Creative group of speech therapists to develop a collection. Analytical references to certification of a speech therapist

Victoria Spiridonova
Analytical references to certification of a speech therapist.

Analytical reference

Personal contribution to improving the quality of education based on improving methods

training and education, innovation,

in the development of new educational technologies.

Improving the quality of professional activity

Full name (teacher-logopedist) regularly improves professional qualifications in raising children preschool age, remedial education children with severe speech impairments.

Refresher courses

2012 LGPU im. Pushkin "Continuity in the work of the preschool educational institution, families and schools "

in the amount of 72 hours

2012 She was trained in the use of ICT in work.

2013 LOIRO "Development of pedagogical abilities" 36 hours

2015 LOIRO "Organization and content of speech therapy work in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education»In the amount of 108 hours

Participation in research activities.

Full name (teacher-logopedist) in 2013 worked in a creative group at the MBU "Vyborg District Methodological Center" and developed the project "A cat that walks by itself"

Generalization and dissemination of their own pedagogical experience

Full name (teacher-logopedist) participates in municipal and regional seminars, conferences. Actively disseminates its teaching experience in the form: a master class, speaking at seminars and consultations, presentations for classes, participation in socially significant projects, methodological developments, holding open classes using ICT.


a speech therapist on the use of ICT

in logocorrection work

Information technologies are among effective means teaching, increasingly used in special pedagogy. In recent years, there has been a discussion about the content, form, methods special education that would make it possible to achieve the maximum possible success in the development of a child with special cognitive needs (I. K. Vorobiev, M. Yu. Galanina, N. N. Kulishov, O. I. Kukushkina). In this regard, one of urgent problems correctional pedagogy is the improvement of methods and techniques aimed at overcoming and preventing speech disorders.

The introduction of computer technology today is a new step in educational process... Speech therapists not only did not stand aside, but also actively participated in the process of widespread use of ICT in their practice.

I have been using ICT in my work on speech correction for preschoolers with OHP since 2013. In 2016 speech therapy groups were equipped with interactive equipment, which allowed me to use interactive MIMIO technologies in my work.

The use of ICT in speech therapy work contributed to the activation of voluntary attention, increased motivation for learning, expanding the possibilities of working with visual material, increasing the efficiency of correctional work, intensifying work with the results of speech therapy monitoring studies, and improving the quality of office work.

Over the past two years, the following work has been done on the use of ICT in speech correction work:

1. Development of presentations for classes in preparation for literacy training for children of the older group.

1. “Sound Bb. Letter B "

2. "Sound and letter B".

3. "Sound and the letter K"

4. “Sound of Ki. Letter K "

5. “Sounds К, Кь. Letter K "

6. "Sound and letter Ж"

7. “Sounds Г, Гь. Letter G "

8. “Sounds З, Зь. Letter Z "

9. “Sounds L, L. Letter L "

10. “Sounds T, T. Letter T "

11. “Sounds X, Xb. Letter X "

12. “Sounds D, D. Letter D "

13. "Sound and the letter E"

14. "Sound and the letter Y"

2. Development of presentations for classes in preparation for literacy and speech development for children of the preparatory group.

№ p / p Topic of the lesson using presentations

Literacy training Speech development

1. "Vowel sounds" 1. "Transport"

2. “Sounds П, Пь. Letter P "2." Animals of the North "

3. “Sounds К, Кь. Letter K "3." Animals and birds of hot countries "

4. " Sounds K-T-P"4." Parts of the human body "

5. “Sounds M, M. Letter M "5." Winter "

6. “Sounds X, Xb. Letter X "6." Russian folk costume "

7. “Sounds C, C. Letter C "7." Who is Baba Yaga? "

8. “Sounds З, Зь. Letter Z "8." Winter sports "

9. “Sounds H, Hb. Letter N "9." The world of things "

10. “Sounds D, D. Letter D "10." Defender of the Fatherland Day "

11. “Sounds B, Bb. Letter B "11." Spring "

12. “Sounds B, Bh. Letter B "

13. “Sounds Г, Гь. Letter G "

14. "Sound and the letter E"

15. "Sounds T-D"

16. "Sounds of Th-D"

16. "Sound and letter Y"

17. "Letter E"

18. "Sound and the letter W"

19. "Letter E"

20. "Sound and the letter Ж"

Multimedia presentations made it possible to bring the effect of clarity to the lesson, increase motivational activity, and contributed to a closer relationship between the speech therapist and the child. The use of multimedia presentations by a speech therapist teacher can highlight such advantages as information capacity, compactness, accessibility, visibility, emotional attractiveness, mobility, versatility.

