MGEU them and d. Specialty and directions

On January 20, 1992, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 20 "On the opening of the International International University of International supreme College On radioecology named after A. D. Sakharov, "two days later, a similar order of the Minister of Folk Education. On the eve of the three-year anniversary, marked on January 20, 1995, the Ministry of Education and Science transformed a college into an independent International Institute on radioecology. A. D. Sakharov. In 1999 by order of the Ministry of Education, the International Institute for Radioecology. A. D. Sakharov (peace) was transformed into the International Environmental University. A. D. Sakharov (MEU). Subsequently, the university acquired a new abbreviation - MGEU. A. D. Sakharov (International State Environmental University. A. D. Sakharov). On May 27, 2015, a resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 450 was published, according to which the International State Environmental University. A.D. Sakharov is excluded from the list of state organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Education of Belarus, and is attached to the BSU complex.

The educational process and research work of the institute provide:

12 departments:

  • Department of Environmental Information Systems
  • Department environmental monitoring and management
  • Department of Energy Efficient Technology
  • Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety
  • Department of General and Medical Physics
  • Department of Socio-Humanities and Sustainable Development
  • Department of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Department of Immunology and Environmental Epidemiology
  • Department of Environmental Medicine and Radiobiology
  • Department of General Ecology, Biology and Environmental Genetics
  • Department of Linguistic Disciplines and Intercultural Communications
  • Department of Physical Education

31 Educational and Research Laboratory:

  • mechanics;
  • thermodynamics I. molecular physics Laboratory optics, quantum physics;
  • electricity and magnetism;
  • nuclear spectrometry;
  • radiochemistry;
  • dosimetry;
  • nuclear physics;
  • mechanics of a solid medium;
  • instrumental analysis methods;
  • remote sensing methods;
  • electronics and environmental informatics;
  • on accounting, control and regulation of energy resources;
  • heat engineers;
  • renewable energy sources;
  • biogas (hydro, wind, solar) energy;
  • general and experimental biology;
  • "Bioindication and environmental monitoring";
  • radiation biochemistry and biophysics;
  • physical chemistry;
  • common and inorganic chemistry;
  • immunology and microbiology;
  • radiation hygiene and epidemiology;
  • radiobiology;
  • normal physiology;
  • molecular medicine;
  • molecular markers;
  • ecological genetics;

as well as scientific Center "VOLMA".

Contact Information:

Address: 220070 Minsk, ul. Dolbrodskaya, 23/1.
Phones: +375 17 398-99-79 (reception director)
+375 17 398-96-48 (Reception Commission)
+375 17 285-31-75 (Dean of the Faculty of Monitoring ambient)
+375 17 398-93-59 (Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Medicine)

The conditions and procedure for the admission of applicants in the establishment of the Education Education "International State Environmental University named after A. D. Sakharov" (MGEU. A. D. Sakharov) are established by the rules of admission to higher educational institutions, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from 07.02.2006 No. 80 ( Next - the rules of admission) and hereby.

MEU them. A. D. Sakharov has a special permit (license) for the right to implement educational activities № 02100/314 issued by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

Terms of the competition

Reception of applicants is carried out for a full period of study in:

day form


tests (CT)

Faculty of Environmental Monitoring

Environmental activities (environmental management and expertise)

Belorussky (Russian) language (centralized testing - CT)
Mathematics (CT)
Physics (CT)

Environmental activities (environmental monitoring)

Ecologist. Environmental Protection Engineer

Engineer programmer-ecologist

Engineer programmer

Engagement engineer

Nuclear and radiation safety

Faculty of Environmental Medicine

a general competition is held for the faculty


Biologist ecologist.
Biology and Ecology Lecturer

Chemistry (CT)
Biology (CT)

Medical ecology

Ecologist expert

Medical and biological business

Biologist analyst. Biology teacher

by correspondence form receipt higher education:

Name of specialty, directions of specialty and specialization


tests (CT)

Faculty absentee learning

a separate contest is held in the specialty

Medical ecology

Ecologist expert

Belorussky (Russian) Language (CT)
Chemistry (CT)
Biology (CT)

Energy-efficient technologies and energy management

Engagement engineer

Belorussky (Russian) Language (CT)
Mathematics (CT)
Physics (CT)

a general competition is held in the specialty directions.

