Worst education in the world. World education level - country rankings and comparisons

It is considered the standard of academic preparation. The education system in the UK is based on centuries-old traditions, but this does not prevent it from being modern and keeping up with new technologies.

Diplomas English schools and universities are appreciated all over the world, and the education received is an excellent start for an international career. More than 50 thousand foreign students come here to study every year.

about country

Great Britain, despite its conservatism, is one of the most prosperous countries in Europe. She played an important role in the creation of parliamentary democracy, the development of world science and art, for several centuries it was this country that was the legislator in the world of art, literature, music and fashion. Many have been done in the UK important discoveries: steam locomotive, modern bicycle, stereo sound, antibiotics, HTML and many others. The services sector, especially banking, insurance, education and tourism, accounts for most of GDP today, while manufacturing is shrinking, occupying only 18% of the workforce.

The UK is a great place to practice your English, and not only because it is official language... It is also a great opportunity to master the "British accent" and get to know the culture of this great power. Myths about British restraint are somewhat exaggerated - residents will be interested in talking to you, and any shop assistant will be happy to talk about the weather and local news before issuing a check.

  • included in the top 20 countries in terms of happiness according to analysts of the international project "Network of Sustainable Development Solutions" (2014-2016)
  • included in the top 10 countries in the world in terms of living standards Prosperity Index-2016 (5th place in terms of business conditions, 6th place in terms of education)
  • London - 3rd place in the ranking of the best cities in the world for students (Best Student Cities-2017)

Secondary education

Each British school has a history and centuries-old traditions passed down from generation to generation. Among the graduates of private schools are members of the royal family and prominent people: Prince William and his father Prince Charles of Wales, British Prime Ministers Winston Churchill and Neville Chamberlain, mathematician and writer Lewis Carroll, Indira Gandhi and many others.

Majority British schools located in small towns or far from settlements and are surrounded by magnificent nature, which ensures the safety of living and learning for children. Classes are small, for 10-15 people, so the teacher knows each student and his characteristics well. In addition to the main program, an important place is given to creative and sports activities - from field hockey to pottery.

International students can enroll in a private boarding school at the age of 14 for the GCSE program - program high school, at the end of which the student takes 6-8 exams and then goes to the high school A-level or International Baccalaureate (IB) programs. If at the A-Level a student chooses 3-4 subjects for study, then at IB - 6 out of 6 thematic blocks: mathematics, art, natural Sciences, human and society, foreign languages, main language and literature. Children choose compulsory and additional subjects according to their plans for higher education. Starting in grade 9, university admissions counselors work with students to help determine the direction of study, select suitable universities and prepare well for applying. The high school diploma allows students to enter universities around the world.

Higher education

The UK has been a leader in higher education for centuries. The high quality of education is confirmed by independent ratings.

Of course, the most famous universities with an impeccable reputation, which applicants from all over the world aspire to get, are the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. However, other British universities, for example, University of Edinburgh, University of Exeter. The University of Sheffield provides quality training in all areas of knowledge.

  • 6 British universities included in the top 20 according to the QS rating 2016/2017
  • 7 universities - in the top 50 by rating THE World University Rankings-2016
  • 8 universities are in the top 100 of the Shanghai ranking-2016

The Education Index is a combined indicator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), calculated as an adult literacy index and an index of the cumulative proportion of students enrolled in education.

The index measures a country's achievements in terms of the educational attainment of its population in two main indicators:

Adult literacy index (2/3 weight).

Index of the cumulative share of students in primary, secondary and tertiary education (1/3 weight).

These two dimensions of educational attainment are summarized in the final Index, which is standardized as numerical values from 0 (minimum) to 1 (maximum). It is generally accepted that developed countries should have a minimum score of 0.8, although the vast majority have a score of 0.9 or higher. When determining the place in the world ranking, all countries are ranked based on the Education Level Index (see table below by country), and the first place in the ranking corresponds to the highest value of this indicator, and the latter is the lowest.

Literacy data are obtained from the official results of national censuses and are compared with indicators calculated by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. For developed countries, which no longer include the question of literacy in the population census questionnaires, the literacy rate is assumed to be 99%. Data on the number of citizens enrolled in educational institutions are aggregated by the Institute of Statistics based on information provided by the relevant government agencies around the world.

