Creative work with General Panfilov. Born General Ivan Panfilov

Immortal feat

November 16, 1941 With the defense of Moscow from the fascist invaders, in battle at the Dubosekovovo road, 28 fighters from the division of General Panfilov, destroying about two dozen German tanks and stopping the offensive of the Germans.

The battle near Moscow has become one of the decisive battles and the most important event The first year is great Patriotic War.

Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov - Outstanding Soviet military leader, hero Soviet Union. Born on January 1, 1893 (N.S.) inpetrovsk city of Saratov province.

In 1915, Panfilova was taken into tsarist ArmyAnd almost immediately sent to the German front.

By 1917, Panfilov became the commander of the company, after the February events, the soldiers elected him by a member of the regiment committee. Your voluntary choice is to fight on the side of the Red Army during the civil confrontation, I.V. Panfilov did in 1918.

After civil War was sent to B. Central Asiawhere fought with bass.

By 1938, Ivan Vasilyevich becomes the Military Commissar of Kyrgyzstan, the next year receives the title of Combridge, even after a year-Major-General.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was instructed in Alma-Ata to create the 316th Rifle Division.

Already by the end of August, Division under the command of Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilova joined the army of the North-Western Front.

In early October 1941, the Division of Panfilov near Moscow was trusted defense of a wide band for more than forty kilometers on the Volokolamsk direction. Brutal battles in these positions forever glorified the division, the name of the Major generally made a nominative, and his soldiers began to call Panfilov.

Despite the fact that the division fighters were not previously tested in battles, their durability and heroism were hit by all - and our military leaders and Germans.

The fighting spirit of soldiers, Ivan Vasilyevich raised, constantly being in those parts of the division, who experienced the most fierce head of the enemy. Personal example of Panfilov managed to show in his unfinished and barely trained fighters that mass heroism, which made a decisive contribution to the victory soviet people above fascism. Then Ivan Vasilyevich received respectful and affectionate nickname "Bath" from his soldiers. He is always in response and everyone before the battle said: "I don't need you to die, you need you to stay alive!"

Feat of 28 Panfilovts at the Dubosek

Division of Panfilova on November 16, 1941 attacked two German tank divisions. At the same time, one division attacked the central part of the defense, and the other in the Dubosekovo region, where the defense was kept the 1075th rifle regiment. It was near Dubosekovo and events unfolded, named later "feat of 28 Panfilovtsy".

For several November days, the Division of Panfilova made almost impossible. Speaking against significantly superior enemy forces, Panfilovtsy stopped the attacks of 2 tank and infantry officers of the enemy.

For unprecedented heroism, the division becomes guards and red-known. And on November 23, he receives the honorary title of Panfilovskaya.

Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov himself, by that time he had already died. It happened November 18, 1941 At the village of Gosenevo. With the wrong shelling of the village of the village, the smallest fragment of mines fell into the head of an outstanding commander, who at this time accompanied by Moscow correspondents examined the surroundings.

Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilova buried with honors at the Novodevichy cemetery. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned to him posthumously - in April 1942.

Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was born on January 1, 1893 in the Saratov province in the family of the office servant Petrovsk. In 1915, he is calling for the Tsarist Army participates in the First World War. October Revolution Panfilov takes positively and already in 1918 the volunteer goes to serve in the Red Army. He is credited to the Saratov infantry regiment of the famous Chapaev division. In these terrible years of civil war, Panfilov takes active participation in hostilities. Commands platoon and mouth, fights against white detachments of the generals of Dutov, Kolchak, Denikin as well as Belopolds. After the end of the war in 1923, Panfilov learns in the Kiev Military School and receives appointment to the Central Asian Military District, where it serves more than seventeen years. During this time, he takes an active part in the fight against Central Asian Basmachas, commands a battalion and a regiment, where it becomes not only an experienced military, but also a knowledgeable leader.

In 1937, Ivan Vasilyevich appoints the head of the Central Asian Military District headquarters, and another a year he becomes the Military Commissioner of the Kyrgyz SSR. For combat differences and heroism rendered during the civil war and after it, Panfilov is awarded by two orders of the Red Banner and the Medal "20 Years of the Red Army", and in June 1940 he was given the title of Major General.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he is in the composition of the army. Ivan Vasilyevich personally occupying the formation of the 316th rifle division, which he himself commanded on the North-West and Western fronts. It was his famous division in October-November 1941, under the capital of Moscow, on the Volokolamian direction, led heavy defensive battles with the superior enemy's forces.

