An example of registration of an educational methodological complex on discipline. Teaching and Methodical Complex Discipline

Federal Punishment Service

Federal stateless professional

Educational institution No. 190

School of Young Pedagogue

Formation of a teaching and methodological complex on discipline: basic rules, structure, content



Master P \\ About Hamedova LD

Kamensky, 2016.

1. General Provisions

Teaching and methodological complexes (hereinafter referred to as CMC) disciplines are created to ensure the quality implementation of the GEF vocational education Separately for each discipline and are the main part of the educational work of the teacher.

UMK is a system of regulatory and teaching documentation, training and controls, necessary and sufficient for the qualitative organization of basic and additional educational programs, independent extracurricular work Students according to the curriculum.

Planning work on the creation of integrated educational and methodological support disciplines is carried out on the school year in the work of the teacher.

The control of the creation of the CMC disciplines is carried out by the Methodist of OU, the chairmen of the cyclical commissions, the deputy director of the UPR.

2. Basic tasks

Content systematization academic disciplines Taking into account the achievements of science, technology, production.

Improving the methodological support of the disciplines of the working curriculum. Equipment of the educational process by educational and methodological, reference and other materials.

Rendering students of methodological assistance in assimilation educational material.

Ensuring planning and organizing independent work and monitoring knowledge of students.

3. The structure of the UMC

The educational and methodological complex covers all regulatory and didactic aspects of training.

The structure of the UMC includes:

- Regulations: Extract from the State SPO - Requirements for knowledge, skills and skills on discipline (for general education disciplines - an extract from the standard of average general Education and basic curriculum); departmental standardizing documents; approximate learning program on discipline; work curriculum; Calendar - thematic plan.

- Educational and methodical support of discipline: abstract lectures, guidelines for the implementation of practical, laboratory classes; tasks and guidelines for the organization of independent work of students; topics of coursework, thesis and guidelines for their implementation; list of questions for exam preparation and (or) standings; A list of literature for self-preparation of students.

- Means of education: didactic materials for learning and consolidating knowledge, organization of independent work of students; Instrument and technological maps; educational and methodological manuals; electronic learning tools, etc.

- Means of control: tasks for the current, intermediate, final control of knowledge, skills, skills; tasks for self-control of students' knowledge; Criteria for estimates.

When drafting the CMC of one topic or partition of the academic discipline, all of the above items are used in relation to this topic or section.

4. Development procedure

UMC is being developed by the teacher, the team of teachers of the subject-cycle commission, which ensures the study of discipline in accordance with the requirements of the GEF SPO and the working curriculum of training students in the specialties.

Development of CMB includes the following steps:

Development of the working curriculum on discipline;

Development of abstract lectures, educational, educational methodical recommendations;

Registration of documentation on the CMD;

Approbation of materials UMC in the educational process;

Adjusting Materials UMC.

Work curricula are developed and approved before the start of the development of discipline by students.

Training and educational methodical materials lecture course practical trainingCurrency works are developed in accordance with the approved program on discipline.

The deadline for the development of materials of the CMD in the relevant discipline is established by the subject - cycle commission, is recorded by the protocol of the PCC meeting, the preparation of elements of the UMC is included in the individual plan of the educational work of the teacher and the work plan of the subject and cycle commission.

5. The composition of the educational and methodological complex of educational discipline

To create a perfect educational and methodological complex of academic discipline, knowledge of its component composition is important in many respects. Objectively installed the composition of CMK. Allows you to understand its structural structure, more fully identify and systematize its content and formulate the requirements for its creation.

First of all, we will definify that under the composition of UMCs are understood by all the structural components, of which it is composed as a whole, necessary and sufficient for the design and qualitative implementation of the educational process on academic disciplines.

To solve the issue of the composition of the CMD, it is necessary to use an activity approach that allows a teacher from the standpoint to objectively identify and establish all the components of the UMC. Such an approach involves the implementation of a structural and functional analysis of the activities of the teacher within the training session.

UMC as a whole consists of three components. The composition of the UMC as its structural components includes: regulatory and educational and methodological documentation for learning tools and controls.

1. Regulatory and educational and methodical documentation. The content of this component of the CMD is composed of a set of regulatory and teaching documents regulating the educational process on the preparation of a specialist of a particular area on the relevant academic discipline. They include:

Government requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates in the specialty are asked the necessary minimum content and the level of preparation of graduates according to the relevant disciplines; Enter such concepts as "to have an idea", "know", "be able to", "have skills", are determined by the obligatory set of didactic units.

The list of equipment of the cabinet and (or) laboratory is a document, which includes a recommendation set of modern equipment and TSS to ensure the qualitative implementation of the educational process on academic discipline.

Work curriculum - a teaching document in which, in accordance with GOST, the content of the training, the sequence and the most appropriate ways of assimilating students are determined.

Training Plan ( routing Classes) - a teaching document developed by the teacher for every training session to ensure the effective implementation of the content of education, learning, education, and student development purposes, forming practical knowledge, skills and skills.

2. Training tools.

They include:

Educational and methodical literature:


List of textbooks, tutorials, directory directories, albums; Texts of lectures;

Samples of production documentation (technical technological, regulatory, etc.), depending on the profile of specialties, according to which specialists are being prepared in college;

Methodical literature:

Private methods of studying disciplines. They determine the place of relevant academic discipline in the general system of disciplines of the curriculum, its main educational and educational tasks and the role in the preparation of specialists of a specific specialty, reveal modern methods, funds and the most rational forms of the organization of training sessions on this discipline;

Methodical recommendations cover current general issues and issues of a specific methodology for teaching educational discipline, propose order, consistency and technology of work of teachers in preparation for training sessions. Methodological developments detail issued issues of studying individuals, as a rule, the most difficult to study the learning programs, scenarios for various types of training sessions using modern technologies training;

Methodical and (or) guidance and practical guidelines are more often developed by laboratory and practical work and practitioners, which involves compliance with certain precautionary measures.

Educational and visual manuals:

List of visual benefits (posters, diagrams, drawings, photos, drawings, graphics, tables, charts);

List of natural benefits (devices, mechanisms, tools, parts, materials, minerals, herbaria, models, layouts, cuts, duvi);

Distatory didactic material - training cards-tasks logical structures, didactic materials for performing independent, laboratory and practical work and coursework, tasks for the design of products and technological processes, developing creative thinking in students in the design, technological and economic fields;

List of technical training (audiovisual technical means, technical means of programmed learning, simulators, computer learning tools).

3. Controls.

The control system must be calculated for providing objective control over the course of assimilation by students of educational material at four levels regulated by the State SPO. Create controls and taking into account the for what forms of verification they are intended (oral, written, practical). Creating controls is due to both control types, when checking, these funds will be used. Currently, on academic disciplines, the following types of control are used:





Control Tools on paper - Control questions, tests, test work, crosswords, credit tasks and coursework, exam tickets, etc.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize that for radical improvement in the quality and effectiveness of the educational process, the content of the UMC of academic disciplines must be purposefully improved in all three components, including regulatory and teaching documentation, training and means of control.

Methodical Development Guidelines

educational and methodical complex of discipline.

  1. Application area.
  2. Definition of terms, designation and reduction.
  3. General.

Purpose of UMKD. - Improving the effectiveness of the management of the educational process and the independent work of students on the development of discipline through the introduction into the educational process of modern training technologies.

The main tasks are solved by UMKD:

Determining the content, volume and sequence of study of the discipline sections, the establishment of requirements for the level of development of the discipline of the student in accordance with the OOP;

Determining the content and volume of independent work of the student, forms and means of controlling its implementation;

The implementation of methodological and information support for the educational process and the implementation of innovative approaches to student learning.