This indicator, although it is quite universal, has a number of limitations. In particular, it does not reflect the quality of education itself. Also, it does not fully show the difference in the accessibility of education due to differences in age requirements and in the duration of study. Indicators such as average length of schooling or expected length of schooling would be more representative, but data are not available for most countries. In addition, the indicator does not take into account students studying abroad, which may distort the data for some small countries.

The index is updated every two to three years, while reports with UN data, as a rule, are delayed by two years, as they require international comparison after the publication of data by national statistical offices.

THE World University Rankings is a global study and the accompanying ranking of the world's best higher education institutions. Calculated according to the methodology of the British publication Times Higher Education (THE) with the participation of the information group Thomson Reuters. It is considered one of the most influential global university rankings. The ranking was developed in 2010 by Times Higher Education in cooperation with Thomson Reuters within the framework of the Global Institutional Profiles Project and replaced the popular World University Rankings, which was published since 2004 by Times Higher Education in cooperation with Quacquarelli Symonds. In turn, Quacquarelli Symonds has been publishing a ranking of the best universities in the world since 2010 called QS World University Rankings, which is also considered one of the leading in this field.

The level of achievement of universities is assessed based on the results of a combination of statistical analysis of their activities, audited data, as well as the results of an annual global expert survey of representatives of the international academic community and employers who express their views on universities. Polls cover tens of thousands of scientists from most countries of the world. The criteria for selecting experts for the survey is a scientometric analysis of productivity and citation, as well as teaching and scientific activity in higher educational institutions for more than 16 years, the presence of at least 50 published scientific works and other criteria. In the course of surveys, experts choose from six thousand institutions only the best, in their opinion, higher educational institutions, as well as the strongest universities to continue their education at the master's and doctoral levels. The global survey data form the basis of the THE World Reputation Rankings, which is published as a separate publication within the framework of the project.

The analysis of the activities of higher educational institutions consists of 13 indicators. The main assessment criteria are international student and teaching mobility, the number of international scholarship programs, the level scientific research, contribution to innovation, citations scientific articles, level educational services etc. All assessments are normalized to the maximum and reduced to a 100-point scale. Below are the quantitative and qualitative indicators used to assess the activities of universities.

1California technological Institute California Institute of TechnologySShA2Garvardsky universitetHarvard UniversitySShA3Oksfordsky universitetUniversity of OxfordVelikobritaniya4Stendfordsky universitetStanford UniversitySShA5Kembridzhsky universitetUniversity of CambridgeVelikobritaniya6Massachusetsky technological institutMassachusetts Institute of TechnologySShA7Prinstonsky universitetPrinceton UniversitySShA8Kaliforniysky University BerkliUniversity of California, BerkeleySShA9Impersky College LondonaImperial College LondonVelikobritaniya9Yelsky universitetYale UniversitySShA11Chikagsky universitetUniversity of ChicagoSShA12Kaliforniysky University in Los AndzheleseUniversity of California, the Los AngelesSShA13Shveytsarsky Federal Institute of Technology in ZurichSwiss Federal Institute of Technology ZürichSwitzerland14Columbia UniversityColumbia UniversityUSA15Johns Hopkins UniversityJohns Hopkins UniversityUSA16Pensylvanian UniversityUniversity of PennsylvaniaUSA17 University of MichiganUniversity of Mich iganUSA18Duke UniversityDuke UniversityUSA19Cornell UniversityCornell UniversityUSA20University of TorontoUniversity of TorontoCanada

Indicators of the level of education of the population in the countries of the world: an analysis of international statistics.

The interest of the world academic community in the problems and prospects of the development of education continues to grow so rapidly that difficulties arise in processing, generalizing and analyzing the growing flow of information. Taking this into account, in order to determine world trends in the development of higher education, it is advisable to carry out a classification educational systems on a number of grounds reflecting the most essential aspects of the system. When considering such backbone factors, it is important to determine the range of issues associated with them, highlight the extreme and intermediate positions, correlate the vectors of their development with the socio-economic level. different countries.

International educational statistics provide an opportunity to see the real picture of the state of education in most countries of the world. A comparative analysis of education systems in different countries on the basis of these data makes it possible to assess the positive and negative aspects of the development of national educational systems and determine global trends in the development of education.

