Education in the UK, in England as an example for the whole planet. Education system in the UK Higher education system in the UK in English

In the recent past, young people from Moscow and other cities, as well as from the CIS countries, could not imagine that they would be able to enter universities in England. And today, every hardworking student can make the dream of studying in the UK come true. Every year over 1000 students from all over the world come here to pursue higher education in England.

How are universities in England different from universities in other countries?

The British educational system has its own characteristics. You will not be able to enroll in English universities if you have exclusively school knowledge, even with all the necessary certificates and diplomas. You can become a student only after completing the A-Level or Foundation programs.

For many Russian applicants, the cost higher education in England is another cause for concern, but if you wish, you can find a university whose tuition fees are comparable to those of educational institutions in Moscow.

Local educational programs allow you to get a diploma in a shorter time. What can you focus on? In particular, the bachelor's program takes 3 years and the master's program takes one.

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Features of admission to UK universities

If you are planning to pursue higher education in the UK, you must complete one of the following training programs:

A-Level. The preparation lasts 2 years. It is intended for English high school graduates. Training program is compiled depending on the chosen specialization of the university. As a rule, it includes 3-4 disciplines. The exams at the end of the A-Level will become university entrance exams.

To enter the program, a Russian student must:

  • prepare an extract of school grades for the last academic year;
  • pass the language IELTS test with a score of at least 5.5.

Foundation. The program is specially prepared for foreign students who did not finish school in England. The training lasts 1 year, but is conducted on a more stressful schedule. Students study not only disciplines in their specialty, but also actively learn the language. It makes sense to choose the Foundation program of the university you plan to enroll in.

A Russian student for admission to the program must:

  • provide a certificate of completion comprehensive school with positive marks;
  • pass the IELTS language test with a score of at least 4.5.

Grades of study in the UK higher education system

Bachelor's degree - I stage of British higher education. In Russia, this degree was established only in 1993 after joining the so-called Bologna Declaration. The two-tier system (bachelor's + master's) appeared in our country only in 2002, while in England it has existed for several centuries. Basic knowledge (corresponding to the program of the first-second course Russian universities) UK students receive during pre-university training. Thanks to this, the duration of study for a bachelor's degree is only 3 years.

The Master's degree is the second stage of British higher education. This program is called postgraduate. This stage in England immediately follows the first higher education. Bachelor's and Master's degrees are most often considered by Russian employers as 2 parts of one educational process... In the UK, however, these programs have a clear division and are independent and self-sufficient. The difference between the Master's program in England and the Russian education system is the duration of study - only 1 year. Therefore, very strict requirements are imposed on those students who wish to become participants in this program, because in just one year the applicant must receive a large amount of knowledge.

Postgraduate studies are the last step in the British higher education system. Like the Master's degree, PhD in England is an element of postgraduate studies. Level research work and the depth of teaching of this program is comparable to the Russian doctoral studies.

Study abroad with STAR Academy

Studying in England is a combination of centuries learning traditions and the latest techniques teaching; and a huge variety of higher education institutions and educational programs. It is very easy to get confused in the offered variety. That is why we recommend everyone who is going to enroll in universities in England to contact specialists who know all the intricacies of education in this country.

If you want to learn more about higher education in the UK, the cost of studying, or you have any other questions, feel free to contact STAR Academy specialists by phone [[$ phone]] or come to our office in Moscow and other cities of Russia.


The modern education system in England is based on its own traditions of teaching the younger generation, which have been accumulating for centuries. It is not just that she earned the status of a reference. As already mentioned, many educational institutions in the UK are known for their centuries-old history and are famous for the amazing quality of teaching.

At the moment, the English education system includes four main stages:

  • Primary education - from 5 to 11 years;
  • Secondary - from 11 to 16 years old;
  • After school - from 16 to 18 years old;
  • Higher education - from the age of 18.

The main stages of education in England (based on public schools):

  • children 5 - 11 years old attend primary school;
  • children 11 - 16 years old go to secondary school;
  • at the age of 16 - 18 they receive a complete secondary education;
  • at 18 - 22 students receive a bachelor's degree.

Before going to school, the child undergoes a preschool preparation course (from 3 years old), during which the emphasis is on educational issues and developmental activities, the material is presented in game form... Knowledge at this stage is not overloaded. The basic principle is that everything has its time.
At the age of 5, all children, without exception, without exception begin their education in a mandatory manner, where they study until 11.

