"Planet Earth is our home" - a summary of an open lesson in a preparatory group. Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador, one of the most distant points on the surface from the center of the Earth

Date: 11/14/2016
Teacher: Bozhko V.A.

Targets and goals: Expansion and deepening of environmental knowledge gained during extracurricular activities.

To instill love and respect for the native nature.

Leading: Today we have gathered to talk about our common home, about the most mysterious and unknown, about the most beautiful and dear.
Guessed? Our conversation will be about our cradle, about our common home - planet Earth.

next year 2017 declared the year of ecology. This means that the future of the planet is in our hands and a lot depends on our attitude towards it. We are all children of mother nature and must treat her with respect, live according to her laws.

Vedas: Like an apple on a platter

We have only one Earth.

Take your time people

Scrap everything to the bottom.

It's not hard to get

To hidden secrets

Loot all riches

For future ages.

Our health and life depend on the state of the environment: on the purity of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume.

Vedas. I offer you a quiz "Our home is planet Earth"

Stations in front of you:
1. "Through the mouth of a baby"
2. "On the green path"
3. "Our smaller brothers"
4. "Culinary"
5. "Environmental situation".
6. "Comic"

1 station. "Through the mouth of a baby".

Tasks of the teams: try to understand what the little children meant and give the correct answer. The team with the most correct names wins. (Alternately).

Children's sayings:

    It is used as a fertilizer.

    In small quantities, it is very useful.

    When there is too much of it, it becomes a real disaster.

    When it enters a body of water, it is destroyed, fish and other aquatic animals
    start to choke.

    It needs to be composted.


    I have a lot of toys made from it.

    It comes in many colors and is very hard to break.

    Items made from it weigh little.

    If you set it on fire, then a lot of black smoke appears, which smells bad.

    It cannot be thrown away, because. it does not decompose by itself in nature.


    It was invented by the Chinese.

    We get it from wood.

    It burns easily.

    It produces a lot of garbage.

    It is usually painted or written on.


    It is made from sand.

    Most often it is transparent.

    When it falls, it breaks.

    If it is heated, it becomes viscous, like dough.

    Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


    This is something that is abundant in the city, but scarce in the countryside.

    This is especially true in industrial city where there are many plants and factories.

    People get sick because of this, they get very nervous, they shout loudly, and this becomes even more.

    It is produced by various devices, machines.

    It causes pollution of the air and the environment, if there is a lot of it, then it causes intoxication, it acts like a drug.


    This is almost invisible.

    There is a lot of this in an industrial city where factories and

    From this, people have asthma, bronchitis, cancer.

    It can collect green plants on their leaves.

    In a city where there is a lot of this, lichens do not grow.

(Gas waste)

2. "On the green path"

1) Although the rank is not Khan,

Sultan on the head

And with gold capsules

Hidden under the armpits. (Corn)

2) Grass has grown - seasoning for food,

Her belongings are fragrant threads. (Dill)

3) They knock on him, spitting over his left shoulder. (tree)

4) What “God’s” flower is often compared to old people? (dandelion)

5) Dried grapes (raisins)

6) Honey tree (linden)

3. "Our smaller brothers"

    What animal can be called a vampire? (Bat).

    Name the fastest animal on the planet? (Panther).

    Which birds can run at the speed of a car? (Ostrich).

    What bird is called the orderly of the forest? (Woodpecker).

    What animal is usually depicted with a fountain on its back? (Whale)

    His favorite pose is "stand up". At the same time, the animal looks like a proudly fit commander. (Gopher)

4. "Culinary"

Give the name of porridge from cereals:

    Rice (rice)

    Peas (pea)

    Buckwheat (buckwheat)

    Millet (millet)

    Wheat (wheat)

5. "Ecological situation".

Each team is given ecological situation describe the situation and propose ways to solve it. Time 1 min.

1. About 13-14 million tons of oil products enter the World Ocean annually. Oil enters water bodies as a result of leakage during tanker loading, tanker accidents, and discharge of oil cargo residues. ( Oil pollution is highly toxic. The taste of water deteriorates, and the fish acquires an unpleasant and irremovable aftertaste. At a concentration of oil products above 0.5 mg per liter, fish die, at a concentration of 1.2 mg per liter, plankton and benthos do not withstand. A toxic oil film prevents the evaporation of water from the surface of the World Ocean, disrupts its normal gas exchange (due to the ocean, up to 50% oxygen and 82% moisture enter the atmosphere).

