"Modern Russian language: vocabulary. Phraseology

3.2.1. Main sources:

Rakhmanova L.I., Suzdaltseva V.N. Modern Russian. Vocabulary. Phraseology. Morphology: studies. benefit. - M.: Aspect-press, 2006.


1. Kalinin A.V. Vocabulary of the Russian language. - M.: Higher. School, 1978.

2. Fomina M.I. Modern Russian. Lexicology: student for students of universities. - 4th ed., Act. - M.: Higher. School, 2003.

Word formation and orphoepium:

1. Gridina TA Modern Russian. Word formation: theory, analysis algorithms, training: studies. benefit. -

2. Zemskaya E.A. Food formation // Modern Russian language. Tutorial / under the editorship of Beloshapkova. - M., 1997.

3. Kasatkin L.L. and others. Brief reference book in the modern Russian language: Education. pos.-4th ed. - M., 2010.

4. Lapteva OA Live Russian speech from TelEkran.- M., 2008.

5. Modern Russian. Tutorial / Ed. CM. Chariot. - M., 2008.

6. Sidorova TA Cognitive aspect of traditional problems of word formation and morpecics. Arkhangelsk, 2012.


1. Modern Russian language: tests: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. Vehicles / E.M. Belkin, L.I. Vasilyeva, J.V. Ganiev et al.; Ed. G.N. Ivanova-Lukyanova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

2. Modern Russian language: Theory. Analysis of language units: a textbook for the stud. Higher. studies. Vehicles: at 2 h. 2: Morphology.

3. Syntax / hard. Babaitseva, N.A. Snikolina, L.D.Chsokova et al.; Ed. E.I. Dibama. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. P. 4-248.

4. Modern Russian language: studies. For stud. universities studying on specials. "Philology" / P.A. Malekant, E.I.Dibrova, L.L.Kaskin et al.; Ed. P.A. Redeante. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2002.


1. Vintagina N.S., Rosenthal D.E., Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language: Textbook / PPD N.S. Valgina. - 6th ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Logos, 2002.

2. Modern Russian. Theory. Analysis of linguistic units: at 2 cp. 2. Morphology; Syntax / Ed. E.I. Dibama. 3rd ed., Ched. - M.: Academia, 2008.

3. Modern Russian literary language: Tutorial for university students / ed. P.A. Redeante. - M.: high school, 2006.

3.2.2. Additional sources:


1. Gorbanevsky M.V., Karaululov Yu.N., Shaklein V.M. Do not speak by the rough language: about violations of the standards of literary speech in electronic and printed media. - M., 1999.

2. Kostomarov V.G. Russian language on the newspaper strip. - M., 1997.

3. Kostomarov V.G. Language Taste Epochs: from observations on speech practice mass media. - SPb., 1999.

4. Kottsova E.E. Lexical semantics in the system-semantic aspect / min-in education Ros. Federation, Pomor. State University. M.V. Lomonosov. - Arkhangelsk, 2002.

5. Kozyrev V.A., Chernyak V.D. Russian lexicography: benefit for universities. - M.: Drop, 2004.

6. The difficulties of the Russian language: a journalist / ed. L.I. Rachmanova. - M., 1974.

7. Shmelev D.N. Modern Russian language: vocabulary: studies. Manual for students ped. In-Tov in the specialty number 2101 "Rus. Yaz. or T.". - ed. 3rd, erased. - M.: URSS, 2004.

8. Yudina TM, Kottsova E.E. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography: Educational and methodical materials. - Arkhangelsk: PSU, 2005.

Word formation and orphoepium

1. Avanesov R.I. Russian literary pronunciation. - M., 1984.

2. Ageenko F.L. Dictionary of its own names of the Russian language. Station. Exception. Calibration. - m., 2010.

3. Vinogradov V.V. Questions of Russian word formation // Vinogradov V.V. Selected Works. Studies in Russian

4. Grammar. - M., 1975.

5. Ivanova T.F. Russian speech on the air. Comprehensive reference book. - M., 2010.

6. Kubryakova E.S. Types language values. Semantics derived word.- M., 1981.

7. Kuznetsova A.I., Efremova T.F. Dictionary of the Morphem of the Russian Language. - M., 1986.

8. Lopatin V.V. Russian word-forming morfemic. - M., 1977.

9. Cheat sheet. Grammar parse: phonetic, morpheme, word-forming, morphological

Cost. CM. Snard. - St. Petersburg., 2005.

