What unites intelligent and ideographic dictionaries. Ideographic dictionary

Word ideography It happened from Greek idea."Concept", "image, idea" and gRAPHO. "writing".

The nature of the language sign itself allows the possibility of a twofold grouping of words: a) on the community of sound, b) in the semantic community. The first is implemented in alphabetic dictionaries, the second is in ideographic.

Alphabetic dictionaries register words, without communicating them with each other. So, in the usual explanatory dictionary should not find words denoting, for example, the concept of "delight". You need to know these words and then only they can be found.

The ideographic dictionaries present a special way to group words - conceptual-thematic. Words are located according to their semantic intimacy, by adjacent values. Words are located in groups that are allocated on the basis of some common properties (for example, such as: man, animal, feeling, physical property).

Despite the fact that the ideographic way of locating material refers to deep antiquity (lists of words by themes appeared in Egypt long before the occurrence of alphabet and alphabetic dictionaries), ideographic dictionaries as a special genre of lexicography were developed only in the twentieth century. The complexity of the compilation of ideographic dictionaries is associated with the difficulties of identification and rational classification of conceptual groups that are actually represented in the language of language.

It is believed that an ideographic dictionary is more interesting in world lexicographic practice is a dictionary of the English researcher P. M. Roger "Thesaurus english words and expressions. " Dictionary of Road is the first scientifically based attempt by the logical ordering of language vocabulary. The value of the reference book is that it gives a practically exhaustive list of words to express one or another idea. In addition, here you can find antonyms, and epithets to this concept, etc.

The first thematic classifications of Russian vocabulary were associated with the publication of bilingual dictionaries. In domestic lexicography, ideographic dictionaries are one of the young species of lexicographic publications. So, only in the 80s of the twentieth century, under the leadership of Yu. N. Karaulov, an attempt was made by the engineering construction of the "Russian semantic dictionary" (thesaurus). This is one of the first domestic publications created using computer technology. The dictionary presents 1600 concepts (descriptory zones) covering all areas of life and meaningful representing Russian vocabulary.

According to the type of ideographic dictionary, the "Dictionary-reference for Russian phraseology" was organized by R. M. Yarantsva. The phraseologisms in the dictionary are located on 47 thematic sections included in 3 parts: "emotions", "human properties and quality", "characteristics of phenomena and situations". For example, in terms of "human emotions", 14 thematic sections are allocated:

1. Admiration. Delight. Joy. Happiness.

2. Good wishes, encouragement. Courtesy, politeness.

3. Surprise, bewilderment. Amazement.

4. Mock. Disregard. Contempt.

5. Irritation. DOSAD.

6. Resentment. Disturbance. Anger.

7. Warning. Warning. A threat.

8. Interest. Attention.

9. Indeline. Indifference.

10. Anxiety. Excitement. Experience. Anxiety.

12. Imaging. Fear. Fear. Horror.

13. An embarrassment. Shame. Ensure

14. Calm. Sadness Yearning.

In the first thematic section "Admiration. Delight. Joy. Happiness »The following phraseologisms are included: be / feel at the seventh heaven; be / feel at the top of bliss; perk; Born in a shirt / shirt; Born under a happy star; without memory; take (grab) / take per soul (for the heart); For his pleasure; a man with a capital letter; from a series of out (outgoing); renew (extract) / raise (extort) to heaven; On joys (on joy) outside of themselves; from under (the nose itself); just think about it! God (god) (you) mine!; damn it (breaking); Damn (Devil, Leshe, Jester, Dog) Me (You, His, Her, You, Her) Take (Derie, Watch, Satisfy) And Damn (Devil, Leshe, Jester, Dog) Me (You, His, Her, You , they) took (Dral, Poted, Podral)!

Inside the thematic section, a description of each feet is given.

The development of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideographic dictionary was presented in the "Russian semantic dictionary", created under the leadership of N. Yu. Swedovaya, "The ideographic dictionary of the Russian language" O. S. Baranova, "The intelligent thematic dictionary of Russian verbs" created by the team of Ural lexicographers under the leadership of L. G. Babenko.