Panfilov first widely uses the system of the echelonized artillery anti-tank defense, creates and skillfully applies mobile outliers of the barrier in battle. In the unceasing battles on the approaches to Moscow, the part of the division of General Panfilov did not only hold their positions, but was able to fill the onset of the 2nd tank and one infantry division of the fascists, destroying a lot of effort and weapons of the enemy.

For the prosperous course of these battles and for the mass heroism of the 316th division, on November 17, 1941, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and the next day was reorganized into the 8th Guards Rifle Division. Later she gets the honorary title - Division of Panfilov, in honor of the commander, but this happens after the death of Ivan Vasilyevich.

November 19, 1941, Fearless Commander Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov dies in battle from the fragments of the German mortar mill in the village of Gosenevo Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

In April 1942, Panfilov was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In the village of Gosenevo, a monument was delivered at the place of death. His name was called the city of Zhant and one village in Kazakhstan, and one village in Kyrgyzstan. The name of Panfilov worn the streets of many cities and villages of Russia and former USSR, steamers, factories, plants. Also, the name of the hero was assigned to many schools in Central Asia.

Lieutenant-General, participant of the First World War, Civil and Great Patriotic War. During the Great Patriotic War of Division. Posthumously awarded the Order Hero of the Soviet Union.

Through peace and war

Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was born on December 20, 1892 (according to a new style - January 1, 1893). The place of his birth was a city in modern. Arriving from the family of a poor office employee and early lost his mother, he, without finishing his studies, was forced to leave the city 4-class school. Already since 1905, Panfilov begins to engage hired labor.

Panfilov was in the ranks of the Russian Imperial Army in 1915. During the First World War, he fights on the Russian-German Front. Panfilov - Unter-Officer, Feldofebel, later - commander of the company. After February Revolution It enters the Regimental Committee and conducts anti-war campaign among soldiers.

Ivan Vasilyevich's created Red Army enters the volunteer already in 1918 on the fronts of the Civil War, he fights in the 1st Saratov Infantry Regiment, which was part of the 25th Chapaev Rifle Division. In 1921, the heroism of Panfilov receives its first Order of the Red Banner on the Soviet-Polish Front.

After the civil war ended, Panfilov continued to serve in the ranks of the Red Army. His career undoubtedly contributed to the fact that since 1920 he consisted in the rows of WCP (b). After graduating from the Kiev commander school (various sources include various options for its name) in 1923 Panfilov was appointed to Turkestan, fighting bass. He headed the regimental school in the 4th Turkestan Rifle Shelf (1927). From April 1928, Ivan Vasilyevich - the commander of the rifle battalion. In 1929, Panfilov receives the second Order of the Red Banner for success in the fight against Basmachi. He was the commander of the 9th Red Banner Mountains Regiment (from December 1932). In 1937, he was raised before the post of headquarters department of the Central Asian Military District. Since 1938, Panfilov is the responsibilities of the Commissioner of the Kyrgyz SSR, having received the Medal "XX Years of the Red Army" in this post. In January of the following, 1939, Ivan Vasilyevich is awarded the title - Combrigs, and in 1940 he was rertesting in Majora General.

Commander Division

When the Great Patriotic War broke out, Panfille was instructed to form a 316 small-scale division in Almaty and head it. The division turned out to be multinational: the most Kazakhs (40%) and Russians were most (30%), among the others - representatives of 26 peoples of the Soviet Union. Already during the formation of the division of Panfilov, special teachings aimed at the elimination of the tankois are used to train his fighters. During these teachings for the absence of tanks, they used mobilized agricultural tractors.

At the end of August, the division is derived from Kazakhstan and transmitted to the 52nd army relating to the North-West Front. Following the front, the division suffered the first combat lossesHaving used for airlines in the area. The division continued training at the landfill located between and. Later, in September, she ranked a defense band among the 2nd echelon compounds.

October 5, 1941, after the start of the offensive of the Germans on (Operation "Typhoon"), the division is transferred to the Moscow direction - first in the 5th army, and then in the 16th, which was commanded then. He later warmly recalled Panfilov and his division. 316th Division was supposed to defend. She kept defense on the line - (41 kilometers on the front).

