Cognitive psychology as an independent direction in psychology. The main tasks, methods of cognitive psychology

Cognitive psychology (eng. Cognitive Psychology) appeared in the 60s of the last century. This section of psychology refers to modern areas in the study of cognitive processes.

The word "cognitive" occurs (from Latin cognition - "knowledge"), and in translation (from English Cognitive - informative), therefore, it can be said that cognitive psychology is part psychological scienceengaged in learning a cognitive action.

Studies in the field of cognitive psychology, as a rule, are conjugate with the problems associated with:

  • with memory;
  • emotions;
  • attention;
  • thinking (including logical;
  • imagination;
  • the ability to take certain decisions.

Numerous approval of cognitive psychology are the basis of the current psycholinguistics. The conclusions of cognitive psychology are extensively used in other segments of psychological science, for example, such as social, psychology of personality and education.

Currently, the formation of cognitive psychology is largely based on the establishment of similarities between processes that carry a cognitive character in humans and transformed data by computing. Thus, multiple structural elements (blocks) of whose actions were sent to cognition and execution primarily in terms of memory (Richard Atkinson).

The maximum promotion in cognitive psychology has acquired the theory that the psyche has a certain device with a fixed conversion of the received signals. A significant place in this theory was assigned to the internal cognitive device of a person, which was a certain system for storing, entering and outputting data, taking into account its bandwidth. In this case, an analogy was carried out between the work of the brain and personal computer.

A bit of history

This direction of psychology originated in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States of America. Before the emergence of cognitive psychology in the form in which she is now, specialists in the field of this science have tried and earlier work on the difficulties that arose in the process of knowledge. A few centuries ago, scientists tried to explore thinking not only from a philosophical point of view, but also scientific.

The greatest specificity in the existing psychology today has brought such scientists of the time as:

  • Descartes;
  • Cant.

The concept of Descartes, namely the structure of psychological science created by it, resulted in the study of his psyche by experimental methods. Yum sought to determine the laws of associative thinking and systematized mental processes. In Kant, in turn, consciousness is a system, and the data obtained (experience) data that fill this system.

It would be wrong to believe that only these philosophers are considered the basis of cognitive psychology. Of course, not only they, but also other scientific figures of other knowledge of Knowledge brought their own contribution to the formation and formation of this field of psychological science.

It is believed that the meeting took place in 1956 in the Massachusetts Scientific and Technical University for the appearance of cognitive psychology. The beginning of the revolution in psychology, which is based on the occurrence of interest in the peculiarities of human knowledge and to the very informational process.

The resulting new direction in psychology was aimed against:

  • behavior flow;
  • seizure mental element from behavior assessment;
  • ignoring actions aimed at forming cognitive processes and development.

The final basis of cognitive psychology became non-versioned. Then, pushing away from the view of the human body, as a system engaged in obtaining information with its subsequent treatment, the newest aspect was invented. This aspect is based on the concept that society has a different kind of impact on the information received.

Humanity recycles the obtained data into a different configuration, selecting specific indicators with their further recycling or complete elimination due to the urgency. During this period, cognitive psychology confidently stands on its own methodological site, which is determined by the rapid development of computer technologies and the emergence of the latest abstract studies in the field of psychology.

Basics of cognitive psychology

The main subject of research in cognitive psychology are such cognitive processes, as:

  • memory;
  • speech;
  • imagination;
  • feelings;
  • thinking.

As methods, chronometric methods are taken, based on a clear registration of the period of time, which was required to solve the existing task or the reaction rate to the resulting signal. Intended introspective methods in this case, since they do not own that correctness and accuracy that is necessary in the study of marked objects.

All configurations of the human cognitive process and its activity are similar to the operations of a personal computer.

The problems of cognitive psychology include the following factors:

Currently, the newest experimental project is being formed in cognitive psychology, which explores the language, as the main conditional concept applied by the individual to solve various types of tasks.

Who decided to hold first studies in the field of human knowledge, and what results did the bold experiences of innovators brought? Beheviorism and psychoanalysis were not able to give an explanation of human behavior without interpretation of processes in consciousness. Gradually, humanity led to the emergence of a new direction, which was touched by not only cybernetics, biology, neurophysiology, but also linguistics.

The path of becoming a new science

Cognitive psychology originated in the middle of the 20th century, in the era of the rapid development of technologies and computing machines. Scientists faced the need to substantiate human interaction and modern technologies In psychological perspective. The main interest of the new area was the study of cognitive, that is, cognitive abilities man. Perception was considered as a fundamental act on which the basis of human psyche was built. All sorts of experiments and research were conducted to study the possible borders of human abilities regarding processing and storing information in their memory.