The ideographic dictionary can be used in different areas scientific activity:

1) the dictionary makes it possible to predict various semantic changes;

2) will solve the problem of the preparation of dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms;

3) will help more qualify to determine the meaning of words in sensible dictionaries;

4) will be a reliable base for creating the Russian foreign wordsaray;

5) contains material to study the history of human knowledge about the world around.

Such dictionaries are indispensable when choosing suitable words to express a certain "idea", a certain meaning.

Dictionaries in which words are located on the thematic basis. In connection with the functional and semantic focus of the Russian language, the functionally approved in the theory and practice - from the content to the means of its expression in the language - and the principle of semantic systemics in teaching vocabulary, the issues of the ideographic description of the dictionary are increasingly attracted.

The main purpose of ideographic dictionaries - practical help In choosing words to express one thoughts.

The big practical need for ideographic dictionaries, which must first of all the need to recall the most appropriate word to express one or "other thought" in the study of foreign languages, as well as the Russian language of non-Russian, A. V. Scherbe is noted. This practical orientation has already appeared in the title of the first ideographic dictionary - the vocabulary P. Roger: the thesaurus of English words and phrases "to facilitate finding ways to express concepts and for assistance in the compilation of writings. Detailed story The ideographic dictionaries, the critical understanding of the experience of foreign lexicography in this matter is set out in the book of V. V. Morovkina. It describes the oldest ideographic dictionaries and dictionaries for European languages, starting with the vocabulary P. M. Roger, who is recognized as "outstanding phenomenon in world lexicography", "the first scientifically-based attempt to create some layout of a logically ordered language."

This dictionary refers to the type of dictionaries-thesaurus, which are based on the logical classification of the entire conceptual content of vocabulary, i.e. All conceptual groups that are actually represented in the language.

To the same group of dictionaries includes "Logical Dictionary" french, or the natural and philosophical classification of words, concepts and objects "Eli Blanova (1885), Dictionary F. Dornsaif (it., 1934), H. Casareas (Iz., 1941), R. Halliga and V. Vartburg (1952) .

The basic principle of the classification of concepts in the dictionary - awareness of the system of concepts as unity, i.e. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the conceptual content of the language. As signs of concepts, the words of French are used in the dictionary. It is noted a contradiction between the detailed, comprehensive, rather convincing general classification of concepts and relatively small, insufficiently informed liteley (only seven words).

The second type of ideographic dictionaries - Dictionaries are similar, in which words are combined around the words-centers located according to the alphabet. The alphabetic location of the words-centers, heading semantic groups, prevents the identification of verbal associations between them, i.e. Full, exhaustive ideographic classification in these dictionaries is impossible.

The third type of ideographic dictionary, qualified as a training dictionary, is the thematic dictionary. In theme dictionaries, according to V. V. Morovkin, is not aiming to identify all the semantic groups existing in the dictionary. It creates a certain number of the most relevant in terms of learning themes and is often given information about the ways of consumption of words.

Lesson 9. Ideographic and reverse lexicography.

Terminography and standards

1. ideographic dictionaries

The basis ideographic dictionaries are semantic relations the words of the tongue, located similarly how the extrallinguistic reality is organized, in the form of a multi-tier structure. The unit of such a dictionary is not a separate word, but a certain semantic field.

When L.V. Scherba says that to create a good ideographic dictionary must have good description Concepts, i.e. A good explanatory dictionary, then this is actually half of the case. Another half of it is that a good description of lexical units is almost impossible to be done in the absence of their ideographic classification. The justice of such judgment convincingly testifies to the constant violation of one of the main lexicographic commandments, according to which this always and invariably must be interpreted in the dictionary like [Morovkin, 1981, p. 160-161].

The ideographic method of presenting a lexical material makes it possible to build a system logical connectionsthat increases the methodical effect in training and emphasizes the educational nature of ideographic dictionaries.

Usually allocated Two types of ideographic dictionaries: Thesaurus and the same dictionary.

