Why do you need to self-assess dhow teachers? The teacher and his influence on the formation of the child's self-esteem

Yumshanova Maria Valerievna

11.04.1989year of birth

Score by criterion: 2 points

Analytical commentary:

The use of ICT (information and communication technologies) is one of the priorities of education. The informatization of the education system makes new demands on the teacher and his professional competence. A modern teacher should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create their own educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities. Therefore, I believe that the use of information and communication technologies is very relevant for our time.

The level of information competence allows me to systematically use electronic resources:

1. Working with children I actively attract the possibilities of modern information and communication technologies, which allow me to use multimedia in the most accessible and attractive way, game form to achieve a high level of development by pupils of the tasks of the general educational program of preschool education. In accordance with the program implemented in MADOU and in a comprehensive manner - thematic planning I use ICT in continuous educational activities in the areas of cognitive and artistic - aesthetic development, as well as in the course of organizing listening to musical - literary works, carrying out physical culture breaks, final events and leisure activities, namely:

Selection of illustrative material for GCD;

The creation of presentations in the Power Point program allows me to qualitatively improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children, the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of parenting meetings, as well as broadcast work experience among the teachers of our institution. I have created presentations and videos for classes, holidays, pedagogical councils, parent meetings (attachment 2.2.1, 2.2.2., 2.2.3., 2.2.4., 2.2.7. in electronic form);

Preparation of group documentation (lists of children, information about parents, monitoring of child development, planning, reports, etc.).

Group decoration;

2.Working with parents I use computer capabilities to design parenting corners of various topics (attachment 2.2.5.), demonstrations at pedagogical meetings, parenting meetings and family clubs created by me presentations and videos on a specific topic, held in a group and kindergarten activities (attachment 2.2.7. in electronic version). Together with our parents, we have created a page for our group "In contact" - https://vk.com/club104224436 - MADOU number 4, group number 9 (Appendix 2.2.6.).

Name of the site / forum / internet community Internet site address
Site of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 4", Syktyvkar http://ssvds4.ru/
Komi Republican Institute for the Development of Education http://kriro.ru/
Educational and entertainment portal for children, parents, teachers "Solnyshko" http://www.solnet.ee/
Center for Civic Education "Ascent" http://civiledu.ru
Center for organizing and holding the All-Russian competitions "SUCCESS!" http://konkurs-uspeh.ru/konkursy/
"900 children's presentation clips" http://900igr.net
Website for preschool education workers "My kindergarten" http://www.ivalex.vistcom.ru/zanatia.htm
Electronic journal"Preschool education" http://dob.1september.ru/
Site for kindergarten, for kindergarten teachers and parents "Preschool age: preschool education" http://doshvozrast.ru/ozdorov/ozdorov.htm
Group page number 9 in contact https://vk.com/club104224436

4. For registration of work experience and its publication on the Internet(Appendix 3.2.1.).

5. To participate in correspondence contests(Appendix 3.7.1.).

Thus, the use of ICT in educational process makes it possible to motivate children and improve the quality of classes, make educational activities more effective due to high degree visibility, which ultimately contributes to the development of children's abilities; provide information to parents of pupils on upbringing issues, as well as improve their professional level, share their work experience, get acquainted with the materials of other community members and receive feedback on the work, resolve professional issues.

Appendix 2.2.1.

Presentation for the game "Petushki"

(in electronic version)

Appendix 2.2.2.

Presentation to the GCD "Let's Help the Bear Learn about Spring"

(in electronic version)

Appendix 2.2.3.

Presentation on the project "Magic Items of Health"

(in electronic version)

Appendix 2.2.4.

Presentation of the master class "Easter Bunny"

(in electronic version)

Appendix 2.2.5.

Decoration of parent corners

Appendix 2.2.6.

Screenshot of MADOU website,

pages of the group "In contact" MADOU No. 4, group No. 9

Appendix 2.2.7.

Slide - film "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!"

(in electronic version)

2.3. Involving the families of pupils in joint educational activities for the upbringing and development of children preschool age

Table No. 3. - The number of families of pupils involved in joint educational activities

Year Total number of families in the group Type and name of the event Event level (kindergarten, municipal, republican, federal, international) Participants of the event
Qty % of the total number of families in the group
2015-2017 Exhibition-competition "Mother's hands do not know boredom" Kindergarten 27%
Photo contest "My Mom" Kindergarten 77%
Review-competition "New Year's decoration of groups" Kindergarten 100%
Competition "The best winter playground" Kindergarten 100%
Project activities Kindergarten 100%
Republican 4%
Master Class Kindergarten 77%
Total: 84%

Analytical commentary:

The federal state educational standard for preschool education emphasizes the exceptional role of the family in solving the problems of educating the younger generation. Recognition of the priority of the family requires different forms of interaction between the family and the kindergarten. In our work, we try to make the fullest possible use of the entire pedagogical potential of traditional and unconventional forms interaction, as well as we are working to find new, relevant forms of cooperation with parents (legal representatives), allowing us to take into account the actual needs of parents, contributing to the formation of an active parental position:

To analyze data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, whether they have pedagogical knowledge, attitude in the family towards the child, requests, interests, needs of parents for psychological and pedagogical information in my work, I use questionnaires, surveys, home visits, interviews;

To enhance the joint creative activities of the family and children, to establish warm informal, as well as more trusting relationships with the families of pupils, we organize joint holidays, entertainment, gatherings, actively attract to participate in competitions (Appendix 2.3.1.);

To familiarize parents with the characteristics of age and psychological development children, with rational methods and techniques of raising children, for the formation of practical skills in parents, we conduct master - classes, family clubs, seminars - workshops, with the inclusion of games with pedagogical content, with playing problem situations, modeling ways of parenting behavior, sharing experiences of family education (Appendix 2.3.2.);

To increase the pedagogical competence of parents, their acquaintance with the organization of the educational and educational process in the preschool educational institution, during master classes, family clubs, seminars and workshops, parent meetings, we actively use the presentations, films, videos from the life of the group created by us. (attachment 2.2.3., 2.2.7.);

To involve parents in project activities (Appendix 2.1.7., 2.1.8..2.1.9., 2.1.10 .; 2.3.1.);

To solve the problems of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in conditions preschool, assessing the activities of our work, in accordance with the work plan, we draw up parental corners, folders - travel, group albums, newsletters, booklets, stands of desktop thematic information, compiled at the request and requests of parents (Appendix 2.2.5.);

To organize remote communication, with the aim of involving parents in the educational process, awakening their interest in the life of children in a preschool institution, activating participation in various events on the institution's website http://ssvds4.ru/ and the group https: // vk. com / club104224436 we post various recommendations for parents in the areas of educational - educational work(memos, recommendations), didactic materials for home use (card indexes, game libraries, audio libraries, etc.), advice from MADOU specialists .

Our group has developed stable traditions: active participation of pupils and their families in competitions, projects, exhibitions held annually in a preschool institution - "Bright Colors of Autumn", "Symbol of the Year" exhibitions dedicated to Mother's Day, etc.

According to table 3, it can be seen that in joint educational activities for the upbringing and development of preschool children during 2015 – 2017 academic years attended 178 people (84%).

