The history of the creation and life of the poem Vasily Terkin. A.T

Public lesson a young specialist of school No. 11 in Kaliningrad Zharkova Maria Alexandrovna.

Lesson learning new material. Acquaintance with the personality of A.T. Tvardovsky: life and stages of the poet's work.

Analysis compositional features poem "Vasily Terkin".

The work is of a group nature, search and creative activity



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Date : 15.04.

Lesson topic : A.T. Tvardovsky is a poet-citizen. The history of the creation of the poem "Vasily Terkin". Genre-style and plot-compositional features of the poem.

Goals :

1) reveal the civil courage of the poet; show the role of the poem and the hero during the war years; help students understand the origins of our victory;

2) improve the ability to analyze lyrical work; compose a coherent text on the questions asked;

3) arouse interest in the history of the war, the history of one's family; evoke an emotional response when talking about the war; contribute to the development of patriotic feelings.

Type of lesson : Lesson learning new material (mixed: conversation, research)

Forms of student work:conversation, oral work, group work, search activity.

1. Organizing time: Greetings ; voicing the plan and setting the goals of the lesson by students; work in class notebooks: write down the date, the topic of the lesson.

Forming the objectives of the lesson: What do you think, what goals will we pursue in today's lesson? (to reveal the civil courage of the poet; to show the role of the poem and the hero during the war years; to improve the ability to analyze a lyrical work)

I stage of the lesson (17 min):

2. Acquaintance with the personality of Tvardovsky (message of the groups)

Before starting to get acquainted with the life and creative path of A.T. Tvardovsky, I want to read you a poem Soviet poet Mikhail Dudin “In memory of A.T. Tvardovsky "(1988)

He was at the front

That regimental reconnaissance in battle,

Where there is no possibility

For the retreat of the heroes.

Poetry apart

Gave him insight.

His free language

The Element of Life spoke.

Empathy burdened

And in the song, true to self-will,

He accepted the pain of times with his heart

And made it my own pain.

Let the memory, like a dream, in a dream

Keeps for honor and reproach

All the depth in the blue

His baby eyes.

The task: Record the abstracts of the speeches of classmates in a notebook. Answer the questions:

Student messages and presentations ( 12 min)

1. Biography of A. T. Tvardovsky (1st group).

A.T. Tvardovsky was born on June 8, 1910 on a farm in the depths of the Smolensk region, into a peasant family. The poet said that he was drawn to literature and especially to poetry from childhood. He began to compose poetry even before mastering the initial reading and writing: “I remember well that I tried to write down my first poem, denouncing my peers, destroyers of bird nests, without knowing all the letters of the alphabet and, of course, had no idea about the rules of versification ... I clearly remember that there was a passionate, heart-beating desire ... and harmony, Row, and music - the desire to give birth to them - immediately, a feeling that accompanies to this day any new idea.

To form the personality of the future poet, great importance his father's erudition, love for the book, which his father brought up in children. "Whole winter evenings we often gave ourselves to reading aloud a book, ”wrote Tvardovsky in his autobiography. He got acquainted early with the works of Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Nekrasov.

Father dreamed of giving children a good education. Preparation for high school began early. Trifon Gordeich even specially brought a tutor from Smolensk, his distant relative, and Alexander was immediately enrolled in the 2nd grade. Studying continued until 1924 in different schools. Tvardovsky becomes an active participant in the social life of the village. He, "an ordinary rural Komsomol member", sent "small notes to the editorial offices of Smolensk newspapers. He wrote about uncorrected bridges, about Komsomol subbotniks, about the abuse of local authorities. And on July 19, 1925, the first poem "New Hut" was published in the newspaper "Smolenskaya village" with the signature "Alexander Tvardovsky". Thus began the creative path of the poet.

In 1932 - 1939 Tvardovsky studies in Smolensk pedagogical institute on the Faculty of Humanities, then at the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, fruitfully writes and publishes.

