Secondary vocational education (SVE) - college institute. Secondary vocational education

  • 9. Money and their functions. The amount of money in circulation.
  • 11. Production costs and their types.
  • 13. Capital market. Percent. Interest rate and its determining factors.
  • 14. The labor market and its characteristics. Labor cost. Forms and systems of wages.
  • 15. Unemployment and its types. Natural unemployment rate and full employment. State regulation of the labor market.
  • 16.3Harse rent and its types. Differential rent 1 and 2.
  • 17. Investment and national income. Multiplier theory.
  • 18. National economy and measurement of its results. Key macroeconomic indicators. Vvp, vnd and their components.
  • 20. Market of perfect competition. The behavior of the firm in the market of perfect competition.
  • 21. Banks and their role in a market economy. Monetary policy instruments.
  • 23. State budget and its structure. Fiscal deficit and public debt.
  • 24. Taxes in a market economy.
  • 25. Fiscal policy of the state and its types.
  • 26. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Macroeconomic equilibrium.
  • 27. Economic growth, its types and factors.
  • 28. International trade. State foreign trade policy.
  • 29. International movement of capital and its forms.
  • 30. World monetary system. The exchange rate and its determining factors.
  • 9 Question: Practical methods.
  • 16. Levels and forms of implementation of methodological activities.
  • 17. The content and structure of research activities of a teacher of vocational training.
  • 18. The concept of teaching aids. Classification of teaching aids.
  • 22. Forms of organizing the learning process. Lecture, seminar, practical and laboratory work as forms of organizing educational activities.
  • 23. Industrial practice as a form of organization of educational activities
  • 24. Content of primary vocational education. Types of educational institutions
  • 26. Educational institutions for
  • 5. Teaching methods
  • 28. Technology of training specialists in secondary vocational school
  • 29. Features of additional professional education
  • 30. Types of additional professional education:
  • 26. Educational institutions for

    V Soviet time secondary vocational education could be obtained in technical schools, as well as schools (for example, medical School).

    In post-Soviet times, part technical schools renamed to colleges... Currently, secondary vocational education can be obtained in technical schools and colleges... Differences in terms are defined in the Model Regulations on an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution) w:

    7. The following types of secondary special educational institutions:

    a) technical school - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic vocational educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training;

    b) college - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.

    In other words, technical College and college teach in specialties in which secondary vocational education can be obtained in 3 years (in some specialties - in 2 years). Moreover, in college training is also mandatory for advanced training programs (4 years).

    From point of view organizational and legal forms, in the field of secondary vocational education there are:

      State educational institutions secondary vocational education (GOU SPO), including - autonomous institutions;

      Non-state educational institutions secondary vocational education (LEU SPO)

      Autonomous non-profit organizations secondary vocational education (ANOO SPO).

    Admission to educational institutions of open source

    Admission to educational institutions of open source software is carried out on the basis of basic general education niya (9 classes), as well as on the basis average (full) general education ... Currently, the main contingent of students in technical schools and colleges It has basic general education: the law "On the warrior

    responsibilities and military service»U does not grant deferment from conscription to military service to persons who have secondary (complete) general education not studying in universities; in addition, due to the low competition for many specialties in higher education institutions, applicants with secondary (complete) general education prefer to receive higher education.

    The list of specialties of secondary vocational education is approved by order Mi-Nobrosciences of Russia dated 04/12/2005 No. 112 w (as amended on 05/18/2006 d1). WITH January 1, 2010, for admission to the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, implemented in accordance with federal state educational standards, the list of specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 28.09.2009 No. 355 sh.

    Features of vocational education and training in comparison with primary vocational education Institutions NGOs (Initial vocational education) and open source software are combined under general terms SSUZ (Secondary specialized educational institution).

      The average professional education aims at training middle-level specialists, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education.

      Citizens who have primary vocational education of the corresponding profile receive secondary vocational education under reduced programs.

      Secondary vocational education can be obtained in educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institutions) or at the first stage of educational institutions of higher vocational education.

      An educational institution of secondary vocational education can implement educational programs primary vocational education with the appropriate license

    Types of educational institutions of secondary vocational education

    There are two main types of secondary specialized educational institutions:technical school (school) college

    Technical school (school)

    The main type of secondary vocational educational institution that implements the basic vocational educational programs of secondary vocational education basic level.


    Secondary vocational educational institution of an increased level, which implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of the basic and advanced level. A college can be an independent educational institution or a structural unit of a university

    In addition to a technical school and college, secondary vocational education can be obtained at a higher educational institution, if the university offers open source programs.

    25. Primary vocational education institutions produce skilled workers and employees.

    Admission to state and municipal institutions of primary vocational education is carried out on applications from applicants on a competitive basis in the manner prescribed by the founder and the Charter educational institution.

    The length of study at this level depends on the educational level of the accepted student. Students entering after grade 9 have a two- or three-year training. Students who enter after grade 11 take one or two years of training. However, in some primary vocational schools, there is a shift towards the profile of technical schools. This is manifested in the extension of the term of study up to 3 or 4 years, depending on the level of education of the student.

    Forms of education - daytime and evening.

    The traditional types of educational institutions at this level of education are vocational schools (vocational schools (VET)). V last years formed a network of educational institutions of primary vocational education of a new type - vocational lyceums that train highly qualified workers.

    The activities of these institutions are regulated by the Model Regulations on the Establishment of Primary Vocational Education, adopted on 05.06.1994.

    In the last years of the existence of the USSR, the list of professions for which vocational schools were trained reached 1400 titles. At the beginning of 1999, in accordance with the adopted federal standards, this list was sharply reduced.

    Despite the fact that over the past 10 years there has been a clear tendency towards a decrease in the total number of students, primary vocational institutions still remain an important link in the education system, which involves obtaining a profession before graduating from secondary school. As a rule, such education is in demand by young people from single-parent or disadvantaged families, when an additional source of income is required. For children of this social stratum, when the prospect of obtaining a certificate of secondary education is closed, there is a chance to continue their studies.