The educational and methodical complex is drawn up on the basis of the following documents.:

State in the direction (specialty);

Basic (working) curriculum of the direction (specialty);

Sample work program disciplines recommended by UMO (if available);

Instructive letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 19.05.2000 №14-52-357 / IN / 13 "On the procedure for the formation of the main educational programs of the highest educational institution on the basis of state educational standards";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 06.05.2005 No. 137 "On the use of remote educational technologies";

Letter from 17.04.2006 № 02-55-77 IN / AK (Educational and Methodological Complexes); - 2001. Quality Management System. Requirements;

Order of Rosobrnadzor №1938 of 30.09.05 "On approval of indicators of activity and criteria for state accreditation of higher educational institutions";

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On a comprehensive assessment of the Higher Educational Institution" (No. 864 of 12.11.99);

4. Structure of the educational and methodological complex

Educational and Methodological Complex (UMC) - part of the main educational program of the highest educational institution developed in each direction or specialty of training, a set of educational materials that ensure improvement of the quality of teaching, introducing into the educational process of the latest achievements of science and practitioners that contribute to the effective development of educational students The material included in the discipline curriculum (disciplines) for one of the specialties (direction). The composition of the CMD includes:

5. Requirements for structural elements of the educational and methodological complex disciplines

Softwareit seems the work program of the academic discipline and / or training program on discipline (if it is provided for by the OOP).

Working program discipline (RPD) - A basic methodological document that meets the requirements of the State Educational Standard, which takes into account the specifics of the preparation of students on the chosen area or specialty, is the basis of the CMD discipline.

The RUE must contain:

Curriculum program on discipline * - Educational publication, a regulatory document, which reveals the purpose and task of practice, determines the list of formed professional knowledge, skills and skills, the types and content of tasks are established, methodical recommendations for the preparation and conduct of practice are given.

THEORETICAL PART- It seems a textbook, a textbook, a teaching aid, a lecture course, lectures, containing a complete or summary of all sections and the program in a logical form.



Practical partit seems to be educational and practical publications containing systematic information of a scientific and practical and applied nature set out in the form, convenient for studying and assimilation. Educational and practical publications are designed to consolidate the material obtained from educational and theoretical publications, and knowledge checks. The main types of their species are practitioners, training directories, hostels.


Collection of exercise

Task Collection (Problem)

Collection of foreign texts

Laboratory workshop

Collection of seminar work plans

Collection of control tasks



6. Methodico-technological part:

Methodical recommendations (materials) for the teacher may be issued in the form of an application to the discipline program and must indicate funds, learning methods, methods learning activitiesThe use of which to master certain topics and sections is most efficient.

Methodical instructions for students can be issued in the form of an application to the discipline program and must disclose the recommended mode and character of various species. academic work, as well as performing independent work, including coursework (projects)

Methodical support of independent work students.

Testing system materials

Material and technical support of discipline (MTOD)

Innovation in teaching discipline.

7. Development procedure

Stage I:

  • the development of the educational standard of discipline included in the training plan for the preparation of students on the relevant specialty (direction);
  • preparation of original exam tickets;
  • development of lectures (or lecture courses, textbook, textbook);
  • development of methodological recommendations for the implementation of the SRS and methodological recommendations for the study of discipline for students;
  • development of testing materials.

Stage II - Registration of Documentation UMC.

III stage - Adjustment and approval of materials UMC.

8. The procedure for consideration and approval of CMC discipline

8.1. Developed by the Department of CMD with a discussion protocol is transferred to the Faculty Commission of the UMC or for the quality of education.

8.2. The Faculty Commission of the UMC or the Commission for the Quality of Education is considering the Documentation of the UMC (conducts their examination for compliance with the requirements of the State HPE, this indication) and prepares an internal review. The discussion and review protocol are sent to the ISM YSU meeting.

8.3. UMA YSU considers the Documentation of the CMD and the accompanying documentation (Protocol, Review) and prepares its conclusion. Then all the Documentation on the CMD is sent to approval to the Methodological department or the quality management of the education, where the registration number is assigned to the CMC, and then the UMC is transferred to the approval of the first vice-torter for academic work.

Note: In the case of the provision of CMD documentation for the assignment of the grid of the relevant educational and methodological association or the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, it undergoes a procedure for consideration through the Scientific Council of Jagu, who sends the Documentation of the UMB to external review.

8.4. After approval, the electronic version of the CMD is transmitted to the methodological department.

8.5. Solid copies of the CMD in special folders should be kept at the department of developer, profiling department and in the library of the reading room Yagu.

8.6. The validity of the approved CMEC discipline is determined by the period of action of the state in the direction (specialty) and updated as needed. Possible changes and additions are consistent and approved in the indicated procedure, as a rule, until June 30 of this year. Approved changes and additions are entered into effect, as a rule, from September 1 of the new school year.

9. The procedure for approval of the CMD discipline:

9.1 After consideration at the meeting, the Department of UMCs undergoes coordination with the educational and methodological commission of the faculty, which reads discipline;

9.2. Coordination with the Department (departments) in the specialty (direction);

9.3. Coordination with the Dean of the Faculty (Deans of Faculties and the heads of structural divisions), where training is carried out in a specialty (direction);

If at the faculty in one specialty (direction) there are several departments, then the discipline is going through the coordination procedure at each department.

The unified CMD discipline for a group of specialties of several faculties is coordinated at each of the faculties (the released Department, Dean of the Faculty).

The unified CMD discipline for the group of departments and structural units leading the training for one specialty (or a group of specialties) is coordinated at each of the faculties and structural units (the Department of the Department, Dean of the Faculty or the head of the structural unit), unless otherwise provided by another order approved A separate order of the first visor - a vicector of academic work.

10. Documentary support of CMD

11. Control

1. Control over the implementation of the development order and the state of UMK is assigned to the head of the department.

2. Dean of faculties together with the departments control the availability and security of the UMC students studying at the relevant faculty.


In 2011-12. academic year russian universities Moved to federal state educational standards of higher professional education (GEF VPO) of the third generation. Their development was carried out in accordance with the Complex of measures to implement priority areas for the development of the education system of the Russian Federation and the plan of measures to implement the provisions of the Bologna Declaration in the system of higher professional education. New standard Designed in the ideology of the competence approach. An important feature of new standards is the consideration of the principles and provisions of the Bologna Conference, which should simplify the integration of our education system with the pan-European, allow graduates to be easily adapted to the labor market of any country that signed the Bologna Declaration. In this regard, the problem of improving the educational process methodological process is becoming increasingly relevant and as one of its components is the development and implementation of new educational programs, the creation of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines (UMCD). UMCD is intended to improve the efficiency and quality of training of future specialists by systematizing the content and organization of studying educational discipline, taking into account the achievements of science, technology and production; improving the methodological support of the educational process; effective planning and organization of independent academic work and monitoring knowledge of students, providing students with methodological assistance in the assimilation of educational material; Assistance to teachers in improving pedagogical skills. In this regard, the question arises on a rational approach to the formation of the structure of the UMCD. The article provides an analysis of possible approaches to the formation of the structure of educational and methodological complexes of educational disciplines in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards. The goal of the work is a substantiation of a rational approach to the formation of an electronic version of the educational and methodological complex of discipline using minimal skills in the field of computer technology. A copyright of the creation of the structure of the electronic educational and methodological complex in the form of the simplest hierarchical database is proposed.

training and metodology complex

methodical documentation

1. On the procedure for the formation of the main educational programs of the highest educational institution based on state educational standards. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 05/19/2000 No. 14-52-357in / 13 [Electronic resource]. - URL: (date of appeal 12.02.2014)

2. On the new criteria for the indicator of state accreditation of higher educational institutions. A letter of Rosobrnadzor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2006 No. 02-55-77in / AK URL: (date of circulation 10.02.2014)

3. Savina A.G., block A.V. Algorithm for the formation of the content of working programs of training disciplines // Innovative information technologies in the analysis, economics and finance: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b18-25mm, 2013) - Eagle, 2013. - P. 109-111.

4. Mendubaeva Z.A. The structure of the teaching and methodological complex // Actual tasks of pedagogy: Materials of international. Scientific conf. (Chita, December 2011). - Chita: Publisher Young Scientist, 2011. - P. 216-219.

5. Balakirev E.V., Vlasova E.Z. Electronic educational and methodical complex as a means of ensuring the quality of training of specialists // Man and education. - 2012. - № 4 (33). - P. 75-80.

