The concept of teaching the subject area “Foreign languages. Attention! The concept of teaching the subject area "Foreign languages. Presentation of the draft concept of modernization of a foreign language


In accordance with the concept of the gymnasium, which reflects the strategic directions in all areas of activity, the teaching concept foreign languages is based on principles continuing education, aspect teaching at the middle and senior stages of education, determining the level of adaptation of students to mastering a second foreign language, organizing polysystemic extracurricular activities.

A foreign language is included in the general educational area "Philology". Language is the most important means of communication, without which the existence and development of human society is impossible. Changes taking place today in public relations, means of communication (the use of new information technologies) require an increase communicative competence schoolchildren, improving their philological training. All this raises the status of the "foreign language" subject as a general educational discipline.

The main purpose of a foreign language is the formation of communicative competence, i.e. ability and willingness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers.

A foreign language as an academic subject is characterized by:

Intersubject (the content of speech in a foreign language can be information from different fields of knowledge, for example: literature, art, history, geography, mathematics, etc.);

Multilevel (on the one hand, it is necessary to master various linguistic means corresponding to the aspects of the language: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, on the other hand, skills in four types of speech activity);

polyfunctionality (can act as a goal of learning and as a means of acquiring information in the most different areas knowledge).

Being an essential element of the culture of the people - the bearer of a given language and a means of transmitting it to others, a foreign language contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in schoolchildren. Knowledge of a foreign language increases the level liberal education schoolchildren, contributes to the formation of the personality and its social adaptation to the conditions of the constantly changing multicultural, multilingual world.

A foreign language expands the linguistic horizons of students, contributes to the formation of a culture of communication, contributes to the general speech development students. This is the manifestation of the interaction of all language school subjects that contribute to the formation of the foundations of the philological education of schoolchildren.

The teaching concept is aimed at implementing a personality-oriented, communicative-cognitive, sociocultural and activity-based approach to teaching foreign languages ​​(including English).

The formation of foreign language communicative competence, that is, the ability and real readiness of schoolchildren to carry out foreign language communication and achieve mutual understanding with native speakers of a foreign language, as well as the development and education of schoolchildren by means of academic subject.

The personality-oriented approach, placing the student's personality at the center of the educational process, taking into account his abilities, capabilities and inclinations, presupposes a special emphasis on the socio-cultural component of foreign language communicative competence. This should ensure the culturological orientation of education, familiarizing schoolchildren with the culture of the country / countries of the studied language, a better understanding of the culture of their own country, the ability to present it by means of a foreign language, and the inclusion of schoolchildren in the dialogue of cultures.

A foreign language is taught from the second grade. Learning a foreign language in primary school aims to achieve the following goals:

Formation of skills to communicate in a foreign language, taking into account speech
Opportunities and Needs of Primary Schoolchildren: Elementary Communities
rolling skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing;

Development of the child's personality, his speech abilities, attention, thinking,
memory and imagination; motivation to further master a foreign language;

Providing communicative and psychological adaptation of junior schools
nicknames to the new linguistic world to overcome further psychological
barriers to using a foreign language as a means of communication;

Mastering elementary linguistic concepts available to juniors
schoolchildren and necessary for mastering oral and written speech on
foreign language;

Introducing children to the new social experience using a foreign language: acquaintance of younger students with the world of foreign peers, with foreign children's folklore and available samples fiction; fostering a friendly attitude towards representatives of other countries.

As a result of learning a foreign language in primary school, the student must: know / understand

Alphabet, letters, basic letter combinations, sounds of the target language;

Basic rules for reading and spelling of the target language;

Features of intonation of the main types of sentences;

Name of the country (countries) of the target language, its capital;

The names of the most famous characters in children's literary works
countries (countries) of the target language;

By heart rhymed works of children's folklore (available by
content and form);

To understand by ear the speech of a teacher, classmates, the main content of lightweight, accessible texts based on visual clarity;

Participate in an elementary etiquette dialogue (acquaintance, congratulations,
gratitude, greeting);

Ask the interlocutor by asking simple questions("Who?", "What?", "Where?",
"when?" and answer them);

Briefly talk about yourself, your family, friend;

Make small descriptions of the subject, pictures (about nature, school) according to

Copy text by inserting missing words in it in accordance with the context;

Write a short congratulation based on a sample;

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life for:

Oral communication with native speakers of a foreign language, the development of a friendly
relations with representatives of other countries;

Overcoming psychological barriers in the use of a foreign language
as a means of communication;

Acquaintance with children's foreign folklore and available samples
children's fiction in a foreign language;

A deeper understanding of some of the features of the native language.

