Planning FEMP Preparatory Group. Irina Aleksandrovna Pomorav, Vera Arnoldna Pozin Formation of elementary mathematical ideas


Mishina Galina Anatolyevna , Senior Educator Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten Combined Type No. 14 "Firefly" G.O. Khimki of the Moscow region

Type of classes: Intellectual educational.

Subject: " Play - travel to the country of mathematics. "

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Location:musical hall.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Preliminary work:FAMP classes, attribute production, benefits for didactic games, didactic games with mathematical content, learning dynamic pauses, Gymnastics for eyes.

Purpose: Secure the presentation of children about elementary mathematical ideas.



  • Secure the ability to post numerical row.
  • Improve direct and reverse account skills within 10.
  • Exercise in the order of the account.
  • Secure the ability to guess mathematical riddles, write with the help of cards with numbers and signs, the decision and answer of the riddles.
  • Fasten knowledge about the days of the week, the days of the year.
  • Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bgeometric figures, the skill grouping figures by certain features.
  • Secure spatial views: on the left, right, center, under the above.



  • Educate the culture of communication, emotional responsiveness, the ability to understand educational task and perform it independently or in pairs, act according to the instructions of the teacher.
  • Rail interest in mathematical classes.

Saving health

  • Teach children to follow their posture.
  • Continue to develop movement coordination.

Priority Education Area: "Cognition".

Integration educational regions: "Communication", "Socialization", "Labor".


  • rail in children curiosity, mutual assistance, self-esteem skills.


  • develop in children free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking
  • intensify the dictionary of children.


Remove the workplace, maintain it in order

Methodological techniques:





Material:Demonstration: Magnetic board, cards with numbers and signs, multimedia presentation, pointer, chest painting. Dispensing: Geometric shapes, cards with numbers from 1 to 10, laminated white cardboard sheets.

Node move:

I. Organizing time (5 minutes.)

II. Main part (22 min.)

III. Outcome (generalization of the caregiver) (3 min.)

Slide 1.

Organizing time.

Guys, to us today came to occupation to see what you learned, and how many know a lot. Still say hello to guests.

Let's stand in a circle, take up your arms and smile to each other .

Children together with the educator are in the circle.

In the circle wide, I see,

All my friends got up.

We will now go right 1, 2. 3.

Now let's go left 1, 2. 3.

In the center of the circle, we collect 1, 2. 3.

And in place all will return 1, 2. 3.

Smile, wemgeh,

And the lesson will begin.

Children together with the educator perform exercises in accordance with the text1 times.

Take your places behind the tables. (children occupy their places)

We now have a mathematics experience. Mathematics Very necessary science, Tatiana will tell us a poem.

Without mathematics, friends, we can not live.

We mathematics are given a lot of hundreds of years,

After all, even Mammoth considered ancient man.

Without mathematics, a person will not be able to decide, measure and count. It is impossible to build a house, count money in your pocket, measure the distance. If a person knew the mathematics, he would not be able to invent the aircraft, a car, a washing machine, a fridge, a TV and a friend of the technique. Worldwide children teach mathematics.

But before we begin to engage in mathematics, let's remember the rules of behavior during the class:

During the class you, sit quietly and behave .... (worthy)

Chair and table - this is not a bed and it is impossible ...... (lying)

You want to answer - not with no-shumi, but only your hand .... (raise)

I will ask you throughout the lesson not to forget about these rules.

And before lift your hand, think well above the answer, do not rush. Remember what they say about those people who are always in a hurry? ("Hurry people rush")

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (The answer of children) then listen ... In some kingdom, in some state there was a king.

Slide 2.

And he ruled the country called - mathematics. And he decided to drive around his cities in the kingdom, see if he had all right, whether he was folded. He looked around, and he had no assistants. What to do?

(children express their assumptions)

Tsar-Batyushka, and our children can help you, even though small, but very smart. (The educator turns to the king).

Guys, what do you need travelers while traveling to not get lost? (children's responses)

Right, card!

Slide 3.

And here it is, a strange some card, and one question mark. Guys, and the king suggested to me, in order to start a trip and find out the name of the first city, in which we will fall, you need to make a mathematical workout called "Do not yaw, quickly answer questions!"

1. What is the day of the week today?

2. How many days in the week?

3. What day does it go after Tuesday?

5. What is the name of the fifth day of the week?

6. What are weeds called?

7. How many times of the year?

8. What time of year comes in winter?

9. What time of year comes in the summer?

10. Name the unnecessary word in a number of words:

a) winter, wednesday, Spring Summer Autumn;

b) one, two, three, a circle, four five;

c) plus minus friday, equally;

d) circle, square, december, polygon.

Slide 4.

Well done, coped with the warm-up! And the first city appeared on the map in which we will go. This city is called numerograd, in this city there are numbers, they prepared for a meeting with you so long, which completely confused their places in a numerical row. Help them guys find our place.

Didactic game "Find a place in a row."

Purpose: fasten the ability of children to make a numeric row, exercise in direct and countdown..

You have on the tables in the envelopes are cards with numbers from one to ten. Please decompose these cards in order, starting with a card with a number one, just do not forget that the numeric row needs to be left to the right. (children perform task)

Let's consider the choir from one to ten, and now the choir of ten to one.

Didactic game "Neighbors of the number".

Purpose: Exercise in determining the subsequent and previous number to the named number.

Each number has neighbors, the previous and subsequent number.

Masha call the neighbors of the number 5.

Leonid call the neighbors of the number 8.

Nastya name of the neighbors of the number 3.

Didactic game "Multicolored trees."

Purpose: Exercise children in the order of the account, in the ability to relate the number with the place of the subject in the specified row.

The guys in the numerus there is a park where multicolored trees grow. Consider and show the card with a number how many trees grow in the park.

Show the card with a number which is a yellow tree in the park, if you count on the left to right.

What date was raised with what number? Why? (Because a tree with a yellow crown fifth on the score. If you count on the left).

Show the card with a number which is a blue tree, if you consider with right to left?

What date was raised with what number? Why? (Because the blue tree seventh is considered if you consider with the right to left).

Show a card with a number What is the gray tree, if you count on the left to right?