The first clashes of the division with the enemy occurred on October 15. On her positions, the two tank divisions of the Germans (2nd and 11th) and one infantry division (35th) occurred at once. At the front, stretched 5 times compared with the fact that the combat charters demanded, undergoing the enemy with a tremendously superior in combat experience, the division was not crushed. She only slowly retreated, continuing to maintain combat capability and apply significant losses to the enemy. Panfilov continued to actively look for the best tactical techniques. He independently spoke the methods of using reference points. The term "loop of Panfilova" entered the military lexicone - the concentration of troops at key points of battle. It was noted by specialists and the use of a Panfilov echelonized version of anti-tank defense, as well as mobile barriers. The artillery of the division including the divisions attached to it and amounted to about two hundred stems, which was quite a lot for that time. Panfilov used it easily, despite the limited amount of ammunition. There is information about special detachments created in the division for sudden attacks on the enemy, which were sent to newly arrived soldiers in order to give them to "feel war." Panfilov took steps for the speedy provision of the division in winter outfit. In general, he showed great concern for his soldiers, for which he received respectful nicknames "Aksakal" and "Bath." Soon the division begins to allocate from a number of ordinary Soviet compounds and the enemy, right up to the level of the headquarters of the Center for the German armies "Center". The commander of the 4th tank army hepner with involuntary respect wrote about her "fanatical" and fearless soldiers.

Although Volokolamsk at the end of October 1941 and was left as a result of defeats in other areas of the front, the division was again managed to move in perfect order, now she defended the approach to. It is here that the battle will be played on November 16-18, after which the words "28 Panfilovtsev" will enter the story.

Are there 28?

"28 Heroes-Panfilovtsev" has long become a common expression. Alma-Ata has a park named after 28 Heroes-Panfilovtsev, which also has a monument to General Panfilov. The image of twenty-eight heroes became an integral part of the uniform image of the Great Patriotic War. In the Soviet historical textbooks, which mentioned the topic of the Great Patriotic War, led the words of one of twenty-eight - Politruck Klochkov: "Great, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow!".

At the same time, already decades in the historical and nearly scientific environment, disputes relative to the circumstances of the feat and his reality are not poisoned. Here I will try to stick exclusively firmly established facts. It is known that the event itself occurred on November 16 in the road area. On the 4th Road, which was part of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th Rifle Regiment of the 316th Division, collapsed by a massive blow of the enemy's troops, supported by numerous tanks. From the entire composition of the company, which appealing at the time of the beginning of the fighting up to 140 people, survived only 20-25. The surnames of those who later entered the number 28 were, apparently, were named after the memory of the Khrivitsky krivitsky to the regiment, which came to the regiment of the "Red Star" to the regiment. Later, some of those who were included in the group "28 Panfilovtsev" were alive, and it turned out that some of them did not participate in this battle at all. Also, apparently, the company attributed all the tanks, hit the day that day. However, the fact of the heroic behavior of the company fighters is no doubt. In the history of the Division there are many no less glorious, but, unfortunately, less well-known episodes.

Panfilov and Panfilovtsy

Panfilov died on November 18, 1941, he became a victim of a fragment of the shell (mortar miner), who fell into a temple. It happened when Panfilov reflected the tank attack of the enemy to the village. The group of military correspondents, who came to write about the famous division, became witnesses to write about the famous division and its commander. In addition to them, this event was observed by a number of Soviet commanders, including the future most effective tank AU Soviet Union Dmitry Fedorovich Lavrinenko. On April 12, 1942, General Panfilov was already posthumously awarded the Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union. On the same day, when Panfilov was killed, his division received the honorary title of Guards, thus becoming the 8th Guards Division. On November 23, the division officially received the name of Panfilovskaya, a sign of distinction, forever connected the division and its creator and the first commander.

The names of Panfilov were called numerous streets, schools throughout the former Soviet Union, and even a whole city district. His honor produced memorable stamps. He was built monuments, and his monument in Bishkek became the first of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic heroes.

Panfilov Ivan Vasilyevich, major General, Hero of the Soviet Union, Born on January 1, 1893 in the city of Petrovsk of Saratov province in the family of a small office employee.His father, Vasily Zakharovich, died in 1912, mother, Alexander Stepanovna, housewife, left life even earlier, in 1904. Ivan learned in a four-class urban school, but because of the early death of the mother could not finish it and from 12 years he went to work on hiring a shop.

Major General Panfilov Ivan Vasilyevich

During World War I, in 1915, I.V. Panfilov was called up to the Russian Imperial Army. He served first in the 168th spare battalion in the Penza province, and then after graduation in March 1917, a school in March 1917 was sent to the existing army to the South-West Front in the 638th Infantry Regiment. Rested to the title of Feldfelle, commanded his mouth. He used the authority among the soldiers, after the February Revolution of 1917 was elected by a member of the Regimental Committee.

