Rosental Hand drawing and literary director read. Ditmar Rosenthal - Handbook on spelling, pronunciation, literary editing

Unstressed vowels are checked by an emphasis, i.e., the same vowel is written in a failed syllable as in the corresponding knocked syllable of a single word, for example: try (Men) suit - reconcile (peace) neighbors; Waving (Vseang) flag - develops (development) industry.

Cf. Various writing of unstressed vowels in loved ones on sounding words: climb (in pocket) - slip (wounds) bore (potatoes) - observe (a door), picture (Cat) - rinse (mouth), tried (collar) - valentine (about horses), disperse (shoots) - discharge (gun), diminish (value) - beg (about mercy), etc.

Note 1. Vowels aboutbut In the poor roots of the verbov, the perfect species can not be checked by the forms of imperfect " (- ), eg: be late, although opacity), cut out (crown, although open).

Note 2. In some words of foreign-speaking origin with only an etymologically suffix, the writing of unstressed vowels cannot be checked by a single word if the verified and verification vowels are part of the suffixes of various origin, for example: subscription (-Thent goes back to the French suffix), although subscribe (- Strengthen goes back to the German suffix); accompaniment, although accompany; engagement, although hang. Cf. Also a similar phenomenon in the composition of a foreign-speaking root: appeal, although apperception; disinfect, although disinfection. Purchase a vowel root in words injection - inject, projection - project And some others.

§ 2. Unchecked vowels

Writing unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress is determined by spelling dictionary, eg: badminton, Concrete, Bedmint, Bidon, Bodhaga, Broccolin, Validol, Witrushka, Ventilation, Lobby, Ham, Vinaigrette, Dieseneria, Kalachna, Intelligentsia, Kalamyanka, Kalach, Camcor, Caparaway, Caracatia, Cobatrum, Layout, Konford, Kochan, Kochy, Ladahan, Magarych, Madapolam, Publishing, Patrophone, Patrophone, Parim, Periphery, Pescar, Pigalian, Plasticine, Privilege, Romrastex, Rotatprint, Bullfinch, Snack, Scholarship, Brake, Torky, Elixir, Overap and many others.

§ 3. Alternating vowels

1. Fundamentally gAR- - GOR- Under the stress is written but , without emphasis - about : zag. á r - Zag aboutriver, Ug. aboutrét.

Exceptions:freak butrCI, úzg. butpie, Przug. butry (Special and dialect words).

2. Fundamentally zor- but :z. á revo, Z. ó ryka - Z. butrNUSCH, OZ butringer.

Exceptions:z. aboutryanka, Z. aboutrev..

3. Fundamentally kas- - Written about n. , in other cases - but : to butsalya, K. butk. aboutsqueeze aboutsPORE.

4. Fundamentally clan - clone Under the stress is written vowels according to pronunciation, without emphasis - about :cL á to nice ó n - Pok aboutlying, clue aboutnénia.

5. In an unstressed root lag- before g. Written but , before j. about :farm butgábe, Acne butmale - offer aboutzhate, region aboutjenia.

An exception:plowing aboutg. lag- ).

6. Root poppy- It is contained in the verbs that have the meaning of "immersing liquid": m. butcat tear in tea, obm butknot feather in ink. Root mok Contained in the verbs with the value of "Missing Liquid": you m aboutknot in the rain, prom aboutknot written. The rule applies to derivative words: m. butcanya, Prom. aboutpatent paper aboutclamping.

7. Fundamentally floating The vowel sound can be hit and unstressed: pL á pl. butto be paid, flee butin. Root pilaf- Contained in words pL abouteven and pL aboutvchikha; root sailed - in a word pL sveins.

8. Root equal There is in words with the value "equal, the same, alongside": uR. butinnouncing, cf. butpuzzle butright (Become a par). Root smooth - In words with the meaning "smooth, straight, smooth": gum aboutensure, R. aboutvesgra, cf. abouteNT, UR. aboutven.. Wed: subgr butensure (Make equal) - subgr aboutensure (do smooth); vIS butvNED (Made equal) - vIS aboutvNED (Made smooth).

9. Fundamentally ros- Written but if you follow the consonant t. (also before sh ); In other cases is written about : r butsTI, N. but- Vyat aboutsHAY, Z. aboutsL, POR. aboutsL.

Exceptions:oTR butsl, R. aboutstock, vyat aboutstock, R. aboutriver, R. aboutstep and etc.

10. In an unstressed root skak- - before to Written but , before c. about : subsection butkAB - subservation aboutchtern.

Exceptions:sC. butchorth, SC. butchý..

11. Fundamentally twer- - creative Under the stress is written vowels according to pronunciation, without emphasis - about :tV á ry, TV ó rHICH - TV aboutrT, TV aboutrEC.

An exception:ette butry (Semantically no longer binds to the root twer- - creative ).

12. In roots berb-, der- dir-, mir-, permelessness of the first, bright, zhig-, stele-stylted, - cheat Written and -but- : sob andraint, ass andraint, deputy andraint, Zap. andrail, Art andraint, B. andbecome, Szh. andgY, Vych andtat, dist. andflap; In other cases is written e. : b., D., mind e.reta, Zap. e.rT, Art e.r. e.stretch e.ghysh, Vych e.t, dist. e.pour.

Exceptions:op e.tatt, op. e.tanya.

13. In roots with alternation a (I) - they, and (I) - Write them and iN. if the suffix follows next -but- : szh. butt - Szh. andmother, V. butt - V. andmother, different ih - different andmother, subn it - subn andmother, submits it - subm andnat, please buth - poble andmother, Pon. it - Pon andmother, beginning butt - Nach andnat. Wed: vN andfrequent, Clap andnat, recall andnat, approx andnat et al. In derivatives persists them even if never follows suffix -but- , eg: sN andmu, CH andmi, subn andmu, subn andmi. t. d.

- Rosenthal D.E. - 1997.

The directory contains the most important rules Spells and punctuation, as well as recommendations for the correct use of words and their various forms, and the focus is paid to difficult cases. The directory is good benefit For media workers, authors, translators, students and schoolchildren and is undoubted interest for all readers interested in issues of the right Russian writing