The most extensive database on higher education in the countries of the world - WHED (World Higher Education Database) - was created by the International Association of Universities (IAU) 4. It contains information on 180 countries with mature education systems. However, this information is mainly descriptive, therefore, with a comparative statistical analysis educational systems of different countries can be used only as an additional source of information. The analysis should be based on the data of educational statistics, grouped according to the systemically important international indicators. Recognized sources of such information are:

the annual Global Education Digest of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics;

materials of the Organization for Economic Community and Development (annual reports on education by OECD countries and partners: Education at a Glance - OECD Indicators);

World Bank reports.

The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) approved by the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1997 is used to compare the educational statistics of different countries. The ISCED 1997 Scheme offers a methodology for translating national curricula into an internationally comparable set of categories for defining educational levels.

The main criteria for choosing the leading countries:

To consider various aspects of the development of higher education systems, it is important to single out the group of countries that are most advanced in this area. When choosing the leading countries in the field of education, we proceeded from three main criteria:

Population coverage higher education.

Education index characterizing the educational potential of the country's population.

The number of students in higher educational institutions, which characterizes the scale of the development of higher education in the country.

It seems appropriate to assess the level of population coverage with higher education taking into account two indicators:

the share of people with higher education in the adult population (25-64 years old),

the share of students of higher educational institutions in the population of the country.

The first of these indicators is relatively static (characterizes the results of the long-term functioning of the educational system), the second allows one to assess the dynamics of the development of the educational system and the prospects for changes in the level of education of the population. It should be emphasized that here and in what follows we are talking about higher education according to the Russian classification.

Education index is part of a common indicator - the human development index (HDI), the calculation methodology of which was developed by UN specialists. The Education Index measures a country's relative achievements in both improving adult literacy and increasing the overall enrollment rate in a country's primary, secondary and tertiary education. Two-thirds of the weight for the adult literacy index and one-third for the total enrollment rate.

Every year Quacquarelli Symonds surveys about three thousand universities in different countries, choosing from them those with the best education. Only those universities that offer all three levels of higher education: bachelor's and doctor's (in the Russian educational system, a post-graduate student) can get into this rating. In addition, the university must cover at least two of the following areas: Social sciencies and management; humanitarian sciences and arts; medicine and life sciences; engineering and technical sciences; natural Sciences.

V Quacquarelli ranking Symonds' best universities are ranked based on the following criteria: academic reputation (survey); the ratio of the number of teachers to the number of students; reputation of university graduates among employers (survey); the share of foreign students (reflects the level of popularity of an educational institution in the world); the proportion of foreign teachers (only those teachers who work full-time or part-time who have worked at the university for at least one semester are taken into account); citation index (depends on the number of published scientific research of the teaching staff in relation to its total number).

Best education: top

The leader in the QS ranking is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). The second and third places are taken by British educational institutions - the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London, respectively. The fourth position is taken by Harvard University (USA), the fifth - by the University of Oxford and University College London. In addition to American and British universities, in the top twenty there are two educational institutions from Switzerland (Swiss Higher technical school Zurich and the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne), as well as the University of Toronto (Canada).

Moscow State University Lomonosov has managed to enter the top 200. Full version the rating has 800 positions, including 21 universities from Russia and two universities from Belarus (BSU and BNTU). None of the higher educational institutions located on the territory of the CIS was included in the first hundred universities with better education in the world. According to the compilers of the rating, in order to improve their positions, these universities need to cooperate more with other states and increase the citation index of scientific publications.

Education in the countries of the world is distinguished by many factors: pedagogical system, form educational process, the means that people invest in learning. depends on general level development of the state. Different states have their own educational system.

When it comes to going abroad, many different countries and universities come to mind. The level of quality of education depends on many things, from funding to the structure of training.

It is interesting to note how the students themselves made the choice. It has been calculated how much foreign countries popular with foreigners. Germany and England are in the lead, while Poland is at the bottom of the rankings.

Higher education in European countries

It was always believed that if a person received a diploma from a developed state, then he is a promising specialist with a prestigious profession.

Universities in Europe provide students with knowledge that is fundamental. What does it mean? Students receive a theoretical basis that will allow them to competently apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Thus, the student forms professional skills during the period of his studies. It is for this reason that graduates of well-known European educational institutions have always been valued as professionals in any country in the world.