The Red Army of Panfilov entered voluntarily in October 1918 and was enrolled in the 1st Saratov Infantry Regiment, subsequently part of the 25th Chapaev division. Participated in the Civil War of 1917-1922. and the Soviet-Polish war of 1920, commanding platoon, then with Rota. In August 1920 he joined RCP (b). For combat merit on the Polish front awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1921).

Since March 1921, the platoon commander of the 183rd separate border battalion, which was reformed by his regiment.

After graduating from the Civil War I.V. Panfilov decided to continue the service in the Red Army. In 1923 he graduated from the two-year Kiev Higher United School of Commanders of the RKKA named S.S. Kameneva and was directed to the 52nd Yaroslavl Rifle Regiment, where he commanded platoon and rose.

In April 1924, he again loss at the Turkestan Front, commanded Rifle Rota, was the head of the Regimental School of the 1st Turkestan Rifle Shelf. From May 1925, again as a commander of the company, but already in the Pamir detachment, and from August 1927, the head of the regimental school of the 4th Turkestan Rifle Shelf. From April 1928 to June 1929, the commander of the Rifle battalion of the 6th Turkestan Regiment of the Central Asian Military District, who participated in the fight against Basmachi. For manifested courage in 1930, a second Order of the Red Banner was awarded.

From 1931, Ivan Vasilyevich was served by the commander and commissioner of the 8th separate rifle battalion of the local troops of the Central Asian Military District, then the commander of the 9th Red Snimpted Mountain Region in the same district.

In 1937, he was appointed headquarters of the district department of the district.

From October 1938, he is the Military Commissioner of the Kyrgyz SSR, from January 26, 1939 in military rank Combrig, and from June 4, 1940, General Major.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, from July to August 1941, General Major Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was engaged in the formation of the 316th Rifle Division (from July 12 as its commander) in the city of Alma-Ata from the military-ridden stock of the Central Asian Military District. At the end of August, the division was part of the 52nd Army, and in the first half of October, due to the changed situation in the Moscow direction, the 16th Army was transferred (commander lieutenant General ) Western Front and ranked defense on the approaches to Volokolamsk. Here, General Panfilov applied a well-thought-out system of anti-tank defense, in which tan hazardous directions skillfully covered with artillery, mobile sockets, and the locality competently equipped in engineering. Thanks to this, the persistence of the Soviet troops increased significantly, and all attempts by the 5th German Army Corps break through our defense at this section of the front turned out to be unsuccessful. During the seven days, the division together with the Classian regiment S.I. Infanti and the attacked parts of the anti-tank artillery successfully chose an opponent's attack.

Applying all efforts to capture Volokolamsk, the Hitler's command threw another motorized hull into this area. Only under pressure exceeding their forces, the enemy part of the division was forced to leave Volokolamsk at the end of October and to take defense eastern city. On November 16, German troops resumed the "general offensive" to Moscow, and under the Volokolamsky again fierce battles.

« With the most difficult conditions of combat situation, - wrote the commander of the Army General Commander of the Supreme Commander, - panfilov Comrade has always saved the manual and control of parts. In continuous monthly battles on the approaches to Moscow, part of the division not only kept their positions, but also rapidly counterattacks defeated the 2nd tank, 29-Motorized, 11th and 110th infantry divisions, destroying 9,000 enemy soldiers and officers, more than 80 tanks, many guns, mortars and other weapons».

From a premium sheet to the Order of the Red Banner:

« In battles against the German fascist gangs on the approaches to Moscow, he showed himself a bold and brave commander-organizer of the battle. In the period from October 10, 1941 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sovkhodogo Bulychevo, Astashevo, Savory, Ryukhovskoye, Volokolamsk for 18 days of the division, under the leadership of Comrade Panfilov, in battles with in three superior enemy forces held their positions, causing huge losses to the enemy, Knowing its lively strength and material part, while while maintaining its strength, steadily fought and fighting for a real day. For excellent leadership of battles, for personal courage and courage, manifested in battles, worthy of rewarding the Order of the Red Banner».

Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov died on the battlefield at the outskirts of the village of Khusing the Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region, having received the deadly wound from a fragment of a closely broken German artillery min.

This is how this fact is described in the book of Marshal Armored Forces (in 1941, Colonel), whose 4th tank brigade operated at the next section of the front: " On the morning of November 18, two dozen tanks and chains of motorcycles began to surround the village of Khuner again. Here at this time there was a KP of Panfilovoy - overthrown Overlooking a dugout near the peasant. The Germans fired a village from mortars, but the fire was not delicious, and they did not pay attention to him. Panfilov accepted a group of Moscow correspondents. When he was informed about the tank attack of the enemy, he hurried from the dugouts to the street. Other workers of the division headquarters followed him. I did not have time Panfilov climb the last step of the dugouts, as a miner rumbled near. General Panfilov began to slowly settle on the ground».