I. The spelling of the vowels in the root
§ 1. Checked unstressed vowels
§ 2. Unchecked vowels
§ 3. Alternating vowels
§ 4. vowels after hissing
§ 5. vowels after C
§ 6. E-e letter
§ 7. Letter
II. The spelling of the consonants is rooted
§ 8. Write and deaf consonants
§ 9. Double consonants in the root and at the junction of the console and root
§ 10. Non-critical consonants
III. Using uppercase letters
§ 11. Capital letters at the beginning of the text
§ 12. Capital letters after punctuation signs
§ 13. Own names of persons
§ 14. Animal naming, plant species, wine varieties
§ 15. Names acting persons in bass, fairy tales, plays
§ 16. Names of adjectives and adverbs formed from individual names
§ 17. Geographical and administrative and territorial names
§ 18. Astronomical names
§ 19. The names of historical eras and events, geological periods
§ 20. Names of holidays, folk motions, significant dat.
§ 21. Names related to religion
§ 22. Names of organizations, institutions, enterprises, foreign firms
§ 23. Names of documents, monuments of antiquity, works of art
§ 24. Names of posts and titles
§ 25. Names of orders, medals, signs of differences, premiums
§ 26. Names literary works and media
§ 27. Comprehensive words and abbreviations
§ 28. Conditional names Own
IV. Dividing b and b
§ 29. Eating
§ 30. Eating b
V. Spelling consoles
§ 31. Consoles on
§ 32. Prefix
§ 33. Prefixes are pre- and
§ 34. Publications s and after the prefixes
Vi. Vowels after hissing and c in suffixes and endings
§ 35. Vowels about and e after hissing
§ 36. vowels after C
VII. Spelling nouns
§ 37. End of nouns names
§ 38. Nouns name suffixes
VIII. Spelling of adjectives
§ 39. End of adjectives
§ 40. Subfixes of adjectives
IX. Spelling of complex words
§ 41. Connecting vowels O and E
§ 42. Difficult words without connecting vowels
§ 43. The spelling of complex nouns
§ 44. Spelling of complex adjectives
X. Spelling Numbered Names
§ 45. Numerical quantitative, ordinal, fractional
§ 46. Numerical
Xi. Specify pronoun
§ 47. Negative pronouns
XII. Spelling verbs
§ 48. Personal endings of verbs
§ 49. The consumption of the letter b in verb forms
§ 50. verbs suffixes
XIII. Spelling of communiments
§ 51. Publics in the suffixes of communion
§ 52. Spelling of NN and H in communion and exclusive adjectives
XIV. Specifying Nasrachchi
§ 53. Vowels at the end of the nascha
§ 54. Adcharations on the hissing
§ 55. Negative adverbs
§ 56. Dynamous writing
§ 57. Defis Writing Narachi
§ 58. Separate writing of nareny combinations
XV Spelling predos
§ 59. Sophisticated prepositions
§ 60. Fusion and separate writing of prepositions and proposed combinations
XVI. Spelling of unions
§ 61. Fusion writing unions
§ 62. Separate writing of unions
XVII. Spelling of particles
§ 63. Separate spelling of particles
§ 64. Digital Writing of Particles
§ 65. Spelling is not with nouns names
§ 66. Spelling is not with the names of adit
§ 67. Spelling is not numerical
§ 68. Spelling is not pronoun
§ 69. Spelling is not with verbs
§ 70. Spelling is not with the communities
§ 71. Spelling is not with adverbs
§ 72. Spelling
XVIII. Spelling of interjections and sound-speaking words
§ 73. Defisy writing of interjections and sound-speaking words
XIX. Spelling foreign words
§ 74. Transcription of foreign words
XX. Punctuation signs at the end of the offer and during the break of speech
§ 75. Point
§ 76. Question mark
§ 77. Exclamation mark
§ 78. Multidoral
XXI. Dash between membership members
§ 79. The dash between the subject and faithful
§ 80. Dig in incomplete sentence
§ 81. intonation dash
§ 82. Connecting dash
XXII. Punctuation signs in sentences with homogeneous members
§ 83. Uniform members not connected by unions
§ 84. Uniform and inhomogeneous definitions
§ 85. Uniform and inhomogeneous applications
§ 86. Uniform members connected by unauthorized unions
§ 87. Uniform members connected by repeated unions
§ 88. Uniform members connected by paired unions
§ 89. Summarizing words with homogeneous members
XXIII. Punctuation signs with repeated words
§ 90. comma with repetitive words
§ 91. Defis Writing of Repeating Words
XXIV. Punctuation signs in sentences with separate members
§ 92. Separate definitions
§ 93. Separate applications
§ 94. Separate circumstances
§ 95. Separate additions
XXV. Proinition signs in sentences with clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence
§ 96. Specifying members of the sentence
§ 97. Explanatory members of the sentence
§ 98. Connecting suggestions
Xxvi. Punctuation marks in words, grammatically associated with members of the sentence
§ 99. Introductory words and phrases
§ 100. Introductory and plug-in offers
§ 101. Appeals
§ 102. Interdomitia
§ 103. Affirmative, negative and questioning and exclamation words
Xxvii. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence
§ 104. comma in a complex sentence
§ 105. Point with a comma in a complex sentence
§ 106. Dash in a complex sentence
Xxviii. Punctuation signs in complex sentence
§ 107. The comma between the main and departing offers
§ 108. The comma with complex subordinate unions
§ 109. Punctuation in a complex sentence with several apparent
§ 110. The comma at the junction of two unions
§ 111. Tire in a complex sentence
§ 112. Twisters in a complex sentence
§ 113. The comma and dash in a complex sentence
XXIX. Punctuation in revolutions that are not putting proposals
§ 114. Over the sense of expression
§ 115. Comparative turns
Xxx. Punctuation signs in the non-union complex offer
§ 116. The comma and communion point in the non-union complex sentence
§ 117. The colon in the non-union complex sentence
§ 118. Tire in the non-union complex sentence
Xxxi. Punctuation signs with direct speech
§ 119. Direct speech after the author's words
§ 120. Direct speech before the author's words
§ 121. Copyrights within direct speech
§ 122. Direct speech inside the author's words
§ 123. Signs of punctuation during dialogue
Xxxii. Capture Signs when quotes
§ 124. Quotes when quotes
§ 125. Dot when quotes
§ 126. Registration and lower case in quotations
§ 127. Punctuation by reference to the author and the source of quotes
Xxxiii. Eating quavichek
§ 128. Words used in an unusual, conditional, irony
§ 129. Names of literary works, printing bodies, enterprises, etc.
§ 130. Names of orders and medals
§ 131. Names of factory brands of machines, industrial products, etc.
§ 132. Names of plant varieties
Xxxiv. Combination of punctuation signs
§ 133. The comma and dash
§ 134. Question and exclamation marks
§ 135. Quotes and other signs
§ 136. Braces and other signs
§ 137. Dots and other signs
§ 138. Sequence of signs when footnote
Xxxv. Selection of words
§ 139. Semantic and stylistic selection lexical means
§ 140. Elimination of stationery and stamps
§ 141. Pleony and Tautology
§ 142. Promotive speech
§ 143. The use of phraseological means
Xxxvi. Forms of nouns names
§ 144. Vibrations in the family names of nouns
§ 145. Differentiation of values \u200b\u200bdepending on the generic terminios
§ 146. The name of the names of female people by profession, positions, etc.
§ 147. Rod of unclean nouns
§ 148. Features of the declination of some words and phrases
§ 149. Declination of some names and surnames
§ 150. The endings of the genitive case of the only number of nouns for men kind -A (s) - -y (s)
§ 151. Forms of vinitive cases of animated and inanimate nouns
§ 152. The endings of the proposed case of the only number of nouns of men's kind - -th (s)
§ 153. End of a nominative case multiple number nouns men's kind -s (-Y) - -Ah (s)
§ 154. End of a Multiple Parent
§ 155. End of the cleaner case of a multiple number - - (b) mi
§ 156. The use of a single number in the meaning of the multiple
§ 157. The use of distracted, real and own nouns in the plural
§ 158. Variants of nouns name suffixes
Xxxvii. Forms of adjectives
§ 159. Full and brief form qualitative adjectives
§ 160. Various forms of brief adjectives
§ 161. Forms of degrees of comparing the names of adjectives
§ 162. Using attractive adjectives
§ 163. Synonymous use of adjective and indirect case of nouns
Xxxviii. Numbers' form forms
§ 164. Combined numerical combinations
§ 165. The use of collective numeral
§ 166. Numbers in complex words
Xxxix. Enable pronoun
§ 167. Personal pronouns
§ 168. Return and possessive pronouns
§ 169. Determined pronouns
§ 170. Uncertain pronoun
XL. Using the forms of verb
§ 171. Education of some personal forms
§ 172. Variants of species forms
§ 173. Return and non-returnable forms
§ 174. Forms of communals
§ 175. Forms of verbalia
XLi. Stroy simple sentence
§ 176. Types of proposals
§ 177. Forms of the factor
XLII. Order of words in a sentence
§ 178. The place of the subject and faithful
§ 179. Place of definition in the proposal
§ 180. Place of additions in the proposal
§ 181. Place of circumstances in the proposal
§ 182. Location of input words, appeals, particles, prepositions
XLIII. Coordination of the subject to the subject
§ 183. The failed at the collective noun to be used in its composition
§ 184. Tamed with a quantitative-nominal combination (countable circulation)
§ 185. The coordination of the application to those who are subject to
§ 186. The brother-like brother with a sister
§ 187. Taken in subject - pronouncent, relative, indefinite, negative
§ 188. Taken under the subject - unclear noun, abbreviation, abnormable group of words, nickname
§ 189. Coordination of a ligament with a registered part of the fad
§ 190. The coordination of the associated with homogeneous subjects
Xliv Coordination of definitions and applications
§ 191. Determination with a noun total kind
§ 192. Determination with a noun having an application with you
§ 193. Determination with noun, depending on numerical two, three, four
§ 194. Two definitions for one noun
§ 195. Definition at nouns - homogeneous members
§ 196. Application agreement
§ 197. Appendices - geographical names
XLV. Control
§ 198. Winned and proposed management
§ 199. Selection of the Preposition
§ 200. Selection of the Cade
§ 201. Padege supplement in transition verbs with denial
§ 202. Management in synonymous words
§ 203. Various proposed-case forms with one control word
§ 204. Rewinding the same forms
§ 205. Office for homogeneous members of the sentence
Xlvi. Suggestions with homogeneous members
§ 206. Unions with homogeneous members
§ 207. Prepositions with homogeneous members
§ 208. Errors in combinations of homogeneous members
XLVII. Difficult sentence
§ 209. Unions and Union words
§ 210. Errors in complex suggestions
XLVIII. Parallel syntactic designs
§ 211. Pursuit
§ 212. Conditions
§ 213. Constructions with exclusive noun

