is trapped
Where there is no place for a stork or a lion,
Where the grasses moan: "I can't take it anymore!"
Here she is flying, how small!
Here she is sad, delving into her thoughts.
Here she floats, with unsteady coolness,
Still living! Still believes in people!
Here she floats through the thunderous midnight.
Calls all people, asks to help!
Asks for help!
Asks for help!

Leading. Sages and dreamers of the past have tried more than once to list the "wonders of the world" - created by nature and created by human hands. They talked about seven "miracles", looked for and found the eighth, but it seems that no one ever mentioned a miracle of miracles - the only one known to us in the Universe. This is a miracle - our planet itself, together with the atmosphere - the container and guardian of life. And while it continues to be the only one, incomparable, the greatest, mysterious and amazing.

The only one, because the rest of the planets of our solar system are most likely lifeless, and we have not yet discovered habitable planets in other stars.

The greatest, because it concentrates in itself all the riddles that have long agitated humanity - the riddles of the birth and history of the planet itself, the riddles of the emergence of life, reason, the future destinies of civilization.

This miracle is Nature. Man is a part of it. Nature gives food to man. Wind and sun, forest and water bring us common joy, shape character, make it softer, more poetic. People are inextricably linked with nature by a thousand threads. Human life depends on the state of nature... “Our home is planet Earth” - the topic of the briefing.

The briefing is attended by: an ecologist ..., a representative of the Committee for Nature Protection ..., a medical worker ..., an economist ...



And the platforms

forests without birds

And land without water ...

Less and less - of the surrounding nature.

More and more - the environment.

There are only four poetic lines of R. Rozhdestvensky, but they are the very essence of the most serious changes taking place in the nature of the Earth. We, the people of the beginning of the XXI century, almost imperceptibly for ourselves, were both witnesses and perpetrators of these changes. How can they turn out for us today and for future generations?

Is there currently a threat to nature and human life?

An ecologist speaks with information ...

Ecologist. Forward-looking, caring people at all times worried about environmental problems. So, Yaroslav the Wise by law limited the production of swans, beavers and other valuable animals.

The decree of Peter I of 1718 ordered "the hecklers who were chopping the oak forest and will continue to chop down, as well as those who ordered to chop, cutting out their nostrils and their punishment with batogs, to send to hard labor." By the same decree, Peter I demanded the construction of treatment facilities within St. Petersburg and obliged all citizens to ensure cleanliness around their houses, on their streets.

According to the Decree of 1719 on the protection of water bodies "... if someone desecrates the Neva with garbage or other sewage, he will be sentenced to beating with a whip or to exile to Siberia ...".

Over the millennia, man's invasion of nature has expanded.

Scientific and technological progress has brought and continues to bring people many conveniences and comfort. He made the work easier, allowed him to go into space. It is impossible to stop and even slow down it, just as it is impossible to make a person stop thinking, daring, creating ...

Unfortunately, not everyone understood the importance of environmental protection. Nature began to send alarming signals, to change. The culprits of these changes are people, factories, power plants, mines, transport, cities created by them ...

Several decades ago, Academician V.I. Vernadsky, the creator of the science of biogeochemistry, warned against a predatory attitude towards nature and its riches: there can be only one result - its complete destruction.

The expression "as necessary as air" did not arise by chance. A person is able to live without food for weeks, without water for days, and without air for minutes.

Over the past 25 - 30 years, transport and industry have taken more oxygen from the atmosphere than mankind consumed for the entire anthropogen, that is, for 2 - 3 million years. Sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, potassium, and toxic substances are emitted into the atmosphere. Only carbon dioxide 5 billion tons are emitted annually in the world, which can lead to warming, to partial melting polar ice and rising sea levels. Possible negative consequences for humanity in this case are difficult even to imagine.

50 cities in Russia have a level of environmental pollution that exceeds sanitary standards, including our city.

The problem of sources of clean fresh water is becoming more and more acute.

Forests are the "lungs of the planet", reliable filters of the atmosphere are cut down faster than they grow. Each cubic meter of wood is almost half a ton of carbon dioxide absorbed from the air.

Biologists have already proven that genetic information transmitted to subsequent generations by a living cell can be distorted and disrupted under the influence of the so-called "mutants". These include radiation, active chemical substances, pesticides, pesticides, some metals.

For centuries, everything has been dumped into the seas and oceans without any restrictions, including radioactive waste. Numerous disasters of oil tankers lead to the death of fish, crabs, and seabirds.

Leading. The facts given by the ecologist are alarming. They may seem distant to you.

What is the ecological situation in our village?

I now give the floor to the representative of the Committee for the Protection of Nature ...

Representative of the Committee for Nature Protection ...

Comment. The performance is accompanied by a demonstration of video clips characterizing the ecological situation in the city, and ends with V. Glebov's poem "And only Nature gasps ...".

And only Nature gasps ...

Spring! The streams never stop:

Streams in a riot - here and there.

And they flow into our lake

And fertilizers and fuel oil.

The whole coast has become like a dump -

What, what is not there:

Leftovers, old washcloths,

Scraps of books and newspapers ...