What date was raised with what number? Why? (Because the gray tree is ninth, according to the right to count on the left).

Well done! Task completed! Remove the cards with numbers in the envelope.

(children clean the cards, the teacher cleans the easel)

Slide 5.

Slide 6.

Dynamic pause "How nice to swim in the river!"

How nice to swim in the river!

Shore left, shore on the right.

(Slopes left and right.)

River ribbon ahead.

(Pulling - hands forward.)

From above bridge - look.

(Pulling - Hands up.)

To sail even more

We must swear faster.

We work with your hands.

Who will treat us?

(Swimming Movements.)

And now it's time for us, brothers,

(Hands in the castle behind the neck)

Sand on the sand.

We get out of the river

(Walking in place.)

And on the grass rest.

Slide 7.

So we got to the city of "Funny Tasks"!

- All animals live in peace and harmony.

Slide 8.

They prepared for you mathematical riddles if you correct all the riddles, the card will show what city we will fall further. ----- try to guess these riddles?

Didactic game "Cheerful Tasks".

Purpose: Secure the ability to guess mathematical riddles, record with the help of cards with numbers and signs, the solution and answer task. 1. Four holstery and two ducklings

In the lake swim, scream loudly.

Well, count the harder -

How much is the kids in the water?

How did the number 6? Maxim, lay out with the help of cards with numbers and signs on the easel, decision and answer riddles. (2 + 4 \u003d 6)

2. Seven tiny kittens

What gives them, everyone eats

And one - additives asks

How many of all kittens? (eight)

How did the number 8? Pasha, lay out with the help of cards with numbers and signs on the easel, decision and answer of the riddles (7 + 1 \u003d 8)

3. Hedgehog in the forest walked,

Found mushrooms for lunch.

Two - under the birch, three - under the aspen,

How many will they be in the wicker basket? (five)

How did the number 5? Masha, lay out with the help of cards with numbers and signs on the easel, decision and answer riddles


- Well done, you guess all the riddles, and see, the next city appeared on the map, in which we will now go, it is called "geometric shapes". The entrance to the city is closed on the castle. So that the castle opened we need to carry out gymnastics for the eyes.

We worked for so long. N.asha's eyes are so tired

We will give them a rest

And palms of eyes (the children are clutch palm, warmer them)We close in slower(covered with eyes with palms, then perform in the text)Sit in the dark.

Paint black everywhere.

And now we open them

And a little Pomorgay: Once, two, three, four, five.

Head not vertiLook at the left

Right look.

Eyes up, eyes down,

We work, do not be lazy!

Slide 10.

The castle opened, and we meet residents of this city, geometric shapes, see what they are all different!

What signs can be divided into groups? - How many figures will enter a group of large geometric figures? (6) - Nastya name these figures.

How many figures will enter a group of small geometric figures (9)

How many figures will enter the group of triangles? (3) - Yaroslav, call these figures.

How many figures will enter the grouping group? (2)

Maxim, call these figures. - How many figures will enter the group of red figures?

Masha, name them.

Didactic game "Collect the pattern."

Objective: Learning to master spatial representations: on the left, right, at the top, below.

Guys, geometric shapes, presented a gift to the king, a carpet with their image, so that the king would never forget about them. On this carpet, geometric shapes are located in a certain order, if you position the shapes that you have in your trays on the sheet, which you will find under your trays, then you can also admire the beauty of this carpet. - Let's try? -Then put leaves in front of yourself, and listen carefully.

Circle position in the center of the sheet.

Square - in the upper left corner of the sheet.

Oval - in the upper right corner of the sheet.

Rectangle - in the lower right corner of the sheet.

Triangle - in the lower left corner of the carpet.

Rhombus in the middle over the circle.

The trapezium in the middle under the circle.

Slide 11. - Well done, and with this task they coped! And look at the map the final stop appeared, the "King Residence" appeared on the map, on this today the trip ends, but we will not travel to the cities of Mathematics to travel around the cities of the Mathematic Country of Mathematics to meet old friends and head.

Slide 12.


And now let's remember which cities we drove, traveling by magic countrywhere everything is connected with mathematics? (children's responses) - What did you like? What tasks for you were light, and what are the difficult? (children's responses)

And now I suggest you to evaluate my work. The one who believes that he fully coped with the tasks - let him raise a yellow star, and who believes that he didn't all have everything today - let him raise the Red Star.

Children make their choice.

For the service, good solved you king thank you and gives you a whole chest with mathematical coloring, now we will return to the group, and you can consider and paint your pictures at will.


  1. Pomorava I.A., Pozin V.A. Classes for the formation of elementary mathematical ideas in the preparatory to school group kindergarten. Plans for classes. - M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2012.

Natalia Zachiniev
Perspective plan for FMP in the preparatory group

Perspective plan on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in preparatory group

№ Theme goal literature


1 Numbers 1-5 Repetition Repeat Numbers 1- 5 : Education, writing, composition; Secure the skills of the quantitative and sequence account.

№ 1 d / and: "Day Night", "Magic Pouch", "Who knows what I think", "Who lives where"

Work in tetrajes

2 numbers 1-5 repetition repeat comparison group Objects by quantity by compilation of couples, signs, sense of addition and subtraction, interconnection of the integer and parts, introduce a term into speech practice "a task".

№ 2 d / and: "Magic houses", "Whose place is".

Magnifying mysteries

Reading poems about numbers

Learning poems for physical attacks

1 number 6. Figure 6. To acquaint with the formation and composition of the number 6; Secure the understanding of the relationship between part and the whole, geometric representations No. 3.4 of the number

Direct, reverse, count. And sequence

Work in tetrajes

2 longer, shorter forming skill compare items "approximately" and with direct overlay; Secure the interrelation of the integer and parts, the knowledge of the composition of numbers 1-6, counting skills within six. №5 d / and: "Multicolored mats", "Name a neighbor", "Converting figures"

Work in tetrajes

3 Measurement of length Forming views on the measurement of length using the measurement, introductory with such units of measurement as a step, span, elbow, soot; Secure the ability to make mini stories in drawings, countable skills within 6. No. 6;

Decision Mat. tasks;

Work on the composition of the number 6;

Measurement of segments by a ruler, measurement.

