A part of the first-graders from the first teacher. Parting words graduates from the first teacher

Graduation evening are waiting for everything: Moms, Pope, teachers and especially graduates. For a farewell dance will be swollen waltz memories of the best carefree years of life. Especially exciting always sound from the first teacher. After all, it was he who took the Mother of the Mother of the Mother of the Troychny and Nessel first and led in school life. He got the most difficult task - to learn to recognize good and evil, truth and lies, to love school, respect teachers, help the elders, not offend the younger, appreciate friendship. This first teacher acquainted with the Aza wisdom, performed the role of a guide on knowledge corridors. And today, together with everyone, he has adulthood.

What words to pick up on congratulations from the first teacher to graduates so that they touched their hearts? Insert all love in them, heat and tenderness. In such an evening, all uttered words are perceived by the soul, and not ears. The main thing is that congratulations are told from the pure heart.

Last call

The long-awaited last call takes careless years with you. Behind school adventures, endless lessons and educational moments. But today, all the words of teachers are perceived differently. Celebration, pride and trembling was impregnated with the first teacher on the last call to graduates.

Graduates of the class 11 will have to say goodbye to the school twice. The first time when the last school bell sounds on the festive line for them. There are still exams ahead and final definition with a difficult choice of profession. This is exactly the most relevant wishes from teachers and parents.

Last School Waltz

How long did everyone wait for the graduation ball! Everything school exams Purchased, dresses were purchased, hairstyles are made. Behind the troubles associated with shopping and preparing for the holiday. Ahead of so unknown!

Often congratulations to graduates from the first teacher sound like choosing a faithful way in life, to properly form priorities, to be faithful to human values. There will still be a lot of warm words, but the speech of the first teacher is always perceived as a pleasant call from childhood.

Original greetings in verse

An excellent option for congratulations to graduates from the first teachers, verses written about themselves, given their characters and temperament, tendency to knowledge and active participation In school life. It is important not to forget anyone, finding warm words about each graduate. After all, each student is a person, even if not fully formed, but sincere and open.

Poems can be written by the teacher themselves, because no one knows his disciples better than he. Or order from professionals. The Internet offers a sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities to prepare solemn speeches and even entire scripts. Comic nominal verses are always easily perceived, taking into account the personal characteristics of each student. The main thing is not to forget anyone.

Example from the first teacher.

Here the childhood remains in the past.

Scheduled school calls.

Think of good,

And it will always be with you.

Behind gum and bows

Broken knees, bruises.

I wish you in life romance

And wisdom from the school board.

You talk today with childhood

We part with the school and with us.

Here you can always warm up

And meet with teachers.

Just, but from the soul

Sometimes congratulations to the first teacher graduates of graders grade 11, said simple words, It is much more pleasant than beautiful poems written off from the Internet. The main thing is that it felt warmth. And love and place in the huge hearts of teachers is enough for everyone.

"My dear adult children. It seems that yesterday I met you on the threshold of a school with young boys and girls. Such funny, clumsy and capricious. Quickly flew on 11 long years. Today in such a joyful and sad day you are standing on the threshold of adulthood. What it will be, only depends on you. For long 11 years, we tried to invest in your hearts all the best. All life is a choice, and only you decide how it will be. Listen to wise advice, take all lessons from life, take someone else's experience and share your. Remember the main rule taken from the Bible: "Always treat people as you wish to treat you." In a good way, my dear adult children! ".

"Dear graduates. All these difficult 11 years old I watched you, as you grew up, growing up, became wiser. Many events took place in my eyes. From small clumsy kids, you have become elegant ladies and courageous young men. You have to pass the main exam in life - to remain people. There will be many temptations, injustice and difficulties. But you will overcome everything, I believe in you, as you believed 11 years ago in small naive girls and boys. Do not let me down. Let the Lord bless your ways, will send you angels in guide. And the walls of the native school are always open for you. "

Gentle greetings from the first teacher to graduates, coming from the very depths of the soul, would not leave the graduates or their parents indifferent. As a rule, in such exciting minutes of graduates (and their mothers) with difficulty restrain tears.

School time is the best in the life of every person. Only understands people much later than their last bell sound. The most important event For children and parents - graduation! Prepare for him carefully, choose outfits, venue of the celebration, decorate the school with balls and flowers. But the main thing is to graduates. They must be sincere, encouraging to achieve, filled with strength and positive notes. Leave the school sad, but it begins a new interesting and adult life!