Those dumps are growing year after year

On the shores of lakes and rivers

And Nature laments:

Why all this, Human ?!

I walk through the taiga valley ...

And again - bitter words:

The tops of the pines have dried up,

The foliage fell from the birches,

On the herbs - black sores -

Trouble, wherever you look ...

And the huntsman explained to me gloomily:

And what? Acid rain ...

... The forest was crying as if in bad weather

A creaky complaint of cripples

And I heard the groan of Nature:

What have you done, Human ?!

Once in a tourist voyage

I wanted to swim.

But took a walk near the beach

And, believe me, did not dare to undress.

Drawn by poison from the water -

Smells shimmered in a wave.

Not the sea - a gutter

She splashed quietly in front of me.

Factories smoked in the distance

Our cosmic century was noisy.

But the crown of Nature was sad -

Her creation is Man.

Our mind has become a yoke for Nature!

Will it suddenly happen like this,

What do we ourselves care about the Red Book?

Only one step remains.

From thermonuclear reactions

And from chemical innovations

More than once the thread of the offspring was torn.

A wave of monstrous mutations

Threatens to flood the planet.

Anything can be, anything can be ...

A point-blank question: to be or not to be?

No one for us that question

And he will not think to decide.

And meanwhile, all hour after hour

We continue to do evil.

And now there are no forest reserves,

You can't drink already in the river.

Rockets hit the sky

Alarming our peaceful lodging for the night,

And only Nature gasps:

Are you my son, Human?

Leading. Ecological situation in our village, too, does not please and makes everyone think.

What impact does the environment have on human health?

The information is presented by a medical professional ...

Medical worker.Air pollution is responsible for the deterioration of public health by 43 - 45%.

The quality of drinking water also influences the state of health. Direct influence was established in the Amur, Kurgan, Kemerovo, Novgorod regions and the Mordovian Republic chemical pollution on the occurrence of diseases of the central nervous system, hepatitis, toxicosis of pregnancy, increased stillbirth and congenital anomalies.

Bacterial and viral pollution of Russian rivers creates a constant danger of epidemiological outbreaks of intestinal infections.

In many regions of our country, there is an excess of the permissible level of pesticides in the soil, which leads to the incidence of anemia and tuberculosis among children.

In the territories exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of accidents in Chelyabinsk, Chernobyl, the number of cases of leukemia and endocrine diseases has increased. Scientists have registered an increase in overall mortality by 17-24%.

Many plants and animal organisms become accumulators of metals and persistent chemical compounds, their use is dangerous to health.

Leading. Changing the environment most directly affects human health, his biology, all living things. Reckless human activity in relation to nature has brought 1000 vertebrate species to the brink of extinction. The Red Book includes: 115 species of animals, 25% of birds and 44% of animals that are on the verge of extinction from the face of the Earth, 118 species of mammals and 127 species of birds have disappeared. 35 million people live in the ecological disaster zone in Russia. Accidents, natural disasters (droughts, floods, earthquakes ...) bring enormous damage to nature.

What needs to be done to preserve nature?

The economist speaks ...

Economist. First of all, it is necessary to create safe technologies, treatment facilities, hospitals with modern equipment are needed ... This requires huge funds. There are not enough of them yet. It is necessary to learn to be lean towards natural resources and communities.

For the formation of a soil layer 5 cm thick in nature, it takes, according to scientists, 2000 years. For centuries, for millennia, this greatest wealth has been created. We are obliged to cherish and protect it from destructive consequences.

What exactly can every schoolchild do to preserve nature?


“Be active advocates natural environment»

Leading. So, the protection of nature concerns all of us. We all breathe the same air of the earth, drink water and eat bread, the molecules of which continuously participate in the endless cycle of substances. And we ourselves are its thinking particles. This imposes a huge responsibility for the preservation of nature on each of us, on each without exception. Each of us can and should contribute to the struggle for the preservation of Nature, and, consequently, life on Earth.

In one of his poems, M. Dudin writes:

Take care of the Earth!

Take care of

Lark at blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sun glare on the path ...

Protect young shoots

On a green festival of nature

Sky in the stars, ocean and land

And a soul who believes in immortality, -

There are connecting threads of all destinies.

Take care of the Earth!

Take care ...

The song "Birches" is performed by N. Rastorguev.


  1. Ecology. - Kurgan: GIPP "Trans-Urals", 1997 - (Textbooks and tutorials higher. educational institutions).
  2. Noosphere: spiritual world person. / Comp. A.V. Korotnyan. - L .: Lenizdat, 1986.
  3. Take care of these lands, these waters ... The book is an interview. - M .: Knowledge, 1988 - (Nar. Un-t. Natural science faculty.)
  4. Z.P. White. New facets of the diamond edge. Photo album. - M .: Soyuzreklamkultura, 1993.

