UMC on the geography of the darf. Selection of UMK in geography

1 day of the seminar

Publisher "Ventana - Count" was represented at the seminar Nadezhda Petrovna Emelin - Methodist on the geography of the publishing center. To the attention of the listeners was offered the program "Geography 6 -10 classes", tutorials From 6 to grade 11, edited by CT. RAO VP Dronova. Presentation of textbooks from 6 to grade 11 passed. Textbooks on geography of IC "Ventana-Count" under the general editorship of V.P. Dronova is a consistent line of textbooks from 6 to 10 classes. The project manager is the soul of Iraida Vladimirovna. Statements correspond to the state educational standard and the basic curricula (2004), comply with the mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs and requirements for the preparation of students in geography. The line includes the following textbooks:

  • Geography. 6th grade. Letlyagin A.A.
  • Geography. 7th grade. Soul I.V., Smoktunovich T.L.
  • Geography. 8th grade. Fifteen V.B.
  • Geography. Grade 9. Customs EA
  • Geography.10 class. Bakhchiev O.A. ( a basic level of).

Tutorials 6,7,8 grade enter the federal list of textbooks admitted by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation To use B. educational process in general educational institutions In the 2008-2009 academic year. A class textbook 10 is a federal list of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to use in educational process in educational institutions in the 2008-2009 academic year. CMD provides the complexity and continuity of teaching geography at school from class to class.

For CMD in geography, the following features are characterized:

The transition from a separate study of the physical and socio-economic geography to the integrated rate, which corresponds to the trends in the development of modern geographic science;

Expanded information O. modern methods geographic studies (global navigation system), sources of geographic information (space images), the role of geography in society, provides a list of Internet resources;

Improved humanistic and cultural approaches to disclosure educational material, there are many examples of geographical objects, including the Russian, part of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage;

Much attention is paid to practical species activities, the use of geographical knowledge and skills in everyday life;

A significant amount of topics orienses students to study native region. Issues and tasks were introduced, requiring the use of knowledge gained to analyze the situation in their locality;

The second part of the seminar was devoted to the speech of teachers-approbators Vladimirmoki region. Prokofiev E.Yu. Teacher geography of Kolchugino (Grade 6), Baeva V.E. Teacher of the geography of Kolchugino (7,8 grades) Kopylova O.Yu. Geography teacher of the city of Murom (grade 10). Tutorials of this line received as a whole positive feedback from teachers-approbators.

The basis of the educational and methodological set on geography is a classic line of textbooks of the federal list. They are complemented by methodological manuals for textbooks in which the perspective planning and guidelines On working with textbooks, working notebooks for students, working notebooks for teachers, recommendations for planning lessons on textbooks, atlases and contour maps, as well as collections of tests, control and verification work.

When used in the educational process of all components of the educational and methodological kit, schoolchildren are mastering not only the scope of knowledge on the subject, but also the methodology of geographic science and can analyze a variety of geographic information sources and apply learned material in everyday life.

All textbooks are richly illustrated, contain many cards and schemes, which greatly facilitates the perception of students as materials of textbooks and teacher's explanations. Many questions and tasks of textbooks are creative. The teacher has the ability to vary the level of complexity of tasks depending on the level of preparation and inclinations of the student, which allows the differentiated approach to learning



UMK in geography 6-10 classes

The basis of the educational and methodological set on geography is a classic line of textbooks of the federal list. They are complemented by methodological manuals for textbooks, which presents the persistent planning and methodological recommendations for working with textbooks, working notebooks for students, working notebooks for the teacher, recommendations for planning lessons on textbooks, atlases and contour cards, as well as tests of tests, control and verification work.

When used in the educational process of all components of the educational and methodological kit, schoolchildren are mastering not only the scope of knowledge on the subject, but also the methodology of geographic science and can analyze a variety of geographic information sources and apply learned material in everyday life.

