Where Elena Blavatskaya placed all souls of the dead. Elena Blavatskaya

Elena Blavatskaya: life before and after death

Gradually, I discovered that this woman, whose brilliant achievements and wonderful character traits are not less than her position in society, cause deep respect for it, is one of the most remarkable mediums in the world.


Blavatskaya Elena - there is no in BSE.

Elena Blavatskaya (1831-1891) was born in Ekaterinoslava, now Dnepropetrovsk, and comes from the trodovit of the Russian-German family. Her ancestors on the motherboard belong to the family of doubt, who dates back to Rurik himself, legendary Viking, the founder of the Kiev Princely Throne. Elena's mother was a famous writer von Gan, which Belinsky somehow called "Russian Georges Zand"; Elena itself is now called the founder of modern theosophical movement. "The mother she lost very early; Therefore her grandmother, Elena Pavlovna Fadeev, a woman is very educated and extremely fond of natural sciences. " By the way, the Cranston can not fully trust the book: she connects Blavat with Peter the first place of her birth, but the city of Dnepropetrovsk is named after the dictator of Ukraine Bolshevik Petrovsky and does not have a relation to Peter. Elena Blavatskaya, having received brilliant home education and upbringing, was quite ready for secular life, i.e. knew foreign languages, played on the piano, wrote poems. But she chose a different way. To find independence, she married the old man Nikifora Blavatsky, but soon divorced and left abroad. There was not Paris and fashion resorts attracted her, but mostly eastern countries, their religion and psychology.

"The first journey began with Constantinople, then she went to the Far East. She spent ten years there, of which about two years - on Tibet. In 1860, Elena returned to Russia, but not long. Having spent two years from relatives in the Caucasus, she again set off on the road: Italy, Greece, Egypt and finally New York. She arrived there in 1873. It was then that begins her literary activity. She publishes articles in American newspapers, confidently enters the controversy with Jesuits. By the same time its descriptions of the Caucasus are. She sends materials for publication and Russian magazines. "

Elena has repeatedly arrived in India and lived there for several years, studying Indian religion and thinking. She herself refers to them as the main source of their ideas about the world.

She became a fan of Spiritualism, who challenged both the main modern scientific ideas and all religious dogmas. For example, another child, having arrived in St. Petersburg, she saw Pushkin on the street, that is,, of course, the ghost of Pushkin, long ago by the time of the deceased. Spiritualism, according to A. Konan-Doyle (and the Creator of Sherlock Holmes was also a sympathetic historian of this direction in public life), "with all his inconsection and manifestations of fanaticism, for surprisingly short time captured all countries. Emperor Napoleon III and Empress Evgenia, Tsar Alexander, German Emperor Wilhelm First, and Kings of Bavaria and Württemberg - everyone was convinced of his exceptional force. "

Many have met the revelations of Blavatskaya skeptical (remember the play Ji. Tolstoy "Fruits of Enlightenment"), but there were a lot of such (mainly outside Russia), which were ready to lay on the phenomenon "from the light" of the dead people and listen to her argument of their presence. The theosophical movement appeared in the XIX century and now has a lot of supporters, if you consider all its numerous branching and group. But the essence of this teaching, as it is set out in the book of Blavat's "Secret Doctrine," is as follows.

The foundation of the universe is put on three fundamental principles:

1) There are one unchanged reality in the world that overlaps even the concept of God.

2) Everything in nature is subject to the law of periodicity, which is the character of a universal scientific postulate. In accordance with this law, the birth occurs, consultation, maturity and death.

3) In the Universe, there is a universal "superworthy", identical to all souls. After death, there is a resettlement of a shower, which includes many cycles and is the embodiment of the religious principle of the immortality of the soul, without which no mass religion is unthinkable.

According to Blavatskaya, this world order was known to Christ, Buddha and Hindu Mahatmam, but they kept this knowledge with them. Finally, one of them became the Guru Elena and handed it this information, and she began their spread in human society. In 1875, she, together with Olkott and W. Jajhem founded a theosophical society in the US, which immediately received many adherents.

The objectives of the theosophical society were as follows:

1. To compile the beginning of the World Brotherhood of Humanity without the difference in faith, races and origin; All members should strive for self-improvement and mutual assistance, both moral and material.

2. Distribute learning eastern languages, literature and philosophical and religious teachings to prove that all the same truth is hidden in all.

3. To make research in the area of \u200b\u200bthe uncharted laws of nature and develop superweight human forces.

This program imposed the fact that Blavatskaya studied during its wanders in the east, in particular from the teachings of the famous yoga ArullPrakaza Valalar. He argued that the mysterious meaning of the sacred books of the East would be revealed by the custodians of the secrets - Mahatmami - foreigners who will perceive him with joy. Further, he said that it would gradually comes to no use of animal food; The differences between races and caustes will disappear and eventually will enthusiame the principle of universal fraternity (in India); What people call "God" is actually universal love that creates and maintains perfect harmony and balance in all of nature; People once believed in the divine power of hidden in them, they will acquire such extraordinary abilities that they will be able to change the law of gravity and so on.

In the second half of his life, Yogi has repeatedly exclaimed, referring to his students: "You do not listen to me. You do not follow my teaching. It seems that you decided not to part with your former convictions. Yet not far at the time when people from Russia, America and other states will come to India, and will preach these same principles of universal fraternity ... Soon you will learn that the brothers living far in the north will make many amazing affair in India countries".

These evidence leads in their work a member of the Teosophical Society of Thalvub Veliudham Middelvyar. He comes to the conclusion that the arrival of Blavatskaya from Russia, as well as Colonel Olkotta from America and was therefore the event that the great teacher predicted.

The circle of interests of Blavatsky is wide enough and complicated. Interesting, for example, her interpretation of what we call the "resettlement of souls". She claims that every person leaves his own - high-dimensional - "prints" on the divine ego, the consciousness of which is returned at a certain stage of its development, and even the extremely vicious soul, which at the end is doomed to destruction. There is no such human soul, whatever criminal and deprived of glimpse of spirituality, which would be born completely spoiled. This or another karma has a human person in young years, and it is this karma that remains and forms the basis of the upcoming. No person, whatever his inclinations, does not become immoral immediately. He always has time for the development of karma. Blavatskaya also believes that, according to the reward law, appropriate measures are taken to ensure that the events not implemented in this life are accomplished in another embodiment. That is, since every new nature attempt to create something is always more successful than the previous one, then each new embodiment is always better, more successful than the previous one.

Lodge society was created in all major cities of America and abroad. Some of them exist today. Under its editors, the publications of society began to enter and in which theosophy issues were interpreted.

Theosophy of democratic in the sense that it does not allow any privileges or indulgences, everything is achieved by personal merit and virtues of the personality.

The resettlement of the souls is a very old theory, which is already presented in the ancient Greek philosophy of the so-called "Pythagorean school". According to this theory, the soul can leave the body and move to another body or in a particular type and even in an inanimate item. According to "Upanishads", the Hindu spiritual book, the soul passes from the body into the body in a continuous cycle of births and deaths.

The conditions of existence are determined by the behavior of the souls at the previous births, which form the karma of this soul. At the same time, all the grievances and joy of life are reward for the previous sins and good acts committed at the previous births. The soul, on the account of which a lot of good, falls into the universal ocean of a shower called Bramann.

Elena was rather modest, even a shy and silent woman who awkwardly felt herself in the center of universal attention. The whole life of Blavatskaya was filled with work, which, according to Professor Corson, who knew Blavatsky well, was so:

"She constantly filled me with surprise and curiosity - what else will it come up with? She possessed extensive knowledge in all areas, but her way of work was unusual. She wrote usually in bed from nine o'clock in the morning, smoking countless cigarettes. She quoted long paragraphs from a dozen and a dozen books, which, how I knew exactly exactly, was not in America, easily translated from several languages. Sometimes she called me from my office to ask how to translate into a good English anything out of the old world, for for this moment it had not yet reached the language level, which distinguishes her "secret doctrine." She told me that she sees pages of books with quotes and simply translates them into English. Many people with conventional abilities seem to be a miracle. "

Blavatskaya has always spent his experiments in a narrow circle, no more than six - eight people, because even in the cleanest experiments, she explained, there is a place for skepticism she sought to avoid. But this elected circle fell a large number of persons who left their memories.

A lot of testimonials moved without touching products, spoons, letters remained. The spoon overcame two walls, the letter turned out to be in the hands of Blavatsky, hitting it from another room, then in her hands it turned out to be an exact copy of this letter. But all this served only to the introduction to the main miraculous operation to materialize the spirits of the dead. There were people who sometimes did not know during life. For example, Georgians often appeared - helena servant, who spoke with a characteristic accent. However, comparing his impressions, people set identity of the observed ghosts. And most importantly - everyone heard a sign of materialization - a soft tapping.

It must be said that by the middle of the century there were many cases of exposing fraud committed by mediums during the materialization of spirits. Mediums showed spirits and charged a fee from naive spectators for this show. So, by the arrival of Blavatskaya in New York, there was a publication of a certain Eden, who speaking with public spiritualistic experiences. Therefore, Blavatskaya had to agree to bind to the hands and legs and a number of other actions to prevent fraud. But she never managed to come in it.

The life of Blavatskaya was not easy. They remember that in 1873 in New York, when his father stopped helping her, and travels cost a lot of money, she earned the manufacture of artificial colors and leather products. She admitted that not everything in the device of the afterlife did it clearly. In particular, the contradictions appeared from her due to the fact that the spirits were not only dead, but also living people who, in the idea, should not have left the bodies.

"In 1875, Blavatskaya, together with Olcott, went to India, founded in Bombay the main apartment of the theosophy society and began to publish the newspaper" Theosophist "in English. Then in 1882, she postponed an apartment in Madras, in the suburbs of Adiar. Here Blavatskaya hit visitors with various wonders: the bell rang the bell in the man's hand, and the mysterious sounds were heard, fell from the ceiling of roses, the fiery balls were flying, it was not clear from where letters of Mahatm - Tibetan brothers appeared, - which she read, not printed.

In 1883, Blavatskaya moved to Europe, to Paris. She followed her and her students and assistants: Olcott, Jajj, Brahmin Moshni, Duchess de Parar and others.

In 1886, she again moved, this time in London and is based on the main branch of the theosophical society.

All his life Blavatsky spent on travels, having visited in almost all corners of Europe, India, in the Middle and Far East, in Central Asia. She climbed into Russia, where she also had a lot of adherents, but Russia was not too favorable to her, and she became American citizen in five years of life in the United States. At the same time, it is necessary to consider that the conditions of the then travel were far from perfect.

Until the death of Elena, its authority in the theosophical movement was continued. She repeatedly argued that she had no other interests, except for the tasks of movement. When Olok Blavatskaya accused of an extramarital connection with a man, she was subjected to authoritative medical examination, which it established that she was a virgin. Many respected and influential people became members of the movement, since they did not satisfy the official religious dogma. In particular, the famous inventor Thomas Edison became an active participant of the theosophical seminar.

However, after the death of Elena, to establish who the chief theosophon of the planet was not easy, and the movement broke up on a number of rival groups. In particular, "Anthroposophists" went to the Steiner, who sought to allocate in motion is not religious, but the human side. Another activist of the movement, Anna Besan, hit atheism and socialism, defending at the same time the ideas of the national liberation movement of the Hindus - in fact, unhealthy was obtained: carriers of the universal truth were under the colonial blink of the British.

But Elena Blavatskaya continues to remain for Spiritualists by the highest authority mainly in spiritualist practice. It continues to apply in all cases when doubts arise in the behavior of mediums and caused spirits. And if someone is interested in the author's opinion on this expense, then they will have to turn to any other publication: here is more important for us - the undoubted success that Blavatsky had in the United States in a selected field of activity.


Justice should notice that, despite its fame and undoubted authority, Blavatsky had enough opponents. According to the information provided in the Great Encyclopedia (St. Petersburg, the titular of the Partnership "Enlightenment", 1903), already during the stay of Blavatskaya in Paris in 1883, a number of exposures appear in the missionary magazine "Madras Christian College Magasine"; the secrets of it are mainly revealed. "Phenomena" and Maduras apartment. The editors of the journal argued that the purpose of all "phenomena" and letters "Mahatm" was tolerant of money from gullible people, allegedly for the needs of the theosophical society. Almost simultaneously with the article in this journal there were exposed from the London Society of Mental Investigations, who sent their member, Mr. Girlson, to India to verify the activities of Blavat. Girlson came to the conclusion that all the "phenomena" Blavatskaya is nothing more than fraudulent tricks.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

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"Some fragmentary thoughts o ..." Blavatskaya Elena Petrovna

the topic is complex, for those who understand what is going on ... This is an eternal dispute between Buddhism and Kabbalism about God, Dyavol, life and death ...

from correspondence

Editor "Theosophist" (Blavatskaya E.P.- My approx.)

