Non-traditional forms of conducting classes with preschoolers. Non-traditional forms of teaching preschoolers

Consultation for kindergarten teachers

"Traditional and non-traditional forms and methods of teaching children mathematics"

Tazhetdinova Dinara Vakilevna, educator
MADOU No. 106 "Zabava", Naberezhnye Chelny

Visual, verbal and practical methods and techniques of teaching in the classroom in mathematics in senior preschool age are mainly used in a complex. Children are able to understand the cognitive task set by the teacher and act in accordance with his instructions. The statement of the problem allows you to excite their cognitive activity. Situations are created when the available knowledge is not enough to find the answer to the question posed; and there is a need to learn something new, to learn something new: For example, a teacher asks: "How do I know how much the table is longer than its width?" The application technique known to children cannot be applied. The teacher shows them a new way of comparing lengths using a measure.

An incentive to search is suggestions to solve a game or practical problem (pick up a pair, make a rectangle equal to the given one, find out which items are larger, etc.)... By organizing independent work children with handouts, the teacher also sets tasks for them (check, learn, learn new)... Consolidation and clarification of knowledge, methods of action in a number of cases is carried out by offering children tasks, the content of which reflects close, understandable situations. For example, they find out how long the laces of boots and low shoes are, choose a strap for a watch, etc. The children's interest in solving such problems ensures the active work of thought, a lasting assimilation of knowledge.

The mathematical representations "equal", "not equal," more - less, "whole and part", etc. are formed on the basis of comparison. Elder children preschool age can, under the guidance of a teacher, consistently examine objects, highlight and compare their homogeneous features. On the basis of comparison, they reveal essential relations, for example, relations of equality and inequality, sequence, whole and part, etc., make the simplest inferences. Development of operations, mental activity (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) in older age they pay more attention. Children perform all these operations based on clarity.

Consideration, analysis and comparison of objects when solving problems of the same type are carried out in a certain sequence. For example, children are taught to sequentially analyze and describe a pattern made up of patterns. geometric shapes, etc. Gradually they master in a general way solving problems in this category and deliberately use it.

Since the awareness of the content of the problem and the ways of solving it by children of this age is carried out in the course of practical actions, mistakes made by children are always corrected through actions with didactic material.

In working with older preschool children, the role of verbal teaching methods is increasing. The instructions and explanations of the teacher guide and plan the activities of the children. When giving instructions, he takes into account what children know and can do, and shows only new methods of work. The teacher's questions during the explanation stimulate the manifestation of independence and intelligence by children, prompting them to look for different ways to solve the same problem: “How else can you do? Verify? To tell?"

Children are taught to find different formulations to characterize the same mathematical connections and relationships. Practicing new methods of action in speech is essential. Therefore, in the course of working with handouts, the teacher asks one or the other child what, how and why he is doing. One child can perform at this time the task at the blackboard and explain their actions. Accompanying the action with speech allows children to comprehend it. After completing any task, a survey follows. Children report what and how they did and what happened as a result.

As the ability to perform certain actions is accumulated, the child can be asked to first make an assumption about what and how to do, (build a number of items, group them, etc.), and then perform a practical action. This is how children are taught to plan the ways and order of completing the assignment. The assimilation of the correct turns of speech is ensured by their repeated repetition in connection with the implementation different options tasks of the same type.

V senior group begin to use word games and play exercises, which are based on actions on presentation: “Say the opposite!”, “Who will call faster?”, “Which is longer (shorter)? " and others. Complication and variability of methods of work, change of benefits and situations stimulate the manifestation of independence by Children, activate their thinking. To maintain interest in classes, the teacher constantly introduces elements of the game into them (search, guessing) and competitions: “Who will find the fastest (will bring, name)? " etc.

The game has been successfully used in teaching children to school since the middle of the last century. In the studies of domestic teachers and psychologists, the multifaceted interconnection and mutual influence of play and learning was emphasized. In games, intellectual experience is actualized, ideas about sensory standards are concretized, mental actions are improved, positive emotions accumulate, which increase the cognitive interests of preschoolers.