^ A. Thesaurus.The word "Thesaurus" came from greek And meant the "Treasury".

Characteristic and at the same time distinctive feature Thesaurusov is that words in them are located not alphabetically, but on the basis of the logical and philosophical classification of objects and phenomena of reality.

K. Marello allocated three views of thesaurus:

  1. cumulativewhich represent groups of words without determining their values;

  2. definitivewho interpret every lexical unit of grouping words;

  3. two and multilingual Thesaurus for travelers .
The main goal of thesaurus is to prompt the correct word for the desired concept in the required context. Dictionaries created according to the alphabetical principle, destroy the semantic links between the words and their contexts. Thesaurus is designed to restore semantic Relationship between language units.

In this sense, it is indispensable cumulative Thesaurus, which not only provide the opportunity to find more understandable, accurate, stylistically faithful word In a situation of location in a certain semantic field, but often become the basis for the formation of thematic computer data banks.

Definitive Thesaurus maybe Include, along with the definition of the value, these etymological information and quotes from literary works, which shows the immediate encyclopedic orientation of this type of thesaurus. The definitive thesaurus can be called to a certain extent also a purely educational dictionary, since he introduces the reader to the necessary system of concepts, explains the essence, similarities and differences in concepts, their paradigmatic and syntagmatic bonds, sometimes gives information about the utmost, grammatical, word-forming and other possibilities of lexical Units denoting these concepts.

Thesaurus for special purposes - one of the types of definitive thesaurus - contribute to the work on the standardization of terminology.

Third view of thesaurus Created usually on thematic sections for travelers: Numbers, Food, Transport, Hotel, etc. With the translated equivalents of two or more languages.

^ B. A similar dictionary. Words in similar dictionaries are combined into semantic groups, correlate Last from defined centerswhose place in the dictionary is dictated by the alphabet.

The header unit of the same dictionary should be a generalizing ordinary word, from which other lexical units are submitted in the dictionary. The analogy is based on associative connections independent of grammatical and other categories.

The vocabulary article is based according to the presentation of various types of paradigmatic relations: synonymous, hyponimic, antonymic, etc.; various types of information for users (comments); a certain structure; various types of syntactic components.

The question of the need for ideographic dictionaries was put in Russia Academician I.A. Gulyanov back in 1821 [the intelligent ideographic dictionary ..., 1997, p. 5] 30 years before the release of the ideographic dictionary of English language P. Roger (1852), which is considered a source of scientific ideographic lexicography.

However, the domestic lexicography began to create ideographic dictionaries only in the XX century. And the need for the dictionary in which words would be located by meaningis felt for many reasons and in different areas Scientific and pedagogical activities.

The ideographic dictionaries of the Russian language are represented by the following publications of the last decades:

Karaululov Yu.N. Frequency dictionary of semantic multipliers of the Russian language / Ed. S.G. Barhudarova. - M.: Science, 1980.

^ : Experience of the automatic construction of thesaurus: from the concept to the word / Yu.N. Karaulov, V.I. Molchanov, V.A. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikhalev; Ot. ed. S.G. Barhudarov. - M.: Science, 1982.

Lexical basis of the Russian language: Complex Training Dictionary / V.V. Morovkin, N.O. Bem, I.A. Doronov, T.F. Ivanova, ID. Assumption; Ed. V.V. Morkovkina. - M.: Rus. Yaz., 1984.

Morovkin V.V. Thematic dictionary minimum of the modern Russian language // LEXIC MINIMS OF THE MODERN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE / Ed. V.V. Morkovkina. - M.: Rus. Yaz., 1985. P. 279-352.

Lexico-semantic groups of Russian verbs: Training Dictionary-Directory / Total. ed. T.V. Matveva. - Sverdlovsk: Publishing House of Ural, University, 1988.

Crakov G.A. Dialectic lexical synonym and problems of ideography: Semyasiological and onomasiological analysis of systemic relations in vocabulary. - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk, University, 1988.