The results of the contests held in the kindergarten showed that our children and their parents are creative and active people. In two competitive events, such as "My mother", "Mother's hands do not know boredom", our mothers became winners (1st place), winners in the nominations "Whether in the garden or in the garden". In addition, the active participation of parents in such contests as "The best winter playground" and "New Year's decoration for groups" contributed to the fact that our group took victorious places in these events (Appendix 2.3.1., 3.6.1.).

Also, an indicator of the involvement of parents in the educational process is the presence of gratitude and positive feedback. (Appendix 2.3.3.).

Appendix 2.3.1.

Diplomas, diplomas, gratitude, orders

for parents' participation in competitions

Appendix 2.3.2.

Master class for parents "Easter Bunny"

Appendix 2.3.3.

Thanks and positive feedback from parents

Yumshanova Maria Valerievna

11.04.1989year of birth

Ø Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 4 of general developmental type", Syktyvkar, educator.

Ø Education: secondary - vocational, specialty "Special preschool education", qualification "Educator of preschool children with developmental disabilities and with preserved development", 2014.

Ø general work experience - 6 years, general teaching experience - 2 years, work experience in this institution - 2 years.

Ø Academic and honorary titles: no

Ø Self-assessment result in points: 24 points

List of documents and materials
Self-assessment sheet of the professional activity of the educator
Self-assessment of the results of pedagogical activity
Criterion # 1. Identification and development of the abilities of preschool children for intellectual, creative activity, as well as their participation in contests, festivals, competitions (over the last 2 years)
Appendix 1.1. Achievements of pupils for the 2015-2016 academic year. Copies of certificates and diplomas. Orders on the results of the activities carried out
Appendix 1.2. Achievements of pupils for the 2016 - 2017 academic year. Copies of certificates and diplomas. Orders on the results of the activities carried out
Criterion # 2. Ensuring the quality of the educational process
2.1. Organization of children's activities based on modern technologies, methods, programs and techniques
Appendix 2.1.1. Planning activities for the formation of ideas about healthy lifestyles and valeological education in children of younger preschool age
Appendix 2.1.2. Games aimed at forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers
Appendix 2.1.3. Complexes of awakening gymnastics "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring" for children of younger and middle preschool age with the inclusion of breathing exercises, acupressure, exercises for the prevention of flat feet in children, hardening procedures
Appendix 2.1.4. A set of recreational games and exercises (finger games, breathing exercises, eye gymnastics, dynamic pause) in accordance with complex thematic planning for organizing joint activities of a teacher with children
Appendix 2.1.5. Information and educational project "My friend is a traffic light"
Appendix 2.1.6. Recreation project "Magic Health Items"
Appendix 2.1.7. Creative project "Wide Maslenitsa"
2.2. The use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) in the educational process
Appendix 2.2.1. Presentation for the game "Petushki"
Appendix 2.2.2. Presentation to the GCD "Let's Help the Bear Learn about Spring"
Appendix 2.2.3. Presentation on the project "Magic Items of Health"
Appendix 2.2.4. Presentation of the master class "Easter Bunny"
Appendix 2.2.5. Decoration of parent corners
Appendix 2.2.6. Screenshot of the site MADOU, the page of the group "V kontakte" MADOU No. 4, group No. 9
Appendix 2.2.7. Slide - film "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!" (in electronic version)
2.3. Involving families of pupils in joint educational activities for the upbringing and development of preschool children
Appendix 2.3.1. Diplomas, diplomas, gratitude, orders for the participation of parents in competitions
Appendix 2.3.2. Master class for parents "Easter Bunny"
Appendix 2.3.3. Thanks and positive feedback from parents
Criterion # 3. Professional development of a teacher in the inter-certification period (over the last 3 years)
3.1. Information about the advanced training of the teacher
Appendix 3.1.1. Copies of certificates and licenses. Extract from order no.
3.2. Generalization of teaching experience
Appendix 3.2.1. Copies of certificates of publication
3.3. The participation of a teacher in design, organizational and methodological activities at different levels
Appendix 3.3.1. Letter of thanks for participation in the Festival - exhibition. Photo
Appendix 3.3.2. Extract of the order "On the organization of the work of creative groups in the 2016-2017 academic year"
Appendix 3.3.3. Photo of the methodological manual "Yugyd Va National Park"
3.4. Participation of a teacher in expert activities
Appendix 3.4.1. Extract from the order "On the organization of the competition Vegetable garden on the window"
Appendix 3.4.2. Extracts from the orders "On the organization of the competition creative works"This Victory Day", "On the results of the competition of creative works" This Victory Day "
3.5 Broadcasting generalized pedagogical personal experience in the shape of open events with preschool children, master classes, seminars, webinars (including via the Internet), conducting training courses
Appendix 3.5.1. Feedback on the event: Game - fun "Petushki" using ICT
Appendix 3.5.2. Extract from the minutes of the pedagogical council
Appendix 3.5.3. Feedback on the event: GCD with the use of ICT "Let's help the Bear to learn about spring"
3.6. Participation of a teacher in professional skills competitions in full-time
Appendix 3.6.1. Certificates and orders for participation in competitions
3.7. Participation of a teacher in professional competitions in correspondence form
Appendix 3.7.1. Certificates and orders for participation in competitions