It is worth noting that the founders of the science include the psychologists of the Fritz Hydera (cognitive balance theory) and Leon Festinger (the theory of cognitive dissonance). But a noticeable promotion contributed to the meeting in 1956 in technological Institute Massachusetts, where representatives of the Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineering were gathered, specialists in the field of information theories. This meeting is still considered to be a real revolution of cognitive psychology, issues of language and memory issues were raised there in the influence of computer technologies.

Cognitive psychology received such a name thanks to researchers Jero Bruneru ("Study of Cognitive Development", 1967) and Ulrik Nasser ("Cognition and Reality", 1976), who published their works, having told society about the subject of their research. Subsequently, the center of cognitive psychology was organized, where the processes of knowledge, thinking, aspects of development psychology, etc. were studied.

Choosing the term "cognitive ..", we opposed themselves behaviorism. Initially, we reflected on the use of the "mentality" concept. But "mental psychology" sounded too ridiculous, and the "psychology of common sense" would send us to the field of anthropological studies, "People's Psychology" is similar to Wundhold social psychology. As a result, we stopped at the term "cognitive psychology".

George Miller, one of the founders of the Center for Cognitive Psychology

One of the famous psychologists working in this area was Swiss Jean Piaget. The doctor of the Philosophy of the University of Neuchatel for a long time dedicated himself to passionately at that time psychoanalysis. Working with children, Piaget spent a number of interesting experiments. Through the tests, he installed the chain of logical operations and integrity common Structure Thinking baby.

Piaget spoke about changes in human intelligence and its possible adaptation to the environment with each segment of development. They produced four cognitive stages:

  • Sensomotor - external manipulation and the origin of working with internal symbols (0-2 years).
  • Preoperative - construction of associative connections and transductive arguments (transitional processing of information from one image to another), centralization of consciousness on catchy subjects, attention to external state (2-7 years).
  • The stage of specific operations - the system of integrated actions is formed, logical operations with classes are established, their hierarchy is built, operations occur only with specific objects of study (7-11 years).
  • Stage of formal operations - conversion of consciousness in hypothetical and deductive, building mental offers and reasoning, systematic allocation of variables, their combination (11-15 years).

In 1925, Piaget after a number of significant experiments came to the discovery of children's egocentricism. His theory argues that children under certain age are focused only on themselves and their internal experiences. You can often see the picture as a small child or a teenager, being close to the parent, another child or even alone, leads a story about his experiences or just voiced thoughts, absolutely no need for feedback.

Unusual experiment

With a gradual decline in the domination of behavior concepts in 1971, the psychologist Philip Zimbardo from Stenford University is solved on a bold step. The purpose of the study: to explore the behavioral features of a person in cruel conditions (limited freedom of action and will, pressure on moral principles). A set of volunteers was held for about a month, not everyone was ready to calmly go to torture and obey any instructions. A total of twenty-four people took away. In order to comply with the purity of the experiment, candidates were divided into two groups. The first half entered the guards, and to another - the so-called prisoners. In the role of the main warders, a laboratory and assistant psychologist were made, Zimbardo himself became the manager of this research prison.

The experimental were "arrested" in their homes under the fictional pretexts and under the leadership of the police the town of Palo Alto. Prisoners transported to the fenced territory, processed, assigned the number and concluded in the compartments. From the first minutes, the scientist began to fix the mental reactions of the participants in the experiment and observe their behavior.

Initially, the experiment was designed for two weeks, but ended after six days due to the fact that everything quickly came out of control. Over the "prisoners" mocked, humiliated and even used physical violence. "The guards" quickly got into the role and began to show the sadistic inclinations, depriving the prisoners of sleep, forcing a long time to keep hands on weight, etc. Many "prisoners" already on the third day of the experiment there was a strong emotional disorder and a sense of depression.

A significant result of the experiment can be considered the book F. Zimbardo called "Lucifer's Effect" (2007), in which he described the effect of cognitive dissonance (conflict of emotional reactions in a person's consciousness) and a humble person inherent for a person's sense. Special attention was paid to the influence of public opinion and the degree of state support that can justify or reject the views of the individual.

This was the brightest experiment in the field of cognitive psychology. For ethical considerations, no one more attempted similar attempts to repeat the experience.

Further development of interest

In subsequent years, the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the researchers were increasingly deepened in the sphere of human and computer interaction. The theory that displays the psyche as a certain center, which can perceive the final number of signals outgoing from ambient, and then recycled by the human brain. The cognitive system of a person was considered like a computer system, with input, output devices and storage locations.

