Passing point in MGLU year. The most frequently asked questions of incoming

MGLU them. Mauris Toreza - University of Worldwide, which has long become one of the symbols of Russia. At the university, education is being implemented in many programs and directions, but the most fundamental and quality knowledge Mention at the faculties of foreign languages \u200b\u200band translators.


MGLU them. Mauris Torez counts its story from the moment of the formation of French courses organized in 1906. By 1926, the courses were already state institution With the name "Higher Courses of Foreign Languages", training was conducted at the library of foreign literature. At that time, the stream of students was great - more than 1 thousand translators for state organizations received each year.

The expansion of courses and their demand became objective reasons for converting the educational structure to the institute, which happened in 1930. The new university included three linguistic departments (German, French, English), where teaching in translation and pedagogical directions Education.

In the thirties, the Institute appeared faculty absentee learning and training courses. In 1935. educational institution He received the name of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(IGPII). A complete course of study of items was 4 years, teaching was implemented at the faculties of the main languages. Most groups were overwhelmed by students whose age ranged from 20 to 40 years.

In 1939, MGLU (formerly. MNPI. Maurice Toreza), received its own building on a domestic for permanent placement. In the same period, the first textbooks began to appear, research was launched, the university received the right to protect the PhD dissertations. Plans were big and saturated with fruitful work, but war began.

War and post-war transformations

In the summer of 1941, with the beginning of hostilities, more than 700 students and teachers went to the front by volunteers, on the basis of the Institute, 5 Frunzensky Folk Essay Division was created. Despite the tightness and significant restrictions, the learning process did not stop the learning process in the Maurice Toren MGLU. The front required qualified translators to work with prisoners of war, conducting intelligence and subversive work in the rear of the enemy, the organization of propaganda activities. The response to the request request was the foundation in 1948 the Faculty of Referentist Translations.

Students and teachers of Mauris Maurice Treaty with winning victory in Great Patriotic War They advocated translators on the processes of condemnation of Nazism in Nuremberg, and later in Tokyo. In 1946, on the basis of the Faculty of French, the Faculty of Romanesque languages \u200b\u200bwas formed, where the teaching of French, Spanish, Italian was conducted.

Since 1950 in MGLU. Moris Toreza full course Education is five years. In the late fifties, the Faculty of Translators introduces innovation for students - the mandatory development of two foreign languages. The VI World Festival of Youth and Students, held in 1957 in Moscow, became a rich field for acquiring live communication skills and applying knowledge. Since 1961, the institute starts working courses of UN translators.

In 1964, an educational institution receives the name of Moris Torez, and from that moment on the name of the Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin Moscow becomes recognizable in the international arena. The status of the university was obtained in 1990, when global economic and political changes took place in the country. On the wave of change in the university, new training directions were opened - economics, political science, jurisprudence, cultural studies and many others. In 2000, MGLU them. Maurice Torus acquires the status of a basic organization in the languages \u200b\u200band culture of the CIS countries.


At the present stage in MGLU. Maurice Toron is being teaching 36 languages, the cultural centers of the countries studied are functioning. Most of the teaching staff has scientific degrees and numerous scientific works in the field of linguistics and foreign languages. The university prepares and produces more than 200 textbooks, benefits, monographs during the year for universities and schools of the Russian Federation.

Research staff MGLU has developed a series of training complexes that have demonstrated their effective use (Lingva, "Signal-Enynaz", "Intonograph" and many others).

A multi-level system works in the educational institution continuing education, based on a chain of continuity of learning steps: "Lyceum - University - advanced training." MGLU them. Maurice Toron cooperates with 70 universities from 25 countries, where students can pass internship or receive a second diploma. The university implements the formation of undergraduate levels and magistracy.

Structural units

  • Applied and mathematical linguistics (institute).
  • Foreign languages \u200b\u200bthem. Mauris Toreza (Institute).
  • Universivatives departments.
  • International Relations and Social Policy Sciences (Institute).
  • Translation faculty.
  • International Information Security (Faculty).
  • Humanities (faculty).
  • Legal (faculty).
  • Faculties of absentee, continuous education.
  • Faculty for foreign citizens.

Leading divisions of training and scientific work Institutions and faculties that are focused on linguistics, translation and study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bremain.

The first among equal

Named after Moris Toreza is the oldest university division. It consists of three faculties and departments:

  • Of English language.
  • German language.
  • French.
  • Department of the second foreign language for pedagogical faculties.
  • Department of Lingvodidactics.

Training is carried out according to undergraduate programs (4 years) and magistracy (2 years). At each faculty, training is conducted in several profiles. One of interesting projects Faculty of French is the training of teachers and Chinese specialists (undergraduate).