Self-assessment sheet of the professional activity of the educator

Criteria Subcriteria Indicators Teacher assessment
1. Revealing and development of the abilities of preschool children for intellectual, creative activity, as well as their participation in contests, festivals, competitions (for the last 2-5 years); 1.1. Participation of pupils in events of different levels. 0 points - no participation of children in various kinds of activities 1 point - the average rate of participation of children in activities of different levels is from 5 to 15%; 2 points - the average rate of participation of children in activities of different levels is from 16 to 30% 3 points - the average rate of participation of children in activities of different levels is over 31%
2. Ensuring the quality of the educational process (over the last 2-5 years) 2.1. Organization of children's activities based on modern technologies, methods, programs and techniques. 1 point - the declared technology, method, program, technique in methodological development, the planning of the educational process is not traced; 2 points - the declared technology, method, program, methodology in methodical development, planning is partially traced; 3 points - the declared technology, method, program, methodology in methodological development, planning is presented in full.
2.2. Use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) in the educational process. 0 points - ICTs are not used by the teacher in their professional activities; 1 point - ICT in the teacher's professional activity are used in the form modern means clarity; 2 points - the teacher uses electronic educational resources, Internet resources in work with preschool children, families of pupils, in professional communication
2.3. Involvement of families of pupils in joint educational activities for the upbringing and development of preschool children. 0 points - no participation of the pupils 'parents in joint activities 1 point - from 5 to 15% of the total number of pupils' families are involved in joint educational activities. 2 points - involved in joint educational activities from 16 to 50% of the total number of families of pupils 3 points - involved in joint educational activities of more than 51% of the total number of families of pupils
3. Professional development of the teacher in the inter-certification period (over the last 3 years) 3.1. Professional development of a teacher 0 points - advanced training is not provided or the teacher did not master advanced training programs in full-time, part-time, distance form in the form of courses, internships, seminars (short-term webinars do not count); 1 point - advanced training is presented in full-time, part-time or distance learning in the form of advanced training courses once every 3 years. 2 points - advanced training is presented in full-time, part-time or distance learning in the form of advanced training courses, internships, seminars, etc. at least 2 times in 3 years 3 points - annual, continuous, advanced training in various forms and types of training
3.2. Generalization of pedagogical experience. 0 points - there are no publications from work experience 1 point - the teacher is the author, author-compiler, compiler of published teaching materials, didactic materials at the municipal level; 2 points - is the author, author-compiler, compiler of published methodological materials at the republican level; 3 points - is the author, author-compiler, compiler of published methodological materials at the federal level.
3.3. Participation of a teacher in design, organizational and methodological activities at different levels 0 points - the indicator is not disclosed; 1 point - the teacher participates in projects, events, in organizational and methodological activities at the kindergarten level; 2 points - participates in projects, events, organizational and methodological activities at the municipal level; 3 points - participates in projects, in events, in organizational and methodological activities at the republican or Russian, or international levels.
3.4. Participation of a teacher in expert activities 0 points - the indicator is not disclosed; 1 point - the teacher is a member of expert groups, jury of olympiads, contests, competitions, etc. at the kindergarten level. 2 points - the teacher is a member of expert groups, an attestation commission, the head of the methodological association, the head of the innovation platform, a member of the jury of olympiads, contests, competitions, etc. at the municipal level, republican federal, international level
3.5. Broadcasting generalized personal pedagogical experience in the form of open events with preschool children, master classes, seminars, webinars (including via the Internet), conducting training courses. 0 points - information about the broadcast of the generalized personal pedagogical experience of the teacher is not provided; 1 point - generalized personal pedagogical experience was broadcast by the teacher annually in different forms at the kindergarten level; 2 points - generalized personal pedagogical experience was broadcast by the teacher in various forms at the municipal level; 3 points - generalized personal pedagogical experience was broadcast by the teacher in various forms at the republican, federal, international level.
3.6. Participation of a teacher in competitions of professional skills in a vocal form 0 points - no participation in professional skills competitions 1 point - teacher - winner, prize-winner (laureate) of professional skills competitions at the kindergarten level, participant in professional skills competitions at the municipal level; 2 points - teacher-winner, prize-winner (laureate), participant of professional skills competitions at the municipal, republican level; 3 points - teacher-winner, prize-winner (laureate) of the professional skills competition "Educator of the Year" at the republican level, at the federal level.
3.7. Participation of a teacher in professional competitions in absentia 0 points - no participation in professional competitions 1 point - teacher-participant of a professional competition at the municipal republican, federal, international level; 2 points - teacher-winner, prize-winner (laureate) of a professional competition at the municipal, republican, federal, international levels.
Total points

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1 EDUCATION WORKERS "Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activity of a preschool teacher based on the professional standard" Teacher "Methodological recommendations Barnaul 2016

2 UDC LBC S 17 Reviewers: M. A. Goncharova, Cand. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Education, Informatics and ICT, KGBU DPO AKIPKRO; O. N. Gorbatova, teacher of geography MBOU "Gymnasium 27 named after Hero of the Soviet Union V. E. Smirnov" scientific disciplines; M.V. Mosintseva, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Administration of Novoaltaisk. Compiled by: N.G. Kalashnikov, Dr. ped... sciences, professor, first vice-rector of AKIPKRO; E.N. Zharkova, Cand. ped. Sci., Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for UMR AKIPKRO; T.G. Blinova, Associate Professor of the Department of Primary general education; I.N. Stukalova, Candidate of Chem. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, Life Safety and Physical Education; Etc. Pashkevich, Cand. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education. С 17 Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activity of a preschool teacher based on the professional standard "Teacher": guidelines/ comp. N. G. Kalashnikova, E. N. Zharkova, T. G. Blinova, I. N. Stukalova, T. D. Pashkevich. Barnaul: KGBU DPO AKIPKRO, p. ISBN The guidelines provide materials, the use of which will help the preschool educator to assess the psychological and pedagogical competence, the effectiveness of his professional activity and its compliance with the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher", the requirements of job functions. Methodological materials are intended for preschool educators, heads and deputy heads of educational organizations, methodologists of municipal education authorities. UDC BBK ISBN KGBU DPO AKIPKRO, 2016

3 CONTENTS Introduction Self-analysis of the job functions of a preschool teacher Self-assessment of the professional achievements of a preschool teacher Self-assessment of the psychological and pedagogical competence of a preschool teacher Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activity of a preschool teacher based on the professional standard “Teacher” Labor function “General pedagogical function. Education "Labor function" Educational activity "Labor function" Developmental activity "Labor function" Pedagogical activity for the implementation of preschool education programs "Results of self-assessment of professional activity ... 21

4 INTRODUCTION In accordance with the Comprehensive Program for Improving the Professional Level of Teachers of General Education Organizations (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation p-P8), it is planned to manage the professional development of teachers in educational organizations of the Altai Territory on the basis of a differentiated program for the development of professional competence of teachers educational organization and individual plans for the professional development of teachers. New tools for managing the quality of the staff of a general educational organization are aimed at creating conditions for the participation of all teachers in continuing education, increasing professional mobility; strengthening the role of employers in the development of professional competencies of employees; establishing the conformity of the employee's qualifications to the requirements of the professional standard "Educator" (PSP). Planning the professional development of teachers of an educational organization includes the sequential implementation of the following steps: introspection of the content and quality of the teacher's professional tasks at a specific workplace, taking into account the requirements of job functions; self-assessment of the existing level of professional competence of the teacher based on the requirements for labor functions, labor actions, skills, knowledge based on the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher"; identification of professional deficiencies based on self-assessment results; building an individual plan for the professional development of a teacher; construction of a differentiated program for the development of professional competence of pedagogical workers of an educational organization. 4

5 In these guidelines, materials are presented, the use of which will help teachers assess psychological and pedagogical competence, the effectiveness of their professional activities and their compliance with the requirements of the PSP. To determine the level of professional competence, it is recommended to use the following criteria: 0 points low level of competence: performance of activities under the guidance of a mentor with limited personal responsibility for improving labor and educational activities; application of professional competencies only when solving standard (typical) tasks; 1 point average level of competence: partial independence in managing work or educational activities in standard situations; owns the technologies for the design and organization of educational activities of schoolchildren, builds up interaction with specialists, is able to develop methodological materials for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard; 2 points high level of competence: complete independence in the performance of professional activities; selection of alternative methods for solving (implementing) the assigned tasks; monitoring of activities, reflection and correction of the set goals in accordance with changes in conditions. In the future, the results of self-analysis and self-assessment of professional activity will be used in the development of individual plans for the professional development of teachers and a differentiated program for the development of professional competence of teachers in an educational organization.