Saiyov L.G., Khasanova D.M. Illustrated thematic dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Rus. Yaz., 1989.

Baranov O.S. The ideographic dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: ETS, 1995.

Kiljdibekova T.A., Gafarova G.V. Functional and cognitive dictionary of the Russian language (the "live"). - Ufa: Pub, Posk. un-ta, 1997; Kiljdibekova T.Α., Gafarov G.V. Functional and cognitive dictionary of the Russian language (the sphere "Move"). - Ufa: Pub, Posk. un-ta, 1998; Functional and Cognitive Dictionary of the Russian Language (activity "activity") / T.A. Kildibekova, G.V. Gafarov, E.M. Mirgayazov, D.A. Yuldasheva. - Ufa: Pub, Posk. University, 2001.

Milk V.I. Conceptosphere inner world Human in Russian: Complex functional and cognitive dictionary. - Ufa: editor of the Bashk. University, 1998.

Russian semantic: Dictionary, systematized by classes of words and values \u200b\u200b/ IN-T Rus. Yaz. Wounds; Under total. ed. N.Yu. Swedio. - M.: Azbukovnik, 1998. T. 1: words indicating (pronoun). Words are called: National names (all living things. Earth. Space). - M.: Azbukovnik, 2000. T. 2: Nouns names with a specific value. Everything created by the hands and mind of man. The names of objects in form, state, composition, location, use.

^ Explanatory dictionary of russian verbs : Ideographic description. English equivalents. Synonyms. Antonyms / Ed. L.G. Babenko. - M.: AST-PRESS, 1999.

Saiyova L.G., Khasanova D.M., Morovkin V.V. Thematic dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. V.V. Morkovkina. - M.: Rus. Yaz., 2000.

Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns: Ideographic description. English equivalents. Synonyms. Antonyms: prospect. - Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of Ural, University, 2001.

2. Reverse (inversion) dictionaries

Inversion dictionaries are used as research benefits Different structural levels of language, in particular, word formation, phonetics, morphology, in machine processing programs, electronic translation systems, etc. They can be used and as dictionaries rhymes.

From the point of view of the location of units, dictionaries are allocated inverse (conversion) alphabetical order of words: in the first place there are words, occasive On -a, then on -B, on -B, -G, -D, -E, etc. before the words ending on - i. Within a group of words with the same ultimate letter, words are arranged in alphabetical order of the penultimate letters, with the same penulty - in alphabetical order of third, etc., etc. To facilitate the search, in the inverse dictionaries, words are aligned in the set on the right edge:


Depending on its composition inverse dictionaries can be:

  1. dictionaries with independent verbs;

  2. in dictionaries-indexes, i.e. To contain the same words as the dictionaries sources.
However, many inverse dictionaries are not indexes in a strict understanding: they are indicated not only a dictionary-source, but also words of words, lowered or added to the Sloves of the Source Dictionary.

Inverse dictionaries apply for various purposes. Reverse alphabetical order is convenient for the grammatical dictionary of the Russian language: in this dictionary turn out to be a number of words with similar grammatical characteristicsBecause the same or similar type of word type has words (within one part of speech) with a similar end. For example, almost all adjectives in the form of a nominal case of a single number ends on - oh, -y ,y, All of them turn out to be grouped in the inverse dictionary in one place.

Inverse dictionaries are teaching benefits morphology, word formation, phonetics, accentology. With their help, you can establish all possible types of declining and hiding, get information about the prevalence of certain ones of the dependence and word-forming types, trace the productivity of any word formative model. Only inverse dictionaries will help, for example, to make an exhaustive study of accentological patterns, various types of alternations in the basics, since most of these alternations occurs at the end of words.

With the help of feed dictionaries, you can choose a material for exercises or interesting examples to illustrate a type of word formation, word, alternation, stress. Inverse dictionaries are also used when deciphering texts, when drawing up a program for different species machine processing text (automatic translation, automatic processing of information, etc.).