"Madame, as you have posted a posthumous letter of my teacher and an expensive friend, the late Eliphas Levi, I suppose that you could print, if you consider it possible, some excerpts from numerous manuscripts that I own, written specifically for me and transferred to me Teacher, about whose death I do not cease to regret.

To begin with, I send you some fragmentary thoughts about death and Satan, who came out of his pen.
I can not finish this letter, without expressing deep indignation, which appeared in me at the sight of baseholdations, published in the London NSPIRITALIST against your society and its members. Each sincere person outraged such an unfair appeal, especially when it comes from such a noble, as Mr. Harrison (Spiritualist editor), who takes anonymous articles in his journal, which is tantamount to the publication of slander.
With the greatest respect, remain devoted to you, Madame,
Baron J. Spadalieri. "

answer E.P. Blavatskaya

"In every human creation lies in a hidden form in the involuntary part of the creature enough of the osseratrant, the absolute. In order to cause a hidden absolute, which is an involuntary part of our arbitrary conscious creature to make it manifested, essentially, so that an arbitrary part of our creature becomes hidden .

After preliminary purification from the acquired bypass, it is necessary for some kind of self-service; The involuntary should be arbitrary thanks to an arbitrary, becoming involuntary. When consciously becomes half, then the fact that was first for us unconscious becomes completely conscious.

Parts of the Ovlegent, which is inside us, the life and growing, restless, involuntary, occult or female principle is allowed to express themselves in an arbitrary, reasonable, manifested, or male part of the human being, while the latter remains in a state of perfect passivity, two originally disconnected Parts are reunited as one holy (fully) perfect being, and then the divine manifestation is inevitably. "

This is so ironic and highly answered Madame Blavatskaya at an equally high statement of J.K., the self-stocked London Adept, whose anonymous and helpless the impact of the theosophical society and its members are quite fairly called the baron of the downlings, which is equivalent to slander. This J. K. - The follower of Eliphas Levi, who was a scientist Kabbalist and the occult. It must be said that E.P.B., to put it mildly, did not love Kabbalists, as, however, and the Christian church, and "fought" with them feather and a sword ...

and in order to be understood by the thought of E.P. Blavatskaya about death and Satan, I first bring the statements of this Mr. Padalieri, for which in his magazine "Theosophist" she answered him.


ELIFAS Levi. (Alfons Louis Constance 1810-1875)

Written (late) Eliphas Levi

"Death is the necessary dissolution of imperfect combinations. This is a reuse of a rough contour. individual life in the great work of the life of universal; Only perfect is immortal.
This is a bath oblivion. This is a source of youth, where the old age is immersed on the one hand, and from where the infancy comes from the other side.<<1>\u003e (approx. Blavatskaya below articles)

Death is a transformation of a living; The corpses are only the dead leaves on the tree of life, which will still dissolve all their leaves in the spring. Resurrection of people always reminds these leaves.
Thicted forms are due to nonplosted prototypes.

All those who lived on Earth still live in new specimens of their prototypes, but the souls that surpassed their prototypes get a new form, based on a more perfect type, as they are always upgraded by the stairs of the worlds;<<2>\u003e Bad copies are destroyed, and their substance returns to the total mass.<<3>>

Our souls are like music, and our bodies are tools for her. Music exists without tools, but it cannot be heard without a material intermediary; Intangible can not be comprehended, nor realize.

A person in his current existence remembers and maintains only some predispositions of its past existences.

Calculation of the dead is just a sealing of memory, imaginary staining of shadows. Call those who are no longer here, it means only to force their prototypes to appear again from the imagination of nature.<<4>>
To be in direct communication with the imagination of nature, it is necessary to be either in a state of sleep, intoxication, ecstasy or catalepsy, or madness.

Eternal memory saves only non-rehearsal; All that is subject to time is rightfully oblivioned.
The preservation of corpses is a violation of the laws of nature; This is an insult to the decency of death, which hides its work of destruction just as we hide your acts of reproduction. Keep the corpses - it means to create ghosts in the imagination of the Earth;<<5>\u003e Ghosts of nightmares, hallucinations and fears are only amazing photos of preserved corpses.

It is these preserved or poorly destroyed corpses spread among living people a plague, cholera, infectious diseases, despondency, skepticism and disappointment in life.<<6>\u003e Death is depleted by death. The cemetery poisons of the city atmosphere and Miazma corpses poison children even in the womb of their mothers.

Near Jerusalem, in the Genna Valley, a constant fire was maintained to burn the remains and animal skeletons, and this is about it. eternal fire Mention of Jesus when he says that sinners will burn in GEEN ~ (Gehenna), implying that the dead with the souls will turn to the same way as with their bodies.
Talmud says that the souls of those who did not believe in immortality will not be immortal. One faith gives personal immortality;<<7>\u003e Science and Mind can approve only general immortality.

Mortal sin is a suicide of the soul. This suicide occurs if a person devotes himself to serving evil with the whole strength of his mind, with perfect knowledge of good and evil and complete freedom of action, which seems impossible in practice, but it is possible in theory, because the essence of independent individuality is unlimited freedom. The Divine does not impose anything to a person, even existence. A person has the right to even remove away from Divine kindness, and the dogma about Hell Fire is only an approval of the eternal freedom of will.

God does not overthrow anyone in hell. This man freely can go there, irrevocably, finally and in his own choice.
Those who are in hell, that is, so to speak, in darkness evil<<8>\u003e And the sufferings of the inevitable punishment, not wanting this at all, they call out from there. This hell is only purgatory for them. Cursed forever, absolutely and without a delay, Satan, which is not something reasonably existing, but simply the necessary hypothesis.
Satan is the last word creation. He is the end of infinitely liberated. He wasveling to be equal to God, whose opponent he is. God is a hypothesis required for reason, Satan - a hypothesis required for the recklessness, approvers as a free will.

In order to be immortal for good, you should identify yourself with God; To be immortal in evil with Satan. These are two poles in the world of shower; Between these two poles, stains and dies without any memories useless part of humanity. "

Answer Blavatskaya E.P.

"This may seem like an incomprehensible average reader, because it is one of the most complex teachings of the occult doctrine. The nature of dual: there is both the physical and material side and the spiritual and moral side; And there is also good, and evil, and the latter inevitably shads her light. In order to penetrate into the stream of immortality, or rather, to achieve an infinite series of rebirth in the form of conscious individualities, says the book Khiu-Te, Volume XXXI, should be an employee of nature, or in ~ good ~, or in ~ evil ~, in her work on creation and reproduction, or in destruction.

And only from useless drones, it gets rid of, forcibly expelled them and forcing them to die as self-visual creatures. Thus, while kind and clean seeks to achieve Nipang (nirvana, or such a state ~ absolute existence and ~ absolute ~ consciousness, which, in the world of finite perception, is ~ not ~ - Soul and ~ not ~-consistency) , on the contrary, will be desired to have a series of lives in the form of conscious, certain existences or creatures, preferring to suffer forever, being under the rule of the law of paying justice, than to abandon his lives, as part of the united, universal whole.

Creatures are well aware that they can never hope for the acquisition of final calm in a clean spirit, or nirvana, and they will rather be clinging for life in any form, which will revive this desire of life, or tanchu, which is the reason for the cause of the new Skandh aggregate, or Individuality. Nature is a kind mother both in relation to a brutal predatory bird and to the harmless blue.

The mother-nature will punish her son, but if he became her companion in destruction, she will not be able to drive him out. There are such completely depraved and vicious people who still have as high-intellectual development and spiritual insight for evil goals, like those who are spiritual for the sake of good. The ego of such people can avoid the law of final destruction or destruction over the centuries.

That is what implies Eliphas Levi under those who become immortal in evil by identifying with Satan. "I know your deeds; you are not ~ cold ~ and not ~ hot ~," says ~ Revelation ~ St. John (III. 15-16). "But since you ~ warm ~, not hot and not cold, then you will monster you from my mouth." ~ Revelation ~ This is a fully kababalistic book.The heat and cold are two poles, that is, good and evil, ~ spirit ~ and ~ matter ~. Nature ~ erupts ~ warm, or the useless part of humanity from his mouth, that is, destroys it.

This is the idea that a significant part of humanity may eventually not have an immortal soul, will not even for European readers. Kolridge himself compared this case with an oak carrying truly millions of acorns, but from which under normal conditions hardly one of the thousand can ever develop into a tree, and it assumed that since most of the acorns will be harmful to a new live tree, it is probably most People will not be able to develop into a new living creature after their earthly death.

Satan is just a symbol, not a real character.
This is a type opposing the Divine type, which prevents him in a particular way in our imagination. This is an artificial shadow that makes the endless light of the Divine visible for us.
If Satan was a real character, then there would be two God, and Vera Manicheev would be true.
Satan is an imaginary representation of absolute evil; The concept necessary for the complete approval of the freedom of human will, which, with the help of this imaginary absolute, seems to be able to balance even the cumulative power of God. This is the smallest, the most eloquent and, perhaps, the most sublime dream of human pride.

"You will be like gods who know good and evil," says allegorical snakes in the Bible. Truly, make an evil science - it means to create a devil from God, and if any spirit can constantly resist God, then there is no longer one God, but there are two God.

To resist infinite, infinite force is needed, and two endless forces opposite to one another must neutralize each other.<<9>> If the resistance from Satan is possible, then the power of God cannot exist further, God and the Devil destroy each other, and the person remains alone; It remains alone with the ghost of his gods, a hybrid sphinx, a winged bull holding a sword in his human hand, emanating from which the flashing lightning lead a person's imagination from one error to another, and from the despotism of the light є to the despotism of darkness.

The history of earthly disasters and suffering is only a novel about the war of the gods, the war is still not finished until Christians worship God in the devil, and the devil in God.

Antagonism of forces is anarchy in Dogma. Thus, the church that approves the existence of the devil, the world responds with horrific logic: then there is no God; And it is useless to try to avoid this argument, inventing the superiority of God, who would allow the devil to make people were damned; This permission would be a monstrous and resemble the complicity, and God, who could become an accomplice of the devil, could not be God.

Dogmatic Devil is an atheism personification. The devil in philosophy is an exaggerated ideal of human free will.Real, or physical devil is magnetism evil.

Call the devil - it means only to imagine this imaginary personality for a moment. It entails the fact that the border of the insane vanity passes into the human ego, and he commits the most criminal and senseless actions.

The consequence of such an act is the death of the soul in madness, and often the death of the body, as if similar to the blow of lightning, as a result of a stroke.
The devil always borries requests, but never gives anything in return.
Saint John calls his beast (La Bete), because his essence is human nonsense La Betise Humaine).

Here is the creation of Eliphas Levi (Bonae Memoriae) and his disciples ...

We believe in God - the principle, the essence of the entire existing, all good and all justice, inseparable from nature, which is his law, and which detects themselves through mind and love.
We believe in humanity, the daughter of God, all members of which are inextricably linked with each other, so that all people should cooperate in the save of everyone, and everyone in the save of all.
We believe that it is necessary to serve humanity to serve the Divine Entity.
We believe in correcting evil and in the victory of good in the life of the eternal.

explained Blavatskaya:

<<1>\u003e Rebirth ~ ego ~ after death. Eastern, and especially the Buddhist doctrine of the evolution of the new ego from the old ego. Ed. Theosophist.

<<2>\u003e From one Loki to another, from the positive world of causes and activities in the negative world of consequences and passivity. Ed. Theosophist.

<<3>\u003e In space matter, when they need to lose their self-consciousness or individuality, or destroy, as Eastern Kabbalists say. Ed. Theosophist.

<<4>\u003e Passionally wanting to see the deceased person, it is necessary to cause ~ the image of this person, call it out of astral light or the ether in which the images of the past ~ remains captured. This is exactly what partly takes place in the rooms for sessions. Spiritualists are unconscious necromancers. Ed. Theosophist.

<<5>\u003e Strengthen these images in astral or star light. Ed. Theosophist.

<<6>\u003e People begin to intuitively exercise great truthAnd in many countries in Europe today is now being created by society in defense of bodies of bodies and ~ crematoriums ~. Ed. Theosophist.

