The Russian woman will save the world of prediction. Which road will we go: war or salvation? Will be saved who can understand the danger

Revelation 12 we meet with an interesting image of a woman. This is a prophetic image that we will deal with in this article. And so, her description: "Her shoulders are covered with the rays of the sun, on her feet - the shine of the moon, her head is adorned with twelve six-pointed stars, shining stronger than the sun and the moon combined."

The vision shows the familiar silhouettes of the characters from the Bible. A woman could not be interpreted by human lips as a homogeneous image. She always gave birth to a string of faces, of which two natures existing in her at the same time are constant: on the one hand, a woman is a bride who takes on herself a greater share of Divine love. She is the symbol of Am-Israel, the people from the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, to whom God gives his warmth. The Book of Songs of Songs, the prophets Elijah, Samuel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and others are all the result of the love between God and Israel.

On the other hand, a woman is a treasure of life, a “mother” in the mouths of her beloved children, while all her children are the wealth of her life. And Adam calls Eve, his wife, “the mother of all living” (Gen. 3:20). The first person sees in it a sprout of life, because its seed must enter the body of the “mother of all living” and pass through it, having been born into the light of God. The woman in the words of the author of Genesis contains a seed that brings salvation to the Earth (Gen. 3:15). Both faces of her images are connected: the woman becomes the bearer of the seed through love.

The woman in the passage is reminiscent of Joseph's dream (Gen. 37: 9-11). The heavenly body, the moon and the stars symbolize the family of Israel: Jacob, Rachel and their 12 sons. The woman in the radiance of this splendor is a type of Am-Israel, God's people.

Now the woman is experiencing severe pain in labor, giving her child the opportunity to get into the world. In the traditions of Christianity and Judaism, the birth of a child is nothing more than a messianic hope. Physical torment and thoughts of the unknown together with the child will bring to light suffering, next to which there is an irresistible desire to look at the newborn. There is always hope in the heart. Only faith can represent the seed that contains life, giving birth at the same time to the promise.


The devil, hidden under the symbol of the dragon and personifying the world's evil, lives along with God in the memory of the prophet. The prophet trusts in the role of God in history, in his help to people, while the dragon seeks to take away this hope. Let's decipher the implication of the vision, relying on the symbolism of the Old Testament. As mentioned, the serpent is the center of the cluster of evil (Genesis 3). His deception conquered the first woman created by God. Because of him, the first people stumbled in the way of God, and came to Earth, receiving death as a punishment. In the mentions of the prophets, Egypt appears in the form of a serpent because of the abundance of evil and the pride of its rulers. The Book of the Wisdom of Solomon (1st century BC) reveals the devilish appearance of a serpent that was in Eden. The rabbinical teaching, the opinions of which were held by the Jewish commentator Ibn Ezra (XI century) and the Italian researcher Sforno, argued that Satan is hiding under the guise of a serpent. The book of Revelation itself (Rev. 12: 9) says that the dragon is "the ancient serpent called the devil and Satan."

Often people lowered the devil to the character of the myths of ancient peoples, so he began to dissolve from religious consciousness. The ironic remark of the French poet Baudelaire on this matter was as follows: “I only once was afraid of his majesty the devil, his power, when I heard the sermon of one minister, who was a little more discerning than the others and who said:“ My dear brothers, never forget when hearing speculations about progress in this enlightened age that the devil's most dangerous trap is to make you think that he does not exist. " The devil seeks to win the trust of the universe, the task of the prophet is to expose the evil intent of the serpent (Rev. 12: 9). The devil carefully hides from human eyes: he will not appear before the people in the form of a creature with horns and a sharp tail. Satan is cunning, he does good deeds, meaning evil by them. So he did to Eve (Gen. 3: 5). In the Apocalypse, the devil is a real historical person.

In the book, Satan appears as a beast with ten horns. He has seven heads (7 is a sacred number), which testifies to his supernaturalness. The fiery red color symbolizes the evil and cruelty of the dragon.

On the woman - the mother of the baby, the threats of the beast and his persecution come down.

Space wars

Wars in the sky

The Wars in Heaven give rise to all contradictions. The problem of evil is pervasive. In the prophecies about Tire and Babylon, the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel narrate about the war in Heaven - Ezek. 28: 14-18; Wed: Is. 14: 13-15.

The war began suddenly (Rev. 12), in the Apocalypse there is no reason for its beginning: “until iniquity was found in you” (Ezek. 28:15). The whole absurdity of human existence is that our lives are ruled by Satan, whom God cast into the darkness that formed the Earth.

The place of creation of the Earth and man carries a deep meaning. Contradictory as it may sound, but God's salvation is in a place that rejected his world from vacuum and darkness.

Wars on Earth

Wars on Earth begin with the devil, who chose a woman as a victim (Genesis 3: 1 et al.), The keeper of the seed of salvation, which is written at the very beginning of the Bible. Eve after the death of Abel gives birth to Seth, with whom the clan of the Earth savior was to arise. The name Seth, meaning “God gave” (Gen. 4:25), says that God does not remain on the sidelines of history. In the name Seth (in Hebrew Sheth) there is a verb from the first prophecy of the Bible: “And I will put enmity between you and between the woman, and between your seed and between her seed; it will hit you in the head, and you will bite it in the heel ”(Gen. 3:15).

This prophecy unites the theme of the woman, the devil, the birth of a baby and the beginning of the contradiction in Rev. 12. Two texts announce the victory of the seed over the serpent.

