What events took place on 8 August. Holidays and events in August

On this page you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of summer today on August 8, what famous people were born on this August day, events took place, and we will also tell you about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them is remembered for something, no exception was the day of August 8, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays. famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and society development.

The day of August 8, left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, as well as who was born on this summer day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the eighth day of August 8 August, what events and significant dates he was noted and what was remembered for, who was born, folk omens characterizing the day and much more, which you should know, just interesting to know.

Who was born on 8 August (eighth)

Dustin Hoffman (08/08/1937 [Los Angeles]) - famous American actor;

Roger Federer (born August 8, 1981 in Basel, Switzerland) is a Swiss professional tennis player, former world number one in singles. Federer is called the best tennis player in history by a number of renowned experts and athletes. The holder of many records, including 17 Grand Slam titles in men's singles and 302 weeks in total in the first place in the world rankings (237 consecutive weeks).

Maya Georgievna Menglet. Born on August 8, 1935 in Moscow. Soviet and russian actress theater and cinema. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984).

Stanislav Yurievich Sadalsky. Born on August 8, 1951 in the village. Chkalovskoe (Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Soviet and Russian actor. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991). People's Artist of Georgia and People's Artist of Chuvashia.

Yuliy Solomonovich Gusman (August 8, 1943, Baku) - Soviet and Russian theater and film director, TV presenter, actor, founder and artistic director of the 1st National Prize of the Russian Academy of Cinematic Arts - Nika Prize, permanent member of the KVN jury, member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Victor Vasilievich Avilov. Born on August 8, 1953 - died on August 21, 2004 in Novosibirsk. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. Honoured Artist Russian Federation (1993).

Evgeny Kemerovsky (08.08.1962 [Novy Gorodok settlement, Kemerovo region]) - Russian chanson singer;

Yuri Kamorny (08.08.1944 [Alapaevsk] - 27.11.1981 [Leningrad]) - Soviet actor;

Irina Kareeva (08.08.1974 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian actress;

Boris Vladimirov (08.08.1932 - 08.04.1988) - Soviet pop actor and director, who became famous in the mask of Avdotya Nikitichna;

Nina Menshikova (08.08.1928 [Moscow] - 26.12.2007 [Moscow]) - Soviet actress;

Svyatoslav Fedorov (08.08.1927 [Proskurov (Khmelnitsky)] - 02.06.2000 [Moscow]) - ophthalmologist, doctor medical sciences, professor, academician Russian Academy Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. (crashed in a helicopter);

Emmanuel Geller (08.08.1898 [Yekaterinoslav] - 06.05.1990 [Moscow]) - Soviet actor, master of the episode;

Svetlana Savitskaya (08.08.1948 [Moscow]) - Soviet cosmonaut, test pilot, teacher;

Rasim Balaev (08.08.1948 [Agsu]) - Soviet actor;

Esther Williams (08/08/1921 [Inglewood, California]) - legendary American actress and swimmer;

Rosetta LeNoir (08/08/1911 [New York] - 03/17/2002 [New Jersey]) - American actress;

Sylvia Sydney (08/08/1910 [Bronx] - 07/01/1990) - American actress;

Alexander Khanzhonkov (08.08.1877 [Khanzhonkovka village] - 09/26/1945 [Yalta]) - producer, entrepreneur, one of the pioneers of the Russian film industry;

William Batson (08.08.1861 [Whitby, North Yorkshire] - 08.02.1926 [Merton, Greater London]) - English biologist, one of the founders of genetics, author of the term "genetics" (1907);

Matvey Yelchaninov (08.08.1756 - 1816) - Major General of the Fleet, Hero of the Russian-Turkish War;

Matvey Platov (08.08.1753 [Cherkassk] - 03.01.1818 [Novocherkassk]) - Cossack, count and chieftain of the Don army;

Nikolay Novikov (08.08.1744 [Tikhvinskoe-Avdotino, Moscow province] - 12.08.1818 [Tikhvinskoe-Avdotino, Moscow province]) - Russian educator, philosopher, journalist, publisher.

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with the days (dates) of the celebration of Orthodox holidays - Exaltation of the Holy Cross , Day of Faith, Hope and Love , and Pokrova Holy Mother of God until 2035 ...