    In a short period of time, the system of primary vocational education has undergone significant changes in specialization. In accordance with the needs of the labor market, a new, integrated list of professions has been introduced (currently training is being conducted in more than 280 integrated professions). The professions of the service sector, transport, food and trade have come to the fore. Completely new professions of social workers, organizers of small business, ecologists, designers, which are in demand by society, have appeared, which have increased the competitiveness of graduates of these educational institutions in the labor market. At the same time, the share of professions in industry and construction has decreased.

    State educational standards for primary vocational education and basic curricula have been developed. The continuity of educational programs of this level with programs of secondary vocational education has significantly increased.

    Secondary vocational education

    Secondary vocational education is a qualitatively defined level of the vocational education system, which occupies a significant place in meeting the educational needs of an individual and society. Currently, 22% of the population of Russia have this education. In economics and social sphere employs about 20 million specialists with secondary vocational education, which is 33% of the total number of employees or 62% of the number of employed specialists.

    In accordance with the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education, vocational secondary education is equivalent to practice-oriented higher or pre-university higher education.

    Secondary vocational education in Russia is implemented according to two main educational programs - the basic level and the advanced level. After mastering the basic level program, the graduate is awarded the qualification "technician". An increased level of secondary vocational education provides deepening or expansion of training compared to the basic level (while the training period is increased by 1 year). A graduate with advanced training is awarded the qualification "senior technician", with the expansion of training - "technician with additional training in the field ..." (indicating a specific area - management, economics, computer science, etc.).

    Students in a specialized secondary educational institution - students (cadets), listeners and other categories of students.

    The content of educational programs of secondary vocational education is regulated by the State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education (SES SPE), which consists of 2 parts: a federal component that determines national requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates, and a national-regional component. In connection with its expiration in 2001, a new State educational standard of secondary vocational education was developed - the Classifier of specialties of secondary vocational education.

    Secondary vocational education is implemented in various forms: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, external studies based on basic general education (9 grades comprehensive school) or secondary (complete) general education (11 classes of a comprehensive school). Admission to institutions of secondary vocational education is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations. Annually, about 11% of graduates of basic general education schools and about 23% of graduates of secondary (complete) schools become students of secondary specialized educational institutions.

    The term of study under the program of secondary vocational education of a basic level in full-time form on the basis of secondary (complete) general education is 2-3 years, depending on the profile of training.

    The term of study is part-time and extramural forms increases by 1 year in comparison with the period of study full-time... When implementing secondary vocational education on the basis of basic

    general education, the term of study is increased by 1 year in comparison with the period of study on the basis of secondary (complete) general education.

    There are two main types of secondary specialized educational institutions: technical school (school) and college.

    The technical school (school) implements the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of the basic level; college - the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of the basic and advanced level. The implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education can also be carried out in higher educational institutions.

    The activities of educational institutions of this link are regulated by the Model Regulations on an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution), adopted on 03.03.2001.

    Secondary vocational education is provided in more than 300 specialties. During the 1990s, several dozen new specialties were introduced, mainly in the fields of social sphere, service, new information technologies.

    Persons with secondary vocational education of the corresponding profile can receive higher vocational education under reduced accelerated programs. At the same time, the reduction in the period of study at a university is, as a rule, 1 year in the presence of a secondary vocational education of a basic level, 1-2 years in the presence of a secondary vocational education of an advanced level.

    The system of secondary vocational education includes 2.6 thousand state and municipal secondary specialized educational institutions and departments of universities that implement educational programs of secondary vocational education.

    Currently in Russian Federation there are more than 2,650 state and municipal secondary specialized educational institutions and departments of universities that implement educational programs of secondary vocational education. The number of students is 2.1 million people, the educational process is provided by 123 thousand full-time teachers.

    The non-state sector of secondary vocational education is actively developing, which includes more than 130 secondary specialized educational institutions, in which more than 20 thousand students study.

    In 2005, the transfer of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education from the federal to the regional level was carried out. This made it possible to start creating integrated educational institutions implementing programs of different levels. In accordance with the Program for the reorganization of vocational and technical education, developed by the Education Department of the Moscow Government, it is envisaged to integrate all three skill levels within a single educational process... In accordance with the City Program, it is envisaged to divide educational institutions of a vocational and technical profile into 4 main types. A polytechnic college, a college of construction, a college for the training of trade, service and consumer services workers, and a college that will train workers and mid-level professionals for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Thus, the enlargement of educational institutions took place in Moscow.

    This will make it possible to develop a system of multilevel continuous vocational education, in which the level of training of skilled workers will significantly increase, the prestige of vocational schools of a new type will increase, and vocational schools will turn into colleges that meet European standards of vocational education. Now institutions of pre-university vocational education are represented by one type of educational institutions.

    Colleges are state educational institutions of secondary vocational education that implement successive and integrated educational programs of basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational (basic and advanced levels) and secondary vocational (basic and advanced levels) education, providing students with the opportunity to consistently improve their general educational and professional levels and the growth of the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. Colleges are organized according to the program-branch principle, which provides for the organization of training in professions and specialties that meet the needs of one industry or urban economy as a whole in the city; and according to the territorial-sectoral principle, providing for the organization of training in professions and specialties that meet the needs of the urban economy in a specific territory

    Higher professional education

    In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education and depending on the number of areas of study of students, the types of universities are established as follows: universities, academies and institutes.

    A higher educational institution of any kind and its branches can implement educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary and secondary vocational education, as well as additional vocational education if they have an appropriate license.

    All 3 types of higher educational institutions, in addition to the above educational programs, as a rule, also implement educational programs of postgraduate vocational education and carry out training, retraining and (or) advanced training of highly qualified workers, scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, conduct fundamental and (or) applied Scientific research.

