Design work "My city". Information project "My city" How to name the project about the sights of your edge

Faina Gusev
Research project "The city's attractions"

(Where did the monument come from "Surka" in Angarsk)

Name project: .

Participants project: Guseva Ferdausna Ilyasovna (tutor, Solovyanov Varvara.

Duration project: Short-term.

purpose project: Creating conditions for enrichment of knowledge about the monument "Surka" through the use of various sources of information (Book-printed products, Internet resources, conversations with adults).

Tasks: 1. Find out the history of the monument "Surka".

2. Develop the ability to cognitive activity, learning to find information about the object researchusing various sources of information (adults, encyclopedia, computer, telecasts).

3. Improve the perception, thinking, speech in the process of searching activity and in the preparation of the story.

4. Educating love and careful attitude towards monuments established in the native city.

results project:

1. The ability to find information together with parents on this topic.

2. The use of various sources of information, helped learn a lot about the monument "Surka".

3. The close collaboration of the teacher and family significantly helped the development of the creative activity of the child.

5. Project Allowed to develop a sense of respect and careful attitude towards monuments of Angarsk.


Head project: Guseva Firdausya Ilyasovna.

Participants project: Children, parents.

The age of the child on which it is designed project: 7th year of life.

A type project: information- research.

The educational area in which work is carried out on project: Cognitive, speech, socio-communicative.

Form of: conversations, study, observation, joint and independent activity of the child.

Duration: Short-term.

Objective result: Message by theme: "How did the monument of Surku in Angarsk appeared"Album research of the child, Photo presentation research.

Stages project:

Setting the problem, defining goals and objectives research work.

Problematic question: Where did the monument of Surku in Angarsk come from?

Drawing and discussion with all participants project(Pupil, Parents, Educator) A phased plan of work, the creation of a bank of ideas and suggestions. Selection of sources of information.

Organization studies under the project.

Activities for implementation project

Chatting, reading encyclopedia, view of the illustrations of the monument, the use of Internet resources.

Conversations "Traveling Po the city of Angarsk office» , cycle "Historical Chronicles".

Excursions to the monument to Surku in the 85th quarter, to the library and the Museum of Minerals.

Selection and reading of stories and poems dedicated to monuments of Angarsk.

Holding research Sources of information on the creation of a monument to Surku.

Fixing results research In the album of observations.

Generalization of results research.

Design and showing photo exhibition on the topic for children and parents.

Presentation of results research.

Photo presentation research"Where did Surki monument in Angarsk come from?" All children and parents.

Preparation and presentation of the story of the child "Where did Surki monument in Angarsk come from?"

Thanks to the film presented by the child and the story of the results of work on projectThe children of the band learned about the monument to Surku to Angarsk, about the history of his occurrence. The joint activities of the parents and the child contributed to the expansion of the horizon, both the child and adults, strengthening the relationship in the family, supporting adults allowed to significantly increase the interest of the child to research activities , upbringing respect and careful attitude to monuments of Angarsk.

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"Attractions of our city"



    1. form a holistic picture from students;

      involve each student into an active cognitive process;

      introduce children with stages of project activities

      form speech skills.


    1. through the content of the educational project, to bring children to the thought that every resident of the city is responsible for the welfare of his city;

      educating tolerance for someone else's opinion, attentive, friendly attitude towards answers and stories of other children.

      • Developing:

    develop the ability to design;

    develop the ability to work independently with additional literature, expand the horizons;

Educational and pedagogical tasks:

Create conditions for the development of the ability to learn from the experience and experience of others in the process of developing an educational project;

Develop the results of work in the form of posters, drawings;

Teach to review the creative work to a classmate;

Stages of work on the project.

    Launch of the project.

    Planning work.

    Determining the level of readiness for search engine.

    Collection of information.

    Expansion of information.

    Registration of work results.

    Presentation of the project.



Volzhsk today.

    Main part: 1. History of the city.

