Remote sensing of the earth dzz geoinformation systems gis. Applications of satellite imagery and remote sensing data

09/20/2018, Thu, 10:51, Moscow time , Text: Igor Korolev

The Digital Economy program assumes a whole range of measures to ensure the availability of spatial data and Earth remote sensing data with a total cost of RUB 34.9 billion. It is planned to create portals for both types of data, build a federal network of geodetic stations and monitor the effectiveness of federal budget spending from space.

HowdevelopspatialdataanddataRemote sensing

The Information Infrastructure section of the Digital Economy program assumes the creation of domestic digital platforms for collecting, processing and disseminating spatial data and Earth remote sensing (ERS) data from space, which meet the needs of citizens, business and government. According to CNews estimates, the cost of the relevant activities will amount to ₽34.9 billion, most of this amount will be taken from the federal budget.

First of all, it is planned to develop a glossary of terms in the field of working with spatial data and remote sensing data from space. In the same areas, including products and services created on their basis, tasks should be set and requirements for researching the needs of the digital economy in domestic services and technologies for collection, processing, distribution and analysis should be formed.

The corresponding work will be done by the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, Roscosmos, Rosreestr, Rostelecom, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and the Aeronet working group of the National Technological Initiative (NTI). ₽88 million will be spent for these purposes, of which ₽65 million will be allocated by the federal budget. Note that, according to Russian legislation, remote sensing data do not relate to spatial data.

Parallel for spatial data and remote sensing data from space, an architecture and roadmap for the creation of an infrastructure for collection, storage, processing and distribution will be developed. The infrastructure will operate on the basis of an interdepartmental unified geographically distributed information system (ETRIS ERS).

This will be done by Roscosmos, Rostelecom and the Ministry of Economic Development. The cost of the event will amount to ₽85 million, of which ₽65 million will be allocated by the federal budget.

CertificationdataRemote sensing

The use of certified Earth remote sensing data should be legally secured. Amendments will be made to the federal legislation in order to consolidate the status of the federal Earth remote sensing fund.

A roadmap will also be developed for the creation of an appropriate regulatory framework. Regulatory requirements will be approved for the provision and procedure for the provision in electronic form of spatial data and materials and remote sensing data contained in the relevant federal fund.

The regulatory enactments will establish a system for certification of remote sensing data from space and algorithms for their processing in order to obtain legally significant data, as well as the procedure for using certified remote sensing data from space and data obtained by other methods of remote sensing of the Earth in economic circulation. These events will be handled by Roskosmos, Rostelecom, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Ministry of Economic Development and the NTI Aeronet.


Further, methods will be provided for the provision in electronic form of spatial data and materials contained in the federal fund of spatial data, as well as remote sensing data contained in the corresponding Federal fund.

For this purpose, a state information system, the Federal Spatial Data Portal (GIS FPPD), will be developed to provide access to the information contained in the federal spatial data fund.

First, the concept of the corresponding system will be created. Then - by April 2019 - it will be put into trial operation, and by the end of 2019 it will be put into commercial operation. Development, launch and modernization of GIS FPPD will cost the federal budget RUB625 million.

The GIS FPPD will have a subsystem “Digital platform for interdepartmental geo-information interaction”. Its launch into trial operation will take place in November 2019, it will cost the federal budget another RUB50 million.

Plans will be developed to connect this subsystem to the federal fund of remote sensing data, funds of spatial data and materials of state authorities in order to provide electronic materials at their disposal. The relevant measures will be taken by the Ministry of Economic Development, Rosreestr and Roskosmos.

Organsstate powerwill sharespatialdataanddataRemote sensing

It is also planned to provide the ability to provide in automatic mode using the coordinates of the established list of information at the disposal of the authorities state power and local government.

First, an assessment will be made of the economic effects that can be obtained when revising the requirements for the parameters of the disclosure of spatial data and remote sensing data at the disposal of state authorities. Then, changes will be made to the list of information (as well as their details and formats) to be provided in an automated mode using coordinates, along with a list of authorities that own such information.

By the end of 2019, an automated cartographic service will be developed and put into operation, ensuring the provision of thematic information using coordinates at the disposal of state authorities. The relevant work will be carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development, Roscosmos, Rosreestr, the FSB and the Ministry of Defense, for their implementation the federal budget will allocate ₽250 million.

In addition, the possibility of automated processing, recognition, validation and use of spatial data will be provided. For this, functional requirements will be developed for the aforementioned means, including systems for automated generalization of images of spatial objects, as well as for means of monitoring terrain changes.

The goal is to ensure compliance with the requirements for the frequency of updating spatial data resources. Trial operation of the corresponding facilities should begin in September 2019, commercial operation - by the end of 2020.

Also, an infrastructure of test sites should be created for testing robotic systems used to collect and process spatial data. The indicated measures will be taken up by the Ministry of Economic Development, Rosreestr and NTI Aeronet.

DomesticgeoinformationONfororgansstate power

Another direction of the document is to ensure the development and use of domestic geoinformation technologies in state and local government bodies, as well as state companies. Requirements for the corresponding software will be developed and published on the Internet.

Then a list of software that meets the established requirements will be formed, taking into account the Unified Register of Russian Software. Also, a study of promising technologies and management models using geoinformation technologies and domestic remote sensing data will be carried out in state authorities, and guidelines for the transition to domestic software in these areas will be developed.

In addition, monitoring and analysis of the use of geoinformation systems software in the information systems of state authorities and state companies will be carried out. After that, plans of actions will be developed for federal and regional authorities, local governments and state-owned companies aimed at ensuring the use of domestic software in this area. The Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, Roscosmos and Rostelecom will take care of these events.

4,8 billionon thefederalnetworkgeodeticstations

The action plan presupposes the creation of a unified geodetic infrastructure necessary for the assignment, specification and dissemination of state and local coordinate systems. The relevant activities will be dealt with by the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Defense, Rosreestr, Rosstandart, the Federal Agency for Scientific Research, Roscosmos, the State Enterprise Center for Geodesy, Cartography and IPD and JSC Roskartografiya.

For this purpose, at first, research will be carried out to clarify the parameters of the figure and the gravitational field, geodetic parameters of the Earth, and other parameters necessary to clarify state systems coordinates, the state system of heights, the state gravimetric system and the rationale for the development of the geodetic network.

Also, the state accounting and safety of points of the state geodetic network (GTS), the state leveling network, and the state gravimetric network will be provided. A system for monitoring the characteristics of GTS points, state leveling and gravimetric networks will be organized, and the development of a domestic network of collocated geodetic observation stations will be ensured. For these purposes, the federal budget will allocate in 2018-20. ₽3.18 billion

Next, a service (service) will be created that will determine the movements of the earth's crust caused by natural and anthropogenic geodynamic processes, as well as a service for determining and refining the parameters of the exact orbits of navigation spacecraft and Earth remote sensing spacecraft.

At the next stage, a federal network of geodetic stations will be created, providing an increase in the accuracy of determining coordinates, as well as a center for integrating networks of geodetic stations and processing the information received. First, the concept of the corresponding network will be developed, which includes services and the geography of their use, technical and economic indicators of the creation and operation of the network.

By August 2019, "pilot zones" of the federal network of geodetic base stations will be created and put into operation in at least three regions. Also, a center for the integration of networks of geodetic stations will be launched in trial operation. Taking into account the experience of the "pilot zones", the terms of reference for the future network will be created.

The network itself will start working by the end of 2020. ₽1.65 billion will be spent on its creation and launch. ₽1.35 billion will be taken from the federal budget, the remaining ₽200 million from extra-budgetary sources. The total cost of creating and maintaining the geodetic infrastructure will amount to ₽4.83 billion.

19 billionon theA singleelectroniccartographicbasis

Another project laid down in the document is the creation of the Unified Electronic Cartographic Framework (EECO) and the state system for maintaining the EECO. First, a concept, terms of reference, preliminary design of GIS EEKO will be created. The launch of the system in trial operation should take place in April 2019, in industrial operation by the end of 2019.

Further, the creation of the basis of the GIS EEKO will be carried out, including on the basis of open digital topographic maps and plans placed in the federal fund of spatial data, and the creation of a basic high-precision (scale 1: 2000) layer of spatial data of territories with a high population density in the interests of accumulating the GIS EEKO ...

The target composition and structure of data and services of the EECO, methods and algorithms for using the cartographic base and spatial data in the interests of various groups of consumers and a list of possibilities for using distributed ledger technologies (blockchain) should be developed.

It is also planned to create a promising model of GIS EEKO for use by various categories of consumers, including automated and robotic systems. Rosreestr, the Ministry of Economic Development and NTI Aeronet will take care of the relevant measures. Activities related to the GIS EECO will cost the federal budget RUB 19.32 billion.

FederalportaldataremotesoundingOf the earth

The document provides for the provision in electronic form of Earth remote sensing data and materials contained in the federal Earth remote sensing fund. For this, the modernization of information technology mechanisms (as part of the information systems of "Roskosmos") of the system of providing access to data from Russian spacecraft for remote sensing of the Earth and the geoportal of the state corporation "Roskosmos" will be carried out.

A concept, terms of reference and a draft design of the state information system, the Federal Portal of Earth Remote Sensing Data from Space (GIS PDS), will be developed, providing access to the information contained in the federal fund of remote sensing data from space.

The GIS FPDDZ will be put into trial operation by the end of 2019, and into commercial operation by the end of 2020. The project will be handled by Roskosmos. For the corresponding purposes, the federal budget will allocate RUB315 million.

SingleseamlesssolidmultilayercoatingdataRemote sensing

Also, a Unified seamless continuous multilayer coverage with remote sensing data from space of various spatial resolutions will be created. The corresponding measures will be carried out by Roskosmos, Rosreestr and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, they will cost the federal budget ₽6.44 billion.

To this end, a concept of the corresponding high-resolution coverage (2-3 meters) will first be prepared. By the end of 2018, a technological set of a continuous high-precision seamless coating of high spatial resolution (SBP-V) will be created based on remote sensing data from Russian spacecraft with an accuracy of at least 5 meters. In particular, the determination of additional control points as a result of field work and measurements from space images will be used.

In 2018, SBP-V will be deployed in priority areas with a total area of ​​2.7 million kW km. In 2019, SBP-V will be deployed to the territory of the second stage districts with a total area of ​​2.9 million sq km. In 2020, SBP-V will be deployed on the territory of other regions, including areas with a high population density, with a total area of ​​11.4 million square kilometers.

In parallel, a set of Continuous multiscale coverage of mass-use coverage (SBP-M) will be created with multispectral survey data from Russian ERS spacecraft with high-resolution plan accuracy no worse than 15 m.

In 2018, SBP-M will be deployed on the territory of priority areas with a total area of ​​2.7 million kW km. In 2019 - on the territory of the second stage districts with a total area of ​​2.9 sq km. In 2020, SBP-M will be deployed in other territories with a total area of ​​11.4 million kW km.

In 2020, on the basis of the Set of Continuous high-precision seamless seamless coating of high spatial resolution and the set of Continuous multiscale coverage of mass use, a Unified seamless continuous multilayer coverage with Earth remote sensing data (ERSVR) will be created. Also, the state information system (GIS) EBSWR will be put into trial operation.

As a result, an information basis should be obtained that ensures the stability and competitiveness of the measuring characteristics of domestic ERS data from space and products based on them. Also, a technology and a basic information basis will be created for the formation of a wide range of applied client-oriented services and services based on remote sensing technologies and information support third-party information systems.

