Alma-Ata, first impressions. The organizer of the underground network was Mom

It's time when it became impossible to work even in the afternoon, especially at night. The government decided to evacuate cinematographers. The first went "Masha" Rasiasan, followed by a "guy from our city". Then the whole "Mosfilm" was evacuated and some more weather - "Lenfilm", who jumped out of the city literally at the last second before the blockade. Most cinematographers arrived in Alma - Atu, and Room, Lukov, Studio. Gorky- in Tashkent. Mosfilm and Lenfilm formed COCS, central combined film studio. I was approved for the role of Varia in the film "The guy from our city" just before leaving. In the fall of 1941, with Nikolai Afanasyevich Kryuchkov, Stallow, Ivanov, Operators, Uralov and Shubashin, drove in one car. On the way, the composition was bombed, we stayed for a long time.

When you first challenge the usual places, your loved ones - Aunt Marusu, Mil, they are in Moscow, in danger, is very hard on the soul. The most important thing is Sergey at the front, it is unknown, alive or not. Sergey once studied with a colleral in the literary institute and asked him to "look after me". Oh, let goat goat in the garden! He not only became a patronage to me, but also tried to make a novel. It was not easy to fight back, especially since there is some kind of dependence, the fear remains not at the work, he is still the main in the film.

Now I am, sciences by bitter experience, I advise young actresses: "Do not start an affair with a director, this is the most harmful thing that may be for the painting, for the role and for your destiny, because real love is rarely born, and the position of the director dictates your addiction , the desire to please, please. It is impossible to quarrel - if you abruptly refuse, the director can revenge, but it cannot be loved, otherwise you will fall into an even greater dependence. "

In one car, the actor Vladimir Kandelaki was driving with us - very talented, a little naive and very selfish person that I managed to notice on the way.

We drove for a long time. There were enough products. We all had a stomach perfectly perfectly. We were engaged in enhanced gymnastics - nothing helped. I have almost vicious guts and the temperature rose. Kandelaki also suffered incredibly - every time he returned from the toilet, he had such sad eyes. And suddenly, one day, for the fifth day, or a loudness ran out: "I am the Gypsy Baron!" He sang loudly and so pleased that the whole car understood: resolved from the burden! Since then, this aria is associated with me with the indentation of the stomach.

In general, funny episodes were a lot. Everyone bought or changed salt on things. Salt was in short supply. Ivanov, famous Belofilm Movement, for example, bought two bags. Suddenly there was a rumor that there was some commission to expose "speculators". Then the director of the picture ordered: "To the whole Salt to the toilet!" Lined a long queue. Then I specifically looked at the window of the tail wagon - all the way was soaked in salt. Only Ivanov did not want to part with their wealth. There was no commission, and he won one.

On the way, as I said, we bombed. The train stopped, we rushed into the forest. Together the woman ran out with me, she dragged some huge suitcase with the wolf. I hid behind the sovereign tree, and it covered the suitcase with the body. Then I asked: why isn't her suitcase, and she is it?

"There are my Chernoburks, and what am I without a Chernoburok?" She replied, singing. Then we talked, she told me about his novel with the famous criticism of Yuzovsky and everything repeated: "What am I without Chernoburok?" It seemed a nonsense episode, but no. Many years have passed, I rehearsed a matchmaker in the "Marriage Balzaminov". It was very tormented - I didn't know at all how my Swachy is talking. Warriors were angry that I could not come up with a call manner. While I'm silent, and Krnolin, and a red wig, and a hatched nose, and small drunken eyes - everything seems to work, and I will start talking - everything is not true! Konstantin Naumovich almost shouts: "Well, how does she say yet?" I eat, and grunts, and Cartville, and suddenly remembered this woman, her whispered: "What am I without Chernoburok?"

And when it began to say: "I never bite, I don't have this stupid habit ..." - poketing, I suddenly became so comfortable. It was theity that the actor is necessary when it works on the character, the manner of talking, walk ... This is the same emotional memory that lives in the actor all his life. Well, when the director tells, sometimes he can get to the point, but the actor must first be hoped for himself. I kept human intonations in memory, as any writer retains successful phrases in your notebooks.

In Alma - Athe, we met an amazing autumn. Oh, what kind of city was on the background of white, snow-covered vertices, how beautiful were golden crowns of trees, Aryki, running from the mountains, the alleys of the famous apple trees "Aport"! And Kazakhs? I am grateful to this people all my life, such a hospitable. They mounted, moved, shared everyone than they could.

And how terrible that now from Kazakhstan is most of all refugees - Russians. They are out ofielding them, do not give to live and work. I do not believe that these are simple Kazakhs. I think this is a guide, Nazarbayev. And there are dark nationalist forces in any country. They support such policies.

In Alma - Athe, we posted us to the Soviet hotel. Here were ordinary actors, and the stars - Pyryev, Eisenstein, Ladynina, Cherkasov, Pudovkin, Tissa - in the house, which was called the "laurenik". Eisenstein began shooting "Ivan Grozny." Hermler, and Zavadsky, and Ulanov, and Maretaka were here. Life in Alma - Athe is the most difficult length of time, very complicated and unusually interesting. When we arrived, all the shops were littered with alcohol. Sell \u200b\u200band stunning natural juices. What the juices there were not there! Then already introduced cards, we received bread. For some reason I remember very well Pudovykina. He has a car in his hands, and in it a loaf of black bread, which he tried to clarify or sell something, like everyone else.

Fate collided me to Alma - Athe with very remarkable women much older than me, belonging to Moscow Beaujudu: Natalia Konchalovskaya, Zina Sveshnikova, Ira Lerr, Maretskaya, Sudakevich, Ilyuschenko.

Ilyuschenko, Wife, Yutkevich, has portrayed the provincial princess in the ballet "Swan Lake". She and in everyday life was a princess - never did anything. The poetess Konchalovskaya, the wife of Mikhalkov, very funny told us how she reacts to the love of his dignity of his Sergey. First of all, she begins to be friends with their rivals, and then very deftly "takes out." She was older than Mikhalkov and unusually smart. Zina Sveshnikov - a woman in bright, original fate. Her husband worked as the second director of Eisenstein. Now the second directors translated, turned into administrators, and before them had all mass scenes, the selection of actors. From all this they freed the masters. Zina was once the mistress of Mayakovsky and with spicy details told us about their relations with him. Or here is the beautiful Anel Sudakevich, the wife of Asaf Messer, and before that - the famous gentle, director of Mkhat, who during the war took the entire Gold Foundation for theater actors in Tbilisi. Previously, she was an actress, starring Kuleshov, Barnet and Pudovykina, and then became an artist in costumes, for many years he worked as the chief artist of the circus. Recently she turned ninety!

In general, these women had something to tell me, young and inexperienced. Ira Jlepp - the drowning actress - there was a novel with Padovkin. All this novel proceeded in our eyes, and we knew all the habits and inclination of Pudovykina, his pranks, his temperament, his thoughts. In Alma - Athe, he once performed and told about his trip abroad. He stood on stage, and behind him - Bust Lenin. Puddowkin spoke very temperamentally, waved his hands, then he took off his jacket and threw him straight over Lenin's head! Then it was emergency.

Pudovkin lived wide, wider than its capabilities. In addition to his wife, he had a mistress. One of them was Ira Lerr. We witnessed as she was preparing for a meeting with him. We are all together gossip, laugh, joke, exchange "experiences", and Ira sits in a big pampus, the pumice rubs the soles, heels, knees, butterfly, so that they were soft. And I then found out that if you wash them and rub it, they will become gentle as a newborn. And at this time we are talking about some nasty about Pudovykina, hinting that he is not so holy as she thinks, and in conclusion, we present a colorful, but frivolous drawing with the image of their future meeting. Sudakevich painted, Konchalovskaya wrote poems. That was our society.

