Conflicts and ways to resolve them briefly. Ways to resolve conflicts

Each person throughout his life repeatedly encounters various kinds of conflicts. As a rule, conflict is a signal for change and growth, better understanding and communication, whether with oneself or with other people. Although conflict management is not easy, it is important to do everything possible on your part so that the discussion of the controversial issue goes smoothly and you manage to overcome differences. Since conflicts are part of our Everyday life it is important to learn how to resolve them.


Part 1

Managing interpersonal conflicts

    Define the problem. Analyze the conflict to find out the root of the problem. Some conflicts seem so complex and confusing that it can be very difficult to find the true cause of the situation. However, if you carefully analyze the situation, chances are you will be able to find one or two major problems in this conflict. Thanks to this, you will be able to clearly articulate what the essence of the problem is, and take the right position in the conflict.


    Gene Linecki is a startup founder and software engineer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has worked in the technology industry for over 30 years. Currently, he is a chief engineer at Poynt, a technology company that produces smart payment terminals for businesses.

    Startup Founder and Chief Engineer

    Focus on the problem, not the other person. Gene Linecki, a startup founder and software engineer, says, “When my employees are in conflict, I encourage them to stand in front of the board and list everything they agree and disagree about the problem. This allows you to look at the problem from the point of view of the problem and helps to eliminate disagreements and disputes.

    Identify the main personalities who are involved in the conflict. It's also important to make sure you know who the main people involved in the conflict are. Ask yourself who are you angry at and/or frustrated with? Are you taking your feelings out on the person who is responsible for the situation, or on someone else? Determine the person with whom you should resolve the conflict. This is no less important than the essence of the problem itself.

    State your concerns clearly. The other side of the conflict needs to know how you feel, what the problem is, and how it affects you. This will keep your conversation focused on your needs and emotions, and you won't blame the person for their misbehaving.

    Be an active listener. Learning to actively listen is one of the most powerful tools you need for healthy communication. The ability to listen will help you in your daily life, and will also contribute to positive, open and free communication with people. By actively listening to the interlocutor, you show that you understand his point of view. Here are some tips to help you be an active listener:

    Show the other side of the conflict that you understand him and reflect on his words. Often a conflict arises when a person feels that they are not being heard or understood. This means that some conflicts can be managed simply by showing understanding. During the conversation, show the person that you are analyzing his words. Thanks to this, you yourself will better understand the point of view of the interlocutor and show him that you understand and listen to him.

    • For example, if you have a conflict with a colleague and you listened to that person's point of view, summarize and say: "If I understand you correctly, you don't like that you are not involved in the creation of a new project, and you would very much like to become member of the planning committee. Then wait for the person to agree with your words or make the necessary adjustments.
  1. Work together to find a solution to the conflict. Collaborative conflict resolution assumes that each participant will stop blaming the other and take responsibility for the conflict that has arisen. Make a commitment to do everything possible on your part to work with the conflicting party to resolve the problem. There are several tactics that can help both you and the person you are in conflict with come to common denominator:

    Stay with your opinion. Everyone has their own point of view and we don't always agree with everything others say. Don't try to figure out which one of you is "right". It doesn't matter and is unlikely to help resolve the conflict.

    Be prepared to give in if appropriate. It is not always possible to resolve the issue in such a way that both parties to the conflict are completely satisfied, especially if one of the parties refuses to negotiate and stands firm on its own. If there is similar situation, reflect on how important the essence of the problem is to you, whether you can give in or it is better to continue the dialogue in order to resolve the conflict in another way.

    • The problem has great importance For you? Ask yourself about it. Perhaps the solution to this issue affects your ego. If the other side of the conflict is not ready to compromise, and you understand that this issue is more important for this person, then it may be time to reach out and end the conflict.
    • When making concessions, avoid drama. You can say: “Kolya, I heard your point of view when we discussed the difference in the schedule. While I still stand by my opinion, I see that you are unlikely to give in. I am ready to do my best to put an end to the misunderstanding that has arisen. I will support you by following the schedule we have made.” You can have an opinion while supporting the person's point of view.
  2. Take a break. If you see that the situation has reached an impasse, ask the other side of the conflict to give you some time to reflect on the arguments being made. However, do not make the other side of the conflict wait. Specify the day and time when you can continue the conversation. You can also ask this person to think about your point of view.

    • During a break, put yourself in the other person's shoes and think about why their solution is so important to them. Putting yourself in the place of another, ask yourself: “How would I negotiate with a person like me?”
    • Be sure to rethink your point of view. Can you give in on something less important and continue to stick to your position on an issue that matters to you?
    • If you have a conflict at work, write to summary of your last conversation in the correct form and send it to the other side of the conflict. Make sure that your letter is objective and does not contain threats. By taking such a step, you will show your opponent that you understand the essence of the conflict. In addition, by doing this you will remind the person of your point of view. You will also show that you are ready to solve the problem that has arisen through diplomacy. Moreover, summary problems in writing places responsibility on both sides of the conflict.
  3. Maintain privacy. Discuss the situation only with the other side of the conflict. Remember, you need to solve the problem only with the person with whom you have a conflict. If you turn a blind eye to the problem or tell other people about it, you can only count on the escalation of the conflict and the spread of rumors.

    Farewell . If you offended each other, find the strength in yourself for sincere forgiveness, even if it is impossible to forget what happened. This approach will prove your maturity and is the shortest way to resolve the conflict and continue the relationship.

