I had a dream to become a teacher. Be a teacher - a dream since childhood

Kuzmenko Anna, 14 years old, Moscow, Russia

Leader: Romanova Marina Vladimirovna

I dream of becoming a teacher

In my school Life There were very important changes for me. Most recently, the teacher of the Russian language and literature appeared in our class. With its appearance, these items have become more understandable and very informative. Now in her lessons we open a lot of new things for yourself and fill the gaps of our knowledge. We hear the right Russian speech in all its magnificence. Even the usual rules of the Russian language are remembered with extraordinary ease and almost no longer cause difficulties in their application. And the heroes literary works As if come to life at our lessons. And I also drew the fact that the guys who had previously behaved restlessly, no longer noisy and do not interfere with others, as well as, like everyone else, they are speaking to listen to our teacher. What can I compare these unforgettable sensations? They resemble me a stream of fresh spring air, which suddenly broke into the room, filled with an unforgettable aroma of blooming kidneys and flowers. With these sensations, new horizons of my worldview are opening. Every time I catch myself thinking that I once again did not want to leave these wonderful classes - the piggy bank of my knowledge.

My dear grandmother and grandfather, probably, you really want to know about it as a person. In my opinion, it is internally rich and open, beautiful soul, modest, hardworking, good and moderately strict. Her rigor is her love that she shows to us in a desire to teach us our native Russian language. If you knew how I am afraid of losing her now. And I think with horror that this moment will ever come.

For a long time I dream to be a teacher. And right now you would ask me: "Why teacher?" I'll answer this question simply. For the first time this desire visited me in primary gradesWhen I saw my first teacher almost every day. She with a friendly smile entered the class and met us at the school. She showed to us care and love. She taught us to cope with difficulties and sincerely wanted to teach us to all the kindest and necessary. We were her children for her. I even remember how I came home, sazed dolls in a row and taught them as she. And Mom, laughing, said: "Now I know that you have passed today."

There are many interesting and wonderful professions in the world. And every person sooner or later decides who he should become. Now most young people go to study in colleges and institutions, and they choose professions mostly financial or legal. And I think that the teacher's profession is no less important now and will be the same necessary and then. And wherever you live in the village or in the city there are good teachers everywhere. And now with the advent of our Russian teacher and literature, I even wish to fulfill my dream. I love children very much, and I want to become the same attentive and caring for them. I really want to teach them everything that my teachers taught me to be competent and loved our native speech. I already know that it will not be easy, because both adults, and children spend more and more time at the computer, and not for reading books.

Let the image of my teacher assembled so far from the few examples, but I can call myself happy because it serves me by a guide to which I can and should follow in the exercise of my cherished dream.

I hug you firmly. Your Anya.

I never knew who I would become in the future. I wanted everything at once - both money, and prestige, and to be interested in it. However, quite recently it became clear - my dream is to become a teacher of Russian language and literature. If I explained my choice to parents, I would start with the fact that this is a noble profession, it is useful for society. However, now I will start with the other - from the problem. Half of teachers today are people who remained since the times of the USSR, with a somewhat obsolete approach to education. Of course, they are experienced and wise. However, they do not hear us, children of a new generation. We have a different worldview, we like other music, literature. And we argue, trying to defend our right to individuality - but no sense. Hence - reluctance to learn. The second half is young and not yet defined in their methods of teachers. They are trying to follow the methods that learn from universities. We are not taught to learn, think, reasoning, but diligently stuff in our heads of formula and rules. Only we need upbringing. We need to say, help, instruct on the right road. And be sure to see in each individuality. That is what I would like to realize, hitting school.

The second reason is the massive degradation of young people. Some of my classmates are confident that Peter I, Pushkin were contemporaries, and Tokyo is in China. And in this - at least partially - teachers are also to blame. Children do not like to learn, they do not see meaning in this. Why don't the teacher convince them? After all, the teacher for anyone, even the most naughty student, is an authority and an example, at least at the initial stage.

In the lessons of the Russian language and literature, the teacher raises patriotism in young people. After all, to whom, what is not a language, talk about the power of our language and the limitless influence of literature? Teachers are able to draw out future adults on the most actual problems Societies - after all, it is us then to solve them. And this is the education of young people, the creation of the future country is the third and most main reason my choice. Winston Churchill said: "School teachers have the power, which prime ministers can only dream." It is these people who laid the foundation of the future. I would like to see this future among people of humane, tolerant, noble, strong and smart. And in the forces of any teacher to realize these, no doubt, shared dreams.

