Professional retraining. Professional retraining distance learning

    Lonely Maria Aleksandrovna, Kan.Ad.nuk, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter Great G.Sanct-Petersburg

    Training on remote courses Advanced training "Site" for more than three years, the first thing that should be noted is a wide selection of courses. The second point - the knowledge gained and skills can be applied in practice. Established certificate established by the Law on Education in the Russian Federation - the decisive moment! It should also be noted a positive attitude, operational support for all involved persons in the educational process, which contributes to the implementation of the opportunity to recommend to their colleagues and familiar "" as a reliable partner. I express heart gratefulness, all of you benefits. Low Bow!

  • Corography Alina Yakovlevna, teacher primary classes MBOU "SS № 28" SMOLENSK

    Dear my university! I'm with you since November 2010. This was the first to tell me about AMO and I began to introduce them to work, introducing colleagues into a stupor. During these years of our friendship, you gave me creative ideas, forced me to think, move on non-standard paths! Further development! Let more and more sensitive teachers unite the roof of your university !!!

  • Sukhanova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, Educator to 2, GBOU School №657 Moscow

    Thank you very much! You help us, pedaging to keep up with the times! Here everyone can find the course necessary for him, precisely at the moment, to increase his pedagogical competence. Modern education Constantly puts new tasks before us, and your portal helps us to cope with them successfully. Once again I express my gratitude and wish you success in your activities!

  • Kulichkova Galina Anatolevna, Methodist IC Municipal Institutions Department of Education of the administration of Tarasovsky district, P. Tarasovsky

    Dear Colleagues! You created wonderful educational portal "My university" who helps during the transition of kindergartens to GEF to all teachers find the right educational way development. Thank you so much for your work and further success. joint work with you.

  • Natalia Alexandrovna Osipova, instructor for physical culture, Madou "DS" Riddle "

    Once I came to the virtual pages of the educational portal "My University". With enormous curiosity, I began to be interested in the activities of this virtual educational space And found a lot of new and interesting. First of all, I subscribed to free mailing, began to study methodical materialsproposed on the villages of different faculties, became acquainted with the peculiarities of the organization project activities, I studied AMO, brought interesting articles for teachers and MN. In my opinion, the educational portal "My University" is a unique virtual platform for self-education and improving professional literacy of specialists of different levels preparation. I want to express great gratitude to everyone who organized a modern virtual educational environment For active and ready-to-conciliation of people!

  • Solovyov Elizabeth Alexandrovna

    Very pleased with communication with MU, all contests, courses. The team is coordinated, active, modern. Always wonder when you all have time? So much positive from learning in MU that even not write. Free competitions, premium diplomas - all this is so nice! Thanks a huge portal and everyone who takes part in his work! Although I know with Mu a little more than a year, but the feeling that the whole eternity! And how did you live without it before?

  • Idrisova Kumat Ramazanovna

    Infinitely grateful to the senior colleague for the advice to contact your site, and I myself share your address with colleagues. Thank you for topical, affordable, very timely materials! In the period of large changes in the education system to us, teachers need support in the methodological plan, you give a sense of confidence in our actions. Thanks for the courses, methodical materials! Good luck to you, great success and new faithful cadets!

  • Korsostov Lyudmila Nikolaevna, teacher GBPOU SRMK

    Hello. Sincerely congratulations on your birthday! I work as a teacher for over 40 years. The site is attracted by a variety of courses, articles, competitions, projects, information about innovations in the field of education. In college, I am responsible for the work of the TPG (creative pedagogical group) and often take the information from your site. Using information about IMO technology, with my colleagues, the department held a master class "Fill in paints training." I have recommended your site not only college teachers, but also the temples, so on the basis of our college a festival was held pedagogical ideas. Thank you!!!

  • Mazullava Olga Ivanovna, Mathematics teacher MOU "Petropavlovskaya main comprehensive school"Krasnozhersky district of the Novosibirsk region

    I want to express words of gratitude to everyone who participated in the development of a distance course of training "Teaching children with a delay mental Development In accordance with the requirements of the GEF, "especially the teacher of the course Olga Nikolaevna Sokolova. Classes were rich and interesting. Knowledge gained in the course, skills and skills are meaningful, are relevant, practically applicable, is necessary in everyday teaching. All information obtained in your course will be very useful in my future activities. I can confidently say that all the knowledge and theoretical skills presented in this course will be applied by me in practice in full. I am glad to take part in new courses that you will spend.