To increase the effectiveness of speech therapy classes, a two-hemispheric approach to learning is used, when verbal methods are combined with visual ones. Each slide of the presentation carries a great semantic and imaginative load, allowing you to use the right hemisphere, which is more developed in children with speech problems.

I use presentation materials for:

development of speech breathing;

automation of delivered sounds in syllables, words, phrases and coherent speech;

differentiation of acoustically close sounds and graphically similar letters;

development phonemic perception,

development of elementary and complex forms of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

mastering lexical topics;

development of word formation and inflection skills;

development of coherent speech and cognitive abilities etc.

Thanks to the sequential appearance of images on the screen, children have the opportunity to perform exercises more carefully and in full. Using animation and surprise moments makes the correction process interesting and expressive. Children receive approval not only from the speech therapist, but also from the computer in the form of pictures-prizes, accompanied by sound design.

I also spend physical minutes and visual gymnastics with the help of multimedia presentations.

I use multimedia presentations in the classroom for the production and automation of sounds.

So using information technologies in the correctional process allows you to intelligently combine traditional and modern facilities and teaching methods, to increase the interest of children in the studied material and the quality of correctional work, greatly facilitates the activities of a speech therapist teacher.

Analytical reference

based on the results of work with the parents of the speech therapist teacher's full name for the 2013-2015 academic years

The interaction of the teacher-speech therapist with the parents, the students was carried out systematically, according to a special plan.

At the beginning and throughout the year, she introduced parents to the results of a speech therapy examination and the results of monitoring speech development.

In September and May of the academic year, the presence of parents during the speech therapy examination was organized and the results of the examination were communicated to them. The collection of anamnestic information about children-logopaths was carried out.

At the beginning of the year, a parent meeting was held with a presentation on the topic "Let's get to know" for parents of children who entered speech therapy groups.

Throughout the year, general education consultations were held for parents, the main goal of which was to increase the parents' competence in the issue of correctional education.

Throughout the year, at the end of each month, workshops were held with the aim of introducing parents to the life of the group and providing practical help in the organization of developmental activities with children. Individual consultations for parents were also conducted, the purpose of which was to attract parents to participate in speech therapy work. The presence of parents at individual lessons followed by counseling on the problems of the child.

Notebooks were kept of the relationship between the speech therapist and the parents.

Aids were developed and issued especially for parents, the topics of which are reflected in the plan for working with parents.

In May of each year, a questionnaire was conducted among parents in order to identify the degree of satisfaction with the results of the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher with their children. All parents who participated in the survey gave positive feedback on the work of a speech therapist (some questionnaires are attached).

Based on the analysis of the work of a speech therapist with parents for the 2013-2015 academic years, it can be concluded that all planned activities were implemented, the work was carried out in a planned, systematic, creative way, and various forms of work were used.

Grade educational institution based on control results

activities of a speech therapist

Full name (teacher-logopedist) in 2013-2014 year she worked with children with severe speech impairments 5-6 years old and continued to work with them in 2014-2015 uch. year. All correctional and developmental work was carried out based on the main annual tasks and in accordance with the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution.

When planning his activities, a speech therapist teacher takes into account the daily routine and all the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in a preschool educational institution. According to the plan, psychological, medical and pedagogical examinations of pupils were carried out in order to determine the tasks of their development.

Organized educational activities were systematically conducted with children in accordance with the main general educational program implemented at the preschool educational institution, and approved curriculum... The set goals and objectives were achieved by the teacher in the process of implementing a variety of different types activities: play, communication, cognitive research and productive.

For the integration of different types of children's activities within the framework of the topic and the distribution of directly educational and joint activities in regime moments, she compiled working programm a speech therapist teacher for the implementation of correctional and developmental education with children 5-7 years old.

IO (teacher-logopedist) accepts Active participation in the organization of preschool educational institutions: health day, laughter day, mother's day, spring holiday, meeting the new year, etc.

Pupils of the teacher took part in the following competitions:

musical - "Young talent", "Merry notes", "A sonorous voice", a competition of reciters - "Spring-inspired lines".

The speech therapist teacher, together with the children, participated in various projects:

"My family", "A cat that walks by itself", "Who is Baba Yaga?"

As a result of the analysis of the activities carried out, it was concluded that it is necessary to pay special attention to: work with parents, to high-quality demonstration material, to work with society.