6 1. SELF-ANALYSIS OF THE PECULIARITIES OF THE JOB FUNCTIONS OF A PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION TEACHER In this part of the analysis of professional activity, you need to clearly define the specifics of your job functions as an educator of a particular preschool educational organization. The results of filling out Table 1 will help you to clarify the range of your job functions and, when carrying out self-analysis and self-assessment of professional activity, determine the deficits associated with these functions. Table 1 On the basis of which sample program in your preschool educational institution the educational program has been developed and is being implemented (check the required one) Number of pupils in the group at the time of introspection Which of the following areas are included in your professional activity? (check the box) "Childhood" program. Development program. Approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" / ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilieva. N. M. Krylova "House of Joy". Other program (indicate which one) 6 people work with gifted children; work in the context of the implementation of inclusive education programs; teaching the Russian language to pupils for whom it is not native; work in a group of different ages; work with deviant, dependent, socially neglected and trapped in a difficult life situation pupils; work with children with disabilities; work in a group of short-term stay of children, full and extended day, round-the-clock stay; work in a preschool preparation group, preschool group in a small school; other (specify what)

7 2. SELF-ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION In this part of the analysis you have to correlate the planned and actually obtained results of educational activities; identify which targets for the development of your children are achieved strong point your professional activities; what deficits can you indicate that you intend to improve? Table 2 Target guidelines in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education Strengths of professional activity Professional deficiencies Target guidelines of education in infancy and early age The child is interested in the surrounding objects and actively acts with them; is emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to show persistence in achieving the result of his actions. The child uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoon, hairbrush, pencil, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses the simplest self-service skills, strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior The child has an active speech, included in communication, can address questions and requests, understand the speech of adults, knows the names of surrounding objects and toys 7

8 Target guidelines in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education The child strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult. The child shows interest in peers; observes their actions and imitates them The child shows interest in poems, songs, tales, looking at pictures, seeks to move to the music; emotionally responds to various works of culture and art The child has developed gross motor skills, he strives to master various types of movement (running, climbing, stepping, etc.) , shows initiative and independence in various types of activity, play, communication, cognitive research, design, etc.; is able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities The child has a positive attitude towards the world, to different types of work, other people and himself, has a sense of his own dignity, actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others

9 Targets in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, they should empathize with failures and rejoice in the success of others, adequately express their feelings, including a sense of faith in oneself. Tries to resolve conflicts The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in different types of activities, and primarily in the game; owns different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conditional and real situation, knows how to obey different rules and social norms The child is quite good at oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words; the child develops the prerequisites for literacy; the child has developed large and fine motor skills; he is mobile, enduring, owns basic movements, can control and manage them The child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can observe the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene. curiosity, asks questions to adults and Strengths of professional activity Professional deficits 9

10 Targets in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education for peers, is interested in causal relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for the phenomena of nature and the actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment. Possesses initial knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc .; the child is able to make his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities Strengths of professional activity Professional deficiencies Draw conclusions based on the results of self-assessment: Achievements of your professional activity (these should include those results that are stable or have positive dynamics): ... The results of your professional activity that you want to improve: SELF-ASSESSMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE OF THE PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION FGOS preschool education focuses on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the child. This requires the preschool educator to possess psychological and pedagogical competence. ten

11 In this part of the analysis, you have to determine the level of your psychological and pedagogical competence. Table 3 Competencies (labor actions) 1. Identification pedagogical problems(problems associated with the processes of teaching or upbringing) among students 2. Identification of speech therapy problems among students 3. Identification of psychological problems among students Self-assessment in points (0 2) Comments, examples of their interaction with specialists Interaction with other teachers of the educational organization working with these children ; parents or persons replacing them, etc. Interaction with a speech therapist of your educational organization or other organizations Interaction with a psychologist of your educational organization or other organizations Draw conclusions based on the results of self-assessment of psychological and pedagogical competence: Achievements of your professional activity (these should include those results of self-assessment that coincide with an external assessment, for example, the assessment of teachers who work with the same children): ... The results of your professional activity that you want to improve: SELF-ANALYSIS AND SELF-ASSESSMENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF THE PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION TEACHER BASED ON THE PROFESSIONAL STANDARD "BASED ON THE PROFESSIONAL STANDARD" You have to analyze your own professional activity from the point of view of the corresponding 11

12 compliance with its requirements of the professional standard "Teacher", the duties or responsibilities to be performed in the future, for example, preparation for teaching children with disabilities from September 1, 2016 (see columns 2 and 4 of table 4); carry out a self-assessment, that is, determine the level of formation of the relevant competencies (see column 3 of table 4). In the "Commentary" column, specify what exactly in this competence you consider your achievements in professional development, and what causes you difficulties. An example of filling out a table based on self-assessment results Competencies 1. Development and implementation of programs academic disciplines within the framework of the main general education program 2. Self-assessment in points (0 2) Commentary (justification of the given point) 1 Achievements: I can develop a calendar-thematic plan for the educational area. I can teach this to another. Deficiencies: I find it difficult to specify targets for describing the planned results 4.1. Labor function “General pedagogical function. Education "Table 4 Competencies (labor actions) 1. Development and implementation of academic discipline programs within the framework of the main general educational program 2. Implementation of professional activities in accordance with- Self-assessment in points (0 2) Comments (justification of the given score) 12

13 Competences (labor actions) in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards of preschool general education 3. Participation in the development and implementation of the educational organization development program in order to create a safe and comfortable educational environment 4. Planning and conducting training sessions 5. Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of training sessions and approaches to learning 6. Organization, monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements, current and final results of mastering the basic educational program by students 7. Formation of universal educational actions 8. Formation of skills related to information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) 9. Formation of motivation for learning 10. Objective assessment of students' knowledge on the basis of testing and other control methods in accordance with the real educational capabilities of children Self-assessment in points (0 2) Commentary (justification of the assigned score) 13

14 What successful experience of your professional competencies can you present to your colleagues? Competences (labor actions), which you rated with a score of "0", transfer to the first column of Table 8 in accordance with the specified labor function Labor function "Educational activity" Table 5 Competences (labor actions) 1 Regulation of student behavior to ensure a safe educational environment 2. Implementation modern, including interactive, forms and methods of educational work, using them both in class and in extracurricular activities 3. Setting educational goals that contribute to the development of students, regardless of their abilities and character 4. Determination and adoption of clear rules of behavior by students in accordance with the charter of the educational organization and the internal regulations of the educational organization 5. Design and implementation of educational programs 6. Implementation of educational capabilities of various types of child activities (educational, play, labor, sports, art, etc.) Self-assessment in points (0 2) Comme ntariy (justification of the given score) 14

15 Competencies (labor actions) 7. Designing situations and events that develop the child's emotional-value sphere (culture of feelings and value orientations of the child) 8. Help and support in organizing the activities of student self-government bodies 9. Creating, maintaining the lifestyle, atmosphere and traditions of educational life organizations 10. Development of students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, the formation of civic position, the ability to work and life in the modern world, the formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among students 11. Formation of tolerance and behavior skills in a changing multicultural environment 12. Use of constructive educational efforts of parents (legal representatives) of students, helping the family in solving issues of raising a child Self-assessment in points (0 2) Comments (justification of the given score) Successful experience in the implementation of your professional competencies can you introduce it to your colleagues? Competences (labor actions), which you rated with a score of "0", transfer to the first column of Table 8 in accordance with the specified labor function. 15

