The main battles of Ushakov. Righteous Warrior Feodor Ushakov († 1817)

"... not to keep the rules, the blind walls, because there are orders written, but there are no cases."
Peter I.

Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov's activities left a deep mark in the development of the marine power of our state. His military journey and sea victories forever are inscribed in the rustic Russian, and the devotion of faith, service and fatherland are an example for many generations of Russian warriors. The whole strategy and tactics of the genius fleet were subordinate to only one goal - the destruction of the enemy. He never neglected caution and at the same time he never was afraid to enter the battle with a stronger opponent. The main factor of victories Fedor Fedorovich always considered the courage and the persistence of his sailors. He tirelessly took care of the personnel escords, a well-thought-out system of upbringing and humane attitude towards a simple sailor, largely relating to him with Suvorov, highly appreciated by the moral qualities of Russian people. Admiral often repeated his officers: "Remember the immutable rule - the commander over the ship is worshiped by the father of all the crew."

Fyodor Ushakov appeared on February 24, 1745 in the village of Burnakovo, lying in the Yaroslavl province. He took place from the poor noble family. Father, Fedor Ignatievich, and his mother, Paraskeva Nikitichna, were people of strict morality, deeply believers. The noble young men in the afternoon was made to determine in the guard. He served in the Life Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment and the Father of the Future Admiral. Returning to the native village, Fyodor Ignatievich took up the education of children and economic troubles. The Eashakov family was listed in the arrival of the temple of the Epiphany-on-island, which was standing on the banks of the Volga near Burnakovo. In this temple of the little Fedor baptized, in the same place at school for children of the noble, he studied an account and literacy.

In rustic wilderness enough space for physical development. The boy grew up active and moving, loved hunting and fishing. With adults repeatedly walked on the bear. Detected in childhood quality - fearlessness, conscious risks - later strengthened in the nature of Ushakov. Modest, compliant in ordinary conditions, Fyodor Fedorovich was transformed into a moment of danger.

At sixteen, the future admiral was presented in the Geroldmakestener office of the Senate for a review, where he expressed a hot desire to study in the Marine Cadet Corps, located in St. Petersburg. It was there that Ushakov was enrolled in February 1761. He was distinguished by good studies, diligently fastened the sciences taught. Special crawl revealed to history, navigation and arithmetic. Five years later, Fedor graduated from the hull, Fedor graduated from the Corps, was awarded the rank of Michman and is shown to the oath - "I swear and promise ... Nelicomerically and rightly serve, without the last drop of blood, without sparing my belly ...". The entire further life of Fyodor Fedorovich became evidence that he did not change this oath.

After release from the Corps in 1766, Ushakov sent to the Baltic Galen Fleet. North seas are calm rarely, and for another young officer it was a good practice. The first years of service passed in tense studies under the mentoring of experienced sailors. Due to the diverse, zealous attitude to the entrusted cases, the inactivity of the mind and high moral qualities Michman Ushakov was highly appreciated by his commanders. After a couple of years he was transferred to the Azov flotilla. Fedor Fedorovich's first combat experience received 1768-1774 in the Russian-Turkish war. At that time, he was already swimming on the Black Sea as a captain of a small ship. Not content with participation in hostilities, the young Ushakov studied in detail the actions of our fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, in particular in Chesme and Navarino battles, as well as in a seven-year war. From the end of Spring 1781 Fedor Fedorovich, heading the linear ship "Victor", as part of the Sukadron Skadin sailed in the Mediterranean Sea.

In 1775, the Empress decided to create a linear fleet on the Black Sea. In 1778 in thirty kilometers above the mouth of the Dnieper, Admiralty was built and the city and the port of Kherson was founded. Work began on the creation of elling under the ships, but due to the great difficulties in the delivery of the forest from the deep regions of Russia, the buildings were dragged. The case began to recover from the arrival of teams on the concurrent vessels. In August 1783, Fedor Ushakov arrived in Kherson - by that time the captain of the second rank was already.

At the same time, the plague epidemic broke out in the city. Quarantine was installed everywhere, because it was believed that the disease applies to air. In order to move the seedback, people fured the dwellings, and the streets were bonforad. However, the epidemic is only intensified. Despite the need to continue the construction of the ships, the order was given to completely stop working, leaving all the forces on the fight against the disease. Ship teams were reserved in the steppe. Drugs catastrophically lacked, the duties were taken by officers. Fyodor Ushakov developed his own quarantine mode. He broke his people to the artel, each of whom had a tent from a canthah with goats for carrying the lingerie. In the removal of them stood a hospital tent, in which they immediately sent all the fallen. Clothing them together with things was burned. Communication between Arteel was prohibited, and people who communicated with the sick, translated into quarantine. She watched all the Ushakov himself. As a result of Fedor Fedorovich, the plague among his people ended five months earlier than in other teams. At the hard time, the captain did not send anyone to a crowded general hospital, which saved many from an imminent death. The working effort was not left unnoticed, "For the skillful actions", Ushakov produced in the captains of the first rank and awarded the Order of St. Vladimir the fourth degree.

In the summer of 1785, Fyodor Ushakov on the ship "Saint Paul" sailed to Sevastopol from Kherson. And on August 11, 1787, Turkey declared war war. Two immediately deployed armies - Ekaterinoslavskaya G.A. Potemkin and Ukrainian P.A. Rumyantseva received prescriptions to guard the borders of the country. Only Sevastopol fleet had an order to act decisively. And the first battery did not make himself wait long. Opponents discovered each other on June 29, 1788, and on July 3, Fidonisi had a sea battle. Having a triple advantage in the guns, the Turks attacked by two columns, one of which collapsed to headed Fedor Fedorovich Avangard, and the second rushed to the rest of the Russian squadron, seeking to paralyze it and not to help. The enemy was the first to opened fire on the avant-garde of the Russians - two linear ships and two 50-cannon frigates. Since the distance did not allow our sailors to effectively shoot from 12-pound guns, Ushakov decided to perform a bold maneuver. He ordered the captains of the frigates to bypass head Turkish ships from the windward side, putting them in two fire. "Saint Paul" went to a decisive counterattack. "Used art and effort", maneuvering, Fyodor Fedorovich deprived commander of Turkish ships the opportunity to surround his trial and capture them to the board. As a result of the battle in the near distances, the flagship of the opponent got serious damage. The Turks refused their initial plans and chose to leave the battle area.

This battle did not have a special influence on the position of the entire campaign, but was wonderful in the other. The small Russian squadron first won over superior enemy forces in open battle. Only by the avant-garde, Ushakov actually ruled the fight of the entire fleet. Only due to his personal courage, skilled tactical moves and outstanding qualities of the commander managed to solve the battle in our favor. His attack could bring much more fruitful, if it were not for the inaction of the commander of the entire squadron Waivovich, who did not support Ushakov and restricted a rare shootout with the veils of the second part of the Turkish forces. In the report, Fedor Fedorovich attributed the entire success to the actions of his subordinates:

"Everyone in the team of entrusted to me" St. Paul ", the positions determined by him from me were performed with such a brave spirit and excellent efforts that I read for the necessary debt to take it worthy praise ...".

From this point on, the true formation of the Black Sea Fleet began, its famous combat traditions began to be laid. The first year of the war ended with convincing victories of Russian sailors who led the Ottoman port "in incredible fear and horror." In early 1790, Fyodor Ushakov received rank-admiral rank and was set to command the entire Black Sea Fleet. In May, he visited the squadron under the walls of Anapa and Sine, destroying the enemy ships, bringing the Turkish fortresses, taking a panic to their garrisons. In the middle of the summer, 1790, a new major battle occurred next to the Kerch Strait, in which Ushakov again won a brilliant victory. He wrote: "I am surprised by the courage and the agility of my people." Perhaps such a faintness shown by the participants of the battle, talks about the example of their commander. Russian sailors already knew: where Ushakov is a victory there! Potemkin reported by Empress:

"... The battle was cruel, and for us nice to the point that the counter-admiral attacked the enemy twice as much as herself ..., broke and drove to the night ...".

