1941 1945 Which war. In World War II, all Europe fought against the USSR

Most modern schoolchildren are known when they started knowing the attacks on Poland: 1939, September 1. It turns out that one and a half years between these two events in our country did not occur in our country, people just went to work, met dawns over the Moscow-River, sang Komsomol songs, well, maybe sometimes even allowed to dance tango and focus. Such is nostalgic idyll.

In fact, the picture, created by hundreds of movies, apparently, is somewhat different from the realities of that time. All the union worked and not as now. Then there were no image makers, menunener and merchandisers, only specific cases related to the production of the necessary countries were considered work. Mainly weapon. This provision existed more than one year, and when the Great Patriotic War began, it was even harder.

That Sunday morning, when German troops attacked our borders, there was something inevitable, but it happened not as expected. Do not raise the fire, did not block steel combat vehicles, going to a fierce campaign. The huge stocks of weapons, food, medicines, fuel and other necessary military cargo were destroyed or captured by the upcoming Germans. Airplanes focused on the airfields attached close to the boundaries were burned on Earth.

To the question: "When did the Great Patriotic War begun?" - It would be more correct to respond: "July 3". I.V. Stalin, so it called it during his radio information to the Soviet people, "brothers and sisters". However, this term was mentioned in the True newspaper on the second and third day after the attack, but then he was still seriously perceived, it was a direct analogy with the First World War and Napoleonic Wars.

Numerous connoisseurs of history undeservedly pay attention to its initial period characterized as the largest military catastrophe for the entire existence of humanity. The number of irrevocable losses and captured by millions, the huge territories were in the power of the occupiers together with the population living on them and industrial potential, which hastily had to disable or evacuate.

Nazi hordes were able to reach the Volga, they needed to be a little more than a year. During the First World War Austro-Hungarian and German troops did not penetrate the "backward and lapot" deep into Russian Empire Further Carpathians.

From the moment when the Great Patriotic War began, about three years, filled with grief, blood and deaths passed before the liberation of the entire Soviet land. More than a million citizens who were captured and found out in the occupation moved to the side of the invaders, the divisions and the army included in the Wehrmacht were formed. I could not go about anything like during the First World War and Speech.

Due to the huge human and material losses of the USSR after the Great Patriotic War, experienced tremendous difficulties, expressed in the hunger of 1947, the overall impoverishment of the population and destroy, the consequences of which are felt partly and now.

When, on the Western border of the USSR, the sun rays were only going to illuminate the land, the first soldiers of Hitler's Germany stepped on Soviet land. Great patriotic War (Went) Already almost two years already, but now the heroic war began, and it will not be for the resources, not for the domination of one nation over the other, and not for the establishment of a new order, now the war will be the sacred, folk and the price of it will be life, real and Life of future generations.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Start of magnitude

On June 22, 1941, he went on the four years of inhuman efforts, during which the future of each of us hung almost in the hairs.
War is always a disgusting occupation, but The Great Patriotic War (Went) It was too folk that only professional soldiers participated in it. On the defense of the Motherland, all the people rose, it was from Mala to Great.
From the first day Great Patriotic War (Went) Simple heroism soviet soldier He became a role model. The fact that in the literature is often called "standing at death" was completely demonstrated in the battles for the Brest Fortress. The praised soldiers of the Wehrmacht, who conquered France in 40 days, and forced England to shower on their island, faced with such resistance that they simply could not believe that ordinary people fight against them. As if it was warriors from the epic tales, their breasts arose to defend each Pyats of the native land. Almost a month, the garrison of the fortress beat off one attack of the Germans after another. And this, just think, 4,000 people who were cut off from the mainstream, and which did not have a single chance of salvation. They were all doomed, but never succumbed to weakness, did not fold weapons.
When the advanced parts of the Wehrmacht goes to Kiev, Smolensk, Leningrad, battles still continue in the Brest Fortress.
Great Patriotic War All the time characterize the manifestations of heroism and resistance. Whatever in the territory of the USSR, which terrible would not be repressions of tyranny, the war was equal.
A vivid example of changing the relationship within society, the famous appeal of Stalin, which was made on July 3, 1941, contained the words - "Brothers and Sisters". There were no more citizens, there were no high ranks and comrades, it was a huge family consisting of all the peoples and nationalities of the country. The family demanded salvation, demanded support.
And on the Eastern Front continued battles. The German generals first encountered anomaly, and you won't call it differently. Developed by the best minds of the Hitler's General Staff, a lightning war, built on fast breakthroughs of tank compounds, followed by the environment of large parts of the enemy, no longer worked like a clock mechanism. Finding into the environment Soviet parts with battles broke out, and not folded weapons. To a serious degree, the heroism of soldiers and commanders threw the plans of the German offensive, slowed down the promotion of enemy parts and became a turning point of war. Yes, yes, it was then, in the summer of 41 years, the plans for the offensive were completely torn german army. Then there were Stalingrad, Kursk, Moscow battle, but they all became possible thanks to the unparalleled courage of a simple Soviet soldier, who stopped the German invaders with the price of his own life.
Of course, in the manual of military actions there were beggars. We must admit that the command of the Red Army was not ready for Went. The doctrine of the USSR assumed a victorious war on the territory of the enemy, but not on his own land. And technical soviet troops Seriously inferior to the Germans. So they went to the cavalry attacks on the tanks, flew and hit the German assues on old airplanes, burned in tanks, and retreated, without giving a bar without a fight.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Battle for Moscow

The plan for the lightning seizure of Moscow by the Germans, finally suffered a wreck in the winter of the 41st year. About the Moscow battle is very written, films were shot. However, each page of the written, each frame from prescribed the unparalleled heroism of Moscow defenders. We all know about the parade on November 7, which passed on Red Square, while German tanks went to the capital. Yes, it was also an example of how the Soviet people are going to defend their country. The troops went to the forefront immediately from the parade, while entering the battle. And the Germans could not stand. EUROPE IUTURERS stopped. The nature itself came to the rescue defenders, they hit the strongest frosts, and it was the beginning of the end of the German offensive. Hundreds of thousands of lives, widespread manifestations of patriotism and devotion to the homeland of soldiers in the environment, soldiers near Moscow, the inhabitants who first kept the weapon in their hands, all this was an insurmountable obstacle on the enemy's path to the heart of the USSR.
But after the legendary offensive began. German troops were discarded from Moscow, and for the first time knew the bitterness of the retreat and defeat. It can be said that it was here that the fate of the whole world was predetermined in the snow-covered localities, and not just war. Brown plague, until that time, absorbing the country behind the country, the people outside the people, turned out to face to face with people who did not want, could not stick their heads.
41st approached the end west Side The USSR was lying in ruins, the occupation troops were lyutoval, but nothing could break down those who were at the captured territories. There were traitors, what to hide, those who switched to the side of the enemy, and forever melted themselves with shame and the rank of "policeman." And who are they now, where are they? Does not forgive the sacred war of traitors on their land.
By the way about the "Holy War". The legendary song very accurately displaced the state of the society of those years. The folk and sacred war did not tolerate the subjunctive decline and weakness. The price of victory or defeat was life itself.
G. made it possible to change the relationship of power and church. Subjected to many years of persecution during Went Russian Orthodox Church With all the forces helped the front. And this is another example of heroism and patriotism. After all, we all know that in the West Pope simply leaned before the Hitler's Iron Fists.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Partisan War

Separately worth saying about partisan War during Went. The Germans first met with such fierce resistance to the population. Regardless of where the front line passed, the enemy constantly conducted in the rear martialctions. Not a minute of peace could not get the invaders on soviet land. Whether it is the fourth of Belarus or the forest of Smolensk region, the steppe of Ukraine, the death of the invaders was waiting for death! In the partisans, they left all villages, together with families, with relatives, and from there from the innermost, ancient forests were struck by fascists.
How many heroes have brewed partisan traffic. And old and very young. Young guys and girls, who went to school yesterday, today matured, and made the feats that will remain on the century in our memory.
While there were fighting on Earth, the air, in the first months of the war, fully belonged to the Germans. A huge number of aircraft of the Soviet Army was destroyed immediately after the start of the fascist offensive, and those who managed to rise into the air could not fight German aviation on an equal footing. However, Herism B. Went Manifests not only on the battlefield. Low bow all we, living today, give the figs. In the most severe conditions, under constant shelling and bombing, factories and factories were exported to the east. Immediately upon arrival, on the street, in the cold, became workers to machines. The army continued to receive ammunition. Talented designers created new arms models. On 18-20 hours a day worked in the rear, but the army, no matter what did. The victory was in price at the cost of the huge efforts of every person.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Rear

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Blood Leningrad.