According to the current concept of education, an integral part of the main educational program of higher professional education (OOP HPE) are educational and methodological complexes of disciplines (UMCD), which are developed at the departments, pass the procedures for coordination and approval provided for in intravourism, and provide teaching academic disciplines in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards (GEF).

Currently, the generally accepted definition of the concept of UMCD is not, and we will use the following definition of the "Educational and Methodological Complex of the discipline - this is a system of regulatory and teaching documentation, training and control of the progress, necessary and sufficient for the qualitative organization of basic and additional educational programs in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards (GEF).

Analysis of the materials presented on university sites in open access showed that the implementation of the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to the structure and content of UMCD is carried out taking into account the specifics of the educational process and the established traditions in a particular university. To this end, in each university, the Socked Council shall be adopted by the "CID" Regulations ", in which the recommended structure and content of the document are prescribed in detail, the procedure for its development, approval and changes. The departments on the basis of the adopted position form disciplines within their competence in their competence, adding separate additional elements, if necessary, reflecting the specifics of these disciplines.

We will not discuss issues such as the role and place of UMKD in the educational process, its maintenance and didactic principles for the formation of individual components - these issues with the necessary detail are discussed in the "Provisions on the UMKD", compiled in accordance with the requirements of GEF. The purpose of this work is to consider possible approaches to the choice of the UMCD structure and the methods of practical implementation, to evaluate these approaches in terms of the functionality of the UMKD in the educational process. Work is also offered one of possible options Forming the UMCD structure as a local electronic database (EBD).

Analysis of approaches to the formation of the structure of UMCD.

Despite the apparent variety in detail, in relation to the implementation of the UMC structure, there are two main approaches.

1. UMCD as a single document of 20-30 pages of a standard format text containing the lighting of all positions provided for by the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for this document, and includes references to educational, methodological and regulatory documents in its text that ensures the implementation of the requirements prescribed in UMCD, During the educational process. All these additional documents are treated as annexes to UMCD.

2. UMCD as a complex of regulatory, methodological and educational materials used in the educational process under this academic discipline. In this case, the UMCD includes many solumed materials in their functional purpose (textbooks, texts of lectures, workshops, tasks for independent work of students, tests of the current, border and intermediate performance of academic performance, rating plans of academic disciplines, etc.), the volume of which can Achieve hundreds and even thousands of text pages. It is appropriate to talk here about the UMKD as a kind of database (database) containing the regulatory, methodological and educational materials used by the department in the educational process under this academic discipline. A single point of view on the structure of the UMCD (Document or Database) is currently absent, and each university chooses that version of the UMCD, which more complies with the characteristics of the educational process and the traditions of the university.

The following problem arising from the formation of the UMCD is as follows: In what form it is saved and used - in electronic form, on paper or in both forms at the same time. There is also no general point of view here, and usually the decision is made on the basis of personal preferences of the university management. As a rule, in order to reinsure, the departments are specified to prepare and save UMCD in both forms. Each of the forms of the submission of UMCD (electronically or on paper) has its advantages and disadvantages discussed below.

Materials presented in electronic form have the following advantages:

  • compactness (they do not require for storage of bulky folders and office furniture);
  • mobility (saving files on flash cards allows you to have always the necessary documentation "at hand", work with it and, if necessary, to transmit to other persons);
  • ease of editing (changes in the content of electronic documents can be made without significant resources costs);
  • ease of searching for documents (Forming UMCs in the form of a textual document with hyperlinks or in the form of an electronic database, we ensure the convenience of finding individual materials and access to their content).

As deficiencies of the electronic form of document presentation, you can specify the following:

  • the need for the presence of appropriate computer equipment (with the currently current level of computerization, this deficiency is irrelevant);
  • less visual perception of the document (the perception of text information from paper carrier remains so far for many users more familiar and comfortable than reading it from the monitor);
  • availability of problems with the approval of electronic forms of documents (in our opinion, this is a problem not so much educational process, how many bureaucratic procedures). Everyday practice shows that numerous coordination and approval practically do not affect the functional capabilities of the intravourous regulatory, methodological and educational materials created, but require additional costs of effort and time and create the illusion of serious and active document making. By the way, in Soviet universities (1970-1990), the number of regulatory and reporting documentation was at least an order of magnitude less, which did not prevent universities to implement one of the highest quality education systems in the world.

As for the advantages and disadvantages in relation to materials on paper, then they are opposed to the above-mentioned characteristics of the electronic form of documents, and their detailed discussion seems to be excessive. If UMKD is considered as a single document of a relatively small volume (20-30 pages of text), then its presence on paper is justified. Thus, most UMCs developed in accordance with the requirements of GOS-2 had such a format as the main one.

If the UMKD is considered as a set of heterogeneous documents (from the texts of the basic lectures to the tests of tests and semester rated disciplines) volume of hundreds of texts of the text, then printing of these materials in order to subsequently place them in folders on racks to confirm that the department has developed and has developed and He has an educational and methodical complex for a specific discipline, is currently subtracted. Considering that the departments carry out the educational process on dozens of disciplines and areas of preparation, this comes down to meaningless time of resources (paper powder for laser printers, time and forces of artists) and the generation of "information trash", which will fly without movement on racks and after 1- 2 years will be thrown out, since its significant part will be morally obsolete. In accordance with the current principles of office work, making any changes to the documentation on paper, requires the implementation of special procedures (replacement of pages in a document with fixation of this in a sheet of change account, etc.). Whatever paradoxically, but text instances of materials from these folders are usually not used in the educational process (even their temporary removal in order to practical application The teacher or student is not provided for), the only meaning of these folders with hundreds of the text of the text is to show the auditors that the department has developed and has the corresponding UMKD in its fund. If the organizational and methodological support of the educational process on discipline on the department continues to develop (improve), then the UMKD will be very dynamic in time with the information object, the content of which will be constantly changed: some (outdated) materials will be developed and approbation of new renounce other, more modern and effective. In this regard, the electronic form of UMCD has indisputable advantages, allowing you to maintain and compare the various versions. In addition, the transfer of Fragments of UMCD in electronic form to teachers and students to use them in the educational process is a much more technological and effective procedure than replication and distribution of materials on paper.

In accordance with GEF, introduced from 01.09.2011, the requirements for the content of UMCD significantly changed, which can be implemented only in the form of a complex of heterogeneous documents, the "core" of which the working program of the discipline (RPD) is becoming a silent analogue of UMKD as a single document within requirements of state-2. Given the current requirements for the content, structure and functional characteristics of the UMCD, its electronic version (EMCD) in the form of a local database is submitted to the unique rational and efficient form in the form of a form.

EMCD structure as database

The most commonly used formats of electronic databases (EBD) when using computer technologies in the field of document management are relational EDDs and hierarchical EBDs. The choice of EBD format is determined by the objectives, objectives and basic requirements for these structures.

The aims of EMCD as a database is a systematic presentation of a combination of regulatory, methodological, educational and measuring materials provided for use in the educational process for a specific educational discipline for this area Preparation of bachelors and masters.

The task of EMCD is to provide full and convenient access of teachers and trained (within their competencies) to the materials used in the educational process.

Requirements for EMCD as a database (database) can be formulated as follows.

1. Compactness and simplicity of structure: The format must be as simple as possible and compact when providing the level of functionality required from it, all sorts of additional elements included in the database shell to implement secondary service functions, it is advisable to exclude.

2. Functionality of use: the database should ensure the execution of basic functions - storage, systematization, search (within reasonable time and effort of the user) and the transfer of documents requested by them.

3. Service functionality: The BD membrane structure should provide ease of updating the EMCD content (replacing one versions of documents by others) and the ability to edit individual documents included in it without making any significant changes to the database shell.

4. Functionality of software and technical implementation: The use of EMCD should be the most accessible to the user in terms of hardware and software. It is advisable to focus on the most common software products (for example, on the Word MS Office text editor), all modern users of personal computers own work with varying degrees of professionalism.