K. Simonov recalls this period in this way: “The fame that came to him did not in the least shake his serious and strict attitude to the concept of education necessary for a writer, in which he invested a lot ... Having become an outstanding poet, he remained an outstanding student, with perseverance continuing the path to the cherished goal and brilliantly completing his education in the best humanitarian higher education at that time educational institution country".

Life has made its own adjustments to the creative plans of Tvardovsky. The war with Finland began, and he became a correspondent for the front-line newspaper On Guard for the Motherland. Then the Great Patriotic War...

2. Tvardovsky at war. (2nd group.)

"Life is one and death is one"

First morning of the Great Patriotic War found Tvardovsky in the suburbs in the village of Gryazi, Zvenigorod district, at the very beginning of his vacation. On the evening of the same day, he was in Moscow, and a day later he was sent to the headquarters of the South-Western Front, where he was to work in the front-line newspaper Red Army.

Some light on the life of the poet during the war is shed by his prose essays “Motherland and Foreign Land”, as well as the memoirs of E. Dolmatovsky, V. Muradyan, E. Vorobyov, O. Vereisky, who knew Tvardovsky in those years, V. Lakshin and V. Dementiev , to whom Alexander Trifonovich later told a lot about his life. So, he told V. Lakshin that “in 1941 near Kiev ... he barely got out of the encirclement. The editorial office of the newspaper of the South-Western Front, in which he worked, was located in Kyiv. It was ordered not to leave the city until the last hour ... The army units had already retreated beyond the Dnieper, and the editorial office was still working ... Tvardovsky escaped by a miracle: the regimental commissar took him into his car, and they barely jumped out of the closing ring of German encirclement. In the spring of 1942, he was surrounded for the second time - this time near Kanev, from which, according to I.S. Marshak, came out again as a “miracle”. In mid-1942, Tvardovsky was moved from the Southwestern Front to the Western Front, and now, until the very end of the war, the editorial office of the front-line newspaper Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda became his home. It became the home of the legendary Terkin.

According to the memoirs of the artist O. Vereisky, who painted portraits of Tvardovsky and illustrated his works, “he was surprisingly good-looking. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a thin waist and narrow hips. He held himself straight, walked with his shoulders straight, stepping softly, moving his elbows as he walked, as wrestlers often do. Military uniform suited him very well. His head sat proudly on a slender neck, soft blond hair, combed back, parted to the sides, framing a high forehead. His very bright eyes looked attentively and sternly. The movable eyebrows sometimes raised in surprise, sometimes frowned, converging to the bridge of the nose and giving severity to the facial expression. But there was some feminine softness in the outlines of the lips and the rounded lines of the cheeks.

Alexander Trifonovich always kept himself naturally, calmly, a little closed. He really did not like to share the "secrets" of his "creative laboratory" and got angry when someone tried to unceremoniously penetrate them. He never lost his self-control, did not allow himself to "break loose", did not even allow the thought of somehow abusing his position as a literary celebrity, but with his immediate superiors he behaved completely independently, without a shadow of servility or fawning. The writer E. Vorobyov, who lived side by side with Tvardovsky for almost three war years, testifies: “When Tvardovsky encountered a disrespectful attitude towards himself or his comrades, with callousness, formalism, rudeness, he responded with silent contempt, restrained indignation. In three years, I don’t remember a case when he spoke impolitely to subordinates, to those who were lower in rank than him. But in conversations with superiors, when there was injustice, tactlessness or someone's thoughtlessness, he did not hide his discontent. In such cases, he was very harsh, could be rude and did not hesitate to teach a lesson to a martinet who revels in power, from the category of those about whom he once said: "He who manages his own body."

