Competences formed by the student when passing practice. Fundamental research

As a result of the passage of this practice, the student must acquire practical skills, skills, general cultural and professional competencies.

6.1. The student must have the following community competencies (OK):

A sufficient level of professional legal consciousness (OK-1);

The ability to conscientiously execute professional duties, observe the principles of ethics of a lawyer (OK-2);

Own the culture of thinking, ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, setting the goal and the choice of ways to achieve it (OK-3);

Culture of behavior, be prepared for cooperation, to work in the team (OK-5);

To have intolerable attitude towards corruption behavior, respectively refers to the right and law (OK-6);

Own the main methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, have computer skills as a means of information management (OK-11);

The ability to work with information in global computer networks (OK-12).

6.2. The student must have the following professional competencies (PC):

1. In rulemaking:

The ability to participate in the development of regulatory acts in accordance with the profile of its professional activities (PC-1);

The ability to exercise professional activities on the basis of developed legal consciousness, legal thinking and legal culture (PC-2);

Ability to ensure compliance with legislation by entities of law (PC-3); - the ability to make decisions and execute legal actions in exact accordance with the law (PC-4);

The ability to apply regulatory acts, implement the norms of material and procedural rights in professional activities (PC-5);

The ability to legally correctly qualify facts and circumstances (PC-6);

To own the skills of training legal documents (PC-7).

2. In law enforcement:

Readiness to fulfill official duties to ensure the legality and law and order, personality security, society, states (PC-8);

The ability to respect the honor and dignity of the individual, to abide and protect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen (PC-9);

The ability to prevent offenses, identify and eliminate the causes, conditions contributing to them (PC-11);

The ability to correctly and fully reflect the results of professional activities in legal and other documentation (PC-13);

Readiness to take part in the legal expertise of projects of regulatory legal acts (PC-14);

The ability to interpret various legal acts (PC-15);

The ability to give qualified legal opinions and consultations in specific types of legal activities (PC-16);

Ability to effectively carry out legal education (PC-19).

7. Structure and maintenance of industrial practice

The overall labor intensity of the practice is 4.5 credit units, 3 and 6 weeks, 162 academic hours.


(Stages) Practice

Types of work in practice, including independent work of students


capacity B.


Forms of current monitoring

Preparatory stage


Present at the lecture on the issues of the organization, the content of the work carried out and the peculiarities of passing industrial practice;

Selects the place of practice;

Develops a calendar schedule of work in the institution that provided the database of practice;

The production instruction is underway;

Examines the rules of the internal employment regulation in effect in the institution;

Meets the requirements of labor legislation;

Studies the regulatory framework of the organization and activities of the law enforcement agencies, as well as methodological and regulatory materials on legal activities;

Studies the structure, functions and competence of a law enforcement agency;

Calculates the problems in the activities of the institution.

Consultation with the person responsible for the department and at the place of practice of practicing a practical worker attached to the student as a head of practice

Experimental stage (collection, processing and analysis of the information received, practical work to fulfill tasks)

The student, in relation to the specific conditions of the prosecution authorities and the courts in which he passes the practice, and taking into account the instructions of the Practice Manager:

Leads daily records in the diary, indicating the type and deadlines of the work done and represents the diary to the head of practice from the establishment for a signature;

Examines the information resources of the institution, mastering the search techniques necessary information;

Learns the order of systematization, accounting and maintenance of legal documentation using modern information technologies;

Develops or participates in the development of legal documents;

Draws up documents in accordance with the established procedure;

Provides preparation together with other divisions of the establishment of proposals for changing the regulatory acts in force or cancellation issued in the organization;

Reference and information work on legislation and regulatory acts with the use of technical means, produces marks on their cancellation, changes and additions;

Makes accounting for current legislation and other regulatory acts;

Takes part in the preparation of conclusions on legal issues arising in the activities of the institution, projects of regulatory acts;

Analyzes the law enforcement practice of the institution;

Collects the necessary documentation (copies or specimens of documents), with which the student works directly in practice, or in the preparation of which takes part;

Produces a collection, processing, systematization and analysis of actual and literary material;

Gives certificates and consultations (or present during consultations) on legal issues;

Performs other works and individual orders in accordance with the instructions of the Practice Manager.

Recording and mark in the diary practice. Features .

The final stage (Preparation of the diary and practice report)



a) a diary of production practices;

b) the application to the report;

c) a report on the passage of production practices;

Provides a report and a diary about the passage of practices for testing the head of the practice from the Department.

The presence of a correctly executed diary and report.


Attachment 1

Planned Practice Program Results

Medical work

Production practice, clinical

(Assistant hospital doctor)

1. Force Practice:The exploration by students the main functions of the professional activity of the hospital doctor, the formation and development of professional competence, the formation of professionally significant personal qualities.

2. Practitioners:

1. To form the ability and willingness to implement the ethical and deontological aspects of medical activities in communicating with colleagues, middle and younger medical personnel, adult population and adolescents, their parents and relatives.

2. To form the ability and willingness to analyze medical information based on the comprehensive principles of evidence-based medicine based on the search for decisions using theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve professional activities.