The purpose of this manual is to help students consolidate the skills of a competent letter, prepare for the exam and pass it to the most high score. The book contains the basic rules of Russian spelling and punctuation in accordance with the requirements of the Russian language study program at school. Special attention in the book is given to difficult cases of spelling. The list of difficult words in the book will help to cope with the writing of the most complex texts, and the exercises and dictations are to check and consolidate the knowledge of the language. The manual will be an indispensable assistant to students, teachers, tutoring, as well as all those who want to increase the level of knowledge of the Russian language.

Checked unstressed vowels.
The general rule of spelling of checked vowels does not cause difficulties. It says: The same vowels are written in poor syllables, which are pronounced in this part of the word when it is under stress. For example: rinse (rinse) mouth - caress (caress) dog; Split (rare) shoots - discharge (discharge) rifle.

Cf. Various writing vowel roots in loved ones sound composition Words: To climb (on the tree) - to slide (wound), to cut (cold) - to wrap (braids around the head), to go (area) - offend (children), semes (about land) - Jim (winter crops), boil (mushrooms ) - Observe (gate), shine (lanamar) - to dedicate (in secret), to seek (dress) - to reconcile (enemy), trignered (collar) - Valentyha (horse), burn (piece of meat) - live (in the city center) , fluttering (flag) - develops (child), reduced (for the hand on the stairs) - SWILE (nest), to peak (songs) - to plug (tea), seen (becoming gray) - sit (located in a sitting position), diminish ( Reduce) - begging (begging), scream (Luchin) - pinch (hand), etc.


The spelling of the vowels in the root 4
§ 1. Checked unstressed vowels 4
§ 2. Unchecked vowels 5
§ 3. Alternating vowels 6
§ 4. vowels after hissing 8
§ 5. vowels after C 9
Spelling of the consonants in the root 11
§ 8. Write and deaf consonants 11
§ 9. Double consonants 12
§ 10. Non-critical consonants 14
Using uppercase letters 15
§ 11. Capital letters at the beginning of the text 15
§ 12. Capital letters after punctuation signs 15
§ 13. Own names of persons 16
§ 14. Animal nicknames 20
§ 15. Names of acting persons in bass, fairy tales, plays 20
§ 16. Names of adjectives and adverbs formed from individual names 21
§ 17. Geographical names 22
§ 18. Astronomical names 25
§ 19. Names of historical eras and events 25
§ 20. Names of state and professional holidays, significant dates 26
§ 21. Names of institutions, organizations and enterprises 27
§ 22. Names of documents, monuments of antiquity, art items 30
§ 23. Names of posts and ranks 31
§ 24. Names of orders, medals, signs of distinction 32
§ 25. Names allocated by quotes 32
§ 26. Comprehensive words and abbreviations 33
§ 27. Conditional names Own 35
Spelling of foreign language words 35
§ 28. Translation and transliteration issues 35
Dividing b and b 39
§ 29. Eating Kommersant 39
§ 30. Used b 40
Specifying the consoles 40.
§ 31. Publications s and and after the prefixes 40
§ 32. Consoles on -Z 41
§ 33. Prefix C- 42
§ 34. Prefixes Pre- and at- 42
Vowels after hissing entries of suffixes and endings 43
§ 35. Publications about and e after hissing 43
§ 36. Voraces after C 44
Spelling nouns 45
§ 37. End of nouns 45
§ 38. Nouns name suffixes 47
Spelling of adjective names 49
§ 39. End of adjective names 49
§ 40. Subfixes of the adjectives 50
Spelling of complex words 54
§ 41. Connecting vowels O and E 54
§ 42. Complex words without connecting vowels 55
§ 43. Spelling of complex nouns 56
§ 44. Spelling of complex adjectives 59
Spelling Numbered Numbers 72
§ 45. Numerical quantitative, sequence, fractional 72
§ 46. Numerical floor 73
Specifying pronouns 74.
§ 47. Negative pronouns 74
Spelling verbs 75.
§ 48. Personal graduates of verbs 75
§ 49. Eating the letter b in verb forms 77
§ 50. Sufifixes of verbs 77
Spelling of communities 78.
§ 51. Publics in the subfixes of communion 78
§ 52. The spelling of the NN and H in the parties and the exclusive adjectives 79
Specifying Nasrechi 83.
§ 53. Publications at the end of the mock 83
§ 54. Adcharations for hissing 83
§ 55. Negative adverbs 84
§ 56. Dynamous writing of the mock 84
§ 57. Defis Writing Narachchi 91
§ 58. Separate writing of the nareny combinations 92
Spelling of prepositions 95.
§ 59. Sophisticated prepositions 95
§ 60. Fusion and separate spelling of prepositions and complusive combinations 95
Spelling of Unions 96.
§ 61. Fusion writing unions 96
§ 62. Separate writing of unions 100
Spelling of particles 100.
§ 63. Separate spelling of particles 100
§ 64. Digital writing of particles 100
Spelling is not 102
§ 65. Spelling is not with nouns 102
§ 66. Spelling is not with adjective 104
§ 67. Spelling is not numerical 110
§ 68. Spelling is not pronouncing 110
§ 69. Spelling is not with verbs 110
§ 70. Spelling is not with communations 111
§ 71. Spelling is not with adverbs 113
§ 72. Spelling is not with service words 117
§ 73. Spelling NE 117
Spelling of interjections and sound-speaking words 120
§ 74. Defis Writing of interjections and sound resistance 120

Punctuation signs at the end of the offer and during the speech break 121
§ 76. Question mark 123
§ 77. Exclamation mark 124
§ 78. Dot 124
Dash between sentences 125
§ 79. The dash between the 125 subjects is
§ 80. Dash in incomplete sentence 130
§ 81. intonation dash 131
§ 82. Connecting dash 131
Signs of punctuation in sentences with homogeneous members 132
§ 83. Uniform members not connected by alliances 132
§ 84. Uniform and inhomogeneous definitions 134
§ 85. Uniform members connected by unauthorized unions 136
§ 86. Uniform members connected by repetitive unions 138
§ 87. Uniform members connected by paired unions 141
§ 88. Summarizing words with homogeneous members 142
§ 89. Uniform and inhomogeneous applications 143
Punctuation signs with repeated words 144
§ 90. comma with repeated words 144
§ 91. Defis Writing of Repeating Words 145
Punctuation marks in sentences with separate members 146
§ 92. Separate definitions 146
§ 93. Separate applications 150
§ 94. Separate circumstances 156
§ 95. Separate additions 162
Punctuation marks in sentences with clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of Proposition 163
§ 96. Specifying members of Proposition 163
§ 97. Explanatory members of Proposition 164
§ 98. Connecting members Proposition 165
Punctuation signs with words, grammatically not related to members of the sentence 166
§ 99. Introductory words and phrases 166
§ 100. Introductory and plug-in offers 171
§ 101. Appeal 173
§ 102. Arctic 174
§ 103. Affirmative, negative and questioning and exclamation words 176
§ 104. Proinition signs in a complex sentence 176
§ 105. Charms of punctuation in a complex sentence 179
§ 106. Comparative turnover 186
§ 107. Solid expression on the meaning of expression 193
§ 108. Charges of punctuation in the non-union complex sentence 195
§ 109. Propinate signs with direct speech 200
§ 110. Signs of punctuation during dialogue 203
§ 111. Signs of punctuation during quotations 203
§ 112. Eating quotes 205
§ 113. Combination of punctuation marks 208
Appendices 214.
Exercises 214.
Dictates 251.
A brief list of difficult words for writing words 259
Conditional reductions 281.

