Non-traditional forms and methods of work preschoolers. Classes with children in Doe - Ways to organize and classify forms of work with preschoolers

"Using non-traditional forms of working with children

senior preschool age. "

Kindergarten performs an important feature of preparing children to school. From how qualitatively, a child will be prepared to school to school, the success of its further learning depends in many ways. The greatest difficulties in the school are not those children who have a not enough knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills, but those who are not ready for a new social role Student.

One of the main items in the school is mathematics. Despite the growing computerization of many branches of science and technology, children must learn how to own computational skills, understand the world of numbers, its importance for the development of all sciences and for life in modern society.

The preschooler has specific age-related features: unstable attention, the predominance of visual-shaped thinking, increased motor activity, the desire for gaming activities, a variety of cognitive interests. In order to support children's attention in class, the organization of active and interesting mental activity is necessary. And unconventional classes help us.

With the organization with children of non-traditional forms of mathematical orientation, we are guided by psychological and pedagogical principles, on the basis of which the foundations of the culture and knowledge of the child are formed:

Activity approach

Principle of interest

The combination of individuals and collective activities,

Unity of recreation and knowledge.

In modern didactics, such non-traditional educational activities are allocated as:

*competitions. (Built on the basis of competition between children: who will faster will find, find, will determine, notice, etc.)

* KVN. (They suggest the separation of children into 2 subgroups and are carried out as a mathematical or literary quiz).

Theatrical activity. (Microscopes that bear cognitive information are played).

* plot role-playing games. (The teacher enters the plot-role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and in this way the tasks of learning).

* Consultation. (When the child learns "horizontally," consulting another child).

* Interconnection. (The child- "Consultant" teaches other children design, appliqués, modeling, drawing).

* Auctions. (Held as the desktop game "Manager")

* Doubts (finding truth). (Research activities of kids type melt does not melt, does not flies).


* Binary. (Drawing up creative stories based on the use of two items, from changing the position of which the story and the content of the story change).

*fairy tales.

* Concerts. (Separate concert numbers carrying cognitive information).

* Dialogues. (Held by the type of conversation, but the theme is selected relevant and interesting).

* "The investigation is conducted by experts." (Working with a scheme, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline).

* "Field of Dreams". (Held as the game "Field of Miracles" for reading children).

* "Intellectual Casino". (Held as the game "Intellectual Casino" or Quiz with answers to questions: What? Where? When).

Today, in science and practice, a look at the child as a "self-developing system" is intensively defended, while the efforts of adults should be aimed at creating conditions for the self-development of children. One of these technologies is project activities.

Since I am engaged in project activities, I would like to focus on her.

Practice shows that the use of project activities is possible in teaching various disciplines included in the training program. Project activity is enough effective method Training with almost all natural science disciplines, which include mathematics.

The main goal of the organization of project activities is the development of deep, sustainable interests in the subject matter of mathematics, based on wide cognitive activity and curiosity. In achieving this goal, you can allocate such tasks as:

Motivation learning activities,

Development of cognitive independence;

The formation and development of creative abilities;

Assimilation of generalized and rational ways of activity;

Formation of self-education experience, etc.

Design technology makes preschoolers active participants in the educational and educational processes, becomes the instrument of self-development preschoolers. The technology is based on the conceptual idea of \u200b\u200bconfidence in the nature of the child, the support for his search behavior.

One of the means to solve these tasks in the lessons of mathematics is the creative projects of children. The main purpose of the project method is to provide the guys with the possibility of independent acquisition of knowledge in the process of solving practical tasks or problems requiring knowledge integration from one-personal subject areas.

Work on the preparation of the project always begins with the placement of the goal, with thinking about why the project needs an educator and children.

The design activities of preschool children can be divided into several major stages. As part of the first of them, immersion in the project. This stage must be carried out so that preschoolers are interested in work in the framework of the project. After the appearance of interest, it must be maintained and developed.

The majority of projects are based on group work children, while working in groups is organized taking into account individual abilities, opportunities and interpersonal relationship specific project participants. The guys themselves define the older in each group and distribute roles. With this approach, the guys work actively and independently. The role of the educator in this case is unobtrusive control and, as needed, consulting children before their exit to protect the project.

The work of the teacher with a group of children is to consider emerging problems when the child's ability to decide and develops and develops. Solving various cognitive-practical tasks with adults and peers, children acquire the ability to doubt critically think. Walking positive emotions - surprise, joy from success, pride from approval of adults - give rise to child confidence in their abilities, encourage new knowledge to search. In addition to work on the main problem - the topic of the project - we solve the following tasks: upbringing independence, activity, collectivism; Respect for someone else's opinion and freedom, the development of creative "veins", inquisitiveness and curiosity.