    • If you cannot forgive the other person, you will still need to find ways to continue the relationship if you are forced to live under the same roof or work together.
    • It takes a strong character and compassion to forgive someone. After forgiving the person who hurt you, you can be proud of your ability to forgive and resolve conflicts.
    • If rumors have already spread, ask the other side of the conflict to help you develop a joint plan, following which you can put an end to gossip.
  4. Ask a third party to mediate. If you see that the situation has reached a dead end, ask for help from a person who can help you in this situation. Get help from a psychologist or a close friend.

    • As a rule, a third party assesses the situation more objectively, which is not always the case with the direct participants in the conflict, who are overwhelmed by emotions.

    Part 2

    Management of intrapersonal conflicts
    1. Understand the nature of intrapersonal conflict. Intrapersonal or internal conflicts are contradictions that occur within a person. In an intrapersonal conflict, there are no subjects of conflict interaction in the person of individuals or groups of people.

Abstract on academic discipline"Psychology"

on the topic: "Conflict. Types and methods of conflict resolution".


1. Introduction.

2. The concept of conflict. Types of conflicts.

3. Causes of conflict situations.

4. Ways to prevent and resolve conflicts.

5. Conflict as a way to manage people.

6. Conclusion.

7. List of references.

1. Introduction.

In each sphere of human activity, various kinds of tasks are solved. In the case of their resolution at work, leisure or at home, conflicts of various strength, manifestation and complexity often arise.

Conflicts are of great importance in human life, because their consequences are often very tangible for many years to come. They eat vital energy person, or group of people, for many days, weeks, months, even years.

Human thoughts about conflict tend to associate it with hostility, aggression, arguments, war, threats. As a result, there is an opinion that the conflict is a permanently undesirable phenomenon, therefore, if possible, it is necessary to bypass it and resolve it without delay, at its slightest manifestation.

As long as there is a person, so many conflicts exist. However, there is no universally recognized paradigm of conflicts that explains their nature, impact on the development of society, collectives, although there are many studies on issues of their formation, functioning and management.

Without a doubt, in the life of any person there was a moment when he wanted to bypass the confrontation and wondered how to resolve the conflict situation. However, there are circumstances when there is a desire to nobly get out of a difficult conflict, at the same time maintaining a relationship. Some people run into the need to escalate conflict situation to finally resolve it. One way or another, before any person the question arose of how to avoid a conflict situation or how to resolve it.

2 . The concept of conflict. Types of conflicts.

Existing various explanations of the conflict emphasize the fact of contradiction, which takes the form of disagreements, when it comes to human interaction, the conflict can be overt or covert, but its basis is a lack of mutual understanding. Thus, the conflict can be defined as the lack of understanding between two or more parties - groups or individuals. Either side does everything to accept its goal or point of view, and builds all sorts of obstacles to the opposite side to do the same.

A conflict is a confrontation of parties, forces, opinions, the transition of a conflict situation into an open confrontation.

A conflict is a confrontation for values, claims for specific resources, power, status, purposeful damage to an opponent, neutralization or destruction.

Types of conflicts for reasons:

  1. The conflict of goals is a different vision by the parties of the desired state of the object in the future.
  2. A conflict of views - a divergence of thoughts and ideas of the parties on the issue being resolved - it takes more time to resolve this conflict than to achieve mutual understanding in the conflict of goals.
  3. The conflict of feelings - the difference in emotions and feelings underlying the relationship between the participants - people are irritants to each other with their own style of behavior.

Types of conflicts by participants:

  1. An intrapsychic conflict is an internal contradiction in the mental world of a person, often by nature it is a conflict of views or goals.
  2. Two or more parties are involved in an interpsychic conflict, in case of their perception of themselves, they find themselves in opposition to each other regarding the values, dispositions, behavior, goals of each of the parties. This type conflict is more common.
  3. Intra-group conflict - for the most part, this is a confrontation between members or parts of a group that affects the group process of change and the results of the work of this group.
  4. Intergroup conflict is an opposition or confrontation between two or more groups in an organization. An emotional or professional-production basis is possible. characterized by intensity.
  5. The intra-organizational conflict is formed mostly as a result of planning specific work, in establishing an organization and as a result of the formal appointment of power - there is a linear-functional, vertical, role-playing and horizontal.

Types of conflicts by degree of openness:

  1. Open conflicts mostly arise on a business basis. The disagreement of the parties refers to the sphere of production, and expresses a variety of ways to resolve the problem. These conflicts are harmless to some extent.
  2. The source of "smoldering" conflicts, hidden, are human relationships. A significant number of conflicts that appear to be businesslike are actually based on feelings and human relationships. These conflicts are difficult to resolve - in the case of a settlement of the business part of the conflict, the tension is transferred to other problems with the same parties.

Types of conflicts by consequences:

1. Functional conflicts have some positive consequences:

  • the solution of the issues under consideration by methods that are more suitable for all parties, and the participants feel their involvement in their solution;
  • difficulties in implementing decisions are reduced to the smallest number - the need to act against the will, injustice, hostility;
  • in the future, the disposition of the parties will most likely be directed towards cooperation rather than opposition;
  • a decrease in the possibility of expressing the syndrome of submissiveness and groupthink;
  • improving the quality of decision-making, identifying different points of view, through conflict, group members have the opportunity to work out the likely difficulties before they arise.

