Academician of Christophers. Vasily Khristoforov and his archival business

Vladimir Putin, as promised, provided the opportunity to officials elected to the staff, to deal with only scientific activities. Last week, the President recalled that at the end of 2015 he asked the authorities to refrain from participating in elections to the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The new job of the work will now look for the Deputy Guidelines for the President of the President - Head of the Main Medical Administration Konstantin Kotenko, Head of the Registration Department and Archival Funds of the FSB Lieutenant General Vasily Khristoforov, Head of the Main Military Medical Administration of the Ministry of Defense and Deputy Minister, Head of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Savenkov.

Almost all officials are dismissed with the wording "", and Vasily Kristoforov - because of the "achievement of the maximum age at military service."

What studies were engaged in dismissed officials

In the Russian Academy of Sciences, they told how officials became academicsAll civil servants who wished to get an academic title decided to decide on their own, stressed in RAS. At the same time, officials will not be able to get out of the Academy, membership is lifelong.

Among the dismissed - a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Savenkov. He is known not so much scientific activities as career and resonant affairs in power departments. At various times, he was the main military prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Deputy Minister of Justice, Senator.

About any brilliant achievements of Savenkova in russian science Nothing is known.

Lieutenant-General FSB Vasily Khristoforova - more than 250 scientific work, Publications in leading scientific publications of Russia, Germany, Austria, China, Italy, Hungary, Finland.

Governors also concern: Putin recalled the rules of membership in the Russian Academy of SciencesA person cannot occupy major positions, noticeable who require recoil and time from him and simultaneously engage in serious research work, noted the Russian president.

Academicians in the Ministry of Education and Science and in the Ministry of Health

Among the officials, whom the president freed from posts is not, for example, Deputy Minister of Education, New Academician RAS Alexei Lopatina.

The liberation from the position of the Deputy Minister of Education is the prerogative of the government, and not the Kremlin, a press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sadkov said to journalists.

Peskov answered the question of the situation with the post-head deployment postThe liberation from the position of the Deputy Minister of Education, which is listed as part of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is the prerogative of the government, and not the Kremlin, the press secretary of Russian President Dmitry Sadkov said.

"Deputy Minister, if I'm not mistaken, it (exemption from the post - ed.) By order of the President of the Government. If I am not mistaken. I would explain it, so you will probably follow some personnel solutions."

Decisions followed: in the evening on Monday, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

Alexey Lopatin - Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, worked for about 10 years by the deputy director for the scientific work "The Paleontological Institute. A. A. Borisyk" RAS, in 2015, a header was appointed Federal Agency scientific organizations.

Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexey Lopatin became, already being a member of the RAS Corresponding.

Director of Science Department and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences innovative development Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Sergey Rumyantsev. Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, He worked in various research medical centers in Russia, in Germany and in the United States, including in FNCC Children's Hematology, Oncology and Immunology (General Director - Alexander Rumyantsev).

As reported, Minister of Health of the Perm Territory Olga Kovtun became a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but at the time of the vote she had already left this post.

It was also reported that Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring became a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences ambient Russia. In Roshydromet, however, they clarified that Alexander McOSCO did not work there since 2014 - he devoted himself just scientific activities (Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Well, the Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2004) took off his candidacy before the election of the Russian Academy of Sciences, refusing the opportunity to become an academician.

Department of International Security


Head of the Department

Academic degree

Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

State awards, honorary titles, thanks

  • Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2016).
  • Order "For Military Merit" (2014);
  • Honor Order (2004);
  • medal "For the courage" (1988),

Biographical information

Born on May 13, 1954 in the village of Varna Varna District Chelyabinsk region. In 1971 he graduated high School And he entered the Kazan Higher Military Engineering School. In 1976 he graduated from the named School in the specialty "Checking Start Electrical Equipment and Rocket Management System." In 1976-1981 held service in the Kazan Higher Military engineer school. In 1981-1991, he served in the KGB of the USSR. In 1984-1985 Passed training in the Red Banner Institute of the KGB of the USSR in the specialty "Oriental Science" with knowledge of the Persian language. In 1985-1989 He worked in the representation of the KGB of the USSR in Afghanistan. In 1992-2017 He served in the Ministry of Security - FSB of Russia. In 2001-2016 - Head of the Office of Registration and Archival Funds of the Federal School of Russia.