The results of each project are discussed together with the entire group, which allows children to feel confidence in themselves, in their abilities, contributes to improving self-esteem.

With the help of the method of formulation, I try to "draw" children to the dialogue, provoking them to stateing your point of view, its argument, upholding its position, ask questions. This technique allows for the formation of socio-communicative and information competence of children, leadership skills Children, psychologically prepares children to study at school, stimulates the communication of children.

In all directions, we used a variety of techniques, such as:

Work on individual cards, tasks varying degrees difficulties; - Representations "on the Ushko", which prevent possible repetitions in the answers of children and give confidence to shy children;

Using models and schemes that allow you to generate the ability to analyze information, translate it into symbols - "encode";

Problem issues;

Setting the tasks of the "open type" involving many of the right solutions;

Independent search for the necessary information;

Independent performance of practical actions;

Independent preparation of experimental models, action schemes;

Work on algorithms;

Discussion and analysis of our own activities and activities of other children. The variability of the application of these techniques depends on the objectives and objectives of the classes, its content, composition of children, a specific situation arising in the course of the classes. The amount and variations of the reception are not limited, as the specific situations arising from the need to search for new, more efficient work techniques.

In the course of mathematics, the project method can be used within the framework of software practically through any topic. Each project relates to a specific topic and is being developed for several lessons. By carrying out this work, children can make tasks with various characters. These may be fabulous tasks, "cartoon" tasks, tasks from the group's life, cognitive tasks and so on.

It is necessary to use games with which the ability to allocate essential signs of objects and phenomena; Games for the development of the ability to compare and making conclusions, on the development of attention, intelligence, to generalize and classify the ability. (An important feature of verbally didactic games Is the ability to develop a speech of a child, replenish vocabulary).

A comprehensive approach to project activity is due to the close linking of educational and artistic cycles, visual activities, musical and theater creativity, etc., and, therefore, organically fits into the overall educational task of the kindergarten.

The result of the work was made to increase the level of development of mathematical ideas and mastering the ability to navigate in a new, non-standard situation; understand the instructions and the activity algorithm; navigate the sources of information and receive information using various sources; The ability to productively interact with the group members deciding the overall task; ability to listen to another and come to general decision; conduct a dialogue with adults and peers; the ability to defend their point of view in communication; The ability to adequately react in conflict situations.

Based on, out of all above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The use of classes in unconventional form helps to attract all students to work;

You can organize the test of any task through the interconnection;

The unconventional approach is in itself a huge potential for the development of students' speech;

Classes contribute to the development of the ability to work independently;

the group is changing relations between children and an educator (we are partners);

The guys are happy to wait for such classes.

But the classes in unconventional form benefit when they found exactly among the usual types of classes. And only after analyzing all the material on the subject, which is subject to pass, can be determined which classes are advisable in unconventional form.

Unconventional educational activities More often occur when checking and summarizing the knowledge of children. But some of them (travel, integrated) I use when studying a new material.

Whatever the educator is not, always he has to look for, thinking, trying to make his educational activities interesting.

I believe that educational activities in unconventional form helped me increase the activity of children, attract their attention, expand the vocabulary.

"Non-traditional organization of educational activities

in accordance with GEF to ".

"Make a serious occupation for a child entertaining

- Here is the task of the initial learning "

K.D. Ushinsky.

Today in society is the formation of a new system preschool education. The fundamental documents of the regulatory framework of the pre-school education system, compulsory for execution in all types and types educational organizations, the development guideline of the pre-school education system are:

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education

"The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities" (approved by Order No. 1014 of August 30, registration in the Ministry of Justice September 26, 2013);

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of work in pre-school organizations.

"The Law on Education" provided pedagogical teams the choice educational programs. But whatever the program would choose a kindergarten, the content of preschool education should be aimed at solvingnext tasks:

  • preservation of the health of the child;
  • development of basic personal qualities;
  • building an educational process based on the game as the main activity of the preschooler.

At the heart of performance work DOU There is a permanent improvement in the educational process, which affects the results of the Dow

The main feature of the organization OD in Dow at the present stage:

  • care from training activities (classes),
  • raising the status of the game as the main activity of children of preschool age;
  • the inclusion in the process of effective forms of working with children: ICT, project activities, gaming, problematic situations as part of the integration of educational areas.

The most important condition for the development of the preschoolerit is a skillful inclusion of it into educational activities that are built on adequate forms of working with children and an individual approach.