The oil sticks together the feathers of seabirds. If the oil is fresh, then it acts like a poison. The oil film does not allow oxygen to penetrate deep into the sea. Algae and crustaceans suffocate. The fish has nothing to eat - it dies of hunger. It is necessary to control the transportation and unloading of oil.

It is necessary to comply with regulatory organizational and economic and production measures during the operation of facilities related to the transportation of petroleum products. If a leak occurs, urgent action must be taken to eliminate the consequences: cleaning the surface of the ocean with the help of special reagents, limiting the spread of oil spills, saving animals.)

2. Man is part of wildlife. Human health is determined not only by the state of the environment, but also by lifestyle and nutrition. The shops of the city have a fairly wide selection of dairy products. At the same time, individuals in unidentified places sell milk in recycled polyethylene bottles. ( When drinking milk purchased from private individuals, you can get food poisoning, since plastic containers are not subject to heat treatment. Microbes found in untreated bottles can cause acute intestinal diseases. If milk from a sick animal is sold, there is a risk of getting sick with foot and mouth disease, brucellosis and other diseases. Persons selling milk in plastic containers often do not have certificates of the state of health of animals and the quality of the products sold. In addition, bottles can be picked up in the trash cans.

It is best to buy milk and dairy products in stores, since the products in this case are certified, the sales dates are indicated. If milk is purchased from private traders, it is necessary to demand from them a veterinary certificate on the animal's health and product quality, pay attention to the cleanliness of dishes - glass containers - and appearance sellers, boil milk.)

3. Maritime transport is extremely polluting the oceans. Tin cans, plastic bottles, paper and plastic bags and other garbage are thrown away. Fishermen leave synthetic fishing nets in the sea.( This leads to pollution of the ocean, turning it into a landfill. Marine animals are dying, in particular leatherback turtles and seals. They mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and swallow them. The stomach clogs up and the animals die. Very often, tin cans, lumps of fuel oil, and other objects are found in the stomachs of sharks at autopsy, since sharks grab everything in a row when they are hungry.

Often marine animals (seals, whales, dolphins, birds) cannot live and eat normally, because the mesh tightly tightens their body, it does not decompose in nature and therefore causes torment to animals throughout their lives.

Measures: do not throw into the ocean garbage that is not recycled in nature, conduct explanatory work with sailors and passengers of maritime transport, introduce quotas for fishing.)

4. Uncontrolled use of mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus) leads to supersaturation of water organic compounds. This causes the growth of blue-green algae.( The rapid development of blue-green algae (“blooming of reservoirs”) is accompanied by intensive consumption of oxygen dissolved in water, the lack of which subsequently causes their death. Dying off and settling to the bottom, algae decompose, which also consumes oxygen. All this entails the mass death of representatives of flora and fauna. Algae secrete a large number of substances that inhibit zooplankton and microflora, and in some cases poison fish, poultry, livestock and humans.

It is necessary to ration the application of mineral fertilizers to the fields, to monitor compliance with the rules for storing mineral fertilizers in warehouses and farms. In case of pollution of water bodies with fertilizers, do not allow livestock to the water body. Fight for the restoration of water resources, carry out clean-up activities Wastewater as they also stimulate blue-green algae.)

5. On a distant island, people decided to destroy mosquitoes. Used for this pesticides. The mosquitoes really disappeared, but after a while a lot of rats appeared. They attacked the fields and barns of local residents in hordes, eating grain. People could not understand why this "attack" appeared. ( Pesticides that destroy mosquitoes got on the plants, which, in turn, ate cockroaches (insects). Insects ate plants, but did not die from poison. At the same time, it accumulated in their bodies.

These cockroaches were caught by lizards. They weakened from the poison and became easy prey for cats. For cats, the poison was fatal. Soon they were completely gone from the island. It's time for rats.)