2. In the absence of conflict management, it becomes dysfunctional - the existence of negative consequences:

  • increased employee turnover, decreased productivity, poor morale, dissatisfaction;
  • the formation of a strong devotion of the participants to their group, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "enemy" of the other side, in the long term, a decrease in cooperation, the curtailment of communication and interaction of the conflicting parties;
  • giving the greatest value victory over an opponent, rather than solving an existing problem.

3 . Causes of conflict situations.

Initially, it is necessary to understand that conflict is an absolutely natural state of the individual. Tirelessly, throughout the implementation of a person's conscious life, he is in conflict with himself, groups of individuals, other people. At the same time, if a person masters the skills that help to understand how to resolve a conflict situation, he can significantly develop and strengthen professional and personal relationships. Solving social conflicts is quite a significant, very useful skill.

The basis of each conflict is a situation that covers either a discrepancy between the desires, interests, inclinations of the parties, or opposite means, the goals of achieving them in the existing circumstances, or the conflicting positions of the parties on some issue. At the same time, for the development of the conflict, an incident is needed, as a result of which one side takes action, limiting the interests of the opposite side.

There are quite a few reasons for the formation of conflicts. Without a doubt, I would like to resolve them by organizational forms. Having one idea about them, you can identify them, manage them.

Informational - unreliability of witnesses, experts, distortions, insufficient trust in information, unwitting facts, disinformation.

Structural - clash of traditional values, attitudes, habits; clash as a result of status claims or differences; clashes over technology, the effectiveness of its use; clashes over the price or quality of the purchase; clashes over agreements, contracts, purchase agreements.

Value - infringement of someone's rights, needs, violation of ethical standards, violation of accepted organizational or professional standards.

Relationship factors - a violation in the relationship of compatibility, a violation in the relationship of the balance of power.

Social and economic inequality - unfair distribution of power, recognition, rewards, prestige between individual groups, units, members of the organization.

The conflict arises from the time when one of the interacting parties is aware of the difference between its own principles and interests from the principles and interests of the other party and proceeds to unilateral actions to equalize these differences in its favor.

Tension can be considered the first sign of conflict. It manifests itself as a result of a lack of knowledge to overcome difficulties, inconsistencies or lack of information. A real conflict often manifests itself when one tries to convince the opposite side or an indifferent intermediary that one is right.

phases of conflict.

Confrontational or military phase - the desire of the parties to achieve their own interest by eliminating someone else's interest.

Compromise or political phase - the desire of the parties to secure their interest through negotiations, during which the differing interests of each party are replaced by a mutual agreement.

Communicative or managerial phase - creating a line of communication, the parties come to an agreement, which is based on the fact that both the parties to the conflict and their interests are endowed with sovereignty, and also strive for mutual complementation of interests, eliminating only illegal differences.

in conflict driving force- this is the desire or curiosity of a person to win, preserve, improve one's own security, stability, position in a team, or the hope of achieving a goal. Often it is not clear how to act in these situations.

The causes of conflicts lie in the abnormality of society and the shortcomings of the person himself. First of all, among the causes of conflicts, moral, political and socio-economic ones are singled out. These reasons are nutrient medium for education different kind conflicts. The formation of conflicts is influenced by the biological and psychophysical characteristics of a person.

Every conflict has many causes. Significant causes of conflict are differences in values ​​and perceptions, interdependence of tasks, a limited amount of resources to be shared, differences in goals, educational level, in behavioral manner, poor communication.

4 . Ways to prevent and resolve conflicts.

You can stay a significant amount of time in the created conflict situation, get used to it as something inevitable. However, one should not forget that an incident will certainly arise, some combination of circumstances that will inevitably lead to an open confrontation of the parties, to the manifestation of incompatible positions.

A conflict situation is an essential condition for the formation of a conflict. To this situation has grown into a dynamic, into a conflict, an external incident, impact or push is required.

In one case, the resolution of the conflict takes place quite professionally competently and correctly, and in the other it happens - illiterate, unprofessional, with a bad outcome, often for all parties to the conflict, where there are only losers and no winners.

To eliminate the causes that led to the conflict, it is necessary to work in several stages.

At the first stage, the description of the problem is carried out in a generalized way. In the event of a conflict as a result of distrust between the group and the individual, the problem is expressed as communication. It is important to determine, at this stage, the nature of the conflict, and at this time it does not matter that this is not a complete reflection of the essence of the problem.

At the second stage, the leading parties to the conflict are identified. You can add single individuals or entire groups, teams, organizations, departments to the list. There is an opportunity to bring together the parties involved in the conflict, having common needs according to this conflict. Liquidation of personal and group contingents is also allowed.

The third stage lists the main concerns and needs of the leading parties to the conflict. It is necessary to determine the motives of behavior that stand behind the positions of the parties in this situation. Human attitudes and actions are determined by motives, needs, desires that need to be established.

Five conflict resolution styles:

  • smoothing - behavior, as if there is no need to be annoyed;
  • evasion - the desire to avoid a conflict situation;
  • coercion - pressure or use of legitimate authority in order to impose one's own view of the situation;
  • compromise - loosening to some extent a different view of the situation;
  • problem resolution - used in a situation that requires different data and opinions, it is distinguished by a public recognition of differences in views, a confrontation of these views to identify a solution acceptable to both sides of the conflict.

In turn, the choice of a way to overcome difficulties is determined by the emotional stability of the individual, the means available to protect one's own interests, the amount of power available, and many other circumstances.

