Directions of theoretical applied and practical linguistics. List of staff of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Acting Head of the Department, to. Philol.n., Deputy Director of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

From the history of the department

Department of Theoretical I. applied linguistics (Tipal) was formed in the RGGU simultaneously with the faculty of the same name in 1992. From 1992 to November 1999, the Department was headed by Alexander Nikolaevich Barulin. In 2000, she was recreated as part of the RGGU Linguistics Institute as the Department of Theoretical Linguistics. In 2003, it was reorganized in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. From May 2000 to 2018, Sergey Iosifovich Gindin was the head of the department.

Since the profile of the department covers hardly all the problems of modern linguistics, its work is unthinkable without constant ties with linguistic scientific organizations. Therefore, along with staff teachers, prominent scientists from the Institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University, and other linguistic centers have always been involved in it. At different times, Professor N.N. was taught on it. Leontiev, A.Ya. Shaikevich, Doctor Philological Sciences S.V. Kodzasov, E.V. Maevsky, S.E. Nikitina, N.V. Pertsov, B.S. Schwarzkopf, candidates of philological sciences M.V. Kitchenskaya, N.N. Rosanova, Z.M. Shalyapin, Candidate medical Sciences Yu.L. Freudine. The tradition of teaching the linguistic framework of editing laid down at the department the largest connoisseurs of editorial event A.E. Milchine. As a "guest professor", I read the course of lectures on semantics I.A. Melchuk (Montreal).

From 2000 to 2003 The staffing professor of the department was an outstanding Russian Linguist Yury Semenovich Markhamianov (1930-2003). From 1992 to 2014 Associated, and then Professor of the Department was Irina Anatolyevna Muravyeva (1949-2014)

Pedagogical work of the department

The department provides the teaching of basic professional disciplines in educational programs Institute of Linguistics and All Outland Courses in other RGGU units. At the same time, teachers of the department conduct classes on a wide range of special disciplines and disciplines of specialization in all educational programs of the Linguistics Institute. On average for academic year The department provides teaching 60-70 academic disciplines.

The department is the "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics" and "Linguistics" (profile "Theory and Practice" in the directions of undergraduate intercultural communication»).

The department is one of the "Linguistics" (Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bprofile) in the direction of "Linguistics"

The department is being prepared by graduate students, in the direction of "Linguistics and literary criticism", the direction of the "Language theory", "Applied and Mathematical Linguistics", as well as "Russian language".

For all readable courses (both for students and for graduate students), detailed programs are drawn up by the staff, as well as the other necessary methodical support. Many training courses are published, annotations of all courses are posted on the RGGU website.

Many courses developed by teachers of the department are copyright and have no analogues in other linguistic institutions of the country. Such, for example, the course L.L. Fedorova "History of decryption of ancient letters", series of courses O.A. Kazakevich in Siberia. Some of the courses for the first time read by the department were subsequently included in the standards (for example, the course of S.I. Gindin "Introduction to the general philology" in the direction "Philology").

Teachers of the department published textbooks and tutorialsactively used in educational process In many other universities in Russia. It was during teaching at the department that such textbooks generally accepted today were obtained as "Introduction to Linguistics". AND I. Shaikevich and "Text Editing Methods A.E. Milchina. In 2015, he saw the light textbook L.L. Fedorova "History and the theory of letters."

Teachers of the department are often invited to universities in other countries. So, S.I. Gindin twice Vёl training courses at universities. D'Inunzio in Pescara (Italy), three times at the University of Roma-Trem in Rome, lectured at the University of Warsaw and at the university. Cardinal Art. Located in Warsaw. T.V. Baszina led a master class on speech influence at the University of Astana (Kazakhstan).