Blood Leningrad. Are there people who would hear this phrase? 872 days of unparalleled heroism covered this city by eternal glory. German troops and allies, and could not break the resistance of a blockade city. The city lived, defended and caused response strikes. The road of life, which connected the blockade city with the mainland for many, became the last, and there was not a single person who would refuse, who would be tore and did not take in this ice ribbon food and ammunition to the Leningrads. Hope never died. And merit in this entirely belongs to ordinary people who exceeded the freedom of their country!
All history of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 written by unprecedented feats. Close up by your body an ambrusura of enemy dota, rushing with grenades under the tank, go to the ram in the air combat - could only real sons and daughters of their people, heroes.
And they were rewarded! And let the sky over the village of Prokhorovka became black from the soot and smoke, let the water of the northern seas took the dead heroes every day, but no longer stopping the liberation of the birthplace.
And there was the first salute, August 5, 1943. It was then that I went countdown to salutes in honor of the new victory, the new liberation of the city.
The peoples of Europe today do not know their history, the true history of the Second World War. It is thanks to the Soviet people who live, build their lives, give birth and raise children. Bucharest, Warsaw, Budapest, Sofia, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, all these capitals were released by blood price soviet heroes. And the last shots in Berlin commemoration of the end of the scary nightmare of the 20th century.

22nd of June. Conventional Sunday Day. More than 200 million citizens plan how to spend their weekend: go to visit, reduce children in the zoo, someone hurries on football, someone - on a date. Soon they will be the heroes and victims of war, killed and wounded, soldiers and refugees, blockades and prisoners of concentration camps, partisans, prisoners of war, orphans, disabled. Winners and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. But none of them yet knows about it.

In 1941. The Soviet Union was quite firmly on his legs - industrialization and collectivization brought their fruits, the industry developed - out of ten tractors issued in the world were Soviet production. DneprogES and Magnitan were built, the army is being re-equipped - the famous T-34 tank, Yak-1 fighters, MiG-3, IL-2 attack aircraft, PE-2 bomber have already enacted the Red Army. The situation in the world is restricted, but the Soviet people are confident that "the armor is strong and tanks our fast." In addition, two years ago after three hours of negotiations in Moscow, Molotov's USSR Molotov and Foreign Minister, Ribbentrop signed a non-aggression pact for a period of 10 years.

After an abnormally cold winter of 1940-1941. A pretty warm summer came to Moscow. In the park named after Gorky, attractions work, football matches are held at Dynamo Stadium. Film Studio "Mosfilm" is preparing the main premiere of the summer of 1941 - here just completed the installation of the lyrical comedy "Hearts of Four", which will be released only in 1945. In the main role of the favorite of Joseph Stalin and all Soviet cenkers actress Valentina Serov.

June, 1941 Astrakhan. Near the village of Linear

1941 Astrakhan. In the Caspian Sea

July 1, 1940 scene from the film directed by Vladimir Korsh-Sablin "My Love". In the center of the actress Lydia Smirnova as airlon

April, 1941 The peasant welcomes the first Soviet tractor

July 12, 1940 Residents of Uzbekistan work on the construction of a plot of a large Fergana Channel

August 9, 1940 Belarusian SSR. The farmers of the village of Tensy Tourovsky district of the Polesc region on the walk after a working day

05 May, 1941 Clement Voroshilov, Mikhail Kalinin, Anastas Mikoyan, Andrei Andreev, Alexander Shcherbakov, Georgy Malenkov, Semyon Tymoshenko, Georgy Zhukov, Andrei Eremenko, Semen Beanny, Nikolai Bulganin, Lazar Kaganovich and others in the Presidium of the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the issue Commanders who graduated from the Military Academies. Speakers Joseph Stalin

June 1, 1940. Civil defense classes in the village of Dikanka. Ukraine, Poltava region

In the spring-summer of 1941, the exercises of the Soviet military were increasingly at the Western borders of the USSR. In Europe, the war is already in full swing. The Soviet leadership reach rumors that Germany can attack at any time. But such messages are often ignored, since quite recently a non-aggression agreement was signed.
August 20, 1940 Residents of the village talk with tankers during military exercises

"All above, above and above
We strive we are the flight of our birds,
And in each propeller breathes
Calm to our borders. "

Soviet song, more known as the "Marsh Aviator"

June 1, 1941 under the wing of the TB-3 aircraft suspended fighter I-16, under the wing of which a fugasic bomb weighing 250 kg

September 28, 1939 People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov and German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop exchange hands after signing the joint Soviet-German Treaty "On Friendship and Border"

General Field Marshal V.Kaitel, Colonel-General V.The Burahich, A.Gitler, Colonel-General F. Golder (from left to right in the foreground) near the table with a map during the General Staff Meeting. In 1940, Adolf Hitler signed the main directive No. 21 under the codenate name "Barbarossa"

On June 17, 1941, V. N. Merkulov sent I. V. Stalin and V. M. Molotov Agency message received by the NKGB of the USSR from Berlin:

"A source operating at the headquarters of German aviation reports:
1. All German military events for the preparation of armed performances against the USSR are fully finished, and the blow can be expected at any time.

2. In the circles of aviation headquarters, the TASS message from June 6 is perceived very ironically. Emphasize that this statement can not have any meaning ... "

There is a resolution (regarding 2 points): "Comrade Merkulov. You can send your "source" from the headquarters of German aviation to the ebic mother. This is not a "source", and disinformer. I. Stalin "

July 1, 1940 Marshal Semen Tymoshenko (right), General Army of Georgy Zhukov (left) and army general Cyril Metskov (2 left) on exercises in 99 rifle Division Kiev Special Military District

June 21, 21:00

On the site of the Socal Comfusion, was detained german soldier Efreitor Alfred Lieskof, climbing the Bug River.

From the testimony of the chief of the 90th frontier of Major Bychkovsky: "Due to the fact that translators in the detachment are weak, I called from the city of the teacher german language ... And Lieskof repeated the same thing again, that is, that the Germans are preparing to attack the USSR at dawn on June 22, 1941 ... Without completing the interrogation of a soldier, heard a strong artillery fire in the direction of Ustilug (the first commandanttry). I realized that these Germans opened fire in our territory, which was confirmed by the interrogated soldier. Immediately began to call the commandant, but the connection was broken. "


In Moscow, a conversation of the People's Commissar of Molotov's Foreign Affairs with the German ambassador Schulenburg took place. Molotov said the protest due to numerous disorders of the border of the USSR by German aircraft. Schulenburg rested.