After the defeat of Kerch, the Turkish ships were placed around the sea began to be collected in one squadron. Selim III - Turkish Sultan, wanted revenge. He sent an experienced seamen Admiral Said-Bay to the commander of Gassan-Pasha, suggesting reversing the development of events in his favor. But one thing is to assume, and another is to meet face to face with the squadron of Ushakov. On August 28, early in the morning the sailors of the Turkish fleet, which was anchored between the island of the Tender and Hajibem (in the future Odessa), was surprised by the Russian fleet, which goes on them under all the sails from Sevastopol. The view of our ships brought the Turks to terrible confusion. Despite the numerical advantage, their vessels began to go to the Danube. The squadron of Ushakov, coming to the distance of the cabinet shot, wrapped the entire power of the onboard artillery onto the Turks. The beginning of the battle was struck by his grandios. After a half hours of battle, Turkish vessels, which loss in the personnel and having received strong damage, began to leave the line one by one. The pursuit of randomly retreating ships continued to darkness and resumed the next day. Pursuing the Turks, the Russian squadron cut off and surrounded the two linear ships. One of them is "Mulene-Bahry" - later was captured, the other - the flagship of Said-Bay, 74-gun "capping," bravely defended, while the tagged shots from the "Nativity of Christ" were not shot down with him all masts. Only after that, the flag lowered the flag on the "cappusion". Subsequently, Ushakov reported: "People from the Turkish ship, jumping up, asked for mercy and salvation. Noticing it, I ordered the battle to stop and send an armed boats for salvation, because during the battle, the desperation and brave of Admiral Said Bee were unlimited. He did not pass the ship, until he was defeated to extremes. " The Russian sailors managed to remove Said Bay's "cappusion" with a large flame and most of his team, after which the flagship ship flew to the air. "Ours, such peppers asked the Turks that any prince Potemkin entitled this event enthusiastically.

The Russian-Turkish war on the sea ended in 1791 by the brilliant victory of Fyodor Fedorovich at Cape Kaliakria. Turkish ships stood on the approaches to the cavity of the coastal batteries. As before the tenders, the appearance of Russians was for the enemy with a complete surprise. Being in the wind of the Ushakov, using the turmoil in the village of the enemy, took an amazing solution - to spend the fleet in a hiking system, consisting of three columns, between Turkish ships and a scorching coastal battery. Awesome amazing battle. The ships of the Turks were constantly constrained that they fell into each other. Ushakov on the flagship "Nativity of Christ" became close to the commander's ship, Algeria Seit-Ali. The kernel from the Russian vessel was separated by the victims of the fortress, and the departed chips of the Seat-Ali in the chin. The Algerian leader, whipped by the captive of Ushakov, was bloody taken into the cabin. Russian ships at this time ended the defeat of the enemy, and only the change of wind, the powder smoke and the daunting darkness saved the Turks fleet from complete destruction. The enemy lost twenty-eight ships, the rest was separated by the sea. Soon the remnants of the flotilla of the "glorious Algerian" got to the fortresses of Bosphorus. The appearance of five linear and five small ships was terrifying. "Many without masts were and damaged, which will not be able to serve in the future," the decks are wounded by injuries, and to top it all on the raid, the sinking ship of Seit-Ali, who assisted the help of cannon volley. "Great! There is no more than our fleet! ", Denied Turkish Sultan.

Victory during Kaliacria has greatly influenced the outcome of the entire campaign. The peace treaty was concluded in Issa on December 29, 1791. For this victory, Council Admiral Fyodor Ushakov was granted the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. Turks were afraid to meet in the open sea with the Grozny Admiral, who received the nickname "Ushak Pasha". Until the signing of the contract, they were not solved to stick out from the Bosphorus Strait. In this war, Fyodor Fedorovich has created a new maneuverable tactic, fundamentally different from the linear one adopted in its times. Its main features were: allocation of the reserve, the use of single hiking orders, rapid rapprochement with an opponent without rebuilding for a short distance, focusing fire on the flagship of the enemy, pursuit of the enemy to capture or complete destruction. Each battle, carried out by Ushakov, contained new tactical techniques that correspond to specific conditions. The saturation of each of his battles with new tricks, their skillful alignment with previously known, clearly testify, with which phenomenal speed Fedor Fedorovich was able to navigate the situation and find true solutions. Also, Ushakov attached great importance to the fire and marine learning personnel. Intense studies and military, and in peacetime was the style of the daily activities of the admiral. Considerable attention of the Ushakov paid to the study of the enemy, organizing intelligence.

Loosen from the root cases, the famous Flotodets returned to Sevastopol, over which he took the authorities at the beginning of the war. Here he immediately started repairing ships, the construction of small ships. With his personal participation on the shores of local bays, new marins were founded, and barracks and hospital were built in the most healthy, elevated places. Fedor Fedorovich cared about the device of wells, markets, roads, about the supply of the city by all life suits. Often the executed amounts appointed for the maintenance of the Black Sea Fleet were not in time. In this case, Ushakov allocated money from its own funds, in order not to stop the work. In early 1793, the Empress called him to St. Petersburg. She wanted to see the sailor who had tied such a loud glory, and found in it a "man modest, straightforward, badly acquainted with the features of secular life." In the same year, Fyodor Fedorovich became Vice Admiral.

In 1796, Paul I climbed to the throne. It was time when the revolutionary France "turned to the enslavement of neighboring states." Ushakov received an order to bring Black Sea fleet in combat readiness. After some time, Sultan Selim III, adopting the proposal of the Emperor of the Russian about the Union against France, asked him to send him an auxiliary squadron. In August 1798 Fedor Fedorovich delivered the highest commandering "to follow and promote the Turkish fleet against the intentions of malicious France." Turks met our fleet surprisingly friendly. They were amazed tidy and strict orders that reigned on the courts. One influential one, I noticed that "dozen Russian ships make less noise than one Turkish boat." Having stayed in Constantinople for two weeks and "Daving the Turks of the experience of unheard of discipline and order", on September 8, the Russian squadron was out of anchor and headed for Dardanelles, where it was connected to the main Turkish forces. The commander of the combined fleet was appointed Ushakov. Turks fully introduced him to him, their leader Kadyr-Bay read the Russian vice-admiral "Yako Teacher".

So began the famous Mediterranean Campania Ushakov. The main task of his squadron was mastered by the Ionic Islands, the most important of which - Corfu - Dotola was considered impregnable. The locals of the islands employed by the French were the Orthodox Greeks, and Fyodor Fedorovich arrived wisely, contacting them with a written appeal, in which I urged to promote "in the deposition of booties." The answer was armed aid of the population. How desperately fought the French, the Russian landing force was cleansed by the islands of Ceffero, Kefalonia, Zante, Holy Maur. On November 10, 1798 Ushakov noted in the report: "... besides Corfu, all the other islands from the hands of the French were released." After that, having gathered all the forces, Vice Admiral besieged Corfu. The close blockade of the island deprived the head of the French opportunities to receive help from outside. And in order to stop their attempts to the harvesting of the province, a landing land was planted on Corfu. At the end of the island, batteries were built, which since November began to maintain a systematic shelling of fortifications in order to exhaust the enemy.

And yet the assault on the most powerful European fortress for many experienced military was an impracticable task - Ushakov did not have siege artillery, lacked ground Forces. Aid from the Turkish squadron was also much less than hassle and trouble. With all its readiness, the ingenians were to cooperate so much and unorganized that Ushakov preferred to keep them behind his strength, not subpassing the matter. In addition, there were interruptions with the supply of ammunition, food and materials necessary for the repair of ships. Under the contract, all this was obliged to provide the Turkish side, however, completely and there were inconsistencies due to the abuse of Turkish officials. The landing ships of the Turks collected from the Albanian coast, instead of the promised fourteen thousand people brought two thirds less. In addition to problems with the allies of the siege, it was complicated by the persistent resistance of defenders and unusually severe for the south of the winter of winter. Admiral, supporting the martial spirit, served the sailors examples of tireless activity, "day and night staying in the works, teaching sailors to shooting, towards landing and other actions of land wars."