The psychological protection of the personality is carried out unconsciously, as a procedure for regulating the personality to protect the sphere of human consciousness from negative psychological influences. As a result of the conflict, this order works involuntarily, bypassing human desires and will. The significance of such protection is formed by the manifestation of feelings and thoughts that embody a threat to the system of value orientations, self-respect, the formed self - the image of a person, self-respect, which reduce the self-esteem of the individual.

The perception of the situation by a person is sometimes far from the existing state of affairs, however, his reaction to the situation is formed on the basis of what it seems to him, from his perception, and this circumstance greatly complicates the resolution of the conflict situation. The negative emotions arising from the conflict are rather soon transferred from the problem to the personality of the opponent - this complements the conflict with personal opposition. As the conflict intensifies, the image of the opponent becomes more unsightly - this, in addition, makes it more difficult to resolve it. A closed ring is formed, which is very difficult to break. It is most reasonable to do this at the initial stage of the formation of the situation, until control over it is lost.

5. Conflict as a way of managing people.

There are three areas in the practice of conflict management: conflict management, conflict suppression and conflict avoidance. These directions are realized thanks to special methods.

Conflict management is a targeted directed influence to eliminate the causes that contribute to the emergence of a conflict, to maintain a controlled level of conflict, to correct the behavior of the parties to the conflict.

The existing numerous methods of conflict management are divided into several groups that have their own separate scope:

  1. Methods intrapsychic. They affect a specific person, are embodied in the correct coordination of one's own behavior, in the ability to express one's own position, without contributing to the formation of a defensive reaction from the opposite side.
  2. Structural methods. They mainly affect the parties to organizational conflicts arising from the incorrect distribution of responsibilities, rights and functions, the injustice of the incentive system for employees and motivation, and poor coordination of labor activity. These methods include:
  • explanation of job requirements;
  • application of management mechanisms;
  • clarification or development of general organizational goals;
  • building reasoned reward systems.
  1. Interpsychic methods of modifying behavioral style in conflict. They suggest the need to choose the appropriate form of influence at the stages of the formation of a conflict situation or the development of a conflict in order to adjust the style of the isolated behavior of its parties in order to prevent damage to individual interests.
  2. personal methods. Coercion is the encroachment of a person to force him to accept his position by any pleasing means. The party trying to do this is not interested in the opinion of the other party. Party using this approach, in most cases, behaves hostilely and uses power to influence. In difficult situations, in which a variety of approaches is a significant feature for making a rational decision, the formation of conflicting opinions must be stimulated and managed by applying the style of problem solving. Conflict management through problem solving is done in the following order:
  • identifying the problem in terms of not solutions, but goals;
  • determining a solution suitable for both sides of the conflict;
  • focusing attention not on the individual features of the parties to the conflict, but on the problem;
  • increasing mutual influence, spreading the exchange of information and providing an environment of trust.
  1. Negotiation. Carry out the developed functions, including most aspects of the activities of the parties. As a method of conflict resolution, negotiation is a set of tactics aimed at finding acceptable solutions for the parties to the conflict. To organize the negotiation process, it is necessary to guarantee the fulfillment of these conditions:
  • the presence of mutual dependence of the parties to the conflict;
  • the absence of a significant difference in the capabilities of the conflicting parties;
  • similarity of the level of development of the conflict to the potential of negotiations;
  • participation of the parties in the negotiations, making a decision in a specific situation of the conflict.
  1. Methods of influencing personal behavior and normalizing the agreed roles of the parties, taking into account their functional responsibilities.
  2. Techniques for activating appropriate hostile actions, used in extreme cases - the potentiality of all previous methods is used. Proper hostile action is highly undesirable. The use of these methods contributes to the resolution of the conflict by force with the use of violence. Be that as it may, there are situations when the conflict can be resolved only by these methods.

The advantage of moving away from the conflict is, as a rule, prompt decision-making.

Waste is used in cases:

  • large losses from building a conflict;
  • the mediocrity of the problem that is the basis of the conflict;
  • the significance of other problems that need to be addressed;
  • the essentiality of the cooling of passions;
  • the need to gain time to avoid making a momentary decision and collect the necessary information;
  • joining other forces to resolve the conflict;
  • the presence of fear of an impending conflict or dissimilar party.

Avoiding a conflict should not be used if the problem that is its basis is important, or if the prospect of a sufficiently long course of this conflict is realistic.

Diversity this method- method of inactivity. In the case of applying the method of inactivity, the development of events proceeds spontaneously, with the flow.

6 . Conclusion.

The causes of conflicts lie in the abnormality of society and the shortcomings of the person himself.

First of all, among the causes of conflicts, moral, political and socio-economic ones are singled out. These reasons are a breeding ground for the formation of various types of conflicts. The formation of conflicts is influenced by the biological and psychophysical characteristics of a person.

Every conflict has many causes. Significant causes of conflict are differences in values ​​and perceptions, interdependence of tasks, limited resources to be shared, differences in goals, levels of education, demeanor, and poor communication.

Thus, it is better to prevent conflicts by changing your own attitude towards problem situation, behavior in it, and accordingly influencing the behavior and psyche of the opponent.

When preventing interpsychic conflicts, first of all, it is necessary to evaluate what has been done, then - what has not been done - the evaluator himself needs to know enough about the activity; give an assessment of the essence of the matter, and not in form; the evaluator needs to be responsible for the impartiality of the assessment; identify and inform assessed employees about the causes of defects; inspire employees to new job; concretely formulate new tasks and goals.

7 . Bibliography.