Characteristics of the planet:

  • Distance from the Sun: 149.6 million km
  • Planet diameter: 12 765 km
  • Day on the planet: 23h 56min 4s*
  • Year on the planet: 365 days 6h 9min 10s*
  • t ° on the surface: planet average + 12 ° C (in Antarctica up to -85 ° C; in the Sahara Desert up to + 70 ° C)
  • Atmosphere: 77% Nitrogen; 21% oxygen; 1% water vapor and other gases
  • Satellites: moon

* period of rotation around its own axis (in earth days)
** orbital period around the Sun (in Earth days)

From the very beginning of the development of civilization, people were interested in the origin of the Sun, planets and stars. But most of all, the planet is of interest, which is our common house, Earth. The ideas about it changed along with the development of science, the very concept of stars and planets, as we understand it now, was formed only a few centuries ago, which is negligible compared to the very age of the Earth.

Presentation: Planet Earth

The third planet from the Sun, which has become our home, has a satellite - the Moon, and is part of the group of terrestrial planets such as Mercury, Venus and Mars. The giant planets differ significantly from them in physical properties and structure. But even such a tiny planet in comparison with them, like the Earth, has an incredible mass of comprehension - 5, 97x1024 kilograms. It revolves around the star in orbit at an average distance from the Sun of 149, million kilometers, revolving around its axis, which is the reason for the change of days and nights. And the ecliptic of the orbit itself characterizes the seasons.

Our planet plays a unique role in the solar system, because the Earth is the only planet on which there is life! The Earth is located in an extremely successful way. It travels in orbit at a distance of almost 150,000,000 kilometers from the Sun, which means only one thing - The Earth is warm enough to keep water in liquid form. Under the condition of hot temperatures, the water would simply evaporate, and in the cold it would turn into ice. Only on Earth is there an atmosphere in which a person and all living organisms can breathe.

Istria of the origin of planet Earth

Based on Theory Big bang and based on the study of radioactive elements and their isotopes, scientists have found out the approximate age of the earth's crust - it is about four and a half billion years, and the age of the Sun - about five billion years. Just like the entire galaxy, the Sun was formed as a result of the gravitational compression of the cloud interstellar dust, and after the luminary, the planets that are part of the solar system were formed.

As for the formation of the Earth itself as a planet, its very birth and formation lasted hundreds of millions of years and took place in several phases. At the birth phase, obeying the laws of gravity, a large number of planetesimals and large cosmic bodies, which subsequently made up almost the entire modern mass of the earth. Under the influence of such a bombardment, the matter of the planet warmed up and then melted. Under the influence of the forces of gravity, heavy elements such as ferrum and nickel formed a core, and from lighter compounds formed the earth's mantle, crust with continents and oceans lying on its surface, and an atmosphere that was initially very different from the real one.

Internal structure of the Earth

Of the planets of its group, the Earth has the largest mass and therefore has the largest internal energy - gravitational and radiogenic, under the influence of which the processes in the earth's crust are still continuing, as can be seen from volcanic and tectonic activity. Although igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks have already formed, which have formed the outlines of landscapes, which are gradually modified under the influence of erosion.

Under the atmosphere of our planet is a solid surface called crust... It is divided into huge pieces (slabs) of hard rock, which can move and, when moving, touch and push each other. As a result of this movement, mountains and other features of the earth's surface appear.

The earth's crust is 10 to 50 kilometers thick. The crust "floats" on the Earth's liquid mantle, the mass of which is 67% of the mass of the entire Earth and extends to a depth of 2890 kilometers!

The mantle is followed by the outer liquid core, which stretches into the depth for another 2,260 kilometers. This layer is also mobile and capable of producing electric currents, which create the magnetic field of the planet!

At the very center of the Earth is inner core... It is very hard and contains a lot of iron.

Atmosphere and surface of the Earth

The Earth is the only one of all the planets of the solar system that has oceans - they cover more than seventy percent of its surface. Originally in the atmosphere in the form of steam, water played a large role in the formation of the planet - Greenhouse effect raised the surface temperature by those tens of degrees necessary for the existence of water in the liquid phase, and in combination with solar radiation gave rise to photosynthesis of living matter - organic matter.

From space, the atmosphere appears to be a blue border around the planet. This thinnest dome is 77% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. The rest is a mixture of various gases. The Earth's atmosphere contains much more oxygen than any other planet. Oxygen is vital for animals and plants.

This unique phenomenon can be regarded as a miracle or considered an incredible coincidence. It was the ocean that gave rise to the emergence of life on the planet, and, as a result, the emergence of homo sapiens. Surprisingly, the oceans still hold many secrets. Evolving, humanity continues to study space. Exit to near-earth orbit made it possible to comprehend in a new way many geoclimatic processes occurring on Earth, the further study of the secrets of which is still to be done by more than one generation of people.

Satellite of the Earth - the Moon

The planet Earth has its only satellite - the Moon. The first to describe the properties and characteristics of the moon was the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, he described mountains, craters and plains on the lunar surface, and in 1651 the astronomer Giovanni Riccioli wrote a map of the visible side of the lunar surface. In the 20th century, on February 3, 1966, the lunar lander Luna-9 landed on the moon for the first time, and a few years later on July 21, 1969, a human foot first set foot on the lunar surface.