4 Measurement of length Fasten the representation of the measurement of length using the measurement and the ability to practically measure the length; introduce a cm and meter; introduce a segment to solve problems. №7,8 "Mouch pattern";

"Guess the figure"

"How to get to the bunny"

Work in tetrajes

5 number 7. Figure 7 introduction to the formation and composition of the number 7, number 7; consolidate an idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition of the number 6, the relationship of the whole and parts; The concept of polygon number 9 viewing polygons;

"Dienesh blocks",

"Gather Square"

1 number 7. Figure 7 fasten the sequence and quantitative account within 7, knowledge of the number 7; Repeat comparison group Items by drawing up pairs, recalculation techniques, counting one or more units on a numerical segment. №10 "Dienesh blocks"

Di: "Find a couple", "What are the numbers talk about"

Solving mathematical tasks

Individual work in notebooks

2 Number 7. Figure 7 Fasten the representations about the composition of Numbers7, the relationship of the whole and parts, the ability to portray these relationships with a segment. № 11 d / and: "Name the neighbors", "Compilation of parts"

Work on the composition of the number 7. Work in notebooks

3 is harder, easier. Comparison by mass to form pellections about the concepts "Heavier-lighter" Based on the direct comparison of objects by weight; consolidate the understanding of the relationship between the whole and parts, the idea of \u200b\u200baddition and subtraction. № 12 board game "Geometric Mosaic", "Mouch pattern"

Solving mathematical tasks

Individual work in notebooks

4 Measuring the mass to form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to choose the measurement of the mass of mass, will introduce a measure of 1 kg. Number 13 direct and countdown


"Dienesh blocks"

Individual work in notebooks

1 Measurement of the mass to consolidate the presentation of the measurement of the mass of objects with the help of various types of scales, the addition of mass objects; Fix the geometric and spatial representations, the relationship of the whole and parts. № 14 d / and: "mirror" "In the shop"


"Merry tasks"

"Geometric lotto"

"Spank in different ways"

2 Number 8. Figure 8 To acquaint with the formation and composition of the number 8, number 8;

Consolidate the representations of the composition of the number 7; account skills within 7; The relationships of the integer and parts. № 15 d / and: "Merry riddles"

"Merry poems"

Work in tetrajes

Comparison of items by weight, length.

3 Number 8. Figure 8 To generate countable skills within 8; consolidate the views on the measurement of the length and mass of objects; About recalculation and counting on a numerical segment. № 16 Putting out of sticks; "Dienesh block"

Individual orientation on plane

4 Number 8. Figure 8 Repeat the comparison group objects by quantity by drawing up pairs; consolidate the representations of the composition of the number 8, the relationship of the whole and parts, their schematic image using the segment number 17 work with schemes, plans

Memorizing poems for physical attacks

1 volume. Comparison by volume to form views on the volume, comparison of blood vessels by volume by transfusion; Secure the representations of the composition of the number 8, the relationship between the whole and parts, their schematic image using the segment number 18, work in notebooks for the implementation of addition and subtraction

Fastening the composition of the number 8

1 Measurement of volume to form views on the measurement of the volume by measurement, depending on the measurement result from the measurement selection; Secure an understanding of the meaning of addition and subtraction, the relationship between the whole and parts. № 19 d / and: "Holiday in Prostokvashino"

"Find a couple"

"What a bucket more"


"Name the neighbors"

2 number 9. Figure 9 introduction to the formation and composition of the number 9, digit 9; Secure the ability to find signs of similarities and differences in the figures, the relationship between the integer and parts, addition and subtraction on the numerical segment. № 20 d / and: "Learning to learn time by the clock", "Hurry down yes not mistaken"

"What changed"

"Magic house"

3 Number 9. Figure 9 To acquaint the clock clock, to form views on the definition of time by the clock; Secure an account within 9 № 21 Riddown of mysteries, reading poems about numbers

Work in tetrajes

4 Number 9. Figure 9 Fasten the representations of the composition of the number 9, the relationship between the integer and parts, their schematic image with a segment. № 22 Individual work with children: Secure the ideas about the composition of the number 9.

1 number 0. Figure 0 To form views on the number 0 and its properties; Secure an account within 9, representations of the numerical segment, the interrelation of the whole and parts. № 25 Individual work in notebooks

Learning of mathematical readings, physical attacks

2 Number 0. Figure 0 Fasten the representations of the number 0, digit 0, composition of numbers 8.9. No. 26 Individual work to consolidate the composition of numbers 1-9.

Solving tasks

Puzzle games

3 Number 10. To form views on the number of 10, its formation, composition, recording, consolidate the understanding of the interconnection of the integer and parts, their schematic image with the help of a segment, recognize quadrangles and octagons. № 27 d / and: "What season"

"There is no happening"

Individual work in notebooks

4 ball. Cube parallelepiped form the ability to find in the environment of the Cuba shape, ball, parallelepiped; Secure the representations of the composition of the number 10, the relationship between the integer and parts, the addition and subtraction of numbers on the numerical segment. № 28 games. Exercise. "Hurry, but not mistaken"

"Is it true or not?"

"Imagine what happened"

1 pyramid. Cone. Cylinder shape the ability to find in the surrounding setting the objects of the pyramid, cone, cylinder; Secure the representations of the composition of the number 10, the relationship between the integer and parts, the addition and subtraction of numbers on the numerical segment. № 29 d / and: "Guess"

"Magic Pouch"


Work in tetrajes

2 Symbols to introduce children using characters to designate object properties; consolidate the views on the composition of the numbers 8,9,10, the ability to navigate plan. № 30 d / and:

"Choose transport"

"Magic lawn"




3 Repetition. Warning to the country in mathematics to consolidate the ideas about the properties of objects, addition, subtraction, interrelations of the whole and parts, repeat the quantitative and sequence account, figures 1-9, composition of numbers 2-10 No. 31 individual work in notebooks

Riddown of puzzles of numbers

Reading and memorizing poems

4 Repetition. The game is soon to school repeat the comparison of numbers on a visual basis, the relationship of the whole and parts, the composition of numbers within 10; Secure the concept of symbols, addition and subtraction of numbers on the numerical segment number 32 Individual work in notebooks

1 Repetition Fasten the ideas about the properties of objects, addition, subtraction, interconnection of integer and parts, repeat the quantitative and sequence account, figures 1-9, the composition of the numbers 2-10 individual work in notebooks

Riddown of puzzles of numbers

Reading and memorizing poems

2 Repeat repeat the comparison of the numbers on a visual basis, the relationship of the whole and parts, the composition of numbers within 10; Secure the concept of symbols, addition and subtraction of numbers on a numerical segment. Individual work in notebooks.