10. Tikhonov A.N. Formation dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1985.

11. Ulukhanov I.S. Units of the word formation system and their lexical implementation. - M., 1 996.

12. Morfemic and Russian word formation: Tutorial / Ed. L.G.Yatskevich. - Vologda, 2002.


1. Miloslavsky I.G. Morphological categories of modern Russian language. - M., 1981.

2. Modern Russian language / Ed. V.A. Beloshapkova. - M.: Higher School, 1989.

3. Modern Russian language: phonetics. Lexicology. Word formation. Morphology. Syntax. - 4th ed., Ched. /. L.Anovikov, L.G. Zubkova, V.V.Ivanov et al.; Under total. ed. L.Anovikova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan", 2003. - P. 379-590.

4. Shan N.M., Tikhonov A.N. Modern Russian language: in 3 hours. - C.2: Word formation. Morphology. - 2 ed., Snap. and add. - M. 1987.


1. Maksimov V. I., Akimova G.N., Alatseva S.I., Belousov V. N., Maksimova A.L. Modern Russian literary language / Ed. V.G. Kostomarova, 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Yuraight, 2010.

2. Golden G.A., Sidorova M.Yu., Onipenko N.K. Communicative grammar Russian language. - M.: The Institute of Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradova RAS, 2004.

3. Solganic G.Ya. Syntax stylistics (complex syntactic integer). - 3rd ed. M.: UPSS, 2006.

4. Vintagina N. S. Active processes In modern Russian. Tutorial. - M.: Logos, 2003.

5. Golden G.A., Druchinina G.P., Onipenko N.K. Russian language: from the system to the text. - M.: Drop, 2002.

6. Lapteva O.A. Live Russian speech from television screen. Spoken relax of television speech in a regulatory aspect. 6th ed. - M.: UPSS, 2007.

3.2.3. Internet resources (Methodical and other development in electronic form, computer laboratory or practical work, computer programs, etc.).

1. http://evartist.narod.ru/text1/20.htm - "Directory of spelling, pronunciation and literary editing" D.E. Rosenthal.

2. http://mega.km.ru/ojigov - "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. C.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu.Shvedova.

3. http://dict.ruslang.ru/magn.php is a dictionary of Russian idiomatics.

4. http://www.ruscorpora.ru/ - National Corps of the Russian Language.

5. http://www.speakrus.ru/dict/index.htm - Meeting of dictionaries (dictionary A.A. Zaliznyaka; Dictionary Pro-Ling; Dictionary of Russian literature; orthographic dictionary, ed. prof. V.V. Lopatina (2000); Explanatory dictionary of ed. C. I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Swedio, M., Az, 1992; "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" V.I. Daly (II ed. (1862-1866), adapted, OCR 1998); N. Abramov. Slovar synonyms; Cities and weights of Russia; Baranov O.S. Ideographic dictionary Russian language (TEZAURUS); Winged words; O. V. Vishnyakova. Dictionary of Russian Paronims; P.Ya. Black. Historical etymological Dictionary modern Russian language; N.M. Shan. School Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language; Russian surnames in alphabetical order; Vocabulary foreign words; Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation of 1956; D.E. Rosenthal. Spelling and Stylistics Directory; Culture of Russian speech; Dictionary of Omonial Wordform; Rules of transcription of foreign names; Formation and morpheme dictionary of the Russian language).

On electronic media on the department there are:

1.Kottsova E.E. Lexical semantics in the system-semantic aspect / min-in education Ros. Federation, Pomor. State University. M.V. Lomonosov; extra. Educational and method. Association on special ped. Education as a study. Manuals for students Higher. studies. Vehicles studying for special sections 032900 - Russian language and literature. Arkhangelsk: PUGU PSG, 2002. 203 p.

2. Modern Russian. Lexicology. Lexicography. Phraseology: Methodical materials / Cost authors. HER. Kottsova, TM Judina. Arkhangelsk: PUGU PUGU, 2005. 55 p.

3. Classification of portable values, lists linguistic dictionaries by types, table " Intelligent dictionaries Russian language".

4. Presentations of the speech parts of the Russian language.

5. Presentations of the grammatical categories of individual parts of speech.

M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, Chero, 1997. - 480 p.

The present tutorial It is written in accordance with the approved program of the course "Modern Russian language". The authors sought to express grammatical (morphological) material in close connection with the content of the section "Lexik". The illustrations served the works of classical and modern Russian literature, as well as modern conclus.