Teaching a foreign language (English) in basic school ensures continuity with the preparation of students in primary school. general idea about the world, formed elementary communication skills in four types of speech activity, as well as general educational skills necessary for learning a foreign language as an academic subject, accumulated some knowledge about the rules of speech behavior in the native and foreign languages. At this age, they have a desire for independence and self-affirmation, and an electoral , cognitive interest.

In the basic school, the importance of the principles of individualization and differentiation of teaching is increasing, the use of project methods and modern technologies for teaching a foreign language (including information) is becoming more important. All this makes it possible to expand the ties of a foreign language with other academic subjects, promotes foreign language communication between schoolchildren and students from other classes and schools, for example, in the course of project activities with peers from other countries (correspondence club “PENPALS”, “PROJECT STUDIO”), including including through the Internet (, promotes their social adaptation in modern world.

In grades 8-9, pre-profile orientation of schoolchildren by means of a foreign language becomes real. At this stage of language development, schoolchildren also show significant age and individual differences, which should be taken into account both in the selection of content and in the use of teaching methods. Due to the dynamics age development schoolchildren at the secondary level are divided into two stages:

Education English language in grades 5-7

Teaching English in grades 8-9.

Teaching a foreign language in high school ensures continuity with the preparation of students in basic school. By the time they graduate from basic school, students reach a pre-threshold (A2 on the European scale) level of communicative English proficiency in performing the main types of speech activities (speaking, writing, reading and listening), which allows them to continue their language education at the senior level in full. high school using English as a tool for communication and learning. Education in grades 9 provides an obligatory minimum of the content of education in foreign languages ​​(English) and improves communicative competence, speech practice of a receptive (reading, listening) and productive (writing, speaking) plan, updating and systematizing linguistic, speech and socio-cultural knowledge, skills and skills. To implement the mandatory minimum, the program provides 3 hours a week, additional time is used to expand and deepen communicative competence in the social, humanitarian and economic profile (pre-profile training)

In the 9th grade, multilevel education is carried out. The selection criterion is a comprehensive entrance test that tests language knowledge and skills, communication skills and writing. Differentiation by levels of foreign language proficiency (basic, advanced, high) within the requirements formulated in the state standard is carried out taking into account the fulfillment of the following nature of tasks.

Type of speech activity

The nature of the assignments

1. Understanding the general content of what you read

2.An understanding of the general content of what has been read and the ability to find the requested information in the text

3.Detailed understanding of the text and elements of analyzes



1. Understanding the general content of the sounding text.

2. Understanding the general and sequence of facts, events of the sounding text

3. Understanding the sequence of facts. Audio test events. Verbal illustrations. Sense of internal content



1.Laconic statement on the proposed situation. Help possible

2. Statement on a problem situation, reasoning, questioning

3. Self-expression and discussion of the problem with your own assessment


1. Writing a short message based on a sample

2. Writing a short message patterned with creative elements while creating your own text

3. Writing a message on the Proposed situation, without support


In 2010-2011, 3 groups were formed:

Group 1 - "A" high level and 2 groups "B" high + basic. The transition from group "B" to group "A" is carried out taking into account the successful completion of the program and the test, confirming a higher level of communicative proficiency in English when performing the main types of speech activity.

In grades 8-9, students gain some experience in performing foreign language projects, as well as other types of creative work, which allows at the senior level to carry out foreign language projects of an interdisciplinary orientation and stimulates them to intensively use foreign language Internet resources for socio-cultural development of the modern world and social adaptation in German

From the 5th grade, the study of the 2nd foreign language begins at the expense of the school component.

The degree of formation of speech, educational, cognitive and general cultural skills among schoolchildren in grades 10-11 at basic level the study of a foreign language creates real preconditions for taking into account the specific needs of schoolchildren in its use in the study of other school subjects, as well as for self-educational purposes in the fields of knowledge and spheres of human activity that interest them (including their professional orientations and intentions). In this regard, the importance of interdisciplinary connections of a foreign language with other school subjects is increasing.

Towards completion of high school at profile level it is planned for students to achieve the minimum level of the European Threshold Level (B1) of English language proficiency.

The gymnasium, in addition to the one specified in the standard for the humanitarian and philological profile, chose the socio-economic one.