When going to high school to the basic list of items are added exact sciences and additional lessons: geography, history, foundations of religion, art, music, foreign languages.
At the age of 16, children graduate from high school. In order to receive a diploma of secondary education, you must pass final exam GCSE. However, this diploma does not qualify for admission to higher education institutions.

To try your hand at admission to, you need to become the owner of an A-Level certificate (with a fairly high average score), which is issued upon completion of the course in schools preparing for universities - the so-called Six Form. Training here lasts two years, during this period there is a deep immersion in the study of 4-6 selected subjects. At the end, an exam is taken, according to the results of which an A-Level certificate is issued.

Academic year in English schools broken down into trimesters. Holidays among school year twice, lasting two weeks, timed to coincide with the Catholic holidays - Easter and Christmas, summer holidays- six weeks. There is a short seven-day break during each trimester.

Secondary (school) education in the UK is expected to:

  • Transfer of cultural experience. Schools and other educational institutions should be passed on to the new generation cultural heritage, the wisdom of previous generations, which from time immemorial are recognized as valuable and are zealously guarded by the British.
  • Socialization of the younger generation. Schools are guides to accepted behaviors and the values ​​behind them. Children are aware social roles that they have to play in society, in professional field activities, personal, family.
  • Preparation for the profession. This refers to the knowledge and skills necessary for subsequent professional activities. This includes both the academic knowledge and the practical skills required to master a particular profession.

In England there are a lot of schools for children requiring a special approach. They are visited by children with mental or physical disabilities. The program in them is simpler and focused on the characteristics of the students. Here in the process learning psychologists and physiotherapists are sure to be involved.

Many parents have a cherished dream - to send their child to study at. In addition to the prestigious and high level education receive and full content... The range of subjects studied in private school much wider than in the state, and the teaching staff is highly qualified and an impressive material base.

Do not forget that the school education system in the UK is famous for the strictest discipline, so even in a private school, where tuition is paid and costs impressive money, do not expect concessions. Students may be dropped for poor academic performance and inappropriate behavior.

The modern system of higher education in England is distinguished by its democratic character. Universities have a wide selection of different courses, from which you can choose the one that suits you, and, if necessary, even change the list of selected subjects for study.

UK universities are divided into two types:

  • Collegiate (consisting of colleges. For example, the universities of Cambridge and Oxford);
  • Unitary (with faculties and departments in the form of subdivisions).

The British government has completely entrusted the formation of educational policy to higher educational institutions, the state only controls the quality of teaching.

All students without exception English universities have access to libraries and scientific laboratories, equipped according to modern standards. Students have the opportunity to attend various electives. Educational programs allow in the learning process to get not one, but two academic degrees different directions.

Popular enough in the UK and. This training format, as usual, takes place independently, but relying on educational materials designed specifically for such students, as well as for periodic consultations with teachers online and by e-mail.

Historically, British education resembles a pyramid: on early stages training is carried out in a wide range of disciplines, in the future their circle is narrowed on the basis of the choice of the students themselves, who at the age of 14 determine which exams they will take in the future.

British education is one of the best in the world.

The legislation of this state prescribes compulsory school attendance for children from 5 to 16 years old (in Ireland - from 6 to 16).

In all countries that are part of the United Kingdom dominated by public schools.

Education on the territory of the Kingdom was dealt with from the day of the settlement of these territories by the Anglo-Saxons, or even earlier - during the rule of the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages, Latin and grammar were taught here in schools.

The main educational institutions controlled by the church, and young people received practical skills through apprenticeship.

V late XIX century in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, a single public education... Institutions of higher education developed in parallel.

The oldest universities in England - and have been open more than 800 years ago.

In the 19th century, universities were opened in London, Birmingham and Manchester. In Scotland, 4 of the first 6 UK universities were opened - in particular, the universities in Glasgow and Aberdeen.

The development of education continues to this day.

In 1988, in the British educational system a reform was carried out, as a result of which in all schools in the countries of the United Kingdom a unified state training program was introduced, and in 1997 new laws on education were introduced.

Preschool education in the UK

Although kindergartens are called schools, in fact they are precisely kindergartens.

British preschool education is not much different from Russian - children are taught to sing songs, tell fairy tales and poems, draw, develop their fine motor skills.

Little Britons go to kindergartens until they are 5 years old.

School education in the UK

School education in this country is divided into two stages:

  • primary (from 5 to 11 years old);
  • average (from 11 to 16).

Primary education is carried out in schools of 3 types:

  • grammatical (in such schools the emphasis is on academic education focused on continuing education in universities);
  • modern (here the leading role is played by the applied orientation with the aim of subsequent professional education);
  • unified (such schools are in the majority, here are academic and applied directions balanced).