Dates 8 August

Ukraine Celebrates Signal Troops Day

In Germany - Day of Peace in Augsburg

In Sweden - Queen Silvia's Name Day (Flag Raising Day)

In Tanzania - Farmers Day

Bhutan celebrates Independence Day

By folk calendar this is Ermolaev day

On this day:

in 1815 Napoleon went to the place of his death on the island of Saint Helena

Paul Dirac, founder of quantum mechanics, was born in 1902

Dino di Laurentiis was born in 1919, the producer of the incredible adventures of Italians in Russia

in 1927 Svyatoslav Fyodorov was born, master ophthalmologist

Dustin Hoffman was born in 1937, showing who the rain man is

in 1943, Julius Guzman was born, who loved to repeat "do not be afraid, I am with you"

in 1945, Yakov Protazanov died, the director who shot the silent Aelita

in 1947, Anton Denikin died, never able to take Moscow

in 1949 Ivan Poddubny died, Ilya Muromets of classical wrestling

in 1951, Stas Sadalsky was born, offended if he was not called a superstar

in 1953, Victor Avilov was born, for his piercing glance became the Count of Monte Cristo

Yevgeny Kemerovsky, the star of Russian chanson and a successful composer, was born in 1962

in 1964 Nikita Vysotsky was born, the son of a famous bard and actor, who gave his voice to his father in the film "Thank you for being alive"

Roger Federer was born in 1981, who led the ATP rating for an entire era

Faye Rae, King Kong's first love, died in 2004

in 2008, the XXIX Olympic Games opened in Beijing.

August 8 events

They tried to come up with refrigeration structures for a long time, but only Marshal was the first to patent his invention. The ice was purchased. And the refrigerating chambers operated due to a large number fuel - wood, kerosene or coal. The first refrigerator was produced by General Electric in 1911.

The car could be placed in a kitchen cabinet. But it was very noisy, it worked on gas, so it gave off an unpleasant smell. A silent, odorless refrigerator appeared only in 19326, it was developed by an engineer-inventor from Denmark Stindrup. The first "home cold factories" were very expensive - that money could buy two Ford cars. In the USSR, the first refrigeration machines began to be produced at the Kharkov Tractor Plant in the 1960s.

Preparations for the Olympics in Beijing were not the only events in the world on this day - the capital of South Ossetia was in ruins in a matter of hours. Georgia decided to resolve the problem of the two republics by force. Just four days of hostilities claimed nearly 1,500 civilian lives.

Georgian troops were driven out of Ossetia, besides that, they had to leave the Kodori Gorge (upper part) in Abkhazia. Russia officially recognized the independence of South Ossetia, and President Medvedev signed a decree on the independence of South Ossetia, then diplomatic relations were established.

The most prestigious men's tennis competitions have been held for over a century. The award itself is made in the form of a bowl with gilding, its height is 33 cm and its diameter is 45 cm. Today 140 teams take part in the competition, and at the beginning only two countries competed - the USA and Great Britain.

The Cup money fund was formed in 1981 and today it stands at US $ 8.5 million. Competitions are spectacular, intrigue remains until the last moment. The world group consists of 16 teams. Match dates are scattered throughout the year, with the final usually taking place in November.

V Orthodox Church On August 8, the memory of Saint Hermolaus, known as one of the martyrs, together with Hermocrates and Hermippus, is honored. As the Holy Scriptures say, in the IV century, as a result of persecutions organized against Christians by Emperor Maximilian, 20 thousand believers died in the Nicomedian church during an arson attack, but it was the three above-mentioned people who were able to escape.

After that, they hid for a long time on the territory of the empire, continuing to teach faith in Christ to all comers. As the legend says, once a pagan youth passed by the house where Ermolai lived.

Ermolai met him higher and began to explain to him the falsity of pagan beliefs. After that, the young man repented and began to visit Ermolai every day. It is interesting that later it was he who became known as the martyr Panteleimon. In the end, Ermolai, as well as his disciples Ermokrat and Ermippus, were exposed and arrested.

They were asked to renounce their faith in Christ, but they refused to do so. Then they began to threaten them with torment, but at the same moment a strong earthquake occurred, as a result of which the idols fell from their pedestals and shattered. Emperor Maximilian, learning about this, pronounced the death sentence on the martyrs.