A foreign language, together with such subjects as Russian language and literature, determines the direction of the philological profile in high school.

Taking into account interdisciplinary connections, a foreign language contributes to the formation of students' ideas about / about:

  • such linguistic disciplines as phonetics, lexicology, grammar, stylistics, linguistics, sociolinguistics;
  • close connection of linguistics with humanities(for example, history, regional studies, cultural studies, literary studies);
  • cultural and historical milestones in the emergence and study of the language, related languages, the classification of languages, the differences between Russian and foreign languages;
  • basic units of the language (phoneme, morpheme, word, phrase, sentence, text);
  • formal business style (scientific, journalistic, literary and artistic varieties) and colloquial style;
  • the main types of lexical units, homonymy, synonymy, polysemy, paronymy, foreign language borrowings; neutral vocabulary, vocabulary of colloquial and book styles;
  • grammatical meanings, grammatical categories;
  • about the text as a product of human speech activity; narration, description, reasoning as compositional types of speech; meaningful, rhetorical, linguistic, stylistic and intonational means of communication in the text; about the features of the construction of dialogical and monologue speech;
  • functional styles: journalistic, colloquial, scientific, business and artistic and fictional styles; linguistic means of the English language, typical for book (high), medium (neutral) and reduced (colloquial) styles; ways of interpreting a literary text.

Skills develop:

  • make linguistic observations in relation to the use of words, grammatical structures, lexical-grammatical, intonational-syntactic construction of speech in various functional types of text and generalize them in the form of linguistic and speech rules;
  • compile thematic word lists (including linguistic and regional);
  • to compare the volume of meanings of correlated lexical units in the native and foreign languages, to write comments and explanations to foreign language realities and words with a linguistic and cultural background in the native language;
  • compare grammatical phenomena, linguistic means of expressing grammatical categories in a foreign and native languages, highlight grammatical difficulties;
  • collect and classify idiomatic expressions and proverbs;
  • classify linguistic phenomena according to formal and communicative characteristics.

The study of a foreign language in general at the profile level in high school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • Further development of foreign language communicative competence(speech, linguistic, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive):

speech competence- functional use of the target language as a means of communication and cognitive activities: the ability to understand authentic foreign language texts (listening and reading), including those focused on the chosen profile, transmit information in coherent reasoned statements (speaking and writing), plan your verbal and non-verbal behavior, taking into account the specifics of the communication situation;

language competence- mastering new linguistic means in accordance with the topics and areas of communication selected for the chosen profile, the skills of operating these means for communicative purposes; systematization of language knowledge acquired in basic school, as well as an increase in the volume of knowledge due to information of a profile-oriented nature (in particular, terminology);

sociocultural competence - expanding the volume of knowledge about the socio-cultural specifics of the country / countries of the target language, improving the skills to build your verbal and non-verbal behavior adequately to this specificity, taking into account the profile-oriented communication situations, the ability to adequately understand and interpret linguocultural facts;

compensatory competence- improving the skills to get out of the situation in conditions of a shortage of language means in the process of foreign language communication, including in profile-oriented communication situations;

educational and cognitive competencefurther development special educational skills that allow improving educational activities for mastering a foreign language, increasing its productivity, as well as using the studied language in order to continue education and self-education, primarily within the framework of the chosen profile.

  • Development and education the ability for personal and professional self-determination of students, their social adaptation; the formation of an active life position as a citizen and patriot, as well as as a subject of intercultural interaction; development of such personal qualities as a culture of communication, the ability to work in cooperation, including in the process of intercultural communication; development of the ability and readiness of high school students to self-study foreign language, to further self-education with its help in different areas knowledge; gaining experience in creative activity, experience in design and research work using the target language, including in the mainstream of the chosen profile.

Produced learning activities students: the results of tests.

Participation in school, city and regional Olympiads, research projects, holidays in foreign languages, open lessons within the school and city.

Educational results:

Providing an individual educational trajectory in the study of foreign languages ​​by students of the gymnasium and changing the nature of the relationship between the subjects educational process. (level training, choice of an elective course, master class)

Integration of pollinguistic education of schoolchildren

Combining the main and additional education in a foreign language (correspondence club, design studio)

Organization of master classes (gymnasium + university)

Building programs for elective courses.