6. "Comic"

1. Which branch does not grow on a tree? (RAILWAY)
2. What do a rider and a rooster have in common? (SPUR)
3. The rooster laid the egg, who will get it? (Roosters don't lay)
Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, can't speak)
5. How many letters "A" do you need to take to get a bird? (40)
6. What kind of comb does not comb the head? (rooster)

Summary of the quiz. Rewarding.

Planet characteristics:

  • Distance from the Sun: 149.6 million km
  • Planet Diameter: 12,765 km
  • Days on the planet: 23h 56min 4s*
  • Year on the planet: 365 days 6h 9m 10s*
  • t° on the surface: average for the planet +12°C (In Antarctica up to -85°C; in the Sahara desert up to +70°C)
  • Atmosphere: 77% Nitrogen; 21% oxygen; 1% water vapor and other gases
  • Satellites: moon

* period of rotation around its own axis (in Earth days)
** orbital period around the Sun (in Earth days)

From the very beginning of the development of civilization, people were interested in the origin of the Sun, planets and stars. But most of all, the planet that is ours is of most interest. common house, Land. Ideas about it changed along with the development of science, the very concept of stars and planets, as we understand it now, was formed only a few centuries ago, which is negligible compared to the very age of the Earth.

Presentation: planet Earth

The third planet from the Sun, which has become our home, has a satellite - the Moon, and is included in the group of terrestrial planets such as Mercury, Venus and Mars. The giant planets differ significantly from them in physical properties and structure. But even such a tiny planet in comparison with them, like the Earth, has an incredible mass in terms of comprehension - 5.97x1024 kilograms. It revolves around the star in an orbit at an average distance from the Sun of 149 million kilometers, rotating around its axis, which causes the change of days and nights. And the ecliptic of the orbit itself characterizes the seasons.

Our planet plays a unique role in the solar system, because the Earth is the only planet that has life! The Earth is located in an extremely successful way. It travels in orbit at a distance of almost 150,000,000 kilometers from the Sun, which means only one thing - Earth is warm enough for water to remain in liquid form. Under the condition of hot temperatures, the water would simply evaporate, and in the cold it would turn into ice. Only on Earth is there an atmosphere in which humans and all living organisms can breathe.

History of the origin of the planet Earth

Starting from Theory big bang and based on the study of radioactive elements and their isotopes, scientists have found the approximate age of the earth's crust - it is about four and a half billion years, and the age of the Sun - about five billion years. Just like the entire galaxy, the Sun was formed as a result of the gravitational compression of a cloud. interstellar dust, and after the luminary, the planets included in the solar system were formed.

As for the formation of the Earth itself as a planet, its very birth and formation lasted hundreds of millions of years and took place in several phases. At the birth phase, obeying the laws of gravity, a large number of planetesimals and large cosmic bodies fell onto its ever-growing surface, which subsequently constituted almost the entire modern mass of the earth. Under the influence of such a bombardment, the planet's substance was heated and then melted. Under the influence of gravity, heavy elements such as ferrum and nickel formed the core, and lighter compounds formed the earth's mantle, the crust with continents and oceans lying on its surface, and an atmosphere that was originally very different from the present.

The internal structure of the earth

Of the planets of its group, the Earth has the largest mass and therefore has the largest internal energy - gravitational and radiogenic, under the influence of which processes in the earth's crust are still ongoing, as can be seen from volcanic and tectonic activity. Although igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks have already formed, forming the outlines of landscapes, which are gradually modified under the influence of erosion.

Under the atmosphere of our planet is a solid surface called the earth's crust. It is divided into huge pieces (slabs) of solid rock, which can move and, when moving, touch and push each other. As a result of this movement, mountains and other features of the earth's surface appear.

The earth's crust is 10 to 50 kilometers thick. The crust "floats" on the liquid earth's mantle, the mass of which is 67% of the mass of the entire Earth and extends to a depth of 2890 kilometers!

The mantle is followed by the outer liquid core, which extends into the depths for another 2260 kilometers. This layer is also mobile and is able to emit electric currents, which create the magnetic field of the planet!

At the very center of the earth is inner core. It is very hard and contains a lot of iron.

Atmosphere and surface of the Earth

Earth is the only one of all the planets in the solar system that has oceans - they cover more than seventy percent of its surface. Initially, water in the atmosphere in the form of steam played a large role in the formation of the planet - the greenhouse effect raised the temperature on the surface by those tens of degrees necessary for the existence of water in the liquid phase, and in combination with solar radiation gave rise to the photosynthesis of living matter - organic matter.