<<7>\u003e Vera and ~ Will strength ~. Immortality is due, as we always claimed. This is a reward clean and kind. The sinful man, a man, passionate about sensual and material, only survives. He who appreciates only physical pleasures does not live and ~ can not ~ live in Posmerty as a conscious creature. Ed. Theosophist.

<<8>> - ?
<<9>\u003e And because evil is infinitely and forever, for it is modern matter, then the logical conclusion that the logical conclusion that there is neither God nor the devil, as a personal creature, and there is only one unreserved, endless, unchanged and absolute principle or law: it is evil, or the devil, the deeper it is immersed in matter, and good or god, as soon as he is cleared of the latter and again becomes a clean unwrapped spirit or absolute in his eternal, immutable subjectivity. Ed. Theosophist.

"Theosophist", October 1881

caught the difference?

original articles on the site

Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya, one of the most mysterious women of the XIX century, was born in the aristocratic family. Among her closest ancestors were representatives of the historical childbirth of France, Germany and Russia. Many of them differed in the life and everyday life of extreme eccentricity, then Elena Petrovna was then inherited. Thus, the great-grandmother Blavatsky, nee Bandre-Duples, the granddaughter of Emigrant - Huguenot, was married to the prince of Pavel Vasilyevich, who worn a loud Russian surname of Dolgorukov. And soon, producing two daughters on the light at the interval per year, she left the kids on the care of her husband and disappeared from the family for twenty years!

An unusual girl grew up and Lelia - so called the family a little lamb. Already from ten years, she has fun and passionately, sometimes to exhaustion danced on the balas with handsome officers who were twice as well, and then three years later. Two main blood flows collided in the residents of Leli: German (from the Father's side) and French (Mother's line). The girl acutely felt this fusion of different blood, it seemed to her that some otherworked forces were cooking in her blood to the devilish drug so that he was trying on it.

And sometimes in her mind there was a warm, fascinating sound, elusive for others. Specked in her head concrete outlines, he collected together the scattered fragments of the Russian events in the brain, he gave rise to the scattered pictures from the future into the brain ... So they matured the mysterious gift of clairvoyance in it, it could be from the depths of the soul, early with the pain of disappointments and loss.

Her mother, Elena Andreevna Gan, gave birth to a shelter prematurely in Ekaterinoslava from July 30 to July 31, 1831. In front of this event, she got a cholera. What has survived both - and mother, and daughter, is a real miracle.

After the death of Mom, the girl felt some kind of split personality, or rather - the splitting of his own soul and consciousness. On the one hand, she was killed by grief, and on the other hand, as if turned his back to the monstrous reality of death, so as not to be crushed heavy, unbearable orphanhood.

At the time of his Maidenhood, Elena Petrovna struggled to suffer this split. She was exhausted by the presence in the soul of someone outsiders, without any courtesy, the striking thing in any conversation with his high words, forcing her to behave in accordance with his will, reproving her nature at his discretion and whim. This invisible for those surrounding "someone" transformed it from the inside to unrecognizable, changed to such an extent that she no longer perceived himself with Lelle, and he felt with horror by someone else, completely unknown her personality, which was also endowed with the other People exorbitant ambitions and serious complaints. She seemed to sleep in a dream if you want, trance long or short-term.

After waking up, she barely remembered some scraps of this sleep, tormented by a headache and felt completely crushed.

Elena Petrovna, Elena Petrovna, was more and more strengthened in spiritual depletion, got sick with him and waited for a new trance with an extraordinary enthusiasm. She remembered more detailed with her second nature and sincerely wondered what was able to move in time and space without any special difficulties. She was fully obliged to this unimaginable freedom, according to her deep conviction, his teachers, "Mahatmam".

In such an externally, she allowed himself to talk and do anything. However, this was not at all the value of the acquired gift. The actual meaning was that his reasoning, which seemed to some people with incoherent and arrogant, she did not suck out of the finger, but removed from the mapping of paintings of the past and the future. The panorama of the day of yesterday and the day of the future unfolded before her without any coercion, it was worth it only to fall into this peculiar lethargy. And yet its insecifications were not lungs, they took their health and prematurely old.

Then Elena Petrovna realized that the providence of the future and memories of the distant past were the ability of her ancestors, which she inherited from them. As they would now be told, the ability of genetic memory, for various reasons, Elena Petrovna has an extremely exacerbated and volumetric.

Of course, these providence and memories did not occupy every miga of her robust life. She lived predominantly moments, the assant studios. She had to survive with dubious funds and not think about the consequences of some of their rampant solutions and actions. At the same time, Elena Petrovna reheated herself in the main thing, forcing himself not for love, but in accordance with ideas and posts with prisoners. On the slope of the years, she almost lost the ability to understand an ordinary life, which often fell into nervous depression, did not want to see anyone and did not leave his house in London.

Elena Petrovna tried to treat himself with a dream. However, the new terrible visions and nightmares stunned so much that, having come to themselves, she barely audibly pronounced the abnormal words and had a long time after that was suffering insomnia.

She dreamed of things incredible, difficult-standing. She remained under the influence of these apocalyptic dreams.

She watched thousands of human sacrifices with his own eyes, at which no one escaped deaths: neither children nor women nor old men. People burned not one by one, but by whole cities. For mass murders Shells of terrible destructive power were used. She also saw how millions of people were completely eliminating themselves with some poison gas. It was a real lightweight.

She saw stupid and full faces of the executioners, methodically scoring people like cattle on a fool. Elena Petrovna felt as sad in a dream: her golden, in small curls, the hair turned into the twisted silvery serpents.

Blavatskaya found out the truth - she tremedly participated in the preparation of the worldwide slaughter, Ideanly blessed it. In his privacy, she fled past the spacious ingredients, in which were, waiting for deaths, depleted, which were in huge crowds, past the smoking pipes of crematoriums, past the burned gardens and destroyed buildings. She did not notice how the glovenic and self-satisfied people welcomed her Roman gesture, raising his right hand. She fled from all his might back, at one time. She dived in the dead waters of stycles with the only hope - to get rid of forever from compassion and from love for people. In this oily, with the lead folding water of oblivion were answers to all questions of its long-suffering life.

After the death of his mother, the father of Blavatsky bastavil and was bald his favorite - an older daughter. Peter Alekseevich allowed her to do what he would do. And the girl seemed to sleep with the lease, became arrogant and bold. With an unfavorable coincidence, this adoration would definitely bring quickly bitter fruits, do not grandmother Elena Pavlovna, who tried to curb the capricious and the ongoing character of his granddaughter.

And Grandmother Blavatsky for his outstanding qualities used in Tiflis an excellent reputation and respect. "Despite the fact that herself did not have anyone, the whole city was to her bow," they remembered her contemporaries.

The worker, she and their children taught not to beat the frustral, and put everyone on his feet. Elder daughter, E. A. Gan, became famous as a writer, although he died early. Her sister Ekaterina Andreevna lived longer, married Julia Witte. Son Elena Pavlovna, Rostislav Andreevich Fadeev, an artillery general, was a prominent figure in the Slavic lands and the famous military writer of the 70s and 80s of the XIX century. Educated and witty, he uncontrollably attracted people to him. In Uncle Rostislava, in the sister of faith and her children, Elena Petrovna really needed. Only they nourished and supported her heroic and romantic valetricity. Meanwhile, her love for the world, comprehensive and grandiose, was allegedly approved in the removal of any personal attachments.

To understand the psychology, Elena Petrovna and her mother, one point is very significant: they are like simultaneous stay in two reality - artistic and everyday, household. However, for the mother, such duality of the situation turned around the tragedy. In the story "Ideal" her heroine sees one way out of the current situation - in faith and admission to God.

For Blavatskaya itself, this path is low-apparent, it does not relieve the mercy of God. Church Christianity in general and Orthodoxy in particular, as she thought, cannot manage human conscience.

That's why E. P. Blavatskaya, developing the rebellious start, often allowed himself to blasphemes, to be crushed and crap. According to the memories of her sister, she since childhood has ever since the role of a crusher of the usual spiritual oblast. Outside Christianity, Elena Petrovna lived aventuristically freely, and the last sixteen years of his life was entirely dedicated to a specific case - the registration of its esoteric insight into a certain organization, to a new church, - theosophical society.

FROM early years Blavatskaya sought to spiritual and mental communication, the most silent gift of the Russian man. For a number of reasons, a purely family, personal nature, such communication gradually degenerated into a demonstration of its occult abilities.

E. P. Blavatskaya teaching sequence, famous Russian Teosophic E. F. Pisarev, based on episodes who belong to the life of Elena Petrovna in childhood, was convinced that "E. P. B. possessed clairvoyance; The astral world invisible for ordinary people was opened for her, and she lived in a double life: a common one for all physical and visible alone! ".

But the Life of Elena Petrovna, who was in sight of everyone, was full of actions who were surprised by others. In 1847, she together with her grandfather and grandmother moved to Tiflis. There, Elena Petrovna met the young prince Alexander Golitsyn, conversations with whom she had strengthened her interest in Masonry. Another friend was the local official Nikifor Vasilyevich Blavatsky. Elena Petrovna gave him consent to marriage. But, as her sister of faith recalled, marriage was needed by Elena only to "break out of his native home, to find independence."

And after just a few months after the wedding, Elena Petrovna left her husband. She reported her relatives that she intended to go to the Father, who was supposed to meet her in Odessa. True, during the departure, Elena Petrovna from Tiflis, her grandfather doubted that a self-willed granddaughter would go to his father. Therefore, for "accompaniment" Blavat, but in reality - supervision for her, the family allocated the butler and three more people from the servants. Elena Petrovna was around the finger, Elena Petrovna loudly overlooked. She deliberately detained on the way and, arriving in Poti, was late for a steamer, who had already set off in Odessa. Another ship, an English steamer "Commodore" stood under the Potion Harbor. Do not take care of a generous cash remuneration, she persuaded Captain to take on board her and four servants. "Commodore" was chosen Blavatsky not by chance. He walked not to Odessa, but to Kerch, then to Taganrog on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and further to Constantinople. By going to Kerch in the evening of the next day, she sent a servants to the coast so that they fit the right home and prepared him to the morning for temporary residence.

Wishing the servants of good luck, she stayed on the ship and sailed on the same night to Taganrog alone.

In Taganrog, Blavatsky had difficulty crossing the border: it did not have a passport on her hands, according to which she could freely go to another country. However, in one of the later letters addressed to the Governor-General of the Caucasus, A. M. Dontukov-Korsakov, she argued that such a passport, discharged by her husband N. V. Blavatsky, was supposed to have it.

However, this is the most advanced incorrect, which she admitted many years later in another letter - Head of the gendarme administration of the city of Odessa III branch of his own imperial majesty of the Office.

Its sincere recognition is that she was illegally left of Russia and thus accomplished a criminal offense, helps to understand the course of events that took place.

The English ship was supposed to be in Kerch to undergo customs inspection. Blavatskaya made her eyes with the captain and caused obvious sympathies to him. She was offered to change the Junga. This jungle was hidden in the coal trim. In order not to attract the attention of customs officers, she was presented to the patient, wrapped with blankets and laid in a hammock.

Upon arrival in Constantinople with the help of an implanted Steward Blavatskaya descended by the Turkish shore. The first impressions of his free life, she frankly passed in the story "Shining Shield" from the "Unusual Stories" series, printed in the New York newspaper "San" in January 1876 with the subtitle "Wonderful forces of the prophesiletry Virgin Damascus": "Our Little Favorites Company Represented a group of carefree travelers. A week before that, we came to Constantinople from Greece and since then for fourteen hours every day went up and down the steep slopes of feathers, visited the bazaars, climbed to the tops of minarets ... "

Elena Petrovna since childhood went quickly and easily, slightly swinging, loved a wide male step. Affected probably walks with his father, an artillery officer.

According to Constantinople, she rushed like a row horse, exactly wanted to be the first to finish and win a prize. He barely slept her new acquaintances - it was a traveling Russian family, husband and wife. She pounded them almost before falling.

A great impression was made on her Dervishi, Muslim strolling monks, especially those who possessed the gift of clairvoyance.

Once, returning to the hotel, Blavatskaya realized that the money was on the outcome. It was necessary to take something. Then she has not yet suffered from the need, he knew about her before his flight only hearse.

Realizing the entire tragity of the situation in which Blavatskaya laid something from the jewelry and decided to try happiness in the circus, because it was not in vain she was a skillful rider.

