The main lessons of the wwii. Synopsis of the lesson-competition "on the pages of the great patriotic war" Summaries of lessons on wwii history

Moscow City University of Management, Government of Moscow

Department of History and Political Science


Introduction ………………………………. ……. ……………………. …… ..… 3

1. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War ............................ ……. ………… .4

2. Battle of Moscow ... ………………………. ………… .. ……………………… ... 6

3. The Battle of Stalingrad ……………………………………… .. …………… .10

4. Leningrad during the war ………………………… .... ………. …………… .13

4.1. In besieged Leningrad ………………………………………… .... 14

4.2. Availability and search for food …………………………………… .... 19

4.3. The Road of Life ………………………………………………………… .21

4.4. Release ……………………………………………………… .... 22

4.5. The end of the blockade ……………………………………………………… ... 24

5. Battle of Kursk (tank battle at Prokhorovka) ... ………… .24

Conclusion ……………………………………………………… ..… ..26

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………… ..… 29


A lot of books, articles, memoirs, studies have been written in our country about the tragic events that occurred during the Great Patriotic War. However, the abundance of scientific works and publicistic writings does not bring us too close to understanding what happened during the years of that war, which very soon became the Great Patriotic War for millions of Soviet people - even for those who, under the influence of communist propaganda, almost forgot the meaning of the word Fatherland.

The greatest defeat in the history of war of a multimillion army, which possessed powerful weapons and outnumbered the enemy; the death of hundreds of thousands of people who did not have time to understand why they had not to participate in victorious hostilities in foreign territory, about which the official propaganda spoke so much in the late 1930s, but to reflect the monstrous blow of the well-oiled Wehrmacht machines; the capture - in a matter of days - of an unprecedented number of Soviet soldiers and commanders; lightning-fast occupation of huge spaces; the almost universal confusion of the citizens of a powerful state that was on the verge of collapse - all this could hardly fit into the minds of contemporaries and descendants and required an explanation.


Early on Sunday morning, June 22, 1941, fascist Germany and its allies launched a blow on our country unprecedented in the history of an invasion army: 190 divisions, over 4,000 tanks, more than 47,000 guns and mortars, about 5,000 aircraft, up to 200 ships. On the decisive directions of its offensive, the aggressor had multiple superiority in forces. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union began against the German fascist invaders. It lasted 1418 days and nights.

This was the largest attack by the shock forces of world imperialism against socialism, one of the most difficult tests ever experienced by the Soviet country. In this war, not only the fate of the USSR was decided, but also the future of world civilization, progress and democracy.

History knows no more heinous crimes than those committed by the Nazis. Fascist hordes have turned tens of thousands of cities and villages of our country into ruins. They killed and tortured Soviet people, not sparing women, children, old people. The inhuman cruelty that the invaders showed towards the populations of many other occupied countries was surpassed on Soviet territory. All these crimes are documented in the acts of the Emergency State Commission to investigate the atrocities of the German fascist invaders and their accomplices and brought to the attention of the whole world.

As a result of the fascist invasion, the Soviet country lost more than 25 million people killed, about 30% of the national wealth. More than 1 million Soviet soldiers died outside our country, freeing the peoples of Europe and Asia from the fascist-militarist occupiers.

War fascist Germany and its allies against the USSR had a special character. German fascism sought not only to seize the territory of the USSR, but also to destroy the world's first state of workers and peasants, to overthrow the socialist social order, i.e. pursued class goals. This was the essential difference between the war of fascist Germany against the USSR from the wars she waged against the capitalist countries. Class hatred for the country of socialism, predatory aspirations and the bestial nature of fascism merged into one in politics, strategy and methods of warfare.

The Soviet Union, according to the plans of the fascist clique, was to be dismembered and liquidated. On its territory, it was planned to form four Reich-s-commissariats - the German provinces. Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and a number of other cities were ordered to be blown up, flooded and completely wiped off the face of the earth. The Nazi leadership emphasized that the actions of the German army should be especially brutal, demanded the ruthless destruction of not only the soldiers of the Soviet Army, but also civilian population THE USSR. The soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht were given memos, which said: “... kill every Russian, Soviet, do not stop if you have an old man or a woman, a girl or a boy in front of you, - kill, this will save yourself from death, ensure the future of your family and become famous for century ".

Preparations for German aggression against the Soviet Union began in the mid-1930s. War against Poland, followed by a campaign in North and Western Europe temporarily switched the German staff thought to other problems. But even then the preparation of the war against the USSR remained in the field of vision of the Nazis. It intensified after the defeat of France, when, in the opinion of the fascist leadership, the rear was provided. future war and Germany had sufficient resources to manage it.


Among the major events of the Second World War, the Great Battle of Moscow takes special place... It is here, on the outskirts of the capital, that the vaunted Hitlerite army, European countries, suffered its first major defeat. In the battles near Moscow, Hitler's "blitzkrieg" plan was finally buried, and the false legend about the invincibility of the "Hitlerite" army was debunked before the whole world.

The historic victory of the Soviet Army in the fields of the Moscow region showed the whole world that there is a force that can not only stop, but also defeat the fascist aggressor, saving mankind from the threat of Nazi enslavement.

It was near Moscow that the dawn of our future Victory over German fascism dawned.

The Moscow battle, which included a complex complex of battles and operations of various nature, unfolded over a vast territory and lasted continuously throughout the fall of 1941 and the winter of 1941-1942.

On both sides, more than 2 million people, about 2.5 thousand tanks, 1.8 thousand aircraft and over 25 thousand guns and mortars, took part in it at the same time.

By the nature of the events that took place, the battle of Moscow, as you know, consisted of two periods - defensive and offensive.

The defensive period covers October - November 1941. As a result of the two-month heroic defense of the Soviet troops in the Moscow direction, the so-called general offensive of the German-fascist army was stopped. Hitler's plan to seize Moscow failed.

Before winning this world-historic victory, our Armed Forces, the entire Soviet people had to experience the bitterness of cruel defeats and military failures. By the fall of 1941, our troops were forced to retreat to Leningrad, to leave Smolensk and Kiev. A threat was created to Kharkov, Donbass and Crimea.

Hitler's troops, despite huge losses, which, even according to German data, by September 30, 1941 amounted to 551 thousand people or 16.2% of the total number of troops on the Soviet-German front, 1719 tanks and assault guns, 1603 downed aircraft, continued to rush to the east ... They still possessed strategic initiative and had superiority in forces and means.

Operation Typhoon was developed, during which Moscow should be surrounded so that “not a single Russian soldier, not a single inhabitant - be it a man, woman or child - could leave it. Suppress any attempt to escape by force. "

The city was supposed to be destroyed and flooded together with all its inhabitants, and then covered with sand and in the center of an empty massif to build a monument of glory of the German invincible army of red stone. The stone was even transported in a wagon train along with equipment to Moscow.

Against three Soviet fronts - Western, Reserve and Bryansk, operating in the Moscow direction, by the beginning of the Moscow battle, the German command concentrated more than a million army of the Center group, over 14 thousand guns and mortars, 1,700 tanks, 950 aircraft or 42% of the people, 75 % of tanks, 45% of guns and mortars of the total on the Soviet-German front.

By the beginning of the offensive of the fascist troops on Moscow, the following balance of forces had developed:

With their operation of the general offensive against Moscow and the careful preparation of the troops, the representatives of the Third Reich did not doubt the complete, truly "hurricane" success, therefore the operation was called "Typhoon".

In the Soviet troops in the army on October 1, 1941, there were 213 rifle, 30 cavalry, 5 tank and 2 motorized divisions, 18 rifle, 37 tank and 7 airborne brigades. The forces were far from equal. In addition, some of the military equipment was of outdated designs. Therefore, it was so hard on the battlefields in the Moscow region in the first defensive stage during the Moscow battle.

The Nazis brought in groups of 30-50 tanks, their infantry marched in thick lines, supported by artillery fire and aerial bombardments. Heavy fighting ensued in the Volokolamsk and Mozhaisk directions, representing shortest paths to Moscow.

It was during the defensive course of the battles that many of our defenders of the Fatherland perished on the outskirts of Moscow, who at times, at the cost of their lives, tried to prevent the enemy from reaching the capital.

Their heroic resistance was widely reported in the media mass media.

The command in the troops explained the decisions of the State Defense Committee on the introduction of a state of siege in the capital and its suburbs. The newspaper of the Western Front, Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda, noted in an editorial on October 14: “Day and night there is a great battle in which the enemy has put everything on the line. It's about life and death! But great people cannot die, but in order to live, one must block the path of the enemy, one must win! " And the troops understood this. Mass heroism, unparalleled in history, created the basic prerequisites for the subsequent counteroffensive near Moscow.