From space, the atmosphere appears to be a blue border around the planet. This thinnest dome consists of 77% nitrogen, 20% oxygen. The rest is a mixture of various gases. The Earth's atmosphere contains much more oxygen than any other planet. Oxygen is vital for animals and plants.

This unique phenomenon can be regarded as a miracle or considered an incredible coincidence. It was the ocean that gave rise to the birth of life on the planet, and, as a result, the emergence of Homo sapiens. Surprisingly, the oceans still hold many secrets. Developing, humanity continues to explore space. Exit to earth orbit made it possible to comprehend in a new way many geoclimatic processes occurring on Earth, further study of the secrets of which is yet to be done by more than one generation of people.

Earth Satellite - Moon

The planet Earth has its only satellite - the Moon. The first to describe the properties and characteristics of the Moon was the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, he described the mountains, craters and plains on the surface of the Moon, and in 1651 the astronomer Giovanni Riccioli mapped the visible side of the lunar surface. In the 20th century, on February 3, 1966, the Luna-9 descent module landed on the Moon for the first time, and a few years later, on July 21, 1969, a human foot set foot on the Moon for the first time.

The moon is always turned to the planet Earth with only one of its sides. In this visible side The moons are flat "seas", chains of mountains and multiple craters of various sizes. The other side, invisible from the Earth, has on the surface a large cluster of mountains and even more craters, and the light reflecting from the Moon, thanks to which at night we can see it in a pale lunar color, is weakly reflected rays from the Sun.

The planet Earth and its satellite the Moon are very different in many properties, while the ratio of stable oxygen isotopes for the planet Earth and its satellite the Moon is the same. Conducted radiometric studies have shown that the age of both celestial bodies the same, about 4.5 billion years. These data give rise to the assumption that the Moon and the Earth originated from the same substance, which gives rise to several interesting hypotheses about the origin of the Moon: from the origin from the same protoplanetary cloud, the capture of the Moon by the Earth, and to the formation of the Moon from the collision of the Earth with a large object.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun, unique in our solar system and very beautiful.

No wonder the first earthling-cosmonaut, our compatriot, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, after his space flight recalled:
“The view of the Earth enchanted, distracted from work, attracted like a magnet. Many mighty rivers, high mountains, forests, snowy deserts, a huge ocean - everything is in a gentle muslin of clouds.

The photo shows a view of the Earth from lunar orbit.

"Earth is the only known world capable of sustaining life. We have nowhere else to go - at least in the near future. The earth is now our home. …our only home.” - so said Carl Sagan, an American astronomer, a prominent popularizer of science.

Earth is so far the only known world capable of supporting life. The earth is now our home. …our only home.

Being the fifth largest among all the planets of the solar system, the Earth is at the same time the largest in diameter, mass and density among the terrestrial planets.

Comparison of the sizes of the terrestrial planets:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars (left to right)

Scientific evidence indicates that the Earth formed from the solar nebula about 4.54 billion years ago. The entire process of planet formation took approximately 10-20 million years.

The Moon formed somewhat later, approximately 4.53 billion years ago, although its origin has not yet been precisely established. The main hypothesis says that it was formed by accretion from the material left after the tangential collision of the Earth with an object similar in size to Mars and with a mass of 10-12% of the Earth (sometimes this object is called "Theia").

Life supposedly appeared on Earth about 3.9 billion years ago, that is, within the first billion after its occurrence.

Most of the planet's surface, approximately 70.8%, is occupied by the World Ocean, the rest is occupied by continents and islands. On the continents there are rivers, lakes, groundwater and ice, together with the World Ocean they make up the hydrosphere.

Liquid water, essential for all known life forms, does not exist on the surface of any known planets and planetoids of the solar system, except for the Earth. The Earth's poles are covered in an ice shell, which includes Arctic sea ice and the Antarctic ice sheet.

The bowels of the Earth are divided into layers according to chemical and physical properties, but unlike other terrestrial planets, the Earth has a pronounced outer and inner core. outer layer Earth is a hard shell, consisting mainly of silicates.

