Interesting lessons on September 1 in elementary school. Methodical piggy bank

Scenario of the lesson travel on the planet of knowledge

Author: Lazebed Elena Viktorovna, Teacher primary classes
Place of work: MBO Cave No. 17, Krasnodar Territory of PGT. Ilsky

I propose a script for class 1 lesson. This material will be useful for class managers and primary school teachers who want to spend an interesting event with students on September 1. The age of students is 6, 5 - 7 years old, grade 1.

Scenario Travel Scenario on Planet Knowledge For Grade Graduate - Knowledge Day

Purpose: Raise a sense of respect and love for loved ones; involve parents in conducting cool events; promote the development of the abilities of each child, develop logical thinking, memory, imagination; formation of a children's team; Relieve a sense of patriotism
Equipment: Presentation, multimedia projector, textbooks, individual cards.
Organizing time.
Teacher: Hello expensive guys! Dear Parents! So the long-awaited day came - September 1.
The guys are far, far behind the fields, there are a magical planet behind the mountains. She is full of wonderful discoveries, different tests. Many days we will travel through it. And it is called - Planet of Knowledge.
We live on a huge planet called land (slide)
On the planet there are continents, countries, islands, cities.
- And what else did I forget to call those on our land?
Children: Oceans and the sea
Teacher:- And on our planet, too, there are islands and the sea! And today in the Big School Sea, a new ship appeared - 1b! (Show picture of the sailboat)
You are ready for traveling by knowledge. I propose to go to our first swimming on this wonderful ship with sails of hopes for the most important port on this planet - the port of the dreams.
On this boat
Under sail
We Dali
Let's go with you.
We are all who wants
We are lucky with me.
Well, agree?
Decided? Swim!
Acquaintance with Islands
Teacher: So, right in our course. First Island - Literature

Teacher: Why is it so called? We will learn letters, then read words. And then learn to read poems, fairy tales, stories, and this is literature: children's, but there are also adult literature.
Every day, extinguishing on this island, we first learn the alphabet, we study the book (show the textbook of ABC)
- What is it called? (children's responses)
- And then proceed to the study of the textbook "Native speech." (Show textbook)
This island has prepared a task for you.
1. Drawing up a story in the picture.

Teacher:Well done you coped with the task, and it means that we can go to the next island.

The next island is grammar. Lives on this island a gnome, he came up with a task for you.
1. Name all items that begin on this letter.

Teacher: Well done you coped with the task, and it means that we can go to the next island. The next island is mathematics.

Teacher: Guys What do you think do you do on this island?
Children: Solving problems, account, study of geometric shapes
1. Account using pictures

Drakets game:
Dad holds ... Bowl - (3)
Everyone will get everyone, see
After all, dragons too ...! (3)

Look at the glade
Goose juggles balls!
Goose - scientist, the best in the world!
He has balls - four!
2. Each is heard a piece of leaf, where a simple geometric pattern is drawn in the shape of the bead it must be continued.
Teacher: Well done you coped with the task, and it means that we can go to the next island. Next Island -Pryodovatim

Teacher: You already know that we all live in society. We are united by common goals, plans, affairs. Our class is also a society. We have a common desire to learn how to write, read, count, show your talents. And each of us is a particle of our society. Guys, do you know who the closest particles of society do you know? Is it native people for you?
Children: Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Grandma, Grandpa.
Teacher: And these relatives and close people form small groups - families. And this small group of people in his house lives. So for us, the school is also our home, and the class of our family.
And both in each family there are their rules and in school also have its own rules. With which we will meet, and I hope you will never break.
While we will play, I will ask your parents, too, one task.
Task for parents: On these beautiful autumn leaves Write how you see your child in four years. How do you imagine it? (distribute cut out of colored paper Autumn leaves)
Playing with children:
Now I suggest playing the game "What will you take to school?".
Put hands on the elbow. I will call items. If you hear the subject to take to school, you must slam your hands.
Prepared. Play!
Alphabet, doll, machine, notebook, pillow, pencil, spoon, pencil, chewing gum, briefcase, iron, hammer, color pencils, flashlight, pen, teddy bear, line.
Well done, you know what to put in the portfolio. You coped well with the task.
And now we add all that you have done and wishes your parents in the envelope and send dreams to the port.
But our envelope is magical, that you will not put everything in it.
The outcome of the lesson.
Teacher: Today we started our travel on the planet of knowledge. Congratulations to all with this wonderful event. Guys, you became students. I really want the school to become the second home for you, and the tour of the knowledge planet was exciting, interesting and fascinating. We will have long way In the port of Dreams. Successes and patience to you and your parents.
Your first homework - Talk about today's journey to everyone who wants. Try to fantasize and draw the planet of knowledge.
And I am waiting for you tomorrow to the first lesson. School quiz

What is this institution where they take illiterate?

Where New Year celebrate September 1?
(At school - a new academic year.)

What holiday was celebrated in the Doperer Rus XVIII century on September 1?
(New Year.)

What is the name of the time interval between vacations?

What word is called school time out?

The figure in the class journal is ... What?

What are the synonyms from the school "marks"?
(Evaluation, score.)

What natural phenomena are scores, how to schoolchildren?
(Wind, earthquake.)

A preschooler is a schoolboy who bring parents for a handle to school, or a child aged 3 to 6-7 years?
(Baby T. school age.)

What is the name of the medium-gradatic preschooler and applicant?

What a tropical african tree is in every Russian school?
(Cola - Cola, the evergreen tree of the family of sterlice. Seeds - Nuts Cola - use in medicine and for the preparation of tonic drinks.)