Educational programs, in the implementation of the department


  • "Intellectual Systems in the Humanitarian Sphere", profile "Development and programming of intellectual systems in the humanitarian sphere"
  • "Linguistics", profile "Translation and translationography"
  • "Linguistics", profile "Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication"
  • "Philology", profile "Applied philology (Russian language and intercultural communication)"
  • "Philology", "Foreign Philology" profiles and "Compactivism"
  • "Fundamental and applied linguistics"
  • "Museology and security of objects cultural heritage"," Exhibition "profile


  • "Translation and translation" (without specialization)


  • "Linguistics", Profile "Foreign Languages"
  • "Philology", profile "Russian language and intercultural communication"
  • "Fundamental and applied linguistics", profiles "Language theory" and "Computer linguistics"

Scientific research

Employees of the department are actively researching. Strong scientific and scientific and methodological schools have developed at the department:

  • "Languages \u200b\u200bof Eurasia: documentation, theory, typology" (hands. O.A. Kazakevich);
  • "History of domestic linguistics and philology" (hands. V.M. Alpatov, S.I. Gindin)
  • "Ontology of text, speech stratification and text systems" (hands. S.I. Gindin).

As part of each of these schools, a number of more specific research projects. So, under the direction of O.A. Kazakevich and Pov active participation Students annually organize field expeditions to describe the languages \u200b\u200bof the Aboriginal Siberian and their contacts with the Russian language. The same team creates electronic resources on the documentation of disappearing languages.

Under the leadership of S.I. Gindin and close cooperation with Ph.D. OM Anshanov (OIS RGGU) are conducted on computer philology, three times supported by three-year grants of the RFBR. In their course, there was, in particular, a network hypertext system Gafis "Bryusov" was created (its first turn is posted on the website

L.L. Fedorov actively explores exotic written systems of Asia and America.

Under the leadership of E.A. Ivanova is working on the use of linguistic technologies for the methodological improvement of the teaching of the Russian language at school and communicative and information support of charitable activities on socio-medical care to elderly people, disabled and seriously sick children.

Under the guidance of TR. Kobzareva is working on automatic syntactic analysis for various computer and robotic systems.

The department has permanent scientific seminars "Text, Communication of Poetics" (Hand. S.I. Gindin), "Text and information Technology"(Hand. E.A. Ivanova)," Documentation of the disappearing languages \u200b\u200b"(hands. O.A. Kazakevich)," Problems of automatic syntactic analysis "(hands. T. Kobzarev).

The department is actively involved in the organization of scientific conferences of the Linguistics Institute and University Conferences of the RGU. Employees of the Department are invited to international and all-Russian conferences organized scientific institutions In our country and abroad.

Scientific publications in the release of which the department participates

Department employees are published in leading scientific journals Russia I. foreign countries, on the pages of authoritative international collections and in collective monographs. The department is the center of publishing activities of the Linguistics Institute. In particular, S.I. Gindin was the deputy editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of the RGGU series "History. Philology. Culturalology. Oriental science. ", A N.G. Semenova - the responsible secretarization of the emerging in this series of the Moscow Linguistic Journal. Edited by L.L. Fedorova leaving work annual conferences Institute of Linguistics on Language and Communication. With the nearest editorial participation of S.I. Gindina and E.A. Ivanova is published by a methodical magazine for teachers "Russian" entering paper and electronic versions. S.I. Gindin is a member of the editorial board of the Academic Journal Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Series of literature and language »and the international magazine" Slavica Revalensia "

List of staff of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

  • Alpatov Vladimir Mikhailovich - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member Russian Academy Sci) reads courses "Theoretical grammar of Japanese", "History of linguistic teachings" Address email: [Email Protected]
  • Bashina Tatyana Vadimovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, the associate professor leads courses "Psychology of Communication", "psycholinguistics", "assimilation native language"," Children's speech "," Modern Russia In the texts: literature, journalism »Email address: [Email Protected]
  • Brovko Ekaterina Leonidovna - Senior Lecturer. Reads the course "Psychology of Communication", conducts seminars on "Introduction to Linguistics" and "Communication Theory". E-mail address: [Email Protected]
  • Gadilia Ketevan Tamazova - Candidate of Philological Sciences reads courses "Translation theory", "Translation in terms of language and cultural remoteness", "Organization of translation projects" Email address: [Email Protected]
  • Zakharov Anna Viktorovna - teacher. Leads disciplines "Creating content for Internet resources", "Processing of audio and video materials", etc. Email address: [Email Protected]
  • Kazakevich Olga Anatolyevna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Reads courses "Small Languages \u200b\u200bof Europe", "Sociolinguistics", "field linguistics. E-mail address: [Email Protected]
  • Kobzareva Tatyana Yurevna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Reads courses "Psycholinguistics", "Syntax", "Semiotika", "Semantics of punctuation marks (in historical and comparative aspects)", "Semiotics of culture" Email address:

Form of study: Father

Training period : 4 years

Qualification at the end of training: Bachelor Linguistics

Languages \u200b\u200bstudied:

  • english (first mandatory to study language),
  • french, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian (the second mandatory study language of the student's choice with 1 course 1 semester).
  • third Foreign Language from the 3rd Course
  • Optional in other languages \u200b\u200bare also possible.