And Maretskaya, at that time, he seduced by the chairman of the Sovnarkom of Kazakhstan - no less. She did not really worry, and we asked every time: "Well, how, he gave you or not?" Finally, faith comes and says: "He is mine." And tells in detail how it happened.

Somehow we even played such a game - everyone had to tell about the smallest in his life. I saw the faces of people became a little serious and thoughtful. I am sure that it was still not the most shameful cases. It is so clear! One famous actress told that she stole a blouse in the costume in the theater. Hooks told something very nasty, associated with the old woman - a cleaner. But still, the actors have the actors - they spoke juicy, lobing, played, came through the details.

Sergey Prokofiev with his wife - Italian and two sons lived in the hotel next to me. He composed music all the time. To withstand it was not easy. He worked very difficult, endlessly worked out the two first notes. And I was all waiting for the third, and he again returned to the first two. I was completely hated him, I wanted to give it a frying pan on my head. Only then I realized that there was a genius next to me. And he composed at that time the famous "Cinderella".

Sounded Alma - Atu and Kapler - the script writer "she protects his homeland." I remember he sat in one of the hotel rooms and was Gerasimov next to him. He and Makarov somehow came to life into Alma - Atu, and they struck us all, and someone admired their warlike view - in leather jackets, with nagans. Who and where they defended, I do not remember now. Gerasimov managed to teach - there was VGIK.

In the hotel usually all come to each other, so I was in the room where the scarlet lived, Zoshchenko, Barnet and Rome Carmen. Zoshchenko gadal us. He had a "his own method," he asked for the one who was wondering, her secrets. He was so serious, sad, so remained in memory. I remember the barnet, beautiful, always drunk. All women were in love with him.

Rome Karmena at that time were personal troubles. Son Stalin, Vasya, beat his wife. Rome was very worried and wrote a letter to Stalin. He gave the order: to return to the wife of Carmen, and send Vasya to the front.

And at the dropper at that moment there was a novel with Svetlana, the daughter of Stalin, everyone knew about it. "Lucy," said the gathered in the room, "well, where are you climbing?" Do you really love her? Or do you like that she is the mother of the leader? Think what are you risking? What will happen to you? " And he answered honestly, I remember his face: "Yes, I love her. I can't quit her, I'll go on everything. " And he backed up, so many years sat in the camps!

Meanwhile, it was becoming increasingly harder. All the time I wanted to eat. We stood in a long queue in a restaurant or in a dining room for some kind of black gallops - we received them on cards. Something was cooked in the room or in the hotel courtyard.

Part of the people were placed in the foyer of the cinema, where they were put on wooden tips. Families were separated from each other sheets, blankets. At the same time - one toilet, one sink, somewhere need to be prepared. And here in this anthill there were a lot of household, curious things, some family scandals or, on the contrary, some novels. There was a lot of tragicomic. Anyway, life continued.

Such a tragicomic was my attempt to play Silva in the movie of the same name. I knew that she was going to run into production, and decided to try. What the hell is not joking, maybe you will take me? Tairov taught us to be synthetic actors, everything was on the stage of the chamber - from the tragedy to operetta. And the music, and the dances we taught very professionally. But Silva, I never rehearsed and especially did not play. And it was necessary to begin to learn at least her weekend Aria. I am thin, forever hungry - I sell my luxurious bathrobe and I spend all the reversible money on food, but on teachers - tutors. I am engaged before the seventh sweat, I sing: "Hay - I, Hay - I" - and incendially dance.

At this point, someone from my benevolers ask the group, whether Smirnov is gathering to try on a major role.

Yes, we have long taken, it is Smirnov, already coming in all the shooting.

The well-wisher runs to me with joyful news.

But I did not even show!

Larkor opened simply. Approved another Smirnov - the wife of the son of Nemirovich - Danchenko, a professional singer. And she demanded that in the credits they wrote: Silva - Smirnova - Nemirovich. It can be seen, I was afraid that we were confused.

In the luxurious new theater of Opera and Ballet Ulanova danced "Swan Lake." Fishing fabric started. Decoration and filmed paintings, and synchronously. And no subsequent swoosity, as now. This is my sick topic, I am categorically against the video technique, which the Italians imposed to us. We lost a living word, present.

Alma - Ata Film Fabric was a tiny studio with one big pavilion and several small. Worked in three shifts. It was already winter, but the pavilions were not treated. Hooks and I starred at night in the "guy from our city", we had a couple of mouths. And we dreamed of a glass of hot tea, not even tea, but just boiling water. Kohl Crochekov in the morning, after filming, drinking a glass of alcohol, played a little bit on the harmonica, for which he was mercilessly scolded by Marina Pastukhov, then his wife, she did not love his harmonica, "she went to bed, woke up, drinking a glass of water and was drunk. They quarreled again, then in the night we went again to shift, and there was a shooting.

And the famous scene in the garden, where he jumps on top of the window, filmed studio in the courtyard in the spring when the gardens bloomed. The picture was completed in 1942. He took her Bolshakov, the minister, he specially arrived in Al - Atu. Bolshakov painting really liked, he accepted her officially. I remember, we walked down the street with him, and he told me some laudatory words, and then said: "Something has changed my voice?" I say: "What, became worse? Maybe because I have no soldering? " I am very starved, I really needed, sold everything that I had. I did not have enough money for foods, and the laureates received quite decent soldering. And then Bolshakov ordered to give me Polpayka.

At that time I worried a heavy grief. Sergey was on the front, and there was no line, I remember, I looked at the moon, as in childhood, when I sang a song about orphans and asked: "Moon, light the way orphans." And now I said: "Let the moon, which shines to me, also shines to him." At the same time was afraid that he was killed in the field. I, of course, loved him, and here - loneliness and insecurity. I asked the Minister to help find him. A year later, I received a notification that he died.

And on this background there were some endless courtship, failing, persecution. Just the invasion somehow! But Bolshakov, on the contrary, I was convinced, was a man of strict rules, the novels on the side did not start. He asked me what I wanted to play a movie. I remembered: I never know what I want, you need to know the "portfolio" of the studio, know which scenarios are launched into production, and I only heard that there is a preparation for the "Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya" and that the director Arnshtam is looking for an actress on a major role. And I blurted out: "I would like to play the Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya."

The order of the minister was then not discussed. Above it was only Stalin. Bolshakov, however, I asked me: "Do you come to this role?" To which I replied: "So there is a makeup, you can applied." And then he called Arnsteha and said that he as the minister proposed to approve the role of Zoe Lidia Smirnov. He was insanely frightened: at that time Galya Vodyatskaya was already invited. Galya was a student Vgika and my hot fan, often accompanied me to the hotel, explained in love. Arnshtam called me to himself and said: "So I was ordered me to take you on this role, but you do not fit at all. But since the order is an order, I will offer you, and you, I ask you, refuse. " Of course he was right. I did not resemble the zoya neither the Mashy nor the character. And played Her Vodiantsky.

I tried me and Eisenstein for the role of Queen Anastasia in Ivan Grozny. I liked him, but in the end I was approved by the Colekovskaya. Looking at your portrait in the role of Anastasia, I understand why. I am too earthly, sinful, and he needed a gentle, gentle, with a pigeon look, cleanliness and innocence itself.

Did I upset then? Not too much. I was young, full of strength, knew that all my life was ahead that I was waiting for as many roles and films.

After the "guy from our city" directed by Ermler (at that time he was also an artistic director of the studio) invites me to the role of Fenki in the picture "She protects his homeland." The main heroine is Maretskaya. In the rest of the roles - Bogolyubov, Aleinikov. Operator - Rapoport. I am a simple Rustic Girl.