The moon is always turned to planet Earth with only one side of it. In this visible side The moons are visible flat "seas", mountain chains and multiple craters of various sizes. The other, invisible from Earth, side has a large cluster of mountains and even more craters on the surface, and the light reflecting from the Moon, thanks to which we can see it in a pale moon color at night, is weakly reflected rays from the Sun.

Planet Earth and its satellite Moon are very different in many properties, while the ratio of stable oxygen isotopes for planet Earth and its satellite Moon is the same. Radiometric studies have shown that the age of both celestial bodies the same, about 4.5 billion years old. These data give rise to the assumption of the origin of the Moon and the Earth from the same substance, which gives rise to several interesting hypotheses about the origin of the Moon: from origin from a single protoplanetary cloud, the capture of the Moon by the Earth and to the formation of the Moon from the collision of the Earth with a large object.

  • To form an idea of ​​our home planet Earth;
  • To form children's cognitive interest in nature
  • Clarify, expand and deepen children's knowledge about nature;
  • To foster an emotionally positive, caring attitude towards the Earth and its inhabitants.
  • To foster patriotism, love and respect for the nature of their native land.
  • To foster a respectful attitude and love for the nature of their native land.
  • To consolidate in children knowledge about the culture of behavior in nature and the ability to correctly assess the actions of others.
  • Clarify children's understanding of the flora and fauna, develop logical thinking children through solutions problem situations, riddles and questions. Encourage independent informed position.
  • To continue teaching children to work together, to enable them to feel the joy of finding the best solutions.

Equipment: Emblem "Earth" made of Whatman paper, certificates, tokens in the form of a planet, team details.

Q: Good afternoon, dear friends!

On this beautiful spring day, people of all countries celebrate the International Earth Day.

We are all residents of one large house called Planet Earth.

R: On this day, we promise to take care of this big house, take care of it, love it and do as many good deeds as possible so that our planet earth becomes more beautiful.

R: Our home is dear, our common home,

The land where you and I live!

Just look around

You can't go through a dense forest!

And somewhere it's hot in winter

We can't count all the miracles

They have one name

Fox and mountains and seas

Everything is called land.

Q: Guys, I decided to build today's holiday in the form of a quiz "Nature experts". You need to show knowledge about the life of plants, animals, birds, insects.

2 teams "Ecologists" and "Yunnats" will take part in the quiz.

The jury will evaluate the quiz (I represent the jury).

So, we begin our quiz by greeting the teams (name, motto)

And now the teams are welcomed by our distinguished jury.

  1. What medicinal plants do you know? (clover, burdock, mother and stepmother, scarlet, wild rose, nettle).
  2. What mushrooms are called the same as the trees under which they grow (boletus, boletus)
  3. What is the difference between conifers and deciduous trees? (coniferous trees have needles, needles instead of leaves, they are not afraid of frost)
  4. Which tree stays green both summer and winter? (fur tree, pine tree)
  5. What are the benefits of trees? (tree leaves collect dust and fumes, enrich the air with pure oxygen)
  6. Why can't you destroy fly agarics? (Red fly agaric serves as medicine for moose)
  1. What animals are the orderlies of the forest? (wolves)
  2. Why is the hare white in some tales and gray in others? (White happens in winter, and in spring and summer it is gray)
  3. I walk in a fluffy fur coat

I walk in a dense forest

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I gnaw nuts (Squirrel)

Look at what

Everything burns like gold

Walks in a fur coat dear

The tail is fluffy and large (Fox)

What pets? (Horse, cow, cat, sheep, goat, dog)

Name the wild animals (Wolf, wild boar, bear, fox, hare, squirrel)

  1. Why does a bird need a tail? (with the help of the tail, the bird controls the flight)
  2. What birds predict the weather? (Swallows, swifts, I fly low before a thunderstorm)
  3. Name the birds of prey (Eagle, falcon, hawk, owl)
  4. Name the poultry (Geese, chickens, ducks, rooster, turkey)
  5. Name the migratory birds (Crane, swallow, rook, starling, cuckoo, nightingale)
  6. What are the wintering birds (Doves, sparrows, tits, crows)

"Bird, fish, beast"

Let's all stand together in a circle, choose a driver.

The driver, turning around himself with an outstretched hand, says the following words “Fish, bird, beast”. At the signal "Stop" it stops and at whom the hand points should name a fish, a bird and an animal. (carried out several times, changing the driver).

  1. What are the benefits of ants? (clearing the forest of debris, combing out the birds and sprinkling them with a useful mixture of smelling acid)
  2. What do ants use to build houses? (From coniferous needles, leaves, pieces of bark, twigs)
  3. How does a butterfly appear? (A caterpillar emerges from a larva, a caterpillar becomes a pupa, a butterfly emerges from a pupa)
  4. What are the benefits of a worm? (Loosens the soil so that the plant roots receive more moisture and air)
  5. Where do insects disappear in winter? (Hiding under the bark of trees, under dry leaves, hiding in the crevices of houses, crawling underground and into hibernation)
  6. Fly-Tsokotukha: Here is one of my guests:

Black, but not a thief, but not a horned bull,

Six legs without hooves, flies - howls.

Sits on the ground - digs.