In the circus, she took part in the equestrian attraction. An eighteen barriers had to overcome the uneven horse. In this attraction, several riders were employed. Two the most unlucky in her eyes broke their necks. But did she have a way out? Blavatskaya became a mounted duck, went on a playpen, like an ordinary viewer, - to experience fate. Of course, in the case of successful overcoming all the eighteen barriers, it, in addition to its earnings, would receive a declared cash prize. But it was not that it was not to be in her task: then it would have to say goodbye to the circus, to give way to another, to go to all four sides and to extract themselves in some other way.

Blavatskaya had to overcome not all, but the greatest number barriers. Elena Petrovna took, leaving the audience, the most cheerful and reckless appearance, pretending to her, and with the help of a circus jockey deliberately awkwardly jagged on an explosive horse. With such a force and determination, she joined the horse mane, which for some seconds the horse was asked under her, and without a special tension, Elena Petrovna, before falling down, took several barriers. Circus shook from laughter.

In the circus, one day they were attached to her full of elderly, who externally resembled a spherical widow. The stranger came to horror when he learned that she was eating, in a Russian habit, alone sandwiches. He crushed her lonely and unresolved life in Constantinople. Blavatskaya did not give any value to this random acquaintance. But the person remembered.

A few days later, Elena Petrovna discovered him lying on Constantinople street. He was seriously injured by robber. She assisted him first aid and took the nearest hotel.

Her katera rider in the circus is rapidly over. Once there happened what was expected to be expected. She was tired of playing giveaway. Blavatskaya wanted to truly win. Her horse successfully overcame sixteen obstacles, but he stumbled on the penultimate and collapsed to the ground, giving it themselves.

And again, a moment to death for her life, as already happened in childhood, there was a high handsome man in bizarre clothing. He pulled her, broken and bloody, from under a horse. She recognized him, his keeper, along an inspired and thoughtful face with a fiery dreamy look.

This vision lasted the minute two, and then she saw the already familiar fat man over her. So Blavatskaya finally secured his acquaintance with Agardi Mitrovich, one of the famous opera singers, bass, an Italian for his father.

He fell in love with her at first glance, irrevocably, without hope for reciprocity. But it was his in the end, she also loved him, the only one was submissive and would give everything in the world, if only he survived her. However, it was not to dispose of human destiny.

The blow of the land did not pass for her without a trace. She broke the edge that unsuccessfully rushed. Breast pain bothered for twenty years.

After the custodian appears, her life is more or less improved.

Elena Petrovna met in Constantinople with Countess Sophia Kiselev, nee by prince Potoney, Polka by origin. The Countess was an enthusiastic, egocentric lady, who had love for the occult with a tendency to the secret political activity. Simply put, the Countess was an agent of the influence of the Russian government, she took a lot of participation in a large political game. She turned sixty years old.

In Constantinople, the Countess was still selfless defender of Russian autocracy and the Jealous of Orthodoxy.

Elena Petrovna had to live with her under the same roof and reckon with her senile faders. And the countess was distinguished by noticeable oddities. She, for example, rold Blavat to a male dress. Where a piquant and noticeable to the elderly woman, apparently, believed, to travel with a young embarrassing student than with a reckless girl, from which it is not known what to expect.

Disguise was not embarrassed by Blavatsky, on the contrary, she was madly liked to be in a men's dress. The will of Fate Elena Petrovna, accompanying Countess Kiselev, was in the very center of the most complex international intrigues associated with the interests of Russia in the East. In some of them, she later participated in the most active way.

Together with Countess Kiselev Elena Petrovna went to Egypt.

For some time she was confused from what he saw. It turned out that ancient Egypt was a civilization, many times superior to the level of modern Western development. Egyptian wisdom hit the diversity of their discoveries, the presence of witchcraft, easily penetrating the mystery of nature. Outlines Ancient Egypt Speakers made from the fog of uncertainty and semi-infantastic stories.

It was presented through thickets of scientific hypotheses to the present understanding of the antiquity of mankind. The beginning of her spiritual insight put the Egyptian "Book of the Dead" depicted in the stone drawings, the figurative language of which reminded her the language of the Christian "Revelation". Especially this concerned belief in the immortality of the soul.

Blavatskaya went to Paris from Egypt, and then to London, where he visited the famous World Industrial Exhibition of 1851. And everywhere she tried to comprehend the secrets and the laws of the spiritual universe, to penetrate the essence of different religions, civilizations and cultures. She believed in Christ's impersonal, but not in Jesus from Nazareth. For her, Buddha was the same Christ. Especially attracted by Blavat citizen about Atlantis. She believed that it was there, for nothing to disappeared continent, the idea of \u200b\u200bmankind's unity was embodied by her, it was there that were merged into one whole science and religion.

Blavatskaya biographers are still unknown, where it was from 1851 to 1858. Elena Petrovna itself mentioned in letters and conversations about India, Canada, USA, Mexico ... There is no real confirmation of this. It is just known that in 1858 Blavatskaya turned out to be in Paris and became the environment of the famous Spirit of Daniel Yum. Spiritism, which emerged in the US took ten years before, was not yet very popular in Europe, but to cause spirits with the help of questions and solve their response "tapping" many seemed interesting.

Communicating with Hume, Blavatskaya proceeded from the fact that it is unreasonable, from any point of view, to exclude the wonderful of the sphere of unbiased, comprehensive consideration. She met in the bazaars in Konstantinople and Cairo Dervysh, who pierced her cheeks, languages, arms and legs to have long needles and narrow blades, became bare feet on a hot iron and were asked on it, swallowed alive poisonous scorpions. All this was done in front of many people without any signs of experienced pain. Elena Petrovna saw how Dervishi with singing and dance brought themselves to unconsciousness, included in the trance and, already committing breathtaking actions, quickly quickly, the heads of their head, as if something was shaked in her, led themselves in complete dive.

However, Yum refused her to consider himself a medium and called the vulgar and immoral woman. In turn, she did not remain in debt and declared a feverish-nerve atmosphere, which produced in hums of spiritual shows, artificial and disconnecting.

She noted that even the most outstanding mediums resort to focus tricks. About the spirits, therefore, Blavatsky had an opinion as a deft and sophisticated deceptors using their medium abilities for mercenary purposes.

Manipulation of human gullibility and simplicity then seemed to her disgusting, unworthy of a decent person. Later, she will change its assessments of what is good, and what is bad in the human community. However, when it was called the medium, it came into rage.

The ghost of Atlantis arose in her mind. She reliably knew that the miracles of hypnosis, re-opened by Europeans, were known and practiced in Egypt and India for thousands of years. Fakira, Dervishi and Yoga owned various magical abilities, how to bring themselves to others to a hypnotic state.

In 1858, Blavatsky turned twenty-seven years. For almost nine years, she was located far from his home. She wanted to remind himself, and she wrote aunt of hope, sister of the deceased mother, about his possible arrival to Russia. She was worried primarily as N. Blavatsky behave in this case, whose legitimate wife was still considered.

In Russia, meanwhile there were big changes. King Nicholas I died of viral flu, which he infected him from Paris Count P. D. Kiselev from Paris. Alexander II joined the throne. The country was on the eve of great reforms.

An important events in the Blavatskaya family occurred. A year after her flight from Russia, the second wife of his father died, leaving her daughter to Lizu, and then P. A. Gan took his children to him - Leonid and Verra. In seventeen years, faith married the son of General Yakhontov and gave birth to him two daughters. Unfortunately, her husband soon died.

About Elena Petrovna in the family was not the most mesting opinion. Adults knew that she was alive, but her name was not mentioned in conversations. About her life abroad came some information.

Someone handed the grandfather and grandmother Blavat newspaper cuts about her performances as pianists and conductor in Europe.

A large cross in the family caused a letter to Agardi Mitrovica Grandfather A. M. Fadeev. Mitrovich applied to him as a grandson, and called her wife. Blavatskaya did not inform him that he had already married once and did not divorce. This letter finally undermined in the eyes of his relatively reputation of a decent woman. None of them expected that she had enough incoming to come to Russia. But Elena Petrovna was not from timid women, was distinguished by the sharpness of the manner and determination in actions.

Presumably in the summer or early autumn Blavatskaya, leaving Mitrovicha at the time in Europe, appeared in Russia. In which city she stopped - it is unknown and not so significant. More importantly, the relationship of families close to its return is presented. Elena Petrovna turned to the hope of Andreevna, and by writing a letter to Erivan, Blavatsky's tearfully begged not to arrange a public scandal in connection with the appearance of her prodigal niece. It is known that N. A. Fadeeva, Vera Petrovna and Elena Petrovna stood the mountain for each other.

N. V. Blavatsky turned out to be a noble and innobile man. He in a response letter dated November 13 (under Art.) 1858 acknowledged that he had long disappeared interest in Elena Petrovna, and Melancholically noticed that time heals the wounds, softens the grief and erases many events of ridiculous and without life. He expressed the hope that they would finally receive a divorce and Elena Petrovna again will be able to marry. N. V. Blavatsky was intended to resign and retire in his estate. In other words, he forgive her betrayal.

If N. V. Blavatsky turned out to be a commodity and a conspiractive person, then Grandfather A. M. Fadeev wanted to hear anything about her. He flatly refused to take an ungrateful granddaughter in Tiflis. Nadezhda Andreyevna found a way out of the ambiguous situation that has created and suggested bla-watt to stop at the width of faith.

So in Christmas, Elena Petrovna, after nine-year-old separation, was in Pskov in a family circle. The family celebration was in the house of Yakhontov, called Zolovka faith, and their father P. A. Gan arrived on this occasion, Brother Leonid and Little Summary of Lisa.

The sister of Blavatskaya Faith described this unforgettable meeting: "We were all waiting for the arrival of her will take place a few weeks later. But, strange when I heard the doorbell, I jumped to my feet in full confidence that it was she ... full of joy, we hugged, forgetting at this moment about everything. I arranged her in my room, and starting from this evening, I was convinced that my sister acquired some extraordinary abilities. Constantly, and in a dream and in reality, there were some invisible movements around her, some sounds, light tapping, were heard. They walked on all sides - from furniture, window frames, ceiling, floor, walls. They were very audible, it seemed that three knocks mean - "yes", two - "no".

In the Tiflis Sultry Summer of 1860, E. P. Blavatskaya met with his cousin - twelve-year-old Seryozha Witte, Miloid, shy and pale. It was difficult to assume that many years later he, Minister of Finance Alexandra III And Nicolae II will become among the Russian officials the first person: the architect of the new industrial Russian.

He and she remained in the memory of Russian people. Each of them had their own field, but they were united in common in character. Essentially, they lived, as it turns out, they loved to be taken, showed treachery at the right moments, surprised those surrounding with their petone, differed intensia. At the same time, they have developed intelligence and strong will, irrepressible energy and stunning insight. When it was necessary, they saw people through.

They had no evil intent, often their actions determined passion and romantic hopes. They sometimes have been unspelled in their decisions and positions, even with damage to their own reputation.

In the memoirs of S. Yu. Witte, written by him at sixty-two years, Blavatskaya appears not in the pink light and not from the best side. He describes it with a sense of inner resentment caused not so much by its actions affecting the honor of the family, how many explicit inconsistency of the original in his young consciousness image of a fatal woman.

He thought to see a charming curtisan, joking with men, and in front of him turned out to be a thick slightly special, besides poorly and old-fashioned dressed. Exactly appearance Elena Petrovna pursue him in shock, and later, in old age, this feeling of disappointment in a woman's dreams gave himself about herself to felt in the bile and some kind of negligence tone of the story, as if he wrote not about a close relative, but about a completely outsider.

The indispensable condition for Elena Petrovna in Tiflis, putting her grandfather A. M. Fadeev, was a return to a legitimate husband. She undispending to this condition, expecting, apparently, to a promise, which gave a letter of hope N. V. Blavatsky in a letter.

Wanting to deliver Elena Petrovna pleasure and loyal to this word, N. V. Blavatsky before her appearance in Tiflis left for the time to treat Berlin. True, his principled was enough for a while. In November, returned to Russia, he unexpectedly resigned from the post of vice-governor of the Erivan province and moved to Tiflis, in order to recover before her eyes.

As Blavatskaya believed, her husband was absurd by a stupid man. She did not take into account the delicacy and fragility of his nature, and especially did not want to notice the timid steps that he did to meet her, maybe in secretly hoping that his prodigal wife will make up and will no longer give him any trouble. How this unfortunate and naive man deducted!