I remember, Hermler then I still told the prophetic phrase: "And that you are climbing with your nose lyrical heroines? You are a characteristic actress! " He first uttered it. And everything opened my forehead, I joked that I had, oddly enough, a good, smart forehead, and I all the time I close it with suts. "Remove the curls," he ordered the grimers, but I prepared to the team "prepared, attention, motor!" I managed to pull myself on the forehead curls, and Hermler said Grozno: "Stop, stop, open the forehead!" I resisted because he was always afraid of his profile. It seemed to me that I had an ugly nose and thick lips, that I generally ugly. I did not understand that in this trunnoy the nose is the words of Ermler - and there was a charm of Fenki. Naive eyes, chubby lips, rolled nose - this is all the phenka, clean, open. Therefore, so clean her love. My partner was Aleiniki, as always, incredibly charming. Fenka dreamed that he would be his wife that they would build an election that she would wait for him from work - and their life took place in the partisan detachment, in the forest. There is a wonderful scene when they blew up the bridge, run, and she says: "Listen, how heart beats." He presses his hand to his chest, and he says: "Fool, tea, it is left, heart." And Maretakaya, the commander of the squad, they patronize them.

We removed all this partisan life in the forests of Medeo under Alma - Ata. It was very difficult to find vegetation like Russian forests, but somehow found: and a piece of forest and landscapes that we needed. We shot in the mountains, where it was impossible to drive up by cars, and I have a snapshot, where the whole group goes to the shooting. I carry a tripod, someone goes with the apparatus, someone with illumination, even carried the kitchen. And there they found something like an abandoned stone old castle - only the walls and windows, where the whole group is located. They all slept on the floor, brought underwear, and I burned a small corner with Marezka. I remember the incredible beauty of the night when the moon was shining, I remember how the sun was sat down - a huge - a huge ball, - and illuminated hills.

I went for a walk and somehow met the rapoport. He immediately and for his whole life fell in love with me. The atmosphere on the filming was wonderful, we lived with one family, one destiny - the picture, be it illuminator, the dressing room, the restricted worker or Mareretic itself.

Hermler is smart, erudite - from those masters who are obsessed with work. He was considered a party director, as he put a picture of the life of Kirov - "Great Citizen". So, Hermler also fell in love with me, even wanted to leave his wife and son. Son he loved very much, he dreamed that his Mark became a conductor (and he really became the main conductor of the Bolshoi Theater). (When I am now in great and see the beautiful gray hair chapel in front of him - younger, I want to approach him and say: "Baby, this is because of me your family did not break up." But everything could be different.) And Hermler's wife, an artist, was a very strange woman: she went barefoot, in a wide gypsy skirt. Many considered her not quite normal.

Somehow, Hermler and I walked around the city. There, in Alma - Athe, Armenians flowed from the mountains, they published such noise, so surprisingly murmur. And these white peaks, and on their background, flowering gardens - just a miracle! And in the mountains! If you look at the city from the height, you see the carpet of stunning tones - yellow, pink, lilac. It is a supremacy, cherry, apple tree flows every color. And spring in the mountains is no less beautiful than autumn.

Hermler is a very musical man, loved to look melodies. We walked, he walked, and the aryki murmur in unison. Suddenly, Hermler gustly smack me on his cheek and ran away. Another time on a walk he said that he loved me, and timidly asked: Maybe I will answer him reciprocity?

Hermler was closely friends with Micheels. They often recalled Jewish rites, customs, holidays, were joking a lot, even foolished, stories remembered, were witty, sparkling, ttymatimes for draws.

Mikhoels acted as a matchmaker, at each of our meeting he told me how Friedrich loves me. I did not react in any way and rather preferred a rapport, and Hermler jealous to him. He even wrote on some plywood, how many times during the shooting a rapeoport approached me, and Maretskaya calculated how many times - ermler. She was joking, tickled about this, but I felt - jealous: I don't really play a major role, she is a leading, famous, she master, and two main people in the film - director and operator - prefer me.

We had a scene with her when Aleiniki in the barn lies dead, covered with a cloth. I see him, I will change him, I say: "Senya, Senya! You spoke, there is no death, they invented her. " The episode is removed, as we look at it and cry. We did not work at the same time crying. She asks:

You are crying?

Not yet.

I'm already crying.

I cried - she stopped. She cried - I stopped. Funny, but in this dramatic scene we could not cry at one time. It seemed to me that she had such a creative experience, such an acting equipment that she did not have the right to not cry when necessary.

Hermler rented this scene like this: I enter, or rather, run into the barn, I guess that it lies Senka. And I'm afraid to come to him. Therefore, I am shy back, then I'm starting to crawl. It lasts for quite a long time, the camera takes my closeup, then I tear the rag, which is covered with Senka, moving back. I repeat, it lasted for a long time, but Hermler was as if bought in scenes of such an emotional heat.

Similarly, the scene was shot, when in front of Marette, the fascist presses her child. She is taken gray and looks at her gray strand in a barrel with water, where it reflects. The camera for a long time holds its blackened face in the frame for a long time.

The director then told me that he considers the episode in Saraj's best scene. But alas, she broke the rhythm of the picture, and it had to cut it.

Hermler rented "she protects his homeland" in headphones. He loved very much when I or Maretskaya pronounced monologues, conduct. I no longer met such directories. And I was surprised that Maretque liked it. I also hurt it very much. "Frederich Markovich," I asked, "well, you don't have to wave a hand."

There were curious cases. Now put, let's say, light, we are waiting and forget that someone can hear all our secrets in the headphones. Hermler, it turns out, heard a lot, though, maybe not specifically. Marekaya somehow told me terribly indecent anecdotes, I laughed, and suddenly he is heard: "Faith, I ask you, do not spit Lida, stop!"

The next day she provokes me: "Now your turn!" I again forgot that he had headphones, and told no less indecent anecdote. Maretskaya waited a little, and then says: "Friedrich, now you know who spoils whom?"

I will add that Maretskaya was an unimportant partner for me. I did not have with her - "You are a hook me, I'm a loop." On the set, your partner feeds you or only takes you ...

Hermler in love "she protects his homeland" constantly looked at Beethoven. Musically gifted, he dreamed of making a film about the great composer. When the war ended and the Union of Cinematographers was formed under the chairmanship of Pyrhev, I headed the acting section and attended the meetings of the Secretariat. And of course, there was always someone from the Central Committee, some other instructor - without it, of course, neither socialism, nor communism to build.

And at one of the meetings, when Hermler was still alive, he was discussed by his request to put a picture about Beethoven. I spoke, said that he dreamed of this since the times of war, and then, Beethoven - our composer, revolutionary. I say: "Let him put it. Maybe he will make a brilliant picture? " Pause, and suddenly someone shouted: "But he is a party director! They are not so often found, he created a "great citizen", "she protects his homeland." And suddenly about the composer! You can not lose such an experienced party artist! "

Never supported. And then they were called up to the Central Committee, where it was simply, without Caucan, they were dumbfounded: "What are you yesterday, Lida, carried? Well, think about where it is seen to make the artist doing what he wants? You, art workers - directors, actors, - party assistants. You are fulfilling the tasks that the Communist Party puts in front of you. You promote our ideas. So we need the Ermler to make those pictures and solved those topics that are useful to us, and not himself! " Now, in our time, although we can talk about it openly.

Let us recall how Tairova Theater was closed, as destroyed people of art under Stalin. We were a bad crowd, who does not understand anything that does not have any report. I also believed that it was necessary, because I didn't know a different life.

But back to Alma - Atu. Go shooting "she protects his homeland." Mikhoels comes, says that I have to appreciate love and the attitude towards me Ermler. And I liked the rapeoport more. He lived with his mother, sister, nephew. He was not married. Before the war, he was a husband Zoe Fedorova, but in 1940 they diverged. Of course, it was less active, perhaps, be remembered that "the smaller the woman we love, the easier we like her." And indeed, rather, I achieved it than he was me. He, as well as Hermler, was a laureate of the State Prize. Both of them received laureate food soldering.