ONforautomaticprocessingdataremotesoundingOf the earth

It is planned to provide the possibility of automated processing, recognition, confirmation and use of remote sensing data from space. For this purpose, at first, experimental research, development of technologies and software for automatic streaming and distributed processing of remote sensing data from space will be carried out with the creation of elements for standardizing the output information products.

The corresponding tools and unified software will be put into trial operation by May 2020. Commissioning will take place before the end of 2020. The project will be handled by Roscosmos, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Registration Service, federal budget expenditures will amount to ₽975 million.

The future unified hardware and software for primary processing of remote sensing data from space with elements of standardization of information resources will be put into operation on the basis of geographically distributed cloud computing resources of the Earth's Earth remote sensing infrastructure.

In 2018, a concept, nomenclature and technologies for the creation of specialized industry services based on remote sensing data will be developed in order to provide information support for the following industries: subsoil use, forestry, water management, agriculture, transport, construction and others.

Samples of unified complexes for distributed processing and storage of information will be designed to solve the problems of the operator of Russian space remote sensing systems from space with the maximum level of automation and standardization of processing, automatic quality control, cost-effectiveness in maintenance and operation. The level of unification of special software will be up to 80%.

It will also provide for the introduction of technologies for automatic streaming of standard and basic ERS information products at the request of users through the subsystem for providing access to consumers and issuing within up to 1.5 hours after receiving target information from ERS spacecraft.

In addition, polygon instrumentation for monitoring the spectro-radiometric and coordinate-measuring characteristics of ERS spacecraft and verification of ERS information products from space will be modernized, as well as instrumental and methodological support for a center for certification of ERS data from space will be created.

Roscosmos will create a geographically distributed computing resource for streaming remote sensing data processing

Another direction of the plan for the implementation of the Digital Economy program activities under the Information Infrastructure section is to ensure the development and use of domestic technologies for processing (including thematic) remote sensing data in state and local government bodies, as well as state companies.

As part of the implementation of this idea, the creation and modernization of a geographically distributed computing resource for providing streaming processing of remote sensing data from space as part of data processing centers and computing clusters of ground-based complexes for receiving, processing and distributing remote sensing data will be carried out. The project will be handled by Roskosmos.

In 2019, the corresponding events will be held in the European zone of Russia, in 2020 - in the Far East zone. For these purposes, the federal budget will allocate ₽690 million.

The controlexpendituresfederalbudgetcheckfromspace

In parallel, the development and modernization of hardware and software solutions and applied client-oriented services in agriculture and forestry based on remote sensing technologies from space will take place, this will cost the federal budget RUB180 million.

Also in 2018, a concept, nomenclature and technologies for the creation of specialized industry services based on remote sensing data will be developed in order to provide information to the following industries: subsoil use, forestry, water management, agriculture, transport, construction and others. Together with Roskosmos, these tasks will be addressed by the Ministry of Economic Development.

In 2019, other industries will be selected to develop similar services and solutions. In 2020, service solutions will be tested in pilot zones with subsequent commissioning of trial operation; the corresponding measures will cost the federal budget RUB460 million.

In 2018, a space survey control service will be designed and created for the targeted and effective use of federal budget funds and budgets of state extra-budgetary funds aimed at financing all types of construction. This will be done by Roscosmos and the Accounts Chamber, the federal budget will allocate RUB125 million for this project.

Similarly, a space survey control service will be created for the use of federal budget funds aimed at financing infrastructure projects and special economic zones. The corresponding resource will be designed and put into trial operation by the end of 2018, and its commercial operation will begin in June 2019. The cost of the project for the federal budget will amount to ₽125 million.

Also, a space survey service will be created for the use of federal budget funds aimed at preventing and eliminating emergencies and the consequences of natural disasters (fires, floods, etc.), as well as eliminating the consequences of pollution and other negative impact on the environment. The federal budget will spend $ 170 million on this project.

A service will be created for determining the effectiveness and compliance with regulatory legal acts of the procedure for financing, managing and disposing of federal and other resources: forest, water, mineral, etc. The federal budget will spend ₽155 million on this.

A similar service will be created to ensure control of economic activities in order to identify violations of land legislation, establish the facts of land use for other purposes and determine economic damage. The project will cost the federal budget RUB125 million.

Another planned service will provide an assessment of the prospects for involvement in various types of economic activities (agriculture, construction, recreation, etc.). The cost of the project for the federal budget will be ₽145 million.

Also, a service will be created to identify changes taking place on the territory of Russian regions using space images for the purpose of determining the pace of their development, making decisions on planning and optimizing budget funds. The federal budget will allocate ₽160 million for this project.