I finish with the words of the German teacher of Adolf Dysterwarega: "The task of the educator and the teacher remains to introduce any child to universal development and make a person from him earlier than civil relations." Not a teacher created this society, but they can change it for the better. And if I am able to help at least a little, I choose the profession of the teacher.

For the fourth time, a contest of young teachers "Pedagogical Debut - 2014" is held in Primorsky Krai. On December 9, the assembly Hall of PC IRO hospitably opened the doors for 10 young Vasilis, which for four days will have to exchange "wisdoms".
Young, beautiful, perky, young, smart. They believe that every child is talented. What work should bring pleasure. That each of them (among the participants of the full-time tour of one girls) can make the world a little better. Ready to hold, create, invent, mistake.

Support groups, guests of the competition, members of the jury "heard" how the hearts of young teachers are beating. Therefore, words of support from senior colleagues and wishes of good luck (Labolt O.A., Ch. Specialist of the Department of Education and Science of Primorsky Krai), justice of refereeing and honest struggle (Barabash O.A., Rector of PC IRO), internal confidence (Mamaeva S. N., Associate Professor of the School of Pedagogy Church) were very necessary for our contestants.

So, the first day. The first contest "Self Prevention". What are our young colleagues? What do they think about their profession?
Teach Elena Pavlovna, Teacher Chemistry and Biology MBOU SOSH No. 22 s. Knevichi Artemovsky City District, decided to become a teacher in last year Training at school. Today she helps their students grow crystals, teaches to watch the snow, shows amazing world Very sophisticated science - chemistry. And most proud of the diploma, which she handed her press center 8. "You are the best teacher!"
Laktionova Maria Viktorovna, Teacher Physics Maou "Lyceum" Technical "of Vladivostok, believes that it is impossible to experiment on children. She tries to be honest and become a little better than himself yesterday. And it really wants her students to have learned to see physics in all the surrounding space.
Nechipurenko Inna Viktorovna, teacher history MBOU SOSH number 6 with in-depth study Individual objects of Vladivostok, the choice of profession has made accurate. It is important for her to understand who the teacher is a mentor, a sage, man? She wants not just to teach, but to create, but love. And still knows how to be grateful.
Tatyana Tatyana Valerievna, teacher of English language MBOU SOSH No. 2 S. Chuguevka Chuguevsky District, ready for a cup of knowledge to fill in full. In their lessons, she helps the guys to learn another language, another culture.
Tkachenko Natalia Pavlovna, Mathematics teacher MBOU SOSH No. 25 of the Ussuri City District, always wanted to be a teacher. She believes that the teacher should be bright, "burn" by ideas. And for this you need to continuously learn. If a teacher stops, a student will stop, Natalia Pavlovna believes.
Gerasimenko Olesya Andreevna, English teacher Mobu Sosh No. 1 of the Arsenyevsky urban district, also dreamed of becoming a teacher with a school desk. She was lucky, she fell into a "cheerful team" in which all enthusiasts. She attracts all new, interesting. Probably, therefore she teaches their students on the Singapore method.
Abrosimova Victoria Viktorovna, teacher primary classes MKOU "Basic comprehensive school № 2 "p. Khorol, "lit" the auditorium. Inspirenly reads poems, sings. Just the "cool" mom, first-graders talk about her, without it the school would be empty. She is very afraid of losing his student confidence. And she tries to give them his soul and heart.
Kozlova Anna Vladimirovna, Mathematics teacher and informatics Mobu Sosh No. 6 of the Arsenievsky urban district, knows that it is always studying "twenty pairs of eyes." Therefore, the main pedagogical credo is to learn and love!
Prokopchuk Natalia Sergeevna, teacher history and social studies MBOU SOSH No. 35 Vladivostok, does not like to talk about himself. Therefore, presented the jury a video, which prepared her students. They say that the path of Natalia Sergeyevna is to be a teacher. She knows his subject well, constantly improves its qualifications.
Vornakova Ekaterina Igorevna, English teacher MBOU SOSH No. 19 of Vladivostok, along with students travels to the world of English. How to motivate children to exploring another language? How to understand people without language barrier? Answers to these questions Catherine Igorevna finds in dealing with colleagues from Canada, South Korea. She sincerely believes that knowledge of English will become a magical string into a huge modern world.