This prophecy can be attributed to both Eve and Israel - the woman of the covenant (Israel in Hebrew), on whose shoulders the burden of having a child rests. “And she gave birth to a male child, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne ”(Rev. 12: 5). You can also open Ps. 2: 9, which tells about the appearance of the Son: “I will declare the decree: the Lord said to Me: You are My Son; Today I have begotten You ”(Psalm 2: 7) - the King of the Earth. His appearance leads to the birth of the Kingdom of God. The infant will soon take over the throne (Rev. 12: 5). In Rev. 12:10, the prophet speaks of the path to victory: “And I heard a loud voice speaking in heaven: now salvation has come and the power and kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ, because the accuser of our brethren, who slandered them before our God day, has been cast out. and night. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their souls even unto death. "

The death of a serpent is impossible without the death of a son. "Blood of the Lamb" from the passage and the text of Gen. 3:15 am they say the same thing. The defeat of the snake in the head leads to the death of the woman's child. The deaths of the serpent and the Messiah go side by side. The Son thrust a spear into the head, the serpent stings Him in the heel (defeat in the head and sting in the heel in the Hebrew text are defined by one verb shuf.).

Desert Wars

Desert Wars continue the story as neither the incarnation of Jesus and His victory over evil, nor His resurrection and death changed the face of the earth. The serpent, wielding death and suffering, strikes the human race. God's people are looking forward to the Second Coming and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

The Apocalypse compares them with Israel at the time of the exodus from Egypt. Similar to the liberation of the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery, and their advancement to the Promised Land, He will give salvation to His people from sin, and send them to New Jerusalem. Exile is a hard fate. Trials are laid for God's people, lasting 1260 days (Rev. 12: 6).

In the Apocalypse, this period of time makes itself felt more than once, emphasizing its historical importance. In the book he is given in days, in Rev. 11: 3 and 12: 6 refer to “1260 days”; elsewhere the term "month" is found; in Revelation 11: 2 and 13: 5, it tells about “42 months”, which are equal to 1260 days. In Rev. 12:14 and Dan. 7:25 and 12: 7 period in years: "time, two times half a time" (360 + + = 1260). The period of 1260 years dates back to 538, when the Church was freed from Arian rule, until 1798, when the French Revolution threatened the independence of the Church. Thus, it is difficult to imagine a more accurate prophecy.

Wars at the end of earthly history

Wars at the end of earthly history, after these 1260 days / years (according to the Apocalypse), will be caused by the impatience of the serpent (Rev. 12: 7). V the last days the serpent will gather all the strength in the fight against the seed of the woman, which brings us back to Gen. 3:15. The hour has come for the irreversible destruction of the mother.

But the woman is brave. The Apocalypse describes God's people as “keeping the commandments of God and having the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 12:17). The remaining people are faithful to Him to the end - they are the keeper of His commandments, do not lose His faith.

Moreover, they are the last witnesses of His all-inclusive truth. This truth includes the Torah of the Jews along with Jesus Christians, reuniting grace and law, love and justice, creation and judgment, New and Old Testaments. This truth includes the "commandments of God" and the "testimony of Jesus" of the Messiah (Rev. 12:17).

This is the last remnant (Rev. 14: 2), against which the dragon rebelles in all its omnipotence. The serpent rises on the seashore (Rev. 13: 1), owning the elements of earth and water.

The time of great changes in our civilization, the time of mass cataclysms and the third world war has always been in question. They were appointed for different times different people, and yet they haven’t come yet. And yet there are clues that allow us to say that this time is already very close and several years will pass, and it may come. Not centuries, not decades, but years. So, make yourself comfortable, pour coffee / juice / whichever is stronger and let's get started. Enjoy reading.

Edgar Cayce. Awesome person. Or rather, not quite a man. On his account, more than 30 thousand predictions come true. He always predicted in a trance state. He usually prophesied about the diseases of people, about the methods of their cure. And he was not wrong. But besides diseases, he talked about the future.

So, he owns the prophecy that by the end of the century America will become an island state due to the explosion of Yellowstone. Casey is a highly respected prophet. And the Volcano in last years behaves more and more actively. The nation is tense and listening. When a 4-magnitude earthquake struck Yellowstone in May 2015, the entire administration of the President of the United States in full force and many richest people countries left the country and flew away in different directions. Looks like they were getting ready.

Helena Roerich. She also predicted cataclysms and wars at the end of the century. It didn’t come true. But she described the future in great detail, because her Teacher was the great Rigden himself, the Lord of Shambhala. He told her, and showed, and explained. As a result, a lot of materials and records remained, they were published, and I will gradually tell what future, in her opinion, awaits us all. I will say right away that this is incredibly interesting.

Mahatma Kut Humi. He is a Tibetan, lived in Tibet in the 19th century and, at the request of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, corresponded with two Englishmen, Sinnett and Hume. This correspondence has been published and the original is kept in the UK national museum, in London. Actually, from this correspondence, the British themselves learned that Yellowstone would not be the first, but their favorite and only British islands. Koot Humi wrote:

“Yet geology and paleontology bear witness to much of what we have to say. Of course, your science is right in many generalizations, but its premises are not true or, in any case, erroneous. For example, she is right that during the formation of America ancient atlantis plunged, gradually collapsing; but she is wrong neither in the epochs given by her, nor in the calculations of the duration of this sinking. The latter is the future fate of your British Isles, the first on the list of victims to be destroyed by fire (underwater volcanoes) and water. France and other countries will follow suit. "

This is how easily and gracefully the fate of the British was told to the whole world. He did not say about the date of this event, hinting only that soon.

