Who was the son of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan: biography

This man can be said that he was born with a weapon in his hands. A skillful warrior, a talented commander, a competent ruler, who managed to collect a powerful state from a bunch of disobedient tribes. His fate was so much important as important not only for him, but also for the whole part of the world events, what to make a brief biography of Genghis Khan is rather problematic. It can be said that his whole life was one, almost continuous war.


The commander, known for us as Genghis Khan, was born in Mongolia in 1155 or 1162 (according to various sources). The real name of this person is Temujin. He was born in the tract of Delul-Boldt, his father became Essuchi-baggage, and Mother - Oalong. It is noteworthy that Oalong was distributed for another man, but the disgraced bugure beat the beloved from his opponent.

Temujin received his name in honor of Tatarin Temudzhina-Uge. This leader of the disgrace was overcome shortly before his son issued his first cry.

Temujin quickly lost his father. At nineteenth age, he was covered with eleven-year-old boards from another kind. Essuchai decided to leave the Son in the Bride's House, while they both have not made an adult age to future spouses better friend friend found out. On the back path Genghis Khan's father stayed at the Tatar parking lot, where he was poisoned. Three days, Essuchi died.

After that, for Temudzhina, his mother, the second wife of Yeshegia, as well as the brothers of the future of the Great Communion, the dark times came. The head of the clan drove the family from the usual place and selected the entire cattle belonging to it. For several years, the widows and their sons had to live in absolute poverty and wander in the steppes.

After some time, the Chief of Taichiutov, who defeated the family of Temudzhina and proclaimed himself the owner of all the land conquered by Yeshege, began to be afraid of revenge on the part of a matured son of Esugea. He put on the Family Family Family Family. The guy escaped, but soon he caught up, captured and placed in a wooden block, in which he could not drink or eat.

Genghis Khan saved his own seducker and the intercession of several representatives of another tribe. In one of the nights, he managed to escape and hide in the lake, almost completely flowing under the water. Then several locals hid the Temudzhina in the cart with wool, and after - they gave him a mare and weapons to be able to get home. After some time, after successful release, the young warrior married on board.

All sources for which Genghis Khan can be characterized after his death. Of particular importance among them has "intimate legend". These sources have a description and appearance of the ruler. It was high height, with a strong physique, a wide forehead and a long beard. In addition, the features of its character are described. Genghis Khan came from the people, who probably did not have written and state institutions. Therefore, the Mongolian ruler did not have any education. However, this did not prevent him from becoming a talented commander. Organizational abilities combined in it with composure and adamant will. Genghis Khan was friendly and generous to the extent that was necessary to preserve the attachment of his associates. He did not refuse himself in joys, but at the same time he did not recognize the excesses that could not be combined with his activities as a commander and ruler. According to sources, Genghis Khan lived to old age, while retaining his mental abilities fully.

Genghis Khan - "Universal Ruler"

Statue of Genghis Khan Mongol Empire

When the subjectships were about 20 years old, his former family allies were captured, Taijita. One of them helped him to escape, and soon Tempezhzhin together with his brothers and several other clans gathered his first army. So he began slow ascent to power, building a large army in more than 20 thousand people. He intended to eliminate the enemy raised to the tradition between tribes and unite the Mongols under his power.

Magnificently owned by military tactics, merciless and cruel, Temurin revenge for the murder of his father, destroying the Tatar army. He ordered to kill every Tatar man in the tart of the wheel of the cart. Then, using his cavalry, the Mongols of Toyuzhzhina defeated Taichiutov, interrupting all their leaders. By 1206, The Tempezhzhin also defeated the powerful tribe of Naiman, thereby obtaining control over Central and East Mongolia.

The rapid success of the Mongolian army is largely obliged by the brilliant military tactics of Genghis Khan, as well as an understanding of the motives of his enemies. He used an extensive spy network and quickly adopted new technologies from his enemies. Good trained mongolian army Of the 80,000 fighters were controlled by a complex system of alarm - smoke and burning torches. Large drums voiced commands for charging, and further orders were transmitted to the flag signals. Each soldier was fully equipped: he was armed with onion, arrows, shield, dagger and arcane. He had large saddle bags for food, tools and spare clothes. The bag was waterproof, and it could be inflated so as not to drown with the intersection of deep and rapid rivers. The cavalrymen wore a small sword, a spear, a body armor, a battle ax or a mace and a spear with a hook to push the enemies from their horses. Mongol attacks were very destructive. Because they could manage the gouring horse only legs, their hands were free for firing. The entire army was followed by a well-organized supply system: food for soldiers and horses, military equipment, shamans for spiritual and medical care, as well as accounts for taking trophies.

After the victories over the warring Mongolian tribes, their chapters agreed to the world and Dali Temukhnu title "Genghis Khan", which means "universal ruler." The title had not only political, but also spiritual meaning. The Supreme Shaman declared Genghis Khan by the representative of Monkke Coco Tengri ("Eternal blue sky"), The Supreme God of Mongols. The divine status gave the right to argue that his fate is to rule the world. Although in the Mongolian Empire was awareness, but ignoring the Great Khan was equivalent to ignoring the will of God. That is why, Nimalo is not doubting, Genghis Khan will tell one of his enemies: "I am the Kara of the Lord. If you have not committed fatal sins, the Lord will not send you a kara in my face! "

Mongols were in Bashkortostan

The first major Military enterprise Temudzhina after the defeat from Jamuhi was war against the Tatar together with Toril Khan. Tatars at that time, with difficulty, hit the attacks of Jin troops who entered their possessions. The combined troops Toril-Khan and Temudzhina, having joined the troops of Jin, moved to the Tatars. The battle occurred in 1196. They caused Tatars a number of strong blows and captured rich prey. The Government of Zhugzheney Jin as a reward for the defeat of the Tatars assigned high titles to the steppe leaders. Temujin received the title "Jauthuri" (Military Commissar), and Toril - "Van" (Prince), since that time he became known as Van Khan. Temujin became Vassal Van Khan, in which Jin saw the most powerful of the rulers of East Mongolia.

In 1197-1198 Van Khan without Temudzhina made a campaign against Merkitov, looted and did not give anything to his named "son" and Vassal Temudzhina. It laid the beginning of a new cooling. After 1198, when Jin ruined Kungiratov and other tribes, the influence of Jin on Eastern Mongolia began to weaken, which allowed Temudzhina to master eastern districts Mongolia. At this time, Inanch-Khan dies and the Nimanskaya state disintegrates on two ulus at the head of Builkhan Khan in Altai and Thayan-Khan on Black Irtyshe. In 1199, Temujin, along with Van Khan and Jamuha, attacked Bukhukhan, and he was defeated. Upon returning home, the way tanned the Nymsky squad. The battle was decided to spend in the morning, but at night Van Khan and Jamuha disappeared, leaving Temudzhina one in the hope that the nimana would end with him. But by the morning, Temujin found out about it and retreated, without entering the battle. Nimana began to pursue not Temudzhina, and Van Khan. Comeites entered into a difficult battle with hires, and, in the evidence of death, Van Khan directs the Ming of Temudzhina with a request for help. Temujin sent his nukeers, among whom Borochi, Mukhal, Borochul and Chilaun distinguished themselves. For his salvation, Van Khan bequeathed after his death his ulus Temudzhina.

Speech against Tatar

In 1202, Temujin independently opposed the Tatars. Before this campaign, he gave an order, according to which, under the threat of death penalty, it was categorically forbidden to seize production during the fight and pursue the enemy without an order: the bosses should have divided the captured property between the warriors only at the end of the battle. The cruel battle was won, and on the Council collected by Temudzhin after the battle, it was decided to destroy all the Tatars, except for the children below the TV wheel, as revenge for the Mongolian ancestors killed by them (in particular for the father of Temudzhina).

The formation of the Great Empire

In the spring of 1206, the Kurultai of all Mongolian leaders proclaims Temudzhina Genghis Khan, that is, the Lord of Bescray, like the sea, steppes. First of all, the new Vladyka destroys tribal differences, dividing its subjects for hundreds, thousands and tumens. It was a paramilitary powered, in which each man was obliged to get to the horse Lava with a weapon in her hands. The heads of the units were not chosen by birth, but according to the abilities. The highest valve was loyalty, so the Mongol had a great acquisition. Cheating, cowardice and betrayal dealt with death, and the enemy, devoted to his owner to the end, was taken without any problems in the army.