Directory on spelling and literary editing. Rosenthal D.E.

16th ed. - M.: 2012 - 368С. 5th ed., Act. M.: 1989. - 320c.

In the first two sections of the reference book contains the basic rules of spelling and punctuation with focus on difficult cases. The third section provides information and recommendations of a regulatory nature associated with the literary editing. The directory is intended for publishing workers, first of all editors, as well as for all who seek to increase their literacy and speech culture.

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Format: DJVU / Zip. (1989 , 5th ed., 320s.)

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Preface ............................................. 3


I. Spelling of vowels in the root 5

§ 1. Checked unstressed vowels ............................................ 5

§ 2. Unchecked vowels...................................... 5

§ 3. Alternating vowels ............................................. ................. 6

§ 4. vowels after hissing ............................................ ................... 7

§ 5. vowels after c. ............................................................................ ............ 8

§ 6. Letters 9 - e. .................................................................................. ............ 8

§ 7. Letter j. ......................................................................................... ............ 9

II. The spelling of the consonants is rooted 9

§ 8. Write and deaf consonants ............................................ ............ ............ 9

§ 9. Double consonants in the root and at the junction of the console and root 10

§ 10. Non-critical consonants...................................................... 11

III. Using uppercase letters 12

§ 11. Capital letters at the beginning of the text ............................................... . 12

§ 12. Capital letters after punctuation signs ........................... 12

§ 13. Own names of persons ............................................ .................. .......... 13

§ 14. Animal naming, plant species, wine varieties .................. 15

§ 15. The names of the acting persons in the fables, fairy tales, plays ............... 16
§ 16. Names of adjectives and adverbs formed from individual names16

§ 17. Geographical and administrative-territorial names ...............17

§ 18. Astronomical names ............................................. ........... 19

§ 19. Names of historical eras and events, geological periods ......................20

§ 20. Names of revolutionary holidays, folk motions, significant dates.20

§ 21. Names related to religion ............................................ ..... 21

§ 22. Names of organizations, institutions, enterprises, foreign firms .....21

§ 23. Names of documents, monuments of antiquity, works of art.......... ....... 24

§ 24. Names of posts and titles ........................................ .......... 24

§ 25. Names of orders, medals, signs of differences ........................... .......... 25

§ 26. Names of literary works and printing bodies26

§ 27. Comprehensive words and abbreviations ........................... ......... 26

§ 28. Conditional names of their own ............................................ ........ ......... 27

IV. Dividing kommersantand b 28

§ 29. Used kommersant........................................................................... 28

§ 30. Eating b ............................................. ............................. ......... 28

V. Spelling consoles 28

§ 31. Consoles on Z --........................................... ........................................ 28

§ 32. Prefix with --............................................ ........................................... 29

§ 33. Prefixes pre- and pri- ............................................................... ........ 29

§ 34. Glasny s and and after the prefixes ................................................ .29

Vi. Vowels after hissing and suffixes and endings 30

§ 35. Vowels OWE. After hissing ..................................................... 30

§ 36. Vowels after c. ......................................................................... 31

VII. Spelling nouns 31

§ 37. End of nouns names ............................................. 31

1. End of the duty and proposed case of nouns with the basis for and (31). 2. End of the proposed case of nouns of the middle kind on ie (31). 3. End of a major case of a multiple nouns on ie and BA- (31). 4. End of the PAID case of a plural number of nouns on - "I (31). 5. End - and - in the appropriate case of own names (32). 6. End of nouns with suffixes -the -Ushk, -yushk, -Oishk (32). 7. End of nouns with suffix-l- (32)

§ 38. Suffix nouns names ................................................. 32

1. Suffix -ik. and -Ek. (32). 2. Suffix -and -(33). 3. Suffix -Iw and - shop (33). 4. Combination -ink- and - (33). 5. Suffix - and - (33). 6. Suffixes - Pic and Schedule (33). 7. Sufifixes -Noy and -Noy (34). 8. Words with rare suffixes (34)

VIII. Spelling of adjectives 34

§ 39. The endings of the adjectives ............................................ . ........ 34

§ 40. Subfixes of the names of adjectives ............................................ 34

1. Suffix -We, -the-, (34). 2. Suffix - ,-, -Ovat-, -ovit-, -Ev-, -Evat-, (34). 3. Adjectives on - (35). 4. Suffix -, - (35). 5. Finite c. basics in front of suffix - (35). 6. Adjective on -d-sky, -E-sky, ch-sky, fits-cue (35). 7. Adjectives with suffixsom. -sk-(35). 8. Adjectives from the fundamentals to - "6 and -Re. (36). 9. Adjectives and nouns with combinations cN and sN at the junction of the root and suffix (36). 10. Suffixes - "-, -New-, -nn-, -in-, -an-, (-yan-)(36) 11. Adjectives on -insky and -Ensky (37)

IX. Spelling of complex words 37

§ 41. Connecting vowels about and e. .................................................. 37

§ 42. Sophisticated words without connecting vowels ............................. ........ 38

§ 43. Spelling of complex nouns .............................. 39

1. Words with elements -, aeros, bike, luot-, agro-, bio, zoo-, cinema, radio-, television, photographic, macro, micro-, meteo-, stereo-, hydro-, electrical et al. (39). 2. Words type wryneck (39). 3. Comprehensive words (39). 4. Words type vacuum apparatus, Dynamo Machine, Chair-Bed(40). 5. Type words gram-atom(40). 6. Words type anarcho-syndicalism (40). 7. Intermediate names

light countries (40). 8. Words with elements vice-, Leib-, Ober-, Unter-, headquarters (40). 9. Words of type love-not-love (40). 10. Words of type baba Baba(40). 11. Words type alpha particle (40). 12. Words of type alma-Atinsy(40). 13. Words of type partand Progorization(41)

§ 44. Specifying complex adjectives .................................. 41

1. Complex adjectives expressing the subordination relations (41). 2. Fusion writing complex adjectives used in the role of terms (42). 3. Complex adjectives, one of which is not independently used (43). 4. Adjectives formed from complex nouns with defisid spelling (43). 5. Adjectives formed from a combination of name and surname, name and patronymic or two surnames (43). 6. Ourty adjectives expressing writing relations (44). 7. Complex adjectives, parts of which indicate inhomogeneous signs (44). 8. Complex adjectives denoting quality with an additional shade (45). 9. Complex adjectives denoting colors (45). 10. Defisc Writing of complex adjectives used in the role of terms (45). 11. Complex adjectives in the composition of geographical or administrative names (46). 12. Complex adjectives Literary and artistic(47). 13. The phrases consisting of adverbs and adjectives or communion (47)

X. The spelling of nigal names 48

§ 45. Numerical quantitative, ordinal, fractional... 48

§ 46. Numeral floor- ...................................................................... ......... 49

Xi. Specify pronoun 50

§ 47. Negative pronouns................................................... 50

XII. Spelling verbs 51

§ 48. Personal endings of verbs ............................................ .......... 51

§ 49. Eating the letter B in verb forms .......................... 52

§ 50. verbs suffixes................................................................ 52

XIII. Spelling of communiments 53

§ 51. Publics in sfifixes of communities ........................................... .... 53

§ 52. The spelling "and" in the communion and exclusive approach
waters ................................................... .........................................53

XIV. Specifying Nasrachchi 56

§ 53. Vowels at the end of the mock ....................................................... ............... ........ 56

§ 54. Adcharations for hissing. . .................................................. ........ 56

§ 55. Negative adverbs ............................................. .............. ......... 56

§ 56. Dynamous writing.................................................... 57

1. Adjustion type forever, forever(57). 2. Adcharation type twice, two(57). 3. Adcharation type long, remember(57). 4. Adcharation type closely(57). 5. Adcharation type wrong, a bow(57). 6. Adcharation type on time, hang out, sparkling, installment(58). 7. Adcharation type up, completely, forever (59)