A characteristic feature of the process of introducing geoinformation technologies at the present time is the integration of already existing systems into more general national, international and global information structures. First of all, let us turn to projects that are not even very recent. In this regard, the experience of developing global information programs and projects within the framework of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program “Global Change” (IGBP), which has been implemented since 1990 and has had a great influence on the course of geographic and environmental work on a global, regional and national scale [V. M. Kotlyakov, 1989]. Among the various international and large national geoinformation projects, within the framework of the IGBP, we will only mention the Global Information and Resource Database - GRID. It was formed in the structure of the environmental monitoring system (GEMS) created in 1975 under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). GEMS consisted of global monitoring systems managed through various UN organizations, for example, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the World Health Organization (WHO), international unions and individual countries participating in varying degrees. program. Monitoring networks are organized within five blocks related to climate, human health, ocean environment, long-range moving pollution, renewable natural resources. Each of these blocks is described in the article [A. M. Trofimov et al., 1990]. Climate-related monitoring has provided data on the impact of human activities on the Earth's climate, including two areas related to the Background Air Pollution Monitoring Network and the World Glaciological Inventory. The first concerns the establishment of trends in atmospheric composition (changes in the content carbon dioxide , ozone, etc.), as well as trends in the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation. The Background Air Pollution Monitoring Network (BAPMON) was established by WHO in 1969 and since 1974 has been supported by UNEP as part of GEMS. It includes three types of monitoring stations: base, regional and regional with an extended program. The data are reported monthly to a focal point located at the Intergovernmental Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Washington, USA). Since 1972, the data have been published annually together with the materials of WMO, EPA. The World Glaciological Inventory is linked to UNESCO and its Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The information they collect is very important, since fluctuations in glacial and snow masses give an idea of ​​the course of climatic variability. The monitoring program for long-range traveling contaminants is being implemented jointly with the work of the European Economic Commission (ECE) and WMO. Data are collected on contaminated precipitation (in particular, sulfur oxides and their converted products, which is usually associated with acid rain) in connection with the movement of air masses from pollution sources to individual objects. In 1977, ECE, in collaboration with UNEP and WHO, formulated a joint program for monitoring and assessing the long-range transport of airborne pollution in Europe (European Monitoring and Evaluation Program). Monitoring related to human health ensures the collection of data on the quality of the environment on a global scale, on radiation, changes in the level of ultraviolet radiation (as a result of the depletion of the ozone layer), etc. This GEMS program is largely associated with the activities of the World Health Organization (WHO ). Joint monitoring of water quality was undertaken by UNEP, WHO, UNESCO and WMO. The emphasis of the work here is made on the waters of rivers, lakes, as well as groundwater, i.e. those that are the main source of water supply for people, for irrigation, some industries, etc. Monitoring of food contamination within the GEMS has existed since 1976 in collaboration with WHO and FAO. Data on contaminated food products provide information on the nature of the spread of contamination, which, in turn, serves as the basis for management decisions of various ranks. Monitoring of the ocean environment was considered in two aspects: monitoring of the open ocean and regional seas. The activity of the renewable land resources monitoring program is based on the preference for monitoring the resources of arid and semi-arid lands, soil degradation, and tropical forests. The GRID system itself, established in 1985, is an information service providing environmental data to UN management organizations as well as other international organizations and governments. The main function of GRID is to collect data together, synthesize it so that planners can quickly absorb the material and make it available to national and international organizations that make decisions that can affect the state of the environment. In its full-scale development at the turn of the century, the system is implemented as a global hierarchically organized network, including regional centers and nodes of the national level, with a wide interchange of data. GRID is a dispersed (distributed) system, the nodes of which are connected by telecommunications. The system is divided into two main centers: GRID-Control located in Nairobi (Kenya) and GRID-Processor in Geneva (Switzerland). The center, located in Nairobi, oversees and manages GRID's activities around the world. GRID-Processor deals with data acquisition, monitoring, modeling, and data distribution. From global issues, the Geneva Center is currently publishing a series of GEO (Global Environment Outlook) publications, developing strategies and ensuring early warning of various threats, in particular biodiversity (especially as part of the actions of the new DEWA Division of Early Warning and Assessment), using GIS for rational use natural resources case studies, primarily for Francophone Africa, Central and of Eastern Europe, Mediterranean, etc. In addition to the two above-mentioned centers, the system includes 12 more centers located in Brazil, Hungary, Georgia, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Russia, USA, Thailand, Sweden and Japan. Their work is also carried out on a global scale, but to a certain extent they are specialized by region. For example, the GRID-Arendal center (Norway) implements a number of programs in the Arctic, such as AMAP - Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, the Baltic Sea region (BALLERINA - GIS projects for large-scale environmental applications), etc. Unfortunately, the activities of the GRID center -Moscow is little known even to specialists. Of the examples of interethnic cooperation in the creation of large databases, the information system of the European Economic Community CORINE (Coordinated Information on the Environment in the European Community) deserves attention. The decision to create it was made in June 1985 by the Council of the European Community, which set before it two main goals: to assess the potential of the community's information systems as a source for studying the state of its natural environment and ensuring the environmental strategy of the EU countries in priority areas, including the protection of biotopes, the assessment of air pollution as a result of local emissions and transboundary transport, a comprehensive assessment of the environmental problems of the Mediterranean region. To date, the project has been completed, but there is information about the possibilities of its expansion to the territory of Eastern European countries in the future. Among national projects, naturally, I would like to refer to examples of Russia, although here we should immediately recognize its not the most advanced positions in the world. So, in the early 90s, the possibilities of connecting the then USSR to work within the framework of the global natural resource system GRID UNEP were actively explored. We will point out only one of the initiatives of that time within the framework of the activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation - the project for the creation of the State Eco-Information System (SEIS), the initial stage of which was still being developed in the former USSR State Committee for Nature Protection. It was planned that the SEIS was to consist of durable databases; databases obtained during sub-satellite experiments and control measurements (apparently, temporary storage); databases of a subset of data necessary for conducting research work by consumers, and from an information network connecting system components with observation facilities control centers and with databases of other systems, including international ones. The field of application of SEIS, according to the plan of the designers, was subdivided into the following main categories: 1) environmental control (to determine the state of the environment); 2) environmental monitoring (to analyze environmental changes); 3) modeling (for causal analysis). GEIS in general view was supposed to be a computer system in which the main source of data entry is detailed databases of geographically oriented data on the state of the environment: images, operational control data, statistical observation data, series of maps (geological, soil, climatic, vegetation, land use, infrastructure, etc. .NS.). The joint processing of this information represents a direct route to environmental modeling. The main task of the planned SEIS was to develop a database management technology, to combine environmental data sets that exist in a variety of formats and taken from different sources. The data in the SEIS should have been received according to the following subject areas: geosphere (including earthly shells- atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere) and technosphere; material natural resources (energy, mineral, water, land, forest, etc.), as well as their use; climate change; the state of production technologies; economic indicators in environmental management; storage and processing of waste; social and medical-biological indicators, etc., naturally providing for the possibility of subsequent synthesis of indicators. In some respects, this program resembled the methodology used in the GRID UNEP system. Among the programs at the federal level, mention should be made of the GIS OGV (State Authorities) project, which began to be implemented in real life at the regional level (see below) or be transformed for other needs, for example, the federal target program that has begun to be implemented “ Electronic Russia "(2002 - 2010). As an example of complex systems, let us point out the development of "Sustainable Development of Russia" [V.S. Tikunov, 2002]. A feature of its structure is the close interconnection of the socio-political, economic (production), natural resource and ecological blocks. In general, they characterize socioecosystems of various territorial ranks. For all thematic plots, it is possible to characterize the hierarchy of their changes - from the global to the local level, taking into account the specifics of the presentation of phenomena at different scales of their display. Here the principle of the system's hypermedia is implemented, when plots are connected by associative (semantic) links, for example, plots of a lower hierarchical level not only display a thematic plot on an appropriate scale, but also, as it were, reveal, unfold, detail it. At the top level of the hierarchy, a section “The Place and Role of Russia in Solving the Global Problems of Mankind” has been created. The world maps of this section are designed to display stocks, as well as the balance of production and consumption by mankind of the most important types of natural resources; population growth dynamics; anthropogenic load index; the contribution of Russia and other countries to the planetary ecological situation, etc. Anamorphoses, diagrams, graphs, explanatory text and tables should show the role of Russia in solving modern global problems of mankind. It is useful to compare the regions of Russia and foreign countries when they are considered as a single information array. For these purposes, we used multidimensional rankings based on complexes of comparable indicators, which, according to some integral characteristics, distributes Russian regions from the level of Austria (Moscow) to Nicaragua (Republic of Tuva). One such example in terms of public health characteristics is shown in Fig. 24 col. incl. It shows the characteristics of the public health of the countries of the world and regions of Russia, but in a similar way the stories can be continued up to the municipal level. Federal level sections form the core of the system. Along with many original plots, a fairly complete description of all components of the “nature-economy-population” system is given, with an emphasis on the nature of the changes taking place. The blocks end with integral assessments of socio-demographic sustainability, sustainability of economic development, sustainability of the natural environment to anthropogenic impacts and some other generalizing topics, and expressed quantitatively. The index of sustainable economic well-being and the index of human development, as well as the index of environmental sustainability, real progress, "living planet", "ecological footprint", etc. are widely known as integral characteristics [Indicators .., 2001]. But even turning to particular subjects, not to mention complex characteristics, the task is not only to show the actual state, but to emphasize the patterns in the development of phenomena, to display them from different sides. As an example, let us point out the characteristics of the election campaigns conducted in Russia since 1991. Thus, in addition to traditional plots displaying the winners in election campaigns and the percentage of votes cast for a particular candidate or party, integral indexes of territorial controllability are shown [V.S. . Tikunov, DD Oreshkina, 2000] and the nature of their changes from one election campaign to another (Fig. 2S col. Incl.). Another example of an unconventional approach is the combination of typological and evaluative characteristics, such as the assessment of public health with the types of causes of mortality in the population (Fig. 26, color incl.). The next hierarchically lower section of the system is the block “Models of the transition of Russian regions to sustainable development”. As in other sections of the Atlas, the main content of all branches of this block is aimed at determining the ecological, economic and social components of sustainable development of territories. Here, to date, you can find examples of the characteristics of the Baikal region, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk administrative region and Irkutsk. When characterizing a region, it will be analyzed, on the one hand, as component a larger entity - the state, on the other - as a self-sufficient (within certain limits) integrity, capable of self-development on the basis of available resources. On the basis of the created maps, it is planned to develop proposals for the development strategy and innovative activity of the region and its territories. A typology of all regions of Russia has been carried out and typical representatives of different groups (industrial, agricultural, etc.) have been identified. It is planned to create several regional branches of the system, representing different types of territories of the country, in particular for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Here you should pay attention to the principle of blockiness of the system, since individual logical blocks can be modified, replenished or expanded without changing the structure of the entire system. The topics related to sustainable development require compulsory consideration of almost all thematic plots in dynamics, which is implemented in accordance with the principle of evolution and dynamism in the Atlas Information System. Basically, these are characteristics of phenomena for base time periods or years. Several thematic animations have been developed for a number of subjects for retrospective analysis: “Changes in plowing and forest cover in Russian regions over the past 300 years”, “Growth of the network of Russian cities”, “Dynamics of population density in Russia, 1678-2011”, “Development of the metallurgical industry Russia in the XVIII-XX centuries. " and "Development of the railway network (growth and electrification), XIX-XX centuries.", which constitute the first stage of the preparation of the complex animation "Development of industry and transport" Russia. "The most important application of the system is the development of scenarios for the development of the country and its regions. case, the principle of multivariance is implemented, when the end user is offered a number of solutions of interest to him, for example, optimistic, pessimistic and other scenarios. And the more complex these scenarios, the more there is an urgent need for the intellectualization of the system, when expert systems and the use of neural networks help in conditions of great complexity , often with a significant lack of clarity of tasks, to obtain acceptable results. It is promising to use meaningful modeling of complex phenomena within the information system. The basis of such modeling is an integrated system approach to modeling socioecosystems. Thus, the user of the system will be able to simulate a certain structure, the board of which will present options leading, for example, to improving the well-being of the people or improving their public health as the end result for many transformations with an assessment of the necessary costs to achieve the result. Modeling tools will be developed, primarily aimed at developing various scenarios for the transition of regions of the country to models of their sustainable development. The final stage of the project, associated with the intellectualization of the entire system, will make it possible to form a full-scale decision support system. Finally, it should be noted that the system being formed should also be based on the principle of multimedia (multimedia), which facilitates the decision-making process. The creation of regional geographic information systems in Russia is largely associated with the implementation of the GIS Program of the OGV (State Authorities) and the KTKPR (Integrated Territorial Cadastre of Natural Resources). The development of the main provisions for the GIS OGV program was entrusted to the State Center "Priroda" - an enterprise of the Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography (Roskartography). In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional information and analytical centers equipped with modern computer technologies, including GIS technologies, have been created and are functioning. Perm and Irkutsk regions are among the regions in which the most significant results have been obtained in the creation of GIS OGV. In 1995-1996. significant work was done to create a GIS for the Novosibirsk region. The most elaborated project in the field of regional GIS for OGV is undoubtedly being implemented at the present time in the Perm region. "The concept of this system provides for the use of geoinformation technologies in structural divisions of the regional administration and in structural divisions of government bodies of the Russian Federation operating in the Perm region. At the development stage, the concept was considered by the Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography of Russia, as well as the State GIS Center and the State Center" Nature. ”An agreement was concluded between the administration of the Perm region and the Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography of Russia on the formation of the geoinformation system of the Perm region, providing for the creation and updating of topographic maps of scales 1: 1000,000 and 1: 200,000 for the territory of the region. : main directions of GIS creation; composition of GIS users; requirements for databases; issues of the regulatory framework; GIS developers, stages of development, priority projects, sources of funding. correspond to the directions of management activities of the regional authorities: socio-economic development; economics and finance; ecology, resources and nature management; transport and communication; utilities and construction; Agriculture; ... health care, education and culture; public order, defense and security; socio-political development. Naturally, providing the project with a digital cartographic base plays an important role in the development of a regional system. The concept provides for the use of maps: an overview topographic map of a scale of 1: 1000,000 for the territory of the Perm region and adjacent territories; topographic map of scale 1: 200,000 for the territory of the region; geological map of scale 1: 200,000; topographic maps for agricultural and forest lands, navigable rivers on a scale of 1: 100,000, 1: 50,000, 1: 25000, 1: 10000; for solving engineering problems and problems of urban economy, maps and plans of scales 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 500. The 1942 coordinate system was adopted for the maps. Maps made in the 1963 coordinate system or in the local coordinate system, when included in the GIS, the areas are reduced to a single coordinate system. For digital topographic maps, the UNI_VGM Roskarto1rafia classifier is used, which provides the ability to work with systems of conventional symbols from a scale of 1: 500 to a scale of 1: 1,000,000 (an all-scale