The inner regions of the Earth are quite active and consist of a thick, very viscous layer called the mantle, which covers the liquid outer core, which is the source of magnetic field Earth, and an inner solid core, presumably composed of iron and nickel.

The shape of the Earth (geoid) is close to an oblate ellipsoid. The divergence of the geoid from the ellipsoid approximating it reaches 100 meters.

The average diameter of the planet is approximately 12,742 km, and the circumference is 40,000 km.

The rotation of the Earth creates an equatorial bulge, so the equatorial diameter is 43 km larger than the polar one.

The highest point on the Earth's surface is Mount Everest (8848 m above sea level), and the deepest is the Mariana Trench (10994 m below sea level).

Due to the bulge of the equator, the most distant points on the surface from the center of the Earth are the top of the Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador and Mount Huascaran in Peru.

Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador, one of the most distant points on the surface from the center of the Earth

The Earth, like other terrestrial planets, has a layered internal structure.

It consists of solid silicate shells (crust, extremely viscous mantle), and a metallic core. The outer part of the core is liquid (much less viscous than the mantle), while the inner part is solid.

The internal structure of the Earth (schematically)

Layers, depth in km

The temperature at the center of the Earth's core reaches 6000°C.

The earth interacts (attracts gravitational forces) with other objects in space, including the Sun and Moon.

The period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun is approximately 365.26 solar days - a sidereal year.

The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted 23.44° relative to the perpendicular to its orbital plane, this causes seasonal changes on the surface of the planet with a period of one tropical year - 365.24 solar days.

A day is now about 24 hours long.

The Moon began its orbit around the Earth approximately 4.53 billion years ago. The gravitational influence of the Moon on the Earth is the cause of ocean tides. Also the moon stabilizes the tilt earth's axis and gradually slows down the rotation of the Earth.

Some theories suggest that asteroid impacts led to significant changes in the environment and the surface of the Earth, causing, in particular, mass extinctions. various kinds Living creatures.

The physical characteristics of the Earth and its orbital motion have allowed life to persist over the past 3.5 billion years.

According to various estimates, the Earth will retain the conditions for the existence of living organisms for another 0.5 - 2.3 billion years.

The planet is home to millions of species of living beings, including humans. The territory of the Earth is divided into 195 interacting independent states.

According to Wikipedia

Geography teacher: Our planet is very littered, but we have not yet realized the dangers of living in a huge landfill. We are still living on it, but will our children be able to live?

(Music sounds, then the presenters talk about the pollution of the air basin of the Earth, water, soil, forests.)

Student 1: Air.Only one per year into the atmosphere carbon dioxide 5 billion tons are emitted. As a result, the ozone layer becomes thinner and ozone holes appear. A permanent ozone hole - over the Antarctic, at times expanding and shrinking - over the Arctic, Europe, Moscow. Ultraviolet rays rush into these holes, from which people develop cancer. There is less and less oxygen on Earth. And there is more and more exhaust gases from the plants of the black and chemical industries, boiler houses, and transport.

Student 2: Water.Scientists have calculated that every year around the world so many harmful substances get into water bodies that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. Even washing powder has been found in Arctic waters.

As a result of human activities in the rivers of Europe - the Seine, Danube, Rhine, Volga - you can not swim. Microorganisms have appeared in Siberian rivers due to sunken forests and polluted drains, which are very harmful to people and animals.

Student 3: The soil.The soil is formed slowly: it takes hundreds and even thousands of years for this. But it can be destroyed very quickly. Over the past hundred years, approximately 1/4 of all fertile soils have been destroyed on Earth. People mastered virgin and fallow lands. The first five years they received good harvests. And then dry winds began to lift billions of tons of the fertile layer and carry it to the foot of the mountains. As a result, the soil became poor and crops became much worse. No one will argue that oil is necessary for humanity. And no one will argue that it is deliberately thrown into the sea, that accidents are deliberately arranged at oil fields or ships carrying oil are set on fire: as a result, millions of tons of oil, for one reason or another, end up in the water.

Student 4:Forests. The “baldness” of the planet is intensifying. Over the past 20 years, man has cut down as much forest as was destroyed in his entire previous existence, not to mention the fires that arise through the fault of man. For many animals, the forest is their home. And there are fewer and fewer forests on Earth. So the animals are losing their home. So they are doomed to die.