16 4.3. Labor function "Developmental activity" Table 6 Competences (labor actions) 1. Identification during observation of students' behavioral and personal problems associated with the peculiarities of their development 2. Assessment of parameters and design of a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment, development of programs for the prevention of various forms of violence in school 3. Application of tools and methods of diagnostics and assessment of indicators of the level and dynamics of child development 4. Mastering and application of psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive), necessary for targeted work with various contingents of students: gifted children, socially vulnerable children, children, trapped in difficult life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special educational needs (autists, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with disabilities health, children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction 5. Providing targeted assistance to students Self-assessment in points Comment (justification for the (0 2) point) 16

17 Competencies (labor actions) 6. Interaction with other specialists within the framework of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council 7. Development (together with other specialists) and implementation, together with parents (legal representatives) of programs for the individual development of the child 8. Mastering and adequate use of special technologies and methods , allowing to carry out correctional development work 9. Development of students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, the formation of civic position, the ability to work and life in the modern world, the formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among students 10. Formation and implementation of development programs universal educational actions, patterns and values ​​of social behavior, behavior skills in the world of virtual reality and social networks, the formation of tolerance and positive samples of multicultural communication 11. Formation of a system of regulation of behavior and activities of students 17 Self-assessment in points Comments (justification of the (0 2) point)

18 What successful experience of your professional competencies can you present to your colleagues? Competences (labor actions), which you rated with a score of "0", transfer to the first column of Table 8 in accordance with the specified labor function. 4.4. Labor function "Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs" Competences (labor actions) 1. Participation in the development of the main general educational program of the educational organization in accordance with the federal state educational standard of preschool education 2. Participation in the creation of a safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment of the educational organization through ensuring the safety of the life of children, maintaining the emotional well-being of the child during the period of stay in the educational organization 3. Planning and implementation of educational work in a group of children of early and / or preschool age in accordance with federal state educational standards and basic educational programs 4. Organization and conduct of pedagogical monitoring 18 Self-assessment in points (0 2) Table 7 Commentary (justification of the assigned point)

19 Competencies (labor actions) of children's mastering the educational program and analysis of educational work in a group of children of early and / or preschool age 5. Participation in planning and adjusting educational tasks (together with a psychologist and other specialists) based on the results of monitoring, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of each child early and / or preschool age 6. Implementation of pedagogical recommendations of specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist, etc.) in working with children who have difficulties in mastering the program, as well as with children with special educational needs 7. Development of professionally significant competencies necessary for solving educational problems of development of children of early and preschool age, taking into account the characteristics of age and individual characteristics of their development 8. Formation psychological readiness to schooling 9. Creation of a positive psychological climate in the group and conditions for friendly relations between children, including 19 Self-assessment in points (0 2) Commentary (justification of the given point)

20 Competences (labor actions), including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as with different (including limited) health capabilities 10. Organization of activities carried out at early and preschool age: subject, cognitive and research , games (role-playing, director's, with the rule), productive; design, creation of ample opportunities for the development of free play for children, including ensuring play time and space 11. Organization of constructive interaction of children in various activities, creating conditions for children to freely choose activities, participants in joint activities, materials 12. Active use of non-directive help and support of children's initiative and independence in various types of activities 13. Organization of the educational process on the basis of direct communication with each child, taking into account his special educational needs Self-assessment in points (0 2) Commentary (justification of the given point) 20

21 What successful experience of your professional competencies can you present to your colleagues? Competences (labor actions), which you rated with a score of "0", transfer to the first column of Table 8 in accordance with the specified labor function. 5. RESULTS OF SELF-ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES In this part of the analysis, you have to determine the list of professional deficiencies that you plan to fill in the next 3 years, and record in the second column of Table 8. In the future, the content of this table will be used by you to draw up an individual plan for professional development for years ... Table 8 Competences (labor actions), assessed with a score of "0" Ranking of deficits by years of their replenishment Note Labor function "General pedagogical function. Education "2016: 2017: 2018: Labor function" Educational activity "Labor function" Developing activity "21

22 Competences (labor actions), assessed with a score of "0" Ranking of deficits by years of their replenishment Labor function "Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs" Note Educational edition Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activity of a preschool teacher based on the professional standard "Teacher" Methodological recommendations Compiled by: Natalia G. Kalashnikova; Elena Nikolaevna Zharkova; Tatiana Georgievna Blinova; Irina Nikolaevna Stukalova; Tatyana Dmitrievna Pashkevich Computer layout G. N. Mazhnik Format 60x90 / 16. CONV. n. l. 1.375. Signed for printing Duplicator paper. Typeface Times New Roman. Circulation 100 copies. Order, Barnaul, Socialist Avenue, 60. Editorial and publishing office of AKIPKRO. Printed at the Concept Printing House, Barnaul, Socialist Avenue, 85

Evaluation sheets for introspection and self-assessment of the professional activity of a preschool teacher based on the professional standard "Teacher" (the content and numbering of tables


MAIN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND YOUTH POLICY OF ALTAI KRAI Regional state budgetary institution of additional vocational education"ALTAI REGIONAL INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING




REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RESULTS OF LEARNING THE BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION The requirements of the Standard for the results of mastering the Program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education,


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has created a working group to prepare a draft federal state standard for preschool education. Part working group includes representatives

"Studying the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" The presentation was prepared by the editors of the Publishing House "Upbringing of a Preschooler" Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 1155



Description of the main educational program of preschool general education 1 Full name of the educational program indicating the level of education, type of program 2 Normative basis for development



Brief description of the educational program of the MDOU "Kindergarten 19" The main educational program of the Municipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten 19" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was developed

"Target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education" Educator IN Rozhdestvenskaya The requirements of the Standard for the results of mastering the basic educational program of preschool education are presented in the form of targets for preschool education,

Questionnaire for teachers "Internal assessment of the readiness of the transition of teachers to the professional standard" Teacher "Name of the teacher 1. Characteristics of generalized labor functions in teaching

Self-assessment sheet of the teacher's readiness to implement labor functions in accordance with the professional standard Full name Educational organization existing qualification category Date of establishment of qualification


EXPLANATORY NOTE The protection and strengthening of children's mental health, including their emotional well-being, is one of the priority tasks of the development of modern preschool education and is considered

Brief presentation of the main general educational program of MBDOU "Kindergarten" in the village of shchelyabozh Characteristics of a preschool educational institution Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" v. Shchelyabozh Office



State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 111 supervision and rehabilitation of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg Educational program of preschool education (EPDO) St. Petersburg

Dear Colleagues! The table summarizes the requirements for a teacher within the framework of the Unified Qualification Handbook of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, the section "Qualification

REMINDER “PROFESSIONAL STANDARD. TEACHER "FOR TEACHERS OF THE KINDERGARTEN OF THE 28 KALININSKY DISTRICT OF ST. PETERSBURG. General information: provision of educational services for basic general education programs

The main educational program of preschool education Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 35"

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activity of the teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten 17" on the basis of the professional standard "Teacher" Gudkova Tatyana Sergeevna (name of the teacher) 1. Self-analysis of characteristics