Changing the educational paradigm in teaching foreign languages

The possibility of an equal presentation of culturological knowledge about the country of the target language and about one's native country and, as a consequence, the possibility of self-determination in cultures. (international projects)

Percentage ratio of Olympiad winners, victory and participation in international competition, competitions "Creative potential of Russia" and an analysis of training based on the results of cross-sectional works is attached (2011)

>> Discussion

Discussion of the project of a scientifically grounded concept of modernization of the content and technologies of teaching the subject “Foreign language. Second foreign language "

Dear Colleagues! In this thread, we propose to discuss the draft of a scientifically grounded concept of modernization of the content and technologies of teaching the subject “Foreign language. Second foreign language ". We are waiting for your questions and suggestions!

06/26/2018 17:21 Svetlana The issue of modernizing the content and technologies of teaching the subject area "Foreign language" has long been ripe. I fully agree with the previous statements of colleagues. The oversaturation of educational material, the need to work on the development of the skills of reading, speaking, listening, writing, mastering grammar and vocabulary in one lesson does not make it possible to master and systematize knowledge well. It is advisable to divide the lessons of studying vocabulary, grammar, practicing reading skills, etc. The introduction of a second foreign language (by reducing the hours of the first one) is thoughtless and will not provide an opportunity to qualitatively learn the first foreign language and prepare for passing the exam... In addition, in practice, the choice of a second language depends only on the staff, and the wishes of children and parents must be taken into account. I believe that practical teachers who know all the problems from the inside should be directly involved in the development of such a concept.
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24.11.2017 23:28 Kovshova N.S. MBOU "OOSh village Molodezhny" RTI fully agree with the need to modernize the area of ​​teaching the subject "Foreign language". In my opinion, the concept should clarify many aspects of the teacher's work, making them specific and thereby free the teacher from paperwork for his direct responsibilities - teaching and upbringing. It is important to clarify the specific number of students in the group (no more than 12 people), specifically to prescribe the mandatory material and technical base of the foreign language classroom (computer or laptop, interactive whiteboard or interactive display with Internet access), which will allow educational environment equal for everyone. In these conditions, it turns out that in my work I have to switch to the Federal State Educational Standard with chalk and a rag, and in a neighboring school with a multimedia projector. The issue of differentiated groups should be worked out in detail before being included in the concept. Such a formulation, which does not have clear rules of work and approbation, can cause even greater confusion in the modern education system.
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11/24/2017 9:15 PM Nazmutdinova R. I fully agree with my colleagues about the need to adjust the number of students in foreign language groups of no more than 12-15 people, which will qualitatively improve language teaching. The study of a second foreign language, in my opinion, should be optional, because the question arises about material and technical support, staffing. Likewise, the wishes of the students themselves and their parents should not be overlooked; not all students are inclined to learn languages, which will cause controversy among the participants in the educational process. Children who are interested in a second foreign language are already actively studying it in courses, via the Internet, but the wishes of students are very diverse and schools cannot always satisfy these needs.
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24.11.2017 09:33 Nugumanova Dinara Fikusovna, secondary school No. 27 Nizhnekamsk, RTAs a teacher, of course, I understand the role of knowledge of a foreign language in today's world and agree that language learning should be improved. But, as noted in the "Draft of a scientifically grounded concept of modernization of the content and technologies of teaching the subject area" Foreign languages. " The problem with which I fully agree is the lack of extensive testing of textbooks before their introduction into school practice. I believe that when teaching a foreign language, we should use textbooks by Russian authors. At least in the initial and middle levels. It seems to me that the author, who himself gradually learned the language, is able to arrange the topics and explain them in a more adapted way for the students of Russian schools. The question to which I would like to find an answer sounds like this: why, when it is necessary to master lexical, grammatical and phonetic skills, in schools, foreign language lessons are conducted in combination? Why can't we introduce phonetics or grammar lessons separately? After all, the Russian language is divided into language and literature, mathematics into algebra and geometry. I believe that if divided by areas, foreign language lessons would be more effective. From my point of view, the introduction of a second foreign language has its advantages, but questions arise. Is it necessary as a compulsory subject? Should it be introduced in schools with an emphasis on other subjects (for example, with a chemical and biological bias)? How will the choice of the second language take place, will it be offered or will it be possible to choose? What if a child with good academic performance does not want to learn a second language? I believe that the study of two foreign languages ​​is advisable in schools with a humanitarian direction. In regular schools, optional courses or circles in a second foreign language can be offered. The main thing is that we can form in schoolchildren an understanding of the importance of knowing a foreign language in the modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation, and not to force them to learn irregular verbs by heart.
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08/31/2017 03:45 PM Sokaeva A.M. I believe that learning a second foreign language is dictated by the time. But it is necessary to take into account the wishes of children and parents.