§ 57. Defis Writing Nasrechik ............................................ ......... 59

1. Adjustion type apparently, in a friendly, wolf(59).

2. Adcharation type firstly(59). 3. Adcharation type still
(60). 4. Adcharation type hardly, little, little, not today
Tomorrow, from the Bay Bay
(60). 5. Technical term on the-

§ 58. Separate writing of the nasal combinations ............................. 60

1. Combine type side by side (60). 2. Combine type honor Honor (60). 3. Combine type without knowledge, in the old days failure, on the fly, under the one, with a scatter, the other day (60). 4. Combined type abroad, for memory, under the arm, in the hearts(61). 5. Combining the pretext of its nouns, starting with a vowel letter (61)

XV Spelling predos 61

§ 59. Complex prepositions ............................................. ........................61

§ 60. Fusion and separate writing of prepositions and proposed combinations61

XVI. Spelling of unions 62

§ 61. Fusion writing unions ............................................ ........... 62

1. Soyuz to (62). 2. Unions alsoand also(62). 3. Unions moreoverand trait(62). 4. Soyuz but, Nashia why, then, why, because, why, therefore, therefore, so, how much(63). 5. Soyuz so(64)

§ 62. Separate writing of unions ............................................ ...... 64

XVII. Spelling of particles 64

§ 63. Separate writing of particles ............................................ ........ ......... 64

§ 64. Defis Writing of particles ............................................ ......... 64

The spelling is not 65

§ 65. Spelling notwith noucent names ...................... 65

1. Words type ignorant(65). 2. Words type enemy(65). 3. Words type non-specific(65). 4. Particle notin contrast (66). 5. Particle notwith noun in question sentence (66)

§ 66. Spelling notwith the names adjective ........................ 66

1. Words type careless(66). 2. Words type small(66). 3. Particle notin contrast (66). 4. Particle notfrom relative adjectives (66). 5. Writing a particle notin contrast to the pronounced union but or but(67). 6. Writing notwith adjectives that have explanatory words with them (67). 7. Writing notwith brief adjectives (68). 8. Writing notwith words ready, must, gladetc. (68). 9. Denial notfor comparative degree Adjectives (69). 10. Adjective type incomparable(69). I. Particle notwith adjective in question sentence (70)

§ 67. Spelling notwith numerical names ............................ 70

§ 68. Spelling notwith pronouns ......................................................... ......... 70

§ 69. Spelling notwith verbs ................................................ .... ......... 70

§ 70. Spelling notwith communities ................................................. 72

§ 71. Spelling is not with adverbs ........................................... ........ 73

§ 72. Spelling n. ...................................................................... 75

XVIII. Spelling of interjections and sound-speaking words 77

§ 73. Defis Writing of interjections and sound powers. .77

XIX. Spelling of foreign words 77

§ 74. Transcription of foreign words ........................................... ........ 77

XX. Punctuation signs at the end of the offer and during the break of speech

§ 75. Point .............................................. .........................................

§ 76. Question mark ............................................. ......................

§ 77. Exclamation mark ............................................. .....................

§ 78. Multiple .............................................. ...................................

XXI. Dash between membership members

§ 79. The dash between the subject and taught ........................................

1. Submitted - noun in the nominal case (81). 2. Subject to both the uncertain form of verb (or noun and uncertain verb shape) (82). 3. dash before words this is, soet al. (82). 4. The target is numerant (82). 5. Taken - predicative adverb on about(83). 6. Taken -Idiomatic turnover (83). 7. Tellular this is(83). 8. Subject to - personal pronoun (83). 9. Taken - question pronoun (83). 10. Taken - the name is an adjective, locomotive adjective, proposed-reliable combination (83). 11. Dash in footnotes (83)

§ 80. Tire in incomplete offer ........................................... ........ 84

1-2. Tire in elliptical offers (84). 3. Dash in an incomplete sentence that form part of a complex offer (84). 4. Tire in the same type of complex proposals (84)

§ 81. intonation dash ............................................. ....................... 85

§ 82. Connecting dash ............................................. ...................... 85

1. Dash to designate the limits of spatial, temporary, quantitative (85) 2. Dash between its own names forming the names of the exercises, scientific institutions Both (85)
XXII. Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members 85

§ 83. Uniform members not connected by unions .............................

1. The comma between homogeneous members (85). 2. Point with fifth between homogeneous members (86). 3. Dash between one north members (86)

§ 84. Uniform and inhomogeneous definitions ................................ ........ 87

§ 85. Uniform and inhomogeneous applications .................................. .........

§ 86. Uniform members connected by non-repeating unions ......................................... ............................................

1-3. Uniform members associated with single connecting and separate alliances (90). 4. Homogeneous members associated with oppositional unions (90) § 87. Uniform members,

Bounded by repetitive unions § 88. Uniform members connected by paired unions. . .

§ 89. Summarizing words with homogeneous members ..............................

1. Uniform members with the preceding summary word (93). 2. Homogeneous members followed by a summary of Yush. I word (94). 3. Uniform members after a generalizing word, not completing proposals (95). 4. Summarizing word and homogeneous members in the middle of the offer (95). 5. Point with a comma between homogeneous members in the presence of a generalizing word (95)

XXIII. Punctuation signs with repeated words

§ 90. The comma with repeated words ........................................... .

§ 91. Defis Writing of repeating words .................................

XXIV. Punctuation marks in sentences with separate members

§ 92. Separate definitions ............................................... ............

1. A common determination that is estimated after the determined noun (98). 2. Determination in combination with an indefinite pronoun (99). 3. Determined, index and attractive pronouns in combination with the involvement of trafficking (99). 4. Two solitary definitions (99). 5. Single definition (100). 6. Definition with a circumstantial value of value (100). 7. Determination in the separation from the determined noun (100). 8. Determination with personal pronouns (101). 9. Uncoordinated definitions expressed by indirect cases of nouns (101). 10. Inflicted definitions expressed by a comparative degree of adjectives (102). 11. Inflicted definitions expressed by an indefinite form of verb (102).

§ 93. Separate applications ............................................. ............

1. A common application with a nucleating noun (103). 2. Single (unpropered) application (103). 3. Appendix with its own name (105). 4. Own facial names or animal nicknames as an application (105). 5. Applications attached by alliances (106). 6. Annex with a personal pronouns (106). 7. An application relating to the missing defined word (106). 8. Eating dash when separate application (106)

§ 94. Separate circumstances ............................................. .......

1. DEPARTMENT TRANSFER (108). 2. Two single verbalias (software). 3. Single canopy (111). 4. Circumstances expressed by noun (111) names. 5. Circumstances expressed by adverbs (112)

§ 95. Separate additions ............................................. ............

XXV. Punctuation marks in sentences with clarifying, explanatory to connecting members of the sentence

§ 96. Clarifying members of the sentence ............................................ ....

1. Referring circumstances (114). 2. Refine definitions (114). 3. Definitions specifying the pronoun value this one, such(114). 4. Words rather, more precisely, ratherin the role of inner words (115)

§ 97. Explanatory members of the offer ............................................

1. Designs with words namely, that is(115). 2. Constructions with an explanatory union or (116)

§ 98. Attachment memberships .......................................

1. Designs with words even, especially, for example, in particular, among other things, and, and moreoveret al. (116). 2. Non-union connecting structures (117). 3. Signs for connecting construction (117)

Xxvi. Punctuation marks in words, grammatically associated with members of the sentence

§ 99. Introductory words and phrases ........................................... ......

1. Discharges of input words by value (117). 2. Remuneration of input words and membership members (119). 3. Punctuation in words finally, in the end, however, of course, it means, in general, mainly in any case(121). 4. comma at a meeting of two inner words (123). 5. Introductory words as part of separate revolutions (123). 6. Enterprise Words after writing Union (124). 7. Introductory words after the connecting union (124)

§ 100. Introductory and plug-in offers .......................................... 124

§ 101. Appeal .............................................. .................................. 126.

§ 102. Arctic .............................................. ................................ 127.