    Training is carried out in full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, in the form of external studies.

    For all forms, including in the case of their combination within a specific educational program, there is a single state educational standard.

    Graduates of universities can have qualifications: bachelor, graduate, master in the relevant areas of training (specialties), and the corresponding educational programs can be implemented both continuously and in stages.

    The university issues a state-recognized document (diploma) on the level of education and (or) its qualifications to a graduate who has passed the final state attestation for an accredited educational program.

    The general management of the university is carried out by an elected representative body - the Academic Council. The term of office of the Academic Council is 5 years.

    The academic council includes the rector (chairman), vice-rectors, as well as, by decision of the academic council of the university, deans of faculties. Other members of the Academic Council are elected by the general meeting (conference) of the university. The rector exercises direct control over the activities of the university. His office is elective, the term of office is 5 years.

    The volume and structure of admission of students to the first year of a state university is dictated by the admission control figures, which are established annually by the relevant federal executive body in charge of the university. In addition to the assignments for the admission of students, the university has the right to train specialists under the relevant agreements with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities.

    The activities of a higher educational institution are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" dated 08.22.96 and the Model Regulations on an Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (Higher Educational Institution) of the Russian Federation, adopted on 05.04.2001.

    The public consciousness of young people has changed. Now the majority of applicants understand that a career and, in general, all life depends on the choice of a university. Competition in the labor market has increased dramatically. Senior students prefer to start work even before graduation in order to be provided with jobs upon graduation. The employer, on the other hand, takes into account not only the specialty in the diploma, but also the assessments in the main disciplines.

    Qualitative changes also include the emergence of diplomas for different qualifications, the emergence of new specialties and new forms of education. So, for example, the number of new academic disciplines(not on the state list) exceeded 200 - from computer technology to taxation, clinical psychology and international corporate finance.

    However, in the future, the number of people wishing to get higher education will begin to decline. This will be caused not by the outflow of applicants to other levels of education, but by the demographic situation in the country. The peak of the birth rate ended in 1986-1987. Therefore, by 2010, according to the Public Opinion Foundation, there will be a maximum of 759 thousand applicants against the current 1.3 million people. This could mean that the number of higher education institutions will also begin to decline.

    Additional professional education

    Additional vocational and pedagogical education is an independent direction in pedagogical science and practice. It is a systemic object, which includes the following interrelated structural elements: educational institutions for advanced training of specialists, educational centers and classrooms, educational institutions

    vocational education, refresher courses, scientific institutions, social, cultural and information institutions, vocational education management bodies, public organizations.

    The system of advanced training performs narrower functions than the system considered above, namely, increasing the professional competence and general culture of the employee. It is an integral part of the system of additional vocational education, is relatively independent and has elements of any pedagogical system (purpose, content and teaching methods, teachers, students, teaching aids, etc.).

    Professional development of engineering and pedagogical workers takes place both in the process of educational and methodological activities in various links of the advanced training system, and through self-education. Both of these processes are interdependent and complement each other, although the role of each of them in the process of professional growth is not the same. Coursework serves as a stimulus for self-education, orients it in the right direction. In turn, self-education significantly complements the knowledge that teachers acquired in the courses.

    Currently, self-education occupies the main place in professional development, and it is necessary to make this process continuous, systematic, and manageable. The latter becomes one of the main goals of the professional development system: using all possible forms training - full-time (as a rule, short-term and episodic), part-time, part-time, to acquaint the engineering and pedagogical worker with the methods and techniques of self-education, to show him the right path for self-improvement, to equip him with appropriate methodological recommendations and teaching aids.

    The above allows us to formulate the requirements that must be met by the system of additional vocational education for engineering and pedagogical workers.

    The system of additional vocational education should predict and track changes occurring in a vocational school, adequately respond to these changes when defining goals, content and teaching methods.

    The purpose of training in the system of additional professional education is to master knowledge, skills and abilities, to solve practical problems at a high professional level. In the name of this, the teacher must master new principles and methods of managing the process of teaching and educating young people.

    In the context of changing the status and role of the teacher in new conditions, expanding and complicating his functions, the system of additional vocational education should be mobile and sufficiently take into account the individual characteristics of each person.

    The use of the principle of polyfunctionality and multilevelness presupposes a serious restructuring of the educational process, its content, forms and methods of teaching. Two particulars should be noted important points in the new system of additional vocational education: structural and substantial. New pedagogical technologies are the core of the content side of the multifunctional multilevel education system.

    In the system of additional vocational education, the main thing is a well-thought-out formulation of a sequence of tasks, the solution of which should lead to a deeper study of the professional sphere of activity by the teacher. The solution of the problem, which used to be a means of testing knowledge, the degree of their assimilation, now becomes the goal of learning, and the assimilation of knowledge is a means of achieving it. The motivation for the assimilation of knowledge is the very need for this knowledge and the result of its application. This is possible only when the need for knowledge is directly linked to the results of its application. This overcomes the alienation of a specialist who improves his qualifications from the educational process: a task that was previously solved using external means of motivation is now solved with the help of internal motivation for learning.

    When teaching in the traditional education system, the volume of a teacher's knowledge was set a priori, in addition to his experience, as something to be learned, in addition to his experience, as something to be learned, due to the fact that he chose this profession, then when teaching in a new pedagogical system - in the system continuous professional development, the amount of knowledge is set on the basis of the expanding work experience of a specialist - as what he needs in solving emerging problems.

    Analysis of the real educational system in Russia confirms that it is an alloy of elements of traditional and emerging lifelong education. There is a process of gradual withering away of the elements of traditional education and an ever wider introduction of ideas and methods of problem-based learning. Continuing education is becoming a priority and central direction in the strategy of educational policy. Education is given a new quality, the pivotal idea is the development of the personality of a schoolchild, student, specialist in any sphere of professional labor activity.