2. Passport of the modern city.

A) Motherland's cinema

B) monument - obelisk soldiers who died in the war of 1941-1945, Alley of Glory

C) urban local history museum

D) culture and recreation park

E) stele 107 special rifle brigade

E) Mosque

G) ice complex



We live in a wonderful city. Volzhsk - the second largest city of the Republic of Mari El. Our city is young, small, but very cozy

Regional science is one of the main directions of our school. Everyone should know the history of his country, his people and, of course, the story of his small homeland. In the program on the history of the culture of peoples in primary school There are topics devoted to the study of a small homeland: which means the name of the city, as it formed, his coat of arms and anthem, what the names of his streets tell about. All these topics can not be studied in 1-2 lesson, so we decided to spend the guys research work on the topic "The sights of our city"

In its project, we would like to get acquainted with the history of the city, its attractions, studied the history of the city of Volzhsk and his modern passport, symbolism and attractions of the city.

Today Volzhsk is a modern city. Broaks left the past. In their place built high-rise buildings. About 20 industrial enterprises of the city produce a variety of products. The city has Palaces of Culture, Park, Local Lore Museum, Ice Complex, Music, Sports and Art Schools.

1. The history of the city of Volzhsk.

The city of Volzhsk is based on the place of the village of Lopatino. The village of Lopatinsky Palace Council included villages Russian-Lugovaya and Polka.

At the beginning of the XIX century, several men of the village of Alekseevskoye and the village of the Red Gorka of the Paroski Volost Cheboksary County of the Kazan province scrupted four glades and began to be built. So the village of Polka appeared. The first migrants d. Polka were Andreev, Markins, Demyins, Ivanov, Vasyukhini, Klimov, and others. The arrangement of their life they began with the cutting of the forest.

In October 1889, Kozmodemiansky merchant Vasily Ivanovich Gubin received permission from the construction branch of the Kazan provincial rule on the construction of a sawmill plant. Residents of P. Polkka worked on this sawmill, later this company got the name of the logging "Zarya".

The first large enterprise in the development of the industry of our republic was the Lopatinsky stock, then the MarbumKombinat was declared a shock construction. It helped to build the whole country.

On July 6, 1940, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR "On the transformation of the workers' village of Lopatino Volzhsky district of the Mari ASSR to the city of Volzhsk".

2. Passport of the modern city.

Today is the city of Volzhsk - the second largest city in the Republic of Mari El. The population of the city is 62 thousand people of different nationalities.

The city-forming enterprise is CJSC "People's Enterprise Mariy Cellulosic and Paper Plant". Also large enterprises of the city are:

CJSC "Ariad"

OJSC "Fairy"


Joint Soviet-Italian production "SovitalProdmash"

Volzhsky stock

OJSC "Volzhsky House Building Combine"

OJSC Volzhskpromstroy

OJSC Volzhsky Industrial and Construction Plant and others

The city has its own symbolism: coat of arms and anthem.

3. Attractions of the city:

1) Motherland's cinema

Volzhsk is our home and our family, and we try to make it more beautiful and more comfortable. Beautiful his friendly residents, beautiful clean streets, modern houses, Parks and attractions. Our city is young and in it not ancient historical monuments, theaters, large museums, but we have something to be proud of.

One of the old buildings of the city is the Motherland cinema with small and large halls at 746 seats. This building was built in 1953 on a hill with elements of a classic style. But today the cinema is difficult to withstand competitive home theaters.

2) Monument - Obelisk soldiers who died in the war of 1941-1945.

After the Great Patriotic War, as in all cities of our country, a monument was established in our city - obelisk soldiers who died in the war of 1941-1945. Eternal flame Obelisk and the Alley of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War - the place of worship of citizens of the memory of the fallen in the war. Rallies are held here in holidaysFlowers are carrying here, in silence the head of the veterans. Avtor Obelisk: Druzhinin A.V. Height of the monument 13 m.

In 1975, an alley of glory was opened, on which busts of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the heroes of Russia were established.

Also on the alley of the heroes installed a memorial stove in memory of those killed in radiation accidents and catastrophes.

May 7, 2010 The memory board was opened, on which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were recorded, who fought in the Great Patriotic War.

Today, the heroes alley decorate combat vehiclesinstalled on the pedestal.