By August 8, early potatoes ripened, from which pancakes, cutlets, vinaigrette, okroshka were prepared - such dishes decorated the peasant table on a hot day. On August 8, they served potatoes with beef and even herring with breadcrumbs.

Healers went to collect medicinal herbs, because, in accordance with the signs, it is believed that right now, after the morning dew, they will have beneficial properties.

Folk omens on August 8

The peasants on August 8 began early picking apples, but they still cannot be eaten, since it was customary to wait for the Apple Savior

As a rule, 8 August pleased with the good weather, and therefore, the peasants tried to deal with all the field work

Frogs jump near reservoirs along the shore - a sign that it will rain soon.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were you satisfied with what you read? Agree that it is very useful to learn the history of events and dates, as well as those who from famous people was born today, on the eighth day of August, 8 August, what a trace this man left by his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you to understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can test in practice the reliability and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more that is necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop versatile!

What is interesting and significant in world history on August 8, science, sports, culture, politics?

August 8, what events in world history, science and culture is this day famous and interesting for?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on August 8?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated by hedgehog 8 August annually? Ka which religious holidays are celebrated on August 8? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the popular day of August 8 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of August 8? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on August 8?

What are the significant historical events August 8 and memorable dates of world history are celebrated on this summer day? What famous and great people are remembered on August 8?

Who of the great, famous and famous died on August 8?

August 8, Memorial Day of some famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes celebrated on this day?

Now we will present to those interested in such information a table with the days (dates) of celebrating three close to each other Orthodox holidays, the first of which is the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the second is the feast of Faith, Hope and Love, the third is the Intercession (Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos), and further and already in another table, you can find out about the dates of the celebration of the Great Orthodox Easter (also Catholic), and also the Holy Trinity - in links...


The cross of the lord

Day of faith

Hope and Love

Protection of the Most Holy


Events of the day 8 August 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2017, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day 8 August 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2018, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day 8 August 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2019, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the nineteenth month.

Events of the day 8 August 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2020, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twentieth year.

Events of the day 8 August 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2021, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day 8 August 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2022, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day 8 August 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2023, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the twenty-third month of the month.

Events of the day 8 August 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2024, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day 8 August 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2025, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day 8 August 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2026, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 8 August 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2027, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 8 August 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2028, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the twenty-eighth month.

Events of the day 8 August 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2029, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the twenty-ninth month.

Events of the day 8 August 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2030, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the thirtieth year.

Events of the day 8 August 2031 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2031, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 8 August 2032 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2032, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 8 August 2033 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2033, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the twenty-eighth month.

Events of the day 8 August 2034 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2034, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 8 August 2035 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2035, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the eighth August day of the month of the thirtieth year.

The Day of Signal Corps was established by the Presidential Decree of February 1, 2000. It was on this day, August 8, 1920, in Kiev, on the basis of the former Konstantinovsky cadet military school, that the training of signalmen began at the second Kiev military engineering courses. With the beginning of Ukraine's independence on January 3, 1992, the communications department of the Red Banner Kiev Military District assumed control of the communications system and troops of the Kiev, Carpathian, Odessa military districts, and later - the communications troops Air Force and Troops Air defense... This was the beginning of the formation of the Communications Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces in our state. Now signal troops are special forces designed to provide communications and command and control of the Armed Forces, its technical basis, and signalmen are part of all branches of the armed forces. Today, the specialty of a military signalman is one of the most demanded in the war zone in eastern Ukraine.

Events of the day:

On this day, in 2008, after the shelling of Georgian villages, the Georgian armed forces announced their intention to "restore constitutional order" on the territory of South Ossetia and, as a result of the fighting, occupied most of Tskhinvali. However, Russia did not want to put up with the defeat of the pro-Russian separatists, and the Kremlin intervened in this internal conflict. Russian state media accused Georgia of targeting Tskhinvali. The day before, on August 7, the Russian Federation began to transfer troops to the conflict zone. During a direct land invasion Russian army in Georgia, the tank brigades of the Russians went beyond the boundaries of the unrecognized South Ossetia, and reached the Kodori Gorge. Russia has bombed Georgian cities, military bases and civilian infrastructure and deployed its naval forces. At the same time, the Russians occupied the main port of Georgia - Poti, and destroyed in the roadstead all Georgian boats and ships that had a military designation, including border guard ships. Given the direct invasion of Russia, Tbilisi announced the withdrawal of troops from Tskhinvali and a unilateral ceasefire. On August 12, a ceasefire plan was signed, proposed by the European Union, the main points of which were a final ceasefire and the return of troops by the parties to the conflict to their bases. Despite this, Russian troops actively advanced deep into Georgian territory - the cities of Gori, Senaki, Poti were occupied, the strategic road connecting western and eastern Georgia was cut. According to official Georgian data, 413 people from the Georgian side were killed in the conflict. Among them: 177 military, 16 police and 220 civilians, 2234 people were injured. After the occupation of a part of Georgia, the parties still reached an agreement on a ceasefire with the participation of international mediators. According to the agreements reached, the conclusion Russian troops from the Georgian territory should end before October 1, 2008, but the Russians remain on the territory of the self-proclaimed republics to this day. Over the years, Russia has significantly strengthened its military bases illegally stationed in the occupied regions of Georgia, and has increased the number of military personnel and heavy offensive weapons.

Anniversaries of the day:

130 birthday anniversary Vladimir Petrovich Zatonsky (1888-1938), Ukrainian party and statesman, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Father of Dmitry Zatonsky (Ukrainian literary critic, academician). One of the leaders of the Kiev October Uprising of 1917, a member of the first Ukrainian Soviet government, one of the organizers of the CP (b) U. In 1918 - Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Soviet Ukraine. After civil war(1922-1923 and 1933-1938 (appointed after Skrypnik's suicide)) - People's Commissar of Education of the Ukrainian SSR. Zatonsky contributed to the unjustified change of the Ukrainian spelling in 1933, approved the repressions against "ideologically unrestrained" educators. At the same time, he had a negative attitude towards manifestations of great-power chauvinism, and was a supporter of Soviet, and not Russian, centrism. In November 1937 he was arrested, and on July 29, 1938 he was shot (together with his wife).

99 birthday anniversary Dino De Laurentiis (1919-2010), the legendary Italian producer, one of the most prominent film producers of post-war cinema. He collaborated with the most famous filmmakers of the twentieth century - Federico Fellini, Luchino Visconti, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ingmar Bergman, Michelangelo Antonioni, Jean-Luc Godard, Milos Forman, David Lynch. In the USA, he produced the famous thrillers and blockbusters Serpico, Three Days of the Condor, King Kong, and directed the screening of many of Stephen King's novels. In total, he has produced over 150 American and European films, participated in the production of almost 500 films. He made millions on low-budget masterpieces and went broke on pretentious blockbusters, stood at the origins of Italian neorealism and poured considerable funds into Hollywood cinema. Laurentis had a great talent for finding big money and channeling it wherever needed. He was friends with Sicilian businessmen with a dubious reputation and a dark past, and respectable New York bankers, with the left and the right, even with the Russian communists, having carried out several joint projects in the Soviet Union in the early 1970s (Bondarchuk's Waterloo and Incredible Adventures Italians in Russia "Ryazanov). “Dino is a little ... a little naive. Sometimes he does not know and where he gets himself involved, but the fact is that nothing sticks to him ... ”, one of his friends said about Laurentis. Indeed, some film producers were not spared by judicial red tape and accusations of links with the mafia. De Laurentiis happily escaped this sad fate, but in 2001, at the Oscars, he received the Irwin Thalberg Prize - the world's most prestigious producer award.