All textbooks are richly illustrated, contain many cards and schemes, which greatly facilitates the perception of students as materials of textbooks and teacher's explanations. Many questions and tasks of textbooks are creative. The teacher has the ability to vary the level of complexity of tasks depending on the level of preparation and inclinations of the student, which allows the differentiated approach to learning.


Name of the curriculum

Type of program

Who approved


Teaching and Multimedia Teacher Manuals

Educational and Methodical and Multimedia Pupils for the Student


Programs for general education. institutions. 6-11 cl. - T.P. Gerasimova. Starting course Geography - M., Drop, 2009

Soul I.V. Geography of continents and oceans M., Drop, 2009

Program I.I. Barinova, V.P. Dronova Geography of Russia

8- Grade 9 - M., Drop, 2009

Program Sirotina V.I. For medium (full) education - M., Drop, 2009


Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

T.P. Gerasimov, N.P.Neklyukova. Geography (initial course). Grade 6 - M., Drop 2012.

V.A.Karinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Solev. Geography of continigs and oceans. Grade 7 - M., Drop 2012.

I.I, Baranova. Geography of Russia (Nature). Grade 8 - M., Drop 2012.

V.P.Dronov, V.Ya.D.Gography of Russia (population and economy). Grade 9 - M., Drop 2012

V.P. Maksakovsky. Economic I. social geography World. Grade 10 - M., "Drop" 2012

N.Anikitina. Pounding development on hijling. Grade 6 - M., "Vako" 2007

A.V.Shetny Workbook. Initial course of geography. Grade 6, Drop 2009.

I.V. Dushina. Geography of continigs and oceans. Workbook for teacher. - M.: Drop, 2001.

V.A.Karinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Solev. Geography of the mainland and oceans, grade 7. Toolkit. - M.: Drop, 2000.

Constructor of interactive cards with verifiable tasks from a single collection of digital educational resources (EC TSOR)

E.Arzhin. Pounding develops in geography grade 8. M., "Vako" 2009

Multimedia program: geography 6-10 class.

Geography of Russia. Geography lessons. Electronic simulator

Constructor of interactive cards with verifiable tasks from a single collection of digital educational resources (EC TSOR)

E.Arzhin. Pounding developments in geography. Grade 9. M., "Vako" 2007

Multimedia program: geography 6-10 class.

Constructor of interactive cards with verifiable tasks from a single collection of digital educational resources (EC TSOR)

Maksakovsky V.P. Methodological manual for the economic social geography of the world of the 10th grade. M., "Enlightenment", 2004

- Multimedia program: geography 6-10 class.

Constructor of interactive cards with verifiable tasks from a single collection of digital educational resources (EC TSOR)

Atlas Grade 6 -

Contour cards. Grade 6, M., Drop, "Dick Publishing" 2010

Educational electronic edition.Petrov N.N. Initial course of geography. 6th grade.

V.I. Sirotin. Geography. Workbook "Geography of continents and oceans." Grade 7 - M.: Drop, 2008.

Atlas. Geography of continigs and oceans. 7th grade.

M., "Drop", "Dick Publishing" 2010

Contour cards. 7th grade.

M., "Drop", "Dick Publishing" 2010

Multimedia Training Program: 7th grade geography. Geography of continigs and oceans.

I.I. Barinova, Geography. Nature of Russia. Workbook

Grade 8 - M.: Drop, 2008.

Atlas. Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade. M., "Drop", "Dick Publishing" 2010

Contour cards. 8th grade. M., "Drop", "Dick Publishing" 2010

Electronic encyclopedia. Geography of Russia

- V.P.Dronov. Geography. Workbook. Population and farming of Russia .. Grade 9 - M.: Drop, 2008.

Atlas. Economic and social geography of Russia. Grade 9. - M., "Drop", "Dick Publishing" 2010

Contour cards. Grade 9.-M., "Drop", "Dick Publishing" 2010

V.P. Maksakovsky "Workbook on geography" Grade 10, allowance for students of educational institutions, M., "Enlightenment" 2007.