Linguistics and mathematics

The Institute of Applied and Mathematics Linguistics is engaged in the preparation of students and a large volume. research work. The structure of the institution includes:

  • Departments: Applied and Experimental Semantics.
  • Laboratory of Criminalistics on the speech.
  • Scientific and educational centers: "Determinant means of protecting information" and speech science (fundamental and applied).

Student training is aimed at preparing pedagogical personnel in directions:

  • Linguistics (undergraduate, magistracy).
  • Linguistics and literary criticism (graduate school).


The Institute of International Relations and Social and Political Sciences provides the preparation of future professionals in the areas of journalism, political science, sociology. And also exercises training of PR specialists, specialists in the field of international relations, etc. Students are mandatory studying two foreign languages, if desired, the amount can be increased to three, four languages \u200b\u200bstudied.

In the Institute, more than 1 thousand students are trained annually, practice is carried out in 151 language group. The training program is implemented in the directions of undergraduate and magistracy. Students have the opportunity to pass internship in foreign universities.

The structure of the institute includes:

  • 3 linguistics departments and professional communication In areas of political sciences, media technologies, foreign regions.
  • Specialized departments: political sciences, public relations, sociology, journalism, regions theory.
  • 2 center: situational, ethnogenesis.

Translation faculty

The faculty of preparation of translators appeared during the war years and for more than a 70-year period of activity issued more than 6 thousand specialists. The training program implements two directions:

  • "Linguistics" with the levels of training bachelor and master.
  • "Translation and translationography" (specialist in the profile of the military translator).

The educational structure of the faculty includes 13 departments where 23 languages \u200b\u200bare studied. Many graduates McLu Maurice Tores of the Translation Faculty became famous public figures, writers, translators. The Writer Mikhail Kozhukhov is known for the whole country - journalist and leading television projects, Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs I.O. Schegolev, sports commentator V. Gusev and many others.


Any citizen of the Russian Federation can become a MGLU student. Moris Toreza. The Reception Commission adopts documents of the corresponding sample, where eME resultswhy happened initial selection candidates. The next step is to pass exams that are conducted in the form of tests.

Requirements for the knowledge of applicants are very high. According to the results of the last 2016, in M \u200b\u200bMoris Maurice Tores, the passage score ranges from 286 to 310 units. More chances to become a student with those who are purposefully preparing for admission, systemically visiting classes in the center of Dovevuzovskaya training.

According to the university, about 80% of students at the department dovevuzovsky education successfully passed the exam and entrance tests in university. The training program involves visiting classes several times a week, at least 6 academic hours stand out for training in foreign languages.

Everyone can visit additional classes - Express training courses that start immediately before the start receiving campaign. Training is carried out on a commercial basis.

Language classes

In addition to training programs designed to prepare applicants, all interested parties are invited to study foreign languages, including English courses. Morce Maurice Torez attracts to work on courses best teachers University, many of them have copyright programs designed to better master the subject.

In 2017, accepting applications for foreign language courses will be held from August 21 to September 30. Teaching is conducted in the directions - English, Spanish, German, Italian and French. Before starting classes, testing is carried out. The program includes several levels of mastering knowledge from zero to advanced. Exams are held at the end, certificate is issued. The number of participants in one group does not exceed 12 people. The cost of studying for one semester (4.5 months) is 30 thousand rubles.

Passing score
1-23 01 02 Linguistic provision of intercultural communications. German language and second foreign language 350
1-23 01 02 Linguistic provision of intercultural communications. English and second foreign language 362

Faculty of English language

Faculty of Spanish Language

Faculty of German

Specialty (directions of specialties) Passing score

Faculty of French

Translation faculty

Specialty (directions of specialties) Passing score

Passing points in MGLU to correspondence department in 2017

Faculty of English

Faculty of German

MGLU: passing points for a paid (day paid form of study) in 2017

Faculty intercultural communications

Specialty (directions of specialties) Passing score
1-23 01 02 Linguistic provision of intercultural communications German language and second foreign language 249
1-23 01 02 Linguistic provision of intercultural communications English language and second foreign language 253
1-23 01 02 Linguistic provision of intercultural communications. Spanish and second foreign language 218
1-23 01 02 Linguistic provision of intercultural communications. French language and second foreign language 244

Faculty of English

Faculty of Spanish Language

Faculty of German

Specialty (directions of specialties) Passing score
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b1-21 06 01-01 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b(teaching). German language (based on German) and second foreign language 231
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b1-21 06 01-01 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b(teaching). German language (based on English) and second foreign language 220

Faculty of French

Translation faculty

Specialty (directions of specialties) Passing score
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b1-21 06 01-02 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b(translation). German language and second foreign language 248
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b1-21 06 01-02 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b(translation). English and second foreign language 258
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b1-21 06 01-02 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b(translation). Chinese language (based on Chinese / English) and second foreign language 211
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b1-21 06 01-02 Modern foreign languages \u200b\u200b(translation). Japanese language (based on English) and second foreign language 241

MGLU: passing points on correspondence fee (bypass fee) in 2017

Faculty of English

Faculty of German

* Used data on the passing points specified on the official website of the university. Please specify information in reception Commission.