    Continuing education is not a level, stage, form or type of education, it is a system that has a specific structure and organization, a new content, based on its own ideas and principles, has established new functions and, in general, is solving many old problems in a new way.

    This article presents the experience of developing an assessment system educational outcomes development of FGOS SPO in GBOU SPO RH "TKHiS". The answers to the questions are given: what do we evaluate? when do we evaluate? how do we evaluate? how do we rate? who rates7




    educational outcomes of mastering


    "College of Public Utilities and Service"

    “Evaluation is the correct blood circulation

    without it, stagnation and painful phenomena are inevitable "

    N. Ostrovsky

    V modern world an important priority of society and the education system is the ability of young people entering life to independently solve the problems they face, and the result of education is "measured" by the experience of solving such problems. Therefore, such competencies of a graduate as, for example, the ability to develop and test hypotheses, the ability to work in a project mode, initiative in decision-making, etc., come to the fore. But the process of forming students' competencies cannot be complete without a well-thought-out system of means of measuring and evaluating them.

    The relevance of studying the assessment process is always noted. Management of any process cannot be effective without feedback. The need for assessment is noted by all participants in the educational process: students, teachers, parents. Grades are an integral part of the educational process.

    It is impossible to organize any activity, including educational and cognitive, without assessment, since this process is one of the components of activity, its regulator, an indicator of effectiveness. Evaluation is a process, and evaluation is the result.

    Assessment is the control of the quality of education.

    Assessment is a tool that allows you to measure development, progress in teaching.

    Assessment is a way of correcting the activities of students, with the help of which the teacher determines the level of preparedness of the student.

    Assessment, like all processes, has its own functions: educational, stimulating, analytical - corrective, upbringing, developing, control:

    The educational function lies in the fact that verification, control, accounting remain organic elements of training and their task is not so much to identify, record the state of affairs, the level of training, but to promote learning, correct mistakes, instruct, help in further progress;

    The stimulating function as a continuation and addition to the educational one is designed to ensure that the control does not disorganize the student's activities, but inspires him, instills confidence in the attainability of new goals, a higher level of training and development;

    Analytical - corrective function is associated with the teacher's pedagogical reflection, his introspection, improving the planning and organization of training. This function also applies to the student, ways of overcoming difficulties, correction and self-correction of educational and cognitive activities;

    The upbringing and developmental functions are associated with the formation of adequate self-esteem, responsibility, aspiration, volitional self-regulation and other socially valuable abilities and character traits;

    Finally, the monitoring function ensures that the level of achievement, its compliance with norms and standards, and progress towards more high levels knowledge acquisition and development.

    In accordance with the federal state educational standard(hereinafter - FSES) SPE assessment of the quality of mastering the basic professional educational program (hereinafter - OBEP) in a technical school includes current control of knowledge, intermediate and state (final) certification of students.

    Specific forms - credit, differential credit, exam - and procedures for current control of knowledge, intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module are determined by the curriculum for each program and are communicated to students within the first two months from the start of training.

    To assess the quality of training of students and graduates, which is carried out in two main directions: assessing the level of mastering disciplines and assessing the competencies of students, CBS kits have been developed.

    2. What are we evaluating?

    The development of assessment tools began withdetermination of the main indicators of the assessment of the result(hereinafter - OBOR) as complexes of skills, knowledge and practical experience in accordance with the curricula of academic disciplines and professional modules of OBOR.

    OPOR are determined according to the following rules:

    1) division according to the technological cycle of work: planning - preparation - performance of work - control and correction of errors in the process of work - result - quality control of the result;

    2) formulation in the form of short sentences with a capital verbal noun, while the formulations can cover both a complex of activities and the implementation of individual actions;

    general competences (OK)

    The main indicators for assessing the results of developmentprofessional competencies (PC)presented in the decomposition of the OPOR to elementary knowledge and skills and elements of practical experience in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the SPE by coding, denoting logical connections: knowledge - skill - practical experience - competence.



    competence in



    and name







    and name





    and name

    skill element


    and name

    element of knowledge

    PC2.1 Carry out the repair of the water supply and drainage system of the building.

    1. equipment for water supply and sewerage systems;

    PO1 Execution of repair work of buildings, structures, structures, equipment of water supply systems, sewerage, heating of housing and communal services

    PO2 Registration of regulatory documentation

    Y1 Determination of the cause and elimination of malfunctioning equipment of water supply systems, wastewater disposal of housing and communal services;

    З1 The essence, purpose and content of maintenance and repair of equipment for water supply systems, wastewater disposal of housing and communal services;

    Z6 Types of maintenance: routine (intrashift) maintenance, routine inspections, periodic inspections, supervision;

    1.2 Carrying out locksmith work

    1.3 Performing electric and gas welding during the repair of systems B and B

    U3 Testing of repaired systems and equipment of housing and communal services;

    Z2 Knowledge of normative and technical documentation

    Z11 Repair documentation

    З13 General principles of repair technology

    OP.01 Technical drawing


    competence in



    and name


    evaluation indicators



    Learning outcomes (learned skills, learned knowledge)


    and the name of the skill element


    and name

    element of knowledge

    PC 1.1. Ensure the operation of the building's water supply and sewerage system.

    1. Reading drawings and sketches of water supply and sanitation.

    2. Execution of drawings and sketches of water supply and sewerage.

    3. Reading technical and design and technical documentation.

    U2 carry out drawings and sketches

    Z1 requirements of a unified system of design documentation

    Z2 basic rules for building drawings

    З3 types of normative and technical documentation

    З4 rules for reading technical and design and technical documentation.

    3. When do we evaluate?

    The next step is the separation of the OPOR for current control, intermediate certification and state (final) certification.

    Professional competence

    according to the Federal State Educational Standard

    Main factors



    Types of certification

    "Internal" rating system

    "External" rating system



    Intermediate certification










    PC 1.1.

    Ensure the operation of the water supply and drainage system of the building.