1. B.S. Volkov, N.V. Volkova, Conflictology: textbook for university students / B.S. Volkov, N.V. Volkov. - M.: Academic Project; Trista, 2005. - 384 p.

2. AND I. Antsupov, A.I. Shipilov, Conflictology. Textbook. 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 496 p.

3. E.N. Bogdanov, V.G. Zazykin, Psychology of personality in conflict: Tutorial. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 224 p.

4. N.V. Grishina, Psychology of conflict. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 544 p.

5. A.P. Egides, Labyrinths of communication, or How to get along with people. - M.: AST-Press Book, 2002. - 368 p.

6. A.K. Zaitsev, Social conflict. 2nd ed. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 464 p.

The study of the problems of conflicts in organizations is very relevant in modern conditions.

As you know, an organization is always a fairly complex system and its functioning is subject to certain laws. Non-observance and violation of the latter can often be the cause of the emergence and development of conflicts, which can have serious and sometimes destructive consequences.

Definition 1

The very word "conflict" (lat. " conflictus”) - means “clash” (of opposing views and interests, a serious disagreement, a dispute with heated controversy, etc.).

Conflict is always a social phenomenon, proceeding from the very essence of the nature of social life. Organizational conflict should be understood as the process and system of interaction between groups and individuals, aimed at resolving existing contradictions arising from the clash of opposing interests, goals, positions, opinions, views, etc.

Conflict factors

The main difference between the external factors of the conflict and the internal ones in the first place is that they do not depend on the characteristics of the activities of the organization itself, which means that it is practically impossible to counteract them.

The main external factors of the conflict include:

  • social polarization;
  • economic and political instability;
  • natural disasters
  • deepening social stratification;
  • social tension, etc.

Internal factors of conflict. They can be both objective (financial, economic, organizational, etc.) and subjective (psychological, personal) in nature. Comprehensive consideration of the totality of conflict factors is very important for the effective functioning of any organization.

The main causes of conflicts

For effective management conflicts, as well as their prevention, it is very important to determine the causes of their occurrence as accurately as possible. An experienced manager who is well versed in the classification of conflicts, as well as in the causes of their occurrence, will always find it much easier to take effective steps to eliminate and prevent all these causes.

There are quite a few objective factors that can serve as a cause of conflicts. The main ones are: power and distribution of resources, status positions, prestige, career, and much, much more.

Ways to resolve conflicts

Conflict management is the process of purposefully influencing conflict. Conflict management begins from the moment a problem situation arises until the end of the conflict. This process includes measures for the prevention of conflicts, their diagnosis, forecasting, settlement and, finally, resolution.

A significant part of researchers in the field of conflict studies note that conflict management includes the following two main stages:

  1. Stage 1- conflict prevention (consists of symptoms, diagnosis, prediction and prevention);
  2. Stage 2- the end of the conflict, which includes the weakening, settlement, resolution, extinguishing, suppression, overcoming, suppression, and elimination of the conflict.

Remark 1

In this way, conflict management This is the most important task of the management of any organization. The effectiveness of conflict management largely depends on the level of competence of the organization's management.

Conflict management begins with its prevention, that is, with the creation of conditions that prevent its occurrence. If the onset of a conflict is inevitable, then conflict management begins with early diagnosis and more accurate forecasting of the prospects for the development of the conflict. As for the procedures for the settlement and resolution of the conflict, they are applied with the aim of already completing the conflict interaction.

Main signs of conflicts

Despite the originality and uniqueness of each conflict, it is still possible to single out the most common signs that manifest themselves in conflict behavior styles (which are also often called strategies, models, or techniques).

Such strategies include, first of all:

  • evasion (avoidance, withdrawal);
  • fixture;
  • compulsion;
  • consensus (cooperation);
  • compromise, etc.

Basic technologies and stages of conflict resolution

Conflict resolution consists of $3$ main steps:

  • recognition of the conflict as an accomplished fact;
  • institutionalization of the conflict (determination of the basic norms and rules in accordance with which conflict interaction should take place);
  • legitimization of the conflict (recognition of these norms and rules, as well as their observance).

The main prerequisites for conflict resolution are:

  • organization of the conflicting parties;
  • willingness to recognize the legitimacy of the mutual demands of the parties and accept any result of the conflict settlement (even if it contradicts their interests to a certain extent, that is, a compromise);
  • belonging of the conflicting parties to the same social community.

The technologies that are used in the process of conflict resolution can be divided into the following four main blocks:

  • communicative;
  • informational;
  • organizational;
  • socio-psychological.

The conflict resolution process can be broken down into three main steps:

  • diagnostics of a conflict situation;
  • choosing the best way to resolve the conflict;
  • direct managerial impact, as well as an assessment of its effectiveness.

There are three main prerequisites that are necessary in order to begin effective conflict resolution:

  1. the conflict must be mature enough;
  2. the parties to the conflict must feel the need to resolve it;
  3. the conflicting parties must have sufficient resources to resolve it.

Remark 2

It follows from this that the resolution of the conflict (that is, its complete completion) should be started after its settlement (or, in other words, partial completion).


Conflict - mutual hostile actions. Softer - hostile attitude. Hostile actions do not have to be intentional - conflicts often begin with conflictogens that people allow without any malicious intent. Growing, from random blows, the conflict often grows into protest, quarrel, enmity, lack of contacts, and in more serious cases, into war ...

He studies conflicts and conflict situations.