Named after one of the spring months (May beetle)

  1. There is still snow in the fields, winter is still stubborn, sending snow, blizzard, cold to the ground. But the day is already getting longer, the drops are ringing, streams are running, the snow has settled from the heat, turned black and began to melt. Icicles are crying on the rooftops, but the buds are not yet swollen. When does this happen? (At the beginning of Spring)
  2. Why do the people say: Spring and autumn - for a day for eight years? (In spring, the weather is very changeable, in the morning it is cold, like in winter, in the afternoon the sun warms everything up, or maybe sprinkle snow and the sun will come out again and all in one day)
  3. Which snow melts faster, dirty or clean? (dirty because the sun is hot to the dark)
  4. What are the signs of the seasons Autumn (Leaf fall), Winter (snowfall), spring (thawed patches, streams run), Summer (the sun is shining, everything is green)
  1. Guys! The birch is not crying kind people They made her in the Spring and drank birch sap, and the roots pull this life-giving sap from the ground until all its branches and buds are drunk with it, the leaves do not turn around, you need to help the tree, how to stop the sap? (Cover the wounds with resin, raw sand, clay, bandage, tie)
  2. The guys found a bird's nest with testicles in the forest: That's great! We will take these testicles home with us, they will hatch, the chicks will live in our house, we will take care of the chicks - the guys decided and took the nest with them. Did they do the right thing? (no, the chicks will die, they need motherly warmth)
  3. Olya was in the forest with her parents and she really liked the Spring Lilies of the Valley, they were so beautiful with white heads on a thin stem. They were apparently not visible, a whole clearing. Olya has collected a large, beautiful bouquet of lilies of the valley. Tell me, is it possible to tear large bouquets? (It is impossible, since we are destroying nature, there is nectar in flowers for butterflies and bees. Moreover, lilies of the valley should not be plucked, they are listed in the Red Book as a medicinal plant).
  4. Boris and Lesha decided to see how ants lay their eggs in an anthill. They took a large stick and began to rake the anthill. The ants scurried, trying to save the testicles, to move them to a safe place. What do you think mom said to these boys? (That it is impossible to destroy the anthill, since it will take a long time to build a new one, the testicles may die)
  5. The guys in the forest caught a hedgehog, he was so funny and curious, and when he was frightened, he curled up in balls, exposing thorns. They decided to bring the hedgehog home: let him live with us, and then let him go back to the forest. Would you take a hedgehog home? Is it possible to do this? (You cannot take wild animals home from the forest, as they will forget how to take care of themselves, get food, and when they get back into the forest, they may even die)
  6. On a walk, the guys took earthworms into a jar, closed them with a lid, put them on, and forgot about them. What happened to the worm? And what would you do? (Without air and moisture, the worms will die, they must be released, they are very useful - they loosen the earth so that moisture and air can pass through the roots of plants)

The song of Yu. Antonov "Native Places" is played

Slide number 2

« I picked a flower

And he faded

I caught a moth

And he died in the palm of my hand.

So then I realized

What to touch beauty

It is possible only with the heart. "

We live surrounded by a wonderful and wonderful world of forests, fields, rivers, seas. We can admire the bizarre shapes of the clouds, admire the height and power of the mountains, bask in the rays of the warm and gentle sun.

How can all this be called in one word? Well done.

Today in our lesson we will take an unusual trip to wonderful world nature.

Slide number 3.

"And if I sometimes want to live 120 years, it is only because one life is not enough to experience to the end all the charms of our nature."

K.G. Paustovsky.

I ask you to look at the screen and try to answer the question: “What did Paustovsky want to say with these words? How do you understand their meaning?

That's right, our planet Earth is fabulously beautiful. You can admire its beauty for an infinitely long time. And we together with you will try to look into it

natural treasures, get to know its inhabitants, find out how

very different animals and plants coexist harmoniously on it. And also let's talk about the role a person plays in the life of nature.

And in the process of our discoveries, we will try to create a picture called "... ..".

So we begin our journey. You can travel in different ways: by plane, by train, by boat ... And we will travel on foot. (Get up)

Repeat after me.

"Straight road"(hand wave forward)

"Oh, what is this?"(hands in front of you)

"Yes, it's a forest!"(hands to the side)

"You can't fly over it"(jump up)

"You can't swim under it"(squat)

"You can't get around him"(hands to the side)

"Straight road"(hands up)

"Let's go through the woods rustling with leaves"(raking arms and shuffling-feet)

Moose. Pause "Forest noise" Slide number 4 "Forest".

Hear sounds? Where did we end up? In the forest in a forest clearing.

First task. - Listen to the noise of the forest and try to guess who or what is making these sounds.

Well done. If you are quiet and attentive in the forest, you can hear plants and animals talking to each other.

Second task... - Guess what animals, plants you can meet in our forest?

1. In a dense forest under a tree,

Sprinkled with foliage

There is a ball of needles

A lump, but alive.

1. Master of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut.


2. Blind by day, seeing at night.

The cat catches the mice, not the cat.

In a clearing near the trees,

The house is built of needles

He is not visible behind the grass

And there are a million tenants in it.