Building the socio-political pyramid of his power, Genghis Khan, of course, took an example from the state model of the Middle Kingdom, where he, for sure, managed to visit. He managed to impose a feudal hierarchy on his nomadic people, consolidate ordinary peasants-nomads (Arata) for certain races and grazing, putting headquarters-Neuon on them. Neuona was exploited by peasants, but they themselves were responsible to a higher boss for mobilizing a certain number of warriors. The transition from one boss to another was banned under the fear of the death penalty.

China is to blame for the merger of Mongol. Playing contradictions and secretly supporting the opponents of Temudzhina, the rulers could have long kept steppes in fragmentation. But the Chinese themselves were fragmented, and Mongolian Khan got good advisers who helped him build a state car and indicated the way to China. Conquering Siberian tribes, Genghis Khan focuses its hand along the Great Wall. His sons - Juchi, Chagalet and Iggie - headed hordes that are bungled into the body of the Jin Empire, the Lord of steppes and the younger son Toluly began at the head of the army moving towards the sea. The empire collapses as a card house, weakened by the severity of internal contradictions, leaving the Emperor Beijing, but the next year the war continued with the remnants of the doomed empire.

Entered into force new law - Yasa Genghis Khan. In Yasa, the main place was occupied by articles about mutual assistance in the campaign and prohibiting the deception of trusting. Violating these establishments were executed, and the enemy of Mongols, who remained faithful to his ruler, gentle and took in their army. The goodness was considered loyalty and courage, and evil - cowardice and betrayal.

The entire population of Genghis Khan shared for dozens, hundreds, thousands and tents (ten thousand), thereby mixing the tribes and childbirth and appointing commander over them specially selected people from approximate and nucers. All adults and healthy men were considered warriors who in peacetime were conducted by their farm, and in war time Purchased for weapons.

Map of Mongol Empire

The Armed Forces of Genghis Khan, formed in this way, accounted for about 95 thousand soldiers.

Separate hundreds, thousands and tumenes, together with the territory for the nomadic, were given to possession of this or another Nyonu. Great Han, the owner of the whole land in the state, distributed the land and Arata to the possession of Noyonam, with the condition that those will be able to fulfill certain duties for it.

The most important service was military service. Each Neuon was obliged on the first requirement of Sisser to set the laid number of warriors in the field. Neuon could operate the work of Arats in his lotion, distributing their cattle for grazing or attracting them directly to work in their farm. Small Neuons served as large.

In Genghis Kane, the reinforcement of Arats was legalized, a self-altitude transition from one ten, hundreds, thousands or tumen to others is prohibited. This ban meant the formal attachment of the Arats to the land of Neuonov - for heating Arat threatened the death penalty.

The armed detachment of personal bodyguards, called Keshik, enjoyed exclusive privileges and was intended to fight against the internal enemies of Khan. Kechitegented were chosen from the Noyon Youth and were under the personal command of Hana himself, being essentially the Khan Guard. Initially, 150 keshyctanes were listed in the detachment. In addition, a special squad was created, which was to always be in the forefront and the first to enter into battle with the enemy. He was named by a squad of heroes.

Genghis Khan created a network of lines of messages, courier communication on a large scale for military and administrative purposes, organized intelligence, including economic. Genghis Khan divided the country into two "wings". At the head of the right wing, he put Borochu, at the head of the left - torment, the two of his most faithful and tested associates. The position and title of senior and higher military leaders are centuries, thousands of and chamber - he made hereditary in the family of those who helped him to master the Khan's throne.

1207 - he won the extensive areas to the north of the Selenga River and in the upper reaches of Yenisei. Military forces (cavalry) of the conquered tribes were included in the ledgeongol army.

Then it was the turn of the Bolshoi State of Uigur in East Turkestan. 1209 - the great army of the Great Khan invaded its territory and, capturing one by one of the city and blooming oasis, won the complete victory over the Uigurs. After this invasion from many shopping cities and villages of the farmers, only piles of ruins remained.

Destruction of settlements on the captured lands, the magnitude extermination of recalculate tribes and fortified cities that tried to defend their arms in their hands, were characteristic features The conquests of Genghis Khan. An intimidation strategy made it possible to solve military tasks with success and to maintain the obedience conquered peoples.

1211 - the Honeycomb Army of Genghis Khan fell into North China. The Great Wall is the most ambitious defensive structure in the history of human civilization - did not become an obstacle for conquerors. Mongolian cavalry broke the troops of the new enemy, who staging on her way. 1215 - Beijing (Yanjing) was captured by a cunning, which was subjected to a long siege.

In Northern China, the Mongols destroyed about 90 cities, the population of which provided the army of the Great Mongolian Khan resistance. In this campaign, Genghis Khan took the engineering engineering troops combat technique Chinese are different throwing machines and trumpeted taran. Chinese engineers taught Mongols to use them and deliver to besieged cities and fortresses.

1218 - Mongols, continuing conquest, captured the Korean Peninsula.

After trips to North China and Korea Genghis Khan turned his attention further to the west - in the direction of sunset. 1218 - the Mongolian army invaded Central Asia and captured Khorezm. This time, Chingis Khan found a false pretext - several Mongol merchants were killed in the Border Khorezmian city. And therefore should have punished the country where "badly" came with Mongols.

With the advent of the enemy at the boundaries of Khorezm Khorezmshah Mohammed at the head of the big troops (the numbers of up to 200,000 people are called) made a campaign. The Karaka had a big battle, distinguished by such persistence that in the evening of the winner was not in the field of Brani. With the onset of darkness, the commander took their army to hiking camps.

The next day the Khorezmsh Muhammed refused to continue the battle because of the big losses, which were estimated almost half of the troops assembled. Genghis Khan, for his part, also rushed great losses, retreated. But it was the military cunning of the great commander.

The conquest of a huge Central Asian state Khorezm continued. 1219 - the Mongolian army of 200,000, under the command of the sons of Genghis Khan, Oktai and Zagataya, besieged the city of Refril (the territory of modern Uzbekistan). The city defended the 60,000th garrison under the superior of the brave Khorezmian commander Gazer-Khan.

The siege of the reflection with frequent attacks was carried out for four months. During this time, the number of his defenders decreased three times. Hunger and illness began in the fall besieged, because especially badly with drinking water. In the end, the Mongols broke into the city, but could not seize the fortress citadel. Gazer-Khan with the remnants of his warriors was able to hold out in it for another month. By order of the great Khan, Otrier was destroyed, most of the inhabitants were killed, and some of the artisans and young people were enjoyed into slavery.

1220, March - Mongolian army, led by the Great Mongolian Khan himself, besieged one of the largest Central Asian cities - Bukhara. It was the 20,000th Khorezmshaha army, which, together with his warlord, when approached the Mongols, ran away. Citizens, without having the strength to fight, the fortress gates opened the conquerors. Only the local ruler decided to defend themselves, hiding in the fortress, which was set fire and destroyed by the Mongols.

1220, June - Mongols led by Genghis Khan was asked by another major Khorezmian city - Samarkand. The city defended 110,000 (the figure is very high) garrison under the command of the governor of Alub Khan. His warriors made frequent ribs for the city walls, preventing the enemy to lead siege work. However, the townspeople were found, which, wanting to save their property and life, opened the Mongols of Samarkand.

The army of the Great Khan burst into the city, and hot contractions with the defenders of Samarkand began on its streets and squares. But the forces were unequal, and besides, Genghis Khan introduced all new and new detachments into battle to replace those who were tired of fighting. Seeing that Samarkand he did not keep him, Alub Khan, headed by 1,000 riders, was able to escape from the city and break through the blockade ring of the invaders. The surviving 30,000 Khorezmian warriors were interrupted by Mongols.