The second competitive task - "Protection of the Pedagogical Project" (possible topics: "My initiative in education", "My Pedagogical Opening"). This task turned out to be quite complicated for our participants. Unfortunately, not all contestants were able to present their work as a pedagogical project.
In order to competently prepare pedagogical project, It is necessary to follow certain requirements for the preparation of the project plan. Project development should contain the following structural components:
Justification of the need project.
Objectives and objectives of the project.
Project participants.
Project Description: Strategy and mechanisms for achieving goals.
Work plan for project implementation.
Predicted short-term and long-term project implementation results.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project.
Risk assessment.
Further development Project.
Therefore, the jury members were heard rather a presentation of experience.

Pedagogical projects of participants can be found on the website of the "Pedagogical Debut - 2014" contest
But we believe that our young colleagues are all ahead. It is important that at the initial stage its professional career, contestants study the experience of Russian and foreign teachers of scientists, learn to systematize their pedagogical experienceMake the first steps in pedagogical design.
And the most important competitive event for our participants is a competitive lesson. December 10, we go to the gymnasium number 1 of Vladivostok.
The first 5 contestants.
5 lessons.
5 discoveries.
5 revelations.
5 talented young teachers.
Good luck!

Prepared by Yudina I.A., K.bed.n., Vice-Rector for Informatization of PC IRO, member of the jury.
Photo Irezheskaya MG

Everyone recalls his teacher with warmth, respect and on the teacher's day, at least mentally congratulates him with a professional holiday.
It was he, a teacher, kind, fair, demanding, creative, opens the door to a huge country of knowledge. But what else
We know about them? In order to fill the gaps, we asked to answer a few questions of young teachers of school number 2.

1. Why did you choose the profession of the teacher?
2. Is it easy to be a young teacher in modern school?
3. What would you like to see your disciples?
4. Your wishes to colleagues.

Zoya Vladimirovna Startsev, primary school teacher, graduated from Nizhny Tagil pedagogical College №1, continues to study at the Ural State Pedagogical University.
1. Because I like to be surrounded by children. Next to them I get a positive charge of emotions.
2. If it comes to information technologies, it is easy. And as well as all young teachers at the beginning of the professional path, I have difficulty in some issues, situations.
3. I want my students to be hardworking, inquisitive, attentive to each other.
4. I wish all teachers of the city of Alapaevsk patience, mutual understanding with students and parents.

Marina Sergeevna Mishin, Teacher of History, graduated from the pedagogical class, the Nizhta-Tagil State Socio-Pedagogical Academy with a degree in History-Cultural Studies.
1. Never seen myself in another profession. When he graduated from school, the choice was made by himself. Therefore, after grade 9, I entered the pedagogical class.
2. Modern School - This is a rapidly developing system in which updates constantly occur and innovations appear. Frequent changes deliver a lot of difficulties to everyone (not only the young) teacher. But I am always open a new one, ready to learn, improve. The guidelines for me are such words: "Never be afraid to do what you do not know. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur, professionals built "Titanic".
3. The most important thing is that every student, which profession he choose, took place in life, became a man with a capital letter, and if my work will be promoted, it means that I chose a teacher's profession without in vain.
4. First of all, I want to wish good health to teachers, their relatives and loved ones, because health is the absence of internal interference for any activity.

Oksana Vasilyevna Vetoshkin, chemistry teacher, graduated from Pomeranian state University them. M.V. Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk.
1. From the first class, I wanted to be similar to my first teacher Lyudmila Yakovlevna Tikhonov. It was she who instilled me love for this profession. And I decided that I would definitely become a teacher. I liked Lyudmila Yakovlevna leads lessons, explains the material, organizes work with us and our parents. We had a lot of joint work, holidays, trips, concerts. Strict, but very fair, she knew how to find an approach to any student. I only had to choose interest items. They have become chemistry and biology, and targeted preparation began for admission to the university. So my dream was realized, I was very glad.
2. My life motto: "The road occurs under the steps of going." Modern school requires great theoretical training, ownership of various information funds and technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to keep up with the times and not be afraid of difficulties. And then it will work easily and nice.
3. I would like to see my disciples always in a good arms of the Spirit, with a positive attitude to gain knowledge. I want in life they have become successful and consisting of people.
4. Colleagues want to wish fruitful work that makes fun, talented disciples, creative success and achievements.