What is the name "deck of cards" for the lesson of geography?

This is not only a high narrow wardrobe kitchen headset, but also school supplies for pens and pencils. What is it?
(Pencil case.)

What school personality is a standard package of Kalashnikov machine?
(Pencil case.)

Book dressing is ... What?

School alarm clock is ... What?

Explain the values \u200b\u200bof the "school" words from the story-fairy tales E. Asspensky "Fur internat": Beneficiary, Listalki, writing, Reception, Main Paper Receive.
(Call, notebook, handles, diary, cool magazine.)

Why came up with a notebook in a cell?
(To play the sea battle and cross-noliki.)

What is the name of the student's student and form of a literary work?
(Diary. For example, "notes of the crazy" N.V. Gogol, "No day without a line" Yu.K. Oleshi.)

In 1790, the French mechanic and painter N. Conte invented what not only all schoolchildren, but also students, representatives technical professions and art figures. What subject we are talking about?
(About a wooden pencil. Conte offered to place graphite rods into a wooden shell. So there were pencils that have the usual shape for us.)

What round date noted the ballpoint handle on November 22, 2006?
(60 years. In England on November 22, 1946, the first ballpoint handles arrived.)

Who will tell the most ancient ink recipes known to us in Russia?
(Soot with cherry glue, diluted with water.)

What is the name of the line "crush".

A kind of drawing tool is called "goat leg"?

While there is nothing in this "creative" school supplier, she meets its name. But when we put something in her, she ceases to fit their name. What is this school affiliation?
(Alba, Alba means "clean".)

This usual school subject appeared about a hundred years ago. Created his famous ophthalmologist and hygienist Fedor Fedorovich Erisman. And the name of this subject received from the Latin word "group", that is, connected together. What is this subject?
(Parta - from Latin "Partis".)

The first alarm clock on Earth was a water and alarm clock, and a school ringing at the same time. His inventor is considered an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in 400 years before our era. Remember his name.

Name the name of the English industrialist of the 18th century, in honor of which paper is named for drawing and drawing.

What happens to work, financial, military and school?

This is not only a certain procedure for the behavior of people, but also an academic subject. What is it?

What is the help called with a whisper?

What is the name of a piece of paper with records intended for secret peeping during the control and exam?

Portrait of which Portuguese football player sees in every book a bad student?
(Portrait of Luisa Figu. "Looks into the book, but sees Fig.")

"Infidelity" in dictation or essay is ... What?

What should I learn to not fall into the dirt face?
(Walk back in advance.)

What is barely crawled in the lessons, and the arrow flies on the change?

Why did the student be kicked out of class?
(Per door.)

When does the two-tie happen?
(When silent.)

What is a natural disaster?
(This is when the house was asked to teach big verse.)

Name in one word "collection of letters" and "Assembly of words".
(Speaker, dictionary.)

What can be prepared, but you can not eat?

To be in all subjects at the height, you need ... What?
(Learn on the very top floor of the school.)

What thirst should have children in school?
(Thirst for knowledge.)

What vertices go to conquer each first-grader?
(Verses of Knowledge.)

What solid mining Make you gnaw children at school?
(Granite science.)

Which forest grows in school classes On those lessons to which the guys were well prepared?
(Forest hands.)

Where can I find square roots, and sheets in a cell?
(In school notebook in mathematics.)

What needs to be done with the school geographical satin so that it can be with an appetite to eat?
(Swap letters in the word: Atlas - Salad.)

How do the name of the Russian Peninsula call the latest parties in school classes?

And how in schools kamchatka call the latest desks?
(Kaliningrad, because it is the most western city Russia and it is so far from East Kamchatka.)

Which units are the school noise: in decibels or in Kandelah?
(In decibels.)

What days are called tablet: days when schoolchildren are awarded a table of academic performance, or officially celebrated holidays?

"Diploma" on the end high School - what's this?

What word is called all who graduated from school this year?

The tract is a very large homework or part of the terrain other than those surrounding.

What is the name of the written retelling of the listened text?

Writing on what topic has become a good tradition, meaning the beginning of the school year?
("How I spent summer".)

In which lesson, schoolchildren study oratorical art and eloquence?

What science is schoolchildren study, getting acquainted with the law of Ohm?

The name of which ancient Greek scientist is called geometry, what are learning in high school?
(Euclidean, Euclidean Geometry.)

In which lesson, you can write the word "oven" without a soft sign at the end, without receiving a two?
(In the lesson of geography. But only then this word needs to write with a capital letter, because Pene is the name of cities in Hungary and in Serbia.)

What kind of recipe gives the city of Oster to those children who want to get into the ranks of excellent students?
(Take tomato on the kitchen / and look out the window. / Perhaps you will see you / excellent people. / Learn the cleverships go. / Watch do not miss!)

Say the Famousov's favorite to everyone, the Hero of Comedy Griboedov "Mount from Wit".
("Hours is the plague.")

What school mark "Lives" in the Tretyakov Picture Gallery?
(Two. This refers to the picture F.P. Reshetnikova "Again Two".)

When a list of class disciples becomes, in terms of computer science, menu?
(When a teacher is going to choose a student to respond to the board.)

It is not i am a change, turn to anything new, but also a break between the lessons. What is it?

This is not only a break in the work of the State Duma, but also a break in curriculum during the school year. What is it?

Where did Pinocchio go instead of going to school?
(In a puppet theater.)

In what fairy tale Evgeny Schwartz schoolchildren unexpectedly turned into old people?
("Tale of a lost time.")