Terms of reference for KBP within the framework of the project "Approbation and implementation of the standard of professional activity of a teacher" (pedagogical activity in primary general education) TASK 2. DEVELOPMENT IN


DESCRIPTION OF THE BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION GBOU School 1883 "Butovo" The main educational program is developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

Professional activity of a teacher of the Russian language of basic and secondary general education on the basis of the professional standard "Teacher" On the basis of which educational standard you are implementing

BRIEF PRESENTATION OF THE BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM of the Municipal preschool educational institution of the Child Development Center - kindergarten 50 of the Kopeysk urban district

Terms of reference for KBP within the framework of the project "Approbation and implementation of the standard of professional activity of a teacher" (pedagogical activity in primary general education) TASK 2. DEVELOPMENT IN

Personal development of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics; Development of creativity

"Approbation and implementation of the standard of professional activity of a teacher" (pedagogical activity in general, secondary general education, special (correctional)) DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH

REMINDER FOR PREACHER FGOS DO - federal state educational standard of preschool education, entered into force on 01.01.2014 This federal state educational standard


State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "School 2123 named after Miguel Hernandez"

Self-assessment of the teacher's readiness to introduce the professional standard Filling in this table is carried out after the teacher has studied the professional standard exclusively independently. Consulting is possible only for clarification


The federal state educational standard for preschool education is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education. The subject of regulation of the Federal State Educational Standard is the relationship

Presentation of the adapted basic educational program of preschool education MDOU "Kindergarten 148" for children with TNR Adapted basic educational program of preschool education (hereinafter

Testing according to FGOS DO. Questions and answers. Correct answers are in bold and underlined. "FSES DO: requirements, structure, implementation" 1. Decipher the abbreviation FSES DO: F - Federal State

PROFESSIONAL STANDARD teacher (pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher) Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type 106" Azure " municipality Simferopol city district of the Republic of Crimea A.P. Kurochkina


Description of the educational program of preschool education Full name of the educational program indicating the level of education, type of program: BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION

Seminar "Integration and implementation of educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard" Session 1. TOPIC: Mastering the Federal State Educational Standard: Educational area "Physical Development" October 2013 FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL

DESCRIPTION OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION LLC BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION (2015-2018 academic year) hereinafter (Program), is a document representing a model of the educational process

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activity of the teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 17"
based on the professional standard "Teacher"

Gordeeva Natalia Alekseevna, educator

(Name of the educator)

1.Self-analysis of job characteristics

Table 1

On the basis of which sample program in your preschool educational institution the educational program has been developed and implemented (check the appropriate one)

Childhood program.

Development program.

Approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" / ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova,
M.A. Vasilyeva.

N. M. Krylova "House of Joy".

Another program (specify which one)

The number of pupils in the group at the time of introspection

23 people

Which of the following areas are included in your professional activity? (mark as required)

- work with gifted children;

–Working in the context of implementation of inclusive education programs;

–Teaching the Russian language to pupils for whom it is not native;

–Working in a group of different ages;

–Working with deviant, dependent, socially neglected pupils who have found themselves in a difficult life situation;

–Working with children with disabilities;

–Work in a group of short-term stay of children, full and extended day, round-the-clock stay;

–Working in a preschool preparation group, in a preschool group in a small school;

- other (indicate what exactly): work in the context of the implementation of the general education program of preschool education.

2. Self-assessment of professional achievements

preschool educator

table 2

Target benchmarks
in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
preschool education

Strengths of professional activity


Infant and early childhood education targets

The child is interested in the surrounding objects and actively acts with them; is emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions

The child is interested in the surrounding objects and actively acts with them; emotionally involved in activities with toys and other objects

Teach the child to be persistent in achieving the result of their actions

The child uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoons, combs, pencils, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses the simplest self-service skills; strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior

The child uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoons, combs, pencils, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses the simplest self-service skills

Strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior

The child owns active speech, included in communication; can address questions and requests, understands speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys

Children can address questions and requests; understands the speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys

The child owns active speech, included in communication

The child seeks to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult

The child imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult

The child shows interest in peers; observes and imitates their actions

The child shows interest in poetry, songs, tales, looking at pictures, seeks to move to the music; emotionally responds to various works of culture and art

The child shows interest in poems, songs, tales, looking at pictures, seeks to move to the music

The child responds emotionally to various works of culture and art

The child has developed large motor skills, he seeks to master various types of movement (running, climbing, stepping, etc.)

Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education

The child masters the main cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activity - play, communication, cognitive research, construction, etc .; able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities

The child masters the basic cultural modes of activity; able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities



independence in

different types

cognitive research activities

The child has a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and himself, has a sense of his own dignity; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts

The child has a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, has a sense of his own dignity and participates in joint games. Tries to resolve conflicts



feelings of others

The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various activities, and primarily in the game; the child owns different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms

The child has a good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy

The child has a good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy

The child has developed large and fine motor skills; he is mobile, enduring, masters basic movements and can control and manage his movements

The child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and a peer, and can follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene

The child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and a peer

The child can independently follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene

The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in causal relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for the phenomena of nature and the actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment. Possesses initial knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; the child is able to make his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities

The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers. Possesses initial knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; the child is able to make his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities

He is inclined to observe and experiment on his own.

Conclusions based on the results of self-assessment of professional achievements:

I believe that in the context of modernization of education, the function of an educator in a preschool institution should radically change. The teacher must move in his activity from the function of transferring ready-made knowledge to the function of organizer of the process of obtaining new knowledge by preschoolers. This circumstance imposes additional responsibility on the educator. He will have to think about what and how to teach children in order to increase their desire to actively learn about the world and themselves. A quality educational process is impossible without motivation. It is through the motivation of the participants in the educational process that its success is realized. And this means that it is necessary to revise the factors leading to the formation of a positive stable motivation for learning. ...

3. Self-assessment of psychological and pedagogical competence

preschool educator

Table 3


Self-assessment in points

Commentary, examples of their interaction
with specialists

Identification of pedagogical problems (problems associated with the processes of teaching or upbringing) in students

Interaction with other teachers of the educational organization working with these children; parents or persons replacing them, etc.

Identification of speech therapy problem in pupils

Interaction with a speech therapist specialist of your educational organization or other organizations

Revealing psychological problem pupils

Interaction with a specialist psychologist of his educational organization or other organizations

Conclusions based on the results of self-assessment of psychological and pedagogical competence: I believe that the activity of a modern teacher today, more than ever, is impossible without possession of psychological and pedagogical competence, since throughout the entire educational process it is necessary to correct the factors that influence the formation of the motivational process of preschoolers, leading both to the manifestation of internal needs for learning, and their effective implementation in society.
This means that modern society needs an educator with high professional competence, since it is he who is the key figure that forms the new content and quality, and therefore the competence of preschoolers.

4. Self-analysis and self-assessment of professional performance

preschool educator

based on the professional standard "teacher"

Table 4


Self-assessment in points


Commentary (justification
of the given score)

Achievements: I am able to develop a calendar-thematic plan for the educational area. I can teach this to another.