During the war, another characteristic Tvardovsky: not only did he never flaunt his courage, but, on the contrary, he often emphasized those moments when he experienced feelings of fear. Here, for example, is his entry about a trip to Grodno: “The cape lasted for two hours in the city, pretending to be in front of each other as much as possible, which is not very scary for us. And it was very scary, tiring to the point of exhaustion. You no longer feel the slightest curiosity, you languish in your own restlessness, idleness here, where there is a difficult business that people are engaged in direct duty. And in the article about the capture of Vilnius, it is said, not without even some self-irony: “... We, the correspondents, were sitting three or four kilometers away at the division headquarters, waiting with professional shamelessness when it would be possible to leave for Vilnius, shoot and hurry back.”

In fact, he was a man of remarkable personal courage. According to A. Aborsky, who in 1952 rested with the poet in Gagra, during a six-point storm, Tvardovsky “thrown into the muddy, roaring waves, swam a kilometer and a half from the shore, while others, and excellent swimmers, were afraid to even approach the water ". E. A. Dolmatovsky, who knew Tvardovsky closely in the first year of the war, writes about him: “He calmly and with dignity went under fire when circumstances required it.”

Along with courage, Alexander Trifonovich also possessed a fair amount of physical strength (it is evident that he did not spend time in his father's forge in vain), the firmness of his hand and the fidelity of his gaze. No wonder he became the garrison champion in the game of towns. O. Vereisky recalls: “He loved to show his remarkable physical strength, that is, do not show it, but simply release it into the wild. Either he chopped firewood for the kitchen, or he dug a new dugout, he never missed an opportunity to push, pull a stuck car out of the mud, or he fought with a few hunters to measure his strength with him, he readily took part in feast gatherings, at which he sang with willingness and diligence folk songs".

In 1944, the entire editorial board of Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda became part of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Together with the soldiers and officers of this front, Tvardovskaya met Victory Day.

3. creative path poet. (3rd group).

The creative path of A. T. Tvardovsky began in the 30s. He wrote poems and poems glorifying socialism, despite the fact that his family in the Smolensk region was subjected to unreasonable repressions (the poems "The Path to Socialism", "Country of the Ant").

About the years of unloving youth, its cruel troubles.

That was the father, then suddenly he is the enemy.

And the mother? But it is said: two worlds, and nothing

About mothers...

During the war he was a front-line correspondent. Created in 1941-1945. the poem "Vasily Terkin" became one of the most popular works about the war.

After the war, A. Tvardovsky, returning to the impressions of the war years and the unfading grief for the dead, wrote heartfelt poems “I was killed near Rzhev” and “I know it’s not my fault / that others did not come from the war ...”. The first poem is built as a monologue of a nameless soldier who died in the very first year of the war, defending Moscow: "And the dead, the voiceless / There is one consolation: / We fell for the Motherland, / But she was saved." In the second poem, written in 1966, the poet talks about how deep in his heart lies the responsibility to the dead.

The poems “For the distance - the distance” and “By the right of memory” contain a lyrical confession of a poet who has experienced shocks due to a reassessment of what happened to the country and to himself. The basis of the plot of the poem "Beyond the distance - the distance" is the poet's journey on the train "Moscow - Vladivostok" across the country and at the same time understanding what the country has experienced for last years. This is a journey through space and time (10 years and 10 thousand miles). The poem "By the Right of Memory", dedicated to the memory of his father, who was repressed during the years of collectivization, speaks of a revision of the author's position in relation to the policy of the Bolshevik Party in the 1930s-1940s. The poem, written in the 60s, was banned even by the censorship, which was quite liberal in those years, and was released only in the 80s, after the death of the poet.

Since 1958, Tvardovsky has headed the magazine " New world"and makes it the center around which the forces were grouped, striving for an honest depiction of reality, the path traversed by the country after October 1917. Tvardovsky - editor supports many aspiring writers. “Lord of thoughts”, “spiritual shepherd”, “stronghold of truth and fearlessness”, “master”, “great worker”, “hero” - such characteristics are scattered across the pages of the memoirs of his contemporaries. In F. Abramov we read: "Tvardovsky and my generation." Share some 10-15 years - not much, but he was the father of our souls... We idolized. Chief Editor. Organizer of all forces. The God. Unsurpassed authority. Some kind of walking legend... Tvardovsky's fame was immortal... We idolized, and it was considered a great honor to be published in Novy Mir.