3. To form the ability and willingness to analyze the results of our own activities to prevent medical errors, aware of the disciplinary, administrative, civil law, criminal liability.

4. To form the ability and readiness to conduct and interpret the survey, physical inspection, clinical examination, the results of modern laboratory and instrumental studies, morphological analysis of biopsy, operational and sequencing material, and the ability to write a medical card outpatient patient.

5. To form the ability and willingness to carry out a pathophysiological analysis of clinical syndromes, substantiate pathogenetically acquitted methods (principles) of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention among adults and adolescents, taking into account their age-genital groups.

3. Practice:324 hours, 6 weeks - for 2 weeks on schedule in obstetrics and gynecology, in therapy and in surgery. One working Week 54 hours of them 36 hours in the LPU in the workplace for 6 hours a day 6 days a week (work schedule can be adjusted) and 18 hours independent work (3 hours a day to study the literature, registration of diaries and reports).

4. Practice in the structure of OPOP in:Production clinical practice is part of Programs of training specialists in the specialty 31.05.01 Therapeutic case refers to the B2-Practice block, section B2.P - production practice and is carried out on the 4th course at the end of the 8th semester.

Requirements for preliminary training of students:Bioethics, legal studies, topographic anatomy and operational surgery, microbiology, virology, pharmacology, pathophysiology, clinical pathophysiology, hygiene, public health and health care, health economics, epidemiology, neurology, medical genetics, neurosurgery, obstetrics and gynecology, faculty therapy, professional diseases, internal disease propaedeutics, radiation diagnostics, general surgery, radiation diagnostics, faculty surgery, urology, traumatology, orthopedics, disaster medicine, Russian language and speech culture, clinical anatomy, theoretical foundation framework Care of patients, nursing.

Place and time of practice:hospital with the departments of therapeutic, surgical and obstetric and gynecological profile 04.06.2018 to 07/14/2018

5. Form of conducting practice:discrete (concentrated)

Competences of the student who are formed as a result of practicing

Food professional competencies

OK-5- readiness for self-development, self-realization, self-education, the use of creative potential

OPK-5 ability and willingness to analyze the results of their own activities to prevent professional errors

OPK 6-readiness for the conduct of medical records

OPK-8 - preparedness for medical use of drugs and other substances and their combinations in solving professional tasks

OPK 11- Readiness for the use of medical devices provided for by the procedures for providing medical care

PC-1-1 Probility and readiness for the implementation of a set of measures aimed at preserving and promoting health and including the formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention and (or) dissemination of diseases, their early diagnosis, identification of causes and conditions for their occurrence and development, and Also aimed at eliminating the harmful effect on human health factors of its habitat.

PC-2-ability and readiness for preventive medical examinations, dispensarization and dispensary monitoring

PC-5 preparations for the collection and analysis of patient complaints, data of its history, inspection results, laboratory, instrumental, path-anatomical and other studies in order to recognize the state or establishment of the fact of the presence or absence of a disease

PC-6Clies to the definition of the patient the main pathological conditions, symptoms, disease syndromes, nosological forms in accordance with the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Problems related to Health, X Revision

PC-7 readiness for the examination of temporary disability, participation in the conduct of medical and social expertise, the establishment of a human biological death

PC-8 ability to define patient management tactics with various nosological forms

PC-9 readiness for the maintenance and treatment of patients with various nosological forms in outpatient conditions and day hospital conditions

PC10 readiness for medical care in sudden acute diseases, states, exacerbation of chronic diseases that are not accompanied by the threat of a patient's life and not requiring emergency medical care

PC-12 readiness for physiological pregnancy, receiving childbirth

PC 14-readiness to determine the need to use natural medical factors, drugs, non-drug therapy and other methods in patients who need medical rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment

PC-15 readiness for training patients and their relatives. The main hygiene measures of the recreation nature, self-control skills of the main physiological indicators, conducive to preservation and health promotion, disease prevention

PK-16 readiness for educational activities to eliminate the risk factors and the formation of a healthy lifestyle skills

PC-17-ability to apply the basic principles of the organization and management of the health of citizens, in medical organizations and their structural divisions

As a result of the practice, the student must:


· Etiology, pathogenesis and prevention measures of the most common diseases;

· modern classification diseases;

· Clinical picture, features of flow and possible complications of the most common diseases occurring in a typical form in various age groups;

· Diagnostic methods, diagnostic capabilities of direct research methods for a patient therapeutic profile, modern methods clinical, laboratory instrumental examination of patients (including endoscopic, radiological methods ultrasound diagnostics);

· Diagnosis criteria for various diseases;

· Methods of treatment and indications for their use;

· Clinical and pharmacological characteristics of major groups of drugs and a rational choice of specific drugs in the treatment of basic pathological syndromes of diseases and urgent states in patients.