"India, about my high teacher, is located almost on the very edge of the earth disk and separated from this edge with deserted and unknown deserts." What famous literary student so answered the lesson?
(Waiche, he answered so with the tips of the old man Hottabach.)

In what fabulous country the student meet a half farm?
(In the country of unbearable lessons.)

Name the "School" film of Director Vladimir Menshov, in which the sixteen-year-old Dmitry Kharatyan debuted.

Translated from Latin this is "Pisoy Time". Without translation, just ... what?
(Vacation. In the night of the ancient Roman sky, the star dog was boosted - her vacation. Her appearance meant - the time of the exhaust heat came. That's why schoolchildren were released on vacation, because it's anyway anyway. And what is this star? This is Sirius.)

In ancient Roman schools, students issued these "teaching aids" from ivory or samshet. For progress in study, they encouraged the cookies of the same forms. What is this "Tutorials"?

In Rome, the most severe punishment of a slave for a crime against Mr. Neither a mine is considered, but a direction to this school. What?
(School of gladiators.)

On January 20, 1714, Peter the first published a decree, according to which nobleman, not comprehended by the basics of knowledge necessary for the service, was forbidden to do this. Answer that, remembering the famous replica inexpensive Mitrofanushki.

What for Russian schoolchildren in a last century meant a red flag posted on a fire cilaplan?
(He meant frost at 20 degrees, in which classes in schools were canceled.)

These primary schools of pre-revolutionary Russia were under the jurisdiction; Training occupied 2-3 years. Now these schools are reborn. What are they called?

From 1743 in Russian schools, the teaching of the law was introduced. What?

How was the ominous magazine called in the pre-revolutionary Russia, which immediately entered the gymnasium disciples?

Name the bean culture, whose hardness, many schoolchildren were previously experienced by their own knees.

Training on the program of the poet Zhukovsky, Zesarevich Alexander Nikolaevich annually handed over exams. The most stringent exam was he who. Who!
(His father is Emperor Nicholas I.)

Which Institute of St. Petersburg has become the world's first state school for girls?
(Smolny Institute.)

What was the simplified calligraphy in schools of the Soviet period?

Do you believe that in one of the provinces of India there is an original order: if the student misses classes at school because of a sports training, someone from parents should go to school instead?
(Yes, that is right.)

Name the card game, whose rules are taught in Schools of Sweden, Italy and Israel.

What substance rubbed a plank for writing in the schools of ancient Greece?
A. Wax. V. Zola.
B. Oil. Honey.

Name educational institution Used in the title of the work of Arcadia Gaidar?
A. School. V. Lyceum
B. Gymnasium. University
(Autobiographical Tale "School".)

How does the name of a special educational institution ends - a school with mathematical ...?
A. Blope. B. Descent.
B. Floor. G. Ovrag.

The month of school bazaars is ...
A. January. In May.
B. August. September.

How does the famous Russian proverb begins: "... - the mother of the teaching"?
A. Reading. B. Want.
B. Repetition. G. Explanation.

How do the amount of knowledge accumulated at school?
A. Bagazh. V. Stand.
B. Cargo. Nosa
("Luggage of Knowledge".)

What do you talk about a good, dirty student?
A. Robbles on the go. V. Grabs on the fly.
B. Swallows on the run. G. Rubit on Skak.

What mathematical definition is characterized by a person with insufficient knowledge?
A. Closed. B. Limited.
B. straightforward. Cornish.

What does not miss the Botanist's student?
A. Not a single lesson. B. Not a single disco.
B. Not one butterfly. Nor a single flower.

How else is called school wells?
A. Drummer. B. Keyboard.
B. Trubach. Maestro.

How the philosophical end of the Russian proverb sounds: "We learn the eyelids, the eyelids - ..."
A. Academic will be. V. Waistfully you will.
B. You will leave people. G. Durak Deliver.

What is stubbornly washing mom from the school scroll?
A. Plate. V. Sakovin.
B. Frame. G. floor.
("Mom ishes the frame.")

The name of which school supplies is translated from turkic language How is the "black stone"?
A. Zirkul. V. Paradash.
B. LINE. Mel.

What of the listed may be musical?
A. Tutorial. B. Album.
B. Notebook. G. Penal.

What school supplies compare a very pale person?
A. Board. V. Mel.
B. Penal. Diary.
("White as Mel".)

By what pseudonym was the famous clown Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev?
A. Eraser. B. Pencil.
B. Zirkul. G. Sharpener.

What school supplier wrote a portrait of a daughter K. Petrov-Vodkin?
A. With Globus. B. With Circle.
B. with album. G. with a skeleton.
("Portrait of a daughter with a globe.")

The word "cheat sheet" occurred from the Greek "Spargan". What does this word mean?
A. Small letters. V. Dirty Pelainka.
B. Mint Paper. Secret records.

Name Zoological Nickname Cheat Sheets:
A. Snake. V. Fish.
B. Parrot G. Toad.

What is the weapon?
A. Tabelnoe. V. Deli.
B. Journal. Tetradna.

Which of these words notindicates a break in summer time or on holidays?
A. Vacation. B. Vacation.
B. Recreation. Gallery.

What word is missing in the "classic" name school essay "How can I ... Summer"?
A. deceived. B. Visit.
V. wrapped around his finger. G. Infel.

What is the name of the art of writing a clear smooth handwriting?
A. Litography. B. Cryptography.
B. Calligraphy. Aerography.

What is the name of school tutorial - Collection of some selected works or passages from them?
A. Anthology. V. Almanac.
B. Kresttomatia. Mr. monograph.

What is necessarily attached to the school textbook of geography?
A. Compass. V. Globus.
B. Cards. G. Passport.

