To young smart girls 2. All books in the series "young smart guys and smart girls"

This handbook continues the system of development work cognitive abilities children. It is aimed at children 7-8 years old and helps them master the 2nd grade program. secondary school. Exercises performed in a certain sequence provide a comprehensive development various kinds memory, attention, develop observation, imagination; contribute to the development of the sensory and motor spheres of the child, form out of the box thinking. Tasks developed in the system can be used in the lessons of mathematics, computer science, logic. The manual will also help teachers of extended day groups in organizing free time for students and leaders circle work in the preparation of tasks of a game and creative nature.
The manual uses the author's system of exercises developed by N. K. Vinokurova. Workbooks have been tested and successfully used in schools of various levels.
Workbooks (in two parts) are addressed to children 7-8 years old, and Toolkit- teachers elementary school, teachers of extended day groups, leaders of circles additional education children, as well as parents interested in the development of children and their better assimilation school curriculum.


Piglets Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Iaf-Naf dressed up in new jackets of yellow, lilac and orange colors and put on hats of the same colors. Nif-Nif has a jacket and a hat of the same color, Nuf-Nuf never wears yellow clothes, and Naf-Naf put on a lilac hat and a jacket of a different color. How were the piglets dressed?

This week Nikita was visiting Grandma Zina on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and Anton on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. How many days did at least one grandson visit his grandmother?

“How many kids are in your class? Grisha asked Marina. Marina, thinking a little, answered: “If you subtract the number written by two eights from the largest two-digit number, and add the smallest two-digit number to the resulting number, then you will get the number of guys in my class.”

This course is a publicly recognized author's technique. The allowance corresponds to the federal ...

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Workbooks in 2 parts. Flip book. In each part of the task for option 1 and for option 2 are placed in one notebook.
This manual continues the system of work on the development of cognitive abilities of children. It is aimed at children of 7-8 years old and helps them master the program of the 2nd grade of a comprehensive school. Exercises performed in a certain sequence provide a comprehensive development of various types of memory, attention, develop observation, imagination; contribute to the development of the sensory and motor spheres of the child, form non-standard thinking. Tasks developed in the system can be used in the lessons of mathematics, computer science, logic. The manual will also help teachers of extended day groups in organizing students' free time and leaders of circle work in compiling tasks of a playful and creative nature.
This course is a publicly recognized author's technique. The allowance corresponds to the federal state standard primary education.
The manual uses the author's system developed by the candidate pedagogical sciences N. K. Vinokurova. Workbooks have been tested and successfully used in schools of various levels.
Workbooks (in two parts) are addressed to children of 7-8 years old, and a methodological guide - to their parents and teachers of elementary school, teachers of extended day groups, teachers of additional education of younger schoolchildren, as well as everyone who is interested in the development of children and better assimilation of school programs.
5th edition, revised.


    Sizova R. I. , Selimova R. F. 2017

    Schoolchildren and applicants


    Dubova. Olympic Russian. Grade 3 Workbook in 4 hours. We decide for ourselves. We check ourselves. Set.

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    The optional course "Olympic Russian Language" implements one of the directions recommended by the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO extracurricular activities- general intellectual. The educational and methodological complex of the optional course "Olympic Russian Language" includes: a notebook for independent work"We decide for ourselves", the workbook "We check for ourselves", a methodological guide for the teacher. The contents of the notebook "We decide for ourselves" are works proposed for independent implementation by students. Evaluation of work performance is provided: points are given for each task separately and for the entire work as a whole. Purpose workbook"We check ourselves" is that in it the student has the opportunity to analyze his mistakes, do work on them, and also solve those tasks that he did not start during the independent work in the last lesson. In the workbook for each task, material is presented in the form of background information and rules that are a certain guideline for completing tasks and help students overcome the difficulties that arise when solving, look at the situation from a new angle. Game material for organizing linguistic games of an individual, pair and collective nature is also proposed.

    Dubova Marina , Maslova Svetlana 2017

    Olympiad Mathematics. 6th grade. Workbook. In 4 parts. We decide ourselves. We check ourselves (set of 4 books)

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    Kholodova Olga , Mishchenkova Lyudmila 2017

    Complex work on texts. Grade 3 Workbook. Part 1. Options 1, 2

    Schoolchildren and applicants , For teachers

    The notebooks contain training and testing complex works of the new generation in two versions to determine metasubject results education for 3rd grade students. The complex work consists of a text and 24 tasks in reading, Russian language, mathematics and the world around, meaningfully related to the text. Completion of tasks based on the proposed various situations from real life will help the child determine how effectively he can learn. The allowance corresponds to the federal state educational standard elementary general education(FSES of the second generation).