81 birthday Dustin Hoffman (1937), American film actor and producer of Jewish descent. He starred in the films: "Kramer vs. Kramer", "Rain Man" (Oscar), "Midnight Cowboy", "All the President's Army", "Tootsie", "Flash". Its Jewish origin Goffman always emphasizes, remembering that his grandfather and grandmother - Kiev (or Belaya Tserkov) Jews - were shot by the Bolsheviks in front of the children. Subsequently, Goffman's parents emigrated to the United States, took root there, and Dustin was born there. According to Hoffmann's recollections, his parents were not very religious people, he recalled that "there are no memories from childhood about the celebration of any Jewish religious holidays," and he "realized" that he was a Jew, "at the age of 10," but “I always felt like a Jew. This is an inner instinct. I feel like I am a Russian Romanian Jew ... and I love hominy and I also love borscht and vodka. Also, it seems to me, such a specific humor, to which I have always felt inclined, and which is difficult to define in any other way - I have a Jewish sense of humor. " Dustin Hoffman studied at the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music, the New York Actors Studio, and the School of Dramatic Arts at the Playhouse in Pasadena. He started his career on Broadway. He made his film debut in 1967. He gained worldwide fame in the 70s and 80s, after the release of the films "Kramer vs. Kramer", "Tootsie", "Midnight Cowboy". The actor was married twice, is the father of 6 children and the grandfather of two grandchildren. He is an ardent liberal, regrets not becoming a jazzman, criticizes Hollywood, loves to tell jokes and adores Johnny Depp, because he does what he pleases and does not try to be a star. He also hates looking at his old photographs. “Some people call it memories, but for me it was always like a big blow in the stomach,” says Hoffman.

Death anniversary:

On this day in 1949, a famous Ukrainian athlete, a professional wrestler died in the Kuban Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny (1871-1949)... A peasant from the Cherkasy region became the world champion 6 times in a row. For forty years of performances, Poddubny did not lose a single championship and received world recognition as a "champion of champions". He began his career as a wrestler in the circus, and then began to professionally engage in wrestling. From his performances, the audience raged in Paris and Milan, Frankfurt, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles. In general, Poddubny performed in 14 countries. The athlete has tried to stay away from politics all his life. After the Bolshevik coup, he did not support either whites, or reds, or greens - instead, he traveled to cities and delighted the audience with his extraordinary abilities. But he could not resist during the passportisation of 1932-1933, when they wrote “Poddubny” in his passport, and “Russian” in the column of nationality. This angered him and he turned to various Soviet authorities to spell his surname and nationality correctly. But he was politely refused. Then the wrestler himself corrected "o" to "and", and "Russian" to "Ukrainian". For this he ended up in 1937 in the dungeons of the NKVD in Rostov-on-Don under the article "anti-Soviet agitation and Ukrainian nationalism." In conclusion, the athlete was tortured - the scars on his body from the soldering iron remained for his whole life. “I visited the devils in hell for the language and for the passport. But nothing, I am a wrestler, a world champion, not a tulka on two legs, ”Poddubny joked sadly. He sat in the NKVD for several weeks, and then he was released. It was rumored that one of the officials stood up for him. The second time Poddubny was arrested after the war. This time for cooperation with the Germans. Poddubny was not evacuated from Yeisk (Kuban), where he lived before the war. When asked why he didn’t leave, he answered: “Where to run? Die soon. " The Nazis treated the world champion with respect, even allowed him to wear the Order of the Red Banner of Labor; handed out products. He worked in the billiard room and from time to time threw drunk Germans out into the street by the collar. The latter were not offended. Retreating, they offered to leave for Germany, but he refused. Poddubny was soon released from the NKVD prison. Again for lack of evidence. The famous athlete lived out his life in the same Yeisk in terrible poverty. There was not enough money even for bread, so I had to sell my medals.

International Day of Ophthalmology.

Events that happened on 8 August.