    1. 1. Diagnostics determinationsigns of malfunctions during the operation of buildings, structures, structures, equipment of water supply systems, water disposal of the building.

    1.2. Conducting scheduled inspections of buildings, structures, structures, equipment for water supply systems, drainage, heating of housing and communal services

    PM02 Execution of repair work of buildings, structures, structures, equipment of water supply, drainage, heating and lighting systems of housing and communal services

    Professional competence

    according to the Federal State Educational Standard

    Key assessment indicators


    Types of certification



    Intermediate certification

    The state










    PK1 Carry out repair of the water supply and drainage system of the building.

    1.1 Competent conclusion on the results of diagnosisequipment for water supply and sewerage systems

    OP.01 Technical drawing

    Code and name of an element of skills or knowledge

    Types of certification





    U2 - to carry out drawings and sketches

    З 1 - requirements of a unified system of design documentation

    4. How do we evaluate?

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, for each main professional educational program, a fund of assessment tools (hereinafter - FOS) is created, containing assessment materials by types of control:

    current control carried out by the teacher in the process of studying by students teaching material(incoming control; control on practical exercises, when performing laboratory work, etc.);

    Interim attestation carried out by the attestation / examination committee after study theoretical material academic discipline / professional module, passing educational / industrial practice, etc .;

    State (final) attestation conducted by the state attestation commission.

    Assessment tools are divided into types according to their functional belonging and are coded.

    On the basis of competence, the assessment tools are assigned to a specific type of professional activity and professional competence according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

    The FOS provides for the classification of assessment tools by objects of control and assessment: competencies; ability (according to the main indicator for assessing the result of training); practical experience (according to the main indicator for assessing the result of training); productive skills; reproductive skills and knowledge.

    Evaluation means of current control and intermediate certification are divided into control tasks, performance indicators, evaluation criteria.

    In terms of complexity, control tasks are divided into simple and complex control tasks. Simple (elementary) control tasks involve a solution in one or two steps. These include: test tasks with a choice of answer options, to establish a correspondence, or to establish the correct sequence; simple situational tasks with a short answer or simple action; simple tasks to reproduce a text, solution or manual action.

    Complex control tasks require multi-pass solutions in both known and non-standard situations. These are tasks that require a step-by-step solution and a detailed answer, incl. test, and tasks for individual or collective implementation of projects, for laboratory work or practical actions on simulators, machine tools, mannequins, etc. Complex test assignments are used to test a student's complex skills or competencies.

    Evaluation criteria are necessary to determine the numerical equivalent for incorrectly or correctly performed (solved) control task. For simple control tasks, this is, as a rule, a binary sign of the correct answer (solution): dichotomous assessment - 1 (correct / yes), 0 - (incorrect / no). For complex control tasks, either a binary or an assessment is used, which involves setting a point grade (in ascending order) for each intermediate correct answer, decision or correctly performed action.

    Evaluation tools for state (final) certification of graduates of a technical school include: a task for execution, main indicators for evaluating results and criteria for evaluating the results of the implementation and defense of the final qualifying work.

    The assignment for the performance of the final qualifying work contains the topic of the FQP and short description: actions (activities) of the certified and / or planned work result; conditions, used materials, tools and devices (apparatus) and, if necessary, a draft permit for work in the established form, defined by regulatory documents. Performing attestable writing examination work is assessed according to the main indicators of evaluating the results in accordance with certain criteria in terms of describing the developed process for performing the final practical qualification work, the equipment used, tools, instruments and devices, parameters and modes of the process.

    In accordance with the codifier of assessment tools, the content-competence matrices of assessment tools were drawn up separately for monitoring, monitoring the results of educational / industrial practice, intermediate and state (final) attestations, which contain information on the distribution of types and number of assessment tools or by elements of knowledge and skills , or on the OPOR in the context of the content of the training material.

    Sets of control and assessment tools (CBS) are created for each professional module and academic discipline, which reflect: purpose, structure, contingent of attested, conditions of use, requirements for certification, etc. Based on the specification, OS variants of a specific type are developed, including initial data necessary for solving tasks, conditions, materials, etc.

    Evaluation tool specification

    1. Appointment

    The specification establishes the requirements for the content and design of the options for the evaluation tool.

    The examination task is a part of the set of control and assessment tools and is intended for intermediate certification and assessment of the knowledge and skills of the attested, corresponding to the main indicators for assessing the results of the program of the discipline "Technical drawing" of the main professional educational program 270802.13 Master of housing and communal services.

    1. Contingent of attested: students of the Housing and Communal Services-11 group of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of SPO RH "Technical School of Public Utilities and Service"
    2. Certification conditions: certification is carried out in the form of a written exam upon completion of the development of educational material

    Examination ticket for the academic discipline "Technical Drawing"

    Name of objects of control and assessment

    Assimilation level

    The number of control tasks in the ticket

    Z1 - requirements of a unified system of design documentation

    Z2- basic rules for building drawings

    З3- types of normative and technical documentation

    З4- rules for reading technical and design-technical documentation.

    U2-carry out drawings and sketches


    1. How do we rate?

    Percentage of success (correct answers)

    Qualitative assessment of the level of training

    score (mark)

    verbal counterpart

    90 ÷ 100


    80 ÷ 89


    70 ÷ 79


    less than 70

    not satisfactory

    Universal scale for assessing educational achievement

    a). Matrix of assessments of students' educational achievements based on the results of current control

    Assessment of students' educational achievements based on the results of current control of the development of the professional module program

    teaching material

    under the PM program

    Assessment of student's educational achievements ______________________________

    PC 1.1.

    PC n.n

    SUPPORT 1.1

    SUPPORT 1.n

    SUPPORT n.n


    Section 1. Topic 1.1. ………………


    Section 1. Topic 1.2. ………….


    Section 2. Topic 2.1. ……………….