From branch to branch

Fast as a ball

A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest.

On the fly, he tore off a lump,

Jumped on the trunk

And he ran away into the hollow.

Motley fidget

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most talkative.

She meets spring

Puts on earrings.

Thrown over the back

Green kerchief,

And the striped dress.

You'll find out? (birch)

We talk a lot about the birch. She is the symbol of our country. It is not for nothing that the people call her "Russian beauty".

Well done. You have guessed all the riddles correctly.

Now listen to the poem and tell me how to behave in the forest.

(A student reads poetry)

Now it's time to start creating your picture. Find the blanks that we can already glue on our painting. And for this we need to remember who we met in the forest in a forest clearing.

We continue our journey.

(A student reads a poem)

Slide number 5 "Meadow".

See what beauty is around. The air smelled of the scent of herbs, grasshoppers chirped nearby, and beautiful butterflies circled over the flowers. A warm sun is shining in the sky, and underfoot is a colorful carpet of flowers and herbs.

Let's take a look at the flowers that we met in the meadow, admire their beauty. And the girls will tell us poems about these flowers.

Slides №6-13 "Flowers".

Agree, you can admire such beauty for a long time. But some plants also benefit humans! Which one? (Helps against disease)

Chamomile helps with colds.

The root of this plant stimulates the appetite.

Heart drops for heart disease.

What are these plants called? (medicinal)

And which of these plants are called medicinal?

What diseases do they help against?

What other medicinal plants do you know?

And who was treated with medicinal plants?

Unfortunately, many people want to take a piece of this beauty with them, so they tear up large bouquets of flowers to put them in a vase at home.

Listen to the poem and think about what we can do to preserve the beauty of nature. What can you and I do to keep the flowers from crying?

(Students recite poetry)

Slide number 14 "Flowers cry".

Rule: You cannot pick flowers in the meadow and in the forest. Let beautiful plants remain in nature.

We continue to create our own picture of nature. She probably lacks flowers.

Who will continue to work?

Guys, please tell me, is a person a particle of nature or not?

Why did you decide so?

Right. Man is a particle of nature, only unlike other living beings, he knows how to think, that is, he has a mind.

Ever since man appeared on our planet, he tried to conquer, subdue nature. What only he did not invent to improve his life!

Slides №15-20 "The death of nature".

People invented fertilizers to make crops rich and poisoned the land.

Created cars have flooded the streets and poison the air we breathe.

Man cuts down trees, drains swamps.

Think about it - every day 5 million trees die under the saw. But these are the "lungs" of the planet!

Man covers the Earth with a layer of debris.

Remember! For a year, one inhabitant of the Planet throws out one thousand kilograms of garbage! Thus, it pollutes the air and groundwater.

The man made it to the sea. Right up to the horizon, the sea is covered with black pieces of fuel oil. Therefore, the inhabitants of the ocean perish. And even birds, falling into deadly mud, die.

Poisoned water is death for the inhabitants of the Planet.

Since then, as a person imagines himself the king of nature - a disaster has happened on the Planet! The living conditions of plants and animals have deteriorated, so we will never see many, they have disappeared from the face of the Earth, and many are endangered.

On your table are leaflets with letters. Cross out the same consonants and you will find out the names of animals and plants, which are few on our planet.


K M S T B E K R M L Z N B D N b


B R M S E B Z Ch S D R U N V I V Ch Z A Z




4c. L V Z E R M V B M E R D L H



5c. F W X C I W L W I X N C

Z D B A R D W Z N M A N X Ch R O X K

Slides №20-30 "Rare and endangered animals and plants of the Nizhny Novgorod region".

Nature can't stand it anymore. She cries and asks: "Man, help me!"

Slide number 31. Display and presentation of the book.

The Red Book is an international state document that records data on rare plants and animals.

The Red Book is so called because red is a signal of mortal danger. It is stored in Switzerland.

I am the black page of the Red Book. I am a witness to the trouble of our planet. On my page are the names of those plants and animals that no longer exist on Earth. They died! They are destroyed by man!

The red page is an endangered species that are under direct threat of extinction and require special protection measures.

White Page - rare species that are not under direct threat of extinction, but have survived in small numbers.

Yellow Page - endangered species, their numbers are rapidly declining.

Gray page - undefined species, which are obviously endangered, but there is no reliable facts about their condition.

Green page - species that are recovering their numbers.

But to be included in the Red Book does not mean to save.

(They create nature reserves, sanctuaries).

Guys, we must remember that man is not only a destroyer, but also a friend of nature. And who we want to become depends on ourselves, because that is what we are endowed with with reason.

You are still children, maybe someone will become a scientist, but even now you can help our planet. But as? Very simple.

If you want to help nature become her true friends, you need to remember simple rules:

Slides №32-39 with pictures of children in the form of prohibition signs.

Don't pick flowers! Let beautiful plants remain in nature.

Don't break branches of trees and bushes!

Don't catch wild animals or take them home!

Do not leave trash behind in the forest, in the meadow, on the shore of the reservoir!

Don't catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects!

Don't kill frogs and toads!