Inverse dictionaries are considered to be the medieval Arab classic dictionaries of the XIII-XIV centuries. In Europe in the XVIII century. The inverse alphabetical order of words was used in the preparation of dictionaries RIFM (Rhymmnikov).

IN late XIX. - early XX century. Linguistic inverse dictionaries appeared. These were the inverse dimensions of the ancients. indo-European languages: Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Tororsky, Old West and Staroslavyansky. Along with the preparation of feed dictionaries of other ancient languages \u200b\u200bin the 50s of the XX century. There were inverse dictionaries of modern languages.

The first "back dictionary of the Russian language", published in the USSR (1974), contains about 125 thousand words. Each word indicates the dictionaries sources (intelligent dictionaries of the modern Russian literary language), there are grammatical litters. Statistical information is provided on the number of words ending on a specific letter or combination of letters, about the distribution of words in grammatical classes.

The main representative of Russian inversion lexicography is "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" A.A. Zaliznyaka (M., 1977), which contains 100 Thousands of words located in reverse alphabetical order.


Morovkin, 1981 - Morovkin V.V. Lexical multigid and some issues of its lexicographic interpretation // Russian. Problems artistic speech. Lexicology and lexicography. - M., 1981.

Explanatory ideographic dictionary ..., 1997 - the intelligent ideographic dictionary of Russian verbs. Avenue / Ed. L.G. Babenko. - Yekaterinburg, 1997.

^ Terminography and standards

1. Terminography as a science of terminological dictionaries

Terminography - This is the science of the theory and practice of creating special terminological dictionaries. This discipline is complex, combining and term studies as a science of terms, and lexicography as the art of creating dictionaries.

Terminography is one of of the most important species Human activity in the field of terminology, whose tasks are systematization, streamlining and unification of scientific terminology. It should be distinguished:

  • describing Terminography, whose task is to develop accurate, short and simple interpretations of terms;

  • prescribing Terminography, whose task is to indicate which term should be used in a particular situation of written and oral scientific communication.
At one time S.I. Ozhegov stressed [Ozhegov, 1974, p. 244]: "On the one hand, the terminological dictionaries of the" collective "type should be prepared to identify the wealth of national, originally created professional terminology ... On the other hand, it is necessary to raise the question of creating the terminological dictionaries of the" codification "type."

The importance of terminography is currently difficult to overestimate. Impressive statement that "one special dictionary is published in the world every day" [Marchuk, 1992, p. eighteen].

According to Z.I. Komarov [Komarova, 1990, p. 4], at the beginning of the 80s of the XX century. In the world around us, 12 million alone names of objects are allocated and called (mostly special). At the same time, they are becoming annually by 200 thousand more, which is equal to the vocabulary composition national Language. In our eyes, traditional sciences are doubled and lost their logic and conceptual powers, and resources of new sciences are emerging.

The main problems modern theory Terminography are today:

  • development of methodological principles for the creation of terminological dictionaries;

  • the creation of a scientifically substantiated typology of special dictionaries;

  • development of an invariant dictionary of the dictionary to describe various special layers of vocabulary;

  • determination of the basic parameters of terminological dictionaries;

  • development of fundamental requirements for terminographic works;

  • study of the macro and microstructure of the dictionary;

  • analysis of the sampling paths of the terminological word;

  • development of the main techniques description of terms;

  • applying computerization in the creation of terminological dictionaries.
Terminography is designed to perform three basic functions:

a) systematizing; b) reference; c) training.

Based on the stratification model of the vocabulary of functionally related texts, it usually distinguishes five differential reservoirs:

a) common vocabulary; b) the overall neurmatological vocabulary; c) environmental terminology; d) general-grade terminology; e) Terminology of private regions [Morovkin, 1988, p. 181].

In this regard, taking into account the belonging of the terminological vocabulary only to three of the reservoirs, there are three types of qualitatively different terminological dictionaries:

1) general scientific and general; 2) industry terminological dictionaries; 3) narrow specialist dictionaries.