When working with children are used didactic games with folk toys - inserts (nesting dolls, cubes), pyramids, the design of which is based on the principle of taking into account the value. Children pay special attention to this principle: you can put a small one in a large matryoshka; into a large cube - a small one; to make a pyramid, you must first insert a large ring, then a smaller and smallest one. With the help of these games, children practice stringing, nesting, assembling the whole from the parts; acquired a practical, sensory experience of distinguishing the size, color, shape of an object, learned to designate these qualities with a word. Didactic games are used both to consolidate and to communicate new knowledge ("Dressing up dolls", "Show which is more and which is less", "Wonderful bag", "Three bears", "What has changed?", "Sticks in a row", "On the contrary", "Broken stairs", "What is gone? "," Learn by description ", etc.).

Game problems are solved directly - based on the assimilation of mathematical knowledge - and are offered to children in the form of simple game rules. In the classroom and in the independent activities of children, outdoor games of mathematical content are held ("The Bear and the Bees", "Sparrows and the Car", "Streams", "Find Your House", "Into the Forest for Fir Trees", etc.).

When practicing subject actions with quantities (comparison by superposition and application, expansion in an increasing and decreasing value, measurement with a conventional yardstick, etc.) a variety of exercises are widely used. At the initial stages of education, reproductive exercises are more often practiced, thanks to which children act according to the model of the teacher, which prevents possible mistakes. For example, treating hares with carrots (comparing two groups of objects by overlapping), the children exactly copy the actions of the teacher who treats the dolls with sweets. Somewhat later, productive exercises are used, in which children themselves find a method of action to solve a given problem, using existing knowledge. For example, each child is given a Christmas tree and asked to find a Christmas tree of the same height on the teacher's table. Having experience comparing the size of objects by superposition and application, children, by trying on, find a Christmas tree the same height as theirs.

Modeling is a promising method of teaching mathematics to preschoolers at the present stage: it promotes the assimilation of specific, objective actions that underlie the concept of number. Children used models (substitutes) when playing the same number of items (we bought as many hats in the store as there were dolls; at the same time, the number of dolls was fixed with chips, since the condition was set - dolls cannot be taken to the store); reproduced the same value (they built a house the same height as the sample; for this they took a stick of the same size as the height of the sample house, and made their construction the same height as the size of the stick)... When measuring a value with a conventional measure, children fixed the ratio of the measure to the entire value or by subject substitutes (items) or verbal (in numeral words).

One of modern methods learning math are elementary experiences. Children are encouraged, for example, to pour water from bottles of different sizes (high, narrow and low, wide) in identical vessels to determine: the volume of water is the same; weigh two pieces of plasticine of different shapes on the scales (long sausage and ball) to determine that they are the same in mass; arrange glasses and bottles one to one (bottles are in a row far from each other, and glasses in a pile are close to each other) to determine that their number (equal) does not depend on how much space they take up.

To form full-fledged mathematical representations and for the development of cognitive interest in preschoolers, it is very important, along with other methods, to use entertaining problem situations. The fairy tale genre allows you to combine both the fairy tale itself and the problem situation. Listening to interesting fairy tales and experiencing with the heroes, the preschooler at the same time gets involved in solving a number of complex mathematical problems, learns to reason, think logically, and argue the course of his reasoning.

Thus, for the successful mastering of mathematical knowledge by older preschool children, it is necessary to use all the variety of methods and techniques for teaching mathematics, both traditional and innovative. At the head of our work, we present a set of traditional methods and techniques (didactic and logic games, solving mathematical problems) combined with innovative (modeling, mathematical tales, experiments.

Unconventional forms the organization of training is currently used in the practice of preschool institutions most effectively:

Classes in subgroups (formed taking into account the age characteristics of children),

Circle work (manual labor, artistry).

Classes are enriched with game and fairy tales. The hidden accounting problem enthralls with the concept of the game. Such activities help free up time for the child, which he uses at his own discretion: resting or doing what he is interested in and emotionally significant.

Teachers use in their work various forms of "hobby activities", rich in games and independent creative deeds... This is especially suitable for productive activities: design and modeling, drawing and applique. All this makes classes more interesting, exciting and effective.

Such forms of work with children as occupation - conversation - observation are widely used in practice. Fairytale therapy classes are successful among preschool teachers, since this particular form is a special one, the interaction "adult - child" in the most to a greater extent fits the specifics childhood... This is an opportunity to form moral values ​​for correcting undesirable behavior, a way to form the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of a child. The use of didactic story therapy trainings in the format preschool education allows you to quickly and easily acquire the necessary knowledge.