Wang. This amazing woman could do a lot. And she knew a lot. She didn't talk about everything. But even what has leaked to the Internet already speaks volumes. I was struck by her prediction about Kursk. Remember?

“The famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga said in 1980 that“ at the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it ”. Such a prophecy came as a surprise because Russian city Kursk, located on the Central Russian Upland, is separated from the nearest Black Sea by more than a thousand kilometers. However, the forecast turned out to be correct. On August 12, 2000, it became clear what the blind fortuneteller had in mind. On this day, during the exercises, the nuclear submarine missile-carrying cruiser Kursk, which was the pride of the Russian navy, crashed. As a result, the entire crew of the submarine died - 118 people. According to the official version, the Kursk was killed by a spontaneous torpedo explosion. "

Realizing that she really predicts something real, I studied what she says about the time of X. It turns out, a lot.

  1. The version about the volcanic nature of cataclysms was confirmed by her. "White white, but not snow will cover the ground." Most likely we are talking about volcanic ash.
  2. "Syria has not yet fallen." This was the answer. And the question was: "Will there be a third world war?" From this it can be understood that after the fall of Syria, the third world will come.
  3. Cataclysms will come after the war, when it has not yet subsided. That is, cataclysms and war are one disaster at the same time. Not different.
  4. “The 44th president of the United States will be black. And this president will be the last for the country, because then America will freeze or fall into the abyss of a major economic crisis. It may even split into southern and northern states. "

Nostradamus. Everything is more interesting here. Yes, he spoke about the awakened volcanoes (twenty-one rumbling vents), and about the complete depreciation of money as a result of the economic crisis. And about a world war in which all states will blaze. And that all this will happen at the same time. But what we are interested in is Nostradamus, he tied all these events to one person, and tied the person to the exact date. And on this ground you can already stand firm.

“Year 1999, seventh month.

The great king of terror will come from the sky

To resurrect the great King Angamua

And before and after Mars to rule happily. "

So, the King of Terror ... it is not clear who. Probably someone who was terrifying by their appearance. King Angamua is easier. It turns out that Angamua is translated from Old French as “My Angel”. That is, someone whom Nostradamus considers an Angel who descended to earth. There is even a version that Nostradamus addressed the letter to his son not to his physical son, but to this very Angamua, for whom he left a lot of leads. He considered this Angamua the savior of the world and considered it his duty to warn and help the one who would destroy all this nonsense.

It will appear in July 1999 (by the way, at the very beginning of August there was a complete solar eclipse). "Resurrect" perhaps means "initiate", to open the memory. In short, Neo must remember that he is the chosen one))

Mars is war. Before Mars means before the war.

He will become a student of the head of the eastern Hermetic Lodge (Shambhala?) And will receive from them all his knowledge and unknown technologies that will help him become the king of the world.

He will exist for some time invisibly, without entering the world stage.

And he will appear just at the time when World War is about to begin and the volcanoes are about to wake up. And very quickly he will ascend to the pedestal of the most influential and powerful person on the planet. He will bring peace and goodness and enlightenment to superstitious humanity. And when the cataclysms and wars are over, it is King Angamua who will build a just society on our planet, where Light and Knowledge will be held in high esteem, and evil and wars will disappear into oblivion. Satya Yuga.

So in 1999 he will be elected and will be trained in the Eastern Hermetic Lodge. That is, it will be an already established person, not a child or an old man. And he will rule the world for many years, changing it. This means that now this person is probably at least 35 years old (if he began to study in 1999 at the age of about 20) and no more than 50, since he has so much to do. The active age of a man, when he can do a lot, start a new business and conquer the world, ends at about 60 years old. It is difficult to imagine that a 70-year-old elderly man will actively take power around the world into his own hands. Rather, he will be no more than 50, because it is also necessary to build a new world, and not just take power. This means that he will come to power no later than 15 years later. Or just about. From various sources it becomes clear that it is war and cataclysms that will give him power. Something will happen that when other rulers lose power, he will take it. For example, the technology that he will be equipped with in a hermetic oriental society. Edgar Cayce said it very well by the way:

“Before the 20th century is over, the collapse of communism will begin in the USSR, but Russia, which has freed itself from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010 the former USSR will revive, but will revive in a new form.

It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the rest of the world will receive the hope of a lasting and just peace. Each person will begin to live for the sake of his neighbor. And this principle of life was born in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes. However, it is Russia that will give the whole world this hope.

The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power. This will happen thanks to the power of its new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist. And then he will take all supreme authority Russia into its own hands, and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will also become the Master of the World, will become the Law that brings light and prosperity to all that exists on the planet. His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire human race has dreamed of throughout its existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his companions to become fantastically strong and mighty almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his companions to become practically immortal.

The rest of the people will call him himself, and even his descendants, who live for 600 years, only as Gods.

He, his descendants, his companions will have no shortage of anything - not pure fresh water, neither in food, nor in clothing, nor in energy, nor in weapons, for the reliable protection of all these benefits, at a time when the rest of the world will be in chaos, poverty, hunger and even cannibalism.

God will be with him.

He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization all over the world. His home, and the home of his new race will be in the South of Siberia. "

Nostradamus said that King Angamua will come from Russia and it is from her that he will begin the transformation of the world.