The manual is addressed primarily to students of faculties and university journalism branches. Can be used and students humanitarian offices Pedagogical universities.

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List of abbreviations 3.
Modern Russian language 6
The concept of Russian 6
The concept of O. modern language 12
Lexicology 12.
The concept of vocabulary and lexicology 12
Word as a unit of vocabulary 13
Meaning of the word. Word and concept 14
Evaluation properties of words 15
Reflection of the processes occurring in society in the vocabulary of language 17
Sefecting speech. "Weathered" words of words 21
The meaningfulness of the word 25.
Metaphor 25.
Metonimia 30.
Synekdha 33.
Use of multigid 35.
Erroneous, unsuccessful use of words in a figurative value 38
Omonimiima 41.
Types of Omonyms 42.
Causes of occurrence lexic Omonymov 42
Use of homonyms in speech 44
The concept of synonyms. Types of differences synonyms 46
Reflection of synonymy in synonymous dictionaries 50
Use of synonyms 51.
Antonyms 57.
general characteristics Antonyms 57.
Types of antonyms on the semantic essence of the opposite and structure 58
Reflection of antonyms in modern dictionaries 59
Use of Antonyms 60.
Lexica of the Russian language from an expressive-stylistic point of view 62
The vocabulary of interstitial (stylistically neutral) 63
Book styles vocabulary 64
Book words 65.
Official words 66.
Newspaper and journalistic words 66
Poetic words 67.
Spatious style vocabulary 68
Conversational words 68.
Spatrical words 69.
Signs of stylist painted words 71
Signs of vocabulary of book styles 71
Signs of vocabulary of colloquial style 71
Using words of different stylistic layers 73
Use of book-styles vocabulary 73
Use of spoken style vocabulary 79
Old and new in vocabulary 82
Outdated vocabulary 82.
Types of Archaisov 83.
Using outdated vocabulary in modern texts 85
New vocabulary 87.
Reflection of neologisms in dictionaries 89
Using copyright neologisms 89
Russian vocabulary from the point of view of origin 91
Ordinal Russian vocabulary from the point of view of its occurrence 91
Borrowed vocabulary. Other types of borrowing 92
Borrowing from individual languages \u200b\u200b94
Starlovonalisamas 94.
Borrowing from Scandinavian languages \u200b\u200b97
Borrowing from Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200b97
Turk borrowing 98.
Greek borrowing 98.
Latin borrowing 99.
Borrowing out german language 99
Borrowing from the Dutch language 100
Borrowing out french 100
Borrowing out of English language 100
Borrowing out italian language 101
Borrowing out spanish 101
Borrowing out slavic languages 101
Dictionaries reflecting the origin of words 102
Development of borrowed words 102
Phonetic development 102.
Graphic development 104.
Grammatical development 104.
Semantic development 105.
The use of exotomes and warbrisms in modern texts 108
Attitude towards borrowing 110
Russian vocabulary in terms of consumption sector 112
The concept of nationwide and unwitting vocabulary 112
Dialectic (regional) vocabulary 113
Reflection of dialectic vocabulary in dictionaries 115
Use of dialectic vocabulary 116
Special vocabulary 118.
Reflection of special vocabulary in dictionaries 121
Using a special vocabulary 121
Jargon vocabulary 123.
Reflection of slang vocabulary in dictionaries 125
Using the zagging vocabulary in art and journalistic texts 125
Phraseology 127.
Types of phraseologism in terms of semantic spares and phraseological connectedness 127
Characteristics of phraseologism in terms of their stylistic properties and spheres of their initial use 129
Characteristics of phraseologism in terms of their origin 130
Reflection of phraseology in phraseological dictionaries and other reference editions 132
Using phraseology 134.
Erroneous, unsuccessful use of phraseologism 137
Morphology 141.
Morphology item 141.
Grammatical forms, grammatical values, grammatical categories 141
Means and ways of expression grammatical values 142
Principles of classification of parts of speech. System of speech parts in Russian 143
Natural name 145.
Nouns specific and non-specific (real, collective, distract) 145
Nouns are nominal and own 146
Nouns animated and inanimate 147
Category of the genus 150.
Nouns total genus 151
Nouns with dimension-estimated suffixes 152
The genus of nouns formed by the philantation 152
Rank unclear nouns 153
A. Nennaya Nouns 153
B. Own nouns 154
Roda of comprehensive words (abbreviations) 154
Generic options 155.
Stylistic use Categories of the genus 155.
Category of Numbers 156.