Be able to:

· Determine the status of the patient: collect anamnesis, conduct a patient's survey and / or its relatives, to conduct a physical examination of the patient (inspection, palpation, auscultation, measuring blood pressure, determination of the properties of the arterial pulse, etc.);

· Assess the patient's condition and decide on the need to provide him with medical care;

· Conduct primary surveys of systems and organs: nervous, endocrine, immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, blood and hematopoietic organs, digestive, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal and joints, eyes, ear, throat, nose;

· Install priorities for solving patient health problems: critical (terminal) condition, pain with pain syndrome, condition with chronic disease, condition with infectious disease, disability, geriatric problems, state of mental patients;

· Assess the social factors affecting the state of physical and psychological health Patient: Cultural, Ethnic, Religious, Individual, Family, Social Risk Factors (Unemployment, Violence, Illness and Death of Relatives, etc.);

· Put a preliminary diagnosis - to synthesize the patient information in order to determine the pathology and the reasons that are causing it;

· Note the amount of additional studies in accordance with the forecast of the disease, to clarify the diagnosis and to obtain a sufficient result;

· Interpret the results of laboratory and instrumental methods of the survey;

· Determine the radiograph of a fracture and dislocation, free gas in the abdominal cavity, hydrotorax, pneumothorax, etc.;

· Put a preliminary diagnosis - to synthesize the patient information in order to determine the pathology and the reasons that are causing it; outline the amount of additional studies in accordance with the forecast of the disease, to clarify the diagnosis and obtain a reliable result;

· Formulate clinical diagnosis; develop a plan of therapeutic (surgical, obstetric-gynecological) actions, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease and its treatment;

· Formulate the testimony to the elected treatment method, taking into account etiotropic and pathogenetic agents, substantiate pharmacotherapy in a particular patient with major pathological syndromes and urgent states, determine the path of administration, mode and dose of drugs, evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the treatment;

· Choose an individual type of assistance to treat the patient in accordance with the situation: primary help, hospitalization;

· Appoint etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment in accordance with the algorithms and standards of conducting patients to hurry the treatment under the control of the doctor;

· Use the primary and secondary prevention methods in therapeutic activities (based on evidence-based medicine), to establish causal relationships of health status from the impact of habitat environment;

· Provide first aid for urgent states, first medical assistance to victims in the foci of defeat in emergency situations;

· To conduct resuscitation activities in case clinical death;

· Conduct with the population of the attached area of \u200b\u200bthe initiation and secondary prevention of the most common diseases requiring treatment,

· Implement preventive measures to increase the body's resistance to adverse external environmental factors using various methods. physical culture and sports, hardening, promote a healthy lifestyle;

· Plan, analyze and evaluate the quality of medical care, the health of the population and the impact on it factors of the surrounding and production environment.


· Methods of generally clinical examination;

· Interpretation of the results of laboratory, instrumental diagnostic methods;

· Algorithm of preliminary diagnosis, followed by the direction of the patient to the appropriate doctor-specialist;

· Algorithm of setting and justifying a detailed clinical diagnosis;

· The main medical diagnostic and medical measures for the provision of first medical care for urgent and threatening Life states.

· Algorithm for the choice of drug and non-drug therapy.

· Registration of medical records - a card of an outpatient patient, a history of illness, recipes, etc.


Head of Practice from Organization:

Position___________________ ________________________

FULL NAME. signature

Head of Practice from University


head of the Center for Practice Mi Surga, Ph.D., Associate Professor Burmasova A.V./_____________

FULL NAME. signature

Signatures of the parties:

Vice-rector for educational and methodical work Head of the Organization

__________________ E.V. Konovalova _______________ / _________

Appendix 2.

Joint work schedule (plan) practice

Medical work

In 2011-12 academic year everything russian universities go to federal state educational standards (GEF) Third Generation. Dean of the Faculty of Sociology Sociology is told about the development and implementation of standards in the direction of Sociology, Alexander Chepurenko and Deputy Dean on the educational and methodological work Andrei Kozhanov.

In 2011-12 academic year, all Russian universities are transferred to federal state educational standards (GEF) of the third generation. Dean of the Faculty of Sociology Sociology is told about the development and implementation of standards in the direction of Sociology, Alexander Chepurenko and Deputy Dean on the educational and methodological work Andrei Kozhanov.

Are universities ready to transition to new standards?

Judging by those questions that we receive from colleagues, and on the controversy on the Internet it can be concluded that today universities are not very ready for this. However, before moving to third-generation standards, it is for the development of educational programs, taking into account the new requirements and reformatting courses, only six months remains. The situation is complicated by the fact that no approbation in the pilot educational institutions With the subsequent distribution of the resulting experience was provided.

What causes most difficulties?

In my opinion, this is a competence approach, on the basis of which the third generation standards are built, as well as the transition to a system of credit units.

Of course, it is possible at the level of slogans to declare that if earlier the student had to "know that something and that", now he must "own the same thing". But even in this case, do not get away from the answer to the question of how to measure the results - the competence received by students. The estimates of the estimation practitioners who are owned by the faculty, are absolutely not suitable in order to measure competencies.

I would like to emphasize that the competence approach does not imply a refusal from the valued model, but it considers knowledge only as a tool for mastering by one or another basic ability. The competence does not have a fixed content - we are talking, for example, about the ability of a person to receive knowledge, apply them to express them in articles, essays, presentations.