But not only Casey and Nostradamus talked about this chosen one. There were others as well. For example, Muslims are waiting for the arrival of the Mahdi, the prophet who will become the ruler of the world. And they say that Mahdi has already arrived. And Christians are waiting for the coming of the Comforter, whom Christ will send in his place to prepare the world for the Coming. Buddhists are waiting for Maitreya, who will wage a fleeting war with evil and win, and then begin to build a New, just world. Probably, all these characters are one person, because the King will be of the world. And it has already begun. Since the dedication that the Russian, King Angamua, received in 1999.

When will the cataclysms begin? War? Apocalypse?

When Syria will fall... When the British Isles begin to submerge. When the awesome human demigod Angel King begins to assert himself. It seems to me that all this will be plus or minus at the same time, in one year. And pretty soon. If not even faster. And when - we'll see.

Of course, I did not avoid this issue in conversations with my Tibetan Teacher, he is wise, knows the future and explained a lot to me. Partly from his stories, partly from my own visions of the future, a cycle of stories called "The World of the Future" is composed. I started to post them on my blog.

But I don’t want to disclose many details and will not be in open sources, because they simply will not be understood.

The identity of the savior of the world

Nostradamus arranged his quatrains in chronological order.

And then he mixed them according to some principle.

The order is encrypted, and people are tormented, trying to understand this chronology again.

But there is a clear dividing line between the pre-apocalypse quatrains and AFTER. This can be observed very clearly, since the essence of the impending terrible events is already visible.

One of the clearest signs of the future tense is the rising of the dead from the graves, which is also said in the Bible. Seraphim Sarovsky also spoke about this event. This event was also reflected in the quatrain by Nostradamus.

X. 74. (10.74) 974/928

When the year turns to the great seventh,

At this time, the games of the hecatomb will appear,

Shortly before the great thousandth century,

When the dead come out of their grave.


  1. Year of the seventh great number
  2. Hecatomb Games Start
  3. Shortly before the thousandth century
  4. The dead will emerge from the graves.

The first is more or less clear. This is the seventh year after six years of cataclysms. Great - because the first year of the New World.

With the third, I do not understand. Maybe you readers have options?

The fourth is a separate big topic.

But the second requires clarification.

The word "hecatomb" today serves as a symbol of some bloody events, almost synonymous with mass massacres. Hecatomb is the most significant festive rite that was held in Ancient Greece to remind you that we must not forget the laws of the Gods. I must say that the Hecatomba rite arose in Greece by no means by accident, this was preceded by very sad events that almost ended in a universal catastrophe. It all started with the fact that people forgot to honor the Gods and their Laws. It would seem, so what? Nothing, just at first everyone was almost killed by a terrible monster that entered mythology under the name of the Calydonian Boar. This danger rallied people for some time, and in order to avoid a common danger, the people united and defeated the Beast. However, the real trouble came after, when the happy hunters began to divide the prey.

This is where the most interesting thing began: completely forgetting about the main Law of the Gods, which requires that Justice and Peacefulness rule on Earth, people staged a War for stripping the skin of the killed Boar, and in this war all of humanity almost died. Legend says that when the Earth was overwhelmed by streams of blood, people from the horror that gripped them still managed to change their minds and stop self-destruction, having felt the power of the most important Law in their own misfortune - one should never forget about humanity and justice. At least, such forgetfulness always ended in disaster, and in order to constantly remind this undeniable fact that does not require seven spans in the forehead, the Greeks decided to hold the Hecatomba holiday once a year.

That is, the Hecatomb games are celebrated after the onset of peace and harmony between people. This is a holiday about the end of troubled times. People and states will divide the world and spheres of influence (which is now happening on an increasing basis), then the world will drown in blood, after there will be six years of fear, and after all this will end, and people will celebrate the end.

And how it will be bad for all of them, it is written in this quatrain:

I. 84. (1.84) 84

The darkened moon will plunge into complete darkness,

Her brother passes, rusty:

Great, hiding in the darkness for a long time,

Cool [hide] iron in bloody calamity [rain].

This quatrain refers specifically to the six years of the Apocalypse, because it clearly describes the sky as it will become after volcanic eruptions, when millions of tons of ash pollute the stratosphere: the moon will not be visible, and the sun (brother of the moon) will turn rusty (after the eruption of Krakatoa, all painters began to paint sunsets in blood-red, and in Paris for two years the temperature in summer did not rise above 10 degrees Celsius, many people died of hunger).

The Great One is the King of Angamua, he will cool the iron, that is, he will somehow stop the wars and the bloody rain caused by them. But let's return to the last part of the previous Quatrain.

The dead will rise from their graves.

This is what the Bible says. Seraphim Sarovsky spoke. And even Edgar Cayce described that these rebels will be like angels in white robes, will have little contact with people, build their cities and “be content”. How? How will they rise? What will rise? Bones in white robes? Who will sew clothes for the bones?

Helena Roerich answered these questions very well.

She stated that:

  1. In the astral world, those who have recently passed away have formed an organization of active citizens who are not alien to the fate of people and help us as best they can, in a harmonious and organized manner. There are about 10 million of them.
  2. The Brotherhood of Shambhala created a condensed astral body, such a "suit" in which people "from the other world" can move here, act, being visible. And speak, and they will be heard. This body also allows you to fly and pass through water and walls. And carry objects and people.
  3. These bodies will be given to these ten million creatures, called "Ella", they will come and help those who are worthy to survive in cataclysms. Will build beautiful cities where the best people will be invited over time. Thus, the new civilization will abolish the concept of death. Therefore, King Angamua and his associates are spoken of as immortals and possessing new technologies unknown to the people of the earth. It's really new stage in the development of mankind.