Centuries will be held, but in memory of grateful generations will forever continue heroic feats Warriors who died in the fight against fascism.

3) urban local history museum

The storage of the history of the city is the urban museum. On July 15, 1980, the Executive Committee of the Volzhsky City Council of People's Deputies of the Mari ASSRA decided "in order to perpetuate the memory of the 107th separate Rifle Brigade of the 18th Army, which participated in the battles for a small land ... Open the local history museum.

Basic exposures:

History of the city of Volzhska

History of Volzhsky District

Volzhsk and Volzhan during the Great Patriotic War

Life and culture of the Mari people in the past

Combat Path 107 separate Rifle Brigade

The Museum has two exhibition halls where artists work, masters of applied creativity. The exposition contains materials (photos and documents) of the history of the city and the area, starting from the period October revolution and civil War, construction of enterprises of the city, about best people district and cities.

4) Park of Culture and Leisure

In 1959, a Park of Culture and Leisure appeared in the city, which was named Park. 40 wpsm. By the way, the admission for the dance floor was: under the spiritual orchestra - 3 rubles, under the radiol - 2 rubles. And today the Park of Culture and Leisure takes citizens on the days of the holidays and on weekends. There is a children's town with attractions, shady ally with benches, clean air. Even on weekdays in the park, the elderly and young townspeople walk.

5) Stela 107 special rifle brigade is another attraction of the city of Stela 107 separate rifle brigade. August 13, 1974 executive committee The Volga City Council of Deputies of the Workers of the Mari ASSR has decided to build a boulevard in honor of the memory of the victims of 107 brigades.

The design of the monument is made of reinforced concrete and consists of two parts.

At an altitude of 80-90cm from the pedestal, Steel was originally framed the belt from the metal with a height of 80cm with the inscription. Currently, the belt is fixed on the metal frame.

The top of the stele from the northern side is decorated with a 197 brigade and 18 armies. Against the background of a five-pointed embossed star, the image of the Sickle and Hammer - the symbols of the Soviet state.

On a straight wall, on a large red star, a combat path 107 of the rifle brigade is depicted.

In addition to secular buildings and structures adorning our city, there are temples and a mosque in Volzhsk. With the accession of the Mari region to the Russian state, in the second half of the XVI century, gradually, especially in the XVIII century, began the baptism of the Mari population. Already in the XVII century, Mari Land began to gain his springs of Orthodox faith. A axes were caught in the forest ladders, the crowns of logs were folded, the peel roofs were covered, put on the image of the image. The first monasteries were based.

In just a revolution, 162 Orthodox churches were located in the territory of the Mari Territory.

In our city of temples appeared in the early 90sXX century This is the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "All Morning Joy", the temple of the Holy Righteous John Kronstadsky, the temple in honor of the novomarters and Russian confessors. The opening of the temple is always a big event. Each temple construction has its own history.

8) Mosque

Muslim society and religious society Muslims were registered in August 1989 in the city of Volzhsk, the construction of a mosque on Gagarin Street, 122. On August 26, 1999, a mosque was opened in the city. The mosque was built on donations of citizens of various nationalities, building materials helped the city administration and individuals, organizations. Amir Sabirovich Mukhametshin was huge assistance at the final stage of construction. Today, the mosque decorates the appearance of our city, asking the minaret boom.

9) Ice Complex

Today the city grows and good.

One of the largest enterprises of the city of Volzhsk is OJSC Ariada. The team of the company and its leader Viktor Vasilyev presented the Ice Palace Volzhanam. His discovery took place on August 29, 2003. The complex was erected in the interests of sports development, youth Policy. This modern beautiful complex not only decorated the city, but also provided the opportunity for hundreds of citizens to do sports (hockey and curly skating), with benefit to spend free time.

Pleases with its architecture gorges and hotel "Ariad"

In our city there are many beautiful buildings, streets and parks. Modern and new buildings are the hotel complex "Ariada", the buildings of Yoshkar-Ola banks and the Pension Fund, Sberbank of Russia, a new residential complex on Orlova Street. Residents of the city are resting in park areas and on the banks of the Volga River.