Novy Mir became the leading body for the democratic renewal of society. No other press organ at that time told so much of the bitter truth about the Stalin era, about Stalin's personality cult, as Novy Mir did.

Many of the contemporaries can testify: “We were waiting for every number. Prose. Criticism. And always level. As an original phenomenon, Novy Mir has made itself known since the publication of Ovechkin's essays, followed by Solzhenitsyn's prose. And then - a whole series of brilliant talents: F. Abramov, K. Vorobyov, V. Shukshin, F. Dombrovsky, 3. Zalygin. In the writer's fate of each of them, Tvardovsky played a brilliant role.

The novels of B. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago", A. Solzhenitsyn's "Cancer Ward", "In the First Circle" were prepared for publication, but banned. A. Tvardovsky was uncompromising in his reassessment of the past and in the struggle for true freedom of creativity. In 1970, during the beginning of the so-called "stagnation", he was removed from the leadership of the journal, which hastened his untimely death.

  • What else can be added about the poet based on this article?

Reflection : answers to questions asked at the beginning of the lesson; read abstracts

  • What did you learn about Tvardovsky as a poet and a person?
  • How did Tvardovsky's fate strike you?

3. Physical education minute: "imitation of rain". Creating an emotional mood, preparing for the analysis of the poem ( 3 min ).

II stage of the lesson:

4. The history of the creation of the poem "Vasily Terkin" ( 7 min)

Teacher's word: “Crossing, crossing ... Left bank, right bank ...” - these are lines from one of the most legendary works of the Great Patriotic War, “Vasily Terkin”. During the Second World War, the voice of Soviet poetry was the voice of the courage of the people, confident in the inevitable victory over fascism. Poetry helped to see the sun through the hanging clouds. Do not lose faith in the triumph of victory. The pen was equated with a bayonet. Poetry put on a front-line overcoat and stepped into battle.

Collective work on the textbook article “How Vasily Terkin was written” (pp. 89-90): draw up a citation plan

1) "Vasily Terkin ... - a fictional person from beginning to end, a figment of the imagination, a creation of fantasy."

2) The principle of composition and style is “this is the desire for a certain completeness of each separate part, chapter ...”, because “... this reader could not wait for my next chapter; he was where the hero is - in the war.

3) Since the appearance of the first part of the poem "Terkin" has become my main work at the front.

4) "... My work was well received, and this gives me strength to continue it."

5) "Terkin" was for me ... my lyrics, my journalism, a song and a lesson, an anecdote and a saying, a heart-to-heart talk and a remark to the occasion ".

A short message about the history of the creation of the poem(summarizing)

5. Genre-style and plot-compositional features of the poem

Reading the epigraph for this stage of the lesson

"Vasily Terkin" is the best of all,

written about a war within a war.

And to write like this

as it is written,

none of us have.

K. Simonov

Do you agree with his opinion? (you must first get acquainted with the poem in order to confirm or refute the statement - the goal of the lesson)

Teacher's word:

The poem "Vasily Terkin" is a truly innovative work in its genre-stylistic and plot-compositional features. In this regard, I suggest you solve a small problem:you need to find the optimal composition and prove its optimality(literary theory, group work, 3 min )

METHODS OF COMMUNICATION: 1) none; 2) chain (consistent development of events); 3) parallel (the same object is in the center of the story)

Student responses

Teacher's word:

Life, as it were, suggested the topics of the author's "conversation" with the front-line reader. This is how the structural principle of the internal completeness of each conversation - chapter was born: front-line readers could not know the previous chapter or not wait for the next one, dying or being wounded in the next battle, before which the front-line newspaper with the next chapter fell into his hands. But he still got a holistic view of what was told. The poem consists of 25 internally completed chapters.