5. The identity of the structure and content: from the point of view of the existing requirements for document management, the structure and the main elements of the content of EMCD for various disciplines, departments and preparation directions should be the same within the university and comply with the approved leadership of the university. At the same time, excessive regulation should be avoided - the identity of the structure and the main elements of the content should be combined with a certain flexibility in the formation of the content of EMCD (the departments and compilers should be able to include separate additional materials (benefits, themes and forms of the SRS, etc.), if it is tested and their further use is recognized as appropriate.

6. Adaptation of the database shell to the content of EMCD: Currently, you can find dozens of offers (paid and free) to use the databases of the most different purposes - from systematizing pictures and music files to very functional programs for the formation of electronic libraries and factual databases.

In our opinion, the use of this kind of programs as a shell of EMCD seems irrational for the following reasons:

  • as a rule, these programs include "unnecessary" for the objectives we have discussed and at the same time - do not fully ensure the requirements for EMCD;
  • genuine adaptation of the database structure targets and objectives of the educational process can be provided only under the condition of the formation of the BD membrane coordinated with the content and structure of the EMCD approved by the university.

The choice of database format for the formation of the EMCD shell is determined by the structure of the data included in it, as well as the objectives and forms of their use. So, to systematize data consisting of large number The same type of documents, the most suitable format are relational databes that are implemented in the Access MS Office software product.

Our analysis showed that the materials included in the EMCD are heterogeneous documents in an amount not exceeding several dozen (up to hundreds) of units. In addition, the search procedure of documents in EMCD is performed episodically and does not apply to the main and frequent operations. For this kind of data arrays, hierarchical databases are more appropriate, providing sufficient clarity of the DB structure and reasonable spending time and user efforts to search for the desired document. There is also quite a few options for the formation of an EMCD structure using various software and technologies, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

We will look at the formation of the EMCD structure using a modular principle of building a database and the use of the Word MS Office treke editor in the Russian Federation, since the same software product is used to create text documents themselves. The proposed database has a hierarchical structure that includes several levels (drawing).

The EMCD structure includes four general documents in the root folder: the title sheet EMCD (Titul.doc file), abstract learning discipline, discipline glossary ( short-class Terms in the amount of 20-35 units), the working program of the discipline (File RPFGOS_ (the name of the discipline). DOC), and three modules of the first level (M1, M2, M3) containing documents of a specific functional or corresponding competencies of various users (teachers or educational ).

Each first-level module includes three second-level modules (M11, M12, M13, etc.), which systematize the documentation for its functional purpose, facilitate the database navigation and the search for the required documents. To facilitate the database navigation in each first level module, an index.doc (index.doc) is provided, which can be easily accessible to the folder with the required documents.

M1 module contains materials intended for teachers, and includes three second-level modules:

M1.1 - Methodical materials to help the teacher in the organization of the educational process;

M1.2 is a regulatory documentation that regulates the educational process on discipline (provision on the calcality rating system for gravity evaluation, semester graphics of the educational process, thematic plans audit classes, rating plans of educational discipline, etc.);

M1.3 - Texts of basic lectures on discipline.

The M2 module contains materials intended for students (trainees), and also consists of three modules:

M2.1 - sets of individual tasks used in the organization of independent work of students (SRS);

M2.2 - methodological development fund (guidelines, workshops, etc.) intended for direct use of students in audited and extracurricular conditions;

M2.3 - Distridation Fund on discipline, which is issued to students in electronic form or on paper for subsequent replication and use on audit classes and in the process of independent work.

M3 module contains sets of measurement materials (KIM) in the form of tests or options for written tasks and keys to them. In accordance with the requirements of the FGOS, the KIM Fund consists of three modules:

M3.1 - Foundation Kim for current supervision control;

M3.2 - Foundation Kim for Obloga Control;

M3.3 - Kim Foundation for Intermediate Control.

The structure of EMCD is based on the base for all departments, disciplines and preparation directions. If necessary, the database structure may include additional second-level modules with documentation on the organization of practices and performing qualification work (for the issuing departments). The specific content of EMCD is formed by text (* .doc or * .pdf) or other electronic documents placed by developers in the nine mentioned above second-level modules. If necessary, taking into account the content of these modules, the corresponding index files are adjusted using the Word MS Office text editor.

The main disadvantage of the discussed database is the lack of automated information search tools, however, this function in relation to EMCD is rather rarely used - the main function of the EMCD is stored in a systematized formation in the content of the documentation that ensures the implementation of the educational process on academic discipline in accordance with the requirements of GEF. This deficiency is largely compensated by the use of the hierarchical structure of the database (Figure), which corresponds to the content of the UMCD approved by the leadership of the university.

Structure EMCD

The testing of the EMCD structure considered in this work indicates its functionality: simplicity of formation and ease of use, minimum software requirements (sufficiently presence of a Word MS Office text editor) and the lack of special requirements for computer literacy.


Chekulina T.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Advertising, FGBOU VPO "Orlovsky state Institute Economy and Trade, Orel;

Voronkova I.E., D.I., Associate Professor, Professor Russian Academy Natural science, Member of the European Academy of Natural Science (London), Head of the Department of History, Philosophy, Advertising and Public Relations, FGBOU VPO "Orlovsky State Institute of Economics and Trade", Orel.

The work went on the editor 26.03.2014.

Bibliographic reference

Savina A.G., block A.V. Formation of the structure and content of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines in accordance with the requirements of GEF // Fundamental research. - 2014. - № 5-5. - P. 1092-1098;
URL:\u003d34052 (Date of handling: 05.01.2020). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"


On the educational and methodological complex of discipline

Application area

1.1. This provision regulates the structure, structure, requirements for the content and design of educational and methodological complexes of the disciplines of each educational program of higher education GOU VPO Lugansk State University named after Taras Shevchenko. In addition, the state of approval and storage of educational and methodological complexes of discipline is described.

1.2. The main users of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline are the faculty and students who study the disciplines of the Department.

1.3. The requirements of this Regulation are mandatory for the entire faculty of the university, regardless of the discipline taught.

General provisions

2.1. The provision on the educational complex of the discipline establishes uniform requirements for educational and methodological support of all disciplines that are included in curricula, and the Lugansk State University of Taras Shevchenko "Lugansk State University implemented in GOU VPO in all forms of training.

2.2. The level of educational and methodological security of the educational discipline provided for in this Regulation is one of the conditions allowing to achieve required quality Training in professional educational programs.

Objectives and objectives of the development of a teaching and methodological complex of discipline

When developing an educational and methodological complex on any discipline, the following tasks should be solved:

The direction of learning for the implementation of various approaches in education;

Ensuring the compliance of the results of the development of educational discipline educational standards and requests of employers;

Ensuring a high level of systematization of the theoretical and practical level of discipline development;

Proper planning and organizing independent work and monitoring of students' knowledge.

The discipline learning complex is intended for:

Systematization of the content and organization of studying educational discipline, taking into account the achievements of science, technology and production;

Improving the methodological support of the educational process;

Improving the quality of knowledge of students;

Assistance to teachers in improving pedagogical skills.

Terms and Definitions

The following terms and definitions are used in the present position:

The main educational program of higher education (OOP VI) preparation in the direction - a complex of regulatory documents describing the set (integrity, systemality) of academic disciplines of various status (the disciplines of the humanitarian, socio-economic cycle, the discipline of the mathematical and natural-scientific cycle and the professional cycle, which are included in them the disciplines of basic, variable Parts and disciplines for choice, discipline physical culture, optional disciplines and practices), their educational and methodical support, including a curriculum, working programs of educational disciplines and other materials that ensure education and quality of training students, as well as practitioners and research work, calendar learning chart and methodical materials providing the implementation of the relevant educational technology; Main types of educational and pedagogical activity The subjects of the educational process that satisfy the target, meaningful, temporary and other characteristics of the educational standard and aimed at its implementation in specific conditions of the educational institution. The higher education institution detects independently and approves the main educational program for each realized area.