Currently, the city lives, is built, its production complexes are being revived, sport, culture, trade.

Our city Volzhsk is our little homeland, which is the road. And we need to know and love our city and make it more beautiful.

Cities have a lot in Russia,

It is difficult to count

Well, and my Volzhsk is one of the beautiful,

Good thing you are.

We love our city

and we want to know everything about him!

Used Books:

1. "City Volzhsk". Collection of documentary essays .// Series: "History of villages and villages of the Republic of Mari El", Yoshkar-Ola, 2007.

2. "City, that the heart of the roads." Volzhsk 2006.

3. Kalinkin G.G. "Rainbow over Volzhsky", Volzhsk, 2000.

4. Kalinkin G.G. Volzhsk, 1990.

5. Morgunova N., Korsakov L. "Volzhsk. Past. The present. Future",


Municipal budgetary general Education

« high school №2 of the city of Rudnya "

Information project

"My native city"

1. Introduction

2. Main part

    History of our city

    Coat of arms of the city of Rudnya


3. Practical part

4. Conclusion

5. Sources of information

6. Appendices


Project topic:My native city.

The relevance of the project.

To truly love your country, Russia, to be a patriot, you need to know the story of my small homeland, the place where we were born.

Purpose: Expansion of the horizons about the history of the city, symbolism, attractions, residents who glorified the city.


- bring up a sense of patriotism, pride for reaching countrymen;

Educate careful attitude towards heritage native region.

Collect the local lore material, describe it.

Object and subject research : History and sights of the city of Rudnya.

Research methods:
studying the topic: References, fiction;
visiting the library
search for information on the Internet;

1. The history of our city.

City of Rudnya Located in the valley of the River Malaya Berezina (Dnipro pool). IN ancient Russia In this area, the famous wolves began on the path of "Varyag in Greeks". However, the emergence of the settlement on the site of modern ore, in all likelihood, is not connected with it. The first mention of Rudna is available in the annals of 1363, and the village itself appeared much earlier. In the 1930s of the last century railway, in the area st. The factory, the remains of an ancient settlement belonging to the IX-X century were excavated, which, as believed to be a fortified part of the settlement in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Ruden - the places of mining of iron from marsh ore. Hence the historical name of the city.

Rudnya lived, worked, built, experiencing all the misfortunes and difficulties of 20-30. Here went near and bright and tragic. In the thirties, the industry actively began to develop. The first MTS is created in the western region. In 1931 Placement is built. B1932g. The construction of the "Canned Milk" plant has begun, and in May 1936. One of the very first and large enterprises for the processing of milk in the country already gives products.

The Great Patriotic War brought immeasurable grief to our land and revealed unparalleled heroism of the people. Two more than a year lasted black fascist occupation. Rudnya was burned, looted, destroyed, shot ... Of the 1200 houses in the city, there were no tenth parts, survived several hundreds of residents. September 29, 1943 the city was released. Heroism rational replaced by labor. Revived the city of fathers and mother of the current generation Rudnyan.

The war practically did not leave the city of historical monuments of the past, but the military glory proved.

The model of the BM-13 reactive installation model was perpetuated by the memory of the separate experimental battery of Captain I.A. Fleroova, who, the first volley of the legendary Katyusha, announced the enemy of the inevitability of the defeat.

Many city streets are named after warriors who died when he was released: the street them. I.N.Kireeva, ul. them. G.A. Ponomareva, ul. them. PF Shevtsova, ul. Krasnoyarskaya, perpetuating a collective feat of one of the Siberian divisions, ul. E.I. Melnikova, ul. A.E. Eliseeva.

Coat of arms of the city of Rudnya

The coat of arms is a historic symbol of the city, statehood and power.

In the center of the Red Field (red bright color - the color of ore mined once on the ground of our ancestors) is a socket from six petals. Socket - "talking" sign of God's god, the god of the throat, which has come down to this day from Slavic mythology. In front of this God, our ancestors loved, believed in his power and strength. The sign of God is a socket - placed on the gate, then living houses.

Yellow or orange color sockets - a symbol of wealth, trade than in antiquity our city was famous.