It is much more difficult to give a student competence than knowledge, but this is a more adequate approach, since it allows you to make a practical requirements, to identify the presence or lack of a student of certain abilities.

The main thing in the "Value" model is that the student can give the definitions of sociological concepts, talk about their origin. And within the framework of the "competence" model, the approach is different: the student must use the necessary sociological concepts when analyzing real situations. For example, it will not be enough for it to determine what anomion is, and it will be necessary to apply this concept to explain to some kind of reforative situation. Or not just to say what regression is and which types of regression exist, and select those that can be solved from the proposed tasks that can be solved with regression analysisand make the appropriate calculations.

What is changing in the work of the teacher when moving to a competence approach?

First, teachers should understand what competencies form a specific course or group reading courses. Secondly, they must learn to measure these competencies, and for this purpose to form their thematic plan accordingly and choose the methods for it.

Only the teacher who does not just overflow other people's articles can be easily overloaded to such a model, and conducts research itself and uses certain theoretical models or methods, for example, data analysis to study social reality in sociology. But the proportion of teachers who conduct research is very low today, this is a well-known fact.

In this sense, sociology is perhaps in a more winning position than many other socio-humanitarian directions. Teachers of sociological faculties are often participating in marketing and electoral research, and it remains only to "flexing" this experience, reformulate it in scientific terms And transfer to the educational process. The second generation standard did not create appropriate incentives for teachers, and thanks to the third generation standard, the universities were able to adjust the educational program, developing, for example, courses on the choice, based on studies that their teachers lead.

In third-generation standards for bacheloriat, the variable part is up to 50% of the study time, for a magistracy - up to 70%. How will this norm be implemented in practice?

Universities are required to provide students with a choice of disciplines, as well as the opportunity to participate in the creation of a program of their learning. Decisions on the filling and distribution of the variable part over the years of study will be academic councils.

The second generation standard has made more stringent requirements for the nomenclature of courses, and as a result, it turned out that there were completely different items under the same name. Now the university can form a program based on the interests and experience of its teachers, students, taking into account the needs of the regional labor market and their academic traditions. Teachers may come to the audience not with the material to be adjusted under the standard, but with the one that can be well represented in the university.

Will it change in connection with the transition to new standards the role of sociological courses in the preparation of humanitarian non-volators?

It all depends on the teachers of sociology themselves - after all, now the standard gives freedom not only to students, but also to teachers, and in general universities.

When switching to new standard Competition will exist on the sociological faculties of technical and pedagogical universities, as well as between the humanitarian departments of those universities, where there are no such faculties, and sociology is taught in general cultural training as philosophy. Sociologists will be forced to compete for study hours with their colleagues from the Department of Psychology, Philosophy, Management, since new standards allow you to form every competence by means of different disciplines. And this is an extra incentive for the Department of Sociology to update the program, prove the benefits of their courses, the first to comprehend the competent advantages of their subject.

It has been repeatedly stated that when switching to new standards, universities will introduce a unified system of academic credit units to improve academic mobility.

Yes, the new standard creates favorable conditions for using a system of credit units to facilitate students mobility. Now the transition from one university to another is associated with a large number of bureaucratic difficulties: getting an academic discharge, depreciation of courses. There are no clear rules that the student will re-charge when moving, and what is not. The introduction of a system of academic loans streamlines the situation.

Of course, B. different countries Credit systems are different, and the problem of the Ministry of Education and Science is to make our loans to match the overseas. In general, academic mobility improves the fact of the transition to "4 2": the undergraduate can be completed in one university, the magistracy is in another.

Standard in the direction "Sociology" and for undergraduate, and for a magistracy, developed by the consortium of universities with participation Higher School The economy, won the competition held by the Ministry of Education and Science. Moreover, it was one of the few cases when not one project was presented to the Council on the standards, and two, the second - from the educational and methodological association (UMO) in sociology. UMO continues to work on the basis of Moscow State University and today. How in connection with this will be organized on the implementation of the standard in universities? Who will hold it?

The approximate basic educational program (OOP) for universities offer those who have developed the standard itself. Currently, after a long pause caused by uncertainty with how and who this work will be financed - the consortium of universities-developers undertook to solve this - directly say, not easy - tasks. Programs of more than 60 disciplines will be included in the OOP, it is also planned to create control and measuring materials (kima). Some of them are developing HSE, part - partner universities in our consortium. This is a lot of work that requires the efforts of many qualified specialists. And such specialists in the tower and universities are partners. Based on all these materials, universities will be able to develop their programs and working curricula.

There is a real danger that there is now an existing ideology in the field. educational process It will be simply announced "competence". In this case, the exemplary educational program developed by us now will be a guide for a university and an external auditor to evaluate the degree of development of local programs.

We will constantly carry out methodological support for the implementation of standards - to develop new educational design designs, training courses, Programs practices, using the system of credit units, and so on. This will be done on two portals - GU-HSE HSE and federal educational portal "Economy, sociology. Management".

We also plan a series of seminars on the implementation of the standard, individual seminars on master's programs. We will talk about your experience, about the experience of others. Participants of the consortium. In other words, multilateral consulting and methodological assistance will be deployed by the universities that will want to resort to it.