What word is missing in the name of the school textbook "... and the beginning of the analysis"?
A. Geometry. V. Physics.
B. Chemistry. Algebra.

What is usually studied in the Lingopon Cabinets?
A. Chemistry. B. Foreign language.
B. Mathematics. G. Anatomy.

In which lesson in school is studying the law of reporting vessels?
A. Chemistry. V. Physics.
B. Biology. Mathematics.

What science name happened to the word "nature"?
A. Biology. B. Chemistry.
B. Physics. Geography.

What schoolchildren are mastered in spring in labor lessons?
A. Kuryatniki. B. Biscuits.
B. Podnarnica. Muraniy.

What do schoolchildren at home "forget" most often?
A. Breakfast. V. Tutorials.
B. Sports form. Diary.

What sometimes loving parents make schoolchildren for their children?
A. Decide the tasks. B. Answer at the board.
B. Purchase exams. G. Walking Lessons.

What is the name of one of the contests of the popular TV game "KVN"?
A. Examination. V. Dictation.
B. Homework. G. Work on errors.

What is looking for a teacher of mathematics, checking schoolchildren's notebook?
A. Fish. B. Errors.
B. Gifts. True.

What should be done with the material covered on the subject?
A. Show. Q. Create.
B. Severe. Rinse.

What is the read reading of the literature beyond the school program?
A. Outchard. B. Extracurricular.
B. extracurricular. V. Freelance.
(Extracurricular reading.)

What phrase sounds in the chorus famous song about the schoolchild of primary classes?
A. Whether else will be! Q. Does it wait for us?
B. Whether we will arrange! Whether we promised to us!

Where do school discipline violators?
A. To the teacher on the platform. B. To the temptation on the tatami.
B. to the director for the carpet. G. To Fizruka on Mat.

What is the name of the famous Picture of N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky?
A. "Essay". B. "Outline."
B. "Dictation". G. "EGE".

What is the name of the picture of the Russian painter, the mobile phone N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky?
A. "Proof of Theorem."
B. "Calculations with the Calculator".
B. "Oral account."
G. "Test Testing".
(N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky. Oral account in the rural school S.A. Rachinsky. 1895)

What is the name of the famous picture F. Reshetnikova?
A. "Hooray, five!" B. "Troika is also a mark."
B. "Again two". G. "Krach Wunderkinda"

What is the name of the famous poster of the military time of the artist of Nina Watolina, which depicts a woman in a red golk?
A. "Do not chat!" B. "Do not turn!"
B. "Do not suggest!" "Do not be late!"
(An index finger of a woman is pressed to closed strained lips. She urges everyone to be on a check, because "Boltune is a find for a spy.")

What song was the poet Mikhail Matusovsky and composer Isaac Dunaevsky wrote?
A. "School Waltz". B. "Kindergarten Polka".
B. "Gymnasic Tango". G. "Lyceum Twist."

Famous song Dmitry Kabalevsky " School years" - what's this?
A. Tango. V. Polka.
B. Wals. Twist.

What poem was Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote?
A. "Excellent." V. "Good."
B. "Satisfactory." G. "Nedud".

In which country is the best assessment of schoolchildren's knowledge?
A. in France. V. in Italy.
B. in Germany. G. in Greece.
(And in France and Greece the best score - 20 points.)

In Cuba and in Iceland, the required school subject is:
A. Checkers. Play chess.
B. Domino. Billiards.

What room is in every school?
A. Assembly Hall. B. Demonstration hall.
B. Waiting Room. G. Hall of the talks.

What should every schoolboy have in physical education class?
A. Sportswear. B. Sports hairstyle.
B. Sports pistol. G. Sport car.

What is the listed descending from the ceiling of the school gym?
A. Kon. V. Kozl.
B. Mat. Kanat.

What sports shell is in the gym of each school?
A. Berlin Wall. B. China Wall.
B. Swedish wall. G. Wall.

What is the name of the Farewell Ceremony of graduates with the school?
A. Last lesson. B. Last time.
B. Last bell. G. Last Two.

How do you call a document on the end of the Middle Education?
A. Certificate of maturity. B. Certificate of ripeness.
B. Rights to admission to the university. G. Certificate of Quality of Knowledge.

How decodes the letter "e" in the abbreviation of the exam?
A. The only one. V. Unified.
B. Uniform. G. Analog.

Who usually puts a graduate on the shoulder, in order to give the last call?
A. Firstlassnitsy. B. First teacher.
B. MEDICAL. G. School Director.

What is the name of our popular vigor, which shows funny school stories?
A. "Fitil". V. "Yeralash".
B. "Murzilka". "Crocodile".

What kind of bird name is publishing house (Moscow), specializing in the release of educational literature?
A. "Stork". B. Pelican.
B. "Drop". G. "Heron".

What is the "School" candy?
A. Chocolate with nut. V. Caramel with filling.
B. Caramel Caramel. Sweet cream.

Five quiz

Let real and future tops try to answer the questions of this original quiz.

The highest school mark in Russia is ... What?
(Five, five.)

What is called the verbal equivalent of school assessment " five»?

What is the student receiving only pyatorki, and an employee who perfectly performing their duties?
(Excellent student. And the student is also called fiftrel.)

What is the name of the coin or amount in five kopecks?
(Pyatt, Piglet.)

What is called a small round pad and generally close, limited space?

What is the name of a rose friend Winnie Pooh?

What are the five fingers call together with the palm?

As they call working week With two weekends?

What is the name of a short production meeting?
(Fivea moment.)