It should be noted that educational activities are carried out throughout the time of finding a child in a pre-school organization. It:

Joint (partner) activities of the teacher with children:

  • Educational activities in the regime;
  • Organized educational activities;

Independent activities of children.

Educational activities are carried out in various activities and covers structural units representing certain areas of development and education of children (educational areas):

  • Socio-communicative development;
  • Cognitive development;
  • Speech development;
  • Artistic and aesthetic development;
  • Physical development.

OOD - the main form of training in children's garden.

The ODO is the leading form of organizing the joint activities of adults and children, which is determined by the level of development. secondary program pre-school education and solving specific educational tasks by the age of children, the immediate environment of the OU, the current theme, etc. But the learning process remains. Teachers continue to "do" with children.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to understand the difference between the "old" learning and "new".

The GEF is based on the most important didactic principle - the proper organized training is due to the development, the result of which is the success of the upbringing and education of children in the DOU. OOD - connects the learning function and joint activity. Standardization of pre-school education does not provide for harsh requirements for children of preschool age, does not consider them in hard "standard" framework.

In this regard, the question arises: what is the difference between classes from organized educational activities?

And above all, this is the difference in updating the structure and forms of organization of the entire educational process, in its individualization, changing the position of the educator (adult) in relation to children.

Educational activities are implemented through the organization of various types of children's activities or their integration using a variety of forms and methods of work, the choice of which is carried out by teachers independently depending on the contingent of children, the level of development of the program and solving specific educational tasks.

Over the years of the existence of a pre-school education system, the most

the common model of the organization of the educational process was a model,

including three components:

Conducting (in accordance with the schedule on which they were solved

educational tasks formulated in comprehensive programs


Solving educational tasks and formation in children skills and skills in

course of the mode of the joint activities of adults and children (Morning

reception, walk, preparation for sleep, meals, etc.)

Fastening the knowledge and skills received by children and skills in individual work.

and independent activities;

Therefore, one is implemented through the organization of various types of children's activities (the game is the main type of children's activity throughout the preschool age;

Motor - movement mode is a rational combination of various types, forms and content of the motor activity of the child. It includes all types of organized and independent activities. In the physical education system of preschool institution, physical education holidays, sports leisure, and health days are strongly occupied. Interesting content, humor, musical design, games, competitions, joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation of motor activities;

Communicative- which suggests wide

a look at the speech development of children, as well as on the use of different forms: a conversation, situational tasks, communication on certain topics, guessing and coming up with children's mysteries, plot games, reminders, etc.;

Self-service and elementary household work- the main direction of work in preschool world - Teach the child to serve themselves. Among the types of labor activity: labor on self-service (skills of life culture), labor in nature, familiarization with the work of adults, household work (the Commonwealth of Adult and Child, Joint Activities), manual labor;

Cognitive-research- This type of activity is important and one of the leading. It is in the process of research that the child knows the world And develops new knowledge. Cognitive-research activities are important in each age period, while according to the principle of using adequate age of children's activities in different age groups, this may be observation, and experimentation, and targeted walks, and excursions, as well as the solution of problem situations;

Productive - this type of activity implies not only drawing, modeling, applique, etc., but also project activitieswhich may include parents, senior preschoolers and other participants in the educational process;

Perception fiction and folklore -this type of activity is understood as the ability of the child, first of all, listen, understand the work, communicate with the book, flip it, consider illustrations.

Therefore, it changes this way of organizing children's activities: not an adult management, but a joint (affiliate) activity of an adult and a child is the most natural and effective context of development in preschool childhood.

The development of activities we carry out in joint activities with adults, then in joint activities with peers and, finally, becomes independent activities of the child.

Each teacher is worried suchquestions : How to make every occupation interesting, fascinating, ensuring that he develops cognitive interest, creative, mental activity of the pupil.

Modern teachers are constantly looking for new forms"Revitalization" process. Great potential to solve these tasks contain non-traditional forms and methods of learning and education.

The use of non-traditional techniques helps to get away from monotony, allows you to teach children in collaboration, makes it possible to reveal from the new Parties to pupils.

Non-standard occupation is an improvised learning occupation having a non-traditional(not installed) Structure.

The effectiveness of non-traditional forms of learning and education is well known.

Whatever an experienced educator or teacher was, he always has to look for, thinking, trying to make his classes as interesting.

Signs of non-traditional classes:

It carries the elements of the new, the external framework, venues.

Used unsolving material, collective activity is organized in combination with individual.

Are attracted to the organization of classes people of different specialists.

Emotional rise of pupils through the design of the group, the working boards, the use of music, video.

Organization and performance of creative tasks.