The completeness of the poem is given objectively - historical chronological framework: all the events described in it take place during the harsh time of the Great Patriotic War, and the facts known to every reader, the feelings experienced by everyone, contribute to a deeper emotional perception of the poem as a whole and each of its individual parts.

teacher's word

Tvardovsky himself said "This is a book about a fighter without beginning or end." Why?(Problem question) (each chapter should be a fragment that is complete in meaning so that you can read it at any time, since the poem was published in separate issues of front-line newspapers. The chapters should be united by the main character - Terkin).

Plot from the movie (answer to the question)

So, we know what to write about, we know in what form. And on what or on whom does the book rest? (On the hero).

Do you think Vasily Terkin is a real person?(Vasily Terkin is a collective image. There really was no such person. But there were fighters who were somewhat similar to him).

What do you think it should be?I suggest that each group now fill out the questionnaire of our main character Vasily Terkin, using the text of the poem, and present it to their classmates and our guests. Justify answers. And also, looking at the portraits of Terkin, write down those character traits that you think he should have (Cheerful, Likes to eat, Disposable (easily finds mutual language with people), Courageous, brave, courageous, brave warrior, Hardy, persistent, Skillful, Resourceful, Tactful, delicate, knows how to behave, Simple, Ordinary, typical, such as there are many)

Who is the book for? What should be the language? (“Here are the verses, and everything is clear, Everything is in Russian”). Both the content and the form of the poem are truly folk. Therefore, the poem became one of the most significant works not only of military, but of all Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century.

Reflection: Let's go back to the epigraph of the lesson. Have we proven or disproved his opinion? Do we know enough to most fully answer this question? (You need to read and analyze the poem further).


  1. Read the chapter "Crossing";
  2. Learn by heart a passage from this chapter;
  3. Compare the chapters "On a halt" and "Crossing"(style, language, mood, image of the protagonist).

The history of the creation of the poem "Vasily Terkin" In 1939-1940, when Tvardovsky worked as a correspondent in the front-line newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland", the idea arose to create the image of a successful, resilient fighter. The goal was simple - to entertain the reader, to make him smile. They decided to call this character Vasily Terkin, the introduction was written by Tvardovsky, and other writers later participated in the creation of the image.

In 1941, Tvardovsky began working on a poem by Vasily Terkin, which he subtitled The Book of a Fighter. The first chapters were published in September 1942 in the Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda newspaper, in the same year an early version of the poem was published as a separate book. The final version was completed in 1945.

In the article “How Vasily Terkin Was Written,” Tvardovsky wrote: “A randomly found image “captured me without a trace.” The original humorous idea took the form of an epic narrative, the poem became for the author "my lyrics, my journalism, a song and a lesson, an anecdote and a saying, a heart-to-heart talk and a remark to the occasion." In the poem "just a guy by himself" Vasily Terkin became the main character of the people's war.

“Terkin, according to the then plan,” the poet wrote, “had to combine the accessibility, unpretentiousness of the form - the direct purpose of the feuilleton “Terkin” - with the seriousness, and, perhaps, even the lyricism of the content.” The main themes of the work were the people and the homeland, the people at war. The first publication of "Terkin" took place in 1942, the chapters "From the author" and "On a halt" were printed.

“... Does Terkin really exist?”, “Is he a type or one known to you, a living person?”, “Does he really exist?” here are wordings of this question, taken selectively from the letters of front-line soldiers. It arose in the reader even at a time when I had just begun to publish The Book about a Fighter in newspapers and magazines.

In some letters, this question was posed with an obvious assumption of an affirmative answer, and from others it was clear that the reader had no doubts about the existence of a “living” Terkin, and it was only a question of “isn’t he serving in our, such and such, division? ". And the cases of letters being addressed not to me, the author, but to Vasily Terkin himself are also evidence of the prevalence of the idea that Terkin is a “living face”.