classifier). The range of software used is quite wide: the LARIS project is carried out using the software of the Intergraph Co., geological maps are created in GIS "PARK". Decisions on the choice of software were determined by the presence of the worked out tasks in various departmental GIS and the adopted industry decisions. The digital map formats used were determined by the GIS software used. However, it is indicated that it is necessary to have converters that convert digital maps from one format to another to ensure the transfer of information to various GIS packages. In November 1998, from GosGIScentr (Roskartografia), digital maps of the Perm region in scales 1: 1000,000 and 1: 200,000 were transferred to the region. The main format of the obtained maps is F20V. Maps were converted to E00 format used in GIS by ESRI Inc. The information richness of the maps created by Roskartografiya did not suit the developers of the regional GIS. At the first stage, the developers of the system paid great attention to its improvement, filling the semantics of maps and territorial binding of existing and newly created thematic databases. When creating a GIS, several pilot projects were carried out: the creation of an integrated GIS for the village and resort "Ust-Kachka" for testing complex solutions in a small area, using the example of the GIS "Ust-Kachka" to demonstrate the capabilities of GIS to insufficiently trained managers; creation of a flood model for the cities of Perm and Kungur. To create a flood model, a matrix of heights of the potential flooding zone was built, calculations were performed to simulate the flooding level; development of environmental control of pilot GIS projects for the city of Berezniki and adjacent territories. The main results of the program implementation are presented by the authors of the concept VL Chebykin, Yu. B. Shcherbinin in the form of the following subsystems (components): "GIS-geology". Created for a real geological and economic assessment resource potential Perm region, development of solutions for effective use resources. Includes a geodata bank on mineral deposits, the location of mining and consuming enterprises, the amount of reserves, the dynamics of production and consumption; "GIS of the land cadastre". Provides conditions for the objective collection of taxes on land and compliance with regulations on ownership, use, change of ownership. Includes a geodata bank on the boundaries of land plots in the context of land ownership and the register of owners; "GIS Roads". Allows you to determine and effectively use the technical and economic conditions for the operation and development of the transport road network. It is based on the geodata bank about the roads of the Perm region, the quality of the pavement, the technical condition of the roads, the technical characteristics of bridges, passages, crossings, ferry and ice crossings, road signs. Includes economic databases on road use for freight and passenger traffic, cost of road maintenance, as well as a register of ownership and limits of liability; "GIS of railways". Allows you to determine and effectively use the technical and economic conditions for the operation and development of the transport railway network. Includes a geodata bank on the railways of the Perm region, railway bridges and crossings, railway stations, sites, structures, as well as a database of economic data on the use of roads for freight and passenger traffic, the cost of road maintenance; "GIS of river economy". Provides information on calculations of dredgers' work on deepening river beds and calculations on the efficiency and development of shipping. Information support - geo-information on the bottom topography of navigable rivers and databases on river cargo and passenger routes; ... "GIS floods". Provides the process of modeling river floods and calculating flood control measures, flood losses, provides the necessary information for the work of flood control commissions. Information base - geodata about the relief of river banks; "GIS of hydraulic structures". Serves for modeling the consequences of technogenic impacts on water bodies of the population and enterprises. Geodata bank - information on dams, sluices, water intakes, treatment facilities and liquid waste effluents from industrial enterprises, information bases of technical and economic data on hydraulic structures; "GIS of water management". Created for an objective assessment and planning of the use of water resources in the region. The geodata bank contains information on rivers, reservoirs, lakes, swamps, water protection zones and coastal protection zones, as well as information on the length, area, reserves and quality of water resources, characteristics of fish stocks, property register and boundaries of responsibility; "GIS of forestry". It is necessary for an objective assessment and planning of the use of forest resources in the region. This activity is based on information on forest areas, species and age of the forest, its economic assessment, volumes of felling, processing, sale of forest, location of forestry and processing enterprises, on property rights and limits of responsibility; "GIS cadastre of natural resources". Combines the information of the components "GIS-geology", "GIS of forestry", "GIS of water management", as well as fisheries, reserves, hunting, etc., connects the geobases of these components, creates an information base for a comprehensive assessment of natural resources of the Perm region; "GIS-ecology". It is created with the aim of developing measures to improve the environmental situation, determining the reasonable amounts required for the implementation of these measures; "GIS of specially protected natural areas". Geodata bank for specially protected natural areas of the region; "GIS of ecopathology". A geodata bank on the impact of the environmental situation on the health and mortality of the population, which makes it possible to give an objective assessment of the living conditions of the population in the region; "GIS of oil and gas pipelines". It is used for modeling and assessing the consequences of emergency situations, for conducting economic calculations. The geodata bank contains information on oil and gas pipelines, pumping stations and other engineering structures in the region, the register of owners, ownership rights and boundaries of responsibility, a geodata bank on the relief of adjacent territories, information bases of technical and economic characteristics; GIS control and modeling of natural and man-made manifestations of catastrophic deformations the earth's surface Perm region based on the results of monitoring, including space monitoring; "GIS population". Geodatabases on the distribution of the population, allowing to analyze the territory by sex and age composition, draft age, employment, socially protected groups, population migration, necessary to justify social programs, as well as information support for election campaigns (formation of electoral districts and analysis of the electorate); "GIS ATC". It is subdivided into components: "GIS of fire protection"; "GIS GIBDD"; "GIS for the protection of public order"; "GIS Emergency Situations". The bases are being created: potentially dangerous objects, tactical and technical characteristics of these objects, forces and means of civil defense and attracted forces and means of the regional subsystem of emergency situations, tactical and technical characteristics of forces and means; base of geodata of location of evacuation zones and routes for enterprises and population of the region, information bases of tactical and technical characteristics of zones and evacuation routes; "GIS of disaster medicine". Creates, in particular, a geobase of dislocation and information bases of the state of medical institutions; "GIS for ensuring the safety of life of the population." Geobase of observation posts for potentially dangerous objects, geobase of relief and other characteristics of the terrain on the scale necessary for solving problems of modeling emergency situations at the objects of observation and adjacent territories, information bases of tactical and technical data for organizing the work and recording the results of the work of observation posts; "GIS of social and economic development of the region." It is necessary for analyzing the activities of local self-government bodies, comparing it with similar ones in adjacent territories, both at the current moment and in dynamics over the periods of collection of information by state statistical bodies. In addition, this component is used to develop activities for the management of territories. Geobase GIS of socio-economic development of the region contains information about the administrative division of the region, about the passports of the territories, the base of the Perm Regional Committee of State Statistics on indicators of the state of socio-economic development and the main department of the economy of the regional administration according to the indicators of the forecast of socio-economic development. As a result of the implementation of the program, legal, economic, organizational and technical measures should be developed and implemented to fulfill the tasks of creating a GIS for OGV, bases of digital maps of the Perm region of various scales should be formed to display the dynamics of the socio-economic development of the region. Regional management structures will be provided with real space-time information about the infrastructure and social development area, allowing to form a mechanism for managing the economy of the region on a geoinformation basis. The developed concept of the geographic information system and the program for creating GIS are based on the significant experience of enterprises and organizations of the Perm region in this area of ​​activity. Various projects are being carried out in the Perm Region Land Cadastre Committee, the Geokarta Perm State Geological Survey Enterprise, the Perm Region Natural Resources Committee, the Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Children's Ecological Pathology and other organizations. Under the leadership of the Land Cadastre Committee of the Perm Region, work is underway to conduct cadastral surveys, produce planning and cartographic materials, land inventory, register land owners. The customer of the state automated system of the land cadastre in the Perm region (GAS ZK) is the Committee on the land cadastre of the region. Special working groups for operational management of the implementation of the LARIS project have been created in the regional and regional land committees. A specialized production facility based on digital cadastral technologies has been set up at the Ural Design and Survey Enterprise of Land Cadastral Surveys (Uralzemkadastrsyemka), a unitary state enterprise. GIS of Intergraph Co., as well as MicroStation, Maplnfo Professional are used. Perm State Geological Survey Enterprise "Geokarta" carries out work under the program of state geological mapping. Each party of the enterprise is assigned a duty on one or two nomenclature sheets of the map of the Perm region at a scale of 1: 200,000, the results of the work are drawn up in graphic and digital form. The enterprise uses GIS "Geokarta", which provides the technology for creating digital maps, as well as Arclnfo, ArcView, PARK 6.0. The following geological documents were created in digital form: Geological map of pre-Quaternary formations based on the materials of additional study and preparation of the state geological map at a scale of 1: 200,000. Geological map of Quaternary deposits. Geomorphological zoning scheme. Map of productive oil and gas structures. Scheme administrative division with transport routes and main communications. The map of pre-quaternary formations is supplemented historical information: for copper, iron, chromite, bauxite, manganese, titanium, lead, strontium, gold; ' on building materials(gabbro-diabases, limestones, dolomites, marbles, sandstones), quartz, fluorite, volkonsko-itite; for oil, gas, coal, potash salts, drinking water. The map of Quaternary deposits reflects the distribution by area of ​​objects containing: gold, platinum, diamonds; agricultural ore (peat, limestone tuff, marl), clays, sand-gravel mixtures, sands, etc. In pursuance of the order of the Governor of the Perm region dated 09.11.95 No. 338 "On the system of environmental monitoring in the region" under the leadership of the Committee of Natural Resources of the Perm region (formerly the State Committee for Environmental Protection), work is underway to create a Unified Territorial System for Environmental Monitoring (ETSEM) of the region. ETSEM is created in order to provide information support for making management decisions in the field of environmental protection to ensure environmentally friendly sustainable development of the territory and is part of information and geoinformation system of the Perm region. The work on the creation and maintenance of the GIS for health care was carried out by the Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Pediatric Ecopathology (NIKI DEP). At the regional level, the use of GIS for solving problems of information support of the regional health management system has been worked out: the allocation of territories with unfavorable trends in medico-demographic and medico-ecological indicators; substantiation of regional investments in territorial health care based on geoinformation analysis of medical and demographic indicators (both individual and complex); analysis of the sufficiency of medical services for the population by territories and assessment of the severity of the problems of individual territories justification and placement of a network of interdistrict centers for the provision of specialized medical care and others. Works have been completed that allow linking spatial information and databases on medical services to the population, medical-demographic, sanitary-hygienic and environmental indicators on a single map-scheme of the Perm region. Information was collected on more than 260 indicators. The system uses small-scale vector schematic maps (1: 1000000). The software allows you to play a number of scenarios and select options for the optimal use of the bed fund and laboratory and diagnostic facilities of medical institutions. To solve medical and environmental problems with the use of GIS, priority territories were identified by a combination of risk factors for public health and individual environmental indicators, a spatial reference of long-term databases on sources of harmful effects on the environment was made. An environmental project has been implemented as part of the municipal GIS of Perm, which is a component of the regional GIS. On the basis of the vector map 1:25 000, layers were created: the incidence of the population in the districts of the city of Perm, the zones of action of medical and preventive institutions. The system allows you to trace the dynamics of morbidity over the past 6 years by 68 indicators. Within the framework of the project, layers were formed that reflect various aspects of the state of the environment (zones of soil contamination with heavy metals, the content of harmful substances in the atmospheric air based on the results of field observations, stationary sources of emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air with detailed characteristics of each source, land allotments of industrial enterprises with information on enterprise as a source of environmental pollution, the content of harmful impurities in the biological environment of the child population, etc.). Layers with a rich attribute base are used in analytical tasks. The created system provides an outlet for solving the problems of forming an optimal network for placing air quality control posts according to the criteria of public health, developing programs for medical and ecological rehabilitation of children, etc. The ecological project of the municipal GIS is based on ArcView. GIS is used in combination with modeling and analytical programs, which makes it possible to obtain comprehensive assessments of various territorial levels. In 1994-1997. NIKI DEP issued a medical and environmental atlas of the Perm region. In 1998, NIKI DEP, together with the regional center of new information technologies of the Perm State Technical University and the Department of Education and Science of the Regional Administration, published an atlas of the social and educational sphere of the Perm Region (a pilot project within the framework of the interuniversity scientific and technical program "Development of scientific foundations for creating geoinformation systems" ). By the decision of the Legislative Assembly dated 06.04.98 No. 78, a comprehensive territorial program "Life Safety and Organization of Monitoring Systems for Forecasting Natural and Natural-Technogenic Emergencies on the Territory of the Perm Region for 1998-2000" was adopted and implemented, which provides for: Development and improvement of the geographic information system warnings and actions in emergency situations (GIS emergency situations); 2. Creation of a subsystem of actions in emergency situations as part of the geoinformation system of the Perm Regional Internal Affairs Directorate. The geographic information system of emergency situations is created on the basis of scientific research developments of the Mining Institute Ural branch RAS (Perm). Development of "Technical requirements for digital topographic maps of scales 1: 1000,000 and 1: 200,000 for the territory of the Perm region", "Methods for checking the quality of digital topographic maps of scales 1: 1000,000 and 1: 200,000 for the territory of the Perm region" The quality and acceptance of these digital cards were carried out by the Perm State Unitary Enterprise "Special Research Bureau" Elbrus "(SNIB" Elbrus "). SNIB "Elbrus" is the holder of digital topographic maps of the indicated scales and carries out work on the introduction of maps in accordance with the "Temporary Regulations on the Procedure for Using Digital Electronic Maps of the Perm Region in Scales 1: 1,000,000 and 1: 200,000". SNIB Elbrus uses several GIS software tools: INTELKART, INTELVEK, Panorama, GIS RSChS, Maplnfo Professional, ArcView, Arclnfo, etc. SUE SNIB Elbrus maintains a unified classifier of cartographic information for the entire scale range of GIS OGV of the Perm region, has developed a system of converters to ensure compatibility of the use of maps in various GIS software. At the Faculty of Geography of the Perm State University, the GIS "Protected natural territories of the Perm region" is being developed; work is underway to create thematic physical-geographical, socio-economic and ecological-geographical layers (hydrography, orography, geomorphology, soils, vegetation, climate, settlements, transport network, industry, agriculture, industrial and social infrastructure, etc.). Own systems of Irkutsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan regions, Primorskiy krai, etc. are being developed. There are numerous examples of GIS implementation at the local level. Within the framework of the Ubsu-Nur program, a geographic information system has been created for the characteristics of stocks and age dynamics of the stand in the forests of the Ubsu-Nur depression, for a comprehensive description of the place where the summer training practices of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University are held, GIS-Satino and others have been developed. The latter system is essentially complex. digital model of the territory of the training ground "Satino" (Borovsky district of the Kaluga region) (YF Knizhnikov, IK Lurie, 2002]. The main base layers are photographic plans and topographic maps of the territory of scales 1: 5000 and 1: 10000 The data of student field studies are widely used, and the acquisition of geographic information funds is carried out as systematized data sets on the properties and relationships of geographic objects and processes in the territory. To study the dynamic states of the natural geosystem, various time and scale levels are used - long-term (multi-temporal maps, aerial and space images, materials of long-term field surveys of the landfill territory), as well as seasonal (mainly aerial photographs and special landscape-phenological studies). A decoding and navigation complex for automated field research is being developed. You can also give examples of systems created to control the environmental situation within a single chemical plant, etc. Of the implemented or currently implemented projects, we will also point out numerous examples of industry applications of GIS technologies to various thematic areas - geology, land cadastre, forestry industry, ecology, municipal management, operation of engineering communications, activities of power structures. They are discussed in detail in the book [E. G. Kapralov, A. V. Koshkarev, V. S. Tikunov et al., 2004]. Checklist What is the role of the GRID Global Information Resource Database? What is the main feature of the GRID system? Have Russian projects been consistent with international methodologies? Is such an agreement advisable? Describe the features of the planned State Eco-Information System; is the implementation of this project expedient in modern conditions? List the main features of the Sustainable Development of Russia system. Evaluate the optimality of the system created for the Perm region. Is it advisable to create local systems? Plan a possible geographic information project for your area.