In addition to fundamental information, in European universities, students are given knowledge aimed at personal development. Students' horizons and worldview are broadened.

There is such a tendency: graduates of higher educational institutions do not stop pursuing their studies even after receiving a diploma. This is due to the fact that during the years of their student years they are instilled with a love of knowledge.

Higher education in Europe for foreigners is much cheaper than in the USA and Canada. The cost of one semester at a European university starts from 726 euros. The most prestigious are universities in Denmark, Sweden, France and Germany.

In almost every European country you can find at least one program where training is conducted on English language... This option is suitable for those who do not want or do not have the opportunity to learn a new language.

You can enter a European university right after school and with a minimum set of documents. Usually they require you to provide a certificate (or diploma), a certificate confirming the level of language proficiency and a letter of motivation.

After graduating from university in Europe, everyone foreign students allowed to stay in the country for some more time to look for work and employment.

In 2019, the most prestigious universities in Europe are:

  • Oxford and Cambridge. These are two of the most popular English universities in which young people from all over the world dream of enrolling. Tuition fees at these universities range from £ 25,000 to £ 40,000.

University of Cambridge - University of Great Britain, one of the oldest (second after Oxford) and largest in the country

  • Technical Institute in Zurich. Tuition fees are currently 580 francs, but prices are expected to increase from 2019.
  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. One of the most popular universities in Germany with programs in both German and English.
  • University of Helsinki. This university was once free for everyone, but became paid in 2017. The cost of one year at this university starts from 10,000 euros. This university offers programs in Finnish and English.

Munich Technical University- Technische Universität München is one of the largest German universities and the most prestigious institution of higher education in the eastern part of Germany

When it comes to grants to study in Europe, the most popular option is to participate in the Erasmus program. This program aims to exchange students from partner universities. The program covers all the costs of staying at a foreign university.

Higher education in the USA

In the United States of America, education is one of the most expensive in the world. One year at an American university will cost at least $ 35,000. Prospective students can apply for a grant or scholarship, but some of them only cover part of the costs.

The Americans themselves are not satisfied with the cost of education: students and graduates of universities complain that after graduation they have to pay off the debt for several more years.

Also, do not forget that in addition to paying for tuition, a student in the United States has other costs - for an apartment, food and medical insurance, it takes from 8,000 to 12,000 dollars a year.

The most prestigious universities in America are:

  • Stanford. The cost of training starts from $ 15,000 per year and depends on the chosen program, as well as the degree of study - bachelor, master or doctor of science.
  • MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This technical university is known to the whole world not only for its high level of education, but also a large number lectures in open access... But the cost of getting an education is not so affordable - from $ 25,000 a year.
  • Institute of Technology in California. The cost of one year of study at the university is about $ 50,000.
  • Harvard. One of the most expensive options, studying for a foreigner will cost from $ 55,000 per year.

List renowned universities in the USA

Higher education in Australia

Another English-speaking country, Australia, attracts foreigners with a variety of options and programs for higher education. Australian education is prestigious, but not cheap either. The cost of training depends on many factors: degree, field of activity, region, as well as the university itself. For a foreigner, studying in Australia will cost from 20,000 to 40,000 Australian dollars.

Fortunately, the country's government sponsors a variety of grants and scholarships to help financially both the country's citizens and visiting students.

Here are some universities that are considered prestigious not only in Australia, but around the world:

  • University of Melbourne. This university is not only the most popular, but also the most expensive. A year of study at the University of Melbourne will cost 40,000 Australian dollars.
  • Australian National University in Canberra. The tuition also costs approximately $ 40,000.
  • University of Sydney. The cost of one year at the university is approximately 25,000 Australian dollars.
  • University of Adelaide. Tuition fees start at AU $ 8,000 per year.

People love to make different rankings and classify countries according to different criteria. This usually takes into account a variety of factors. Let's take a closer look at such a factor as the quality of education. Check out the list of countries with the most quality education! To compile the list, educational traditions and the existence of a system were taken into account, as well as the value of such education in the world and the number of people with a diploma.


The Russian Federation is one of the most educated countries. For example, compared to China, it is four times here more people who have received higher education. All this allows Russia to take a worthy position in the world; a good level of knowledge is really provided here.