In a word, there was and still is such a reader's idea that Terkin is, so to speak, a personal person, a soldier living under this or that name, listed behind the number of his military unit and field mail. Moreover, the prose and poetic messages of readers speak of the desire that this be so, that is, that Terkin be a non-fictional person.

However, I could not and cannot, to the satisfaction of this simple-hearted, but highly valued reader's feeling, declare (as some other writers could and can do) that my heroes are not an imaginary person, but live or lived there and met me then - even under these circumstances...

"Vasily Terkin" is a unique image. In the entire fund of Russian literature there is no such description of a real hero. Thanks to this character, Tvardovsky managed to maintain the morale of his comrades. In the work, the war is not drawn as terrible as it really was. The light style and heroism of the main character still inspire faith and a sense of invincibility in the people. But the history of the creation of the poem "Vasily Terkin" is not as easy as the work itself.

The appearance of the image

Vasya Terkin is a character who appeared with the help of collective thought. During the Finnish campaign, when Tvardovsky worked as a war correspondent in a newspaper called On Guard for the Motherland. The newspaper employees came up with the image of a cheerful, young warrior who thinks positively and is ready to perform feats, not considering it to be something special. He is lucky and always defeats enemies.

The image of Vasya Terkin began to appear in the newspaper in small feuilletons. Tvardovsky wrote an introduction to them in poetic form. But then, in 1940, neither Terkin nor the short stories about the exploits of the hero were taken seriously by the author. Nevertheless, the image received a positive response from the reader, the feuilletons were widely disseminated and recognized. So it was decided to continue writing about Vasya. The author began to write the poem, intending to complete it by the summer of 1941.

The role of the Patriotic War in the creation of the poem

Tvardovsky had not yet had time to bring his plan to life, as the terrible Great Patriotic War began. In its first months, Tvardovsky, who received a position in the newspaper "Red Army", had to go to the front and, together with the soldiers, go through all the pangs of the war. It was then that he decided that if the war is serious, then poetry must be real, serious, it cannot be treated carelessly. Vasya turned into Vasily, and the poem became a real support for soldiers in difficult times. war time. Thanks to the work, the war seemed simpler, easier.

The work has taken on a different form. The author refused caricature images of the hero, focusing on his character, which consisted of positive thinking, readiness for decisive actions and heroism, the pathos of which was not overstated. Vasily Terkin stayed ordinary person, becoming even closer to the people, more real.

Course of events

Tvardovsky wrote his poem throughout the war. As the mood in the people and the army changed, so did the course of the storyline and the mood of the poem. Terkin appears before us in different ways, the events of the poem and its emotional mood suggest either sadness, or determination, or joy from accomplished victories.

The beginning of the poem "Vasily Terkin" was published in 1942. It was a difficult time for the Russian army, everyone was waiting in suspense for developments at the front. The people were seized with great anxiety, and despite the fact that reading was not a priority at that time, Vasily instilled in the people a fighting spirit and faith in the best, responding to the most subtle urges of the human soul, coinciding with the Russian man in attitude and dedication.

At the beginning, until 1946, the poem was published in parts. After the war, Tvardovsky revised the structure of the work, made it easier, and abolished the rigid division into chapters. "Vasily Terkin" is left without a clear plot ending - the reader says goodbye to the character not long before the end of hostilities.

The poem "Vasily Terkin" became a real support for the heroes on the fronts of the war. To this day, the reader can learn about the war in light narrative form. The image of Vasya Terkin changed, but remained in the hearts of people with a feeling loved one, a hero who came out of the people and is close to everyone in spirit.

This article will help write the essay “The History of the Creation of Vasily Terkin”, indicating the features of the process of writing a unique work.