Psychologist George Miller conducted a number of interesting tests to define human abilities to memorize. So, as a result of the experiment, Miller found out that we can remember no more than 7-9 characters. It can be nine digits, eight letters or five or six simple words.

New stage research

American Neurophysiologist, doctor and psychologist Carl Pribram, cooperating with a famous researcher in behavioral psychology Carl Leshley, developed a holographic model of the functioning of the human psyche, which led to a unique discovery. Memory is not focused in separate parts of the brain, but distributed to all departments. This discovery made a coup in cognitive psychology, as it was previously believed that it was the middle lobes of the brain that they were responsible for the perception and storage of information. The theory and results of experiments of Pribrama are not fully recognized, but indirectly confirmed by the majority of subsequent experiments.

Interaction with other sciences

Currently it is believed that cognitive psychology and neurobiology develop in parallel with each other. This is due to the fact that both sciences are studying similar areas of the human brain. The difference is the aimedity of psychology - to study the human psyche reactions to external stimuli, and neurobiology - on the study of the reactions of brain neurons. At the same time, many psychologists, such as S. Gerber and A. Newel, do not consider the results of research in the field of neurobiology applicable to human psychology, because the answers to the questions of one science are almost impossible to adapt to the other.


Since the time of Stanford prison experiment, almost fifty years passed, but the community of psychologists still discusses its results and leads as an example a decisive act of the researcher. During the experience, really frightening properties of the human psyche revealed. People chosen by chance and showing any signs of violence, in just a day were able to become sophisticated sadists. Guided by justification own actions And give birth to their inner nature, the person allowed the extreme degree of anger. And this is clearly not protective mechanisms that Sigmund Freud described.

Cognitive psychology has introduced its contribution to science and, despite frightening conclusions, still continues to cause the interest of researchers. Perhaps this is very comparatively. new Region. Psychology will give humanity the opportunity to look deeper into the origins of human behavior and know its fundamental laws.

Sources of literature:
  • 1. Druzhinin V.N. ONTOLOGY OF MENTAL REALITY // Series-14. General psychology. - 1995. - №13. - P. 67-485.
  • 2. Cognitive psychology. John Anderson. - St. Petersburg. Series-2. - 2014. - P. 24-45.
  • 3. Cognitive psychology. R. Solso. - St. Petersburg. - Series No. 4 - 2014. - P. 234-342.
  • 4. Jean Piaget. "Favorites". Ed. Obukhova S.V. // Publisher Moscow University.
  • 5. Introduction B. general psychology. Abdurakhmanov R.A. - Moscow-Voronezh. P. 345-454.

Editor: Chekardina Elizaveta Yuryevna

Read 14553 time

Research in the field of psychology and ethics business communicationconducted in the West countries rely on certain provisions of existing areas of common and social psychology When solving theoretical and methodological problems. This uses fundamental provisions of such areas such as behaviorism, cognitive psychology, gestaltpsychology, field theory, psychoanalysis, humanist psychology, interactionism. The total coup in the views and principal views on the creature, the subject and methods of psychological science, which, especially sharp and bright forms, took now in Russia, cannot, of course, pass without a trace and imperceptibly for the entire applied area of \u200b\u200bpsychology. If a radical breaking of old concepts and ideas, a fundamental restructuring of ideas and methods occurs in the theoretical knowledge, then in the disciplines of applied branches from the total barrel, so that those painful and fruitful processes of destruction and rebuilding of the entire scientific system are inevitable. Perestroika psychological ideas that happens now directly causes a radical turn in scientific views on the very creature pedagogical process. It can be said that here for the first time the upbringing is revealed in its true entity for science, which for the first time here the teacher acquires the soil in order to speak not about guess and metaphors, but about the exact meaning and scientific laws of educational work.

1. Characteristics of the essence of behaviorism as a science studying behavior

Biheviorism is a direction in the psychology of the twentieth century, which considers the subject of psychology behavior, which is understood as a set of physiological reactions of an individual to external incentives. The influential direction in psychology, which is attributed to the "revolutionary" meaning, began in the beginning of the twentieth century biheviorism (from english word. Behaviour-behavior) or psychology of behavior. His experimental prerequisite was the study of animal behavior, which was conducted by E. Torndayk (1874-1949). Many of his conclusions were taken into account when explaining human behavior. He believed that pedagogy should rely on the psychology of behavior. E. Torndayk is the founder of the psychology of behavior and objective psychology. He considers human psyche and behavior as a system of organism reactions on internal and external stimuli.