What is the name of the economic development plan on pyatl.

What numbers should the number should be completed to share it pyatb?
(Zero or five.)

how The number looks like five In a binary number system?

What Latin Letter performs the role of Roman figures five?
(Letter "V".)

What is the name of the musical ensemble from five human?

What is the name of the US military department, having pentagonal form?
(Pentagon, in it, by the way, and fivefloors.)

In the name of any russian city In the North Caucasus there is a number five?

Name fifty The letter of the Russian alphabet.

What are the sports competitions five sports (riding with overcoming obstacles, fencing on the swords, shooting from gun, swimming, and athletic cross)?

How else Call fiveboria: Triathlon or Pentatlon?

What is the name of fifth Planet solar system?

On the red flag of which country is depicted pyatb stars (one bigger and four smaller)?
(On the flag of China.)

What american writer is the author five novels about Natty Bampo on nicknamed hunther?
(Fenimore Cooper.)

In honor of what time the day of the week Robinson called the found on the island of a friend?
(Fifth - Friday.)

As in literature, music and cinema called five Works of one author connected by the unity of the plan?

What flag is intertwined five Multicolored rings?
(At the Olympic flag.)

Which one of five Caughting continents was opened last?

In a fairy tale or in the cartoon of the Bremen Musicians five?
(In the cartoon. It appeared the character of Trubadur, which in the fairy tale "Bremen Musicians" no.)

What kind of popular song performed the heroine Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film Eldar Ryazanov "Carnival night"?
Five minutes. ")

Is the essential oil of which flowering plant goes to the production of famous French spirits "Chanel number 5"?
(Jasmine, but only from the French city of Gras - the capital of perfumery.)

In which country is traditionally in five Watch the day suite tea drinking?
(In England.)

What is the name west five years oldanniversary of married life?
(Wooden wedding. This day gives various wooden things.)

What flower in the inflorescence of lilac sulits his found happiness?
(Looking for flowers with five Withdrawn blades instead of four. If there is such a happy flower, it must be eaten. And three-sand flowers, on the contrary, stole the misfortune and misfortune.)

W. ring worm five Hearts. Do you believe it?
(That is how it is.)

How to distinguish a branch of cedar pine from the branch of pine ordinary?
(Pine Cups are located two in a beam, and Kedarova has five.)

How many honey collects bee for five millions of departures?
(One kilogram. Remember these figures when you fell honey.)

In man, as you know, fivefeeling organs: rumor, vision, taste, smell and ... Name fifth.

How many mistakes A.S. Pushkin united under the same name "the story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin"?
(Five. This is a "shot", "blizzard", "Undeller", "Stationander" and "Baryshnya-peasant".)

In the 70s, a last century in Paris took literary "Lunches Five. Among the five were E. Zola, A. Dodé, E. Gekur, Flaubert. And who was the fifth, Russian?
(I.S. Turgenev.)

Initially, this alcoholic drink was made up of five Ingredients, and therefore his name is translated from Hindi as " five" What is this drink, if now it is prepared from Roma, boiled with sugar, water and fruit seasoning?

What is the name of the book of the root of Chukovsky, in which he explores children's speech?
("Two to five».)

Addition to "gorgeous pyatik"Hockey players are ... who?
(Goalkeeper. And together they, according to the famous song, is the ice squall.)

It is this "forest" element - fifthin the Mendeleev table. Name it.

What is the name of five chemical elements (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astat, "born salts"?
(Halogens. When connecting to metals, salt forms.)

As you know, Moscow - Port five Seas. And what?
(Caspian, Azov, Black, Baltic, White.)

What is the name of the system fivelakes (Upper Lake, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario) in the USA and Canada?
(Great Lakes.)

How many stars celebrate the best brands of brandy and the best hotels?
(Fivestars I. five Stars.)

Flags of most countries have four angle (quadricles). But the flag of this Asian kingdom five Corners. Name a country having a flag of such an original form.

There are 5 species ... polyhedra: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, Ikosahedron. Insert the missed word.

What screaming the singer, having sought to " pyatka.»?
(Bravo! After all, translated into Russian "Bravo" is "excellent." And five with a plus is "Bravissimo.")

How many towers at the Moscow Kremlin have five-pointed ruby \u200b\u200bstars?

What was the Russian figina?
(Tax. In the amount of 1/5 annual income.)

September 1 - day of knowledge in elementary school. Scenarios of holidays, entertainment, abstracts of extracurricular festive events

How interesting to spend the day of knowledge in elementary school

The first of September is the Day of Knowledge, the beginning of the new school year. It is very important that this day becomes an unforgettable holiday for a child who first pulled down the exercise on the road. Officially, the holiday was established on September 1, 1984.

In the family, where there is a child of school age, September 1 is a huge event. From the evening, the adhesive suit, a raised mood, impatiently waiting for a holiday and a sea of \u200b\u200bcolors - here's the indispensable attributes of this day.

Well, if classroom teacher In advance will prepare greeting cards or a bright poster in the form of a telegram with the wishes of success and good luck to their disciples on the travel country. Classroom can be decorated balloonsOn which the words of congratulations are also written: one word student on each ball. Let the young schoolboy himself read what the first teacher wishes him.

A good surprise can be a puppet play, delivered by high school students, not only on September 1, but also on any other holiday. The organization of puppet representations does not deliver special hassle participants. You can buy some dolls (those that wear in the arm) can be purchased in the store, others - to do it yourself, and others do not need to be mastered: it put on the hands of multicolored gloves or plastic balls - and dolls are ready. As an improvised screen, a rectangular table covered with a non-lamb cloth is used, as a last resort - bike blankets or sheets. The scenery is completely optional. What is the conditioner statement, teachers consider, the better. Instead of decorations, one expressive detail is enough, so as not to distract the audience from the game dolls. The docks with a living person standing at the screen are very desirable. In general, the presence of the master of the screen and even interference in the actions of dolls is quite admissible.