1570 - The Treaty of Saint Germain ends the third religious war in France.
1588 - The British defeated the remnants of the Spanish Invincible Armada, which had previously been scattered by a storm.
1619 - The first Lutheran service is held in Canada.
1628 - The Dutch capture Spanish ships with 80 tons of silver off the coast of Cuba.
1636 - Spanish troops come close to Paris.
1648 - By the order of his mother, the janissaries dethroned and executed the mentally ill Turkish Sultan Ibrahim I.
1672 - New York is captured by the Dutch, who renamed it New Orange.
1729 - Baltimore (North America) is officially founded.
1742 - The First Vice-Chancellor of Internal Affairs of Russia, Count M.G. Golovkin, with his wife Ekaterina Ivanovna, who voluntarily followed him into exile, was delivered to the settlement in Srednekolymsk. So Empress Elizaveta Petrovna punished him for sympathizing with Princess Anna Leopoldovna, initially sentencing him to death penalty after November palace coup 1741, later replacing it with a settlement in Siberia. The count died in the place of exile in 1766. The wife, who after the death of her husband, received permission to return to Moscow, took the body with her, according to legend, flooding it with wax. Count Golovkin was buried in the St. George Monastery. The Countess lived to be 90 years old and died on May 20, 1791.
1783 - Catherine II awarded A. Suvorov with the Order of St. Vladimir.
1786 - Michel Pakkar was the first to conquer the highest peak in Europe, Mont Blanc.
1788 - The French King Louis XVI announced the convocation of the States-General next year, which would later erect it on the block.
1790 - The squadron of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov defeated the Turkish fleet, securing Russian domination in the Black Sea.
1805 - Timofey Kondratyev became the city architect of Voronezh. This position was introduced for the first time in the city.
1815 - Napoleon went into exile on the island of Saint Helena.
1832 Prince Otto, son of the Bavarian king, is proclaimed king of Greece.
1835 - Adoption of a new university charter in Russia, developed by the Minister of Public Education, Count S. S. Uvarov.
1854 - Smith & Wesson launches cartridge magazines.
1897 - Visit of the German Emperor Wilhelm II to Peterhof.
1900 - The first match for the International Lawn Tennis Federation Cup begins in Brooklyn, Massachusetts, at the Longwood Cricket Club. The cup itself was donated by the American Dwight Davis, a member of the US team, which won the English team in the first match with a score of 3: 0. The competition became known as the Davis Cup team championship, or simply the Davis Cup. Davis subsequently became a member of the US government.
1901 - B South Africa The Boer commander, De Villiers, capitulated to the British.
1907 - Representatives of the Russian Zemstvo demanded from the government the introduction of universal compulsory education.
1910 - Persian government forces captured the leaders of the uprising in Persia, Sattar Khan and Begir Khan.
1911 - A workers' demonstration in Liverpool is shot by troops.
1914 - Various factions of the Russian State Duma concluded the Holy Alliance for the period of the First World War.
- English french troops occupied Togoland (now Togo).
1915 - German forces capture Prague, a fortified suburb of Warsaw.
- In the Dardanelles, a British submarine sunk the Turkish battleship Barbarossa.
- Russian Emperor Nicholas II rejected Denmark's offer to mediate peace negotiations with Germany.
1917 - The VI Congress of the Bolshevik Party began, which headed for an armed uprising.
- In Russia, the ban on the activities of the Jesuit order has been lifted.
1918 - The Amiens offensive operation of the Anglo-French troops began ("Black Day of Germany").
1919 - The third Anglo-Afghan war ends.
- Polish troops captured Minsk and Rovno.
- Soviet troops occupied Tyumen.
1920 - A detachment of troops of Baron Wrangel landed in the Kuban.
1923 - Benny Goodman, 14, began his professional music career in Chicago as a clarinetist in an orchestra that sailed on a steamboat on Lake Michigan.
1925 - The first national congress of the Ku Klux Klan opens in Washington.
- The first traffic lights in Toronto (Canada) were installed.
1927 - A canine plague vaccine is announced in France.
1929 - the airship "Graf Zepellin" went on a flight around the Earth.
1932 - In the USSR, women are allowed to work in mines.
1934 - LAPD announced that Hollywood stars are making large donations to the US Communist Party.
1935 - Hermann Goering is appointed in charge of Germany's new industry - television.
1937 - The Japanese take over Beijing.
1940 - The pro-fascist government of France arrested the former prime ministers L. Blum and E. Daladier.
1941 - Stalin is appointed commander-in-chief Soviet army.
- Five Il-4 aircraft carried out the first Soviet bombing of Berlin.
- In Brussels, the "Walloon Legion" was formed from the Belgians who volunteered to fight on the side of the Nazis in the USSR.
1943 - Mussolini is imprisoned on the island of Maddalena in Sardinia.
- The KV-85 heavy tank is adopted by the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army
1944 - There are eight in Berlin German officers accused of plotting the assassination of Hitler, including Field Marshal von Witzleben, were hanged on piano strings.
1945 - The USSR declared war on Japan, starting the entry of troops into Manchuria.
1946 - Two American bombers fly from Hawaii to California for the first time without a crew, controlled solely by radio.
1949 - The first session of the Council of Europe was held in Strasbourg.
1955 - The USSR adopted a regulation on vacations and working conditions for adolescents.
- Egypt undertook to supply cotton to the USSR and Romania in exchange for oil.
1956 - In Marceline, Belgium, a mine fire killed 263 people.
1960 - A military coup is carried out in Laos.
1962 - In England, the leader of the Nazis of the United States, George Rockwell, is arrested and expelled from the country.
1963 - 15-man robbery of the Glasgow-London mail train. Old banknotes worth £ 2.6 million were stolen (equivalent to £ 40 million today). The most famous of the criminals who committed the robbery is Ronnie Biggs, although he did not plan and lead the robbery at all.
1966 - The beginning of the Cultural Revolution is announced in China.
1967 - Association of States is formed in Bangkok South-East Asia(ASEAN). It includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, then Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos and Myanmar (1997), Cambodia (1999).
1968 - The Institute of Culture was opened in Kiev.
1969 - For the first time (and in last time) The USSR Football Cup was won by the first league team Lviv "Karpaty".
1974 - Richard Nixon announces that he is stepping down in connection with the Watergate scandal.
1983 - A military coup is carried out in Guatemala.
1990 - Iraq announced the annexation of Kuwait.
1991 - Former Iranian Prime Minister Sh. Bakhtiar is assassinated in Paris.
2000 - Scientists in the UK, USA and Italy officially announced the beginning of experiments on human cloning.
2008 - Opening of the XXIX Olympic Games in Beijing.
- Active fighting in South Ossetia.