Riddown of puzzles of numbers

Reading and memorizing poems

Iraid Polyakova
Perspective planning for FMPs in the preparatory group

Preparatory group

1. Days of the week. The game: "What figure is like a subject" "NEW". Several account, consolidate the knowledge of the days of the week, knowledge of geometric forms.

2. account subject. The formation of numbers 6 and 7. Comparison of items in length. The game: "Consider, not mistaken". The ability to count the items of the formed date. Compare in size.

3. Acquaintance with the month of September. The game: "Who knows, let him think further", "What's from the beginning, and what then". Oriented in time. Secure the score skills. Expand knowledge about parts of the day.

4. "Forestry". Secure an account. Forming the ability to call the days of the week. Geometric figures.

5. The formation of the number 8. The sequence account within 10. "Dorisui subject". To acquaint with the quantitative composition of the number from units. Secure account skills.

6. Education number 9. Days of the week. "Lay out the figure". Acquaintance with the month - October. Secure the knowledge of the days of the week. To acquaint the name of the month - October. The quantitative composition of the number 9 from units.

7. Education of the number 10. Logical task. Didactic game "Parts of the day". Learn to solve a logical task. To introduce the composition of the number 10 of the units.

8. Account. Familiarity with a number 1. The game: "Who is attentive" Secure knowledge of the figure and account 1. The ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

9. Figure 2. Acquaintance with the month of November. The game: "More less". Graphic dictation. Secure the knowledge of the figure and number 2. The skill, find which, from numbers more, and how less. Focus on a sheet of paper.

10. Figure 3. Comparison of the number of items. Navigate in space. "Insert the missed figure". Machine with a number 3. The ratio of the number of items and numbers. The ability to solve logical tasks.

11. Acquaintance with the number 4. Seasons - autumn. Geometric figures. To acquaint with a number and number 4. Secure knowledge about the autumn months. Teach correlate the form of the object with a geometric figure.

12. Figure 5. Comparison in magnitude. The game: "Who is bigger", "Count and compare". Acquaintance with the number and number 5. Learn to compare items in length.

13. Counting items. Figure 6. Navigate the space. "Pass the labyrinth". Learning to establish matches between the number of objects and the number. Familiarity with number and number 6. Navigate the space.

14. "Entertaining mathematics". Score. Knowledge of numbers within 6. Days of the week. Comparison of geometric shapes. Number of objects.

15. Acquaintance with the month - December. Figure 7. Square division by 2 and 4 parts. To acquaint with the number 7. Learn to divide the square on 2 and 4 parts. Meet the month of December.

16. Acquaintance with the number 8. An account of objects. "Mathematical caterpillars". Focus on a sheet of paper. Familiarity with the number 8. Exercise in the ordinal account. Learn to call the neighbors of the number.

17. Figure 9. Geometric shapes. Circle division by 2 - 4 parts. "Columbus Egg". Familiarity with the number 9. Circle division by 2 - 4 parts. Learning to form images from geometric shapes.

18. Acquaintance with a month - January. Figure 10. The game: "Finish the sentence". To acquaint the month of January and the number 10. Fasten knowledge about parts of the day.

19. Return account. Landmark on a sheet of paper. Comparison in height. The game: "Pick up a couple", "Consider further". Secure the backscap skills, orientation on a sheet of paper. Exercise in comparison of items in height.

20. Composition of numbers 2 and 3 of two smaller. Geometric figures. The game: "Pick up the patch". To introduce the composition of numbers 2 and 3 of two smaller figures.

21. Composition of numbers 4 and 5 of two smaller. Familiarity with the month - February. The game: "Find differences". To acquaint children with a month of February. Secure the composition of numbers 4 and 5 of two smaller. Learning to find differences in two similar drawings.

22. "Traveling around the country of fairy tales". Skills of direct and countdown days of the week, knowledge of numbers, decision logical tasks, navigate on a sheet of paper.

23. Composition of 6 of two smaller numbers. Acquaintance with spatial figures. The game: "What figure like the subject is like". Secure the presentation of children about space, figures (cube, cylinder, ball). To introduce children with a number of 6 of 2 smaller. Expand the ability to find geometric shape To the subject.

24. Direct and reverse account. The composition of the numbers 7 of two smaller. The game "Merry Account". Teach children direct and reverse account within ten. To introduce the composition of the number seven of two smaller.

25. The composition of the number of 8 of two smaller. Measurement using conditional measurement. The game: "Russell residents". To acquaint children with the composition of the number of 8 of two smaller. Learn to measure the length of the items with the help of conditional measurement.

26. Acquaintance with signs<, >. Direct and countdown. Meet the month of March. Introduce children with signs<, >. Learn to compare numbers. To acquaint the spring month - March.

27. To introduce children with the composition of the number 9. Parts of the day. The game: "Compare numbers" "Collect the picture". To acquaint with the composition of the number of 9 of two smaller. Fasten part of the day, learn to compare numbers.

28. The composition of the number of ten of two smaller. Acquaintance with signs +, \u003d. Value. The game: "Pick up the numbers". To acquaint with the composition of the number of ten of two smaller. Secure the knowledge of the signs +, \u003d.

29. To introduce the structure of the problem. Geometric figures. The game: "Math problems", "Connect the correct". To acquaint children with the structure of the task, consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

30. Solving tasks for addition. Acquaintance with coins 2, 5 and 10 rubles. The game: "Mathematical beads", "Score". Learn to solve tasks for addition. To acquaint with coins of dignity 2, 5 and 10 rubles.

31. Acquaintance with a sign - solving problems for subtraction. The game: "Think, consider", "Help is minor". Learn to solve the problem of subtraction. Skills direct and reverse account.