Nouns having a single form only (Singularia Tantum) 157
Nouns having a form only multiple number (PLURALIA TANTUM) 157
Using the shape of the singular number of nouns varying by numbers 157
Using the form of a plural number of nouns, varying by numbers 159
Using the shape of a plural number of nouns that do not change by numbers 159
Error use of a multiple nouns of 162
Category of case 162.
Declusion nouns 164
Features in education paddy forms In the only number of some groups of nouns of the 1st decline 165
Features in the formation of case forms in the only number of some groups of nouns 2nd declining 166
Declination of nouns with the first component of the floor ... (half) 166
Options paddy endings Nouns of various declines in the singular 167
1st decline 167
2nd and 3rd declining 168
Features of education forms of nominative case of a plural number of individual groups of nouns 169
End of the Employment Employment Came of Multiple Nouns male 1st decline 169
Multiple Paliode Padge. Options for the endings of the Multiplicate Page Multiple 171
End of the End of Certificate Call Multiple Number 173
Declination of own names 174
A. Declination of names and surnames 174
B. Shopping toponyms 177
The name is adjective 178.
The overall characteristics of the adjective as part of speech. Lexico-grammatical discharges of adjectives 178
Qualitative adjectives 178.
Relative adjectives 179.
Attractive adjectives 179
Degrees of comparison qualitative adjectives 179
Meaning and formation of comparative and excellent degree 179
Stylistic coloring and consumption of degrees of comparison of adjectives 181
Comparative degree 181.
Excellent degree 182.
Brief form of adjectives 184
Education brief form 184
Grammar properties of brief adjectives 185
Using short I. full adjectives (stylistic, semantic and structurally determined differences between the short and full form) 185
Multivality and lexico-grammatical discharges of adjectives 187
Using high-quality, relative and attractive adjectives in modern texts 190
Transition of other parts of speech to adjectives 192
Transition of adjectives in nouns 192
Natural name 193.
Discharges of numeral 195.
Use of numerical 195.
The use of quantitative numerical 196
Semoration of collective numeral 197
Proponation 197.
The question of pronouns as part of speech. Grammar features of pronouns 197
Drops of pronouns in value 199
Using pronouns of various discharges 200
Personal pronouns 200.
Grammar opposition of personal pronouns as a means of increasing the expressiveness of speech 202
Possessive pronouns 203
Indexing pronouns 204.
Determined pronouns 205.
Uncertain pronouns 205.
Verb 207.
Infinitive 208.
Basics and classes of verb 209
Face category 210.
Easy and insufficient verbs 211
Using personal forms of verb 211
Impersonent verbs 212.
Category of type 213.
Education of species pairs 214
Single and bivid verbs 215
Using verbs different species 216
Time category 218.
Values \u200b\u200bof the form of the present time 218
Using the form of the present time 220
Using verbs last time 222
Consumption of forms of the future time 223
Category of inclination 224.
Indicative 224
Imperative mood 225
Subjunctive mood 227
Using forms of some challenges in the value of the other 227
Category of collateral 229.
The overall characteristics of the collateral. Education of a valid and affirmative pledge 229
Eating valid and affirmative collateral 230
Communion 231.
Molds of communion 231.
Education communion 232.
Use of communion 233.
Tempecility 234.
Education of Temperics 234.
Use of verbalia 235.
Instant 236.
Discharges of the Naschy value 237
Placement adverbs 237.
The degree of comparison of the shorter 238
Use of circumstantial and definitive shortcoming 238
Substantative Narachchi 239.
Category of status 239.
Question about the category of status as part of speech 239
General Categories Category 240
Consumption of category of state in modern texts 241
Prepositions 242.
The discharge of prepositions on education and structure 242
Disclosures of predictions in value and by combination with case forms 242
Use of proposed-case forms in speech 243
Unions 244.
Discharges of unions on syntactic function and value 244
Discharges of unions in structure 246
Particles 246.
Discharges of particles in value 247
Emotional-expressive particles 247
Modal particles 247.
Discharge particles by education 248
Modal words 248.
Interdomitia 250.
Values \u200b\u200band composition of interjections 250
Discharges of interjections from the point of view of semantic functions 250
Use of interjections 251.
Sound-resistant words 252.