Resistant resistance Conquerors met at the siege of the city of Khodegen (modern Tajikistan). He defended his garrison led by one of the best Khorezmian military leaders - fearless Timur Melik. When he understood that the garrison was no longer able to reflect the attacks, he fell as part of the warriors to ships and sailed down the Yaksart River, pursued on the banks of the Mongolian Connection. However, after a fierce battle, Timur-Melik was able to break away from the pursuers. After his departure, the city hide the next day surrendered to the mercy of the winner.

Cenghis Khan's army continued to seize the Khorezmian cities one by one: Merv, Urgench ...

Returning from Central Asia to Mongolia, Genghis Khan made a campaign on the western part of China. According to the records of Rashid Ad-Dina, during the autumn hunting in 1225, Genghis Khan flew out of the saddle and hit the Earth strongly. In the evening of the same day, his fever began. He hurt all winter, but in the spring found the strength to head the army in the campaign in China. The resistance of Tangutov led to the fact that they lost tens of thousands killed, and the settlements of Genghis Khan ordered to plunder. At the end of 1226, Mongolian troops forced the Juanhe River, and the path to East opened before them.

The Stroaty Army of the Tangutsky kingdom was broken by the Changgishan's army, which opened the road to the capital. Already in winter, the siege of Zhongsin began, and by the summer of 1227, the tangut kingdom ceased to exist. But even before the end of the siege, Genghis Khan died. It is customary to consider the date of his death on August 25, 1227, but according to other data it happened in early autumn. According to the testament of Genghis Khan, his successor became eating - the third son.

There are many legends about the location of the Tomb of Genghis Khan. According to one source, he rests in the depths of the sacred mountain of Mongols Burkhan-Haldong, in others - in his homeland in the upper course of Onson, in the boring of Delun-Boldt.

In 1226-1227, Genghis Khan made a campaign to Tangutov Si-Xia. One of his sons he instructed to continue the conquest of China. The antimongy revolutions originated in the North China conquered them called Genghis Khan a great trouble. The Great Communion died during his last campaign against Tangutov. Mongols arranged a lush funeral and destroying all the participants in these sad celebrations, managed to keep the grave of Genghis Khan to the present day. The Arab chronicler Rashid-Ad-Dean in his work "Letpiys" described in detail the history of the formation of the Mongolian power and conquering campaigns of the Mongols. That's what he wrote about Genghis Khan, who became a symbol for world history as a symbol of the world domination and military power: "After his victorious speech, the inhabitants of the world were convinced that he was noted in all kinds of heavenly support. Thanks to the extreme limit (his) power and power, he conquered all the Turkic and Mongolian tribes and other categories (human race), introducing them to a number of their slaves ... Thanks to the nobility of their personality and subtlety internal qualities He stood out of all those peoples, as if rare pearl from the medium of precious stones, and involved them in a circle of possession and in the garment of the Supreme Board ... Despite the plight and abundance of difficulties, troubles and all sorts of misfortunes, he was extremely brave and courageous man, very smart And the year, judicial and knowledgeable ... ", they were besieged by the city of Bamian and after many months of defense took the storm. Genghis Khan, whose favorite grandson was killed during the siege, ordered not to spare no women or children. Therefore, the city with the whole population was completely destroyed.

Death of Chingis Khana

Genghis Khan to the most advanced age participated in military campaigns. In 1227, returning to the victory from the tangut state, he died. The causes of death are called several times - from the disease, from the wound, when falling from the horse, from the hands of a young concubine and even from the impact of unhealthy climate, i.e. From fever. Until now, this is an unresolved question.

It is only known that Genghis Khan was a little over seventy. He premeditated his death, he was seriously worried about the death of his eldest son Juci. Shortly before the campaign on Tangutov, the emperor left a spiritual testament to his sons, in which he spoke about the need to stay to the brothers together and in the management of the Great Empire, and in military campaigns. It was necessary, according to Genghis Khan, in order for his children to find the power enjoyment.

Before death great commander I won myself to bury myself in my homeland, in the tomb, at the bottom of the river, the location of which no one knows. Two monuments of history - "Golden Chronicle" and "Fair Tale" says that Genghis Khan's body was buried in the tomb of gold, at the very bottom of the river. For these purposes, noble Mongols led to a lot of slaves who built a dam after the funeral, and then returned the river to the previous direction.

On the way to the Oneon River (for one of the versions), the warriors killed all the living, which occurred on the way - people, birds, animals. It was ordered to be improved all the slaves who participated in the construction of the dam. All these measures were needed so that no one could detect the graves of Genghis Khan. It has not been found so far.

After the death of Genghis Khan, the glory of the Mongolian Empire increased only, thanks to his sons and grandchildren's feats. The empire continued to remain a great power until the end of the XV century, when interne-free wars weakened and destroyed it. Mongols still believe in the early coming of the Great Bogatyr, who can return to the former glory of the country, as Chinghis Khan once did.

Heirs of Genghis Khan

Every man burdened with the power at the end of his life path Begins to think about the successor, about a worthy successor of his case. Not an exception and great Kagan Genghis Khan. The empire created by him spread out from the Caspian Sea to yellow, and this enormous education was needed an outstanding personality, which is not inferior in his volitional qualities a great conqueror.

There is nothing worse than when the state rules a weak and boring ruler. He tries not to offend anyone, for everyone to be good, but it is impossible. There will always be dissatisfied, and the lack of breathing and softness will lead a power to death. Only a solid shopping hand can keep people in the cord for their own good. Therefore, the ruler should always be harsh, somewhere cruel, but at the same time fair and judicial.

Such qualities fully possessed Genghis Khan. Wise Vladyka was cruel and merciless to enemies, but at the same time highly appreciated the courage and courage of his opponents. The Great Kagan alleged the Mongolian people, made the whole world tremble in front of him. The Terrible Conqueror commanded the fate of millions of people, but he himself turned out to be powerless before the impending death.

The conqueror of half of the world had many sons from different wives. The most beloved and desired wife was Borte. She gave birth to Vladyka four sons. These were the full heirs of Genghis Khan. Children from other wives did not have any rights to the throne.

The most eldest son called Juchi. In nature, he was far from her father. The man was distinguished by kindness and humanity. The most terrible was that he regretted people and forgive the enemies. It was just unacceptable at that severe time. Hence the wall of misunderstanding between the Father and the Son arose. Envy relatives poured into the fire. They regularly found the price of Genghis Khan. Different nasty things about Juci. Soon, the Grozny Vladyka has formed a negative opinion about the abilities of the eldest son.

The decision of the Great Kagan was unequivocal, and at the very beginning of 1227, Juchi found dead in the steppe. The man broke the spine, and his soul almost immediately flew into another world. Breaking the spines was a favorite occupation of Mongols. Strong warriors took the shelter doomed and behind their feet, pulled up feet feet to the top of the top, and the spine broke. Unfortunate died instantly.

The second son of Genghis Khan called Chagay. It was a hard, volitional and executive man. Father appointed him "Keeper Yaasi." Nowadays, this corresponds to the Chairman of the Supreme Court. Chagatatai strictly followed the execution of laws, and the violators are cruel and mercilessly pun.

The third son was called Uredei. He, like the eldest son, went not in his father. Tolerance to the disadvantages of people, kindness, softness were its main features. All this was aggravated by love for fun and idle life. Be he ordinary person, It would be considered a soul company. But Ugtei had to the son of the Terrible rulers, and therefore such behavior was considered unworthy.

The fourth son called to Tului. He was born in 1193. From "Men-da Bay Lu" (an ancient chronicle, which is called " Secret History Mongols ") It is known: Genghis Khan from 1185 to 1197 was captured by Manchurians. Consequently, Tuluua did not occurred his native son to the great kagan. But, returning to the native steppes, Genghis Khan did not reproach Bortheh and treated Tulu as to his native sibling. Tuluuy showed himself a very good warlord and administrator. Along with this, he was distinguished by nobility and was selflessly devoted to his family.

After the death of Genghis Khan in August 1227, Tuluua temporarily conquered by the land. On Kurultai (Congress for Self) in 1229, the Third Son of Ugheda was elected Great Khan. But it was not very good choice. The softness of the rulers strongly weakened the central government. She held only thanks to the will and hardness of the second son Chagata. He actually led the lands of a huge empire. The Great Han himself spent all the time in Mongolian steppes, wonderingfully spending the invaluable years of life to peers and hunting.