From the memories of Efreitor Hansa Taychler: "On 22 hours we were built and read the order of the Fuhrer. Finally, we were directly told, why are we here. Not at all for throwing into Persia to shiver the British with the permission of Russians. And not in order to put the vigilance of the British, and then quickly transfer troops to La Mansu and land in England. Not. We are a soldier of the Great Reich - waiting for war with the Soviet Union himself. But there is no such force that could keep the movement of our armies. For Russians, this will be a real war, for us - just a victory. We will pray for it. "

June 22, 00:30

In the districts, Directive No. 1 was sent out, containing the order to secretly take firepoints at the border, not to succumb to provocations and lead troops in combat readiness.

From the memories of the German General Geinz Guderian: "In the fatal day, on June 22 at 2 hours 10 minutes, I went to the team center of the group ...
At 3 o'clock 15 minutes, our artillery preparation began.
At 3 hours and 40 minutes - the first bloom of our dive bombers.
At 4 hours and 15 minutes began to cross over the Bug. "


Commanding Black Sea Fleet Admiral Oktyabrsky called the chief of the General Staff of the Republic of Redek Georgy Zhukov and said that the sea is suitable a large number of unknown aircraft; The fleet is in full combat readiness. Admiral proposed to meet them with fire fleet air defense. He was given an indication: "Act and report to your addict."


Head of the Western District, Major General Vladimir Klimov, reported on German aviation on the city of Belarus. Three minutes later, the chief of staff of the Kiev district, General Purrian, reported on aviation raids on the cities of Ukraine. At 03:40, the Commander of the Baltic District, General Kuznetsov, announced a tax on Kaunas and other cities.

From the memories of I. I. Gabib, the deputy commander of the regiment of the 46th JEP, wrap: "... I got cold in my chest. In front of me - four two-door bombers with black crosses on wings. I even bit my lip. Why is it "junkers"! German bombers Yu-88! What to do? .. Another thought arose: "Today, Sunday, and on Sundays, Germans do not have training flights." Outlook, war? Yes, war! "


Timoshenko's drug defense is asking Zhukov to report Stalin about the start of hostilities. Stalin in response ordered to gather all members of the Politburo in the Kremlin. At this point, Brest, Grodno, Lida, Kobrin, Slonim, Baranovich, Bobruisk, Volkovysk, Kiev, Zhytomyr, Sevastopol, Riga, Window, Libava, Schauliai, Kaunas, Vilnius, and many other cities, Vilnius, and many other cities are subjected to bombing.

From the memories of Aleceptina Kitty, 1925 (Lithuania): "I woke up from the fact that I hit my head about the bed - the Earth shuddered from falling bombs. I ran to my parents. Dad said: "The war began. We must clean from here! " We did not know who began war, we did not think about it, it was just very scary. Dad was a military man, and therefore he was able to call for us a car that brought us the train station. They took only clothes. All furniture and homemade utensils remained. At first we went on a commodity train. I remember how my mother covered me and the brother with her body, then they moved to the passenger train. The fact that war with Germany, they learned somewhere in 12 days from the oncoming people. At the city of Shauliye, we saw a large number of wounded, stretchers, doctors. "

At the same time, the Belostok-Minsk battle began, as a result of which the basic forces of the Soviet Western Front were surrounded and were crushed. German troops captured a significant part of Belarus and advanced to a depth of over 300 km. On the part of the Soviet Union in Belostoksky and the Minsk "Boilers", 11 rifle, 2 cavalry, 6 tank and 4 motorized divisions were killed, 3 compements and 2 kitsyva were killed, 2 compets and 6 divisions commanders were captured, another 1 case commander and 2 commander Divisions were missing.


The beginning of the hostilities of the German troops in the land plots reported western and Baltic special districts.


German bombers appeared above Sevastopol. The enemy bloom was repulsed, and the attempt of hitting ships was turned on, but residential buildings and warehouses were injured in the city.

From the memories of Sevastopol Anatoly Marsanova: "It was then for me only five years ... the only thing that remains in the memory: at night, parachutes appeared in the sky. Lightly became, I remember, the whole city is lit, everyone runs, joyful such ... scream: "Parachutists! Parachutists! "... do not know that these are mines. And how they were as angry - alone in the bay, the other - below us down the street, so much people wentubilate! "


The defense of the Brest Fortress began. The first attack by 04:55 the Germans took almost half of the fortress.

From the memories of the defender of the Brest Fortress of Peter Kotelnikova, 1929..: "In the morning we woke up a strong blow. Thought the roof. I stunned. I saw the wounded and killed, I understood: it is no longer a teaching, but war. Most soldiers of our barracks died in the first seconds. I, after adults, rushed to weapons, but the rifles did not give me. Then I rushed with a worm warehouse with one of the Red Army. Then with the fighters switched to the basements of the barracks of the neighboring 333rd rifle regiment ... We helped the wounded, we wore them ammunition, food, water. Through the West Wing at night, they made their way to the river to gain water, and returned back. "


Moscow time Reichs Minister of Foreign Affairs Ioachim von Ribbentrop caused Soviet diplomats to his office. When they arrived, he informed them about the beginning of the war. The last thing he said the ambassadors was: "Pass to Moscow that I was against the attack." After that, telephones did not work at the embassy, \u200b\u200band the building itself was surrounded by SS detachments.


Schulenburg officially told Molotov about the beginning of the war of Germany and the USSR, reading the note: "Bolshevik Moscow is ready to strike into the back of the National Socialist Germany, leading the struggle for existence. The German government can not indispensively refer to a serious threat on the eastern border. Therefore, Führer gave orders to German armed Forces With all the forces and means to take this threat ... "

From the memories of Molotov: "Advisor of the German ambassador Hilger, when he handed a note, was slandered."

From Hilger's memories: "He gave free to his indignation, saying that Germany attacked the country with which there was a non-aggression pact. It does not have in the history of precedents. The reason called the German side is an empty pretext ... I concluded my angry speech of Molotov: "We did not give any reason for this."


Directive No. 2 was published, prescribing the USSR troops to destroy enemy forces in the disturbances of the border, destroy the opponent's aviation, as well as to "bomb Königsberg and Memel" (modern Kaliningrad and Klaipeda). The USSR Air Force was allowed to go "to the depth of German territory to 100-150 km." At the same time, the first counterattack of Soviet troops at the Lithuanian town of Alitus occurs.


At 7:00 on the Berlin Time, the Reichs Minister of Folk Enlightenment and Propaganda Joseph Goebbels on Radio read the appeal of Adolf Hitler to the German people in connection with the beginning of the war against the Soviet Union: "... Today I decided to invest fate again and the future of the German Reich and our people in our hands soldier. May the Lord will help us in this struggle! ".


Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Mikhail Kalinin signed a number of decrees, including a decree on the introduction of a military situation, on the formation of a headset rate, on military tribunals and universal mobilization, which was subject to all born from 1905 to 1918.


German bombers made a raid on Kiev and his suburbs. The bomb attack was subjected train Station, Factory Bolshevik, Airplane, Power Stations, Military Airfields, Residential buildings. According to official data, as a result of the bombing, 25 people died, according to unofficial victims, it was much more. However, a few days in the capital of Ukraine continued peaceful life. Canceled only the opening stadium planned on June 22, on this day it had to go here soccer game Dynamo (Kiev) - CSKA.


Molotov on the radio made a speech about the beginning of the war, where first called her domestic. Also in this performance, the phrase sounds for the first time, which has become the main slogan of war: "Our business is right. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours".