§ 103. Affirmative, negative and questioning and exclamation words. 129.

Xxvii. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence 130

§ 104. The comma in a complex sentence ........................... 130

§ 105. Point with a comma in a complex sentence ... 132

§ 106. Tire in a complex sentence ................................ 132

Xxviii. Punctuation signs in complex sentence 133

§ 107. The comma between the main and pressing proposal133

§ 108. The comma with complex subordinate unions ...................... ...... 134

§ 109. Punctuation in a complex sentence with several additives..135

§ 110. The comma at the junction of two unions .......................................... ....... ...... 136

§ 111. Tire in a complex proposal ............................. ...... 137

§ 112. Twisters in a complex sentence ..................... 138

§ 113. The comma and dash in a complex proposal and in

period ................................................................................ 138

XXIX. Punctuation for revolutions, which are additive proposals 139

§ 114. One-minded expression on the meaning ............................................ .. 139.

1. Type Type Make how should I spend the night where go where eyes look etc. (139). 2. Combination not that, not thatn.may. (139). 3. Combination (not) more than, (not) earlier thanand may. (140). 4. Combination Unknown Who, Nepoo nurse where, anyway, what etc. (140). 5. Combination anyone who gotetc. (140). 6. Type Turnover there is something to do, find where to turnetc. (140). 7. Combination only ... what (141)

§ 115. Comparative turnover ............................................. ............. 141.

1. Coincidences with alliances as if, exactly, as ifet al. (141).

2. Coins with the Soyuz as(142). 3. No semicolon with the revolutions with the Union as(143)

Xxx. Punctuation signs in the non-union complex sentence 145

§ 116. The comma and point with a comma in the non-union complex sentence 145

§ 117. The colon in the non-union complex sentence.... 146

§ 118. Dash in the non-union complex sentence ............................ ...... 148

Xxxi. Punctuation signs with direct speech 151

§ 119. Direct speech after the author's words ........................................ ...... 151

§ 123. Signs of punctuation at dialogue ............................................. ..... ...... 155

Xxxii. Capture Signs when quotes 156

§ 124. Quotes when quotes ................................................... ................... 156

§ 125. Dot when quotes ............................................ .............. 157

§ 126. Registration and lowercase letters in quotes ................................ 157

Xxxiii. Eating quavichek 158

§ 128. Words used in an unusual, conditional, irony ...158

§ 129. Names of literary works, printing bodies, enterprises, etc.. 159

§ 130. Names of orders and medals ........................................... ......... 160

§ 131. Names of factory brands of machines, industrial products, etc... 160

§ 132. Names of plant varieties ............................................ ........... 161

Xxxiv. Combination of punctuation signs 161

§ 133. Busy and dash ............................................ ...............................161

§ 134. Question and exclamation marks ........................... ...... 162

§ 135. Quotes and other signs ............................................... ............... ...... 162

§ 136. brackets and other signs ........................................... .................. 163

§ 137. Multiple and other signs ........................................... .......... 164

§ 138. The sequence of signs when footnote ................................. ...... 164

Literary edit

Xxxv. Selection of words165

§ 139. Semantic and stylistic selection of lexical means165

§ 140. Elimination of stationery and stamps ................................... 170

§ 141. Praonism and tautology ............................................ ................ ...... 173

§ 142. Promotive speech ............................................. ........................ 174

§ 143. The use of phraseological means ............................. ..... 175

Xxxvi. Forms of nouns names 178

§ 144. oscillations in nouns names ............................. 178

1. Words having parallel forms of male and female (178). 2. Words used in the form of a male genus (180). 3. Words used in the form of a female genus (181). 4. Words used in the form of medium kind (181). 5. Words formed by suffixes (182)

§ 145. Differentiation of values \u200b\u200bdepending on the generic endings ...................... 182

§ 146. The name of the names of female people by profession, positions, etc. .................................. 183.

1. Words without paired formations (183). 2. Paired education adopted in neutral speech styles (184). 3. Paired Education used in colloquial speech (184)

§ 147. Rod of unclean nouns .................................... 185

1.Slov denoting inanimate objects (185).

2.Subestive words (186). 3. Words denoting persons (186). 4. Words denoting animals, birds, etc. (186). 5. Geographical names (187). 6. Print authorities (187). 7. Abbreviations (187)

§ 148. Features of the declination of some words and phrases 188 1. Words like domishko(188). 2. Words type domysche(188).

3. Complex words of Tina half an hour(188). 4. Painted word types cloak Tent, Car Restaurant (188). 5. Combination Moscow River(188). 6. Sophisticated geographical
Type names Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Gus-Crystal(189). 7. Type combinations Fifth Martha(189)

§ 149. Declination of some names and surnames ................................... 189

1. Type names Levko, Gavrillo(189). 2. Combine type

Jules Verne (189). 3. Type names and surnames Karel Chapec.(189). 4. Surnames ending on the consonant sound (189). 5. Unclear surnames on -Ago - et al. (190). 6. Nervussian surnames ending on a vowel sound (190). 7. Ukrainian surnames on --ko (191). 8. Korean, Vietnamese, Burmese surnames (191). 9. Double surnames (191). 10. Nervussian surnames related to two persons (191). 11. Combines type two Petrov(192). 12. Women's Africa (192)

§ 150. End of a genitive case of a single number -and I)----- y (-th) ..192

§ 151. Forms of the vinitive case of nouns of animation and inanimate ........................................ ........ 193.

§ 152. The endings of the proposed case of the only number of nouns of male -E.----- W.............. 195

§ 153. End of the nominative case of a plural noun male rhodation -Y (s)----- and I).... 196

§ J. 54. End of a Multiple Padded Padder 199

§ 155. End of the cleaner case of a plural - ----- (b) mi ....................................................... 200

§ 156. The use of a single number in the meaning of the multiple ........................................... .............................. 201.

§ 157. The use of distracted, real and own names of nouns in the plural ........ 201

§ 158. Variants of nouns names ........................ 202

1. Words type pivobysk- Varobushos(202). 2. Words type bereznyak- bereznik(202). 3. Words type singman- nonsense(202)

Xxxvii. Forms of adjectives 203

§ 159. Full and brief form of high-quality adjectives 203

§ 160. Valid forms of brief adjectives ........................ 205

1. Type forms relatives are peculiar(205). 2. Type forms defined, frank(205). 3. Type forms light, Smugl(206)
§ 161. Forms of degrees of comparing the names of adjectives .... 206
§ 162. Essential attractive adjectives .... 207
1. Adjective type fathers, Dyadin (207). 2. Adjective type food, maternal(208). 3. Adjective type ivory, snake(208). 4. Adjective type Lysius.(208).
§ 163. Synonymmic use of adjectives and indirect cases of nouns ...................... 208

Xxxviii. Numbers' form forms 210

§ 164. Combined numerical combinations ...................... 210

1. Forms eight- Eight, fifty- fivede- sneeze, with three rubble - with three rubles, thousand - thousand(210). 2. Forms of compound numerals (211). 3. Combine type 22 days(211). 4. Forms BLACK: - both(212). 5. Counting word couple(212). 6. Combine type two or more(212). 7. Combinations of the pretext with numerical (212). 8. Type combinations 33.5 percent(213). 9. Numbers one and a halfn. one and a half(213)

§ 165. The use of collective numerals ......................... 213

§ 166. Numbers in complex words ............................................... 214

1. Words with element twoand two-(214). 2. Numeral floor-(215). 3. Complex words of Tina 2500th anniversary(215)

Xxxix. Enable pronoun 216

§ 167. Personal pronouns ............................................. .................. 216.

1. Proponation and context (216). 2. Pass of pronouns-subject to the verb leap (216). 3. Praonistic repetition of personal pronouns in the role of (217). 4. Forms she has her(217). 5. Initial "At the pronomies of the 3rd person (217)

§ 168. Return and most strongest persons ......................... 218

1. Pronoun himself (218). 2. Pronomation its own(218)

§ 169. Determinent pronouns ............................................. .. 219.

1. Any- everyone- any(219). 2. Self- most(220)

§ 170. Uncertain pronoun ............................................. . 220.