And sit Mikhoels, Maretskaya. A knock on the door, an ermler enters and brings phytilechek - a small such anchitz (light, naturally, there was no) - and the small chairs in which two eggs were cooked:

Lidochka, here is the light and food.

So touching! Well, Mikhoels, of course, does not miss such trumps:

Here you see, what is he wonderful, as he loves you, as cares, as gently manifests his feelings.

Of course, I am pleased. And then again the knock at the door, Rapoport resorts and brings all the fifty eggs, which he received in the solder. Put silently in front of me and ran away.

Then Maretskaya says:

And you still think? That will be all my life to wear two eggs sick, and this will give it all that he has.

I myself instinctively felt how the rapeoport was unconsumed and as a selfish ermler. I recently, I have not without pleasure read the confirmation of this in the "phone book" Evgeny Schwarz.

"In Him, he wrote about Hermler," he shines the fire of the very love, which is so touching in young mothers and is so annoying when she sends her man to himself. "

True, he adored himself as a child, and later in childish, but he was not harmless, dismissed me.

In Alma - Athe, I managed to still play in one of the film collectors and began work in the "sea battalion". With the film collector we had some trouble. I played the welder, and the pancakes are a wonderful actor - my beloved. I welded some kind of pipe, and he stood behind. Nobody gave us any instructions. It turns out that you must first put the mask to face, and then do the arc. And I came on the contrary. Two or three hours later I began in my eyes the strong cuts began, as if the sand was hot washed. Blinov says that he also hurts eyes. By the end of the day we were taken to the clinic. I had a hard eye burn, doctors thought that I would lose sight. The temperature rose, I was bandaged, and for a week I actually blinded. Blinov suffered less, after all, it was a little further from the welding machine.

And then we both got sick in typhoid. Doctors checked local flies: from each hundred 98 there were typhoids. I remember me, thanks to Hermler's hassle, put in a children's hospital: there was an infectious compartment, and the conditions were better. Pancakes soon died. I was very hard sick. But the cinema is a movie: in case of disease, the hair usually cut the hair, because from high temperatures of Vershi, and here the studio asked that my hair does not touch, because I have already started to act as the main role, and to make a replacement.

I treated an old doctor who was then infected with a typhus and died himself. With this disease, the intestines are made thin, like parchment paper, can be perfect and death at any moment. It will fall into the food something too tough, and all - the end. I remember, chewing the ground meat and suddenly I feel: bone! I so wanted to live that I looked at her as a killer.

And I remember that I had three waves of the disease and every time incredible temperature. I lay on the bed, which was a little small to me, and in the window I saw a tree branch with five leaves. I looked at her and recalled the "last leaf" O'Henry. I felt very badly, I was afraid to fall asleep, so as not to miss when the last leaf falls with my tree. And nevertheless he washed. I have a monstrously sick head.

Just then I received a telegram from Dunaevsky: "Such a man, as you can die." Then Hermler said to me that Dunaevsky was very crushed, that I am sick, and asked to give me products. And the rapeoport on the dry leaves of the pitch to me apples. He came, I was very weak, I probably had everything indifferent, I just remember that I had a thin white legs from under the blanket, some strangers, not mine, with brightly red nails. Such completely lifeless white legs and red nails.

But the day came when I was planted and said that they would repent my head. I took the hair - they stayed in my hands, and I saw that they were covered with ninis.

Rapoport taught me to walk - the muscles were atrophied. When I got out of the hospital, it was necessary to save the remaining hair, the wigs were not there, and we went to the mountains to the mountains, I found a glade with a penest, he sat down at him, put my head on his knees, smeared the hair kerosene, and then filmed the dead Nicky. They could not be combined, it was possible to remove the nails. And with these nicks in his hands, he told me about his love. So many people followed me, tried to achieve reciprocity, and only one cared, the truly understood how I was alone, defenseless that my native is far away, my husband died at the front and at every step can offend me. He simply brought baked apples that he himself prepared on dry leaves, simply filmed the nozzles from my hair, just taught to walk. Vladimir Rapoport became my second husband.

"We declare you with my husband and wife," these words of 65-year-old Lydia Makarov heard in February 1996 in the city hall of Bristol. Her chosen was the 67-year-old Robert Woods - English Aristocrat, in the past, Rolls-Royce engineer. For the celebration, the bride chose an elegant beige outfit, and the groom put on a new satin gray suit ... to the dream to become an English lady she was almost half a century.

Spirit of England

A rural girl Lida in childhood came up with the motto "You are worthy!" And no matter how fate pressed, continued to believe in the best. In 1951, she entered the Institute in Alma-Ata to the specialty "Teacher of English and German."

Later, a friend gave her the original book. And Lydia fell ill with works about the delightful life of Lady and gentlemen in luxury mansions with a servant. To please her, familiar handed Bestsellers Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie.

During his studies, on the kid, Lida met the first spouse - Handsome Vladimir Ushakov. In 1954, the only son was born in Sasha. The marriage lasted only two years, because young people had too different purposes ... Later, Lydia met another man, he was older for twenty years, he worked as a school director in Krasnodar. She got married for the second time and with his son moved to his spouse. In a new place quickly got a teacher of English language In the peduniversity. Students adored her, despite the rigor and high demands.

"Mom graduated from graduate school, brilliantly defended her thesis and became an associate professor, candidate of philological sciences," Alexander says "Starhit". "When the restructuring came, a space for business appeared, she" caught a wave "- created his own college. He took off the room (today they would say - an office) in the medical unit who was issued to certificates for receiving driver's licenses and examinations. I agreed with the owner, which will start paying the rent when he gets the first money from the disciples. Those who wish were very fast. Lydia Konstantinovna had an excellent reputation, graduates of schools, universities were recorded on the recommendation for it, many Krasnodar officials wanted to train children. They led to college of foreign guests of the city. "

"I met a professor-linguist from London," said Lidia Konstantinovna. - Over time, we have become business partners. I always wanted to see how students are taught there. The English colleague invited to share experiences. A couple of weeks I stayed in his chic mansion in Chelsea. And as a result, I loved England even more. "

Having retired, Lydia closed the college. IN free time corresponded with favorite graduates. One of the former students was married to the British Martin Raston and moved to the city of Bristol. Svetlana, knowing the dream of a teacher, invited her for a couple of months. Makarova gladly accepted the offer.

Ladies' man

One evening, a 66-year-old Robert Woods looked into the rabids cottage, wanted to borrow the auto-trailer. I saw Lydia and disappeared!

"Even in the most bold dreams I could not have such an assumption," Lydia Konstantinovna admits. - Well, what feelings when you are far in 60! But Bob was so worried that I gave up. Daily bouquets from their own garden were a modest start ... "

By car, Mr. Woods drove his lady in the country. Arranged romantic picnics in the beautiful parks, they talked about everything in the world. It turned out that Bob was married, but the marriage was short-lived. Son and daughter grew without him, they almost do not communicate. Robert told about serious health problems: many years ago Woods rode a bike, and he was knocked down a truck. The result is strong damage to the spine. Twice a year, a man has to go to the hospital for a survey and rehabilitation, and in the interruptions is forced to conduct a quiet way of life.

The two-month holidays ended with the proposition of hands and hearts, supported by a modest ring with a tiny diamond droplet, which Lidia Konstantinovna took with almost childish delight.

Citizen Makarova on February 14, 1996 officially became Mrs. Lidia Woods. The joyful event of the newlyweds celebrated together in the Pipal Tree restaurant. Later, the spouse sold the old three-storey house Bob, bought another, smaller, but beautiful, cozy, in the center of Bristol. Started repair, building materials were quite cheap, but it was not for the workers to hire workers. Alexander, Son Lydia came to the rescue. The visa was then given without problems for two years, he stayed down for several months and helped to equip the home. This was a real family idyll, which heroine has always dreamed of. How much mom nor invited the heir to move, he refused. Although then in Russia, nothing kept him - in two marriages children did not profit.