32. "In the kingdom of time". Introduce children with clock (arrows, dial). Learn to learn time by the clock. Acquaintance with a month - April.

33. Drawing up and solving arithmetic tasks. Orientation in space. The game: "Make up and solve the task", "Draw a pattern". Teach children to draw up tasks in the picture and solve them. Fasten the ability to focus on a sheet of paper into a cage.

34. « Space trip» . Secure the skills of direct and reverse account within ten. Solution of arithmetic tasks.

35. Meet the month - May. Measuring bulk bodies. Acquaintance with the Spring Month - May. Teach children measure bulk bodies.

36. "Cruise". Account skills, orientation in space and on a sheet of paper, logical tasks.

Library of program "from birth to school"
under general edition N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

Pomorava Irina Aleksandrovna - Methodist of the educational and methodological center for professional education Moscow, teacher of Mathematical Development Methodology Pedagogical College No. 15, Honored Teacher of Russia

Pozin Vera Arnoldna - Methodist, teacher of the methodology of mathematical development of the pedagogical college number 4, an excellent student of folk enlightenment


This manual is addressed to educators working on the approximate main secondary program preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, to organize work on mathematics in the group preparatory for school.
The manual addresses issues of organizing work on the development of elementary mathematical ideas in children 6-7 years old, taking into account the patterns of formation and development of them cognitive activity and age possibilities.
The book provides approximate planning of work on mathematics for the year. The structure of classes allows you to combine and successfully solve tasks from different sections of the program. The proposed system of work, including a complex of tasks and exercises, a variety of methods and techniques for working with children (visual-practical, game, verbal), helps preschoolers to master ways and techniques of knowledge, apply the knowledge gained in independent activities. This creates prerequisites for the formation of the right world, it allows to provide a common educational focus, communication with mental, speech development and various species Activities.
Gaming situations With Competition Elements, Reading Excerpts fiction Motivate children and send their mental activity to search for ways to solve the tasks. The technique of work does not imply direct training that can adversely affect the reflection and independent fulfillment by the child of mathematical tasks, but implies the creation of situations of the Commonwealth, seater, provides all children equal to the start, which will allow them to successfully study at school.
The proposed system of work allows teachers to take into account the specifics of activity educational institution And his priorities. The volume of material gives educators the opportunity to realize their creative potential and take into account the features of a particular group of children.
Knowledge obtained during organized educational activities to form elementary mathematical representations must be fixed in everyday life. To this end, special attention should be paid to the enrichment of plot role-playing games with mathematical content and the creation of an objective and developing environment, which stimulates the development of the independent cognitive activity of each child.
In working with children as in preschool institutionand at home can be used workbook "Mathematics for preschoolers: Preparatory to school Group" (M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012).
The manual includes: a list of didactic games, additional material, recommendations on the organization of the development environment. They reflect the modern positions of psychologists, teachers and methodologists, allowing to expand the content of working with the children of the seventh year of life.
Further into the manual for convenience of presenting instead of the term "directly educational activities"We will often use the term" occupation "as familiar to teachers. However, the term "occupation" should not enter the teachers in misleading: it does not imply conducting studitions of the urgent type. The task of the teacher is not to turn the classes in mathematics into a lesson, but to use the forms of work with children, corresponding to their age, indicated in the exemplary basic general educational program of pre-school education "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M . A. Vasilyeva.

Software content

Development general representations About the set: skills to form sets on specified bases, to see the components of the sets in which the items are characterized by certain features.
Exercises in combining, add-on, distance from a plurality of part or individual parts.
Fixing the ability to establish relations between individual parts of the set, as well as a whole set and each part of it on the basis of the account, drawing up pairs of objects or connecting objects by arrows.
Improving the skills of a quantitative and ordinal account within 10. Acquaintance with the score within 20.
Acquaintance with the numbers of the second ten.
Fastening the understanding of the relationship between the numbers of the natural row (7 is more than 6 per 1, and 6 less than 7 to 1), the ability to increase and decrease each number 1 (within 10).
Fastening the ability to call numbers in direct and reverse order (oral account), subsequent and previous number to the named or indicated digit, determine the missed number.
Acquaintance with the composition of numbers from 0 to 10.
The formation of the skill to lay out the number into two smaller and compose from two smaller greater (within 10, on a visual basis).
Acquaintance with coins of dignity 1, 5, 10 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles (distinction, set and exchange of coins).
The formation of the skill on a visual basis is to compile and solve simple arithmetic tasks for addition (smaller speed is added) and for subtraction (subtractable less than the residue); When solving tasks, use the signs of actions: plus (+), minus (-) and the relationship is equal to (\u003d).
Consolidation of the ability to read by a given extent when not one, but several objects or part of the subject, is taken per unit of account.
Fastening the ability to share an item for 2-8 or more equal parts by flexing the subject (paper, fabric, etc.), as well as using a conditional measure; correctly denote parts of the whole (half, one part of two (one second), two parts of four (two fourth), etc.); set the ratio of the integer and part, size parts; find parts of a whole and integer famous parts.
Formation of initial measuring skills. Fastening the ability to measure the length, width, height of items (segments of direct lines) by means of a conditional measure (paper in a cell).
Fastening the ability of children to measure the volume of liquid and bulk substances by means of a conditional measure.
Formation of ideas about the weight of objects and methods for its measurement. Fixing the ability to compare the weight of objects (heavier - easier) by weighing them on the palms. Acquaintance with weights.
Development of ideas that the measurement result (length, weight, volume of objects) depends on the size of the conditional measure.
The form
Clarification of knowledge of geometric figures, their elements (vertices, angles, parties) and some of their properties.
Formation of representations about a polygon (on the example of a triangle and quadrilateral), about a straight line, a straight line.
Fixing the ability to recognize the figures regardless of their spatial position, depict, place on the plane, arrange in size, classify, group in color, form, sizes.
Consolidation of the skill modeling geometric shapes; Multiple from several triangles, from several small squares - one large rectangle; From parts of the circle - a circle, of four segments - a quadrangle, of two short segments - one long, etc.; construct shapes on the verbal description and transfer of their characteristic properties; Make thematic compositions from figures on their own design.
Consolidation of the ability to analyze the form of objects in general and individual parts; Recreate complicated objects from individual parts by contour samples, by description, representation.
Orientation in space
The formation of the ability to navigate the limited surface (sheet of paper, textbook, notebook page, books, etc.); Positioning objects and their images in the specified direction, reflect their spatial location (at the top below, above, below, on the left, right, to the left, to the right, in the left upper (right-right) corner, before, for, between, near, etc. .).
Acquaintance with the plan, scheme, route, card. Development of the ability to model spatial relations between the objects in the form of a pattern, plan, scheme.
Formation of the ability to "read" the simplest graphical information denoting spatial relations objects and direction of their movement in space: from left to right, right left, bottom up, top down; Alone to move in space, focusing on the conditional notation (signs and symbols).
Orientation in time
Formation elementary representations About the time: its turnover, periodicity, irreversibility, sequence of weeks of the week, months, seasons.
Fixing the ability to use in speech with words-concepts: at first, then, before, after, earlier, later, water sequel.
Development of the "sense of time", the ability to take time, regulate their activities in accordance with the times; Discern the duration of certain time intervals (1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour).
The formation of the ability to determine the time by the hour up to 1 hour.