Mandatory planning lesson in advance.

Clearly define 3-and didactic tasks.

The work of pupils should be aimed at their development.

Views non-traditional practices.

Competition classes (built on the basis of competition between children): Who will quickly call, will find, will determine, notice, etc.

KVN classes (suggest the separation of children into two subgroups and are carried out as a mathematical or literary quiz).

Theatrical classes (playing the microscopes that bear cognitive information to children).

Presentation-role-playing games (the teacher enters the plot-role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and in this way the tasks of learning).

Consultation classes (when a child is learning "horizontally," consulting with another child).

Consignment Consignment (Child- "Consultant" teaches other children design, appliqués, drawing).

Auction activities (held as the desk game "Manager").

Doubt (finding truth). (Research activities of children type: melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly, swims - sink and so on.)

Classes-formulas (proposed in the book Sh. A. Amonashvili "Hello, children!").

Travel classes.

Binary classes (Avt. J. Rodari). (Drawing up creative stories based on the use of two items, from changing the position of which the plot and the content of the story change.)

Fantasy classes.

Current occupations (separate concert numbers carrying cognitive information).

Classes-dialogues (conducted by the type of conversation, but the theme is selected relevant and interesting).

Claims type "The investigation are conducting experts" (work with a scheme, card of a kindergarten group, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline).

Classes like "Field of Miracles" (held as the game "Field of Miracles" for reading children).

Classes "Intellectual Casino" (are held by the type of "Intellectual Casino" or quiz with answers to questions:what? Where? when?).

Methods of preparation and conducting lessons in unconventional form

It is impractical to contact such forms too often, since this can lead to a loss of sustainable interest in the subject and process of exercise;

It is necessary to think very carefully to think about the goals of training and education that are put at the unconventional lesson;

Unconventional lesson should be entertaining;

At unconventional occupation should reign, the atmosphere of good, creativity, joy.

Training and conducting classes in any unconventional form consists of fourstages:

1. Confusion.

2. Organization.

3. Holding.

4. Analysis.

The basis of the diverse forms of classes is available - generalcharacteristics :

Each occupation has a goal, specific content, certain methods of organizing activities;

Any occupation has a certain structure, i.e. consists of separately interrelated stages;

The construction of the classes is carried out in a certain logic that depends on its purpose and type.

Thus, non-traditional classes have distinctive features.

Firstly , this is a clarity, compactness, great educational informativeness

material - An occupation should be small in volume, but capacious, which is possible with an integrative approach, when a specific subject or phenomenon is considered from several sides in different aspects.

Second a feature is a logical interdependence,

the relationship of integrated objects in classes is provided

interpenetration of material from different educational areas through

a variety of activities.

It is important that the educational areas are combined alone on the other and between them had a binding element - an image.

Switching to a variety of activities helps to hold

the attention of children, which increases the effectiveness of the classes, relieves fatigue and overstrain. An association different areas Knowledge in one lesson allows you to save time for playing, walking, joint with teacher and independent activities of preschoolers.

So, by graduation school year The senior preschoolers have an emotional and conscious attitude towards art, creative activity, independence, initiative, reduces tensions, stiffness, the behavior becomes more open.

The advantages of non-traditional classes is to increase motivation

learning during which any phenomenon is considered from several

parties, forming cognitive interest.

Piping pupils to mental activity, unconventional

classes in kindergarten teach to receive information, thought non-standard, compare

and generalize it, draw conclusions.

As they pass in lightness gaming formThat is transferred much easier than classes in individual subjects. Children are not overwhelmed and engaged with great interest..

Consultation for educators in kindergarten

"Traditional and non-traditional forms and methods of teaching children of mathematics"

Thahletdinova Dinara Vakylevna, educator
Madou number 106 "Fun" Naberezhnye Chelny

Visual, verbal and practical methods and teaching techniques in mathematics classes in the older preschool age Mainly used in the complex. Children are able to understand the cognitive task supplied by the teacher, and act in accordance with its indication. The task is setting allows to excite their cognitive activity. There are such situations where the knowledge available is not enough to find the answer to the question; And there is a need to learn something new, learn to be new: for example, the teacher asks: "How to find out how much the length of the table is more of its width?" Famous for children Reception Apply can not be applied. The teacher shows them a new way of comparing lengths by measure.

The motive for finding the proposals to solve any game or practical task (Pick up a couple, make a rectangle equal to this, find out what objects are more, etc.). Organizing independent work Children with handouts, teacher also puts tasks (Check, learn how to learn new). The consolidation and clarification of knowledge, ways of action in some cases are carried out by the proposal to the children of tasks, in the content of which are reflected close, understandable situations. So, they find out what length of the shoelace of shoes and deposits, pick up a strap to the clock, etc. The interest of children in solving such tasks ensures the active work of thought, durable learning of knowledge.