The period of the siege lasted three and a half months. The assault began on February 18, 1799 at seven hours of the passion. Fedor Fedorovich's combat instruction pumped by the words:

"... to do prudently, with courage and in accordance with the laws." The first blow to the Russian squadron collapsed on the island of Vido, who covered the main fortress from the sea. Eyewitnesses reported: "... the unfortunate island was all blown up the creek ..., even a tree remained, not damaged by Slim Iron Grad ...". Turkish ships were behind the Russians, Admiral wrote: "On the island they, if they shot, then through us, and a couple of cores in the side of my ship planted ...".

Russian squadron under the command of FF Ushakov coming by Constantinople 1799 - Ivanov Mikhail Matveevich (1748-1823)

After the batteries on the island were destroyed, the landing of the landing planted in advance on rowing vessels began. Posted on the shore, the assault troops under the cover of the ship artillery moved to the middle of the island. Turkish warriors who were part of the landing, fierce resistance, killed everyone who came across them. Witnesses so described the cruel scenes: "For every head, Muslims were issued through the Chervonian ..., our officers and sailors, seeing all the convictions of their not valid, became their own to buy prisoners with their own money."
At two o'clock in the afternoon, the defense species fell, and the next day the main stronghold of Corfu fell. It was the day of the great triumph of Fyodor Ushakov, the Triumph of His Solid Will and the Military Talent, supported by the courage and the skill of his subordinates, their confidence in his leader and his confidence in their courage. Captured General Pivron was covered by such horror that Ushakov could not keep a spoon in trembling hands. Having learned about the victory, Suvorov cried: "Hurray to the Russian fleet! I speak myself: why wasn't Corfu at least Michman? ". For this victory, Emperor Paul I complained Fedor Fedorovich Chin Admiral. This was the last reward received by him from the sovereigns of Russian.

After the suspension of the hostilities, Ushakov continued to perform tasks assigned to him. He was prescribed on the liberated islands to create a new statehood. Fyodor Fedorovich, as a representative of Russia and the faithful servant of the Fatherland, who did not adopted by its Christian convictions, managed to organize the form of government on the Ionian Island, called the Republic of Seven United Islands, which became the first Greek national state of the New Time. Subsequently, Ushakov said that

"He had the happiness to free the islands, establish governments and keep consent and peace in them"

At the same time, Fedor Fedorovich had to undergo considerable moral suffering. In particular, the Russian Messenger in Constantinople VS Tomara in secret message reported to him about what is necessary

"What can more irregularly France and the port and do not intersand the Turks ... Let them want, do with the captive French. They should not be buried with them. "

Meanwhile, the task of Fyodor Fedorovich in the Mediterranean Sea has not yet been completed. In Northern Italy, our troops under the command of Suvorov spawned the "invincible" French army. Alexander Vasilyevich asked Ushakov to support him from the south. Two Great Sons of Russia, being in close cooperation, beat enemies on land and at sea, showing the world, what is a Russian man. The rapid groups of ships with the landing, moving along the south-west coast of Italy and on the Adriatic, were horrified into French garrisons. However, the activities of our fleece fell strongly complicated because of the goat commander of the "Union" English squadron - famous Admiral Horatio Nelson. He sought to prevent our troops to gain a foothold on the Ionian Archipelago, in a whole way tried to distract Ushakov from the Adriatic Sea and Malta and direct our squadron to Levant. To do this, he sent gifts and honorary reports of Paul I, lost his hostility to the Russian from the Turkish commanders who act with Ushakov. Fyodor Fedorovich did not behave on the trick of the Englishman, boldly and honestly expressed his disagreement and continued to lead a firm line for the protection of the interests of our country in the Mediterranean. The calm politeness of the Russian admiral was nervous by Nelson, he stated in the correspondence:

"Holds itself up to that highly, which is just disgusting ..., under his courtesy, the bear is lurking ...".

Our sailors took Bari, then Naples, and during the preparation of the offensive on Rome on the stage, Nelson appeared again. Not wanting to see Russians in Eternal city, He secretly sent the French proposal to surrender with extremely profitable conditions for them. In particular, the French was allowed to maintain their weapons and again lead military actions. In addition, the British promised to send them to France on their vessels. Naturally, the French gave consent to such a "surrender". Ushakov, deeply outraged by betrayal, hike on Rome, nevertheless, did not cancel. September 30, 1799 Russian sailors solemnly entered the city left by the French. They still had to master Malta, but at the end of the year the relations of Russia with the allies were finally buried, and the admiral received the order of Paul to return along with the squadron entrusted to him back to Sevastopol. Prepare ships to long-term swimming, Fyodor Fedorovich forever said goodbye to the loved islands. Corfu Island Senate brought to him with diamonds sword. And on the medals from pure gold from the inhabitants of the island of Ithaca was engraved:

"Fyodor Ushakov, the head superior of the Russian sea forces, the courageous liberator of the ITAKI"

No less memorable were gifts from other islands. And yet, the admiral, too well who celebrated the infancy of the highest policy, left the Ionian Islands with a sense of deeply alarm for their future fate.

On October 26, 1800, Ushakov's escade entered the Sevastopol bay. And on the night of March 11, 1801 was killed by Paul's conspirators. The Russian throne took His Son, Alexander I, and the policy of Russia changed dramatically. Fedor Fedorovich was transferred to St. Petersburg. At the courtyard, opinions were expressed about the unnecessaryness of a large fleet for the "land" country. Even the Marine Minister said that the fleet "there is burdensome luxury." The merit of Ushakov was not impressed by Alexander I, appointed him in May 1802 for the secondary position of the commander of the Baltic Gallery Fleet. In 1804, Ushakov prepared a detailed report on his ministry to the Fatherland, which summed up his work:

"Thanksgiving with the Lord, with all the marked battles with the enemy and for all the excerpt of the fleet under my boss, the preservation of the near-fat goodness, no ship from the ongo is lost and the prisoner did not get a single person from our enemy."

It should be noted that admiral in the northern capital, ordinary people often came in with requests for help. Some of those who need it with clothes and money, for others, she worked before the wealthy gentlemen. In addition, he took care of custody and patronage over orphaned nephews. In addition to the command of the Baltic Rowing Fleet, he was Chairman of the Qualification Commission for the Marine Cadet Corps and the head of the St. Petersburg Falls. All duties Fedor Fedorovich tried to fulfill with diligence and jealousy, as it was characteristic of him in any business. But years have given themselves felt. The diseases aggravated, mental grief multiplied. Admiral with pain followed the events occurring in Europe - one of the stages of the Franco-Russian War ended, a Tilzite peace treaty passed, the Emperor of Russia became an ally of Napoleon, and the Ionian Islands were transferred to the French. All this Fedor Fedorovich had to go through.

The petition for the resignation of Ushakov filed Alexander I 19 December 1806. Going away from the affairs of service, he remained in St. Petersburg for some time, continuing to help nephews and preparing for moving. In the homeland, in the Yaroslavl province, the admiral had several small villages, was also land plot near Sevastopol. However, the soul of the famous seaman requested privacy and peace. Fyodor Fedorovich decided to go to the Tambov province, in the quiet village of Alekseyevka. The place it was not far from the Christmas-Virgin Monastery, in which during the tart feats of Ushakov lived his native Uncle Monk - Rev. Feodor Sanaksarsky. In 1810, before leaving the capital, Ushakov, "Mondaying with what a suddenness of the hour perpetratures," prepared the will. Almost ever family and children, all his poor owners of Admiral handed the nephews, writing:

"I read whom I as my children and about the welfare of their learning as a father"


Fedor Fedorovich lived in the village of Alekseyevka in his own home. He lived secluded, only on Sunday and holidays arriving at the monastery to the service. Periodically, he sacrificed the abode of significant amounts, also awareness helped with the surrounding bosias and beggars. When the Patriotic War began, the whole Russian people rose to the struggle against the army of Napoleon. In the Tambov province, a militia was created to protect the Motherland. At the Provincial Assembly of the Noborla Fedor Fedorovich, a majority of votes were chosen by the head of the Tambov inner militia. However, the sixtiethi-alert sailor refused:

"I would have walked with the effort and jealousity to take this position and serve the Fatherland, however, for the great weakness of health and illness to accept on myself and I cannot fulfill."