Approximate distribution of software for a year

I quarter

Lesson 1.
Exercise in dividing the sets on parts and combining its parts; Improve the ability to establish the relationship between the set and its part.
Skills of the sequence account within 10, the ability to answer questions "How much?", "Which on account?", "On which place?".
Views O. mutual location Objects in space (in series): left, right, before, after, between, before, for, near.
The ability to consistently determine and call the days of the week.

Lesson 2.
Exercise in dividing the sets on parts and combining parts into a whole group; Improve the ability to establish the relationship between the set and its part.
Learn to read in direct and reverse order within 5.
The ability to share a circle and square on 2 and 4 equal parts, compare and call them.
The ability to distinguish and call familiar geometric shapes.

Lesson 3.
To acquaint with numbers 1 and 2 and learn to designate numbers numbers.
Exercise in skills quantity account Live and reverse order within 10.
Fasten the ability to navigate the sheet of paper, determine the sides and corners of the sheet.
Improve the ideas about triangles and quadrangles.

Lesson 4.
Maxue with a number 3.
Learning to call the previous and subsequent number for each number of natural rows within 10.
Improve the ability to compare 10 items (in length, width, height), to have them in an increasing and descending order, denote the results of the comparison with the corresponding words.
Exercise in the ability to move in the specified direction.

Lesson 5.
Machine with a number 4.
Consolidate the views on the quantitative composition of the number 5 of the units.
Fix the ability to compare two objects in size (length, width) with a conditional measure equal to one of the compaable objects.
Develop the ability to designate their location relative to another person in speech.

Lesson 6.
To introduce the quantitative composition of the number 6 from units.
Machine with a number 5.
Fasten the ability to consistently call the days of the week.
Continue to form the ability to see in the surrounding items the form of familiar geometric shapes.

Lesson 1.
Continue to learn to make up the number 6 of the units.
Maxue with a number 6.
Specify the receptions of the circle division by 2-4 and 8 equal parts, learning to understand the ratio of the integer and parts, call and show them (half, one second, one fourth, one eighth, etc.).
Develop the ability to move in space in accordance with the symbols.

Lesson 2.
To acquaint with the composition of numbers 7 and 8 from units.
Machine with a number 7.
Clarify the receptions of square division by 2, 4 and 8 equal parts; Learn to understand the ratio of integer and parts, call and show them (half, one second, one fourth, one eighth, etc.).
Fasten ideas about triangles and quadrangles.

Lesson 3.
Continue to learn to make numbers 7 and 8 from units.
Maxue with a number 8.
Fasten the sequential configuration of the days of the week.
Develop the ability to draw up a thematic composition according to the sample.

Lesson 4.
With the composition of the number 9 from units.
with digit 9.
Improve the ability to call numbers in direct and reverse order from any number.
Develop eyemeter.
Fasten the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine and call it side and corners.

Lesson 5.
Improve the ability to form a number 9 of units.
Develop an understanding of the independence of the account result from its direction.
Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe weight of objects and comparing them by weighing on the palms; learn denoting results comparison words heavy, lightweight, harder, easier.
Develop the ability to group geometric shapes in color and form.

Lesson 6.
With the composition of the number 10 from units.
with a number 0.
Continue to learn to find the previous number to the named, subsequent number to the named.
To clarify the ideas about the weight of objects and the relativity of the weight when comparing them.
To form ideas about temporary relations and learn to designate them with the words: first, then, before, after, earlier, latere.

Lesson 7.
Continue to learn to form a number 10 of units.
To acquaint with the designation of the number 10.
Create an account skills in direct and reverse order within 10.
Give an idea of \u200b\u200ba polygon on the example of a triangle and quadrangle.
Fasten the ability to navigate in space with the help of symbols on the plan, to determine the direction of movement of objects, reflect their spatial position in speech.

Lesson 8.
Teaching the number 3 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.
Continue acquaintance with numbers from 1 to 9.
Clarify the views on the polygon, develop the ability to find it, corners and vertices.
Consolidate ideas about the years and months of autumn.

Lesson 1.
Teaching the number 4 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.
Consign the skills of the sequence account within 10.
Develop the ability to analyze the form of objects and their individual parts.
Improve the ideas about the weight of items and the ability to determine regardless of their external view Equally weighing objects or not.
Fasten the ability to consistently determine and call the days of the week.

Lesson 2.
Teaching the number 5 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.
To acquaint with the formation of the numbers of the second ten within 15.
Improve the ability to build a serial row by weight of items.
Fasten the ability to navigate the sheet of paper and reflect the spatial location of items in the speech with the words: at the top, below, on the left, right.

Lesson 3.
Teaching the number 6 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.
Continue to acquaint with the formation of the numbers of the second ten within 15.
To acquaint measurement of values \u200b\u200bwith the help of a conditional measure.
Develop the ability to navigate in space with the help of symbols and schemes.

Lesson 4.
Teaching the number 7 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.
Continue to acquaint with the formation of the numbers of the second ten within 20.
Improve the ability to measure the length of the items with the help of a conditional measure.