Results of the Board

When submissions, Nimanov, Genghis Khan met with the beginning of written office work, part of Naimanov Uygurov who were in the service were enrolled in Genghis Khan and were the first officials in the Mongolian state and the first Mongolian teachers. Apparently, Genghis Khan was hoping to subsequently replace the Uigurs with ethnic mongols, as she told the notable Mongolian young men, including her sons, learn the language and writing of Uigur. After the distribution of Mongolian dominion, even during the life of Genghis Khan, the Mongols also used the services of officials and clergymen of the conquered peoples, primarily the Chinese and Persians. In Mongolia, the Uigur Alphabet is still used. foreign Policy Genghis Khan sought to maximize the expansion of the territory subject to him. For the strategy and tactics of Genghis Khan were characterized by careful intelligence, suddenness of the attack, the desire to dismember the power of the enemy, the device of ambushes using special detachments for lubricating the enemy, maneuvering by the major masses of the cavalry, etc.

Temudzhin and his descendants were interacted from the face of the Earth, the great and ancient states: the state of Khorezmshakhov, the Chinese Empire, the Baghdad Caliphate, the Volga Bulgaria, conquered most of the Russian principalities. Hasive territories were supplied under the control of the steppe law - "Jasa".

In 1220, Genghis Khan founded Karakorum - the capital of the Mongolian Empire.

Chronology of the main events

Monument to Genghis Khan at the airport of Ulan Bator

  • 1155 year - The birth of Temudzhina (dates are also used in the literature - 1162 and 1167).
  • 1184 year (Approximate date) - the captivity of the Merkitis of the wife of Temudzhina - Borte.
  • 1184/85 year (Approximate date) - Liberation of Borte with the support of Jamuhi and Togrula. The birth of a senior son - juchi.
  • 1185/86 year (Approximate date) - the birth of the second son of Temudzhina - Chagata.
  • October 1186 - Birth of the Third Son Temudzhina - Ugheda.
  • 1186 year - The first Ulus Temudzhina (also probable dates - 1189/90), as well as defeat from Jamuhi.
  • 1190 year (Approximate date) - the birth of the fourth son of Genghis Khan - Toluhai.
  • 1196 year - The combined forces of Temudzhina, Beclin-Khan and Troops Jin are coming to the Tatar tribe.
  • 1199 year - The victory of the combined forces of Temudzhina, Wang Khan and Jamuhi over the Nimanov tribe led by Buikh Khan.
  • 1200 year - The victory of the joint forces of Temurgy and Van Khan over the tribe of Taichiutov.
  • 1202 year - defeat Temudzhin Tatar tribes.
  • 1203 year - Battle with Comeitis at Halahahaldin-elet. Balkjuna Treaty.
  • Autumn 1203 years - Victory over keriates.
  • Summer 1204 year - Victory over the Nimanov tribe led by Thayan Khan.
  • Autumn 1204 years - Victory over the tribe of Merkitov.
  • Spring 1205 years - attack and victory over the cohesive forces of the rest of the tribe of Merkites and Nimanov.
  • 1205 year - betrayal and delivery of Jamuhi his Nuckers Temudzhina; Jamuhi execution.
  • 1206 year "In Kurultai, Temudzhina is assigned the title" Genghis Khan ".
  • 1207 - 1210 - The attacks of Genghis Khan on the state of Tangutov si.
  • 1215 year - Falling Beijing.
  • 1219-1223 - Conquest of Genghis Khan Central Asia.
  • 1223 year - The victory of Mongols led by Subedem and Jebe on the river Kalka over the Russian-Polovtsy army.
  • Spring 1226 - attack on the state of Tangutov Si.
  • Autumn 1227 - The fall of the capital and the state of the SI. The death of Genghis Khan.


Techucin - just as originally called the founder of the Mongolian Empire, one of the largest and bloody conquerors in world history. All the more famous under the name of Genghis Khan.

This man can be said that he was born with a weapon in his hands. A skillful warrior, a talented commander, a competent ruler, who managed to collect a powerful state from a bunch of disobedient tribes. His fate was so much important as important not only for him, but also for the whole part of the world events, what to make a brief biography of Genghis Khan is rather problematic. It can be said that his whole life was one, almost continuous war.

Beginning of the Great Warrior

The exact date when Techucin appeared on the light, it was not possible to find out the scientists, it was not known that it happened from 1155 to 1162. But the place of birth is made to consider the tract of Delun-Baldka on the shore r. Onon (near Lake Baikal).

Father Techuchina - Esugay Bugator, the leader of Taichiutov (one of the many Mongolian tribes) - from the Small years, raised his son as a warrior. As soon as the boy turned nine, they were sucking for a ten-year-old side - a girl from the genus Urgenat. Moreover, in the Mongolian tradition, after the ritual of the groom before his age, it was supposed to live with the bride's family. What was fulfilled. Father, leaving his son, went back, but soon on arrival home unexpectedly died. According to legend, he was poisoned, and the family, both wives and six children were expelled from the tribe, forcing you to wander along the steppe.

Upon learning of what happened, Techuchin decided to divide the troubles of his relatives, joining her.

The first battles and the first ulus

A few years later, the walnings of the future ruler of Mongolia married a board, having received a rich fur coat from a sable, which he in the future he presented to Hanu Torila - one of the most influential leaders of the steppe, thus placing the latter to himself. As a result, Toril became his patron.

Gradually, in many respects, thanks to the "guardian", the influence of Temuchee went into growth. Starting literally from scratch, he managed to create a good and strong army. With each new day, more and more warriors adjoined him. With his army, he constantly made raids on neighboring tribes, multiplying possessions and the amount of livestock. And then, then by his actions, he was distinguished from other steppe conquerors: attacking the uluses (hordes), he tried not to destroy the enemy, but to attract in his army.

But the enemies did not sleep him: Once during the lack of Temuchet on his camp, Merkites were attacked by capturing his pregnant wife. But the retribution did not make himself wait long. In 1184, Techacign together with Toril-Khan and Jamuha (Chief of the Jadaran tribe) returned it to defeat Merkites.

By 1186, the future ruler of all Mongolia created his first full-fledged horde (ulus), numbering about 30 thousand warriors. Now Genghis Khan decided to act independently, coming out from under the guardianship of his patron.

Title Genghis Khan and a single state - Mongolia

To oppose Tatars, Temacign again united with Toril Khan. The decisive battle took place in 1196 and ended with a crushing defeat of the enemy. In addition to the fact that the Mongols got good prey, Techucin acquired the title of Jauthuri (corresponding to the military commissioner), and Toril-Khan became Mongolian Ban (Prince).

From 1200 to 1204, Techucin continues to fight with the Tatars and not yet conquered the tribes of the Mongols, but already independently, having won the victories and following his tactics - the increase in the number of troops at the expense of the enemy's forces.

In 1205, more and more warriors join the new ruler, and as a result of the spring of 1206, he was proclaimed by Khan all the Mongols, assigning him the corresponding title - Genghis Khan. Mongolia has become unified State With a powerful, well-trained army and its laws, according to which the conquered tribes became part of the troops, and the resisting enemies were subject to destruction.

Genghis Khan practically eradicated the generic system, mixing the tribes, in return to sharing the entire Horde on the Tumen (1 Tumen \u003d 10 thousand people), and those, in turn, are thousands, hundreds and even dozens. As a result, his army has reached 10 tumers.

In the future, Mongolia was divided into two separate wings, at the head of which Genghis Khan put his most faithful and tested associates: Borochi and Mukhali. In addition, military posts could now be inherited.

Death of Chingis Khana

In 1209, Mongols were submitted by Middle Asia, and until the 1211th - almost all of Siberia, whose peoples were crushed by tribute.

In 1213, the Mongols invaded China. Having reached its central part, Genghis Khan stopped, and a year later he returned the troops back to Mongolia, concluding China's peace treaty with the emperor and forcing the Pequijing. But as soon as the ruling courtyard left the capital, Genghis Khan returned the army, continuing the war.