Annotation. The article discusses the possibilities of using the ArcGIS GIS package for processing Earth remote sensing data. Particular attention is paid to the determination and analysis of the vegetation index NDVI.

Key words: remote sensing, satellite imagery, ArcGIS GIS package, NDVI vegetation index.



Abstract. The article considers the use of ArcGIS software for processing of remotely sensed data. The authors focus on calculation and analysis of the vegetation index (NDVI).

Keywords: remote sensing, satellite image, ArcGIS software, vegetation index (NDVI).

Remote sensing data processing (ERS) is an area that has been actively developing for many years, and is increasingly being integrated with GIS. Recently and in research activities students are widely used space information

Raster data is one of the main types of spatial data in GIS. They can represent satellite images, aerial photographs, regular digital elevation models, thematic grids obtained as a result of GIS analysis and geoinformation modeling.

The GIS package ArcGIS has a set of tools for working with raster data, which allows you to process remote sensing data directly in ArcGIS, as well as perform further analysis using analytical GIS functions. Full integration with ArcGIS allows you to quickly transform spatially-coordinated raster data from one cartographic projection to another, transform and coordinate an image, convert from a raster to vector format and vice versa.

In earlier versions of ArcGIS, professional raster image processing required the Image Analysis plug-in. In the latest versions

1 This article was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 14-05-00860-a).

ArcGIS has added a number of raster functions to the standard set, many of which are available in a new Image Analysis window. It includes four structural elements: a window with a list of open raster layers; the "Options" button to set the default parameters for some instruments; two sections with tools ("Display" and "Processing").

The "Display" section brings together settings that improve the visual perception of images on the monitor screen, the "Processing" section provides a number of functions for working with rasters. Research has shown that the Window Handling panel in the Image Analysis window makes it much easier to work with rasters in ArcMap. ArcGIS also supports supervised and unsupervised classification of digital images. For analysis, you can also use the functions of the Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst plug-ins.

For the study, we used Landsat 4-5 TM images: multispectral (archived set of images in GeoTIFF format) and a synthesized image in natural colors in JPEG format with a coordinate reference. The spatial resolution of space images is 30 m. The images were obtained through the EarthExplorer service of the US Geological Survey. The processing level of the original multispectral satellite image is L1. This level of processing of Landsat images provides their radiometric and geometric correction using digital elevation models (“terrestrial” correction). Output UTM map projection, WGS-84 coordinate system.

To form a synthesized image - a widely used luminance transformation of a multi-zone image, the "Merge Channels" tool of the "Raster" tool group was used. Depending on the tasks to be solved, the combinations of channels can be different.

When processing a multispectral image, transformations are often performed that build "index" images. Based on mathematical operations with matrices of brightness values ​​in certain channels, a raster image is created, and the calculated "spectral index" is assigned to the pixel values. Further research is carried out on the basis of the resulting image.

To study and assess the state of vegetation, the so-called vegetation indices are widely used. They are based on differences in the brightness of pixels in images in the visible and near infrared parts of the spectrum. Currently, there are about 160 variants of vegetation indices. They are selected experimentally, based on

from known features curves of the spectral reflectance of vegetation and soils.

The main attention in our study was paid to the study of the distribution and dynamics of the vegetation index NDVI. The most important area of ​​application of this index is to determine the state of crops of agricultural crops.

Using the NDVI button of the Image Analysis window allows you to convert images in the near infrared (NIR) and red (RED) survey areas and calculate the so-called vegetation index NDVI as a normalized difference between their values.

The ArcGIS formula for calculating NDVI has been modified: NDVI = (NIR - RED) / (NIR + RED)) * 100 + 100.

This results in an integer 8-bit image since the computed cell values ​​range from 0 to 200.

The NDVI can be calculated manually using the Raster Calculator tool in Spatial Analyst. In ArcGIS, the NDVI calculation equation used to generate the output looks like this:

NDVI = float (NIR - RED) / float (NIR + RED)).

The work investigated the multi-temporal values ​​of the NDVI index, calculated on the agricultural lands of the Krasinskoye farm in the Dubensky district of the Republic of Mordovia. The survey was carried out from the Landsat 4-5 TM satellite in 2009. Survey dates: April 24, May 19, June 4, July 5, August 23, September 29. The dates are selected in such a way that each of them falls on a different vegetation period of the plants.

NDVI values ​​were calculated using the Raster Calculator tool in Spatial Analyst. Figure 1 shows the result of the operations performed in a specially selected color scale throughout the Dubensky district.

The index is calculated as the difference between the reflection values ​​in the near infrared and red regions of the spectrum, divided by their sum. As a result, the NDVI values ​​vary in the range from -1 to 1. For green vegetation, which is highly reflective in the near infrared region of the spectrum and absorbs radiation well in the red region, the NDVI values ​​cannot be less than 0. Negative values ​​are mainly due to cloudiness. , reservoirs and snow cover. Very low NDVI values ​​(less than 0.1) correspond to areas with no vegetation, values ​​from 0.2 to 0.3 represent shrubs and meadows, and large values ​​(from 0.6 to 0.8) represent forests. In the study area, according to the received rasters, which represent

NDVI values, easy to identify water bodies, dense vegetation,

clouds, and highlight the settlements.

Scale of values ​​ШУ1

Rice. 1. Synthesized raster of distribution KOU1.

The fields occupied by certain agricultural crops are more difficult to determine, especially since the growing season varies for different crops, and the maximum phytomass falls on different dates. Therefore, as a source in the work, we used the scheme of agricultural crops fields of the Krasinskoe farm in Dubensky district for 2009. The GIS was used to coordinate the schematic map, the fields occupied by agricultural crops were digitized. To study changes in the values ​​of the KOU1 index during the growing season, test plots were identified.

Raster systems software allows you to statistical analysis distribution series, compiled for all values ​​of raster elements or from individual values ​​(falling into any study area).

Then, using the Zonal Statistics to Table tool of the Spatial Analyst module, the descriptive statistics of the index were obtained from the values ​​of the cells lying within the selected zones (areas with different crops) - the maximum, minimum and average value, spread, standard deviation and sum (fig. 2). Such calculations were made for all filming dates.

Rice. 2. Determine NDVI values ​​using the Spatial Analyst "Zone Statistics to Table" tool.

On their basis, the dynamics of a particular statistical indicator, calculated for individual crops, was investigated. So, table 1 shows the change in the average values ​​of the studied vegetation index.

Average values ​​of the NDVI index of agricultural crops

Table 1

Winter wheat 0.213 0.450 0.485 0.371 0.098 0.284

Corn 0.064 0.146 0.260 0.398 0.300 0.136

Barley 0.068 0.082 0.172 0.474 0.362 0.019

Malting barley 0.172 0.383 0.391 0.353 0.180 0.147

Perennial grasses 0.071 0.196 0.443 0.474 0.318 0.360

Annual grasses 0.152 0.400 0.486 0.409 0.320 0.404

Pure steam 0.174 0.233 0.274 0.215 0.205 0.336

The picture of the variation of various numerical statistical characteristics of the values ​​of the K0U1 index for the growing season is more clearly displayed by graphic images. Figure 3 shows charts based on the average values ​​of the index for individual crops.

Winter wheat

august september

Rice. 3. Dynamics of KOC1 values ​​in the territory occupied by: a) winter wheat; b) barley; c) corn.

You can see that the minimums and maximums of the KBU values! fall on different dates due to the different duration of the growing season of each crop and the amount of phytomass. For example, the largest KBU value! winter wheat falls in the second decade of June, and corn - in early July. A gradual increase in the amount of phytomass is observed in barley and annual grasses. The even values ​​of pure steam throughout the growing season are associated with the fact that this is an open cultivated soil, and an increase in the CBF value! in September can be theoretically associated with the sowing of winter crops.

KBU values! associated with the location of the study area, in particular, with the exposure and the angle of inclination of the slopes. For clarity, the synthesized raster with KBU values! on August 23 was combined with the shading of the relief, built on the basis of the global digital elevation model of the BYATM (Fig. 4). It can be seen that in places of depressions (river valleys, ravines), the values ​​of CBU! more.

Rice. 4. Aligning the raster with the KBU values! and shading relief.

In addition to the images of LaneFa1 for calculating CBU values! you can use other ERS, for example, data from the MOBK spectroradiometer.

Based on the calculated multi-temporal values ​​of the KBU! Various maps can be built, for example, maps for assessing agricultural resources of the region, monitoring crops, assessing the biomass of non-woody vegetation, assessing the efficiency of reclamation, assessing the productivity of pastures, etc.

The conducted studies have clearly demonstrated the possibility of using the ArcGIS GIS package for processing remote sensing data of the Earth, including for calculating and analyzing the vegetation index NDVI, the most important field of application of which remains the determination of the state of crops.


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9. Serebryannaya OL, Glebova KS On-the-fly processing and dynamic compilation

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  • Introduction
  • 1. general characteristics GIS
  • 2. Features of data organization in GIS
  • 3. Methods and technologies of modeling in GIS
  • 4. Information security
  • 5. Applications and applications of GIS
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Application


Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are at the heart of geoinformatics - the new modern scientific discipline studying natural and socio-economic geosystems of various hierarchical levels through analytical computer processing of the created databases and knowledge bases.

Geoinformatics, like other earth sciences, is aimed at studying the processes and phenomena occurring in geosystems, but uses its own means and methods for this.

As mentioned above, the basis of geoinformatics is the creation of computer GIS that simulate the processes occurring in the studied geosystem. This requires first of all information (usually factual material), which is grouped and systematized in databases and knowledge bases. Information can be very diverse - cartographic, point, static, descriptive, etc. Depending on the goal, its processing can be done either with the help of existing software products, or with the use of original methods. Therefore, in the theory of geosystem modeling and the development of methods of spatial analysis in the structure of geoinformatics, great importance is attached.