Meanwhile, Ushakov participated in the device and the content of the hospital for the wounded, made a sum of the formation of the Tambov infantry regiment. And they were transferred twenty thousand rubles in favor of victims from the war: "I had long been a desire to distribute all the money of these wandering and distinguishing, not having food, clothes and housing." And about invading French, Admiral said: "Do not despair! The Terrible Buri Sia will still turn to the glory of Russia. " The remainder of his days of Ushakov lived "extremely abstinately", after graduating from October 14, 1817. He was buried in accordance with his wishes in the Sanaksar monastery.

After the death of the famous admiral, almost two centuries have passed. His covenants lived many generations of Russian fleets and sailors, which the glory of the Domestic Fleet. When the time was the time of persecution of the church, the monastery, where Fyodor Ushakov was stubbered, closed, and the chapel erected over the grave of the fleet was destroyed. During the Great Patriotic War Fedor Fedorovich's military victories remembered again. The medal and Order of Admiral Ushakov, who became the highest awards for seafarers soldiers were introduced. And his name, along with the names of Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky and Alexander Suvorov, inspired the defenders of the Fatherland to new feats.

In 1991, the Sanaksar Monastery returned the Russian Orthodox Church. At the grave, Ushakov began to serve a memorialist, pilgrims come to worship Fedor Fedorovich. The Commission on the canonization of the Holy RPCs, carefully examined the work of the admiral in the ministry of Russia, did not find barriers to canonization. At the end of 2000, the patriarch of All Russia Alexy II blessed to glorify Fyodor Ushakov in the face of the righteous.

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265 years ago, an outstanding Russian fleet was born, Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov (1744-1817).
The date of birth is known approximately, according to historians, F. F. Office was born on February 24, 1744 or 1745 in the village of Burnakovo (now the Tutaevsky district of the Yaroslavl region), in a poor noble family.
Ushakov honestly earned fame with their exploits, being "Suvorov to the sea." Russian orthodox Church ranked saints as a righteous Warrior Feodor Ushakov.

Graduated from marine cadet corps, served on the Baltic Fleet. From 1769 in the Don (Azov) flotilla, participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. June 30, 1769 received the title of Lieutenant. At the end of 1772, he received a bot "courier" at the command, was in crucial in the Black Sea along the southern coast of Crimea. In 1773, the commander of the 16-gun ship "Modon", participated in the reflection of the Turks landed in Balaclava. From 1775 he commanded frigate. In 1780, he was appointed commander of the Imperial Yacht, but soon refused the court career. In 1780-82, the commander of the Victor linear ship, which was guarded by Russian trade ships in the Mediterranean Sea from the Pirate Actions of the English Fleet. Since 1783, on the Black Sea Fleet, watched the construction of ships in Kherson, participated in the construction of the main base in Sevastopol. His first award is the Order of St. Vladimir IV degree (1784) received for a successful struggle against the Turkish fleet at Ochakov. At the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war, 1787-1792 - the commander of the Linear Ship "Saint Paul".
The Russian-Turkish war was Russian-Turkish War 1787-1791. During the war, F. F. Ushakov develops the principles of the new tactics of a maneuverable sea battle - the use of single hiking orders, a decisive rapprochement with an opponent for a short distance without rebuilding a combat order, focusing the major efforts against the flagship enemy ships, the allocation of the reserve ("Kaiser Squaders Flag "), combination of sighting artillery fire and maneuver, pursuit of the enemy to his full destruction or capturing. Giving great importance The sea and fire language of personnel, Ushakov was a supporter of Suvorov principles of raising subordinates
Commander from 1790 by the Black Sea Fleet, resorting to the new maneuverable tactics created by him, fundamentally different from the linear tactics adopted at the time, in 1790 and 1791. Wrapped a number of brilliant victories over the Turkish fleet. Including this fight at the Island of Fidonisi (1788), where the defeat of the Turk's superior forces has begun. The Turkish squadron had 1110 guns against 550 in Russian, the weight of the volley 3: 1 (thanks to the greater caliber of the guns of Turkish linear ships). The ratio of the numerical composition of the teams 10,000 people of the Turkish squadron against 4,000-Russian crews made an unfavorable outcome of the caporoda bout.
The Russian avant-garde, who commanded Ushakov, went on rapprochement with head Turkish ships, cut off the ships and consistently focusing fire on the front of them. The fire was visible from close distances; The speed and accuracy that caused the highest effectiveness of artillery fire allowed the Russians to implement Ushakov's design. Getting heavy damage, Turkish ships did overfall - turn to another tall and left the battle. After three first ships under the concentrated fire, the Turkish flagship hit. His exit from the battle decided the outcome of the battle. Turkish ships, lifting the sails left the battlefield. The Russian fleet has no loss.
In the battle at Cape Tendra, the Russians managed to sing several enemy ships, including the best - flagship "Capaning", as well as seize the linear ship "Mulene Bakhry" (later it was renovated and introduced into the Russian fleet under the name "John Forerost"). This victory made it possible to transfer the gallery flotilla to the Danube, which significantly strengthened the Russian army.
The battle at Kaliacria on August 11, 1791 - the last sea battle of the Russian-Turkish war 1787-1792 between the fleets of Russia and the Ottoman Empire. As a result, the ships of the Turkish fleet received significant damage and returned to Istanbul.
Russian fleet under the command of Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov composed of 15 linear ships, 2 frigates and 19 smaller ships (990 guns) sailed from Sevastopol on August 8, 1791, and at noon on August 11, he discovered the Turkish-Algerian fleet under the command of Hussein-Pasha in the composition of 18 linear ships, 17 frigates (1,500-1,600 cannons) and a large number of smaller vessels are anchored near Cape Kaliakria in Northern Bulgaria. Ushakov built his ships in three columns, from the northeast, between the Ottoman Fleet and Cape, despite the fact that the Cape was Turkish batteries. Seit-Ali, commander of the Algerian fleet, raised anchor and followed east, followed by Hussein-Pasha with 18 linear ships. The Russian fleet turned to the south, forming one column and then attacked the back of the opponent's fleet. Turkish ships got hard to damage and fled from the battlefield. Seit-Ali ship sank in Istanbul Harbor, Seit-Ali himself was seriously injured. The losses of the Russian fleet were much less - 17 people died, 28 injured and only one ship was seriously damaged.
The battle brought the end of the Russian-Turkish war, which ended with the signing of the yossary peace treaty. For the victory during Kaliacria F. F. Ushakov, the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky was granted.
Tactics used by Ushakov was a serious innovation to the theory of sea fight. Subsequently, a similar maneuvera committed Admiral Nelson in the battle of Abukir in 1798 and the Trafalgar battle in 1805

In 1798-1800. - Emperor Paul I is appointed commander of Russian naval forces in the Mediterranean. The task of F. F. Ushakov was supporting the sea of \u200b\u200bactions of the troops of the antifranzuz coalition.
During the Mediterranean campaign of 1798-1800, Ushakov showed himself as large fleet, skillful politician and diplomat when creating the Greek Republic of the Seven Islands under the Protectorator of Russia and Turkey; became the author of its constitution (here it is, the manifestation of Russian totalitarianism! The constitution was helped by all republics ...)
Ushakov showed samples of organizing the interaction of the army and the fleet when mastering the ionic islands and especially the island of Corfu (Kerkira), when the French were released from the French, during the Blocade of Ancona and Genoa, when mastered by Naples and Rome. During the campaign, there was a disagreement with the British Admiral Nelson regarding the blockade (Nelson's proposal) or the assault (Ushakov offer) about. Malta. The personal conflict of admirals believes also believed ...

In 1799, he was produced in Admirals. In 1800, Ushakov's squadron returned to Sevastopol.
During the Patriotic War, 1812, Ushakov was elected head of the militia of the Tambov province, but due to the illness refused the position.