Aspect Press, 2007, 978-5-7567-0436-5, 211 * 140 * 20 mm., Circulation: 3000

Availability in online stores

Description of the book

This textbook is written in accordance with the approved course program "Modern Russian". The authors sought to express grammatical (morphological) material in close connection with the content of the section "Lexik". Illustrations served works by classical and modern Russian literature, as well as a modern press. For students of faculties and departments of universities journalism, as well as for students of humanitarian departments of pedagogical universities.

You can buy this book in online stores

Made by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

List of abbreviations
Modern Russian language (L. I. Rakhmanova)
The concept of Russian
Concept of modern language
The concept of vocabulary and lexicology (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
Word as a unit of vocabulary (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
Meaning of the word. Word and concept
Evaluation properties of words
Reflection of the processes occurring in society in vocabulary
Sefecting speech. "Weathered" words of words
Multivality of the Word (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Use of manywareness
Erroneous, unsuccessful use of words in portable
Omonimi (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
Types of Omonymov
Causes of lexical homonyms
Use of homonyms in speech
Synonyms (L. I. Rakhmanova)
The concept of synonyms. Types of differences Synonyms
Reflection of synonymy in synonymous dictionaries
Use of synonyms
Antonyms (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
The overall characteristic of Antonyms
Types of Antonyms
Reflection of antonyms in modern dictionaries
Use of Antonyms
Lexica of the Russian language from an expressive-stylistic point
vision (L. I. Rakhmanova)
The vocabulary is interstile (stylistically neutral)
Vocabulary of book styles
Book words
Official-business vocabulary
Newspaper and journalistic words
Poetic vocabulary
Vocabulary of spoken style
Conversational words
Spatrical words
Signs of stylistic painted words
Signs of vocabulary book styles
Signs of vocabulary
Use of words of different stylistic reservoirs
Use of book-style vocabulary
Use of spoken-style vocabulary
Old and new in vocabulary (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
Outdated vocabulary
Types of Archaisov
Using outdated vocabulary in modern texts
New vocabulary
Reflection of neologisms in dictionaries
Using copyright neologisms
Russian vocabulary from the point of view of origin (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Invalid Russian vocabulary in terms of her time
Borrowed vocabulary. Other types of borrowing (L. I.
Borrowing from the Old Slavonic language
Borrowing from Scandinavian languages
Borrowing from Finno-Ugric languages
Turkic borrowing
Greek borrowing
Latin borrowing
Borrowing from german
Borrowing from the Dutch
Borrowing from french
Borrowing from English
Borrowing from Italian
Borrowing from Spanish
Borrowing from Slavic languages
Dictionaries reflecting the origin of the Words (L. I. Rakhmanova)
The development of borrowed words (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
Phonetic mastering
Graphic mastering
Grammar mastering
Semantic mastering. Exotisms and Varvarism
Reflection of exotic and varvarisms in dictionaries (V.N.
The use of exotic and warbrisms in modern texts
(V.N. Suzdaltseva)
Attitude towards borrowing (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Russian vocabulary from the point of view of the sector of use (L. I.
The concept of nationwide and unwitting vocabulary (L. I.
Dialectic (regional) vocabulary (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Special vocabulary (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Jargon lexica (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
Phraseology (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Types of phraseologism in terms of semantic degree
sparedness and phraseological connectedness
stylistic and emotional properties and spheres
initial use
Characteristics of phraseologism in terms of their
Use of phraseology
Erroneous, unsuccessful use of phraseologism
Morphology Subject (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Grammatical forms, grammatical values,
grammar categories
Means and ways of expressing grammatical values
Principles of classification of parts of speech. Speech system system in
in Russian
Noun name (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Nouns specific and non-specific (real,
collective, distracted)
Noun nominal and own
Nouns animated and inanimate
Category of kind (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Nouns common kind
The genus of nouns with dimension-estimated suffixes
Birth of comprehensive nouns
Rod of unclean nouns
A. Nennaya noun
B. Own nouns
Roda of comprehensive words (abbreviations)
Generic options
Stylistic use of category