At first, Elena Petrovna observed caution and, bored to despair, tried as much as she did not shock society. She spent most of the time at the grandfather's house, in the old mansion of Prince Chavchavadze, in the circle of the whole family, among relatives and the nearest friends. The absence of grandmother's house, E. P. Fadeeva, affected, but the house still remained elegant and well-groomed.

Soon Elena Petrovna met the Estland Baron Nikolai Meyendorf, who also turned out to be a repurious friend of Daniel Yum. How was it not to rush in the arms of each other! A stormy and rapid novel between Blavatsky in Meyendorf did not prevent the fact that the Baron was married. But almost at the same time, Her former Beloved, Agardi Mitrovich, one of the best European bass came to Tiflis, was renewed, and soon Elena Petrovna discovered with horror that she was pregnant.
Candidates for the role of the future Father turned out to be three, but Mitrovich and Meyendorf refused to be honored, and the shocked N. V. Blavatsky, trying to preserve the person, appointed a monthly content in a hundred rubles. By decision of the Family Council, to move and give birth to a child Elena Petrovna sent to the far from the Mingrelsky garrison. The child was born the ugly: an inexperienced garrison leakage, pulling off his tongs, damaged the baby's bone. Called the newborn yura. He constantly sick and, despite all the worries of the mother, died in the fall of 1867.
The death of Yura, like fiery tornado, lifted everything sincere and natural in her soul.
Burrying the Son, she and Agardi Mitrovich lived for some time in Kiev. Mitrovich, with its help, learned Russian, is good enough to participate in such Russian operators as "life for the king" and "mermaid".
From Kiev, they moved to Odessa to Aunt Catherine and Hope.
1869 was the year of loss and Fadeev and Witte families. Grandfather A. M. Fadeev and the husband of Aunt Kati, Father Sergey - Julius Witte. With their death disappeared a calm prosperity life. The grandfather left some debts, because I paid a salary of 84 former serfs. Catherine Witte and the Nadezhda Fadeeva packed the suitcases and moved to Odessa, there was to learn from the university with two sons of Aunt Kati - Boris and Sergey.
However, the situation in which Elena Petrovna and Mitrovich were, did not follow any comparison with the poverty of her aunts. There were days when she had nothing to eat with Agardi Mitrovich.
And suddenly Agardi Mitrovich received an invitation to the Cairo Opera. It was a real salvation. They hastily drove into the path.

The steamer "Emmonia", who sailed in Alexandria from Naples with four passengers on board, with a load of gunpowder and Petardi, exploded and sank on June 4, 1871 in the Naples Bay. Among his passengers were Elena Petrovna and Agardi Mitrovich. She miraculously saved, and he drowned.

Among those who left the memories of E. P. Blavat, was her cousin S. Yu. Witte. Let us give excerpts from them: "When I met her, I was struck by her fatigue talent to grab the fastest way: never learn music, she herself learned to play the piano and gave concerts in Paris (and in London); Never studying the theory of music, she was made by the orchestra and choir dropleter at the Serbian king Milan; gave spiritual ideas; Never seriously studying the languages, she spoke French, in English and in other European languages, as in their native language; Never studying seriously Russian grammar and literature, repeatedly, in my eyes, she wrote loner letters with poems with his acquaintances and native with such an ease with which I could not write a letter prose; She could write whole sheets by verses, which were flowing like music, and which did not contain anything serious; She wrote with ease of all sorts of newspaper articles on the most serious topics, without knowing the object that I wrote about; Could, looking into the eyes, talk and tell the most unprecedented things, expressing otherwise - in a manner, and with such conviction, which only those persons who never say nothing to the truth speak with anyone. Telling unprecedented things and in a wrong way, she appears to be sure that what she said was really that it was true, so I can't not say that there was something demonic in it, saying simply Something is damn, though, in essence, she was a very kind, good man. She possessed such threshing blue eyes, which I never saw anyone in my life, and when she started to tell something, and in particular, there was no effort, that these eyes were scary all the time, and therefore it is not surprising that she had a huge influence on many people prone to gross mysticism to all unusual, i.e. on people who had a life on our planet and who cannot be elevated to a true understanding and feeling of the upcoming time for all of us, i.e. on People who are looking for the initiation of the afterlife, and since they are their soul are not available, they try to captivate at least falsification of this future life ...

... In the end, if the proof is needed that a person is not an animal that there is a soul that can not be explained by any material origin, Blavatskaya can serve this excellent proof: in it, undoubtedly, was a spirit, completely independent Its physical or physiological existence. The only question was, what was this spirit, and if you put on the point of view of the view of the afterlife, that it is divided into hell, purgatory and paradise, then the whole question is only from which one did the spirit that settled in Blavat At the time of her earthly life. "

One of the secrets of E. P. Blavatskaya, still not disclosed, is its letter dated December 26, 1872 by the head of the gendarme administration of the city of Odessa III branch of his own imperial majesty of the Office. To this day, it is not entirely clear that E. P. Blavatskaya prompted the pen and turn to Russian gendarmes with the proposal of its services.

Maybe Blavatskaya wanted to gain connection from homeland, to get forgiveness for violation of laws Russian Empire? After all, she left Russia illegally, without issuing a foreign passport, without having argued on a trip to Constantinople's permission to the authorities. Elena Petrovna writes about it its only "crime" in the letter, stressing that she did not commit anything more than illegal actions. Maybe this ill-fated letter was born as a result of those misfortunes that were collapsed on it: death in 1867 of her extramarital son Yuri (the boy was five years old), Mitrovich's death during shipwreck in the summer of 1871?

Elena Petrovna claimed, however, that Yuri was adopted by her and was the extramarital son of his husband's sister - hopes of Blavatskaya. In any case, these two deaths have become a terrible test for her. So, in a letter to the aunt of the Nadezhda Fadeeva, explaining his gap with the Christian Church, she wrote that "God of the Russian Orthodox Church died for her that day, when Yura was not."

And maybe endless quarrels with relatives have contributed to writing this letter during their stay in Odessa in April 1872. Be that as it may, a letter, relatively recently discovered in the Odessa archive, on the thought of his publishers, should have become an indisputable evidence of an alleged spiritual flaw of Russian theosophics, a murderous compromised against her. After all, it becomes a secret informant, begged, a stukachem, a secret agent for a goodwill at all times and in all states was considered and considered the shameful, the most recent business.

But is it really unfortunate that this letter was?

Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya offered himself to Russian government as an international agent. In particular, in his letter she was confessed. She wrote about their capabilities, this time not related to its media abilities, but with her education.

The commentators of this ill-fated writing of Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya qualify it primarily as initially criminal acts from the point of view of morality. After making a similar accusatory verdict, they completely ignore both external factors and the inner motives of Blavat. Many of these commentators are so prejudiced in an unfavorable attitude to the author of the letter, which they do not even want to read in it and, that is, because it is becoming interpreted by its content. They simply do not notice what the nature of the services offered by Blavatskaya through the Security Department of the Russian government, what are the true goals of its appeal, which is based on, how she writes, loyalty to Russia and its interests.

It is quite clear that Blavatskaya saw herself a skillful and insightful laser in someone else's camp, the intelligence and was ready to go to all sorts of victims, deprivation and adversity, not for the sake of the korear, but for the interests of the Russian state.

In the end, the fact that Blavatskaya was offered by the Russian gendarmes, meant her transition to the ranks of those who modern language Intelligence is called "illegal", she did not even count on diplomatic immunity. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that the imperial, the holding thinking among the figures of Russian culture was not one blavant. The XIX century is the age of the struggle of the empires for their sphere of influence. Blavatskaya offered its services as a secret agent primarily in Egypt and India. Her chief enemy was England. We must not forget that such patriotism in Russian people strengthened the Crimean War of 1853-1856 for domination in the Middle East.

And finally, can it be forgotten that the letter wrote a talented writer, whose essays in India "from the caves and Debreys of Huddistan" read twelve years later all formed Russia? For Blavatskaya's letter, the stroitellic, adventure tone is characteristic.

Reading it, you understand that we are not so much a business letter-appeal, as a talented sketch of future adventurous novel. And there is nothing surprising in that, Blavatsky received a refusal. The officials of the cheek in Russia have always feared artists, people with unpredictable actions and actions. But Blavatskaya letter is a direct evidence that her deception, a hoax - all this is the game of the artist. The game, anticipating the style of behavior and creative search for an avant-garde artist, whose type began to develop at the very beginning of the XX century.

Here is the text of this letter:

Your Excellency!

I am the wife of the actual Stat adviser Blavatsky, married 16 years and by mutual agreement a few weeks after the wedding went with him. Since then, almost living abroad is constantly living. In these 20 years, I got well with all Western Europe, Ignorantly followed the current policy not from any purpose, and in congenital passion, I always had a habit to better follow the events and predict them, to enter the slightest details of the case for That tried to get acquainted with all the outstanding personalities of politicians of different powers, both government and left foresight. In my eyes there was a number of events, intrigue, coups ... Many times I had the case to be useful information from my Russia, but at the past time for the stupid youth myself was silent from fear. Later, family misfortunes distracted me a little from this task. I am the native niece of General Fadeev, known to your Excellency of the military writer. Catching up spiritualism, asleep in many places with a strong medium. Hundreds of people certainly believed and will believe in the spirits. But I writing this letter in order to offer your Excellency and the Motherland of my services, is obliged to express all the truth for you. And therefore, I repent of the fact that three quarters of the sort of spirits said and answered by my own - for the success of the plans for my words and considerations. Rarely, it was very rare to learn from this trap to learn from the people of the most secretive and serious hopes, plans and secrets. I am leaking little, they reached that, thinking to learn the future and the secrets of others from the spirits, they gave me their own.

But I acted carefully and rarely used your own advantage of my knowledge. I spent our entire winter in Egypt, in Cairo, and knew everything that was happening from HEDIVA, his plans, the stroke of intrigue, etc. Through our vice consul of Lavizon the deceased. This latter was so carried away by the spirits that, despite his whole trick, he was constantly pronounced. So I learned about the secret acquisition of a huge number of weapons, which, however, was left to the Turkish government; He learned about all the intrigues of Nubar Pasha and his negotiations with the German Consul General. I learned all the filaments of operation by our agents and consuls of the millionth inheritance of Raphael Abeta and a lot of other. I opened the Spirit Society, the whole country came to excitement. 400, 500 people a day, all society, Pasha and others threw up to me. I constantly have been Lavison, sent for me daily, secretly, I saw Hediva, who he imagined that I would not recognize him under a different outfit, aware of the secret plans of Russia. He did not recognize any ideas, and gave me a lot. I wished several times to enter the intercourse with the city of De Lex, our general consul, wanted to offer him a plan for which a lot and much would be given to know in St. Petersburg. All the consuls were with me, but because I was friendly with the city of Pashkovsky and his wife, a M-me de Lex was in the hostility with them, what is the other, but all my attempts remained in vain. Ax forbade the entire consulate to belong to the Spirit Society and even insisted that it was a nonsense and quarrel, which was not politically from his part. In a word. Society, deprived of government support, collapsed in three months. Then the Father Gregohar, a papal missionary in Cairo, who visited me every day, began to insist that I entered into intercourse with the government papal. On behalf of Cardinal Barnabo, he suggested that I get from 20 to 30 thousand francs annually and act through the spirits and my own considerations in the types of Catholic propaganda, etc. Father Gregohar brought me a letter from Cardinal, in which he again offered me in the future all the benefits, says : "II EST TEMPS QUE L" ANGE DES TENEBRES DEVIENNE ANGE DE LUMIERE "and promises me a unlikely place in the Catholic Rome, persuades turning back to heretical Russia. The result was the one that I, taking from a papal missionary 5 thousand FR [Anckov] for The time lost with him, promised a lot in the future, turned his back not to heretic Russia, but I left for them. I also gave it to a consulate about it, but I just laughed and said that I was stupid I do that I do not agree to accept Such favorable proposals that patriotism and religion have a case of taste - nonsense, etc. D. Now I decided to turn to your Excellency in full confidence that I can be more than useful for my Motherland, which I love most in the world, for our sovereign, whom we are all bogwood in the family. I speak French, in English, in Italian, as in Russian, I understand free German and Hungarian, a little Turkish. I belong to my birth, if not on the situation, to the best noble surnames of Russia and I can talk, therefore, both in the highest circle and in the lower layers of society. My whole life passed in these races from top to bottom. I played all the roles, it is capable of representing one personality; Portrait is not flattering, but I owe your Excellency to show the whole truth and put yourself in touch, what a person who has done me, the circumstances and the eternal struggle of the whole life of my life, who sophobed the trick in me, like a red-skinned Indian. I rarely did not bring any kind of desired result by the desired result. I switched all the claims, played, I repeat, roles in all layers of society. Through spirits and other means, I can find out anything, to derive the truth from the most secretive person. Until this afraid, all this disappeared in gift, and the results that applied to the practical advantage of the Power, which applied to the practical benefit, would have a considerable benefit, were limited to microscopic benefit to one me. My goal is not careful, but rather the protection and the help is more moral than the material. Although I have little money for life and live transfers and commercial correspondence, but to this afternoon rejected all the proposals that could put me even indirectly against the interests of Russia. In 1867, Besta's agent offered me different benefits for the fact that I am Russian and the niece of the general Fadeev hated by him. It was in Peshe, I rejected and underwent strongest trouble. In the same year, in Bucharest, General Tyur, in the service of Italy, but Hungarian, also persuaded me, before the reconciliation of Austria with Hungary, serve them. I refused. Last year, in Constantinople Mustafa Pasha, Brother Hediva Egyptian, offered me a big amount of money through the secretary of his Vilkinson, and even once himself, having acquainted his Frenchwoman with me, - so that I would only return to Egypt and would give him all the information About the tricks and plans of his brother, Vice-king. Not knowing good, as Russia looks at this case, fearing to declare this General Ignatiev, I rejected this order from myself, although I could perfectly fulfill him. In 1853, in Baden-Baden, losing to roulette, I agreed to a request of one unknown Mr. Russian, who watched me. He suggested 2 thousand francs if I had time to get two German letters with some means (the content of Koi remained unknown to me), hidden by a very cunning Pole Count Kviletsky, who are in the service of the Prussian king. He was a military. I was without money, any Russian had a sympathy of mine, I could not return to Russia while I was upset by this terribly. I agreed and after three days with the greatest difficulties and the danger of these letters. Then this gentleman told me that it would be better for me to return to Russia and that I had a rather talent to be a useful homeland. And what if someday I will decide to change the lifestyle and take a serious thing, then I only have to contact the III compartment and leave your address and name there. Unfortunately, I did not take advantage of this proposal.