Not much is known about these new bodies and their properties. But also a lot. I will write a separate post about them.

In the meantime, we must understand that the King of Angamua is the Great One, hiding in darkness for a while, will become the savior of humanity. It is to him that the technologies of immortality and superpowers will be given into the hands of Shambhala. It is he who will stop the bloodshed and begin, bit by bit, to collect people worthy to build New world in the image and likeness of the Kingdom of God, about which Christians talk so much, but which no one was worthy to build.

This is our near future. And who will be included in this number of employees of the King of Angamua, Karma decides now, looking into human hearts.

Why is this being addressed now?

There is an important law:

When the X hour comes, the person falls to the level of his preparedness, and does not rise to the level of his expectations.

That is, in times of troubles we will not become better. We will only reveal what in us by that time will already be formed as reflexes of the soul. And these qualities are formed here and now. Then it will be impossible to form them quickly under stress conditions. How we enter into the time of troubles, that is how Karma will judge us, determining whether to help us or not.

People who came from Heaven, Ella, will be the hand of fate. And it will not be they, but Karma that will choose who to save and who not to save, directing their attention and efforts in the right direction. Therefore, one must become a Human here and now, without postponing it for some later time, which may come just about.

About the personality of King Angamua, the Heavenly People and how events will unfold in the near future, my next blog stories ...

Many prophets and clairvoyants mention in their predictions about the future fate of Russia. Basically, all the prophecies are favorable for our country. It will withstand various political, military and natural disasters and will get out of all these troubles relatively well. Here are some predictions on this topic.

American fortune teller Jane Dixon : “Russia will have an opportunity for development. Natural disasters will least of all affect Russia, and even less Eastern Siberia. The hope of the world, its rebirth will come from Russia, and will have no connection with what communism is. It is in Russia that the most genuine and great source of freedom will arise. Then each person will begin to live for the sake of their ideas and neighbors ... It will be a completely different way of existence, based on the principle, which will become the basis new philosophy life ... ".

Prophecy from the book of Morez Theun: “From the cold North they will come, brave men and women from numerous tribes, forming a strong race and continuing to follow the path of the Secret Truth in their hearts, although they will remember neither the reasons nor the purpose of their voluntary exile. In their ancient search for atonement for a sin that they did not commit, these people put aside the Sword of Power and retained only the Spear of Destiny. Before their arrival, the forces concentrated in this spear will shatter many of their beliefs and ravage the walls that have separated them from their fellow tribesmen for so long. Because of the exile, because of this division, the soul of these people will be marked by the great poverty of the body and the all-consuming loneliness of the spirit. But it was precisely this poverty of the body and the loneliness of the spirit that breathed into them a tremendous power of purpose and a deep thirst for life. Therefore, an insatiable fire of striving and passion burns in the hearts of these people, and this flame will allow them to be the first to hear the call sounded. The arrival of these people will cause fear in the rest of the world, but not for spiritual reasons. This fear will be based on causes generated by ignorance, and therefore their true arrival will be unnoticed at first. That is why they will come invisibly and take the world by storm. They will take him not with a Sword, but with a Spear, by the power of fate and by the power of their passionate striving for life and for the One Truth, This power of predestination, this burning passion will sweep away everything in their path, like a huge unrelenting tide, They will hiccup in all minds and hearts of the One Truth and will not stop their search until they find the sound that eternal echoed in their hearts, and which they have been waiting for all this time. This sound will saturate their inner fire, and around it they will build a new empire - an empire based not on political power, but only on the One Truth - and spread it across all political and natural boundaries. "

- So says an ancient prophecy. The reason these prophecies seem obscure is obvious. And yet, for the reasons already described, I feel that this prophecy tells about the Russian people. "

The prophecy of the American fortune teller Ellen White (the beginning of the XX century): “Firstly, immediately before the Second Coming of Christ, when the Christian crowd in the form of a state - a planetary hegemon, this time will start a worldwide persecution of true Christians - and the prediction about this is written in the Bible (Rev. 13: 15), then Russia will be the last island of true freedom on the planet, and the time will come when some "wrong" Americans will save their lives in Russia;

Second, just before the Second Coming Russian empire(USSR) will begin to fall apart. "

In 1917, near a Portuguese village Fatima miraculous events happened. This inconspicuous place has become the world's largest religious center. For three months, the Virgin Mary appeared to three small children and transmitted through them information about the near future of mankind. She warned of the upcoming revolution in Russia, which would take place in October 1917 and the beginning of World War II. The first two prophecies were made public by the Catholic servants of God only in 1942 after these events. The third prediction of the Virgin Mary is still hidden by church shepherds from ordinary people, which is probably considered a herd of rams.

In May 1947, a representative of the Catholic youth of Russia received permission from the local bishop to meet with Lucia Santos at the monastery in Oporto, where she had lived since 1921. This is what a woman from Russia told about (a quote from the book “Fatima”, published in Brussels, 1991): “I really want to know about the future of Russia, and she, as if guessing my thoughts, tells me that Russia will be saved thanks to its great love for the Blessed Virgin; Russia should be dedicated to the Most Pure Heart of the Lady of the World; The Mother of God is waiting for this, and then the troubles in the world will calm down. She speaks of Russia with love, as if it were her homeland, and sometimes, when she talks about the suffering of our people, her eyes become wet ... We still need to pray a lot, she says, we need to sacrifice ourselves to save the world and Russia. Say this to all Russians who can understand you ... they can save Russia, and if she is saved, the world will be saved with her ... ”.