In the last days of October 1941, G.K. Zhukov proposed, without a pause in defensive battles, to launch a counteroffensive. The troops were tasked with crushing the shock groupings of the Center army and eliminating the immediate threat to Moscow.

On December 6, units of the Red Army launched a counterattack on the advanced groupings of German fascist troops north and south of the capital. The offensive unfolded on a strip of 1000 km, from Kalinin to Yelets. Soviet troops attacked an enemy equal in number. In the first three days, they advanced 30-40 km. The inspiration of the attackers made up for the lack of technology. The enemy stood firm, but the lack of preparedness to conduct military operations in winter conditions, the lack of reserves affected. Hitler, having signed a directive on the transition to the defense on the Soviet-German front in December, blamed the failures on the military command and, having removed some of the top army generals from their posts, assumed the supreme command. But this did not lead to significant changes. The offensive of the Red Army continued, and by the beginning of January 1942 the enemy had been driven back from Moscow by 100-250 km. Our soldiers liberated Kalinin and Kaluga.

Thus, the immediate threat to Moscow was removed. This was the first major defeat of the Nazis in the Second World War, which meant the complete collapse of the "lightning war" plan.


By mid-July, the Wehrmacht's strike forces had broken through into the great bend of the Don and its lower reaches. The great Battle of Stalingrad unfolded (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943). At the same time, the battle for the Caucasus began (July 25, 1942 - October 9, 1943).

The Battle of Stalingrad, in which more than 2 million people participated on both sides, covered an area of ​​100 thousand km and lasted 200 days and nights. The enemy led the offensive with the forces of the 6th and 4th Panzer Armies with the participation of Romanian, Hungarian and Italian troops and soon reached the outskirts of Stalingrad. In the battle for the Caucasus, the Nazi troops initially also achieved great success. The forces of the North Caucasian (commander - Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M.Budyonny) and the Transcaucasian (commander - General of the Army I.V. Tyulenev) fronts, significantly inferior to the German Army Group "A" (commander - General Field Marshal V. List) in the number of troops and equipment, especially in tanks (more than 9 times) and in aviation (almost 8 times), retreated to the foothills of the Main Caucasian ridge, but in fierce battles they managed to stop the enemy by the end of 1942. From the sea they were supported by the Black Sea Fleet, the Azov and Caspian military flotillas.

During the summer retreat of the Red Army, the military threat to the Soviet country increased on the southern and Far Eastern borders. Turkey expected the breakthrough of Hitler's troops through the Main Caucasian ridge and the fall of Stalingrad to side with the fascist bloc.

The storming of Stalingrad turned into an all-consuming focus for the Nazis. In August, fighting broke out directly in the city. The spring of battle was compressed to the point of failure. Tough orders “Not one step back! ", The heroism and unyielding stamina of the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army stood as an insurmountable obstacle in the enemy's path.

It is important to emphasize that by this time the maximum enemy forces for the entire war were concentrated on the Soviet-German front, the length of which reached 6,200 km. They consisted of 266 divisions (over 6.2 million people), about 52 thousand guns and mortars, over 5 thousand tanks and assault guns, 3.5 thousand combat aircraft.

In the Soviet army by November 1942, there were about 6.6 million people, over 78 thousand guns and mortars (excluding anti-aircraft guns), over 7.35 thousand tanks and 4.5 thousand combat aircraft. Thus, the balance of forces at the front gradually changed in our favor. Superiority in the number of tanks and aircraft and the creation of strategic reserves were the most important material basis for achieving decisive success in the struggle for the strategic initiative.

In the counteroffensive at Stalingrad, which began on November 19, the troops of the Southwest (commander - Lieutenant General N.F. Vatutin), Stalingrad (commander - Colonel General A.I. Eremenko) and Donskoy (commander - Lieutenant General K. K. Rokossovsky) of the fronts, repelling the attempt of the German Army Group Don (commanded by Field Marshal E. Manstein) to unblock the troops encircled in Stalingrad, inflicted a crushing defeat on the enemy. Remains of the 6th German army(91 thousand people), led by the commander, Field Marshal F. Paulus, on February 2, 1943 surrendered. Total losses enemy in the Battle of Stalingrad amounted to 1.5 million people. This victory of the Red Army made a decisive contribution to the development of a radical turning point in the war, had a great influence on the general change in the military-political situation in the world in favor of anti-Hitler coalition, was a powerful stimulus for the growth of the resistance movement against the invaders in Europe and Asia.

In January 1943, the Soviet troops launched an offensive in the battle for the Caucasus by the forces of the newly created Southern (commanded by Colonel General A.I. Eremenko) and North Caucasian (commanded by Lieutenant General I.I. front (commander - Lieutenant General I.E. Petrov) with the support of aviation from the 8th, 4th and 5th air armies and assistance Black Sea Fleet... Having liberated the North Caucasus, Soviet troops in early May we reached the Taman Peninsula. On the "blue line", which ran from the Sea of ​​Azov to Novorossiysk, they met stubborn resistance from the enemy and went on the defensive.

In January 1943, in the north, a partial breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad (on a narrow strip along the southern shore of Lake Ladoga) and successful operations in the central sector of the front were carried out, which created conditions for the subsequent offensive in the Kharkov and Kursk directions.

Having won the largest air battle in the Kuban in April-June, Soviet aviation ensured strategic air supremacy on the entire Soviet-German front.

Since March 1943, the Supreme Command headquarters has been working on a strategic offensive plan, the task of which was to defeat the main forces of Army Group South and Center, crush the enemy defenses on the front from Smolensk to the Black Sea. It was assumed that the Soviet troops would be the first to go over to the offensive. However, in mid-April, based on intelligence data that the Wehrmacht command was planning an offensive near Kursk, it was decided to bleed the German troops with a powerful defense, and then go over to the counteroffensive. Possessing a strategic initiative, the Soviet side deliberately began hostilities not with an offensive, but with a defense. The development of events showed that this plan was correct.


The German General Staff and Hitler himself were not without pleasure in choosing names for their military plans. The plan for the capture of Poland was called Weiss (white), France, Holland and Belgium - Gelb (yellow), the female name Marita - the operation to capture Greece and Yugoslavia was called.

For the plan of war against the USSR, the German military leaders chose the nickname of the fierce German emperor Frederick I Barbarossa. Barbarossa, in Russian with a red beard, lived in the twelfth century, commanded a knightly army and shed a lot of human blood.

The name Barbarossa defines the nature of the war as brutal, destructive and destructive. She really thought so.

Having started the war in June, German troops by the fall of 1941 intended to reach the line Arkhangelsk - Volga River - Western coast of the Caspian Sea. One and a half to two months were allotted for the implementation of the Barbarossa plan.

The Nazis were confident that they would meet the target date. Poland was defeated in 35 days, Denmark fell in a day, Holland in 6 days, Belgium in 18, France resisted for 44 days.

The German offensive against the Soviet Union was to develop in three main directions. Army Group South advances from the Lublin region to Zhitomir and Kiev, Army Group Center from the Warsaw region to Minsk, Smolensk, Moscow, Army Group North advances from East Prussia through the Baltic republics to Pskov and Leningrad.


Leningrad experienced days full of anxiety and surprises: enemy air raids became more frequent, fires began and, what was most dangerous, food supplies were depleted. The Germans captured the last railway linking Leningrad with the country. There were very few vehicles for delivery across the lake, moreover, the ships were constantly raided by enemy aircraft.

And at this time, on the outskirts of the city, in factories and factories, on the streets and squares, the intense work of many thousands of people was going on everywhere, they were turning the city into a fortress. Citizens and collective farmers of suburban areas in a short time created a defensive belt of anti-tank ditches 626 km long, built 15,000 bunkers and bunkers, 35 km of barricades.

Many construction sites were in close proximity to the enemy and were subjected to artillery fire. People worked 12-14 hours a day, often in the rain, in soaked clothes. This required great physical endurance.

What was the power that lifted people to such dangerous and exhausting work? Belief in the righteousness of our struggle, understanding of our role in the unfolding events. Mortal danger hung over the entire country. The thunder of the cannon fire was approaching every day, but it did not frighten the defenders of the city, but hurried to finish the work started.

It is impossible to overestimate the labor prowess of the working class of Leningrad. People were sleep deprived, malnourished, but enthusiastically carried out the tasks assigned to them.

The Kirov plant found itself dangerously close to the location of the German troops. Defending their hometown and factory, thousands of workers, serving day and night, erected fortifications. Trenches were dug, gaps were set, firing sectors for guns and machine guns were cleared, approaches were mined.