All this together gives me the right to think that I can bring the benefit of Russia. I am alone in the world, although I have many relatives. No one knows that I am writing this letter.

I am completely independent and feeling that this is not a simple boasting or illusion, if I say that I am not afraid of the most difficult and dangerous instructions. Life does not represent me anything joyful nor good. In my character, love for the struggle, to intrigue, perhaps. I'm stubborn and go to the fire and water to achieve the goal. I myself brought a little my best, let them bring the benefit of my homeland. I am a woman without prejudice and if I see the benefit of some business, I look only on the bright side. Maybe learning about this letter, relatives in the blind pride would curse me. But they will not recognize, yes, I don't care. Never did nothing for me. I must serve them with a homemade medium just like their society. Forgive me, Your Excellency, if unnecessary homemade labels precipitated to the business letter. But this letter is my confession. I am not afraid of a secret study of my life. That I did not make a bad, in what circumstances of life was neither, I was always faithful to Russia, faithful to her. 16 years I made one act against the law. I left without a pashport abroad from the pit in a male dress. But I fled from the old hated husband, imposed by the princess of Vorontsova, and not from Russia. But in 1860 I forgive me, and Baron Bruno, the London Messenger, gave me a pashport. I had many stories abroad for the honor of the Motherland, during Crimean war I have repeatedly had a quarrel, I do not know how I did not kill me, as I was not put in prison. I repeat, I love Russia and is ready to devote her interests to the rest of my life. Having discovered the entire truth to your Excellency, I ask you to take all this to note and if you need, then test me. I still live in Odessa, my aunt, the generals of Witte, at the police street, the house of Gaaz, No. 36. My name is Moe Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya. If in continuation of the month I will not get any information, then I will go to France, as I am looking for a place for the correspondent in some trading office. Take the assurance, your Excellency, in limitless respect and complete devotion is always ready for your services.

Elena Blavatskaya. "

On this extensive letter, which reveals a variety of sides of Blavatskaya, she, as we already know, received a refusal. And six months later, in June 1873, Elena Petrovna decided to go on a steamer in New York, Istiving the latest money on a ticket. True, she sent a letter to Russia to Russia asking to seek money to the Russian consulate in New York. But P. A. Gan, who had never previously refused the eldest daughter in help, this time nothing answered. And only later Elena Petrovna learned that his father was then at death.

In the US, Blavatskaya soon met with Colonel Henry with a stylus Olkott, also interested in the nature of phenomenal phenomena. Their views converged far from everything, but they understood each other well and became open friends. In November 1875, they founded the theosophical society, Olcott became his president, and Blavatskaya - the secretary correspondent. One of the main tasks of society was proclaimed primary foundations The "World Brotherhood of Humanity", in which there will be no difference in races, faith and origin.

At the end of 1878, Blavat and Olcott went to India, with the philosophical and religious societies of which they supported close contacts. They managed to attract a lot of wealthy industries to their the theosophical society, from September 1879, on the initiative of Blavatskaya, the Journal of Theosophist began to be published. Blavatskaya traveled a lot in the country, her essays on India were published in Russian press.

Blavatskaya had opponents, she was repeatedly accused of selling and fraud. But much more people Before her supernatural capabilities, literally guarded it. So who was Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya? Is it possible to consider her living goddess?

Of course not. She was a student, the adept of demigods, or rather, hermits, "Mahatm", which acquired supernatural abilities inaccessible with simple mortal.

Blavatskaya was all permeated by the irrational elements, obsessed with demons, hovering between good and evil. Hence, in her memories of themselves so much confusion, just nonsense and insights. From demonisha, bordering Satanism, she was not free to death.

Blavatskaya tried to gain a new equilibrium, based on the non-traditional prerequisites developed by the philosophical-mystical and religious thought of the Hindus and related to theories of reincarnation and the resettlement of souls, with the law of Karma and with Mokshe - the possibility of absolute liberation from earthly rebirths of spiritually developed people. This appeal to ancient wisdom, as she believed, would contribute to a universal reincarnation for the better and further evolution of the human race.

Another thing is that in addition to the will of Blavatsky and the desire of its followers, theosophical movement did not achieve the tasks. Retractive human psychology turned out to be much more complicated than it appeared at the beginning.

The refined mysticism did not illuminate the abyss of ignorance in the darkness, and was comparable, unless with swamp lights, then flashing calling, fraudulent light, then anxious, as if in agony, shimmering, then unexpectedly and irrevocably excess.

Whatever Elena Petrovna argue (and she could have anything), her military was replenished exclusively by such recruits, whose thirst for miracles was unbearable and uncomfortable and demanded a permanent, daily thickening.

In this enchanted circle - between the protection of the theory of occultism against applied sciences and the tedious need to create new miracles, sound and light phenomena, - Blavatsky died all his conscious life.

One of the deepest and prominent prophecies of Blavatskaya is to submit to the spiritual Union of Russia and India, in the belief that "Russian people and the Industion will come together."

Everything develops cyclically, returns in the end to the circles its own.

This biblical truth was also confirmed by many Hindus and Buddhist sacred texts, with whom Elena Petrovna got acquainted, as she assured her "Mahatma", oriental wise men. She experienced the highest pleasure in comprehending the meaning of "karma", "Dharma", "Moksha". She gave himself aware that the Hindu understanding of reward, debt and liberation is not consistent with Christian and justifies the non-profitability of evil in the world. Indeed, evil on earth accumulates over time to huge sizes and questioned the existence of life. Evil - as if the fumes air in crowded people and a hermetically closed room. Thus, the evil comes from human consciousness, bringing it up with its timely and exorbitant ambitions.

Permanent overvoltage of the brain exhausted the body of Blavatskaya, her health was becoming worse. But the prophetic, the valid gift did not leave it, and in last years Life, on the contrary, he even intensified. So, on August 5, 1887 Blavatskaya wrote from England sister faith: "I saw a strange dream. As if I brought newspapers, I open and see only one line: "Now the rinks really died." Isn't he sick? Find out, please, and write ... God forbid! "

And this time, Blavatskaya's sleep turned out to be proposed. By the time of writing the letter, her favorite publisher, the famous publicist M. N. Katkov, was in full health. He fell ill with three weeks, and a tragic junction came soon.

Blavatskaya worked not to twist the hands. London theosophical society uneasyled by day, but by the hour. All newly entered eased occult initiation. It was no longer impossible to do borrowings from ancient beliefs, quotes from the lost apocrys. It was necessary to have a truly monumental book on the occult. And this book for theosophists was the "Secret Doctrine", which E. P. Blavatskaya created for four years. In the autumn of 1888 in London, she got the layout of this book.

She did not hoped that the "secret doctrine" glorify her during his lifetime. Elena Petrovna did not share her contemporaries. That is why she predicted the success of the "Secret Doctrine" in the next century, prophesied that, according to the ideas of this book, people would live and act. Blavatskaya was convinced that the "secret doctrine" will change the world.

"The Secret Doctrine" is a comment on the sacral text called "Strafs Dzian". With this text, as Blavatskaya assured, she met in the underground Himalayan monastery. In the last decade of life, the source of wisdom has finally and irrevocably moved from Egypt to South Asia. The concept of theosophy, as Blavatsky ranked it, relied on the provisions of Hinduism, of which the principle of bodily reincarnation (METMEPSIKHOS, or reincarnation) was fundamental.

The first volume of "Secret Doctrine" is called "Cosmogenesis". It addresses the general patterns of development. According to Blavatsky, the initial unity of an impregnated deity soon declares itself a variety of consciously developing creatures, which gradually fill the world. The Deity detects itself for the first time through the emanation and the three consecutive form in each other: three space phases create time, space and matter. The subsequent creations who have to go through the circles or evolution cycles are also subject to the Divine Plan. In the first cycle, the world is ruled by the element of fire, in the second - the element of air, in the third - the element of water, in the fourth - the element of the Earth. In other circles, or cycles, the world is determined by ether. Thus, in the first four circles, the sinful beginning is mastered by the world, and therefore he disappears from the Divine mercy. In the last three circles, or cycles, the world takes over its sinfulness, this is the necessary prerequisite of his return to the lost initial unity and the creation of a new big circle, and everything starts first. The objectified thoughts of God Blavatskaya considered electricity and solar energy. She highlighted the universal mediator who is designed to create and maintain our world.

In the second volume of "The Secret Doctrine" called "Anthropogenesis" Blavatskaya is trying to tie a person with a grandiose cosmic panorama. In its cyclic concept, a person takes a significant place. Blavatskaya claims that each circle, or cycle of life development, correspond to the fall and the elevation of seven consecutive root races. From the first to the fourth round, a person is inclusive degraded, purposefully by going to power to the material world. Only from the fifth circle begins to climb from darkness to light, from material momentary purposes - to eternal spiritual ideals. According to Blavatsky, the real human order on Earth can be created only by the fifth root race passed through the fourth cosmic circle. The fifth roast of Race is named Blavat Aryan. She was preceded by the Race of the inhabitants of Atlantis. Atlanta, she attributed special psychic forces unknown to modern man. Elena Petrovna represented them with giants who owned the developed technologies and created cyclopic buildings on Earth. Three initial races treated it to protogumanoids. The first astral race arose in the invisible and eternal sacred land, the second, hyperboreans, existed on the disappeared polar continent. The third, Lemurians flourished on the island lost in the Indian Ocean. This race corresponded to the lowest spiritual level in the evolutionary race cycle.

Elena Petrovna spent three fundamental principles through the "secret doctrine". The first principle is the recognition of the existence of an ubiquitous, eternal, limitless and unchanging God. The second principle serves a rule of periodicity, all creation immediately turns on a series of countless decays and revival. These circles always end with spiritual approach to the original point. Finally, the third principle concludes an idea of \u200b\u200bunity between individual souls and deities, between micro and macrocosm.

Blavatskaya created a book not for any particular era, but for eternity. And in order to choose a succession. It was not by chance that the "secret doctrine" fell into the hands of Anni Besant, who, after reading it, responded with an enthusiastic article and immediately met her author.

At the end of April 1887, Elena Petrovna moved to England forever. Friends transported her sick, from Ostend to Norwood on a charming villa. With the onset of the cold, she moved to London.