Complete loneliness

Recent years, Woods, spouses held on the shore of the Bristol Gulf in the town of Weston-Sewer-Mayor, located in County Somerset. The house in the resort bought, deciding to change the noisy, lively city on the "village". Led quiet, measured life.

Two years ago, 86-year-old Robert went to the hospital for the next examination, but no longer came out - a worn out heart stopped. The wife was near to the end, kept hand. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Woods strongly passed: it is difficult for her to even move because of the problem with the vestibular apparatus. Alone lives alone. The son is trying to leave the mother, but so far to no avail.

"I turned to the Joint Visa Center Volgograd and Volgograd region, - told Ushakov "Starkit". - On his site it is said: "The cost of our services is three thousand rubles. Additionally, paid (if required): Consular fee - $ 140, the cost of the return shipping passport to Volgograd is $ 30. That is about 13 thousand rubles. But I was assured than the more visa time, the higher the price. In general, they took 34 thousand. I requested permission to enter for half a year. Appeared to the Moscow Consulate and received a refusal. "

Two months the son cannot reach mom, she only has a home phone, neither mobile, nor internet connection she does not recognize. What the Lydia is unknown. Now Alexander dreams of one - to hear her voice again.

I was told about this, unfortunately, who had already gone from life veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Sniper Lydia Efimovna Bakiyev (on her account 78 destroyed Nazis, most of which are officers) and former Chairman of the KGB Kazakh SSR Lieutenant General Vasily Tarasovich Shevchenko.

This came here to "disappear" from the front ...

After my spouse Satail Bakiyev went to war, I lived in a literal sense to precipitate the Alma-Ata Military Compare, - recalled Lydia Efimovna. - But since I was not yet 18 years old at that time, I received failures. As a result, I was still sent to the Central Women's School of Snipers, first in the suburban weighs, and then in Podolsk, where we were preparing for 6 months. By the way, there he studied and Hero Soviet Union Aliya MoldagulovaShe was older than me on one edition.

So, while I ran to the draft board, I saw more than once adults, healthy and strong men by all truths and untrue sought to get a reservation from calling or at least a deferment. For this purpose, everything was: from scoliosis and weak lungs and to flatopy ...

... and recruiting dissatisfied

According to Lieutenant General Vasily Tarasovich Shevchenko, among the Kazakh SSRs hiding in Almaty and other cities, not only the agents of Nazi German and Militarist Japan were masked, but also the Allies of the USSR and the United Kingdom.

The latter was interested in the richest deposits of minerals of Kazakhstan, "said Vasily Tarasovich. - And the professionals of the Abver preferred to prepare saboteurs from the children of fists and White Guards, who were burning hatred to the Bolshevik. Therefore, they did not even pay, but forced to work for the idea. In 1944, the Ministry of State Security liquidated in Almaty a group of seven diversants - deserters from the Soviet Army.

They prepared an attempt on the lives of major party and economic leaders, organized terrorist attacks on enterprises evacuated in Almaty and were recruiting dissatisfied with the Soviet authorities. One of the most dangerous single agents was Vasily Karpenko.

While in the Kazakh SSR, this experienced and perfectly prepared diversion seven times changed his surname and appearance.

After the end of the war, there are many traitors and deserters, covered with fake passports, tried to sit down in Alma-Ata. But Soviet counterintelligence managed to neutralize almost everyone.

Diversian under the mas major

About the tragic attempt to arrest the leader of one of the largest sabotage groups of Almaty underground - Robert Geysina, from the moment of which 68 years have passed, we learned from directors of the Museum of DVD of Almaty Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kolesnikova.

Robert was not particularly noteworthy among his peers, "says Lyudmila Kolesnikova. - Now it would be called Major.

His mother, director of the skin and venereological dispensary, was a well-deserved medical worker, her urban and regional party leadership knew it well. They and her son lived in a large private house in the area of \u200b\u200bintersection of Oktyabrskaya streets (Kazybek bi) and Muratbaev.

During the war years, the honored health worker in his relations staged a son at the Mining and Metallurgical Institute (Kazakh National Polytechnic University), and he escaped a call to the operating army.

And at the same time, violent robbery began in Almaty, which almost always ended with the murders of the victims. As it turned out later, Robert managed to successfully combine three roles. During the day he was an exemplary student, gently attended lectures and practical lessonsIn the evening turned into a cruel murderer, and at night, he handed out the instructions of his young accomplices - members of the Pronocyst underground.

True, the latter it turned out much later. Robert's trail of Robert, the operatives of Almaty criminal investigation, were released only in 1948 and believed that he was a regular robber.

The organizer of the underground network was Mom

By the way, as it turned out later, Robert was recruited by the German agent, but with his mother. No one thought that honored health care worker is actually an organizer of a terrorist fascist organizationwhose members were worn black jackets, and under the lapels hid a small icon in the form of a swastika.

Robert's mother often went to office business trips to Moscow, which was not only an excellent cover, but also allowed her to perform the features of the courier. Meeting in the capital with curators, the woman secretly brought weapons and instructions for her son.

Unfortunately, preparing for Robert's detention, operatives did not know anything about it and suspected him exclusively in the criminal. Meanwhile, the money and values \u200b\u200bmined during the raids were spent by underground workers for the purchase of weapons and explosives.

Tragic final

Surrounding the house in which Robert lived, policemen under the guidance head of the criminal investigation department of the Almaty police of Lieutenant Colonel Rodion Filippovich Saginovze, entered inside. The first was the lieutenant colonel Saginovze. Seeing him, Robert's mother shouted his son, who was in the next room: "They came to you from the police!".

He did not think to give up, and began to shoot "Macedonian" from two pistols TT. His german agents sent to Almaty were trained to such shooting.

Rodion Saginovze died first, then the bullets struck the captain of the police Mikhail Zueva, and Vasily Kobov's operative was seriously wounded. He was trying to save, but during the operation, which was conducted by A. N. Syzganov, the wounded died ...

It is not easy to talk about it, but some policemen were frightened and escaped, "continues Lyudmila Kolesnikova. "Then they tried to justify themselves, they said that they went to call" ambulance ", but nobody believed them ...

During the shootout to the room where Robert sat down, his mother ran away. Having taken her for the policeman, he killed her in place. His, heavily wounded, interrogated before death minister of Internal Affairs of the Kazakh SSR Major General Athanasiy Afanasyevich Pchelkin.

As it turned out, Robert was always the ideological enemy of the Soviet state, so he gladly agreed to lead the martial wing of the underground. As a German by nationality, he was recruited by Nazi agents and then recruited peers from among students for the underground struggle against the USSR. Those who refused, he lured into secluded places and ruthlessly killed.

Robert was a special training, studied shooting, recruitment methods and a subversive business. Frank from pain, he cursed Soviet power And Gorky regretted that he did not have time to kill the entire operational group. Robert and his mother buried on the same cemetery, where those who were sentenced to shoot criminals were buried.

Referring to the testimony of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kazakh SSR, Lyudmila Kolesnikova says that immediately after the murder of operatives in Alma-Ata, the wrist arrests began: young fascists were brought by whole groups.

Operatives buried all Alma-Ata ...

The funeral of the dead police officers became truly folk grief: thousands of citizens came to say goodbye to the heroes.

Rodion Filippovich Saginovze served in the bodies of 21 years, began to be ordinary okeoral and rose to lieutenant colonel. For a long time and impeccable service in the NKVD bodies - the Ministry of Internal Affairs awarded orders The Red Banner, the Red Star, the Medal "for the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War," as well as gramists and nominal combat weapons - Mauser - for courage, manifested in the fight against banditry.

Vasily Ivanovich Kobov and Mikhail Pavlovich Zuev were also excellent and promising workers.

At the funeral, the farewell speech said deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Kazakh SSR Peter Vasilyevich Nikolaev.