Information about quantity budget seats comes before the start receiving campaign For the current year.

As entrance tests Accepted eME results By disciplines:

  • History
  • Russian language
  • Foreign language (profile exam)

Professional activities The graduate will be able to implement in educational, academic, public, political, production and research organizations working in the field of intercultural communication in various professional areas (including in the field of processing Russian-speaking and foreign language texts for production and practical purposes) , in the field of linguistic expertise sound speech and written texts in any language for production and practical purposes. In addition, a graduate will be able to carry out professional activities in education, training and assessment of the quality of learning outcomes, information retrieval and organizational and management activities.

The curriculum provides for the study in obligatory three foreign languages, as well as not only the practical development of the first and second foreign languages, conducting cultural workshops speech communication In two foreign languages. Students learn to spend linguistic analysis Text, study the theory of information and database management systems, as well as cognitive technologies in applied linguistics. Besides, in curriculum Students can choose, depending on the individual educational trajectory, such disciplines such as automated processing of text arrays, information technologies in linguistics, theory and practice of machine translation, project management, web design, psycholinguistics, applied methods in linguistics, etc.

IMPORTANT! A specific educational trajectory (profile) The student chooses on the 2nd course (1 semester) of training with further fixation of the selected profile in the bachelor's diploma. The study of special disciplines begins with 2 semesters of 2 courses.

On the 1st year, all students are credited to a common (basic) program for all areas of direction 45.03.02 Linguistics in the field of business and professional communications and information technologies.

Educational disciplines (required)

  • Philosophy
  • History
  • Russian history
  • Russian language and culture of speech
  • Ancient languages \u200b\u200band cultures
  • Culturology
  • Information technology in linguistics
  • Computer science
  • Mathematical methods in linguistics
  • Cognitive technologies in linguistics
  • Information theory
  • Automated translation systems (including databases)
  • Basics of Linguistics
  • Practical course first foreign language
  • Practical course of the second foreign language
  • First Foreign Language Theory
  • Basics of Intercultural Communication Theory
  • Mercultural Communication Workshop (First Foreign Language)
  • Mercultural Communication Workshop (second foreign language)
  • Fundamentals of management
  • Croskultural management
  • Fundamentals of theoretical and applied linguistics
  • Comparative culturalology

Disciplines for the choice of student

  • Theory and Translation Practice
  • Country studies of the country's second learned language
  • Project management
  • Marketing
  • Basics of information and analytical processing of documents
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Business Course English
  • Fundamentals of foreign economic activity
  • Political psychology
  • Globalization and regionalization of world economy

Applied linguistics - This is a direction in linguistics learning methods for solving practical tasks related to the use of language. Applied linguistics - section of linguistics learning how to solve practical tasks related to optimization of language use. Applied linguistics not only relies on the achievement of a common linguistic theory, but also affects its development, since special studies are usually necessary for solving practical tasks, which constitute the main content of applied linguistics. As a scientific discipline applied linguistics exists from the 2nd half of the 20th century. Its range is determined by the needs of practice. The main directions of applied linguistics: fixation and storage of speech information - the creation of alphabets and writing, spelling, practical transcription and transliteration (mainly in relation to geographical names and own names), Creation informational languages; Transfer of speech information - translation theory (mainly scientific and technical), the creation of automatic translation systems; Automatic recognition and synthesis of speech, learning theory of non-aligning language, SURDPEDAGOGOGY (learning the deaf-and-dumb language) and Typhlow-Survival (learning of the tongue of blind-deaf-and-and-dumb), the theory of speech intelligibility (to optimize the transmission of speech through communication channels); Automation of intellectual activity related to the use of language - the creation of artificial intelligence systems (automated) information and search engines, automatic annotation and information reference systems; Using language in medicine - neurolinguistics (speech pathology, aphasias as a means of diagnosing brain damage), etc.; Using a language as a mass communication tools - language planning (in countries with multilingual population), language construction, language normalization (regulatory grammar and dictionaries, orphoepium, unification of terminology; Ctem is a study of trademarks); Creating international artificial languages, field linguistics (description of unexplored languages), studying the influence of the language of human behavior (content analysis, linguistic theory of advertising, propaganda, etc.). Applied Linguistics - Annex Activities scientific knowledge On the device and functioning of the language in nonlineuistic scientific disciplines and in various fields practical activity man, as well as theoretical understanding of such activities. Linguistics Recision Recipient Linguistics