There are several definitions of GIS. In general, they boil down to the following: a geographic information system is an interactive information system that provides collection, storage, access, display of spatially organized data and is focused on the possibility of making scientifically grounded management decisions.

The purpose of creating a GIS can be inventory, cadastral assessment, forecasting, optimization, monitoring, spatial analysis, etc. The most difficult and responsible task when creating a GIS is management and decision making. All stages - from collection, storage, transformation of information to modeling and decision-making in conjunction with software and technological tools are combined under the general name - geoinformation technologies (GIS technologies).

Thus, GIS technologies are a modern systemic method for studying the surrounding geographic space in order to optimize the functioning of natural-anthropogenic geosystems and ensure their sustainable development.

The abstract considers the principles of creating and updating geographic information systems, as well as their applications and applications. geographic information economic social

1 . General characteristics of GIS

Modern geographic information systems (GIS) are new type integrated information systems, which, on the one hand, include data processing methods of many previously existing automated systems (AS), on the other hand, they have specific features in the organization and processing of data. In practice, this defines GIS as a multipurpose, multidimensional system.

Based on the analysis of the goals and objectives of various GIS operating at present, it should be considered more accurate to define GIS as geographic information systems, and not as geographic information systems. This is also due to the fact that the percentage of purely geographic data in such systems is insignificant, data processing technologies have little in common with traditional processing of geographic data, and, finally, geographic data serve only as the basis for solving a large number of applied problems whose goals are far from geography.

So, GIS is an automated information system designed to process spatio-temporal data, the integration of which is based on geographic information.

In GIS, complex processing of information is carried out - from its collection to storage, updating and presentation, in this regard, GIS should be considered from different positions.

As management systems, GIS is designed to support decision making for optimal land and resource management, urban management, transport and retail management, oceans or other spatial features. At the same time, cartographic data are always used to make decisions, among others.

Unlike automated control systems (ACS), many new technologies for spatial data analysis appear in GIS. As such, GIS is a powerful tool for transforming and synthesizing a variety of data for management tasks.

As automated information systems, GIS combine a number of technologies or technological processes of well-known information systems such as automated research systems (ASNI), computer-aided design systems (CAD), automated reference information systems (ASIS), etc. CAD technologies form the basis for the integration of GIS technologies. Since CAD technologies are sufficiently tested, this, on the one hand, provided a qualitatively higher level of GIS development, on the other hand, it significantly simplified the solution of the problem of data exchange and the choice of systems. technical support... By this, GIS has become on a par with general-purpose automated systems such as CAD, ASNI, ASIS.

As geosystems, GIS includes technologies (primarily technologies for collecting information) of systems such as geographic information systems, cartographic information systems (SCI), automated mapping systems (ASC), automated photogrammetric systems (AFS), land information systems (VIS), automated cadastral systems (AKC), etc.

As systems using databases, GIS is characterized by a wide range of data collected using different methods and technology. It should be emphasized that they combine both conventional (digital) information databases and graphical databases. In connection with the great importance of expert tasks solved with the help of GIS, the role of expert systems that are part of GIS increases.

As a modeling system, GIS uses the maximum number of modeling methods and processes used in other automated systems.

As systems for obtaining design solutions, GIS largely use computer-aided design methods and solve a number of special design problems that are not found in typical computer-aided design.

As information presentation systems, GIS is the development of automated documentation support systems (ADS) using modern multimedia technologies. This makes the GIS output more visible than conventional geographic maps. Data output technologies make it possible to quickly obtain a visual representation of cartographic information with various loads, move from one scale to another, and obtain attributive data in tabular or graph form.

As integrated systems, GIS is an example of combining various methods and technologies into a single complex, created by integrating technologies based on CAD technologies and integrating data based on geographic information.

As systems of mass use, GIS allows the use of cartographic information at the level of business graphics, which makes them accessible to any schoolchild or businessman, not only to a specialist geographer. That is why, when making decisions based on GIS technologies, they do not always create maps, but always use cartographic data.

As already mentioned, GIS uses technological advances and solutions that are applicable in such automated systems as ASNI, CAD, ASIS, expert systems. Consequently, GIS modeling is the most complex in relation to other automated systems. But on the other hand, the modeling processes in GIS and in any of the above AS are very close. ACS is fully integrated into GIS and can be considered as a subset of this system.

At the level of information collection, GIS technologies include methods for collecting spatio-temporal data that are not available in ACS, technologies for using navigation systems, real-time technologies, etc.

At the level of storage and modeling, in addition to processing socio-economic data (as in ACS), GIS technologies include a set of spatial analysis technologies, the use of digital models and video databases, as well as an integrated approach to decision-making.

At the level of presentation, GIS complements ACS technologies with the use of intelligent graphics (presentation of cartographic data in the form of maps, thematic maps or at the level of business graphics), which makes GIS more accessible and understandable compared to ACS for businessmen, management workers, government officials, etc. .d.

Thus, in GIS, in principle, all the tasks performed earlier in the ACS are solved, but for more high level data integration and merging. Consequently, GIS can be considered as a new modern version of automated control systems that use a larger amount of data and a larger number of methods of analysis and decision-making, and primarily using methods of spatial analysis.

2 . Features of data organization in GIS

GIS uses a variety of data about objects, characteristics of the earth's surface, information about the forms and relationships between objects, and various descriptive information.

In order to fully display real-world geo objects and all their properties, an infinitely large database would be required. Therefore, using the techniques of generalization and abstraction, it is necessary to reduce a lot of data to a finite volume that can be easily analyzed and managed. This is achieved by using models that preserve the main properties of the objects of research and do not contain secondary properties. Therefore, the first stage in the development of a GIS or technology for its application is the substantiation of the choice of data models to create an information basis for GIS.

The choice of a method for organizing data in a geographic information system, and, first of all, a data model, i.e. the method of digital description of spatial objects, determines many of the functionality of the created GIS and the applicability of certain input technologies. Both the spatial accuracy of the presentation of the visual part of information and the possibility of obtaining high-quality cartographic material and the organization of control of digital maps depend on the model. The way the data is organized in GIS is highly dependent on the performance of the system, for example, when executing a query against a database or rendering (visualization) on a monitor screen.

Errors in the choice of a data model can decisively affect the possibility of implementing the necessary functions in the GIS and expanding their list in the future, the efficiency of the project from an economic point of view. The value of the generated databases of geographic and attributive information directly depends on the choice of the data model.

Data organization levels can be represented as a pyramid. A data model is a conceptual layer of data organization. Terms like “polygon”, “node”, “line”, “arc”, “identifier”, “table” just refer to this level, as well as concepts “theme” and “layer”.

Taking a closer look at data organization is often referred to as data structure. The structure includes mathematical and programming terms such as “matrix”, “list”, “link system”, “pointer”, “information compression method”. At the next most detailed level of data organization, specialists deal with the structure of data files and their immediate formats. The level of organization of a particular database is unique for each project.

GIS, however, like any other information system, has developed tools for processing and analyzing incoming data for the purpose of their further implementation in real form. In fig. 3. the diagram of the analytical work of the GIS is presented. At the first stage, both geographic (digital maps, images) and attributive information are “collected”. The collected data is the filling of two databases. The first database stores cartographic data, while the second is filled with descriptive information.

At the second stage, the spatial data processing system turns to databases to process and analyze the information in demand. At the same time, the whole process is controlled by a database management system (DBMS), with which you can quickly search for tabular and statistical information. Of course, the main output of a GIS is a variety of maps.

To organize the connection between geographic and attributive information, four interaction approaches are used. The first approach is georelational or, as it is also called, hybrid. With this approach, geographic and attribute data are organized differently. Communication between the two types of data is carried out through an object identifier. As can be seen from Fig. 3. Geographic information is stored separately from the attributive information in its own database. Attribute information is organized into tables under the control of a relational DBMS.

The next approach is called integrated. This approach provides for the use of relational DBMS tools for storing both spatial and attributive information. In this case, the GIS acts as a superstructure over the DBMS.

The third approach is called object-based. The advantages of this approach are the ease of describing complex data structures and relationships between objects. The object approach allows you to build hierarchical chains of objects and solve numerous modeling problems.

Recently, the most widespread object-relational approach, which is a synthesis of the first and third approaches.

It should be noted that there are several forms of object representation in GIS:

In the form of an irregular network of points;

In the form of a regular network of points;

In the form of contour lines.

Representation in the form of an irregular network of points - these are arbitrarily located point objects, as attributes that have some value at a given point in the field.

Representation in the form of a regular network of points are points of sufficient density evenly spaced in space. A regular grid of points can be obtained by interpolating from irregular points or by taking measurements along a regular grid.

The most common form of representation in cartography is contour representation. The disadvantage of this view is that there is usually no information about the behavior of objects between contours. This presentation method is not the most convenient for analysis. Consider the models for organizing spatial data in a GIS.

The most common data organization model is the layer model. The essence of the model is that objects are divided into thematic layers and objects belonging to the same layer. It turns out that the objects of a separate layer are saved in a separate file, have their own identifier system, which can be referred to as a set. As can be seen from Fig. 6, industrial districts, shopping centers, bus routes, roads, and areas of population registration are included in separate layers. Often one thematic layer is also divided horizontally - by analogy with separate map sheets. This is done for the convenience of database administration and to avoid working with large data files.

Within the framework of the layered model, there are two specific implementations: vector-topological and vector-non-topological models.

The first implementation is vector-topological, Fig. 7. There are limitations in this model: objects of not all geometric types can be placed in one sheet of one thematic layer at the same time. For example, in the ARC / INFO system, in one coverage, you can place either only point or only linear or polygonal objects, or their combinations, except for the case of “point polygonal” and three types of objects at once.

A vector-non-topological data organization model is a more flexible model, but often only objects of the same geometric type are placed in one layer. The number of layers for layered data organization can be quite large and depends on the specific implementation. When organizing data in layers, it is convenient to manipulate large groups of objects represented by layers as a whole. For example, you can turn on and off layers for rendering, define operations based on the interaction of layers.

It should be noted that the layered data organization model absolutely dominates the raster data model.

Along with the layer model, an object-oriented model is used. This model uses a hierarchical grid (topographic classifier

In the object-oriented model, the emphasis is on the position of objects in some complex hierarchical classification scheme and on the relationship between objects. This approach is less common than the layer model due to the difficulty of organizing the entire system of relationships between objects.

As mentioned above, information in a GIS is stored in geographic and attribute databases. Let us consider the principles of organizing information using the example of a vector model for representing spatial data.

Any graphic object can be represented as a family of geometric primitives with specific coordinates of the vertices, which can be calculated in any coordinate system. Geometric primitives in different GIS differ, but the basic ones are point, line, arc, polygon. The location of a point object, such as a coal mine, can be described by a pair of coordinates (x, y). Objects such as a river, a water pipeline, a railway are described by a set of coordinates (x1, y2;…; xn, yn), Fig. 9. Areal objects such as river basins, agricultural land or polling stations are represented as a closed set of coordinates (x1, y1;… xn, yn; x1, y1). The vector model is most suitable for describing individual objects and is least suitable for reflecting continuously changing parameters.