Defeating the Chinese army, the Mongolian conqueror decided to go to Semirchye, and in 1218 it was captured, and at the same time the whole eastern part of Turkestan.

In 1220, the Mongol Empire gained its capital - Karakorum, and in the meantime the troops of Genghis Khan, divided into two streams, continued conquering hikes: the first part over Northern Iran invaded the South Caucasus, the second rushed on Amu Darya.

Going through the Derbent passage in the North Caucasus, Chingishan's troops defeated the alans at first, and then the Polovtsy. The latter, uniting the squads of the Russian princes, attacked the Mongols on Kalka, but then they were defeated. But in the Volga Bulgaria, the Mongolian army received a serious blow and retreated to Central Asia.

Returning to Mongolia, Gengizhan made a campaign on the western side of China. At the end of 1226, forcing r. Huangh, Mongols moved to the east. The bombing army of Tangutov (people, in 982, who created a whole state in China, the name of SI) was divided, and by the summer of 1227. The Tangutsky kingdom ceased to exist. The irony of Fate Genghis Khan died with the state si.

The heirs of Genghis Khan must be told separately, as each of them is worthy of special attention.

The ruler of Mongolia had many wives, and even more offspring. Despite the fact that all the emperor's children were considered legitimate, only four of them could become his true heirs, namely those whose first and beloved wife of Genghis Khan - Boreh. The name of their juchi, Chagatay, Ughedi and Fat, and only one could take the place of his father. All of them were born from one mother, but they were very different from each other in nature and inclinations.


The eldest son of Genghis Khan, Juchi, in its nature he was very different from his father. If the ruler was inherent in cruelty (he, without a drop of pity, destroyed all the defeated, who did not conquer and not want to come to his service), then distinctive feature Juci was kindness and humanity. There was no misunderstanding between his father and her son, in the end and grew at all in the distrust of Genghis Khan to the firstborn.

The ruler decided that his son's son was trying to achieve popularity already at the conquered peoples, and then, heading them, oppose their father and separate from Mongolia. Most likely, such a scenario was contrived, and Djuci did not imagine the threat. Nevertheless, in the winter of 1227, he was found in the steppe of the dead, with a broken spine.

The second son of Chingiskhana

As mentioned above, the sons of Genghis Khan differ greatly from each other. So, the second of them, Chagay, was the opposite of his older brother. He was inherent in rigor, execution and even cruelty. Thanks to these features of the son of the son of Chingishan Chagay, he took the position of "Keeper Yaasi" (Yaasi - the law of power), that is, in fact, became the general prosecutor, and the supreme judge in one person. Moreover, he followed the provisions of the law strictly and demanded its observance from others, mercilessly punishable by violators.

Another sibling of the Great Hana

The third son of Genghis Khan, Ugheday, was similar to his brother Juchi in what was heard good and tolerant to people. In addition, he had the ability to convince: he was not of great difficulty Reduce doubting in any dispute, in which she took part inwards.

The extraordinary mind and good physical development - perhaps it is these traits inherent in Ughedey, influenced Genghis Khan when choosing a successor that he did still long before the death.

But with all his advantages, Ugtei was heard a lover of entertainment, paying a mass of time steppe hunting and boots with friends. In addition, he was strongly susceptible to the influence of the Chagata, which often forced him to change it, it would seem, final solutions for opposite.

Tourow - the youngest of the sons of the emperor

The younger son of Genghis Khan, who at birth received the name of the crowd, was born in 1193. The people were Vitaly gossip, which allegedly he was illegitimate. After all, as it is known, Genghis Khan came from the genus Bordzhiginov, a distinctive feature of which were blonde and green or blue eyes, but Tolui had Mongolian, quite ordinary appearance - dark eyes and black hair. Nevertheless, the ruler, contrary to statements, considered him his own.

And it was the younger son of Genghis Khan, "Tuwi, possessed the greatest talents and moral dignity. Being a wonderful commander and a good administrator, Toujus retained the nobility and endless love for his wife, the daughter of the head of the cerapes who served Wang Khan. He not only organized a "church" yurt for her, since she confessed Christianity, but even allowed to carry out rites there, for which she was allowed to invite priests and monks. Touley himself remained faithful to the gods of his ancestors.

Even the death of the younger son of the ruler of Mongols, much suggests a lot about him: when Ughetie lasted a severe illness, then to accept his ailment on himself, he voluntarily drank a strong potion cooked by Shaman and died, in fact, giving his life for the chance of his brother's recovery .

Transfer of power

As mentioned above, the sons of Genghis Khan had equal rights to inherit everything that left them father. After mysterious death Juchi Applicants on the throne became less, and when Genghis Khan died, and the new ruler was not yet elected, the father replaced the fat. But already in 1229, Great Khan, as Chinghis himself wanted, became Ughedei.

However, as mentioned above, Ugdeni possessed a pretty kind and soft character, that is, not the most good and necessary features for the sovereign. Under it, the management of the ulus strongly weakened and kept "afloat" thanks to other sons of Genghis Khan, more precisely, the administrative and diplomatic abilities of Tolulya and the strict Mraka Chagata. The emperor himself preferred to spend time in nomads in Western Mongolia, who were certainly accompanied by hunting and pearts.

Grandchildren of Chingis

Chinghis Khan children also had their sons who had a share from the conquests of the Great Grandfather and Fathers. Each of them received either part of the ulus, or a high position.

Despite the fact that Juci was dead, his sons were not expects. So, the eldest of them, Orda-Icheng, inherited the White Horde, which was located between Irtysh and Tarbagati. To another son, Sheebani, got a blue horde, which nomaded from Tyumen to Aral. From Juchi, the son of Genghis Khan, Batya - perhaps the most famous Khan in Russia - got the golden, or a big horde. In addition, 1-2 thousand fighters were allocated to each brother from among the Mongolian army.

The children of Chagata received as many warriors, but siblings of Tuluya, being almost incredible at the court, ruled the grandfather's ulus.

Not left deprived and GUUK - Son Ugheda. In 1246 he was elected Great Khan, and it is believed that it was from the moment the Sunset of the Mongolian Empire began. There was a split between the descendants of the sons of Genghis Khan. It came to the point that the GUUK arranged a military campaign against Batya. But unexpected happened: in 1248, GUUK died. One of the versions suggests that the battered himself put his hand to his death, sent his people to poison the Great Khan.

Descendant Juci, Son of Genghis Khan - Bati (Batu)

It is this Mongolian ruler more than others "heritage" in Russia's history. He was called in Batu, but in Russian sources it is more often referred to as Khan Bati.

After the death of the Father, who received the Kipieptic steppe to his ownership for three years, Rus with the Crimea, the share of the Caucasus and Khorezm, and by the time of the death lost their most (his possession decreased to the Asian part of the steppe and Khorezm), to the heirs particularly divide There was nothing. But Batu was not embarrassed, and in 1236, under his leadership, the ledgeongol riding to the West began.

Judging by the nickname, this commander-ruler - "Sain-Khan", meaning "good-natured," - he was inherent in some character features, which the Father was famous for, only Khan Batu did not prevent him in conquests: by 1243 Mongolia received the Western side Polovtsy steppe, the peoples of the Volga region and the North Caucasus, and in addition, the Volga Bulgaria. Several times, Han made a digest on Rus. And in the end, the Mongolian army reached Central Europe. Baty, coming to Rome, demanded that submissions from his emperor - Friedrich second. He at first was going to resist the Mongols, but changed his mind, having resigned with fate. Combat clashes between troops did not happen.

After some time, Khan Bati decided to settle the Volga coastal, and he no longer spent the war hikes.

Batu died in 1256 at the age of 48. He headed the Gold Horde of the son of Batya - Sratach.

Since, according to the Great Yasa Genghis-Khan, all the conquered land and peoples were considered the property of the Khansky kind, Genghis-Khan conquered during it divided the territories to the lots between her sons.