Do you know the advantages of the new standard Employers of future sociologists?

As a rule, employers are poorly aware of what is the third generation standard. Those who are aware, do not believe that universities will follow the standard - because it is much easier to issue for new developments that they already have. Therefore, it is necessary to explain the employers to the advantages that the standard contains, and their role will be to encourage the universities to follow the standard, and not just pronounce the right words.

In general, today employers have a requirement for employees, the overall meaning of which is reduced to the formula of the famous Hero Griboedov - "moderation and accuracy". Nothing other than a set of general culture competencies is not required from graduates.

The reason is that, to receive for a long time from universities, such workers who do not have actually professional skills, employers have forced to accept it. They hire university graduates to the lower positions and either they die themselves (but why then are universities?), Ever vacancy experienced employees from each other. If employers in the face of chambers of commerce and industrial chambers, professional associations will be able, for example, to help universities with the organization of industrial practices, forming clear requests to the set and skill levels that should have at the exit of the university specialists in the field of marketing research, public relations, other relevant The areas of activity are usually sent in the overwhelming majority graduates of sociological faculties, the quality of young professionals will become much higher.

In sociology, as in many other social and humanitarian sciences, there are no professional standards. This is due to the peculiarity of the organization of the industry for which we are preparing. Therefore, we had to take on the duty to form a list of graduate competencies, although it was supposed to make employers and professional associations.

For example, we can now clearly show the differences between the master and the bachelor. If the bachelor is a performer in the study, Master is the organizer, the study initiator. In the same way in engineering there is a technician, and there is a constructor. This is our first step towards the industry, because now we better understand her graduation requirements than she herself. Studies show that the industry puts personal competences above professional, and what professional competencies, employers may be completely unknown. We have a person's ability to write a structured text is considered a latent function of learning logic and philosophy, and not the investigation of their study, as in the case of a competence approach. We must standardize the minimum threshold value that a sociologist must be able to and gradually form the demand for professional sociological competencies in applicants, students and employers.

Camely Catherine Rylko

Introduction .................................................................................... ... 4

1. Explanatory note…………………………………………………………….5

1.1. Types and timing of practice ...................................................................... 5

1.2. Goals and tasks of practice .................................................................. .5

1.2.1. Tasks of educational practice ........................................5

1.2.2. Tasks of production practice ................................................ ..6

1.3. Key competencies formed as a result of the passage of practice ....................................................................................................... 7

1.3.1. Educational and introductory practice .. ................................................ 7

1.3.2. Production practice ....................................................................... ... 7

1.4. Organization of practice .................................................................. ... 7

3. Individual tasks ............. ......................................................12

4. Instructive and methodical material .......................................... ... 13

5. Forms and methods of control ..............................................................................13

6. Requirements for the practice report ....................................................... ..13

7. Summing up the practice ............................................................ .14

8. Material support ............................................................... 14

Applications ....................................................................................... 15


The training of bachelors in the field of management as one of the meaningful components of efficiency includes the practice of students in organizations. Being one of the stages of the educational process, the practice is focused on the deepening of theoretical knowledge, the formation of the competencies necessary for the modern manager. A qualitative organization and practice will allow graduates to reduce the process of social and professional adaptation at the beginning of work.

The practice program is the main organizational and methodological document governing the activities of students, practitioners from the Academy and the Organization.

The program is based on curriculum Preparation of bachelors in the direction of 521500 "Management", provisions on the production practice of students of GOU VPO "Khabarovskaya state Academy Economics and Law, Decisions of the Academy Methodological Council.

Explanatory note

Types and timing of practice

Production practice is carried out in the 8th semester and is 4 weeks.

Purpose and Tasks of Practice

Purpose of practice

Formation and development of students of the competencies required for effective management organization.

Tasks of production practices

The main tasks of practice are:

Consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge obtained by students in the study of special disciplines;

Assessment and analysis of the mission and objectives of the organization;

Study of the external environment of the organization, detection of dangers and opportunities for its development;

Study of the production structure organizational structure management;

Analysis of technical and economic indicators of the organization and identification of reserves of improving its activities;

Evaluation and analysis of strong and weak Parties organizations;

Acquiring self-managerial and economic skills in the organization's divisions;

Conducting independent research and collecting the necessary practical material to work out self-research skills;

Collect the required material to write a report on the practice and the fulfillment of an individual task.

Key competencies formed as a result of practice

The process of passing practice is aimed at the formation of the following competencies.