Objectively, the development of term studies is ahead of the achievement of terminography. In part, such a lead is due to the fact that the terminological dictionaries are usually the specialists of narrow knowledge of knowledge that do not have sufficient linguistic training. The task of termography is therefore consistent with the efforts of specialists and linguists on the field of terminological "polls."

The vocation of the creators of terminological dictionaries is in this connection in order to reduce this gap as quickly as possible, having put forward scientifically substantiated principles of practical work on terminological dictionaries.

The most common requirements to terminological dictionaries formulated S.V. Grinev[Grinev, 1986, p. fifty]:

  • adequate coverage of a special vocabulary of the elected subject area;

  • availability necessary information On special lexical units;

  • the absence of unnecessary information that increases the volume of the dictionary and find it difficult to find the necessary information;

  • unification of the composition and reference apparatus of the same type of dictionaries to facilitate the transition users from one dictionary to another;

  • maximum harmony between all the elements of the methodological installation and the composition of the dictionary.

Ideographic Dictionaries (Thesaurus)linguistic dictionariesin which the lexical composition of the language is represented in the form of systematized groups of words, to one degree or another close in the sense relation. Ideographic dictionaries represent and explain the semantic content of lexical units, but in solving this task are not coming from separate words, and from the concept of expressing this concept in words. The main task of such dictionaries is to describe the combination of words, combined general concept; This facilitates the reader the choice of the most suitable means for an adequate expression of thought and contributes to active language proficiency.

The following types of ideographic dictionaries are distinguished: ideological, similar (associative), thematic and picture.

The construction of ideological ideographic dictionaries is based on the logical classification of the entire conceptual content of vocabulary. The semantic content of the word is revealed by a consistent inclusion in the classes of concepts. of different levels Generalizations.

Systematization of words in similar (associative) dictionaries is based on psychological associations of objects or concepts called in a word. The lexical units are grouped into the fields, in the center of each of which there is a word that combines other words, to one degree or another close to him in the meaning or associated with it in meaning.

In theme dictionaries, words are grouped on the basis of the community of reality denoted by them on certain topics.

In picture cusories, the values \u200b\u200bof words, also thematically grouped, are disclosed with illustrations, pictures. However, the volume of language material in these dictionaries is limited in the main circle of specific vocabulary.

    Karaulov Yu. N. Minimal ideographic dictionary. M., 1976.

    Saiyova L. G., Khasanova D. M. Themed Dictionary of the Russian Language for Bashkir high School / Ed. N. S. Dmitrieva. Ufa, 1976.

    Saiyova L. G., Khasanova D. M. Educational thematic dictionary of the Russian language. "Society". Ufa, 1977.

    Dictionary of associative norms of the Russian language / Ed. A. A. Leontiev. M., 1977.

    Russian Semantic Dictionary / Cost: Yu. N. Karaulov, V. I. Molchanov, V. A. Afanasyev, N. V. Mikhalev. M., 1982.

    Russian Semantic Dictionary: Experience of the automatic construction of thesaurus: from the concept to the word / resp. ed. S. G. Barhudarov. M., 1982.

    The lexical basis of the Russian language: comprehensive academic dictionary / ed. V. V. Morovkina. M., 1984.

    Lexic minima of the modern Russian language / Ed. V. V. Morovkina. M., 1984.

    Lexico-semantic groups of Russian verbs: training dictionary. / Under total. Ed. T. V. Matveva. Sverdlovsk, 1988. (Training Dictionary-Direct reflects results semantic classification Russian verbal vocabulary. The location of the verb groups is subordinate to the broad rubrication, which is based on such categories as "action", "attitude").

    Lexico-semantic groups of Russian verbs / ed. E. V. Kuznetsova. Irkutsk, 1989.

    Saiyova L. G., Khasanova D. M. Illustrated theme dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1989.

    Baranov O. S. The ideographic dictionary of the Russian language. 2nd ed., Pererab. M., 1990.

    Moskvin V.P. Brief ideographic dictionary of compatibility. Kiev, 1992.

    Moskvin V. P. Ideographic combination dictionary: 5000 words. Kiev, 1993.