  • Zabelina Irina Rashitovna, teacher professional training - Professional learning of workers and employees on the program "Seller of Food Products" MKOU to "Educational Plant" City of Degtyarsk Sverdlovsk Region

    For the first time I took the courses in distance learning. I really liked it. Good lecture material, sufficient time to perform tasks. Satisfied with the form of organization of the distance traveled course - allows you to specify for each convenient pace of work, adjust it to your life rhythm and personal circumstances and needs. Course teacher I put the highest rating - 10 points. The work system was very clear, understandable, affordable. Information introduced a lot and all necessary. The course is thought out, a clear control system, there is current, final control. Modules have good provision of both theoretical and practical terms, mastering new knowledge. Also carefully thought out the role of each course participant in remote form to keep a dialogue on the forums, which increases the appeal of the course, because In addition to the discussion of the proposed issues, students (we, teachers) are studying various forms of interaction, they are looking for a way to truth together. Also, each participant fulfilled the role of an expert on the evaluation of work, which contributes not only to the development of critical thinking, actualization of knowledge, newly acquired knowledge, but also makes it possible to look at the teachers (curators) to look at their "wards", to determine the level of their preparation. Of course, I will recommend my colleagues to pass this course.

  • Saraeva Natalia Valerievna, P.G.T. Sherry Mountain, Mu before "House of Creativity P.G.T. Sherry Mountain, teacher additional education.

    The results fully correspond to expectations. The distance courses are passing for the first time, fully satisfied with their organization, knowledge gained, with colleagues. Everything is very well thought out, systematized, accessible. I will definitely recommend to take training at this course to your colleagues. A lot of useful, necessary information outlined in an affordable form. Well, in terms of cash, of course, a big plus. Many thanks to the organizers of the courses for the opportunity to raise qualifications, without leaving the house. I wish you creative success!

  • Savvateeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education MKU to the Ago "Achitsky Central University" p. Achit Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district

    I am the director of the Achit Center for Additional Education. My additional education teachers pass this course, because Theoretical I. practical material Responsible to the stated topic, there is the possibility of exchanging experiences with colleagues, the forum allows you to discuss the questions of interest. For more than 25 years I was a teacher of Russian and literature, but after closing the school I was offered to the post of teacher of additional education. I discovered for myself amazing world Children's creativity. All presented material at the remote course helped me a lot. Many thanks! Also conquered me the politeness of the teacher, professionalism. Thank you!

  • Schulzhenko Nina Ivanovna, Teacher of the Russian language and literature of the municipal budgetary general education institution "Kru Turata secondary school" Nazarovsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

    I am satisfied with the form of the organization that has passed by me by the distance. There are no shortcomings in the development of the course system. It was proposed clear, understandable and accessible information, all on the topic - nothing superfluous. Many thanks! At this course are offered approaches to successful preparation Pupils K. hand over fire In the Russian language, the system of exercises and training for exams is offered (both the teacher and colleagues themselves), as well as the approaches to the training of weakly speaking children. To prepare all! All teaching staff and you, thank you very much. I wish you creative success!

    The results obtained at remote courses fully comply with my expectations before starting training. This course was personally very useful for me. The organization is very good. Convenient form of communication with a teacher, sufficient volume of methodical material. The ability to work at a convenient time for you. Thanks to the head of the course for respectful attitude and patience, timely verification of work. I would recommend to take training in this course. First, a form of work convenient in all respects. Second, available information provided in the required amount. Third, the ability to get qualified consultation with the teacher.

Many people feel not in their place, performing the work daily, which they do not like. It is not surprising, because according to statistics, most young men and girls go to receive higher education immediately after school, guided by not their conscious choice, but rather, inertia, for the sake of acquiring a certain prestigious profession in favor of parental will or fashion trends. Having matured, a person often realizes the fallacy of the selected path. He finds joy in a completely different field of activity, rather than its current work that ceases to bring any satisfaction. At this point, it comes to the rescue in the form of vocational preparation courses. To master new specialty And get a package of necessary documents to start labor activity at all, it is absolutely not necessary to spend a large amount of money and several years of your life for the second higher education. Key feature Professional retraining courses is the lack of superfluous information. Focusing on learning the specifics and subtleties of the selected specialty, you will spend only a few months on it, depending on the selected learning program, and get high-quality and inexpensive education, allowing you to confidently start in a new profession.