The schools provide for the continuation of education at the end of the basic course.

Secondary education is considered complete if the A-level is received.

Obtaining this level certifies.

The course of study in accordance with such a program lasts 2 years and is considered standard for assessing preparation and suitability for further academic education.

Education in elite schools(in some of them only boys study) not only for a fee, but also provides testing upon admission.

Higher education in Britain

After receiving the A-level, young people can enter universities - universities or higher colleges and get a bachelor's degree.

In England, Ireland and Wales you need to study for a bachelor's degree for 3 years, in Scotland -4.

For some specialties, training includes work practice, in which case the term of study is lengthened.

Specific disciplines such as art and design require prior passage basic course, and only then a three-year study.

Architectural and medical education in the country, provide for longer periods of study - up to 7 years.

The UK education system is a product that has taken centuries to perfect. In the 21st century, it is considered the benchmark. It was this system that provided the backbone for the teaching lines of states. Both before and now, teenagers travel to England to gain a competitive education.

The higher education system in Great Britain is 4 periods:

  • Training;
  • General;
  • After-school;
  • Higher.

The stages of education in England are also postgraduate courses.

Compulsory education in the UK is eleven years. As the name suggests, this is the minimum inevitable to pass. It has a couple of stages:

  • Initial;
  • General.

Preparatory education

The process of studying in foggy Albion arises from the very youngest nails. Kids literally from two years old already begin to gnaw the granite of science. Primary education in the UK is performed through:

  • Nursery;
  • Kindergartens (Nursery School);
  • Primary schools;
  • Institutions full cycle(from two to 18 years old).

As we can see, even kindergartens are not called kindergartens, but schools. And the programs in them are special. The emphasis is not on the fact that the baby could be sent somewhere while the parents are at work, but on the fact that the baby can with early years master elementary teaching materials.

Secondary education

The UK school system is not only about school direction... Britain also has institutions of a different format. What are they needed for? Everything is aimed at ensuring that the parent can choose to study in harmony with personal conditions. If a higher education institution is planned, one school is elected, if the parents want special training schemes, another school is elected:

  • Boarding school. Status studies aimed at enrolling in universities. Specificity: a teenager lives there all year round. Separate boarding schools are in demand in the country. Russians can also enter the establishments;
  • Private schools. Specificity: personal approach, detailed study of the material, availability of all tools and equipment at the school. The doors of commercial schools are open to Russians too;
  • Public Schools. Only an Englishman can learn them without spending money.

Colleges in England for Russians, schools where teachers communicate in the Russian language have not been created. Education is available only in English.

There are types of schools with specifics:

  • Grammar. This is the path to mastering academic knowledge. Such schools are relevant if a teenager plans to try himself in the role of a university representative;
  • Modern. Emphasis on applied learning. Schools of this specificity become relevant when a person plans to start mastering work qualifications;
  • Standard. Training according to a standard in which the load is uniform. These are general establishments.

International colleges are a chance to get a high school diploma. They are admitted at the age of 14-18. Colleges have programs for university admission. Their passage is a guarantor of admission to a university without introductory tests.

Exams in the UK catch up with teenagers at the end of school. They contain the delivery of 6-8 items. If a person sees himself as a university student in the future, he will need to pass mathematics, foreign language, natural directions, English language.

Videos about British schools

Post-secondary education

Places to explore professional programs(Tertiary College) is an analogue of schools with an emphasis on preparing for university enrollment. What gives professional education In Great Britain? This offer is for teenagers who have decided not to get higher education, but at the same time want to be competitive in the job market. The issued diploma is a pass to work in the chosen field.

Post-secondary education will take 2 years. The main goal is to pass the A-Level exam.

Its specificity:

  • The student must wait for exams after each year, as in normal studies;
  • In the first year, a person chooses 4-5 disciplines;
  • In the second year, a person chooses 3-4 directions;
  • Subjects are not chosen spontaneously. The teenager is expected to have figured out who he wants to become. Lessons are selected in accordance with its purpose.

Post-secondary education is given for the implementation of the institutes:

  • Colleges;
  • Institutions, lessons in which are sharpened both for the programs of universities and for professional places of study;
  • At the institutes.

Most often, for Russians, the A-Level program is the first step on the path to education in foggy Albion. Russians can switch to the Foundation program. Its specificity:

  • Selection of 1-2 disciplines;
  • Learning the language of the state.