1.1. Communication competencies
ü possession of the culture of thinking, ability to perceive, generalize and analyze information, setting the goal and choosing ways to achieve it (OK-5); ü skill is logically true, reasonably and clearly build oral and written speech (OK-6); ü readiness for cooperation with colleagues, work in the team (OK-7); ü ability to use regulatory legal documents in its activities (OK-9); ü desire for personal and professional self-development (OK-10); ü The ability to critically evaluate personal advantages and disadvantages (OK-11); ü awareness of social significance of your future profession, possession of high motivation to the performance of professional activities (OK-12); ü Ability to analyze socially significant problems and processes (OK-13); ü possession of one of the foreign languages \u200b\u200bat the level ensuring efficient professional activities (OK-14); ü possession of the methods of quantitative analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental study (OK-15); ü Understanding the role and values \u200b\u200bof information and information technologies in development modern society and economic knowledge (OK-16); ü possession of basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, computer skills as a means of information management (OK-17); ü Ability to work with information in global computer networks and corporate information systems (OK-18); ü Ability to exercise business conversation: public speeches, negotiations, meetings, business correspondence, electronic communications (OK-19); ü ability to take into account the consequences management solutions and actions from the position of social responsibility (OK-20);
1.2. Professional competencies
Organizational and management activities: ü The ability to design an organizational structure, distribute authority and responsibility based on their delegation (PC-2); ü Ability to use the main theories of motivation, leadership and power to solve management tasks (PC-4); ü Ability to analyze and design interpersonal, group and organizational communications (PC-7); ü Ability to evaluate the conditions and consequences of the ongoing organizational and managerial decisions (PC-8); ü Ability to analyze the relationship between functional strategies of companies in order to prepare balanced management decisions (PC-9); ü Ability to participate in the development of the organization's marketing strategy, plan and implement activities aimed at implementing (PC-10); ü The ability to participate in the development of the Human Resource Management Strategy, plan and implement activities aimed at implementing (PC-13); ü possession modern technologies personnel management (PC-14); ü Ability to take into account aspects of corporate social responsibility in the development and implementation of the organization's strategy (PC-16); ü The ability to plan an operating (production) activity of organizations (PC-19); ü Knowledge modern concepts organization of operating activities and readiness for their use (PC-22); ü Knowledge of a modern quality management system and competitiveness (PC-23); ü The ability to solve managerial tasks related to operations in global markets in the context of globalization (PC-24); ü The ability to effectively perform their functions in the intercultural environment (PC-25); Informational and analytical activity: ü Ability to economic image of thinking (PC-26); ü ability to apply quantitative and quality methods analysis when making management decisions and build economic financial and organizational and managerial models (PC-31); ü possession of methods and software processing software, the ability to interact with information technology services and effectively use corporate information Systems (PC-34); ü skill use in practical activity organizations information obtained as a result of marketing research and comparative analysis best practices in management (PC-36); ü the ability to conduct an audit of human resources and to diagnose organizational culture (PC-37); ü Ability to analyze the organization's operating activities and use its results to prepare management decisions (PC-47); Entrepreneurial activity: ü Ability to find and evaluate new market opportunities and formulate a business idea (PC-48); ü ability to evaluate economic and social conditions Entrepreneurial activities (PC-50).

As a result of the procedure of production practice, the student must:

Know: ü organizational and legal forms and composition of constituent documents; ü The main characteristics of the structure used by the organization, the distribution of management functions in the organization; ü Factors of the external and internal environment of the organization; ü Production type, composition of production units and organization of interrelations between them; ü Characteristics of products manufactured; ü The number and structure of the organization's personnel, the characteristics of the stages of the management process of human resources of the organization; ü constituting the organization's marketing activities; ü The main components of the image, organizational culture of the organization; ü Characterization of used planning types; ü used in the organization of the form of control; ü List of basic financial and economic indicators of the organization.
Be able to: ü analyze the external environment of the organization, critically evaluate the situation, determine the possibilities and threats of the organization; ü Evaluate the internal environment of the organization, determining its strengths and weaknesses, to identify growth reserves; ü competently build communication, forming ethical behavior; ü be able to use informational technologies and computer equipment
Own: ü special management terminology and vocabulary; ü skills system approach to the analysis of the problems of the organization; ü methods for analyzing and evaluating the organizational structure, organizational culture and image; ü skills analysis of the organization's marketing environment; ü Summongery skills.

Organization of practice

Not later than a month before the start of the practice, the department prepares an order for the direction of students for the practice and appointment of practitioners from the Department. All types of practice are carried out on the basis of contracts between the Academy and organizations. As a rule, the practice of practice for students of the day form of education should be located in Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory. In the presence of motivated arguments, it is allowed in other subjects of the Russian Federation.

Before starting practice, the Academy hosts a meeting on the organization of practitioners in organizations. The meeting is conducted by the Department of Economics Enterprise and Management. The purpose of the meeting is to familiarize students with the order in practice, the timing of practice, the procedure for organizing work during the practice and presentation of reporting forms, filling the diary in practice.

For the period of practice, depending on the preparedness stage of students and the possibilities of the Organization, students can enroll in staff payable positions in the specialty or undergoing practicing as a dubli (highways). If a student takes practice as a dumble, then it is desirable to envisage mastering the skills of managerial and economic work in several positions.

Practice places are various functional units of the Organization, carrying out management, planned, financial, marketing and other activities of economic activity.

The main responsibilities of the student during the practice period are:

Arrival on the basis of practice in a strictly established time frame with the presentation of a trip to the passage of practice, the diary of the trainee;

Compliance with calendar periods of practice;

Regular filling of the practice diary;

Timely preparation of the reporting sections;

Protection of the practice report on time.