In the left corner of the coat of arms - the coat of arms of Smolensk.

The coat of arms is framed by golden ears - a symbol of the affiliation of the area to agricultural production, agriculture.

The ears are braided with a ribbon of the Order of Lenin as a sign that the largest enterprise The area is a dairy-cannery - has this government award.

The coat of arms of the tower of the Tower about three teeth, reflecting the status of the city of Rudney as a district center.

3. Attractions

The main attraction of the city is the local historical museum, in the walls of which all the history of the city and its area is collected. Located a museum on Kireeva Street.

The second city museum is Mikhail Alekseevich Egorova House Museum, Hero Soviet Union, It is he who, together with the younger sergeant Cantaria on May 1, 1945, waters the banner of the victory on the roof of the German Reichstag.

Mikhail Alekseevich was a native of the village of Ermoshenka Rudnyansky district. The memorial museum is waiting for its guests in the village of Mollectric.

There are in ruds and monuments, two urban monuments are devoted to the Great Patriotic War. One of them is a mortar installation "Katyusha" installed at school number 2.

The second urban monument "Grieving Mother" "is installed on the southern outskirts of Rudney. It is installed here for no accident, next to him is located bratsk gravein which more than three thousand Soviet citizens of those killed here in the times of the Great Patriotic War.

Information sources

1. Rudnya / Z. Jumkova, L. Stherova, D. Tikhonov. - CJSC Amipress, 2004.
2. Pages of the history of Smolensk region. Book for additional reading / Yu.G. Ivanov, E.N. Aginskaya, O.Yu. Ivanova et al. - Smolensk: Rusich, 2007. - P. 441-444.
3. Nikolaev, N. Icon, who has described in Rudne / N. Nikolaev // Working Path. - 2007. - October 25. - P. 21.
4. Warripov, D. Rudnya: Motherland of the Victory Znamenskaya / d. Warrids // Komsomolskaya Pravda. - 2007. - 9 Aug. - P. 27.
5. Borisova, N.Ya. Our city: Look in the past / N.Ya. Borisova // Rudnyan's voice. - 2000. - 7 July.
6. Shapovalov, S. from the depths of centuries / S. Shapovalov // Covenants of Ilyich. - 1976. - May 11.
7. Shapovalov, S. Why Rudnya? / S. Shapovalov // Leninsky Banner. - 1962. - March 18.


Historical Museum.

House of Culture.

Square veterans

Museum Museum Mikhail Egorova

"Grieving Mother"

I love my city and proud of them !!!

1. Introduction

2. Main part:

1) Cheboksary Bay.

2) Monument "Mother Patronic"

3) Victory Park.

4) Nikolaev Park.

5) Park 500th anniversary Cheboksary.

6) Museum complex V.I. Schapayev.

3. Conclusion.

Bibliographic list.


1. Introduction

My family came from Dagestan. I know little about the sights of the city of Cheboksary, but I would like to know and tell about beautiful places of this wonderful city.

Relevance: Today, studying the sights of the city in which you live is important, because a person should know about the values \u200b\u200bthat the locals love.

Problem: I do not know anything about the sights of the city of Cheboksary, and I would like to know and tell all the guests of the capital about them.

Hypothesis: If I find out about the sights of the city of Cheboksary - it will be interesting not only to me.

An objectresearch:cheboksary City.

Thingresearch: Sights of Cheboksary City

Objective of the project:examine the sights of the city of Cheboksary


1. To explore literature on the attractions of the city of Cheboksary.

2. Write a brief about the sights of the city of Cheboksary, to be interested in all guests of the capital.

3. Make a presentation with brief description The attractions of the city of Cheboksary.


Study of special literature;

Search and selection necessary information from popular science literature, internet;

Exchange of information with members of their family;

Project implementation.

Stagesholdproject: I - preparatory. Work in school Library, on the Internet, a selection and reading of literature on the attractions of the city of Cheboksary II - research. Examine and briefly describe the sights of the city of Cheboksary.

III- creative. To make a presentation. Expectedresultsproject: Attract the attention of guests of the capital to the sights of the city of Cheboksary.

Deadlines:september - December 2015.