Working program discipline (RPD) is a regulatory document that determines the volume, content, procedure for studying and teaching educational discipline, as well as the forms of control of the results of its assimilation (exam, test, etc.).

CARTY UNIT(Zacd., Credit ECTS) - measure of the complexity of the educational program and its components. The test unit is a unified unit of measurement of the complexity of the study load of the study, which includes all types of its educational activities provided for by the curriculum (including audited and independent work, practice). The credit unit is 36 hours.

Teaching and Methodical Complex Discipline (UMCD) is a system of regulatory and teaching documentation, training and controls that determine the goals, content and methods for implementing the learning process, educating students within the framework of this discipline.

Competence - The ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful activities in a particular area.

Competence- A combination of interrelated personal qualities (knowledge, skills, skills, ways of activity) specified in relation to a certain circle of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activities in relation to them.

Module - Part of the educational program that has a certain logical completion in relation to the established goals and the results of training, education forming one or more competencies.

Results of learning(RO) - What is expected to know, understand and (or) is able to demonstrate a student at the end of training (formed competencies).

Educational and methodical materials (UMM) a complex of educational and methodical materials by type of classes: lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, seminars, coursework (projects), etc.

Evaluation funds funds (FOS) -Complekt of methodological and measuring materials intended to assess the competencies at different stages of training.

Structure of the educational and methodological complex of discipline

5.1. UMCD consists of three main sections: a working program on academic discipline; guidelines for a student, including materials that reveal the requirements and conditions for leaking tests and exams; Guidelines for the teacher.

5.2. The teaching complex of discipline includes:

5.2.1. Title page;

5.2.3. Annotation to the educational complex;

5.2.4. Work program of educational discipline;

5.2.5. Methodical instructions for students: Estimated means for current control of academic performance, intermediate certification and self-controls based on the development of discipline; Questions to the credit and exam. Abstract lectures (deployed lecture plans); Sets of presentations for lectures; Sets of didactic materials for classes; Examination tickets.

Title page It is the first page of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline and contains the following main details:

The name of the institution;

Name of the Institute / Faculty;

Title of the department;

Information about the approval of UMKD;

The name of the educational discipline (by curriculum);

Preparation direction (specialty);

Name of the master's program (for master programs implemented by profiles);

Specialization (for specialties implemented by specializations);

Qualification (degree of graduate (bachelor, master, specialist);

Form of study;

The composition of the discipline (total number of hours and zac. Units, number of lectures, practical / laboratory classes, independent work of students, form of certification);

City and year of development.

The title page is issued in accordance with Appendix A.

Title List Contains information about the compiler (compilers) of the educational and methodological complex, information about the consideration and coordination of UMCD. The turnover of the title leaf is made in accordance with the application B.

annotationthe UMCD is drawn up according to the sample (Appendix B).

Working program of academic discipline It is drawn up in accordance with the Regulations on the Working Program of the Educational Discipline, adopted in the GOU VPO LDR "LSA named Taras Shevchenko".

Methodical instructions for studentsthere are a set of recommendations and explanations that allow the student to optimally organize the process of studying this discipline. When developing recommendations, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that part of the course is studied by students independently. The content of methodological recommendations, as a rule, should include: Planning Tips and Organization required for the study of discipline; wishes for the study of certain topics; recommendations on the use of materials of the educational and methodological complex; recommendations for working with literature; Tips for preparing for the exam (test); Explanations about working with a test system.

Methodical recommendations for the implementation of laboratory, practical work and seminar sessions include subjects of classes with a detailed work plan or questions that will be able to understand. The subject of practical training corresponds to the theory of the theoretical part and complements it. Materials for laboratory classes include tasks and exercises, various types of tasks with the presentation of recommendations for their implementation. The content of the content of cases involves the presentation of the recommendations in both the analysis of the situations under consideration and according to their modeling - in relation to subject area studied discipline. The tasks may contain a graphical representation of the material (graphs, charts, tables, etc.), as well as audio and video materials, slides, etc. The material for practical exercises is presented for each theme of the theoretical part. It is necessary to have guidelines for the implementation of practical and laboratory work.

· Plan of conducting an occupation with an indication of the sequence of the issues under consideration and the volume of audit hours, allocated to master the material on each topic;

· Theoretical provisions and instructions for the implementation of practical / laboratory work;

· Methods of independent work of students;

· Procedure for registration of the report on practical / laboratory work;

· Control questions;

· Applications to work (tables, data necessary to perform work).

This section also seems to the didactic material used in practical classes. Didactic materials are a fairly wide range of a variety of methodological materials and means to optimize the process of interaction with students.

· Instructions for writing abstracts, reports and communications;

· Algorithms for the preparation of creative tasks, projects;

· Inspecting tips, review of articles and other primary sources.

It is desirable that the number of tasks is more than the number of students, it will vary the tasks and provide each student with an individual task.

Estimated means for current monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification and self-controls based on the development of discipline.

Evaluation funds are presented in the form of an assessment fund fund for interim certification of students. Evaluation funds for interim certification of students on discipline includes: typical control tasks or other materials necessary to assess knowledge, skills, skills and (or) experience characterizing activities Stages of the formation of competencies in the process of mastering the educational program; Methodological materials that determine the procedures for assessing knowledge, skills, skills and (or) experience characterizing the stages of the formation of competencies.

Samples of estimates in the form of examples of settlement and graphic work, comprehensive tasks, topics of test work, control issues for each topic of the curriculum and throughout the course are given; Test samples for current monitoring and intermediate certification according to the results of the development of discipline.

For intermediate certification, a complete list of issues is given to prepare for a test or exam.

Evaluation criteria. For each result of training in discipline, indicators and criteria for estimating the formation of competencies at various stages of their formation, scales and assessment procedures are determined. Evaluation criteria are described as a percentage distribution of estimation (weight) different species Student's training activities are generally over the semester (for disciplines that are taught several semesters - throughout each semester).

Methodical recommendations for teachers include lectures (deployed lecture plans); sets of presentations for lectures; Kits of didactic materials for conducting classes and sets of exam tickets.

Abstracts of lectures (to choose from the author: Based on themes complete abstracts; brief reference abstracts; detailed lecture plan, including problematic issues; theses of lectures). In this section, the UMCD is given training theoretical Material, selected and structured in accordance with the Working Program. The name and content of the sections, the one should correspond to their names and content in the discipline working program. The educational material must sufficiently disclose the content of individual topics and the course as a whole. After the presentation of the educational material for each topic, a list of references on this topic and questions for self-test are given.

Structurally, each lecture should consist of the following sections:

1. The topic of lecture.

2. Goals, tasks.

3. Lecture plan.

4. Text material lectures (training information (including schemes, graphs, drawings, hyperlinks, etc.); conclusions on the topic).

5. Control issues for self-preparation of students.

In addition to the mandatory form of submission educational information (textual), it is advisable to supplement this component of UMCD educational materials in other forms, such as audio, video, slides-presentations, multimedia-inserts, etc.

This section of UMKD is desirable to include methodical materials and recommendations for teachers representing funds, learning methods, methods of training activities, whose application for the development of certain sections and the technical program is the most efficient.

At the request of the author, the UMCD may contain additional materials that represent, for example, e-libraryensuring the study of discipline. Educational materials included in the UMCD may be represented as a list of published author's educational and methodological developments under this discipline: a list of textbooks and textbooks (including electronic); List of methodological recommendations for laboratory, practical and seminar classes; List of educational computer programs.

Similar information.


The educational and methodological complex is a system of regulatory and teaching documentation, training and controls, necessary and sufficient for the qualitative organization of basic and additional educational programs, according to the curriculum.

CMD learning discipline is one of the elements of the organization educational activities in full-time, correspondence and internally learning. The CMD should be developed for students on all academic disciplines, taking into account the need to improve the quality of learning the content of educational material at the level of the requirements of GEF VPO, SPO, NGOs.

The purpose of creating UMC is to ensure the qualitative methodical equipment of the educational process.

ü Definition of topics according to the requirements of the State Educational Institution and the number of hours on certain types of classes under the curriculum.