In 1957, the Vatican received a letter from the last surviving witness of the apparition of the Virgin Mary, sister of Lucia Santos, in which she reveals the secret of the third prophecy. But it was never published. Only in 1974, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger let slip that the third prediction of the Mother of God concerns "the danger hanging over the Earth and Christianity."

In 1980, Pope John Paul II, speaking with German prelates, partially revealed the information contained in the third prophecy. He said: "If you read about oceans that will flood entire continents, about millions of people who will die, then you would understand why we do not divulge the third part of the message." Please note that contrary to the will of the Mother of God herself, who is trying to warn humanity about the danger threatening the whole world, the servants of God diligently hide these prophecies from all of humanity, as if they were servants of the Devil.

Religious fanatic - a terrorist tried to uncover the secret of the predictions reported by the Mother of God in Fatima several in an unusual way... In the spring of 1981, he hijacked a British airline liner to France. The hijacking of the plane was not carried out for political reasons, but with the aim of forcing the Vatican to reveal the third prophecy, but he never succeeded in his theological blackmail.

In April 1999, Cardinal Carrado Balducci, attending a conference of Italian ufologists, privately shared some of the prophecies: “It speaks of the Third World War, which should break out before the beginning of the third millennium. It will apply nuclear weapon... Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead. But if people give up their aggressive intentions and come to terms with each other and with God, war can be avoided. Also, the third secret predicts a crisis. catholic church and the special fate of Russia. I can’t tell you more. ”

It is noteworthy that among the information provided to the Vatican by sister Lucia from Fatima, there is the following information: “The earth lay on its side three times with an axis. Like the distant planet Uranus, and it ended in catastrophes three times ”.

Osho(1931-1990) - an Indian guru, thus foreshadowed the future for our country: “Russia, apparently, is destined to become a country that decides the fate of not only its people, but the whole world. She was the first to rebel against capitalism; and everything goes to the fact that she will be the first to rise up against the dictatorship of communism. The future belongs to democratic communism, communism rooted in human freedom ... ”.

Prophecy of Indian saint and mystic Thakur Bhaktivinoda "... Russia and Prussia will become the first countries that will live according to spiritual laws and restore daivi-varnasrama-dharma" ( a spiritual way of life in which everyone is engaged in exactly the activity that is most consistent with his inner nature, performing it as an offering to God and people).

“The world will shudder, for Russia has woken up and has risen to its feet. Now he will stand a little, move away from sleep and walk "At the head of the entire planet."

In the past few years, issues related to the near future of mankind have been increasingly discussed in the world. Moreover, the conclusions that are imposed on people during the discussion are usually negative - “The gods who once helped the formation of our civilization have left our planet forever. Humanity is waiting for the inevitable end as a result of such and such cataclysms and catastrophes. "

Seeing and understanding that there is an open, massive and aggressive attack on the minds of people, we decided to understand the reasons that caused it. After all, the main target of this attack is Russia.

And this is all the more incomprehensible, for numerous prophets have repeatedly foreshadowed a great future for Russia at the beginning of the 21st century.

"I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, a new Russia will be erected - according to the old model; strong in its faith in Christ God and in the Holy Trinity! And it will be according to the behest of the holy prince Vladimir - as one Church! The Russian people have ceased to understand what Russia is: it is the foot of the Throne of the Lord! The Russian person must understand this and thank God for being Russian. "

Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt.

“How many signs the Lord showed over Russia, delivering her from the enemies of the strongest and subjugating the peoples to her! And yet evil is growing. Can't we come to our senses? The West both punished and punished us the Lord, but we do not understand everything. We got stuck in western mud up to our ears and all is well. There are eyes, but we do not see, there are ears, but we don’t hear, and we don’t understand in our hearts ... Having breathed this hellish frenzy into ourselves, we are spinning like madmen, not remembering ourselves. "

Saint Theophan the Recluse, 1894

"About the fate of the Russian state, in prayer, there was a revelation to me about three fierce yokes: Tatar, Polish, and the future - the Jew. the best people Russians. This is the permission of God, the wrath of the Lord for Russia's renunciation of the holy tsar.
But then the Russian hopes will come true. On Sophia, in Constantinople, the Orthodox cross will shine, Holy Russia will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and it will prosper, like the heavenly crin. "

The seer monk Abel, 1796


Ragno Nero predictions

We will not bring here famous sayings Vanga, Nostradamus, Casey and other prophets. Let's just note that they all predicted the revival of Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. What is the reason for this?

We have analyzed numerous prophecies and predictions for a possible connection between the revival of Russia and some event that should have happened at the beginning of this century. Found such an event. It turned out that the legends and traditions of the peoples of the Earth speak of the same event, which should happen at the turn of the millennium and which will lead the current civilization to a completely different level of development.

It turned out that there should actually be two such events at the beginning of the 21st century. Both of these events are associated with "coming." Man and Stone.

These predictions relate to the coming of a certain Man.

“When the millennium, which has come after the present, comes to an end, man will know the spirit of all things: he will know the stone, water and living essence, and the look of another person; will penetrate the secrets kept the oldest gods, and he will begin to open door after door in that labyrinth of new life. He will become a creator, powerful and indomitable, as a source. He will endow all people with knowledge, and his children will know both the earth and the sky better than anyone before them, and his body will find perfection, and his spirit will embrace everything and take possession of them ”.

Prophecies of Johannes of Jerusalem

“There will be peace, unity and change. States, Churches from low will rise and fall from heights. Travel organized. First fruit. Anxiety. The war will end. Civil Proceedings. Debate".