Tasks and methods. From a functional point of view, applied linguistics can be defined as an academic discipline in which it is purposefully studied and methods for optimizing various fields of operation. language System. The scope of linguistic knowledge can be distributed according to the functions of the language. In the optimization of the communicative function, such disciplines are made as the theory of translation, machine translation, theory and practice of teaching the native and non-standard, theory and practice of information and search engines, the creation of information and artificial languages, coding theory. To optimize the social function of the language - as part of the communicative - significant research in the field of sociolinguistics (in particular, the study and substantiation of language policy), spelling and orthoepia, theory of impact, political linguistics. Optimization of the gnoseological function contribute to lexicography (including computer), research in the field of terminology and terminography, cabinet and field linguistics. Finally, studies on computer linguistics, "linguistic criminology", psycholinguistics, etc. are used to optimize cognitive functions.

Each specific applied discipline has its own a unique set of methods.

Before descriptive linguistics there is a task of describing the facts of the language. In the foreground, at the same time there is a classification method, i.e. Detecting that grid of parameters that allows you to cover all the essential properties of language structures. Theoretical linguistics form the very idea of \u200b\u200bwhich language properties are essential, and which are not. Conceptual models of the language created in theoretical linguistics do not simply describe the observed facts, but also explain them.

Applied linguistics also uses and classification method and modeling method. In applied linguistics, a cognitive installation known as "engineering approach" has widespread. This setting as basic value nominates not the knowledge of the "how it is actually", and the decision specific taskIn the particular case - satisfaction of the requirements of the "Customer", which pursues its own goals.

The general property of applied linguistics methods is the orientation to the creation of such a model of this problem area, which displays only its properties that are necessary to solve a particular practical task.

Applied models are generally focused on specific sublays, and not the entire language as a whole; They often require more than formalization; Applied models use the knowledge of the language selectively; Applied models do not distinguish between the actual linguistic and extralyinguistic aspects of semantics language expressions; Applied models do not impose any significant restrictions on the simulation tool.

Main sections and directions of applied linguistics

In the spotlight lexicography There are methods for creating dictionaries. The center of her interest - ways of organization vocabulary article, Dictionary of dictionaries and the technology of their creation.

Modern lexicography has significantly expanded and strengthened its instruments with computer technologies for creating and operating dictionaries. This direction of applied linguistics received the name of computer lexicography.

Subject of research and descriptions terminography It is terminology that correlated in a wide sense with the area of \u200b\u200ball the terms of the natural language, and in narrow - with terms of one or another specific scientific discipline or a special field of human practical activity. Terminology dictionaries are one of the results of terminography.

Cabinet linguistics Develops general principles for building linguistic data enclosures using modern computer technology. In addition to the constructing of data enclosures, the enclosure linguistics is engaged in creating computer tools intended for their processing. A special case of the data enclosure is the case of texts. As units of the latter, texts or their sufficiently significant fragments are. Among the buildings of the texts are allocated "Research Corps" and "Illustrative Corps". The first are intended mainly to study various aspects of the functioning of the language system; They are built before any research. Illustrative buildings are created after scientific research: Their goal is not so much to identify new facts as confirming and justify the results already obtained. The second important distinction concerns dynamic (monitor) and static buildings. Initially, the texts of the texts were created as static formations reflecting a certain temporary slice of the language system. However, a significant part of purely linguistic and not only linguistic tasks requires identifying historical changes in the functioning of language phenomena. For this, a special technology for building and operating a dynamic text case has been developed.