In 1913, John Watson (1878-1958) formulated the basic principles of behavioral psychology. Chief Principle - This is a study not yourself, but the study of the behavior of a neighbor. Thus, a person explains his own behavior. Watson believed that the study of himself was a subjective assessment, and behaviorism explores psychological phenomena objectively. Therefore, you should study the behavior of other people and their reaction to the effects of the external environment, i.e. incentives. This is the essence and importance of biheviorism. Many of his provisions explain the influence of external factors on the behavior of people their activities and interpersonal communication.

The subject of learning behavior was behavior and activity. Activity - external and internal - was described through the concept of "reaction", to which those changes in the body, which could be fixed by objective methods - and, for example, secretory activities include here.

As a descriptive and explanatory D. Watson offered s-R schemeIn accordance with which the impact, i.e. Stimulus (S) generates some body behavior, i.e. Reaction (R), and, important, in the representations of classical behaviorism, the nature of the reaction is determined only by the stimulus. With this presentation was connected and scientific program Watson - learn to manage behavior. In fact, if the reaction is determined by the stimulus, it is enough to choose the desired incentives to get the necessary behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct experiments aimed at identifying patterns for which stimulus-jet connections are formed, to organize careful control of situations, registration of behavioral manifestations in response to the impact of the stimulus.

Principles of classical behaviorism look simplistic. In the future, experimental practice did not confirm the legality of the initial scheme as universal: in response to the impact of the same stimulus, different reactions can follow, one and the same reaction can be encouraged by various incentives. The dependence of the reaction from the incentive was not questioned; However, the question arose about the fact that there is something that determines the reaction, in addition to the incentive, more precisely - in cooperation with it. Researchers who developed Watson's ideas proposed to introduce another instance into reasoning. Denotable as the concept of "intermediate variables", meaning some events in the body, to which the stimulus acts and which, without being in a strict sense, the reaction (because they cannot be objectively fixed) also determine the response. (S-O-R).

One of the most authoritative behaviorists is B. Skinner, which assumed that the behavior can be constructed in another principle, namely, it is not to be determined by an incentive preceding the reaction, but by the likely consequences of behavior. This does not mean freedom of behavior (although within its approach and discusses the problem of "self-programming" of a person); In general, it is meant that, having a certain experience, an animal or person will strive to reproduce it if he had pleasant consequences, and avoid if the consequences were unpleasant. In other words, the subject does not choose behavior, but probable consequences of behavior are controlled by the subject.

Accordingly, it is possible to control the behavior, rewarding (i.e. positively reinforced) certain ways of behavior and thereby making them more likely; On this, the idea of \u200b\u200bprogrammed learning proposed by Skinner is founded, providing for "step-by-step" mastering activities with reinforcement of each step.

A special direction within biheviorism is sociobheyviorism, which is most active in the 60s. New in relation to what we talked about what we were talking about the idea that a person could master the behavior not through his own samples and mistakes, but, observing the experience of others and those reinforcements that accompany one or another behavior ("Scarecrow through observation" , "Decision without samples" This important difference assumes that human behavior becomes cognitive, i.e. includes an indispensable cognitive component, in particular, symbolic. This mechanism turns out to be the most important in the process of socialization, it is based on how to implement aggressive and cooperative behavior. This can be illustrated by the experiment of the leading psychologist of this direction Canadian Alberta Bandura.

Representatives of non-destroyerism Eduard Chase Tolman (1886-1959) and Clark Leonard Hall (1884-1952) tried from the standpoint of the methodology of biheviorism to explain the mental activity of a person. They performed the concept of "mediators" - internal processes committed between incentive and reaction. At the same time, they proceeded from the fact that for "invisible mediators" should exist the same objective indicators as they enjoy the study of the internal observation of incentives and reactions. However, their concept was in low-rise precisely in scientific relations and largely lost its influence. There was a refund to the classic behaviorism, especially expressed in the works of Berez Frederick Skinner (R. 1904).

2. The main provisions of cognitive psychology. Cognitive theories.

The position of the behaviorists were criticized by representatives of cognitive psychology. They proceed from the fact that human behavior is defined as an effect on it the conditions of the external environment and its mental abilities. The word "cognitiveness" comes from the Latin sagging and means to know, know.