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03/26/2017 15:40 Lydia I think it should be clear public policy in relation to the second foreign language. In one school, the administration allocates 1 hour to the second language, in another school 0.5 hours, and in the third - 2 hours. According to the law, the second language is introduced from the fifth grade, but in reality from the 7th grade. What does it mean? We teach the second language from the 7th grade according to the 5th grade textbooks. I am very worried about the filling of groups. Due to funding difficulties, the groups are growing.
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03/25/2017 10:18 PM Goncharova The concept does not clearly define the status of the second FL. Teachers already now want to know clear answers to the following questions - from which class the second FL should be introduced, how many hours are allocated for it in each class, and most importantly, it is necessary first to provide textbooks, both conventional and electronic, as well as reference printed and audio visual materials. It is difficult for a teacher to work without an appropriate material base.
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03/25/2017 10:16 PM Goncharova The project proposes the occupancy of groups for FIL no more than 12-15 people, a very smart proposal, if this provision is implemented, the quality of education will increase significantly, because now both teachers and children are suffering from overcrowding in groups.
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23.03.2017 10:02 Kosheleva G.V., MBOU Gymnasium in Safonovo, Smolensk RegionIn the “Listening” section, it is necessary to specify the volume of the text or the timing of the sound. And the volume of personal letters in grades 8-9 (80-100 words) is also worrisome. From my point of view, this volume is sufficient for a second foreign language in the 8th grade, but in the 9th grade it needs to be "pulled up" to the OGE standards (100-120 words).
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23.03.2017 09:42 Naumova A.A., MBOU Gymnasium in Safonovo, Smolensk RegionI agree with my colleagues that learning a second foreign language in comprehensive school(at the request of parents and students) is optional, since for many students with weak abilities, learning one language is very difficult.
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03/22/2017 10:47 A.V. Osipova I do not see the need to introduce a second foreign language
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03/20/2017 14:25 Tamara And whether all students need a second foreign language, some cannot cope with one. Although practice shows (I had groups that studied the second language as an option), those who have no problems with the first foreign language learn the second very easily.
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20.03.2017 13:43 Larisa AlexandrovnaI believe that a second foreign language can be introduced as an optional course at the request of students and their parents, but it should not be mandatory for everyone. Not all children have the ability to learn foreign languages, and in rural schools difficulties will arise due to the lack of specialists.
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16.03.2017 08:50 Elena VladimirovnaThe introduction of a second foreign language can confuse small, in particular rural schools, where there is already a shortage of personnel. The state will not be able to provide all schools with personnel, since the different working conditions in the city and in the countryside, young specialists do not want to move to small towns, villages, townships, despite numerous attempts to support from the state. As a result, new subjects will lead to an even greater shortage of personnel. Parents and students will support the introduction of a second foreign language, but I think that it will never be possible to equalize urban large schools and rural small ones.
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03/14/2017 11:39 am guseva a. and. I consider it necessary and justified to introduce a second foreign language in secondary schools. A comprehensively developed personality must have linguistic competence. It is necessary to enter it as an option from elementary school and taking into account the wishes of parents and children what foreign language to make the second in school.
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03/15/2017 08:29 E. I. Kovaleva I agree with your opinion. A second foreign language is definitely needed at school, but the parents' desire to choose a particular language should be taken into account. With this approach, a shortage of specialists may arise, so modernization should begin with training of personnel.
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03/14/2017 09:26 AM HER Kostromina The second foreign should be only at the request of children and their parents
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03/14/2017 08:56 Elena Ivanovna The project was discussed at a meeting of the methodological association. The document clearly defines the requirements for the staff, the level of qualifications of teachers. A modular system of professional development is the most acceptable option for teachers. This will allow, within a certain time, to accumulate the required number of hours, which can eventually be summed up and credited as advanced training. This approach will allow, without interrupting teaching at school, to diversify the subject of coursework. To organize monitoring in the section "Regional indicators and indicators", the criteria include the number of teachers who have completed training in other regions. We do not believe that this indicator is important for reflecting the state of foreign language education in the region. The subject "Second foreign language" is required in the system school education... Knowledge of a second language will allow learners to get a clearer understanding of language system in general and, accordingly, will increase the level of mastery of the native language.
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10.12.2017 15:44 Knowledge of a second language will significantly increase the salaries of fellows - teachers in terms of tutoring. Thus, we are very successful in raising teachers' salaries at the expense of parents! Well done!
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03/13/2017 01:47 PM Stanislav We agree with colleagues that a second foreign language should be studied at the request of parents and children
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03/14/2017 09:00 E. I. Kovaleva Learning a second foreign language should be compulsory, because a unified approach to foreign language education is needed to ensure equal conditions and opportunities for all students.
To answer