Don't ruin birds' nests!

Protect the environment! Take care of our home - Earth!

Well, now it's time to finish our picture.

What is missing on it?

Look at your creation.

Do you like the painting you created or not?

Does it reflect the theme of our lesson?

Now let's come up with a name for it.

Rather, it has a name, but you have to guess which one?

See how much space the person took in our picture?

Did we put it in the center of the picture?

Can we now answer: who is man - the king of nature or not?

Of course you're right. Man is only a small particle of nature, and he is completely dependent on it. Now this picture will decorate our classroom and serve as a reminder to all of us - in order to preserve the beauty of our Planet, we need to take care of it.

Yu. Antonov's song “Beauty lives everywhere” is played.

Slide number 40 "Take care of the Planet".

"Grant your edge with tender tenderness,

Help the winds blow fresh

And help the grain to ripen with an ear,

Help the forests to be dense

Sadness to grieve over the steep willow,

Help the river to be deep.

Help the flowers to lay the carpets,

Help the birds fly around the wing,

Do everything in love so that it goes for future use.

Help everything that the Earth is red with.

Let spring ring in the hearts of people!

Don't go unnoticed on Earth!

Don't let the world be crippled! "

And if you agree with this mandate, then let's leave our signatures under it.

And we will follow it, take care of our Earth, make it even more beautiful and remember that "Planet Earth is our home!"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Specialized boarding school "Daryn", Kentau

Class hour on the topic:

"Our Home is the Earth"

Prepared and conducted by G.M. Bertaeva

Theme:"Our Home is the Earth."

Smart target: Draw students' attention to the fragility of the Earth's ecosystem and encourage them to be more attentive to it. To foster a sense of love and respect for their small homeland, to develop a sense of civic consciousness and patriotism.

Form of carrying out: open extracurricular activity.

Registration: presentation, computer, projector.

Preparatory work: Preparation of material, individual assignments for students.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. Check the readiness of students for the lesson.

2. Statement of the topic, applied methodology

    Demonstration of the presentation "Our Home is the Earth!" At this time - the introductory words of the hosts.

    The presentation should end. The song "Earth in the window" is being performed.

    Presentation showing "My Earth, Blue Planet!" During the presentation, the presenter reads the poem "My earth, the blue planet!"

  1. The origin of the earth. Physical properties of the earth. The structure of the earth. Formation and composition of the earth's crust.

3. Summing up class hour: Offer from class teacher

Introductory remarks from the class teacher. Good afternoon, dear guys and guests of our event. Try now not only to listen, but also to hear, not only to look, but also to see, let your heart feel the kindness and joy of today.

The science of ecology studies our home - the planet Earth, on which you and I live, and how we should live in this house. In nature, everything is interconnected, everything depends on each other: if the Sun goes out, everything will freeze and be covered with darkness; if air and water disappear, there will be nothing to breathe and nothing to drink; if the plants disappear, there will be nothing for animals and humans to eat.

Demonstration of the presentation "Our Home is the Earth!" At this time - an introductory speech by the presenter.

Lead 1. Good day! Today we will talk about our planet Earth - these are our Waters, Earths and Air. Scary reminder day environmental disasters, the day when each person can reflect on what he can do in the decision environmental issues, overcoming indifference in yourself.

Lead 2. « Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small blade of love.

Protect all animals inside nature,

Kill only the animals inside you! "

E. Evtushenko.

Lead 1. Planet Earth, the only star in the solar system with a favorable environment for life. April 22 - International Earth Day. This memorable day was born in 1970, exactly 40 years ago.

It was on April 22 in the United States that a well-known politician and activist - Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsia, organized an unprecedented action by creating a group of students led by Dennis Hayes (a Harvard student) who called on the world to protect the environment and preserve a favorable climate. Since this was a time of active student movements, the initiative received a lot of attention.

Lead 2.“Now the happiness of the entire planet depends on each of us.

When we love, we save everyone and illuminate the sky with light.

We all have to try very hard, we will throw the bad away.

May kindness, like the May wind, accompany you, my friend.

We will become relatives for each other and we no longer have enemies.

We are filled with a free, light, kind spirit with you!

We are all brothers and we are all sisters, grievances will go away from you,

And you will forget the quarrels right away - let love into yourself soon! "

Lead 1. Earth Day is originally celebrated in many countries on the vernal equinox to mark the moment when spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) or fall (in the Southern) begins. The UN usually celebrates Earth Day on March 20-21.

Lead 2. On February 26, 1971, U Thant, Secretary General of the United Nations, signed a special proclamation to commemorate this event. Every year on March 20-21, a peace bell rings at the UN headquarters in New York.

The presentation should end.

The song "Earth in the window" is being performed (performed by Y. Antonov, recorded).

Lead 2: Take care of nature, she is a dear Mother,

It is not necessary to clog it with unnecessary affairs.

No need to build buildings that look like monsters,

In them - there is no happiness, joy, which means there is no good.

Love the Earth - Mother with unselfish love!

She had endured the horrors, but she could not endure any longer.

And stop digging into the depths of its eternal!