Mathematical representation is "equal", "not equal," more - less "," integer and part "and others are formed on the basis of comparison. Children of senior preschool age can consistently consider objects under the guidance of the teacher, to allocate and compare their homogeneous signs. Based on the comparison, they identify significant relationships, such as relations of equality and inequality, sequences, and part, etc., make the simplest conclusion. Development of operations, mental activity (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) At older, more attention is paid. All these operations, children are performed based on visibility.

Consider, analysis and comparison of objects in solving the tasks of the same type are made in a certain sequence. For example, children teach consistent analysis and description of the pattern composed of models geometric figures, and others gradually they master common way Solving the tasks of this category and consciously use it.

Since the awareness of the content of the problem and how to solve it by the children of this age is carried out in the course of practical actions, errors allowed by children are always corrected through the actions with the didactic material.

In working with children of senior preschool age, the role of verbal teaching techniques increases. Indications and explanations of the teacher are directed and planning the activities of children. Giving instructions, he takes into account that children know and know how to do, and shows only new techniques of work. The teacher's issues in the course of explanation stimulate the manifestation of independence and intelligence, encouraging them to look for different ways to solve the same task: "How else can you do? Check? To tell?"

Children teach find different formulations for the characteristics of the same mathematical connections and relationships. The development of new methods of action is essential. Therefore, in the course of working with handouts, the teacher asks that one, then another child, what, how and why he does. One child can perform the task at the board at this time and explain its actions. The accompaniment of the speech allows children to comprehend it. After performing any task, the survey should be followed. Children report on what and how they did and what happened as a result.

As the ability to accomplish the ability to perform certain actions to the child can be offered to first express the assumption that and how to do it, (Build a number of objects, group them, etc.)And then perform a practical action. So teach children to plan ways and the procedure for performing the task. The assimilation of the correct revolutions of the speech is ensured by repeating them in connection with the implementation different options Tasks of the same type.

IN senior group begin to use verbal games and gaming exercisesbased on the actions on the presentation: "Say on the contrary!", "Who will call faster?", "What is longer (shorter)? " et al. Complication and variation of work techniques, the change of benefits and situations stimulate the manifestation of independence, activate their thinking. To maintain interest in classes, the teacher constantly contributes to them elements of the game (Search, guessing) And Competitions: "Who will find faster (Bring, calls)? " etc.

The game began to be successfully used in teaching children to school from the middle of the last century. The studies of domestic teachers and psychologists emphasized the multifaceted relationship and mutual influence of the game and training. In the Games actualizes intellectual experience, the ideas about sensory standards are specified, mental actions are improved, positive emotions are accumulated, which increase the cognitive interests of preschoolers.

Didactic games with folk toys are used in working with children - inserts (Matryoshka, Cuba), Pyramids, in the design of which laid the principle of accounting. This principle adds special attention to children: you can put a small nesting machine; in a big cube - small; To make a pyramid, you must first insert a big ring, then smaller and the smallest. With the help of these games, children exercise in rolling, inserting, collecting a whole of parts; Probated the practical, sensual experience of distinguishing the magnitude, color, form of the subject, learned to designate these qualities in the word. Didactic games are used both for consolidation and for new knowledge. ("Dressup dolls", "Show, which is more, and what is less", "wonderful bag", "Three Bear", "What has changed?", "Sticks in a row", "On the contrary", "broken staircase", "What Not? "," Find out the description "etc.).

Gaming tasks are solved directly - based on the assimilation of mathematical knowledge - and are offered to children in the form of simple game rules. In class and in independent activities of children, mobile games of mathematical content are held ("Bear and Bees", "Sparobushki and car", "Cutters", "Find your house", "In the forest for Christmas trees", etc.).

When working out subject action with values (comparison by overlay and application, decay by increasing and decreasing magnitude, measuring conditional measurement, etc.) A variety of exercises are widely used. At the initial stages of training, reproductive exercises are more often practiced, thanks to which children act on the sample of the educator, which prevents possible errors. For example, treating hares carrot (Comparison of two groups of objects by overlay)The children accurately copy the actions of the educator who treats dolls with candies. Several later, productive exercises are applied in which children themselves find a way to solve the task, using the existing knowledge. For example, every child give a Christmas tree and offer to find the tutor's chief of the same height on the table. Having experience in comparing the magnitude of items by overlaying and applications, children by tense find the Christmas tree of the same height as they have.