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Holidays and events in August.

Today is August 8th. Holidays and Events:

1570 - The Treaty of Saint Germain ends the third religious war in France.
1588 - The British defeated the remnants of the Spanish Invincible Armada, which had previously been scattered by a storm.
1619 - The first Lutheran service is held in Canada.
1628 - The Dutch capture Spanish ships with 80 tons of silver off the coast of Cuba.
1636 - Spanish troops come close to Paris.
1648 - By the order of his mother, the janissaries dethroned and executed the mentally ill Turkish Sultan Ibrahim I.
1672 - New York is captured by the Dutch, who renamed it New Orange.
1729 - Baltimore (North America) is officially founded.
1742 - The First Vice-Chancellor of Internal Affairs of Russia, Count M.G. Golovkin, with his wife Ekaterina Ivanovna, who voluntarily followed him into exile, was delivered to the settlement in Srednekolymsk. So Empress Elizaveta Petrovna punished him for sympathizing with Princess Anna Leopoldovna, initially sentencing him to death after the November palace coup in 1741, later replacing her with a settlement in Siberia. The count died in the place of exile in 1766. The wife, who after the death of her husband, received permission to return to Moscow, took the body with her, according to legend, flooding it with wax. Count Golovkin was buried in the St. George Monastery. The Countess lived to be 90 years old and died on May 20, 1791.
1783 - Catherine II awarded A. Suvorov with the Order of St. Vladimir.
1786 - Michel Pakkar was the first to conquer the highest peak in Europe, Mont Blanc.
1788 - The French King Louis XVI announced the convocation of the States-General next year, which would later erect it on the block.
1790 - The squadron of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov defeated the Turkish fleet, securing Russian domination in the Black Sea.
1805 - Timofey Kondratyev became the city architect of Voronezh. This position was introduced for the first time in the city.
1815 - Napoleon went into exile on the island of Saint Helena.
1832 Prince Otto, son of the Bavarian king, is proclaimed king of Greece.
1835 - Adoption of a new university charter in Russia, developed by the Minister of Public Education, Count S. S. Uvarov.
1854 - Smith & Wesson launches cartridge magazines.
1897 - Visit of the German Emperor Wilhelm II to Peterhof.
1900 - The first match for the International Lawn Tennis Federation Cup begins in Brooklyn, Massachusetts, at the Longwood Cricket Club. The cup itself was donated by the American Dwight Davis, a member of the US team, which won the English team in the first match with a score of 3: 0. The competition became known as the Davis Cup team championship, or simply the Davis Cup. Davis subsequently became a member of the US government.
1901 - Boer commander De Villiers surrendered to the British in South Africa.
1907 - Representatives of the Russian Zemstvo demanded from the government the introduction of universal compulsory education.
1910 - Persian government forces captured the leaders of the uprising in Persia, Sattar Khan and Begir Khan.
1911 - A workers' demonstration in Liverpool is shot by troops.
1914 - Various factions of the Russian State Duma concluded the Holy Alliance for the period of the First World War.
- Anglo-French troops occupied Togoland (now Togo).
1915 - German forces capture Prague, a fortified suburb of Warsaw.
- In the Dardanelles, a British submarine sunk the Turkish battleship Barbarossa.
- Russian Emperor Nicholas II rejected Denmark's offer to mediate peace negotiations with Germany.
1917 - The VI Congress of the Bolshevik Party began, which headed for an armed uprising.