IN last years Life in the estate of F. F. Ushakov dedicated himself to prayer and wide charitable activities. According to Ieromonach Nathanaila Archbishop Tambov Athanasia:
"Ati Admiral Ushakov ... And the famous benefactor of the Sanaksar Resident, on arrival from St. Petersburg, about 8 years old led the lives secluded in his own home, in his village Alekseyevka, the distance from the monastery through the forest of the vests three, which is Sunday and festive days I came for the mantom plant to the monastery to the servants of God at all times, and I lived in the monastery in the monastery in the cell for my visit ... For the whole seventh and any long-term service with brother in the church, it was strictly listening to a reverent. In obedience, the monastery did not appeal in anyone, but at times sacrificed from the zeal of its significant beneficiaries, the same poor and poor was created by the ever-minded allege allege. In honor and memory of the benefactor named, he made in the abode into the Cathedral Church of the expensive vessels, an important gospel and expensive brocade clothes for the throne and on the altar. Transmitted remnants of the days of their extremely abstainment and graduated from his life, as follows the True Christian and the faithful son of the Holy Church. "

Flotodets died 2 (14) October 1817 in his estate in the village of Alekseevka (now the Republic of Mordovia). He was buried in the Sanaksar Monastery near the city of Temnikov.
Was awarded:
- Order of St. George 4 degrees (1788)
- Order of St. George 2 degrees (1790)
- Order of St. Vladimir 4 degrees (1784)
- Order of St. Vladimir 3 degrees (1788)
- the Order of St. Vladimir 2 degrees (1790)
- Order of St. Alexander Nevsky (1791)
- Diamond signs of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky (1798)
- Order of St. Yanuaria Kingdom of both Sicily
- Commander of the Cross of St. John Jerusalem (1798)
- Higher award of the Ottoman Empire "Chelleg"
- Golden weapon from the Greek Republic of the Seven Islands

Ushakov did not lose a single sea battle, and he considered the main factor of his victories, first of all the resistance and courage of the squadron sailors. Ushakov himself tirelessly took care of the team and often during the surpasses of supplying the squadron spent their personal funds on food and needs. Humane attitude To the sailor and a well-thought-out system for the education of the personnel escords in many ways Rodnil Ushakov with Suvorov. Ushakov, as well as Suvorov, highly appreciated the moral qualities of Russian warriors.
In honor of Ushakov, the ships of the Russian fleet, the street and square in the cities were called. The kinodilogia was removed about his life: "Admiral Ushakov" and "ships storm bastions" (director M. Mom) ...

On August 5, 2001, Admiral Ushakov was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a local San Sarandian and Mordovian diocese. Solemn service passed in the Sanaksar monastery. The act of his canonization indicated: "The strength of his Christian spirit manifested itself not only by the glorious victories in the battles for the fatherland, but also in the great mercy, who was even amazed by the enemy's defeated ... Mercy Admiral Feodor Ushakov covered all."

On October 6, 2004, the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church ranked Fyodor Ushakov to the generally worker saints in the face of the righteous. Memory is committed (according to the Julian calendar) on May 23 (Cathedral of the Rostov Saints), July 23 and October 2. Fedor Ushakov (in church calendar Warrior Feodor Sanaksarsky) is revered by the saint patron of the Russian Navy (since 2000) and strategic air force (since 2005).

FF Life and Activities FF Shushakov can be found here.

He became famous for many glorious feats, but the main thing - he did not suffer a single defeat and did not lose any combat ship. The site visited Kronstadt at a solemn event dedicated to the opening of the exhibition "Invincible Admiral: Saint Righteous Warrior Fyodor Ushakov" and remembered the main victories of the fleet.

Life is homeland, soul - God!

Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov - Admiral, who made a huge contribution to the development of the Russian navy. He was a stunning tactic and strategist, the founder of the Russian tactical naval school. Thanks to this, the admiral did not suffer a single defeat in 43 maritime battles. And most of his battles entered into world history As the best conquest of the Russian Empire.

The future invincible warrior was born in 1745 in the village of Burnakovo Yaroslavl province in a poor noble family. Since childhood, it has grown the sea since childhood, and as soon as he was 16 years old - he entered the sea bunny cadet corps in St. Petersburg. His fleet career began in the Baltic Sea, Ushakov immediately showed himself as a capable and bold sailor. In the rank of Michman, he took part in the first far swimming From Kronstadt around Scandinavia to Spitsberegin to Arkhangelsk and back on board Nargin Pink.

Shortly after graduation, a young lieutenant was sent to Black Sea Fleet. There, the Russian-Turkish war began, and Ushakov led the operations to cover the mouth of Don from the attack of the Turkish squadr, participated in the defense of Balaklava, served as a commander of a number of ships that carried the cruising service on the Black Sea.

It was at that time the career of the fleece went rapidly up. He commands an increasing number of ships and in peacetime manifests itself as a wise captain.

The brave navigator noticed the Empress of Catherine II and noted high confidence - appointed the "Tver" imperial yacht commander. But Fyodor Fedorovich sought the battle, calm and measured life was not for him. Therefore, at his personal request, the future admiral was again translated into military service. From the very beginning of the service, Ushakov followed the principle: "Life is homeland, soul - God!".

Wise captain

In 1783, an event occurred, which was characterized by Ushakov not only as an excellent military man holder, but also as a person caring for people. Captain II rank was sent to Kherson, where he had to form teams for seven ships. In the city, the plague raged in the city.

"The fleet officer and at this field showed himself as responsible for his people commander," said the organizer and guide of the exhibition "Invincible Admiral: Holy Righteous Warrior Fyodor Ushakov" Daniel Shalyaev. - He introduced hard quarantine orders and strictly followed compliance with hygiene measures among the sailors and the population of Kherson. Terrible disease was localized, and Ushakov for this awarded the Order Saint Vladimir 4th degree. "

An exhibition dedicated to the legendary fleet opened in the Kronstadsky Marine Cathedral. Photo: AIF / Artem Kurt

The peak of Career Fedor Fedorovich fell on the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. Turks dreamed of taking revenge for the previous defeat, as a result of which they lost the Crimea. Turkish Sultan wanted to ban the Russian fleet to appear in the Black Sea. England and France appeared on his side. The Austrian Fleet fought on our side.

On July 3, 1788, the ships under the command of Ushakov at the Island of Fidonisteri came up with 49 ships of the Turkish fleet. During the battle, which lasted 3 hours, Ushakov's ships cut off from the main squadron of 2 enemy flagship ships and sank several ships. It was a unconditional victory.

"Fyodor Ushakov invented a unique tactic when the first blow of the fleet focused on the flagship of the enemy's flagship, - continues Daniel Shalyaev. "Due to this, the linear construction of the fleet of the enemy was destroyed, disorientation began in the enemy's mill."

Ushak Pasha

In 1790, the Kerch battle took place, in which the Turkish fleet significantly exceeded the power of the counter-admiral Ushakov. But "Ushak-Pasha", as his Turks called, reheat the enemies. He initiated the commanders of other ships and foresaw the action of the enemy. That fight briefly showed the superiority of Russian sailors in marine learning and firing preparation. The battle finally buried the hopes of the Turks on the return of the Crimea.

Battle with significantly superior enemy forces became the "corporate hand writing" of Admiral Ushakov. The clearest example is the fight at the Tendra Cape, when a smaller number of Russian fleet fearlessly rushed into battle on the enemy superior. Seeing such audacity, Turkish ships rushed into a disorderly retreat and were disoriented. But in terms of the number of on-board guns, the Turkish fleet was hawged surpassed Russian! In this battle, the Turks lost 5.5 thousand people, our losses amounted to 21 killed and 25 wounded. It is curious that during all battles, the Commander-in-Chief of Ushakov actively participated in all the episodes of battles, was in the most responsible and dangerous places and his fearlessness and courage encouraged subordinate to decisive action.

Well, the most legendary marine battle under the leadership of Admiral Ushakov occurred on March 2, 1799 at the Corfu Island. The fortress on the island was considered impregnable and until that day was never taken by storm. Strengthening, powerful walls and towers, rocky shores made taking the citadel unreal. The French strengthened fortress strengthened the defense with several artillery batteries. But for Russian sailors, as we already know, unresolved tasks did not exist. Ushakov blocked the fortress from the sea, and then threw a 2 thousand troops at the storm. After a day, the fortress capitulated, more than 200 French soldiers were killed, almost 3 thousand people surrendered. Rich trophies were captured: 16 ships, 630 guns and other property. Russians lost 31 people killed and 100 wounded. Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov was awarded the title of complete admiral.