    Korepanova M. N. 2017

    School of Literacy. Russian language. 1 class. Tasks and exercises. Theory in tables. Workbook. In 2 parts. Part 2

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    This manual, which is part of the complex for the development of literacy of elementary school students "For young smart people and smart girls. Learn to write correctly", is intended to organize the consolidation and testing of knowledge in the Russian language. The material of the workbooks covers the central topics of the program and can be used in Russian language lessons by teachers working on different author's programs. The textual material of the exercises, different in genre, provides not only the formation of literacy, but also enriches the vocabulary of students, broadens their horizons. The reference apparatus (theoretical tables) contains basic information on various sections of the Russian language, including spelling and punctuation. The manual is addressed to parents and teachers interested in developing children's literacy. It can also be used to consolidate the material learned in grade 1 and correct literacy gaps.

    Mishchenkova Lyudmila 2017

    Entertaining Russian. 4th grade. Workbook. In 2 parts. Part 2

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    This manual presents materials for thematic correctional and developmental classes with fourth-graders of the course "RPS" ("Development of cognitive abilities"). Each lesson is a combination of corrective and developmental exercises with a variety of educational material. Classes filed in game form, contribute to the easy correction and development of the mental qualities of schoolchildren, the formation of general intellectual skills, the expansion of horizons, the development of cognitive abilities and, ultimately, the achievement good results learning. The materials of the workbooks in combination with the methodological guide to them are of particular value for teachers and psychologists of correctional and auxiliary schools working with children who experience learning difficulties associated with an insufficiently formed emotional-volitional sphere. Workbooks are addressed to fourth grade students (children 9-10 years old) public schools. Workbooks and a methodological manual for them are recommended for educators of extended day groups, teachers and psychologists of orphanages and boarding schools; will be useful to teachers of additional education, as well as parents and tutors.

    Mishchenkova Lyudmila 2017

    Entertaining Russian. 1 class. Workbook. In 2 parts. Part 2

    Schoolchildren and applicants , For teachers

    This manual presents materials for thematic correctional and developmental classes with first-graders of the course "RPS" ("Development of cognitive abilities"). Each lesson is a combination of correctional and developmental exercises with a variety of cognitive material. Classes presented in a playful way contribute to the easy correction and development of the mental qualities of schoolchildren, the formation of general intellectual skills, the expansion of horizons, the development of cognitive abilities and, ultimately, the achievement of good results in studies. Materials of workbooks in combination with a methodological guide to them are of particular value for teachers and psychologists of correctional and auxiliary schools working with children who experience learning difficulties associated with an insufficiently formed emotional and volitional sphere. Workbooks are addressed to first grade students (children 6-7 years old) of mass schools. Workbooks and a methodological manual for them are recommended for educators of extended day groups, teachers and psychologists of orphanages and boarding schools; will be useful to teachers of additional education, as well as parents and tutors. .

    Sokolova Tamara 2017

    School of Speech Development. Speech course. 4th grade. Workbook. In 2 parts (set)

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    The course "Speech" is intended for conducting classes on speech development elementary school students. The manuals contain a large number of diverse entertaining tasks and exercises, in the course of which the child not only develops linguistic knowledge, skills and abilities, but at the same time develops and improves a number of intellectual qualities, such as: verbal-logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination, observation, speech abilities. These activities develop students' curiosity about mother tongue. These manuals differ from other manuals for the development of speech primarily in that they not only contribute to the speech development of younger students, but also help prepare them for various kinds of language olympiads and marathons, stimulate the formation of students' speech interests and needs. This manual represents a system of specially designed tasks for the development of children's speech and is designed for the 4th grade program of a comprehensive school. The manual complies with the federal state educational standard of primary general education (FSES of the second generation). Workbooks (in two parts) are addressed to children 9-10 years old, and a methodological guide - to elementary school teachers, parents and everyone who is interested in raising the level of the child's language development and better mastering the school curriculum.

    Sokolova Tamara 2017

    Learn to write essay and essay. Grade 3 Workbooks. In 2 parts. Part 2

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    A set of workbooks for grade 3 is a continuation of manuals for the development of oral and writing for students in grades 1 and 2. The texts placed in the publication are intended for various types of presentations, including those with creative tasks for them. This prepares the child to master one of the most difficult forms of tasks associated with speech activity, - essay. Particular attention in grade 3 is paid to: - the concept of "text", the formation of the ability to distinguish between text and individual sentences that are not combined common theme; - the topic of the text, the main idea of ​​the text, the title of the text; - dividing the text into logically complete parts, their titles, the ability to draw up a plan for a text of a plot nature under the guidance of a teacher; - types of texts: narrative, description, reasoning; - construction of the text (beginning, main part, conclusion).