- In Russia, the ban on the activities of the Jesuit order has been lifted.
1918 - The Amiens offensive operation of the Anglo-French troops began ("Black Day of Germany").
1919 - The third Anglo-Afghan war ends.
- Polish troops captured Minsk and Rovno.
- Soviet troops occupied Tyumen.
1920 - A detachment of troops of Baron Wrangel landed in the Kuban.
1923 - Benny Goodman, 14, began his professional music career in Chicago as a clarinetist in an orchestra that sailed on a steamboat on Lake Michigan.
1925 - The first national congress of the Ku Klux Klan opens in Washington.
- The first traffic lights in Toronto (Canada) were installed.
1927 - A canine plague vaccine is announced in France.
1929 - the airship "Graf Zepellin" went on a flight around the Earth.
1932 - In the USSR, women are allowed to work in mines.
1934 - LAPD announced that Hollywood stars are making large donations to the US Communist Party.
1935 - Hermann Goering is appointed in charge of Germany's new industry - television.
1937 - The Japanese take over Beijing.
1940 - The pro-fascist government of France arrested the former prime ministers L. Blum and E. Daladier.
1941 - Stalin is appointed commander-in-chief of the Soviet army.
- Five Il-4 aircraft carried out the first Soviet bombing of Berlin.
- In Brussels, the "Walloon Legion" was formed from the Belgians who volunteered to fight on the side of the Nazis in the USSR.
1943 - Mussolini is imprisoned on the island of Maddalena in Sardinia.
- The KV-85 heavy tank is adopted by the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army
1944 - In Berlin, eight German officers accused of plotting the assassination of Hitler, including Field Marshal von Witzleben, are hanged from piano strings.
1945 - The USSR declared war on Japan, starting the entry of troops into Manchuria.
1946 - Two American bombers fly from Hawaii to California for the first time without a crew, controlled solely by radio.
1949 - The first session of the Council of Europe was held in Strasbourg.
1955 - The USSR adopted a regulation on vacations and working conditions for adolescents.
- Egypt undertook to supply cotton to the USSR and Romania in exchange for oil.
1956 - In Marceline, Belgium, a mine fire killed 263 people.
1960 - A military coup is carried out in Laos.
1962 - In England, the leader of the Nazis of the United States, George Rockwell, is arrested and expelled from the country.
1963 - 15-man robbery of the Glasgow-London mail train. Old banknotes worth £ 2.6 million were stolen (equivalent to £ 40 million today). The most famous of the criminals who committed the robbery is Ronnie Biggs, although he did not plan and lead the robbery at all.
1966 - The beginning of the Cultural Revolution is announced in China.
1967 - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is formed in Bangkok. It includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, then Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos and Myanmar (1997), Cambodia (1999).
1968 - The Institute of Culture was opened in Kiev.
1969 - For the first time (and for the last time) the USSR Football Cup was won by the first league team Lviv “Karpaty”.
1974 - Richard Nixon announces that he is stepping down in connection with the Watergate scandal.
1983 - A military coup is carried out in Guatemala.
1990 - Iraq announced the annexation of Kuwait.
1991 - Former Iranian Prime Minister Sh. Bakhtiar is assassinated in Paris.
2000 - Scientists in the UK, USA and Italy officially announced the beginning of experiments on human cloning.
2008 - Opening of the XXIX Olympic Games in Beijing.
- Active hostilities in South Ossetia.

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