Cool mom

After graduating from primary school, the guys fall into the hands of a class teacher. Over the years, she becomes their native, second mom! This woman protects his disciples, helps them in everything, pulls the fourth assessments, arranges extracurricular events. Children turn to the class teacher for any question, for help. It is very important to find with them and tie warm friendships.

Passing together for so many years, the guys sorry to part with their second mom! And it is heavier enough to her. Therefore, touching and causes tears.

Good words

On the day of the graduation, everything is worried without exception: teachers, parents, children, director of school. The speech that the class teacher will pronounce at a solemn concert, you need to prepare in advance: "Dear my children, love you like relatives! Very hard to let you go to the world of adults. There will not be near me, no one will tell and help in difficult moment! But you will have to independently put yourself the way to life. The school gave you a lot! You are educated and raised, polite and tactful, kind and humane. You have all the qualities so that we are proud of you. Conquer the peaks, strive for perfection! There will be time - come visit your favorite school and boast your achievements and successes! In a good way, your favorite children! "

Such wishes to graduates in prose will also like their parents. In such an important day it is difficult to choose the words, so you will memorize the phrases in advance.


The school principal is an important person, but the same humane as all the teachers. She is also experiencing for his graduates. What will be to them in the future, will they come to the university, will they be successful in life? Speech and wishes to graduates from directories are a nail of the program. Usually it is a few sentences that have been told with confidence and rigor. After all, it is impossible to lose your face to the director even at the most touching moments:

Poetic form

Parents, teachers, and even the guys from junior classes want to say graduates. Solemn rule should not turn into a sad event. Therefore, the share of humor in private poems will not be superfluous. Easy syllable and good wishes will not bring sadness on those present.

We wish you all to achieve in life,

Finish the institute, fall in love!

Find decent job

Parents identify care.

You never forget school

On the change at least once a year we run to us.

Doors for relatives are always open,

Pupils of loved ones, gold.

We are proud of you, graduates,

Today have fun from the soul!

Such simple wishes to graduates will enjoy all those present. No guy speeches, only laughter and fun on this memorable day!

Postcard for memory

Graduation ... This day will be remembered by the guys for life. But in order to periodically refresh the memories, give schoolchildren memorable cards. They can be ordered in the nearest printing house or manufacture on their own. Plore the photo of the whole class in the postcard and write down in it wishes to graduates.

Years flew quickly

Heat and rain, thunderstorm, blizzards!

Eleven years you were in the walls of relatives,

Now we accompany you expensive!

Go ahead and be happy!

You are young, smart and insanely beautiful!

Walk today and have fun

What kind of you chose life Path,

And to the classroom, do not forget once a year!

Such postcards guys will save together with vignettes and exhaust ribbons. To write down the postcard and wishes to graduates in prose:

  • "Graduates! Today is the day we were waiting for, and were afraid. It's time to let you go into free swimming, and so I do not want! You have grown in our eyes, got smarter and wiser. We are proud of you, waiting for new successes and victories! You are strong personality, confident in yourself and their strength! Create and check! "
  • "Dear Guys! You have not been children for a long time, but smart teenagers who bring us only joy. We are experiencing for your future and get sick! But still we are confident that you proudly pass your life path and we are more than once we also hear about your victories! "

Such wishes to graduates in prose will like the guys, they will reread them and gain even greater confidence in their power.


It is always difficult to part with the disciples, because teachers get used to them, consider their loves. They, as well as parents, are worried and dream of the best future for them. But on the day of graduation, it is not worth it. Have fun, dance with the guys and meet the dawn. Make more colorful photos, you can later get together a friendly company and consider them. Graduates sound this day without stopping. Already not schoolchildren, but also not students - the best period of life of the guys! They are young, beautiful, smart. Give them a chic graduation evening!

Here are the first school years Behind ... It seemed only recently with briefcases, by the guys in 1 class, with briefcases, and crumbus. Remember the first September 1? Unrest, white bows, flowers bouquets, acquaintance with the first teacher, what touching moments! And now for 4 years of study flying unnoticed. The first letters in the reconaches, the multiplication table ... - And now the prom. Goodbye, elementary school! Graduation Evening B. primary school - This is a holiday of students, the first teacher, and, of course, parents.
Ahead new life, you can say quite an adult new stage Opening, achievements!
Who said that the school does the lessons mean? School is the joy of communication, bruises, and smiles, and tears, and resentment, and draws. This is a planet with such an interesting part of his life as a change.
Easy sadness from parting with the first teacher in front of students and parents, the excitement of the teacher - her children now enter into an adult life, every child to pain acquaintance and native - how will his fate?
Graduation evening in elementary school - the completion of a whole life stage, difficult and at the same time interesting!
On graduation children