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Many readers believe that the first lines of the famous "Book about a fighter" by A. Tvardovsky appeared in 1942 and the image of the protagonist was caused solely by the events of the Great Patriotic War. Meanwhile, everything is somewhat different, and the first mention of the brave Vasya Terkin dates back to the period of the Russian-Finnish war. Recall, based on the testimony of the author himself, what is the history of the creation of the poem.

"Vasily Terkin" - the beginning

In 1939, when the campaign with the Finns began, A. Tvardovsky worked for the newspaper On Guard for the Motherland. At this time, it occurs to the creative team of the publishing house to come up with the image of a certain amusing character - a conditional remote and cheerful fighter who would appear on the pages of the publication, accompanied by poetic signatures. The name of the hero did not appear immediately: they went through several options until they settled on the simple and warm Vasya - as he was called at that time. Thus began the history of the creation of "Vasily Terkin", known to almost every Soviet reader.

Random match

By the way, in his memoirs, Tvardovsky tells how once, already during the war years, he received a letter, the author of which was interested in why main character- glorious warrior - bears the name of another literary character. As it turned out, Alexander Trifonovich notes, a novel by P. Boborykin with the same name appeared even earlier. Only Vasily Terkin in it is a dishonest merchant, a rogue and a hypocrite. The poet admits that, having received the letter, he found and read the specified work without much pleasure, but decided not to change the name of his hero. More precisely, he did not attach any importance to such a coincidence - especially since the history of the creation of the poem "Vasily Terkin" really had nothing to do with the novel - and continued to work in the same direction.

But back to The Book of a Fighter.

Concept development

The poet remembered the brave hero, already beloved by the reader in the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland", in the 40th year. It so happened that in the 39th writers, as intended, wrote one or two feuilletons, and then took up other work. Only for a long time he turned to this image, to which few people attached serious importance. Now Tvardovsky was considering how to combine in his work of art- and it was supposed to be a poem - that hero of feuilletons with the seriousness that realities demanded. And he began to sort out in his memory everything that was connected with Finnish war, including eyewitness accounts, went to Vyborg, re-read printed articles, etc. However, it was not possible to write the work as planned by the 41st, and then the war began. As a result, the history of the creation of "Vasily Terkin" for some time will be limited only to thinking about the composition, plot, image of the protagonist.


From the first days of the war, Tvardovsky was sent to the front as a correspondent. In the first months, the most cruel and hot, there was no time for a poem. So long ago, the idea that had already arisen in my head was put off until the summer of 1942, when the story of the creation of A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" continues. But now it was supposed to be a work about another war - Soviet people against the fascist invaders. Yes, and the hero from Vasya turned into Vasily, personifying the Russian plowman, a worker, an indefatigable worker who stood up for the defense of the Fatherland.

The first chapters of Alexander Trifonovich's new work appeared in one of the front-line newspapers in September. Then the poem was published in parts in many editions, available both to the fighting soldiers and to those who remained in the rear. She helped some to survive the hardships of front-line life, others to expect relatives from this terrible war. "The book about a fighter" fell in love with all readers, and everyone was looking forward to new chapters, the hero of which was a soldier with a simple Russian name - it was A. Tvardovsky - Vasily Terkin who created his new image.

The history of the creation of the poem during the war years

The work was written until the 45th year, although back in the 43rd, after being wounded, successfully cured and the hero returned to duty, the author thought that he had come to the end. Readers intervened, demanding the continuation of the poem, with whom it was dishonest to argue, as Tvardovsky noted. Vasily Terkin, whose history of creation receives further development, again walked through the pages of newspapers and magazines.

The work reflects the main stages of the war: the tragic retreats in its first months, the battles that became a turning point, the victorious march to the west. There was even a desire to send the hero to the rear of the Germans, but Tvardovsky soon abandoned such a plan, deciding that this would violate the general plan of the work and make the history of the fighter private.