ü Development of educational discipline standard.

ü Development of a textbook, training aid, course or lecturacy abstract.

ü Development of control issues and tasks for each thematic block. Formation of exam tickets.

ü Development of the structure and content of practical, laboratory work and seminar occupations (if available in the curriculum).

ü Planning an independent work of a student and the placement of points of current control of students' knowledge.

ü Development of tasks for checkpoints.

ü Development of test tasks at discipline rate.

ü Registration of Documentation UMC.

ü Approbation and adjustment of materials UMC discipline in the educational process.

ü Coordination and approval of the CMC.

ü After creating UMK, they are tested in the educational process, during which, analyzing the results of current monitoring of students, adjustments are made. After testing, on the first stream of students, UMK, if necessary, is adjusted, is supplemented and is thus approved, it is constantly being improved.

CMC discipline and its components should:

Take into account the overall ideology of federal and regional policies, to promote the development of the regional higher education system;

Provide a logically sequential presentation of the educational material;

Assume the use of modern methods and technical means intensifying the educational process that allows students to deeply develop educational material and receive skills to use it in practice;

Comply with modern scientific ideas in the subject area;

Provide interprecote control;

Provide ease of use for teachers and students;

  1. 1. Structure of the educational and methodological complex

UMC is being developed by the teacher (teacher's team) of the department or the methodological association of teachers of the specialty taught, providing teaching discipline in accordance with the training plan for students in specialties (directions). The Department of Developer UMK is responsible for the quality training of the CMD, which meet the requirements of GEF VPO, SPO, NGOs on the preparation of students in the specialty (direction), for educational and methodological and technical support of the relevant discipline, including for ensuring the educational and educational training process methodical literature.

The structure of the educational standard of educational discipline:

title page;


introduction (performed if necessary);


designations and abbreviations (performed if necessary);

goals and objectives of discipline;

discipline work program;

discipline passport;

a sheet of coordination of the working program of discipline;

use of technical means of training and computing;

discipline software;

organization of the CRS on discipline;

elements of scientific search in the study of discipline;

applications (only required):

methodical instructions to the laboratory workshop (are performed if there is in the curriculum);

methodical instructions for the course design (are performed if there is in the curriculum);

options for individual settlement tasks and guidelines for their implementation (performed if there is in the curriculum);

control materials on discipline:

The standard of discipline is revised every time after the release of new state educational standards and (or) processing (changes) of the curriculum of the specialty (directions).

Every year, the Standard is considered at a meeting of the leading department, which is recorded in extracts from the meetings of the Department; If necessary, changes and additions are made to it (in accordance with STP 12 310 - 2004,).

  1. 2. Requirements for the development and registration

The situation on the educational complex (CMC) of the discipline is intended to introduce uniform requirements for educational and methodical support of all disciplines that are included in the curricula implemented in all educational institutions in all forms of training.

Provided by this Regulation The level of teaching and methodological security of the educational discipline is one of the conditions that make it possible to achieve the necessary quality of training in full-time, part-time and correspondence forms of training, including the correspondence formation with elements of remote educational technologies.

This provision regulates the process of preparing educational materials from the point of view of content and form in order to create conditions that make it possible to effectively organize and maintain an independent work of a student, as well as to preserve the continuity in teaching educational disciplines.

The situation on the educational and methodological complex of the discipline was developed in accordance with GOST 7.60-90 OST 29.130-97 "Terms and definitions of educational publications" and a letter to the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of education and science of April 17, 2006 N 02-55-77in / AK.

Availability of developed and approved educational and methodological complexes with widespread use. innovative methods According to all curriculum disciplines, it is a prerequisite for high quality training of specialists and state accreditation of the main educational program (ODP) in a specialty (direction).

Regulations should be respected by all university departments or specialty offices.

The composition of the CMEC discipline is determined by the content of the approved working program on the relevant discipline. The workshop includes:

Working program discipline - The program for the development of the educational material that meets the requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education and takes into account the specifics of the training of students on the chosen direction or specialty.

The following training materials are required to be part of the Working Program:

thematic plan for all forms of training;

plan of practical training and laboratory work for all forms of training;

This is a set of recommendations and clarification that allows the student to optimally organize the process of studying this discipline. When developing recommendations, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the course of the course is studied by the student independently. The content of the reference abstract:

Description of the sequence of student actions, or "script study of discipline".

Brief theoretical information on all sections of the discipline;

Materials to prepare for the exam (test);

Explained to work with the test system of the course, to perform tasks for independent work.

The composition of educational materials (UMM) of the lecture course includes:

textbooks and manuals developed by teachers of the Department, Abstracts (texts, schemes, presentations) of lectures in printing and electronic representation, file with handouts;

questions and tasks on certain topics of lectures (sections of the educational discipline) for students self-control;

The UMM of practical classes that are members of the UMC include:

plan of conducting classes with an indication of the sequence of subjects under consideration, the volume of audit hours drawn to the development of materials on each topic, as well as hours for independent work of students;

brief theoretical and teaching materials for each topic, allowing the student to familiarize themselves with the essence of the tasks decisions in a practical lesson (discussed at the seminar);

questions endowed for discussion and references (indicating specific pages) necessary for the purposeful work of the student in the course of preparation for the seminar (the list of references is issued in accordance with the rules of the Bibliographic Description);

methodical instructions for teachers leading practical classes that determine the methodology for conducting classes, the procedure for solving the tasks offered to students.

Umm of laboratory classes that are members of the UMC include:

plan of conducting classes with an indication of the sequence of the subjects under consideration, the volume of audit hours, allocated to master the materials for each topic;

theoretical provisions and guidelines for the implementation of laboratory work;

methodical issues related to the preparation and conduct of laboratory classes; (For students of senior courses, laboratory classes on profiling discipline should assume a small comprehensive task of a study nature, to fulfill which the student should choose the necessary literature, independently draw up a plan for solving the task set before him, fulfill the experimental part of the study and submit an exhaustive report);

methodical instructions to the teacher for laboratory work with students who determine the focus and organization of work;

methods of independent work of students;

Glossary of the terms (glossary). Each discipline uses special terms, which are not obvious and requires explanation.

In this dictionary, the definitions of all those found in the course of terms relating to this discipline must be given. Terms can be attached to the themes and / or alphabetical order.

The current control unit and intermediate certification contains:

methodical instructions for performing test work and tasks for testing;

methodical instructions for the implementation of coursework;

exemplary topics of abstracts, instructions for working with literature in the preparation of abstracts and requirements for their design;

training I. control tests under sections (topics) discipline;

control questions about each topic of the curriculum and throughout the course (the list of issues is presented in a given sequence in full compliance with the educational program).

The teacher can introduce into the educational and methodological complex and other didactic materials on this discipline developed at the department or separation of the specialty: instructions for preparing for laboratory work and materials on labor protection during its implementation, guidelines for individual sections of the course, etc.

The educational and methodical complex may be supplemented if necessary:

reference publications;

periodic, sectoral and socially significant publications;

scientific literature;

Documentation UMC (Appendix 1. Shape)

All elements of the UMC must be compiled in separate files.

The educational and methodological complex in a printing or typewritable version, stored on the department in a separate folder, should be duplicated in electronic form and is presented at the University training website.

Title page The discipline standard is issued in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard Educational discipline. General requirements to the structure, content and design.

In preface Indicate: the name of the department developed by the standard; On the basis of GEF VPO, SPO, NGOs of which specialty (specialties) or the direction of training developed a standard; If the standard is reused, it should be indicated which standard replaces the newly developed. If necessary, additional information may be included in the preface.

The preface is placed on the turnover of the title leaf and is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 educational standard of educational discipline.

Introduction Calculate if necessary, justify the reasons for the development (change or reissue) of the standard. Introduction should not contain requirements. Introduction Does not numbered and placed on a separate page.

Name standard The disciplines have a group header and a header (if necessary, a subtitle is allowed).

Group title - common to all disciplines for all standards: for example, the quality management system. Educational standard of higher professional education AltGTU. "

Title Contains the name of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum of the specialty (directions of preparation), for which it is developed, and begins with words: "educational standard of academic discipline (the name of the discipline)."