From the conversion of Molotov: "This unheard of attack on our country is unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples of treachery ... This war is imposed on us not by the German people, not the German workers, peasants and intelligentsia, the suffering of which we understand well, but by clicking the bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany, enslaved French, Chekhov , Poles, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other nations ... Not the first time, our people have to deal with the attacking enemy. At one time, on the campaign of Napoleon to Russia, our people responded to the Patriotic War and Napoleon suffered a defeat, came to his collapse. The same will be with the accusatory Hitler, who announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all of our people will again behave for a victorious Patriotic War for their homeland, for honor, for freedom. "

Leningrad workers are listening to a message about the attack of fascist Germany to the Soviet Union

From the memories of Dmitry Savelyev, Novokuznetsk: "We gathered in pillars with loudspeakers. Molotov's speech carefully listened. Many have a feeling of some outrage. After that, the streets began to be allowed, after some time products disappeared in stores. They were not bought - just delivery was reduced ... People were not frightened, but rather focused on, they did everything that the government said them. "

After some time, the text of the Molotov's speech repeated the famous speaker Yuri Levitan. Thanks to his heartfelt voice and the fact that Levitan has read the front-line summaries of the Soviet Informbure throughout the war, there is an opinion that the first message about the beginning of the war he read on the radio. So even said Marshals of Zhukov and Rokossovsky, what they wrote about in their memoirs.

Moscow. Speaker Yuri Levitan during filming in the studio

From the memories of Speaker Yuri Levitan: "When in the early morning of us, speakers, called on the radio, have already begun calls to distribute. Call from Minsk: "enemy aircraft over the city", call from Kaunas: "The city is burning, why don't you pass anything on the radio?", "Over Kiev enemy aircraft." Female crying, excitement - "War really"? .. And now I remember - turned on the microphone. In all cases, I remember myself that I was worried only internally, only internally worried. But here, when I said the word "says Moscow", I feel that I can not speak, I'm stuck a lump in my throat. From the hardware already knocking - "Why are silent? Continue! " Slugged fists and continued: "Citizens and citizens of the Soviet Union ..."

Stalin turned to the speech to the Soviet people only on July 3, 12 days after the start of the war. Historians are still arguing why he was silent for so long. This is how Vyacheslav Molotov explained to this fact: "Why am I, not Stalin? He did not want to perform first. It is necessary that there is a clearer picture, what tone and what approach ... He said that she would wait for a few days and will appear when the situation is cleared on the fronts. "

But what he wrote about this Marshal Zhukov: "AND. V. Stalin was a volitional man and, as they say, "not from a cowardly dozen." I saw him only once. It was at dawn on June 22, 1941, when fascist Germany attacked our country. For the first day he could not truly take himself in his hands and firmly lead the events. The shock made on I. V. Stalin attack the enemy was so strong that he even dropped the sound of the voice, and his orders for the organization of the armed struggle did not always responded to the established setting. "

From Stalin's speech on Radio July 3, 1941: "War S. fascist Germany It is impossible to consider the war ordinary ... Our war for freedom of our Fatherland will merge with the struggle of the peoples of Europe and America for their independence, for democratic freedoms. "


At the same time, German troops entered Grodno. A few minutes later, the bombardment of Minsk, Kiev, Sevastopol and other cities began again.

From the memories of Ninel Karpova, 1931. (Kharovsk Vologda region): "Message about the beginning of the war we listened to the reproductor on the home of defense. There are many people crowded. I was not upset, on the contrary I was infused: my father will defend his homeland ... In general, people were not afraid. Yes, women, of course, were upset, cried. But the panic was not. Everyone was sure that we would quickly defeat the Germans. Men said: "Yes, the Germans will dwell from us!" "

Capital points in the military registration and enlistment offices opened. In Moscow, Leningrad and other cities, they lined up queues.

From the memories of Dina Bely, 1936. (Kushva Sverdlovsk region): "All men immediately began to call, and my dad, including. Dad hugged her mother, they both cried, kissed ... I remember how Kizzy's boots grabbed him and screamed: "Folder, do not go! You will kill you, kill! " When he sat down in a train, Mom took me on his hands, we were both sobbed with her, she whispered her tears: "Mad dad ..." Which there, I so sobat, could not move my hand. We have not seen him anymore, our breadwinner. "

Calculations and experience of the mobilization showed that to transfer the army and fleet to war time It was required to call 4.9 million people. However, during the declaration of mobilization, military-ridden 14 ages were called, the total number of which amounted to about 10 million people, that is, almost 5.1 million people more than what was required.

The first day of mobilization in the Red Army. Volunteers in the Oktyabrsk Commissioner

The appeal of such a mass of people was not caused by military necessity and made disorganization to the national economy and anxiety into the masses. Not realizing this, the Marshal of the Soviet Union G. I. Kulik suggested that the government additionally call for older ages (1895-1904 of birth), whose total number was 6.8 million people.


To take the Brest Fortress, the Germans introduced the new forces of 133 infantry shelf in the South and West Islands, but this "did not bring changes in the position." The Brest Fortress continued to hold defense. The 45th Infantry Division of Fritz Schlipers was thrown onto this section of the front. It was decided that the Brest Fortress would take only the infantry - without tanks. At the taking of the fortress was given no more than eight hours.

From the report to the headquarters of the 45th Infantry Division, Fritz Schlipers: "Russians are fiercely resist, especially behind our attackers. In the Citadel, the enemy organized defense by infantry parts with the support of 35-40 tanks and armored cars. The fire of Russian snipers led to great losses among officers and nonsense officers. "


Italian Foreign Minister Galeacezzo Chiano told the Soviet Ambassador in Rome Gorelkin that Italy declared the War of the USSR "from the moment the German troops joined the Soviet territory."

From diaries Chiano: "My message he perceives with a rather large indifference, but it is in his character. The message is very short, without unnecessary words. The conversation lasted two minutes. "


Pilots of German bombers reported that they had nothing more to bomb, all airfields, barracks and accumulations of armored vehicles were destroyed.

From the memories of Marshal Aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union G.V. Zimina: "On June 22, 1941, large groups of fascist bomber subjected to impacts of 66 of our airfields, on which the basic forces of aviation of Western border districts were based. First of all, airfields were subjected to airfield strikes, on which aviation shelves armed with airplanes of new designs were based ... as a result of strikes on airfields and in fierce air battles, the enemy managed to destroy up to 1,200 aircraft, including 800 at airfields. "


Stalin went from the Kremlin to the near Dacha. To the leader until the end of the day do not allow politburo members.

From the memories of a member of the Politburo Nikita Khrushchev:
"Beria told the following: when the war began, Stalin had members of the Politburo. I do not know, all or only a certain group, which is most often gathered at Stalin. Stalin was morally completely depressed and made such a statement: "War began, it develops catastrophically. Lenin left us the proletarian Soviet state, and we won it. " Literally so expressed.
"I," says, "I refuse the leadership," and left. I left, got into the car and left for the near country. "

Some historians, referring to the memories of other participants in the events, argue that this conversation occurred in the day later. But the fact that in the first days of the war, Stalin was confused and did not know how to act, confirmed by many witnesses.


Commander of the 4th Army Ludwig Kyubler gives an order to "delay own forces»At the Brest Fortress. This is one of the first orders for the retreat of German troops.


Commander of the Army Group "Center" General Fyodor von side gives an order to stop the shootings of Soviet prisoners of war. After that, they were kept on rush fenced barbed wires. So the first camps for prisoners of war appeared.

From the notes of the brigadefuer of the SS, G. Keppler, the commander of the shelf "Tel Führer" from the Das Rayich division: "In the hands of our regiment, rich trophies and big number prisoners among which was a lot civilians, even women and girls, Russians forced them to defend themselves with arms in their hands, and they bravely fought together with the Red Army. "


British Prime Minister Winston Churchill performs with the radio, in which he stated that England "will give Russia and the Russian people to all the help of what can".

Winston Churchill's speech on BBC radio station air: "Over the past 25 years, no one has been a more consistent opponent of communism than me. I will not take back not a single word that I said about him. But all this pale before the spectacle deployed now. The past with his crimes, madness and tragedies disappears ... I see Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of your native land, guarding the fields that their fathers have been processed from time immemorial ... I see how the vile Nazi military car comes to all this.