At the plant, work was going on around the clock to manufacture tanks that showed their superiority over the Germans in battles. Workers, skilled and without any professional experience, men and women, and even teenagers, stood at the machines, tenacious and diligent. In the shops, shells exploded, the plant was bombed, fires broke out, but no one left the workplace. KV tanks left the factory gates every day and headed straight for the front.

In those unfathomably difficult conditions Combat vehicles was manufactured at the Leningrad enterprises at an increasing pace. In November - December, in the difficult days of the blockade, the production of shells and mines exceeded a million pieces a month.

The soldiers and the population made efforts to prevent the enemy from entering Leningrad. In that case, if it was still possible to break into the city, a plan was developed in detail for the destruction of enemy troops.

Barricades and anti-tank obstacles with a total length of 25 km were erected on the streets and intersections, 4,100 bunkers and bunkers were built, more than 20 thousand firing points were equipped in buildings. Factories, bridges, public buildings were mined and, upon a signal, would fly up into the air - heaps of stones and iron would fall on the heads of enemy soldiers, rubble would block the path of their tanks. The civilian population was ready for street fighting.

The population of the besieged city was eagerly awaiting news of the 54th Army advancing from the east. There were legends about this army: just about it would cut through the corridor in the blockade ring from the Mga side, and then Leningrad would breathe a sigh full breast.

Time passed, but everything remained the same, hopes began to fade.

The situation demanded the speed of action of the 54th Army. For six to seven days after the capture of Shlisselburg, the Germans could not create a solid defense for 40 km along the Mga - Shlisselburg line. The Stavka was counting on this, demanding from Marshal Kulik to launch an offensive on the enemy as soon as possible. However, the commander was in no hurry, limiting himself to shelling enemy positions. The belated and ill-prepared offensive of the 54th Army ended in failure. Although this army pinned down significant enemy forces and thereby facilitated the position of our troops defending on the southern approaches to Leningrad, it did not fulfill the Stavka's task of unblocking the city.

The Len Front troops suffered heavy losses and were in the grip of the blockade, but were not defeated, moreover, they found themselves in a compressed spiral position, which made them more dangerous and formidable for the enemy.

The first most acute period of the battle for Leningrad did not give the Nazis the desired result, the goal was not achieved, and time was irretrievably lost. And von Leeb understood this. An experienced soldier understood that the advantages of surprise were over, his troops were finally stopped on the eve of winter and were in an unenviable position. The continuation of the assault on the city will only lead to huge losses of the already weakened army.

At this time, Hitler, furious that Leeb was stomping around Leningrad and could not take the city in any way, removes him from command of the "North" group and appoints Colonel General Kühler to this post. Hitler hoped that the new commander would improve the affairs of his predecessor.

Carrying out the blockade, he climbed out of his skin to please the Fuhrer, to carry out his order to starve the population to death. He sank ships that delivered food to the city, dropped mines of great explosive power by parachutes, and fired large-caliber shells at the city from a long distance. All his actions proved that Kühler was seeking to terrorize the population.

In September, enemy aircraft made 23 raids. Basically, the city was bombed with incendiary bombs and high-powered land mines. Fires were frequent. Self-defense groups were on duty at the entrances of houses, on the roofs. The fires were extinguished by the efforts of the fire brigades with the active help of the population of the adjacent houses.

Part of the German aviation was based on the airfields closest to the front line, which allowed enemy pilots to cover the distance to the city in a few minutes, air battles often took place right in the Leningrad sky. Our pilots possessed exceptional decisiveness - having used up their ammunition, they went to the ram.

In October, the Germans shelled not only the outskirts and southwestern regions, but also the city center. From the Strelna area, enemy batteries fired on Vasilyevsky Island. Artillery attacks often took place in conjunction with aerial bombardments and lasted for hours.

At the end of September, the enemy began to drop bombs and time mines on the city, methods, the neutralization of which were not known - the enemy used various designs fuses. The liquidation of unexploded bombs was often carried out by volunteers, it happened that such bombs exploded and carried the daredevils to shreds.

The enemy sent spies and provocateurs to the city, whose task was to instill panic and uncertainty among the besieged, to report on the extent of destruction and the movements of troops. Taking advantage of supply difficulties, enemy aircraft dropped leaflets calling for disobedience to the authorities. The inventive Nazis used a lot, but they were not successful.

The loss of Shlisselburg caused serious difficulties in Leningrad. The flow of ammunition, foodstuffs, fuel, medicines has ceased. And the enemy was pressing. The evacuation of the wounded stopped, while more and more of them arrived from the battlefield. The buildings of the university, the Herzen Institute, the Palace of Labor, the Technological Institute, the Evropeyskaya, Angleterre and many others were occupied for hospitals. Created by the city additional conditions had a beneficial effect on the recovery of the wounded and their return to duty.

From the first days of the siege, Leningrad began to experience a lack of electricity. There was not enough fuel. Since September, a strict limit was introduced for electricity consumption for all enterprises and for the needs of the population. To have backup power for the most important factories, two powerful turbo electric ships were used, provided with a full supply of fuel and delivered in the right places on the Neva.

Duty teams were also formed to repair the water supply in case of damage, but the Nazis failed to disable the city's water supply.

In September - October, the enemy made several raids a day and in all cases, regardless of the number of aircraft that appeared, an air raid was announced - people went to shelters, basements, specially dug cracks and often stayed there for several hours until lights out. The massive distraction of workers led to great damage. It was decided not to announce the alarm when one or two aircraft appeared. The workers insisted that work should not stop even when a large number of planes raid, if there was no immediate threat to the plant. I had to take such a risk - the front demanded weapons.

As soon as the shelling began, the population was notified of this by radio, while it was broadcast which streets were being shelled, instructions were given on which side to keep for pedestrians, in which dangerous area the traffic was stopped. Public institutions worked according to the usual schedule, and trade in shops was carried out from 6.00 to 9.00

The enemy fired at the city at different times. But at the end and beginning of work, he opened intense fire. This tactic of the fascists, aimed at mass kill civilians, was monstrous and senseless, and can only be explained by stupid revenge towards the besieged for their resistance.

Our aviation was monitoring the zone of the supposed positions of enemy heavy batteries. The artillerymen spotted the location of the enemy's guns by their first shots and opened fire in return, after which the shelling of the city ceased.

The military defense of the city was effectively complemented by civil defense, in which a huge number of people participated. The example of Leningraders confirms that a successful rebuff to the enemy depends not only on the presence of a capable army, but also on the participation of the entire people in the struggle.

The Baltic Fleet played an extremely important role in the defense of the city. The sailors gave a fitting rebuff to the enemy. Kronstadt and its forts, naval artillery from their guns opened hurricane fire on enemy positions, causing serious damage to the enemy's manpower and equipment. From September 1941 to January 1942, the Baltic Fleet fired 71508 large-caliber shells against enemy forces.


At the time of the blockade, there were 2 million 544 thousand civilians in the city, including about 400 thousand children. In addition, 343 thousand people remained in the suburban areas (in the blockade ring). In September, when systematic bombing, shelling and fires began, many thousands of families wanted to leave, but the paths were cut off. The mass evacuation of citizens began only in January 1942 along the ice road.

There is no doubt that the evacuation of people in the initial period of the war was slow. A large number of children, women, the elderly and the sick who remained in the besieged city created additional difficulties.

With the help of the people allocated by the city committee of the party, on September 10 and 11, an inventory of all food supplies, livestock, poultry, and grain was carried out. Based on the actual expenditure on providing the troops and the population, on September 12 there was: flour and grain for 35 days, cereals and pasta for 30 days, meat for 33 days, fats for 45, sugar and confectionery for 60 days.

From the first days of September, food ration cards were introduced in Leningrad. In order to save food, canteens, restaurants and other points are closed Catering... Consumption of food in excess of the established limit was strictly prohibited without special permission from the Supreme Council.

The livestock available on state farms was slaughtered, and the meat was delivered to procurement points for distribution. Feed grains intended for animal feed were proposed to be transported to mills, ground and used as an additive to rye flour in baking. The administration of medical institutions was obliged to cut out coupons for food from the cards of citizens undergoing treatment during their stay in hospitals. The same procedure was applied to children who were in orphanages.

In order to avoid losses due to all kinds of fires, flour and other food products were transported to safer warehouses.

During the entire period of the blockade, the Nazis did not manage to inflict serious damage on food supplies, with the exception of the loss of a small amount of flour and sugar from the fire in the warehouses named after Badayev. But Leningrad needed more food.

4.3. The road of life

For the delivery of food and ammunition there was only one communication left - along Lake Ladoga, and this route was unreliable. It was required at all costs to protect it from enemy attacks and to urgently establish the movement of ships.