Nostradamus - 7th Century

“The Highest Initiate will appear publicly at the very end of the present age, this will happen when there is enough a large number of ordinary citizens themselves wish to completely voluntarily submit to such a Leader. This is how the soil will be created for the emergence of a New Race, and all current races and nations will cease to exist ... It is from the Slavs that the New People of the Earth will arise. "

Prophecy of the soothsayer Max Handel

“In the future, after fifty generations, when one hundred and one signs of a bad time appear, great person, by virtue of goodwill, he will receive a wonderful birth and appear from the purest Sun in the upper side. When everyone dreams of getting rid of suffering, this person will appear who has received
blessing from me, and, seized with the desire to save people, will not spare either body or life. With great diligence, he will induce all living things different countries to virtue. Then it will be necessary for all respectable people to turn their thoughts in one direction and to help this person. "
PROPHECIES OF BUDDHISM Padmasambhava (detail)

“After his return, earthly treasures will be revealed and everyone will become rich and there will be no beggars. The earth will give its fruit in sevens and hammer weapons into sickles. "

Daniel's Prophecy.


Ragno Nero predictions

“And the all-glorious Savior (Saoshyant) and the Renewer of the World (Astava-ereta) will appear. He is called the Savior because he acts for the benefit of all that exists, and the Renewer of the World because he ensures the indestructibility of all that exists. He will resist the evil of the descendants of the two-legged and resist the enmity caused by the believers. "
(Avesta, Farvardin-yasht 13.129)

“Obeying the timing, twice-born Kaliki is the glory of Vishnu. A mighty, brave fighter, a wise one will appear. He will be from the village of Shambhala, the beautiful abode of the Brahmins. By the power of his thought, chariots, warriors, troops, weapons, armor will arise: He will turn everything differently, stop that yuga. Surrounded by brahmins, twice born, he will destroy from everywhere the despicable, who came, crowds of aliens. The King of Shambhala will change his abode, and the Perfect Age will shine again ”.

Ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata"

“So in the age of Kali there will be a constant fall ... And then at the end of the black age, the Kalki Avatar will appear on earth. He will restore justice ... When the Sun and Moon, and Silence and Jupiter are together, then Satya will return - the white age! "

Himalayan prophecies

There are other prophecies in which there are those signs that today are called "special signs." But our report is not about them today.

The following predictions and prophecies concern the coming of a certain Stone.

“Man know that there will be a huge golden creation from the outside, which will come to one, and everyone around will not believe. This is then the human conscience and the mind will light up when new person will be born, but will not be born from a seed, but from a head. "


"Prophecy of the Three Apostles"

"The speaking stone of uniting prophecy is my heritage, intended for that special messenger who will penetrate the meaning of my numbers."

Prophecy of Seven Generations

“The treasure is ready, and the enemy will not take the gold-plated shield. Wait for the Stone! The name of the Stone is for Russia, it will bring benefit to all who accept it. "

From the diaries of Helena Roerich. 1923-1924.

“Each reminder of the Stone should not be forgotten, for this Stone means the Guarantee and special protection of the Grail. It was sent to some of the leaders of the people. Throughout the history of mankind, this belief in the sacred Stone, which protects the country in which it is located, passes. The Brotherhood of the Grail keeps the Stone sent from Orion, and it was received by the Great Teacher Jason, who laid it at the foundation of the brotherly Community. The Stone itself is kept in the Community, but a fragment of it is sent to the world again and again to accompany great events. " (From the letter of Helena Roerich dated 19.12.39.)

“The Chintamani stone is now in the world, accompanying historical events, after which he must return home ... " (E. Roerich, 02.04.36).

“People of the dawn, people of the book, children of the day of truth, since I am a special witness of time, all in talking stone of prophecy it fulfills the sacred plan of God. "

About prophecies - "The Wizard's Treasure - Knowledge of Death"

"In the Russians folk traditions Alatyr is often mentioned, a white “scorching” stone, a stone of “white light”, “the father of all stones”, which, according to one version of the popular “Dove” (Deep) book, the Creator put in the foundation of the Zion temple. Under this stone "a mighty force is hidden, and this force has no limit." From under this white stone Alatyr springs and rivers flow all over the earth for healing, for the whole world for food "

Richard Rudzitis - "The Brotherhood of the Grail"

"And in my nine-step temple, where, guarded by the nine powers of time, I placed that body, I left my legacy for you, the Talking Stone of Prophecy."

"On prophecies"

"Blue Night, (3) The Cube of the Law and the Tower of Babel "

In the legends of the Holy Grail, a certain miraculous stone is constantly mentioned that came to earth from heaven. “And this stone is called the Grail,” said one of the ballads of Wolfram von Eschenbach, the poet-knight. His ballad told about a wonderful stone - Lapis Exilis, wandering around the world and giving its bearer divine power and wisdom. The image of a mysterious stone, carrying mystical power, runs through the entire history of Europe and the countries of the East. Why is the image of the Grail somehow connected in legends with another mysterious symbol - the "philosopher's stone" of the alchemists? Does this symbol have anything to do with Lapis Exilis, Wolfram von Eschenbach's "Wandering Stone"? According to Eschenbach's ballad, this stone fell to earth from the sky. One of the old German legends tells that a mysterious stone was brought to earth by a host of angels.

Even in the legends about Atlantis, a certain stone is mentioned - the messenger of heaven, containing the heavenly fire, whose power is able to protect and lead along the way better life whole countries and peoples. What is it? A question that has not been answered until recently.