    Section 2. Topic 2.2. …………….




    Section n. Topic n.1 ……


    Integral assessment (median) of the elements of the OPOR for current control

    Percentage of positive ratings

    Assessment of the level of training

    Assessment of students' achievements based on the results of current control of the development of the academic discipline program

    teaching material

    under the UD program

    Assessment of student's educational achievements ______________________________

    (score positive - 1 / negative - 0)



    З n.


    Topic 1.1. ………………


    Topic 1.2. ………….


    Topic 1.3. ………….


    Topic 1.4 …………….


    Topic 1.5 ……………….


    Topic 2.1. ……………….


    Topic 2.2. …………….




    Topic n.1 ……


    Percentage of positive ratings

    Assessment of the level of training

    b). Matrix of assessments of students' achievements based on the results of educational or industrial (pre-diploma) practice

    FULL NAME. members of

    practice attestation commission

    Assessment of student's educational achievements ______________________________ in practice

    (score positive - 1 / negative - 0)

    PC 1.1. (OK 1)

    PC n.n (OK n)

    SUPPORT 1.1

    SUPPORT 1.2

    SUPPORT n.n

    SUPPORT n.1

    SUPPORT n.n



    Percentage of positive ratings

    Assessment of the level of training

    v). Matrix of assessments of students' educational achievements based on the results of intermediate certification

    Assessment of students' educational achievements based on the results of intermediate certification in the professional module program

    Assessment of the student's educational achievements ______________________________ based on the results of intermediate certification for the professional module program

    (score positive - 1 / negative - 0)

    PC 1.1

    PC 1.2

    PC n.n

    OK 1

    SUPPORT 1.1

    SUPPORT 1.2

    SUPPORT 1.3

    SUPPORT n.n

    SUPPORT 2.1

    SUPPORT 2.2

    SUPPORT n.n

    SUPPORT n.1

    SUPPORT n.n

    SUPPORT 1.n.

    SUPPORT n.n





    … …


    … …


    … …


    Cumulative estimate (median) of the ROR for current control

    Cumulative estimate (median) of the PROR in practice

    Integrated assessment (median) of the OBOR for intermediate attestation

    Integral assessment (median) of competencies

    Percentage of positive ratings


    FULL NAME. members of the attestation commission

    Assessment of the student's educational achievements ______________________________ based on the results of intermediate certification for the program of the academic discipline

    (score positive - 1 / negative - 0)






    З n.

































    Percentage of positive ratings


    Assessment of the level of training (on a universal scale)


    d). The matrix of assessments of students' achievements based on the results of the implementation and defense of the FQP.

    At the stage of state (final) certification, the state

    the attestation commission forms a matrix of achievement assessments

    students according to the results of the performance and defense of the graduation

    qualification work (WRC). This takes into account the ratings of the reviewer.

    and the leader made on the main indicators of the assessment of results.

    An integral assessment of the results of the implementation and protection of the FQP is determined

    as the median for each of the key performance indicators.

    6. Who is evaluating?

    The assessment of the competencies of graduates of the technical school is carried out by the state certification commission in stages, taking into account the assessments:

    general and professional competencies of graduates, demonstrated during the defense of final qualification works (assessment (owns / does not own) was made by members of the state final attestation in terms of indicators and criteria for assessing the result of defense of the final qualifying work);

    general and professional competencies made by the specialists of the technical school, based on the results of intermediate certification in academic disciplines (determined by the grades "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" and "passed" ("pass")) and professional modules (owns / does not owns), which are presented by the specialists of the technical school and are indicated in the appendix to the diploma;

    competencies of graduates made by members of the state attestation commission, based on the content of documents characterizing them educational achievements received outside the framework of the main professional educational program.

    At the stage of state (final) attestation, the state attestation commission forms a matrix of assessments of students' achievements based on the results of mastering general and professional competencies of OBEP.

    Code and name


    Rating (positive - 1 / negative - 0)


    assessment of the support

    as a result


    Integral assessment

    OPOR on




    assessment of the support for





    assessment of competencies







    PC 1.1.

    Ensure the operation of the building's water supply and sewerage system.







    Ensure the operation of the building heating system.






    PK1.4. Ensure the operation of structural elements of the building from different types materials (flights of stairs, windows, doors, roof, etc.)





    PC 2.1 Carry out the repair of the water supply and drainage system of the building.





    PC2.2 Repair the heating system of the building.





    OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.






    GC2 Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the leader.






    GC3. Analyze the working situation, carry out current and final control, assessment and correction of their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work.






    OK 4. Search for information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks.






    OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities






    OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, clients








    The assessment of the level of training based on the results of mastering the main professional educational program is determined by the state certification commission on a universal scale for assessing educational achievements.

    Secondary vocational education in Russia

    Educational institutions of open source

    In Soviet times, secondary vocational education could be obtained in technical schools, as well as colleges (for example, a medical school).

    In the post-Soviet period, some of the technical schools were renamed into colleges. Currently, secondary vocational education can be obtained in technical schools and colleges. Differences in terms are defined in the Model Regulations on an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution):

    7. The following types of secondary specialized educational institutions are established:
    a) technical school - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training;
    b) college - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.

    The list of specialties of secondary vocational education is approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 112 dated 12.04.2005 (as amended on 18.05.2006). From January 1, 2010. upon admission to the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, implemented in accordance with federal state educational standards, the list of specialties of secondary vocational education is applied, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 09.28.2009 No. 355.

    Features of vocational education and training in comparison with primary vocational education

    NGO Institutions (Initial vocational education) and SVE combine and implement two-stage training in primary and secondary vocational education programs. In accordance with the standard Regulations on an educational institution of secondary vocational education, an educational institution is also called the term SSUZ (Secondary specialized educational institution).