Competition games, KVN, theatrical games, role-playing games, consultations (with another child), games for mutual learning (child-child), auctions, games - doubts, games - travel, dialogues, games "Solve the mystery" and others, games - schemes, games - quizzes.

Non-traditional forms of work with children include: methods of raising cognitive activity(professor N.N. Poddyakov, A.N. Klyueva), elementary analysis, comparison, method of modeling and design, questions and repetitions, solution logical tasks, experimentation and experimentation.

Methods for increasing emotional activity (Professor S.A. Smirnov): game and imaginary situations, inventing fairy tales, stories, poems and so on, games - dramatization, surprise moments, elements of creativity and novelty.

The use of classes in an unconventional form helps to attract all children to the activity, develops speech, promotes the development of the ability to work independently, in a group, relations between children and adults change.

But one should not get carried away with conducting classes in an unconventional form, if they have not found a place among the usual types of classes. If the knowledge of children is tested and enriched or studied new material, then it takes place to apply an unconventional form. The teacher should always think to look for, try new methods and techniques in his work, so that the children are interested and exciting.

Currently relevance of the problem of using alternative physical education classes of non-traditional orientation, which take into account the peculiarities of motives and needs preschoolers, becomes especially acute for a preschool educational institution.

Requirements for the level of physical fitness and health of preschoolers are constantly increasing. Increasing need, starting from a very early age, to ensure the upbringing of a sustainable interest in preschoolers, the need for regular exercise, value motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Physical culture is a part of the system of a physical culture and recreation complex, its main form is physical education. However, the constant use of only this structure often leads to a decrease in children's interest in classes and, as a result, to a decrease in their effectiveness... A way out of this situation is the use of variable and non-traditional physical education in a preschool educational institution.

Unconventional approaches to the structure and content of classes, allow you to constantly maintain the interest of children in them, to individualize the approach to each child, to reasonably distribute the load, taking into account the level of physical activity and the sex-role principle of selection of movements. The health-improving effect achieved when carrying out non-traditional forms is closely related to the positive emotions of children, which have a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child.

Unlike the traditional approach(where the main function of the teacher is the direct organization of the activities of children, the transfer of their adult experience in their activities), personality-oriented model assigns a different role to the teacher consisting in organizing such an educational environment which will provide the possibility of realizing individual interests, needs and abilities, that is, independent activity and the effective accumulation of personal experience by the child. Active physical activity, in addition to a positive effect on health and physical development, provides psychoemotional comfort for the child, forms the skills of behavior in society.

At the moment, there are many non-traditional methods that provide the formation of a strong, sustainable interest in physical education in children, the need to practice it. Unconventional suggests a difference from the classical structure of the lesson by using new ways of organizing children, non-standard equipment, making some changes to the traditional form of building a lesson leaving the main thing unchanged:

At each lesson, the tasks of teaching, upbringing and development of the child should be implemented;

Teaching basic movements should be carried out in three stages: training, consolidation, improvement;

Forms of non-traditional physical education in working with children of 6 years old in preschool institutions:

1) play activities based on games and relay games... It is advisable to use it to relieve tension after classes with increased intellectual load, to consolidate movements in new conditions, to provide positive emotions.The introductory part of such a lesson may be short-lived, since the preparation of the body for stress will continue with a game of low or medium mobility. The main part can include games of high mobility, improving the types of movements. The final part of this activity should be to reduce the load.

2) training sessions or training sessions- a series of lessons for teaching sports games with elements of athletics; consolidation of certain types of movements. It provides the ability to repeat the movement many times, to practice in the technique of its implementation. The traditional structure can be somewhat disturbed due to the exclusion of general developmental exercises and an increase in the time of work on the basic movements, elements of sports games, with the obligatory provision of a reasonable and correct physiological load.

3) a lesson based on one movement, as a variant of a training lesson... The structure of its construction is similar to the previous one, but only one of the types is selected for exercises in the basic movements (for example, climbing), children exercise in its various types: crawling on a bench, climbing a gymnastic wall, crawling into a hoop, etc. When planning such a lesson, it is important to think over the sequence of exercises in order to alternate the load on different muscle groups. Therefore, it is better not to use this type of movement in the water part and in an outdoor game.