All detainee members of the terrorist underground were sentenced to long-term conclusion, as an exceptional measure - execution, was temporarily canceled.

In our school, as they say now, the children of the elite of our country studied. Despite this, students and their parents showed modesty and respected teachers. No one tried to stand out at the expense of the hands-on surname. Sometimes about the fact that she taught the son or daughter of the Minister or the head of the regional committee, I learned only on graduation when I met with my parents.

School number 56 is one of the oldest in the city. The first two-story building, its facade overlooking Furmanov Street, was built back in 1926. In the 1928th school was assigned the name A. S. Pushkin.

In the 1930th, a three-story extension was built, and a new building was built in 67th. The main entrance to the school, framed by columns and made in the style of the Stalinist architecture, is part of the initial construction.

Thanks to the location in the "Golden Square", children received children of famous cultural figures, politicians and scientists. Kaman Satpayev, Mukanova, Auezova, Son Zhamal Omarova, Daughter, Bibigul, Tupullova, were trained here. Among the famous graduates is also Dariga Nazarbayev. In 1964, the school was renamed Satpayev, and the patronage of her took the Academy of Sciences, provided educational institution Estimated assistance.

About the atmosphere that reigned among teachers and students of one of the most elite Almaty schools of Soviet time tells the French teacher Nelya Alexandrovna Gerinawho worked here is not one decade.

- There were very strong teachers here. It was not so easy to work on this school. The director carried out this selection, choosing only the best, as if coaches, creating a sports team. Beginning with elementary school There were no passing teachers here. Everyone burned with his business. Many had the title "Excellence of the Enlightenment of the Kaz Houses" or "People's Teacher". Mathematics had doctoral degrees, and the writers were real artists. When I just came here, I went to their lessons and opened my mouth from surprise.

The school had a physical and mathematical bias, and this was reflected in the learning process. In high school classes, the number of math lessons together with electives reached seven-nine per week. Graduates still remember such teachers like Lyudmila Stepanovna Shestakov and Dmitry Evgenievich Myshigin. In the 56th school, Archimeda Capticks, who later founded the legendary Archimedema, worked as a teacher of mathematics for a long time. School graduates entered technical specialty in Moscow State University, MGIMO, Bauman School. When at the exams in these universities, university teachers learned, where the applicant studied, all the questions disappeared. Such was the authority of the 56th school.

Despite the bias technical specialties, in the 56th did not forget about humanitarian objects. So, at a high level, English and French were taught. In French, the school competed even from the 25th, where this subject was considered one of the profile.

Kipened I. school life Outside. Pupils visited various circles, put full-fledged performances and organized concerts. Sports teams on volleyball and basketball regularly won Cups of urban competitions.

- We had a lot of interesting things. Regularly organized a holiday song and building. Once in the anniversary of the liberation of the blockade Leningrad, there was a thematic evening dedicated to this event. Schoolchildren prepared brightly theatrical rooms, 125 grams of bread were distributed to all viewers, their own baked students - the norm of issuing blockades on cards in the most difficult years. Teachers and parents had tears in their eyes. Many years have passed, but we still remember this event, "says Nelya Alexandrovna.

In the 56th school, the experiment was first conducted, when gifted children were translated from the third to the fifth grade. As part of some classes there were up to 25 gold medalists.

In 1987, an event occurred in the 56th school, which became a city legend. One of the graduates was the author of the iconic "needle" Rashid Nugmanov. In the filming took part teacher of mathematics Archimedes Capticks. Once the disciples, who configure that their teacher works on the same platform with Viktor Tsoem, asked him to arrange a meeting with the star of Soviet rock. Tsoi easily agreed to offer and after filming jumped to school. Only the Archimedes class was attended at the meeting. Tsoi for three hours tried to communicate with the guys and sang for them, but those shocked by such an unexpected visit of the legend could not squeeze a word. The next day, apologizing to the teacher, they asked to repeat the meeting. Tsoi again agreed to speak to schoolchildren.

- It was an amazing event in the history of our school. The arrival of Tsoi was announced in advance, and about 150 people gathered - teachers, students and their parents. Within an hour, the musician played his songs and communicated with the audience. After that, in that office we hung cut out newspapers and photos from that speech. In 2009, a memorable plate was established, "Nelya Alexandrovna recalls.

For the 56th school, the continuity of generations is characteristic. Many of her disciples gave their children there, and then grandchildren. One of the school principals was its former student.

- Since the Academy of Sciences oversees us, and we often went to campaigns and expeditions. One of the teachers took its class on the excavation of the city of Otr. Teachers regularly organized a tour. At the same time, the school even had his own summer camp On the shore of Issyk-kul.

Another teacher of the 56th school, Natalia Alexandrovna PopovaThose who worked in it since 1981, remembers which unusual relationships were between the teacher and his wards.

- I came here from the 33th school. Despite the fact that before that, seven years worked in the Medeu district, the administration still looked after me before finally take me to work. However, the biggest exam was arranged for me. One day I go into class, and one of the students, Bopesha Jenev, who later became a famous Kazakhstan actor, asks with the go: "Tell me how the earth was formed?" I had to get out, improvise and respond. The level of knowledge from students was very high. Not only they trained with me, but I myself have learned something with them.

In our school, as they say now, the children of the elite of our country studied. Despite this, students and their parents showed modesty and respected teachers. No one tried to stand out at the expense of the hands-on surname. Sometimes about the fact that she taught the son or daughter of the Minister or the head of the regional committee, I learned only on graduation when I met with my parents. My grandson column studied. The driver specially left him away from school so as not to embarrass classmates. The boy did not stand out among others, and his grandfather at that time was no less than the head of the republic. I came to me and spouse Nazarbayev. Sarah Alpovsna handed over party fees, and I was just the head of the school partycom. She ran to me, greet me, asked about her daughter, sometimes briefly conversation about domestic things. There was no arrogance.

Gymnasium № 25. I. Esenberlina

When they opened the 12th school, we took many English teachers. Then we were forced to introduce Chinese as the second foreign one. Probably, we were the only school in the city where this language was taught.

School number 25 was built in 1937. It was located on Dzerzhinsky Street, now Nurezai Batyr. On the contrary there was a building of the KGB and the Militian Stadium "Dynamo". It is not surprising that in such an environment, the school was originally called the name of Jesov, however, after the arrest of the Opt Head of the NKVD, she received the name of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky and wore it up to the 90s.

In the courtyard of the school even stood a monument to the famous Chekist, who diligently cared school students.

About interesting story The 25th school and its famous graduates tells 90-year-old Seraphim Filatovna Nikonovawho worked in her teacher history since 1950.

"I graduated with honors from the historical and philological faculty and could go to graduate school or work in Parshkol." However, in the biography I had one point - the daughter of the smoked - and therefore the path was closed there. I was offered to work in one of the city schools, and the choice fell on the 25th. Then it was one of the elite schools with a very high level of learning.

- When I came here, the school was male. The morals here reigned quite severe. In the first lesson, the disciples threw me a dead mouse in the table. Later we made friends with them.

Almost from the very foundation, the school acquired a language bias. Since 1964, an in-depth study of French began. Under the 25th school there was a whole French department. As a result, her students regularly defeated the city and republican competitions on this subject.

Such an exotic subject as Chinese language was taught here.

- When they opened the 12th school, we took many English teachers. Then we were forced to introduce Chinese as the second foreign one. Probably, we were the only school in the city where this language was taught. He taught him Susan Isifovna, who had lived in China for many years. I remember it was very hard, because no one wanted to learn Chinese. As a result, when this issue came to the university, they recorded them that the foreign language was not studied as a foreign language, since there were no such teachers there. We have achieved that they all notice the study of a foreign language, because they were not to blame for what they fell into the "Chinese" group.