No one calls you kids -
You have become a little older, I learned many things
Educational successfully finished the year -
The last he was at the initial school!
Let your knowledge help in everything!
And they will become truly wealth!
You met a school welcoming warmth,
You have become a piece of school fraternity! © ©

On graduation children

You have passed four classes,
You studied and tried,
Not lost in school mass -
Even in the class stand out!
Congratulations, my good!
This is a holiday for all of us.
You became older, knowledge more,
Go to the fifth grade! © ©

On graduation teacher

We finished primary school.
And we are sad to say goodbye to us!
Our first teacher, we text direct
We want to confess you in love here!
Thanks for selfless work!
For the fact that you know Darili!
Let you not take any years!
We wish you to be happy! © ©

End of elementary school

Four years flew like birds.
And today we are proudly talking -
Graduates Now you are graduates
Steps of the first school way!
You still have to go a lot
And make a mistake, maybe more than once!
But we wish, so that the study has become
The task is the main thing for you! © ©

Congratulations to children

So you walked from elementary school -
Will be so on any days and times;
You can only get born in the new role.
Adult Pile - Middle Service!
You in elementary school joined happiness:
He learned to many things you need ...
Sorry to part! But it's time to say goodbye ...
Happiness to you, guys, and success to you! © ©

Congratulations on graduation in elementary school

Three September you have
Schools primary, Poznanya Azov,
And, it was disturbed by a moment with a moment),
You are still ready for new experts.
And, saying goodbye to the initial school,
In the senior classes now hurry.
With this event in the holiday of cheerful
We congratulate you from the soul! © ©

Dear schoolchildren!
Cute kids!
In the first class you came
Very guys.
Small, timid,
You entered the class looked,
Learned figures, letters
And what is a change!
Years flying
In school and desire!
Now you already know
What does "equation" mean,
That letters turn
In dictation, presentation,
And the words are praised
Easy in poem!
Today you are talking
With the first teacher
And in another enter
Stage of study boldly!
To learn to you
Long year,
But what was the first
With you - forever!
You have a lot to you
Find out, go through.
Good luck to your studies!
Have a good trip! © ©

Dear schoolchildren!
Cute kids!

In the first class you came
Very guys.
Small, timid,
You entered the class looked,
Learned figures, letters
And what is a change!
Years flying
In school and desire!
Now you already know
What does "equation" mean,
That letters turn
In dictation, presentation,
And the words are praised
Easy in poem!
Today you are talking
With the first teacher
And in another enter
Stage of study boldly!
To learn to you
Long year,
But what was the first
With you - forever!
You have a lot to you
Find out, go through.
Good luck to your studies!
Have a good trip!

Dear graduate !

That's the first school years behind ...

It seemed only recently with portfolios, trappers and

putting the guys in 1 class. Remember the first 1

september? Unrest, White Bows, Bouquets of Flowers,

acquaintance with the first teacher, what touching

moment! And now for 4 years of study flying unnoticed.

The first letters in the cutting, multiplication table ... - And now

prom. Goodbye, elementary school! Graduation Evening in elementary school is a holiday of students, the first

teachers, and, of course, parents.
Ahead is a new life, you can say quite an adult,

new stage of discoveries, achievements!

Schools initial you graduate!

In the secrets of the world's first penetrated.

Many works you have behind -

More there will be a friend, ahead!

It will be more complicated by your program,

It is unlikely to solve the task of your mother.

There will be a dad your forehead -

So, everything will have to decide.

The quarrels themselves will need to wear -

I am ashamed about this mom to ask.

Do you try all things yourself -

Adult life on the threshold came to you.

Schools you are medium now student,

Let only with the tops there will be a diary!

(I. Ageev)

MKU Department of Education MR Passage District

MBOU SOSH them. Usmanova GM from. Ahunovo

Passionate graduate

Head teacher: ……………………

Khazima Ismagilovna Kuccherbaeva

First teacher, class teacher:


Zulfia Khadisovna Kalimova

S. Akhunovo - 2015

Assurance graduates of primary school

Day today is unusual - you switched to the fifth grade.
On the threshold high School We give you your mad!
Many years still learn and always diligent
And in the eleventh grade all the medals get!
But for this you need everything, of course, to know on "five"!
And the patience of teachers is once again not to check!
And the director's attention to you not attract a gap,
And then, suddenly, yes, my mother with dad wishes to see!
And such extreme too! This is a clear bust!
Not on tea calls with pancakes, on a serious conversation!
Remember the school fraternity and that you are friends!
Check, help, because your class is one family!
Our cute girls! You wish you all the soul
Be the hostesses in the class and take care of his peace!
You, the same floor, I also wanted to say a few words:
You are not in vain we have boys! You protect girls!
And it remains to remind us that now now ...
About parents, about yours ... There is no closer to your friend!
Tell them boldly ... Every little secret ...
And, believe me, my mother with dad is the best you will be given advice!
We accite \u200b\u200byou guys today in the fifth grade.
We and joyfully, and hurt ... You have grown with us!
So arranged by nature: the world does not like our stand.
Let it be in your life everything is easy and everything for "five"!
Go away, do not be sad! You are always in your shower!
And also ... You come ... Let infrequently ... sometimes ...

Beautiful wishes from teachers and parents

Beautiful wishes, Passing from graduates from teachers and parents.
Each graduate wants to hear from their parents and teachers are good and kind wishes and words Sitting.
How mig one all the years flew
Now they must strive for a new goal.
And I want to tell you to me:
In the future you let fate
Everything will be only perfect:
In work, study, personal life!

********* from teachers ***********

Remember inclusion MiG,
Since the lessons remained in the past,
Luck in life, graduate,
Wishing you teachers!
We carry out for the school threshold
For love and good wanderings!
We wish excellent roads
In time, in life, in space!

So let the youth be happy
Saturated, bright, inquisitive!
Bloomed childhood paints
What next to you, next door!
And let the youth be pleasant -
Cheerful, active, entertaining!
In the streets of the day and in bad weather
Filled with music of happiness!

You are at school kids appeared.
In independent people you turned.
Yes, you have your own way ahead,
But you are laid in work and teacher.
I hope that you are sad
You do not want to part with the school.

We bless you guys!
So let life actively be bright,
The impressions are rich
And the feeling the best will wake up!
So let pleasure do not become
The motive to Len and idleness!
And and let the dream not faded
To strive and achieve the goal!


*********FROM PARENTS**********

Baby! There are a lot of us, what to tell you -
If the throat will give a lump;
Let not be ashamed to look into the eyes,
And let God be helped in all of you!
Let luck never kick you
And let you better be better than ...
You have completed the eleventh grade,
But you will remain our children!


They gave rise to, brought up
Once led to school
Believe me, we did not know then
That children grow
So fast. Our dear
You do not hit the dirt face
Just achieve native,
To proud mother with her father.


Ended the last exams
And school moments swept
On the horizon, a new task:
In adulth you enter your life.
So let them all successfully work out!
Check in life of joy in full.
Let happiness and lucky to increase
And let the whole country be proud of you!


Children, how fast you grow!
Yesterday, because they were first grades.
Today you go to life adulth
Saying goodbye to bows and school shirts.
It remains childhood somewhere behind,
Let you warm your heart memories.
Let the expectation of the happiness of adult life
You will scratch bitterness with childhood parting!


Crown of cosmic harmonies
Let the future bless you
And the world of earth will take you to our LONO,
Where everyone will be famous in their business!
Waiting ahead happy roads,
Let the worship be fulfilled, dreams,
Do not forget the school threshold
And with difficulties you are on you!


On the threshold - new world ebullient
So many important things you have to!
Let the Magic Golden Key
Doors to life will be generously assigned.
We wish everyone to find the road,
For which you want to walk.
A lot of happiness and a little bit of anxiety,
Believe in a miracle and always hold!


So you rose, matured,
Leave the school walls
From the nest of chicks flew away,
To be happy to be sure.
You wish you conquer
All heights wanted,
And nests so you don't forget
From which you flew away!


Congratulations, my native,
School behind
And on new road
Boldly come out.
Do not forget school lessons,
Friendship, first fights.
Skelo school will not forget
Yaryh Zakyak.


We wish you our own children,
So that nothing was afraid in the world,
After all, life is to live - do not go to the field,
And only going to go through everything.
Thank your teachers,
You sincerely "thank you" tell them,
They learned everyone for so many years -
Parents to you are second steel.

Here you are graduates -
Unnoticed as it happens;
And already scold you not with hands -
Your childhood forever sails ...
What to do? After all, it is always progress,
And although we love you from Burning,
We want to ask for heaven:
Let it not end this movement!
Our cute graduates
Our quiet, modest children!
Today we praise you with your hands:
Better you do not happen in the world!
If you are away,
Feel free to give yourself to people;
Well, we, even in full thank,
You always have a mother with a paphone!