Summing up the results of the competition of wall newspapers, drawings, leaflets. (Presenting certificates to the winners)

Left alone in the forest, in the steppe, on the river, in the field, in the swamp, a person is left alone with his conscience. She is the only controller for a person. And perhaps one of the most important tasks facing those who want to save nature on the planet is to awaken conscience in people, an understanding of what can be done and what cannot be done.

Everything is tightly connected around

Part 2 - game.

Geography teacher: In fairy tales, it used to be that the old stone told the heroes: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse, if you go to the left, you will die yourself, and straight ahead, success awaits you all the way.” Knowledge will help you find the right path.

Two teams "Meridian" and "Parallel" are invited to the brain ring. (Each team has one representative from grades 5-11.)

1 presenter:

The competition is attended by a jury consisting of…….

2 leading: game conditions:

1. Five rounds, between which there will be literary pauses.

2. Each task is worth five points.

If the fans help, then the team also gets points.

Team Greetings (Explaining Team Names)

1 round:

Questions to the Meridian team

    Which sea is the warmest in the world?

    What parts of the world does it wash?

Questions to the team "Parallel"

    In what sea do the inhabitants of the three parts of the world fish? Name these parts of the world.

    Which ocean basin does it belong to?

Questions to the Meridian team

    Which river is the longest? Where does it run?

Questions to the team "Parallel"

    Which river is the deepest? Where does it run?

Questions to the Meridian team

    Is it possible to hide the highest mountain peak on Earth in the deepest depression? Why? What is this top and bottom?

Questions to the team "Parallel"

    What landforms are predominant in Europe?

Questions to the Meridian team

    What geographical area is described in the song of Little Red Riding Hood?

Questions to the team "Parallel"

    What line is told in the song from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"?

Summing up the results of the first round - a literary pause (reading a poem by Tyutchev F.)

Second round. Do you know geographic instruments?

Teams are offered according to the device. It is necessary to talk about them. (Aneroid barometer, level).

Third round:

Questions of the opposing team (two questions each).

Fourth round: Riddles

Fifth round: Who will answer faster?

    Where on earth does the most precipitation fall?

    What animal, brought to Australia from Europe, became its national disaster?

    The ancient Greeks called it - Borisfen, the Turks - Uzu, the Slavs - Slavutich. What is it called today?

    Why is Lake Eyre in Australia shown as a dotted line on the map?

    On which continent are the two parts of the set located? Which

    Which goal is not allowed to score?

    Which strait had to cross D.Artagnan to bring pendants for the Queen of France?

    Which continent has no rivers?

    Which ocean washes the five continents?

    Is there a point on Earth that has only one coordinate?

Summing up the brain-ring.

Geography teacher: Left alone in the forest, in the steppe, on the river, in the field, in the swamp, a person is left alone with his conscience. She is the only controller for a person. And perhaps one of the most important tasks facing those who want to save nature on the planet is to awaken conscience in people, an understanding of what can be done and what cannot be done.

Everything is tightly connected around.

We will not multiply examples.

You won't touch a flower all of a sudden,

To not disturb the stars.

(The melody "The Lonely Shepherd" sounds.)

Geography teacher: This week at our school is ecological. The guys did a lot of good things. The less garbage there is on the planet: in your yard, on your street, in your city, in your village, the greener the trees will become, the cleaner air. For every good deed done in the name of nature, you will receive a green leaf. Sheets are hung in the hall (each class has its own) with painted trees without leaves. So, whose tree turns out to be the greenest, he will clearly show his solidarity, friendship and unity in protecting nature.

Student: Fish, birds, animals look into the soul of people.
As if they are asking us: people, do not kill in vain!
After all, a sea without fish is not a sea,
After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,
Land without animals is not land,
And we can't live without land.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Specialized boarding school "Daryn", Kentau

Class hour on the topic:

"Our Home is Earth"

Prepared and conducted by Bertaeva G.M.

Topic:"Our Home is Earth".

Smart target: Draw students' attention to the fragility of the Earth's ecosystem, and encourage them to be more attentive to it. To instill a sense of love and respect for their small Motherland, to develop a sense of citizenship and patriotism.