Pupils and teachers have felt the influence of the internal affairs bodies for a long time. The Ministry of Internal Affairs took the patronage over this educational institution, providing him various helpThe staff members came here to conduct conversations and explanatory work, and among students there were many children of employees and even police officers and the KGB.

The school was considered sports. There were strong sections of athletics and gymnastics. Many graduates have achieved great success in these sports. The disciples were often engaged on a nearby Dynamo stadium. The school existed classes where all the conditions for classes of various sports disciplines were created.

In the assembly hall of the school, designed for 100 people, and in the courtyard were periodically spent quite large-scale events and open lessons. They were going to several hundred people.

- Among our team there were many representatives of the Jewish diaspora. These were wonderful, very educated teachers and real professionals, for example, Elena Mikhailovna Blonder, Anna Borisovna Igdal and the former director Adolf Evseevich Selitsky. They fully confirmed the opinion of the representatives of this nation, as a very intelligent people. Naturally, there were also many Jews among students. Our school was joking Jewish.

Among the graduates of the school there were many famous politicians, businessmen, doctors, science and artists. These are such personalities, as a famous banker Daulet Sembayev, one of the leading pulmonists of the country of Abay Baigeginin, the musicologist Anatoly Kelberg, the leader of the LDPR party Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev. Seraphim Filatovna trained many of them. She remembers almost every graduate.

- I remember the release of 64 years. Between themselves, teachers called them "Zhirinovtsy", because exactly what year Vladimir Wolfovich graduated from school. Among his classmates were many other outstanding people. He was never considered the leader in the classroom, but was very talked. He was an active participant in the club of political discussions, was very convincing and always knew how to prove his point of view. At the same time, never Hamil and did not insulte his teachers or sampling. I called him a fighter for justice. He was not excellent, but he studied not bad. It was an active teenager with a thick redhead chapel. Odnoklassniki and teachers called him vovage. Later, after admission to the university, he wrote to me in a letter that it was better than other items in the exams history. During each of his arrival in Almaty invited to meetings, saying that I was his favorite teacher.

In one class, the famous surgeon, doctor studied with Zhirinovsky medical Sciences Yuri Anoshin. He has been a very smart and charismatic person since childhood.

- I also studied former minister Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Senate Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev. He was remembered by a very beautiful young man, enjoyed the girls success. It was an intelligent young man. He studied well, was an activist, and I still knew that he would become an outstanding personality. The School has a letter of Komsomol members in the future, in 2017. There stands and his signature, - recalls Seraphim Nikonov.

- Our graduates, even the most famous of them, often come to their native school. We regularly host meetings of former classmates, who are also invited by teachers. Our students proudly say: "We are graduates of the 25th."

Lyceum number 28. M. Mametova

Soon after the founding of the museum, the history teacher Yevgeny Diernstein put forward the initiative to establish a monument in honor of the students and teachers of the school who died at the front. We held this idea. To raise money on a bronze monument, all forces were thrown. After the teacher's lessons and high school students we went to the fruit repair plant. There, we cleaned the clock onions, we were crying, but they endured. All the money earned in this way went to the construction of the monument and the development of the museum.

History Lyceum number 28 is closely related to the Great Patriotic War. It was formed back in 1932. The first one-storey building was located at the intersection of Karasai Batyr (formerly. Vinogradov) and Tulebayev.

In 1934, a new building appeared on Furmanov - Kazybek bi (formerly Soviet). It has become a significant eventSince there were few schools in the city, and the first secretary of the RCP (b) of Kazakhstan Levon Mirzoyan was attended at the opening.

School disciples have achieved success in training, and in 1938 she was awarded the title of exemplary and name I. V. Stalin.

The school worked one of the best teachers of the Republic - S. Baygulov and S. Savina.

When the war began, the majority of students and school teachers went to the front. One of the first rows of the Red Army was the director of School Gennady Fadeevich Zvantsov. In total, 120 teachers and pupils of lyceum participated in combat actions. Among them three heroes of the Soviet Union: Vladimir Zalyko, Vladimir Breusov and Manshuk Motemov. Despite the war, the school continued to work, and in 1943 it was renamed the men's gymnasium No. 28. I. Stalin.

In 1931 at the school began training the future heroine of the country Manshuk Mametov. She studied here until 1937, then entered medical Institute, From where and went to the front. The news of the feat and the heroic death of the Manshuk was adopted by the school team with sadness and pride.

The study of the past school and the glorious combat path of its graduates was engaged in the history teacher of Evgeny Iosifovich Di Restein. Together with his students, he collected valuable materials, such as photographs and letters of front-line, personal belongings of graduate heroes. These exhibits became the basis of the School Museum of Combat Fame, founded on May 6, 1978. Already in March 1980 he was awarded the title "Excellent School Museum".

Evgeny Iosifovich on his own initiative conducted scientific and search work by connecting schoolchildren and teachers to it. He organized the "Search" expedition, going along with students at the places of military glory Manshuk Mametova and Vladimir Zalyko. From there were brought sleeves from combat shells and earth from the battlefields. The exhibits found during the search work replenished the school museum.

Teacher primary classes Saliha Sadykovna worked in the 28th Lyceum for many years. She recalls the atmosphere that reigned in this school in the years when the school museum appeared.

- When I came to this school, she was general educational, but it was already that there was a high level of teaching. Particular attention was paid to technical sciences. Parents living even in another part of the city, gladly led their children here. The relationship in the team of teachers was beautiful. We proudly carried the name of this school. In addition to lessons, there were many creative electives and circles. Schoolchildren were dancing, sang in the choir.

- Given the deep connection of the school with the exploits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, special attention was paid here to patriotic education. Soon after the founding of the museum, the history teacher Yevgeny Diernstein put forward the initiative to establish a monument in honor of the students and teachers of the school who died at the front. We held this idea. To raise money on a bronze monument, all forces were thrown. After the teacher's lessons and high school students we went to the fruit repair plant. There, we cleaned the clock onions, we were crying, but they endured. All the money earned in this way went to the construction of the monument and the development of the museum.

A lot of famous figures of Kazakhstan studied in the walls of the 28th school. Among her graduates, the famous poet and writer Olzhas Suleimenov, the former Minister of Justice and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bauyrzhan Muhamedzhanov, Balletmister Bolat Ayukhanov, conductor of Fat Mansurov, political scientist Due Satpayev, Alik Shpecbaev, Mazan Sergazin, Al'jan Brilliev, Erlan Aquarov, Victor Burdin, Galina Rutkovskaya , Anatoly Socks, brothers of bucuichanov. Many of them visit their native school.

Teacher of the Kazakh Language Ayman Suleimenovna At the moment - one of the oldest teachers of the lyceum. She works here since 1975.

- The level of students in this school when I came here was very high. These were future ministers, large businessmen, lawyers and doctors. Every lesson for me was like an exam. To keep class attention and not lose the authority in the eyes of students, it was necessary to carefully prepare for each lesson. I think this is part of our profession. It is necessary to be educated, brought up and intelligent. It is important to have the ability to pick the keys to the heart of each student. This is a real gift, and not everyone is given.

- In the 28th school there was a lot of teachers of the highest category, candidates of science. We had particularly strong physics and mathematics. Some of the teachers wrote methodical manualsThrough which we are still engaged. I never thought to change this school and worked here all my life. Many of my pupils subsequently received higher education And worked in all corners of the world.

In 1991, the school became experimental. In-depth study began exact Sciences. At school among the first educational institutions Computer classes appeared.

In 1993 she was certified State CommissionAnd one of the first in the city received a certificate confirming the stated technical lyceum status. In the lyceum was given professional training At the level of college in such specialties as a "programmer", "User PC", "Accountant-economist", "Office Manager", "Laboratory Chemist-Ecologist".

Currently, the school has a lyceum status. Her graduates after the passage of profile learning receive certificates of the qualification of the qualification "Technician programmer", "PC user", "Accountant-economist with a PC work skills".