In the face of saints

In recent years, the legendary admiral who has not knew defeats, lived in his estate in Mordovia, was engaged in charity. He was buried in the Sanaksar monastery. And in 2001, the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, celebrations dedicated to the canonization of the Holy Righteous Warrior Theodore Ushakov took place. For the first time in the history of Christianity in the face of saints, Flotodets is glorified.

Ark with relics arrived in Kronstadt from the Sanaksar Monastery. Photo: AIF / Artem Kurt

In 2017, a kind tradition appeared when the ark with the recent warriors is delivered to worship in the Kronstadt Marine Cathedral. This is happening on the eve of the celebration of the Day of the Navy. It happened this year: the ark with the relics was taken to the Pier of Kronstadt. Then the boat was taken by the warships on the Kronstadt raid.

In addition, a unique exhibition dedicated to the fleet opened in the cathedral. The exposition presents more than 20 rarities: unique documents, battle cards. Exposition will tell O. life path The most famous Flotovodka of Russia, about his victories, about the attitude towards sailors and the chosen night path in the late earthly life, photos of the awards and the icons of Fyodor Ushakov.

The righteous feodor Ushakov was born on February 13, 1745 in the village of Burnakovo Romanovsky County of the Yaroslavl province. There was from the poor ancient noble child. His parents - Fedor Ignatievich and Praskovya Nikitichna were people with pious and deeply believers, the main condition for the education of children, they considered the development of religious feelings and high morality. The example of the native uncle was also promoted, the monk of Theodore, who lasted in the Sanaksar Monastery in the distant Mordovia.

In the temple of the Epiphany-on-Isle, in three versts from Burnakovo, Fedor was baptized, here he studied and account he studied at school for noble children. In February 1761, the 16-year-old Ushakov was enrolled in the Sea Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg, where he diligently compiled science, showing a special tendency to arithmetic, navigation and history. After five years, the study was completed - young Michman took the oath and received an appointment to the Baltic Fleet. The first years of his service passed in intensive studies under the guidance of experienced sailors. Thanks to its diligence, intelligence of the mind, a zealous attitude to the case and high spiritual qualities, young Michman Fyodor Ushakov successfully passed this first school of marine practice and was transferred to the south to the Azov Flotilla.

1775 was the year of creating a regular linear Russian fleet on the Black Sea. For three years in 30 versts from the mouth of the Dnieper, Admiralty, the port and the city of Kherson were built. In August 1783, a 38-year-old captain of the second rank Fyodor Ushakov arrived here. And when the Crimea was finally attached to Russia (at the end of the same year), Catherine II issued a decree on the device on the southern borders of new fortifications, including a large fortress Sevastopol, with admiralty, shipyard for ships, port and settlement. In August 1785, the 66-walled linear ship "Saint Paul" entered the Sevastopol bay with the captain of the first rank Fyodor Ushakov on board.

Two years - August 11, 1787 - Turkey declared war to Russia. For the conduct of hostilities, two Russian army were deployed, whose task at first was the protection of the Russian border. And only a fleet based in Sevastopol, broader powers were given.

Soon the first general battle occurred. The Turkish fleet counted 17 linear ships and 8 frigates; In the Russian squadron, whose Avangard was commanded by the captain of the Brigadier rank Fyodor Ushakov, there were only 2 linear ship and 10 frigates. And yet the small Russian fleet for the first time in the open battle won the significantly superior forces of the enemy. It was largely helped by personal courage, skillful possession of tactics and outstanding personal qualities of Captain Fedor Ushakov, who adopted a guide to the battle. Undoubtedly hope for the help of God and, as a result, continuousness in front of the enemy - that's what was decisive in the Flotovoy Talent of Captain Ushakov.

For the first year of the Russian-Turkish war, the young Black Sea Fleet won a decisive victory, bringing the Ottoman port "in emergency fear and horror." 45-year-old Fedor Ushakov, having received the rank of counter-admiral, in early 1790 was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet. Prince Potemkin-Tauride wrote by Empress: "Thanks to God, and the fleet and flotilla are stronger than Turkish. There is in the fleet Sevastopol counter-admiral Ushakov. Excellent knowing, enterprising and service hunter. He will be my assistant. "

Six months not far from the Kerch Strait, there was another battle, in which the Ushakov squador again won the brilliant victory over twice the superior forces of the Turk. Potemkin reported Catherine: "The battle was cruel and for us I am more likely that ... the counter-admiral of Ushakov attacked the enemy twice as much as ... broke himself strongly and chased to the very night ... Counter-Admiral Ushakov Excellent Ponds. I am sure that the great maritime leader will come out of it. "

Turks eased revenge: By morning, August 28, the Turkish fleet was anchored between Hajibem (later Odessa) and the island of the tendra. Here, from Sevastopol, a Russian squadron came out. Having envy Russian ships, the Turks, despite the superiority in force, began to hastily cut the ropes and move to the Danube in disorder. All the power of the onboard artillery of Ushakov wrapped on the front side of the Turkish fleet. The flagship ship "Christmas of Christ" was fighting with three enemy ships, and then with the flagship of the Turkish fleet - a 74-gun "cappugate". And again, luck accompanied the Russians - the burst "Capugation" became the final link in the victory when the tender.

Upon returning to Sevastopol, the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Fedor Ushakov was given an order: "I express my older thanks to my best gratefulness and I recommend that tomorrow for bringing the Most Highness for such a happy grant victory. To everyone who may be from the courts, and the priests from all over the fleet to be in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker at 10 o'clock in the afternoon, and at the end of the Thanksgiving Prayer Poland from the ship "Christmas" of 51 cannons. "

Four years later, the Russian-Turkish war ended in the fourth brilliant victory of the counter-admiral Ushakov at Cape Kaliacria, for which he was granted the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. One of the strongest at the time of the Turkish fleet was completely destroyed, and on December 29, 1791, a peace treaty signed a peace treaty in Yases. Russian state "The black searches conquered the shores of the Black Sea conquered."

Even at the beginning of the war, Fyodor Ushakov adopted a leadership of the port and the city of Sevastopol. Now, in peacetime, he organized the repair of warships, the construction of various small ships, on its orders and under the tireless personal participation on the shores of the bays was built, the small Cathedral Church of St. Nicholas was rebuilt - the patron saint of the navigators. These and other works often paid himself from his salary.

Now the famous counter-admiral, who "to faith fathers had an emergency commitment," had the opportunity to regularly attend church services. The testimony of his life in Sevastopol was preserved when he was "every day she listened to the Sauna, lunch, the evening and before the prayers never dealt with the views of the Military Days."

In early 1793, the counter-admiral Ushakov called on Petersburg - Catherine II wished to see the hero who had made a loud glory to the Fatherland, and "he met a person's straight, modest, little familiar with the requirements of secular life." For merits before the throne and the Fatherland, the Empress brought him as a gift a gold fold-cross with the relics of holy wings and complained rank Vice-Admiral.

In 1796, Emperor Paul I entered into the Russian throne. At that time, the revolutionary France "turned to the conquest and enslavement of neighboring powers." Vice-Admiral Ushakov received an order to lead the Black Sea Fleet in combat readiness, and in early August 1798 - the highest command "immediately follow and promote with the Turkish fleet against France's evil intentions." Taking a course to Constantinople, the Russian squadron soon approached the Bosphorus. The commander of the combined forces was appointed Vice Admiral Ushakov.

So began his famous Mediterranean campaign, in which he showed himself not only as a great fleet, but also as a wise statesman, merciful Christian and benefactors of the peoples liberated by him.

The first task was to take the ionic islands located along the south-west coast of Greece, the main of which is Corfu, having an already powerful bastions in Europe, was even much strengthened by the French and was considered impregnable.

The commander entered the wisdom: he turned with a written appeal to the inhabitants of the islands - Orthodox Greeks, calling them to assist in the "Loop of the unscrewing yoke" of the Frenchman. The answer was the ubiquitous armed assistance of the population. No matter how the French resisted, our landing agency liberated the Isle of Cemerig, Zante and Kefalonia ...

On November 10, 1798, Fyodor Ushakov wrote in the report: "Thanks to the Almighty God, and the United Squades, except Corfu, all other islands were released from the hands of malicious French." February 18, 1799, at 7 pm, the assault and Corfu began - the next day the fortress fell. It was the day of the great celebration of Admiral Ushakov, the celebration of his military talent and the hardwill, supported by courage and the art of his subordinates, their confidence in their victorious leader and his confidence in their unshakable courage.