Category of Number (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
Nouns having a single number only
(Singularia Tantum)
Nouns having the form only multiple
numbers (Pluralia Tantum)
Using the shape of the only number of concrete
Using the form of a plural number of concrete
Using the form of a plural nouns
singularia Tantum
Error use of multiple number
Category of case (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Declusion nouns names
some groups of nouns of the 1st decline
Features in the formation of case forms in the only
some groups of nouns 2nd declination
Declination of nouns with the first component of the floor ... (half)
Variants of the case endings of nouns of different
snapsias in the singular
Features in the formation of molds of the nominative case
multiple number of individual nouns name groups
End of the Employment Embosses Multiple
numbers of the nouns of the male genus of the 1st decline
Multiple Paliode Padge. End options
multiple Parent
End of the End of Certificate Padd Multiple
The declination of comprehensive nouns
Declination of own names
A. Declination of names and surnames
B. Declination Toponimov
The name of the adjective (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
The overall characteristics of the adjective as part of speech.
Lexico-grammatical discharges of adjectives
Qualitative adjectives
Relative adjectives
Attractive adjectives
The degree of comparison of high-quality adjectives
Meaning and formation of comparative and excellent degree
Stylistic coloring and consumption of degrees of comparison
Brief adjective form
Education brief form
Grammatical properties of short adjectives
Using short and complete adjectives
(stylistic, semantic and structurally determined
differences between brief and full forms)
Multivality and lexico-grammatical discharges
Using high-quality, relative and assistent
adjectives in modern texts
The transition of other parts of speech into adjectives
Noun transition
Number Number (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
Numbered discharges
Use of numeral
The use of quantitative numbers
Use of collective numerals
Primoplation (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
The question of pronouns as part of speech. Grammatical
features of pronoun
Defiance pronouncements
Using the pronouncements of various discharges
Personal pronouns
Possessive pronouns
Indicative pronouns
Determined pronoun
Uncertain pronoun
Verb (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Basics and classes of verb
Face category (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
Bulb and insufficient verbs
Using personal forms of verb
Impersonal verbs
Category of type (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Education of species par
Single and bivid verbs
Use of verbs of different types
Time Category (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
Values \u200b\u200bof the present time
Using the form of the present
Using verbs last time
Consumption of future time forms
Category of ignition (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Imperative mood
Subjunctive mood
Use of forms of different ignitions
Category Pledge (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
The overall characteristics of the collateral. The formation of valid I.
persistent collateral
Eating valid and suffering
Communion (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Forms of communion
Education communiments
Use of communals
Tempecia (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Education of Deeprichsty
Use of verbalism
Instant (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
Playless adverbs
The degree of comparison of Nasrachchi
Use of adverch
Use of circumstantial and determinant law
Using adventures in the names of art and others
Substantative by Nasrachchi
Status category (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
Question about the category of status as part of speech
General status category word characteristics
Consumption of category of status in modern texts
Prepositions (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
Discharges of predictions on education and structure
Discharges of predictions in value and by combination with case
Use of proposed-case forms in speech
Unions (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
Discharges of unions on syntactic function and meaning
Discharges of Unions in the structure
Particles (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
Discharge particles by value
Semantic particles
Emotional expressive particles
Modal particles
Discharges of particles by education
Particle functions in speech
Modal words (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
Interdomotia (L. I. Rakhmanova)
Values \u200b\u200band composition of interjections
Discharges of interjections from the point of view of semantic functions
Use of interdetsis
Sound spelling words (L. I. Rakhmanova)
List of recommended literature