Senior Son - Djuci got to Cheait and-Kypchak (Polovtsaya Steppe) and Khorezm. In his lotion, all lands in the West were also needed to be included, which still had to conquer. The second son - Chagayt received Maverannah, Semirchye and the southern part of Eastern Turkestan. The lot of the Third Son - Ughedya became northern part Eastern Turkestan. To the younger son, Tulu in Mongolian custom, the Native Yurt of the Father passed - Central Mongolia, as well as North China. The chapter of the entire empire is Great Khan (Kanom), Genghis-Khan chained Ughedya, distinguished, soft and tact. Ugadei conducted a policy of revival of agriculture and cities and rapprochement with a settled to know the conquered peoples.

Genghis-Khan died in 1227, at the age of seventy two years. "In 1229, in Kurultai on the shores of Kerul, Utyday was proclaimed by Great Khan.

The Board of Uberweigh-Caan (1229-1241) continued to conquer. In 1231-1234 The conquest of Jinkoy Empire (North China) was completed and a long struggle launched before 1279, with the Sunov South China Empire. In 1241, Korea was subordinate. The largest military events at Ugdea had a campaign on Russia and to Europe (1236-1242) under the leadership of Batiya, the son of Juci, and Subuoye.

In 1246, the son of Ugrian, Gueuk-Kaan (1246-1248), was erected at Kurultai Mongolian to the throne of the Great Khan (1246-1248).

Despite the huge destruction caused by Mongolian conquest in Asia and Europe, trade relations between these countries did not cease. Conquerors in military-strategic goals took care of the construction of comfortable roads with a whole network of postal stations (Jamov). On these roads, caravans were walking, in particular from Iran to China. In its benefits, the Mongolian Great Khans patronized the large wholesale caravan trade, which was in the hands of powerful Muslim (Central Asian and Iranian) trading companies, whose members were called Urta (Staroturks: "Comrade in Shale", "Companion"). Great Khans, especially Utyradi Kaan, willingly invested funds in the company of Urtakov and patronized them. It was a wholesale international trade in expensive tissues and luxury objects serving mainly to know.

Mongolian conquests. Reviews to the expansion and diplomatic relations of Asian countries and Europe. Especially tried to establish connections with Mongolian Khan Roman dads. They sought to collect information

Therefore, in 1246, a monk John de Plano Carpini was sent in Karakorum's bet in Mongolia Dad. In 1253, the monk Wilhelm Rubruk was sent there. Travel notes Ethics Authors serve as a valuable source on the history of the Mongols.

Mongolian chasa-shamanists who attributed the supernatural power of the clergy. The religions, reacted benevolently to the Messengers of the Pope. When departing from Karakorum, the Carpini plan was awarded a response certificate for Pope Innokenti IV, in which GUUK-Kaan demanded that the dad and the kings of Europe would recognize themselves by the Vassal of the Mongolian Great Khan. This diploma was written in Persian and was bonded by Mongolian print, which was made for the GUUK, the Russian cooked Master Kuzma.

After the death of the GUUKA among Mongolian nobility, the acute struggle for the candidacy for the throne of the Great Khan began. Only in 1251, the son of Tulua was erected to the throne with the help of the Golden-Chang Ulusny Khan - Munke-Kaan (1251-1259).!

Chinese chronicles give high assessment by the Board of the Munke Caan. He tried to revive agriculture and craft, patronized large wholesale trade. For these purposes, Munke-Kaan issued a decree that had in mind to streamline the tax system and slightly relieve the position of the peasants and citizens. In Iran, however, this decree remained dead letter. Conquering hiking to China and west continued and with it.

The Mongolian Empire-Conglomerate created by the conquests united under its authority many tribes and nationalities, countries and states with completely different economies and culture. As a whole, she could not exist for a long time. After the death of the Munke Caan (1259), she finally broke up into several Mongolian states (uluses), at the head of which stood ulus khans - descendants of Genghis Khan. -Eth states were: the Golden Horde, which included the North Caucasus, Crimea, the South-Russian Steppe, the Lower Volga region and was under the authority of the descendants of Juci; Chagatai State, which swept the Central Asia and Semirchye and received his name from the Son of Genghis-Khan - Chagata; The State of Hulagaidov, created in Iran by Brother Munke Caan Hulagu Khan; The state in Mongolia and China (the Great Hang's Day), in which the rules of McEE brother - Khubilay Kaan, - this state received the Chinese official name of the Yuan Empire. The development of these states went in different ways.

The genealogy of ancestors is the connection of the past with the present. Researcher of the Metropolitan National Museum Gizat Tabuldin told the site how Great Genghis Khan is connected with the Kazakh people, and also shared with our readers an exclusive genealogical tree of Kazakh khanov.

At all times and absolutely, all nations have existed a close interest in generic history. It is not surprising, because without a deep and comprehensive study of the heritage of the past, it is impossible to establish communication and mutual understanding between representatives of various world cultural communities.

In China, for example, seventy eighth generation of the sage of antiquity of Confucius lives.

In Iceland, the thirtieth generation of its people begged.

In Russia, the August family of Romanov's house was studied in detail.

The relevance and novelty of research work, representing information on the genealogy and the reproductive part of the Genghisids, is determined by a number of factors: the needs of society in objective data about the past of their people, to preserve memory about him, as well as the need to fill lacuna in our knowledge of the descendants of Genghis Khan.

Photo from the book Gizat Tabuldin "Kazakh Khans and their descendants"

With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, he stopped his existence and centralized "source of truth" when national history Dictated to us from Moscow. This gave the beginning of the struggle for the material and spiritual heritage of Genghis Khan, which markedly aggravated lately. The history of medieval Eurasia has become the object of attention of modern politicians, and sometimes even free interpretation of historical events.

The history of the medieval period throws us, contemporaries, original, and sometimes shocking facts and artifacts on the relationship between the central power, which was concentrated in the Golden Horde, with bordering principles and other state-forming elements.

Recently, one Kazakhstan historian found a picture of the famous Russian painter of Moscow Museums of the famous Russian painter Vasily Orlov in 1912, at which the reception of the Russian princes delegation is depicted by the Golden Kornea rulers, one of whom the crankshafts were crushed in front of the Golden Fighters, allegedly, Ulu-Muhammed. The picture, presumably, is called "an oath for the reign of Vasily II (Dark)." This picture suggests that the Goldenopa Khans had a huge influence and outside the borders of their Khanate.

Two words about Genghis Khan

Temujin, his sons and grandchildren won Polmir, connected the Far East, Central Asia and Europe. And this is all solely thanks to the outstanding personal qualities of Genghis Khan. He was an unsurpassed military strategist, a skilled diplomat, a politician and an expert in the psychology of people. He showed the hardness of the will, rigidity and generosity to his subordinate. In the eyes of Europeans is a barbarian, a cruel conqueror, but in the east, this person is primarily the founder of the Mongolian Empire, the genius of martial arts, the great commander.

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Map of Mongolian conquests in the XIII century

The empire created by him was a deterrent to the development of the Chinese Empire and made it possible to form in the Eurasian continent of prostate modern Mira. In 1995, by the decision of UNESCO, The Washington Post announced Genghis Khan "the greatest man of the last millennium." In the capital of the United States, Washington, he even has a monument.

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Temujin (Genghis Khan) created his empire in the boiler civil Warwhich lasted over 20 years. Of the twelve large tribal associations, such as Kerai, Nimana, Uaki, Jalayra, Derbets, Kiyat and other Mongolian tribes, from which the empire consisted, half did not stand and went to the expanses of Dia-Cilepta.

In 1205, one of the stages of the formation of the empire was completed with the execution of Jamuhi. During the year, Great Kurultai was preparing in the valley of the River Oneon and Kerulent, and in February-March 1206, Temujin was proclaimed in Genghis Khan, that is, the emperor (Ecumenical Khan). With this name he entered world historyAs the converter of the socio-political landscape of Eurasia.

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Dopamine Whether

Genghis Khan is learning not only historians, but also chemists, genetics, biologists. This discipline is called sociobiological science. Fundamental research In this area, Professor Yury Novozhenov from Yekaterinburg in his numerous works. He is also attracted to this topic.

Based on the works of genetics and neurobiologists, Professor Robert Kloninger from Washington University, USA, has been developing the idea since 1994 that the temperament consists of three main features, independently inherited: the desire to find a new, evasion of suffering, the need for remuneration.