She is tired of suffering, imagine rest for her.

We plant the Earth - Mother with flowering gardens,

So that spring flowers fill everyone with happiness!

People will see different fruits of their creations,

And our Mother will become the planet of inspiration!

Lead 1: What is it, our Earth? It is estimated that the planet Earth is approximately 4 and a half billion years old. If you want to go around the Earth, walking along the equator, then you have to make a path of almost 40,010 kilometers.

Lead 2: Distance from surface to center is 6378 kilometers. Moreover, really solid rocks (lithosphere) form a layer of only about 70 kilometers, and, moving further inland, we observe semi-liquid and liquid states.

Lead 1: Death Valley in California and a place in Libya called El Azizia hold records for the hottest places on Earth. El Azizia's record is 57.8 degrees Celsius (September 13, 1922), the Death Valley record is 55.8 degrees Celsius (July 10, 1913).

Lead 2: And the coldest place on Earth is Antarctica - on July 21, 1983 at the Vostok research station in Antarctica, -89 degrees Celsius was recorded.

Lead 1: Our Earth is incredibly rich in minerals - scientists have already classified about 4000 types of minerals, about 200 of them have practical significance... 50-100 types of minerals are discovered annually

Lead 2: The Earth has one natural satellite - the moon visible to the naked eye.

Presentation showing "My Earth, Blue Planet!" During the presentation, the presenter reads a poem of the same name.

Lead 2:

You give life or you bring death

And humanity lives without understanding

That all this gives rise to your firmament.

We are just beginning to take care of you.

Keep an account of losses in the Red Book,

And, as always, we forget

Remove frozen ice from your hearts.

All of us with hearts frozen

In a century, the native land cannot be understood:

So who is she that wears us for centuries,

Where can we find the answer to this?

She may be a living creature

Hurrying into space?

And the heart beats in the depths of the earth,

Knowing both joy and sorrow?

Or a ship sailing through the universe

Which God once launched?

Space ship with excellent crew:

All living things that he could create.

And what awaits each of us in the future?

So far, the Earth provides food and fuel.

What life reserve do we have,

Is the ship's crew known?

My earth, the planet is blue!

We only begin to appreciate you.

Will you forgive humanity, I don't know

Can you help me melt the ice of my heart? ...

Origin of the earth

Earth is one of the nine planets of the solar system, which is part of Milky way, or the Galaxy. For the first time, hypotheses about the origin of the Earth were expressed by the German philosopher I. Kant (1724-1804) and the French mathematician P. Laplace (1749-1827). According to their hypothesis, all solar system formed from a huge, incandescent, continuously rotating gas nebula. Gradually cooling down, the nebula thickened, its rotation accelerated, and finally the moment came when, under the influence of the increasing centrifugal force a series of gas rings separated from the nebula.

Physical properties of the earth

In its shape, the Earth is a ball, flattened at poles. The length of the equatorial axis of this sphere is 12,756 km, the vertical axis is 12,714 km, the circumference of the Earth along the equator is 40 thousand km. The presence on the surface of the Earth of large irregularities in the form of high mountains and deep oceanic trenches gave rise to our scientists, the Earth geoid, which refers to the true form of the Earth. The main physical properties it is density, pressure and thermal state.

Lead 2:

Man destroys his Earth

Planned and unplanned, methodically, to the point

And punishes his short century

Living my life in absentia in the desires of the foolish

Not thinking about children, grandchildren

And their rebirths too

Bones lies down, straining all over

Preparing my bed in the cemetery

Stop, change your mind, wake up

The Lord tells him, with the rising of the sun

Get drunk with spring water in the morning

Abyss of knowledge, depth at my well

I created everything for you

The Wise Lord tells us

For every minute of life

Bow down to him your soul tells you

Be a blade of grass and be an ocean

Grow into all living things and be reborn

After all, your goal is beautiful to man

Go to her because this is Life

Lead 1: And we want to end with the poem "The Earth is the Pearl of the Universe."

Lead 2: There are many forests and rivers, there are many of them on Earth,

They love and happiness will give a friend to you.

They will clear the air and quench your thirst,

And on a hot summer afternoon they will protect you from the heat.

Take care of the forests and do not cut them down so in vain.

And know that the whole Earth is your own mother.

It is more beautiful not to find such a harmony anywhere.

There is only one in the Universe - and there is no other like that!

Reflection Closing remarks from the class teacher.

Now each student will make decisions in the problem of planet Earth.

What should be done:

    Prescribe to a patient planet Earth a remedy that will help in solving this problem, in other words, what can I personally do? ( Appendix 2)

    Compose a motto that everyone will hear and it will make you remember that a lot depends on us. ( Appendix 3)

Thus, I believe that the world around us and our body is a single whole, and all emissions and pollution that enter the atmosphere is a damage to our health.

If we try to do as much positive as possible for the environment, this will prolong our life and heal our body.

And one cannot but agree with the words that everything in this world is interconnected, nothing disappears and nothing appears from nowhere.

Our the world Is our body, protecting environment- we protect our health.

Health- it is not only the absence of disease, but also the physical, mental and social well-being of a person.

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