Profreadprove in Maspk

The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex is ready to help you today. We provide services for conducting professional retraining courses of consistently high quality. Original training programs are developed by a team of professionals working at the Academy, together with leading experts of Ranjigs under the President of the Russian Federation, NiU " high school Economy, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MSTU them. Bauman, MGSU and cover all key industries. In addition, we follow the timely update and adjustment of educational materials, taking into account changes in the current legislation Russian Federation. Tens of thousands of contented listeners from all regions of Russia are developing new professions on professional retraining courses in Maspk. Special demand enjoys the opportunity to pass the courses remotely without separation from the main activity.

ANO DPO MASPK is a certified organization of additional vocational education, the right to keep learning activities confirmed by License No. 035298 dated July 14, 2014:

Professional retraining programs

Professional retraining courses on the basis of higher education are carried out in various variations. It can be a traditional full-time format when you personally present in classrooms in the Academy's audiences. As well as a fairly popular format is distance learning. In this case are used modern technologies Remote education. You do not have to leave your city and disappear from the family and current activities. Classes are held on the study portal of our site according to individual graphics compiled, taking into account your main load.

All curricula and methodological materials of our Academy are developed by the experienced professor team of Maspk. They have a well-thought-out feed structure of the required educational material For comprehensive and consistent study of topical issues of this profession. The content and volume of professional preparation courses fully responds qualifying requirements and professional standards established in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In order to undergo professional retraining courses in our Academy, simply leave your contact in the form of an application, an online consultant or call our managers. The cost of learning is determined individually and depends on the region of the listener, themes and the duration of the program, as well as on the number of students from one organization.

Pay attention to the fact that only citizens who already have a complete secondary or higher or higher can be learning in Maspk professional educationconfirmed by the presence of the necessary documents.

Sample diploma about professional preparation

At the end of the courses, you are issued a corresponding diploma of the established sample, which allows you to officially lead care activities for a new specialty:

Choosing Ano DPO Maspk, you get:

  • More than 420 professional retraining and advanced training programs;
  • Comfortable prices. Your capabilities are our priority;
  • Highly qualified teaching and unique learning techniques;
  • The ability to learn remotely, without separation from family and work ( distance education);
  • Impeccable service. Constant support of a personal manager;
  • Individual learning schedule;
  • Modern material and technical base;
  • Free consultations and assistance at all stages of training.

"Mounting Stroy"

Montazh Stroy LLC is in a hurry to thank the team of the Scientific Center "Sciences" for fruitful cooperation in the preparation and certification of industrial safety and labor protection.

They were pleasantly surprised by an individual approach, flexible pricing policies, competently developed curriculum and convenient training schedule. We can say with confidence that a team of professionals, real masters of their affairs are working in the educational center "Sciencewist", who are followed by changes in legislation, apply the latest learning tools in their work, work quickly, well, organized.

Once again, accept sincere appreciation words.

Limited Liability Company

The management of Zintaz wants to thank the Director General of the training center for the advanced training of builders "Nauchukovad" Andrei Goncharov, Marina Veronika Borisov, managers of Marina Golubev and Igor Khi for the organization and conduct of training and certification for electrical safety issues.

We want to celebrate a professional approach to business, responsibility, punctuality, the operational decision of any issues that arise in the learning process, the competent allocation of training time and the high personal qualities of the training center staff. We will recommend the educational center "Sciencewist to our colleagues and business partners.

Construction company

This letter is expressing thanks to the Director-General of the Scientific Training Training Center, Andrei Goncharov, the managers, Igor Piche and Marina Golubeva for professionalism and responsible attitude towards work in the preparation and conduct of certification for labor protection at height.

Sophisticated work of the team of the training center, high level Feed educational information, fast decision organizational moments are the key to the success of your present and future customers who do and we.

Limited Liability Company

Let me express our sincere gratitude for the work on labor protection, which specialists of the training center for the advanced training of builders "Nauukovad" prepared and conducted for employees of Oryolstroy LLC.