And, undoubtedly, any first-grader will be pleased to hear congratulations from the favorite toys or from the heroes of famous fairy tales, cartoons. How to imagine this original congratulation? Record monologues and dialogues from available plates, disks, cassettes in the desired sequence on the tape recorder or computer. Spaciousness for fiction and creativity at the same time unlimited!

And all this is a gift to the first-grader so that the day of knowledge for a long time remains in memory.

The trail leading to the world of knowledge can help pass the characters of magical fairy tales: Malvina and Pinocchio, Dunno and Znayka, Harry Mister and Wizards, Funtik and Belladonna and others. For first-graders, this day is very important, it should be especially solemn, festive, bright. The initial positive and friendly perception of the school gives a small student a good start. We offer you several scenarios.

Knowledge Day for Junior Schoolchildren. Scenarios

Knowledge Day in 1 Glassiel and Tasks: 1. Awaken in children interest in school, knowledge; 2. Call the children and their parents joyful emotional experiences; 3. Develop in children a desire to learn something new; 4. Visit your parents to help your children in the knowledge of the surrounding world. School music sounds. Fanfare about the beginning of the holiday. Four pupils lead 1 We rest well, hello! We light up well, hello! Leading 2 very much we missed everyone, hello! Rada, h ...

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Knowledge lesson in the 1st grade for the day of knowledge from the presenter of primary school teachers. Objectives: to introduce children with the rules of behavior in school; Teach to handle textbooks; educate accuracy, careful attitude to school supplies; raise love for homeland. Equipment: Posters with a picture of children going to school, balls, records of songs on school themes, a medal model with the inscription "Student of grade 1". A lesson. (Song records on school themes are recorded. Children enter the class.) Organ ...

  • customize the guys at the beginning of the school year;
  • create a great festive mood;
  • share about the meaning of the school, knowledge for a person;
  • develop observation, interest in new.


  • map of the world and Russia;
  • cards with words of school themes;
  • projector or other means of demonstrating images.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Actualization of knowledge

Teacher: "Guys, I congratulate you on the beginning of the school year. Where did you relax in the summer? Let's alternately take the checkboxes and denote the places where you rested. Guys, who of you would like to listen: Where and how he rested. " (Children choose a storyteller, he can choose a teacher)

Teacher: "I am glad for you that you have rest well. The main thing is that you have matured and ready for work. And now answer:

Now the beginning of autumn, in which natural phenomena it is manifested? "

III. Disclosure of the topic

Teacher: "Let's read the verse with me with me." The teacher includes a slide with verse.


"Wake up, be kind!

Jump as early birds!

Let's smash vortex

And in the tape fit the pigtails.

With the colors of a crowd of defensions

Morning rushes coolness.

Please be cheerful,

In the portfolio collecting notebooks!

After all, we fucked in the river,

Pressed in a sun stove -

At the beginning of the autumn pore

I take colored balls

And to school flush,

I write and read, -

Potache, please!

Touch in the lessons of bales


Build grimaces

To be fooling around,

Answer from the ceiling -

Do not think, be kind!


Ears keep on top of her pain!

Please be cheerful! "

Teacher: "Today, September 1 - the beginning of the school year, which begins today and ends in May. Getting knowledge is a big luxury for a person. Not all children on the planet can learn. After all, a person is enriched in school knowledge - becomes a person. "

Teacher: "The School's Word itself introduced a Czech teacher-humanist Yang Komense (1592-1670). This is the word abbreviation. And in translation denotes it - "wise think, noble to act, skillfully create." Russia has such types of schools:

  • initial (1-4);
  • average (5-9);
  • senior average (10-11);
  • institutions of vocational education;
  • school of religious education. "

Teacher:"In Russia, about 70 thousand schools in which 20 million children learn. After graduation, the guys receive a certificate of maturity. "

Fizkultminutka and developing game

Teacher: "The first lesson in the school year is traditionally called the Day of Knowledge. This day is a symbol that everyone who has crossed the threshold of our school this morning, - has already become older than a year and smarter. "

Teacher: "Do you already know each other not the first year. During my studies, you began friends, learned to understand each other. Do not want to check it out? Let's play the "Crocodile" game. You will need to show the class, without using speech and show the subject, distinctive features Words that will fall to display. Have you wish to be the first? "

The teacher lays the card on his desk with the words of school themes. The student is suitable, chooses a card, reads it and gives teacher. Then it becomes in front of the class and without words shows this subject: what they do with it, as used. Children guess who guess - gets a plus sign and occupies a place showing. At the end of the game, the teacher watching: who has more pluses and puts that assessment.

Teacher: "Children liked you?"

IV. Continuing the topic of lesson

Teacher:"In our country, evaluations are put on a five-point and twelvethibal scale. Moreover, the more the estimate of the topics it is better. But in other countries everything is different - the less the assessment, the better. Get a unit or a twice - the dream of all honors. And when the guys from different countries Breasts, for example, about the fact that they have some units and twos, rejoice from the fact that they are two and want others to achieve this. Therefore, we must first figure out in which country a person lives, what its country has features. Then you just start talking on such topics. "

Teacher:"Children, what do you think for what to learn?"