The beginning of this area was laid by the study of W. Neisser. The ideas of cognitive psychology, revealing the role of the consciousness of people in their behavior, were also substantiated in the writings of American psychologists J. Kelly, J. Rotter, A. Bandura and other representatives of this direction. The main problem for them is "organization of knowledge in the subject of the subject." They believe that human knowledge is organized into certain conceptual schemes, in which he thinks and acts. It is argued that "perception, memory, thinking and other cognitive processes are determined by the schemes as well as the body of the body with the genotype."

Cognitive approach In the study of the conscious behavior, a person lies in the desire to understand how we decipher the information about real reality and organize it in order to compare, make decisions or solve problems that take place every minute.

Psychology of personal constructs is one of the options for a cognitive approach to studying behavior developed in the theory of George Kelly (1905-1967). Its initial premise is that different people are aware differently and evaluate the phenomena of reality and are taken in connection with this unequal, alternative solutions that allow them to perform their urgent tasks. This approach is characterized as constructive alternatives. The scientist substantiates the situation on the electoral nature of human behavior, which from a number of alternative opportunities is choosing quite certain, from its point of view the most optimal in one way or another. In this case, a person acts as a researcher who puts forward a different kind of "working hypotheses" regarding reality and choice possible option His behavior. Such an approach helps not only behave correctly in currentlyBut also foresee the course of events, as well as control your behavior. At the same time, he "controls events depending on the issues raised and the answers found. According to J. Kelly, anyone comprehends and evaluates the phenomena of the external environment and determines the options for its command, based on the conceptual schemes or models that are constructed by him. Personal construct is characterized by him as a "sustainable way a person comprehends some aspects of reality in terms of similarity and contrast."

Kelly notes that if one personal construct or conceptual scheme justifies himself when evaluating reality and choosing a act by one or another person, he comes from it further. If not, it rejects it and constructs the other. It is emphasized that personal constructs are not chaotically crowded in human consciousness, and in a certain way organized and operate in a particular system. We are talking about their hierarchical, or "pyramidal", organization, so that some of them are "in subordinating", while others are "in the subordinate" position regarding other parts of the system.

Comprehensively substantiates the provision that the system of personal constructs (conceptual schemes), which is formed in the process of conscious cooperation of a person with an external natural and social environment, determines its broad alternative opportunities in choosing their actions and thus expands the range of his freedom. In the theory of personal constructs, J. Kelly "people are presented as free and dependent on their own behavior." A number of meaningful provisions were expressed by A. Bandura and J. Rotter as part of their socio-cognitive approach to the study of the psyche of people and their behavior.

Surveillance - main idea Theories of Albert Bandura (r. 1925). It is that the mental abilities of a person develop in the process of observing their phenomena of external, primarily the social environment. And it acts in accordance with his observations. Bandura justifies the ability of a person. To self-regulation, in particular, to ensure that, acting in accordance with the situation, take into account the nature of the influence of its actions on other people and their possible response to these actions. Thus, it becomes possible to foresee the consequences of their own actions and regulate itself, accordingly to change their behavior.

Of great importance in the conscious behavior of the person, except for observations, the scientist will take such manifestations of human consciousness as attention and motives that encourage him to act in one direction or another. We are talking about the motivation of the behavior of people arising from their needs, interests, goals, etc. Evaluating the last experience of success and failures in an attempt to achieve the desired results, a person himself builds his behavior in accordance with his needs and interests.

It is quite definitely A. Bandura "gives priority to conscious thinking over the unconscious determinants of behavior." In other words, he puts meaningful targets over instincts or intuition. Thus, the possibility of self-control in the behavior and activity of people increases, including the accounting of how important the behavior of a person meets the conditions of the external environment and how much it can be effective for its social self-assertion. The problem of developing about the gram of self-control and its execution is raised and solved.

In its theory of social research, Julian Rotter (P.1916) examines the problem of the impact on the development of the human mental social factors, primarily its relationship with other people. The impact of social situations on the development of the consciousness and self-consciousness of a person, including the formation of conscious motives of his behavior.

J. Rotter introduced a person's psychology into science. The concept of behavior's potential expressing the likelihood of its behavior, depending on the nature of the impact on its external social factors. In this, he is solidified with the opinion of A. Bandura, who claims that the consciousness of a person who determines his behavior is in a considerable degree under the influence of external circumstances, first of all social. At the same time, it is indicated for the role of these circumstances in the formation of objectives of activity and the entire system of internal motivation of a person.