There were very few ships on Ladoga and therefore they could not significantly help the starving city.

November came Ladoga began to gradually become covered with ice. By November 17, the ice thickness reached 100 mm, which was not enough to open the movement. Everyone was expecting frost.

Equestrian transport, cars, tractors were prepared for the carriage of goods. Road workers measured the thickness of the ice on the entire lake every day, but were unable to accelerate its growth.

November 22 came the long-awaited day when the cars took to the ice. Observing the intervals, at low speed, they followed the trail of the horses for the load.

It seemed the worst is now behind us, you can breathe more freely. But the harsh reality upset all the calculations and hopes for an early improvement in the nutrition of the population.

On November 22, the convoy returned, leaving 33 tons of food in the city. The next day, only 19 tons were delivered. The small amount of food delivered was due to the fragility of the ice; two-ton trucks were carrying 2-3 sacks, and even with such caution, several cars sank. Later, sleds were attached to trucks, this method allowed to reduce the pressure on the ice and increase the amount of cargo.

On November 25, only 70 tons were delivered, the next day - 150 tons. On November 30, warming came, only 62 tons were transported.

Despite all efforts, it was possible to deliver about 800 tons of flour from November 23 to December 1 (2-day requirement). During this time, 40 trucks sank.

There was little food left in the city; the military council decided to transfer the available food supplies from the sailors to supply the population.

The military council made some changes in the management of convoys (subordinated all vehicles directly to the head of the road).

On December 22, 700 tons of food were delivered across the lake, the next day - 100 tons more.

On December 25, there was the first increase in the norms for the distribution of bread, to workers by 100 grams, to employees, dependents and children by 75 grams.

On January 24, new norms for the supply of bread are introduced. Workers began to receive 400 grams, employees 300, dependents and children 250, troops in the first line 600, troops in the rear 400 grams.

On February 11, the ration was increased again. Winter road every day it became more and more lively. The winter passed, the ice melted, but the road did not die, barges and boats replaced trucks and sledges.

4.4. Liberation

In early December 1942, Soviet troops surrounded, and in January - early February 1943 defeated the main enemy grouping, broke through the German defenses and went on the offensive, throwing the enemy back hundreds of kilometers to the west.

Taking advantage of the favorable situation, the troops of Volkhovsky and Leningrad fronts, reinforced by reserves, struck from both sides at the fortified positions of the enemy south of Ladoga.

German units put up strong resistance. After seven days of heavy fighting, the enemy was driven back 10 km from the southern shore of Lake Ladoga.

The sixteen-month blockade of Leningrad was broken through by the efforts of Soviet soldiers on January 18, 1943.

The government, wishing to provide support to the population and defenders of the city as soon as possible, is taking measures to accelerate the construction of a railway in the rush zone. In 18 days, a 33 km long road was built and a temporary bridge over the Neva was built.

The city's supply has improved dramatically. Coal was brought in, industry received electricity, frozen factories and factories came to life. The city was rebuilding its strength.

The general situation on the Soviet-German front remained tense and did not allow at this time to completely defeat the German troops near Leningrad.

By the end of 1943, the situation had changed radically. Our troops were preparing for new decisive strikes against the enemy.

Near Leningrad, the fascist German divisions continued to remain in their positions along a considerable length of the front line. Hitler and his headquarters still hoped to take over the city.

But the hour of reckoning has come. The Len Front troops, well trained and equipped with military equipment, under the command of General of the Army Govorov, in mid-January 1944, went on the offensive from the Oranienbaum and Pulkovo areas. The forts and ships of the Baltic Fleet opened hurricane fire on the fortified positions of the Germans. At the same time, the Volkhov Front struck the enemy with all its might. Before the start of the offensive of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, the 2nd Baltic Front bound the enemy reserves with active actions and did not allow them to be transferred to Leningrad. As a result of a plan carefully developed by talented commanders, a well-organized interaction of the troops of the three fronts and the Baltic Fleet, the strongest group of Germans was defeated, and Leningrad was completely freed from the blockade.


And then and now, when more than half a century had passed since Leningrad was liberated from the blockade, the people of the whole world were amazed and amazed by one thing: how could Leningraders with such hardships withstand a struggle unparalleled in the history of war? What was their strength?

Leningrad withstood such a long siege, primarily because the population, brought up on revolutionary, military and labor traditions, defended the city to the last breath. And although there was no firewood or coal, and the winter was fierce, gunfire was conducted day and night, fires blazed, severe hunger tormented, Leningraders endured everything. The defense of the city became for them a civil, national and social duty.



To carry out the operation near Kursk, which received the name "Citadel", the enemy concentrated huge forces and appointed the most experienced commanders: 50 divisions, including 16 tank divisions, Army Group Center (commanded by Field Marshal G. Kluge) and Army Group South (commanded by Field Marshal E. Manstein). In total, the enemy's strike groups included over 900 thousand people, about 10 thousand guns and mortars, up to 2,700 tanks and assault guns, and more than 2 thousand aircraft. An important place in the enemy's plan was assigned to the massive use of new military equipment - Tiger and Panther tanks, as well as new aircraft (Focke-Wulf-190A fighters and Henschel-129 attack aircraft).

The offensive of the German fascist forces against the northern and southern faces of the Kursk salient, which began on July 5, 1943, was opposed by the Soviet command with a solid active defense. The enemy, attacking Kursk from the north, was stopped four days later. He managed to drive a wedge into the defenses of the Soviet troops for 10 - 12 km. The grouping, advancing on Kursk from the south, advanced 35 km, but did not reach the target.

On July 12, Soviet troops, having exhausted the enemy, launched a counteroffensive. On this day, in the vicinity of the Prokhorovka railway station, the largest oncoming tank battle of the Second World War took place (up to 1200 tanks and self-propelled guns on both sides). Developing the offensive, the Soviet ground troops Supported from the air by massive strikes from the forces of the 2nd and 17th air armies, as well as long-range aviation, by August 23, they threw the enemy back to the west by 140 - 150 km, liberated Oryol, Belgorod and Kharkov.

The Wehrmacht lost 30 elite divisions in the Battle of Kursk, including 7 tank divisions, over 500 thousand soldiers and officers, 1.5 thousand tanks, more than 3.7 thousand aircraft, 3 thousand guns.


Consequences of the Great Patriotic War. So, the Great Patriotic War was the largest event in the history of the 20th century. It was not only a fierce armed struggle of the opposing forces, but also a decisive confrontation with the aggressor in the economic, political, diplomatic spheres, in the field of ideology and psychology.

The price of Victory, as a part of the price of war, expresses a complex complex of material, economic, intellectual, spiritual and other efforts of the state and people, the damage, damage, losses and costs incurred by them. This is also the corresponding consequences not only in social and demographic terms, but also in the foreign policy and economic spheres of international relations, stretching out over many years.

The Great Patriotic War swallowed up huge material resources, ruined the human environment, damaged nature, and left an unkind memory of itself for many centuries. This bloody battle claimed millions of human lives. She tempered many, but at the same time crippled the fate of people, abruptly changed their lives, bringing them torment of suffering, deprivation, bitterness and sadness.

In other words, the war and the Victory in it demanded unprecedented costs and sacrifices of various kinds from our country and its people.

The human sacrifice of the Soviet Union is the main component of the price of Victory. However, the process of revealing human losses in the Great Patriotic War has a complicated history. It is characterized by falsification of realities, long-term concealment of specific facts, strict censorship on the publication of research results, and persecution of dissidents.

However, in 1993, when the secrecy label was removed, information similar to the truth, but far from complete, information about human casualties in the years of the Great Patriotic War became known. They totaled 27 million. But when calculating this figure, they did not take into account those tens and hundreds of thousands of people who continued to die after the end of the war in military hospitals, civilian hospitals, at home and in homes for the disabled. Also, the indirect losses incurred by our country due to unborn children, their children, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren were not taken into account.

As you know, huge damage was caused to the national economy of the country. The Nazis completely or partially destroyed 1,710 cities and towns, more than 70 thousand villages, over 6 million buildings, leaving 25 million people homeless. They put out of action 32 thousand large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, 65 thousand kilometers of railway lines.

The enemy destroyed 40 thousand medical institutions, 84 thousand educational institutions, 43 thousand libraries. He plundered and destroyed 98 thousand collective farms, 1876 state farms. The invaders slaughtered, took away or stole to Germany 7 million horses, 17 million cattle, 20 million pigs, 27 million sheep and goats, 110 million heads of poultry.

The total cost of material losses suffered by the USSR is 679 billion rubles in 1941 state prices. All the damage caused to the national economy, together with military expenditures and temporary loss of income from industry and agriculture in the regions subjected to occupation, amounted to 2 trillion 569 billion rubles.