Search by passing points on other universities and other forms of training, on CG certificates can be found

Executed: The status is not quite true - I was not expelled, and I left myself a month before the end of the second semester, and I was given to me serious efforts.
Admission and entrance exams. Submitting documents, you must necessarily ask which languages \u200b\u200bthis year will be given in your chosen learning form (undergraduate / specialty), because you will not choose it yourself, but only you can "specify the desired one", and then your destiny will decide the deanat. Woods of women from the admission commission were very surprised by my request to announce the list of arrival on my year and searched for it in the cabinets about 15 minutes. You will learn about the decision only at the first meeting of the course after receipt, and it should be borne in mind that it can be taken far from your favor, so instead of the desired French you are with the easy filing of the notorious dean, you will study Armenian, or vice versa. In my memory there was at least two cases when, after the meeting of the course, the girl was not on the Spanish and French studied by them, but they received completely different languages \u200b\u200bas the first and second. I was lucky a little more, as I gave me the "desired" language from the family of the one I wanted to study, but such an opportunity was only available when admitted to the specialty. So the choice is still illusory and the feeling of the impossibility of solving the fate of your own academic career will still not let go if you are not at all lucky. Entrance examination in English slightly harder IELTS, TOEFL or other international examSo if you have a certificate of any of them, then there will be no problems and the format will not be a surprise.
The learning process, student life and teachers. My grammar teachers, vocabulary and home reading of the first (English) language were girls who received specialist diplomas per year of my arrival. You do not have to talk about the quality of their teaching skills. To ask questions on the pair was meaningless, everything was much faster in Google or one-to-person came to the rescue, while the teachers were rolling and promised to answer the next lesson. Home reading As such, it was not in principle, because the teacher went to the decree after the first classes and only a few weeks later we found a replacement in the form of a fourth year student, which often could not be present due to their own schedule. Only a teacher of phonetics turned out to be experienced, but after the first lesson, she ordered me to break the American accent acquired during the years of independent training, because only Queen's English is quoted in a university, and it is impossible to get to individual classes to the only phonetistist. "American". Another nuisance was the course of the history of Russia, who reads Soghomonian. Almost an activist of the node (and possibly an activist, I will not climb into these debris, but with comrades it accurately makes a patriotic newspaper with georgievskaya ribbon In the first strip), he a whole semester poured a kvass patriotic pus into my poor young classmates on the stream pairs. It was impossible to listen to it: there Stalin, Putin, all the kings and empress merged into one superman, who was not peculiar errors and defeats, only the great Russians, Victory and Orthodoxy. Enemies, goats, rejecting the West. Logic no, emotions maximum. Thank you, but I did not subscribe to the patriotism + program. From the good, you can note the teachers of linguistics and Danish. And yes, physical education is obligatory for visiting, and the volume of the clock is large enough. Very unpleasant addition to the already leaving better learning process. Student life as such does not exist, Fans of KVN and other fan activitis remains content with theater and chorus. In the International Exchange Program, you can participate not more than semesters, otherwise you will cause a paranoid tantrum on the recruitment by agents of the influence of foreign states (seriously). Be prepared for the fact that civil passivity is encouraged in students, so your innovative proposals for improving the learning process and claims to the quality of education of any level will be met by threats and indignation. My good friend, which is now learning at the Faculty of Sociology, chose theme term paper The problem of homophobia, for which he struggled to up to an official statement about the change of a conservative scientific director who in every way preventing her choice. As a bonus, on one of the classes, they showed films about teleagonia and sinfulness of a daughting sexual relationship. So if you want to preserve your freedom of speech and self-expression, then be prepared for it to seriously fight, or choose a less conservative and patriotic educational institution. The encouragement of such behavior affects the conservatism of the students themselves - most of them are quite negatively tuned to the whole new and other, and the criticism of the MGLU takes close to the heart, although they themselves complain about his problems. By the way, there are no Slavs, except that ukrainian language. The books are old and literally falling apart in the hands of 70-80x. In some languages, teachers write textbooks themselves. And since MGLU often does not have international treaties with other countries providing for the supply of current educational literature and dictionaries, it will use you will be printed and binding library specimens and dictionaries with outdated vocabulary. Such contracts provide for the exchange of teachers, so that if you are not lucky with the choice of language, the carrier teachers will not wait. This situation was formed for 2014-15. With Danish, while MSU, SPbSU and even PetrSU, such treaties with Denmark were concluded.