Bihewic approach to personality, supported by B.F. Skinner concerns open actions of people in accordance with their life experience. Skinner argued that the behavior was determined, predictable and controlled by the environment. He categorically rejected the idea of \u200b\u200binternal "autonomous" factors as a cause of human actions and neglected a physiological and genetic explanation of behavior. Skinner recognized two main types of behavior: respondent behavior, as an answer to a familiar stimulus, and operant behavior, determined and controlled by the result following it. The work of Skinner focuses almost completely on operant behavior. When operant learning, the body acts on the environment, producing a result that affects the likelihood that behavior will repeat. The operant reaction, followed by a positive result, tends to repeat, while the operant reaction followed by a negative result, seeks not to repeat. On skinner, behavior the best way You can understand the terms of reactions to the environment.

It is quite difficult to talk about psychology as a single science at the present stage: every direction offers its understanding of mental life, put forward its explanatory principles and, accordingly, concentrates efforts on the analysis of certain aspects of what understands under mental reality. At the same time, recently there is a convergence of a number of directions - or at least a tendency to more tolerance them in relation to each other, which means the possibility of dialogue and mutual enrichment.


  1. Psychology and ethics of business communication: Textbook for university students / ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. - 5ium., - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2006.
  2. Nomov R.S. Psychology: Tutorial for students of higher pedagogical institutions. In 2 KN.- M.: Education - Vlados, 1994.
  3. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology: Tutorial for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. - M.: Academy, 1998.
  4. Psychological Dictionary (ed. Zinchenko V.P., Meshcheryakova B.G. - M.: Pedagogy - Press, 1999.

XIII. Cognitive psychology: the formation and directions of development



1. Izdan, A.N. History of psychology. From antiquity to this day: a textbook for universities. - 5 ed., Pererab. and add. / A.N.zhdan - M.: Academic project, 2007.- 576 S.- ("Gaudeamus", "Classic University Tutorial"). Recommended MO RF.

2. Luchinin, A.S. History of psychology: Tutorial / A.S. Lucin. - M.: Ed. "Exam", 2006. - 286 S. ("Tutorial for universities").

3. Martzinkovskaya, etc. History of psychology: a textbook for the stud. Higher studies - the 5th ed., ERS. / Etc. Martzinkovskaya - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 544 S. Gryd Umo.

4. Sangstad, per. History of psychology. From sources to this day. Translation from Norwegian E.Pankratova / P.Saugstad - Samara: Publishing House "Bakhrah-M", 2008. - 544 S.

5. Smith, R. History of psychology: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. Institutions / R. Smith. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 416 p.

6. Shabelnikov, V.K. History of psychology. Psychology of the soul: a textbook for universities / V.K.Shabelnikov - M.: Academic project; World, 2011. - 391 p. - (Gaudeamus). Griffe UMO.

7. Yaroshevsky, M.G. History of psychology from antiquity until the middle of the XX century / M.G. Yaroshevsky - Publisher: DirectMedia Publishing, 2008- 772 S. Recommended by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

1. History of psychology in faces. Personals / Ed. L.Akapenko // Psychological lexicon. encyclopedic Dictionary In six volumes / red.-Cost. L.Akapenko. Under total. A.V.Petrovsky. - M.: Perse, 2005. - 784 p.

2. Lyha, Thomas. The history of modern psychology is the 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 448 p. ("Series" Master of Psychology ").

3. Oil A. Motivation and personality. - SPb.: Eurasia, 1999.

4. Morozov A.V. History of psychology: Tutorial. M.: Academic Project, 2004.

5. Mei R. Meaning of anxiety. - M.: Independent firm "Class", 2001.

6. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. History and theory of psychology - Rostov-on-Don: Publisher "Phoenix", 1996. - T.1.2.

7. Rogers K. Cliente-centered therapy. K.: Wakler, 1997.

8. Frank B. Doctor and Soul. SPb.: Juven, 1997, K.: PSYLIB, 2004.

9. Hall Art, Lindsay G. personality theory. M.: "KSP +", 1997.

10. Hiell L., Zigler D. personality theory. Basic provisions, research and application. St. Petersburg: Peter Press, 1997.

11. Schulz D.P., Schulz S.E. The history of modern psychology. St. Petersburg 1998.

12. Yakunin V.A. History of psychology. - SPB.: 1998.

13. Yal I. Existential psychotherapy. - M.: "Class", 1999

14. Frankl V. Zehn Thesen Über Die Person (1950) // Frankl V. Der Wille Zum Sinn: Ausgewählte Vorträge Über Logotherapie. 3., ERW. Aufl BERN: Huber, 1982. Existential tradition: philosophy, psychology, psychotherapy. 2005. №2, p.4-13

Cognitive psychology - section of psychology studying cognitive, that is, the cognitive processes of human consciousness. Research in this area is usually associated with memory, attention, feelings, presentation of information, logical thinking, imagination, decision-making ability. The main principle, on the basis of which the cognitive system of man is considered, is an analogy with a computer, i.e. The psyche is interpreted as a system intended for processing information.