Teacher: "That's right, it is necessary to learn in order for you then, when the mature has been able to achieve many victories in the life, to become a specialist in the case that will bring you income and pleasure. We need to study in order to live full life. Not knowing many things you can live, but then it will be just ashamed of the fact that someone next to you will be about something well known to speak, and you will not know what he is about. You want to be decent and confident people when you are adults? To do this, learn. And we will help you with pleasure in this. "

Teacher:"And now, together with me, let's read the verse - a part of the new school year:

Listen, do not turn back

Mind learning to mind!

All from today

To school allow!

All lessons, as always,

Nine begin!

And big and small

With freckles and without

Ordered to learn

Try not to be lazy

To be what is proud! "

Teacher: "Guys, let's dream about what school would you like to see in the future, what should she do in your opinion?"

Teacher: "Once again with the holiday!"


Make an oral story on the topic of the school of the future.

Adjust children to a working way. Notify that the rest time has passed, it's time to work. Human learning is the most important process that will be only effective when they are engaged in proper adjudication.

"Day of entertaining lessons."

Teacher MBOU "SOSH No. 2, Schigra, Kursk region": Kretova Oksana Anatolyevna


    Make an unforgettable school year, help smoothly move from summer holiday to study, using gaming shape Activities.

    Develop memory, attention, mixtalk, logical thinking, speech

    Educating the ability to work together, coordinate your actions.

The course of the event.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello, dear parents, guests, girls and boys!

Today we have a joyful holiday - the first school day after the holidays. I congratulate you guys, with the beginning of the new school year. Let us in the class be light from the desire to multiply their knowledge and skills, warmly from a good attitude towards each other. I want to wish you health, wish you success in learning to the guys, and parents are patience and understanding, because we are with you, guys, new lessons, complex tasks, difficult dictations.

Gratitude to parents

Teacher. Guys! Look at your parents, they really worry for you. And so that you have a holiday today, they prepared our class in advance: during summer holidays They brought purity in it and created comfort.

(Assigning thanks to parents who helped prepare a class for the new school year.)

I know that everyone was preparing for this holiday, and several of our students even learned poems by the Day of Knowledge. The word. (Children read prepared poems.)

Hello, year training, school!

In a good way, disciples!

Chime bell tower

Let it be ringing, ringing calls!

Link, call! Link, call,

Lessons opening.

We are moving forward to know

Fatigue not knowing!

Rings a call: and cheerful, and a gorlast.

And the joy of the soul is overflowed,

And the guys have flourished:

It's time to come, the lessons begin!

Rings a call,

Scattering the laugh cheerful, -

He fell in a summer hour on us.

Good day, school, dear school!

Good day, our cozy, bright class!

And the third party is parents

And with the excitement we look at us,

As if they saw for the first time

Having matured their guys.

And we promise you

In the school year not to be lazy

Try to diligently learn

To the top of knowledge strive

Results to achieve!

2. Message Plan Event.

And now, in honor of the holiday, we will have an "day of entertaining lessons." This day will help you slightly update the knowledge of different subjects and configure yourself to a new school year.

Today in the schedule.

1. Easy Fiz ra

2. Fabulous literature.

3. Comic Mathematics

4. Naughty music

5. Fun grammar.

6. Technology "Desires"

I hope that these entertaining lessons will enjoy.

We need to be divided into groups and perform tasks. At the end of all the lessons we will summarize and learn how you are ready for the new school year.

1 lesson. -Fabulous literature.

Exercise 1.

You are invited to answer questions.


1. What traveled by Emely? (On the stove)

2. Who turned the wrong dot? (In the swan)

3. Air transport witches? (Stupa, broom)

5. Poultry, which can carry golden eggs? (Roast chicken)

9. Animal, which is very difficult to pull out of the swamp? (Hippopotamus)

12. His writer nose was sent to the moon? (Dunno)

13. Favorite Animal Old Man Shapoklyak? (Rat Larisa)

Best seller leech (durrer)

How many kids have a large goat? (7)

Pride of Barbara-Crace (Spit)

Malvina Rayer (Piero)

Hunter who goes to hunting with a camera (dog ball)

The heroine of a fairy tale, which lost a crystal shill? (Cinderella)

Chair for the king? (Throne)

Task 2.

- What proverb about?

    Out - devils (in the still waters, devils are found)

    Time - hour (case - time, fun - hour)

    Labor - Fish (without difficulty not pulling out and fish from the pond)

    Corners - Pies (not Red Help Corners, and Red Pies)

    Clothing - mind (they meet by clothes, and in the mind they escort)

    Friendship - service. (Friendship friendship, and service service.)

It was the first lesson ..

2 lesson - Light physical culture. "Play-ka".

Prepared hands.

We'll open knowledge now,
Miracle games will arrange here.
Turn everything to each other
And shake hands to a friend.
Hands up all lift
And at the top stir.
Fun fun: "Hooray!"
Rate it's time!
You help each other
Answer questions.
Only yes and just not
Give me a friend.
If not you say
Then knock on the legs.
If you say yes,
Chlock's hands then.

To begin with, we will collect a boat backpack, which we take with you.
(children must answer "yes" (clap) or "no" (stump))
(Picture backpack)
On the bottom of the Candy Creams? (YES)
And the police gun? (NOT)
Will we put the vinaigrette? (NOT)
Or maybe a smile light? (YES)
Put a ripe orange? (YES)
And a grocery store? (NOT)
Colors basket for friends? (YES)
And multicolored pretzels? (YES)
Salad put in a bag? (NOT)
Put a smile and success? (YES)
Dear children's ringing laughter? (YES)

Teacher: Excellent!