Information systems and technologies (in ecology)

Engineer programmer-ecologist

Belorussky (Russian) Language (CT)
Mathematics (CT)
Physics (CT)

Information systems and technologies (in healthcare)

Engineer programmer

Terms of reception of documents

  • on the terms of payment from July 16, 2012 to 04.08.2012.
  • at the expense of the republican budget: from July 16, 2012 to 07/25/2012;
  • at the expense of the budget from persons withstring entrance tests, but who did not pass to the MGEU. A.D. Sakharov on the competition for the daily budget form of education: to 02.08.2012;
  • on payment terms: from 16.07.2012 to 04.08.2012.

Application deadlines for applicants

Day form of higher education:

  • at the expense of the republican budget: to 08/01/2012;

Correspondence form of higher education:

  • at the expense of the republican budget: on 03.08.2012;
  • on payment terms: on 06.08.2012.

With an equal number of scored points, enrollment is carried out in accordance with paragraph 24 of the reception rules. After the persons specified in paragraph 24 of the reception rules, preemptive right For enrollment in the order of enumerations have:

  • graduates of gymnasium classes that have a document on the formation of an assessment not lower than 7 (seven) for all educational subjects and recommendations pedagogical Soviets Educational institutions that provide general secondary education with which IEU cooperates with them. A. D. Sakharov under contracts;
  • applicants who have passed pre-university training on preparatory courses MEU them. A. D. Sakharov;
  • persons who have completed institutions ensuring the acquisition of secondary special education on the appropriate or related specialty;
  • faces practical work at least two years.

Specialty, when entering which enrollment outside the competition is not carried out:

  • "Medical Ecology" ( extramural obtaining higher education).

Information about the faculty of pre-university preparation

The Faculty of Dovuzozov preparation includes:

  • training courses;
  • preparatory department for foreign citizens.

Preparatory courses for preparation for centralized testing on subjects entrance tests At the specialty MGEU them. A. D. Sakharov are organized in the following forms:

  • evening (8 months from 09/19/2011);
  • correspondence (8 months from 02.10.2011);
  • three-month weekend (3 months from 01/28/2012);
  • short-term, daytime (3 weeks from 14.05.2012).



Entrance tests

Passing point in 2019

Faculty of Environmental Monitoring

Engagement engineer

Budget: 250.

Paid: 147.


Budget: passing score - 250

Paid: passing score - 143

Mathematics (CT)
Physics (CT) *


Budget: passing score - 242

Paid: 222.

Medical physicist

Faculty of Environmental Medicine

Ecologist expert

Belorussky (Russian) Language (CT)
Chemistry (CT)
Biology (CT) *


Budget: passing score - 305

Paid: passing score - 219


Budget: passing score - 266

Paid: passing score - 226


Budget: passing score - 248

Paid: passing score - 185

Biologist analyst. Biology teacher

Belorussky (Russian) Language (CT)
Chemistry (CT)
Biology (CT) *


Budget: passing score - 293

Paid: passing score - 254

CT - centralized testing; PE - written exam;* - profile subject.

At specialty correspondence abbreviated form Education can be received by HSSO graduates:

the specialty medical ecology:

79 01 04 "Medical and Diagnostic Business"
79 01 31 "Nursing"
79 01 01 "Therapeutic case"

energy efficient technologies and energy management:

2 43 01 04 "Heat electric stations"
2 36 03 31 "Installation and operation of electrical equipment (in directions)"
2 43 01 01 "Electrical Stations"
2 43 01 03 "Power supply (by industry)"
2 43 01 05 "Industrial Power Engineering"
2 74 06 31 "Energy provision of agricultural production (in directions)"
2 53 01 04 "Automation and control of thermal power processes

The cost of learning in the first year in 2019-2020.