And yet the Great Patriotic War was an antihuman phenomenon, which was given to the Soviet people with great difficulty. The consequences of the war turned out to be very great both for the Soviet Union and for its allies. The number of human victims turned out to be very large, and the population was restored and reached the same mark as before the war - 194 million people, only 10 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War (1955). Nevertheless, in the popular mind, Victory Day became perhaps the brightest and most joyful holiday, which meant the end of the bloodiest and most destructive of wars.


1. Memoirs and reflections of Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov: in 1v. / A.D. Mirkina - 2nd add. ed., - M .: Publishing House of the Press Agency Novosti, 1974. - 432 p.

2. Memoirs and reflections of Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov: in 2v. / A.D. Mirkina - 2nd add. ed., - M .: Publishing house of the Novosti Press Agency, 1974. - 448 p.

3. History of Russia: textbook / A.S. Orlov, V.A. Georgiev. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: TK Welby, Prospect Publishing House, 2004 .-- 520 p.

4. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941 - 1945: Short story/ Telpukhovsky B.S. 3rd ed., Isp. and add. - M: Military Publishing, 1984 .-- 560 p.

5. Kuznetsov N.G. Heading towards victory. - Moscow: Military Publishing, 1975 .-- 512 p.

6. Moskalenko K.S. In the Southwest direction. - Moscow: Nauka, 1969 .-- 464 p.

From the experience of the Great Patriotic War, it is possible and necessary to learn lessons that are useful in solving urgent problems in various spheres of the life of our society. What are the main lessons of the Great Patriotic War?

Firstly, it is boundless faith in your people, in your Fatherland, it is reliance on own strength, skillful use of their own capabilities. It can be said without exaggeration that this is the most important of the lessons of the war, for it is this approach that predetermined our Victory.

But this does not mean at all that the Soviet leadership refused to help the allies. On the contrary, it has repeatedly raised before them the question of fulfilling the promises they have repeatedly made to open a second front. This position was not based on the weakness of the Soviet Union, but was dictated by the desire to hasten the end of the war and reduce human losses. However, the second front was opened with a three-year delay only in the summer of 1944. By this time, the Soviet Union, on its own, had achieved a radical turning point in the war. Western political and military leaders believed that the Soviet Union was capable of defeating Nazi Germany without a second front.

Shortly before the Tehran Conference (1943), US President F. Roosevelt, in a conversation with his son, remarked: After all, if things in Russia continue the way they are now, then it is possible that next spring there will be no need for a second front. " In an even more definite form, the German historian Ricoeur asserts that during the landing of the Allies in Northern France (June 1944) “... the outcome of the Second World War was already predetermined by the defeat of Germany in Russia. Germany lost the Second World War militarily even before the invasion of the West. "

As for the opening of the second front, as events showed, it created more favorable conditions for the offensive of the Red Army, and reduced its losses. From the summer of 1944, Germany found itself in the grip of two fronts. The countries of the anti-Hitler coalition closely interacted and supported each other.

This lesson - to use support, but rely primarily on your own strengths, skillfully use your own capabilities - this lesson is very relevant now.

Indeed, our country is faced with the task: to get out of the most difficult protracted all-round crisis, to find a solution to difficult economic and social problems... Indeed, in the 90s (over the years of reforms), the gross domestic product has almost halved. In terms of the aggregate size of GDP, we are now ten times lagging behind the United States and five times behind China.

Meanwhile, the governments of Russia, replacing each other, starting from 1991, least of all cared about the search and mobilization of internal opportunities in order to get out of this difficult situation... At the same time, immense hopes were pinned on the help of the West, on receiving the next tranches from international financial organizations. As a result, the total external debt reached $ 165 billion. In the 90s, the country received $ 50 billion and paid out $ 80 billion.

In doing so, governments followed the terms and conditions of the International Monetary Fund. As a result, the country found itself in debt dependence on the West, on the IMF. It turned from an industrial-agrarian country into a supplier of raw materials. This is understandable - the West does not need a powerful and prosperous Russia.

In the article "Russia at the turn of the millennium" ("Nezavisimaya Gazeta", 12/30/1999), Russian President V.V. Putin wrote that Russia now, for the first time in the last 200-300 years, faces a real danger of being the third echelon of the states of the world. The danger is essentially commensurate with the one that we experienced during the Great Patriotic War.

The conclusion suggests itself: you can hope for help, but for help without humiliating and enslaving conditions. Use the received credits wisely and sparingly. We are now in such a difficult situation that we simply cannot do without foreign capital. The country will climb long and hard. And we have no time for a slow revival. But still, the main thing is to rationally use, first of all, your own capabilities. Life requires us to make adjustments to the course of the ongoing reforms. The key to the revival and rise of Russia today lies in the state and political sphere. Russia needs a strong state power... In the implementation of transformations, it is necessary to move not by touch, not at random, as was the case for a whole decade in the 90s. We need, especially in the economy, a well thought out and reasoned development strategy, designed for 15-20 years. An integral system of state regulation of the economy is required and social sphere... The point is to ensure the growth of our own industrial and agricultural production in order to improve the living standards of the population.

In the above-mentioned program article of the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin, the tasks for overcoming the crisis are formulated. They are consonant with the atmosphere that prevailed in the country during the years of the struggle against the fascist aggressor. The article says: “... a tremendous effort is needed for all the intellectual, physical and moral forces of the nation. We need well-coordinated creative work. Nobody will do it for us. Everything now depends only on our ability to realize the degree of danger, to unite, to tune in to long and hard work. "

Secondly, the experience of the war teaches that successes at the front and in the rear were possible thanks to the cohesion of society, the unity of the people and the army. The people believed in the correctness of the policy and practical activities of the country's leadership, supported it. The authority of the state power in the eyes of the population was enormous. And this must be especially emphasized, because then, in spite of all sorts of fabrications, the interests and goals of the people and the leadership in the main, basically coincided. There was a moral and political unity of the people. This is an irrefutable historical truth.

The main thing that united and inspired people was the protection and salvation of the Fatherland. All the life and activities of the country, of the Soviet people obeyed the call: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" The goal was clear and obvious. The people rose to a just World War II.

Unfortunately, today, just on the eve of the anniversary of our Victory, some (say, Professor Yu. Afanasyev) come to absurd malicious statements that the war was not Patriotic and not at all fair. She was a stranger. Soviet people allegedly fought and died for Stalinism. Arguments of this kind are unworthy speculations of people who intend to rewrite history, tarnish the memory of the war and the feat of the people in the name of the Fatherland. The truth is that the war was genuinely popular. Suffice it to say that over the years of the war, more than 34 million people have passed through the Armed Forces. And all of them were united and inspired by an absolutely clear and understandable goal: to save the Motherland, to overthrow the enemy.

Is everything in our society done in the light of this instructive lesson? To be objective, we must admit that we do not take into account history well. Our society now, as never before, is in a state of split and disunity. For example, at the presidential elections on March 26 this year. eleven candidates competed for this post. Each of them represented, however, to varying degrees, certain social strata and groups that adhere to different basic values. Many people do not have a clear idea: what kind of society are we building, what is our goal, where are we going? Further. It would seem that the reforms are designed to improve people's lives. But over the years of their implementation, the standard of living of the population has decreased three to four times. The government's promises to stabilize the economy, to pay salaries, pensions, and allowances to servicemen on time are often not fulfilled. There are many serious problems in the field of interethnic relations. This, and much more, creates a certain tension. political situation in the country, causes discontent among the population, generates distrust of the authorities, including the first persons of the state.

It is absolutely clear that it is impossible to count on success without civil consent, social consolidation, without nationwide support for the policy and practical activities of the state leadership. This is one of the reasons why our reforms are proceeding slowly and ineffectively. The election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation already in the first round of elections held on March 26 this year testifies to the fact that, nevertheless, there has been a tendency for the consolidation of our society. Nowadays, life requires a clear and precise definition of goals, strategic objectives, spiritual values, boundaries for the development of society. As in the years of the Great Patriotic War, in the interests of achieving socio-political and national harmony, it is necessary to make fuller use of such primordial, traditional values ​​as patriotism, great power, social solidarity and justice.

Thirdly, one of the instructive lessons of the war is that the issues of strengthening the country's defense, increasing the combat readiness of the Armed Forces should be in the center of attention of the people and the leadership of the state. An appeal to the times of the Great Patriotic War is a good opportunity to remind that to repel any possible aggression and reliably ensure the country's security, a sufficiently powerful and combat-ready army and navy are needed. High vigilance is needed against the insidious designs of potential adversaries. Compliance and carelessness are unacceptable. It is necessary to improve the military-patriotic education of the population, especially the youth.