The head of the Red Army sent to the Directive No. 3, which orders on June 23 to apply the countermates of the enemy.

Text: Information Center ID "Kommersant", Tatyana Mishanina, Artem Galustyan
Video: Dmitry Shelkovnikov, Alexey Koshel
Photo: TASS, RIA "News", "Spark", Dmitry Kuchv
Design, programming and layout: Anton Zhukov, Alexey Shabra
Kim Voronin
Commissioning Editor: Artem Galustyan

War is a huge grief

Second world War - The most bloody war in the history of mankind. Lasts 6 years. Participated in the hostilities of the army 61 of the state with a total population of 1700 million people, that is, 80% of the entire population of the Earth. Fights walked in the territories of 40 countries. For the first time in the chronicles of mankind, the number of dead civilians exceeded the number of victims directly in battles, and almost twice.
Finally scatter the illusion of people about human nature. No progress does not change this nature. People remained the same as two or thousand years ago: beasts, only slightly covered with a thin layer of civilization and culture. Malice, envy, careful, stupidity, indifference - qualities that manifest themselves much in more thanthan kindness and compassion.
Scattered illusions about the importance of democracy. The people do nothing. As always in history, he is driven to the slaughter to kill, rape, burn, and he is submorted.
Scattered illusions about the fact that humanity is studying on their own mistakes. It does not study. The first world war, abandoned 10 million lives, separates from the second total of 23 years.

Participants in World War II

Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic - on the one hand
USSR, United Kingdom, USA, China - On the other

Years of World War II 1939 - 1945

Causes of World War II

It was not just failed under the First World War, in which Germany suffered defeat, but its conditions Germany was humiliated and disassembled. Political instability, the danger of the victory of the left forces in political struggle, economic difficulties contributed to the coming to power in Germany of the ultranationalist Nazinal-Socialist Party, led by Hitler, whose nationalist, demagogic, populist slogans were soul to the German people
"One Reich, one people, one Führer"; "Blood and soil"; "Germany wake up!"; "We want to show the German people that there is no life without justice, and justice without power, power without power, and all the power is inside our people," "Freedom and bread", "death of lies"; "End to corruption!"
After World War II Western Europe swept the pacifist sentiment. Peoples not under what conditions did not want to fight, for nothing. These feelings of voters were forced to be considered policies that no way or very sluggish, yielding in everything, reacted to the revengers, aggressive actions and aspirations of Hitler

    * Beginning of 1934 - Mobilization Plans 240 thousand enterprises on the production of military products were approved by the Defense Council of the Reich Defense Council
    * October 1, 1934 - Hitler gave an order to increase the Reichsver from 100 thousand to 300 thousand soldiers
    * March 10, 1935 - Goering announced that Germany has air Force
    * March 16, 1935 - Hitler announced the restoration of the universal set system in the army and creating an army in peacetime from thirty-six divisions (this is about half a million people)
    * On March 7, 1936, German troops entered the territory of the Rhine demilitarized zone, violating all past agreements
    * March 12, 1938 - Accession to Germany Austria
    * September 28-30 1938 - Germany's transfer of the Subita region Czechoslovakia
    * October 24, 1938 - Germany's requirement to Poland Allow accession to the Reich city of Danzig and the construction of extraterritorial iron and highways in Polish territory to East Prussia
    * November 2, 1938 - Germany forced Czechoslovakia to transfer Hungary southern regions of Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ukraine
    * March 15, 1939 - the occupation of Germany of the Czech Republic and the inclusion of it in the Reich

In the 20s of the 20s, before World War I War, the West with Big Osto observed the actions and policies of the Soviet Union, which continued to broadcast about the world revolution that Europe was perceived by the desire for world domination. The leaders of France and England Stalin and Hitler were one field of berries and they hoped to direct German aggression to the east, in secret diplomatic strokes by challenged Germany and the USSR, and remain aside.
As a result of the disunity and contradictions of the actions of the global community, Germany gained strength and confidence in the possibility of their hegemony in the world

The main events of the Second World War

  • , September 1 - the Army of Germany passed the Western Border of Poland
  • 1939, September 3 - United Kingdom and France declared war in Germany
  • 1939, September 17 - Red Army crossed the eastern border of Poland
  • 1939, October 6 - Capitulation of Poland
  • , May 10 - German attack on France
  • 1940, April 9, June 7 - Occupation of Germany Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Norway
  • 1940, June 14 - the German army entered Paris
  • 1940, September - 1941, May - Battle for England
  • 1940, September 27 - the formation of a tripartal union between Germany, Italy, Japan, who hoped after the victory to divide the influence in the world

    Later, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Finland, Thailand, Croatia, Spain joined the Union. The three-world union or the countries of the axis in World War II opposed the antihytler coalition as part of the Soviet Union, Great Britain and its Dominion, USA and China

  • March 11 - in the USA adopted
  • 1941, April 13 - the Treaty of the USSR and Japan on nonsense and neutrality
  • 1941, June 22 - German attack on the Soviet Union. The beginning of the Great Domestic
  • 1941, September 8 - the beginning of the blockade of Leningrad
  • 1941, September 30 - December 5 - Battle for Moscow. Defeat by the German army
  • 1941, November 7 - The Law on Land Lisa is distributed to the USSR
  • 1941, December 7 - Japan's attack on the American base Pearl Harbor. The beginning of the war on Pacific Ocean
  • 1941, December 8 - Entry into US War
  • 1941, December 9 - Announcement of China, German and Italy
  • 1941, December 25 - Japan seized Hong Kong British
  • , January 1 - Washington Declaration of 26 States on cooperation in the fight against fascism
  • 1942, January-May - Heavy lesions of the English troops in North Africa
  • 1942, January-March - Japanese troops occupied Rangne, Islands Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bali, part of New Guinea, a new Britain, Gilbert Islands, most of the Solomon Islands
  • 1942, the first half - the defeat of the Red Army. The German army reached the Volga
  • 1942, 4-5 June - the defeat of the US fleet of the USA Part of the Japanese Fleet at the Midway Atoll
  • 1942, July 17 - the beginning of the Stalingrad battle
  • 1942, October 23 - November 11 - defeat of the German army from the Anglo-American troops in North Africa
  • 1942, November 11 - Occupation of Germany South France
  • , February 2 - the defeat of the fascist troops near Stalingrad
  • 1943, January 12 - Breakthrough Blockads of Leningrad
  • 1943, May 13 - Capitulation of German troops in Tunisia
  • 1943, July 5, August 23 - the defeat of the Germans near Kursk
  • 1943, July-August - landing of Anglo-American troops in Sicily
  • 1943, August-December - the onset of the Red Army, the liberation of most Belarus and Ukraine
  • 1943, 28 November-December 1 - Tehran Conference Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt
  • , January-August - the onset of the Red Army on all fronts. Its exit to the pre-war borders of the USSR
  • 1944, June 6 - the landing of the Union Anglo-American troops in Normandy. Opening of the second front
  • 1944, 25 August - Paris in the hands of the allies
  • 1944, autumn - continuation of the onset of the Red Army, the liberation of the Baltic States, Moldova, Northern Norway
  • 1944, December 16 - 1945, January - a severe defeat of the allies in the countertime of the Germans in Arden
  • , January-May - offensive operations of the Red Army and union forces in Europe and in the Pacific Ocean
  • 1945, January 4-11 - Yalta Conference with Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill about the post-war device of Europe
  • 1945, April 12 - President of the US President Roosevelt died, replaced by Truman
  • 1945, April 25 - began the assault of Berlin parts of the Red Army
  • 1945, May 8 - the capitulation of Germany. End of the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945, July 17 - 2 August - Potsdam Conference of US Government Heads, USSR, Great Britain
  • 1945, July 26 - Japan rejected the proposal for surrender
  • 1945, August 6 - Atomic bombing of Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • 1945, August 8 - USSR of Japan
  • 1945, September 2 - the capitulation of Japan. End of World War II