Annie Besant soon had to become the main stronghold and the engine of the theosophical movement. In the past two years of the life of Blavatskaya Besast shifted many practical affairs on his shoulders. Elena Petrovna was able to completely surrender to his favorite occult reflections.

She called on the people of the future century to return to natural life. In her "secret doctrine", it was essentially about alternative forms of existence. Elena Petrovna Provided the nightmares of the XX century and tried to give humanity an optimistic perspective. At least hope for the return of the Golden Age. Inside her, when she prophesy about the future, everything was trembling in pain and joy. From pain - because she compared to future numerous victims. From joy - because she knew the highest laws of life and understood that evil was short-lived.

Blavatsky died on May 8, 1891. According to the will of the deceased, her body was cremated, and the dust, divided into three parts, was put in the urns in her personal apartments in London, Madras and New York - where she lived and worked. Disputes about her controversial fate, about her made since then do not subside, and sometimes even become sharper.

But there is also something to be disputed. After all, long before the scientific circulation of the 20th century included such terms as "telepathy", "telecinez", "bioenergotherapy", and there was a cooking passion for the Western wisdom and the secrets of the East, a woman appeared in Russia with unusual, difficult-to-understanding information to the perception of information and exposure to others. Announced the creator of the final, last religion - theosophy, the Bogomodium (from Greek. Theos - God and Sophia - Wisdom), Blavatskaya set itself, seemingly an intractable task - to synthesize religion and science, history and legend.

She tried to look at the usual Christian faith with new eyes, to combine elements of East and Western cultures in his teaching, to use the ideas of the ancient Indian religion of brahmanism, Buddhism, as well as medieval Western Okkultism. Spreading his teachings around the world, Blavatskaya postulated the existence of great souls, "Mahatm", or teachers, drivers of humanity. These wise men, according to her ideas, have extensive superhuman knowledge and live in Himalayas.

According to some followers of the Bogomodri, such as Elena Ivanovna Roerich, Blavatskaya took contact with the Himalayan rulers - star aliens, members of a peculiar lodge of the "White Brotherhood", which preserved the secret knowledge of the disappeared Atlantis and still managers of the historical process . The Himalayan wise men allegedly handed over with our compatriot this secret knowledge and obliged her to enlighten the dark, melted in ignorance.

It should not be noted that E. P. Blavatskaya wrapped the way to the West transcendental meditation, Zen-Buddhism, the international movement of Krishna's consciousness, yogan practice and vegetarianism. Many people, including in Russia, adopted her ideas about the karma (moral law of reward), reincarnation, or memepsichoz (the teaching on the degeneration of the soul in various bodily shells), on the role of Guru and Swami (spiritual mentor, teacher) in the process of self-improvement man.

E. P. Blavatskaya took all his secrets into the grave. But I left people their books, mystical insights about what was going on in the human consciousness and the soul a hundred years later. Man will peer in himself and not loneliness will find its own, but the involvement of the boundless freedom of space.
She peered into the subsequent XX century, as in the pages of the read book. The text of this book she knew by heart and thought about what to consider in it the main thing, and which is secondary. An invisible freedom surrounds a person, predetermining his choice in life. Freedom will resemble a beautiful harlot, the body of which is captured by an incurable disease. She will challenge her challenge, without tearing out eyes from a beautiful face. She sympathized with unhappy people, their descendants, knowing in advance, which is unable to help them. Prophesy, warn and give hope - what else could she afford? Age of freedom people will pay blood by the blood. They will be at the bottom of life and will begin ascent to the sky again.


SOUL there is ψυχη, or the NEFESH "Bible"; The life principle or respiration of life, which every animal, up to the infusoria, is like a person. In the translated "Bible", it appears without distinguishing and as a life, and like blood, and as a soul. "We will not kill him NEFESH," said in the original text; "We will not kill it," translated Christians ("Genesis", XXXVII, 21) and so on.

A source: Blavatskaya E.P. - Theosophical Dictionary

Secret Doctrine

There is no man and never could be a complete work of the "Lord God", but he is a child of Elohim, so wittyly turned in a single number and male start. The first Dhyani, who was entrusted to "create" a person by their likelihood, could only discard their shadows as a subtle sample for the processing of the spirit of nature - matter. A person, no doubt, was created physically out of the dust of the earth, but its creators and formers were numerous. It also cannot be said that "God breathed his breath of life in the nostrils," if we do not identify this God with "one life", omnipresent, although invisible, and if such an operation is not attributed to "God" in relation to each "alive The soul ", which is the life-soul (NEFESH), and not the divine spirit (Ruach), only one providing a person by the divine degree of immortality, which no animal, as such, cannot achieve an incarnation in this cycle.

It was, thanks to these inaccurate differences made by Jews and, now, our western metaphysics who are not able to understand and, therefore, to take more than a triple man - the spirit, soul and body - "breath of life," was mixed with the immortal "spirit." It also applied directly to the Protestant theologians, who, translating the famous verse in the fourth of the Gospel, completely distorted the meaning of him. This distortion reads: "The wind blows where he wants" instead of "the Spirit breathes, where he wants," as it is in the original, also in the translation of the Greek Eastern Church.

"Nefes Chia (live soul) occurred or arose through the introduction of the spirit or respiration of life into a lively body of a person, and she had to replace and take the place of this spirit in the self-drawn, so self, so that the entered spirit disappeared from the view and absorbed in the soul . "

Human body, he believes, should be considered as a womb, where and where the soul is developing, which he puts, as if above the spirit. Considered by the functions and from the point 247] of the activity, the soul is undoubtedly standing above in this end and conditional world of illusion. The soul, he says, "ultimitively generated from the lively human body," therefore, the author simply identifies the "spirit" (atma) with the "breath of life." The eastern occultists will return to this statement, for it is based on an erroneous representation that Prana and Atma or Jivatma is the same.

The soul, the bodily conductor of which is astral, the Ethro-substantial shell could die, and a person could still continue to live on Earth. That is, the soul could free themselves and leave his evils because of various reasons like madness, spiritual and physical depravity, etc. The possibility for the soul - i.e., for the eternal spiritual ego - to dwell in invisible worlds at the time When her body continues to live on Earth, is predominantly occult doctrine, especially in Chinese and Buddhist philosophy. Many around us are soulless people, for such cases are found, both among the evil materialists and among those who, moving in holiness, never turn back. "

4. The soul - collectively, as the highest triad, lives on three planes, except for its fourth, earthly sphere; But she is forever stays at the highest of the three.

5. These monastery [soul] essence: Earth for a physical person or an animal soul; Kama Loka (Gades, Limbo-Period of Hell) for a disgraced person or his shell; Devican for the highest triad.

According to Geckel, there are also "soul cells" and "atoms-cells"; "Inorganic molecular soul", not having memory, and "Plaidal Soul", which has a memory. What do our esoteric teachings talk about this? The divine and human soul, consisting of seven principles in a person, must, of course, pale and retreat before such an amazing revelation!

< ... >

Those who adhere to the opposite view and consider the existence of the human soul - "as a supernatural spiritual phenomenon, due to the forces, completely different from ordinary physical forces," ridiculed, he thinks, "because of this every purely scientific explanation." Apparently, they do not have the right to argue that "psychology, partly or in general, there is a spiritual science, but not physical." A new discovery made by Geckel - taught, by the way, for centuries in all the eastern schools, that animals have a soul, will and sensation, therefore, the functions of the soul, leads it to make the science of zoologists from psychology. The archaic doctrine that the "soul" (animal and human soul or kama and manas) "has a history of its development" - is approved by Geckel, as his own discovery and innovation on the "not laid trail." [?!] He, hekkel, will produce a comparative evolution of the soul in man and other animals! Comparative morphology of the soul organs and the comparative psychology of the functions of the soul, and therefore both, based on evolution, are thus the psychological [in fact, the materialistic] problem of the scientist. ("Cell-soul and soul cells", p. 135, 136, 137. "Pedigree of MAN").

Exposed Isis

Philosophers, and especially those who were devoted to Mystery, believed that the astral soul was an intangible duplicate coarse external form, which we call the body. It is what the cardesists call about-spiritual And spiritualists - spiritual form. Above this inner duplicate, lighting it, like a warm ray of the sun illuminates the land, fertilizing the embryo and causing the properties sleeping in it in it, the Divine Spirit. The astral about-spiritual is contained and lies in the physical body as the ether in a bottle or magnetism in the magnetized gland. It is a center and power machine, feed from the energetic reserves of the universe and movable the same common laws that reign in all of nature and produce all cosmic phenomena. The activity inherent in it is the reason for the indispensable physical activity of the animal organism, which ultimately leads to the destruction of the latter through wear and to his own care. It is a prisoner of the body, not a volunteer tenant. It is experiencing such a powerful attraction to the external universal strength that after wearing his shell runs away to it. The stronger, rougher, the materially enveloping his body, the longer the term of his conclusion. Some people are born with such a special organization of the body that the door that closes other people access to a message with the astral world can easily be reclined and open, and their souls can look into it, or even go back to that world and return. Those who are deliberately and on their own will do it, called magicians, hierophants, visionary, adepts; Those who are forced to do this or mesmerizers with their fluid, or "perfumes" with their fluid, are "mediums". The astral soul, when one day the barriers in front of it were revealed, it is so powerful attracted into the air and her shell and keeps suspended in the air until the matter of matter again restores its supremacy, and the body will come down again.

Pythagoras, Plato, Time from Larisi and the entire Alexandria school learn that the soul comes from the Universal World Soul; And the last one, according to their own teaching, there is a broadcast, something is so subtle in nature, which can only be perceived by our inner vision. Therefore, it cannot be an essence, an essence of a monas or the reasons, as Anima Mundi. There is only a consequence, objective emanation of the previous one. Both, and the human spirit and soul are essential. But then, the first exists as a separate creature, individualized, the soul exists as a preceding matter, which does not know, the inconceivable part of a wise whole. Both occurred from the eternal ocean of light; But, as these theosophists expressed, there are both visible and invisible spirit of fire. They find the difference between anima Rough and animal elevated. Empedocle firmly believed that all people and animals have two souls; In Aristotle, we find that one he calls a reasonable soul - νοΰς, and the other - animal soul - φυχή. According to the teachings of these philosophers, the reasonable soul comes from outside universal soul, and the other - from the inside This Divine and Supreme Region, in which they placed an invisible supreme deity, were considered by them (Aristotle himself) as the fifth element, purely spiritual and divine, whereas actually Anima Mundi. It was considered as consisting of a thin, fiery and essential nature, common throughout the universe, in short, the ether. Stoics, the greatest materialists of antiquity, excluded the invisible God and the Divine Soul (Spirit) from any bodily nature. Their current commentators and admirers, greedily grabbed for this opportunity, built on this basis the assumption that the stoics did not believe in God or in the soul. But Epicur, whose teaching, directly speaking against the opinion that the Supreme Creature and Gods participate in the reign of the world, placed it in incomparably above the stoics in atheism and materialism and taught, however, that the soul consists of a thin gentle matter formed from the smoother, The round and finest atoms, the description of which leads us again to the same elevated ether. Arnobius, Turrtullian, Irina and Origen, despite their Christianity, believed the same as modern spinosa and Hobbes, that the soul of Telasna, although very subtle nature.

The doctrine about the possibility of losing the human soul and, therefore, and individuality contradicts the ideal theories and progressive ideas of some spiritualists, although Swedenborg is completely accepted. They will never accept the Kabbalistic doctrine, which teaches us that, only observing the law of harmony, you can find eternal life, and that the more the inner and external people deviate from the spring of harmony, lying in the spirit, the harder it is to return to the true path.

Under the word "soul" neither democriton nor other philosophers implied nous. or pneuma, Divine intangible soul But implied pSYCHE or astral body, that is, the fact that Plato always calls the second mortal soul.