    1. Secondary vocational education is aimed at training middle-level specialists, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education.
    2. Citizens who have primary vocational education of the corresponding profile receive secondary vocational education under reduced programs.
    3. Secondary vocational education can be obtained in educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institutions) or at the first stage of educational institutions of higher vocational education.
    4. An educational institution of secondary vocational education can implement educational programs of primary vocational education with an appropriate license.

    see also

    Notes (edit)

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    See what "Vocational secondary education" is in other dictionaries:

      SECONDARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION- has the goal of training middle-level specialists, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education. Citizens who have ... ... Dictionary of Career Guidance and Psychological Support

      Secondary vocational education- 1. Secondary vocational education is aimed at training middle-level specialists, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary ... ... Official terminology

      Secondary vocational education- the average special education, the level of education acquired, as a rule, on the basis of complete or incomplete general secondary or primary vocational education in secondary vocational educational institutions. S.p.o. aims to ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

      SECONDARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION- specialized secondary education, the level of education acquired, as a rule, on the basis of a complete or incomplete general secondary in the corresponding prof. uch. institutions. Provides the individual with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to be independent. ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

      Secondary vocational education- education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, carried out in secondary specialized educational institutions or other educational institutions of secondary vocational ... ...

      Secondary vocational education- education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, carried out in secondary specialized educational institutions or other educational institutions of secondary vocational education, ... ... Dictionary of Legal Concepts

      SECONDARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION- the process of training middle-level specialists, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education; is a part… … Professional education. Dictionary

      Education, which is carried out by a licensed educational institution of secondary vocational education according to the main vocational educational program that provides training for mid-level specialists ... ... Glossary of terms in general and social pedagogy

      Advanced secondary vocational education- Secondary vocational education of an increased level is education, which is carried out by an educational institution of secondary vocational education that has an appropriate license for basic vocational education ... Dictionary of Legal Concepts

      SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN FINANCE AND CREDIT- in order to train specialists with secondary vocational education in the field of finance and credit, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation put into effect on June 17, 1997 state standard for specialists with secondary education in the specialties: 060100 - ... ... Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary


    • Methods of teaching the Russian language (primary classes). Textbook, ES Antonova, SV Bobrova, The textbook can be used to master the professional PM module. 01 TEACHING ON PRIMARY GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS (MDK. 01.01-01.08) in the specialty 050146 -… Series: Secondary vocational education Publisher: Secondary vocational education,
    • Electrical changes Practical textbook Secondary vocational education Khrustaleva Z Knorus,


    Document with changes made:
    (comes into force on September 1, 2003).

    Based on the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended by the Federal Law of 13.01.1996 N 12-FZ, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2001 N 160 "On Approval of the Model Regulations on the Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education (Secondary Specialized Educational Institution)" , order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 02.07.2001 N 2574 "On approval of the Regulation on state accreditation of an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution" .2000 N 3-2001

    I order:

    1. To approve the List of the main indicators of state accreditation of an educational institution of secondary vocational education (Appendix No. 1).

    2. To approve the criterion values ​​of the main indicators of state accreditation used in establishing the type of educational institution of secondary vocational education (Appendix No. 2).

    4. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister V.D. Shadrikova

    The minister
    V.M. Filippov

    Appendix N 1. List of main indicators of state accreditation of an educational institution of secondary vocational education

    Appendix N 1

    dated 01.10.2001 N 3251

    1. Indicators of state accreditation that determine the accreditation status of the type "educational institution of secondary vocational education"

    Indicator 1.1. Training content (compliance curricula and curricula of academic disciplines to the requirements of state educational standards).

    Indicator 1.2. Preparation quality:

    organization of the educational process;

    compliance of the level of training of students with the requirements of state educational standards;

    management and quality control system in an educational institution;

    demand for graduates.

    Indicator 1.3. Information and methodological support of the educational process:

    the state of the library fund;

    the state of the educational and information fund.

    Indicator 1.4. Material and technical support of the educational process:

    availability of educational and laboratory facilities, specialized classrooms, production equipment and technical means necessary for the implementation of a professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard;

    availability and equipment of practice bases, communication with enterprises and organizations.

    Indicator 1.5. Educational activities of an educational institution

    1.5.1. The presence in the educational institution of conditions for extracurricular work with students:

    presence of a concept educational work in an educational institution [of a program, plan, local acts regulating educational activities (reports of the board of an educational institution, departments, development of instructions, guidelines, seminars, etc.)];

    the presence of an administrative structure functionally responsible for educational work in an educational institution (administration, department responsible for educational work, supervision);

    presence of organs student government(trade union committee, clubs, associations, employment services, student construction brigades, order services, etc.);

    the availability and efficiency of using the material and technical base for extracurricular work with students (assembly halls, rehearsal rooms, sports and gyms, rooms for clubs, studios, circles, etc.);

    financial security outside learning activities(targeted funding of scientific, creative, sports activities of students, the presence of incentive mechanisms).

    1.5.2. Organization of educational work with students and the formation of incentives for personal development:

    use in order to educate the possibilities of the educational process (the presence in workers curricula moral, psychological and pedagogical aspects of the professional activity of future specialists, the development of specialized courses, the presence of a cultural and regional component);

    the presence in the educational institution of an assessment of the state of educational work with students (surveys of students, teachers, reports);

    the presence of elements of the educational work system:

    civil, patriotic, spiritual and moral education;

    research and vocational guidance work in an educational institution (student scientific society, Olympiads, competitions, organization of secondary employment, assistance in employment);

    work on the formation of traditions of an educational institution (large-circulation newspaper, a museum of the history of an educational institution, holding festive events, etc.);

    cultural and creative activities of students (a system of creative associations, shows, contests, festivals, exhibitions, etc.);

    sports and recreational work, promotion and implementation physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;

    organization of psychological counseling and preventive work (adaptation of freshmen, problems of a young family, prevention of delinquency, drug addiction and HIV infections);

    forms of encouragement for achievements in studies and extracurricular activities of students (certificates, awards, personal scholarships, titles, etc.).