The title of the standard should be printed with capital letters; Group title and subtitle - lace letters With the first capital.

In the name of the discipline standard, as a rule, abbreviations, Roman numbers, mathematical signs, Greek letters are not allowed.

The name of the discipline standard is issued in accordance with STP 12 310-04 educational standard of academic discipline. General requirements for structure, content and design. The scope of the educational standard of educational discipline.

Structural element " Scope "(Appendix 2) It is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 educational standard of educational discipline. General requirements for structure, content and design.

Structural element "Normative references" Contains a list of standards to which references are given in the text of the discipline standard. The list of reference standards is beginning with the words: "This standard of disciplines use references to the following standards."

The list includes the designation of standards and their name in ascending order of the designation numbers of the designations in the following sequence:

state standards;

standards of organization, notation and abbreviations (performed if necessary)

Structural element "Designations and abbreviations" (If there is it in the discipline standard) contains a list of designations and abbreviations used in this standard. The recording of designations and abbreviations lead in order to bring them in the text of the discipline standard with the necessary decoding and explanations.

Structural element "Objectives and objectives of the discipline" must contain:

brief description of the subject of study;

goals and objectives of discipline in relation to a specific specialty (specialty group) or direction (directions);

place discipline in curriculum, relationship with preceding and subsequent disciplines, role in the system professional training specialists;

requirements for knowledge, skills and skills that students must be seized as a result of the study of discipline.

Working program discipline - Educational publication, defining content, volume, as well as the procedure for studying and teaching any academic discipline (its partition, part).

Subsection "The discipline work program" should consist of the following elements:

discipline passport;

educational and methodological materials on discipline;

educational and methodical map of discipline;

specific features of the teaching of the discipline (if necessary);

a sheet of coordination of the working program of discipline.

Structural element "Discipline passport" Registered in accordance with STD 12 310-04 educational standard of educational discipline.

In the subsection "Types and content of lessons on discipline":

for each lecture, practical classes and laboratory work provides a number, theme, list of issues under consideration, the volume in hours and references to the recommended literature. A less detailed presentation of the content of these types of classes is allowed if all the necessary information is contained in a teaching card;

for a course project (exchange rate), the goal and the subjects of the course design, the content and volume of the explanatory note and the graphic part, the volume (in hours) of each part of the project (work), references to the recommended literature are indicated. In the presence of audit classes on course design, the topics of classes are given;

for independent work of students, numbered tasks are listed, which students must perform independently in extracurricular time, indicating the content and volume of each task (in hours), as well as references to literature.

Structural element "Forms and content of current certification and final assessment on discipline"contains a list of control points of current certification by discipline (control survey, test, Colloquium, writing essay, etc.) and the summary of the final assessment (credit, exam) indicating the weight (in the fractions of the unit) of each control point.

A list of qualifying tasks and tests used to control the current, final and residual knowledge of students on discipline are given. The content of the current certification and the final assessment on the discipline is disclosed in a set of controlled mothers intended to verify compliance with the level of preparation on the discipline requirements of the State HPE, SPO, NGOs.

tests of current monitoring of knowledge on discipline;

tests of final knowledge control on discipline;

tests for controlling residual knowledge on discipline.

Subsection of the Working Program "Teaching and methodical materials on discipline"contains a list of recommended literature (main and optional), educational materials and benefits used in the study of discipline.

The list of references must include the latest editions of textbooks and textbooks. The numbering of literature must be through.

Additional literature is separated from the main heading. For each literary source, indicate the number of copies in the library and, if necessary, at the Department.

References are compiled according to GOST 7.1.

The section "Educational and methodological materials on discipline", if necessary, can be a structural element of the discipline standard as a whole.

Teaching Methodical Discipline MapAt the discretion of the standard developer, they constitute in accordance with the forms given in Step 12 310-04 educational standard of educational discipline.

In structural element "Specific peculiarities of teaching discipline" Indicate additional information characteristic of teaching discipline for a specific specialty (direction) and form of training.

Work program agreement sheet The disciplines are issued in accordance with STD 12 310-04 educational standard of educational discipline.

Structural element of the discipline standard "Use of technical means of training and computing equipment. Discipline software"contains a list of TSOs, audio and video materials, programs (application packages), computer games, automated educational systems based on computer, electronic textbooks, textbooks and other materials used in the process of studying discipline (at lectures during laboratory and practical classes, the implementation of course projects and works, settlement assignments and other types of SRS).

In structural element "Organization of independent work of students on discipline"a list of measures to ensure students fulfillment of all types of independent work is given:

presence of premises for course design;

provision of computing equipment, software;

the presence of handouts, sets of individual tasks, teaching materials, the essays with the list of recommended literature, allowances for solving typical tasks, sample reports on the implementation of the SRS;

ensuring educational and methodological and reference literature, etc.

In the structural element of the discipline standard "Elements of scientific search in learning discipline"indicate the methods and forms of the involvement of students in independent creative activities (the referencing of scientific and periodic literature on the most difficult and topical topics Disciplines, participation in scientific research, competitions, exhibitions, competitions, conferences and other directions of development of students' creative abilities)

In applications Methodical documents and materials that complement the provisions contained in the main part of the discipline standard are placed.

Applications may be mandatory and informational. Information applications can be recommended and reference.

Mandatory applications to the discipline standard are:

methodical instructions to the laboratory workshop (if there is in the curriculum).

Laboratory work must be provided with guidelines made on solid (paper) carrier and approved at the meeting of the department. When conducting classes, guidelines can be used both on solid carrier and in the electronic version.

Methodical instructions should include:

title, which indicates the type of work (laboratory), its sequence number, volume in hours and name;

purpose of the work;

equipment, technical means, tool;

order (sequence) of performance;

rules for safety and labor protection for this work (as needed);

general rules for job design;

references (optional).

Requirements for the content, implementation and design of laboratory work on specialty academic disciplines (directions) are governed by STP 12 700-07 Laboratory Works.

Methodical recommendations for course designDeveloped by the departments must comply with the provisions of STD 12,400-2009 coursework project (term paper). General requirements for the content, organization of implementation and registration;

options for individual settlement tasks and methodological instructions on their implementation (if there is in the curriculum);

control materials on discipline, developed and decorated in accordance with the requirements of STD 12 100-02 Requirements for the Qualification Tasks Foundation and Tests:

tests of current knowledge control on discipline (TTKZ). The TTKZ on the curriculum disciplines are intended to assess the course of assimilation by students of educational and software material during the intersessional period in accordance with the teaching and methodical discipline map. The complexity of TTKS depending on the type of task (test work, control survey, colloquium, etc.) can vary from 20 minutes to two hours. TTKS are compiled in arbitrary form.

tests of outcome control of knowledge on discipline (TIKZ). Tests of final monitoring of knowledge of students on the disciplines of the curriculum of the specialty (directions) are intended to assess the compliance of the training of students by qualifying requirements for specific curriculum disciplines. Use for the final assessment of the knowledge of students in self-examination of the specialty (direction), as well as on credits and exams on the disciplines of the curriculum of the specialty (direction) in the form of oral, written or computer testing. TIKS must contain questions and (or) tasks for all sections of the discipline work program. The laboriousness of test tasks should be no more than two hours. When implementing the TIKZ, the use of information and reference literature on the list approved by the head of the department responsible for teaching educational discipline is permitted. The TIKZ is issued in accordance with Appendix W Step 12 100-02 Requirements for the Qualification Tasks and Tests Foundation.

tests for controlling residual knowledge on discipline (TCZ). The TCZ on the curriculum disciplines is intended to assess the level of knowledge of the fundamental and problematic provisions of training disciplines. TCZs are used in self-examination, state certification and accreditation of the specialty (direction); They can be applied to input monitoring of students' knowledge on disciplines based on the knowledge of preceding disciplines in the form of an oral, written or computer control survey (testing). The TCZZ is executed in accordance with STD 12 100-02 Requirements for Qualification Tasks and Tests Foundation.

other educational and methodological materials used in teaching discipline (for example, a list of examination (credit) issues on discipline, etc.).