During the year, the group systematically carried out work on interaction with parents, in accordance with the developed long-term plan. A speech therapist teacher in her work with parents used various methods and forms of organizing joint activities: meetings, visual-poster information, memos, general education consultations, master classes, workshops and individual consultations. In turn, the parents willingly made contact and tried to participate in all joint activities of the group and the preschool educational institution.

The work on updating the subject-developing environment turned out to be fruitful. The speech corner in the group was updated, didactic aids were purchased, methodical literature... Well-organized work on transforming the subject-developing environment in the speech corner of the group had a beneficial effect on the development of children's speech abilities. Pupils were very active, served interesting ideas, took part in the production of games and manuals.

When carrying out continuous educational activities were used both traditional (for example: observation, conversation, comparison, monitoring, individual work, etc., and unconventional methods work (for example, psycho-gymnastics, finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, kinesiological, mnemonics, etc.). Monitoring the achievement by children of the planned final results of mastering the main general education program implemented in the preschool educational institution.

An analysis of the fulfillment of the requirements for the content and methods of development of children with severe speech impairments, as well as an analysis of the assimilation of program material by children, show stability and positive dynamics in all areas of development.

This process is positively influenced by the close cooperation of the speech therapist with the group educators, preschool educational institution specialists, the preschool educational institution administration and the parents of the pupils, as well as the use of developmental teaching techniques and an individual approach to each child.

IO (teacher-logopedist) actively disseminates its pedagogical experience at the city and municipal levels. She conducted open demonstrations of educational activities directly, spoke at cluster methodological associations, participated in the forum of educators of the Leningrad region "Kindergartens for children". In addition, the teacher-speech therapist was trained in refresher courses, training in the use of ICT, which contributed to her creative and professional growth.


about the urban problem-creative group

educational psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists of preschool educational institutions and educational institutions

"Neuropsychological approach in the system of diagnostic and correctional and developmental work with children of preschool and primary school age"

General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation regulates the purpose and objectives of the activity, the structure and procedure for the formation, management and organization of the activities of the urban problem-creative group (hereinafter PTG) of educational psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists of preschool educational institutions and educational institutions.

1.2. The problem-creative group is a form of uniting educational psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists of preschool educational institutions and educational institutions, ensuring their self-realization within the framework of joint creative activities to solve complex problems of development of students and pupils through the development of their professional competence, the development of modern correctional and developmental technologies.

1.3. The problem-creative group carries out its activities in accordance with the Regulations on the urban problem-creative group of educational psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists of preschool educational institutions and educational institutions.

2. Goals and objectives of the problem-creative group

2.1. The main purpose of the PTH: development methodological support the process of psychological and pedagogical support of the system of diagnostic and correctional and developmental work with children of preschool and primary school age.

2.2. Main goals:

    Analyze the essence of the neuropsychological approach in theoretical literature... To systematize neuropsychological technologies in the system of diagnostic and correctional and developmental work with children of preschool and primary school age.

2.3. Product of PTH activity:

Methodical manual "Neuropsychological approach in the system of diagnostic and correctional development work with children of preschool and primary school age."

The structure and procedure for the formation of a problem-creative group

3.1. A problem-creative group is created from among educational psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists of preschool educational institutions and educational institutions who have a tendency to research work and have shown interest in the stated problem. The head of the problem-creative group is determined by the methodologist for child psychology of the information and methodological center of the city of Tomsk.

3.2. The quantitative composition of the problem-creative group is from 5 to 20 members.

3.3. The head of the PTG is elected by the members of the PTG from among the educational psychologists of the preschool educational institution who have organizational skills, are well versed in the content of the problem, and methods of group work.

3.4. The main form of organizing the work of a problem-creative group is a meeting, a workshop, a round table.

Problem-creative group management

4.1. The coordinator of the activities of the PTG is the methodologist of the Information and Methodological Center of Tomsk.

4.2. The direct management of the work of the STG is carried out by the head of the group, whose duties include:

Planning the work of the STG;

Distribution of work, preparation and holding of meetings;

Implementation of accounting and reporting on the work of the STG.

5. Organization of work of the STG

5.1. PTG works according to a separate plan drawn up for academic year.

5.2. Meetings of the PTG are held at least three times a year in accordance with the work plan.

5.3. Each member of the PTG takes an active part in the implementation of the assigned tasks. The volume and quality of the work performed is recorded in the work plan and in the protocols.

5.4. To implement the assigned tasks in full, the participants of the PTG have the right to independently choose the optimal, mainly activity-based forms of work.