And Origen in his "Sixth Message of Romans" says:

"There is a triple division of man; The body or flesh, the lowest part of our nature, on which the ancient snakes by primary sin wrote a law of sin, through which we are tempted to be tempted, and as soon as we give up to these temptations, we tight themselves to the Devil; spirit in which or by which we express the similarity of the Divine Nature, in which the best Creator; From the diversity of his own mind, engraved with his own finger (i.e., with his spirit), the eternal law of honesty - this we are joined (glued) to God and are made uniform with God, thirdly, the shower intermedies between these two, which, as in the Republic, where the parties split - should join this or the other side; She is free to choose to whom the side to join. If, abandoning the flesh, she will join the party of the Spirit, she will be spiritual herself; If it goes down to the greed of the flesh, then she herself degenerates into the body. "

Plato (in "laws", x) determines soul as

"Movement that is capable of spontaneously move." "The soul is the most ancient out of all the beginning of the movement." "The soul was generated before the body; The body is later and secondary, since, according to nature, the ruled soul is ruled. " "The soul, which ruling to everyone that moves in any way, rules the same than heaven." "Therefore, the soul guides everyone in heaven, on earth and in the sea through their movements, the names of which are to want to think about, take care, consult, build opinions true and false, be in a state of joy, sadness, confidence, fear, hatred, love, together With all such primary movements that are conjugaten with these ... Being a goddess itself, she always takes himself to the Allies of Nouus, God, and disciplines everything correctly and successfully; But if she is together with Annoia, but not nous. "She comes around in everything."

It [the doctrine of the immortality of the soul] leads its origin from the time when the soul was objective creature; Consequently, could hardly herself deny; When mankind represented his spiritual race, and death did not exist. To sunset life cycle ethereal man-Spirit He fell into the sweet dormant of temporary unconspite in the same area only to wake up in an even brighter light of a higher sphere. But while a spiritual person is constantly striving to rise higher and higher to the source of its existence, passing through the cycles and areas of individual life, - the physical person had to descend along with the great cycle of universal creation until he found himself on earthly apparel . Since then, the soul was too deeply buried under the physical apparel to again declare his existence, with the exception of those more spiritual natures, which were becoming more and more rare with each cycle. And yet, none of the prehistoric peoples never thought to deny existence or immortality. inner man, present "I". Only we should not forget the teachings of the ancient philosophies: only the spirit of the immortal is the soul, by itself, nor etern, nor Divine. With too close connection with the physical brain of his earthly case, it gradually becomes limit mind, simple animals and feeling life principle, nEFESH Jewish Bible.

Instructions for students

Since the author of "Esoteric Buddhism" and "Occult World" called Manas with a human soul, and Buddhi - spiritual soul, I left these terms in the voice unchanged, given that it was a book intended for the public.

The key to theosophia

Asking. Then how do you explain what person is endowed with a spirit or soul? Where are they from?

Theosophist. From the world soul. Of course, they are not given personal God. Where does jellyfish have a water element? From the surrounding Ocean in which she lives, breathes and exists and where it returns when dissolving.

Asking. So you deny the doctrine that the soul is given or inspired by God?

Theosophist. We must do it. The soul, which is stated in Chapter II "Genesis" (verse 7), is, as it says, "Soul Live" or Nefesh (that is vitality or animal soul), which God (we say "nature" or impact law) gives a person, just like any animal. This is not a thinking soul or mind at all, and less immortal Spirit.

Asking. Well, let's formulate otherwise: is this God gives human man reasonable soul and immortal spirit?

Theosophist. With such a formulation, we must again deny it. Once we do not believe in personal God, how can we believe that he gives a person something?

< ... >

Asking. What does Buddhism say about the soul?

Theosophist. It depends on whether exoteric, popular buddhism is available, or its esoteric teachings. The teaching of the first is revealed in the "Buddhist catechism" in this way: "The soul is considered as a name used by ignorants to express a false view. If everything is subject to change, it is not an exception and a person, and each material part should change. What is subject to change, It is impermanent, so there can be no immortality for changeable things. " It seems simple and defined. But when we approach the question that the new personality in every subsequent birth is a totality skandh., or accessories old Personality, and ask whether it is a new creature in which nothing left of the old, we read: "In one sense, this is a new creature, in the other - no. During the life of Skandhi is constantly changing, and then as a forty-year-old man A. B. It is considered identical in his personality to the eighteent-year-old Youth A. B., nevertheless, by virtue of constant destruction and restoration of the body and changing the mind and character, he is already another creature. Nevertheless, a person in old age will fairly reap fruits, awards or suffering, followed from his thoughts and actions at all previous stages of his life. So the new creature of a new embodiment, being the same individualityAs before (but not the same person), but in a modified form, or with the new sum of Skandh, rightly reaps the consequences of his actions and thoughts in the past existence. "This is difficult to understand the metaphysics, but it, in no way, does not express directly disbelief In the soul.

< ... >

Asking. But we were clearly told that most Buddhists do not believe in the immortality of the soul?

Theosophist. And we, too, if under the soul you mean personal ego, or life soul - nEFESH. But each scientist Buddhist believes in an individual or divine Ya. Those who do not believe in it are mistaken in their judgments.

< ... >

"Plato and Pythagoras - says Plutarch, - the soul is divided into two parts - rational (nose) and irrational (AGNA); rational part The soul of man is eternal, because although it is not God, nevertheless she is the creation of the Eternal Divine; The same part of the soul, which is deprived of the mind, dies. "

Elena Blavatskaya can be called one of the most influential women in world history. She was called "Russian Sphincom"; She opened the world Tibet and "seduced" Western intelligentsia in the occult sciences and Eastern philosophy.

The nobleman from Rurikovich

Maiden name Blavatskaya - von Gan. Her father belonged to the genus of the Crown MacLourburg Princes Ghana von Rotens Stern-Gan. Babvatskaya pedigree dates back to the Prince of Rurikovich's prince.

Mother Blavatskaya, the novelist Elena Andreevna Gan, Vissarion Belinsky called "Russian George Sand"

The future "modern Isis" was born on the night of July 30 to July 31, 1831 (according to the old style) in Ekaterinoslava (Dnepropetrovsk). In his memoirs about childhood, she wrote Skupo: "My childhood? It is pampering and pumping on the one hand, punishment and fierce on the other. Infinite diseases up to seven-eight years ... Two governess - French-franc Madame Singness and Miss Augustus Sofia Jafris, Old Virgo from Yorkshire. A few nites ... Father's soldiers cared for me. Mother died when I was a child. "

Blavatskaya received a magnificent home education, as a child learned several languages, studied music in London and Paris, was a good rider, he painted well.

All these skills later came in handy to her during the wanderings: she gave the piano concerts, worked in a circus, made paints and made artificial flowers.

Blavat and Ghosts

Blavatskaya still different from his peers. She often said to households that he sees different strange creatures, hears the sounds of mysterious bells. A special impression on it was produced by the majestic Hindu, who did not notice other. He, according to her, was her dreams. She called his keeper and said that he saves her from all his troubles.

As Elena Petrovna writes later, it was Mahatma Moria, one of her spiritual teachers. She met his "live" in 1852 in the London Hyde Park. Countess Constance Wakhtmeister, the widow of the Swedish ambassador in London, with the words of Blavatskaya passed the details of the conversation in which the teacher said that he needs her participation in the work he was going to take ", and also that" she will have to spend three years in Tibet To prepare for the fulfillment of this important task. "


The habit of moving in Elena Blavatskaya was formed in the years of her childhood. Due to the official position of the Father, the family had to change the place of residence. After the death of the mother in 1842, Elena and her sisters took the grandparents.

At the age of 18, Elena Petrovna was engaged with the 40-year-old vice-governor of the Erivan province Nikifor Vasilyevich Blavatsky, but 3 months after the wedding Blavatskaya ran away from her husband.

Grandfather sent her to his father with two accompanying, but Elena was deleted to run away from them. From Odessa in English Sailboat "Commodore" Blavatskaya sailed in Kerch, and then to Constantinople.

Blavatskaya later wrote about his marriage: "I woke up to take revenge on my governess, without thinking that I could not dissolve the engagement, but the karma followed my mistake."

After the flight from her husband began the history of the wanders of Elena Blavatskaya. The chronology is difficult to restore, since she herself did not led the diaries and there was no one from her next to her.

In just years, Blavatskaya performed twice trip around the world, was both in Egypt, and in Europe, and in Tibet, and in India and in South America. In 1873, she, first of Russian women, received American citizenship.

Theosophical Society

On November 17, 1875, the Teosophical Society was founded in New York by Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya and Colonel to Henry Olcott. Blavatsky has already returned from Tibet, where, as she claimed, received from Mahatm and Lam blessing to the transfer of spiritual knowledge to the world.

The tasks in its creation were declared the following: 1. Creation of the nucleus of the universal fraternity of humanity without the difference in races, religion, gender, caste or skin color. 2. Promoting the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. 3. Study of the inexplicable laws of nature and forces hidden in man.

Blavatskaya on that day in his diary recorded: "The child was born. Hosanna!".

Elena Petrovna wrote that "Members of the Company preserve the complete freedom of religious beliefs and, entering into society, promise the same tolerance towards any other belief and belief. Communication them consists not in general beliefs, but in the overall desire for the truth. "

In September 1877 in the New York Publishing House J.W. BOUTON "A was published the first monumental work of Elena Blavatskaya" Exposed Isida ", and the first circulation of a thousand copies was sold out within two days.

Opinions about the book Blavatskaya were polar. In The Republican, Blavatskaya was called the "big dish of dish", in The Sun - "thrown in garbage", and the reviewer of New York Tribune wrote: "Knowledge of Blavatskaya Grude is not digested, her nepressive retelling of brahmanism and Buddhism is rather based on assumptions than on Awareness of the author. "

However, the theosophical society continued to expand, in 1882 his headquarters were postponed to India.

In 1879, in India, the theosophist magazine was released. In 1887, Lucifer magazine began in London, after 10 years renamed in Theosophical Review.

At the time of the death of Blavatsky in the theosophical society, more than 60 thousand members were held. This organization had a great influence on the public thought, it consisted of outstanding people of their time, from the inventor of Thomas Edison to William Yeith's poet.

Despite the ambiguity of the ideas of Blavatskaya, in 1975 the Government of India produced a memorable brand dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the theosophical society. On the brand there is a seal of society and his motto: "There is no religion above the truth."

Blavat and theory of races

One of the controversial and controversial ideas in the work of Blavatskaya is the concept of an evolutionary cycle of races, some of which is set forth in the second volume of the "Secret Doctrine".

Some researchers believe that the theory of races "from Blavatskaya" was taken as the basis of the ideologists of the Third Reich.

This was written by American historians Jackson Speylvogel and David Redls in the work "Hitler's racial ideology: content and occult roots."

In the second volume of "Secret Doctrine" Blavatsky wrote: "Humanity is clearly divided into the god-inspired people and at the lower beings. The difference in mental abilities between Aryan and other civilized peoples and savages such as the islanders of the Southern Sea, inexplicable by any other reasons.<…> The "sacred spark" is missing in them, and only they are now the only lower races on this planet, and fortunately, due to the wisdom, the nature of nature, which constantly works in this direction - they quickly die out. "

The theosophists themselves, however, argue that Blavatskaya in its works meant not anthropological types, but the level of development, through which all human souls pass.

Blavat, quarrel and plagiarism

To attract attention to your work, Elena Blavatskaya demonstrated its super supporting: from the ceiling of her room, letters fell from friends and teachers Kut Humi; The items that she kept in her hand disappeared, and then turned out to be in those places where she was not at all.

To verify its abilities, the Commission was sent to it. In the report published in 1885, the report of the London Society of Mental Studies was said that Blavatskaya - "The most educated, witty and interesting cheater, which the story only knows." After exposing the popularity of Blavatskaya began to decline, many of the theosophical societies broke up.

The cousin of Elena Blavatskaya, Sergey Witte, wrote about her in his memories:

"Talking unprecedented things and in a lie, she, apparently, herself was sure that what she said was indeed, that it was true - so I can't not say that there was something demonic in it, What was in her, saying simply, something damn, though, in essence, she was very kind, good man. "

Novelist Vsevolod Soloviev in 1892-1893 in the magazine "Russian Bulletin" published a series of essays about meetings with Blavatskaya under the general name "Modern Zyrus Isis". "To own people, you need to deceive them," Elena Petrovna advised him. "I have already understood the people a long time ago, and the stupidity of them gives me huge sometimes pleasure ... The simpler, it's more stupid and gross phenomenon, the more faithful."
Solovyov called this woman "Catcher of Souls" and ruthlessly exposed her in his book. As a result of his efforts, the Paris branch of the theosophical society ceased to exist.

Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya died on May 8, 1891. On her health, permanent smoking had a negative impact - she smoked up to 200 cigarettes per day. After death, she was burned, and the ashes were divided into three parts: one part of it remained in London, the other - in New York, and the third in Adyar. Blavatskaya commemoration day is called white lotus day.

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