A promising method for teaching preschoolers mathematics at the present stage is modeling: it contributes to the assimilation of specific, subject actions underlying the concept of the number. Children used models (Vice) When playing the same number of objects (Bought in the store caps as much as dolls; the number of dolls fixed the chips, since the condition was delivered - the dolls in the store can not be taken); reproduced the same magnitude (built a house of the same height as the sample; for this they took a stick of the same magnitude as the height of the house-sample, and did their construction of the same height as the magnitude of the stick). When measuring the value of the conditional measurement, the children recorded the ratio of the measurement to the entire value of either subject substituents (Items)or verbal (numerical words).

One of the modern methods of teaching mathematics are elementary experiments. Children are offered, for example, pour water from bottles of different types of bottles (High, narrow and low, wide) In the same vessels to determine: the volume of water is the same; weigh on scales two pieces of plasticine of different shapes (long sausage and ball)to determine that they are the same by mass; put the glasses and bottles one to one (Bottles are in a row far from each other, and glasses in a pile close to each other)to determine what their number (equal) It does not depend on how much space they occupy.

To form full-fledged mathematical ideas and for the development of cognitive interest in preschoolers, it is very important along with other methods to use entertaining problem situations. The genre of fairy tale allows you to combine the fairy tale actually, and the problem situation. Listening to interesting fairy tales and surviving with heroes, the preschooler at the same time is included in the solution of a number of complex mathematical tasks, learning to reason, logically think, argued the course of its reasoning.

Thus, for the successful mastering children of senior preschool age, mathematical knowledge it is necessary to use all the variety of methods and techniques of learning mathematics as traditional and innovative. At the head of their work, we present a complex of traditional methods and techniques (Didactic and logical games, solving mathematical tasks) In combination with innovative (modeling, mathematical fairy tales, experiments.

Alexandra Palamarchuk
Non-traditional forms of preschool education

Municipal causative preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Star" from. Kalinka Khabarovsk Municipal District

Khabarovsk Region

Report on the topic:

« Non-traditional learning forms

preschool children»

Educator: Palamarchuk

Alexandra Sergeevna

Non-traditional forms of preschool education

Currently in work practice preschool Institutions are efficiently used non-traditional forms of training: classes on subgroups that form Taking into account the age characteristics of children.

They are combined with a circle work: According to manual work, according to the visual activity.

Classes are enriched with game and fabulous plots. The child getting a game of the game, does not notice hidden task. These classes help free up the child's time, which he can use in its own way. discretion: relax or do that it is interesting for him or emotionally significantly.

In particular, it concerns classes productive species activities: Designing or modeling, drawing, applique.

Various are widely used forms"Helping classes"saturated with games and independent creative deeds. All this certainly makes a less interesting, attractive, more efficient.

Wide use in the practice of organizing and conducting classes formsHow the occupation is a conversation and occupation - observation.

Data forms Used in older dOU groups. Fairy-merapeutic classes are popular. Fairy-merapeutic classes with children are special, safe the form interaction with the child, in more than Appropriate features children's age.

This is an opportunity formation moral values, the implementation of unwanted behavior correction formation necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child. The use of didactic talekotherapy trainings in pre-school format Education allows children to easily and quickly assimilate the necessary knowledge.

In modern didactics, DW allocate such non-traditional forms:

Games - Competitions.

(Ranked on the basis of competition between children: who will call faster, will find, determined, notice, etc.)

(Involves the separation of children into 2 subgroups and is carried out as a mathematical or literary quiz).

Theatrical games.

(Microscopes carrying cognitive children are played information)

Scene-role games.

(The teacher enters the plot-role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and solving, so the tasks learning) .

Consultation. (When a child learnedconsulting another child)

Games in mutual education.

(Child- "consultant" teaching Other children compare, classify, summarize).


(Held as a board game "Manager")

Doubts games (search for truth) .

(Research activities of children type kids - does not melt, flies - does not fly)

Travel games.

Dialogues. (Held by the type of conversation, but the theme is selected relevant and interesting).

Games type "The investigation is conducted by experts".

(Working with a scheme, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline) .

Games type "Field of Dreams".

(Held as a game "Field of Dreams" For reading children).

Games quiz.

(Conduct quizzes with answers to questions: What? Where? When?

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

(prof. N. N. Podyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

Elementary analysis (establishment of causal relationships).


Mode modeling and design.

Method of questions.

Repetition method.

Solution of logical tasks.

Experimentation and experiments.

Methods for increasing emotional activity (prof. S. A. Smirnov)

Gaming and imaginary situations.