4) circuit training- the principle of organizing such a lesson is quite simple: the introductory and final parts of the jam are carried out in the traditional form. During the time allotted for general developmental exercises and basic movements, a circuit training is organized.

To do this, you should prepare several groups with the same sports equipment in each, so that children of the same group can exercise on them at the same time, and arrange them in a circle. For example: for a group of children of 20 people, you need to prepare 5 groups of objects: jump ropes, balls, spans of a gymnastic ladder, benches, fitballs - 4 of each type, and arrange them in a sequence that provides training for different muscle groups. Each child gets up to a manual and exercises on it for 2 minutes. Then, at the signal of the teacher, the children move in a circle to the next manual, and so on, until the circle is closed. Depending on the degree of load received in the circuit training, an outdoor game is chosen. This method allows you to provide a high motor density of the lesson, allows children to show creative initiative, coming up with ways to perform the exercise.

5) plot and game lessons- built on a fabulous or real basis. Taking the classical structure of the lesson as a basis, the content of motor activity is consistent with the plot. The topic of such activities should correspond to the age capabilities of children, taking into account their level: a report from the stadium, a circus, a trip to the country house, fairy tales, etc. Such classes are combined with the tasks of teaching orienteering, speech development, etc.

6) classes at sports complexes and simulators... Such exercises help to achieve the desired health-improving effect in a relatively short period of time. Wellness technology helps to solve the problem of space shortages, as it easily fits even in a small space. Modern simulators have an attractive appearance, are adjustable, which allows them to be used in work with children of different physical fitness, which encourages children to physical activity. In the course of such activities, the emotional tone of children increases significantly, cognitive activity is activated, and creative imagination develops;

7) lessons based on dance material, on musical-rhythmic movements- like children, are used to successfully create a cheerful mood in children. The introductory part consists of different types of walking and running accompanied by musical accompaniment, performing dance movements. General developmental exercises are performed in the form of rhythmic gymnastics. This is gymnastics with a health-improving orientation, the main means of which are complexes of gymnastic exercises, different in nature, performed to rhythmic music. Rhythmic gymnastics is based on an arsenal of various movements and exercises. Being engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, children get an idea of ​​the diverse world of movements, which, especially at first, is new and unusual for them. Cheerful music, high physical activity of children create a joyful, elated mood, charge with positive vital energy. After it, you can offer children musical games and dances. These classes are held at least twice a month. They serve as a kind of report on the work carried out to teach children musical and rhythmic movements;

8) classesfitball - aerobics. Exercise with bouncy balls is an element of aerobics. Fitball (fitball, fit - health improvement, ball - ball) - the Swiss miracle ball perfectly solves health problems, forms posture and perfectly cheers you up. Various exercises are performed while lying or sitting on a bouncing ball. Large, bright balls cause a great desire to practice, to show diligence in performing exercises.

9) classes from the series "I take care of my health" held at least 3-4 times a month. In these classes, children learn relaxation techniques, auto-training, self-massage, and warm-up in bed.

10) using non-standard physical training equipment, aimed at physical culture and health-improving work with children. Bright manuals with perky verses contribute to them:

    the emergence and long-term retention of interest in these physical education toys;

    meeting the needs of children for movement;

    empowering children;

    the development of the motor imagination of children;

    strengthening the health of children;

    involving families in the work of the preschool educational institution to improve the health of children

This equipment is multifunctional and can be used in different areas of children's development - physical development, mathematics, speech development, creative games, etc.

This equipment can be used both in the classroom and in the independent activities of children.

Examples of using non-standard physical education equipment.

Non-traditional forms of training

Currently, in the practice of preschool institutions, non-traditional forms of organizing education are effectively used: classes in subgroups, which are formed taking into account the age characteristics of children. They are combined with circle work: for manual labor, for fine arts. Classes are enriched with game and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the concept of the game, does not notice the hidden learning task... These activities help free up the child's time, which he can use at his own discretion: to relax or do something that is interesting or emotionally significant to him.

The project method is used today not only in the process of conducting classes on environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions. Its use characterizes the search by educators of new forms of organizing the learning process and conducting classes with children in preschool educational institutions.