    This indicator is assessed on a ten-point scale:

    Indicator score


    Information not provided

    Unsatisfactory condition. No work in progress

    Very low score. Not enough work

    Low grade. The work is carried out at a very low level. There are a lot of significant shortcomings

    Satisfactory mark. Significant shortcomings in work

    Average rating. The work is being carried out at a relatively acceptable level. There are some disadvantages

    Average rating. The work is being carried out at a fairly good level. Disadvantages are insignificant

    Good mark. The work is being carried out at a fairly good level. Disadvantages are few, insignificant and easy to correct

    High enough. Almost fully meets the requirements

    High. Fully meets the requirements

    Very high. Fully meets the requirements. Recommended for sharing experience

    (Indicator 1.5. As amended, entered into force on September 1, 2003 by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 27, 2002 N 4669

    2. Indicators of state accreditation used to determine the type of educational institution of secondary vocational education (technical school / school /, college)

    Indicator 2.1. Implemented professional educational programs.

    Indicator 2.2. Informatization of an educational institution.

    Indicator 2.3. The qualitative composition of the teaching staff.

    Indicator 2.4. Educational and educational-methodical work.

    Appendix N 2. The list of main indicators of state accreditation of an educational institution of secondary vocational education

    Appendix N 2
    to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia
    dated 01.10.2001 N 3249

    The criterion values ​​of the main indicators of state accreditation,
    used in establishing the type of educational institution of secondary
    vocational education

    State accreditation indicator


    Implemented professional educational programs

    For colleges -

    and the presence of certified in-depth professional programs providing students with an increased level of qualifications

    Informatization of an educational institution

    The number of computers per 100 students of the contingent reduced to full-time education:
    for a technical school - 4.0
    for college - 5.0

    Qualitative composition of teaching staff

    Percentage of teachers with higher education:
    for a technical school - 90
    for college - 95

    Percentage of teachers with qualification categories:
    for a technical school - 48.0
    for college - 54.0

    Percentage of teachers with the highest category, academic degrees and titles:
    for a technical school - 10.0
    for college - 18.0

    Educational and educational-methodical work

    The volume (in printed sheets) of educational, educational and methodological developments, which are reviewed by regional or industry teaching materials, NMC, per unit of the given PS staff:
    for a technical school - 0, 1
    for college - 0.25

    Document revision taking into account
    changes and additions
    prepared by legal
    bureau "KODEKS"


    Secondary vocational education is a qualitatively defined level of the vocational education system that occupies a significant place in the satisfaction educational needs personality and society.

    Currently, 22% of the population of Russia have this education. The economy and social sphere employs about 20 million specialists with secondary vocational education, which is 33% of the total number of employed or 62% of the number of employed specialists.

    Specialists with a secondary vocational education are workers, predominantly of intellectual work, whose activities are based on the solution of diagnostic problems that require an analysis of the situation and the choice of a solution within the framework of a given algorithm of actions.

    The number of students mastering the program of secondary vocational education is 270 people per 10 thousand of the population and most of them do not know the rights that the state grants him, but the student has not only rights, but also responsibilities that he needs to know.

    The purpose of this work is: to consider the rights and obligations of a student mastering the program of secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation.

    To achieve the goal, the following tasks should be completed:

    To reveal the responsibilities of students mastering secondary vocational education programs;

    Outline the general rights of students mastering secondary vocational education programs;

    Consider the responsibility of students mastering secondary vocational education programs.

    Secondary vocational education - a link in the education system of the Russian Federation

    Secondary vocational education is aimed at training practitioners in more than 280 specialties and is implemented in two main professional educational programs: the basic level and the advanced level.

    More than 21.6 million specialists with secondary vocational education are employed in the modern economy and social sphere of Russia, which is more than 34% of the total number of employed.

    Secondary vocational education in Russia is implemented according to two main educational programs - the basic level and the advanced level. After mastering the basic level program, the graduate is awarded the qualification "technician". An increased level of secondary vocational education provides deepening or expansion of training compared to the basic level (while the training period is increased by 1 year). A graduate with advanced training is awarded the qualification "senior technician", with the expansion of training - a "technician with additional training in the area ... "(indicating a specific area - management, economics, informatics, etc.).

    Students in a specialized secondary educational institution - students (cadets), listeners and other categories of students.

    The content of educational programs of secondary vocational education is regulated by the State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education (SES SPE), which consists of 2 parts: a federal component that determines national requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates, and a national-regional component.

    The implementation of secondary vocational education is carried out in various forms: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, external studies on the basis of basic general education (9 classes of a general education school) or secondary (complete) general education (11 classes of a general education school).

    The term of study under the program of secondary vocational education of a basic level in full-time form on the basis of secondary (complete) general education is 2-3 years, depending on the profile of training. The term of study for part-time and part-time forms is increased by 1 year in comparison with the period of study for full-time form. With the implementation of secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education, the period of study is increased by 1 year in comparison with the period of study on the basis of secondary (complete) general education.

    There are two main types of secondary specialized educational institutions:

    1) a technical school (school), which implements the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of the basic level;

    2) a college that carries out professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of the basic and advanced level. The implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education can also be carried out in higher educational institutions.

    Persons with a secondary vocational education of the corresponding profile can receive higher vocational education according to reduced accelerated programs: for 1 year - in the presence of a secondary vocational education of a basic level; for 1 - 2 years - in the presence of an advanced secondary vocational education. State and municipal secondary specialized educational institutions and departments of universities that are part of the system of secondary vocational education are under the jurisdiction of more than 25 federal ministries and departments, as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Currently, in the Russian Federation there are more than 2,800 state and municipal secondary specialized educational institutions and departments of universities that implement educational programs of secondary vocational education. The number of students is 2.4 million people, educational process provide 123 thousand full-time teachers.

    professional education legal status

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