Through the efforts of representatives of training structures and employers, a different version of the Foundation program was created. Its specificity:

  • Completion period: 12 months;
  • This is an option for teenagers and adults who work. These programs are for a busy person.

Higher education

The primary education of higher education institutions is called undergraduate. The UK has a two-tier education scheme. If in our country such a scheme appeared only in 2002, then in England it was perfected centuries ago.

Higher education in the UK is implemented through:

  • State universities;
  • Prof. colleges;
  • Private universities;
  • Commercial colleges;
  • State colleges.

There are degrees in Britain:

  • Art;
  • Economics;
  • By architecture;
  • Accounting;
  • Engineering.

You need to give money for it. But the British can achieve and budget places... Russians and other foreign citizens cannot apply for the budget. Only a teenager or an adult who has received post-secondary education can enroll in them. Data is requested for the device:

  • Points already acquired in exams or expected points;
  • A compact essay describing the goals, justifying why the teenager chose a particular area;
  • List of universities, desirable for admission;
  • Characteristics from the school.

Secondary education in the Russian Federation will not become a pass to universities in England. What should be done? You need to unlearn two years at a Russian university, pass the IELTS test, which will tell you about your language proficiency.

For studying in England, the legalization of a Russian diploma is relevant: its translation into English, a meeting with a notary. It is necessary to confirm the authenticity of the diploma.

A student who graduates from a university becomes a bachelor's degree.

The higher education system in England will take 3-4 years. The exact timing depends on the chosen future job.

Videos about higher education in England

Postgraduate education

Postgraduate education in England is postgraduate and doctoral studies. There are four postgraduate study programs in England:

  • Schemes for passing to the magistracy. It will take from six months to a year;
  • Programs in specialties, through a number of which you can acquire a master's degree;
  • Academic and research programs, through which you can acquire a master's degree;
  • Doctorate. Will take 5-8 years.

There is one more difference from the domestic educational scheme - in Britain the Master's program is an autonomous institution. This is not a transformation of the bachelor's level, as is customary in Russian reality.

A master's degree will take a year of time. Studying proccess short but very intense. Requests to students are tough.

How to get a master's degree? A bachelor's degree is the admission ticket. If a person has received a master's status, he can choose to continue postgraduate studies with a doctorate. Test and interview required. Foreigners need to provide an IELTS certificate confirming the required level of knowledge official language Britain.

Grading system

The rating system in the UK is not uniform. That is, it, unlike our fatherland, is diverse. Based on these factors, an evaluation structure is selected:

  • Region;
  • Specificity of training.

There are two rating systems:

Holidays in the UK

Studying in England in the summer for children, as a rule, is aimed at comprehending the language. However, for teenagers, courses are also presented:

  • Art;
  • By design;
  • Acting and others.

They facilitate the development of new skills. Since the training is associated with intensive communication with the British, a bonus is to level up your English proficiency.

Getting an education for Russians

Education in England for Russians is ideally carried out when the child is very young. To implement this, a commercial school is selected. In this version, the teenager will have time to adapt to English standards, master the language, and get used to the environment. How much does it cost to study in England? Institutional policies are at the center of decisions. The estimated price for commercial schools in the country will be 4-5 thousand pounds per trimester.

This is only relevant for those students who are eager to go to Cambridge or other high-profile universities. If the ambitions of the teenager and his parents are not so great, you can prefer small private schools, the cost of education in which is equal, plus or minus, 2 thousand pounds.

Can study in England be free? Unfortunately, the Russian citizen's access to education, for which there will be no need to give money, is practically closed. However, nevertheless, it is possible to acquire education without paying money for it according to the following schemes:

  • Registration of citizenship, which will make it possible to apply for budget places;
  • Participation in international programs;
  • Exchange trips, if the Russian university has established contacts with local universities;
  • Grants to study in England;
  • Scholarships from the Russian Federation or from universities in Britain.

By the way, some people are so obsessed with studying in foggy Albion that they try to follow their dreams with very extravagant methods. For example, registration of refugee status. But this is a laborious path, since not everyone is granted refugee status with all its privileges.

To solve the problem of tuition fees, it is better to contact a representative directly. educational institution, in which a teenager dreams of going. In a personal case, a decrease in the cost of training is possible.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the majority of the question of education is stopped by the significant cost and the fact that foreigners have to pay for education. However, ways of solving the financial problem are possible. To find them, it is recommended to contact the representatives of the institutions directly, since information about grants and programs is not widely advertised.

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