And now we will play the game "This is me, it's me, it's all my friends"

Who Watago Welcome
Goes to school every day?
- Which of you keeps in order
Books, handles and notebooks?
- Which of you kids
Walks dirty to ears?
- Who flies forward so soon
What does not see traffic lights?
- Who knows that the red light
This means there is no reason?
- who frost is not afraid
Skate flies like a bird?
- Which of you comes to class
Late for an hour?
- Who is your homemade lesson
Performs exactly on time?
- Which of you does not go gloomy,
Loves sports and physical education?
- Which of you want to know

Lesson 3. Comic Mathematics. .

Decide the task.

1. Three boys - Kohl, Andrei, Vova - went to the store. On the way, they found 3 kopecks. How many kopeck would find Vova if he went to the store one? (3)

2. In the room 4 corners. In every corner sits a cat. Against each cat sit on 3 cats. How many cats in the room? (four)

3. The field was plowed 7 tractors. 2 tractors stopped. How many tractors in the field? (7)

4. The shoemaker decided to repair two pairs of shoes. For each heel, he misses the nabbean, it will dwell each nail knob. How many care and nails do it need? (4 and 8)

5. Baba Yaga in a stage to visit to the blasting is an immortal flying 80 minutes, and back 1 h 20 min. Why? (Answer: 1 hour \u003d 60 minutes, 60+ 20 \u003d 80 minutes)

6. There are 4 candles, one went out. How many candles are left? (one)

7. The chandelier was burning 6 light bulbs, one went out. How much is left? (6)

8. One man asked how many children he had. He replied: "I have four sons, and everyone has a sister." How many children do he have? (5 children: 4 Sons and 1 daughter.)


1. In the courtyard courtyard. All chickens have 10 legs. How many chickens in the yard? (five)

2. In the chandelier of 7 light bulbs, 5 of them burned out. How many light bulbs need to be replaced? (five)

3. Two dackets walked from the village to the city, and there are five more dachans to them. How many dachniks went from the village to the city? (2)

4. Vera and Nadia - sisters. Faith said that she had two brothers, and Nadya said that she had two brothers. How many children in the family of faith and nadium? (four)

5. In which case, looking at the number 5, we say 17? (When we look at the clock)

6. Marina had one whole apple, two halves and four quarters. How many apples were Marina? (Three)

7. In many fairy tales, the heroes go for "thirty lands". How much lands do you need to go through? (three times nine, i.e. 27)

8. There were 4 glasses with berries on the table. The boy ate 1 cup of berries. How many glasses are left? (4)

4 Lesson - Naughty Music (Wizard-Decreased)

Staging song

5. Value grammar.

guess the riddle and find an orthogram in the guess:

He goes, turning his head,

Not because important graph.

Not because proud temper,

And because he ... ( libery RAF)

From a hot well

Through the nose of the water pour. ( cha Yinik)

I am a poppy car

Fell on the path,

Stopped you -

She graduated from the story. (T. cC but)

With a beard, not an old man,

With horns, not bull,

Milking, not a cow,

With a fortune, not a bird,

Lyko tester, and the laps do not break. (to about per)

Instead of tail - hook,

Instead of nose - Piglet.

Piglet boy

And the hook is a verbal. (pig b I)


Teacher. What will happen to you a new academic year? In the envelope - pictures. Take out one one, and I have a fracturing you that you are waiting in the new school year.

(Pupils on one pull out cards with pictures.)

BIRD. Good luck, like a bird, is inconstant, then arrive, it will fly away. Do not yawa, catch it and hold hard!

ICE CREAM. It is so cold, wait for trouble, but so that they do not worry you, learn better tasks!

FLOWER. Do not forget to congratulate your favorite teacher with the beginning of the school year! Her mood will be excellent all year!

Cat scientist. Wisdom in books! Read more, go more often to the library!

WALNUTS. You will have a special zeal to gnaw granite knowledge. Tell all the rules!

BALL. Do not forget for the entire school year to actively engage in physical education. Remember: in a healthy body a healthy mind!

THE SUN. Be warm and affectionate, like Sunny, then you will have a lot of friends. Everyone will wish to get safely in the rays of your kindness!

GOLD FISH. All your desires will come true only under one condition - do not be late to school!

VASE. Be observant, notes the beauty of the surrounding world. On drawing and work in the diary there will be only five.

Pockets. You will have to shine a little ... at the end of the school year. You like it to learn that you do not want to go on the summer holidays.

SOAP. Be clean, tidy, polite. Do not forget to smile director - maybe he will not call you in his office.

THE GLOBE. You are waiting for a trip. Where and when - so far it is not clear. The main thing is not to float at the board, answer confidently, without mistakes!

HORSE. Remember that the school is not an Hippodrome. To rush along the corridor, like a horse, trot, gallop, is undesirable.

CLIP. You will have a meeting with a good friend.

Light bulb. You will be aspen with a brilliant idea.

Line. You will come to knowledge on a straight track.

BUTTON. We learn, and then will be "funny".

A PEN. Do not forget to record your homework.

KEY. You will definitely find the key to knowledge.

SHELL. In this academic year, you will find out a lot about the underwater world.

CANDY. You are waiting for a sweet life.

"Wishes Tree."

The desire tree grows here. He has only a trunk and lacks the leaves.On the desk, each of you lies a leaf. Write your wishes on it, what would you like to reach in grade 3 or what you expect from this school year. You can start your phrase with the words: "In grade 3, I ...". And do not forget to sign your name and surname. These leaves we hang on the tree, and at the end of the year I will get it and look at you with you, whether your dreams come true ...

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