Of course, with the end of the Cold War, the situation in the world has largely changed for the better. Nevertheless, the danger of war did not disappear. And its manifestations have become even more diverse.

Let us recall in this connection that in January of this year. in Russia adopted in a new edition of the Concept national security country. This is the second most important state document after the Constitution. It says clearly and unambiguously: "The level and scale of threats in the military sphere are growing." This is what characterizes the current military-political situation in the Russian Federation.

Russia's military security is influenced by the level and nature of Russian-American relations. It must be admitted that at the present time they are distinguished by complexity and inconsistency. This is primarily due to the fact that the United States, remaining the only superpower, is stubbornly striving to build a unipolar world. It is about establishing American leadership, essentially world domination. This gives rise to numerous challenges and threats. In words, American leaders often speak of partnership with Russia. But their real policy differs significantly from the declarative one. Numerous facts indicate that the United States is seeking to oust Russia from everywhere where it has shown or could have shown its strength and influence (post-Soviet space, Iran, Iraq, the Balkans, etc.). Attempts are sometimes made to put pressure on Russia, forcing it to make unjustified concessions.

Recently, problems in the disarmament sphere have become especially acute. They are primarily associated with the difficulties of the process of Russia's ratification of the START II Treaty, signed in January 1993. For a number of years, ratification was held back, because a significant part of the State Duma deputies believed that the Treaty infringed on the interests of Russia. The point is that, according to the Treaty, Russia must rebuild the structure of its nuclear missile complex, adapting it to the American one. Reduced assets, including heavy missiles, Russia must physically destroy. And the United States sends them to the warehouse and can restore their potential at any time. In addition, the United States is clearly intent on breaking into the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

However, a solid majority has formed in the current State Duma, recognizing the benefits of the START-2 Treaty for Russia as well. In this regard, the State Duma ratified it on April 14, 2000. What was the Duma guided by? First of all, an agreement with the Americans that immediately after the entry into force of the START-2 Treaty, official negotiations will begin (not consultations, but negotiations on the further reduction of nuclear missile forces. The level of 3-3.5 thousand nuclear warheads clearly exceed the capabilities of Russia, but significantly reduces US nuclear warheads. New START III provides for a reduction to 2-2.5 thousand warheads, which roughly corresponds to the capabilities of Russia. Moreover, there is a preliminary agreement of the parties in the future to reduce offensive nuclear weapons to 1-1.5 thousand nuclear warheads This level, which is the same for the Russian Federation and the United States, ensures reliable nuclear deterrence and significantly reduces the funds for its maintenance.

But at the same time, one cannot ignore the organic connection between strategic offensive and strategic defensive weapons. A reduction in strategic offensive arms during the creation of a missile defense system leads to an undermining of strategic stability. And the United States just intends to create a missile defense system, which contradicts the 1972 ABM Treaty. In the United States, both the Democratic and especially the Republican parties are in favor of creating a missile defense system. Both parties associate the adoption of the final decision with the ratification or non-ratification of the START-2 Treaty by Russia. Now, when the State Duma has ratified the Treaty, the Americans are getting another argument in favor of creating a national missile defense system. At the same time, our chances are increasing in negotiations on strategic stability with other states interested in preserving the ABM Treaty.

When ratifying the START-2 Treaty, the State Duma also considered the most negative option, when the United States, in spite of everything, would go on to create an anti-missile defense system. Therefore, 6 amendments were made to the ratification documents. Some are raising the question of their legality, since the START II Treaty has long been ratified by the United States. Let us recall that the resolution of the American Senate on its ratification takes 15 pages, of which 14 are various kinds of reservations, amendments, conditions. Therefore, our amendments and conditions are also quite logical. One of these amendments, the entry into force of the START II Treaty, is conditional on the failure of the United States to deploy an anti-missile defense system. In case of violation of this and other conditions for Russia, the Treaty becomes invalid. Russia is taking an adequate response, strengthening offensive weapons, and not allowing infringement of its national security.

Speaking of Russian-American relations, we cannot but be concerned about this aspect of them. While open statements sometimes speak of partnership, Pentagon documents invariably refer to Russia as an adversary. It is recognized - and not without reason - that Russia is the only country in the world that has a nuclear missile potential capable of destroying the United States. Therefore, America proclaims the task of depriving Russia of the "nuclear sting" as a national goal. This problem is being actively discussed during the ongoing presidential election campaign.

One of the threats to the national, primarily military, security of the country comes from the North Atlantic bloc. Once, its leaders relied on the so-called "Soviet military threat." But neither the Soviet Union nor the Warsaw Pact has become, and the NATO bloc exists, is strengthening and expanding. In April 1999, his new strategic concept was adopted, which is based on dictatorship and arbitrariness, the expectation of impunity for their treacherous, aggressive actions. The bloc is emerging more and more clearly as a tool for the United States to achieve world leadership.

NATO has appropriated and proclaimed the right to conduct military operations anywhere and without the sanctions of the UN Security Council. The right to disregard the sovereignty of other states. And this concept is being implemented. Proof of this is the aggression against Yugoslavia, the only country in Europe that does not recognize the NATO dictate. In its cruelty and tragic consequences, it surpassed the aggression of German fascism, which it carried out against Yugoslavia in the spring of 1941. But both before and now the aggressors' goals are common: the establishment of a new world order.

The NATO bloc, possessing a huge military machine, is expanding its borders to the East, bringing them closer to the borders of Russia. NATO activity is increasing on the territory of the CIS countries. Georgia and Azerbaijan are knocking on the bloc. The Ukrainian leadership is increasingly cooperating with NATO. The North Atlantic bloc is clearly anti-Russian, and with the admission of Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary into it, and anti-Russian character.

Of course, Russia is forced to reckon with reality. Economic and military superiority on the side of the NATO bloc. Therefore, Russia restored contacts with him, interrupted by the predatory actions of NATO members in Yugoslavia. These contacts, as part of the Founding Act signed in May 1997 in Paris, are designed to at least mitigate the growing threat from NATO.

Of course, we are not talking about joining this aggressive military-political organization, although some have come forward and supported such proposals (for example, State Duma deputies Lukin, Rogozin, Yushenkov, generals Vorobiev, Popkovich, etc.). There is no need to prove that this would be contrary to the interests of Russia. Yes, no one was going to and is not going to accept Russia into the NATO organization. It was originally created against the Soviet Union, of which Russia is the successor. The anti-Russian essence and direction of the bloc have not changed at all since then. The NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, the approach of the NATO military armada to the Russian borders convincingly confirms this. In these conditions, the treaty on the creation of a union Russian-Belarusian state is acquiring great strategic importance.

In recent years, many real and potential local military conflicts have arisen near the Russian borders. This does not exclude the possibility of our country being drawn into them. Moreover, even on the territory of Russia itself, it was not possible to avoid hostilities. Chechen terrorist fighters with the support and active participation international terrorists made an adventurous attempt to violate the territorial integrity of Russia, to tear the North Caucasus away from it. In connection with these events, some Western countries are trying to interfere in our internal affairs, threatening to isolate Russia in the international arena. There are facts of impudent territorial claims to Russia both in the West and in the East. On the territory of Russia, the subversive espionage activities of the special services of a number of Western countries have become much more active and acquired a large scale.

All this testifies to the presence of diverse sources of military danger, to the complexity and contradictions of the current military-political situation. The experience of the Great Patriotic War teaches us to carefully and deeply analyze the situation in the world and the changes taking place in it, correctly assess it and draw from this the necessary practical conclusions to increase vigilance and combat readiness.

In this light, the measures for the further implementation of the military reform and the revival of the military-industrial complex acquire a topical importance. There is a growing need to improve the military-patriotic education of young people, to prepare them for military service... Only with the full and active support of the entire people can the army and navy reliably ensure the security of the Fatherland.

And further. During the war years, all the peoples of the Soviet Union acted as a single fighting family, having united powerful Armed Forces. The friendship of peoples, united by a common idea and common interests, withstood the test of war. She allowed to withstand and defeat a strong and insidious enemy. The Victory Anniversary is a common holiday for all the peoples of the former USSR. He reminds that friendship and mutual assistance of peoples is now the source of their strength and well-being. The current difficult situation in the world urgently requires, within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, to actively and effectively carry out deep integration in all spheres, including defense. The point is to seek and find worthy answers to common threats and challenges in close cooperation. This is the only way to achieve lasting collective security in the Commonwealth.