The commander went ashore, "the solemnly met by the people who did not know the borders of his joy and delight, and went to church to bring the Lord to God of thanksgiving ... And on March 27, on the first day of the Holy Easter, Admiral appointed a big celebration, inviting the clergy to make the reel Bromifuntsky Spiridon. The people gathered from all the villages and from the near Islands. "

For the victory in Corfu, Emperor Paul I made Fedor Ushakov in full admirals. It was the last reward received by him from their sovereigns.

As the Plenipotentiary Representative of Russia, Admiral Ushakov created on the Ionian Islands such a form of government, which provided the world "Peace, Silence and Calm". So the Republic of Seven United Islands was formed - the first Greek national state of the new time.

At the same time, in Northern Italy, the Russians, under the leadership of the glorious Alexander Suvorov, the "invincible" army of the French threatened. Suvorov asked Admiral Ushakov to provide him with all-time support from the south. And the two great Sons of Russia, being in the gross interaction, beat French Republicans on land and at sea. Russian sailors and paratroopers took the city of Bari, where the gratisous prayer was served in the relics of St. Nicholas Wonderworker, then Naples and September 30, 1799 entered Rome.

Neapolitan Minister Mishur enthusiastically wrote Admiral Ushakov enthusiastically: "For 20 days, a small Russian squad returned to my state two thirds of the kingdom. Of course, there was no other example of this event: only Russian troops could commit such a miracle. What a courage! What a discipline! What kind of meek, kinds of morals! Here they are guarded, and the memory of the Russians will remain in our Fatherland for eternal times. "

The queue was Malta, but at the end of 1799, Admiral Fyodor Ushakov received the order of Emperor Paul I on the return of the squadron entrusted to him in Sevastopol.

Residents of the Republic of Seven United Islands said goodbye to Admiral Ushakov and his sailors, without hiding tears. The Senate of the island Corfu called him the "liberator and his father". On the gold, mowed with diamonds, the sword brought to him for a farewell, it was written: "Corfu Island - Admiral Ushakov." As much memorable and expensive awards were from other islands ...

On the night of March 11, 1801, Emperor Paul I was killed by conspirators, his son Alexander I climbed the Russian throne. Russia has changed dramatically. And soon Admiral Fyodor Ushakov was translated into St. Petersburg - the court prevailed at the courtyard big Fleet. For "land" Russia.

In 1804, Fyodor Fedorovich compiled a detailed note on his ministry to the Russian fleet, in which he would raise its activities: "Thanks to God, with all the same battles with the enemy and the extent of this fleet under my bosses to the sea, the preservation of the Alliceful Good none ship From one not lost and prisoner From our ministers the enemy did not get (Allocated by me. - O. G.)».

Continuing to carry the service as the main commander of the Baltic Rowing Fleet and the head of the St. Petersburg Falls, Fyodor Ushakov and these duties performed with jealousy and zeal, as it was generally characteristic of him. In addition, Admiral did not forget to take care of the neighbor: many people came to his house in St. Petersburg. He supplied with money, clothing, for others, especially in need, troubled before the famous dignitaries; He took over and care about orphaned nephews.

With pain Fedor Fedorovich followed what is happening in Europe: one of the stages of the French-Russian war was approaching completion, the world was preparing in Tilsit. Emperor Alexander I will soon be made by the ally of Napoleon Bonaparte, and the Ionian Islands will be transferred to the "malicious" French ...

On December 19, 1806, the legendary Admiral filed the emperor about the resignation: "Peaceful feelings and sorrow, the exhausted fortress of forces, health, God are known - will be the will of his holy. All that happened to me I accept with the deepest reverence. " These words, crowded target, nice and crowded ministry, testify that the invincible warrior was fulfilled by humility and humility of God, it was a feeling of true Christian.

Going down from the official affairs, for some time he lived in St. Petersburg, and in 1810 he moved to the village of Alekseevka Temnik district, near the Sanaksarsky Christmas-Virodic Monastery. According to the testimony of the then abbot of the monastery of Hieromonach Nathanaila, "Admiral Ushakov, neighbor and the famous benefactor of the Sanaksar Resident ... led the life of a secluded ... Sundays and holidays came for a manty-monastery to services ... To the great post lived in the monastery, in Kelly ... on the whole week and All long-term service with brother put in the church ... At times, sacrificed ... the abode of significant benefits; Also poor and poor worked the ever-minded alms and alex. "

The Patriotic War of 1812 began. On the fight against the French, all the people rose - in the Tambov province, as elsewhere, the militia was formed, the head of which Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov was elected. Thanking for the trust rendered, Admiral abandoned this honor to the weakness of health. At the same time, he made a hospital for their funds for their funds, made two thousand rubles to form the 1st Tambov infantry regiment. Everything that I had, he gave "to a presence of the near, suffering from the ruin of a malicious enemy."

Admiral spent the rest of his days "extremely abstained and graduated from his life as a true Christian and the faithful son of the Holy Church of 1817 of October 2nd and buried at the request of him in the monastery of refrigeration from the nobles, the initial of the monastery of Sia Hieromonach Theodore on the Surname Ushakov "

After the righteous death of Feodor, Ushakov passed almost two centuries. His mobilic and high-dimensional life was not forgotten in their native fatherland. During the Great Patriotic War, his name, along with the names of the holy princes of the warriors Alexander Nevsky and Dimitri Donskoy, inspired the defenders of the Motherland. Higher reward for seafarers soldiers was the Order of Admiral Ushakov.

In December 2000, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II blessed to glorify the admiral of the Russian fleet of the farodore Ushakov in the face of the righteous location of the saints of the Saransk Diocese. And in August 2006, the only temple dedicated to the Holy Sailor was consecrated in Saransk.

15 / 10 / 2006

Admiral F. F. Office. Artist P.Bazhanov.

To start - brief biographical reference. FF Shushakov Born in a poor noble family on February 24/3 of 1745. Place of Birth Selo Burnakovo (Coordinates of 58 ° 00'13 "s. sh. 39 ° 17'34" c.) Nowadinsky district, Yaroslavl region. In 1766 he graduated from the Sea Cadet Corps. Participated in the Russian-Turkish wars 1768-1774 and 1787-1791. In 1789, he was produced in counter-admirals. Commander from 1790 by the Black Sea Fleet, won in the Kerch battle, oh. Tendra, at Cape Kaliacria. From 1793 - Vice Admiral. During the Mediterranean campaign, 1798-1800 showed itself as a major fleet, a skillful politician and diplomat. Samples of organizing the interaction of the army and the fleet when mastering the ionic islands and when exempted from the French of Italy. In 1799, he received the rank of complete admiral. In 1800 he led the squadron to Sevastopol, then he was appointed chief commander of the Baltic Rowing Fleet and the head of the fleet teams in St. Petersburg. In 1807, he retired, led the righteous lifestyle, was engaged in charitable activities. He died in his estate and was buried in the Sanaksar Monastery near the city of Tamnikov. In 2001, Ushakov was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as the Holy Sarandian Diocese, and in 2004, the bishop cathedral counted him to the general terrorist saints - as a righteous warrior Feodora (Ushakov) Sanaksar.

Icon of the Holy Righteous Warrior Feodora (Ushakov) Sanaksar.

And now - 10 little-known facts and delusions.

1. Date of birth.

Oddly enough, but for a very long time in biographical materials about Ushakov An erroneous information was given. So, in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, the year of birth of the admiral was indicated as 1744; Other publications are found 1743rd. The same and from the place of birth - for example, it was said about Tambov province ... Only relatively recently, historians managed to accurately establish the date and place of the birth of the future Flotovodz: Village of Burnakovo Romanovsky County of the Yaroslavl province, 13 (24) of February 1745. These data were found in the Rostov branch of the state archive of the Yaroslavl region.

Fedor Ushakov on the deck of the ship. Artist N.G.Nikolaev.

2. The pedigree Admiral Ushakov can be traced until the XI century.

It is believed that Ushakov It comes from the novel - the son of Rededi, the Grand Duke Kosozov, the Horde, who died in 1022 in battle with Grand Duke Vladimir Mstislavovich. In the sixth generation, one of the representatives of the kind got the nickname Ushak, from which the name of the Flotovod was born.