Lesson 5.
Teaching the number 8 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.
Fasten the account skills in direct and reverse order within 15.
Exercise in measuring the length of the objects with the help of a conditional measure.
Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cell.

Lesson 6.
Teaching the number 9 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.
Improve account skills within 20.
Exercise in measuring the height of objects with the help of a conditional measure.
Continue to develop the ability to focus on the sheet of paper into the cell.

Lesson 7.
Teaching the number 10 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.
Fasten the ability to determine the previous one, subsequent and missed number to the named or designated number within 10.
Exercise in the ability to measure the length and width of objects with the help of a conditional measure.

Lesson 8.
Consolidate the presentation of the quantitative and order value of the number within 10.
Fasten the ability to form a number 10 of units.
Skills measurement of the value of objects; introduce the dependence of the measurement results from the conditional measure.
Develop the ability to move in space in a given direction.
The ability to simulate objects with the help of familiar geometric shapes.

II quarter

Lesson 1.
To acquaint with coins of dignity 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles and 1, 5, 10 kopecks.
Continue forming orientation skills on a sheet of paper into a cell.
To clarify the views on polygons and methods for their classification and size.

Lesson 2.
Continue to acquaint with coins worth 1, 5, 10 rubles.
Learn to read by a given extent when not one, but several objects, is accepted per unit of account.
To form ideas about the time, introductory with sand clock.

Lesson 3.
Continue to acquaint with coins worth 1, 5, 10 rubles, their set and exchange.
Develop a sense of time, learn to regulate their activities in accordance with the time interval.
Continue to learn to read by a given extent within 20.
Develop the ability to recreate complex objects from individual parts by contour samples.

Lesson 4.
Continue to clarify the ideas about the coins of the dignity of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, their set and difference.
Learning to measure the volume of bulk substances with the help of a conditional measure.
To acquaint with the clock, learn to set time on the mockup of the clock.
Continue to learn to determine the shape of the objects and their parts.

Lesson 5.
Continue to learn to measure the volume of bulk substances using the conditional measure.
Continue to acquaint with the clock, learn to set time on the mockup of the clock.
Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cell.
Consolidate ideas about a polygon; To acquaint him with private cases: pentagon and hexagon.

Lesson 6.
To introduce the rules for measuring liquid substances by means of a conditional measure.
Fasten the understanding of the relationship between the numbers of a natural row, the ability to increase (decrease) the number 1 within 10.
Develop a sense of time; Learning to distinguish between time intervals within 5 minutes.
Develop the ability to simulate geometric shapes.

Lesson 7.
Improve the ability to lay the number into two smaller and range from two smaller larger number within 10.
Consolidate ideas about the sequence of times and months of the year.
Develop the ability to design geometric shapes on verbal description and transfer of characteristic properties.
Exercise in the ability to combine parts into a whole set, compare the integer and part of the set.

Lesson 8.
Fasten the ability to lay the number into two smaller numbers and make up two smaller larger numbers within 10.
Develop the ability to call the previous, subsequent and missed number to the named.
Fasten ideas about the sequence of the week.
Develop the ability to modify geometric shapes.

Lesson 1.
Learning to make arithmetic tasks for addition.
Fasten the ability to see geometric shapes in surrounding items.

Lesson 2.
Improve the ability to focus on a sheet of paper into a cage.
Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 3.
The ability to measure the volume of liquid substances by means of a conditional measure.
The ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.
Attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 4.
Learning to make and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.
To acquaint with coins of dignity 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, their set and exchange.
Improve the ability to focus on a sheet of paper into a cage.
Develop attention, logical thinking.

Lesson 5.
Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.
Continue to acquaint with the clock and set time on the mockup of the clock.
Improve the ability to focus on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Lesson 6.
Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.
Improve the ideas about the sequence of numbers within 20.
Develop the ability to share an integer on 8 equal parts and compare the integer and part of it.
Develop the ability to determine the location of items relative to each other.

Lesson 7.
Develop the ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to draw them on a sheet of paper.
Fasten the ability to call the previous, subsequent and skipped number indicated by the number.

Lesson 8.
Continue learning to independently compile and solve problems for addition and subtraction.
Improve the ideas about parts of the day and their sequence.
Exercise in proper use in speech words: first, then, before, after.
Fasten the ability to see in the surrounding subjects of familiar geometric shapes.
Develop attention, imagination.

Lesson 1.
Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition.
Exercise in the score of items according to the sample.
Learning to measure the length of the segments of straight lines by cells.
Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2.
Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.
Fasten the ability to call the winter months.
Improve the ability to make a number of units.
Exercise in the compilation of thematic compositions from geometric shapes.

Lesson 3.
Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.
Fasten the ability to consistently call the days of the week and correctly use in speech words: earlier, later, first, then.
Continue to form the ability to define a straight line segment and measure its length through cells.
Develop ideas about the magnitude of items.

Lesson 4.
Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.
Expand the ideas about the weight of items.
Fasten the ability to modify geometric shapes.
Improve the ability to navigate the notebook into the cell, perform tasks for verbal instructions.

Lesson 5.
Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.
Improve the skills of measuring the height of objects with the help of a conditional measure.

Annual planning for FMPs in preparatory groups.


Lesson 1.

Subject . Balloon travel.

IOS. Balloon I flew to a kindergarten to tell the guys, where he visited what he saw. During the year, on behalf of the traveler (balloon), the teacher will offer children travel to fairy tales.


Bowl Air Playful,

Not obedient and plump,

Together with the wind ran away

And where did not say to us.

IU "Street of the city."

Purpose. The score is quantitative, the account in the opposite direction, the account is ordinal.

Material. Images of houses with the number of windows from 10 to 1.

IU "On the roadway".

Purpose. Definition of the correct and incorrect image of the digit on writing.

Material. Images of cargo and passenger cars marked correctly and incorrectly written in numbers, mathematical pencils.

IU "House number".

IU "What is the ball above?"

Material. Images balloons with examples of addition and subtraction.

IU "Logic Square".

Purpose. Drawing up a mesh of a logical square (combinatorics).

Material. Images of balloons different color and forms.