We want to note that programs for labor protection training were drawn up, taking into account the specifics of our company's work, responded to all the requirements and regulations of Russian legislation. Thanks to the right organization of the educational process, professionalism and goodwill of employees of the Scientific Center "Sciences", the certification of our labor protection professionals in Rostekhnadzor passed quickly and successfully.

We wish the team of the training center for improving the development of builders "Sciences" creative success and prosperity. We hope for further cooperation.

Company group
"Altek Company"

On behalf of the leadership of the production company Altek Kompani, I express our sincere appreciation for the qualitative training of employees of the company on industrial and fire safety, as well as competent preparations for the final certification at the above directions.

Words of special thanks want to transfer managers training Center "Nauukovyd" - for professionalism, responsible attitude to work, the ability to operately act in any environment, the ability to properly plan and organize educational process.

We hope to further continue our cooperation.

Limited Liability Company
"Realistic Stroy"

Production enterprise Realvesti-Stroy LLC expresses sincere thanks to the entire team of the training center for the advanced training "Sciencesman", as well as to the Director General of the Center Andrei Goncharov for high professionalism and a competent approach to the learning process for the labor protection of employees of our company, carrying out pre-special preparation, and final Certification.

I would especially like to celebrate personal and business qualities, excellent knowledge of your business manager of the Marina Golubeum training center. The ability to optimally organize the school time, to quickly solve any issues, willingness to cooperate at any time, work on the result allowed us to show brilliant results on the certification of labor and industrial safety workers.

We hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Education not always received in student years helps to find their place in life. Often, schoolchildren, choosing a profession for further development in high school, make a choice unconsciously or under the influence of parents, and at the end of the training they do not want to work on a well-developed specialty.

In such a situation, it is not necessary to despair: it is not necessary to spend large sums on obtaining the second higher - desired - education. It is enough to undergo professional retraining courses that will allow in the shortest possible time to effectively master the new specialty and get everything required documents For employment. Professional retraining Let you get a new vocational education and find an interesting job for you.

Who can pass professional retraining?

Professional retraining courses can pass specialists of any sphereshaving a diploma of medium professional or higher education.

On our site you can read more about the directions of professional retraining implemented by our center for specialists of such areas as: medicine, construction, mining and mineral mining, economics and management, automation, environmental safety, oil and gas, information Technology, Pedagogy and Psychology, Logistics, Engineering, Engineering Systems, Geodesy and Cadastre, etc.

If you did not find the direction you need, call us by phone, and we will form a professional retraining course individually for you!

Duration and form of training in professional retraining courses

Volume training courses According to professional retraining, personnel may differ for different directions, but is at least 250 academic hours.

Learn from professional retraining courses much more convenient remotely - Then you do not have to break away from the current activities or leave for training in another city. Our center provides an opportunity remote passage of professional retraining courses. During study, students are provided with access to the training portal with all the necessary materials for the course. This allows you to choose time and place for your occupations.

Document issuance and validity period

After the successful passage of professional retraining courses, the student receives diploma for professional retraining of the established sample. This document officially gives the right to conduct professional activities on a new profile. Duration of a diploma about professional retraining - indefinite.

For health workers is also issued certificate of a specialist.

All submitted documents, students of our courses without problems are obtained in the shortest possible time. (from 1 day) After graduation.

How to do on professional retraining courses in the EC DPO?

In order to start learning in professional retraining courses in the EC DPO, you need:

  1. Leave your contact details and information about the selected course in a special application form on our website. Attention! When making an application online, our listeners receive guaranteed discount for training! Professional retraining will be cheaper for you.
  2. Provide the center a copy of the existing diploma and a document on changing the name (if necessary) in the form of scans to our email.
  3. Wait a call from the operator, pay for courses and proceed to retraining!

Often, a person understands that it works not in its place. Instead of making a photo shoot, he sits in a stuffy office and accrues wages. In most cases, a person chooses a profession not at will, but if necessary. That is, we work where they pay more. Professional retraining is a chance to change life and finally get the job that will bring not only income, but also pleasure.


Professional retraining is the development of new knowledge and skills, the formation of special skills to obtain additional education. In other words, for those who already have a higher education and want to master the new specialty.

Retraining is significantly different from obtaining a second higher education, since a specific course covers a narrow set of items necessary for studying it. The quality of knowledge does not suffer from this, but, on the contrary, the student purposefully examines a specific specialty and its specificity. Such training is much more convenient, faster and, most importantly, does not hit the pocket.