2. Main part

The capital of Chuvashia - Cheboksary - incredibly green and beautiful city on the Volga. There are a lot of forests and small, cozy squals. The city can be divided into two parts - left and right. The left bank of the Volga is ideal for recreation of tourists and local residents, the right - Business Center Cheboksary. Most of the attractions of Cheboksary are located as on the right bank, since this is the historic part of the city. Alas, during the construction of HPP and forced flooding of the terrain, a lot of cultural and historical monuments was lost. But in Cheboksary, an artificial bay appeared, which became a favorite place of all citizens.

1) Cheboksary Bay

Cheboksary Bay is an interesting part of the city. Here most attractions of Cheboksary.

Cheboksary Bay is a cultural and entertainment part of the city. Local residents come here to relax.

First, there are a lot of entertainment, and secondly, in Cheboksarsky bay there is plenty of cafes. In addition, you can ride boats and catamarans. So, if you like water entertainment, be sure to visit the Cheboksary Bay.

The bay himself is divided by the Moscow Prospect in two parts - a new and historical. The modern part is considered to be a business center Cheboksary. Here are the Palace of President Chuvashia, the Treasury Building. In the old part of the bay, you can not only learn a lot of new things, but also to relax. There are museums, churches, monuments, clubs, squares, alley of love and much more.

Nearby with the Alley of Love are Red Square, the sculpture "Mother Patronic", Opera and Ballet Theater, Victory Park, Military Glory Monument.

At Cheboksary Bay well at any time of the year. In the summer you can walk, ride bikes and rollers. And in winter, adults and children come with pleasure

in the residence of Santa Claus, which opens every year on the eve new Year holidays. Well, after meeting with Santa Claus, you can play snowballs, ride a slide on the sledding, go skating.

2) Monument "Mother Patronic"

The symbol of Chuvashia is considered the monument "Mother Patronic", located in the historic part of Cheboksary. The complex located on an ancient hill, towering from the western side of the Cheboksary Bay, includes a sculptural composition of granite, copper and marble, as well as "singing fountains" installed in the Bay of the Volga River.

Sculpture depicts a female kid in a national journal with stretched hands, denoting the gesture of hugs, blessings and protection. The inscription on the pedestal plate is made in two languages: "Blessed children are my living in the world and love." The author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis grandiose structure was the president of Chuvashia - Nikolay Fedorov, and embodied the idea - the sculptor Vladimir Nagorninov in collaboration with A.Thofimov, V. Filatov, Yu.Novoselov and A. Osheshnov. The monument, open to the ninth of May 2003, is the highest sculpture in Chuvashia, its height is 46 meters, and the mass of more than fourteen tons. To erect the symbol of the revival of spiritual values \u200b\u200bin the region, the image of the mother was chosen. As the ethnologist G. B. Matsev believes: "The Chuvash woman is pride in Chuvashia - a conductor and a carrier of ethnocultural values." At the close distance you can consider ornamental bandages with fringe, monistoes on the chest and the pendant of coins on the headdress. The pedestal is rid of a wide ribbon with traditional elements of the ornament - stars symbolizing the fire. The Monument "Mother Patrone" is considered one of the main attractions not only Cheboksary, but also of all Chuvashi. This sculpture is devoted to all mothers who protect their children.

3) Victory Park

At the highest point of the city of Cheboksary, a memorial park of Victory, which occupies the area of \u200b\u200bmore than thirty hectares. The park is located on a high hill, over the river station of the city and is well visible from the bay.

On the territory of the park are: the monument of military glory with eternal fire, the alley of memory, monuments of soldiers, soldiers. Cascade fountain and heroes alley. On the territory of the park there is a museum of military equipment. It is worth noting layouts of tanks and aircraft, so significant for the combat missions of the past years.

The beginning of the formation of the park was the discovery on the high bank of the Volga Military Glory Monument in May 1980. The monument is a bronze sculptural composition of a female mother holding a red banner, and a young man-soldier, which attached his knee. The height of the monument is more than sixteen meters. The authors of the monument were sculptor A.D. Stherbakov and architect G. Ya. Zakharov. At the foot of the hill was installed a granite pedestal with eternal flames lit in the hall of military glory at Mamaev Kurgan.