These are, in our opinion, the main lessons of the Great Patriotic War. Their relevance is undeniable. Their knowledge and consideration in practice is of great importance. The experience of the war directs us to search for agreement in the name of common goals, to achieve unity and cohesion of society, political and economic stability of the country. This is a sure and effective way for the early revival of the Russian state, the growth of its economic and military might, and the strengthening of prestige and positions in the international arena.

Lesson topic: The Great Patriotic War

Target: the formation of a holistic view of the Great Patriotic War among students.


    contribute to the formation of knowledge about the Second World War, the heroism and courage of Kazakhstanis;

    fostering a sense of patriotism and devotion to their homeland;

    develop interest in the present and future of their country, the formation of historical memory, as well as develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions in the learning process.

Equipment: textbook, map, handouts, reflection poster, stickers, illustrated material, notebook, presentation, whiteboard design,

Lesson type: learning new material.

Teaching methods: verbal, illustrative, visual, problem-search, group work.

Stroke: 1. Org. moment.

Acquaintance with the purpose and objectives and content of this lesson.

Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed

Who knew that between peace and war

There are only five minutes left.

2. Stage of the call.

Systematization of the studied material. Individually. Writing using the handout. Mutual review of the completed assignment. Criteria assessment.

Arrange the events in chronological order:

Potsdam conference

Lifting the blockade of Leningrad

Battle of Kursk

Victory parade

The beginning of the Second World War

Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact

The beginning of the Second World War

Battle of stalingrad


5.Kurskaya battle (spring 1943)

6. Lifting the blockade of Leningrad (1944)

7 Victory Parade (May 1945)

8 Potsdam Conference (August 1945)

3. Stage of comprehension:


    What is the difference between the words " World War"And the Patriotic War"?

    What ended before the Great Patriotic War or World War II? (Students talk)

June 22, 1941 at 4:00 am in accordance with the "Barbarossa" plan developed in December 1940, Hitler treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. At noon, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Molotov addressed the people. He ended his address with the words : “Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours".

And in order not to end up in fascist slavery, for the sake of saving the Motherland, the people entered into a mortal battle with an insidious, cruel, merciless enemy. The Great Patriotic War began.

June 23, 1941... fronts were created: Northern, Northwestern, Western, Southwestern and Southern. From August 8, 1941, JV Stalin was appointed the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and he also headed the State Defense Committee. On the same day, a plan was adopted that provided for the transfer of the entire industry to the production of military products.

Plan "Barbarossa" provided for the main strikes in three directions:

    North - Leningrad;

    Center - Moscow;

    South - Kiev.

Germany's plans for Kazakhstan :

    to include Kazakhstan in the "single German ethno-territorial space";

    to destroy the Slavic and Turkic-Mongol peoples;

    to create state structures "Volga-Ural", "Big Turkestan".

    Karaganda region should serve fascist Germany.

During the Second World War, the Soviet army fought six major battles and about 40 major offensive operations:

Battle of the Dnieper - August-December 1943

During the war years, Kazakhstan turned into a powerful military camp, where the best units and formations of the Red Army were formed:

Military units:

14 rifle and cavalry divisions

50 regiments and battalions of various types of troops

A special school for mountain riflemen of the Red Army has been created.

316 rifle division

38th Division (73rd Guards Stalingrad)

29th Division (72nd Red Guard)

238th Division (30th Guards)

75th Rifle Brigade (3rd Guards Brigade)

Practical application of the studied material:

Group work. Groups are formed by numbering: 1-2-3.

Group 1. "Statisticians"

Fill in comparative table"The main indicators of the First and Second World Wars."

Main factors

World War I

The Second World War

    the beginning of the war

2195 days (6 years), 1939 (WWII)

    duration of the war

    number of countries involved in the war

    number neutral countries

    the number of those killed in the war, including Kazakhstanis.

Only 10 million people

Total 50 million people, Kazakhstanis from 350 - 410 thousand people

Group 2. "Researchers".

Align: War plans - characteristics


1. Hitler's plan to seize Moscow;


2. Plan of the Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad;


3. Hitler's plan for a lightning war against the USSR;


4. Soviet plan for the liberation of Belarus;


5. Hitler's plan to encircle Soviet troops near Kursk;

6. Soviet plan for the liberation of Orel;


Barbarossa - 3

"Bagration" - 4

Typhoon - 1

Citadel - 5

Uranus - 2

Kutuzov - 6

Group 3. "Historians".

Answer the questions:

    The years of the Second World War - ... .. 1939-1945.

    The years of the Great Patriotic War - ... .. 1941-45.

    A holiday "with gray hair on the temples"? Day lunches

    Which song became the main song of the Second World War, the anthem of the Soviet people in the fight against the fascist invaders? "Holy war".

    "Since there is no one to send to the front (from the family), there is no brother or sister, so I ask myself!" Who owns the lines of this letter? M.Mametova

    How many poets and writers fought on the fronts of the Second World War? about 90.

    A large role in the battle for Moscow was played by the formed in Kazakhstan ... .. 316 rifle division

    What military detachment did B. Momyshuly command in the battle near Moscow? battalion

    When evacuated and relocated enterprises were deployed in Kazakhstan during the Second World War, first of all, it was required: urgent delivery of military products to the front.

Mutual verification of the work performed. Groups exchange completed assignments, receive answers for verification.

To consolidate the material studied, students perform an individual task.

The task "Continue sentences."

    Hero of the Soviet Union Nurken Abdirov was ... a pilot

    Attack pilot twice Hero of the Soviet Union, during the war he made more than 200 sorties - ……. T. Bigeldinov

    Kazakhstanis were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - ... .. 97 people.

    Kazakhstanis Twice Heroes of the Soviet Union -…. attack pilots - T. Begeldinov L. Beda, I. Pavlov, fighter pilot - S. Lugansky.

    The Star of the Hero is assigned to a Kazakhstani - ... .. B. Momyshuly

    Kazakhstanis took part in the battle for Moscow -…. I. Panfilov, Tulegen Tokhtarov, B. Momyshuly, Malik Gabdulin,

    Kazakhstanis took part in the battle for Leningrad - A. Moldagulova, M. Mametova, S. Baimagambetov, D. Shynybekov, S. Dzhilkishev.

    The number of Kazakhstanis awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was - ... .. 497 people

    Reichstag attack aircraft: ... .. R. Koshkarbav, captain B. Chupret, mortar A. Baktygereev, machine gunner P. E. Vitsko, signalman K. M. Volochaev.

    The title "Khalyk kakharmany" in 1998 was awarded to ... B. Beysekbaev.

Recognize events using image data

Tehran, 1943: meeting of the "big three") Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill.

Victory Parade on Red Square

Taking Berlin

Battle for Moscow

Nuremberg trial

Soviet sappers pass through the destroyed snow-covered Stalingrad. 1943 g.

4. Stage of reflection. Poster "Today in the lesson."

Using stickers. Students comment.

5.Evaluations. D / Z: §

Synopsis of the history lesson "The Great Patriotic War"

Place of work: OGKOU Cherntsk boarding school of the 8th type, Ivanovo region.
Material description: I bring to your attention methodological development lesson in game form... The lesson is intended for students in grade 9 of a type 8 correctional school. This material can be useful for extracurricular lessons courage, boarding school teachers.
Synopsis of a history lesson in grade 9 "The Great Patriotic War"
Target: playfully repeat and reinforce educational material on the history of the Great Patriotic War.
educational: to consolidate knowledge about battles, dates, the nature of the Great Patriotic War, the names and deeds of people in the war; the significance of victory in the Great Patriotic War;
correctional - developing: develop cognitive ability when summarizing historical material; give students the opportunity to show resourcefulness, creative activity;
educational: to form in students patriotic qualities, pride in the exploits of their ancestors, who defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland in the most difficult conditions.
Map "Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", portraits and cards with the names of war heroes, cards with the dates and names of the decisive battles of the war, cards with a task for independent work, exhibits for an impromptu museum, audio recording.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Knowledge update.
The teacher reads a poem:

We were fighting along the dusty roads.
The earth trembled from the bombs as if it were alive.
We are every meter of our native land
They defended by pouring blood.
Lead blizzard of chalk
Shells exploded, mines howled ...

What is this poem about? (children's answers)
- What feelings does it evoke in you? (children's answers)
- Why did we begin our lesson with this poem? (children's answers)

III. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
- For several lessons, we studied one big topic. What is it called? (children's answers) USSR in the Second World War.
- Today we are finishing the study of this section and will not get acquainted with the new material. After studying the section, what do you think might be called the topic of the last lesson? (children's answers)
- The topic of our lesson: "Repetition. The Great Patriotic War".
- Given the topic of the lesson, define the objectives of the lesson using key words:

So, today in the lesson we will consolidate our knowledge and repeat the material we have learned about battles, dates, names and deeds of people in the Great Patriotic War.