Inventing fairy tales, stories, poems, mysteries, etc.

Dramatic games.

Surprise moments.

Elements of creativity and novelty.

Humor and joke (training comics).

Practical task for example one of unconventional shapes: Tale - Russian folk fairytale "Mitten"


Based on, out of all above, you can do the following conclusions:

Using class B. non-traditional form helps to attract all students to work;

You can organize the test of any task through the interconnection;

-non-traditional The approach is in itself a huge potential for the development of students' speech;

Classes contribute to the development of the ability to work independently;

the group is changing relationships between children and an educator (We are partners)

The guys are happy to wait for such classes.

But classes B. non-traditional form You benefit when they found exactly among the usual types of classes. And only after analyzing all the material on the subject that is subject to pass can be determined which classes are advisable to spend in non-traditional form.

Non-traditional Classes more often take place when checking and summarizing the knowledge of children. But some of them (Travel, integrated) I use when studying a new material.

No matter how much the tutor is not, always he has to look for, thinking, trying to make his classes as interesting.

I believe classes in non-traditional form Helped me to increase the activity of children in the lesson, attract their attention, expand the vocabulary.

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Design refers to the number of activities that have a modeling nature. During the design, the world environments is modeled.

Non-traditional forms of occupation

Currently in work practice preschool institutions Unconventional forms of training for training are effectively used: subgroup classes that are formed taking into account the age characteristics of children. They are combined by S. circle work: According to manual work, according to the visual activity. Classes are enriched with game and fabulous plots. A child who gets involved in the plan of the game, does not notice the hidden learning task. These classes help free up the child's time, which he can use at its discretion: relax or do that it is interesting for him or emotionally significantly.

The project method is used today not only in the process of conducting classes on the environmental education of children in the DOU. Its use characterizes the search for educators of new forms of organizing the learning process and conducting classes with children in the Dow.

The project method is widely used today in working with pupils of multi-time groups, groups of short-term stay of children in Dow. At the same time, according to N.A. Korotkov and a number of other researchers, classes in this case, in contrast to the traditional approach, can be carried out in the form of joint partnership of adult with children, where the principle of voluntary inclusion in activities is observed. In particular, it concerns classes with productive activities: designing or laying, drawing, appliqué.

Various forms of "hobbies", rich in games and independent creative affairs are widely used. All this certainly makes a less interesting, attractive, more efficient.

Widespread use in the practice of organizing and conducting classes received such forms as occupation - conversation and occupation - observation. These forms are used in high-tech DOU groups.

Fairy-merapeutic classes are popular. Fairy-merapeutic classes with children are a special, safe form of interaction with the child, to the greatest extent corresponding to the peculiarities of children's age. This is the possibility of forming moral values, the implementation of unwanted behavior correction, a method for the formation of the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child.

The use of didactic talentherapy trainings in the format of preschool education allows children to easily and quickly assimilate the necessary knowledge.

Features of the organization and conduct of classes in different age groups

Achieving positive results depends on the right organization educational process. When visiting classes, first of all should pay attention to the observance of hygienic conditions: the premises must be carried out; With general normal lighting, the light should fall on the left side; Equipment, tools and materials and their placement must be responsible for pedagogical, hygienic and aesthetic requirements.

The duration of the occupation must comply with the established standards, and the time is fully used. Great importance It has the beginning of classes, the organization of children's attention, statement before children of the educational or creative task, explaining how to perform it.

It is important that the educator will intensify children during the explanation, showing children's ways, encouraged to comprehend, remember what he says about. Children need to be able to repeat, pronounce certain provisions (for example, how to solve the task, to make a toy). The explanation should not take more than 3-5 minutes.

During the class teacher attracts to active participation In the work of all children, given their individual characteristics, forms children's skills in children, develops the ability to evaluate and monitor its actions. The academic situation is used to develop in children a benevolent attitude towards comrades, excerpts, purposefulness.

During the occupation, the teacher informs children knowledge in a strict logical sequence. But any knowledge (especially new) should be based on the subjective experience of the child, his interests, inclinations, aspirations, individually significant values \u200b\u200bthat determine the originality of perception and the awareness of the world around each kid.

In the process of communicating, there is not only the unilateral impact of the teacher for the child, but also the reverse process.

The child should be able to maximize its own, already existing experience, personally-significant for him, and not just to accept unconditionally ("absorb") everything that teacher reports him.

In this sense, the teacher and the child act as equal partners, the carriers of heterogeneous, but the same necessary experience. The main intention of personal-oriented classes is to reveal the content of the individual experience of the child, agree on it with the asked and thereby achieve the personal assimilation of this new content.