Stormy development of conscious research mental processes caused an outbreak of interest to unconscious cognitive activity. A new look at the nature of the unconscious represented it is more rational and emotional. The unconscious manifests itself at the initial stage of human knowledge - at the stimulus response stage. The unconscious (unconscious) is an integral part of the process of learning and processing information, and therefore it can be studied during the controlled experiment.

Scientific prerequisites:1) criticism of biheviorism and the revival of interest in the subject of consciousness in the United States since the 50s of the twentieth century; 2) the effect of gestalt psychology - the adoption of the active role of the subject, interest in the problem of consciousness; 3) the teaching of J. Piage, who conducted a number of significant research on child psychology from the standpoint of the study of the stages of the child's cognitive development; 4) Changes in the scientific paradigm in physics - the refusal to the idea of \u200b\u200babsolute objectivity and recognition of the active role of the subject in the cognitive process.

The formation of cognitive psychology: 1) 1960 - Opening J. Miller and J. Bruner at Harvard Center for Cognitive Research, in the center studied a variety of cognitive processes - perception, memory, thinking, speech, including the analysis of their genesis. It was the first application of the term "cognitive"; 2) In 1967, U.Nisser published a book called "Cognitive Psychology". This book has opened a new study field. U.Nisser identified knowledge as a process, with which "incoming sensory data is subjected to transformations, reduction, processing, accumulation, reproduction and are used in the future ... Cognition is present in any act of human activity." P. Thus, cognitive psychology deals with sensations, perception, imagination, memory, thinking and all other types of mental activity. Expressed in the book "Cognition and Reality" (1976) of the computer's metaphor formed the basis of works in which computer programs serve as a model for understanding the processing processes by man. Intellect is not considered as a set of consecutive, frequently lowered stages or processing stages, as it was in traditional psychology, which it was believed that after the feeling there was perception, then memory, thinking, etc. In a new approach, a comprehensive system has a complex structure, and the hierarchy is built on the types of information processing and depends on the standing tasks.

Cognitive theories:1) Theory of cognitive dissonance (From English Cognition Knowledge, Dissonance - Missing) - Socio-psychological theory created by an American psychologist L. FestingerIn which the status of motivation is encouraged to ensure that the status of motivation is encouraged to ensure that the feelings of discomfort arising from the collision with the contradictions of discomfort due to changes in the existing knowledge or social attitudes. It is believed that there is a complex of knowledge about objects and people called a cognitive system that can be varying degrees complexity, consistency and interconnectedness. At the same time, the complexity of the cognitive system depends on the quantity and diversity of knowledge included in it.

2) Cognitive memory theories:R. Atkinson As a methodological grounds, focused on the "computer metaphor", conducted by the parallel between human cognitive processes and the transformation of information in the computing device. And in 1968, he proposed his three component memory model, in which the information first enters the sensory registers, where the shares of a second in the form of a very accurate equivalent of external stimulation, then - in accordance with the conservation task, falls into the perceptual signs, in short-term The repository where it is constantly restored due to the repetition of tens of seconds, after which it can be translated into a long-term storage, where it is stored in semantic form (in conceptual codes) for a very long time. S.Sterbergit is known for the study of short-term memory, solving problems of mnemic search and logic of additive processes.

3) speaking about the development of cognitive directions, it is necessary to mention theories of personal constructsKelly(1905-1967). This theory, although it is a mansion, is essentially close to the main provisions of cognitive psychology. Kelli's point of view, who considered a man as a researcher seeking to understand, interpret and control himself and the worldIn many respects stimulated the interest of cognitive psychology to the process of awareness and processing of information about their world.

Recently, cognitive psychology, like other schools, is increasingly focused on achieving related directions. In modern (especially European) variations of cognitive psychology with common steel symbolicand connectual approaches. The symbolic approach considers predominantly operating methods with symbols as units of information (for example, in speech), and conjunctionalism studies the relationship between elements in the cognitive system.

The results obtained by scientists of this school penetrate and work on age psychology, psychology of emotions and personality (especially the works of Kelly). In social psychology, learning is increasingly distributed social cognitions and their role in intergroup interaction, as mentioned above. The works of Nisser and other scientists contributed to the emergence of a large number of research on ecology of perception . It can be argued that these works, as well as Gibson's research, led to the fact that the environmental approach is currently one of the most common areas in modern psychology, a real alternative to an information approach in many areas of cognitive psychology.