about the author

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  • 1. List of abbreviations
  • 2. Modern Russian language (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 3. The concept of Russian
  • 4. Concept of modern language
  • 5. Lexicology
  • 6. The concept of vocabulary and lexicology (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 7. Word as a unit of vocabulary (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 8. The meaning of the word. Word and concept
  • 9. Evaluation properties of words
  • 10. Reflection of the processes occurring in society in vocabulary
  • 11. Language
  • 12. Sefecting speech. "Weathered" words of words
  • 13. Multivality of the Word (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 14. Metaphor
  • 15. Metonimia
  • 16. Sainpadoha
  • 17. Using multivaluedness
  • 18. Failure, unsuccessful use of words in portable
  • 19. Exception
  • 20. Omonyms (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 21. Types of Omonymov
  • 22. Causes of lexical homonyms
  • 23. The use of homonyms in speech
  • 24. Synonyms (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 25. The concept of synonyms. Types of differences Synonyms
  • 26. Reflection of synonymy in synonymous dictionaries
  • 27. The use of synonyms
  • 28. Antonyms (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 29. General characteristics of antonyms
  • 30. Types of Antonyms
  • 31. Reflection of antonyms in modern dictionaries
  • 32. Using Antonyms
  • 33. Russian language vocabulary from an expressive-stylistic point
  • 34. Vision (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 35. The vocabulary of interstile (stylistically neutral)
  • 36. Vocabulary of book styles
  • 37. Book words
  • 38. Official business vocabulary
  • 39. Newspaper and journalistic words
  • 40. Poetic vocabulary
  • 41. Spatious style vocabulary
  • 42. Conversational words
  • 43. Spatrical words
  • 44. Signs of stylistic painted words
  • 45. Signs of book styles vocabulary
  • 46. \u200b\u200bSigns of vocabulary
  • 47. Using words of different stylistic reservoirs
  • 48. Using book styling vocabulary
  • 49. Use of spoken-style vocabulary
  • 50. Old and new in vocabulary (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 51. Outdated vocabulary
  • 52. Types of Archaisov
  • 53. Using outdated vocabulary in modern texts
  • 54. New vocabulary
  • 55. Reflection of neologisms in dictionaries
  • 56. Using copyright neologisms
  • 57. Russian vocabulary from the point of view of origin (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 58. Ordinary Russian vocabulary in terms of her time
  • 59. Appearance
  • 60. Borrowed vocabulary. Other types of borrowing (L. I.
  • 61. Rachmanova)
  • 62. Borrowing from the Old Slavonic language
  • 63. Borrowing from Scandinavian languages
  • 64. Borrowing from Finno-Ugric Languages
  • 65. Turkic borrowing
  • 66. Greek borrowing
  • 67. Latin borrowing
  • 68. Borrowing from German
  • 69. Borrowing from the Dutch language
  • 70. Borrowing from French
  • 71. Borrowing from English
  • 72. Borrowing from Italian
  • 73. Borrowing from Spanish
  • 74. Borrowing from Slavic languages
  • 75. Dictionaries reflecting the origin of the Words (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 76. Development of borrowed words (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 77. Phonetic mastering
  • 78. Graphic mastering
  • 79. Grammatical development
  • 80. Semantic development. Exotisms and Varvarism
  • 81. Reflection of exotic and warbrisov in dictionaries (V.N.
  • 82. Suzdaltseva)
  • 83. The use of exotomes and warbrisms in modern texts
  • 84. (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 85. Attitude towards borrowing (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 86. Russian vocabulary from the point of view of the sector of use (L. I.
  • 87. Rachmanova)
  • 88. The concept of nationwide and unwitting vocabulary (L. I.
  • 89. Rakhmanova)
  • 90. Dialectic (regional) vocabulary (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 91. Special vocabulary (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 92. Zagonnaya vocabulary (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 93. Phraseeology (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 94. Types of phraseologism in terms of semantic degree
  • 95. Sparedness and phraseological connectedness
  • 96. Characteristics of phraseologism in terms of their
  • 97. Stylistic and emotional properties and spheres
  • 98. Initial use
  • 99. Characteristics of phraseologism in terms of their
  • 100. Origin
  • 101. Using phraseology
  • 102. Error, unsuccessful use of phraseological units
  • 103. Morphology
  • 104. The subject of morphology (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 105. Grammar forms, grammatical values,
  • 106. Grammar categories
  • 107. Means and methods for expressing grammatical values
  • 108. Principles of classification of speech parts. Speech system system in
  • 109. Russian
  • 110. Noun Nouns (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 111. Noun specific and non-specific (real,
  • 112. Collective, distracted)
  • 113. Noun nominal and own
  • 114. Noun animated and inanimate
  • 115. Category of the genus (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 116. Nouns total
  • 117. The genus of nouns with dimension-estimated suffixes
  • 118. The genus of comprehensive nouns
  • 119. Rod of unclean nouns
  • 120. A. Nennaya Nouns
  • 121. B. Own nouns
  • 122. Roda of comprehensive words (abbreviations)
  • 123. Generic options
  • 124. Stylistic use of category
  • 125. Category of Numbers (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 126. Nouns having a single form only
  • 127. (Singularia Tantum)
  • 128. Nouns having a multiple form
  • 129. Numbers (Pluralia Tantum)
  • 130. Using the shape of a single number of specific
  • 131. Nouns
  • 132. Using the form of a plural number of concrete
  • 133. Nouns
  • 134. Using the form of a multiple nouns