World War II completed on September 2, 1945 by signing the act of surrender of Japan's capitulation

The main battles of the Second World War

  • Aviation and maritime battle for England (July 10, October 30, 1940)
  • Smolensk Battle (July 10, September 10, 1941)
  • Battle for Moscow (September 30, 1941-7 January 1942)
  • Defense of Sevastopol (October 30, 1941-4 July 1942)
  • Attack of the Japanese Fleet on the base of the American fleet Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941)
  • Sea battle at the Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean of Flots of the United States and Japan (June 4, June 7, 1942)
  • Battle for the island of Guadalkanal Island Solomon Archipelago in Pacific (August 7, 1942-9 February 1943)
  • Battle under Rzhev (January 5, 1942-21 March 1943)
  • Stalingrad Battle (July 17, 1942-2 February 1943)
  • Battle at El Alameine in North Africa (October 23-November 5)
  • Battle on the Kursk Arc (July 5, August 23, 1943)
  • Battle for Dnipro (Forcing Dnipro September 22-30) (August 26 - 23, 1943)
  • Allied landing in Normandy (June 6, 1944)
  • Liberation of Belarus (June 23-August 29, 1944)
  • Battle in Ardenes in the south-west of Belgium (December 16, 1944-29 January 1945)
  • Berlin's assault (April 25-May 2, 1945)

Commander of the Second World War

  • marshal Zhukov (1896-1974)
  • marshal Vasilevsky (1895-1977)
  • marshal Rokossovsky (1896-1968)
  • marshal Konev (1897-1973)
  • marshal Meretkov (1897 - 1968)
  • marshal Govorov (1897 - 1955)
  • marshal Malinovsky (1898 - 1967)
  • marshal Tolbukhin (1894 - 1949)
  • army General Antonov (1896 - 1962)
  • general Army Vatutin (1901-1944)
  • main Marshal of the Armored Troops of the Rothmisters (1901-1981)
  • marshal of the armored troops of Catukov (1900-1976)
  • general Army Chernyakhovsky (1906-1945)
  • marshall Army General (1880-1959)
  • general Army Eisenhawer (1890-1969)
  • general Army MacArthur (1880-1964)
  • army General Bradley (1893-1981)
  • admiral Nimitz (1885-1966)
  • army General, General Air Force H. Arnold (1886-1950)
  • general Patton (1885-1945)
  • general Divers (1887-1979)
  • general Clark (1896-1984)
  • admiral Fletcher (1885-1973)

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher and

Vocational education

Ural State Legal Academy

Institute of Justice

Department of State and Law History


according to academic discipline

"National history"

on the topic: "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"


Student 1 courses

122 "A" groups

Ushakov Vladimir


Senior Lecturer

Sorokina Olga Nikolaevna

yekaterinburg city

Introduction .............................................................................. p.3

1. Causes of war .................................................................................

2. First period of war ..............................................................................................................................................5

3. The second period of the war ......................................................... ... p.9

4. The third period of the war ......................................................... ... p.11

5. Results and consequences of war .................................................................

Conclusion .......................................................................................... P.15

List of references ............................................................... ... p.16


More than sixty years ago, the victory of our people is a terrible war, which claimed millions of lives. There is no deadlines for bitter memory. Much changes: states, borders, people, estimates of the past. Memory does not change, are still alive in the memoirs of a few already front-line, their combat comrades who fell by the death of brave on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Store the gray widows still stored old photos and letters, carefully turn into a memory short days and cry, recognizing in adult grandchildren the features of the long-dead young husbands. And it does not go out the flame of the eternal flame, burning alive in memory of the dead. R. Christmas said: "Recall everyone, I will remember everyone, I will remember St. ... It is not necessary for it! It is necessary alive! "

Living in the afternoon today, we should not forget that there is a past, remember not only tragic, but also heroic. Memory cannot be cruel, it must be care about the future, to, extracting lessons, do not repeat errors.

In my work, I tried to briefly describe, remember the events of the Great Patriotic War. Chronological framework of work: June 1941 - May 1945. The goals of my work is to consider the causes of war, identify the main periods, consider the main events, military battles and the consequences of hostilities.

Causes of war

By the end of the 30s. The external policy of fascist Germany has sharply activated, which proclaimed its main task to conquer the living space. The ideas of national exclusivity preached by the Nazis were easily assisted by the Germans who considered themselves an offended Versailles, summing up the results of the First World War. This humiliation required emotional and political compensation, which was clearly learned by the National Socialists, who set the idea of \u200b\u200bthe grand German nation in the chapter of their teachings.

Germany initially covered its strategic goals of Germany, a clearly pronounced ideology of the incomprehension of communism. Seeing only the anti-communism of the leaders of the new Germany, the policies of the United States, England, France pushed the Nazis to the military conflict from the USSR, not suggesting that the Hitler would not be limited.

On July 31, 1940, Hitler officially informed the highest general of the upcoming military campaign. In the diary of the head of the General Staff ground Forces Colonel-General F. Galder on this day, an entry appeared: "The beginning (military campaign) is May 1941. The duration of the whole operation is five months." General Staff has hurkedly started developing a strategic warfare plan against the USSR. The planning was based on the requirement of the most rapid, lightning distance of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. On December 18, 1940, Hitler signed Directive No. 21 of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Germany (OKV) about the attack on the USSR and gave it the code name "Barbarossa".

The essence of the plan was to defeat the Soviet troops in the West of the USSR in a short period of time, and prevent the retreat of the combat-ready parts of the Red Army to the East.

In accordance with the plan, the Nazis told the offensive in three directions. The fascist army was divided into the North, Center and South Groups. The first group led an offensive on the Baltic States and Leningrad, the second group fell to Minsk, Smolensk and Moscow, the tasks of the Third Group included the seizure of Kiev, Donbass, Crimea.

The plans of the German command was the destruction of the Soviet Union as a guarantee of the establishment of global German domination.

First period of war

Early in the morning of June 22, 1941, the fascist army unexpectedly invaded the territory of the USSR. The offensive took place over the entire border from the Black to the Baltic Sea. The invasion army numbered 5.5 million people, about 4,300 tanks and assault guns, 4980 combat aircraft, 47,200 guns and mortars. She was opposed to the strength of the five Soviet Western border districts and three fleets, which almost doubled the enemy in a living force, had a slightly smaller amount of artillery, exceeded the enemy in tanks and aircraft, however, mostly outdated samples.

The main blow accepted the troops on the border. The superiority of the enemy over the Soviet troops was fourfold and more. The fascists sought to paralyze Soviet aviation, since their main task was to achieve domination in the air. Murmansk, Riga, Smolensk, Kiev, Zhytomyr and other cities were subjected to bombardments. In the first days of the war, Soviet aviation lost more than a thousand aircraft. Large losses Soviet troops suffered at the occurrence of fascist ground forces.

The first period of war began. Chronologically, it covers the time from June 22, 1941 to November 18, 1942 and is determined as follows: the strategic defense of the Soviet Armed Forces. The defeat of the fascist troops near Moscow. Fulling attempts to the Hitler coalition to crush the Soviet Union in a lightning war.

One of the defensive battles was the battle for the Brest Fortress. In July-August 1941, fierce battles were conducted near Borisov and Smolensk. The Smolensk direction defended the troops of the Western Front, against which the group of the "Center" army operated. On July 16, the Germans managed to take Smolensk, which opened the way to Moscow.