    Russian Associative Dictionary. (Associative thesaurus of the modern Russian language.) M., 1994. KN. 1: Direct dictionary: from stimulus to reaction. M., 1994-1998; Kn. 2: Reverse Dictionary: From the reaction to the stimulus. M., 1994; Kn. 3: Direct dictionary: from stimulus to reaction. M., 1996; Kn. 4: Reverse Dictionary: From the reaction to the stimulus. M., 1996; Kn. 5: Direct dictionary: from stimulus to reaction. M., 1998; Kn. 6: Reverse Dictionary: From the reaction to the stimulus. M., 1998. (The dictionary gives a picture of the combination of words in the living speech of the carriers of the Russian language, in it you can find the most typical and most frequency phrases, grammatical structures, all types of wordinity and word formation, as well as elements of the naive language picture of the world of Russians and their traits national Character. The dictionary allows you to penetrate social memory and consciousness of native speakers and get the answer to the question: "How do Russians think in modern Russia? ". Reverse associative dictionary contains all direct information associative dictionariesrepresented in an outdated form - from the reaction to the incentive, and is a kind of "index" to it. The text of the inverse dictionary was obtained as a result of sorting the base of the "associative thesaurus of the modern Russian language" of the first stage of the survey).

    Saiyova L. G., Khasanova D. M., Morovkin V. V. Themed Dictionary of the Russian Language: OK. 25,000 words / ed. V. V. Morovkina. M., 2000. (Words are grouped by topic: "Man", "Society", "Nature" and are accompanied by a grammatical characteristic. The value and consumption of words is illustrated by phrases).

    Vasilyev L. M. Systemic semantic dictionary of the Russian language: predicate vocabulary. Vol. 2: Predicates properties, behavior and sound. Tutorial. Ufa, 2000.

    Russian semantic dictionary. Explanatory dictionary, systematized by classes of words and values: at 6 tons / under the general ed. N. Yu. Swedovaya. Volume 1: words indicating (pronoun). Words are called: Nouns names (all living things. Earth. Space). M., 1998. Volume 2: National names with a specific value. Everything created by the hands and intelligence of man (settlements, processed areas, roads; organizations, institutions). The names of objects in form, state, composition, location, use. M., 2000. (The dictionary generally covers about 300,000 lexical units - the values \u200b\u200bof words and phraseologism).

    Kozlova T. V. The ideographic dictionary of Russian phraseologism with the names of animals. M., 2001. (The dictionary contains about 2000 phraseological units with 283 animal names used in modern literary language. The dictionary consists of synopsis, semantic groups, a common alphabetic index and two applications. The necessary concept, the meaning is divided according to the classification scheme or on Sinopsis, where the name of the corresponding conceptual class and the semantic group is given indicating the page. These phraseologists show the assessment of certain types and standards of human behavior. The presented material brightly reflect the identity of the Russian people).

Ideographic dictionary

Ideographic (semantic) dictionary - a dictionary in which articles are ordered not alphabetically, as usual, but within the meaning of (lexical value of the title word or phrase). If the alphabetical dictionary serves to learn something about this word, the ideographic dictionary is used to learn something about this sense - for example, how many words can be expressed.

Despite the many ideas put forward, there are still little ideographic dictionaries in pure form. Most often used mixed ordering - and by value, and alphabetically (for example, an alphabetic ordering is used inside each Wikipedia category). Mixed ordering is also used in thematic dictionarieswhere words are distributed on topics, but within each topic they are located alphabetically.

Some approach to the ideographic dictionary is also synonyms and antonyms (thesaurus) dictionaries.