Day form:
Specialty of the Faculty of Environment Monitoring - 2,928 rubles. 65 kopecks in year;
Specialties of the Faculty of Environmental Medicine - 3 367 rubles. 44 cop. in year.

Extramural studies:
Specialties of the Faculty of Environment Monitoring - 1 188 rubles. 88 cop. in year;
Specialty of the Faculty of Environmental Medicine - 1,388 rubles. 13 cop. in year.

Citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons who are permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons who are provided with refugee status or refugees in the Republic of Belarus, which come to obtain higher education II, are submitted to the admission committee of the following documents:

  • application addressed to the rector on the prescribed form (on the letterhead);
  • originals of a diploma of higher education and annexes to it issued in the Republic of Belarus or a document on education with the indication of the studied academic disciplines and their volumes obtained on them marks (points) issued in a foreign state, and evidence of the recognition of the document on the education issued in a foreign state and establishing its equivalence (compliance) to the document on the formation of the Republic of Belarus, confirming the acquisition of higher education, equivalent to I graduate of higher education in the Republic of Belarus;
  • an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Council of the Faculty of the Institution of Higher Education, containing recommendations for training at the II Steps of Higher Education (for applicants educational program higher education II stage, forming knowledge, skills and skills of scientific and psdagoghysk and research work and ensuring the degree of master, in the year of completion of training at the stage I higher education);
  • an extract (copy) from the employment record, and (or) a copy of the civil contract, and (or) a copy of the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur, and (or) a document confirming the artisan formulation in the tax authority, and (or) a copy certificates for the implementation of notarial activities, and (or) a copy of the lawyer certificate, and (or) professional certificate of a creative employee, and (or) a document confirming membership in the creative union for persons entering higher education in a correspondence or evening form;
  • medical certificate of health, but the form established by the Ministry of Health;
  • 2 photos measuring 3 × 4 cm;
  • identification document (is presented personally);
  • list and copies of published scientific papers, descriptions of inventions, reports on research and development (if available), diplomas confirming victories in republican and (or) international competitions (if available).

Set on the second stage of obtaining higher education (magistracy) in the IIA. HELL. Sakharov BSU in 2019 will be carried out on the following specialties: ecology, medical and biological business, medical physics. (UE)

Medical physics
1-31 80 22
master (UE)

We- oral exam

Day form education


The educational process in the III them. HELL. Sakharov BSU is leading in Russian. In case of additional questions, foreign citizens please contact the tel. (8-017) 398-99-48 or write on [Email Protected]

The Faculty of Environmental Monitoring is a platform that is engaged in the preparation of specialists in the most promising areas of not only republican, but also international levels. The faculty is preparing students for the group of engineering specialties related to the provision of rational use natural resources, environmental safety and environmental protection. On the specifics of the work of future specialists, the Dean of Training and Practical Training will tell the Dean of the Faculty Vladislav Vladimirovich Zhuravkov.

- Vladislav Vladimirovich, what specialty exist at the Faculty of Environmental Monitoring?

- Our faculty teaches specialists in the following specialties with appropriate qualifications:

  • "Nuclear and Radiation Safety", "Engineer" qualification;
  • "Environmental activity", directions: "Environmental Management and Examination" and "Environmental Monitoring", qualification "Ecologist; Environmental Protection Engineer ";
  • "Energy-efficient technologies and energy management", Qualifications "Enermenaged Energy Engineer";
  • "Medical Physics", qualification "Medical physicist";
  • "Information systems and technologies (in healthcare)", Qualification "Programmer";
  • "Information systems and technologies (in ecology)", the qualifications "engineer programmer-ecologist".

- What are the features of each specialty?