At the end of August, Nazi broke through the defense in the area of \u200b\u200bthe miracle and resumed an offensive to Leningrad. The capture of Leningrad would allow the Germans to solve such military challenges as the elimination of the main bases of the Baltic Fleet, the decrease in the city's military industry.

The entire able-bodied population of Leningrad, starting from June 27, 1941, participated in the construction of defense structures. In the first months of the war, a food problem in the city escalated significantly. Leningrad was surrounded. The blockade of Leningrad began, which lasted 900 days.

The country has become the beginning of the war into a single combat camp, the main goal was to mobilize all the forces on the defeat of the enemy. In the European part of the USSR, martial law was introduced, mass mobilization was declared. Industry has become working in military mode. It was decided to create a military-industrial base in the east of the USSR - in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Work was carried out to move most of the existing enterprises in the depths of the country, east.

The Soviet government was subjected to structural restructuring. The State Defense Committee (GKO) was established, I.V. became his chairman Stalin. A bid of the Supreme Commands was also created, which relied on the military councils of fronts and armies.

One of the reasons for the defeats of the Red Army was an unexpected invasion of fascists on the territory of the country. In addition, the army joined the war in adverse conditions. Although it was quite numerous, its parts were not presented in complete combat readiness. The technical re-equipment of the army was not completed, the reorganization of the industry for military units was also not completed.

The reason for the defeats of the Red Army was the miscalculations in determining the time of the German attack on the USSR, and errors in the events for the reflection of fascist strikes.

By the beginning of the war soviet army According to the total technical support, Germany exceeded the army. But even where our troops exceeded the forces of the enemy, the border battles were played. Parts did not have connections with headquarters, and the last - with the GKO and the bid, which made it difficult to educate information about the enemy. The order of the rate to hold the binds occupied in any conditions led to the fact that whole groups of troops fell under the strikes of the German fascist troops and carried large losses. Contributed to defeats the insufficient training of commanders and repression in the army.

The fights were important in the fall of 1941 for Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol. Fighting in Kiev was raised the fascist plan for the "lightning" war. The city has created a folk militia and defense headquarters. Defenders of the city courageously resisted until September 19.

Fierce defensive battles were led by Odessa. Fights went to October 16, after which the Odessa garrison was evacuated to the Crimea.

The defensive battles in the Crimea began in September-October 1941. The defense of Sevastopol was the longest, it lasted 250 days and entered the story as a sample of long and active defense of the Primorsky city and a major naval base left in the deep rear of the enemy. For a long time, having robbed the significant forces of the German fascist troops and inflicts them a big damage, the defenders of Sevastopol overturned the plans of the enemy command on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front.

The heroic defense of Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol, the Smolensk battle contributed to the disrupting the German-fascist plan of the "lightning" war against the USSR. But at the end of September - early October 1941, the enemy resumed hostilities in the Moscow direction. The battle for Moscow began 1941-1942. GKO decided to create a Moscow defense zone. They defended Moscow part of the Western, Kalininsky and South-Western fronts.

Numerous attacks on Moscow were repulsed, defensive battles continued until December 5, 1941. The Red Army was able to move from defense to the offensive. During the offensive, which began on December 6, 1941 and the German troops lasted until the end of January 1942, for the first time in World War I, were defeated. The battle for Moscow was the decisive event of the first year of war. It was finally dispelled by the myth of the invincibility of the German army.

In 1942, the Fascist Command has set itself the goal of defeating the troops of the South-Western and South Fronts, to go to the Don and create conditions for the attack in the Caucasus to seize the important oil and bread areas of our country.

In May 1942, Soviet troops switched to the offensive north and southeastern Kharkov, did not fail here.

At the end of June 1942, the fascists made an offensive on Voronezh, but were stopped and turned to Stalingrad. On August 25, 1942, Stalingrad was translated into a siege. Soon fierce battles on the outskirts, and then in the city itself.

The German generals described the Stalingrad battle as "the poor description of the battle, which has become a symbol of the struggle of two hostile worlds." On November 19, 1942, Soviet troops were transferred to the offensive. The German army was surrounded. By January 31, 1943, the German group was divided into two parts - North and South. At first, the southern part capitulated, then North (February 2, 1943).

The meaning of the Battle of Stalingrad is primarily in the fact that it laid the beginning of a native fired during the war.

In general, the first period of war was the hardest for soviet people and its armed forces. The troops of the fascist army seized a part of the Soviet territory, at which about 42% of the population lived before the war, 30% of the gross production of the USSR industry was produced. However, Germany did not achieve the goals of the War from the USSR.

The second period of war

The second period of the voons chronologically covers the time from November 19, 1942 to the end of 1943 and is determined by this: a radical fracture during the Great Patriotic War.

After the Stalingrad battle, the strategic initiative firmly moved into the hands of the Soviet command. The ratio of forces has increasingly changed in favor of our troops. The number of the Red Army increased, and the forces of the Germans gradually weakened. The defeat of the fascist troops near Stalingrad and the subsequent offensive of the Soviet troops in the Transcaucasian, Leningrad and Volkhov fronts laid the beginning of a massive expulsion of the enemy from the Soviet Earth.

After the victory under Stalingrad, the foreign policy relations of Germany with other countries agreed. The liberation struggle intensified in the anti-fascist European countries.

In December 1942, the Troops of the Transcaucasian Front began to step in the Nalchik area. In 1943, almost all of the North Caucasus, Rostov, Voronezh, Oryol and Kursk region were released. On January 18, 1943, Soviet troops broke through the blockade of Leningrad.

Already in the winter of 1942-1943. The German command began to actively prepare for summer fights. The fascists decided to strike in the Kursk Arc area, to surround and destroy the troops of the Voronezh and Central Fronts, focused on the Kursk ledge.

The Soviet Supreme Commander became aware of the preparing operation, it also focused forces for the offensive in the area.

The battle on the Kursk arc began on July 5, 1943. She was divided into two periods: the first - defensive battles, the second - a period of counteroffensive.

At the Kursk direction, the Soviet command concentrated large forces. The Kursk protrusion defended the troops of the Central and Voronezh fronts, which were 1337 thousand people, 3306 tanks, 2900 aircraft. In the rear of the fronts there were backup troops, which counted 580 thousand people. In general, over 4 million people participated in the battles on both sides. 30 selected divisions of the enemy were defeated. Particularly heavy battles were carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bProkhorovka, where the Soviet tank troops defeated the largest fascist group.

After a victorious conclusion Kursk battle Soviet troops in September 1943 began the battle for the Dnieper. The main task was to force the river, the seizure of the bridgehead for the subsequent onset and liberation of the Right Bank of Ukraine.

The German command has set itself the goal of creating an indevertinary "East Shaft" on the Dnieper. But the Nazis failed to capture there. After the defeat at the Dnieper, the fascist army could no longer be able to lead large offensive operations.

The battle on the Kursk arc and the battle for the Dnieper was completed by a radical fracture during the Great Patriotic War. The ratio of forces in favor of the Red Army changed dramatically. After the Kursk battle, the German command from the offensive passed to the defense almost throughout the front.

The front of the national liberation struggle of the nations of Europe was further expanded and the front of the national liberation struggle was intensified, in this regard, the battle on the Kursk arc had great international importance. After the Kursk battle, Soviet troops continued the offensive.

From the very beginning of the war in the rear of the enemy, the partisan movement began to unfold. Already in the first months of the war, in almost all territories occupied by the fascists, underground organizations emerged to combat invaders.

In the territories engaged in the fascists, a powerful partisan movement unfolded, by the end of 1941 3,500 partisan detachments participated in it. In 1942, at the expense of the Supreme Command, the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement was formed to lead the partisan detachments.