Yiwu "Starry Night".

Purpose. Consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes, orientation on the plane, designing from counting sticks.

Material. Cards depicting geometric constellations.

Lesson 2.

Subject . Shorts from a flower city.

IOS. Balloon visited Flower city And I met snotes. Travel to flower city.


IU "Street of bells".

Purpose. The definition of incorrectly written numbers.

Material. Images of houses with numbers.

IU "House number".

Purpose. Determining the previous and subsequent number to the named number.

Material. Cassa numbers (mathematical pencil).

IU "Geometric flower beds."

Purpose. Secure the knowledge of geometric figures, the ability to relate the amount with the number of it indicating. Designing the octagon.

Material. Images of geometric flower beds with different colors, countable sticks.

IU "Pictures of the artist Tubik".

Purpose. Develop logical thinking, the ability to argue and highlight the couples suitable in meaning.

IU "Recipes Dr. Pilyulkin".

Purpose. Develop the ability to decode information about color, form, belonging to vegetables and fruits.

Material. Images of vegetables and fruits, cards - codes.

IU "Gather Herbarium."

Purpose. Computational activity.

Material. Images of leaves with examples for addition and subtraction.

IU "Rocket".

Material. The game "Crossings" Vosobovich.

Lesson 3.

Subject . Preparation for the flight to the moon.


IU "Build a rocket".

Purpose. Secure knowledge of geometric figures, the ability to decode information about form, size, color. Computational activity.

Material. Card codes with information about form, magnitude, color, ordinal number in the drawing.


Material. Cards with color denial, scaffold images.

Yiwu "Pictures for Lunatikov".

Purpose. Develop the ability to find a pair of the same pronunciation and opposite to the appointment of objects.

Material. Subject pictures.

IU "Space Food. Salad recipes. "

Purpose. The composition of the number of 10 of two smaller numbers.

Material. Pictures depicting vegetables, chopsticks of a cueiser.

Yiwu "Running a rocket".

Purpose. Determining previous and subsequent numbers.

Material. Numeric cards.

Lesson 4.

Subject . Dunno on the Moon.


IU "Constellation".

Purpose. Develop the ability to highlight a geometric shape from a plurality of layered contours.

Material. Visual manual "Geometric constellations", mathematical plates.

Finger game "Lunatic".

Yiwu "Apples."

Purpose. Determining the previous and subsequent number to the named number (search for a worm apple).

Material. Images of apples marked by the numbers of the first ten.

IU "Album with photos."

Purpose. Develop the ability to find missing images in a logical square grid.

Material. Pictures depicting different emotions, drawing software.

IU "Pancakes. A treat for Lunatic "

Purpose. Computational activity.

Material. Images of pancakes with examples for addition and subtraction.

IU "Gifts for Lunatikov".

Purpose. Develop the ability to decode information on the object properties of the objects.

Material. Images of 6 items (apple, guitar, alarm clock, bucket, pyramid, globe).

Yiwu "Bow for musician Gusli".

Lesson 5.

Subject . Buins from a quiet creek.

IOS. Tale of V. Rudkovsky about a small water.


IU "Submarine phone".

Purpose. Develop the ability to navigate and correctly choose the direction of the course in the maze.

Material. Labyrinth "Underwater Phone".

IU "Inhabitants of a quiet creek."

Purpose. Develop attention and observation at the score of arbitrarily located objects.

Material. Visual manual "Creek".

IU "Underwater kindergarten".

Purpose. Secure the ability to group items to compile an expression of inequality.

Material. Cassa numbers and signs.

IU "Kusikov Guardy."

Purpose. Computational activity.

Material. Images of fish with examples for addition and subtraction.

IU "Flagshat".

Material. Images are frog, marked by the numbers of the first ten.

IU "Spring".

Purpose. Geometric dictation.

Material. Geometric stencils and liner figures.

IU "Kvakusha Revinde."

Purpose. Develop structural abilities.

Material. The game "Cross-2" Vosobovich.

Lesson 6.

Subject . Kuzya's domain.

IOS. The fairy tale about Domomenka Kuzu.

IU "School of Little Domovat".

Purpose. Determination of even and odd numbers.

Material. Images of the domain marked by the numbers of the first ten.

Yiwu "Delicious compote".

Purpose. Secure knowledge of the number of 10 of two smaller numbers.

Material. Images of jar with compote, cueiser sticks.

IU "Spore dishes."

Purpose. Develop logical thinking.

Material. Image of dishes, card code.

Movable game "10 domain".

IU "Food and Drinks".

Purpose. Computational activity.

Material. Cards with the image of food and beverages with examples for addition and subtraction.

IU "Fire in the hut on the couch legs."

Purpose. Develop the ability to relate the magnitude of the chopstick of the ceweleter with the silhouette image.

Material. Sheets with the task of the "Hut", Kuizher's sticks.

Lesson 7.

Subject . Cinderella.

IU "Flowers".

Purpose. Determination of even and odd numbers.

Material. Images of colors marked by the numbers of the first ten.

IU "Dresses for Bala".

Purpose. Develop the ability to decode information about the denying color.

Material. Images of outfits for the ball, codes cards.

IU "Chips for birds."

Purpose. Computational activity.

Material. Cards with examples and image of birds with answers.

IU "Blanket for Cinderella."

Purpose. Develop the ability to find an excess figure from a number of proposed figures.

Material. Visual manual "Geometric Table".

IU "Pumpkin for a carriage".

Purpose. Develop the ability to build numbers of the first and second dozen in ascending order, call the missed numbers.

Material. Images of pumpkins with selective numbers from the first and second ten.

IU "Mousetrap".

Purpose. Secure the ability to relate a wand with its number indicating.

Material. Visual manual "Mousetrap", Kuizher's sticks.


Purpose. Develop the ability to determine the time by the clock.

Material. Scene pictures, mocks hours.

IU "Find a track."

Purpose. Develop the ability to navigate the labyrinth, to correctly determine and call the direction of the stroke.

Material. Labyrinth "Find a track".

Lesson 8.

Subject . Little Muck.

IU "Little Muk".

Purpose. Develop structural abilities, skill to play a picture image.

Material. Game "Cross-2" wax

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