03/13/2017 12:48 PM Frolova Yu. N. Studying a second foreign language in a general education school (at the request of parents and students) is optional, since for many students with weak abilities, learning one language causes great difficulties.

English Manual - Chukotka-Kamchatka family. Austro-Asian family. The time of a single stable textbook is over. Afrasian family. He is never well when museums are on the schedule. Ah! Genealogical classification languages: Indo-European family. What "s eating you, Jack? M.Ya.Blokha, N.A. Kalevich, L.I. Kravtsova; Under the General Scientific Ed.

"English in elementary school" - Knowledge of the language is a mandatory requirement of life in modern society... Project activities. Circle work... Problem - search - solution. Beauty is the first step in the education of feelings, emotional responsiveness. For our children - the unity of joy, goodness and beauty. "Modeling the language environment in teaching English in primary school."

"Foreign language lesson" - Speech orientation. The importance of planning and the requirements for a teacher in planning educational process... Technologies and methods of teaching foreign languages. The structure of a foreign language lesson. What is a lesson? Individualization -. Plan. Methodological content foreign language lesson.

Use of ICT - Allows you to quickly find the necessary visualization. Modernization concept Russian education for the period up to 2010 Chapter 2. Use of ready-made multimedia products and computer training systems. Formation of skills to independently replenish knowledge. The new kind cognitive activity of the student.

"Foreign language program" - 2nd grade. + Additional programs... Formation of communicative competence. German language, grade 9. exam / result. + Additional programs + programs of special courses. The main components of a comprehensive transition to training and education. Percentage of training. Distribution teaching material in German.

Speech on the topic: Scientifically grounded concept of modernization of the content and technologies of teaching the subject area "Foreign languages". Academic subject "Foreign language". Performed by A.F. Sabirova

All of these factors, which are designed to improve the quality of teaching foreign language, are currently experiencing significant inconsistencies with the parameters set by the Concept. I will name some of them that practicing foreign language teachers meet in a modern general education school. According to the first factor, this is the use of an incomplete set of teaching materials due to the absence of one or another component; lack of testing of textbooks in a foreign language before they are introduced into practice, in some cases, lack of continuity and continuity of the course of study. On the second factor, first of all, it should be noted that not every teacher has the opportunity to work in a classroom equipped with technical means, where he can use multimedia elements, interactive links, Internet resources, a projector, etc. And accordingly, these factors do not contribute to student-centered education, which presupposes individualization and differentiation of learning. On the third factor, it must be said that many teachers are not trained to work in multilingual classes and inclusive education. The authors of the Concept for the modernization of the content and technologies of teaching a foreign language identify these problems and indicate specific ways to solve them. But at the very beginning, I would like to note that despite all modern technologies, the teacher himself, his professional competence, creative approach and interest in the results of his activities, are at the forefront. 1) The content of the EMC course should be focused on mutual understanding, tolerance for differences between people, cooperation and interaction in solving problems, the ability to represent the culture of one's country, city, region ... is either the first or second native language. Modern teaching materials are not only a textbook, workbook, teacher's book, reading book, but also Internet resources: multimedia elements, interactive links, other computer technologies: linguistic projects, projectors ... communicative competence in learning a foreign language. A part of the teaching materials is also a room equipped with all technological means and allows all students to have equal access to modern technologies and teaching aids. 2) Differentiation and individualization of teaching have always existed and are becoming the most relevant at the present stage in connection with heterogeneous ethnic composition, the presence of migrant children, as well as current inclusive education. The processes of an individual and differentiated approach are facilitated by the same teaching materials, project activities, modular education. For example, project activity is an effective tool individual development personality, namely his creative initiative of schoolchildren, their ability to think independently, to obtain and apply knowledge, to think carefully about the decisions made and to clearly plan actions. Project activities involve work in groups where each participant is involved in the process, where children learn from each other and there is a direct motivation for each participant to contribute to the overall result. 3) In a multilingual society, work with students with special needs, inclusive education, new approaches are needed in the training of teachers. It is necessary that the teacher has mastered new technologies (project activities, the student's language portfolio, learning in the game, in cooperation ...) in teaching children to be creative. The teacher must be aware of the responsibility for the quality of his work. Also, the teacher must be proficient in the methods and technologies of working with children with special needs and the organization of the learning environment that meets the requirements of the personality-oriented paradigm of education.