The project method is widely used today in work with pupils of different age groups, groups of short-term stay of children in preschool educational institutions. At the same time, according to N.A. Korotkov and a number of other researchers, classes in this case, in contrast to the traditional approach, can be carried out in the form of joint partnership activities of an adult with children, where the principle of voluntary inclusion in activities is observed. This is especially true for classes productive species activities: designing or sculpting, drawing, applique.

Various forms of "activities with passion" are widely used, saturated with games and independent creative activities. All this, of course, makes the lesson more interesting, attractive, more effective.

Such forms as lesson - conversation and lesson - observation are widely used in the practice of organizing and conducting lessons. These forms are used in senior groups of preschool educational institutions.

Fairytale therapy classes are popular. Fairytale therapy classes with children are a special, safe form of interaction with a child, which is most consistent with the characteristics of childhood. This is an opportunity to form moral values, to correct undesirable behavior, a way to form the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child.

The use of didactic fairy tale therapy trainings in the format of preschool education allows children to easily and quickly acquire the necessary knowledge.

Features of the organization and conduct of classes in different age groups

Achieving positive results depends on the right organization educational process... When attending classes, first of all, you should pay attention to the observance of hygienic conditions: the room must be ventilated; under general normal lighting, the light should fall from the left side; equipment, tools and materials and their placement must meet pedagogical, hygienic and aesthetic requirements.

The duration of the lesson should correspond to the established norms, and the time should be used fully. Great importance has the beginning of the lesson, the organization of children's attention, the setting of an educational or creative task for the children, an explanation of the ways of its implementation.

It is important that the educator, during the explanation, showing the methods of action, activates the children, encourages them to comprehend, remember what he is talking about. Children should be given the opportunity to repeat, pronounce certain positions (for example, how to solve a problem, make a toy). The explanation should not take more than 3-5 minutes.

During the lesson, the teacher engages in active participation in the work of all children, taking into account their individual characteristics, forms children's skills learning activities, develops the ability to evaluate and control their actions. The educational situation is used to develop in children a benevolent attitude towards comrades, endurance, purposefulness.

During the lesson, the teacher communicates knowledge to children in a strict logical sequence. But any knowledge (especially new) should be based on the child's subjective experience, his interests, inclinations, aspirations, individually significant values ​​that determine the originality of the perception and awareness of the world around by each child.

In the process of communication in the classroom, there is not only a one-sided influence of the teacher on the child, but also the reverse process.

The child should be able to make the most of his own, already existing experience, personally significant for him, and not just unconditionally accept ("assimilate") everything that the teacher tells him.

In this sense, the teacher and the child act as equal partners, carriers of heterogeneous, but equally necessary experience. The main idea of ​​a personality-oriented lesson is to reveal the content of the child's individual experience, to harmonize it with what is being asked, and thereby achieve personal assimilation of this new content.

The teacher must think over not only what material he will report, but what possible roll-overs of this material with personal experience children.

When organizing a lesson, the teacher's professional position consists in a deliberately respectful attitude to any statement by the kid on the content of the topic under discussion.

We need to think about how to discuss children's "versions" not in a rigidly evaluative situation (right or wrong), but in an equal dialogue. Only in this case children will strive to be "heard" by adults.

One of the forms of increasing the working capacity of children, preventing fatigue associated with great concentration, prolonged tension of attention, as well as a monotonous position of the body while sitting at the table, is a physical education minute. Physical education minutes have a beneficial effect on enhancing the activity of children, help prevent postural disorders. In all kindergartens of the city, physical education is organized systematically. Usually, these are short breaks (2-3 minutes) for 2-3 physical exercises in the classroom of mathematics, native language, and physical activity. In the second junior and middle groups, physical education minutes are held in game form... The time of their implementation and the selection of exercises are determined by the nature and content of the lesson. So, for example, in classes in drawing, modeling, physical education includes active flexion, extension of the arms, pinching and spreading fingers, free shaking of the hands. In classes for the development of speech, mathematics, exercises are used for the muscles of the back - stretching, straightening with deep breathing through the nose. Children tend to stay in their places during exercise. In order to enhance the emotional impact of physical education minutes, educators can use small poetic texts.

In each age group, classes have their own peculiarities both in terms of time and organization.

4th year of life - 10 lessons lasting no more than 15 minutes.