Attachment 1

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution Higher professional education

Ulyanovsk State Technical University

I argue:

First Vice Rector for Ur

_________________S. Ya. Korev.

"__" ________________ 2007.


by discipline___________Optimization methods___

(name of the discipline)

for specialty_23010062 - Informatics and computing________

(CIFR and the name of the direction, specialty)

faculty_______ Information Systems and Technologies ________________

(Name of the faculty or structural unit where training is carried out)


The educational and methodical complex (CMD) is compiled on the basis of the GOS VPO and the curriculum of ULGTU specialty ____23010062 - Informatics and computing technology ___________

at the Department _____________________ Computer Engineering__________________________

(Chair name)

faculty ___________ Information Systems and Technologies________.

(The name of the faculty to which the Ceathedral applies)

Compilers UMK

Teacher ______ _________________ ______ Ivanov V.S.________

(position, scientist title, degree) (signature) (surname I. O.)

CMD is considered and approved at the meeting of the department __ Computer Engineering___

Minutes of the meeting № ___ from "__" ___ 2007

Head of the Department

"___" ________ 2007. _________________ ___ Sosnin PI ______

(signature) (surname I. O.)


Dean of the Faculty _________ East _____________ _______________ _Shishkin V.V._

(where the training is carried out in the specialty (direction) (signature) FULL

"___" __________________ 2007.

Head of the Department _ Computer Engineering_ _____________ _Synnin PI_

(released specialty (direction) (signature) FULL

"___" __________________ 2007.

Chairman of the NIC Faculty ______ East _______ _____________ ______________

(where discipline is taught) (signature) FULL

"___" __________________ 2007.

Appendix 2.
1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1.1 The discipline standard establishes general requirements for the content, structure, the volume of the discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" and the conditions for its implementation and AltSTU.

1.2 The action of the standard applies:

On students studying in the specialty 170600 "Machines and apparatus of food production";

On teachers and employees of the Department of MAPP.

2. Regulatory references

GOST R 1.5-2002 of the Russian Federation. Standards. General requirements for building, presentation, design, content and designation.

GOST 2,105-95 ECCD. General requirements for text documents.

GOST 8.417-81 GSI. Units of physical quantities.

STP 12 100-02 Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education AltGTU. Requirements for the Foundation for Qualifying Buildings and Tests.

STP 12 310-04 Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education AltGTU. Educational standard of educational discipline.

STP 12 700-02 Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education AltGTU. Laboratory works.

STP 12 005-2004 Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education AltGTU. Independent work Students.

3 Objective and tasks of discipline

3.1 a brief description of Disciplines

The discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" is general professional and based on materials of general-ventricular and special disciplines, read earlier, and combines general theoretical knowledge of students with the level of industry development.

3.2 The purpose of teaching discipline

The goal of the course "Fundamentals of scientific research" is to give students knowledge under general principles and methodology of scientific research in the university.

The main tasks of learning the course are:

  1. Study of the scientific research methodology.
  2. Training in the formulation of a physical experiment in scientific research.
  3. Acquisition of practical skills for measuring and processing scientific results.

3.3 Location of discipline in curriculum

The study of the discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" is based on knowledge gained by students when studying higher mathematics, physics, computing, hydraulics, heat engineering, electrical engineering.

3.4 Requirements for knowledge and skills

As a result of studying discipline, students should:

The main provisions of the theory of knowledge;

Methods of the empirical level of research;

Methods of the theoretical level of research;

The main stages of scientific research;

Measuring instruments and their characteristics;

Basic concepts and definitions of the theory of error.

Draw up the results of information retrieval and scientific research;

Properly select the means of measurement of physical parameters;

Competently organize the conduct of experiments and obtaining results;

Take into account the measurement errors;

Competently process and summarize the results of experiments.

4 The content of the discipline and the conditions for its implementation

The discipline content was developed in accordance with the qualification requirements of the State Educational Higher Professional Education in the direction of preparation of a graduate specialist 655800 "Food Engineering" specialty 170600 "Machines and apparatuses of food industries", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2000, Registration number 184 Tech / DS.

The discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" contains basic information on the methodology of scientific research, formulations of the physical experiment and processing the results obtained.

4.1 Working program discipline

4.1.1 Discipline passport

Department "Machines and apparatus of food production"

Discipline ADD.R.1 "Basics of scientific research"

The status of the discipline must

Specialty 170600 "Machines and apparatus of food production"

Form of study pupil

The total volume of discipline is 102 hours.

Distribution of semesters


Training activities

Number of courses.


(Offset, Ex.)

Overall volume



4.1.2 Types and content of discipline classes


Topic 1. Introduction, 2 hours

The subject of the course and its content. Methodology of scientific knowledge. The main provisions of the theory of knowledge. Methods of the empirical level of research. Methods of theoretical level of research. The main stages of scientific research.

Topic 2. Information search in scientific research, 3 hours

Opening, invention, useful model. Registration of the results of information retrieval and scientific research.

Topic 3. Physical experiment and measurement in scientific research, 5 hours

Modeling physical phenomena and technical devices. Measurements, measurement tools and their characteristics.

Topic 4. Calculation of measurement errors, 3 hours

Basic concepts and characteristics random variables. The elimination of the gross measurement error. Definition of the systematic component of measurement errors. Determination of the random component of the measurement error. Determining the error of indirect measurement.

Topic 5. Basics of the theory of planning experiments, 4 hours

Basic concepts and definitions. Factor experiment. Fractional factor experiment.

Check the results of a physical experiment. Graphic analysis of the experimental results.

Laboratory works

Laboratory work №1, 4 hours

Measurements, measurement tools and their characteristics

Laboratory work number 2, 8 hours

Processing and generalization of the results of a physical experiment

Laboratory work number 3, 5 hours

Planning experimental studies

Independent work of students

4.1.3 Forms and maintenance of final and interim certification by discipline. Controlling materials Forms of final certification - offset.

Controlling materials on discipline contain:

  • tests of final knowledge control on discipline;
  • tests of current monitoring of knowledge on discipline;
  • tests for controlling residual knowledge on discipline. A set of controlling materials is given in Appendix B of this Standard.

Estimates of individual activity of students on the discipline develops from the following types of work:

  • protection of laboratory work - score from 0 to 50 points;

5+ 95-100 points - excellent.

5 83-94 - excellent,

5-75-82 - almost excellent,

4+ 69-74 - more than good

4 56-68 - good.

4- 50-55 - not good enough

3+ 44-49 - more than satisfactory

3 31-43 - satisfactory

3-5-30 - poorly disgraceful,

2+ 19-24 - more than unsatisfactory,

2 6-18 - unsatisfactory,

2- 0-5 - no knowledge.

4.1.5 Educational and methodological materials on discipline

  1. Anufriev A.F. Scientific research. M. 2004.- 1 Ex.
  2. Kuznetsov I.N. scientific research. M. 2004. - 2 copies.
  3. Shank H. Engineering Experimentory Theory. M. 1970. - 2 copies.
  4. Akhnazarova S.L., Kafarov V.V. Experimental optimization methods in chemical technology. M. 1985.- 4 copies.
  5. Burdin K.S., Veselov P.V. How to issue scientific work (Handbook for universities). M. 1983. - 2 copies.
  6. The experience and problems of the organization of research students. M. 2003. - 2 copies.
  7. Scientific work. Methods of preparation and design. M. 2000. - 1 copy.

4.1.6 Educational - Methodical Map

discipline OPD.R.01Basics of scientific research

on the 6 semester

Schedule of audit classes and independent work

Name of type

Semester weeks


Practical (seminars) classes




designed by IE

form of control

Continuing a teaching card

Auditory lessons

Independent work of students


Locker number

Lab number. work

Number of the task of the CRS.

Volume, hours


coordination of the working program of discipline

with work programs of other specialty disciplines (directions)

Name of disciplines, the study of which relies on this discipline

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