Scientific and pedagogical activities

Professor RGU.

Area of \u200b\u200bscientific interests and scope

Leading specialist in the political, social and military history Russia of the twentieth century; political and military history of Afghanistan XX century; the history of domestic state security bodies; Examination of the values \u200b\u200bof archival documents, including for the availability / absence of information in them constituting state secret; Decontracting and introducing into scientific turnover of documents of state and departmental archives.


  • USSR - Finland: confrontation 1941-1944. Monograph. M.: IRI RAS, 2018. 440 p. (27.5 auth. L.).
  • Public sentiments in the USSR / country in fire: 3 t. T. 3. Liberation. 1944-1945: in 2 kN. Kn. 1. Essays. M.: "Abris", 2017. P. 180-197. (1.2 p.).
  • No area where CC / Petrograd 1917 should not interfere. Historical calendar. Lectures. - St. Petersburg: Star magazine LLC, 2018. P.270-286. (1.0 auth. L.).
  • Documents of Soviet intelligence and counterintelligence as the original source of history Kursk battle The collapse of the offensive strategy of the German Wehrmacht / Materials of the Military Historical Conference (Moscow, May 22, 2018), dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Kursk battle. M.: Wu, 2018. P. 56-75. (1,3 auth. L.)
  • Christoforov V. KGB-ANALYSEN ZUR INTERNATIONALEN POLITIK UN DEN WIENER GIPFEL / DER WIENER GIPFEL 1961. KENNEDY - Chrushtshow / Stefan Karner, Barbara Stelzl-Marx, Natalja Tomilina, Alexander Tchubarjan. - StudienverLab: Innsbruk-Wien-Bozen. 2011. C. 229-251.
  • Reviews of the Soviet special services about the political state of the USSR and its Eastern Okrain as a source on the history of the "internal" and foreign East / Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 17: Archival Oriental Science (Symposium Materials for the 200th anniversary of IV RAS). M.: IV RAS, 2018. Since 235-248.
  • Lubyanka archives of the 1920s about the "internal" and foreign east: from total secrecy to maximum openness // Memory of the past - 2018. VII historical and archival forum dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the state archival service of Russia (Samara, May 15-17, 2018 G.): Collection of articles / Sost.: O. N. Soldatova (Sost.), G. S. Pashkovskaya. - Samara: RGA in Samara, 2018. - P. 207-213.
  • The secret confrontation of the Soviet and Finnish special services in 1941-194: installations, goals, result // Scientific notes of Petrozavodsky state University. 2018. No. 7 (176). P. 48-53.
  • Safety of Russia in the context of revolutionary shocks of 1917 / Proceedings of the department of historical and philological sciences RAS 2017. M.: Science, 2018. P. 122-139.
  • East and Eastern Measurement russian politics In estimates of politicians, scientists and diplomats of the first third of the twentieth century. East (Oriens). 2018. № 5. P. 167-171.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has published materials on the activities of the organization of Ukrainian nationalists and the so-called Ukrainian rebel army. These documents of the NKVD-MGB of the USSR declassified the other day of the Archival service of the FSB of Russia. They give only general view As they were, against whom and for which Hitler's heads in Ukraine were fought. The historical truth is that the newly new Ukrainian heroes of Bandera - as well as the Baltic Esvestiya - "became famous for" brutal punitive operations in Belarus.

Is there anything "for the scenes" - the head of the registration and archival funds of the Federal School of FSB of Russia, Lieutenant-General Vasily Khristofors, was told about this correspondent of the Union.

Vasily Stepanovich, the FSB declassified and presented to the public all that he knew and held in their archives regarding the Ukrainian fascists?

If we talk about our service, then yes. But this is only part, and small, that large archive, which was located the KGB of the USSR. Unfortunately, to declassify and tell people the whole truth about the nationalists-Bandera, there is currently no opportunity. The main part of the materials remained in Kiev, in the archive of the former KGB of the Ukrainian SSR. The archives were not taken out, because during the time of the collapse of the USSR, no one could even think that someone would come to the head to wonder the fascist whistle and represent them almost heroes.