During the war years, the author received many letters, from which it followed that readers were very interested in the history of the creation of Vasily Terkin, in particular, whether the person described in the poem really exists. And although the hero had many namesakes - one of them, Viktor Vasilyevich Terkin, even asked to change his name to his own - the poet's answer was always categorical: Vasily Terkin is a completely fictional character and does not have real prototype. It was formed from the personal observations of the author and embodied best features Russian defender.

Farewell to the hero

The history of the creation of "Vasily Terkin" ends with the victorious spring of the 45th. In May, Tvardovsky publishes the final chapter "From the Author", in which he announces that he is saying goodbye to the soldier. And despite the fact that he was again convinced of the need to continue the work, he was unshakable: Terkin's time had passed. In his opinion, now, in peacetime, another character is needed.

Such is the history of the creation of "Vasily Terkin", briefly described on the basis of the article by A. Tvardovsky "How" Vasily Terkin (reply to readers) was written.

Instead of an afterword

Already in post-war years, knowing about the incredible popularity of the poem and its main character, many unscrupulous writers created "continuations" of the hero's adventures and even "imitations" of the famous book. The answer to them was that the poem - this was repeatedly emphasized by Tvardovsky - "Vasily Terkin", the history of the creation of which is described by the author himself, is unambiguously finished and there is no prospect of returning to it in the future.

"Vasily Terkin" (another name is " The book about a fighter") - a poem by Alexander Tvardovsky. one of the main works in the poet's work, which received national recognition. The poem is dedicated to a fictional character - Vasily Terkin, a soldier of the Great Patriotic War.

The poem began to be printed with a continuation in the newspaper version from 1942 and was completed in 1945. The first separate edition of the still unfinished work appeared in 1942. For the most part, the poem was written in four-foot trochaic (some chapters in three-foot trochaic).

Consists of 30 chapters, prologue a and epilogue a, conditionally divided into three parts. Each chapter is a small short story about an episode from the front-line life of Terkin, not connected with the others by any common plot. Vasily Terkin is a joker and a merry fellow, the soul of his unit. In battle, he is an example for everyone, a resourceful warrior who will not be at a loss in the most difficult situation. At a halt, a company always gathers around him - Terkin will sing and play the accordion, he will never reach into his pocket for a sharp word.

Being wounded, on the verge of death (chapter "Death and the Warrior"), finds the strength to gather and fight Death,

From which comes out the winner. When meeting with civilians, he behaves modestly and with dignity. Separate short stories in the poem were created based on real events war (chapter "Who shot"). Some stories tell of victories, and some of heavy defeats (chapter "Crossing").

The narrative of the poem is not connected with the course of the military campaign of 1941-1945, but there is a chronological sequence in it; specific battles and operations of the Great Patriotic War are mentioned and guessed: the initial period of the retreat of 1941-1942, the battle of the Volga, the crossing of the Dnieper, the capture of Berlin.

Tvardovsky began work on the poem and the image of the protagonist in 1939-1940, when he was a war correspondent for the newspaper of the Leningrad Military District "On Guard for the Motherland" during the Finnish military campaign. The name of the hero and his image were born as a fruit of joint creativity of the members of the editorial board of the newspaper. Terkin became the satirical hero of several small poems-feuilletons written by Tvardovsky for the newspaper. Other authors also wrote about Terkin. The coincidence of the name of the protagonist with the name of the hero of the novel by the 19th century writer P. D. Boborykin is purely accidental.

The Red Army soldier Terkin already then began to enjoy a certain popularity among the readers of the district newspaper, and Tvardovsky decided that the topic was promising, and it needed to be developed within the framework of a large-scale work.

June 22, 1941 Tvardovsky turns off peaceful literary activity and leaves for the front the next day. He becomes a war correspondent for the South-Western, and then the 3rd Belorussian Front. In 1941-1942, together with the editors, Tvardovsky found himself in the hottest spots of the war. Retreats, is surrounded and out of it.

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