- Nuclear and radiation safety is a section of applied nuclear physics and biophysics and includes a set of funds and methods for analyzing radiation fields of sources of nuclear and technical installations on the stages of their design, operation and removal, studying the effects of radiation on humans, the environment, biological objects and technogenic Products, as well as developing measures to prevent adverse radiation impacts.

Such a specialist provides radiation protection for personnel and radiation safety at nuclear power plants and in their observation zones, nuclear safety during the operation of nuclear facilities, the safe use of sources of ionizing radiation in industry, agriculture, forestry, health, science and scientific service, education, construction, construction , geology and exploration of subsoil, communications and transport.

Environmental activity - the process of preserving, restoration and reproduction natural resource potentialwhich should be an essential component economic activity generally.

IN information center NPPs during the lecture on the device and the basic principles of the future station.

The development of environmental activities is a necessary prerequisite for the exit from the crisis situation in ecology. Environmental activity is often understood in a rather narrow sense - as the elimination of damage already caused by nature (capture, cleaning, etc.). However B. modern conditions The content and direction of environmental protection activities and the preservation of natural resource potential have significantly expanded.

A specialist who has mastered the specialty "Environmental activities" works in industry, agriculture, transport and communications, housing and communal services, hydrometeorological service, education, research activities. It may be employed as an environmental engineer to enterprises, to the district inspections of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the analytical laboratories of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as to work as an environmental engineer.

Students of the specialty "Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management" master knowledge that are necessary in the field of fuel and energy complex, the introduction of new energy-saving equipment, materials and technologies, energy effective use buildings, structures, engineering networks, energy expertise and energy-saving projects.

The activity of the energy manager is aimed at organizing the efficient use of energy with minimal inevitable losses.

Knowledge, skills and skills acquired during study allow graduates of this specialty to work at enterprises and organizations that are consumers of energy regardless of their profile, in the posts of energy management, energy.

Medical physics is a field of applied physics, which studies instruments, equipment and physical factors for human impacts applied in medicine.

The specialty is open to eliminating acute deficit in healthcare personnel capable of ensuring the safe operation of complex medical equipment, mainly in oncology and medical radiology. This is a new and unique specialty, our students study it only for the third year.

Medical physicist works in institutions of the Ministry of Health in the field of use physical methods diagnosis and treatment of patients using complex technical equipment, incl. In order to safely use sources of ionizing radiation.

The specialist prepares the appropriate equipment, plans and conducts medical irradiation of patients to prescribed a doctor.

The medical physicist must be able to maintain fundamental and applied research in the field of physical factors on the human body, ensuring the radiation safety of personnel and ensuring the quality of irradiation of patients when using sources of ionizing radiation in medicine.

The specialty "Information Systems and Technologies" is one of the most prestigious and in demand in industrialized countries. The training of specialists engaged in the development and operation of industrial safety systems is due to the growing requirements for ensuring the security of the vital interests of technological personnel, as well as the population and society as a whole from accidents on dangerous industrial facilities.

Graduates possess high levels Knowledge and prepared for solving the tasks of operation of systems operating in the complex of measures to predict accidents in industry, ensuring the safety of technological processes. In addition, such specialists are developing and maintained by engineering security systems.

Students of this specialty are studying the design of computing networks and systems, their administration and application for implementation information technologiesActivated programming training (including languages \u200b\u200bVisual C ++, Visual C #, Delphi), Web Programming (Java, Perl, PHP, HTML, XML, UML), Design and Administration of Computer Networks, Multimedia Technology Development and Databases (Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL Server, etc.), study oS and programming for them, and also get in-depth knowledge in the area information security and protection methods in information systems based on software and hardware.

Special attention is paid to the study of Internet application development technologies, design information support, organization of information and computing processes and systems, collection systems, transmission, processing and storage of information.

From the third course, the disciplines of specialization are introduced in the curriculum of this specialty, which are determined by the direction. So, for some of these disciplines associated with health care for others - with ecology.

- What students are studying during theoretical and practical training?