On the issues of modernization of the teaching content of the subject area "Foreign languages"


German teacher S.V. Kozhukhova

The main content lines of the subject area "Foreign languages"

  • communication skills in the main types of speech activity,
  • linguistic means and skills to operate them,
  • sociocultural knowledge and skills.

Communication skills in speaking within the framework of dialogical communication:

  • etiquette dialogue,
  • dialogue-inquiry,
  • dialogue-exchange of views,
  • combined dialogue.

Within the framework of monologue communication

  • description,
  • narration,
  • reasoning.

In the area of written speech

  • write a personal letter,
  • write a postcard (including in electronic form),
  • fill out questionnaires and forms,
  • writing a letter with elements of reasoning.

In the field of listening

Listen to simple texts

  • with full understanding of the information,
  • understanding basic information,
  • understanding of the necessary / requested information.

  • with full understanding,
  • with an understanding of the main content,
  • with an understanding of the necessary / requested information.

Speaking, listening, reading and writing are carried out within the framework of carefully selected subject content (topics / problems / situations of communication), which includes such large blocks as:

Everyday life. A family. Friends. Healthy lifestyle. Sport. Leisure. New generation. Home country. The country of the target language. Education. Profession and studied foreign language. Nature and ecology. Scientific and technological progress, etc.

Language tools

  • word formation rules,
  • reading rules,
  • algorithms for creating grammatical structures,
  • building a sentence,
  • construction of text, etc.

  • knowledge about the meaning of native and foreign languages ​​in the modern world;
  • information about the socio-cultural portrait of countries speaking a foreign language, their symbols and cultural heritage;
  • knowledge of the common background vocabulary and the realities of the country of the target language: traditions, common samples of folklore;
  • knowledge of some samples of fiction, journalistic and popular science literature in a foreign language;

Sociocultural knowledge and skills

  • understanding of the similarities and differences in the traditions of their country and the countries of the target language; about the peculiarities of the way of life, way of life, culture of the countries that speak the target language; world famous landmarks, outstanding people and their contribution to world culture;
  • the ability to recognize and use in oral and written speech in situations of formal and informal communication the basic norms of speech etiquette adopted in countries that speak the target language;
  • ability to represent home country and its culture in a foreign language; to provide assistance to foreign guests in our country in situations of everyday communication.

All three of these main lines of content

are interrelated, and the absence of one of them violates the unity of the subject "Foreign language".

Priority approaches in teaching the subject area "Foreign language"

  • competence,
  • systemic activity,
  • intercultural,
  • communicative-cognitive.

Competence approach

The main goal of teaching a foreign language is the development of a student's foreign language communicative competence in the unity of all its components.

  • language,
  • speech,
  • sociocultural,
  • compensatory,
  • educational and cognitive competencies.

Competence approach

Formation and development of key universal educational competencies in schoolchildren, including

  • educational,
  • value-orientation,
  • general cultural,
  • educational and cognitive,
  • informational,
  • communicative,
  • social and labor competence,
  • the competence of personal self-improvement.

System-activity approach

  • the formation of skills in all types of foreign language speech activity,
  • development of general educational skills and abilities,
  • students gaining experience in educational, cognitive, communicative, practical and creative activities.

Intercultural approach

  • it is necessary to ensure the socio-cultural orientation of teaching foreign languages,
  • to strengthen the cultural component of the content of teaching a foreign language, introducing students to the culture of the country / countries of the studied language,
  • better understand the culture of your own country
  • develop the ability to represent your country by means of a foreign language,
  • develop the ability and willingness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers.

Communication-cognitive approach

  • interconnected training in all types of speech activity,
  • implementation of such universal training activities how
  • analysis,
  • comparison,
  • comparison,
  • classification,
  • generalization, etc.

Sourse of information

Federal state state-financed organization « Russian academy education "

Project of a scientifically grounded concept of modernization of the content and technologies of teaching the subject area "Foreign languages".

Moscow, 2017, pp. 35-38

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