XL. Using the forms of verb 221

§ 171. Education of some personal forms ................................... 221

1. Insufficient verbs like win(221). 2. Personal forms of verbs type recovery (222). 3. Glages squeeze, get used to, stroll, honor(222) ^. Supporting verbs like rinse, move(222). 5. Some forms insecurity (223)

§ 172. Options for species forms ............................................ .......... 224.

1. Verbs type head- head(224). 2. Glages type condition- caress(224). 3. Verbs type popularize- Popularize(225). 4. Verbs disgust, see, smoke, climb, measure, torment, raise, read, whistle, break, staring (225). 5. Verbs movement (226). 6. A combination of verbs of motion with the names of modes of transport (227). 7. Type forms mock- moksu (227)

§ 173. Return and non-returnable forms ....................................... 227

1. Verbs type fleet- whiten(227). 2. Type verbs threaten - threaten(227). 3. Glages swear- crubble living, splash - splashhD. (227). 4. Two-digit of designs with verbs on -We (228)

§ 174. Forms of communion ............................................. ........................ 228.

§ 175. Forms of verprices ............................................. .................. 229.

XLi. Structure easy offer 229

§ 176. Types of supply ............................................. ..................... 229.

1. Type designs I i suggest- i suggest(229). 2. Type designs they ask not smoking- forbidden smoking(229). 3. Type designs I want- i would like to(230). 4. Turns are valid, suffering and imperative (230). 5. Offers with "shifted" design (230)

§ 177. Forms of the facility ............................................. ..................... 230.

1. Spoken forms of the facility (230). 2. "splitting" of the faugible (231). 3. Calm and cooling case in compound taution (231)

XLII. Order of words in a sentence 232

§ 178. The place to be led by the facility ......................................... 233

§ 179. Place of definition in a sentence ....................................... 234

1. Agreed definition (234). 2. Several consistent definitions (235). 3. Inflicted definition (236)

§ 180. Place of add-ons in the offer ..................................................... 236

1. Direct and reverse order of words (236). 2. The location of several additions (237). 3. Type designMother loves daughter(237)

§ 181. Place of circumstances in the proposal ................................... 237

§ 182. The location of the introductory words, appeals, particles, prepositions ...................................... ................... 239.

XLIII. Coordination of the subject to the subject 240

§ 183. Tamed with a collective noun to be used in its composition ........... 240

1. Type designs most voted(240). 2. Type designs most of the population voted(241). 3. Conditions for setting a multiple accountable (241)

§ 184. Tamed with a quantitative-nominal combination (countable turnover) ................. 242

1. The value of the joint and separate action (242).

2. Description of the undecided and dismantled whole (242).

3. Requirements of weight measure, space, etc. (243). 4. Combination with the words years, monthsboth (243). 5. Combinations with numerical two three four(243). 6. Composite numerals ending on one (243). 7. Taled with words thousand, Million, Billion(244). 8. Combination with words all these, onlyet al. (244). 9. The subject is numerical without a noun (244). 10. The value of approximate quantity (244). 11. Combination with word some(245). 12. Combination with words many, littleetc. (245). 13. Combines with words like troika(246). 14. Combination with type mass, Uyma(246). 15. Words of type half an hour(246).

§ 185. The coordination of the attacked with the applying applying ...................................... ................ 246.

1. Grammatical coordination and coordination within the meaning (246). 2. The combination of generic and species concepts (246).

3. Operation of the nine I. own name (246).

4. Agreement with subject to the presence of clarifying words, connecting structures, etc. (247). 5. The failed when type cafe-dining room (247).

§ 186. Typed to be typed brother and sister.... 248 § 187. Taken with a pronoun, relative, indefinite, negative. . 249 in subject: 1. Questionful pronoun (249) ^. Refusary pronoun who(250); 3. Relative pronoun what(250); 4. An indefinite pronoun (250) § 188. Taken with a nonlocked noun, comprehensive word, an unlockable word group ........................... .................................................. .............. 251.

In subject to: 1. Substative word (251); 2. Borrowed unclear word (251); 3. Russian abbreviation (251); 4. Analyzing abbreviation (252); 5. Solidal name (252); 6. Uncredential group of words (252); 7. Nickname persons (253) § 189. Conformation of a ligament with a registered part of the faith. . . 253 § 190. The coordination of the associated with homogeneous subject to 254 1. The impact of the procedure for the principal members of the proposal (254). 2. The role of unions (254). 3. The meaningful proximity of homogeneous subjects (256). 4. The location of graduation (256) is location. 5. Effect lexical meaning faithful (256). 6. Personal pronouns in those subject (257)

Xliv Approval of definitions 257

§ 191. Determination with a noun overond .... 257

§ 192. Determination with a noun having an application with you ..................................................... ... 258.

§ 193. Determination with noun, depending on numerical two three four ............................ 259

§ 194. Two definitions at one noun ...................... 261

§ 195. Determination at nouns - homogeneous terms 263 1. Definition in the form of a single number (263). 2. Definition in the form of a plural (264). 3. Determination of nouns with a repeated pretext (264). 4. Determining with nouns in the form of a plural (264). 5. Determination when combining type brother and sister(264)

§ 196. Approval of applications ................................................. .......... 265

1. Nicknames and conditional names (265). 2. Combine type Rocket carrier (265). 3. Combine type by name, known how, whether, insert words (265). 4. Combined type showcase-stand (265)

§ 197. Applications - Geographical names ............................. 265

XLV. Control268

§ 198. Impossible and proposed management ............................ 268

1. Options for options and proposed structures (268). 2. Constructions with weak control (269). 3. Turns with words except insteadet al. (269).

§ 199. Selection of the pretext ..............................: .............. ...................... 270.

1. Combination B. address- at the address using- at help soup- in order toetc. (270). 2. Prepositions with Issuctive meaning (oh, about, aboutet al.) (272). 3. Prepositions with spatial value (y, whennight and others) (272). 4. Prepositions with a temporary value (274). 5. Prepositions with a causal value (due to, due toet al.) (275). 6. Prepositions by- O when verb, denoting mental experience (276). 7. References in a relationship- in relation toet al. (276). 8. New prepositions in the case, in the area, in the part, by the line(276). 9. Type combinations In the introduction- in the introduction(277)

§ 200. Choosing a case of a case ............................................ ............. 277.

1. Stylistic options paddy forms (277). 2. Combination in the absence, in the 20set al. (278). 3. Prepositions excluding, between, accordingly (278). 4. Double dependence designs (279)

§ 201. Padege supplement in transition verbs with denial 279 1. PODE PADEME (279) .2. Accusative case (280). 3. Optional use of both cases (282). 4. Supplement when the verb with the console under (282). 5. denial not not at the verb leap (282). 6. Padege supplements in suggestions with mend (282)

§ 202. Office in synonymous words ............................... 282

§ 203. Various proposed-case forms with one control word ...................................... .................................. 283.

1. Supplements with verbs quit, sacrifice live, watchet al. (283). 2. Type designs drink up Water - drink water(288). 3. Type designs search- search(288). 4. PEITIVE TIME use (288). 5. Tina designs owed to someone(288). b. Tina designs traitorman Motherland- traitor Motherland (288). 7. Type designs close to-close to what(289)

§ 204. Handing the same forms ........................................... 290

I. Handing of parental cases (290). 2. Relocation of other assignments (290). 3. Corregious forms with the same pretexts (290). 4. The confluence of infinitives (290). 5. PEITIVE STATE AND PAGITIVE ON B K E C - T A (290)

§ 205. Office for homogeneous members of the sentence. . . 291.

Xlv1. suggestions from homogeneous members 291

§ 206. Unions with homogeneous members ........................................... ... 291.

§ 207. Prepositions with homogeneous members ..................................................... 292

§ 208. Errors in combinations of homogeneous members ............................ 293

1. Incompleability of concepts (293). 2. Lexicularism (294). 3. Completeness of species and generic concepts (294). 4. Crossing concepts (294).