Practical use: 1) Cognitive psychotherapy - psychotherapeutic method developed by A.T. Beckand based on the development of optimal appraisal and self-examination. As a basis this method The statement that knowledge is the main determinant of the emergence of certain emotions, which, in turn, determine the meaning of holistic behavior. At the same time, the emergence of mental disorders (initially depressive states) was explained primarily at the expense of incorrectly built self-knowledge. The procedure of this method includes three stages. At the stage of logical analysis, the patient receives criteria for detecting errors of judgments arising in affectogenic situations; At the stage of empirical analysis, it works out the methods of correlation of the elements of an objective situation; At the pragmatic analysis stage, the optimal awareness of his own actions is building. 2) rational-emotional-behavioral therapy, Rapt (English. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (Rebt) is an active-directive, training, structured, multimodal approach in psychotherapy and psychological consultingconcentrated on the problem created A. Itllis In 1955 and considering as main reason Mental disorders erroneous, irrational cognitive installations (beliefs, beliefs, ideas, assumptions, etc.), and not the last experience of the individual (in contrast to psychoanalysis). Such cognitions in the RPTT terms are called "irrational beliefs" (sometimes "irrational beliefs", English IRorational Beliefs) and the main purpose of therapy is their elimination.

Cognitive psychology is actively developing and far from completion, possesses all signs of the scientific school and has become part of the mainstream of psychological thought.

Practical tasks

Give examples of the manifestation of cognitive dissonance (at least three).

Model the scheme for the possible development of dezadapive behavior in terms of the theory of J. Celly personal constructs.

Make a matrix of ideas according to the scheme:

Relying on the knowledge of the rational-emotive psychotherpay of A. Itllis, bring examples of emotional disorders as a result of irrational thinking.

Make a crossword puzzle on the topic "Cognitive Psychology" (at least fifteen words).

Control questions

1. What are scientific prerequisites, subject, methodological basis of cognitive psychology.

2. Theories of cognitive psychology (U.Nisser, R. Atkinson, R.sterberg, Gardner).

3. Describe the nometic and environmental approaches of cognitive psychology.

4. Give examples of passing the role of the unconscious in the cognitive processing of information.

5. What is the specificity of the theory of cognitive dissonance L. Festinger.

6. What are the features of the cognitive theory of the personality of J. Celly?

" Main directions

Cognitive Psychology (Cognitivism)

Cognitive psychology - the direction of modern psychological science, studying cognitive processes. It comes its origin from the works of Wolfgang Keler (1917) about man-like monkeys and observations of Jean Piaget about the development children's intellect (1927).

As an independent industry, it took shape in the 1950s - early 1960s, when D. Miller, together with D. Brunner in 1960, created the first center of cognitive research at Harvard University.

The famous representatives of Cognitivism are also R. Atkinson, L. Festinger, D. Kelly, and others.

The main prerequisites for its occurrence:

  • the inability of behaviorism and psychoanalysis to explain the behavior of a person without circulation to elements of consciousness;
  • development of computing systems and cybernetics;
  • development of modern linguistics.

Self famous achievements Cognitive psychology:

  • the theory of causal attribution (the theory of how people explain the behavior of others);
  • the theory of personal constructs D. Kelly (claims that each event is realized and interpreted different people Differently, since each individual is endowed with a unique system of constructs or schemes).

The word "cognitive" comes from the Latin verb Coghoscere - to know.

Cognition - This is a collective designation of targeted efforts undertaken to find, find out, recognize, understand, distinguish, classifying, discussing objects, as well as process them, that is, change them by thinking operations (from specification before abstraction).

Psychologists, united around this approach, argue that a person is not a car, blindly and mechanically reacting to incentives (internal factors or events in the outside world). On the contrary, a lot more is available to human mind: analyze information about real reality, make comparisons, make decisions, solve problems arising in front of him every minute.

Thus, cognitivism is based on a person's interpretation as a creature that understands, analyzes, since it is in the world of information that needs to be understood, to appreciate, use.

In other words, cognitive psychology differs from behavioral theories " stimulus - Reaction » In the fact that it does not imply a one-centered direction of causality of behavior, but is guided by the theory of self-regulation and self-organization of the systems under study. From here, other methodological paradigms of cognitiveism, aimed at complex systemic communications in the process of cognition are distinguished.

The main objects of study are such cognitive processes as perception, memory, thinking, attention, imagination and speech. Recognition of images, artificial and human intelligence also belong to the sphere of interests of cognitive psychology.

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