Parents are fine you know -
The obstacles in the light of the set happens
And only the one who crosses them,
Something in this life reaches.
And there is one special oddity -
Life is difficult, accept you, as a given.
But if you smile more often in life,
You will enjoy it.


Here and the older you have become
And like chicks from the nest,
Rather B. daliable Dali,
With childhood running forever.
Here you like our:
The time of the game has ended
Remember you have become older
Be the same, children, wise!


Life live - not the field go.
Once we were taught parents.
We wish everyone my own way to find
To make the right you dedicated yourself.
Let you always be lucky in life, in everything.
Let your friendship last infinitely.
Let be school lessons kindness
In the souls of your remains forever.


The huge world will open in front of you
Live in a hurry, you must all have time,
And in this muddle try
Friends do not betray, sorry native.
With honor, go through road of Life,
Which you chose on the way
And if hard, you contact us,
We will help you find a way out!


The path is wide and decorated with dreams.
Many roads ahead.
Let every day helps affairs
Happiness to find!
Light minutes and space in ideas.
Sytny girlfriends and friends.
We wish on this day from the soul
Calm Find Quicks!


Flew quickly so year
And today is not for the summer - forever
School you will leave the native
Life will begin adult, other.
We know: this will be life happy,
Every luck will smile
And about school about your beloved
Every good word will respond!


Behind Study at School,
Ahead is a huge way.
All that you were taught
Remember, cute, do not forget.
You decided who in lifesty,
Good, honest be always
And you won't lose your dream
And adversity - nonsense.


IN last time Rings the last call.
The last time you spent at school.
The last time served a lesson.
You are no longer fit for you.

You split the world like birds,
Leaving school and father's house.
You are waiting for the wonderful livers of the page,
But they will have to write with difficulty.

We wish you happiness, love, luck,
Easy in the most difficult affairs.
Cases rules let inspiration
And happiness glows in your eyes.


Here is the last class - the lesson ended.
On this day, the call you ring!
You are now large - shape and bows,
Books and mistakes in the past went!

Tomorrow everything will happen, there will be a light way!
School pages will forever go ...
Happiness to you guys! Nice to pass tests!
Remember - we are near: We will help!


Congratulations to you, our children!
That's what your time comes ...
You are not smart in vain dressed:
You last ringtones!
Mattering our children!
You are not at all a dwarf,
And now, on the eve of the summer
It's time to part! ..
Preciously our children!
Us and your teachers
Grieve the moments of these -
After all, you become an adultery,
And no one will notice
What and the school is behind ...
Congratulations to you, our children!
And you are happy!


The last call today sounded,
We sincerely congratulate you!
And this is the beginning of all new started,
We wish you success in my life!

And even if everything was not always easy,
Now you are welcome!
In adulthood, you have opened a window,
And new waiting for you rewards!

But, remember, children are always children for us,
And in the old age you will be!
We will help the Council, we will understand sometimes
I will rise over the years shawy!


You were older, but still children,
The whole world spinning near school floors.
But, mature, you need to go
The next floor of the fate of his ...

And the world awaits you - open and big -
He will be changeable and jealous,
But let you not scare knight cool:
Do not miss you, graduates !!!


The last time rang,
Overcomes your school lesson.
Road life opens
And the difficulties do not cancel.

Look for your roads
Life lessons will be strict
But we wish you good luck,
Decently solve problems.

Here you are in front of us like a palm,
But they became big, graduated from school.
Serious now crazy boys,
Girls for the mind took up for books.
You no longer need care, guardianship.
You are our fade and pride forever.
With the last call, dear kids!
Good luck in life, daughters, sins!


Cute, beloved, our dear,
Kids matured, became quick older.
You are now beautiful steel smoothly in a row
And the tears made sparky burn!

We are crying and laugh today
And to the dream cherished together touch!
Congratulations on the holiday - let you be lucky,
Wish will come true - with God, everything is in flight!

Congratulations on the last call in grade 11

School ended for you forever.
Now you are free as the wind.
Waiting for the mountains, rivers and cities -
There are a lot of beautiful in the light.

We congratulate you with the last call!
Let him bring only happiness.
And let the sharp pain stand in the throat com,
He will pass like a dream - overnight.

We wish you the sun over your head,
We wish you bold actions.
Let the clouds of trouble fly face.
Winning to you and many cups!


The last time I will meet a ruler noisy school:
You are the graduation class today and for the holiday ready!
Worked for many years in a row: you inclined the verbs,
We learned the formulas, poems, zublili axioms!