It is heroes. Recently, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko assigned to one of the leaders of Ukrainian nationalists, the cavalier of two Hitler's "Iron Crosses" Roman Shukhevich's title of Hero of Ukraine. I am sure that now not only to journalists, but also you will not be able to access the archives of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR for your partner channels with the Ukrainian special service.

By and large, this does not change anything. In general, it is clear that it was for people what they did. And now, any visitor site of the Russian Foreign Ministry can familiarize himself with information and documents of that time.

So who was actually Roman Shukhevich - Ukrainian Robin Hood, an punisher or, maybe, as a controversial historical figure, as, say, Batka Makhno, whose portrait is difficult to write only in black and white tones?

Yes, he was ordinary bandit. Even the materials available at our disposal is enough to understand it. The criminal carriage Shukhevich joined the war. In 1932, in Poland, he was judged for the murder - personally organized and participated in the attempt at the Shansky school inspector. In 1934, the Polish authorities arrested him as a partner of the terrorist group of the OUN, which was committed under the leadership of Stepan Bandera killing the Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland Peratsky. After that, the court sentenced Shukhevich to life imprisonment. Moreover, notice, not Soviet, and the court is not at all communist Poland. During the Second World War, after work in the German sabotage school "Natigal", the fascist command sent him to Belarus to conduct punitive operations.

Here is such a "hero" zheg Belarusian villages and killed old men, women and children.

But maybe the title of Hero Yushchenko assigned to him for later merit? In 1943, Shukhevich became one of the managers of the so-called Ukrainian rebel army (UPA), which, according to Ukrainian nationalists, struggled for independence.

Facts indicate that the only serious fight with the regular parts of the Red Army of the UPA accepted only under the browsing. And in the famous Brodov Cotelet, this army of Shukhevich, our troops smashed, without even noticing that the Ukrainian army fought against them, boring for independence. Just like, however, and in the Baltic States, the Baltic 20th SS Division entered the SOC joined the only fight against the Red Army, and also did not create any noticeable problems in our troops.

The Ukrainian and Baltic fascists were strong because they were shot because of the angle, they knew the language, terrain, people, could give the Nazis partisans, wish the village, to pour out. But not a single victory in the open battle they wanted. Therefore, to say that they fought for self-sufficient Ukraine and at the same time committed some feats, not at all.

Especially since the Nuremberg process put the final point in the one to consider these people. In the time of the USSR, Belarus could not require compensation from his neighbors, since we were all one country. But now Belarusians have such a right, especially since no one has canceled the outcomes of the Nuremberg process.

If you cancel them, then you will have to abandon the recognition of the mass pursuit of the Jews. And such attempts, by the way, are being taken in modern Baltic States. Recently, a book was published in Latvia, which gives the original version of the famous Riga process. As you know, immediately after the war, the courts over Nazi criminals took place. In Riga, the fascists who were performed in the Baltics were convicted in the process. So, in this book, the results of the process were issued in this book, under the pretext that the Nazis judged Judge, the Jew, the state proven was a Jew, Employees of the NKVD - also Jews, therefore, the court can not be considered fair. According to the author, the Jews arranged an unfair conviction and simply dealt with respectable intelligent people, and not at all with fascist criminals.

One of the main "merits" of the so-called volunteer divisions of the SS is the conduct of arrests of Soviet activists and persons of Jewish nationality. By the way, it was often the same people, because many party and Soviet activists were Jews.

As I said, the Ukrainian and Baltic fascists were local, they knew well who was among the neighbors. For example, the "Arais team", operating in the territory of the Latvian SSR, was specifically and created on the order of the head of the 3rd department of the German general general of the stacker for the arrests and executions of the Jews and Soviet activists. From August 1941, all participants in the team of Viktor Arais took part in the organization of the executions of Jews across the Baltic States. They said: "Where the Arais team visited, the grass is not growing." Arais himself and one of his closest assistants, the former captain of the Latvian army Tsurtkus, trying to unleash the animal instincts from his subordinates, often snatched babies from the hands of arrested and at their chest ruined them.