So, we see that the revival of Russia is directly associated with the "arrival" of a certain Man and a certain Stone. And it was at the beginning of the 21st century.

“O people of the dawn, have no doubts. The appointed day has come. "

"Lord Buddha"

"You will not find any more signs of evil, you will again become a cosmic race."

« Seven Perfect Predictions "

Prophecies of the 14th century seer Vasily Nemchin.

"In the 20th century, when it will be six times 15 years (Since 1990), demons hiding under other banners will rule Russia, but after a while they will break on a bear's head and paws. After the demons reign in Russia, the" Second Titan "will appear (second after Peter the Great), he is also a "Giant", but for the first 3 years he will cast out demons, and for another 3 years Russia will move away from the upheavals, and in the very last years of his reign, the "Second Giant" will wander around a labyrinth, and at this time on his shoulders (or behind him) there will be a "dwarf with a black face. One day the" Second Titan "himself will leave the throne, although almost no one will expect this from him at all ... Soon after renouncing the throne "The Second Titan", a difficult time will come in Russia and the "Great Horseman" will appear, aka " Great Sovereign", And he is the" Swift Sovereign ", whose wife will be a" golden-haired woman "and who will rule Russia for a very short time, only 2 years, and it is during this time of his reign that there will be a war. After him, in the time of troubles, "ten kings" will come to the throne, who will all together rule Russia. Ten Kings will rise from the vague kingdom. And after them there will be a different person, different from all previous rulers, he will be a sage and esoteric who possesses secret knowledge, he was mortally ill, but he will completely heal himself - "The Great Potter". He promulgates the concept of the New State, built exclusively on a completely independent economy based solely on self-sufficient principles. The great Potter will come to the very pinnacle of power in Russia when personally two fives come together for him. Under the "Great Potter", 15 leaders will unite, who will create a New Great Power. The state of Russia will be recreated within new borders. "

The predictions of the monk Ragno Nero in the 14th century.

“In the Northern Country of Hyperboreans - a new universal religion of Fire and Light will appear in Russia ... northern country Hyperboreans, where she will be revealed in her new quality. "

The ancient prophecy of the monk Abel about the future of Russia.

“In the distant future, Russia will be ruled by the Chosen One of God and his name is destined three times in history Orthodox Russia, and on his head is the Blessing of God ... But his name will be hidden until the time ... Russia will become great with him, she will return to the origins of her ancient life, a great destiny is destined for Russia ... "

Prophecy 1930 of St. Theophan of Poltava.

"Something that no one expects will happen, Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised ... That Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but the true faith will not only be revived, but will triumph ...".

The prediction of Paracelsus.

"There is one people that Herodotus called the Hyperboreans - the ancestors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations - the Aryans, which means" noble ", and the current name of the ancestral land of this ancient people is Muscovy. a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a great great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of blessings, which will come already at the beginning of the 21st century, that is, even before 2040. "

The clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted:

“Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will begin in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis, however, after 2010 the former USSR will revive, but will revive in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world.

Each person will begin to live for the sake of his neighbor, and this principle of life was born in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes, but it is Russia that will give the whole world this hope. The new Leader of Russia will not be known to anyone for many years, but one day, he will unexpectedly come into power thanks to the power of his new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will become the Master of the World, will become the Law that brings light and prosperity to everything on the planet ... His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire race of people dreamed of throughout his entire existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and him his comrades-in-arms will become fantastically strong and mighty almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his companions to become practically immortal ... The rest of the people will call him and even his descendants, who have lived for 600 years only as Gods ... He, his descendants, there will be no shortage of his companions in anything - neither clean fresh water, nor food, nor clothing, nor energy, nor weapons, for the reliable protection of all these benefits, at a time when the rest of the world will be in chaos , poverty, hunger and even cannibalism. ... God will be with him ... He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization all over the world ... His home, and the home of his new race will be in the South of Siberia ... "

Clairvoyant Vanga predicted in 1996.

"A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life ... The new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and most true teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear and will be replaced it's new philosophical doctrine Fiery Bible.

Russia is the progenitor of all Slavic states, and those that separated from her will soon return to her in a new capacity. Socialism will return to Russia in a new form, Russia will have large collective and cooperative agriculture, and the former Soviet Union, but the union is already new. Russia will grow stronger and stronger, no one can stop Russia, there is no such force that could break Russia. Russia will sweep away everything in its path, and not only will it remain, but will also become the sole undivided "mistress of the world", and even America in the 2030s will recognize the complete superiority of Russia. Russia will once again become a strong and mighty real empire, and will again be called by the old ancient name Rus. "

Prophecy of the soothsayer Max Handel.

“The Highest Initiate will appear publicly at the very end of the present era, this will happen when a sufficiently large number of ordinary citizens themselves wish to completely voluntarily submit to such a Leader. This is how the soil will be created for the emergence of a New Race, and all current races and nations will cease to exist ... It is from the Slavs that the New People of the Earth will arise ... Humanity will form a United Spiritual Brotherhood ... The main factor that will advance the Slavic race much higher than their current state will be music, and it is music that will allow, even in the absence of the proper intellect, to mentally rise much higher in the level of harmony ... "

American clairvoyant Jane Dixon.

"Natural disasters at the beginning of the 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least of all affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have an opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come from Russia."

The prediction of the astrologer and clairvoyant Yuri Ovidin.

"Russia will become the homeland of a completely new religion ... A Representative of the Universe is already on earth, he will create a religion of the future based on the idea of ​​spiritual purity ..."

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