Now the call rings for you, guys,
But he calls not a lesson as in September once:
He escorts in a good way, wanting a lot of happiness,
So that never lost and challenge away slices!


Eleventh grade! .. Call the last
Toying ringing soul Beditit,
And May day, almost summer,
Last, alas, will not return:
There will be no school holidays and everyday life,
And here you are going for the last time ...
Farewell, friends! Happy way to you!
Good luck to you, eleventh grade!


Rapidly so imperceptibly
Smart school years were smelled,
But the memory of them will fall light,
Now everyone is open roads!

With the last call we congratulate
Eleven years by shoulders!
You have enough knowledge enough
So that you are dreaming of dreams!

You are waiting for a lot in the world,
You are dressed in school uniform,
Saying good to the school, you strictly
The platform got up to the new one!


Rings the last your call,
Eleventh grade,
But it does not call him a lesson -
He escorts you.
He will be happiness and victories
Let the harbinger of let.
What awaits you ahead - a secret;
But what more beautiful secrets? ..
Let this mystery bloom
Will be fate
What will you behave to success


The last time the call rings,
Graduates "Farewell!", Says.
Last time broadcasts you
That the school path is cut there.

Let classmates for you
Always friends remain
And your children's dreams
About stones do not break up.

Smiles your warm let
Now empty walls,
And we dispel this sadness,
Call for a new change.


Eleven classes - end and start,
Serious milestone life of the Path,
Childhood passed, but the youth has come,
Freedom and strength of your feel!
Last bell Szvell, so solve,
What to learn and how to live further.
Learn to find out after school try
And the world for yourself to open up!


Here the 11th grade is completed, the study was not easy,
We congratulate all the graduates with the holiday of the last call!
The call is the bell rings, childhood is already behind,
Faith, hope, good luck, love, awaits young people ahead!

Let the liner be fearless
Towards victories, dreams,
Let the angel keep and from the misfortune -
The peaks of the career come to you!


***** Congratulations to teachers *****

The last call rang.
He sang for many years,
He called for a lesson and from the lesson,
We are no longer your moroka.

We congratulate you. Farewell,
But I promise to remember us.
Others will come and go away
There will be no us more here.

Dear our teachers,
Our holiday is graduation today.
You opened all our way to life,
We went to school as home.

We are last dance with you,
The school waltz will sound today,
Congratulations to you and rhine
To one who comes to you after us

Goes to the end the last our lesson,
And nothing as if it did not happen
That's just childhood went out for the threshold,
And on the threshold, youth appeared ...
Thank you for every school moment,
What together with you we lived
And walk bow to you every student -
Believe me, you all deserve it!

Let's close your eyes and go to the past!
Let in every soul, in each heart it shall be sorted!
Every thing was here, but I remember only good -
After all, the memory is only bright days and everies stores!
Let it be completed now the era is beautiful,
But we can not say well now anyone:
Let me congratulate all of you with an inevitable holiday -
With sad and joyful our last call!


We hear how the call rings.
For us, it is the last one.
And on this day, quite noticeable
We want to tell teachers a few words.

Thank you for being taught with us.
Thank you for taking us.
Your hard work we will never forget.
And we will mentally thank you all the time.


Today we say goodbye to the school.
Today after all, our last call.
And despite the fact that the exams are ahead,
Study at school, for us already approached the end.

Let's say thanks to the team,
Who taught us all these ten years.
We all are very, very grateful.
For the knowledge that we now have.


Rings, the last of our call rings,
And the heart touching he spum.
We want to tell you to find you
While another call this sound.

Thank you, Teachers, - We are you
So sincerely managed to love.
We hope we are our class
You can never forget.


The last call is now szovenit,
He brings parting for us with the school.
While this moment is not forgotten,
We want to do you, teacher, recognition.

Rather we want to become adults,
But since childhood, we, too, sorry to say goodbye.
Teacher! Let's at least once a year
For school holidays with you to meet.


When the native we leave the house,
When we leave from school walls,
It is impossible not to remember everything that was in it,
It is impossible not to bow low
Who taught us. For knowing, for the heat,
For sails, which gave ships,
For the fact that you are very lucky
Thank you! Hurray, teachers!


Touching and slight sad
The last time rings for us a call.
Our childhood school ended,
And ended our last lesson.
And, like boats, we go swimming,
Thank you with love we speak.
We say goodbye to your favorite harbor school,
Teachers for all thank.


The last call was the last,
And with the school they said goodbye.
Last School Day Spring,
But our hearts remained here.
And where to find the words are,
So that all feelings are conveying?
Favorite teachers, relatives,
For all thanks, you want to say!