A character that is mainly brought up by the sociocultural medium and changes with age, formed from four independent features: autonomy, the ability to cooperate, that is, cooperativeness, emotional stability and sense of superiority.

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The character and temperament of Genghis Khan - a consequence of increased


Having studied historical testimonies about the livelihoods and behavior of Genghis Khan, we concluded that all the main features of the temperament and character listed above are inherent in such an outstanding personality as this creator of the Great Southeast Empire of Eurasia. It is quite possible, he possessed the genome of "lovers of new", which is slightly longer than that of ordinary people. Such people have a pronounced research character that makes them again and again experience extreme situationsobtaining strong emotionsunattainable in ordinary life.

This gene encodes protein - receptor D4. It takes a signal from the neurotransmitter, dopamine, which is distinguished from the nerve endings when a person has fun, excitement and is in a state of aggressiveness or sexual activity. Opening of dopamine and studying its action is one of the wonderful pages in the history of science.

All passionars great History The peoples were permeated with the Spirit of Natural Love. The Spirit, which was sublimated in their fight for sex status, power, freedom, for wealth and women.

The struggle for the approval of his sex status was accompanied by Genghis Khan since childhood. His father, Esugay-Bagatu, which means "Bogatyr", was a descendant of Habul-Khan. A man brave and decisive, he was not Khan, he was a warrior and head of the rhodzhiginov who lived in the area north of the modern Russian-Mongol border, there Where is the city of Nerchinsk now.

The main unit of any Mongolian tribe was Patriilinear genus or "Ogor". The births originating from the general ancestor were considered relatives and were called "Yasun", that is, "bone". Marriages between their representatives were prohibited. Inside the worst, not everyone was necessarily relatives, slaves or servants were taken to him, captured during the war or under other circumstances. These workers were called "Oola Bogol" or "Jalaha". Various bodies were part of the tribe, which was called "Irgent", and the tribes formed the union of tribes or "ulus". Whole childbirth or tribes together with leaders and pastures could collectively obey other birth or tribes. In this case, they were called "Unagin Bogol". Right members of the genus were subordinate to their own leaders and leaders of the main tribe, but the leaders of the subordinate clan could make marriage with the origin of the leaders of the main tribe.

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In the course of conquering campaigns, naturally, Genghis Khan as trophy, his associates and associates were given as a gift of women of aristocratic origin, or rather the wives and daughters of the rulers. To preserve his and life of their children, these women shared the bed with a great commander. At the same time, they received a certain status, and with it - and a guarantee for a hazardous existence, and their children went to the service in the personal guard of the commander.

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Genges of Genghis Khan are uncontrolled drifted and drifted on the whole Eurasian space. And hence the scientists of genografs today are found in various ethnic groups the hypothetical gene of Genghis Khan. Neither the exception and land of Chet-I-Kipchak.

Genealogy Genghis Khana

Gizat Tabuldin, the creator of the genealogical tree of the Great Conqueror of Genghis Khan, is divided by its exclusive work with Kazakhstan.

Temudzhina and his beloved wife Borte had four sons:

Juchi, Chagay, Ugdeni, Fall.

The Temudzhina and Borte also had daughters:

Hodzhig-Bags, wife Gurghana from the genus Ikires;

Tsezayehen (Chichigan), the wife of Inalchi, the younger son of the head of the Oratov Huduha-taki;

Alagaa (Alaja, Alaha), married Neuon ongutov Buynbald (in 1219, when Genghis Khan left for a war with Khorezm, he instructed her state affairs in his absence, so the Tөr Zasagch Gunds (Princess Government) is also called;

Temulan. , Chic-Gurghan's wife, the son of Alci-Neuon from Hongirades, the tribe of her mother Borte;

Aduun (Altalong), married Zastar-Saten, Neuon Hongiradov.

The Temusina and his second wife - Merkitka Hulan Hatun, Dair Ussun's daughter, were sons:

Külhan (Hoolugan, Kulcan), Harachar.

From Esugan Tatar (Esukat), Choir-Neuon's daughter Son:

Chakhur (Jaur) and Harhad.

Kazakh Khans Straight Descendants - Orda-Ejegen

Legitimation, the recognition of the legality of the Gengizid ruler was based on genealogical principleThat is, the Board was inherited. Khan could be any member of Altyn Uruga, if he was recognized by the majority of the "golden kind", worthy of its qualities and approved on Kurultai Tsarevichi and Higher Aristocracy.

The question of the transfer of the supreme power to the receiver was solved by different paths. In the 6th century, Mugan Khan, the fourth ruler of the Great Turkic Kaganat, legalized the custom of inheriting the Hannai power younger son from the older, then the son of the younger brother from the Son of the Senior Brother.

In principle, such an order adhered to all subsequent times, but with some deviations.

In the open spaces of Chehane-Kipchak as part of the post-nodoordan territory of Genghisids and their various branches, interface and interglant collisions were unfolded.

One of the main representatives of the dominant dynasties of the beginning and mid-XV century were the descendants of Shiban and Orda-Ejegen, both participants in the Second World Mongolian War.

According to Rashid Ad-Dina, Orda-Eden (Horde, Chord, Ichen) - the first son of Juci-Khan from his older wife named Sartach from the Congrath family. After the death of the Father in 1227, the main bid of Juchi, which was located in the upper reaches of Irtysh, in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ala-Kul, and was called Kok Orda, moved to Orda-Egenu. One of the controversial issues is the date of death of Orda-Ejegen. In the reference books Stanley Lan-bullet "Muslim dynasties" (1899) is incorrectly specified 1280 years. From here the mistake moved to many historical works. In fact, the time of the death of Orda-Edge is between 1246 and 1251.

Photo rodovoederevo.ru.

In the second half of the XIII century, that is, at the first successors of Orda-Edgegen, the center of the Ulus Horde, and at the same time his name Kok-Orda, was transferred from the Lake Ala-Kul area, where he was at the beginning, on the shores of Syrdarya. After cunking, there Rules Kuinchi (Konichi), Sartaux son, son of the Horde. After the death of Kuinchi, instead of him approved his eldest son with the poetic name Bayan. Since that time, the territory on the average and lower flow of Syrdarya and the area adjacent to it the area of \u200b\u200bUlus Juchi firmly fixed the descendants of the Orda-Ejegen.

Shibi, Fifth Son of Juci. According to Mizz Al-Anseab, the mother of Schiban was Nesser. The date of his birth is unknown. At the direction of Batu, Shiban and Orda-Eden were the participants of Kurulta in Mongolia, on which GUUK was proclaimed Great Khan.

Photo rodovoederevo.ru.

Generic tree Shiban

The descendants of Shiban are the founders of the Siberian Khanate associated with the dynasty and the name of Chibanid Ibak Khan (Abak, Ibak). The main core of the Siberian Khanate chibanids, the formation of which refers to the beginning of the 70s of the XV century was initially lands located on the average course of Irtysh and the Rivers of Tara, Tobol, Ishim and Tour. The boundaries of the Khanate were expanded, they narrowed - depending on political circumstances.

Education of the Kazakh Khanate

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Over the time of the Soldinskaya "Great University", over a hundred years in the region lasted political instability, almost continuously accompanied by wars. The conflict of the situation was fed and rooted by the traditions of gengizid dynasty confrontation. Armed confrontation of several branches of Genghisidov - Tukatimururides, Shabanids - for the possession of power in the Capt and Kypchak, in total, 75 years old, from 1428 to 1503 years old. At the final phase of confrontation in the throne, descendants of Orda-Ejegen came out.

Undoubtedly, for the emergence of the first Kazakh state - the Kazakh Khanate - there were certain historical circumstances. They show that the fall of the state of Schibanid Abu-L-Hair-Khan in East-CheaX-Kipchak and the formation of the Kazakh Khanate there occurred on the usual scheme for the era, according to which the states in the Middle Ages arose and disintegrated together with one or another dynasty.

"The political and social significance of this event is, first of all, in the fact that the Kazakh Khanate, which emerged in 1470-1471, the first in time in Central Asia, the national state created by the existing people, and not its predecessors or historical ancestors."