Infrastructure and administration. The hostel is incredibly difficult, and in the first year it is impossible at all. The hulls are located as far apart and inconvenient as possible. Nobody was engaged in the main building of Star, flawed and renovation for a long time. Yes, really holes in the floor instead of toilet bowls. Elevators in the high Soviet extension where the main array of classes is held, and more recently be used exclusively to employees of the university. The audience is tiny and stuffy, Wi-Fi in the dining room was removed with the arrival of the region (in my time it was not). In the same dining room, I did not eat just once, because it was cheaper, tastier and dated to buy hotdog or sab in stalls nearby. She saw cockroaches, impressed and no longer came food in all three buildings standard-municipally school. The corps on the Babaevsky - nightmare, similar to the old, dirty clinic. It is dark and depressive, with sprinkling Soviet furniture, long gloomy corridors and smelly toilet. When his B. last time Repaired - historical science Unknown. Rostokinsky corps stand out against the background of two other more or less fresh repairs and a terrible location - a beautiful constructivist building stands in the center of the forest park, you can only get from it on the tram from Sokolniki metro station or VDNH (the trip will take 15-30 minutes, depending on traffic), And the only sign of life a couple of kilometers around - gas station. Yes, it sometimes had to rush to the next pair straight into the Ostozhensky case, so be ready to run and reconcile. Although the teachers scold for refinement will not be, since the situation is perfectly understood. You will not be allowed to university without a student ticket built into them or certain throughput cards are absent, despite the presence of turnstiles in each building. None of the buildings are adapted for people with limited features To the necessary degree. The loss of a student ticket, regardless of the circumstances of such a loss, will cost you three thousand rubles and international exchange / practice. Yes, for the loss of cards with seals you will not be allowed. The administration did not change after my deductions - even after the scandalous care, the caleva deanant of the Translation Faculty fake all the same evil rigs. At one time, they promised to deduct me for the piercing, if they see again with him (there was no business in any one in the world), referring to the item of the rules for students on the "undesirable jewelry made by piercing." They will intimidate and put pressure on you for any reason, even an illegitimate, and the disruption case is denying and running, prying the tail. I strongly recommend not to keep any conversation with administrations and dean without the included voice recorder. Later it can save you in complex situation. Always rely on the aid of your curator or other friendly teacher / membership of the administration in such matters and never give positions. In shorts, never allowed, so when I came with a huge backpack of literature to deduct into the hot month of May, I was given from the gate-turn all 924587 guards on the passing of the main building. Calls to the rectorate and deanants did not give any result, the first were already frankly sent me and simply did not take the phone. A woman from the dean all his hedgehum left and descended to first call my parents and make sure that they are aware of my decision (Ha, then it was not far from 18), for which surprised parents answered in surprise "Well, Eee, yes?", And then I gave me an application for deductions through the rejointees. She communicated with me exclusively through him and refused to hold me to the library, located right at the entrance, so that I passed my incredible Kipu books. However, I achieved my own, and they still let me in, but I received our documents only in a month - and this is in the accelerated, according to the decoration, mode. For this, I really had to do it ** me to them, and do not stop at everyone to run and run for all over a few hours. According to friends and acquaintances from senior courses, they specifically delay the process of issuing documents to take guys to the army. Sometimes the timing of the delay of issuing reach to six months, regardless of gender.
Before entering the MGLU, I would really advise you to think about all of the foregoing. There are good translation faculties in other universities, not only in Moscow, so I would recommend to look at Peter and think about surchase EGE In literature, as it is needed in St. Petersburg almost all faculties related to philology. To enroll in MGLU on the translator was my long-standing dream, but in the end I was very disappointed, so you do not oversee your hopes. It is not worth the non-core specialty here, as the quality is appropriate. Information that does not relate to my faculty and language is known to me thanks to friends who remain there after my departure in 2015. The situation, according to them, only stagnates or worsens. If you still intend to do exactly here, then be prepared for great deprivation. And take into account the recent incidents with the deprivation of several non-core specialties of accreditation, several shift I.O. Rector after the notorious caleva and others.
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