Under the term " computer linguistics»Usually it is understood as a wide range of computer tools - programs, computer technologies for organizing and processing data - to simulate the functioning of the language in certain conditions, situations, problem areas, as well as the scope of computer models of language in linguistics and related disciplines. To competence computer linguistics Refers and machine translation.

Term " quantitative linguistics"Characterizes the interdisciplinary direction in the applied studies, in which quantitative or the main instrument is used as the main tool for learning language and speech statistical methods Analysis. In the spotlight psycholinguistics There are processes of recruitment and perception, as well as language assimilation by the child.

Linguistics (Linguistics, Language Science) - This is a science of a natural human language in general and about all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world as individual representatives.

The subject of applied linguistics is an application of a linguistic theory to solve the practical problems of non-rigorous and linguistic disciplines.

Applied linguistics - it is also computer, computational, engineering. Applied linguistics is the theory of language teaching (it is understood abroad).

The main tasks are pred.

1. Improving communication. To do this, creating a literary language.

2. Overcoming a multilingual barrier.


Creating an artificial language (Esperanto, ID), their options are created.

Creating machine translation.

3. Explore the tongue to know people, their thinking, consciousness, explore the picture of the world.

4. Cognitive tasks are associated with the use of knowledge. How people get knowledge, in what form are stored, how they are converting.

Applied linguistics is born in the middle of the 20th century. Mid 20 V. - Active use of computers.

Gradually, linguistic theory begins to use to solve cognitive tasks using a computer. The car understands the text and can draw conclusions that can be used in practice.

Problems: You need to create machine indexing - index documents, refect them (this is one of the context form), create an automatic search.


1. Mathematics (the theory of sets, probabilities, conventorological).

2. Modeling method.

The model must have another physical basis

The model is always ideal, i.e. It does not take into account many particular, little things, insignificant aspects of the object

The model must be expocutable (explanatory)

The model must be heuristic, i.e. must contribute to the opening of a new

The model must be functional, should transmit actions, object functions.

Modeling method Used in cases where the direct study of the modeling object in one or another is difficult - for example, human thinking and language in all its manifestations.

If the created model repeats the behavior of the modeling object, that is, the input and output information of the model repeats similar information of the modeling object, the model functions well, adequately. The theory of modeling allows in this case to transfer the characteristics of the model of the model to the object itself. This is an important theoretical position that allows the modeling method to be considered a research method.

You can simulate only those object properties that are not determined by its physical nature. In other words, only those characteristics that are associated with the structural organization of the facility are successfully simulated. Simulation of non-structural properties in principle may, however, it is difficult to transfer the characteristics of the model organization to the simulated object.

Theoretical linguistics often use the following types of models: component models or structure models (from which it is made X); predictive models (predict behavior certain circumstances); imitating models (externally behave like X); diachronic models (how and why changing X.over time).

Since the tasks of applied linguistics are concentrated in the field of optimization of the language functions, and optimization is determined by a specific task, thus, the most important property of applied linguistics methods is optimization.

Optimization - such a description (model) of the problem area, in which this area retains in the resulting representation only those essential properties that are necessary for this practical problem. In other words, if for theoretical research It is assumed full description The problem area with all its difficulties, etc., the application optimized description should be satisfactory only for this particular task.

Course of the main tasks of applied linguistics:Translations; Training in foreign language, learning techniques, lingvodidactics; Communication with technical means; Creating artificial languages; Information search; Annotation and referencing of texts; Drawing up dictionaries (practical lexicography); Streamlining, unification and standardization of scientific and technical terminology; Organization of bibliographic information; Transcription oral speech; Effective typographical set + Machine translate, dictionaries; Computer lingvodidactics; Mathematical linguistics (development of formal models of languages); Automatic processing natural languages (Speech recognition and synthesis, automation information work, automatic information search systems); Cognitive linguistics (frequency analysis of texts).

2. Declarative and procedural knowledge. Molds of knowledge presentation in applied linguistics. Frames, scenarios, plans, models of the world.