In 1996, a monument to the soldiers who died during hostilities in Chechnya was established in Victory Park. In August 1999, St. John's chapel was consecrated. In April 2002, a monument was opened by the liquidator of the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plantAnd in 2004 a monument to the military officers who died in Afghanistan was established. To the 60th anniversary Great VictoryIn May 2005, an alley of heroes and a cascade fountain was built. In the territory of the memorial park there is a museum of military equipment, where are: two T-34 tank, the legendary Katyusha, the G-3 guns, the Mi-8 helicopter, BM-13, aircraft MiG-19 and BTR. On the Day of the Navy on July 28, 2013 in the Park Victory, the first stone of the monument to the sailors of the Chuvash Republic was solemnly laid.

From the memorial park, Victory opens a panoramic view of the city center and Cheboksary Bay. In the park itself is always clean and well-groomed, evergreen spruces grow, flower beds are broken and benches are installed.

4) Nikolaev Park

This park is a great place for walking. Here there is a considerable amount of attractions for children who are more suitable to the kids, however, there are some for older children. There are also two playgrounds in the park. There is a mini-zoo in the park.

5) 500th anniversary of Cheboksary

The 500th anniversary Park is one of the most famous and loved ones for resting parks. The park consists of a wooded area, which in general allows us to enjoy relatively wildlife. It is also worth noting that there is in the park and attractions for children, a fairly high viewing wheel, as well as karting and paintball. In the park of the 500th anniversary there are football fields with artificial and natural grass.

At times in the park there are various events, mostly youth and entertainment, although sometimes sports.

6) Museum Complex V.I. Schapayev

The legendary comdive Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev was born in the village of Budayk, Cheboksary County, which eventually entered the line of the city, and now these days this is the center of Cheboksary. In memory of the famous countryman was created museum complexconsisting of a museum building, square, memorial house, walls with bas-reliefs of associates and a monument to V.I. Schapayev (in soviet times There was a symbol of Cheboksary).

The main building of the museum was built in May 1974 on the project of architect M.Suslov and is a branch of Chuvash national Museum. The building has the form of an explosion banner. The entrance houses the sculptural group "Connee Chapaeva" made of copper. On one of the walls installed a pedestal with five bas-reliefs: M.V.Fruunze, D.A.Furmannov, V.V. Kuibyshev, M.N.Tuhachevsky and I.S. Tuteakov. The interior of the museum exposition complements the copper chased panel " Martialctions Chapaevsky Division ", Stained glass glass crystal" Red Army "and Bronze Bust Chapaev. In the halls of the museum, genuine documents, photos and numerous awards V.I. Schapayev (including four George Cross) are presented. The Museum's Museum is the most popular: Konsky Saddle, machine gun "Maxim", rifles, Nagan, Mauser, a famous saber, a tachacan and a scary belonging to V.I. Schapayev.

Near the main building of the museum in 1986, a house was established, where Vasily Ivanovich was born. In the memorial house of Chapaev recreated the interior of the peasant hut using genuine household items belonging to the family of the commander. In the immediate vicinity there are: Monument to Vasily Ivanovich near the memorial house (Artist A.Ivanov), the equestrian monument of Chapaeva (Sculptor P. Balandine and the architect V.Mornozov), as well as the Square, which is the name of the legendary Nadiv.

3. Conclusion

Cheboksary - the capital of the Chuvash Republic - not in vain is considered one of the most important cultural centers Russian Federation. There are many attractions such as historical and modern.

Working on the project, I learned about the most popular sites of the residents of Cheboksary. Arrival, and the most resident of the city, it seems to me, it will be interesting to learn about the really visited and historically important places of the city of Cheboksary.

Bibliographic list:

1. M.M. Chernyakovsky "My Chuvashia" - Cheboksary Book Publishing House, 1997

2. E.D.Medjova, A.A.Thuvashov "Chuvashsky Folk Art" - Cheboksary Book Publishing House, 1981


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Figure 6.

Figure 7.

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