  • 135. Singularia Tantum
  • 136. Error use of a multiple number
  • 137. Nouns
  • 138. Category of the case (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 139. Declination of nouns names
  • 140. Features in the formation of case forms in the only
  • 141. The number of some groups of nouns of the 1st decline
  • 142. Features in the formation of case forms in the only
  • 143. The number of some groups of the 2nd declination
  • 144. Declination of nouns with the first component of the floor ... (half)
  • 145. Options for the case endings of nouns of different
  • 146. Decals in the singular
  • 147. Features in the formation of molds of the nominative case
  • 148. Multiple number of individual nouns name groups
  • 149. End of the Employment Employment Multiple Case
  • 150. Numbers of the nouns of the male genus of the 1st decline
  • 151. Palipal case of multiple number. End options
  • 152. Multiple Page Pade
  • 153. End of the End of Certificate Multiple Case
  • 154. Numbers
  • 155. The declination of comprehensive nouns
  • 156. Declination of own names
  • 157. A. Declination of names and surnames
  • 158. B. Shopping toponyms
  • 159. The name of the adjective (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 160. The overall characteristics of the adjective as part of speech.
  • 161. Lexico-grammatical discharges of adjectives
  • 162. Qualitative adjectives
  • 163. Relative adjectives
  • 164. Mattering adjectives
  • 165. The degrees of comparison of high-quality adjectives
  • 166. Value and formation of comparative and excellent degree
  • 167. Stylistic coloring and consumption of comparison degrees
  • 168. Adjectives
  • 169. Brief form of adjectives
  • 170. Brief formation
  • 171. Grammar properties of brief adjectives
  • 172. Using short and complete adjectives
  • 173. (Stylistic, semantic and structurally determined
  • 174. Differences between brief and complete forms)
  • 175. Multivalization and lexico-grammatical discharges
  • 176. Adjectives
  • 177. Using high-quality, relative and assuctive
  • 178. Adjectives in modern texts
  • 179. The transition of other parts of speech into adjectives
  • 180. Transition of adjectives into nouns
  • 181. Numbered Name (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 182. Numeral discharges
  • 183. The use of numerals
  • 184. Using quantitative numeral
  • 185. Selection of collective numeral
  • 186. Pronoun (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 187. The question of pronouns as part of speech. Grammatical
  • 188. Features of the pronoun
  • 189. Drains of pronouncements by value
  • 190. Using the pronouns of various discharges
  • 191. Personal pronouns
  • 192. Mattering pronouns
  • 193. Indicative pronouns
  • 194. Determined pronouns
  • 195. Uncertain pronoun
  • 196. Verb (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 197. Infinitive
  • 198. Basics and classes of verb
  • 199. Category of Persons (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 200. Blowing and insufficient verbs
  • 201. Using personal forms of verb
  • 202. Imperious verbs
  • 203. Category of type (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 204. Education of species steam
  • 205. Download and bivide verbs
  • 206. Using verbs of different types
  • 207. Time category (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 208. Values \u200b\u200bof the present time
  • 209. Using the form of the present time
  • 210. Using verbs last time
  • 211. Eating forms of the future time
  • 212. Category ofnds (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 213. Remitting challenge
  • 214. Insecurity
  • 215. Supporting challenge
  • 216. Using forms of different ignitions
  • 217. Category Pledge (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 218. The overall characteristics of the collateral. The formation of valid I.
  • 219. Personal pledge
  • 220. Using the structures of valid and suffering
  • 221. Pledge
  • 222. Communion (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 223. Forms of communion
  • 224. Communion education
  • 225. Use of communals
  • 226. Templocoming (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 227. Education of Deeprichsti
  • 228. The use of Temperics
  • 229. Instant (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 230. Discharges of the impossible
  • 231. Placement Naschayia
  • 232. The degrees of comparison of the shortcoming
  • 233. Using Nasrachchi
  • 234. Using Consumption and Deterpeted Laws
  • 235. Using adventures in the names of art and others
  • 236. Works
  • 237. Subsaluation of Nasrchchi
  • 238. Category of condition (V. N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 239. Question about the category of status as part of speech
  • 240. General status category word characteristics
  • 241. Using the category of status in modern texts
  • 242. Prepositions (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 243. Discharges of predictions on education and structure
  • 244. Disclosures of prepositions and by combination with case
  • 245. Forms
  • 246. Use of proposed-case forms in speech
  • 247. Unions (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 248. Discharges of unions on syntactic function and meaning
  • 249. Discharges of unions on the structure
  • 250. Particles (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 251. Particle discharge by value
  • 252. Semantic particles
  • 253. Emotional expressive particles
  • 254. Modal particles
  • 255. Differences of particles by education
  • 256. Particle functions in speech
  • 257. Modal words (V.N. Suzdaltseva)
  • 258. Interdomitia (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 259. Values \u200b\u200band composition of interjections
  • 260. Discharges of interjections from the point of view of semantic functions
  • 261. Using interjets
  • 262. Sound-resistant words (L. I. Rakhmanova)
  • 263. List of recommended literature
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