Computer linguistics as a special application discipline is allocated, first of all, by the tool, that is, on the use of computer tools for processing language data. Since computer programs that simulate certain aspects of the functioning of the language can use a variety of programming tools, then the general methane language should not have to say. However, it is not. There are general principles of computer modeling of thinking, which, one way or another, are implemented in any computer model. The basis of this language is the theory of knowledge developed in artificial intelligence and forming an important section of cognitive science.

The main thesis of the theory of knowledge states that thinking is the process of processing and generating knowledge. "Knowledge" or "knowledge" is considered an undefined category. As a "processor" processing knowledge, the cognitive system of man is the cognitive system. In epistemology and cognitive science, two main types of knowledge are distinguished - delarative ("Knowledge what") and procedural ("Knowledge as").

Declarative knowledge- A set of statements about something. Typical example declarative knowledge can be considered interpretation of words in ordinary intelligent dictionaries. For example, a cup -"A small vessel for a rounded form drinking, usually with a handle, etc. They are amenable to verification procedure in the terms" Truth-Falie ".

Procedural knowledge - Sequence (list) of operations, actions that should be performed. This is some overall instructions on actions in some situation, an example - instructions for using household appliances.

They are impossible to verify as true or false. They can be assessed only by successfulness of the failure of the algorithm; related to cultural tradition. This, apparently, is explained by the fact that procedural knowledge, as a rule, describes the behavior that is more sociologized than the idea of \u200b\u200bthe abstract categories of the type of movement, time, space, etc. However, many declarative knowledge are directly dependent on learning and experience in cooperation with The world around the world.

Most of the concepts of cognitive tools of computer linguistics are ionymically: they simultaneously designate some of the real essences of the human cognitive system and ways of presenting these entities on some metalas. In other words, the metabasics elements have an ontological and instrumental aspect.

Ontologicallythe separation of declarative and procedural knowledge corresponds to various types of knowledge of the cognitive system of a person. So, knowledge of specific subjects, objects of reality is predominantly declarative, and human functionality for walking, running, driving machine is implemented in the cognitive system as procedural knowledge.

Instrumental Knowledge (both procedural and declarative) can be represented as a combination of descriptions and as an algorithm, instruction. In other words, ontologically, declarative knowledge of the object of reality "Table" can be procedurally as a totality of instructions, algorithms for its creation, assembly. It is also true: ontologically procedural knowledge can be submitted declaratively.

Researchers agree that any declarative knowledge can be procedurally presented in principle, although this may be very uneconomical for the cognitive system. The opposite is hardly fair. Declarative knowledge more explicitly \u003d straight, it is easier to realize a person than procedural. In contrast, declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge is predominantly implicit \u003d secretive.

The concept of frames, scenarios, plans, world models.

In theory of knowledge for learning and presenting knowledge, various knowledge structures are used - frames, scenarios, plans. To express declarative knowledge, frame structures (schemes) are most often used.

Fream. - This is a data structure intended for the presentation of a stereotypical situation (a conceptual structure for a declarative presentation of knowledge about a typed thematically unified situation containing slots related to certain semantic relations). For clarity purposes, the frame is often represented in the form of a table, the strings of which form slots. Each slot has its name and content. Depending on the specific problem, the structuring of the frame may be significantly more complex; Frame may include subframes and references to other frames, frames can form complex knowledge structures; Frame systems admit a hierarchy - one frame can be part of another frame. By content, the concept of the frame is very close to the category of interpretation (interpretation contains only linguistically relevant information about the word content plan, and the frame, firstly, is not necessarily tied to the word, and, secondly, includes all the information relevant for this problem situation, including including extralyinguistic (knowledge of the world)).

The theory of the frame was proposed by the English. scientist Marvin Minsk. He tried to find a form in which you can record values \u200b\u200bfor the machine, they must be strict. So he created frame structures, which then picked up many scientists. Then it turned out that in frames there is a center (clear) and peripherals (unclear).


Sub-centers:at the head - land., the subject, some signs are attributed to it;

Joint: Action - verb, the situation is set (the verb always implies a situation), beneficiaries appear (for whom the action), objects, goals are performed;

Particular (partial):reflected objects and their parts, for example, the car and what it is made;

Hyponimic:rodovoid relationship; hyperonym - genus, generic name (tree), hyponim - view, species name (oak));

Associative: It is reflected rapprochement of phenomena by their similarity, adjacency, this is a frame, which reflects the metaphors. For example, the house is Bergów.