I find it difficult to specify the targets for describing the planned results.

4.1. Labor function "General pedagogical function. Education"

(labor actions)

Self-assessment in points

A comment

Development and implementation of academic discipline programs within the framework of the main general education program

I am able to develop a calendar plan in accordance with the topic and age of the children.

Implementation of professional activities in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards of preschool general education

I know the forms and methods of teaching, including those that go beyond the scope of training sessions: design, experimentation

Participation in the development and implementation of a development program for an educational organization in order to create a safe and comfortable educational environment

Achievements: Creation of the RPPS group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. Implementation of the project "Safety at home and in kindergarten"


Development of a development program for an educational organization

Planning and conducting training sessions

The use and testing of special approaches to teaching in order to include in the educational process all students, including those with special educational needs: preschoolers who have shown outstanding abilities, preschoolers with disabilities

Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of training sessions and learning approaches

I monitor at the beginning and at the end school year in order to identify and correct the educational process

Organization, monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements, current and final results of mastering the basic educational program by students

Objective assessment of knowledge, integrative qualities based on monitoring in accordance with the real capabilities of children

Formation of universal learning activities

Organization of various types of activities: play, search and research, artistic and productive, cultural and leisure, taking into account the capabilities of the educational organization

Formation of skills related to information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT)

I speak ICT, I use multimedia presentations in my work, interactive games for all educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Formation of motivation for learning

I use a variety of techniques: a surprise moment, a problem situation, a game situation, encouragement.

Objective assessment of students' knowledge based on testing and other control methods in accordance with the real educational capabilities of children

In accordance with the general educational program of the preschool educational institution, I monitor integrative qualities and educational opportunities at the beginning and end of the academic year

4.2. Labor function "Educational activity"

Table 5

(labor actions)

Self-assessment in points


A comment
of the given score)

Regulation of student behavior to ensure a safe educational environment

I build an upbringing and educational process, taking into account the individual, cultural differences of children, gender upbringing

Implementation of modern, including interactive, forms and methods of educational work, using them both in class and in extracurricular activities

For the effective implementation of the preschool educational institution I use ICT: multimedia presentations, interactive games, slide shows, photo collages; design and research activities

Setting educational goals that contribute to the development of students, regardless of their abilities and character

I plan subgroup and individual work on each topic of complex-thematic planning in order to achieve targets

Determination and adoption of clear rules of behavior by students in accordance with the charter of the educational organization and the internal regulations of the educational organization

I instill a culture of behavior in a group, on the street through game situations, searching activities, looking at paintings and reading fiction

Design and implementation of educational programs

I design and implement educational work in accordance with the cyclogram of the preschool organization

Implementation of the educational capabilities of various types of child's activities (educational, play, labor, sports, artistic, etc.)

I create a mobile RPPS in the group to meet the needs of children in play, education, physical education, music, work, creativity, accumulation of social experience

Designing situations and events that develop the emotional and value sphere of the child (culture of experiences and value orientations of the child)

In the joint activities of the teacher and children, I organize theatrical, research activities, role-playing games, problem-search situations

Help and support in organizing the activities of student self-government bodies

Creation, maintenance of the lifestyle, atmosphere and traditions of the life of an educational organization

I analyze the real state of affairs in the group, I maintain a friendly atmosphere in the children's team


I find the value aspect of teaching and information, I provide preschoolers with understanding and experience of it. I cooperate with other pedagogical workers and specialists in solving educational problems


Possession of methods of organizing excursions, hikes, expeditions.

Formation of tolerance and behavior skills in a changing multicultural environment

I protect the dignity and interests of pupils, I help children who find themselves in a conflict and unfavorable situation

Use of constructive educational efforts of parents (legal representatives) of students, helping the family in solving issues of raising a child

In the corner for parents, I post information in the form of consultations, travel folders, brochures, information cards; conduct individual conversations and consultations; in the Internet space has created its own mini-site

Competences (labor actions), which you rated with a score of "0", transfer to the first column of Table 8 in accordance with the specified labor function.

4.3. Labor function "Developmental activity"

Table 6

(labor actions)

Self-assessment in points

A comment
(justification of the given score)

Revealing in the course of observation the behavioral and personal problems of students associated with the peculiarities of their development


I have a professional attitude towards helping any child, regardless of his real opportunities, abilities, behavioral features.


Providing assistance to the child depending on the state of mental and physical health

Assessment of parameters and design of a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment, development of programs for the prevention of various forms of violence at school

In my work with preschoolers, I use game situations, sketches, cultural and historical conversations, emotional relief, dynamic pauses etc. to relieve stress, aimed at a benevolent attitude towards yourself, peers and people around you

Application of tools and methods for diagnostics and assessment of indicators of the level and dynamics of child development

I carry out (together with other specialists of the preschool educational institution) psychological and pedagogical support of the main general educational program

The development and application of psychological and educational technologies (including inclusive ones), necessary for targeted work with various contingents of students: gifted children, socially vulnerable children, children in difficult life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special educational needs (autists, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with disabilities, children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction


I speak psychological and pedagogical technologies with gifted, socially vulnerable, hyperactive children and children in difficult life situations


Development of individual educational routes, development programs and individually oriented educational programs, taking into account the limitations of the possibilities of children

Providing targeted assistance to students

I provide individual assistance to preschoolers in traditional and non-traditional ways

Interaction with other specialists in the framework of the psychological - medical and pedagogical council

Annual interaction with specialists in this field

Development (together with other specialists) and implementation, together with parents (legal representatives) of programs for the individual development of the child

Interaction with preschool education specialists and parents throughout the academic year in accordance with the annual work plan

Mastering and adequate application of special technologies and methods that allow for correctional and developmental work

I interact with the specialists of the preschool educational institution in the development of technologies and methods that allow carrying out correctional and developmental work

The development of students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, the formation of a civic position, the ability to work and life in the modern world, the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle among students

I fully implement general education program Preschool educational institution in accordance with the federal state educational standard of preschool age to achieve targets for the stage of completion of preschool age

Formation and implementation of programs for the development of universal educational actions, patterns and values ​​of social behavior, behavior skills in the world of virtual reality and social networks, the formation of tolerance and positive patterns of multicultural communication

I plan and implement the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

Formation of a system for regulating the behavior and activities of students

I am proficient in the methods of education and development of independence in different types of activities: educational, play, labor

Competences (labor actions), which you rated with a score of "0", transfer to the first column of Table 8 in accordance with the specified labor function.

4.4. Labor function "Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs"

Table 7

(labor actions)

Self-assessment in points




Regional state budgetary institution

additional professional education



Introspection and Self-Esteem

professional activity

teacher of preschool education based on the professional standard "Teacher"

ON Gorbatova, teacher of geography, MBOU "Gymnasium No. 27 named after Hero of the Soviet Union V. Ye. Smirnov" in Barnaul, head of the regional educational and methodological association for natural scientific disciplines; M.V. Mosintseva, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Administration of Novoaltaisk.