- But the President of Estonia Arnold Ruytel stated in an interview that the 20th SS division did not exist, Estonians did not participate in the execution of the Jews, and the Germans forced the Estonians to fight in their troops and then only against the regular parts of the Red Army.

With respect to the Baltic SESS, we have preserved more archival materials than in relation to Ukrainian. Therefore, the Baltic politicians can say anything, but to assign the title of hero to these guys, as Yushchenko did with Shukhevich, they are more difficult.

Certificates have been preserved that, for example, the Arais team in the Minsk Ghetto under the guidance of the Skeberg officer destroyed the Jews in the ruined. There, by the way, the atrocities conducted by the Araisov under the leadership of the Turk officer were so screaming that even the Germans themselves were forced to remove him from Minsk. An employee of the team of Arais Erins sucked by personally destroyed 2500 people. Herbert Tsurtki during stocks usually shouted: "Let me get drunk." And these are not just words, but the established facts documented after the investigation of the atrocities of Araisov in the "Ponara" camp in the village of Audrini destroyed by them.

But your opponents in these countries may say that then there was a war and approach the standards of this time to those years is impossible. Let's say, the Poles still have the investigation of the Katyn tragedy from Russia, when thousands of Polish officers were cruelly killed. So what's the difference?

The difference as I understand it is that Russia does not assign the title of heroes to people who participated in mass repressions. Our country has long been on the most different levels Repeated for many tragic pages of our story. Russia is not going to conceal the historical truth.

Recently in different countries There were forces that are trying to draw us into a war with their own memory, and also passionately seek to rewrite the story and revise the results of the past war. But the facts stubborn and the documents say that at that time could not be any third forces and patriotic liberation armies. As none call them, in the conditions of World War, it was possible to fight either on the side of the criminal fascist regime, or on the side of the USSR and its allies on the antihytler coalition. I already brought examples, I can continue.

Here, for example, an extract from a report note 1 of the Ukrainian Front on May 20, 1944 on the arrest of the active Ukrainian nationalists villages of the Budzanovsky district of the Tarnopol region of Kozlovsky and Krychkovsky. "The witness of the Red S.A. at the interrogation showed: Kozlovsky with the arrival of German invaders in the village of Mogilnitsa in July 1941 voluntarily enrolled in the Ukrainian police, consisting of the nationalists-Bandera, he was armed with Karabin and wore a bandage with a trident icon. In July 1941 He arrested three Jewish families: Gelis, Mendel and Warrows, consisting of 18 people, old people, adolescents and children aged 6 months to 12 years. All of them were allocated to them in the forest, where he was shot, and children from 6 For months I took my feet, hit them with my heads about the tree, then threw in the pit ... "

Witness Yanitsky S.N. About Krishkovsky showed: "... On the night of March 18, Ukrainian nationalists-Bandera were learned mass kill Poles. They are under the guise of soviet partisansMasked broke into the houses of the Poles and produced the most cruel mockery over them, cut them on their knives, demolished the axes of children, broke their heads, after which they were burned with the purpose of concealing crimes. In the mentioned night, the Bandera was tortured, slaughtered and shot up to 100 people of Soviet activists, Jews, Poles.

So the noble and high-level heroes at the regime, whose essence was the brutal fascist ideology, could not be.

Vladimir Putin, as promised, provided the opportunity to officials elected to the staff, to deal with only scientific activities. Last week, the President recalled that at the end of 2015 he asked the authorities to refrain from participating in elections to the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The new job of the work will now look for the Deputy Guidelines for the President of the President - Head of the Main Medical Administration Konstantin Kotenko, Head of the Registration Department and Archival Funds of the FSB Lieutenant General Vasily Khristoforov, Head of the Main Military Medical Administration of the Ministry of Defense and Deputy Minister, Head of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Savenkov.

Almost all officials are dismissed with the wording "", and Vasily Kristoforov - because of the "achievement of the maximum age at military service."

What studies were engaged in dismissed officials

In the Russian Academy of Sciences, they told how officials became academicsAll civil servants who wished to get an academic title decided to decide on their own, stressed in RAS. At the same time, officials will not be able to get out of the Academy, membership is lifelong.

Among the dismissed - a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Savenkov. It is known not so much scientific activity as career and resonant affairs in power departments. At various times, he was the main military prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Deputy Minister of Justice, Senator.