The wounded I. V. Panfilov provided first aid, but on the way to Medsanbat, the General died ...

Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was buried with military honors at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow (section No. 5), a monument is erected on the grave of the hero. Later, a memorable stele was installed on the place of the death of the general.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 12, 1942 for the skillful leadership of the division in battles on the attitude towards the city of Moscow and the personal bravery and heroism of Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). Among his awards there are also orders of Lenin (12.04.1942, posthumous), a red banner (05.11.1941) and the "XX Years" medal (1938).

After the war, the name of Panfilov was named several settlements in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the streets of many cities and villages, factories, plants, collective farms. In Moscow since 1966, the name of the hero is the street (the former 2nd ul. Levitan) in the Volokolamsk highway. Bust I. V. Panfilova works of the sculptor I.S. Isaikina is installed in front of the school building on Losinoostrovskaya Street.

For exemplary execution of combat missions of the command, the massive heroism of the 316th Rifle Division by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 17, 1941 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the next day (even during the life of Panfilov) was transformed into the 8th Guards Rifle Division. The name of Major General I. V. Panfilov was awarded division on November 23, later she was also awarded the honorary name of regimen (August 1944), was awarded the orders of Lenin and Suvorov of the 2nd degree.

During the Great Patriotic War, over 14 thousand soldiers of the division were awarded orders and medals, the feats of 33 officers and soldiers were noted by the high title of "Hero of the Soviet Union". The word "Panfilovtsy" became synonymous with courage and resistance. The 8th Guards Rifle Division with honor passed a combat path from Moscow to Kurlenia. Among the banners, which decided at the parade of victory in Moscow in 1945, there was a combat banner of the Panfilov division. In 1975, in honor of the Heroev Panfilovtsev, Dubosekovo erected a memorial ensemble.

Material prepared Research Institute ( military history) Military Academy of the General Staffing Forces of the Russian Federation.

75 years ago, on November 18, 1941, Major Major Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov, commander of the 316th rifle division, died in battle near the village of Khusenvovovoyv. The day after the death of Panfilov, his division "for exemplary execution of command tasks" will be the 8th Guards. Ivan Vasilyevich himself, unfortunately, did not leave memoirs, no instructions. However, the documents signed by them are orders and reports. Fighters and commanders who brought up Panfilov, were also able to tell something about the comda.

"Inexperienced" General

Panfilov himself, on the description of his assistant and friend Markov, spoke about himself like this:

"I, Vitaly Ivanovich, an inexperienced General. In the general rank, I fight first, but I am an experienced ordinary, corporal, the younger Unter-Officer, Feldfebel of the First Imperialist War, I am an experienced inclusive and regular commander of the Civil War. Against whom I only fought! Belopolds, Denikin, Wrangel, Kolchak, Basmachi. "

"The general turned. In the mustache triggered by two squares, did not break the sidin. Skills were noticeably issued. Suggrable narrow eyes were cut in Mongolian, just like. Thought: Tatar. "
Portrait of Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilova

Indeed, Panfilov, born on January 1, 1893 (according to a new style), fought since 1915. First - against the Germans on the southwestern front of the First World War. He became the younger Unter-Officer, then - Feldfelm. In Division, Chapaeva Panfilov, during the civil war, passed on the steps of the service staircase from the platoon commander to the battalion commander. During the service in the Red Army before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, two orders of the Red Banner, which was the highest military award of the country before the introduction of the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Divisia Panfilova did not have to participate in the first fights of the Great Patriotic War. It was formed only on July 14, 1941 in Kazakhstan and until August 15 trained in the Almaty area. Westing in thousands of kilometers west of their blood paid the possibility of training those who come to replace them - and wins. But the victory remained very far away. The division plunged into the echelons and left for the North-West Front. By August 31, after the fulfillment of the Stokilometer Marsha, the division forced the Msta River in the Novgorod region and focused in the source area.

Victory goes to battle

Even before the start of battles, Panfilov pays special attention to the work of the rear of its connection. They defined stations railwayWith which the supply will be manufactured. Clearly indicate the boundaries of the rear area, both for the division itself and for her regiments. Put routes of supply of each shelf. If necessary, part will easily understand where they get bread, from where cattle, from where, other supplies. Panfilov also takes care of the evacuation of the wounded people, as well as patients and wounded horses. It would seem that all this is quite ordinary organizational events that are included in the terms of the responsibilities of any commander of the Division. However, alas, an agongenous clear operation of the divisional rear was a striking contrast with many other RKKA compounds in the first period of war.