Don't rush to see conflict where there isn't already. Conflict behavior of one person is not yet a conflict. Objectively, a conflict situation is a strong prerequisite for conflict, but conflict in this situation may not take place.

Interpersonal conflicts are often provoked by feelings and emotions, but as long as there were no hostile actions, there is no conflict yet. However, for women, conflict is more feeling than a lens, and if a girl feels a negative attitude towards herself from another woman, she can easily say: "We are in conflict." Increased sensitivity to the possibility of conflict with a good head is a blessing, with a bad head it is a disaster.

There are situations that provoke people to conflict; however, the occurrence (or non-occurrence) of conflict largely depends on the human factor. There are people who seem to attract conflicts, and there are those around whom conflicts are rare. In order to get into conflict less often, bypass unnecessary conflict situations, do not contact unreliable or conflicting people, consider emotional condition yourself and those around you, take care not to provoke conflicts with your own behavior and communication style.

Conflicts are a natural part of human life: people love conflicts, people grow stronger in conflicts, just few people know how to live without conflicts. On the other hand, civilized people want to live without unnecessary conflicts and have the right to do so. Where it is possible to agree, it is better to agree, not to conflict. Wise people learn to prevent unnecessary conflicts, and extinguish those that have begun.

Conflict prevention and resolution is made very difficult by the fact that each conflict is not like the other. All conflicts are different. There are conflicts in which we ourselves participate, and there are conflicts of people around us. The main types of conflicts are danger conflict, obstacle conflict, power conflict and status conflict. For reasons that cause conflicts, there are conflicts of interest, conflicts due to misunderstanding, conflicts due to conflicting behavior of the parties, conflict due to a conflicting personality, and many others. According to the areas of flow (this introduces some specificity in their development and resolution), conflicts are interpersonal, intrapersonal, economic, interstate, and many others. According to the method of flow, conflicts are distinguished between wild and civilized.

Are conflicts always bad? It is widely believed that conflicts are always bad. In general, this is rather true, but life is always more complicated than simple answers. Conflicts are not only obvious cons, but also sometimes necessary pluses. Conflict is harmful to those who do not know how to behave in a conflict, and is useful in the hands of trained people.

The conflict may start and not on your will. One way or another, it has already begun or is beginning. How should a reasonable and decent person behave in this situation? The usual pattern of behavior that resolves the conflict in a civilized way consists of the following stages: we react kindly, we move on to prevention, we conduct a controlled conflict. With the right behavior, the conflict can be extinguished even at the initial stages, then neither a warning nor a controlled conflict are needed.

Should we get involved in conflicts around us? Sometimes it is our duty: for example, to protect the weak or stop the impudent. You can stop a quarrel or a fight - stop it. If you are wise and strong, especially if the case takes place on your territory - put things in order, teach and teach people to live kindly, humanly. However, if the matter takes place on a foreign territory, then wise people remember that the conflict is provoked more often by two sides, and once again they try not to get into someone else's conflict.

If you want (or must) resolve a conflict that has occurred between someone, you need to eliminate its causes and create conditions for peaceful and constructive interaction. The resolution of the conflict can go in quite different directions, taking into account the variety of causes of the conflict. Namely,

  • if you can eliminate the subject of the conflict, remove the objective irritant that generates the conflict - eliminate it. There is no need to engage in psychology where it is possible to resolve the issue in a businesslike manner.
  • get out of the situation as much as possible

Ways, methods and methods of conflict resolution everyone needs to know, because sooner or later in life one has to deal with difficult situations disputes and contradictions. Everyone wants to get out of an acute situation with dignity, while not spoiling relations with another person and a group of people. However, most often the conflict takes a more critical form and leads to a break in relations. How to learn to resolve issues of disagreement, and if possible avoid them altogether?

Conflict is inherently a normal state of human personality. It is collisions with others that indicate that the individual realizes his life activity. At the same time, it is extremely necessary to know the mechanisms for resolving conflict situations, since this knowledge will help strengthen relationships in the social, professional and personal spheres. Skill resolve conflict quickly and competently- very required skill, which is useful for organizing a comfortable environment around you and in the team in which you have to be.

Most people are not even aware of the conflicts they are involved in, what events in their lives can be attributed to such acute situations, and what are the reasons for the appearance of disagreements. For a person, discord has an extremely negative effect, since all disagreements with others first of all give rise to an intrapersonal conflict. Which, in turn, leads to poor health, nervousness, changes the character of a person in a negative direction. Have you noticed how a pessimist with an established program of a loser gradually develops from a cheerful acquaintance? The problem of such people is hidden in the wrong communication in society. If you are not happy with such a prospect of metamorphosis, you should find out what are ways and means of conflict resolution.

The term conflict in psychology is defined as a clash of inappropriate and polar aspirations in relationships between people, in social groups and within oneself, which leads to emotional experiences.

Conflicts arise on the subject of contact of ideas, views, interests. The conflict is especially acute when it comes to one's own achievements, goals, desires, ideas and motivations. The mechanism of the influence of the conflict on a person: a collision - an emotional shock - a desire to feel one's significance, to ensure one's safety, to retire.

Ways to resolve conflicts

Options and ways to resolve conflicts are varied. In those situations where the interests and opinions of each other are affected, there are various aspects of people's behavior worked out by specialists. Based on this analysis, main ways to resolve conflict situations:

1. Competition.

Such a strong-willed way of resolving a controversial situation is suitable for strong personalities who are active and determined to realize their own interests in the first place, without relying on the interests of other individuals who are in the work process. A distinctive feature of such people is the ability to force others to accept his means of resolving disagreements.