Historically, such dictionaries preceded alphabetical - ancient dictionaries represented lists of words grouped by themes.



in Russian

  • Karaululov Yu.N., Molchanov V.I., Afanasyev V.A., Mikhalev N.V. Russian Semantic Dictionary: Experience automatic. Building thesaurus: from the concept to the word / answer. ed. S.G. Barhudarov. M.: Science, 1983. 566С. extra. Circulation 5000 copies. 1600 Themes, OK. 10,000 Lex. units.
  • The lexical basis of the Russian language: comprehensive academic dictionary / V.V. Morovkin, N.O. Beeom, I.A. Doronov, T.F. Ivanova, I.D.Uspenskaya. Ed. V.V. Morkovkina. - M.: Rus. Diam., 1984. - 1168 p.
  • Baranov O. S. Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language Moscow: ETS Publishing House, 1995; 820 c., 19 x 29 cm; ISBN 5-86455-050-7; OK. 4200 terms.

The dictionary consists of 4166 articles that are grouped in 638 subsections, 144 sections and 17 departments. At the end of the dictionary there is an alphabetic header pointer. The dictionary provides basic definitions, traced the relationship of the general and private, integer and part; For which articles are equipped with mutual references.

  • Russian semantic dictionary. Explanatory dictionary systematized by classes of values \u200b\u200band words. / RAS. IN-T RUS. Under the general ed. N.Yu. Swedio. M.: Azbukovnik, 1998.
  • Under total. ed. prof. L. G. Babenko Dictionary-Tezaurus Synonyms of Russian Speech Moscow: Publishing House AST-PRESS Book, 2007; 512 c., ISBN 978-5-462-00729-3; More than 4,6600 words, 16 semannic spheres, 86 semantic classes, 267 ideographic groups, 187 subgroups.

in foreign languages

Dornseiff, Franz. Der Deutsche Wortschatz Nach Sachgruppen. Bearb. v. Quasthoff, Uwe. 8. Völlig Neu Bearb. U. m. Einem Alphabet. Zugriffsreg. vers. Aufl 2004. 24 x 17 cm. 231 *, 933 seiten. 1 beil. Broschur. ISBN 978-3-11-017921-7

About them

  • Morovkin V. V. Ideographic dictionaries. - m.: From MSU, 1970.
  • S. Gindin Semantic Dictionaries - Language World Maps // Russian language. - ID "FIRST SEPTHER", 2001. - V. 05.

see also


  • A network of verbal associations - an ideographic vocabulary version

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    ideographic dictionary - Language dictionary, in which language units are placed in accordance with their semantic proximity. [GOST 7.60 2003] The themes of the publication, the main types and elements of De Ideographisches Wörterbuch ... Technical translator directory

    ideographic dictionary - ideographic dictionary: language dictionary, in which language units are placed in accordance with their semantic proximity. Source: GOST 7.60 2003: Standard system ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    Ideographic dictionary - Dictionary with location wise articles on the thematic principle ... Publishing Dictionary-Directory

    ideographic dictionary - Rus: The ideographic dictionary of DEU: Ideographisches Wörterbuch language dictionary, in which the language units are placed in accordance with their semantic proximity. GOST 7.60 ... Dictionary of information, library and publishing

    ideographic dictionary - 1. The same as the painting dictionary. 2. In some cases, it contains conventions or figures that express the concept of specific creatures or objects; Symbolizing actions, i.e. Transferring verbal concepts, as well as concepts, so or ... ... Explanatory translation

    - [Russian Language Foreign Words Dictionary

    IDEOGRAPHIC - related to ideography. Large psychological Dictionary. M.: Prime Evroznak. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003. ideographic ... Big psychological encyclopedia

    ideographic - Aya, oh. idéographique adj., it. IDEOGRAPHISCH. Rel. To ideography. Bass 1. Alphabet occurs from ideographic signs. Chern. Criticism philos. Prejudice. Idener (sometimes they say the ideographic or the same dictionary goes in the opposite ... ... Historical Dictionary Galticisms of the Russian Language

    Ideographic, ideographic, ideographic (philol.). arr. To ideography. Ideographic letter. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Ideography, and, g. Letter with ideograms. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • Russian ideographic dictionary. The world of man and man in the surrounding world. Dictionary - the last major science projectOver which Acad worked. RAS N. Yu. Swedov: it is designed theoretical basis Dictionary, its structure, structure and composite articles, ...
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