Nothing is known about any brilliant achievements of Savenkova in Russian science.

Lieutenant-General FSB Vasily Khristoforova - more than 250 scientific papers, publications in leading scientific publications of Russia, Germany, Austria, China, Italy, Hungary, Finland.

Governors also concern: Putin recalled the rules of membership in the Russian Academy of SciencesA person cannot occupy major positions, noticeable who require recoil for forces and time and at the same time engage in serious research work, said the Russian president.

Academicians in the Ministry of Education and Science and in the Ministry of Health

Among the officials, whom the president freed from posts is not, for example, Deputy Minister of Education, New Academician RAS Alexei Lopatina.

The liberation from the position of the Deputy Minister of Education is the prerogative of the government, and not the Kremlin, a press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sadkov said to journalists.

Peskov answered the question of the situation with the post-head deployment postThe liberation from the position of the Deputy Minister of Education, which is listed as part of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is the prerogative of the government, and not the Kremlin, the press secretary of Russian President Dmitry Sadkov said.

"Deputy Minister, if I'm not mistaken, it (exemption from the post - ed.) By order of the President of the Government. If I am not mistaken. I would explain it, so you will probably follow some personnel solutions."

Decisions followed: in the evening on Monday, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

Alexey Lopatin - Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, worked for about 10 years.

Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexey Lopatin became, already being a member of the RAS Corresponding.

The Director of the Science and Innovative Development Department of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Sergey Rumyantsev recently became a member of the RAS Corresponding Member. Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, He worked in various research medical centers in Russia, in Germany and in the United States, including in FNCC Children's Hematology, Oncology and Immunology (General Director - Alexander Rumyantsev).

As reported, Minister of Health of the Perm Territory Olga Kovtun became a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but at the time of the vote she had already left this post.

It was also reported that the Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of the Environment of Russia became a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In Roshydromet, however, they clarified that Alexander McOSCO did not work there since 2014 - he devoted himself just scientific activities (Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Well, the Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2004) took off his candidacy before the election of the Russian Academy of Sciences, refusing the opportunity to become an academician.

Andrei Vinokurov, Alena Malik

Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed four officials, each of whom successfully passed elections to members Russian Academy science Last week, Vladimir Putin reported President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov for allowing him to elections in RAS officials. The President recalled that he had previously requested to refrain from such practices.

"Nevertheless, some of our colleagues from the Office of the President, from the Ministry of Education, from the Ministry of the Interior, from the Ministry of Defense, from the Federal Security Service (FSB) and from some other departments took part in the election and were elected," Putin said Meeting of the Council on Science and Education last Wednesday. The President raised the question of whether these officials can simultaneously engage in serious scientific research And fulfill your duties at the place of service.

Putin asked the Fortov several times, whether the elected members of the Russian Academy of Sciences "major scientists" are, for which the latter diplomatically noted that they are worthy of election. However, the president did not satisfy this answer. "I think that I will have to give them the opportunity to engage in science, because, apparently, their scientific activities are much more important than the execution of some routine administrative duties in government and management bodies," Putin said. Already next Monday, decrees about the dismissal of officials from their place of work appeared on the official website of the Kremlin.

Now there are only four official officials, one of each departments that the president listed. However, each of these officials, apparently, was really connected with scientific activities. So, in the FSB, Lieutenant-General Vasily Khristofors, who led the registration and archival FSB funds managed to his position. If all the rest of his colleagues by public service It turned out to be dismissed at their own desire, in its case the reason is "achieving the maximum age at military service."

Christophers was elected as a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to information on the website of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as the main results of scientific activity, in particular, studies on the basis of documents of state and departmental archives of the military history of the USSR and the main problems of the activities of domestic security bodies. Also, according to Help RAS, Christophers based on their own experience and archival materials, comprehensively analyzed the socio-political life of Afghanistan in the 1980s, as well as the evolution of Soviet-Afghan relations.

The next fired by the head of the Main Military Medical Administration of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Fisun, also elected by the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to Help RAS, he is a well-deserved doctor of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Special expert Council VAC in the Ministry of Education medical sciences. One example scientific achievements Military doctor is the rationale and introduction of "modern organizational approaches to the medical support management system, providing the required level of combat and mobilization readiness of the medical service of the Armed Forces Russian Federation».