In addition to coordinate information about objects, the geographic database can store information about the external design of these objects. This can be thickness, color and type of lines, type and color of hatching of a polygonal object, thickness, color and type of its borders. Attribute information describing its quantitative and qualitative characteristics is compared to each geometric primitive. It is stored in the fields of tabular databases, which are designed to store information of different types: text, numeric, graphic, video, audio. A family of geometric primitives and its attributes (descriptions) forms a simple object.

Modern object-oriented GIS works with entire classes and families of objects, which allows the user to get a more complete understanding of the properties of these objects and their inherent patterns.

The relationship between the image of an object and its attributive information is possible through unique identifiers. They exist implicitly or explicitly in any GIS.

In many GIS, spatial information is presented as separate transparent layers with images of geographic objects. The placement of objects on layers depends in each case on the features of a particular GIS, as well as on the features of the tasks being solved. In most GIS information on a separate layer is made up of data from one database table. It happens that layers are formed from objects composed of homogeneous geometric primitives. These can be layers with point, line, or area geographic features. Sometimes layers are created according to certain thematic properties of objects, for example, layers railway lines, layers of reservoirs, layers of natural resources. Almost any GIS allows the user to manipulate the layers. The main control functions are layer visibility / invisibility, editable, accessibility. In addition, the user can increase the information content of a digital map by displaying the values ​​of spatial attributes. Many GIS uses raster images as the fundamental layer for feature layers, which also enhances the visualization of the image.

3 . GIS modeling methods and technologies

There are four main groups of modeling in GIS:

Semantic - at the level of information collection;

Invariant - the basis for the presentation of maps, through the use of special libraries, such as libraries of conventional symbols and libraries of graphic elements;

Heuristic - communication of a user with a computer based on a scenario that takes into account the technological features of the software and the processing features of this category of objects (takes a leading place in interactive processing and in control and correction processes)

Informational - the creation and transformation of various forms of information into a user-defined form (it is the main one in the subsystems of documentation).

When modeling in GIS, the following software and technological blocks can be distinguished:

Format conversion and data presentation operations. They are important for GIS as a means of data exchange with other systems. Conversion of formats is carried out using special converter programs (AutoVEC, WinGIS, ArcPress).

Projection transformations. A transition is made from one cartographic projection to another or from a spatial system to a cartographic projection. As a rule, foreign software does not directly support projections that are widespread in our country, and it is rather difficult to obtain information about the type of projection and its parameters. This defines the advantage domestic developments GIS containing sets of desired projection transformations. On the other hand, various methods of working with spatial data widespread in Russia require analysis and classification.

Geometric analysis. For vector GIS models, these are operations of determining distances, lengths of broken lines, finding points of intersection of lines; for raster - operations of identifying zones, calculating areas and perimeter of zones.

Overlay operations: imposition of dissimilar layers with generation of derived objects and inheritance of their attributes.

Functional modeling operations:

calculation and construction buffer zones(used in transport systems ah, forestry, when creating protective zones around lakes, when determining pollution zones along roads);

network analysis (allows you to solve optimization problems on networks - search for paths, allocation, regionalization);

generalization (intended for the selection and display of cartographic objects according to the scale, content and thematic focus);

digital terrain modeling (consists in building a database model that best reflects the relief of the surveyed area).

4 . Information Security

An integrated information security system should be built taking into account the four levels of any information system (IS), incl. and geographic information system:

The level of application software (software) responsible for user interaction. Examples of IS elements working at this level are WinWord text editor, Excel spreadsheet editor, Outlook mail program, Internet Explorer browser, etc.

The level of the database management system (DBMS), which is responsible for storing and processing information system data. Examples of IS elements operating at this level are Oracle DBMS, MS SQL Server, Sybase and even MS Access.

Level operating system(OS) responsible for maintaining the DBMS and application software. An example of IS elements operating at this level is Microsoft Windows NT, Sun Solaris, Novell Netware.

The network layer responsible for the interaction of the nodes of the information system. Examples of IS elements operating at this level are TCP / IP, IPS / SPX and SMB / NetBIOS protocols.

The protection system must function effectively at all these levels. Otherwise, an attacker will be able to implement one or another attack on GIS resources. For example, to gain unauthorized access to information about map coordinates in a GIS database, attackers can try to implement one of the following capabilities:

Send packets over the network with generated requests to receive the necessary data from the DBMS or intercept this data during its transmission over communication channels (network level).

In order to prevent this or that attack from being implemented, it is necessary to timely detect and eliminate the vulnerabilities of the information system. Moreover, at all 4 levels. Security assessment systems or security scanners can help. These tools can detect and fix thousands of vulnerabilities on dozens and hundreds of nodes, incl. and remote over considerable distances.

The combination of the use of various means of protection at all levels of GIS will make it possible to build an effective and reliable system for ensuring the information security of a geographic information system. Such a system will guard the interests of both users and employees of the GIS service provider. It will reduce, and in many cases completely prevent, possible damage from attacks on components and resources of the cartographic information processing system.

5 . GIS Applications and Applications

Scientists have calculated that 85% of the information that a person encounters in his life has a territorial reference. Therefore, it is simply impossible to list all the areas of GIS application. These systems can be used in almost any area of ​​human labor activity.

GIS is effective in all areas where accounting and management of the territory and objects on it is carried out. These are practically all areas of activity of governing bodies and administrations: land resources and real estate objects, transport, engineering communications, business development, law enforcement and security, emergency management, demography, ecology, healthcare, etc.

GIS allows you to accurately take into account the coordinates of objects and areas of parcels. Due to the possibility of a comprehensive (taking into account many geographical, social and other factors) analysis of information about the quality and value of the territory and objects on it, these systems allow the most objective assessment of sites and objects, and can also provide accurate information about the taxable base.

In the field of transport, GIS has long been shown to be effective due to the ability to build optimal routes both for individual transportations and for entire transport systems, on the scale of a particular city or an entire country. At the same time, the ability to use the most relevant information about the state of the road network and throughput allows you to build really optimal routes.

Accounting for communal and industrial infrastructure is not an easy task in itself. GIS not only allows you to effectively solve it, but also increase the impact of this data in case of emergencies. Thanks to GIS, specialists from various departments can communicate in a common language.

The integration possibilities of GIS are truly endless. These systems allow keeping records of the size, structure and distribution of the population and at the same time using this information for planning the development of social infrastructure, transport network, optimal placement of health facilities, fire brigades and law enforcement forces.

GIS allows monitoring the ecological situation and accounting for natural resources. They can not only give an answer where the “thin spots” are now, but also, thanks to the modeling capabilities, suggest where to direct forces and means so that such “thin spots” do not arise in the future.

With the help of geographic information systems, the relationship between various parameters (for example, soils, climate and crop yields) is determined, and places of power grids are identified.

Realtors use GIS to find, for example, all houses in a given area that have slate roofs, three rooms and 10-meter kitchens, and then return more detailed description these buildings. The request can be refined by introducing additional parameters, for example, cost parameters. You can get a list of all houses located at a certain distance from a particular highway, forest park or place of work.

An utility company can clearly plan repair or maintenance work, from obtaining complete information and displaying on a computer screen (or on paper copies) the relevant sections, say, a water supply system, to automatically identifying residents who will be affected by these works, with notification them on the timing of the proposed shutdown or interruptions in water supply.

For space and aerial photographs, it is important that GIS can identify areas of the surface with a given set of properties, reflected in the images in different parts of the spectrum. This is the essence of remote sensing. But in fact, this technology can be successfully applied in other areas as well. For example, in restoration: pictures of a painting in different regions of the spectrum (including those invisible).

The geographic information system can be used to inspect both large areas (panorama of a city, state or country), and a limited space, for example, a casino hall. With the help of this software product, casino management personnel receive color-coded cards reflecting the movement of money in games, bet sizes, taking a "pot" and other data from gambling machines.

GIS helps, for example, in solving such tasks as providing various information at the request of planning authorities, resolving territorial conflicts, choosing the best (from different points of view and according to different criteria) places for placing objects, etc. The information required for decision-making can be presented in a concise cartographic form with additional textual explanations, graphs and diagrams.

GIS is used to graphically build maps and obtain information about both individual objects and spatial data about areas, for example, the location of natural gas reserves, the density of transport communications or the distribution of per capita income in the state. The areas marked on the map in many cases reflect the required information much more clearly than dozens of pages of reports with tables.


Summing up, it should be stated that GIS is currently a modern type of integrated information system used in different directions. It meets the requirements of the global informatization of society. GIS is a system that contributes to the solution of managerial and economic problems based on the means and methods of informatization, i.e. contributing to the process of informatization of society in the interests of progress.

GIS as a system and its methodology are being improved and developed, its development is carried out in the following directions:

Development of the theory and practice of information systems;

Study and generalization of experience with spatial data;

Research and development of concepts for creating a system of space-time models;

Improvement of technology for automated production of electronic and digital cards;

Development of technologies for visual data processing;

Development of decision support methods based on integrated spatial information;

Intellectualization of GIS.


1 Geoinformatics / Ivannikov A.D., Kulagin V.P., Tikhonov A.N. et al. M .: MAKS Press, 2001, 349 p.

2 GOST R 6.30-97 Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork. - M .: Publishing house of standards, 1997.

3 Andreeva V.I. Records management in the personnel service. Practical guide with samples of documents. 3rd ed., Revised and supplemented. - M .: CJSC Intel-Sintez Business School, 2000.

4 Verkhovtsev A.V. Office work in the personnel service - M .: INFRA -M, 2000.

5 Qualified reference book of positions of managers, specialists and other employees / Ministry of Labor of Russia. - M .: "Economic news", 1998.

6 Pechnikova T.V., Pechnikova A.V. Practice of working with documents in the organization. Tutorial... - M .: Association of Authors and Publishers "Tandem". EKMOS Publishing House, 1999.

7 Stenyukov M.V. Handbook of office work -M .: "Prior". (edition 2, revised and enlarged). 1998.

8 Trifonova T.A., Mishchenko N.V., Krasnoshchekov A.N. Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing in Environmental Research: A Textbook for Universities. - M .: Academic project, 2005.352 s



Job description of the chief accountant

The chief accountant performs the following job duties:

1. Supervises the employees of the organization's accounting department.

Internal labor regulations

Chief accountant accounting

2. Agree on the appointment, dismissal and transfer of financially responsible persons of the organization.

Dismissal / hiring order

Human Resources Department Chief Accountant Accountant

3. Leads the work on the preparation and adoption of a working chart of accounts, forms of primary accounting documents used to formalize business transactions for which are not provided standard forms, the development of forms of documents for the internal financial statements of the organization.

Accounts, primary accounting documents

Accounting chief accountant

4. Coordinates with the director the direction of spending funds from the ruble and foreign currency accounts of the organization.

Expenditure of funds

Chief Accountant Director

5. Carries out an economic analysis of the economic and financial activities of the organization according to accounting and reporting data in order to identify intra-economic reserves, prevent losses and non-productive costs.

Indicators for accounting accounting accounting accounting

Financial department, economic department accounts department heads accountant

6. Participates in the preparation of measures of the internal control system to prevent the formation of shortages and illegal spending Money and inventory, violations of financial and economic legislation.

Cash flow report

accounting Chief accountant

7. Together with the head of the organization or authorized persons, signs documents that serve as the basis for the acceptance and issuance of funds and inventory, as well as credit and settlement obligations.