    Kholodova Olga , Mishchenkova Lyudmila 2016

    Complex work on texts. 1 class. Workbook. In 2 parts. Part 2

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    The notebooks contain training and testing complex works of the new generation in two versions to determine the meta-subject results of education among students of the 1st grade. The complex work consists of a text and 16 tasks in reading, Russian language, mathematics and the world around, meaningfully related to the text. Completing tasks based on various situations from real life will help the child determine how effectively he can learn. The manual complies with the federal state educational standard of primary general education (FSES of the second generation).

    Sizova R. I. , Selimova R. F. 2016

    I'm learning how to create a project. 1 class. Workbook

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    The workbooks of the course "Learning to create a project" for elementary school are innovative manuals that help solve the problem of forming the independence of a child capable of self-education and self-development. They will help the child learn to see mini-problems, correctly find sources of information and form skills business communication in the process of working on a project. The manual complies with the federal state educational standard of primary general education (FSES of the second generation). The proposed workbooks are addressed to students of the second grade. Teachers can use it in extracurricular and extracurricular activities, and parent consultants can use it during the creation of the project. A guidebook will help them with this.

    Mishchenkova Lyudmila 2016

    36 classes for future excellent students. Grade 3 Workbook. In 2 parts. Part 1

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    These manuals provide materials for thematic correctional and developmental classes with third-graders at the course "RPS" ("Development of cognitive abilities"). The benefits correspond to the federal state educational standard of primary general education (FSES of the second generation). Each lesson is a combination of correctional and developmental exercises with a variety of educational material. Classes presented in a playful way contribute to the easy correction and development of the mental qualities of schoolchildren, the formation of general intellectual skills, the expansion of horizons, the development of cognitive abilities and, ultimately, the achievement of good results in studies. Materials of workbooks in combination with a methodological guide to them are of particular value for teachers and psychologists of correctional and auxiliary schools working with children who experience learning difficulties associated with an insufficiently formed emotional and volitional sphere. Workbooks are addressed to first grade students (children 8-9 years old) of mass schools. Workbooks and a methodological manual for them are recommended for educators of extended day groups, teachers and psychologists of orphanages and boarding schools; will be useful to teachers of additional education, as well as parents and tutors.

    Kholodova Olga 2016

    Informatics. Logics. Mathematics. Grade 3 Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities. Workbook. In 2 parts. Part 1

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    This manual continues the system of work of the cognitive abilities of children. It is aimed at children of 8-9 years old and helps them to master the program of the 3rd grade of a comprehensive school. Exercises performed in a certain sequence provide a comprehensive development of various types of memory, attention, develop observation, imagination; contribute to the development of the sensory and motor spheres of the child, form non-standard thinking. Tasks developed in the system can be used in the lessons of mathematics, computer science, logic. The manual will also help educators of after-school groups in organizing free time for students and leaders of circle work in compiling tasks of a playful and creative nature. This course is a publicly recognized author's technique. The allowance complies with the federal state standard of primary education. Workbooks (in two parts) are addressed to children aged 8-9, and a methodological guide - to their parents and teachers, as well as to everyone who is interested in the development of children and their better assimilation of the school curriculum.

    Sokolova Tamara 2016

    School of Speech Development. Speech course. Grade 2 Toolkit

    For teachers

    This publication is a continuation of a similar methodological manual for the development of speech of younger students and is guidelines on working with workbooks for students in grade 2. It gives detailed instructions for conducting classes on the development of speech of second-graders, raising their interest in the language. A variety of practical material contained in this manual also contributes to the development of curiosity, memory, thinking, and imagination in children. The manual is addressed to teachers primary school, teachers of additional education, parents.

    Mishchenkova Lyudmila 2016

    It's nice to know. Riddles, proverbs, phraseological units. Long live mysteries! 1 class. Toolkit

    For teachers

    This manual provides materials for thematic remedial classes with first-graders of the course on the development of cognitive abilities "It's nice to know. Riddles, proverbs, phraseological units", grades 1-4. The course consists of 4 blocks. 1st block - "Long live riddles!" (for first graders). 2nd block - "Long live riddles!" (for second graders). 3rd block - "Pearls of Russian speech. Proverbs and sayings" (for third graders). 4th block - "A storehouse of folk wisdom. Phraseologisms" (for fourth-graders). The course for grades 1-2 is a system of classes built on all kinds of intellectual games, which are based on riddles of various subjects. The manual is addressed to primary school teachers of mass schools; recommended for educators of extended day groups, teachers and psychologists of orphanages; It will be useful for teachers of additional education, as well as parents and tutors.

    Kholodova Olga 2016

    Entertaining mathematics. 1 class. Toolkit. The program of the course "Zanimatika"

    For teachers , Mathematics

    The manual is a methodological recommendation for working with the workbooks of the course "Zanimatika". It provides detailed instructions for conducting classes on the course "Zanimatika (entertaining mathematics)" with children 6-7 years old. The manual is addressed to primary school teachers, teachers of additional education, GPA educators, parents and those who are interested in development mathematical ability children 6-7 years old.