Father of the future Admiral, Fedor Ignatievich Ushakovwas a small nobleman. He served in the Life Guard by the Preobrazhensky regiment and resigned in the rank of sergeant; There was no relationship to the fleet. For the upbringing of his son Fedor, the influence of his native uncle, Rev. Foodor Sanaksarsky (in the world Ivan Ignatievich Ushakov), in 1764, became the abbot of the Sanaksar monastery.

Admiral F. F. Office. Lithography.

3. Served on all seas.

Usually the name of the admiral is associated with the Black Sea Fleet, but in fact Ushakov In different years, he served on all seas that wash Europe. Back in 1766-1767, being Marthemarin, Fedor Ushakov Making a swim around Scandinavia, while moving on Nargian Pink from Kronstadt to Arkhangelsk and back. In 1768-1775, he served in the Azov flotilla, then made a transition from the Baltic on the Mediterranean Sea and remained there until 1779, commanding first with the Frigate "St. Pavel", and then the ship "Georgy Victoronec". In 1780. Ushakov Commands the yacht Empress Catherine II, in 1781 in the post of commander of the 64-gun ship "Victor" makes swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, in 1782 commands the "Verny" frigate on the Baltic. Next year, the captain of the 1st rank Ushakova Translate to the Black Sea Fleet, where he takes a 66-cannon ship "St. Pavel". From that moment on, the newest, the most glorious and most famous stage of his biography.

Squadra Admiral Ushakov in Bosphorus. Artist M.Ivanov, 1799

4. Number of wins wins.

In the literature and the Internet, you can often find the phrase: "From 43 sea battles of Ushakov did not lose one". How real is this figure?

Undoubtedly, Admiral Ushakov played an important role in the formation of the Russian fleet, it is not in vain compared with Suvorov. He acted boldly and decisively, under his command, the fleet achieved brilliant victories from the tenders, during Kaliakria, the island of Corfu ... But even if you calculate small clashes and actions against the Greek islands, the number of battles under the command of Ushakov is significantly less than 43. And where did this figure come from, it is unclear.

5. Tactics.

Ushakova It is often referred to as the creator of the maneuverable tactics of the sailing fleet, although historians still argue about how much this statement is legitimate. According to the candidate historical sciences Captain 1st Rank V.D.Ochinnikova - Researchers in the biography of the fleece and the author of several monographs devoted to him - the opinion of Ushakov as the founder of maneuverable tactics first appeared only in the middle of the twentieth century, in the period "Combating cosmopolitanism". VDOVchinnikov It is sufficient argumentally proves that this statement is not quite correct. W. FF Shushakov quite real merit, and there is no need to attribute the merits to him non-existent.

6. Ships storm bastions?

During the fighting against Corfu, contrary to the problem, which pretended primarily due to the artistic film "Ships storm bastions", Squadra Admiral Ushakova In fact, the bastions did not storm. Ships led the fire not along the Korfu fortress, but according to a few and almost unprotected batteries of the island of Vido. The shelling of the old fortress from the sea was symbolic and had only a moral effect. To substitute the ships to the numerous coastal artillery of the most powerful Citadel from the Ushakov, it would be just madness.

The main reason for premature delivery of Corfu by the French is to fight their obvious reluctance. And this is quite understandable: after Abukirsk battle, Corfu Island as a strategic base of the French fleet lost its importance, and the garrison of the fortress perfectly understood that no one would come to his aid. The French generals believed that they were with their troops at that moment were more in France than on a distant island, and in the case of acceptable capitulation conditions were ready to surrender immediately. And the terms of delivery were offered, you can say the honorary. The act of surrender said that "French garrison ... With war honors come out of all fortresses and the gate, which he now occupies, and, being put into operation, put the weapons and its own, excluding generals and all officers and other officials who will remain with their weapons. After this, the middle garrison with his own crew will be transported to the toulon on ships of hiring ... under the cover of the military vessels ... The general studies and the entire French garrison is obliged to be honest in words for 18 months not to accept weapons against the All-Russian Empire and the Ports of the Ottoman and their Allies..

Frame from the art film "Ships storm bastions" (1953, director Mikhail Romm).

7. Admiral-diplomat.

After the surgery of the French garrison on Corfu Admiral FF Shushakov I had to actively engage in unusual activities - to equip life on the liberated Greek islands. As it turned out, he is not only an outstanding fleet, but also a talented politician and a good administrator! First thing Ushakov Released a manifesto, which guaranteed the residents of all classes freedom of religion, property rights and personalities. Then he shaped the guard regiment from the locals. According to his proposal, on all Ionic Islands, elections were held by the delegates who arrived at Corfu and amounted to the core of the Senate, which began to develop a project state Device The islands formally under the Russian-Turkish, and in fact Russian dominion. At the end of May 1799 Ushakov Approved "Plan about the establishment of the Board on the former Venetian Islands liberated from the French and about establishing order". So there was a republic of seven islands, united the islands of Corfu (Kerkira), Paxos, Lefkas, Kefalinia, Ithaca, Zakynthos and Kitir. In 1803, the government of the republic was headed by John Capodistria - the future foreign minister of Russia (1816-1822), and later - the head of the independent Greece.

It is curious to note two points. First, the Republic of Seven Islands de facto became the first independent state in the territory of modern Greece. Secondly, as neither paradoxically, the state with a democratic form was created by the Russian admiral, which was also a convinced monarchist ...

Monument F. F. Office on the island of Kerkira (Corfu), Greece.

8. Ushak Pasha.

In various books and journal articles, it is often said that Admiral FF Shushakov Turks "Respectfully called Ushak Pasha". Probably, such a nickname in the fleece really was, only hardly it is very respectful ... Because "Ushak" Turkish means "Servant, Laki".

Monument to Admiral Ushakov at Cape Kaliacria, Bulgaria.

9. Character features.

As evidenced by many sources, Admiral Ushakov The big rigor was distinguished both towards the sailors and to the officers. He was a few and possessed a "harsh character." If Suvorov loved to joke with soldiers, then Ushakov In this regard, it was its full opposite.

At the same time, his severity in relation to the violators of the order was combined with justice and often generosity. Documents testify: he, for example, requires forgive the guilty officer "For the sake of his juvenile children" And it applies to the emperor about the restoration of officers sent to misconduct.

Ushakov negatively referred to alcohol and, unlike SuvorovDrinking sailors, with the exception of the right portion, forbidden. For drunkenness of the lower ranks, the admiral strictly charged with commanders. At all, Ushakov Much attention was paid to the health and nutrition of sailors. So, in October 1792 he donated 13.5 thousand rubles. Own funds (a huge amount of total!) For the purchase of fresh meat and the content of hospitals in Sevastopol. And this case was far from one. In 1813. Ushakov Almost all the state gave to the fund assistance to victims in the Patriotic War.

Straightness and truthfulness FF Shushakov Often became the causes of his conflicts with the heads and subordinate - Admirals M.I. Doyanovich, N.S. Morvinov, with a famous shipbuilder A.S. Katasanov, with one of the commanders of the ships - the future Flotovodz D.N. Sorenic.

Ushakov and Suvorov. Frame from the art film "Ships storm bastions."

10. Holy Righteous Warrior.

Sacrificing all its savings for charity, FF Shushakov In a letter, Ober-Prosecutor Synod A.N.Golitsyn wrote: "I have long had a desire for all these money without withdrawing to handle the poor, poor brethren, not imaging food, and now, finding the most convenient and loyal case to fulfill my desire ...". But the words of Hieromonach Nathanaila: "Ati Admiral Ushakov ... The famous benefactor of the Sanaksar Residents on arrival from St. Petersburg about eight years has lived a life-wide life in his own home, in his village Alekseyevka, the distance from the monastery through the forest of the vests three ... Sundays and holidays came for a mantistant in Sundays and holidays Monastery ... And in the great post lived in the monastery in the cell ... All the long-term service with the brother in the church put strictly ... I translated the remnants of my days extremely abstained and graduated from my life, as a true Christian and the faithful Son of the Holy Church..

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