The activity of Partizan was aimed at undermining the food, technical and human base of the fascists. For this purpose, the partisans exploded bridges and railways, spoiled communication, destroyed warehouses. The Hitler's command was forced to throw a troops against the guerrilla. In 1943, the partisan movement increased significantly and became more organized. Especially wide scope, it acquired in Belarus and in Ukraine.

As a result of the victories of the Red Army, the prestige of the Soviet Union in the international arena and its role in solving the most important issues of world politics increased.

Third period of war

The third time of the war chronologically covers the time from January 1944 to May 9, 1945 and is determined as follows: the defeat of the fascist unit, the expulsion of the enemy troops outside the USSR, exemption from the occupation of European countries, the full collapse of fascist Germany and its unconditional surrender.

By January 1944, the German fascist troops continued to occupy Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Karelia, a significant part of Belarus, Ukraine, Leningrad and Kalinin regions, Moldova and Crimea. The armed forces of the fascist bloc have over 10 million people. However, the position of fascist Germany deteriorated sharply. By the beginning of 1944, about 6.7 million people were numbered in the current army. The enemy moved to a tough opposition defense.

By the beginning of 1944, in the current army of the Soviet Union, there were over 6.3 million people. The overwhelming superiority of the Soviet Armed Forces over the German-fascist troops in the forces and means (with the exception of artillery and aviation) has not yet been. The enemy continued to keep a number of important Soviet naval databases in his hands, as a result of which the possibilities of basing and operations of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets were limited.

In December - April 1944, the Soviet troops during the offensive at the right bank of Ukraine defeated the fascist grouping and went on state border In the foothills of the Carpathians and in Romania. Leningrad and part of the Kalinin region were liberated, the blockade of Leningrad was completely removed. In the spring of 1944, Crimea was liberated.

In the summer of 1944, the Red Army launched a powerful strategic offensive in Karelia, Belarus, Western Ukraine and Moldova. During the offensive, Belarusian territories were liberated in Belarus, most of Lithuania and Latvia, the eastern part of Poland. Soviet troops approached the borders of East Prussia.

In the autumn of 1944, the onset of the Red Army in the southern direction was direct assistance to the Bulgarian, Hungarian, Yugoslav and Czechoslovak nations.

In general, the Soviet Armed Forces in 1944 held about 50 offensive operations that had enormous military-political importance. As a result, the main groups of the German fascist troops were defeated. Only over the summer and autumn 1944, the enemy lost 1.6 million people. Fascist Germany lost almost all of its European allies, the front approached its borders, and in Eastern Prussia stepped over them.

The offensive of the Red Army was so powerful that at the beginning of February its individual compounds went on the approach to Berlin.

In January - the first half of April 1945, East Prussian, Vistul-Oderskaya, Vienna, East-Pomeranian, Lower-Silesian and Upper-Silesian offensive operations were implemented by the Soviet troops. Their result was the defeat of the main military groups of the German-fascist troops and the liberation of almost all Poland, a significant part of Czechoslovakia, all of Hungary, the eastern part of Austria. Soviet troops came to Oder.

The Berlin Operation, the final strategic offensive operation in the Great Patriotic War, was the Berlin Operation, conducted by the Red Army on April 16 - May 8, 1945. In the spring of 1945, the military actions of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, the United States, Great Britain and France were held in Germany. The main forces of the Germans (214 divisions and 14 brigades) were still concentrated against the Red Army. Soviet troops numbered 2.5 million people, had 4,1600 guns and mortars, 6250 tanks and self-propelled artillery installations, 7,500 aircraft. The Naval Provision of the Berlin Operations carried out the forces of the Baltic Fleet and the Dnieper Military Flotilla.

At the first stage Berlin Operation The defense of the German troops at the turn of the Oder-Neyce rivers, the enemy groups at the most important directions were dismembered and destroyed. The troops of the 1st Belorussian front under the command of G. Zhukov and the 1st Ukrainian front under the command of I.S. Konveva joined the west of Berlin and surrounded the main forces of the enemy.

May 2, 1945 Berlin was taken. During the Berlin operation, the largest grouping of German troops was destroyed. Soviet troops defeated 70 infantry, 23 tank and motorized divisions, most of the aircraft, captured about 480 thousand people.

As a result, fascist Germany capitulated. In the suburb of Berlin Karlshorst, representatives of the German command signed on May 8, 1945, the act of unconditional surrender. On May 9, 1945, Soviet troops completed their last operation. They defeated the grouping of the German-fascist troops surrounding Prague.

Results and consequences of war

The military-political results and the lessons of the Great Patriotic War are huge. The victory of the peoples of the Soviet Union over the fascist Germany had a huge impact on all the post-war development of mankind. Honor and dignity, national statehood and independence of the Soviet Union were defended. Humanity was delivered from the threat of fascist enslavement.

The Great Patriotic War was the hardest of all world history wars. She claimed about 27 million lives of Soviet people, some of them are a civilian population who died in the Hitler's death camps, as a result of fascist repression, diseases, hunger. The material damage caused by the USSR was 30% of its national wealth, and in areas undergoing occupation, about 67%. This damage is made up of losses caused by the destruction, destruction and theft of production assets, from military expenditures, including related to the restructuring of the economy.

The victory in the war went to the USSR a very difficult price.

In May 1945, the USSR came out of the war not only with the joy of victory and the hope of his peoples for the future, not only with new territorial acquisitions, but also with a deformed economy, with a one-sided development of the military-industrial complex, with a violated social structure of society, with another more damaging than before the war social sphere, with a rooted habit of leadership, act orders and coercion, intolerance to dissent, excessive confidence in the inexhaustibility of the country's strength and resources.

But after all, the war proved the superiority of the socialist building over the capitalist. The moral and political unity of Soviet people, patriotism, friendship of peoples, the fair goals of the war gave rise to mass heroism at the front, the work feat of the people in the rear.

In the people's consciousness, Victory Day was hardly the most bright and joyful holiday, meaning the end of the bloody and destructive of the wars.


So, the Great Patriotic War was the largest event of the history of the 20th century. It was not only a fierce armed struggle of opposing forces, but also a decisive confrontation with the aggressor in the economic, political, diplomatic spheres, in the field of ideology and psychology.

The price of victory, as part of the price of the war, expresses a complex complex of material, economic, intellectual, spiritual and other efforts of the state and the people incurred by them damage, damage, losses and costs. These are also relevant consequences not only in the social and demographic plan, but also in the foreign policy and economic spheres of international relations that stretch out for many years.

The Great Patriotic War swallowed huge material resources, ruined the habitat of people, damaged nature, left for many centuries I undertake my memory. This bloody fight claimed millions of human lives. She ordered many, but at the same time I cried the fate of people, coolly changed their lives, bringing them the flour of suffering, deprivation, bitterness and sadness.

In other words, war and victory in it demanded from our country and its people of unprecedented costs and victims of various nature.

The ideologists of imperialism seek to substantiate the causes of the emergence and nature of war, to humiliate the role of the USSR and exaggerate the role of Western powers in the defeat of fascism. The defeat of Germany, they explain the mistakes and miscalculations of Hitler, the huge size of the territory and the numerous population of the Soviet Union, harsh climate, bad roads and other reasons. But after all, the truth is obvious: the victory is achieved in the struggle, where the main armed force was the Soviet Armed Forces. Moreover, it was the Soviet Armed Forces that fulfilled their international mission, putting the major severity of war on their shoulders.

The main lesson, which was issued as a result of large-scale hostilities, - any war requires mobilization of human and material resources, suffering to people. Consequently, you need to refrain from solving problems with the help of military force.


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4. Munchaev S.M., Ustinov V.M. Russian history. Textbook for universities. - M.: Publishing Group Infra-M - Norm, 1997.

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