Conduct form: open extracurricular activity.

Registration: presentations, computer, projector.

Preparatory work: Preparation of material, individual tasks for students.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. Check student readiness for the lesson.

2. Presentation of the topic, applied methodology

    Showing the presentation "Our Home is the Earth!". At this time - the introductory words of the hosts.

    The presentation should end. The song "Earth in the porthole" is performed.

    Demonstration of the presentation "My Earth, the Planet is blue!". During the presentation, the presenter reads the poem “My land, the planet is blue!”

  1. Origin of the earth. Physical properties of the earth. The structure of the earth. Formation and composition of the earth's crust.

3.Summing up class hour: Offer from class teacher

Introductory speech by the class teacher. Good afternoon, dear children and guests of our event. Try now not only to listen, but also to hear, not only to look, but also to see, let your heart feel the kindness and joy of today.

The science of ecology studies our home - the planet Earth on which we live, and how to live in this house. In nature, everything is interconnected, everything depends on each other: if the Sun goes out, everything will freeze and be covered with darkness; if air and water disappear, there will be nothing to breathe and nothing to drink; if the plants disappear, there will be nothing for animals and humans to eat.

Showing the presentation "Our Home is the Earth!". At this time - an introductory word leading.

Lead 1. Good day! Today we will talk about our planet Earth - these are our Waters, Earths and Air. Day of Remembrance of the Terrible environmental disasters, the day when each person can think about what he can do in solving environmental issues, overcoming indifference in yourself.

Lead 2. « Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small bylinochku loving.

Take care of all the animals inside nature,

Kill only the beasts within you!”

E. Yevtushenko.

Lead 1. Planet Earth is the only star in the solar system with a favorable environment for life. April 22 is International Earth Day. This memorable day was born in 1970, exactly 40 years ago.

It was on April 22 in the United States that a well-known politician and activist - Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin organized an unprecedented action by creating a group of students led by Dennis Hayes (a Harvard student) who called on the world to protect the environment and maintain a favorable climate. Since it was a time of active student movements, the initiative attracted a lot of attention.

Lead 2.“Now the happiness of the whole planet depends on each of us.

When we love, we save everyone and light up the sky.

We all need to try very hard, we will reject the bad things away.

May kindness, like the May wind, accompany you, my friend.

We will become relatives for each other and we no longer have enemies.

Free, bright, kind spirit we are filled with you!

We are all brothers and we are all sisters, resentment will leave you,

And you will immediately forget the quarrels - let love into yourself soon!”

Lead 1. Earth Day is originally celebrated in many countries on the vernal equinox to mark the start of spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) or autumn (in the Southern Hemisphere). The UN celebrates Earth Day usually on March 20-21.

Lead 2. On February 26, 1971, U Thant, Secretary General of the United Nations, signed a special proclamation dedicated to this event. Every year on March 20-21, the Peace Bell tolls at the UN Headquarters in New York.

The presentation should end.

The song "Earth in the porthole" is performed (performed by Yu. Antonov, recorded).

Host 2: Take care of nature, she is a dear Mother,

It should not be littered with unnecessary things.

No need to build buildings that look like monsters,

In them - there is no happiness, joy, and therefore there is no good.

Love the Earth - Mother with selfless love!

She endured the horrors, but she could not stand it any longer.

And stop digging in the depths of its eternal!

She is tired of suffering, you imagine rest for her.

Let's plant the Earth - Mother with flowering gardens,

So that spring flowers fill everyone with happiness!

People will see different fruits of their creations,

And our Mother will become a planet of inspiration!

Presenter 1: What is it, our Earth? It is estimated that the planet Earth is about 4 and a half billion years old. If you want to go around the Earth, walking along the equator, then you have to make a path almost 40,010 kilometers long.

Lead 2: The distance from the surface to the center is 6378 kilometers. Moreover, really solid rocks (the lithosphere) form a layer of only about 70 kilometers, and, moving further into the club, we observe semi-liquid and liquid states.

Presenter 1: Death Valley in California and a place in Libya called El Azizia hold the record for the hottest places on Earth. El Azizia's record is 57.8 degrees Celsius (September 13, 1922), the Death Valley record is 55.8 degrees Celsius (July 10, 1913).