It should be noted that the 316th rifle division was not particularly rich in vehicles, which is easily traced and on the story of Alexander Bek "Volokolamskoye Highway".

The study of the personnel of the compound continued, good, the division was still 30-40 km from the front edge of the North-West Front. The training shooting was carried out. An unusual move - to prepare Sergeants Panfilov ordered the creation of a special training battalion, unforeseen by any states. In his opinion (so subsequently transferred his words),

"Red Army teams, younger commanders, platoon and mouth commanders are, I would say real" production workers ", workers on the battlefield. After all, they are both working in a worker, in a peasant victory in the near battle. "

In October 1941, after the front of the front at Vyazma, Panfilov Division fell to defend the Volokolamsk Highway - Moscow, the only highway to Moscow in this direction. A more important plot was not on the entire front of the 16th Army Rokossovsky. Divisions, stretching at the same line, had to defend a plot of width over the front of more than 40 km away - from the Moscow Sea to the Soviches of Bolychevo. As a result, the regiments of the regiments independently could not strengthen the defense, and in the crisis situation had to immediately use the reserves of the division. However, they were very small, therefore, the commander allocated the 316th division to the most part of the strength and means of gain.

On the staff of three rifle regiment And the 857th artpol of the 316th division in the aggregate had 54 guns. It is not so much (a little more than one gun per kilometer of the front), and more than half of these guns - anti-tank "Sorokatki" (16 guns) and 76 mm "Collens" (14 guns). 122-mm Gaubitz was only eight.

But the features of the organizational structure of the Red Army allowed "pumping" the troops at the most important areas attached to parts. The division received four artpol reserve of the Supreme Command (RVGK) and three anti-tank shelf. In addition, artillery of other parts operated in the division defense band. As a result of the upcoming Germans, more than two hundred guns were to meet, 30 of which were 152-mm cannons, 32-122-mm cannons and gaubes. Also in the division defense band had 16,85-mm anti-aircraft guns.

On October 12, the whole division was concentrated in the Volokolamsk area. It should be noted that Panfilov prudently sent an operational group, which arrived at the place of October 5, and managed to familiarize themselves with the state of defense and the nature of the terrain. The commander of the division arrived the next day. As soon as the Volkolamsk arrived another regiment or the connection battalion, his commander received personally from the Panfilov card with the specified defense area, neighbors and time of occupation of positions. Panfilov managed to think about the eviction of the local population from the district of the coming battles.

When organizing defense, Panfilov's subordinates skillfully used the nature of the area. To make it difficult to work with German tanks, the division managed to dig 16 km of anti-tank RVov and set more than 12,000 anti-tank mines. But the main emphasis in the fight against tanks was made on artillery. She submitted not to infantry, as it often happened, and artillery commander, and those directly the commander of the division artillery. "And in this particular setting, this was the only right solution" - this will be said in the press of November 1941. The infantry just covered the position of artillery from possible leakage of the enemy.

In advance, the areas of massive fire were identified. Special attention was paid to the organization anti-heart defense. From the air strikes, the position of the division was to cover everything that was at hand - from manual machine guns up to two regiments of anti-aircraft guns.

One of the regiments of the division, the 1077th rifle, got a rob of tanks from the 21st tank brigade. In addition, from October 19, the 22rd tank brigade is interacting with the connection of Panfilov.

Baptism of fire

The readers of the Volokolamsk Highway remember that the division did not passively wait for the Germans, and herself sent special detachments that attacked the enemy even at approaches to her combat orders. Judging by the documents, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such detachments belongs to the senior lieutenant Momesuly (and not Panfilov, as in the story).

On the night of October 15, on October 16, hundreds of fighters under the command of Lieutenant Rakhimov and the Bozzhanov Politrock attacked Sergey Germans who had rest in the village of Germans, blew five cars, captured the trophies and ordinary soldiers. The twentieth showed that the attack of the enemy will begin in the morning.

Commander of the 316th Rifle Division General-Major I.V. Panfilov (left), Head of Staff I.I. Serebryakov and Senior Ballen Commissioner S.A. Egorov discuss the battle plan for the advanced

The advancing German tanks and infantry Panfilovtsy once met with fire guns, volley rifles from a close distance and the fire machine guns. The Germans did not discourage the first failures, they continued to rush to such a close Moscow. But before, they had to take Volokolamsk.