Canada also made it to the list of the most educated. Eighty-nine percent of people in this North American country boast a college degree. People between the ages of 25 and 64 can graduate without any difficulty.


Japan has the highest educational level. Almost fifty percent of Japanese adults have a PhD. This is one of the states where university education is well developed. Here highest level literacy: almost one hundred percent of the population is able to read and write, perform mathematical operations, and the like.


This is a country in which many people are able to receive academic degree... Higher education is held in high esteem here. Only sixteen percent of the population aged 25 to 64 were unable to complete their higher education.


On average, only forty-three percent of Americans boast a degree. Nevertheless, this is a fairly high level of knowledge. Recent studies have shown that the quality of education in the States is starting to decline. One way or another, eighty percent of the people were able to get their diploma.

South Korea

This is one of the strongest states in terms of science, where almost half of adults have received a scientific degree. Sixty-six percent of the population aged 25 to 64 were able to graduate without difficulty. The literacy rate in South Korea, he is one of the highest in Asia.


Australia has a fairly high level of education, and a lot of people receive diplomas, however, there are not many scientific degrees. Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that studying in Australia takes an impressive period of time, which not everyone can afford.

United Kingdom

In the UK, forty-one percent of the population boasts an academic degree. It is the country that holds the record for the number of female students between the ages of 25 and 34. Most students are pursuing a PhD, not just attending college or technical school.

New Zealand

There are many people with higher education in this country. In addition, according to statistics, almost ninety-one percent of children from three to four years old are involved in early education. There is an impressive level of literacy in any age group: almost all residents of this country can read and write well.


There are almost forty percent of people with bachelor's or higher status. In addition, almost one hundred percent of children attend school. Ninety-three percent of Irish students complete their education successfully. Literacy rates are equally impressive.


There is a free public education system in Germany. In many countries, degrees are taken into account, but in Germany it is publicly available. In addition, this country has the highest literacy rate in the world.


This is a country in which children must go to school. The Finnish government has taken full responsibility for the education level of the country's inhabitants.

Netherlands and Norway

These countries are attracting attention because there are many educational programs with detailed information about them. There is an opportunity to learn here for everyone.


Speaking about the level of knowledge in Asian countries, the Philippines should be mentioned among the first. There are many talents in this country. This is a country with beautiful nature and national cuisine, in addition, its inhabitants are among the most successful in the world. It is not only a great holiday destination, but also a good choice for an education. There are not only literate people here, most of them also speak English, which speaks a lot about the quality of education in this state.


This is another Asian state that deserves a high place in the list of the most educated countries. India has a rich history, highly developed technologies and interesting traditions. It is not only pleasant to live here, it is also great to get an education here. There is everything a student needs. India has educational institutions of the highest level, the diplomas of which are appreciated all over the world. Students from different countries come there. It is a great choice for anyone looking to get an education.


Taiwan is a beautiful country with a strong economy and protected human rights. The state has a wonderful educational system. There are more than a hundred establishments of various scientific directions... Even children study computer technology, art and science. There are many schools and other institutions throughout the country that make education accessible to all residents.


The educational system in France is distinguished by a fairly high level of quality. There are over a hundred scientific institutions where you can get your degree. Ninety percent of the population has a diploma, and twenty percent are engaged in science after receiving it. In addition, in France they actively cooperate with foreign institutions: the country has many representative offices of prestigious educational institutions from all over the world.


Poland is one of the most educated countries in all of Europe. According to latest estimates, it ranks fifth on the continent and eleventh in the world. Polish schools deserve the highest marks. The level of education here is even higher than in the UK and the United States. The most prominent institutions here are related to mathematics and science. School students in Poland show excellent results in exams.


This is another European state that impresses with its high level of knowledge. It has one of the best educational systems in the world. In 2009, two hundred thousand people were engaged in education. It seems that the Swiss understand not only banking systems, but also gaining knowledge. It is here that significant organizations are located, providing jobs for people from all over the world. There are excellent science programs for students wishing to study economics.


In Spain, education is state sponsored and compulsory for children between the ages of six and sixteen. Students usually study from nine to five, in the middle of the day there is a two-hour break. In 2003, it was found that more than ninety-seven percent of the population of this state can boast of a good education. It has the highest literacy rate, which is only growing. People over the age of fifteen can write, read and speak fluently. different languages... This says a lot about the school system.

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