This method is the sharpest of all the other conflict resolution options. Suitable for those who have a powerful reserve of internal strength in order to turn the tide and win over others to their side. Most often, such methods of conflict resolution are acceptable for leaders. In this case, it is easiest to achieve the subordination of employees, the positive fulfillment of the tasks set, and set the team up for the success and prosperity of the company. It is strong personalities that are able to lead organizations out of crisis, raise the general spirit and mood of the team for efficient work and achieve positive results.

Competition implies a strong position in the person who resorts to this type of dispute resolution. However, there are often people who use this method of neutralizing the current conflict because of their own weakness. A familiar situation when a person loses hope of resolving the situation in his favor and resorts to inciting a new contradiction with others. So, children often provoke their elders, getting what they deserve, already acting as a victim, complaining to their parents about the behavior of another child, whom he himself pushed to hurt himself or hurt himself. It is not uncommon for people to act as provocateurs solely because of their stupidity. This situation is the most difficult and difficult to resolve in a team, especially if the boss becomes the culprit of the next conflict, which is difficult to resist due to subordination. Ways to resolve the conflict diverse, however, having decided to resolve the confrontation in this way, you need to be sure of own forces and definitely know that the chances of stabilizing the situation in your favor are very high.

2. Evasion.

There are a variety of ways to resolve conflicts, however, it is reasonable to use this method when the advantage of the opposing force becomes obvious.

"Escape" It is considered a manifestation of cowardice and weakness, but not when it brings an advantage in further work and in relationships. More than once, most likely, you have come across how leaders are playing for time, delaying the adoption of a resolution, and postponing the resolution of issues for an indefinite period. The justifications for this are varied. Remember that there is a risk of a complete fiasco, since it is quite difficult to avert the inevitable, and you should not constantly get carried away in this way of resolving conflict situations.

However, there are situations when it is reasonable to use evasion to buy time. This is a manifestation of the strong and smart side of the personality. True, one should clearly distinguish between the desire to avoid responsibility and be in a wait-and-see position in order to resolve the conflict in one's favor. Luck may not turn around for you, then defeat can be a strong blow and emotional shock (awareness of one's own indecision). Therefore, use this way of resolving contradictions wisely.

3. Fixture.

In this form, you can resolve differences in the case when you recognize the dominance of the opponent. Here you have to neglect your interests for the sake of settling disputes. You can regard adaptation as a manifestation of weakness, or as a reasonable position if:

Yielding to your opponent, you do not suffer great losses;
the priority for you is to maintain friendly relations with a colleague or team;
you do not have all the necessary resources and power to suppress differences;
you realize the importance of the opponent's victory over you;
resistance and continuation of the struggle can significantly harm one's own interests, further career and health;
the competitor has too powerful suppression levers, it is necessary to adapt, look for loopholes and other ways to resolve the conflict in order to stay afloat and develop stronger than the rival in the future;
you are aware of the pitfalls behind the decision. By giving an opportunity to an opponent to realize an idea, you gain an advantage in case of confirmation that this decision on the part of the opponent was rash.

4. Cooperation.

This way of resolving the conflict is based on the fact that both sides find favorable positions for reconciliation and, without resorting to ignoring their own and others' interests, enter into positive interaction. All methods of conflict resolution have their pros and cons, however, this way to resolve disputes is the most favorable.

When both parties accept responsibility, have all the necessary resources to reduce or complete elimination of the conflict then they are ready, taking into account mutually beneficial decisions, to continue cooperation. This position is definitely for tactful and strong individuals who are able to express and voice their opinions, goals, desires, intentions and listen to the opponent in order to come to a common conclusion.

As a rule, those organizations that are far-sighted and able to find more global facets of common interests face this form of conflict resolution. Proper prioritization allows later to resolve disputes at intermediate levels of a narrow direction or temporary nature. This is a manifestation of strength.

If the decision is due to weakness, then such cooperation is more likely to take the form of accommodation. However, this option is not negative if there are no sharp changes in the distribution of opposing forces in the near future.

5. Compromise.

When choosing conflict resolution methods, one should not forget about such a way of resolving disagreements as the desire of both parties to compromise solutions. Sometimes this can be the only rational way to suppress the conflict. This method is suitable for those individuals who seek to realize common interests, but believe that their simultaneous achievement is unlikely. This situation often arises when the parties have an excellent margin of opportunity, but have different schemes for winning the result and mutually exclusive interests. In this case, the best option is short-term cooperation on compromise terms and gaining benefits for both parties.

Ways to resolve conflicts

All currently existing conflict resolution methods are of two types and carry two results of confrontation settlement:

Negative methods;
positive methods.

Negative ways to resolve conflict include obligatory struggle with the subsequent destruction of the unity of relations. Regulating problems with positive methods, both sides either come to an agreement, or subsequently retain the ability to interact, negotiate and constructively dialogue.

In practice, both methods complement each other, since the element of struggle is equally inherent in any method of settling disputes. In order to come to a consensus, it is necessary to defend your own interests, set priorities, put pressure on opponents to incline to your side. Moreover, creative rivalry gives rise to new ideas, gives impetus to the development of technologies, brings to life the innovation necessary for further development. In addition, we remember the saying that " truth is born in a dispute».

Although the types of wrestling are diverse, they all have common features. Purpose of the fight- the direction of the conflict situation in the direction of reconciliation or victory. Nevertheless, each side considers it its duty to remain in a superior position. Fighting is impossible without an awareness of the chances of victory, strategy, the right time and place to strike.