The teacher should think about not only what the material it will report, but what is possible to roll out this material with personal experience Children.

When organizing classes, the professional position of the teacher consists in a deliberately respectful attitude towards any toddler's statement on the content of the topic under discussion.

You need to think about how to discuss the children's "versions" is not in a rigid-valued situation (correctly - incorrectly), but in an equal dialogue. Only in this case, children will strive to be "heard" adults.

One of the forms of improving the health of children, prevention of fatigue associated with a large concentration, long-term voltage of attention, as well as monotonous body position during the seat at the table, is a physical investigation moment. Fizkultminutki favorably affect the intensification of children's activities, help prevent disorders of posture. In all kindergartens, Fizkultminthki city are systematically organized. This is usually short-term breaks (2-3 minutes) for 2-3 physical exercises in classes in mathematics, native language, amusement. In the second younger and middle groups, physical attacks are carried out in a game form. The time of their holding and the selection of exercises is determined by the nature and content of the classes. So, for example, in drawing classes, Fizkultmintka modeling includes active bending, extension of hands, mixing and dilution of fingers, free shocking hands. In class development classes, mathematics uses exercises for back muscles - sipping, straightening with deep breathing through the nose. During the exercises, children tend to remain in their places. In order to strengthen the emotional impact of physical education, caregivers can use small poetic texts.

In each age group, classes have their own peculiarity and in time, and on the organization.

4th year of life - 10 lessons in no more than 15 minutes.

The 5th year of life - 10 lessons in a duration of no more than 20 minutes.

6th year of life 13 lessons in no more than 25 minutes.

The 7th year of life - 14 lessons in no more than 30 minutes.

Classes for additional educationif such are provided by the work plans of the Dow, are held in coordination with parent Committee.. In the second younger group -1 classes, in high-class classes, in the elder group, 2 classes, in the preparatory for school of the Group - 3 classes per week.

In accordance with the exemplary regimes of the day and the year of year, the Group classes are recommended from 1 September to 31 May. The educator is given the right to vary the place of classes in pedagogical process, integrate the content of various types of classes depending on the goals and tasks of learning and education, their place in educational process; Reduce the number of regulated classes, replacing them with other training forms.

In early preschool age with children are held games - classes. In the first group of early age with children, classes are carried out individually. Due to the fact that in the first year of the child's life of the ability to be formed slowly and frequent exercises are required for their formation, games are carried out not only daily, but several times during the day.

In the second group of early age with children, 2 classes are held. The number of children participating in classes depends not only on their age, but also on the nature of the classes, its content.

All new types of classes, while children will not master the primary skills and will not unlighten the necessary rules of conduct, are carried out either individually or with a subgroup of no more than 3 people.

With a subgroup of 3-6 people (half of the age group), classes for learning of objective activities, design, physical education, as well as most speech development classes are held.

With a group of 6-12 people, you can conduct classes with a free form of organization, as well as musical and those where leading activities are visual perception.

Combining children in the subgroup, it should be borne in mind that the level of their development should be approximately the same.

The duration of the lesson is 10 minutes for children from 1 G. 6 months and 10-12 min for the elders. However, these figures may vary depending on the content of training activities. Classes of new species, as well as those that require greater concentration from children, can be shorter.

The form of the organization of children on classes may be different: kids are sitting at the table, on the chairs arranged by a semicircle, or freely move on the group room.

The cost effectiveness depends on how emotionally it proceeds.

An important didactic principle, on the basis of which the methodology of classes with the children of the 2nd year of life is being built, is the use of visibility in conjunction with the word.

Education of young children should be clearly effective.

In groups of older children, when cognitive interests are already known to be developed, there are enough reports about the topic or the main goal of the classes. Older children are involved in organizing the necessary situation, which also contributes to the occurrence of interest in the lesson. However, the main value of the content and nature of the formulation of educational tasks.

Children gradually talked to certain rules of behavior in classes. About them the educator always reminds children and in organizing classes and at the beginning of it.

At the end of the classes with older children formulates the general total cognitive activity. At the same time, the teacher seeks that the outcome judgment was the fruit of the efforts of the children themselves, encourage them to an emotional assessment of the classes.

End of classes B. junior groups It is aimed at strengthening positive emotions associated with both the content of classes and the activities of children. Only gradually B. medium group Some differentiation of the assessment of individual children is introduced. The final judgment and evaluation expresses the teacher, from time to time attracting children to her.

The main form of training: educational classes using techniques, didactic games, gaming techniques.

The main forms of the organization of children of senior groups in the class - frontal and subgroup.

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