Order for the issuance of funds order for the issuance of funds

Director Chief Accountant Accounting

8. Controls compliance with the procedure for processing primary and accounting documents, settlements and payment obligations of the organization.

Primary accounting documents

Accounting chief accountant

9. Supervises compliance with the established rules and timing of the inventory of cash, inventory, fixed assets, settlements and payment obligations.

Inventory schedule

Chief accountant accounting

10. Supervises the collection of accounts receivable and repayment of accounts payable on time, compliance with payment discipline.

Debt repayment plan reconciliation statements

Chief accountant accounting customers and suppliers organizations

11. Controls the legality of writing off shortfalls, receivables and other losses from accounting accounts.

Accounts, reconciliation statements, invoices

Accounting chief accountant

12. Organizes the timely reflection on the accounts of the accounting of transactions related to the movement of property, liabilities and business transactions.

Property movement reports

Accounting chief accountant

13. Organizes the accounting of income and expenses of the organization, execution of cost estimates, sales of products, performance of works (services), the results of economic and financial activities of the organization.

Cost estimates, reports on performed services (works)

Accounting chief accountant

14. Organizes audits of the organization of accounting and reporting, as well as documentary audits in the structural divisions of the organization.

Memorandum of accounting audit

Chief Accountant Director, Deputy Accountant

15. Provides the preparation of reliable reporting of the organization on the basis of primary documents and accounting records, its submission on time to reporting users.

Accounting reports

Accounting chief accountant

16. Ensures the correct calculation and timely transfer of payments to the federal, regional and local budgets, contributions to state social, medical and pension insurance, the implementation of timely settlements with counterparties and wages.

Payment transfer plan pension fund, insurance company

Chief Accountant Accounting Tax Inspectorate

17. Develops and implements activities aimed at strengthening financial discipline in the organization.

Financial Discipline Rules

Chief accountant accounting

P / p No.

Management functions


InterrelatedOdivision of departments










chief accountant, accounting

director, chief accountant

expenditure of funds, report on the turnover of funds, rules for strengthening financial discipline

expense report


2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

HR department, accounting department, director, chief accountant

chief accountant, accounting department, tax office, pension fund, insurance company

order of dismissal / hiring, accounts, primary accounting documents, order for the issuance of funds, reports on property movement, cost estimates, reports on work (services) performed, memo, accounting reports, payment plan

an order for the issuance of funds, a schedule for checking accounting records, a report on the transfer of payments

the control

chief accountant, accountant, chief accountant

accountant, chief accountant, customers and suppliers of the organization

internal labor regulations, primary accounting documentation, inventory schedule, debt repayment plan, accounts, reconciliation statements, invoices

reconciliation statements

finance department, business department, accounting department

Chief Accountant

indicators for accounting

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    Consideration of the main features of modeling an adaptive automatic control system, characteristics of modeling programs. Acquaintance with the ways of building an adaptive control system. Stages of calculating PI-controller settings by Kuhn's method.

    thesis, added 04/24/2013

    Study of the simulation of the medical apparatus of the pulse analytical system. The task of assessing the degree of objectivity of the modeling method in relation to the object. Using the decomposition method. Recommendations for the application of the simulation algorithm.

N. B. Yaldygina

Recent years have been marked by the rapid development and spread of Earth remote sensing (ERS) and geoinformation technologies. Space images are actively used as a source of information for solving problems in various fields of activity: cartography, municipal management, forestry and agriculture, water management, inventory and monitoring of the state of infrastructure for oil and gas production and transportation, environmental assessment, prospecting and forecasting of deposits minerals, etc. Geographic information systems (GIS) and geoportals are used to analyze data for the purpose of making managerial decisions.

As a result, for many higher educational institutions, the task of actively introducing remote sensing and GIS technologies in educational process and scientific activities. Previously, the use of these technologies was required, first of all, for universities that train specialists in the field of photogrammetry and GIS. However, gradually, with the integration of remote sensing and GIS technologies with various applied fields of activity, their study became necessary for a much wider circle of specialists. Universities providing training in specialties related to forestry and agriculture, ecology, construction, etc., now also require training students in the basics of remote sensing and GIS, so that future graduates are familiar with advanced methods of solving applied problems within their specialty. ...

Initially educational institution planning to train students in the field of remote sensing and GIS, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

  • Purchase specialized software and hardware.
  • Purchase a set of remote sensing data, which will be used for teaching and conducting scientific work.
  • Conduct retraining of teachers on remote sensing and GIS issues.
  • Develop technologies that will allow solving applied problems corresponding to the specialization of the university / department using remote sensing data.

Without thoughtful and systems approach the solution of these problems may require significant time and material expenditures from the university. The simplest and most effective way to overcome difficulties is to interact with companies that supply all the necessary software and hardware for the implementation of remote sensing and GIS technologies, who have experience in implementing projects for various sectors of the national economy.

A comprehensive approach to the implementation of remote sensing and GIS technologies at the university will be provided by Sovzond, which offers a full range of services, from the supply of software and hardware, their installation and configuration, to the supply of remote sensing data, training of specialists and the development of technological solutions. The basis of the proposed solution is the Earth Remote Sensing Data Processing Center (DTSDZZ).

What is CDSPD?

This is a complex of software and hardware tools and technologies designed to receive, process and analyze remote sensing data, use geospatial information. TsODDZZ allows you to solve the following main tasks:

  • Receiving remote sensing data (satellite images).
  • Primary processing of satellite images, preparation for automated and interactive decoding, as well as visual presentation.
  • Deep automated analysis of remote sensing data for the preparation of a wide range of analytical cartographic materials on various topics, determination of various statistical parameters.
  • Preparation of analytical reports, presentation materials based on satellite imagery data.

The key component of ERSD is specialized software and hardware that has wide functionality for working with ERS and GIS data.

Data center software

The software included in the data center is designed to perform the following works:

Photogrammetric processing of remote sensing data (geometric correction of images, construction of digital elevation models, creation of image mosaics, etc.). It is a necessary stage in the general technological cycle of processing and analyzing remote sensing data, providing the user with accurate and up-to-date information.

Thematic processing of remote sensing data (thematic interpretation, spectral analysis, etc.). Provides for decoding and analysis of space survey materials for the purpose of creating thematic maps and plans, making management decisions.

GIS analysis and mapping (spatial and statistical analysis of data, preparation of maps, etc.). Provides identification of patterns, relationships, trends in events and phenomena of the surrounding world, as well as the creation of maps to present the results in a user-friendly form.

Providing access to geospatial information via the Internet and Intranet (organizing data storage, creating web-services with GIS analysis functions for users of internal and external networks). Provides for the organization of user access from the internal network and the Internet to information on a given topic on a certain territory (space images, vector maps, attributive information).

Table 1 shows the scheme for using the software proposed by Sovzond, which makes it possible to fully implement all the listed types of work.

Table 1. Software usage scheme

Type of work

Software products

Basic functionality

Photogrammetric processing of remote sensing data Trimble INPHO line INPHO Automated aerial triangulation for all types of frame shooting, obtained from both analog and digital cameras

Creation of high-precision digital elevation models (DEM) for aerial or space imagery, quality control and editing of DEM

Orthorectification of remote sensing data

Creation of color-synthesized mosaic coverings using images obtained from various satellites

Vectorization of terrain objects using stereopairs of aerial and satellite images

Remote sensing data visualization

Geometric and radiometric correction

Creation of DEM based on stereo images

Creating mosaics

Thematic processing of remote sensing data The ENVI line from ITT VIS Interactive decryption and classification

Interactive spectral and spatial image enhancement

Calibration and Atmospheric Correction

Vegetation analysis using vegetation indices (NDVI)

Obtaining vector data for export to GIS

GIS analysis and mapping ArcGIS Desktop Ruler (ESRI Inc.) Creating and editing spatial data based on an object-oriented approach

Creation and design of cards

Spatial and statistical analysis of geodata

Analysis of the map, creation of visual reports

Providing access to geospatial information over the Internet ArcGIS Server ruler
(ESRI Inc.)
CCentralized management of all spatial data and mapping services

Building web applications with desktop GIS functionality

For higher educational institutions the Sovzond company offers favorable terms of software delivery. The cost of individual licenses for a university is two or more times reduced in comparison with commercial licenses. In addition, special sets of licenses are supplied for the equipment of classrooms (Table 2). The cost of a package of licenses for training with 10 or more seats is generally comparable to the cost of one commercial license. The table below provides a description of the license packs supplied by various software vendors.

Table 2 Software Licenses

Many Russian universities already have positive experience in using software products from ITT VIS, ESRI Inc., Trimble INPHO in the framework of educational and scientific activities. Among them - Moscow State University Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), Moscow State University of Forestry (MGUL), Mari State Technical University(MarSTU), Siberian State Geodetic Academy (SSGA), etc.

Data center hardware

The hardware of the CDSPD includes advanced technical means that allow a higher educational institution to organize research, educational process, implement various methods of working both with information and with a trained audience. The hardware is selected taking into account the scale of the planned work, the number of students trained, and a number of other factors. DSPDZ can be deployed on the basis of one or more premises and include, for example, a classroom, a remote sensing laboratory and a meeting room.

The following equipment can be used as part of the TsODDZZ:

  • Workstations for the installation of specialized software (in classrooms and departments).
  • Servers for organizing storage and management of geospatial data.
  • Video walls for displaying and collective viewing of information (Fig. 1).
  • Video conferencing systems for the exchange of audio and video information in real time between remote users (located in different rooms).
Rice. one. Class with video wall

These tools not only constitute a productive hardware platform for performing remote sensing data processing processes, but also allow you to establish effective interaction between user groups. For example, using the video conferencing system and the TTS hardware and software complex, real-time transmission of data prepared by laboratory specialists and video images can be provided directly to the screen in the meeting room.

Remote sensing data delivery

When deploying data center remote sensing, one of the important issues is the acquisition of a set of remote sensing data from various satellites, which will be used to train students and carry out various thematic projects. The Sovzond company interacts with the leading ERS satellite operators and delivers digital data received from the WorldView-1, WorldView-2, GeoEye-1, QuickBird, IKONOS, Resurs-DK1, RapidEye, ALOS, SPOT, TerraSAR spacecraft -X, RADARSAT-1,2, etc.

It is also possible to deploy a ground-based receiving complex at the university, created with the participation of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), which provides direct data reception from the Resurs-DK1, AQUA, TERRA, IRS-1C, IRS-1D, CARTOSAT-1 satellites (IRS-P5 ), RESOURCESAT-1 (IRS-P6), NOAA, RADARSAT-1,2, COSMO-SkyMed 1-3 and others. In addition, in the event of the deployment of data center remote sensing, Sovzond provides an educational institution with a set of free remote sensing data from several satellites, with different characteristics (spatial resolution, spectral range, etc.), which can be used as test samples for teaching students.

Deployment of the Earth Remote Sensing Center at the Higher educational institution allows to solve the problem of introducing remote sensing and GIS technologies into the scientific and educational activities of the university and to provide training for specialists in a relatively new and relevant direction.

DSPDZ is a flexible and scalable system. At the initial stage of creating a data center for remote sensing, it can be a small laboratory or even separate workstations with the functionality of processing remote sensing data. In the future, it is possible to expand the DSPDZ to the size of large laboratories and training centers, whose activities are not limited to teaching students, but also involves the implementation of commercial projects based on remote sensing data and the provision of information services to Internet users.

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