5th year of life - 10 lessons lasting no more than 20 minutes.

6th year of life 13 lessons lasting no more than 25 minutes.

7th year of life - 14 lessons lasting no more than 30 minutes.

Classes on further education if any are foreseen by the plans work of the preschool educational institution, are carried out in agreement with parent committee... In the second younger group - 1 lessons, in the middle - 2 lessons, in the older group - 2 lessons, in the preparatory group for school - 3 lessons per week.

In accordance with the approximate daily schedule and time of year, it is recommended that group classes be held from September 1st to May 31st. The teacher is given the right to vary the place of study in the pedagogical process, to integrate the content different types classes depending on the goals and objectives of training and education, their place in educational process; to reduce the number of regulated classes, replacing them with other forms of education.

At an early preschool age, games are held with children. In the first group of early age, children are taught individually. Due to the fact that in the first year of a child's life, skills are formed slowly and frequent exercises are required for their formation, games - classes are carried out not only daily, but several times during the day.

In the second group of early age, 2 lessons are held with children. The number of children participating in classes depends not only on their age, but also on the nature of the class and its content.

All new types of activities, until the children master the primary skills and master the necessary rules of behavior, are conducted either individually or with a subgroup of no more than 3 people.

With a subgroup of 3-6 people (half age group) classes are held on teaching subject activity, construction, physical education, as well as most classes on the development of speech.

With a group of 6-12 people, you can conduct classes with a free form of organization, as well as music and those where the leading activity is visual perception.

When uniting children into a subgroup, it should be borne in mind that their level of development should be approximately the same.

The duration of the lesson is 10 minutes for children from 1 year 6 months and 10-12 minutes for older ones. However, these numbers may vary depending on the content of the learning activity. Newer types of activities, as well as those that require more concentration from the children, can be shorter.

The form of organizing children for classes can be different: the kids sit at the table, on chairs arranged in a semicircle, or move freely around the group room.

The effectiveness of a lesson largely depends on how emotionally it proceeds.

An important didactic principle on the basis of which the methodology of classes with children of the 2nd year of life is based is the use of visualization in combination with the word.

Early childhood education should be visual and actionable.

In groups of older children, when cognitive interests are already gaining famous development, a message about the topic or the main goal of the lesson is enough. Older children are involved in organizing the necessary environment, which also contributes to the emergence of interest in the lesson. However, the content and nature of the formulation of educational tasks are of primary importance.

Children gradually become accustomed to certain rules of behavior in the classroom. The teacher constantly reminds children about them both when organizing a lesson and at the beginning of it.

At the end of the lesson with older children, a general total of cognitive activity is formulated. At the same time, the educator strives to ensure that the final judgment was the fruit of the efforts of the children themselves, to encourage them to an emotional assessment of the lesson.

End of class at junior groups is aimed at enhancing positive emotions associated with both the content of the lesson and the activities of children. Only gradually in middle group some differentiation of the assessment of the activity of individual children is introduced. The final judgment and assessment is expressed by the educator, from time to time attracting children to her.

The main form of training: developmental classes using techniques, didactic games, game techniques.

The main forms of organization of children of older groups in the classroom are frontal and subgroup.

The types of classes in preschool educational institutions differ from the age of children, their individual characteristics, socialization. Each lesson is aimed at developing one or another personality quality.

For the rest, the FSES clearly regulates the types of activities that the educator must take into account in the educational process.

Directly educational activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

FSES - federal state educational standard designed for the all-round development of personality.

When drawing up a program for preschool institutions, the following are taken into account:

  • individual capabilities and aspirations of the educated person;
  • cooperation and desire for contact with adults;
  • the nature of interaction with children and adults;
  • respectful attitude towards peers and parents.

The Federal State Educational Standard controls that the education process is mediated; both the educated and the adult should be involved in learning.

Previously strictly regulated forms of education are becoming more flexible, meeting the capabilities and needs of children of younger, middle and senior preschool ages.

The main goals facing the Federal State Educational Standard in raising children in preschool institutions:

  • physical development;
  • development of speech;
  • development of communication skills;
  • personal development;
  • development of motivation;
  • development of socialization;
  • development of cognitive interest;
  • development of artistic skills and aesthetic taste.