Zhosh, the eldest son of Genghis Khan, fought and captured other countries under the direct leadership of Genghis Khan himself. He died in June 1227, and in August, the Buroning of the Son, Chinggis Khan died, died. According to the folk legend, Josh-Khan died on the hunt. Wounded by her chrome Kulan Ozgzhe him right hand.

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In 1946, the Archaeological Expedition of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Academician Margulana opened the Mausoleum of Josh, which is located on the bank of the Kengir River 45 km south of Zhezkazgan and found the remains of a person without his right hand. The accuracy of the legends was confirmed. But, most importantly, in the grave of Josh-Khan, scientists discovered the generic tags of all the now living Kazakh birth and Karakalpakov. The find of Kazakh generic signs, although indirectly, but confirms the idea that in the XIII century the Kazakh people have already formed in a separate nation and lived in this territory. It should also be noted that the military tradition to declines the banner before the coffin of the outstanding military leader goes far into the past, in the XIII century, and maybe even further. Only, as in this case, instead of modern banning was previously used another sign - generic tamga.

Photos from the site kireev.kz/ulytau

Mausoleum Zhosh-Khan is located in

the foothills of Ulytau

According to historical sources, Josh-Khan from different wives and concubines was 40 sons. One of his wives was the daughter of the Khorezmshah Muhammad, Khan Sultan.

For the subsequent development of the genealogical tree of Genghisids, only six sons of Joshi Khan are important: the first - Horde Jewsecond - Batu, the third - BerekeFifth - Chiban, seventh Son - Buoythirteenth - Tuka Timur.

"After the death of Zhoshy-Khan from all his sons of the second - Batu (Bat) He was recognized by the troops in the West by the heir of his father, and this choice was approved by Genghis Khan himself. And the whole people expressed submission to him. "

Photos from Tartar-Sarmat.blogpost.ru

So, in the center of the genealogized system historical knowledge There is a personality that identifies the historical era and events.

Next comes chingizids, descendants of Genghis Khan, endowed with the authorities over the people. According to their human qualities, they were very different between themselves: far-sighted strategists, cunning and talented commander, formidable and autocratic rulers, decisive and hardworking rulers, calculating sovereigns, caring fathers, warriors, ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of preserving their fatherland. They were bold and brave in battle, cruel and merciless to their opponents and enemies, like winners - generous and generous. It should not be noted that these were loving men, talented poets and chroniclers, faithful friends And inspidation and religious fanatics, despotes and religious fanatics, to the incredibility of stingy, lazy and fireless agreements of someone else's will, desperate careerists who killed their fathers for the achievement of the cherished throne. Among them were even mentally ill.

Similar studies were carried out to identify traces of the army of Alexander Macedonian, Jewish migrants and blacks of Africa. The study of variations of the U-chromosome in Pakistan, with a number of 150 million, consisting of 18 ethnic groups and speakers in 60 languages, still many interesting sensations are continuing.

New data obtained by a group of researchers, found a high frequency of Genghis Khan genes at Clan Kire (Kiriev's tribe) in Kazakhstan, descendants of keractions, suggests that there is still a lot of new things about the Mongolian founder and the foci of the spread of his genes in Eurasia.

These are the calculations of John Meng: "Genghis Khan did not differ in a vacuum, but, of course, was not ascetic. For forty years, while Genghis Khan created his empire, a lot of hundreds of girls passed through his bed. Suppose that according to the most modest counts, It was 20 children - and there could be hundreds, and ten of them are boys, and everyone inherited the U-chromosomes of the same structure. Suppose that each of his sons, in turn, was still two sons. Doubling The number of men's descendants of Chingis for 30 generations, we come to a paradoxical conclusion that such a count goes beyond any reasonable presentation long before it is completed. After five generations, somewhere by 1350, Chingis should have, according to the most trivial counts. , 320 descendants, but another five, in 1450-1500, there were 10,000, and after 20 generations, this figure increased to 10 million, add another 20 generations and get unimaginable billions. In this case, it is quite realistic to find today for this item. Gycical line 16 million descendants. "

At the same time, according to Arab-Persian sources, "a virgin with a jug of gold coins could pass from Iran to Turan, not afraid of mockery and humiliation ..." In the boundaries of the Hinghis Khan empire, chaos reigned abroad.

I want a girl with a golden dish to pass from the yellow sea to a black, not fearing for a dish or for his honor.

Genghis Han

By the way, children born from concubines were far from her father, they constituted his personal guard. So, this guard has always been predicted to him, stood with breasts for him. This even says the fact of his death.

Genghis Khan died on the mortal apparent in honor and surrounded by his children, grandchildren and wives. He was mourned, unlike Alexander Macedon, who died somewhere in the desert, and then his burial was looted. And Napoleon at all about the island of Saint Helena.

That's what finished the great commander of global history. Genghis Khan as the adaptive identity of his era played a colossal role, fit into World History And entered the cohort of the great commander. The place of his burial remains secret to this day, as well as his military-philosophical doctrine.

PS. It is believed that its burial is in Kazakhstan.

The burial site of Genghis Khan can be Kazakhstan

How many children were Chingiz Khan? Posted by the author MK 2. The best answer is The total number of Chingishan children is almost impossible to determine: He had too much wives and concubines, and in addition their children were from other women, and a lot.
Khan had four sons from his beloved wife Borte and many children from other wives, who, although considered legitimate children, but did not have any rights to occupy the place of the Father.
Senior Son, Juci, the second son of Chagay, the third son of Ugadei and the youngest one - Tului.
Halligne-Bags, wife BUT-GURGENA from the genus Ikires.
Tsezaihan (Chichigan), the wife of Inalchi, the youngest son of the head of the Ohratov Huduha-taki.
Alagaa (Alagi, Alaha), married Neuon ongutov Buanbald.
Temulan, the wife of Chic-Gurghan, the son of Alci-Neuon from Hongiradov, the tribe of her mother Borte.
Aduun (Altalong), married Zastar-Saten, Neuon Hongiradov.
From the second wife of Merkitka Hulan-Hatun, Dair-Usyun's daughter, were the sons of Kuulkhan (Hoolugan, Kulkan) and Harachar; And from the Esugan Tatarka (Esukat), the daughter of Char-Neuon - Sons Chahur (Jaur) and Harhad.
Source: H TTP: //

Answer from Nosobraik[newcomer]
The grandson seemed to be a battery

Answer from Mikhail Bobreshov[active]
Genghis Khan - Military Chin Chief Hana Horde's troops during a hike. The electoral position was when the army was large and khans are somewhat.
Optional: The meaning of the word Horde: OR-POP, D-good, A-AS. Together - the power of good Asov.

Answer from Inquiry[newcomer]
I know only four sons

Answer from Vrown[active]

Answer from Olga Osipova[guru]
Genghis Khan was the father of 16 million children
A group of scientists published a study from which it turns out that about 16 million people living today in the Asian continent have a common ancestors on the male line. According to the leader of the group of Chris Tyler-Smith, a specialist from Oxford University (United Kingdom), this general ancestor was not anyone else, as Genghis Khan (1167-1227) or, more precisely, his grandfather on his father, who lived about a thousand years ago.
In the XIII century, the Mongol Empire extended from China to the Caspian Sea. Seven hundred years later, her traces are still noticeable in the genetic baggage of the Asian Male Population. Thus, 8% of men living in China, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia (parts of the former Mongolian Empire) detect a lot of common features in chromosome y (male). Since these characteristics are transferred from boys unchanged from generation to generation, scientists have the right to argue that they come from one person. Genghis Khan was harem. Upon completion of all his victorious battles, he wanted to defeat the most beautiful women. His eldest son did not lag behind the Father, he had 40 sons. His grandson of Hubilai, who ruled by China, also had numerous concubines and 22 legitimate sons. Every year it was replenished with 30 young virgins.
Chingis had a lot of wives, but the son, besides the side, only Merkitka Hulan gave birth to. This wife almost always guess his desire. She did not like to stay lonely. Genghis Khan could not resist her charms.

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