Atlas. Grade 10 - M., "Drop", "Dick Publishing" 2010

Contour Cards Grade 10 - M., "Drop", "Dick Publishing" 2010

Maksakovsky V.P., Zayats D.V., and others

Educational electronic manual. Economic and social geography of the world.

Geography 10-11. Audiochkin. Part1, 2.

Summary of other presentations

"GEF program in geography" - requirements for subject results. Fundamental core content. Continents. Areas of country. Differences of GEF and state. Content and structure. Getting skills. Approximate I. working program. Wood system. Requirements for the results of the development of programs. Material-technical. GEF. Standard Middle general Education. Organizational section. Target section. Geography of Russia. Substantive section of the program.

"Line of textbooks on geography" - practical tasks require a creative approach, manifestation of fantasy. At the beginning of each paragraph gives a clear goal. Links to modern educational resources. In the center of the review, the authors put man's economic activities. Tutorials are well illustrated. Questions and tasks after each paragraph. Detailed description of the main species economic activity. Basic content lines.

"Geography" Ventana-Count "" - conference, pedagogical forum. Modern technologies (electrometallurgy). Author's seminar. Communicative Wood. Earth as planet Solar system. Author's team of the line of geography textbooks. Geography. Features of textbooks. Practical work - component School geography content. Achieving advanced positions in global economic competition. Traditional tasks of pedagogy from the standpoint of an activity approach.

"Educational program on geography" - planned results of studying the educational subject. Evaluation System subject results. Methodical support. general characteristics Training subject. Psychological and pedagogical features of the development of children. Thematic planning. Structure of the program on the subject. Planned results of study training course. System-activity approach. Cabinet equipment. Exemplary curriculum of basic general education.

"Educational and Methodical Complex for Geography" - sources of geographic information. The skills developing and emerging during the work. Sources of country information - work with a dictionary. Work with the support words. Literary descriptions - V. Peskov. From the notes of Lieutenant Lavrentia Zagoskina, 1842 - 1844. Implementation of a methodical idea. Subject and methodical line of geography textbooks. Goal geographical Education at school. Universal learning actions.

"Geography training programs" - interactive maps in geography. Interactive posters. Description scheme for training software products. EGE 2011. List of links for training software products. Analysis of learning programs on geography. List of training software products. 1C: Educational collection. Cyril and Methodius geography lessons. Geography. 1C: audiobooks.

Tutorials of the publishing house "Drop"

by geography

education and science of the Russian Federation for use in

educational process in general educational institutions

2012/2013 academic year (Application)

Please note that due to the fact that we switched to GEF general Education independently form curricula (see federal state educational standard basic general education, section III p. 16, 17) teaching in 5th grade also perhaps on textbooks "Introduction to natural-scientific subjects":

UMC "Introduction to naturally scientific subjects. 5 classes "

No. P / P (FP)


Publishing house

Sonin in natural scientific subjects

Ivanov in natural scientific subjects

Classic Line UMC in geography. 5-9 cashiers

No. P / P (FP)


Publishing house



This line of textbooks retains the best traditions in the supply of educational material with a gradual complication of the level of presentation of the content in accordance with the age characteristics of students; development and deepening of fundamental geographic concepts with 5 Grade 9. . At the same time, the tutorials line have modern scientific content and methodical apparatus. Course 5 grade "Introduction to geography" is properedificatory in relation to the course Grade 6 . Add to 7th grade "Geography. The initial course "emphasis is on the topic" Images of image ground surface" The consolidation and application of the formed skills occurs during the study earth shells. Course Grade 7 "Geography of the continents and oceans" is devoted to the laws of formation of the appearance of our planet and the manifestation of these patterns on the mainland and in the oceans. In more detail compared to the past editions of the textbook, the characteristic of historical and cultural regions and individual countries is given. Course Grade 8 "Geography of Russia. Nature "opens up the study of the geography of Russia and contains information about geographical position, features of nature and natural resources Countries, natural complexes and nature of the regions of Russia, as well as on the impact of a person in nature. Course 9 grade "Geography of Russia. The population and the economy contains information on the peculiarities of the population and the economy of the country, about the geography of intersectoral complexes, as well as the complex characteristics of large regions of Russia. Line textbooks have the same structure, following which will help the teacher to organize learning activities Pupils.

edited by I.