The head of practice from the Academy is obliged:

Conduct a conversation with students heading for the purpose of familiarizing with the organization;

Agree and clarify the practice program, based on the characteristics of the organization;

Ensure control of the timely start of the practice, arrival and work of students in the organization;

Provide assistance to students in implementing the practice program;

Check the practice report and organize its protection;

Participate in summing up practice.

The head of practice from the organization should:

Explore the practice program and organize its implementation;

Introduce students with the rules of the internal regulations, the procedure for obtaining documents and materials;

Assist in obtaining materials in accordance with the program and individual task;

Check and sign the practice report;

Create a written characteristic on student student.

Students who did not fulfill the practice program for a valid reason are sent to the practice again in their free time. Students who have not fulfilled the practice program without good reason Or received a negative assessment, can be expelled from the Academy as having academic debt.

In the process of pre-diploma practice, the following questions should be studied.

1. general characteristics Organizations. 1.1. The history of the creation and development of the organization 1.2. Objectives and objectives of the organization 1.3. Organizational and legal form of the organization, the composition of constituent documents, their characteristics. 1.4. The structure of the organization, the characteristics of the composition of the divisions and their relationships.
2. Management of the Organization. 2.1. Study of the external environment of the organization (according to STEP factors and the factors of the competitive environment). 2.2. Management surveys of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the following directions. 2.2.1. Production: a) the composition of production units. Organization of the relationship of production units. Assessment of the effectiveness of the production structure; b) characteristic of products manufactured (services); c) organization of the processes of the main activity: the type, form of organization, the nature and structure of the operational cycle; d) the characteristics of the auxiliary and serving units: the composition and compliance of the tasks of the organization. 2.2.2. Human resources: a) characteristic of the dynamics of the number and structure of personnel; b) characteristics of the system of recruitment, selection, preparation and advanced personnel training; c) Stimulating the labor of personnel. 2.2.3. Marketing: a) Characteristics of pricing policy; b) characteristic of the distribution channels of goods (services); c) characteristics of sales stimulation methods. 2.2.4. Organizational culture and image: a) characteristics of the main components of the image; b) Assessment of the level of social responsibility and ethicality of the organization's behavior. 2.2.5. Management: a) characteristics of used species and planning forms: strategic, current, operational and business planning; b) the characteristic of the organizational structure; c) the distribution of functions in the control apparatus by divisions and within the divisions; d) characteristics of the process of controlling the execution of plans. 2.2.6. Economic results of the organization's activities: a) characteristics of the composition of the main financial and economic indicators; b) dynamic and strategic analysis of indicators; c) identifying factors affecting the dynamics of indicators. 3. Research on the topic of an individual task.

Individual tasks

During the passage of industrial practice, the student performs research work on an individual task. The topic of an individual task is selected by the student independently from the proposed list (Appendix 1) and is agreed with the head of the practice from the department. Along with the relevance of the developed topic for the organization, it should be applied and covered one of the aspects of the economy and management of the organization. Student's proposals for the selected research topic should be tested in the organization.

By the selected topic, it is necessary:

Pick up the literature of theoretical and methodical nature;

Create a plan of work, which should consist of three sections: theoretical, analytical, project;

Examine theory, collect the actual material in the organization, analyze it.

When performing an individual task, the student must show the ability to work independently with theoretical, methodological, actual material, demonstrate the ability to research work. The implementation of individual tasks during the practice period is preparing students for a more successful development of theoretical disciplines that will be studied in the future.

Work performed can be used to prepare reports at student scientific conferences, in scientific work Students, writing exchange rate and graduation work.

In the process of passing the production (pre-diploma) practice, the following competencies are formed:

OK-1 Ability to abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis.
OK-2. The willingness to act in non-standard situations, carry social and ethical responsibility for the decisions made.
OK-3. Readiness for self-development, self-realization, the use of creative potential.
OSK-1. The ability to effectively communicate and the skills of persuasion, building professional long-term contacts.
OPK-1. readiness for communication in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages To solve the tasks of professional activities.
OPK-2. The willingness to lead the team in the sphere of their professional activities, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences.
OPC-1. The ability to use fundamental general economic and natural science knowledge and modern information and communication technologies in professional activities.
OPC-2 Ability to analyze, plan and organize professional activities.
PSK-1. The ability to identify effective areas of economic support innovative development, risk assessment in the activities of business entities and the implementation of the results scientific research In the real sector of the economy, commercialization of development.
PSK-2. The ability to put forward innovative ideas and approaches to their implementation, with the ability to cooperate within the framework of interdisciplinary projects, work in related fields.
PSK-3. the ability to use knowledge of methods and theories of humanitarian, social and economic Sciences When carrying out expert and analytical work.
PSK-4. The ability to identify the problems and directions to improve the accounting system of economic entities
PSK-5. The ability to conduct independent research in the field of financial and managerial accounting, corporate reporting, internal control and audit
PSK-6. Ability to freely own knowledge in the field of international financial statements, international audit standards and apply them in practical activities based on professional judgment
PSK-7. The ability to organize the system and conduct internal control of the activities of the responsibility centers in the interests of the owners of the organization
PSK-8. The ability to apply differentiated techniques for auditing in organizations of different profiles
PSK-9. The ability to tax planning and optimizing tax payments based on current legislation
PSK-10. The ability to use various sources of information, including corporate reporting, for analytical calculations and make a forecast of the main financial and economic indicators of the activities of the economic entity.
PK-1. the ability to generalize and critically evaluate the results obtained by domestic and foreign researchers, identify promising directions, to draw up a research program.
PK-2. The ability to justify the relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the chosen topic of scientific research.
PK-3. The ability to conduct independent research in accordance with the developed program.
PK-4. The ability to submit the results of the study by the scientific community in the form of an article or report.
PK-5. The ability to independently prepare tasks and develop project decisions taking into account the uncertainty factor, develop appropriate methodological and regulatory documents, as well as suggestions and activities to implement the developed projects and programs
PK-6. The ability to assess the effectiveness of projects, taking into account the uncertainty factor.
PK-7. The ability to develop strategies for the behavior of economic agents in various markets
PK-8. The ability to prepare analytical materials for assessing economic policy and innovation and strategic decision-making activities on micro and macro levels.
PK-9. The ability to analyze and use various sources of information for economic settlements.
PK-10. The ability to make a forecast of the main socio-economic indicators of the enterprise, industry, region and economy as a whole.
PK-11. The ability to manage economic services and divisions at enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, in state and municipal authorities.
PK-12 The ability to develop options for management decisions and justify their choice based on criteria for socio-economic efficiency.
PC-13. the ability to apply modern methods and techniques of teaching economic disciplines in educational organizations higher educationAdditional vocational education, professional educational organizations
PK-14. The ability to apply modern methods and techniques of teaching economic disciplines in educational organizations of higher education, additional vocational education, professional educational organizations.

OK - Communication Competences;

OSC - Communication Competences introduced by the Niyui MEPI;

OPK - general professional competencies;

OPK - general professional competences introduced by the Niyu MEPI;

PC - professional competencies;

PSK - Professional competencies introduced by the Niya MEPI.

Since the competencies listed above are integral in nature, it is advisable to identify the planned results of training - knowledge, skills and skills characterizing the stages of the formation of competences and ensure the achievement of planned development results educational program. Thus, as a result of the passage of production (pre-diploma practice), students should:

Know - to search for the necessary information, perceive, analyze, summarize and systematize the information obtained; - main paper and electronic sources of financial and statistical information organizations, departments, corporations, etc.; - the structure and features of the functioning of economic services of organizations of various forms of ownership and activities.
Be able to (y) - predict the studies of the study, provide for several options and research paths; - to form forecasts for the development of specific economic processes; - analyze the state of the organization of the accounting and analytical system in an economic subject; - To form accounting and analytical systems in the organization.
Own (c) - theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to implement effective decisions in the field of accounting, economic analysis, control and auditing; - skills to use modern technical means and information technologies to solve accounting and analytical and audit tasks; - Skills of independent work and skills of operational management of small teams.

Structure and maintenance of production (pre-diploma) practice

Methodical and organizational management of practice is carried out by the head of the practice of MEPI. Pre-with the administration of the organization coordinates a calendar plan for conducting the practice and the duration of the work of undergraduates in the workplace.

20 days before the start of the practice of the Accounting and Audit Department, prepares an order for the faculty of management and economics high technologies about the practice with an indication of the objects of practice, as well as with the names of the managers of production (pre-diploma) practice from the Department. For the period of practice, undergraduates can be enrolled in full-time positions with the preservation of them the right to receive scholarships on general reasons.

Production (pre-diploma) practice of undergraduates is based on the specifics of the object of practice, in accordance with the thematic plan, the approximate content of which is presented below:

1. Study of the organization's production activities, its main financial and economic performance indicators. Acquaintance with the constituent documents and the study of the organizational structure, structure and basic functions of the management apparatus.

2. Familiarization with the financial statements of the organization and the study of the main financial indicators of activity.

3. Acquaintance with the accounting system (financial and managerial) in the enterprise. Study of economic analysis and planning techniques.

4. Participation in the work of departments carrying out accounting and analytical processing of information. Performance of the analysis of the financial condition of the organization, its financial results, the use of resource use. Processing and analysis of financial and economic information (drawing up analytical tables, calculation of economic indicators, financial Analysis, interpretation of results).

5. Studying the internal control and audit system, content, organization and methods for conducting control procedures at the enterprise.

6. Studying the procedure for budgeting at the enterprise, as well as a system of operational control and analysis of its implementation on the main indicators.

7. Study of technical equipment for collecting, processing and transmitting accounting and economic information. Study of software products used in the organization.

8. Studying and analyzing the tax reporting of organizations.

9. Study of regulatory and guidance and methodological documentation in accordance with the functions performed during the practice period.

10. Study of publications on the topic of the dissertation, conducting research work.

11. Performing an individual task.

Specification thematic Plan, Features of its implementation in relation to the object of practice are reflected in the individual task, which is being developed by the head of the practice of MEPI. The form of an individual task is given in Appendix 2.

An approximate calendar practice plan is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Approximate Calendar Practice Plan

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