Museum of combat fame continues to be the main attraction of the school. More than 1000 exhibits are collected here. The center is located exposure depicting the last fight Manshuk Mametova, which was created specially for the museum Honored artist RK Vladimir Pozharsky.

The attention of visitors still attracts the school party Manshuk, which all these years carefully kept the staff of the lyceum.

The museum council attracts students to work on accounting and digitizing photos, letters and other valuable exposure materials. By the Day of Victory and Anniversary, Manshuk Mametova at school, events are held with the participation of war veterans, relatives and fellow heroes from among graduates of school.

In 2012, a group of students and teachers traveled to Russia, having visited the city of Nevel, on the site of the death and burial of Manshuk Mametova. From the trip to the museum were brought new exhibits.

Gymnasium number 15.

We had a very rich library of books in English. Imagine, there was the whole series of World Literature Library in English. These books at the time and Russian was hard to find in stores. The presence of such a rich collection of books was good motivation to study foreign languages.

The school was founded in 1937, at the beginning as a specialized school for girls. In 1939, she became the first school in the republic with in-depth study English and received the name V. I. Lenin due to its location in the Leninsky district of the city.

For a long time, the initial, secondary and older school elements were located in the old corps, built in the 1930s. Wooden floors, plywood ceilings and dilapidated walls did not contribute to prestige educational institutionAnd in 1986 a spacious new building was built. In the old one, where the overhaul was carried out, only an elementary school remained.

For a while, the evening school of labor youth worked here. Later in the old package for the first time in Almaty, a six-card appeared. Pupils of junior classes were at school until evening, going to lunch on quiet hour And making lessons directly at school under the supervision of the teacher.

The main thing profile subject Gymnasium throughout its history remained English. He started learning from the first class and continued until the eleventh. The general staff of English teachers at one time reached 27 people.

What was the difference between the 15th gymnasium with an English bias of other schools, a foreign language teacher with a forty-male experience told Valery Isidovna Smirnova.

- in 63 the implementation of the state program began, according to which in the capitals union republics In each area it was supposed to be at school with an in-depth study of English, German and french languages. The 15th school also got into this program. Then they tried to introduce the teaching of most objects, such as mathematics and physics, in a foreign language. What is being done now in the most prestigious universities Countries, came up with forty years ago. However, then this program did not receive development due to the fact that the teacher had to initially study the subject in the language of instruction. If, let's say, it was a chemistry teacher, even if he owned English, is not a fact that he could teach his subject in this language.

- As a result, came to some compromise. General educational items were taught in Russian, but there were several special items in English. In addition to the language itself, we taught country studies, technical translation, literature, language stylist and the history of Great Britain. In the 10-11th grade, the number of lessons in English could reach up to ten per week.

In the younger grades of the school teacher practiced new game learning techniques for that time. They used famous Soviet songs translated into English.

In the high school, some lessons took place on the Moscow News newspaper published in the USSR for foreign specialists. In this edition, there were inserts from Financial Times and The Economist. It was these complex texts that learned to translate high school students of the 15th school. At the end of the school, most of them could freely read and listen to news in foreign languages.

After graduation graduates, the graduates received a testimony, according to which they could work with translators of art and technical literature. Many of them came to the faculties of international relations in the best universities Countries, without understanding the entrance exams.

"I had a class, where from 20 people 6 entered the universities of Moscow and Leningrad, and the rest are in KazSU. In general, thanks to high level Teaching, "incoming" was almost one hundred percent.

Graduates and school employees still remember the names of teachers left in annals school history: English teachers - Pilipenko T.B., Prazkaya T.I., Barzali F.I., Parasyutu E.I., Grigoryadi M.N., Matyunin E.N., Veldyaev I.V., Pitershu A. S., Sokin T.V., Kukatov E.V., Smirnov V.I.; Mathematics teachers - Lozovaatsky M.I., Blech R.R., Esperson A.Ya., Lesuft F.E.; Physician teachers - Podlovnov N.P., Brovrovina N.I.; history teachers - Begönman RD, Orlov TA; Teachers of Russian language and literature - Sasha N.I., Cheko T.V.; primary school teachers - Tychinina A.S., Stepanova S.A. And many other teachers of the gymnasium.

- to involve students in educational processWe organized concerts and put the performances. My students showed an excerpts on the stage from Pieces Bernard Show and Shakespeare. We had a very rich library of books in English. Imagine, there was the whole series of World Literature Library in English. These books at the time and Russian was hard to find in stores. The presence of such a rich collection of books was good motivation to study foreign languages.

In addition to the main items, the school has actively developed literary and theatrical circles, as well as sports sections.

He was at school and his museum of combat fame, which was headed by the former director, Fyodor Ivanovich Barzali. Students communicated with veterans and participated in the search work.

In 1993, classes were opened in the gymnasium with teaching in the Kazakh language. Since 1996, the study of the second foreign language is introduced - French. In 1999, Specialized School No. 15 became a prize-winner of the Akim competition of Almaty for the title of "Best Pedagogical Team of Education System." In 2001, the results of the work of teachers were adequately presented at the project competition "Best Creative Pedagogical Team."

Currently, school graduates live, work and learn in Kazakhstan, Russia, America, China, England, New Zealand, Holland, Norway, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand. However, all of them with warmth remember their native school.

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Yesterday morning flew to Almaty or, as it was taken here to magnify - Almaty, the former capital of Kazakhstan, which still remains such, despite the formal transfer of the "main city of the country" in Astana.
I am here at the invitation of the Air Astana airline with a two-day visit, during which I have already managed to visit the Discovery Flight School flight center, which will be a separate plot, and while we run around the city.

Monument The Beatles in the park on Kok-Tobe - the local mountain with the observation platform.

2. At the meeting of the dawn, I just get when it settled in the hotel is a view from the balcony.

3. Access to LJ in Kazakhstan in most providers is blocked, so I use the local Bilan, which everything works, but slowly.

6. Drive the French house with Eiffel.

8. Sayahat area overlooking the central mosque.

9. Lepii Bitles, received a-studio.

10. Evening views with Kok Tob.

11. I live opposite the sprain wheel.

14. What is it?
Already seven in the comments wrote that it is. Who else will add?
Nobody reads previous commentators ...

15. And this is the Business Center "Nurly Tau".

16. On the mountain there is a good view from the cafe with Moscow prices, but to wait for a waitress for too long. Therefore, photographing through the lumens in the bushes. The remaining points of shooting the city for some reason forced cells with chickens and peacocks. On the territory of the park there is a reconstruction and turn on there really no place.

17. There are several attractions for large and small and monument to Betlam.

18. In the evening, the city stands in traffic jams, and catch the fellow with one or two fellow travelers here the most common thing. The official taxi is one and a half times more expensive and is not popular. From one end of the city to another, you can take a maximum of a couple of thousand tenge (400 p.) Typically, 500 (100 rubles) are offered for the train.

20. Go down to the subway - the youngest of all existing ones. Immediately like the fence on the escalator and indicator. Moreover, the escalator is idle while the passenger does not stop on it.

22. One ride on the metro costs 80 tenge (16 p) - is issued a yellow plastic token, which should be omitted in the turnstile at the entrance.

23. Composition "Wedding" at the station "Theater Drama Auezov".

24. The Almaty metro was opened on December 1, 2011 and has seven stations - "Rayymbek Batyr", "Zhibek-Zholy", "Almal", "Abai", "Baikonur", "Theater of Drama Auez" A and "Alatau". On the queue of the station "Moscow" and "Siran".
Waiting for the train can be swollen into monitors that are shaved upstairs.

25. The station "Baikonur" is directly realistic to the coexistence.

26. And, judging by the brilliant floor, not very crowded ...

27. How is it translated? "The path of the leader" - a movie about Nazarbayev.

28. On the "Theater" beautiful round bas-reliefs.

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