Even getting into the environment, the Soviet infantry continued steadwise and skillfully defended. Only when it remained literally 3-5 rounds on the fighter, the Red Army fell into their own. Lieutenant Momyshulu's battalion in similar situation It was possible to even take out five guns left by the neighboring division.

On October 18, an unexpected "bonus" is used to transfer the tiny reserves (highlighted shelves of the mouth) - Trucks. Comda creates new anti-tank areas, personally indicates the tasks of the Divisions of the RSZO "Katyusha" - M-8 and M-13. On the importance of battles in this direction can be judged at least by the fact that it is necessary to keep Volokolamsk personally. On October 20, the 4th Tank Brigade Katukov, which occupy the front section between it and their neighbors is transferred to the help of the Panfilov division.

Veterans of the Panfilov Division with soldiers and younger commander Soviet army. Alma-Ata, August 1981.

On October 20, the 316th Rifle division declared five baked tanks, one more blew the sappers. Communication with a neighbor on the left, the 133rd division, by this time was violated. On October 25, the 1077th regiment of the Panfilova compounds consisted of up to 2000, 1073rd - 800 people, and the 1075th - only 700 fighters. In the attached artpoles left 6-8 guns. Anti-tankists fought, moving away from the turn to the frontier.

On October 26, the 1077th regiment was departed, the counterattaking 1073-plk was carried by large losses. October 27 Volokolamsk fell. but soviet troops They were not broken, but continued to resist on the eastern shore of the Lama River.

Despite the difficult situation, on October 27, Panfilov requires a clear work of the headquarters and reports from them every two hours. The division commander cannot fight, not knowing what is happening on the battlefield. Therefore, October 31, Panfilov recalls the personal responsibility of headquarters and adjutants of battalions for providing reports on time. Otherwise, it may be a tribunal. It is curious that separately coming requires information about the work of PTR-novels platforms, which just passed the battle baptism (anti-tank guns of early and foreign models were used before).

For 12 days, the battles of the 1073rd regiment lost 198 people killed, 175 injured and 1068 - without missing. In the 1075th shelf, the position was even more difficult: he lost 535 killed, 275 injured and 1730 - missing. It is for these battles that will receive the title of Guards.

On the hottest trails in the documents were especially noted by the actions of anti-tank artillery called shiny. Although the infantry lacked even for the cover of anti-tankists, the artpolki fought literally to the latter, the defense "becomes".

Already on November 7, seven fighters and commanders of the 316th division, as well as two battery commander of the 289th PTO artpol, were awarded the orders of Lenin.

Soon there was a turn of new fights. Panfilovtsy fight together with the Tank Brigade of Katukov, renamed November 11 in the 1st Guards, and Cavalorists of the Dovator. South, at the site of the 18th Rifle Division, tankers managed to eliminate dangerous bridgeheads from Skirmanovo, from which the Germans could threaten the environment at once several Soviet parts. After that success on November 15, Panfilov in accordance with the instructions of Rokossovsky is preparing a blow from the south again to master Volokolamsky. But on November 16, the Germans go to the offensive again.

November 18, the life of Ivan Vasilyevich broke off. In a posthumous premium sheet, it was noted that the division of General Panfilov for the month of continuous fierce fights on the approaches to Moscow destroyed "9000 german soldiers And officers, more than 80 tanks and many guns, mortars and other weapons. "

Before the death of Panfilov managed to thank the deputy head of the artillery of the Division Markov, who "himself came out of the battle, and led the material part," for which he was presented to the Order of the Red Banner.


Talking about General Panfilov, it will not be superfluous to remind some of his colleagues at least in a few words.

Desperate times sometimes demanded desperate measures. One of the strongest places of the book "Volokolamsk Highway" - a shot of a coward:

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was a sniper, a personnel officer with pre-war experience, fought as a battery commander still at Lake Hasan. He honestly told about his actions not only by a visiting writer, but also to the authorities. On November 28, in battle for the village of Sokolovo for manifestation of cowardice, self-dedication from leading a division, a threat to the weapon, the Commissar of Shirokov and the unconstitution of the help of the wounded commander Momshulla shot before the battalion of the commander of the platoon of Lieutenant Bychkov and Zapolitruk Yubishev (Yutyshev?). Moreover, formally Momesuly, without being the commander of the division, did not have the right to execution and risked heavily. However, I went to risk.