Long ago he was the first
Ranking, fun to call,
Now says goodbye
We have anchors raised.
But this is a holiday, nevertheless
Although it is so much bright sad.
We congratulate you, relatives!
And let the sadness of the heart release!


That's finally he ran out,
To adult life call.
Honestly now really want
Just go to the lesson.
Thank you, our favorite
And good teachers.
As it is a pity that more schoolboy
It is impossible to return to school.


Rettered the last call for us,
Let's say "Thank you!" Teachers:
All - and old and young, and fun and strict,
Ten long years helped us.

We will give a replacement first class,
We wish you, going on the road,
Lich do not hold, remembering us
And from us how to relax!


That's our children's life, school
The steps descends away.
Thank you, she was free,
You were able to help us and this.

In our memory, the school will remain
It will be the best science to serve.
Before you, let you speak
After all, you taught us to live here.


For lessons, change,
Necessary tasks
Thank you, certainly,
All and goodbye.

We will return only by guests,
I'll go to you, say, say,
And warm words
Your memory is desolation.


For giving knowledge
For the fact that there were strict
For friendship, sensitivity and care,
For daily work
Today should you say
What grateful from the soul!
It sounds our last call,
And we go beyond the threshold.
But never forget you
For the fact that they brought us into people!


Our last lesson has passed.
Sounds for us last call!
And finally, teachers
We want to say: we are grateful to you!
You in us for all the years a lot of knowledge have invested!
And it seems that we have taught everything.
Your work was hard, sometimes dangerous
But look at us: the result is beautiful!


Like a bell in the heart cuts silence call,
For students, the latter, and for you a report period.
Score as if letters in different end of land,
Those who were taught in the heart, because today the mind is sleeping.
Just do not worry, we will come back to you again
Every year the meeting of us you will meet us.
We wish our teacher, forces, health and good,
So that you have enough optimism to you for many years.


Last bell and silence again ...
Exams and plans short days Summer.
And the fact that you are tired of something without answer.
We wish you a charge of cheerfulness and strength,
Patience, health and good luck.
And let us say now,
I will come to meetings
Cannot be otherwise.


A little sad in the last call,
A little sad today today
The last thing we'll go to the lesson,
Having completed training at school.

Thank you very much from us all,
We congratulate you from the soul,
Let happiness, health, love and success
Never leave you.


On this day, the last time
But once
Will sound a call for us
In school corridors.

We want to congratulate you
To again and again
You met on the way
Happiness and love.


Congratulations on the last call in prose

Graduates, like birds, leave the school, placing the wings, and rushed into a free flight. We, parents and teachers, with delight and sadness, seeing how you are dropping out of the doors of your native school, and with it, partly, and from the parental house. From today, you have become adults. Now you can safely take independent solutions And plan your life, because it is only yours. And what your life will be, largely depends on the solutions that you accept in the near future. Try to think about everything clearly and weigly, do not go about other people's wishes and fantasies, believe in yourself and our goals, the main thing is to put them and they will definitely be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it is waiting for you for the threshold of the school!

So the bright hour approached, for which you put a lot of effort and work. Now you are on the threshold of a new life and even more accomplishments. Buvari, woven, bows, the first letters written by their own hand and the first independent word read - all this remained in the past. Now you are already quite adults and the established personalities who choose their luck in life.
Today, all of you are cordially congratulated by all: the teachers who were many years to this significant day; parents who were supported in any endeavors and aspirations; Schoolchildren who look at you now with great respect! We wish to achieve everything that outlined, it is easy to go through the selected paths and successfully pass the first serious exam in life - the exam. Mutual understanding to you, happiness and good luck! We believe: everything will work out in your life!


Dear Guys! Today your last call sounds. In his melodic overflows, everything will be left: and the joy of the first victories, and hard work on themselves, and sleepless nights of your parents, and sincere love of your teachers. Let each trill remind you of the bright days spent by you in the ever-young temple of science, the name of which the school. She will not forget you either, because over the years she is accustomed to you, and today's day is full of inevitable sadness ... Well, nothing in this world is constantly. New accomplishments are waiting for you and new successes, and your favorite school is new students. We wish you good luck and bless you to glorious things. In a good way, graduates!


Congratulations to you, our cute teachers who endured and loved us as many years old, with the last call. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work invested in us. And even though we were sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word uttered by you! Thank you for your love, support and important advice that we remember for life! We are in front of a new, bright future, but we will never forget you, dear our teachers! Thank you for told us all that they knew, putting a special meaning in every word, we really appreciate it! It was you who sent each of us in the right direction and thanks to you now we know what dear go! With the last call you, our favorite teachers!