6. STG documentation

6.1. The STG documentation includes:

    Regulations on PTG. Order on the opening of the PTG and the appointment of the head of the PTG. Work plan of the STG. Proceedings of the PTG meetings. Report on the work of the PTG.

6.2. The STG documentation is located in the information and methodological center of the city of Tomsk.

Irina Ivanovna Tishkina
Creative report of a speech therapist

Creative report

speech therapist

The speech is beautiful when it is like a trickle

Runs among the stones clean, unhurried

And you are ready to listen to her flow

And exclaim: "Oh, how beautiful you are!"

words by E. Shchukina

Speech therapy work during the academic year was built in accordance with the "Regulations on the organization of the teacher's work - speech therapist at KSU"Yasnovskaya secondary school"».

In 2011, I graduated from the Musical pedagogical faculty by specialty "Defectology". Pedagogical experience of 3 years and 4 months of years. All these years I have been working as a speech therapist teacher at KSU "Yasnovskaya secondary school".

Problem speech therapist: "The development of coherent speech in children through play"

During the academic year, the following types were held at the speech center works:

Examination of the speech of children;

Participation in parenting meetings, methodological associations, teachers' councils;

Individual counseling for parents and educators;

Correction of defects in sound pronunciation, development of phonemic perception, improvement of the lexical and grammatical side native language, coherent speech, formation syllabic structure words for preschoolers, parsing words into syllables, finding vowels and consonants.

In the 2015 academic year, based on the conclusions of the PMPK, 18 children were enrolled in the speech center.

Identification of the level of actual speech development of children enrolled in speech therapy classes, and processing of examination data for an objective speech therapy conclusion allow us to summarize the following data on speech defects children:

Phonetic speech disorder - (from the entire composition of enrolled children at the speech center) ;

Phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment -;

General speech underdevelopment - 33%.

In the office where I teach, there is everything you need to make your child want to study. Children are happy to make contact, as I accept them as they are with their advantages and disadvantages. Each child is individual and each has its own key. I work strictly on trust, in relationships I use a democratic style of communication. I try to treat negative moments with humor.

Preschool age is the most favorable time for correcting deficiencies, including speech, since the psyche of children of this age is susceptible to different pedagogical influences.

For all the time of work, I have prepared cards for each sound, material on certain topics on speech therapy, visibility on the development of an air stream, material on the development of a large and fine motor skills hands, cards for the development of articulatory motor skills, various cards for spelling.

All correctional work (correctional and developmental classes, individual work with children on setting and automating sounds, development phonemic hearing, the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, etc.) was carried out in accordance with the calendar and thematic planning for the 2015-2016 academic year.

At the end of the academic year, the results will be summed up to control the effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy work on the dynamics of the development of children's speech.

In December, 3 children were released with normal speech. Those children who were awaiting admission were enrolled in a speech center.

All children in need of speech therapy were taken under control. During the period from September to March, individual consultations were held with the parents of children attending a speech center and children awaiting enrollment in speech therapy classes. For each parent's request (admission to a speech center, the child's speech state, the child's behavior in speech therapy classes, homework speech therapist, etc.... are given recommendations and advice on all issues).

One of the most important areas in correctional activities speech therapist is interaction with parents. I believe that one of the main conditions for successful work with a child is the establishment of trusting relationships, psychological contact with parents. At the beginning of the school year, I spend dating days, trying to learn as much as possible about the child, his speech development... I never give any guarantees and do not make long-range forecasts, since I know from practice that the most unforeseen situations may arise. From the very beginning, I have been trying to convince my parents that their help is simply necessary. I strive to become an advisor and helper for them, I try to make the parents believe that I will do everything necessary to help the child. Per Last year many parents do not take seriously the problems of their children, considering it a cost of age, give many excuses for the speech impairments of their children "He is indulging", "Does not want", "Will learn to school", "I spoke badly at his age too"... And many parents themselves have speech impairments, in such cases it is necessary to provide maximum assistance without the support of relatives. Parents to a certain extent get used to the speech of their children, do not notice shortcomings, and therefore do not help them to learn correct speech... I see my task in teaching parents to correctly form speech, to explain, to show them what speech therapy work consists of.

No matter how hard I strive to help the child, if at the same time there is no reciprocal activity of the parents, speech therapy work will turn out to be not very productive, since it is they who reinforce the skills and abilities acquired in correctional classes.

Thus, creative report organizational-methodical and correctional-developmental work and all the tasks set to increase the efficiency of speech therapy work for the academic year have been fulfilled.

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