School press center №2

Essay "My pedagogical philosophy»

Teacher! He is always on the road -
In concerns, searching, anxiety -
And never rest.
And a hundred questions on the threshold,
And you need to correct answer.
He himself judges all the striking,
He is the whole earth, but rushing up.
Not consider, perhaps, how many fates
With his fate intertwined!

Every person in life has its own dream. Since my childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher of primary classes. Most likely, my grandmother played a large role in choosing my profession. She was also a primary school teacher, I often came to her in class, sat down and watched the teacher's grandmother leads a lesson than they do on change. And then we checked the notebook of her students together. That was the most interesting for me !!! My childhood dream came true. I became a primary school teacher. In addition, I returned to the school with which my school life began.

The profession of the teacher is one of the most important, difficult, interesting and creative. And this is exactly what brings me the joy and feeling of the completeness of life. I feel myself in my place, I don't even imagine myself in some other role! Primary school teacher - profession special. Comes to school small man. Often for the first time taking off my mother, and I should become a "second mom," because without complete trust, understanding, you cannot teach love and raise. Primary School - the beginning of time! A first-grader who can not know anything, after a few months begins to read, write the letters of the alphabet, solve examples and the simplest tasks - this is the beginning of the "beginning"! And I am always sincerely happy to first successes, but, of course, I am worrying about the failures of my pupils, I feel great responsibility for their training and upbringing. Every day my students look at me. They are waiting for something new, interesting. And I want to convey to them all that I know. Going to the lessons, I try to find a lot of interesting things, I'm not afraid of the ECC periments, constantly looking for improving the teaching methods, I love children, I try to find an approach to each student. To the lesson was fascinating, looking for additional material On the Internet, in additional literature. Children really like to perform various tasks. And I look and glad, as my students are sitting and "puffed" above them. Thus, they develop their thinking and independence. They really like it! And I need it! Future of Russia is sitting outside the parties. And in this future to live me and my children. And because of what my students will be, not only the life of the country, but also my life depends. Every student has its own way, its fate ... But lay a durable rod of morality in children's and school years The child is the main task of the teacher, my task. Everyone of September in front of me new students or simply matured for only three months, but still new ones. The first month they look after, and a month later, they begin to communicate like close people who know each other trust. They begin to devote me to their little joy, resentment. In turn, I communicate with children as with relatives. Will it praise whether I really want them to grow good people. I do not allow falsehood in communicating with children, insincerity. Children's heart is sensitive and generous. If children are taking love, they return it. I want my disciples to be able to surprise, empathize, be friends and respect each other. Each child is unique and has the abilities. Submissive, attentive teacher will give every student a chance to show himself. The main thing is that the children are not afraid to experiment, and for this they should feel that the teacher believes in them and will always support. And I also try to praise every student, then a child to school will go with a smile, and from school he will also go with a smile. The teacher's smile is capable of a lot, it is only to smile, and the child begins to feel more confident.

I walk with great pleasure with the guys hike, on a slide, I ride skiing, participating in games and contests. Let them see in me not only teachers, but also true friendlet them remember his first teacher able to "on everything".

Yes, the profession of the teacher is not from the lungs. But there are no lung professions at all! Each work has its advantages and minuses - it does not do without it. But what do I like my profession? So this is what I need. Need to their students. Every day, every hour, sometimes every minute ... You come to the classroom, and you and the go begins to tell the news, ask questions. We need parents of their students, because they entrusted me their favorite children. They hope that I will help their children learn to learn, get knowledge, live in the team and work together. We need to colleagues who often ask the Council, simply sharing sore. This is the meaning of my work - your favorite work!

I chose the teacher's road myself. I chose, although I understood that it was not very easy. But I found my way - to be with the children. Yes, sometimes, it is sleepless nights, and endless experiences, and endless student notebooks, and more plans, abstracts, reports, pedshes, conferences ... But this is the greatest opportunity to fill in kindness and love every moment of children's life. "In the good teacher's heart, which open the lap can be a whole universe ..."

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