Early preschool children implement the above skills through educational games with composite toys, physical exercises, experiments with various substances, household items, communication with peers and older children. Together with the teacher, musical works, paintings, fairy tales and poems are analyzed.

For children of senior preschool age, didactic games are of a plot-role nature, preschoolers learn to follow the rules and hierarchy, classes are of a research nature, self-service is taught, and everyday work skills are developed. In the classroom, folklore, history, fiction are studied.

Modern education system implies not only natural, paper and other application material. Products included information technologies, problem situations projected in a game format are considered and played out.

The task of the educator in this case is to organize the educational process in such a way that the baby develops comprehensively, intellectually, socially, shows interest in the world around him and the initiative to work.

Organization of children

All of the above tasks are solved in different ways. Sometimes completely opposite approaches are taken with different children.

The groups take into account the following characteristics:

  • a variety of toys and equipment in kindergarten;
  • age characteristics of children;
  • safety of indoor conditions;
  • the level of physical fitness of children;
  • the level of qualifications of the educator.

Exercise has been taken as examples, but the implementation process, goals, methods, and caregiver involvement remain the same during educational lessons.


The main purpose pedagogical process is the acquisition and consolidation of children's motor skills. They work actively, constantly interact with the teacher.

All movements are performed by children simultaneously and synchronously.

In large groups, it is difficult for an adult to pay attention to each pupil, and therefore to improve the quality of the movements.


Each exercise is performed in turn by children in a chain. While one is doing, the rest are observing and doing the analysis.

The main advantage of this approach is its strict quality of execution. The main drawback is the passivity of other preschoolers. Effectively used at an older age to learn difficult exercises.


To ensure high physical activity, children perform several exercises at once, in a circle, changing settings and equipment.

This is useful for developing endurance, but it is difficult for an adult to keep track of the correctness of the exercise for each of the children.


Children are divided into several subgroups, where each performs its own task, after which they change. Useful for physical development and development of acceptance of responsibility for their actions.

In this method, the teacher has practically no opportunity to find and correct the student's mistakes.

Classification of gcd in kindergarten

Immediate educational activities v preschool has its own classification:

  1. Combined. The simultaneous combination of various types of activities: music, fine arts, mathematics, games.
  2. Integrated. The lesson has one topic, the disclosure of which can be achieved by various methods. The topic can develop over several lessons and touch on other related aspects. The lesson is necessary not only for studying new material, but also for a deeper understanding of already existing knowledge.
  3. Complex. The demonstrative material already familiar to children is used. It is fixed no more often than once a quarter at a musical, visual or other lesson related to the direction in art (reading fairy tales, singing songs, theatrical performances).
  4. Unconventional. Lessons are conducted through gatherings, competitions, composition of fairy tales, press conferences, fictional travels, contests, etc. More detailed variable information is presented in the table below.

Comparative analysis of the types of classes in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

1 Complex direct educational activities Application of traditional activities and arts
2 Directly integrated educational activities An open class, the task of which is to reveal one vital topic.
3 The main topic is educational activities The dominant task is the development of moral and ethical knowledge
4 Collective educational activities Writing a letter to a friend, composing a fairy tale one sentence at a time and another
5 Excursion Visiting nearby institutions of the district, schools, other rooms kindergarten, libraries for expanding horizons, developing independence and lack of a sense of fear and uncertainty, developing a sense of adulthood
6 Directly educational activity - labor Assistance in cleaning the site, planting green spaces for engaging in work, natural history knowledge
7 Creation Verbal creativity of children
8 Get-togethers Study of folklore
9 Fairy tale Speech development of children
10 Press conference Children play the role of journalists and ask questions of their favorite characters (from fairy tales, films, representatives of their favorite professions)
11 Travel Organization of an excursion, where the guide is the preschooler himself
12 Experiment Children study physical properties various materials (kinetic sand, plasticine, cardboard, paper, snow)
13 Contest Educators organize thematic contests for children by analogy with the game "The smartest?", "Brain-ring", etc.
14 Drawings-compositions The guys create drawings, and then they must interpret them and come up with a plot
15 Conversation Raising ethical topics, talking with adults about child behavior


In the preschool educational institution, they move away from the concept of "occupation", the bias is made on the interests of the educated person, his activity and interaction with others, the formation of not only everyday skills, but also outlooks on life.

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