The same honesty was characteristic of Momyshuly and when describing other episodes. So, in the report of November 20, he admits that "the fight was fierce, both sides carried big losses." Trophies after a successful counterattack: A light machine with documents, tractor and 75 mm gun with 70s. In another battle, according to his report, three tanks are bent. There are no dozen burned tanks and shot down aircraft, which one could expect from the commander of the unit when describing a stubborn defense. It is not surprising that Momyshuly so impressed Bek when writing the Volokolamsk Highway.

A small story of Beck about the Panfilovtsians-defenders of Moscow has become popular not only in the USSR, but also in many other countries of the world. Perhaps no less attention and respect are now other stories of Beck about Panfilovtsy, who continued the traditions of the deceased commander. For example, "Start!" - Show the practically reference work of the regiment commander. When for the whole battle, a duration of about two and a half hours, the hero of the "Volokolamsk highway", now the commander of the Momesuly regiment, said ... Only one word. Why?

"Victory goes to battle. This aphorism loves Guard Captain Momysh-Uly. "

And it was not just beautiful phrase. The fighters of his regiment, despite the "dulling" on the part of the authorities on the phone, did not occur until the reconnaissance of the enemy's firepoints were completed. Art Protection was not carried out. But the guns were targeted before the battle - and opened the fire at its beginning on the exactly identified dugouts and manifested themselves with firepoints. And for breakthrough german defense Enough ... forty-six shells. Few work of fiction It can compete in detailed accuracy with documents, while colorfully showing the whole complex "kitchen" of the work of the regiment headquarters.

It would seem - you never know what can invent a writer, the paper erased everything. However, the fight on February 6, 1942 (in time, the coincident with the story described in the story) remained fixed in the documents. For one day, the 1075th regiment under the command of Momyshuly was able to first divide the Germans in the most fortified village of Troskovo, and then release another twelve (!) Sel. Since these villages were important in important roads, the Germans desperately tried to repel them. But the three opponent's attacks are one after another, remained unsuccessful. The trophies of the shelf were announced three tanks, 65 cars, 7 motorcycles, two long-range and three field guns, ammunition and food.

It should be added that I commanded the Momyshal regiment due to the sudden illness of the former commander - the Caprov, which happened before the onset. Despite the suddenness of the increase and the most complicated task, the results of the battle said themselves for themselves. The new regiment commander was presented to the Order of the Red Banner. Panfilov managed to prepare decent commanders.

Commanders of the Panfilov Division. From left to right: Guard Senior Lieutenant, Commander of the Artillery Division Dmitry Kiscel (Snegin), Guard Senior Lieutenant, Assistant Chief of the Operational Division Department Evgeny Bells, Guard Captain Commander Talgar Regiment Bauyrzhan Momis-Uly, as well as a serviceman sukhov. Kalininsky Front, 1942.

Assistant Chief of the Operational Department of the 316th Division In 1941, Yevgeny Mikhailovich Kolokolnikov was one of the best Soviet climbers of pre-war years. In 1936, he conquered the peak of Khan Tengri height over 7 km. In 1942, the bell testers taught mountain shooters in the Caucasus. According to award leaf, Evgeny Mikhailovich "conducted extremely important work in the troops on the technique and tactics of action in the mountains, to create and apply in the practice of various mountain equipment." As a topographer, he taught military personnel with a card and oriented in the mountains. In the front-line newspaper the bells wrote over 20 articles. And in 1982 he participated in the preparation of the First Soviet Expedition to Everest.

In 1941, Dmitry Fedorovich Kiscev was the commander of the artillery division. In 1944, he had already commanded the 27th artpolk of the Panfilovsk division, and in this position "showed samples of the skillful leadership of the regiment in battle and fire management." His guns were relentlessly followed in the combat orders of the upcoming infantry, making her the road, the German firepoints and the sumizers threw. And after the war, Dmitry Fedorovich under the pseudonym Snegin wrote several rates on the fights of the native division. These instructive stories and stories are one of the best monuments to General Panfilov and his fighters.

Sources and literature:

  • Materials of the site "Memory of the People"
  • Materials of the site "Feat people"
  • Martialctions Rifle division. - M.: Milivdat, 1958.
  • Beck A. Collected Works. In 4 volumes. Volume 2. Volokolamsk highway. Military stories and essays. - Moscow: Publisher " Fiction"1974.
  • Galkina Galya. Bauyrzhan. New generation, 2010
  • Momis-Uly B. Behind us Moscow. Notes officer. - Alma-Ata: Kazgoslitisdat, 1962.
  • Radzievsky A.I. Tactics in combat examples - M.: Milivdat, 1974.
  • Stalish Vl. Combat ordinary. True, November 19, 1941.
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