The method of presenting procedural knowledge is an algorithm (sequence of actions).

Scenario - Conceptual structure for procedural presentation of knowledge about a stereotypical situation or stereotypical behavior. The elements of the script are the steps of the algorithm or instructions. Usually they say about the "scenario of visiting a restaurant", "purchase scenarios", etc. A characteristic example is a scenario of behavior in a restaurant. Scenic knowledge is closely related to a certain culture. The script can be represented not only in the form of an algorithm, but also in the form of a network whose vertices correspond to some situations, and arcs - links between situations.

As a result of the application of the scenario, a specific problem situation is formed plan. The plan is a script that is focused on achieving a specific goal. The plan relates a goal with a sequence of actions. In general, the plan includes a sequence of procedures that transfer the initial state of the system to the final and leading to the achievement of a certain bleeding and goal. The feasibility of the plan is a prerequisite for its generation in the cognitive system, and to the scenario, the feasibility characteristic is not applicable. The script is such a scenario that has an imperative character (ultimately requires the execution of certain rules).

Model of the world- A combination of certainly organized knowledge about the world, characteristic of the cognitive system or its computer model. In a somewhat more general About the model of the world they say both about the part of the cognitive system that stores knowledge about the device of the world, its patterns, etc. The world model is a special block, which, depending on the selected architecture, there may be common knowledge about the world (in the form of simple in winter items. or in the form of rules of products "If it rains on the street, then you need to put on a raincoat or take an umbrella"), some specific facts ("the highest peak in the world - Everest"), as well as the values \u200b\u200band their hierarchies, sometimes allocated to a special "axiological block".

Closely related to the category frame concept scenes. The category of the scene is mainly used in the literature as the designation of the conceptual structure for the declarative presentation of situations and their parts. Being connected by S. language FormsThe scene is often actualized by a certain word or expression. In grammar scenes scene appears as part of an episode or narration. Characteristic examples of scenes - a place of action in the story and participants of the action, etc. In artificial intelligence, scenes are used in image recognition systems, as well as in research-oriented programs (analysis, description) problem situations. The image of the world is a message about those phenomena or facts, of which the situation is developing, as well as the properties of these phenomena and relations between them. The picture of the world is what is needed for artificial intelligence.

Language as a complex system can only be described in a specific perspective, taking into account a separate aspect of the object. Such an angle, aspect is called the subject of study.

In the most general form, linguistics as science is divided into two directions: theoretical and applied.

Theoretical linguistics considers the language as an object of reality in order to build its model (fix all significant elements, relationships and functions). It is in this form that knowledge of the language can be transmitted from one person to another. At the same time, it is important to distinguish between knowledge of the language and knowledge of the language, because so that the person learns and knew the language, it is enough to live in a society that uses this language. Language knowledge allows certain borders to master some language in society where it is not used.

Applied linguistics studies the possibility of using knowledge about language in the practice of communication. Applied linguistic disciplines include the method of teaching a native and foreign language, rhetoric, advertising, office work, psychotherapy and psychocorrection, some studies in the field of criminalistics (developed, for example, a system that allows you to create a person's photomotation to the timbre of his voice), engineering linguistics (in particular, Developing automatic translation systems, recognition of sounding speech, electronic text reading systems), literary criticism. Literary studies can be attributed to applied linguistics, since when reading artistic text We rely on the language, and when analyzing any parties of the artistic speech work - for knowledge about the language.

The term "applied" can be considered in another aspect - aspect of support on empirical speech material. Here we can note in particular the British "Corps" linguistics (Corpus Linguistics), opposing itself "sofa" (Armchair Linguistics). Ch. Filmore characterizes this opposition so: in the event of a dialogue between the "corps" (with a selection of facts and a constantly engaged counting of some empirical patterns) and the "sofa" (lying heads with closed eyes and occasionally jumping with a cry "What awkward fact ! ") Linguists, the first not without reason tells the second:" Why should I assume that what you say is right? ", And the second first -" Why should I consider that what you say is of interest? "

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