Here is the forty-first year, the end of June,
And people went to bed quietly the night before.
But in the morning the whole country already knew
That a terrible war had begun.
The country flourished. But the enemy is from around the corner
Completed the flight, went to war with us.
In that terrible hour
Steel becoming a wall
All youth took up arms,
To defend the native fatherland.

I urge you to active friendly work, call for help, attentiveness, ingenuity. To battle.

IV. Repetition of the passed material.
Exercise 1."Tragic beginning".
Listening (Levitan's announcement of the beginning of the war, audio recording)
- The announcer Yuri Borisovich Levitan read about the hostilities on the radio. The whole country knew his voice. Millions of people froze and listened to him with bated breath.

Remember the dates when the Great Patriotic War took place?
(children's answers)

What was the name of the plan developed by the German command to seize the USSR? What was it? (children's answers)
(Answer: The "Barbarossa" plan, in accordance with it, Germany wanted to conduct a lightning war. That is, to suddenly attack the USSR and occupy a significant part of its territory for several months. And then establish its military command and control system on the occupied territory).

But as it was in reality, we will remember, we will complete the task:

D / and "True - not true"
1. The first months of the Second World War were successful for the Red Army. (-)
2. The Red Army was retreating on all fronts. (+)
3. Soviet soldiers fought bloody battles for every piece of their native land. (+)
4. Through courage Soviet soldiers the Barbarossa plan was on the verge of collapse. (+)

This is how the nationwide Second World War began in the course of which decisive battles took place.

Task 2."Decisive battles of the Second World War".
(on the board, the teacher hangs cards in random order with the name of the battles and the time when they took place)
- Remember the chronology of events and build a timeline.
Select a plate with the name of the battle, select the date of the event, name the meaning of the battle, find it on the map and show it by marking it with a flag.
battle name
date value (approximate answer options)
Brest June 22, 1941 Beginning of the Second World War. There were 3,500 soldiers in the fortress. But with incredible courage and courage they defended the fortress from the enemy.
Battle of Moscow December 1941 -
April 1942 The first major defeat of the Nazi army since the beginning of World War II. First victory Soviet army, which breathed hope and confidence in the defeat of the enemy.
Siege of Leningrad September 1941-
August 1944 Leningraders survived and survived. In the most difficult conditions, they continued to work and produce ammunition for the defenders of the city. The population of the whole country was amazed at the courage and heroism of the inhabitants of Leningrad. During the war, their feat served as an example of resilience for all Soviet people.
Battle of Stalingrad July 1942 -
February 1943 Soviet troops exhausted a large enemy grouping, and then surrounded and completely destroyed it.
Battle of the Kursk Bulge. July 1943 A huge tank battle took place. A radical turning point during the Second World War in favor of the Red Army, Soviet troops advanced along the entire front.
Berlin May 8, 1945 The Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany is signed. The end of the war.
Viewing the video "The Siege of Leningrad"

Not only great battles will forever remain in the memory of the citizens of our country, but also the courage and determination of Soviet commanders.

Task 3."Gallery of Glory".
- I propose to organize the "Gallery of glory of the warriors of the Great Patriotic War."
Students go out one at a time and choose a portrait (on the board) and caption, and create an impromptu gallery of fame after explaining their choice.

1. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov: when the Second World War began, Zhukov was appointed Chief of the General Staff and Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. He participated in the development and implementation of the largest military operations during the Second World War. Almost all of these operations were successful.
2. Konev Ivan Stepanovich brilliantly organized and carried out a number of important operations, participated in the battle for Moscow, in the Battle of Kursk, the storming of Berlin, liberated Prague.
3. Unknown soldier - your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.
4. Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich directed major operations (Battle of Moscow, Battle of Stalingrad), as a result of which outstanding successes were achieved in defeating the Nazi troops.
5. Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich In 1943 he took an active part in the preparation and implementation of the defeat of the enemy at the Kursk Bulge.

Millions of Soviet people displayed massive heroism.
Let's remember the names of the heroes by completing the following task: "Name the hero and his feat"
Work on cards:
Heroes Event
1. Scout Sergeant Pavlov a) For more than three years he was tortured, tortured, interrogated, but he did not betray his Motherland.
2. General Karbyshev b) They had to defend for 58 days. Most of them died in an unequal battle, but they defended the house.
3. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya c) I got up, jerked to the bunker and closed the embrasure with my body.
4. Ivan Panfilov d) A young girl defended her homeland. Before her death, she encouraged the villagers not to be afraid of enemies, to defend their land.
5. Alexander Matrosov e) For six days near Volokolamsk, 28 Panfilov's men repulsed continuous attacks and at the cost of their own lives the enemy was stopped.
Answer: 1 - b; 2 - a; 3 - d; 4 –d; 5 - c.
“These people showed fearlessness and valor, courage and resilience, the ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others.

Task 4."Third wheel".

Test(the task is performed individually, students must cross out the extra word; after completion, they exchange with a neighbor on the desk and carry out a mutual check)
1. World War II, Great Patriotic War, Civil. (Wars P)
2. Liberation, fair, aggressive. (Traits warrior Oh)
3. Chapaev, Zhukov, Rokossovsky. (Chapaev - division commander, Marshals B)
4. Fascists, white, Soviet soldiers. (Soldiers E)
5. T-34, "Katyusha", cart. (Technique D)
6. K. I. Shulzhenko, A. V. Nezhdanova, L. Utesov (Singers A)
-What is the code word? VICTORY.

Conclusion: holy faith in the just nature of the war and in the indispensable victory over the enemy helped Soviet people overcome all the hardships and hardships of wartime.

Task 5.""Museum".
- What do you think people do to keep the memory of hard days wars? (children's answers)
- We have our own impromptu museum in the classroom. This is homework (you had to bring an item that reminded of those distant war years)
- Let's take a close look at the things that are kept in our museum.
(Perhaps it is: a bowler hat, a tobacco pouch, woolen socks, a sapper shovel, a letter - a front triangle, the book "Tanya Savicheva's Diary", 125g of bread, etc.) why is it in the museum.

Task 6. Define an event.
- What events of the Great Patriotic War are narrated in poetic lines.

“Everything breathed such silence,
It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
All some five minutes are left ... "(The beginning of the Second World War)

“We will remember the harsh autumn,
Grinding of tanks and gleam of bayonets,
And twenty-eight will live in hearts
The bravest of your sons ... "(28 Panfilovites)

“Runners creak, creak along the Nevsky,
On a children's sled, narrow, funny,
They carry blue water in pans,
Firewood and belongings, dead and alive ... "(Blockade of Leningrad)
This is how poets talk about the war, about those tragic events, but there are digital indicators of those terrible events.

Task 7."WWII and numbers"
The teacher shows a plate with a number, the students name how it is related to the Second World War.

6 years - the Second World War lasted.
1418 days - the Great Patriotic War lasted.
900 days - the blockade of Leningrad lasted.
200 days - lasted heroic defense Stalingrad.
27 million people - died during the war

V. Summing up.
- Our lesson is coming to an end. What did you talk about today in the lesson? (children's answers)
- Guys, what conclusion can we draw after studying such dramatic and heroic events of this hardest test for the USSR, which ultimately led to a great victory? (children's answers)
Song "Victory Day"

This war has shown that people all over the world must unite in times of danger in the struggle against a common enemy.
- Today you made me happy, everyone tried very hard. I would especially like to note:
composure ...
diligence ... etc.

Let the cities fall asleep calmly.
Let the sirens shriek
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let not a single shell explode
None of them scribbles a machine gun.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children voices.
May the years pass peacefully
Let there never be a war!

The formidable and heroic events of the Great Patriotic War are farther and farther into history. But you and I must always remember the unparalleled feat of the Soviet people, which won a great victory at the front and in the rear.

This concludes our lesson.
1. Solovyova T.A., Rogaleva E.I. Historical themes course "The World Around": Activity - developmental approach. Grade 4 - M .: VAKO, 2006.-320 p. - (Teacher's workshop).
2. Puzanov B, P, Borodina OI, Sekovets L.S., Redkina N.M. History of Russia: Textbook for 9th grade. special (correctional) educational institutions VIII type. - M Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2006 .-- 312 p .: ill.
3. Puzanov B, P, Borodina OI, Sekovets LS, Redkina NM History lessons in the 9th grade of a special (correctional) general education schools VIII type: textbook. -method. allowance / Puzanov B, P, Borodina O.I., Sekovets L.S., Redkina N.M. - M .: Humanities. ed. center VLADOS, 2004 .-- 215 p. - (Correctional pedagogy).

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