No. P / P (FP)


Publishing house

In, / ed. Climean.

In, et al. / Ed. Climean.

Et al. / Ed. Alekseeva

Et al. / Ed. Alekseeva

This line implements the possibility of a deeper study of the subject at the stage of basic general education in the classes and educational institutions of the humanitarian profile. The rate of grade 5 is dedicated to Earth as a planet and is properedificate in relation to the rate of grade 6. The formation of the Russian civil identity of students is a key conceptual idea of \u200b\u200ba line that is implemented not only through the assimilation of the course of courses 8 - 9 classes "Geography of Russia", but also through the inclusion of material about Russia in the world in the course of grade 7 "Geography. Country studies , texts about the famous Russians to the rate of 5 - 6 classes "Geography. Region. The course "Geography of Russia" makes a key contribution to the spiritual and moral development of students, achieving the standard personal results Education. Its content has a personal-oriented character, based on interprecietary relations with history, literature.

The methodical apparatus of the Line textbooks is built on the principles of a systemic approach. The textbook is considered by the authors not only as the main source of information, but also as a means of organizing students to achieve substantive, meta-concrete and personal results of the formation defined by GEF at all stages of the lesson.

Line UMK "Geography. 5-9 classes "

edited by

No. P / P (FP)


Publishing house

, / Ed. Dronova.

, / Ed. Dronova.

, / Ed. Dronova.

, / Ed. Dronova.

This subject line is built in accordance with the traditional for domestic education the principle of studying the course of geography in the primary school - from the common to the private. In accordance with it, the textbooks there is a phased formation of fundamental physico-geographical and socio-economic knowledge at different territorial and hierarchical levels: the planetary - the continents and the oceans and their parts are Russia and its individual districts - their locality (small homeland). At the same time, in all textbooks of the line, such through directions are being implemented modern educationlike humanitarianization, sociologicalization, environmentalization that contribute to the formation of the general culture of the younger generation. In the course of 5-6 grades, these directions are most fully revealed in paragraphs "Man and earth's crust"," Man and atmosphere "," Man and biosphere ", Section" Geographic shell" Courses 7, 8 and 9 classes, developing these approaches, update the previously obtained knowledge of the special heading "Remember" preceding each paragraph. The content of all textbooks line ensures the formation of the worldview value-semantic scope of students on the basis of a system of basic national values, personal foundations of Russian civil identity, social responsibility, tolerance. In achieving the above-mentioned results, the role of grades 8 and 9 are particularly significant. They have a geographical image of our country in all its diversity and integrity on the basis of an integrated approach and the interaction and mutual influence of the three main components - nature, the population and the economy.

UMC "Environmental education. Grade 5 »

No. P / P (FP)


Publishing house

Ivanova: Non-fat and lively



Classic Line UMC in geography. 6-9 classes

No. P / P (FP)


Publishing house


Barinova Russia

Rum of Russia. Population and economy.

edited by I.

No. P / P (FP)


Publishing house

And others. Geography.

and others. Geography.

and others. Geography of Russia

and others. Geography of Russia

Line UMK "Geography. 6-9 classes "

edited by

No. P / P (FP)


Publishing house


, / Ed. Dronova. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries

and others. Geography of Russia.

And others. Geography of Russia.

Each of the three-lines presented by the CMD in geography continues on the step of medium-sized general education by the following textbooks:

No. P / P (FP)


Publishing house

Geography (basic level)

Holine ( profile level)

Holine (profile level)

Composition of educational and methodical complexes You can look at the website www. ***** in the "Catalog" section.

During the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, the publishing house "Drop" will issue textbooks that correspond to both FC GOS and GEF.

On the organization's issues collaboration Contact information and methodological department tel. /, E-mail: ***** @ *** RU

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