Difference from advanced training

Some confuse concepts and "professional retraining", believing that this is the same. This is not true. These two concepts have significant differences.

Under advanced training, it is necessary to understand the training of those persons who have a profession in a certain area and want to improve professional skills, knowledge and skills, without increasing the educational level.

Under professional retraining, it is necessary to understand the training of those persons who already have a certain position or profession, but want to get a new, in their own interests or taking into account the needs of production.

It turns out that professional retraining programs are more extensive and give students more freedom of choice and activity.

Advantages of retraining

The main advantages of professional retraining include:

  • full compliance with existing Russian legislation;
  • development of training programs, taking into account the professionals and qualified requirements;
  • maximum deadlines for learning;
  • the possibility of expanding knowledge of basic specialization and obtaining an additional profession adjacent to the main one;
  • an increase in competitiveness in the vacancies market;
  • higher level practical training specialists;
  • the ability to learn further in graduate school or defend your dissertation;
  • ability to develop personal qualitieswho are needed for career growth;
  • availability of learning from the financial side;
  • absence common subjectsnot belonging to the subject studied;
  • comfortable shape for evening.


Professional retraining programs are several species:

  1. In order to improve the existing professional activities. Such retraining is recommended by specialists within the framework of particular their profession. Training can be completed or supplementing already available knowledge and skills for further competent work. Learning programs This course is being developed for specific professions and take into account qualified requirements. In this case, it is necessary to preserve the complete secondary vocational or higher education. Training lasts half a year, after which the specialist receives a diploma of a prescribed pattern about professional retraining.
  2. In order to get a job. Additional professional retraining in this case can serve as a good alternative to the second higher education. Experts who have full higher or education can get the feedback. If the student is still a student, then the results on intersecting disciplines will be taken into account. Training usually lasts about two years, after which students receive diplomas of the state of an additional education.


Professional training, retraining have its own characteristics. There is no fundamental difference between these concepts. In addition, in fact, there are several nuances of development, why it is required to obtain additional qualifications:

  • the need for retraining is associated with the process of releasing employees, their promotion on the service staircase, intra-produced teaching, due to the search for work with the best conditions;
  • retraining should be associated with professional and qualified promotion of employees, the main form of which is to obtain the adjacent or second profession. It was developed due to the development of the collective form of labor organization, where an important condition is the implementation of the principle of interchangeability;
  • often retraining are the categories of employees who occupy their posts for quite a long time and their knowledge and skills are somewhat outdated or irrelevant.


A good analogue of the second higher education is professional retraining. Training on specified courses is much shorter than in a higher educational institution. And all because retraining does not imply a study of general items. Only those objects that concern specialization are being studied.

The program of training program is 250-2000 hours.

For example, the professional preparation of the health worker suggests at least 576 hours of training.

In most cases, training does not imply a visit educational institution. It is increasingly a remote study of the material. Therefore, professional retraining is an excellent chance to get another specialty without breaking away from the main work.


Students of courses after certification get:

  • diploma of professional retraining (preparation): issued to those listeners who have learned more than 1000 hours;
  • certificate of short-term improvement of qualifications: issued to students who have led to 100 hours of lectures;
  • certificate of advanced training: issued to listeners who have learned more than 100 hours.

All documents have a set specimen and are a present document confirming qualifications and specialty.

How to choose a profession

Among the huge number of specializations, you can easily be lost and make the wrong choice. To avoid this, you need to adhere to the following advice:

  1. You need to choose the second profession only on the basis of your preferences and skills (the desire to work with children is an educator, teacher, social worker; Logic mindset - economist, financier; Skill and desire to talk - manager).
  2. With absence defined skills Or creative abilities should be avoided by narrow-controlled specialties, and to stop the choice at neutral professions - the secretary, the administrator.
  3. In the absence of desire and confidence in its potential, it is better to stay on those specialties that require minimum labor costs: operator, sanitary, seller, telephones, etc.

These tips will help quickly and correctly pick up the specialty that will bring not only money, but also pleasure.

Professional retraining is effective tool To improve your own professional skills and skills, which makes it possible to obtain additional qualifications and increase its competitiveness in the vacancies market.

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