- Our students study the foundations of nuclear and radiation safety at nuclear power plants and when exposed to ionizing radiation on personnel and population, fundamentals of medical physics, the use of radiation technologies in medicine, environmental monitoring methods, radiation monitoring. They learn to calculate the energy efficiency of design solutions, evaluate their environmental safety, various environmental impacts. A specialist who owns such skills may analyze the data and adopt the appropriate environmental management solutions to conduct systemic energy analyzes (energy audit) of enterprises, technological processes and devices, assess their functional economic and energy efficiency.

Faculty students against the background of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

- where students pass practical training?

- Each of the six departments exist two types of laboratories. The first type is scientific laboratories where teachers work, the second type - student research laboratories, where students can work on their own projects.

Each laboratory has its own specificity of work. For example, consider the laboratory of the Department of Nuclear and Radiation Security. One of the directions of its work is associated with the State Program for the accompaniment of the safe development of the construction of a nuclear power plant. Thus, in the laboratory work, for example, on issues of the influence of NPPs on the main components of the ecosystem as a result of its work or on an assessment of the emission of a chemical.

Accordingly, the laboratories on other departments are engaged in issues related to their priority, profile directions. Such a division allows you to pay enough attention to this or that topic, as well as concentrate students on specific problems that will meet in their future work.

- What organizations do students take practice?

- Faculty students undergo good practical training not only in the university laboratories equipped with modern equipment, but also on the basis of industrial and energy sector enterprises, departments of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Research Centers, Hydrometer, Design Organizations, Park High technologies, medical institutions.

- Where can the graduates of the faculty can work?

- Our graduates may be employed in structural divisions (committees, inspections, laboratories) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection; In the specialized services of industrial enterprises and associations that are part of the Belneftekhim concern ("Naftan", Mozyr Oil refining factory, etc.), in the Ministry of Industry (Minsk Automotive Plant, Belarusian Metallurgical Plant, etc.), in the Ministry of Architecture and Construction and Construction and Other ministries and departments.

In addition, graduates of our faculty can be employed in Scientific (Institutions of the National Academy of Sciences, etc.), design and design organizations that work in the field of environmental protection; In commissioning organizations that are engaged in environmental rationing, to conduct an environmental impact assessment, environmental audit.

- Tell us about new approaches that are used in the learning process of students.

- I want to say about a very promising direction - network education - relatively new paradigm learning activitieswhich is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bmass cooperation, ideology of open educational resources, combined with the network organization of the interaction of participants. The peculiarity of such training is to associate the highest educational institutions In order to cooperate and share experiences. In practice, this is implemented as follows: students can learn not only in one university, but also in others, where there are those disciplines that will help in mastering a particular specialty.

In addition, in some enterprises of our republic there are branches of our departments, which indicates a practical-oriented approach in training. This also suggests that in the process of learning, we will use leading practitioners who are employees of certain organizations, enterprises. Of course, such specialists are not professional teachersBut they can conduct an occupation that will most comply with the workers' realities. Of course, it provides high quality student learning.

On the Environmental Forum in Georgia.

- How does international cooperation of the faculty develop?

- Our faculty performs international projects of TEMPUS HS and Tempus Ecobru, which are aimed at developing curriculum To prepare specialists of the second stage of higher education and retraining of environmental safety professionals.

We cooperate with Novi-Sadsk University (Serbia), federal state budget educational institution Higher vocational education "Irkutsky state Institute, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Joint Nuclear Research Institute of Dubna, Yaroslavl Agricultural Academy, Environmental Protection Fund. Zuhov (Germany), etc.

- What are the benefits of future students of the Faculty of Environmental Monitoring?

- First, all our students receive current knowledge, excellent education, in demand profession. Secondly, absolutely all students who have chosen the budget form of education, waiting for the distribution - that is, the first workplace, work experience. Thirdly, qualifications assigned to graduates will allow them to occupy the highest paid posts.