Lead 2: And Antarctica is recognized as the coldest place on Earth - on July 21, 1983, -89 degrees Celsius was recorded at the Vostok research station in Antarctica.

Presenter 1: Our Earth is incredibly rich in minerals - scientists have already classified about 4,000 types of minerals, about 200 of them have practical value. 50-100 types of minerals are discovered annually

Lead 2: The Earth has one natural satellite - the Moon visible to the naked eye.

Demonstration of the presentation "My Earth, the Planet is blue!". During the presentation, the presenter reads a poem of the same name.

Lead 2:

You give life or bring death

And humanity lives without understanding

That all this gives birth to your firmament.

Take care of you, only now we begin.

Keep losses in the Red Book account,

And, as always, we forget

Remove the frozen ice from your hearts.

All of us with frozen hearts

Never understand your native land:

So who is she that wears us for centuries,

Where can we find the answer to this?

She may be a living being

Hurrying into space?

And the heart beats in the depths of the earth,

Knowing both joy and sorrow?

Or a ship sailing through the universe,

Which was once launched by God?

Space ship with an excellent team:

All living things that he could create.

What is the future for each of us?

Food and fuel is provided by the Earth.

What life reserve do we have

Is the crew of the ship aware?

The earth is mine, the planet is blue!

We are starting to appreciate you.

Will you forgive humanity, I don't know

Can you help melt the ice of the heart?

Origin of the earth

Earth is one of the nine planets in the solar system, which is part of Milky Way, or Galaxies. The hypotheses about the origin of the Earth were first put forward by the German philosopher I. Kant (1724-1804) and the French mathematician P. Laplace (1749-1827). According to their hypothesis, all solar system formed from a huge, hot, continuously rotating gaseous nebula. Gradually cooling down, the nebula became denser, its rotation accelerated, and finally there came a moment when, under the influence of an increasing centrifugal force a series of gaseous rings separated from the nebula.

Physical properties of the earth

The shape of the earth is a sphere, flattened at poles. The length of the equatorial axis of this ball is 12,756 km, the vertical one is 12,714 km, the circumference of the Earth along the equator is 40,000 km. The presence on the surface of the Earth of large irregularities in the form of high mountains and deep oceanic depressions gave rise to our scientists, the Earth geoid, by which is meant the true form of the earth. Main physical properties its are density, pressure and thermal state.

Lead 2:

Man destroys his earth

According to plan and without plan, methodically, accurately

And punishes his short life

In the desires of stupid people living their lives in absentia

Not thinking about children, grandchildren

And their rebirths too

Bones lays down, straining the whole

In the cemetery, preparing myself a bed

Stop, change your mind, wake up

The Lord repeats to him, with the rising of the sun

Get drunk in the morning with spring water

A bottomless depth of knowledge at my well

I created everything for you

The wise Lord tells us

For every minute of life

Bow to him your soul keeps telling you

Be a blade of grass and be an ocean

Grow into all living things and be reborn

After all, your goal is beautiful human

Come to her, because this is Life.

Presenter 1: And we want to finish with a poem " The Earth is the pearl of the Universe".

Host 2: There are many forests and rivers, there are many of them on Earth,

They will give you love and happiness.

They will purify the air and quench your thirst,

And on a hot summer afternoon they will protect from the heat.

Take care of the forests and don't cut them in vain.

And know that the whole Earth is your own mother.

It is more beautiful not to find such harmony anywhere.

There is only one in the Universe - and there is no other like it!

Reflection Closing remarks by the class teacher.

Now each student will make decisions in the problem of the planet Earth.

What should be done:

    To prescribe to a patient on planet Earth a remedy that will help in solving this problem, in other words, what can I personally do? ( Annex 2)

    Compose a motto that everyone will hear and it will make you remember that a lot depends on us. ( Appendix 3)

Thus, I believe that the world around us and our body is a single whole, and all emissions and pollution entering the atmosphere are damage to our health.

If we try to do as much positive things for the environment as possible, we prolong our life and improve our body.

And one cannot but agree with the words that everything in this world is interconnected, nothing disappears and nothing appears from nowhere.

Our the world - this is our body, protecting environment We take care of our health.

Health is not only the absence of disease, but also the physical, mental and social well-being of a person.

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