Konstantin Kotenko
Another doctor was also released - the head of the Main Medical Department of the Office of the President Konstantin Kotenko. It is the author of more than 300 scientific works, of which 10 monographs, 46 benefits and 10 patents. In the Help of the Russian Academy of Sciences it is indicated that he participated in the creation of more than 15 scientific medical centers, as well as made a significant contribution to the development of restorative medicine and created a new scientific school.

The last of high-ranking dismissed - Alexander Savenkov, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Head of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "A specialist in the field of criminal law, criminal proceedings, criminalistics, author of more than 50 scientific works, of which 3 monographs, 15 textbooks and tutorials (11 - in co-authorship), "the RAS stated in Help. Among scientific achievements is a study of criminal policy issues russian state In the context of the development of the international legal framework for the fight against crime.

["Gazeta RBC", 29.11.2016, "Academicians came out of officials": Dmitry Medvedev's Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, was released from the post of Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexei Lopatina, which is listed as part of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "He is a scientist, and he will continue his scientific activities", I specified in the press service of the government. [...]
Alexander Savenkov is one of the most influential security officials from the president of November 28. Savenkov since 1985 served in the prosecution authorities, from 2002 to 2006 he served the post of chief military prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinova. After the resignation of Ustinov Savenkov was appointed first Deputy Minister of Justice, and then, the Republic of RBC, close to the FSB, actually "referred to the honorary pension" to the Federation Council, where he from 2009 to 2014 represented the Vladimir region. [...]
After the appointment of Savenkova to the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he began to bring army orders there, three employees of the department told RBC. All investigators were then forced to come to work in the form, Saturday became a working day, and they had to forget about vacation abroad, they complained.
In the spring of 2016, Savenkov claimed the post of the Prosecutor General, two sources of RBC close to the FSB were told, but in June, the Federation Council of the Federation extended the powers of Yuri Seagulls.
According to one of the sources, Savenkov was also considered a supporter of the idea of \u200b\u200buniting all the investigation under the roof of one department, that is, the competing of the chairman of the SCR Alexander Bastrykina. - Cutting K.Ru]

The political scientist Evgeny Myschenko considers dismissal by a natural continuation of the "public spanking", which Putin arranged last week - "this is already releasing the game." At the same time, the expert does not consider dismissal by reference: "The same savedki from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not a simple person at all. There are no people inside the system of power structures and have no relation to "power games". Even the fact of the neutrality of one or another character is already one of the factors of general disposition. " According to Minkchenko, Putin "Wools Elite for last year And intends to do it further. " "One of the manifestations of this trend is the fire at the headquarters," the political scientist shrugs.

Political scientist Gleb Kuznetsov to question about Christorov laughed. "Who is Christophers? I do not know this. Is it in the case of academics, or what? " - commented on Laughing the source "Gazeta.Ru". "Well, what can I say, it is a labor discipline. If they were told to jump, they should get up and jump. If you want to save your post, then the leaders should obey. Apparently, it did not come to everyone. This unfortunate Christophores - the victim of the educational act, simply turned out to be not in that place at that time. Whatever you are nobel laureateYou must unintently obey the manager. I think that the next generation of officials will be more disciplined. "

Deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Love Dukhanin in a conversation with "" stated that "it is advisable to clearly determine the possibilities of combining non-core activities by officials." According to the deputy, judging by the "clear sending of the President", the definition of these issues with the help of the law or the relevant government decree is possible in the near future.

Original of this material
© "New Gazeta", 11/24/2016, photo: Via "New Gazeta"

Multiple eyes closed

Andrei Zayayakin

[...] Head of the Main Military Medical Administration of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Yakovlevich Fisun has six scientific articlesReflected in the most authoritative medical database of publications in the referee journals PubMed. Of these, five - on the "Organizational and Administrations": leadership of military medicine, planning, equipment, organization of public service in military medical organizations. There was no other contribution of the Academician of Fisun into world science in PubMed, we could not find it. Google Scholar, however, pointed to us on the article "Psychology and the psychopathology of information wars" in the "Military Medical Journal". The Russian scientific citation index (RISC) does not know at all about the existence of such a scientific job as A.Ya. Fisun. RGB has no book, the author of which would be prof. Fisun. But it is written off the dissertations, to the manufacture of which prof. Fisun attached his hand as a manager.