If we talk specifically about the advantages of the learning process, it is worth noting the following: 100% of the first holidays are provided by a hostel, students are waiting for a very rich student life, the training fee for today is not planned to rise. I would like to draw attention to the fact that the cost paid learning At the faculty is one of the lowest in comparison with other universities, where there are similar promising and topical specialties.

It is also important that the faculty is also represented by leading doctors of sciences, deprecated teachers, as well as young and talented workers who introduce innovative Methods learning.

Vera Lodkolovich

International State Environmental Institute named after A.D. Sakharov BSU (III)

The completion of the 20th century was characterized by the rapid development of environmental education around the world. Education, training and informing the public about environmental problems - one of the main transition conditions different countries To sustainable development and solving the problems of the future survival of humanity.
In this regard, the mission of the International State Environment University named after A. D. Sakharov (Minsk, Belarus) - to promote the formation of a specialist who feels responsibility for the state of the environment and develops on the basis of deep knowledge, innovative thinking, nature-saving technologies.

On January 20, 1992, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 20 "On the opening of the Belarusian State University of the International Higher College on Radioecology named after A. D. Sakharov", in two days - a similar order of the Minister of Folk Education.

On July 9, 1992, an agreement was signed with Kingston University (United Kingdom) on scientific and educational cooperation, which was soon supported by a grant of the British Council.

Thanks to the enthusiasm for students and faculty, the assistance of the Board of Trustees, numerous international organizations, individual universities and individuals, the Saharov College has significantly strengthened its authority in the republic and abroad. A good professional team has been formed, well-equipped laboratories appeared. Under these conditions, the Scientific Council decided in 1994/1995 academic year Go to stable learning mode. A competitive set among applicants with secondary education per 100 seats for training on a complete university program was announced.

In 1995, the Ministry of Education and Science transformed a college to an independent International Institute for Radioecology. A. D. Sakharov.

In 1999 by order of the Ministry of Education, the International Institute for Radioecology. A. D. Sakharov (peace) was transformed into the International Environmental University. A. D. Sakharov (MEU). Subsequently, the university acquired a new abbreviation - MGEU. A. D. Sakharov (International State Environmental University. A. D. Sakharov).

Currently, the university includes faculties: the Faculty of Environmental Monitoring, Faculty of Environmental Medicine, Courses additional education Adults, there is a correspondence form of education.

On May 27, 2015, a resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 450 was published, according to which the International State Environmental University. A.D. Sakharov is excluded from the list of state organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Education of Belarus, and is attached to the BSU complex.

License: №02100 / 314

Maskevich Sergey Alexandrovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Phone: +375 17 230-69-98
Reception schedule: First Tuesday of the month, 8: 00-14: 00, Cabinet № 205-1

Faculty of university (faculties and departments):

Faculty of Environmental Monitoring

Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety
Department of Environmental Monitoring and Management
Department of Energy Efficient Technology
Department of Environmental Information Systems
Department of Physics and Highest Mathematics
Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Economics

Faculty of Environmental Medicine

Department of Man and Ecology Biology
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Department of Immunology
Department of Radiation Hygiene and Epidemiology
Department of Environmental Medicine and Radiobiology
Department of Environmental and Molecular Genetics
Department of Foreign Languages
Department of Physical Education
Cabinet teaching biology and ecology

Department of Additional Education
Training courses
Preparatory department for foreign citizens
Raise qualifications and retraining

Metro: Metro Station "Tractor Plant"
Buses: Nos. 2, 14, 43, 43d, 84, 106, stop "Metro Station" Tractor
Trolleybuses: No. 49, stop "ul. O. Koshevoy ";
Trams: №№ 3, 6, "Metro Station" Tractor Plant ";
Power trading of suburban: stop "Tractor".

+375 17 230-69-98 (receiving rector)
+375 17 299-56-32 (Reception Commission)

Fax: +375 17 230-68-97

Web site:

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This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. (selection committee)

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