    Kholodova Olga 2016

    Entertaining mathematics. Grade 3 Workbook. In 2 parts (set of 2 books + cutting material)

    For teachers , Mathematics , Schoolchildren and applicants

    Workbooks are part of the Zanimatika educational and methodological package and are intended for use in extracurricular activities in the direction of "General Intellectual Development of the Personality". interesting questions mathematics, beyond the scope of the school curriculum. All tasks, arranged in a certain sequence, correspond to the cognitive capabilities of younger students and provide them with the opportunity to work at the level of increased requirements, developing educational motivation, introduce them into the world of elementary mathematics, expand and deepen mathematical knowledge, allow them to include the intellectual activity of younger students) in various relationships with other aspects of his personality, primarily with motivation and interests, have positive influence on the development of attention, memory, emotions and speech of the child, instill interest in the subject and allow you to use this knowledge in practice. working in the system of additional education and after-school groups, as well as anyone who is interested in developing a child's sustainable interest in the subject "Mathematics". The kit includes cutting material for workbooks.

    , Schoolchildren and applicants

    The content of the educational set of the optional course "Olympic mathematics" is: a notebook with additional materials"Savvy tasks" (old, logical tasks and tasks for the development of spatial representations) and a methodological guide. The implementation of the course "Olympic mathematics" in the practice of teaching schoolchildren will contribute to the development of mathematical thinking, improve the quality of general mathematical successful performance students at mathematical Olympiads and competitions at various levels. The educational set "Olympiad mathematics" is intended for students in grades 1-6 of general in-depth study mathematics. Practical material course can also be used by parents in individual lessons with child.

    , Schoolchildren and applicants

    The content of the educational set of the optional course "Olympiad Mathematics" consists of: notebooks for independent work "We solve it ourselves" in two versions, workbooks "We check it ourselves" with a detailed plan for solving tasks in two versions and a notebook with additional materials "Savvy problems" (old, logical tasks and tasks for the development of spatial representations). The implementation of the course "Olympiad mathematics" in the practice of teaching schoolchildren will contribute to the development of mathematical thinking, improve the quality of general mathematical training, create a basis for successful performance of students at mathematical olympiads and competitions at various levels. Educational set "Olympiad mathematics "Designed for students in grades 1-6 of general education schools and schools with in-depth study of mathematics. The practical material of the course can also be used by parents in individual lessons with the child.

    Sokolova Tamara 2016

    School of Speech Development. Grade 3 Workbook. In 2 parts (set of 2 books)

    Schoolchildren and applicants

    The course "Speech" is intended for conducting classes on the speech development of primary school students. The manuals contain a large number of various entertaining tasks and exercises, in the course of which the child not only develops linguistic knowledge, skills and abilities, but at the same time develops and improves a number of intellectual qualities, such as: verbal thinking, attention, memory, imagination, observation, speech capabilities. These classes develop students' cognitive interest in their native language. These manuals differ from other manuals for the development of speech primarily in that they not only contribute to the speech development of younger students, but also help prepare them for various kinds of language olympiads and marathons, stimulate the formation of students' speech interests and needs. This manual represents a system of specially designed tasks for the development of children's speech and is designed for the 4th grade program of a comprehensive school. The manual complies with the federal state educational standard of primary general education (FSES of the second generation). Workbooks (in two parts) are addressed to children 8-9 years old, and a methodological guide - to elementary school teachers, parents and everyone who is interested in raising the level of the child's language development and better mastering the school curriculum.

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To help parents and students, we present to your attention Tasks with answers in a workbook on the logic of "Young clever men and clever women" , 2nd grade, part 2.

You will find answers to the most difficult questions and tasks.


Warm up

1. He trails behind you, even though he remains in place. What's this?
Answer: trace
2. I lay down across the river, helped to run. What's this?
Answer: bridge.
3. Who is above us upside down?
Answer: fly.
4. What does half an apple look like?
Answer: the other half.
5. What is often walked and never driven?
Answer: stairs.
6. Name the sour berry that grows in the swamp.
answer: cranberry
9. How many minutes does it take to boil a hard boiled egg?
Answer: not at all, it is already cooked.
10. What letters are not used at the beginning of Russian words?
Answer: s, b, b.

5. The doctor prescribed Pinocchio three pills...

Answer: 40 minutes.

7. Kolya knows how to add two-digit numbers on a calculator. But on Kolya's calculator, the "9" button sticks, and it is not pressed. Write how Kolya can calculate 57+29 on his calculator.
Answer: 57 + 28 + 1 = 86

8. Letters cry in every line...
Answer: Cancer.

9. Misha, Igor, Borya and Vasya went in for sports...
Answer: Misha - running, Igor - skating, Vasya - swimming, Borya - jumping.

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