5. Equality in different rows of homogeneous members (294).

6.Negorly pairs of homogeneous members (294). 7. Morphological irrigation (294). 8. Errors when using comparative unions (295). 9. Violation of communication between homogeneous members and a generalizing word (295). 10. Inhomogeneous syntactic structures (296)

XLVII. Difficult sentence 296

§ 209. Unions and allied words ........................................... .............. 296.

1. Stylistic coloring of alliances (296). 2. Unions untiland not yet(297). 3. Union words which theand what(297)

§ 210. Errors in challenging offers ..................................................... 298

1. Motion of parts of a complex proposal (298). 2. Designation of construction (298). 3. Incorrect use of unions and union words (299). 4. Incorrect word order (300). 5. Mixing direct speech and indirect (300)

XLV1II. Parallel syntactic designs 301

§ 211. Private revs ............................................. ................. 301.

1. The absence of sediments of future time and subjunctive inclination (301). 2. The involvement of the turnover is separate and unique (301). 3. The value of time, type and collateral at the communals (301). 4. Coordination of communities (302). 5. The order of words in the involvement of the turnover (303). 6. Explanatory words with communion (303). 7. Replacing the apparent definition of a certain turnover (303)

§ 212. Conditional turns ............................................... ............. 304.

1. Regulatory use of particle rollers (304). 2nd place part of accompanying In sentence (305). 3. Synonymy of accompanying turnover and other structures (305)

§ 213. Constructions with exclusive noun. . . 306 1. The sphere of using the exclusive nouns (306). 2. Disadvantages of designs with exclusive noun (306). 3. Receptions Edit (307)

Academic orphography and punctuation rules

(located in reverse chronological order)

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Full academic directory: Approved by the RAS / [Avt. N. S. Vintagina, N. A. Evikova, O. E. Ivanova, S. M. Kuzmina, V. V. Lopatin, L. K. Chelt; Ot. ed. V. V. Lopatin]; Ros. Acad. Science, Depth. Historical Philol. Science, In-t Rus. Yaz. them. V. V. Vinogradova. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2006. - 478, p. - The directory is a completed edition of the current "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punction" of 1956 - edition after 2006.

A set of Russian spelling rules. ORFography and punctuation: Project / [Avt. B. Z. Both, N. A. Evikova, O. E. Ivanova, S. M. Kuzmina, V. V. Lopatin, L. K. Chelt (spelling), N. S. Vintagina (punctuation); Scientific ed. N. A. Yesakova, S. M. Kuzmina, V. V. Lopatin (ORFography), E. N. Shiryaev (punctuation); ed. O. E. Ivanova]; Ros. Acad. Science, Depth. Lit. and Yaz., Spearpographic Commission and In-T Rus. Yaz. them. V. V. Vinogradova. - Moscow: Azbukovnik, 2000. - 396, p. - The project was not approved.

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation: app. Acad. Sciences of the USSR, M-Nom Higher. arr. USSR and M-B Enlightened. RSFSR / [the greatest uch. in Sost. accepted S. G. Barhudarov, K. I. Wensky, V. V. Vinogradov, I. S. Istrina, I. A. Kairov, E. I. Korenevsky, S. E. Kryuchkov, S. P. Obnorsky, d . N. Ushakov, A. B. Shapiro, L. V. Shcherba]. - ed. 2nd, erased. - Moscow: State. Educational and ped. Publishing house. Enlighten. RSFSR, 1962. - 175, p. - Auth. Specified in approx. on s. 4. - ed. 1st - 1956 - Rules are posted on the portal in the "Help" section.

Directories on spelling and literary editing D. E. Rosental

Rosenthal D. E. Relief in the Russian language: spelling, pronunciation, literary editing / D. E. Rosental, E. V. Dzhanjakova, N. P. Kabanova. - 7th ed. - Moscow: Iris-Press, 2010. - 491 p. - The text is printed in the new edition of the editor.: Handbook of spelling, pronunciation and literary editing / D. E. Rosental, E. V. Dzhanjakova, N. P. Kabanova. 4th ed., Act. Moscow: Chero, 2001.

Rosenthal D. E. Directory on spelling and literary editing / D. E. Rosental; [Ed. I. B. Blue]. - ed. 2nd, copy. - Moscow: Rolf, 1999. - 361, p.

Rosenthal D. E. Directory on spelling and literary editing: for print workers / D. E. Rosental. - ed. 3rd, copy. and add. - Moscow: Book, 1978. - 334 p.

Rosenthal D. E. Directory on spelling and literary editing: for print workers / D. E. Rosental. - Moscow: Book, 1967. - 407, p.

Directory of punctuation D. E. Rosental

(publications are located in the reverse chronological order)

Rosenthal D. E. Directory in Russian. Puncture / D. E. Rosental. - Moscow: Onyx 21st Century: 2004. - 263 p.

Rosenthal D. E. Punctuation Directory: For Print Workers / D. E. Rosenthal; [Reviewer Dr. Philol. Sciences, prof. V. F. Ivanova]. - Moscow: Book, 1984. - 272 p.

Reference books on spelling and punctuation K. I. Vonnsky and N. N. Nikolsky

(publications are located in the reverse chronological order)

Molensky K. I. Handbook of spelling and punctuation for print workers / K. I. Wensky, N. N. Nikolsky. - ed. 4th, recreation. and add. - Moscow: Publishing House Mosk. University, 1970. - 343, p. - Previous videos: Handbook of spelling and punctuation for print workers / K. I. Wensky and N. N. Nikolsky. 3rd ed., Pererab. Moscow: Art, 1957. 336 p.

Molensky K. I. Handbook of spelling and punctuation for print workers / prof. K. I. Wensky and N. N. Nikolsky. - ed. 2nd, recreation. - Moscow: Art, 1952. - 311, p. - Previous videos: Handbook of spelling and punctuation for print workers / K. I. Wensky and N. N. Nikolsky. Moscow; Leningrad: Gizlegprom, 1947. 116 p.

References for spelling, punctuation, culture of speech and editing

Belchikov Yu. A. The practical stylistics of the modern Russian language: the norms of consumption of words, phraseological expressions, grammatical forms and syntactic structures / Yu. A. Belchikov; Ros. Acad. science - 2nd. ed. and add. - Moscow: AST-Press, 2012. - 422 p. - (Russian language directories).

Molensky K. I. Difficult cases of punctuation / K. I. Wensky, D. E. Rosenthal; [Ed. A. E. Milchin]. - Moscow: Art, 1961. - 231 p.

Grotto Ya. K. Russian spelling: Guide drawn up on behalf of the second branch The Imperial Academy Science / Ya. Grotto. - ed. 21st. - St. Petersburg: Type PR. Mr. ways to report, 1914. - XII, 120, XLIV p.

Mamonov V. A. The practical stylistics of the modern Russian language / V. A. Mamonov, D. E. Rosenthal. - Moscow: Art, 1957. - 175, p.

Milchin A. E. Directory of the publisher and author: editorial and publishing design of publication / Arkady Milchin, Lyudmila Chelt. - 4th ed. - Moscow: Publishing House of Studio Artemia Lebedev, 2014. - 1006 p. - This edition repeats the previous, 3rd, copy. and add. ed. 2009

Ostrumova O. A. Difficulties of Russian punctuation. Dictionary of introductory words, combinations and suggestions: [Visual-Director's Dictionary] / O. A. Ostrumova, O. D. Frampol. - Moscow: Publishing House of SSU, 2009. - 501 p.

Pakhomov V. M. Difficulties of Russian punctuation: Dictionary-reference book / V. M. Pakhomov, V. V. Swintsov, I. V. Filatova. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2012. - 569, p. - (Fragrance library Eksmo). - The author's electronic editing of the dictionary is posted on the portal in the "Help" section.

Editorial Publishing of Church printed publications: Directory of the author and publisher / ed. Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, Synodal Britis. His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, published in the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church; GL ed. The ed, Moscow Patriarchate Archpriest Vladimir Siloviev. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox church, 2015. - 205 p.

Services L. I. Corrector Reference: practical guide For a corrector, a typewriter, editor and the author / L. I. Servivov. - Moscow: State. Publishing House of Light Industry, 1932. - 256 p.

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