Thesis of the Tuyukina Anna under the guidance of prof. Fissune is completely written off from Vladimir Igonina.

They differ only by the title page. In all other, they are completely identical. And who was the head of Igonina? Surprise surprise, the same prof. FISUN!

Also under the direction of A.Ya. Fissuna was re-defended the dissertation of Anton Stazhinsky (the head - the student mentioned above is prof. Fissune igmonin) under the name of Elena Yegenne.

And the same dissertation of the Izinsky defended another graduate student of Fissoon, Vyacheslav Half. The opponent of the theses of the Izensky, halves and Egorenkov was the same person, prof. Nikolay Kolomoolez.

The insurgency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the head of the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Savenkov in the "ause" did not light up. The Hirsch's index on RINTS is 8, in total in RISC 32 of the Publication of Savenkova, 16 of them are quoted at least once.

(The Hirsha index allows us to evaluate both the fertility of the scientist and its demand. For comparison, the index of Hirsha co-founder "Dissenote" prof. Rostovtsev - 89.)

Mr. General writes mainly about corruption. The legal experts surveyed by us did not include Savenkova to an outstanding scientist in the field of jurisprudence. IN scientific institutionsJudging by the biography of Savenkova, Mr. General never had the main place of work, his career proceeded to the prosecutor's office, Federation Council and federal ministries. In some journal articles, his position is indicated as "Chief Researcher of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation". We received this comment from the expert in the field of criminal law: "In all uncle, it is understood: both in cybercrime, and in crimes in the implementation of the state defense order. It can be assumed that the "multiple", which is actively helping. "

Also, the head of the Registration Department and Archival Funds of the FSB of Russia Vasily Khristofores came under the hot hand of the President. Professor Christophobov has 98 publications with 208 citation, Hirsch's index on RINTS - 7.

We received this comment from the historian's expert on prof. Christophore: "... There were a lot of documentary publications from the FSB archive, where he participated seems to be published by Rossman's authoritative publishing house, but I can not estimate the degree of his personal or departmental participation. Participation in the defense of the Danilov Council looks depressing, there is also a connection with the former director of IRI RAS Sakharov ... "

(Let's remind you that Danilovsky Council is a reference to the generation of fake dissertations at the IPSU, which was defeated even before the emergence of the "Dissenote". Christophers were not his member.)

Personally, Vasily Khristoforov became the head of two practically completely disserted dissertations. Someone teas Ivan Yuryevich defended the dissertation of Magomed Timova, and someone Maxim cold re-defended in that very bench at the MPGU thesis of Nurdda Sheudjen.

Where were the eyes of prof. Christorova, when he did not notice almost one hundred percent plagiarism, we find it difficult to say. [...]

[, 28.11.2016, "Nast Hirsch for Academicians": the status of an academician or membership gives its owner the right to a scholarship of 100 thousand rubles or 50 thousand rubles, respectively, and at the same time privileges, such as the right to official transport and memorial in the academic Building. The results of the election of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences were announced in October. 2273 people were registered as applicants. It was elected and received the mentioned benefits of 518 people. The president's light hand is discussed not how deservedly they are awarded status. Not scientific productivity of academics. And their place of work.
Future academics and members choose the full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences by secret ballot. Of course, the scientific world of narrow, many know many personally or scientific works. For example, in the former times of physics, Mikhail Kovalchuk's famous Colleague, the director of the Kurchatov Institute, bearing the informal title "Brother Putin's brother". But since then something has changed.
Until this year in last time Elections took place in 2011. But in 2013, as we know, the RAS has experienced reorganization. In particular, the Academy of Medical and Agricultural Sciences joined the "big" academy. Sources of "Fontanka" again 3 years ago feared that it would strongly dilute the "real" academics, that is, it will lower general level. Today they also say that in the scorched and reorganized academy, people of each other will simply really really know. - Cutting K.Ru]

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