Compiled by: N.G. Kalashnikov, Dr. ped. sciences, professor, first vice-rector of AKIPKRO; E.N. Zharkova, Cand. ped. Sci., Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for UMR AKIPKRO; T.G. Blinova, Associate Professor of the Department of Primary General Education; I.N. Stukalova, Candidate of Chem. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, Life Safety and Physical Education;

Etc. Pashkevich, Cand. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education.

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activity of a preschool teacher based on the professional standard "Teacher": guidelines / comp. N. G. Kalashnikova, E. N. Zharkova,

T. G. Blinova, I. N. Stukalova, T. D. Pashkevich. - Barnaul:

KGBU DPO AKIPKRO, 2016 .-- 22 p.

ISBN 978-5-7423-0530-9 The guidelines provide materials, the use of which will help preschool educators assess psychological and pedagogical competence, the effectiveness of their professional activities and their compliance with the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher", the requirements of job functions.

Methodological materials are intended for preschool educators, heads and deputy heads of educational organizations, methodologists of municipal education authorities.

UDC 373.2 BBK 74.104 ISBN 978-5-7423-0530-9 KGBU DPO AKIPKRO, 2016


1.Self-analysis of the characteristics of the job functions of a preschool teacher

2. Self-assessment of the professional achievements of the preschool teacher

3. Self-assessment of the psychological and pedagogical competence of the preschool teacher

4. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activity of a preschool teacher based on the professional standard "Teacher"

4.1. Labor function “General pedagogical function.


4.2. Labor function "Educational activity" ....... 14

4.3. Labor function "Developmental activity" ........... 16

4.4. Labor function "Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs" ........... 18

5. Results of self-assessment of professional activity ....... 21


In accordance with the Comprehensive Program for Improving the Professional Level of Pedagogical Workers of General Education Organizations (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation 28.

05.2014 No. 3241p-P8) management of the professional development of teachers in educational institutions of the Altai Territory is planned to be carried out on the basis of a differentiated program for the development of professional competence of teachers of the educational organization and individual plans for the professional development of teachers. New tools for managing the quality of the staff of a general educational organization are aimed at creating conditions for the participation of all teachers in lifelong education, increasing professional mobility; strengthening the role of employers in the development of professional competencies of employees;

establishing the conformity of the employee's qualifications to the requirements of the professional standard "Educator" (PSP).

Planning the professional development of teachers of an educational organization includes the sequential implementation of the following steps:

- introspection of the content and quality of the teacher's professional tasks at a specific workplace, taking into account the requirements of job functions;

- self-assessment of the existing level of professional competence of the teacher based on the requirements for labor functions, labor actions, skills, knowledge based on the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher";

- identification of professional deficiencies based on the results of self-assessment;

- building an individual plan for the professional development of a teacher;

- building a differentiated program for the development of professional competence of teaching staff of an educational organization.

In these guidelines, materials are presented, the use of which will help teachers assess psychological and pedagogical competence, the effectiveness of their professional activities and their compliance with the requirements of the PSP.

To determine the level of professional competence, it is recommended to use the following criteria:

0 points - a low level of competence: performance of activities under the guidance of a mentor with limited personal responsibility for improving work and educational activities; application of professional competencies only when solving standard (typical) tasks;

1 point - the average level of competence: partial independence in the management of work or educational activities in standard situations; owns the technologies for the design and organization of educational activities of schoolchildren, builds up interaction with specialists, is able to develop methodological materials for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;

2 points - a high level of competence: complete independence in the performance of professional activities;

selection of alternative methods for solving (implementing) the assigned tasks; monitoring of activities, reflection and correction of the set goals in accordance with changes in conditions.

In the future, the results of self-analysis and self-assessment of professional activity will be used in the development of individual plans for the professional development of teachers and a differentiated program for the development of professional competence of teachers in an educational organization.




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In this part of the analysis, you have to correlate the planned and actually obtained results of educational activities;

identify the achievement of which targets for the development of your children is the strong point of your professional activity; what deficits can you indicate that you intend to improve?

Table 2 Target guidelines Strengths Professions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of professional preschool education activities deficiencies Target guidelines of education in infancy and early age The child is interested in the surrounding objects and actively acts with them; is emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions The child uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoon, comb, pencil, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses the simplest self-service skills, strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior The child has an active speech, included in communication, can address questions and requests, understand the speech of adults, knows the names of surrounding objects and toys Targets Strengths Professions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of professional preschool educational activity deficits The child seeks to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult. The child shows interest in peers; observes their actions and imitates them The child shows interest in poems, songs, tales, looking at pictures, seeks to move to the music; emotionally responds to various works of culture and art.The child has developed gross motor skills, he seeks to master various types of movement (running, climbing, stepping, etc.

) Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education The child masters the main cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activity - play, communication, cognitive research, design, etc.; is able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities The child has a positive attitude towards the world, to different types of work, to other people and to himself, has a sense of his own dignity, actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others. Strengths Professions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, professional preschool education activities, deficits in them, empathize with failures and rejoice at the success of others, adequately express their feelings, including a sense of faith in oneself. Tries to resolve conflicts The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various activities, and above all in the game; owns different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms. communication situations, can highlight sounds in words; the child develops the prerequisites for literacy; the child has developed large and fine motor skills; he is mobile, enduring, owns basic movements, can control and manage them. curiosity, ask questions to adults and Targets Strengths Professions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of professional preschool education activity deficits of peers, is interested in causal relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for the phenomena of nature and the actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment. Possesses initial knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc .;

the child is able to make his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities

Draw conclusions from the self-assessment results:

- Achievements of your professional activity (these should include those results that are stable or have positive dynamics): ...




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Draw conclusions based on the results of self-assessment of psychological and pedagogical competence:

- Achievements of your professional activity (these should include those results of self-assessment that coincide with an external assessment, for example, the assessment of teachers who work with the same children): ...

- The results of your professional activity that you want to improve: ...





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What successful experience of your professional competencies can you present to your colleagues?

Competences (labor actions), which you rated with a score of "0", transfer to the first column of Table 8 in accordance with the specified labor function.



In this part of the analysis, you have to determine the list of professional deficits that you plan to fill in the next 3 years, and fix it in the second column of Table 8.

In the future, the content of this table will be used by you to draw up an individual professional development plan for 2016–2018.

Table 8 Competencies (labor Ranking actions), estimated deficits by years Note with a score of "0" for their replenishment Labor function "General pedagogical function. Education"

Labor function "Educational activity"

Labor function "Developmental activity"

Competencies (labor Ranking of actions), estimated deficits by years Note with a score of "0" for their replenishment Labor function "Pedagogical activity for the implementation of preschool education programs"

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activity of a preschool teacher based on the professional standard "Teacher"

Elena Nikolaevna Zharkova; Tatiana Georgievna Blinova;

Irina Nikolaevna Stukalova; Tatyana Dmitrievna Pashkevich Computer layout G. N. Mazhnik Format 60x90 / 16. CONV. n. l. 1.375. Signed to print on 24.02.2016. Duplicator paper. Typeface Times New Roman. Circulation 100 copies. Order no.

656049, Barnaul, Socialist Ave., 60.

AKIPKRO editorial office.

Printed at Concept Printing House.

656049, Barnaul, Socialist Avenue, 85

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