Exists the following ways turn the tide:

Direct or indirect influence on the opponent;
a change in the balance of opposing forces;
informing the opponent about his intentions both properly and truthfully;
analysis of the capabilities of the enemy and their forces.

Conflict resolution methods

Conflict resolution methods can overlap and be combined with various types fight. You can consider the main ones.

1. The desire to achieve victory in order to gain authority and space for the implementation of their further actions.

The main goal is to destabilize the opponent by suggesting to him those in which he is weak. It is important to weaken the position of the opponent, to limit his freedom, to sacrifice one's own benefits in order to obtain better positions and mechanisms for further suppression of the opposing side.

2. Using the resources of the opponent to achieve their own benefit.

The main goal is to incline the enemy to those actions that will bring obvious benefits for themselves.

3. Criticism of the workflow of rivals.

The purpose of this method of struggle is to reveal, expose and disable the opponent's key control centers. Exposure, discredit, refutation, criticism, disclosure of the negative side helps to gain time and prepare a platform for the realization and promotion of one's own interests.

4. Tightening.

Aspects such as the speed and timeliness of striking play a fundamental role in defeating the enemy. To implement such methods of struggle, they resort to deliberately delaying solutions to pressing issues. You can just buy time in order to pick up the right moment, to weaken and crush the enemy.

5. "Time works for us."

A way for those players who are confident in their chances of winning and are waiting for the moment when they can strike. During this period, you can arrange forces, collect the necessary resources and prepare. The most striking example of this type of struggle is the expression of one's position at the very end, when there is an opportunity to weigh all the pros and cons, to use the ideas already voiced, while maintaining equanimity and dignity.

6. Avoidance of responsibility.

This method of struggle has something in common with the 4th method, it is only used not to get a temporary opportunity to gather forces and wait for the right moment to strike, but is used to completely destabilize the enemy. As a rule, in the end, the decision is not made at all, due to the physical, moral and financial exhaustion of the opponent.

7. Complete withdrawal from the conflict.

At first glance, it may seem like a manifestation of weakness, however, it makes it possible to gather strength, study your opponent better, solve a problem or find ways to solve it and deliver an unexpected blow, and then become a winner in a conflict situation.

Positive Ways to Resolve Conflict based on constructive negotiations. As a rule, the goal of interaction with an opponent is a unanimous victory over him. However, the variant of achieving one's superiority is chosen to be softer, in comparison with the above described methods of struggle. Negotiations help to determine the position of the opponent, to probe weaknesses, play on their own advantages in a particular issue, come to mutual concessions, make a mutually beneficial decision.

Ways to resolve the conflict through negotiations are based on the basic rules of conduct, which, if observed, bring a positive result and success in confrontation.

1. It is necessary to concentrate on the subject of negotiations, and not on their participants, to refuse criticism of the opponent, as this leads to emotional stress and exacerbation of the communication process.

2. As a rule, rivals emphasize their positions, clearly defending them. However, one should go deeper and return to the question of what interests the opponent is pursuing. Thus, it is possible to find out the sincere intentions of the enemy and come to an open dialogue, resolving all the contradictions between both sides.

3. It is advisable to analyze the benefits that both parties will receive in the event of an agreement. Finding problems and ways to solve them that are based on the interests of both teams will help steer the negotiations towards reconciliation. be against anyone common problems psychologically correct than being opposed to each other.

4. Objectivity in the analysis of the problem makes it possible to avoid negative attitudes towards the opponent. One way or another, having discarded subjective characteristics, it is much easier to come to a single decision and focus on meeting common interests without prejudice and pretensions.

Ways to resolve conflicts also depend on how they will be regulated. Sometimes a lottery method or the involvement of a third party to resolve disputes is used. This is convenient in the case when negotiations reach an impasse, and it is extremely difficult to come to a common solution.

Speaking of disputes, one cannot ignore such an important indicator as emotionality. In order to successfully solve the problem on the way to mutual understanding, you should have several skills that contribute to the successful completion of conflict situations:

Have peace and. This allows you to more adequately assess the situation and the current situation;
keep your emotions under control and monitor your behavior;
be able to listen to the opponent and not interrupt, monitor the feelings of the people present;
understand that people have different ways of dealing with a particular situation;
try to avoid insults to the opponent.

By sticking to these little rules, you will notice that resolution of interpersonal conflicts will be easy for you, with minimal loss of nerves and with the most favorable outcome.

What else is important to remember about conflict resolution

If conflicts are not finally resolved, the likelihood of their resumption is very high. However, any desire to settle disputed issues has its fruits. First of all, it gives ground for further development. If you are able to resolve the conflict in personal relationships, then you deserve the trust of the opponent. It doesn't matter what conflict resolution methods you use. There is confidence that you will be able to solve even the slightest troubles and problems, while maintaining a solid relationship.

If you feel fear when a conflict arises, it means that deep down you are afraid that the chances of its positive resolution are minimal for you. Moreover, if in the past the experience of resolving conflicts is negative, then confidence in a favorable outcome of the dispute is reduced to zero. As a rule, in this case, you will make concessions, flight, which will lead to sharp outbursts of emotions that can only aggravate the situation.

Which ways, methods and methods of conflict resolution you should use depends on your character and internal qualities, the main thing is to implement our own in the process of conflict resolution and, if possible, avoid the resumption of clashes.

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