When the last call rings - it is usually remembered all the best, which was experienced over the years of school study.
Ahead - as a border, separating childhood about adulthood, is difficult, but this is no less magical summer:
June is a month of examination tests and checks not only knowledge, but also excerpts, intelligence, responsibility.
July is a month of adopting the first independent decisions.
August - month of happy starstalls.
I wish you graduates, not only to have time to guess our cherished desires, but also catch our star, and keep it in your hands!
Remember: comes that exciting moment when in your hands is your whole life. Let it illuminate the good light of the stars of your youth!


Congratulations to you with graduation. Today, the school bell rang for you for the last time. You did not interfere as soon as possible to become adults and say goodbye to school parties, you sought to escape from school faster.
And today the school says goodbye to you. Parting for you will be the stage of new in life, the face of change and responsible choice. The very first independent choice in your young destinies.
And your school teachers, and your most important allies in school - your parents want the best for you, which can only be desired by your children, happiness. Happiness is such to have enough at all and still remains for the world around you. Let this world be kind to you, let only good, sincere people meet on your roads. And if you need advice or help, you always know who to contact. Successes to you, dear graduates!


The last call is only once in life. And how fast he silent, how quickly you will plunge into the whirlpool of an adult life, where so much new, interesting, but quite a few and hassle, obstacles! Dear our children, our yesterday's students! We tried, putting in you everything that the school and family can give. You are growing up, men, developed and, of course, also tried, even more than we, to adequately approach the frontier last call. We are very pleased with the result, you are satisfied with you, and we want to continue to give us only joy, only pride for you, and you have already gone full life itself and luck. Let it be with learning, with work, with a career, with families. Let the adult life be happy, the youth is long, and old age retreats before your enthusiasm and enthusiasm!


The exciting, ringing, anxiously called school bell. He is for you, our dear, so imperceptibly matured children, will become a signal, the call should be safe to meet the new, interesting, complete joy and success of life! Very recently, also, with tears of joy in front of our eyes, we stood, worrying, giving you into the safe hands of the first teacher. And today you worry with us, realizing that childhood is left behind - and funny changes, perky sports, joint excursions, travel, will remain only in memoirs and school albums. But there are still unacted peaks ahead of you, new discoveries and we believe that your life will be rich and interesting! Let everything be good!


Congratulations to teachers subject

*****Primary classes*****

Primary classes - Moroka,
The bell shook like forty,
I left the houses of the Datvora,
Until tomorrow, rather, until morning!

Of English language

Shakespeare, Internet,
We studied with you.
We thank you for it
Quite English words.


We do not always have enough words;
Not all of us are sane,
AND biology basics,
Perhaps all we do not know ...


Who said that there are no ways,
Unknown seas?
Geography teacher -
Our live guidebook.


Codes, sites, kilobytes
Only on the buttons click you ...
All answers, "glitches", disputes

Dividing the last on milestones
We are with faith in the future
And the present success
We could achieve with you!


Heading numbers a number,
Exactly the formula is owned,
Mathematics, you are a fairy,
We believed like chickens.

German language

Tea with the teacher we drank
German spoke.
Not remembered in any way
"Guten Morgen - Guten so."

That the wire is electric
We do not need to lift at all,
And under a metal canopy
In a thunderstorm is not worth sitting together,

And the dance has a soul,
Our teacher, slowly
Asks dance to show
And we are ready to admit ...


We will tell you what and how,
Strictly in chronology.
He tells the Mastach
Special technology.

Our teacher, knowing time,
Iskra carries out of flint.
To the chain closed on time,
He will dedicate her lesson.

Physical education

We hold the day of Ile in the morning, gloomy -
For us, the design of the weather is not!
To hurry on physical education -
Your wonderful subject!


Science stock Golden
Leaves us a chemist with you.
Molecules move knows
And in this world invites us.



Here is an album and pencil,
And our teacher with us.
He is a teacher drawing,
He, artist, his knee


Fanfare, better watch:
Our choir is already invincible!
Favorite music teacher
We want to do you want!



Can not be culture
Without knowledge of literature
And if you want the world to know
You have to read the classics.


Russian language

Native Slavic my tongue
I'm used to talking about it
His all the time learn.
My "Russed", congratulations to you


Our teacher is not lazy,
For stitch stitch lies.
Master, we know,
Today we congratulate you.

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